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SHTF thoughts

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@ultan-mcg re: gun grab My gut feeling is the fall of the USA will be sudden, catastrophic, and final. They won’t try anything until that happens. It will probably happen soon, most likely related to the loss of reserve currency status.

Satellite Conspiracy, congjing yu and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
Satellite Conspiracycongjing yupissedlizardUltan McG

And the quote of the month goes to...

"re: gun grab My gut feeling is the fall of the USA will be sudden, catastrophic, and final. They won’t try anything until that happens. It will probably happen soon, most likely related to the loss of reserve currency status."

pissedlizard and Ultan McG have reacted to this post.
pissedlizardUltan McG

And most will be unprepared for that, J. It doesn't bear thinking about, really.

In the British Isles, they're now publicly warning of incoming food shortages, and asking folks not to 'panic buy'. (😂, yeah right-- whatever you say; we all know what's happened historically after folks had to  resort to queuing for food. Chaos isnt that far away.)

I still can't shake the feeling that it's all managed chaos as cover for something BIG on the way, though. And that may include pulling the plug on whatever civic order remains intact in Normie Land, while the Masters go underground as it all burns.

Either way I think Metallicman is right-- we're now in the early stages of WW3. Except this time it's a war against us. And all traditional ways of life. Only question remaining IMO is how far it's gonna spread. EurAngloLand, certainly. And I know for a fact many governments around the world are preparing for major disruption. If you're planning on getting out or moving, you have about 6 months tops in which to do that. If you're planning on digging in, the very best of luck to you. Keep us informed of what's going on in your part of the world.


@ultan - Again-spot on. Spot - freaking on.

They are warning us here about food shortages as well. last summer a friend who is a local plumber was working on a black church down the way. I’d wave or just idle chit chat. Fast forward to today and I bump into him at Walmart. He said “hey you remember me working in your quarter? I fitted piping for their new storage space - which is half the size of the church. Since then that’s all I have been doing for the double B’s (black baptist). Not to sound paranoid but they knew long in advance about this shit.

There is a video going around that has Obama 1 talking to that punk Stephen Colbert. (First of all if you are an American, and you spell “Steven” with a “ph”-you need to be pushed down a flight of stairs) but Obama1 literally says - half joking but you know he is too narcissistic - how he would like to run the country behind the scenes. He is.

What the Anglo world doesn’t really get is that he - and his ilk - HATE the Anglo world. He even wrote (ahem) a book  “Dreams OF my father” - who was a rabid anti Anglo/anti semite. All the world sees is that fake smile.

We are QUICKLY going downhill. The state of Florida may be the one that secedes first. There is not one person in my neck of the woods that isn’t seriously SERIOUSLY getting ready. All you hear at night is fully automatic gunfire - not the average  - let me practice with my 9mm in the back, but full auto. And I know what it sounds like versus fireworks.

And your observation about 6 months -from the vantage point in the states - that’s being conservative. But I am digging in. If I have to die in prison then so be it. I WANT to die on my land. I am ready to leave this prison and never (hopefully) come back. I am not a tough guy, and I do not have a hero complex. The thought of dying here - good or bad - is how I gotta do it.

People here - again - from my Walmart conversation with the plumber - most people live on old farms or have a sprinkler system. People are putting in solar auxiliary pumps in the system. I didn’t ask why-because I see the trucks delivering tanks of acid (huge placards on the trucks that say “sulfuric acid”) and did the math. Brilliant. But people here are serious about fighting. And as long as one gets taken out every few raids, like Solzhenitsyn wrote - they may think twice after seeing their buddies die. Or better after hearing their buddies get their face eaten off by sulfuric or hydrochloride acid.

I think we have a few months of chaos amplified every time the Arizona election audit comes up - followed by a financial system meltdown followed by MORE lockdowns followed by either a nuclear detonation set off by Obama 2.0 - and blame who else? Of course. China.

As MM said America cannot even come close to winning a conflict with ANY country. The tiny island of Bermuda could take America down at this point. But I think it’s going to be a nuke followed by “get China”. But the Obama 2.0 organs are underestimating the population. After these last few months I think everyone would welcome an Obama 2.0 versus China fight. More so than many think. China would be hailed as liberators after they did what had to be done.

THAT is where we are in America. And I am just the average Joe.

congjing yu and Ultan McG have reacted to this post.
congjing yuUltan McG

Nukes and false flags are 100% the new weapons of war, P.L. And the strategies have been perfected. My wife will be outta here next week on a one way ticket to Asia and a secure environment. We moved fast on that one, eh? I'll be following on at the end of the year. In the meantime I have fuel, food and water for a year. Just in case-- more severer lockdowns are incoming, for sure. And what I don't use will be given to someone else who needs it. Its gonna be a live simply life for me, and I might even be able to avoid Zombie Zone population centres until the very day that I split. Not out of any fear, or anything-- I dont foresee and civic breakdowns in the coming few months; it's just that I find those places depressing, now. Half of the businesses are boarded up or closed permanently, and going in for a coffee or sandwich now involves some cretin interviewing you about your medical history, and taking your personal details. Then paying higher prices for lower quality and sized meals.

Fuuuuuuck thaaatt.

congjing yu and pissedlizard have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizard

I am glad you got your wife out. Mine is a die hard patriot like me. She won’t go either.

I did just find this gem of  a video - a blackguy yelling for the Chinese to leave... then it gets heartwarming


I've been thinking long and hard about all of this. I'd like to leave the country but don't have an opportunity yet. I do feel change in the air. SHTF is already happening though like the MM articles say, it's not going to be even across the board. It seems to be hitting in a hell of a lot of countries all at once though. Just saw today that Antigua is having protests over vaccine mandates!

Today I woke up with a feeling of dread about a meeting with my division SVP. I had the bad feeling that he was going to say goodbye. Sure enough, he's found a new job. I really liked the guy and it's been a true pleasure working for him. As soon as that announcement passed, my feeling of dread lifted though I'm still sad that a person I consider a friend is leaving (also happy he has a great opportunity t0 go to).

Even though I feel a lot of concern when I read about SHTF, I don't get that deep sense of dread. Yet. I'm hopeful my little area might avoid the worst. We've been slowly stocking supplies for the last couple months purely because we figured more lockdowns are coming soon for the COVID narrative.

One of my concerns about expating was the ability to take my cats with. I found this site that gives a run down of current requirements for 200ish countries. Hope others find it useful:

Edit to add that about half my affirmations are protections for keeping myself and my family safe. I hope everyone else is doing likewise no matter where in the world you may be.

JustAnotherAsian and Ultan McG have reacted to this post.
JustAnotherAsianUltan McG

This article may be of interest. The writer is a fundy Xian, but not extremely so, and is also a retired finance ministry civil servant. High ranking. In other words, he knows how the world really works. I respect him entirely and he's been right about many, many things. His work in the transgender agenda and how far it has actually insinuated itself into most western societies will shock you.

But this article isn't about mentally ill men who think they are women. Or whom were castrated involuntarily as children in order to serve some sick, highly organised agenda; it's about the Deagel Report. Remember that one? He also provides some background information about same. And that I can concur with based on some other trusted sources.

As always though, caveat emptor. But it's an interesting read to say the least. Just ignore the biblical references if you're not that way inclined. The secular information however is first rate.

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congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

Today - from this vantage point in Florida is gloomy.

We know the power grab comes immediately after the purge. And the purge begins tomorrow.

We all know that the first thing Obama 2.0 is going to do is punish the shit out of us.

I fear another Wolf of the Caucasus, Shamil Basayev (the second). Talk about being manipulated from start - in Baku or something like that to the so called “end” in some remote village.

I fear thousands of Shamil Basayev’s (AKA antifa) and just weaponize them - first.

Second - anyone notice who is coming across the border - all black, all male, all of fighting age. And I am not being racist - look at the footage. Just like MMs scenario. THEIR weapons are here. THEIR technicals are made. The wild amphetamines are here.

The vibe - it’s about to fucking hit the fan - Seriously.


congjing yu and Ultan McG have reacted to this post.
congjing yuUltan McG

Fill your mind with good things. Continue the affirmations, and make sure you center with hemi-sync. Be alert, but wary and make sure that you are part of your community. You will be fine.

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