Assorted Influencer Driven FAQ’s Regarding this MAJestic Disclosure (part 2)

This is part two (2) continued.

Organized Government Time-Travel

Is this a thing?

What do you think about organized government plans regarding time travel?

I know nothing about the subject aside from what I have heard on the Internet. I know that time travel, as conventionally understood does not exist. 

The closest thing is (apparent) time travel, which is really dimensional travel that indexes a different state of entropy via gravitational proximity measurement (such as described by John Titor).

While it is well known and widely understood that the United States government has been involved in all kinds of highly classified and secret projects, the plausibility of one being related to time travel is actually rather low. 

The reason behind this belief is because there has to be a reason for a given project. Those involved in the projects must have [1] a quantifiable goal, with [2] specific measurables to judge the success or failure of the task.

For instance, I was in MAJestic.  My particular project fell under MAJI simply because I was involved working with extraterrestrials. 

I do not know what my management thought my role would be, aside from being lent out as I was.

I could not fathom anyone from Washington D.C. approving “dimensional anchoring” activity as directed by an extraterrestrial species.  In fact, I think it was set up with an understanding that I would be “used” by the <redacted> for some unspecified roles.  I do believe that they proceeded on the assumption that I might be hurt or changed in the process, but shrugged their shoulders and said “meh”.

That the monitoring of my engagement with them would be recorded by the ELF signals. 

My functional goal was dimensional anchoring.  The measurables were also defined.  Either the human sentience follows a normal evolutionary development, or veers off into unapproved sentience development.  It was clear. 

I have a difficult time believing that time travel would have a specific goal.  That is because if a person does not like how something turned out, they can move to a different world-line. Also, how could the success of such an action be measured?  It just cannot.

Operation Black Opera

What do you know about “Operation Black Opera”?

Nothing, aside from what I have heard on the Internet

Point One. Truthfully, If a person was involved with extraterrestrials or involved in using extraterrestrial technology, they would have a Core Kit #1 probe installation.  Everyone in the world, who deals with extraterrestrials have these probes. If they don’t have the probes, then they are just blowing smoke up your ass.

Point Two. To get the probes, you would need to be associated with the military. They would also be in the military, probably the United States Navy, and be part of MAJestic.  Even those pretty civilian girls on the base, were ON THE MILITARY BASE.

Point Three. Additionally, they would NEED to have a technical background.  That means an engineering degree at the bare minimum. Engineering degrees teach how to research, solve problems, and quickly analyze situations. These are fundamental requirements for extraterrestrial interaction.

If you are going to utilize extraterrestrial technology in any way then you will HAVE and NEED to possess a technical background; a college degree in some technical field. It would be a baccalaureate or higher in the sciences.

This should be obvious to every clear thinking and reasoning person out there.

No one is going to expose extraterrestrial contact and technology to anyone without making sure that they have the skills and knowledge to handle the knowledge.  Right?

A friend of mine bought a steak for his dog, Buddy. It was an end cut, but he wanted to give the dog something special. So he bought a $10 slab of steak.

I will never forget that day.

He showed the steak to Buddy. He sniffed it, and went CHOMP, and swallowed. It went from steak to zero in less than a second.

And Buddy is there, not knowing what's going on, begging. More, more, more...

You have to know, and understand, and show by demonstration that you are able to handle NEW, unusual, and unique experiences. It’s NOT handed out like political favors (a nod to the Obama’s), or given because you provide sexual gratification (a nod to Hollywood), or given to you because your parents are wealthy and powerful (a nod to Stanford, Yale and the rest).

That requires verifiable education. 

They are not going to hand over the keys to any technology without them [1] being implanted with ELF probes (core kit #1 at minimum) and taking [2] a military oath.

So when I read stories about people who supposedly held key leadership roles in MAJestic, and they have no demonstrable abilities, all I can do is laugh.

Uncontrollable laughter.

Discordant Sentience’s

What is a discordant sentience?

Concerning humans, the <redacted> did not want a discordant sentience to develop; (in the case of humans) the discordant sentience is a “service for self sentience” that believe that they are actually a “service for others” sentience. 

There are really three types of sentience’s that human consciousness can migrate towards. They are (plus the discordant variant)…

  • Service for others.
  • Service for another.
  • Service for oneself.
  • Discordant.

Discordant sentience’s manifest in different ways.  In short, a discordant sentience is one that will not evolve into an approved sentience archetype.

This was what was actually occurring at the time of my entry into the program.  Through the advances in technology, various individuals were convincing vast groups of people that they were “helping others” by “being selfish”.  As a result, large groups of people were getting conflicting thoughts regarding their identity.

All entities must know their identities. 

A fox knows it’s a fox.  A dog knows it’s a dog. However, humans (in larger and larger numbers) started thinking they were doing one thing when they were actually doing something else. 

Believing that you are helping people by demanding that person "X" does something to help person "Y". You believe by doing so you are helping others. You aren't. You are instead being selfish.

Thoughts create realities. 

So the resultant world-line directions were not going in associated directions. The manners that would match the thoughts with the actions were not occurring. 

This created problems in world-line direction, and altered severely the educational value of the experiences that the people would be exposed to. This is absolutely and positively unacceptable.

Examples abound.  Such as [1] having a basically kind and loving person vigorously insists that we need to tax other people to help a certain “special” segment of the population.  Alternatively, [2] that we had to fight a war, to help others who would suffer otherwise.  In both examples, the kind person believes that they did not have to do anything, just make others do the work that they think is required.  

Sentience is tied to personal physical action of the person having the thoughts. You cannot delegate responsibility or actions. It does not work that way.
The Bakers.
James Orsen Bakker (born January 2, 1940) is an American televangelist, convicted fraudster, a former Assemblies of God minister, and a former host (with his then-wife Tammy Faye Bakker) of The PTL Club, an evangelical Christian television program. An accusation of rape made by his secretary led to his resignation from the ministry. Subsequent revelations of accounting fraud brought about his imprisonment and divorce. He later remarried and returned to televangelism.

A person can be manipulated into being a discordant sentience.

This is selfish behavior on behalf of the kind person.  They did not do anything positive.  Instead they “forced”, though thought or action, another person fulfill their desires.  Their thoughts were kind, their intentions were good, but their actions were selfish. 

Those who do this possess discordant sentience’s. Ignorance has no bearing in this issue.  Thoughts create realities.

The Future Doom…

Will any of the great “fears” actually manifest in your lifetime?

No.  California will not slide into the Pacific ocean

Global warming will not melt the ice caps, nor will it cause a “snowball effect” and another global ice age.  The same was true about global cooling. Both excuses are suitable for collecting money for the easily manipulated ignorant. Humans do not have the ability to alter climate on a global basis… yet.

There will not be a global pandemic, and there will not be a pole shift that we need to worry about. 

“Mad Cow” disease will not kill too many people.

2012 will come and pass with hardly a ripple. (And there wasn’t a ripple was there?)

All these things are simply media generated fears specifically targeted to manipulate people to behave in certain ways. Usually to empty our wallets and to give the money to “others” and “experts” to use as they see fit. 

One of the reasons for the NEED to anchor mass groupings of world-line realities was because of the amplification of efforts to manipulate people though mass thought control.


Do you believe that you can teach the science of our souls to the general population?


We do not know enough about soul construction to be able to teach anything.  What I know is only trivial in substance.  What I provide here is intended to be a spark that ignites an effort to study and research the soul, and it’s construction.


Were you in the CIA?

No.  Nothing that I was involved in has anything to do with that agency.

Naval Aviator

Why do you claim to be a Naval SEAL? It sounds like you are making up stories to inflate yourself like being an American Indian like Senator Warren.

I was never a Navy SEAL.

I never applied for one, and have no idea why anyone would want to be one in the first place. My interests were always in aviation, and with the most skilled aviators, flying the most advanced aircraft. These people were (and still are) in the US Navy.

My goal and desire has always to be a “Spaceman”. You can pour through my High School transcripts, my university transcripts, and come to the same conclusion. I studied hard, hard science classes. Then you can easily see that I was in class 21-81 at AOCS at NAS, NASC Pensacola, Florida.

All of what I proclaim is verifiable. Go ahead. Look at my W-2 forms. You will see that I dropped off the grid right after joining MAJestic, and popped up at NAS China Lake where I trained. It’s all verifiable. It’s all in my jacket. Or my retirement binder. It’s in multiple places.

I’m not blowing smoke up your ass. I am in a monitoring program, and I have seen the document. It’s THICK. It’s about five times thicker than any others that I have had the chance opportunity to compare with.

If you don’t want to believe the paper-trail, you can minimize it. You can say that it’s just coincidence.

Now, people like Elizabeth Warren say and do what they do for MONEY. They use it to obtain wealth, popularity, or some other kind of physical benefit. They want fame to acquire power, and use it to obtain wealth.

Not me.

I get absolutely derive zero benefit from writing this, except to leave something behind upon my death. I do not want fame. I have other ventures that provide income, and anything that I get off this blog is really a minuscule pittance.

Come on. Be honest with yourself. Do you really think that I would derive any kind of benefit by telling others about my life?


This is what my life is…

In general, if you found paradise… you keep it to yourself.

The “Deep Dive”

Why didn’t you stay in the “great life” that manifested during the “deep dive”?

I had no control. 

I could not abort the process and the procedure. The “deep dive” was beyond my control. Besides, I really do not think that I would like it as much as I do my current life.

If there is one thing that I have learned is that there are trade-offs with everything.

The Roswell event.

What do you know about Roswell, NM and the famous UFO event?

I only know what I have read. I never had a briefing on this event, and I have no idea one way or the other about it.

Retirement as a sex offender

Is there anything that you have learned since you were arrested, imprisoned, and released from prison?

Yes. Many things.

Firstly, if I can be thrown in prison for “nothing” but a trumped up charge, anyone can. I have lived a rather unassuming and quiet life. All MAJestic members do. We are quiet and keep to ourselves as part of our training.

If “they” want you there, you will go and there isn’t a bloody thing that you can do about it. It is now your fate, as horrible as it is.

You must deal with it.

In my case, my attorney gave me a document to sign. On it was a plea bargain. I agreed to nine months in-home supervision at my Father’s house in exchange for a plea of guilty.

I believed that if an arrangement was worked out between the DA and my attorney, that that was the way things would work out. So I signed it.

Plea of Guilty = 9 months in-house detention.

But the DA fucking lied.

During sentencing, the judge held the plea agreement. He started to give me the sentence agreed to. However, the prosecuting attorney used HAND SIGNALS (a thumbs up, waving vigorously upward) to signal the judge to NOT give me the agreed to plea. As a result the judge stopped mid-sentence, and started to say one year, and the DA shook his head vigorously. Then he started to say two years. Still the DA wagged his head and shook his head. Finally, he said “Five Years” and slammed the gravel.

He gave me FIVE YEARS. Five years at hard labor for a FIRST OFFENSE. Anyone who works in the Justice Department will tell you that is is one fucking harsh sentence.

My father, who had come to the sentencing to take me home for my detention, was crestfallen and didn’t know what the fuck was going on. He couldn’t believe that our Justice system was so corrupt.

Sentenced on a Guilty Plea = Five years at Hard Labor

If they want you in prison, you will go. Even if that means that they will lie to you.

Secondly, it was terrible and uncomfortable. (Putting it mildly.) I endured Brickey’s which has the reputation in the United States for being the worst hard-labor facility in America. And yet, you know what? I survived.

If I can survive Brickey’s I can survive anything.

You can endure and survive anything, and once you get out “It’s all good”. It’s downhill, easy street for the rest of your life.

I can feel carpet on my feet. I can see and appreciate colors. I can use wall outlets and light switches. I can eat food… glorious food. I can sleep without a light over my face. I can sit on a chair with a soft cushion.

Oh FUCK, it’s all good.

Thirdly, and I know that no one is going to want to hear this, but I no longer fear the police and getting arrested.

Prison was not fun, but you adapt. What that means is that now, today, if I will need to fight someone, I will fight to KILL. I will not hold back. I will stab their eyes out. Bite their nose and swallow it. I will pick up a spoon and jab that sucker right through the temple.

I am not afraid what would happen afterwards. Big fucking deal. I get arrested. Big Deal. Big deal. Been there, done that. I dealt with the worst and survived it.

Being a murderer won’t be worse than being a sex offender felon at Brickey’s.

I know the truth in this.

I did five years Bricky hard labor on a whim, while murders got two years maximum in an “easy” prison like Malvern. I’m no longer afraid. I did the harsh time. I did the awful time.

Inter-dimensional Communication.

How can the drone pilot, and the biological artifice operate if you are on a different world-line then they are?

Outstanding question.

I do not know. I can only presuppose that they operate in a state of reality that transcends that of the physical world. To solve this quandary we must take a good hard look at the anthropic principle. Specifically, the ψ which is a measure of how thought alters our reality.

World-lines are each individually ψ-epistemic .

While the entire universe is actually ψ-ontic.

Obviously the <redacted> species has been able to derive a technology that is finer than anything available with a ψ-epistemic world-line MWI.

Confused? Check out this post for clarity…

The Nature of the Universe

The Girls

What about the girls who entered the portal with you; since you all entered at the same time, are they not the same as you and have the same mission parameters?

No.  [1] None of them were Naval Aviators.  So they did not endure the same entry qualifications as we had.

[2] They were all female, and Sebastian and myself (the only two Naval Aviator Candidates) were male.

Additionally, [3] none of them went directly through the portal on the same day that they must have been implanted (they had to be implanted, otherwise the portal would not work for them). 

[4] None of the females were at the same implantation booths during our implantation.

Finally, [5] during the SAP briefing, the person instructing us told us that we had different roles and were involved in different program, and were subject to different levels of SAP.  He specifically stated that Sebastian and myself were involved in a much more secretive program.


What are thoughts exactly?

Thoughts are what your consciousness creates. It is the only thing that a consciousness can create. It is a directed entanglement of an idea, a place, a person, or a thing.

These “creations” are how consciousness can navigate the MWI. It is how different world-lines are manifested.

The thing about thoughts is that they are generated by a number of things;

  • An individual consciousness can generate individual thoughts, and this can navigate the MWI many world-lines.
  • Other “quantum shadows”, the other “people” within your world-line also have thoughts. In fact every world-line is filled with the thoughts of all the quantum shadows that occupy the world-line.
  • Thoughts are “sticky”. They tend to associate themselves with objects, people and things.
  • They can be influenced by other thoughts. This can be nearby within the world-line, and also from adjacent world-lines that cluster near the one that is occupied.

If you are in a place, like prison for example, the thoughts of those around you will “stick” with you. And as your consciousness moves through the MWI and in and out of different world-lines, they will attract and repel other thoughts. This will create bad situations (if you were in prison), or good situations (if you were in a monastery).

It takes time for the “sticky” thoughts to fall away. That is why I strongly recommend a serious period of contemplation and a good happy environment for the person who is released from a bad situation.

Or else, they will come across a higher than usual percentage of individuals and situations similar to what they just left.

This is also true of used furniture, and other objects such a “haunted” houses, and automobile “lemons”.

Scene from the Stephen King horror movie “Christine”.

For us to be truly happy we need to carefully cultivate our thoughts.

  • Avoid negative friends, relationships and toxic people.
  • Avoid old things, clutter, and brick a brack.
  • Avoid most news.
  • Avoid movies, or music that will upset us.


Do you have any great regrets?

Yes.  I wish that I would have spent more time with my friends and family. 

When opportunities arose, I should have taken them.

I wish that I would have spent more time with my pets rather than worry about work so much. I wish that I would have spent the time to play with my dogs and cats and given them more happiness, no matter how tired and stressed I was.  I should have been a better caretaker of my pets. 

I should have been a better friend to those whom I cared for, and I should have been a better human to the strangers whom I encountered. I truly regret that I did not purpose my personal life more fully.

I was far too goal-focused, and missed out on the wonders of life as they were presented to me.

When it became clear that my first wife possessed a terminal mental illness, and that she would never get better. I should have taken the doctor’s advice and left her. It would have been better for both of us. Instead, I only endured a very painful process. I could not stop her madness. I could only delay its onslaught. The price that I paid for this postponement took a great toll on my sanity and health. It did not help her at all.

Sometimes, no matter how hard you try, and how much effort you put into something, you will fail.

When my beloved pet was dying. I should have taken him to the vet and put him to sleep. Instead, I wanted to keep him alive as long as possible. This was selfish of me, and my dear pet suffered because of it. I did things for my own selfish reasons.

I was too selfish at times, and love ones suffered.

When I was younger, and my mother was happy and singing while getting things together during Christmas, I should have allowed her to sing, and even joined her. Instead, I criticized her singing, and just pouted about, not even offering to help her in the kitchen. I was so self-absorbed.

Yes. I have regrets. All humans (aside from sociopaths) have regrets.


If you want to go to the start of this series of posts, then please click HERE.

MAJestic Related Posts – Training

These are posts and articles that revolve around how I was recruited for MAJestic and my training. Also discussed is the nature of secret programs. I really do not know why the organization was kept so secret. It really wasn’t because of any kind of military concern, and the technologies were way too involved for any kind of information transfer. The only conclusion that I can come to is that we were obligated to maintain secrecy at the behalf of our extraterrestrial benefactors.

How to tell...
How to tell -2
Top Secrets
Sales Pitch
Feducial Training
Probe Calibration - 1
Probe Calibration - 2
Leaving the USA

MAJestic Related Posts – Our Universe

These particular posts are concerned about the universe that we are all part of. Being entangled as I was, and involved in the crazy things that I was, I was given some insight. This insight wasn’t anything super special. Rather it offered me perception along with advantage. Here, I try to impart some of that knowledge through discussion.


Secrets of the universe
Alpha Centauri
Our Galaxy the Milky Way
Sirius solar system
Alpha Centauri
The fuselage embedded within the rocks of Victoria Falls.
The Hammer inside the rock.
The Hollow Moon
The Mystery of the Lapulapu Ridge.
The Mystery of the Baltic UFO.
Mystery of the bronze bell.
Mystery of the oil lamp found inside a block of coal.
Did extraterrestrials set up a colony in Pennsylvania?
The Oxia Palus Facility
Brown Dwarfs
Apollo Space Exploration
The Nature of the Universe
Type-1 Grey Extraterrestrial
The mysterious flying contraptions.

Influencer Questions

Here are posts that have gathered a series of questions from various influencers. They are interesting in many ways and could help all of us unravel the mysteries of the lives that we live.

Interview with an Influencer.
More discussions with an influencer.
Using Intention to make your life sparkle.

MAJestic Related Posts – World-Line Travel

These posts are related to “reality slides”. Other more common terms are “world-line travel”, or the MWI. What people fail to grasp is that when a person has the ability to slide into a different reality (pass into a different world-line), they are able to “touch” Heaven to some extent. Here are posts that  cover this topic.

Cat Heaven
Things I miss
How MWI allows world-line travel.
An Observed World-Line switch.
Vehicular world-line travel
Soul is not consciousness.

John Titor Related Posts

Another person, collectively known by the identity of “John Titor” claimed to utilize world-line (MWI egress) travel to collect artifacts from the past. He is an interesting subject to discuss. Here we have multiple posts in this regard.

They are;

Articles & Links

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“There will not be a global pandemic” prediction didn’t age well