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Commander, those mushrooms need more bovine supplements... 


Those mantids have a WICKED sense of humor. Hence, they do not appear on call. And you will have better luck if you stop using vinegar as bait lol, @dsklausler. Probably your mantid is snickering at you even now. I assume he or she or it has a sense of humor that resonates with you.

DSKlausler has reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas
Quote from Memory Loss on December 16, 2021, 10:17 pm

Commander, those mushrooms need more bovine supplements... 


Those mantids have a WICKED sense of humor. Hence, they do not appear on call. And you will have better luck if you stop using vinegar as bait lol, @dsklausler. Probably your mantid is snickering at you even now. I assume he or she or it has a sense of humor that resonates with you.

If My Mantid (c) is snickering, then I have succeeded!

I would still like a kick in the ass to let me know that it is there. Probably drools over vinegar.

you made me laugh!!

And just watch out, maybe it's kick in your ass is going to be a slide on some ice or something...

DSKlausler has reacted to this post.
Quote from Mirri on December 17, 2021, 1:46 am

you made me laugh!!

And just watch out, maybe it's kick in your ass is going to be a slide on some ice or something...

No, no, @mirri, it has to be recognizable as a signal from My Mantid (c)... remember: I'm a dumb human. It's got to be something like the Heavy Bag knocking me down; my cat speaking English; or a "Public Service" message appearing on the TV, addressed to ME. You know: OBVIOUS.

I forgot to mention to you all...

Before sleep last night, I did say a few words to The Commander, and a separate line to My Mantid (c). I did mention making communication obvious to me. Nuthin yet.

"Cotton, I'm shocked!"

That's a line from the movie Dodgeball. Jason Bateman is a fine underrated actor; he's fantastic in Ozark

@dsklausler, maybe your mantid is the strong silent type. Communicates by actions, not words lol. I think I have one but he never speaks or shows his face. But there's almost always a strangeness in my reality. Like someone is screwing around with it. All sorts of weird ridiculous coincidences.

So I have come to accept that is how my mantid shows himself. YMMV.

xzianchow has reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas
Quote from Memory Loss on December 17, 2021, 10:49 pm

@dsklausler, maybe your mantid is the strong silent type. Communicates by actions, not words lol. I think I have one but he never speaks or shows his face. But there's almost always a strangeness in my reality. Like someone is screwing around with it. All sorts of weird ridiculous coincidences.

So I have come to accept that is how my mantid shows himself. YMMV.

Pffft; if true, that's relatively useless to me.

I love the YMMV usage - is that only understood in the U.S.?

Useless why? You want to miraculously hit the jackpot because your mantid is your partner in crime? 😁 Cut me in then.

The feedback from guys like you is nice. Also don't forget my share of the loot.

Seriously, I believe that the mantid sense of humor is galactic sized. This is a hindrance to communication probably. You don't want to spend every Christmas eve in the lockup like some people because his mantid thinks it's funny.


DSKlausler has reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

From this vantage point - and shit - the cat is WELL out of the bag by now,

ANYTHING you want to know about the Mantids, soul containers, who they are in relation to the Greys, the relationship with the San people/Cagn is written in a book called “Glimpses into other Realities” by Howe.

It’s literally a manual in some circles.

She is - and anyone who claims otherwise is lying or not legit - one of the people who is straight up - no bullshit.

Pay 250 bucks on Amazon for it and tell me your life does not make TOTAL sense - I will buy it from you to cover the cost.

Major props of someone can find a pdf and post it. SERIOUS mad props.

It won’t be long now. They are Nesting.

This I know to be true.



Howe has a YouTube channel:

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