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Quote from daegonmagus on October 12, 2021, 7:17 am

@mirri are your kids around about the 7-8 age by any chance? this seems to be the common age group for when sleep paralysis starts. It can feel like you are completely awake and you can see many, many scary things whilst in SP. I remember one instant where I saw these two pearl eyes and my vision became fixed on them, then out of no where death appeared and hit me with its scythe. I believe most of it is just illusions put in place to stop us from disconnecting our consciousness from our body. I have found if you try shaking your head left and right like you are saying no it usually helps wake you up. There are things that can mess with you out of SP. I am still trying to figure how to get these things to go away as they mess with our kids on a regular basis.


Yes! That shaking your head--that's how I used to wake myself up, or I'd concentrate on just moving my hand, because the instant you find that muscle connection you break free and wake up.

Lol then later I overcame the fear and would pass from SP to simple sleep and dreams.

Thanks PL and DM, so my kids are younger. My son almost 6 and my daughter 3. I guess it's something similar to my experience where something disturbing or fascinating happened at daytime and then turned into a weird dream, but my point of interest is this overlapping of dream and "reality". Or it's a really reeeeeally slow wake up?

I don't know if I ever had SP. When I was 6- 10 I would wake up reguarly at about 3 am and was scared of something... there was nothing special there just shadows in my room. I don't know if I was too scared to move or wasn't able to move. Sometimes I could manage a small cry for my Mom, but she didn't come. The only relieve was, when I could get out of bed and turn on lights or when the sun would rise or I could hear the first cars driving by in the morning.

So yeah...and I read that calling out the entities and sending them away in the name of Jesus helps. So next time I try the prayer.

I have a Christian background but I guess i'm picking on the raisins in the cake. I try to learn from every beliefsystem and piece the truths together.


All you need for the perfect cake is an open mind.

This I know to be true.



Lol thank you for that!! It made my day! You know i'm a professional pastry chef?!

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.

I am a fan of ANYTHING pastry! The richer the better.

Personally - my FAVORITE dessert is a NY/NJ thing called “Cannoli cake”. It’s a regular cake - but the frosting is cannoli filling. If you have never tried it - PLEASE put it on your bucket list.

And it’s not like cheese cake - at all. I can’t stand cheese cake.

But it’s SOOOOOOOOOO good! Especially frozen.

This I know to be true.



We do have a thread about Mantids already! Didn't want to keep cluttering up the Christmas thread with non-Christmas stuff and I had a question for the group...

So I've asked the "universe" for help/a sign twice since starting this journey. The first time I was answered within 24 hours. The other time it took a couple months but I did get what I was looking for. Both times it was addressed in completely different ways. Was that my mantid? Or do other entities ever answer things like that?

@mirri apologies as i only just saw your reply from back in October. Man the only problem with this forum is the amount of gold nuggets that get buried underneath other gold nuggets. just remember that underneath that flesh suit of yours there is a god....nothing can harm you if you know this.

Goldleaf has reacted to this post.
Daegon Magus

We have a thread on mantids? Far out.

<checks above. It's been months!! >

Still cool. Now the Christmas thread can return to normal.

Now mantids... This is something I don't want to speculate on. 😁 Since MM will fill in for us. As best he can anyhow.

@daegonmagus, I'm have been trying out the tryptophan (not tyrosine) to boost my dreaming. Low dosages now. Tryptophan has other chemical pathways so I have no idea how to use it.


Ciao! Gip me your ideas

@daegonmagus It's totally fine. 😉

Edit: Thank you, yes the god thing is actually the second lesson in the bible after being taught about affirmation campaigns.

I said this in another thread:

IF they have their own agenda - wait - of course they do... this is just a courtesy job initiated by The Domain, right?

"While you're taking a look at your mushrooms, would you mind checking in on those prisoners?"

"No problemo Commander, we'll get right on it."

Come on, no one thought that was funny? hmmmph, nothing new, I'll just laugh at my own jokes.

Remember, I have a copywrite on My Mantid - self-help book and tour to follow!

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Memory Loss
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