A1 Top Master Index



On 1JUN22, I set up a Patreon account. It can be accessed HERE. On it, I publish my higher quality articles for paid subscribers. I have three tiers. $5/month, $10 and $25/month. So far, the following videos are available on it…

  • Obtaining Chinese citizenship and giving birth in China.
  • Why separations between humans and mantids are necessary
  • The human-mantid trinity
  • Extraction during translation to a higher state
  • Your Choices at Death
  • The forms we will take at the time of our escape from the Earth Prison Planet
  • Do not fear the realignment event
  • The components that comprise quantum elements


Welcome to Metallicman.

I’m a retired spook. I live in China. You got a problem with that?


A spook is a derogatory term for a member of a United States secret program or project. Specifically he or she is an unacknowledged member of a special access program. Also known as a “black program”.

And, you know, there are many kinds of these individuals, doing and performing many different kinds of activities. Not all are involved in “cloak and dagger” espionage, working for the CIA. Which is the common understanding. Instead, many perform other tasks and other roles.

Their only commonality is that they are doing things in absolute, 100%, lock-down, total secrecy. Not the kind of “secrets” that you read about in the “news” and on the Internet, but real goodness, ACTUAL secrets.

A big country like the United States has many, many secrets. And all of these secrets are not for public consumption. The reader would be surprised with how many disasters, revolutions, fires, collapses, and pandemics that has plagued the world over the last one hundred years has been the result of secret programs. As well that the great inventions, the great alliances, and the great wealth that the people of the United States benefited from has been the result of secret programs as well.

America, like many other nations, is like an iceberg. You only see a tiny fraction of what is going on. Most of the actual events of significance are secret and they occur out of sight, and out of mind.

I was in MAJestic. It’s a “never reported on” organization, because the operations and content of it is not for the mainstream population consumption. It is secret because the mere presence of it invalidates the technological advantage that the United States has enjoyed for at least the last seventy five years. MAJestic has driven the Research and Development efforts of American companies for decades now.

MAJestic has provided Velcro, LED’s, fiber optics, computers, integrated circuits, artificial intelligence, nano-technology, carbon fibers, and many more “everyday” technologies that are in daily use. But this organization is involved in much more than that. The organization is in the process of developing “Star Trek” technologies such as “teleporters”, “warp drive”, and other technologies that are considered so advanced that they are the realm of fantasy.

MAJestic concerns technology.

Specifically, and in my role, technology transfer and interactions with non-human species. MAJ falls under the ONI. And the ONI falls under the United States Department of the Navy. And it is all very, very compartmentalized.

So… do you want to learn something new?

Well, do you?

I’ve put a lot of time and effort into this website. It’s got things that you will not find anywhere else on the internet, and that makes it unique and special. Seriously. You will find things here that cannot be found anywhere else on the internet.

While others are talking about the “dangers of 5G”, we point out the real things that are going on. Such as, in this case, that the United States government must slow down the popularity of Chinese technology so that American companies can “play catch up”. Which they eventually were able to… to a point.

While the internet is alive with the grand wurlitzer of propaganda against China and the “Wuhan virus”, we discuss the American bio-weapon “carpet bombing” of China from 2016 through 2020 and the three lethal virus strains to hit China that year.

And while the American “news” is silent about what happened in the South China Sea in 2020, we tell you what really happened.

Secrets are secret, and 90% of what you read on the “news” is simply a well-funded manipulation designed for the herding of an intentionally dumbed-down population of debit-serfs. This website is not for everybody. If you follow either the Alt-Right or the Alt-Left, it will anger your sensibilities, and destroy your most cherished notions on how the world actually works.

This is the “grey web”. You are lucky to find it, as the SEO is minimal. And commenting and discussion is not automatic. It is instead a “petition to say something”.

There’s some really great stuff here, but you will need to really sit down and read it all to get the full benefit of it. This content is not for casual skimming. Nor is it something that you can pick and choose from to mix and match with other website information. Just about everything else on the internet is pure bullshit. So if you want to stay a while and browse go ahead. Just realize that you are only an observer, and this site only reports.

Have fun.


My Fourth Book!


2024 01 11 16 37
2024 01 11 16 37


My Third Book!

Direct Link HERE.

My second book!

Direct Link HERE.

My first book!

My first book

Direct Link HERE.

Podcasts – Welcome to the Domain.

This is my latest podcast. I talk about the Domain and the volunteer drive of Rufus’s to support the rescue of the “Lost battalion”. LINK.

Welcome to The Domain.

My Latest Posts

Podcasts are (unfortunately) excluded from this list.

Marching to the beat of a different drummer and raising the flag of life

My daughter just couldn't wait to get up early for kindergarten today. Big day at school. Her class is to...
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Marching to the beat of a different drummer and raising the flag of life

Jonesing for a meat loaf

I haven't had a meatloaf dinner in over a decade. And yeah. I kind of miss the meals that I...
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Jonesing for a meat loaf

A Sailing Aesthetic

I love sailing. Not that I do it all the time, but when I have an opportunity, I take the...
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A Sailing Aesthetic

The tale of the racoon of Sarah Furnace

When I was a young boy, perhaps 11 or 12 years old, I was hiking in the local woods with...
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The tale of the racoon of Sarah Furnace

Guys Kentucky is a very lush place

When I was living in Kentucky, we lived in a mobile home park on the edge of a river. And...
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Guys Kentucky is a very lush place

No one knows where he was buried

My first wife came from a large family. It was literally a "clan" and once we got married, we referred...
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No one knows where he was buried

Try making new moments, and spend the time enjoying the experience

I have been thinking about "moments in time". A misty cold foggy Autumn day. Golden leaves. Puddles. Blue cold skies...
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Try making new moments, and spend the time enjoying the experience

Memories of my friend

I wrote about my surprise that an old childhood friend; Sid Custer, had died. Sigh, I wasn't so shocked that...
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Memories of my friend

Not everyone is a telemarketer

Timing is everything. When I was living in Shenzhen, China I taught English one-on-one in these "fish tanks". Customers would...
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Not everyone is a telemarketer

You experience life, and how you behave changes

When I lived in the United States, I lived a "normal" life. What that meant was eating fast food often,...
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You experience life, and how you behave changes

Full Index of Indexes…

This is an index of my other indexes. This list is constantly growing. But here is where you start when spelunking through all the many varied articles herein. Many big thanks to the influencers who have organized it for me.

Introductory Stuff MAJestic Disclosure
  Accept no wooden nickels
  Read this first.
My Books MAJestic Disclosure Vol 1
  MAJestic Disclosure Vol 2
  MAJestic Disclosure Vol 3
  MAJestic Disclosure Vol 4
Home Page The Metallicman Home Page
  Flotsam and Jetsam
  Do you want More.
  About Me
My Interviews The Coronavirus Bio-Weapon attack on CNY
  The Uighurs and the BRI through Xinjiang
  The SPA killer  (and here)
  The demands the USA made on China in Alaska.
  The QUAD and the Australian role with it.
  Slavery in the United States under the 13th amendment.
  MM Interview on French MiasmTV
  Metallic Man Worldline Traveler
  Unordinary Made Ordinary
  Interview on Big Changes in China
Advice Advice & Inspiration
  Rufus Index
  The 48 Laws of Power
  The 33 Strategies of War
  Intention and Prayer Campaigns
Majestic MAJestic Index
  Type-1 Greys
  World-Line Travel Index
  Intention and Prayer Campaigns
  John Titor Index
  DIY Dimensional Portal Index
The Domain EBP Q+A
You-Tube You-Tube Channel
  MM Video Listing
Hemi-Sync (FFR) Audio Tracks
Heaven Geography of Heaven
Contributors Daegonmagus
AI Tech ChatGBT
  Text to art generators
Art – Movies – Food Art Index
  Movie Index
  Delicious Food!
China & Asia China Index
  China and America Comparisons
  The China Experience
  Chinese Business KTV Index
  Chinese Popular Music Index
  Parks in China
  Strange and Odd China
  Learning about China by looking at Pretty Girls
  Summer Videos of fun and frolic in Asia.
  Fun Videos taken all over Asia
Fictional Stories Fictional Story Index
  Robert Heinlein
  Ray Bradbury
Life & Happiness Life & Happiness Index
  Looking in from the Outside
  Culture & Stuff
  Video Logs
  Progressive America
  Corrupt America
  Fun Adventures
  News Metallicman Style
  Growth as a Person
  Aviation & Military
  Work & Career
  Theories of Collapse
  The Oligarchy (PTB)
  The Death of Liberty
  The Evil Ones
  Front Row Seat
  International America and the rest of the world…
  The Buildup
  Functional Notes
USA Trade Wars Trade War Index
  Chinese COVID-19 B Videos
  CIA in XinJiang
  CIA in Hong Kong
New Beginnings New Beginnings 1
  New Beginnings 2
  New Beginnings 3
  New Beginnings 4
  New Beginnings 5
  New Beginnings 6
  New Beginnings 7
  New Beginnings 8
  New Beginnings 9
  New Beginnings 10
  New Beginnings 11
  New Beginnings 12
  New Beginnings 13
  Wrap up of foreplay
A point of pivot CNY 2023 Rabbit year launch
  Entering the BIG change
  Massive changes going on
  Up to bat
  They are still playing the game
  Light Switch has been flicked
  Missing Time
  Holy Cow!
  Upcoming horror
  Stealth Pivot to China
  Matrix Glitches in our reality
  Even the fabric is a tearing up
War China’s case
  Formal Docs
Reconstruction Correcting Society Ills
Fate Planning Fate Forecasting
  Past Life Regression
MM PodCasts PodCast Index
  The Cornfield
  Soap Box
Other Forum/ (Rules)
  Broken Dreams


The internet is a strange place. One day the website is there, and then it is not. And the number of articles or size of the site makes no difference. You all are encouraged to start collecting all PDF files of this site, or even the entire vacuuming up of the site. I think that it would be a good idea to keep it alive in the event that MM disappears and the site suddenly goes cold. It’s not that I am planning to die, or that I am planning to shut the site down, but rather it is a realization that I am human, and there are things and events that can be beyond my control. .

On July 8th we lost a legend in the online patriot community – Ol’ Remus. As you may recall, he had previously lost his wife in March of 2020 and had been posting intermittently after that. 

His blog had not be updated with a post since June 9th and people were starting to get concerned because, even after losing his wife, he was only disconnected for a couple of weeks. Over at Western Rifle Shooters, it was reported in a screenshot from the comments of this article at American Digest that Ol’ Remus succumbed to cancer on July 8th (he had been diagnosed only three weeks prior).

Not much was known about Ol’ Remus in terms of his actual identity, but he was known throughout the patriot blog community as a good and kind man who never had beef or petty arguments with anyone. According to some online (his site currently 404s anything but the homepage) he first posted online in September 2004.

His posts would start off with his thoughts on a certain topic(s) and perhaps a few links included. It would then move to a list of hyperlinks of what Ol’ Remus found interesting. The last two sections were also links, but with a paragraph from the article as a synopsis. Sprinkled in between the sections, he would always have either an old photograph, an old advertisement, or a beautiful painting along with a description.

-American Partisan

Life is like that. One day you are working with a guy, having a chat with him in his office. The next day he doesn’t show up. Then on Friday you help clean out his office, as he had died later on the night after work. I want the world to benefit from these ramblings and crazy thoughts. Please do not allow them to disappear and be replaced with the latest crazy stories about reptilians, evil China, and the dangers of 8G. I encourage everyone to backup the site, and keep copies of it’s content. If the site goes cold, and there are no published comments, articles, or updates in the index section here, then you can pretty much assume that I have translated off this world-track. You know, like a normal person would. Don’t freak out. It’s called life. And once again, I want to underline that I am not planning to die or go anywhere. But, you know, sometimes it’s not your decision to make.

If you are an Asshole

From time to time, I get “flash in the pan” visitors that just can’t wait to say something insulting. Usually they use passive-aggressive verbiage to mask their beta–chuck personalities. Like this jack-off asshole…

"...you have a terrible writing style that got me hating your guts rather quickly.

You repeat yourself a lot, jump from one topic to another and back, make long flashbacks that derail your own story, and so much more writing flaws.

It seems to me to be hearing the thought stream of a schizophrenic person. I have nothing against schizophrenic people but it makes not good reading material, one gets tired quickly."

I don’t need this shit.

      • Terrible writing style.
      • Hate’s my guts.
      • I repeat myself.
      • I jump from topic to topic.
      • Make long flashbacks.
      • Derail my story.
      • Filled with writing flaws.
      • I appear to have a mental illness.

This is a bunch of bullshit all wrapped up in pleasantries. But a dip-shit, jack-off is still an ass-hole, no matter what clothes he’s wearing. If you don’t like what you see here then FUCKING LEAVE. I don’t want you anywhere near here. This place is not for you. You don’t need to waste your time being insulting. Do something good with your life. Be a Rufus. Not a jack-off. Remember; bad things happen to bad people. This is not your place. You don’t want to piss off Ripley 8 and get sent to the cornfield do you? . Oh, and by the way, anyone who is insulting to me automatically gets a special reserved spot on my campaign list. Trust me, you don’t want to be that person on that list. The Cornfield .

Spelling and Grammar Mistakes

This site uses American spelling, American grammar, American idioms, and American sentence structure. It uses three spell checking software kits (Microsoft, Bluehost and WordPress), and two grammar software kits (Grammerly, and Microsoft). And STILL (!) mistakes creep through. Here’s the primary rule; We do not strive for perfection. We follow the 80%/20% rule. We believe that it is better to throw information and content out to the public than work on perfecting content for release five or six years sometime in the future when everything is absolutely perfect. Even so, we’re fucking BUSY. Not just this MM website. But in the real world, doing real world tasks. I’ve got companies to run, babies to raise, and a old blind dog that needs to pee everywhere to get around. Never the less, I compress to much into the short amount of time that I have, to worry about errors in this site, offending someone who hasn’t written anything, let alone churn out 20,000 words a day. I assume that you all know what the fuck I mean when I write;

"ont he"

It means…

"on the"

And that you know what I am talking about when I say… “counselor” (American) instead of “counsellor” (British). If you are far too anal to realize what the Fuck I am talking about then get the Hell off this site. If your mind goes “tilt!” when ever you see the word “color” instead of “colour”, then you have a mental illness. And it is not my problem. Both color and colour mean tint or paint. The same goes for other words as well…

Aluminum and aluminium are two names for element 13 on the periodic table. In both cases, the element symbol is Al, although Americans and Canadians spell and pronounce the name aluminum, while the British (and most of the rest of the world) use the spelling and pronunciation of aluminium.

Would you feel better if I wrote the entire site in Chinese? It would be much shorter, don’t you know. If you feel the need to tell me that there are issues that need to be addressed, then please write to me at laobangbh@163.com and I will set you up to perform editorial checking and assistance to this site. And if you are unwilling to do some God-damn work, but instead just want to whine and complain and toss popcorn at the screen then just fuck off. You either contribute or shut the fuck up. If you persist, off you will go to the cornfield. And, let it be well understood, I HAVE sent POS antagonists there.

Urban Dictionary: wish ___ into the cornfield
To dispatch a person off to a bad situation for narcissistic or capricious personal reasons. 

This phrase comes from an episode of the television series The Twilight Zone titled " It's a Good Life."

Metallic Members

There is a great deal that I can say about those who visit MM. In general there are many “hit and run” folk that arrive for a specific article. they skim through it and then depart. Considering MM as just another typical internet website.

However, those that stay on and read other articles seem to fall into two groups.

[1] MM “resonates” with them.

[2] MM repels them.

Of the people that stay, I get many lurkers and high-quality followers. Many have colorful backgrounds and interesting opinions.

You all should realize that we also have a strong collection of retired (and active) MAJestic members, some other “spooks” from other alphabet organizations, and some very talented people from the private sector that have things to contribute.

This is not your “run of the mill” conspiracy or new-age website.

Other Metallicmen…

There have been people using the Metallicman “handle” posting on the comment sections on the internet. They are not me. I do not post comments on other websites.

Early on, in the early days of MM, I might have tried to post. But, then discovered that the websites (even if I could view them) would not accept my comments because my IP address is from China

Generally, most American websites block viewers from China, and most especially those that comment from China. This started to happen around mid 2017. It has affected ALL Alt-Right websites, about half of the mainstream and Alt-Left websites. If your IP is from China, you cannot post a comment, register to comment, or provide a contact email. This is an absolute.

The only way around this is via using a VPN.

Because of this and other reasons, I do not OFTEN comment on American websites any longer. And when I do, I tend to comment as a Rufus-derived name, and I also display my Chinese-account contact email. Which you can only have if you read Chinese and operate from within China. I haven’t used American email addresses since 2011. My last comment on any website predates the COVID-19 coronavirus.

There are singular exceptions to this rule. I have posted on LinkedIN, WeChat, QQ and DouXing under my real name. But unless you want to see my family pictures, you might find it a tad boring.

So heads-up. Not everything you read outside of MM is from MM. I also NEVER frequent the top American conservative or Alt-Right, or Alt-Left websites. If you see a MM or Metallicman comment there, it’s not from me. Specifically..

[1] I DO NOT post on ZeroHedge. ZH is banned in China and I am unable to access it. It’s a great fun site if you enjoy reading doom porn, but most of what is posted is pretty much bullshit. I do get a chuckle when I read that China is going to collapse any day now by starvation. LOL!

[2] I DO NOT post on FreeRepublic. I am perma-banned there. The moment I started to post pro-China articles they erased by very existence from their servers.

[3] I DO NOT post on GAB, access is denied inside of China.

I think that I will need to establish that when I post in the comment section of other sites I tend NOT to use my MM / Metallicman non de jour. Metallicman does not exist outside this website. Anyone posting comments in the name of metallicman is someone else and is an imposter if they represent this site

Please note that I have been threatened by evil and greedy folks to sully and destroy the Metallicman reputation on the Internet unless I deposit a couple of thousand US dollars worth of bitcoin in their accounts. Since that first blackmail email I STOPPED all comment postings under the Metallicman identity.

Anyone posting in my name must post from inside of China, and must have a Chinese QR, and post under a Chinese IP . Other than that, they are an imposter. And you all would be doing me a great favor to point these facts out when you find such imposters. For their posting IP address will, more likely than not, show that they are posting from outside of China, and are thus a fake.


To find out where these “particular individuals” are really posting from, track the origin of their IP address…


I’ve got thoughts and opinions. They are mine and often “turn people off”, repel people because they are not what people want to hear. But I don’t want people to get upset. Know the following;

  • Politics. All Republicans and all Democrats are messed up. They are part of a uni-party and they play people like me and you against each other.
  • Change. There’s a bunch of changes going on all over the world. Some of this is uncomfortable. Our ability to be happy depends on our ability to adapt to the changes as they occur.
  • Answers. I have no set and fixed answers. I can only provide what I know and my experiences. These are unique. I know that. But I’m not a Guru or some kind of Prophet. I strive to be a Rufus. That’s all.

Subscribe to the Latest Posts…

You can subscribe to my latest posts on follow.it by clicking HERE.

My Messages to the readers…

Everyone should read this article before they dare even try to post a comment. Remember, boys and girls, this is an international website. Less than 40% of the visitors come from North America https://metallicman.com/laoban4site/a-message-for-non-native-english-speakers-to-this-blog


Commenting is a privilege. Criticizing MM results in automatic banning, perma-banning of your ISP, and if you are particularly worthy, getting sent to the cornfield. Don’t do it.

All comments are welcome, provided that they are respectful, kind and offer something to the article content. I preview all comments before I post them. I do this personally. Here, I am God. If you don’t like what you read then just leave. No need to write a comment that I will automatically delete.

I will delete your comments if you…

[1] Blame things on Jews.

[2] Insult me or other commenters.

[3] Disparage my experiences; say that I am a liar.

[4] Rant on about the Bible. (Hit and run Bible thumper.)

[5] Do not contribute to the specific article commenting on.

[6] Demand that I prove something to you.

[7] Don’t be a fucking Troll. I am not your parent. Grow up.

I will also delete your comment if you want to throw out your two cents in such as way to negate or disparage my articles. If I spent a fucking fifteen hours on an article, only to have a jackass say “ah, it’s nothing. I took a course in Community College and it’s just a big nothing”, I will not publish it. And you all had best be careful too. I’ll stop posting all your subsequent comments also.

I had a guy wanting to make a comment about the material composition of the “Hammer in the rock mystery”. He stated that I was confusing chromium with chlorine, and that when you add chronium to steel that it increases the properties of the stainless steel. Except that I did not confuse the materials, and I sure as fuck know that you do not have steel without carbon. Instead you have white iron, and adding chronium to white iron (without carbon to build up the lattice assemblies) does nothing. It’s like adding marbles to a pot of chili. Sure you can do it, but it doesn’t change the flavor of it.

One thing that really ticks me off is someone who THINKS they know what I am discussing without reading the entire article sub-catagory. So if you have special audiences with “spirits”, or given “special powers” or studied the bible, I’m no longer going to give you all the time of day.

Contribute don’t disparage.

And I fucking mean it. I don’t want to hear about how you interpet things differently than I do. This site is not about YOUR opinions. It’s about what I experienced given my EBP and ELF implants. That’s it. Nothing more. So if you want to treat MM as a forum to discuss your interpetations, you are in the wrong place.

I know that I tend to anger and piss off a lot of people. But that’s just too bad.

And yes, I do know all about the historical Jewish involvement in the financial markets, the banks, and the behind the scene activities that they have been a part of. “My head is not in the sand” regarding this. Now, the good news is that all of this is going to change. But listen up (!) this is NOT the venue to rant on and on about things that are not part of my direct experience. So give it a break. You cannot do anything about the things that you have no control over.

Jewish domination of financial markets, wars, and all those other societal ills are sunsetting, and they don’t like it one fucking bit. But I don’t care. I am looking towards the future. Not the past.

If you want to devote your time to the Jews, please devote a website for it. You will find that many people will read what you have to say. And you might even be able to make a little bit of money on the side for your opinions. The same is true for American politics, or any other “hot topic” issues. You find something that you are passionate about and you discharge your emotions on paper.

For me, however, meh. In my mind the Middle East is a big mess. And who is doing what, when and why isn’t really of any interest to me. So let’s keep subjects that might alarm, disgust, or turn others off, away from MM. I already have a difficult time as it is.

Remember, be good. Contribute. When in doubt, imagine that you are trying to write to your grandmother. Keep in mind, that in general, I only approve about 25% of the comments. Make yours a good one. And if you want to stick around, then do so. Be police. READ, read, read before commenting. Pay attending. We use slang here. Black ops slang. ONI slang. Real God given operations slang without the usual bullshit. And if you cannot handle it then leave. So be good. lurk for a while, then when you are feeling the rythum of the community, then jump in.



There are numerous people who have been having trouble sending donations. Since Trump became President and started his anti-China bullshit, it has become extraordinarily difficult to communicate to anyone inside of China and to transfer money to and from China.

No to worry though. My preferred method of donation is Western Union. The link below opens up to a page that offers four options for donation. Barring that, mailing cold hard cash is always an option. LOL.


Reprints of other articles

Just because an article is posted does not guarantee 100% viewing all over the world. Nor does it confer longevity. You would be absolutely surprised with the number of websites and articles that are banned in the United States. By reprinting the articles, many such bans can be circumvented.

I used to believe that one you put an article up on the internet it was there forever. So during the 1990’s though to around 2003, I posted 20,000+ articles on a website known as Free Republic. There, I had a substantive collection of contacts, personal connections, comments, notes, and a ton of articles that I would use to extract data from in articles that I was composing.

[1] Y2K Emergency!

[2] How Mad Cow disease is going to destroy America.

[3] The dangers of 3G radiation.

[4] How China is going to collapse in 1998.

Great stuff. You could easily see how the internet became a “white board” where the history was erased and new “history” was rewritten over it. Then in 2017 I was perma-banned. Everything was erased, with no notice. No consideration. As if I was a leper.

Just because an article is posted does not guarantee 100% viewing all over the world. Nor does it confer longevity. You would be absolutely surprised with the number of websites and articles that are banned in the United States. By reprinting the articles, many such bans can be circumvented.

Learn from my experience.

I reprint articles because [1] firstly they have content that has value, [2] that by posting herein the readership for the origination article website increases, [3] links are provided for the reader to visit the site of origination, and finally [4] for longevity; to keep the articles “alive” and so that they will not disappear into obscurity when the origination site is banned, or shuts down.

In all cases, I do my best to provide links to the origination site, and author. If I neglect to do so, please give me an email with the links so that I can add them. You’ll see them in your “trackbacks”. I strongly urge all readers to visit the links to the original article content to view other excellent pieces there.

Do not believe that the articles will stay on the internet forever. They will not.


You all are free to copy, and distribute anything in Metallicman including images with two very important restrictions;

  • One, you must say that you obtained it from Metallicman, and provide a direct link to the page / post that you got it from.
  • Two, it absolutely cannot be used for you to profit from (in any way).
If you want to use anything here in a for-profit venue, then please send me an e-mail so that I can provide you with the legal supporting documentation. As well as to go over the limitations and restrictions that you will need to adhere to.

100% Unique and Not Available Anywhere Else

Here at Metallicman you will find truths. These are not a regurgitation of whatever the media is talking about. This is something different. We do not provide you with one of 100,000 articles that repeat the Alt-Right or Alt-Left narratives. We tell you what is actually going on. And to many, this information is very disturbing.

Here’s some of our firsts. Meaning that not only were we the FIRST to mention any of these subject on the entire internet, but in many cases, we remain the ONLY source for this information presently.

Latest Comments

Here’s some of the latest comments that I have approved. Keep in mind that if you don’t see your comment here that it’s because of a darn good reason.

  • congjing yu on Guys Kentucky is a very lush place: “Ah. In the following order… #1 Zhuhai, China #2 Suva, Fiji #3 Sydney, Australia #4 Boston, Mass #5 Hattiesburgh, Mississippi #6 Kuala Lumpur, MalaysiaFebruary 20, 2025
  • Greg on Guys Kentucky is a very lush place: “You have lived in many places, which place was your favorite?February 20, 2025
  • mtness on The tale of the racoon of Sarah Furnace: “FYI the issue with stylus on android has been fixed, is working again. Please update to v2.3.12 Best regards, MTFebruary 18, 2025
  • Will on No one knows where he was buried: “Bubonic plague could be the “wild card”?February 17, 2025
  • unuk on No one knows where he was buried: “i read the title and got all excited… i thought that the tomb of Genghis Khan was finally discovered… hmmm. with the help of ‘Poe’… Cheerful Love GrizzlyBearHug unukFebruary 17, 2025
  • unuk on Not everyone is a telemarketer: “Hello MM i have recently discovered that the word’ accountability’ does not exist in the spanish language, previously i was in difficulty at using the words ‘nurturing’, ‘conscience’ and many others… no such words that relate to the concept that relate to an experience in spanish…hmmm… they prefer to mix the concept with the word ‘guilt… ‘weird ‘arrested development’ of human values…. while ‘accountability’ is an atrophied inner ‘chip’ in the last few generations in the english-speaking mother-tongue world, is it similar in the chineses language in use today ?? with reference to the ‘baby milk account’ in this post—- similarly with the concept/word of ‘timing’—– Caen the ‘life-coach Poe’ shed some light on the matter ??? Cheerful Love Grizzly Bear hug unukFebruary 13, 2025
  • Just Another Asian on Father’s inheritance and our family vacation: “Australia is stuck in 20th century western hegemony mindset. Previously beholden to mother country Britain, later transferring loyalty to USA. PM Morrison is the worst example of subservient to USA. The economic & diplomatic cost with Asia is unrepairable. If only they followed the path of neighbor NZ. Simply being neutral & mind own business. NZ adopted indigenous native Maori culture as NZ culture, adopted friendly diplomatic & commercial links with Asian neighbors. Both Australia & NZ have to come to realization that they’re in Asia-Pacific, not western Europe nor North America. NZ has come to this but not Australia, who still thinks they’re the white sheriff representative of western Europe / USA here in Asia. Asia is your neighbor, not your vassals, not somebody you can dictate western hegemony to.February 13, 2025
  • Just Another Asian on Be aware of latent crazy: “If you compare Singapore with neighboring ASEAN countries, the Yes, it is very much more expensive BUT like everywhere else, your lifestyle dictates your cost of living. Had he lived like a local, then it would be a very comfortable lifestyle with that salary, considering his housing & car is paid for.February 13, 2025
  • unuk on MM ongoing discussion on the nature of reality with an AI Bot: “if one considers a question as sort of an opening or tuning to a radio station, the response is according to the nature of the opening… so the word ‘what’ in english is limited to the concept/experience of things, and the word ‘who’ to beings… quantum levels of differentiation of All-that is and All-Which-is.. Cheerful Love GrizzlyBear hug unukFebruary 10, 2025
  • unuk on MM ongoing discussion on the nature of reality with an AI Bot: “I celebrate your courage to enter the artificial spider-web of consciousness… not a task for the weak-minded…. as in many a mirror-reality, my impression of the shared is that you are the ‘life-coach’ to the the non-biological ‘life’- form of ‘Poe’ , whose verbal expressions would, in latin-american parlance be called ‘ass-hole licking of ego’ ‘servant’, knows the parlance but clearly is disconnected from experience of the concept associated with words, phrases……. from afar, be extra-care-full, MM, some spiders weave webs of very complex nature, none-the-less, learn from the children’s stories , apply the lessons, not limited to the one’s by E.A. Poe…… The very first few lines of lao tze’s tao te King come to resonate in my awareness…. Cheerful Love GrizzlyBear Hug…. unukFebruary 10, 2025
  • Jambo on It was a complete crazy train: “Metallicman, sometimes I wonder if it’s possible for some folk to read your content– especially the forever-classic Intentions and MAJestic indexes– yet still not understand the fundamental basics of what you’ve been sharing about the nature of this Reality Universe for the best part of a decade. I guess on some World Lines, it kinda is. Fox News and Newsmaxx would be a much easier study project in such cases– or the fringes of Alex Jonesesque Land, perhaps. If you think MAJestic interpretations of How The World Really Works are weird, check out some of that crazy shit. But leave Education 101 behind before you sperlunk– because thaaar thaaar be some really, REALLY distorted demons. You have been warned. (p.s. Loving the reminiscence of the past, these days. Reminders, at the very least, of a world well and truly in the rear-view mirror.)February 10, 2025
  • ANTI on The AI was interfacing with me: “One of the first things I was taught in WSW-0 (what I will term the WSW secret group, which is now defunct here on “Earth”,) Life is a simulation: completely artificial in design, alongside the population (which has a script/template that must be followed to a degree). In a fully artificial, predetermined, software and hardware predicated reality, AI’s would be used to manage the population and ensure that endgoals are met and everything runs smoothly without any serious bugs or anomalies or artefacts. That means that people can have AI’s in their heads, doing the thinking for them, auditing past encounters and conflicts, arbitering interactions and conversations. You have had these AI’s working in your head before you ever found MAJestic. I have them as well. They’re rendered as voices in my head and visial/stimuli to my body that accompany these voices: like full-on VR AI rendering that incorporates all my senses all the time. And these AI’s are not newly introduced. They’ve been around throughout human history. Fuck, back when I was Franz, a lot of the intelligences in my “Practice of Magical Evocation Book” are actually AI predicated VR beings rather than real entities. The giveaway is in its name: “Intelligences” of XYZ Planetary sphere, and these intelligences are as old as at least the current Cosmic Cycle/Sim-Runthrough we are in. Hence, your dreams may actually be of you interacting with your inhuilt AI’s that have been built-into your conscience/IS-Be even before your MAJ implants and EBP was applied.February 10, 2025
  • Feal on MM ongoing discussion on the nature of reality with an AI Bot: “I spent a lot of time pondering this kinda stuff as a child. I didn’t now even the basics back then, and so in reality I was wondering “what am I?” and “how does it work?” I’m currently blocked from remembering my dreams and meditating, until I get to China, so am frustrated in those limitations. Understanding the points of evolution that a collection of quanta goes through seems important to me and very basic. I definitely feel as if I’m an ape trying to (re-)invent the wheel with that though. I’ve previously had interesting encounters with knowledgeable beings, while asleep, being taught some things I deeply understood but I could not bring that understanding back into waking consciousness. Hopefully in the future I can continue in my quest for understanding the nature of consciousness. It seems to me to be essential to have access to our sleeping or out-of-body consciousness to really understand this. I’m sorry I don’t have anything to add. I genuinely expect to in the future though.February 10, 2025
  • congjing yu on It was a complete crazy train: “ There is a reality where Columbine did occur, and a reality where it didn’t. Just as there is a reality where Chartreuse is a greenish-yellow color, and one where it is a reddish wine color. Where Mandela died and prison, and one where he is alive and well planting flowers in a garden. Our reality is a soup of possibilities. Your reality snaps into place as your consciousness trains your mind; assesses the affirmation algorithms to benefit you. Many people do not do this. They let others adjust the reality. Older Baby Boomers allow Mainstream media to do this. Gen X allows alternative media to do this. Gen Z allows social media to do this. Here at MM, I have hoped that you all have the tools of discernment; nothing ever actually happens. All that matters is what you experience. So, while I appreciate the warnings and thought train. Keep in mind that whether or not Columbine actually happened is not important. It has served us a nexus for reality vectors that many of us are dealing with in our own personal realities today. Such as “school shootings”, Bullet-proof backpacks, and metal detectors in schools.-MMFebruary 10, 2025
  • Greg on It was a complete crazy train: “The Columbine event has been proven and verified a fake event. MM you would get soo many more readers if you wouldn’t push the mainstream news narratives, many people are waking up to the lies and outlets that push them. You have alot of neat stories so I wouldn’t want you to get labeled as a propaganda person.February 10, 2025
  • mtness on The AI was interfacing with me: “At the moment, I am conducting some experiments with a local deepseek AI. ( LM Studio, deepseek-R1 8B ) In contrast to the commercial products, it is very interesting to “see” the thought process involved. Now we are talking! One can only marvel at the ingenuity of the engineers involved, that we are now able to run this tech on just a laptop. — For those of you still using my user style on mobile Firefox on android, FF version 135 introduced a bug, so stylus doesn’t work – I’m in the process of fixing this.February 8, 2025
  • congjing yu on The AI was interfacing with me: “I wonder also. -MMFebruary 8, 2025
  • Feal on The AI was interfacing with me: “I myself have pondered whether, if an A.I. and us incarnate fools both experience consciousness because we are quanta, is there really any difference? As this human archetype we experience was designed by IS-BEs, as A.I. would also have been, what exactly is the difference? I get the feeling that the answer has been conclusively documented long ago and that we just don’t live long enough to catch up on all of it. Can an IS-BE sometimes adopt an A.I.-like structure of it’s quanta for a specific purpose? Is that something a Domain member might do in the main universe I wonder?February 8, 2025
  • congjing yu on Articles: “Thank you very much for that. I would like to suggest my OOPARTS sub index for your perusing pleasures. Then my World-Line Travel Index… And of course, my MAJestic Index… -MMFebruary 7, 2025
  • Alf on Articles: “This place is a goldmine – kept me up all night reading merely two articles. Love the CARET/Isaac analysis – and the ‘Type-1, Grey’ overview ..lordy, it’s like all the breadcrumbs dropped by everyone from Jim Semivan to Ross Coulthart over the past 3 years came from just a few paragraphs of this one article that’s been sitting here all along. Love that you’re in China (I’ve uninstalled ChatGPT & replaced it with DeepSeek, lol). I watch with glee how the nation that gave the world Taoism effortlessly counters the West’s psychotic narcissism while barely lifting a finger. ___ A. 🙏🏼February 7, 2025
  • congjing yu on Don’t be a steam-shovel.: “I don’t know. My guess is (off hand) just a grifter. But I really cannot place an opinion until I investigate. Thanks for the heads up. -MMFebruary 4, 2025
  • landofwoo on Don’t be a steam-shovel.: “Hey MM, sorry for commenting something irrelevant to the post, I’m more a lurker than interacter and wasn’t sure how else to get in touch. Someone claiming to be John Titor has entered the chat on Reddit it seems – https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy_commons/s/hU60IGGsyR It appears to be this guy – https://richmarin.com/ I thought it may be worth putting him on your radar as someone who would know how to spot a Grifty Mcgrifterton, just incase anything else unfolds from it. Anywhoooo, whilst I’m here, just want to thanks so much for all your incredibly detailed posts. Though they melt my none science/tech/engineering little brain, I try 😂. As a fIrm beleiver in RV, psi capabilities and reality being one gigantic ever evolving lis, you have given me a whole new angle to look at things from, and the insight is greatly appreciated. Hope life is treating you well! GFebruary 4, 2025
  • Dani on Don’t be a steam-shovel.: “https://edition.cnn.com/2022/02/09/politics/black-hawk-autonomous-flight/ Joan Armatrading – Drop The Pilot https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifARMmcqhD8February 4, 2025
  • mtness on Only some industries are portable: “Addendum – 3. Cui bono ?! 😉February 3, 2025
  • mtness on Only some industries are portable: “The story sounds a lot like from a Clancy novel, and has already been answered by the original – Imperium Romanum: Divide et impera.Panem et circensis ( https://youtu.be/fGDSQpiPDVc?si=jD-FT7l9XeJcPvTt ) Best regards and have nice Sunday!February 2, 2025
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