Adventures in World-Line Travel

In this post, I describe some of my experiences or “adventures” in world-line travel. As I have stated previously, many of the world-line slides that I cycled through were fairly bland.  The changes were for the most part insignificant. Each one looked nearly identical to the one before it.

Oh, sure I was provided with some extreme examples when I was first being trained, but in operations it was hardly the same.  This post describes some of the world-lines that I visited and how they differ from this current one. Here are some of the more interesting or noteworthy world-lines.

The reader must keep in mind that I had no control over my destination world-line. That was controlled by the “pilot” who manipulated the artifice which interfaced with my ELF probes and EBP. I might be considered the “commander”, but for the most part, I was just a frazzled traveler.

Let’s start off describing an odd world-line.

The Spicy World-Line

Back in the early 1990’s I spent almost a week (which was a long time – most switches occurred hours apart, or days at the most) on a world-line that enjoyed spicy food. Imagine my surprise when my wife added hot chili peppers to my bowl of Cheerios! Not sugar.  No. Dried red hot chilies were sprinkled on it, instead of sugar, and then warm milk was poured over it. Everything on that world-line was spicy.  Everything.

Spicy Cheerios
The Cheerios box looked maybe something a little like this. Please excuse my very poor Photoshop efforts. I am just a hobbyist. Picture is for illustrative purposes only, and the reader should note that the actual box looked similar to this, but this is not the actual box.

That included “spicy coke”, the red colored can of “Blistering coke plus”, and “Pepsi hot”. There were also cans of “Inferno”, and hot and spicy chewing gum. You could also get a magma milkshake.

Aside from that difference, the world-line was very similar to my initial departure world-line. I know that it sounds very dull, uninteresting, and boring, but that was the way it was. I never made aggressive slides to wildly divergent world-lines outside of my training.

I do not know why this world-line was so important, nor do I understand what the significance was for eating spicy food.

Luckily, for some reason, my stomach was able to handle all the spicy food. Which makes me really wonder about world-line travel.  How can my mind and memories are that of another world-line, when my physical self has totally adapted to the new world-line.  The only way that I can reconcile this fact, is that the consciousness, and memories reside above and apart of a given world-line.  Yet the physical body is part of a given world-line.

This would also explain why sometimes I would have a tattoo, or a scar, or (even) nail-polish on my fingernails, and have no memories associated with the changes. My memories resided outside of the physical body. When I gallivanted back and forth and in and out of the different world-lines, I was stuck with my old memories.

It’s sort of like the movie “Hot Tub Time Machine”, where (at the end of the movie) they left the hot tub and found that they had new houses, new wives, and new lives that they had no recall of.

Other than that issue about spicy food items, the world-line was very similar to all the others. There were no “extra characters” that messed up with my spelling ability like the “rune” world-line. Or the “sickly world-line” where everyone was suffering (and I do mean suffering) with some kind of very terrible illness.

Speaking of which…

The Sick World Line

I once traveled on a world-line that scared the living heck out of me. It was in the early 1990-s. Maybe 1992. And early October. Leaves were turning and it was a very beautiful time of the year with crisp blue skies.

Luckily it was only for a few hours.  I was at work, and I cycled into a new world line as I often did in the past. When I got up from my desk to go and get a Dr. Pepper, I noticed that everyone looked very sick. 

I mean everyone.

Everyone was coughing. Some were even coughing up blood in tissues. They were all terribly sick and many just sat at their desk or collapsed in the chair.  It looked like they were exhausted and taking a nap.

I too was beginning to get sick…

..but it wasn’t so bad. It was just a shallow dry cough. I had a slight headache and a fever, as did just about everyone else. The only thing about this, and the reason why I was so fearful, was that my chest felt like it was full of cement. It felt “solid”, if that makes any sense to you all. I couldn’t take in air, and everything was an exertion.

I never understood why everyone was so sick, or the conditions for it on that world-line.

I tried to listen to the radio at lunch, but no one was saying anything about sickness or an outbreak. Which was really odd, as it seemed to me that the entire city was sickly and dying off. Instead the news was all about some basketball player who died in an airplane accident. They were also going on and on about how “there were no masks” which was pretty silly. After all, not having masks during the Halloween season is really a “tempest in a teacup”.

Anyways, I will tell you that I was starting to really panic. I couldn’t get much air in my chest at all, and I was afraid that I wasn’t going to survive the world line.

I do remember Rush Limbaugh (Yes, he was on that world-line) talking about the up-coming war with the “Chi-Coms”, and that their military was no match for ours. He kept on referring to them as “bat soup slurping Chi-Coms”. That we would just be able to walk all over them, and they wouldn’t have a fighting chance. Whether this sickness was a consequence of the bellicose nature of the Neocons in the United States, or a preemptive WMD attack by China, on that world-line, I never found out.

I was only on that world-line for maybe four or five hours.

The entire time started about 10:00 in the morning, and went through lunch, and ended before the end of my work day. Everyone in the company was sick and (I think) dying. The factory floor was deserted, with just a handful of people resting in the break rooms.

At lunch, I drove to eat some fast food.

There wasn’t much going on. Though this world line didn’t have the “city chicken” special that I had grown fond of. They did however have this option called “super-sizing” where you could make everything bigger (soda and fries) for only a dollar more. Which was pretty cool, except that my wallet wasn’t full of money. I had a “married mans wallet”. Just a few dollars, and moths that flew out when you opened it (LOL – joke).

The streets were deserted, and McDonald’s was in the process of closing.

It was really odd, and completely out of sorts with what you would expect a CDC-level medical emergency to be like. No one was covered with sores, though when I looked at people my “minds eye” would conjure up images of smallpox victims.

Smallpox victim.
Smallpox victim.

People looked… well normal and ordinary. Everyone seemed fine, aside from being sickly and very tired.

That’s it, don’t you know.

Our images of what to expect are colored by history, our own experiences, and the thoughts of others. In my mind, I felt that this was a bioweapon event. Though, even though that is what it felt like, it was not what it appeared to be. It just seemed like a rather quiet time where the few people who were around were sick… very sick.

After all, if it was a bioweapon attack, then why wasn’t anyone talking about World War III? It just didn’t make sense to me at all. People were acting as if nothing was going on, even though (obviously) a sizable portion of the population was staying home and not going outside.

What I took from that entire experience is that there is a big difference between talking about war, and living through it.

Heed my advice.

The World-line without Zippers

Most world-lines looked like every other one.  When you slide, you just cannot notice any difference.  Once, I did a slide and everything looked the same. No big deal.  As always, I just continued to do my work.  My work assignments were the same, and my friends were the same and my wife was the same.  My pets were the same.  However, I did notice something different when I went to the bathroom to take a pee.

Button fly
Imagine that! The pants did not use a zipper. It had buttons instead. Imagine my surprise.

My trousers did not have a zipper.  Instead of a zipper were buttons.  That’s correct.  There were three buttons that I had to undo to go and pee. I don’t know if I liked having a button front, or a zipper front.  I think a zipper front is much more convenient, but there was something clean and simple about having buttons…

Maybe it’s a good idea. But, I’ll tell you what, I have yet to encounter trousers with buttons in my present (semi-fixed) world-line.

The Plastic Surgery World-line

Most of the world-line slides occurred within hours or days.  This period of time, a mere few hours, is not long enough to determine what the differences are in a new world-line.  That is because, and I remind the reader, that most of my world-line slides were very similar to the previous world-line.  This was by intention and was necessary for a host of reasons.

The pregnant look.
The advertisement looked something a little like this. Of course there was a company name and address on the advertisement. I also don’t remember the doctors name. But, yeah, it looked something like this.

I well remember that I once went into a new world-line that looked identical to the previous one.  However there was one noticeable difference that I well recall.  It was so odd that I will never forget it.

There was an advertisement for a plastic surgery hospital.  On the billboard was an attractive woman who was cradling her tummy as she was obviously nine months pregnant.  The words in the advertisement went something like this; “ Let Doctor XXXXXX sculpt your body for the expectant mother look.” WTF?

In that world-line you could have plastic surgery that would make you look like you were nine months pregnant. Talk about doing a “double take”!

Most Other World-lines

Most of the other world-lines, including my original world-line had certain features that differ from the world-line that I currently occupy.  I wouldn’t go as far as these differences are significant, but they are noticeable.

This refers to world-lines that I visited.  Not which exists.  For I do not know of the sum totality of everything.  I only know what I was exposed to.  This is a very important distinction.

Perhaps the first thing that I would say is the most noticeable is that McDonald’s is different.  That’s true.  On this current world-line McDonald’s has this “golden arch” symbol that looks like an “M”. But on most of the other world lines, the McDonald’s aren’t so obviously “corporate” and maintain a “twin rainbow” arch design.

other world-lines

Most other world-lines also use better English than this current one does. I think that the reason is because on other world-lines they still (for the most part) maintain a more traditional education system where Latin and Greek are still taught.

Yes, the globalist push for diversity of race over cultural adaptation is present in most all of the other world-lines; however none were so advanced in achieving it as in this world-line. Of, course that is only based on what I have been exposed to.

Most other world-lines have merit based (American) welfare programs, and speak English. California is also known as the “outlier” in most other world-lines, and yes, most other world-lines do refer to the 9th Circuit Court as the “9th Circus court”.  (Thank Bill Clinton for that.  He was the successful architect of that.)

Yet, this world-line is nearly unique (compared to the bulk of the others that I visited) in a number of areas.  For instance, on most other world-lines that I have visited, the American roads are paved in cement and not asphalt. Here it is the other way around. Toll booths, roadside rest areas, and picnic tables seem to be stable elements across all the world-lines that I have ventured into.

Not too many changes there.

Campbell’s Soups are just as popular on other world-lines, but here the most popular soups are tomato and chicken noodle, but on other world lines it is more evenly spread out. If you look at the store shelves, instead of having tomato and chicken noodle cans you are just as likely to find vegetable and beef-rice soups.

Pit Bulls aren’t so popular on other world-lines as they apparently are here. Poodles and Collies seem to be.

Cats are cats, and are everywhere. Though, many of them have wings (no kidding!) It’s an evolutionary item that isn’t that predominant on this world line. It is a fur covered flap of skin that the cats have. Not every cat has this, but a goodly percentage does. Maybe as much as 60% on some world-lines.

Some of my cats would be death from above to the birds pecking at the ground below.

Winged cat.
A cat with wings is more common place on other world-lines. On this world-line it is a rarity. These are not wings with a bone structure like a bird, rather it is fold of loose skin that the cat uses to glide down from a tree on to it’s prey.

Things that would and wouldn’t change

For the most part, my wife and pets pretty much stayed the same. After a slide, my “new” wife would be nearly identical to my “previous slide” wife. Of course, my wife did not participate in any slides, so her memories were always those associated with the world-line she inhabited.

In some world-lines my wife would be heavier, while in others she might be thinner. Hair styles, dress and behaviors always were a function of the given world-line.

You might think that it might be cool to have a different wife with each world-line slide. Well, that didn’t happen. I think that if it did, the mere fact of that would end up altering my personality, thus rendering me useless for my mission parameters. I, and I think most men, need a degree of stability in their life. The women in their life prove this, and it is a core important need.

My cats were different. They seemed to totally be aware of me sliding in and out of world-lines. Don’t ask me why I have that impression. I don’t think that I can vocalize the reasons accurately except to say that their soul is a matrix soul. Which imparts a kind of multi-dimensional understanding with it.

My dogs also seemed to be aware of the world-line slides. However, they behaved differently. When I would first enter a new world-line they would come up to me timidly and quizzing. Then after a few hours, all would be fine. Only once or twice would my dog stand up, stare at me, and start barking on my world-line arrival.

Some Thoughts

Seriously, if the reader were to use my probes, they would be rather surprised on how little the world-lines change when you slide in and out of them. Trees are still awesome.  People fish, hunt, and have pets. Some of which are unusual.

The news is still obnoxious and is still trying to influence how you think.

People engage in vices, and the government tries to limit it so that they can (personally) obtain secondary sources (also known as a “cut”) of others income. People fight and squabble.  There are rabble, riff-raff, and intelligentsia who think that they are better than everyone else (but are actually just people who are trapped in their own neuroses oblivious to the rest of the world).

Major personalities seem to exist in other world-lines. That includes John Wayne, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Hugh Hefner and Donald Trump.

Extreme USA

Let’s talk a little bit about some of the world-line slides that I was involved in during the 1990’s. That was a crazy decade (from my point of view) for certain.

Early on, before the year 2000, the <redacted> “pilot” was cycling the slides rapidly (for some reason, that I assumed had some real significance) and with large swings in deviance. I guess that the time period in question was the primary reason for my “mission”.

Thus, where I would “normally” slide in and out of world-lines of maybe 1% to perhaps 5%, the slides were going much “further out” than that.

The reader might have this idea that I would be exposed to purple colored watermelons, or two moons in the sky.  Nope, my experiences were not that extreme.  In fact, all of the variances had (or possessed) a common point of origin or common history.

However, this was significantly different. For now, in these great deviance’s, the “past” histories were now significantly altered. As such, the observed (manifested) changes were primarily due to significant changes in past histories.

The movement started to engage in changes that derived from changing “past” events as opposed to changing “current” events.  For instance, a 2% deviation might have a new world-line where the apple on my kitchen table was now a banana.

A 4% deviation might have us sitting on the floor Japanese or Korean style.

These deviance’s represent a change in “current” reality attributes.

However, what was happening was that there was a new attribute incorporated in the changes. This was an added component of reality attribute changes as a function of prior history.

It would be a 2% deviance and an additional 3% deviance of attribute “K”.

MWI switching involved a large number of variables. I was trained in the manual manipulation of seven of them. However, I know that there are many, many more.

Typically, the “pilot” would implement these slides to fit the requirements that they felt necessary. I just “rode” the slides as they materialized. Sometimes it was just frazzling, but mostly it wasn’t really too bad.

Control of the World-Line Drivers

There is a method towards the control and specification of the coordinates of a new world-line. In the 5th dimensional egress portal mechanism, that was a 5th dimensional system. As far as I understand it is based on coordinates relative to the point of egress.

In other words…

Enter portal at 0,0,0,0,0,0,0.
Arrival at coordinates 12,-4,2,0,6,8,-9

However, I was not involved in fifth dimensional portal egress. I was involved in seventh dimensional slides.

The core kit #2 ELF probes interacted with the EBP to enable seventh dimensional egress. This was a much more involved system, with coordinates substantially different from the portal egress methodology. The <redacted> “pilot” did not use numbers for coordinates. It utilized a series of circular symbols to configure the coordinates. And, I haven’t a clue as to how to operate them.

What I do know, however, is that once the coordinates were established, I could always take a look at where I was. As I did have access to the resultant “map” through the ELF core kit #2 probes. However, it was never a very useful or rewarding effort as the location map looked a little something like this;

Seventh dimensional MWI destination “map” as viewed by the traveler through the ELF core kit #2 probes. Image for illustrative purposes only.

Only it was overlaid with similar versions, all seemingly transparent to some degree more or less.

Deep Dive

For a while in the early 1990’s, I went through a significant series of slides that I refer to (personally) as the “Deep Dive”.

However, this time the resultant changes were significant. Utilization of this additional element of deviation resulted in significant changes in realities.  I was able to slide in and out of equally strange world lines.  (Although none of them were as drastic as a change in weather, language or culture like I experienced early on in China Lake.)

That’s the way many of the world-line changes were.

I had no idea what the differences were, and my time on the world-line was often of such a short duration that I never could really investigate what the causes of the changes were. Sometimes however, I could “pin point” a direct cause or event that seemed to be a major mitigating factor.

The Dive Itself

A series of strange divergences started to take place.  Each one took place (approximately) on my same world-line but with drastically different “lead up to” histories.  I started to slide into world-lines that had critical junctures altered.  Each slide was more drastic in influence. Yet each slide resulted is a relatively calm and easygoing lifestyle.

The first slide took place around 1994 and apparently represented a world where “something” was altered in the 1970’s. I don’t know what was altered.  But, in hindsight, the life seemed a little bit better.  At least, from my point of view, I had a little more money in my wallet, and I drove a nicer car.  This slide was a short one and only lasted maybe eight hours.

That was followed by a slide where the world was significantly different.

I don’t know what happened, though I do know that we did not get involved in the Vietnam War.  Cuba was our long-time friend.  I can only suppose that John F. Kennedy was not killed, and LBJ never became President.  This world was even nicer than the previous world-line.  I was doing much better, and my house reflected that fact. I know all about this because I spent over a week on this world-line.

Following this, there were a series subsequent deep slides.

Many of which I have no idea what the changes were, but they seemed to go back in time in approximately 10 to 25 year increments. Each time a major event was replaced with (nothing?) something else.  The result of this was that each time, my standard of living got progressively better and better. The air was softer and sweeter.

What I mean is that I would go to a world-line where there were some significant changes 25-years in the past of that world-line.

Then, the next world-line after that would go “deeper”. I would be on a world-line where the significant changes occurred 35-years in the past of that world-line.

This was how it was like. The slides continued all year, and kept going deeper and deeper changing and reversing events that we today on this world-line consider to be fixed and immobile.

No Taxation of Americans

The funny thing about all these slides is that when you occupy a world-line that you fall in love with, and then come to something resembling this world-line you start to RESENT the changes made in the base-line world-lines.

Nothing was so obvious as to what the morons did to the United States around 1910 to 1920. Those evil, selfish, fucking selfish idiots.

Thomas Woodrow Wilson (December 28, 1856 – February 3, 1924) was an American statesman and academic who served as the 28th President of the United States from 1913 to 1921. A member of the Democratic Party, Wilson served as the President of Princeton University from 1902 to 1910, and as Governor of New Jersey from 1911 to 1913, before winning the 1912 presidential election. As president, he oversaw the passage of progressive legislative policies unparalleled until the New Deal in 1933. He also led the United States during World War I, establishing an activist foreign policy known as “Wilsonianism.” Upon taking office, Wilson called a special session of Congress, whose work culminated in the Revenue Act of 1913, introducing a federal income tax which provided revenue lost when tariffs were sharply lowered. He also presided over the passage of the Federal Reserve Act, which created a central banking system in the form of the Federal Reserve System. Other major elements of Wilson’s New Freedom agenda included the Federal Trade Commission Act, the Clayton Antitrust Act, and the Adamson Act, all of which established new economic regulations enforced by the federal government.

Ok. Let me discuss this a little bit in detail.

There was a world-line where no one paid any taxes.  Yes, the 16th amendment was never ratified.  People were happier and healthier, and it was much calmer and quieter time.  However, there were trade-offs. Though I do not know if the trade-offs were directly associated with the lack of taxes or other things. The thing that was most notable was that it was pretty much technologically backwards compared to the baseline.

The reader is advised NOT to assume that the passage of the 16th amendment resulted in the technology explosion that we have today.  There is no correlation.  I am only reporting my experiences, and that includes a world-line that is so described.

Yes, I know this because I was paid in cash and there were absolutely no deductions at all.  I was paid what I was earned. I was on this world line for nearly two weeks.  It was a long time. (My wife kept on saying that I “felt” really odd to her.  And she wanted to know “what was going on”.  What could I possibly say that wouldn’t get me thrown into a mental hospital?)

When you bought something, it was for one dollar, or a dollar and twenty five cents. Not $7.98.

I remember well, how I wanted to get a coke, at a seven-11 and there wasn’t any. (Store that is.) I had to go to the gas station and buy a coke.  I opened up my wallet and the normal $30 or so that I usually kept was missing.  I only had two (paper) dollars and a change purse of coins.  So, I gave the kid a liberty dollar coin, and he gave me back ninety five cents! It only cost five cents for a coke in 1994! (Insane.)

The money was also different. Aside from the pennies and nickels there were two and three cent coins!

A 1864 two cent coin.
A 1864 two cent coin.

In my wallet, I had numerous bills all of which looked very, very unusual.  They looked “similar to” (NOT “the same as”) this;

Money looked different.
The money looked very different. Maybe something along the lines of this ancient dollar bill.

I stayed on that world-line for a little over two weeks. Maybe 16 days in total. It was ok, but I really missed the television shows that I was watching at the time. Oh, televisions existed, but I was (apparently) unable to afford them in that world-line.

Instead, we had a big radio that had multiple bands that sat on a table in the living room. It had a brown bakelite plastic housing. When turned on it would light up and give this kind of humming sound.

Newspapers existed, but were different.  The newspaper “America Today” was in black and white instead of the colorful “USA Today”.

Before the “Deep Dive”, I would work and then go home.  At home we would have a meal and watch our favorite television shows.  My wife would sometimes play her electric piano. Then we would go to bed.

Not now.  Before the “deep dive”, I would come home and plop myself down in front of the television set.

In this new world-line, my new reality, we didn’t watch television.  We didn’t even own one! Yes, we had many conveniences in the kitchen, but the groceries were totally different.  Mostly they were canned and dry goods.  There were very few frozen foods.

A little van would drive up to the house and my wife would buy fresh vegetables and eggs from the man. There were supermarkets, but most of the stores were family owned. There wasn’t any malls that I recall. Yet in the mid-1990’s malls were a very popular center of the community on the baseline reality.

My wife made different kinds of meals. (Which is something that you get used to in this role.)  They pretty much consisted of a meat, or fish, with two to three side vegetable dishes, and a carefully prepared dessert.

My wife did not have an electric piano.  She had a flute.

Thus, for these two weeks, after work I would go home.  She would get me my slippers, pipe and tobacco, fix me a whiskey sour, and I would wear my robe (still with my tie on), and I would relax reading the evening newspaper (with the desk fan on) while she would make dinner.

Dinner was in the kitchen. But the wife had a vase with flowers in it… every day.

Butter was in the form of a big rectangular cube wrapped in newspaper. We also had a funny looking butter knife that looked more like a wide and broad spatula that would be used to slather the butter onto the bread. The funny thing was that the butter was left on the table to get soft. It was not kept in the “refrigerator”.

Dinners were much more involved and elaborate.  Stuffed peppers, baked ham, city chicken, broiled fish, and lamb roasts. Where before the deep dive, most of our meals consisted of “cheaper foods” such as meat loaf, spaghetti, hot dogs, and egg meals.

Then after dinner, I would sit on the porch, and she would join me after she cleaned up the table. Sometimes our neighbors would walk by the porch and we would spend an hour or so talking.  It was really…really different.  However, after a few days (once the shock dissipated) I found it truly charming.

As charming as they were, the changes were rather stark and disruptive compared to what I was used to.

On one hand, before the slide I was using a computer at work. Then, when the slide occurred I found myself back at a drafting table working with a manual eraser (not even an electric one). Instead of email, I had a wire basket where inter-department correspondence would be mailed out. I had an “in box” for incoming mail, and an “out box” for out bound mail.

There was a “mail boy” who would deliver the mail two or three times a day.

One world-line I would have a car, and then I would be on one where I needed to take a bus. One would have my wife happily buying presents for her family, and another world-line where she hadn’t spoken to them for years.  It was extremely disturbing, and made me a little ill.

Here is an interesting aside. My first wife was always “at war” with her family.  It was a terribly dysfunctional family with a long history of mental illness.  Her parents had the illness and so did all of her brothers and sisters.  

Yet, as soon as we hit the world-line with historical influences dating prior to 1913, all the illnesses disappeared. That is correct.  

What was the change?  

I do not know. No, I do not think that her family’s illnesses were associated with the 16th amendment.  But maybe, I suspect (after some consideration) that they might have been associated with World War I somehow. 

Is that possible?  Can some physical event result in long term genetic mental illness?  Or, is it just the way the world-lines operate, and the changes were coincidental?  I do not know.

One world-line had a phone with push buttons, and then I would have a slide and the new world-line would have three (x3) phones on my desk, all with rotary dials.

On second you are living in a world with modern push-button phones, speed dial, and voice mail. Then a slide would occur, and suddenly your desk would have three telephones of a very old style cluttering it up. Not to mention a big honker of a glass ash tray on it.

The moment I slide back to the non-16th amendment reality world-line, all subsequent slides reflected similar attributes.  For instance, all currency was no longer “Federal Reserve Notes”, but actually IOU’s good for gold or silver coins!

That’s right.

I could have taken any one of the notes to any of the banks and exchanged it for hard metal coinage.  Amazing! When did all this change?  I know that FDR banned all gold and stole it from my grandparents, but I never realized that the banks actually offered physical notes of paper that represented gold and silver coins.  Truly amazing!

Further, the bank notes were also much more interesting and colorful.

They described events rather than people and presidents like we currently see on the bills. (Today all the bills have Presidents, with some notable exceptions.) The bills were also in much smaller denominations than what we see today.  Heck, I could have probably paid my monthly rent with a five dollar silver certificate!  That is how much the world had changed.

Currency was different.
Often during a slide the currency would be different. Sometimes it would be substantially different.

These slides continued for maybe another three weeks. I think they went back (in changes and alterations of the past), perhaps three hundred years.

When I finally “hit the end of the line”, I was living more or less like an independent land-holder with a comfortable house, a house maid, and a beautiful well-educated wife. The year was the same. It was 1995, as I recall. But the world-line was so very different.

The technology was rather primitive, and that distracted from the benefits of the life that I found myself in. Each step back in time-alteration made the present reality “better”, “calmer”, and more prosperous.  The cost to this was a decrease in technology, or better yet, a change in the direction of what technology took.

The Slides

The reader might have the impression that I kept on going deeper and deeper into alternative realities. While that was, to a degree, certainly true, I would also move back to realities that wasn’t so different from the (more or less stable) apparent present. So, while I might travel to a world-line where I was using slide rules and dictating to a secretary, I would shortly have a slide to something with computers, video games, and Strawberry Coke.

I don’t know why this was the case.

Snap Back to a Continuance

Then, after a week at my (apparent) destination world-line, I was abruptly projected in one of the most amazing and harsh slides of my entire involvement. Then I found myself back in an almost identical world-line to the one that I had initially been on (prior to the great dive). I do not know why this all occurred.  No one told me anything, and the drone pilot was as mute as a cinder-block wall.

It totally sucked.

To live one life in the reality with no Federal Income Tax, a peaceful nation much like Switzerland, and eating good healthy food with simpler pursuits to BLAM!… Back in the reality of the mid 1990’s with the Soviet Union, high unemployment and Democrats trying every single way they can think of to tax more and more of my money!  UGH!

While there is a near infinite number of alternative world-lines possible. My role involved the manipulation of the world-lines associated for the bulk of humanity. And, the vast bulk of humanity chose this current world-line (or ones similar to it). Thus, here I am where the vast bulk of humanity wants to live.

Luckily these kinds of aggressive slides were short lived.

I really do not know WHY suddenly things had to be adjusted like they were.  I only know that they were, and my personality (how I reacted to the changes) affected the “dimensional anchoring” process. For indeed, how I felt and acted upon these changes helped to steer the process to new world-lines.

Perhaps that is why my retirement ended up in a world-line where the conditions for my circumstances favor my  intentions.


I have my own theories as to how the entangled <redacted> worked and how the pilot would move the world-lines.  They are all probably wildly incorrect. However, if there is one thing that I can posit is that the extremity of a given world-line is a function of how the group-baseline world-lines need to be altered.

I cannot help but speculate that the extreme changes and movements representative of the world-line slides were a function of some radial trends (or contrary trends) on the baseline world-lines.

Accumulated deviation
Accumulated deviation as a result of the “deep dive”. Here is the best way that I can describe how the system worked from the point of view of a traveler.

In other words, if most of the world-lines were starting to move into discordant behaviors, it would be necessary for me to move the “dimensional anchoring process” to a greater deviance level.

The greater the disruption, the resultant corrective actions are required.

MAJestic Commentary

For what ever it is worth. If you were to ask my MAJestic leadership to comment on this post, they would probably say something like this…

MAJestic has no knowledge of any of these “adventures”, experiences or attributes of the sub-program that this agent was part of.

We made an agreement with an extraterrestrial partner and part of that agreement involved a connection of sorts between the agent and an extraterrestrial. How the agent experiences the connection is a personal event, and is beyond our experience. We do not condone nor disparage his statements.

Unless those described experiences personally benefit the reader, the information is useless. As far as the reader is concerned, the agent was involved in a program involving a technologically advanced extraterrestrial species. His experiences in the program were unique and possibly hard to describe to any level of comfort to the reader.

We permit this narrative to be disseminated with the caveat that MAJestic is disassociated with the experiences of this agent.


This post is in response to a question that a number of influencers asked. “What was it like to world-line travel.” This post describes some notable world-line slides. I posit my understanding on how it worked, and the reasons for the slides. I also describe what I learned.

One thing is certain. For me, I was the proverbial frog dipped in and out of hot boiling water. While the rest of humanity is on the stove being cooked alive.

Boil a frog idiom

Take Aways

Lathe Heaven
Screen shot from the movie “The Lathe of Heaven”. A man has the ability to change his world-lines through dreams. A bad actor, puts the man under hypnosis so he can personally profit from it, and make the world a “better place” in his image. Notice that everyone is grey? Yeah, that’s what happens when you wish away racism.
  • World-line travel is not as exciting or interesting as you would see on Hollywood movies such as “Back to the Future”, “The lathe of Heaven“, or Star Trek’s “Mirror Mirror“.
  • World-line slides varied from hours to weeks in duration.
  • The selection of the destination world-lines and the mission objectives involved were beyond my control.
  • I had access to the destination world-line coordinates on a “map” of sorts. Unfortunately, I was unable to read the map.
  • I personally learned from the different slides on a personal level. As a result I personally find that many Americans have no idea how far America has strayed from the great nation it once was.
  • This post describes what it was like being in MAJestic and performing my mission parameters.

MAJestic Related Posts – Training

These are posts and articles that revolve around how I was recruited for MAJestic and my training. Also discussed is the nature of secret programs. I really do not know why the organization was kept so secret. It really wasn’t because of any kind of military concern, and the technologies were way too involved for any kind of information transfer. The only conclusion that I can come to is that we were obligated to maintain secrecy at the behalf of our extraterrestrial benefactors.

How to tell...
How to tell -2
Top Secrets
Sales Pitch
Feducial Training
Probe Calibration - 1
Probe Calibration - 2
Leaving the USA

MAJestic Related Posts – Our Universe

These particular posts are concerned about the universe that we are all part of. Being entangled as I was, and involved in the crazy things that I was, I was given some insight. This insight wasn’t anything super special. Rather it offered me perception along with advantage. Here, I try to impart some of that knowledge through discussion.


Secrets of the universe
Alpha Centauri
Our Galaxy the Milky Way
Sirius solar system
Alpha Centauri
The fuselage embedded within the rocks of Victoria Falls.
The Hammer inside the rock.
The Hollow Moon
The Mystery of the Lapulapu Ridge.
The Mystery of the Baltic UFO.
Mystery of the bronze bell.
Mystery of the oil lamp found inside a block of coal.
Did extraterrestrials set up a colony in Pennsylvania?
The Oxia Palus Facility
Brown Dwarfs
Apollo Space Exploration
The Nature of the Universe
Type-1 Grey Extraterrestrial
The mysterious flying contraptions.

MAJestic Related Posts – World-Line Travel

These posts are related to “reality slides”. Other more common terms are “world-line travel”, or the MWI. What people fail to grasp is that when a person has the ability to slide into a different reality (pass into a different world-line), they are able to “touch” Heaven to some extent. Here are posts that  cover this topic.

Cat Heaven
Things I miss
How MWI allows world-line travel.
An Observed World-Line switch.
Vehicular world-line travel
Soul is not consciousness.

John Titor Related Posts

Another person, collectively known by the identity of “John Titor” claimed to utilize world-line (MWI egress) travel to collect artifacts from the past. He is an interesting subject to discuss. Here we have multiple posts in this regard.

They are;

Articles & Links

  • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.
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Ohio Guy

Just finished Adventures in World Line Travel. Loved it. What would you suggest the reader read next?

Brett Franklin Swain

I need a little cash to buy the equipment for the traveling, I am working with everybody to bring out the Space time Scout Ship send some cash any amount you can spare for 2020 Virus Time line finding cures…

Rod Cloutier

I really enjoyed this post. I experience the Mandela effect in a major and personal way, this seems to fit your world sliding statements. Today’s world of Covid-19 where everyone is wearing mask, business is shutting down, and Rush Limbaugh is talking about war with the Chi-coms, sounds very much like the sick world you described. I think I’d much rather be on the peaceful land owner timeline with the lower prices, and slower pace of life.

Rod Cloutier

I don’t mean to be rude, but the skeptical side of me still has a few questions. I’m about half way through your main articles, its a lot of reading.

Question 1: How do you have the time to publish a well thought out and planned web page? It would take me a 45 hour work week to accomplish something that’s not half as good as what you have here? I’m a bit paranoid- are you paid to create this content?
Question 2: Large sections about the extraterrestrial races and the technology they have looks copied, or at least paraphrased from Neale Donald Walsh’s series ‘Conversations with God’ volume three. Was this a source text, or is this co-incidental?
Question 3: I had a direct out-of-body experience with a federation like setting of extraterrestrials during an Ayahausca trip, I encountered a race of friendly but shy aliens that looked like giant red tree frogs, and they were peaceful. I had a near death experience that showed me the intense beauty of the universe. I have had direct interaction with God during this experience, and my time there confirms much of what you write about- My question is why do I still have doubts, something just doesn’t jibe? It’s a slightly bad feel? Do your memory lock out probes prevent you from telling the whole truth?


It never ceases to amaze me how many folks get on here all ‘het up with their questions and informing us all of their intellectual barriers to this kind of material. Barriers which, for most normies, no doubt ‘ a very important psychological purpose. I totally get that. But it also must be pointed out that most if not all of these questions and probings have been addressed/answered in your writings again and again and again, Mr Man.
And in the ‘main material’.
I don’t wish to sound uncharitable, but perhaps the skills of retention are in the process of being lost given the educational systems we’ve been lumped with, today. Or folks are just skimming stuff without really taking it in. Retention, critical thinking, mental extrapolation based on comparisons with common cognitive artefacts we in the west, at least, tend to share on a Jungian level, anybody?
All I can say in thank the Good Lord for the Trivium and home schooling, without either of which I’d probably be forming my worldview based on the nightly news and David Wilcock, too. The latter being a paid subscription, BTW. Go figure.
Where’s Rob when you need him!! He has a thing or two to say about belief and unbelief and the purposes of these disclosures if I recall.
Elsewhere, looks like Donnie’s Gonnie, and we’re about to enter a calmer period where the bioweapon attackers get whisked away never to be seen or heard from again. Justice? That’s only for the chumps. Wrecked global economy? Oh well, the chumps will pay as they always do– just roll out that Biden cretin and that’ll distract them for a few months while we come up with a China Plan B.
Make a ton of money on the vaccines while we’re at it. Maybe even paralyse a few to add to the fear.
It’s all China’s fault!!!
Friend of mine has a theory that no matter who’s in the WH, the real purpose of COVID and related disruption was to plant firmly in the public’s mind that evil China attacked us, and not the other way ’round. And right now they’re working on the false flag event that’ll kick start the whole shit-show early 2021. This period of relative respite is just to give the chumps a break in order to go shopping. Ya know, the important stuff. 2021 is when the REAL shit is gonna go down. As has been predicted by many.
That friend of mine works ‘in security’ and I hope he’s wrong.
He isn’t usually.
Stay safe, y’all– something tells me we haven’t seen anything yet. On a positive note something has to give, and give soon– we all know this. Who wants to live in a world where something like this can happen. Not to mention the trafficked human beings.
Sentience sorting? Bring it fucking on. And then some.
Rant over, ahem!

Rod Cloutier

Thank you very much for the honest reply, and congratulations on the addition to your family. One has to be cautious and question sources in this day and age, I think you would agree. In regards to Neale Donald Walsh, he is in his 80’s so he likely predates you. After a car accident left him partially paralyzed and unable to work, he became a homeless man in his 50’s. Living on the street, eating from garbage bins. He started asking God, what does it all mean? To his surprise God answered him. He kept asking questions, and he kept getting answers. He published his collection of questions and answers, and the book became an international best seller, was translated into 36 languages. He continued with his ‘Conversations with God’ and published more compilation books, all became best sellers. His ‘Conversations with God- volume 3’ focused on highly evolved beings in the universe and how humans compare with them. Here’s a brief audioclip of him talking with God (Narrated): Neale went from being homeless on the street to being a multi-millionaire. You can’t say that happens everyday.

Having read all of his books, a fair amount about what you have said about extraterrestrials technology was written about in his book. About the consciousness being removed from the body, placed in a container, and then transferred somewhere else into a new vessel for example. Almost word for word out of his book. Hence my skepticism about your writings.

I wish you luck and good fortune. Thank you for everything you have published and for your service on mankind’s behalf with those beyond.

Daegon Magus

This whole article reminds me of something I came across a few years back called a hyper dimensional resonator or HDR – i recommend looking it up. The guy who invented it – a farmer out of Nebraska – claims he was visited by ETs who showed him how to make, and referred to it as a “time machine”. Essentially what it was was a plastic box containing a few coils and other passive electronics that one plugged into the mains powerline, then wrapped one of the cords around their head to experience alternate realities. It was, indeed, a very strange article and at first thought it was easy to dismiss it as being just a blatant scam. However, some people bought a couple of these specifically to prove they were a scam, and even they claimed strange things would start happening after using it; in one example the guy used it, then went home to watch his favourite movie on the same VHS he’s always used- I cannot remember the name of it – only to find, much to his horror, entire parts of it were different with different, unfamiliar scenes and well known phrases replaced with unknown ones. Most of the other accounts related similar slight changes that most people today would call the Mandella effect.

Personally I have experienced my own timeline changes, and I have a very good idea why things were being changed in the past, as some of my other experiences (i think i left them out of the email i sent you) pertained to this very same timeline changing and what was causing it. I won’t go into it here though for the sake of everyone’s sanity.

Just reading down through your posts and regarding one of your replies in which you have an incessant “itch” to get it all out. I feel you too mate. I too am driven by the same itch…it beyond fucking maddening, as it is also coming between me and my family, and it gets frustrating especially when trying to relay this all to someone who is apparently open to receiving it only to be told it doesn’t fit their whole “love and light and nothing else” mentality. I find I am actually rewarded with more connections to the whole thing the more I write about it.
You know i had some woman try and tell me at the park a few months back quite definitively that all clouds are UFOs and my wife should just think better thoughts and she will no longer suffer from her neurological condition; we didn’t even bother telling her any of what we know she was just that closed minded about her own open mindedness it was repulsive. Toxic spirituality is the bain of disclosure. It is so obvious to me that it has been weaponised against those of us who really do have personal experience with all this; just look at the channeling crap coming out of the starseed movement, who were supposed to be part of the same consciousness evolution program; now all they do is rehash vague promises of hope from an illusive celestial authority that never seem to come to fruition. These coincidences can’t just all be chalked down to collective psychosis as some robotic shrink will tell you; it is blatantly obvious there is some higher force that really is trying to get people to wake the fuck up from the illusion they have found themselves trapped in, and it is blatantly obvious something is exploiting that effort.

I will be honest; had it not been for my own experiences I would have a hard time believing yours, but there is so much similarities between what you are saying, and what I “know” that I am more inclined to believe you as being legitimate.I also understand the amount of time and effort it takes to write this much material, as I am myself a writer amongst other things, and people just don’t get that one doesn’t go to this much effort writing it all down and posting it on the net for free on the off chance a couple of conspiracy whacks will eat it up and tell their buddies; even people who self publish their work rarely make a profit off it. There is a reason we post our shit for free and that is quite simply because we haven’t been consumed by the greed machine that runs the world; i am very adamant about believing in such people over those who make profits from their books on the subjects of disclosure; unfortunately the forner is unlikely to be as far reaching a the latter.

Keep doing what you do man. Those of us who are part of it are grateful for the guidance.

rant over.


My take on the HDR articles is that it seems legit.
I read that people had differences in their life after using it and that after some time or even after a good night sleep were back in their “normal” life.
When I read that I immediately thought off what MM wrote about drifting back to your pre birth template.
That coupled with that the brain is just a tool you can use and you can influence your brain in different ways to make it work for you. E.g. Programming it with prayer, drugs , probes and machines that have magnetic fields.
This makes it seem legit.


Your story is congruent with the conversation Billy Meier had with an alegedly ET woman called Semjase in their 10th contact. A small excerpt of that conversation was:

83. The visible universe, with which the human being is concerned, is but a small spot in this wonderful, unending, spiritual intelligence of the Creation.
84. Universes like this one are contained in countless thousand millions in the unending spiritual intelligence of the Creation.
85. What is visible to the physical eyes of the human being means only a small iota in the endlessness.
86. What is not visible to his/her eyes is unmeasurable, uncomprehensible, and unthinkable, confusing, and unimaginable to his/her unspiritual human intelligence and comprehension.
87. All the universe, which s/he sees, is but one single space of many, which must be measured by myriads, because there are universes in universes, universes beyond universes, universes beneath universes, universes above universes, and universes outside the universes in this ur-mighty, tremendous, and all-creational spiritual intelligence of the existence Creation.

The above passage did not make a lot of sense to me when I first read it, but assuming your experience is real, it seems to explain it.

bruno hautenfaust

The part about the sick world reminded me of a dream I had once. Back in about 2010, I had a series of dreams where every dream would just be the same ‘other world’. It was entirely consistent the whole time, and it would be like I would go to sleep here and wake up there, which is another story.

But one night, well into this pattern, I had a dream/experience where I went from -that- other world into even a further one. I always was by myself, but for some reason in this dream my son was with me.

In this other, other world there was something wrong with the water. All water everywhere was affected, and all people were sick, and looked like they were probably slowly dying.

It was the only time I was really afraid in one of these dreams because I knew that before too many hours had passed that we were going to need to drink something, and there was no way to do that without drinking this poisoned water, and I was afraid for my son.

It appeared in that dream that we were there for about 8 hours, and then went back to the ‘normal’ other world.

As an aside, I also thought chartreuse was red. I just found out from this website that it is not.

Lee Smith

I have worked in Defence and I could relate to what you described in other articles. I’ve enjoyed your writings and I do my best to keep an open mind. I have not had experiences anything like you describe. This obviously means little about you and more about my filter onto your world.

There are some things I’m trying to understand. Of everything I’ve read from you, this one posting is the hardest for me to wrap my head around.

When you returned after a week, did your wife feel that you had been there? Had she been with a doppelgänger of you? Did your wife relay conversations you had with her while you where sliding? If so, does she (as example) remember the sick version of you?

Also, you’ve discussed varying degrees of change, some out of left field (eg. Spicy world). Most changed your describe seem to focus on your world and your mindset and potentially linked to major events (possibly for relatability for a US audience). For example, could you have been to a world where Franz Ferdinand was not shot? Or Where Russia didn’t become communist? Also, are you limited to worlds where you exist with your wife? For example, an alternate world could have cars that drive at different speed limits. This small change could significantly increase or decrease death tolls, meaning that your wife was never born in a particular world, etc. it seems that all of your worlds have identical people in different circumstances, but, the same relationships and same pets etc. why would an infinite number of universes have this constraint? Or was the constraint tied to you and your reality? If I was to experience sliding similar to your levels of variance, could I encounter a world where you don’t exist?

I appreciate you are like a fish in a stream. I’m sure you also have thought deeply about these kind of observations. I would enjoy hearing your thoughts on what I describe.

Thank you (and your outer voice) for sharing these experiences. They have been a great read!


A World Line where the Gold Standard was never abolished? A World Line where everything is spicy?

Fuck yeah, these sound like World Lines I would love to go to, or timelines I would impulsively mull over during my manic episodes.


So how would one join the domain? They seem to be the guys to work for. Upon physical death when your IS-BE leaves the body is there a way to avoid the traps that reincarnate you? Turn away from the “light” so to speak? I want to put a job application in with the domain this world no longer interests me. Is this possible in your opinion?