Know your history. When you give up your right to self defense, and allow others the ability to take control of your life, the result is never pretty. Take heed.
A very emotional @BenLoyolaVA, born in Havana, talks about Castro’s rise, confiscation of firearms and murder of citizens in Cuba and how thankful he is that his parents were able to make it to America. — Erik Soderstrom (@soderstrom) January 7, 2020
Here are some pictures of people who obeyed their government when they were ordered to turn in their weapons; the only means of self-defense, and what happened to them. After all, what is a picture without the proper context? Who do you think I am? CNN?
When a government takes away your means for self-defense, and then kills you it is called democide. It is a well-known, extensively studied, and well-documented principle. In general, once a government disarms it’s citizenry, the likelihood of mass genocide against selected minorities within that country increase exponentially.
Democide is a term proposed by R. J. Rummel since at least 1994 who defined it as "the intentional killing of an unarmed or disarmed person by government agents acting in their authoritative capacity and pursuant to government policy or high command". According to him, this definition covers a wide range of deaths, including forced labor and concentration camp victims; killings by "unofficial" private groups; extrajudicial summary killings; and mass deaths due to the governmental acts of criminal omission and neglect, such as in deliberate famines, as well as killings by de facto governments, i.e. civil war killings. This definition covers any murder of any number of persons by any government. -Wikipedia
For the last fifty years, the mainstream American media has been on the “war path” about guns, gun control and the disarming of the American people. Every article, every incident, every excuse has been one step closer to the eventual disarmament of the American people. It is so rabid and so frenzied, that one has to wonder about their true motives.
Yes. Just WHY are they so besides themselves in having Americans disarmed?

To justify their rationale, they have used every technique at their disposal. This goes from falsified data, a re-interpretation of history and the Constitution, to radical fanatic liberals creating mass shooting events, to government sponsored false-flag events.
As a bonus, we even had notable Progressive Presidents shed a tear for the television cameras.

They often point to how happy people are when they are disarmed. They use selective examples as “proof” that a true utopia would manifest were Americans to be disarmed. They point to the success in the UK, and use Australia as examples.
I, of course, remain skeptical about all these claims. I just cannot imagine a cat being happy that you de-fanged it, and removed it’s claws. I cannot imagine that everyone in Australia feels like they are living in a wonderful sunny progressive utopia now that they are disarmed. Indeed, these is evidence to the contrary.

This cartoon shows how us “normals” feel about America today. Why in the heck would we ever feel safer when only the government has weapons? It makes absolutely no sense. And you don’t even need to crack open a history book to know the reasons why.

And, contrary to the media narrative, it appears that most New Zealanders did NOT turn in their weapons. This is in defiance and irregardless of the government proclamations.

In America, the progressive government points out the “success” of the disarming of people in the UK, in New Zealand, and in Australia. However, history clearly shows that they are the exception and not the rule.
They are the exceptions.
What they don’t do is use examples that are the RULE not the exception. Here we will do just that. Here we will look at what happens to a people when their government disarms them, and the resultant utopia that they find themselves in.

Boys and girls, let me introduce you all to the concept of “death by government”, or democide. It’s quite common throughout history. It doesn’t matter what time period, what fashions were in style, what political party was in charge, or what technology was in use. Democide is a constant that ALWAYS comes attached to all governments.
The only difference is WHEN the government decides to implement democide.
Democide is the elimination of a targeted group of people by their government. And, here’s the little secret, it is always preceded by the disarming of the general populace.

It is frighteningly common in human society. As a result there are numerous other terms that are often used. These other terms include genocide, politicide, and other forms of state-sponsored mass murder.
- Genocide is intentional action to destroy a people in whole or in part. The hybrid word “genocide” is a combination of the Greek word γένος and the Latin suffix -caedo. The term genocide was coined by Raphael Lemkin in his 1944 book Axis Rule in Occupied Europe.
- Politicide is the deliberate physical destruction or elimination of a group whose members share the main characteristic of belonging to a political movement. It is a type of political repression, and one means of the political cleansing of population, with another being forced migration. It may be compared to genocide or ethnic cleansing, which involve killing people based on membership in a racial or ethnic group rather than holding a political ideology.
The targeted group of people headed for extermination may be defined by religious, racial, political, class, cultural or other attributes.

Between 200 and 260 million people were the victims of democide in the 20th century, several times more than were killed in all those international wars that occurred during that same time period.
Democide in Turkey
The first widely studied modern democide occurred in Turkey between 1915 and 1923, when the Turkish government decided to eliminate the country’s Christian minority. This group consisted primarily of ethnic Armenians and Greeks. These people were long duration citizens of Turkey, and had roots extending back to before the Islamic conquest.

In Turkey, “reasonable” gun control laws enacted in 1911 permitted the democide of two million Turkish Christians. It wasn’t long after either.
Of course, it was “for the children” and to create a more “prosperous” and “perfect” utopia. It was by a “stroke of a pen.” And suddenly article 166 in the Penal Code was the law of the land.
Then for three and a half years, the police went door to door collecting the weapons, and arresting those for non-compliance. You can well imagine what it was like. In the early morning, all day, going into late at night, a collection of armed police came to your door. They entered, and asked for you to hand your guns over. Then they searched your house to make sure that you weren’t hiding anything.
They did this for three and a half years.
Expert Tip – Never hand in your weapons to the government.
Four years after the bill became law, the disarmed Christians were all collected and rounded up by armed militia, soldiers and local police forces. They were collected in the schools, town centers, and formed into groups.
Then they were either killed outright, or sent on death marches into the hot barren desert.

Two million Christians were murdered on forced marches into deserts without water or food. They were not told where they were going, when any one asked questions, they were beaten up, and then killed. The guards, of course, had food and water. But not the collected (and demonized) unarmed Christians.
Oh, you can well understand that many of the menfolk being marched off to die of thirst and starvation just wished that they still possessed their shotgun, long rifle or pistol. Heck! They would have been happy to just have a bayonet. But it was too late. Once disarmed, they were immediately earmarked to termination.

For just under a decade, the anti-gun legislation was enforced. Unarmed, with no legal recourse, the Christians were demonized. They became shunned, and two sets of laws were enacted. One for the Muslim majority and another for the Christian minority.
Over time, it became harder to go out in public, and attacks and beatings against Christians became common place. The police turned a “blind eye” to the events, and the Armenians held out for hope. A hope that some day, some how, things would go back to “normal”.
It didn’t.
Once the progressive Marxist philosophy of an “improved” utopia could be implemented, it’s all down-hill from there. No wishing, no hoping, and no political connections will save you.

Of course, there were “hold outs”.
These were Christians who lived in isolated towns and rural areas. They still clutched their guns (today the popular term is “bitter clingers“, a term popularized by Hillary Clinton), and resisted the forced collection of their countryman.
They too, falsely hoped that they could “ride out” the “new utopia”, a Marxist Muslim nation, purged free of the dirty Christian influence. But they were wrong. The only thing that they could do was delay their collection and eventual death. They delayed their fate, but for what? Eventual assimilation? Escape via immigration to a neighboring nation?
Today, we would refer to them as “preppers“.

People! You can never win a war fought on the defense. You cannot hunker down and hide and hope to “ride things out” until a point in time when “society comes back to it’s senses”. You just cannot.
Today, Turkey is 99.9% Muslim. Where are all those preppers and their families now?

Christianity in Turkey has had a long history dating back to the 1st-century AD. In modern times the percentage of Christians in Turkey has declined from 20-25 percent in 1914 to 3-5.5 percent in 1927, to 0.3-0.4% today roughly translating to 200,000-320,000 devotees. This was due to events which had a significant impact on the country's demographic structure, such as the First World War, the genocide of Syriacs, Assyrian, Greeks, Armenians, and Chaldeans the population exchange between Greece and Turkey, and the emigration of Christians to foreign countries that actually began in the late 19th century and gained pace in the first quarter of the 20th century, especially during World War I. Today there are more than 200,000-320,000 people of different Christian denominations, representing roughly 0,3-0.4 percent of Turkey's population, including an estimated 80,000 Oriental Orthodox, 35,000 Catholics, 18,000 Antiochian Greeks, 5,000 Greek Orthodox and 8,000 Protestants. There is also a small group of ethnic Orthodox-Christian Turks who follow the Greek Orthodox or Syriac Orthodox church and additionally Protestant Turks who still face difficulties regarding social acceptance and also historic claims to churches or property in the country because they are from recent converts from Muslim Turkish backgrounds. Ethnically Turkish Protestants number around 7,000-8,000. Currently there are 236 churches open for worship in Turkey. The Eastern Orthodox Church has been headquartered in Constantinople since the 4th century. -Wikipedia
This democide occurred in view of Western reporters, who took photographs and posted contemporary wire reports. The fact that the democide was known outside Turkey did not deter the Turkish leaders. They did not care.

They knew that no one would dare risk a war to save a Christian minority. For they were surrounded by fellow Muslim nations.
Democide, as the name implies, does not happen in the dark of night without any awareness of it in the country where it occurs. It happens in the bright sunny daylight. And, everyone knows it is going on, and sits by and watches.

They collected the people in large groups in the public open spaces in towns and cities. Then as a group they walked and marched them to collection points and staging areas.
Expert Tip – Avoid large groups of people and crowds.
The Turks knew fully well that the Christians were being mass murdered. In fact they even have a name for it. The Turkish Genocide is often referred to as the “Armenian Genocide”.
The Armenian Genocide, as it has become known, was also widely known outside Turkey. This was the absolute elimination of Christians by the Turkish government. History has shown and proven that the majority Shiite Muslim population supported (or at least passively tolerated) the democide.

Indeed, it was impossible to miss the sight of thousands of Christians at a time being rounded up and force-marched through towns and into the burning deserts on one-way trips. Not to mention all the young nude Christian women nailed to the crosses at the side of the major roads and highways. You just couldn’t miss all the atrocities. It was everywhere.
Seriously. How you not notice something like this at the side of the highway…?

The movie did not however depict the gruesome killing as even for today’s desensitized world of Internet gore , the gruesome murder of these young girls by Muslim soldiers will make any die hard gore viewer turn away in appalling disgust. The actual narrative goes that these young girls after suffering the most debased form of sexual torture and rape at the hands of Turkish Muslim soldiers where later impaled on a cross and a spike driven into their private parts. Death came slowly but painfully with the Muslim soldiers gleefully laughing at them.
Stalin and Hitler both noticed the lack of world reaction to the democide of Turkish Christians and planned accordingly. For they realized then, that NO NATION would get involved in what they were doing to their very own people. And this, boys and girls, this lack of national intervention is what fed the fires to much greater acts of genocide elsewhere in the progressive 20th century.
The Armenian genocide happened four years after full gun confiscation by the government.
Women and babies were raped. Men were tortured and killed. Everyone eventually died long, slow horrible deaths. It all happened shortly after they were disarmed by the government.

One of the people who paid close attention to what was going on in Turkey was Joseph Stalin.
Russian Democide
It's very difficult to keep up with Stalin. He operated numerous genocides against numerous (and very large) groups of people. It's hard how he kept track of all the wars on civilians that he propagated. But one thing is constant. He disarmed every single group right before he sent troops to slaughter them.
Most Americans, minus the progressive liberals (of course), know the comic-book outline of Russian Communism.

In the Soviet Union, Stalin’s henchmen purged millions of “kulaks” (farmers deemed to have too much wealth), intellectuals, businessmen, and anyone who had ever traveled outside the USSR or even had had contact with foreigners.
One day in the summer of 1933, in a village in Ukraine, then part of the Soviet Union, a little boy woke on top of the family stove. He was starving—not just hungry but genuinely starving. ‘Dad, I want to eat! Dad!’ he cried. But the house was cold and from his father there came no answer. The boy went over to his father, who was apparently still asleep. There was ‘foam under his nose’, he remembered. ‘I touched his head. Cold.’ A little later, a cart arrived laden with bodies ‘lying like sheaves’. Two men came into the house, lifted his father’s body into a sack and threw it onto the cart. Then they were gone. The boy left home after that. He wandered the empty fields, sleeping in stables, scrabbling for grains, ‘swollen and ragged’. But somehow he survived. Some four million of his fellow Ukrainians were not so lucky. The famine that struck Ukraine in late 1932 and 1933 was one of the most lethal catastrophes in European history. In the West, it is nowhere near as well-known as it should be. In Ukraine itself, however, the Holodmor—literally, ‘hunger extermination’—is often seen as a gigantic, man-made operation to murder millions of people. -Darkmoon
Mass murder of targeted regions, groups of people, or occupations were a favorite “hobby” of his.
For instance, Operation Vesna, which mainly was targeted to destroy strong Lithuanian farmers’ families, was implemented in the end of May- when all farmers’ works in the field were finished, (it means- colonists newcomers from Russia will get already prepared land) but it will be too late for deported Lithuanian farmers to garden anything in new, more northern regions, where they were sent.
Destinations for Lithuanians sent in operation Vesna- Krasnoyarsk Krai, Irkutsk Oblast, Buryat–Mongol ASSR Soviet deportations from Lithuania was a series of 35 mass deportations carried out in the Lithuanian SSR, an occupied republic (in 1940) of the Soviet Union, in 1941 and 1945–1952.

At least 130,000 people, 70% of them women and children, were forcibly transported to labor camps and other forced settlements in remote parts of the Soviet Union, particularly in the Irkutsk Oblast and Krasnoyarsk Krai. These deportations do not include Lithuanian partisans or political prisoners (approximately 150,000 people) deported to Gulags (labour / concentration camps, prisons)
A short list of known victims- lithuanians,- victims of Soviet genocidal actions.
The easiest way to kill off a people is to send them off to an isolated and barren area, and let them starve. This is what the Muslims did to the Christian Armenians, and what Stalin did to the Ukrainians.
A few people in the queue started crying. ‘Some are getting too sentimental around here,’ the shopkeeper said threateningly. ‘It is easy to spot enemies of the people.’ In another village, a little boy teased other children with jam and a loaf of bread that his family had managed to obtain. The other children began throwing stones at him; they only stopped when he was dead. Sometimes families turned on themselves. One man was so enraged by the sound of his children crying for food that he smothered his baby in its cradle and killed two other children by smashing their heads against a wall. In the province of Vinnytsia, a farmer tried to suffocate his starving children by lighting a fire and blocking the chimney. When they screamed for help, he strangled them with his bare hands. -Darkmoon

All of this is well documented.
It’s one of the things that Marxist love to do. They document, in detail, their victims and their actions. They use interviews, records, and photographs as part of their documentation efforts.
Expert Tip – When you hear that people are going to “police” interviews for information collection, then you know that genocide is in process.
Stalin’s international socialists deported their “class enemies” to Siberia, where they were put to work in Gulag slave-labor camps, with years of torture through cold, malnutrition and brutal working conditions preceding the release of eventual death.
The Ukrainians were too uppity, too different. They insisted on speaking their own language; their peasants were too conservative, holding onto their village traditions; they were insufficiently enthusiastic about the bright new Marxist future their Kremlin masters promised to build. And then, at the end of the Twenties, came disaster. Determined to consolidate his rule after succeeding Lenin at the top of the Communist system, and increasingly impatient to break peasant resistance and move towards Utopia, Stalin ordered the collectivisation of the entire Soviet countryside. The word ‘collectivisation’ sounds technical, a little dry, even boring. But the human consequences were profound and dramatic. The principle was simple. Richer, more successful peasants had to be ‘liquidated’, by starvation, murder or exile. The rest would be herded into vast state-run farms where they would toil ceaselessly for the greater Soviet good, instead of for private profit. -Darkmoon
Stalin also devised another means of democide when he ordered the forced starvation of the Ukrainians, and five million more innocent victims were added to his totals.

This assault occurred in the context of a campaign of intimidation and arrests of Ukrainian intellectuals, writers, artists, religious leaders, and political cadres, who were seen as a threat to Soviet ideological and state-building aspirations. The Ukrainian peasants were given impossible high quotas of the amount of grain to submit to the Soviet state. Special teams were sent in to search homes and confiscate all produce to the last grain. A particularly brutal law called “5 ears of grain law” was passed, following which starving Ukrainians were shot on the spot for gathering grain that remained on the field after the harvest. As a result, at least four million people starved to death in Ukraine. At the height of the Holodomor, 28,000 people were dying per day. This number does not include the ethnic Ukrainians outside the Ukrainians SSR who died, the half million people deported from Ukraine during collectivization or the thousands of religious, cultural and political leaders who were destroyed. The USSR attempted to cover up the Holodomor, and Russia continues to deny or diminish it to the very day.
There is no question that he was brutal about it. But, what exactly enabled him to subdue such a populous nation, filled with prideful and serious people armed with weapons? And make no mistake, the DID possess weapons. Many had shotguns, and long rifles. Maybe they weren’t as modern as the sub-machine guns and military rifles that Stalin equipped his policing forces with, but they were effective defensive weapons.

This is what enabled him to do what he did. He disarmed the population. In 1929, he passed the full-on anti-gun legislation called code 182 of the Penal Code.
Expert Tip – Collect, store, and hide all firearms and weapons. Tell no one their location. Especially your children.
Once it was passed, the citizens were instructed to turn in their firearms, or face the “ultimate” consequences. The vast bulk of the population obeyed. Shortly afterwards, Stalin started to “cleanse” the nation. He loaded them up into train cars and shipped them far away from their homelands. Much like the American government did to the native American Indians two centuries ago.

He did this by gathering them up and shipping them to staging areas where they could be “processed”.
Expert tip- Do not board the railroad car.
The German-Russian Genocide: Remembrance in the 21st Century. Between 1930 and the beginning of 1937, the Russian Germans lost approximately 300,000 to 350,000 members, one-fourth of their entire group—one out of every four was therefore exterminated through deliberate starvation, deportation, or shooting. - Germans from Russia Heritage Collection
- Soviet genocides. Whole Yagnob nation (15,000) deported
- Communist crimes. Jewish operation. JAF. Night of the Murdered Poets
- Soviet Genocides. January deportation. 2,195 Lithuanians deported to Krasnoyarsk krai
- Soviet genocides. Operation “Osen”. 16,150 Lithuanians deported to Krasnoyarsk
- Soviet genocides. September Operation. 3,087 Lithuanians deported to Irkutsk oblast
- Communist crimes: Operation “North” started in USSR. 8576 deported
- Soviet genocide operations. Decree Nr. 1290-467cc. Bessarabia. Moldova. 35,050 Moldova Romanians deported
- Soviet Genocide against non- russians. April Deportation. 3,090 Lithuanians deported to Irkutsk oblast
- Acts of genocide: 94779 Estonians, Latvians and Lithuanians, labeled as enemies of the people, were deported
- USSR communist crimes against civilians. Operation “West”(“Zahid”). More than 76,000 West-Ukraine nationals deported
- Operation Vistula. 141,000 Ukrainians deported
- Soviet genocide operations against non-russians. July deportation. 6,320 Lithuanians deported
- Communist acts of genocide: Deportation of Crimean Tatars. 228,543 deported
- The decision of deportation of Crimean Tatars
- Soviet genocides. Balkar operation. 37,713 persons deported
- Khaibakh massacre
- Genocides against non-russians. Operation Lentil, Chechnya / Ichkeria
- Koniuchy massacre
- Genocide actions against non-russians. 91,900 Kalmyks deported
- Soviet genocide. Karachai deportations en masse. 71,869 Karachais deported
- Medvedev Forest massacre
- Lithuania. Lithuanian Activist Front declares independence from USSR

Yeah, all those links are for genocides that took place in 1941, and it’s only about 20% down the list. To see the exhaustive list go HERE.
Once the Russian populace was disarmed in 1929, a policy of two decades of forced genocide was inflicted on targeted people, minorities, and classes of people.
The formula is a simple one. Disarm a section of the population. Then, use the military to round them up. Then take them to “safe areas”, where they can be utilized as you desire.
“Safe Areas” like this one…

Even now, in an age when we are regularly assailed by images of horror and suffering, the details of the Holodmor are heartbreaking. Starving children, mass graves, vigilantes, even cannibalism: the famine saw human nature stripped to the bone.
‘I was so frightened by what had happened that I could not talk for several days,’ recalled one woman who escaped after her emaciated body was mistakenly thrown into a mass grave. ‘I saw dead bodies in my dreams. And I screamed a lot.’
Expert Tip – Genocide happens over an extended period of time. It might start after the citizenry is disarmed, or it might be delayed by a few years. In any event, expect a long-duration event; often many decades in duration.
German Democide
The German genocidal events are well known to most Americans over the age of 40. Not so well known to the younger generations. The Nazi Germans "purged" the German society of "undesirables" which included just about EVERYONE except the "chosen" Arian race.

In Germany, the “commonsense” 1928 gun control laws of the Weimar Republic preceded Hitler’s Holocaust by a decade. The Weimar politicians did not intend for their gun control laws to lead to the slaughter of millions of people, but it is an historical fact that those gun control laws permitted the Nazis to carry out their Holocaust.
How? By making it economically and militarily feasible to round up and mass murder entire towns without any significant resistance.

In Germany and Nazi-occupied Europe, Hitler proceeded with his own “final solution to the Jewish problem.” Where the German national socialists simply eliminated Jews as quickly as possible in mass graves and gas chambers.

The Holocaust, the Nazi-German annihilation of European Jewry during World War II (1939–1945), is unarguably one of the most destructive and murderous events in the history of human civilization. However, over the last 70 years, genocides and mass killing events have continued to occur and they are not diminishing in frequency. Bosnia, Rwanda, Darfur, Burundi, Syria, and Myanmar have all experienced large-scale murder operations in the last 25 years, some of which may have been preventable. Developing a deeper understanding of genocides and mass killing events, including their causes, common characteristics, predictability, and mitigation, is thus considered by some as “the most important goal of social science”. In this respect, lessons learned from the Holocaust continue to play a vital role, and the topic remains as timely as ever. -Science Advances
Once, the citizenry were disarmed, specific groups were demonized and targeted by a technique known as Symbolization. As an American, you might be aware of this technique. It is one where people are considered to be “deplorable”, have “white privilege”, are a “bitter clinger”, live in “fly-over country” and are considered to be “throw-backs”, racists, and Nazi’s.

Here’s an example of modern contemporaneous symbolization used by the progressive negro-American community;

Average Germans were fully aware of what was happening to the Jews between 1938 and 1945, and a large majority either actively supported or at least tolerated it. (I strongly recommend reading Hitler’s Willing Executioners: Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust, by Daniel Goldhagen, to fully appreciate the wholehearted German support for the Jewish democide.)
Expert Tip – When others claim that you have “white privilege”, they are setting you (and others like you) for genocide. It is a well documented process known as Genocidal Symbolization.

In fact, the Nazis quickly learned that they needed only a hundred ordinary military policemen to exterminate towns of a thousand Polish Jews in a single day. All you need is to disarm them, and send in a few truck loads of armed military men with police badges.
Contrast that fact with the Warsaw Ghetto uprising. If the Jews had not first been disarmed, using previous gun registration lists as a map for confiscation, the Holocaust would not have been possible.
The National Firearms & Weapons Law of 1928 precipitated the disarming of the German people. Once disarmed, they were collected, rounded up and killed in “safety zones”, “labor farms” and other similar locations. This action is known as “The Holocaust “.
- German forces began the deportation of 440,000 Jews from Hungary in one month. Most of them killed
- The first mass execution in Aushwitz with Zyklon B

Chinese Democide
In Communist China seventy million people were the victims of democide, murdered by overwork in slave-labor camps, by direct execution, and by regional forced starvation.
First came Penal Code 186-7, Article 9. Then the disarming. Finally the collection, and “processing”. Here, let this meme instruct you as to what “processing” means…

Expert Tip – If you need more examples than this to show that there is a connection between disarming a population and killing them, then you are an idiot. The genocide is designed for YOU.
Democide is very common.
On April 5, 1992 war breaks out between on the one side Muslims and Bosnian Croats, who back independence from Yugoslavia, and on the other Bosnian Serbs. Bosnian Serb troops, armed by the Belgrade-controlled federal Yugoslav army, lay siege to the Bosnian capital and by May control two-thirds of the country. — From April to August more than 6,000 people, mostly Muslims, are shut into detention camps at Omarska, Keraterm and Trnopolje, known as the “triangle of horror” from which many detainees never reappear. In August, the first images of skeletal prisoners in these camps awaken the world to the campaign of ethnic cleaning carried out by Serb forces in Bosnia. - Bosnia: from outbreak of war to Dayton peace accords
In the Soviet Union and in every other case, democide was preceded by “reasonable and commonsense” firearms registration. It was then followed eventually by gun confiscation and then ultimately by the extermination of a despised minority population.

Oh, it’s not just Russia, Germany and China that have been involved in genocide. Millions more were victims of democide in Pakistan, Cambodia, Rwanda, North Korea, and many other countries.

Here is the real reason why many American gun owners will NEVER turn in their weapons to the Government;

Plus, of course, we paid attention during history class.

It’s a New Progressive Global Reality!
Today, we sometimes hear that the Second Amendment has outlived its usefulness, that it is a relic of our barbaric past and is no longer needed in the modern era. We are told that it is obsolete. That it is out-moded. That it is a relic. That we don’t need it in our modern progressive society.

Horrific mass shootings by deranged individuals are cited as the primary reason for Americans to surrender their weapons. Not just their most effective firearms, but ALL their weapons, and rely solely on a state monopoly of a domestic police force for their protection.

We are told that the true and actual just protection must originate from the government, and ONLY from the government. That we should trust the government, and allow them into our homes, into our lives and trust them. For they would only and absolutely work in our sole best interests.
This government-dependent attitude is shortsighted, historically ignorant, and extremely dangerous.

In each of the cases cited above, a necessary preliminary step on the road to democide was the confiscation of privately owned firearms. Nothing happens of significance until the people are disarmed. The risks to the police forces, and their political masters are far too great.

And people, make no mistake on what happens when people are disarmed…
As millions began to die, human feeling perished with them. In one of countless dreadful anecdotes, Applebaum describes how a 15-year-old farm girl was begging beside the queue outside a Communist-run bread shop. As each person passed, the girl asked for crumbs. Finally, she asked the shopkeeper, who shouted at her and hit her so she fell to the ground. ‘Get up!’ the shopkeeper said, kicking her. ‘Go home and get to work!’ But she did not move; she was dead. -Darkmoon
During the past two centuries, while America has avoided tyranny, Turkey, Germany, Russia and the other nations mentioned above haven’t. They embraced it.
Tyranny, coming soon to your home, and into your living rooms.

These other nations have spasmodically lurched between monarchs, democratically elected leaders, and often quite popular dictators. Each time, allowing them frequent opportunities to commit democide against their unwanted minorities.
To me, it seems that the kind of personality that a person has who wants to rule, who wants to be in politics, and who loves the fame and power is exactly the same kind of personality that would conduct genocide in his country.

The situation is fundamentally different in America, because we have a centuries-old tradition of private firearms ownership guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the Constitution. At least up until President Wilson became president and started to rewrite the Constitution in his perverted image of a modern progressive utopia.
The Second Amendment does not “grant” us this right; it puts into writing our God-given natural right to effective self-defense, including armed defense against tyranny.

Just as a refresher…
THE Conventions of a number of the States, having at the time of their adopting the Constitution, expressed a desire, in order to prevent misconstruction or abuse of its powers, that further declaratory and restrictive clauses should be added: And as extending the ground of public confidence in the Government, will best ensure the beneficent ends of its institution. -Preamble to the Bill of Rights
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. -The Second Amendment
People, when talking about the second amendment, you should ALWAYS associate it with the preamble to the Bill of Rights. For it clearly states that the amendments are there to prevent the abuse of Constitutional powers by the government.
Republic vs a Democracy
“Pure democracy” has been described as two wolves and a sheep voting on their dinner plans. The two wolves might see this election as an expression of their highest democratic values, but for the outnumbered sheep, pure democracy is highly problematic.

On the other hand, a republic has been described as two wolves and a well-armed sheep voting on dinner plans. The well-armed sheep can veto the outcome of the dinner election simply by brandishing its firearm.
About all she has left is her name, which she prefers to keep to herself, and the shocking memories of last July. That's when Serbian troops stormed the northwest Bosnian village of Rizvanovici, and S., a 20-year-old Muslim woman with a ponytail, was rounded up with 400 other women in the yard of a neighbor's house. Two soldiers, wearing camouflage uniforms and Serbian crosses around their necks, picked S. and her friend I. out of the crowd. "They brought us to an empty house and there they did what they wanted to do," says S. dully. "First we had to excite them and then we had to satisfy them." Afterward the Serbs traded partners. The girls had been virgins. "They were laughing at us," S. recalls. "They said we were pretty girls and [that] we saved ourselves for them." Her ordeal didn't end there. After being raped and dumped at the yard, one of the soldiers came back to bring S. to his commander. "He told me to take off my clothes and to lie down on the bed," she says. "Then he did the same thing. He started to kiss and to caress me. He saw that I didn't feel anything. I looked into his eyes and asked him if he had a wife. He said no. I asked him if he had a sister. He said he had one. Then I said, 'How would your sister feel if somebody did the same thing to her that you are doing to me?' Then he jumped up and told me to get dressed and leave." S., who now lives in a refugee center in northern Croatia, is a survivor of what may be the most sadistic violence to haunt Europe since the Nazi campaigns: "ethnic cleansing." Now, on top of documented cases of systematic torture and murder in Bosnia, come charges of a new Serb atrocity-mass rape. No one knows how many victims there are, though estimates range from 30,000 to 50,000 women, most of them Muslim. In the last few months, a torrent of wrenching first-person testimonies from refugees has emerged, suggesting widespread sexual abuse by Serb forces. They tell of repeated rapes of girls as young as 6 and 7; violations by neighbors and strangers alike; gang rapes so brutal their victims die; rape camps where Serbs routinely abused and murdered Muslim and Croat women; rapes of young girls performed in front of fathers, mothers, siblings and children; rapes committed explicitly to impregnate Muslim women and hold them captive until they give birth to wanted Serbian babies. -Newsweek
You do not want to be an unarmed sheep.
“On December 14, we marched from the city to the banks of the Yangtze River … all we could see on the river’s 2,000 or more meter-wide surface was the bodies of men, women, and children, slowly floating like rafts. Looking upriver, more corpses, like mountains, moved toward us in what seemed an endless stream. There must have been at least 50,000. The Yangtze River had become a river of corpses.” This account was given by Japanese veteran Akahoshi Yoshio, from Weeping Yangtze River, a memoir collection by veterans published in Japan. “In the square about 100 people sat, hands tied behind their backs. In front of them were two freshly dug pits, about five meters square and three meters deep… the soldiers carrying out the executions appeared agitated, their faces manically contorted.” Former military correspondent Sato Shinju so recounted in his book March as Military Correspondent. -The Rape of Nanking, China Today
The sheep has inherent rights as a sovereign individual, including the right to self-defense, a right that cannot be stripped away by a simple majority vote.

Progressive Presidents in America
So, when a democratically elected American president speaks of “fundamentally transforming” his country, and of his need to act outside the constitutional framework, the population should be on guard.

When that leader begins to push for strict new “commonsense and reasonable” gun control laws, including national firearms registration in the name of “public safety,” the citizenry should be on high alert.

Once captured, they can be raped repeatedly, and then sold off as slaves for sex and housework as needed. “Abou Jihad: “350 dollars for the Yazidi girl in Mosul if you want.” was the going rate as of 2014. Two years later, when Donald Trump become president, and the ISIS lost their funding, support and intelligence from the Obama Administration, the ISIS organization collapsed. Need less to say, the progressive liberals view ISIS activity in Syria to be a “dry run” for what is in store for the United States.
Most men are killed. This is the historical norm. As is the systematic rape of women.
Serbian military policy has mandated the systematic gang-rape of Muslim and Croatian women and girls, their imprisonment in schools, factories, motels, arenas and concentration camps for ongoing serial rape, rape followed by murder, sexual torture and sexual slavery. In addition to the estimated 90 concentration camps set up throughout Bosnia, there are more than 20 rape/death camps. Some hold 15 to 25 women and look like brothels; others hold more than 1,000. More than 7,000 women were held as prisoners in a Serbian-run prison-brothel near Brcko in northern Bosnia, and Muslim women are reportedly held in sexual slavery in the Sarajevo suburb of Grbavica. Young girls just reaching puberty appear to be specially designated targets for gang-rape. -LA Times
The plight of the women and children was often years of rape, sexual slavery and a life of servitude. Eventually leading to death.
- Bosnia War Crimes: ‘The rapes went on day and night“
- Rape during the Bosnian War – Wikipedia
- Bosnia’s victims 20 years on: survivors of a nightmare
- Court fees and fear: Bosnia war rape victims struggle
- Bosnian Serbs jailed for rape and sexual slavery – Telegraph
- Bloodthirsty “Heroines” of Croatian army: They raped
- Bosnian ‘Rape Camp’ Survivors Testify

Can any glib politician, pundit or ivory tower academic give us an ironclad guarantee that tyranny will never arise in the United States? Can they? And even if they promised with their hand on their heart, with tears in their eyes, would we… should we… believe them?

Not even a popular tyranny, like those of Ataturk, Stalin, Hitler or Mao? Can anyone assure us that today’s “commonsense” gun registration lists will not be used for future gun confiscation? Of course not.

Gun Toting Citizens
The future may be unknowable, but history is well understood, and American gun owners know and understand the history of democide in the 20th century.
That is why they will never accede to what is currently portrayed in the predominantly left-wing mainstream media as “commonsense and reasonable” new gun control laws. There is NO SUCH THING as reasonable “gun control”. Disarming a person, a family, a people, is an affront to everything that a human being stands for. Do not allow it to happen to you.

While American gun owners lament and regret the inescapable fact that deranged individuals in a free country may on rare occasions murder a dozen or a score of unarmed victims, they also understand that government democide murders by the million.
It’s always wholesale slaughter of a hated group of unarmed civilians. What ever you do, do not allow yourself to get caught up in conflicts related to this.
And in every case, tyrants can conduct these democides only after disarming their unwanted minorities, rendering them helpless to resist murderous government pogroms.
...But there does seem to be a widespread pattern of on-the-ground commanders encouraging-or even ordering-their men to rape. The testimonies of so many victims and witnesses, and of some captured Serb perpetrators, have a consistency that cannot be accidental. "It's hard to believe that all these Serbian men, no matter how animalistic you think human nature is, would suddenly get it in their heads to find a 7-year-old girl and rape her," says the lead State Department researcher. Rape is an integral part of ethnic cleansing, of eradicating entire areas of their historic Muslim populations through brutal intimidation, expulsion and outright murder. In such Bosnian towns as Brcko, Bjeljina, Kljuc, Sanski Most, Prijedor, Kotor Varos, Zvornik, leading citizens-anyone who owned a business, participated in the Party of Democratic Action, held a university degree-were hunted down and liquidated. The rest of the male population was packed off to prison camps. Rape clearly was the coup de grace delivered to tens of mortally wounded towns, a way of ensuring that women would never want to return to their homes. For 12-year-old Vasvija, the terror began after she was evicted from her village of Jelec in August. During her first night in Partizan Hall, a Serb-run detention camp in the nearby eastern Bosnian town of Foca, two soldiers picked her from among the 70 detainees, all women, children and elderly civilians. "They brought me to a flat, an empty flat," she says, a single tear running down an otherwise passive face. "They raped me." Both soldiers? "Both." Over nine consecutive nights, Vasvija endured the same hideous treatment at the hands of different men. Once she was taken out with her mother and another inmate. They were all raped by the same Serbian soldier. Exchanged on Sept. 17 for Serb prisoners, Vasvija, her siblings and her mother now live in a refugee center near Sarajevo. No one has heard from her father, who was beaten and dragged off to a different prison camp when the Serbs overran Jelec. -Newsweek
All the unarmed civilians could do was hide, surrender, or run. (As a kind reminder, please take note. The civilian population were disarmed within a year of the Bosnian genocide. Once disarmed, there was nothing preventing the military and militia to do with the civilian population as they wished.)
American gun owners will never permit this historical pattern to be repeated in their country, because they understand that the government’s heavy hand will be kept in check only as long as they are armed.

Ask yourself: Were the Armenians, the Jews or the kulaks treated better, or worse, after they were disarmed and rendered helpless by their oppressors, who thereafter held an absolute government monopoly on armed violence?
The answer is too obvious to require elaboration.

Low Information Citizens – Sheep
Naive utopians and other “low-information voters” might not understand the historical pattern, and we don’t expect them to bother to learn it. We no longer care about others think. The situation in the United States has become way too dire, and the situation is approaching survival-level seriousness.
The RINO and Washington DC folk, and the Marxists that saturate every governmental and corporate entity in the United States have absolutely no idea what kind of a shit storm will occur if they keep pushing forward on their progressive dream of disarming the “deplorables” in the hinterlands.
We know what happens. We study history.

As recently as ten years ago, the ISIS would employ foot soldiers to go house by house, room by room to collect the civilians for the ISIS to do with them as they pleased. And, they DID do what they pleased. This is what happens in every war, and most especially in every genocide.
...military leaders of the Bosnian Serbs-with low ranking henchmen like Borislav Herak. A 21-year-old Serb laborer from Sarajevo, Herak admits to raping seven Muslim women and to killing two of his victims in addition to the 18 murders to which he has already confessed. "We were ordered to rape so that our morale would be higher," he says from a military prison in the Bosnian capital. "We were told we would fight better if we raped the women." He claims that he and fellow soldiers frequented the Sonja Cafe-one of several alleged "rape camps" outside Sarajevo-which maintained a population of 70 Muslim women and girls; those who were killed were quickly replaced. Entire villages, such as Miljevina in eastern Bosnia, may have been converted to rape camps. About 100 people, "all young Muslim women and girls, were raped," says a 20-year-old named Aida. Her attacker was Dragan J., a Serb policeman and neighbor, who excused his behavior, she says, on the ground that "'It is war, you can't resist, there is no law and order'." Rasema, a 33-year-old mother, offers a similar account. She claims that her assailants raped her in front of her two girls. When she resisted, they threatened, "We will cut out your teeth! Do you want us to slaughter your children, to watch us cutting them into pieces, piece after piece?" In his own defense, one attacker told Rasema, "I have to do it, otherwise they will kill me." -Newsweek
They would search out specific people and took special note to those which might be armed, or have a high risk of opposition. They would use lists obtained, compiled and given to them by local people friendly to their cause.
Usually educated people, business leaders, outspoken independent people, and people who were the victim of petty grudges would be on the list. There would be other, of course. People with a NRA sticker on their car, people who drive pickup trucks. Those whom wear MAGA hats. Those whom eat pork.
Imagine what the list would look like if a feminist millennial were to compile the list of everyone in the local town where she lived. Who would be on it? Would you?

Two young Serb deserters, Slobodan Panic and Cvijetin Maksimovic, now being held in a prison in Orasje, Bosnia, told NEWSWEEK they were ordered to rape and murder for the amusement of their commander in Brcko, in northeastern Bosnia, last May. Panic says he balked when two battered women, each about 18, were brought to him in a room in a warehouse where 500 to 600 civilians were imprisoned. Serb soldiers "Said they'd kill me if I didn't" rape them, he recalls, insisting that he "only did a little" to his screaming victims, not consummating the act. Three other women were dragged out for the same humiliating display. During these episodes, Panic says, soldiers stood around in a circle and laughed. Then they hauled two badly beaten Muslim prisoners before Panic and handed him a gun. "I said, 'I can't, they've never done anything to me'," he remembers. "'You have to or else we'll kill you'," Panic says he was told. He shot each man in the chest. Two more male prisoners appeared. A soldier handed Panic a knife. "Butcher them," he commanded. When Panic protested, the soldier replied, "I'll show you how it's done." Then, holding Panic's hand around the knife handle, he seized the man by the hair, jerked back his head and cut his throat. Death, at least, brings an end to suffering. Rape victims who became pregnant relive their horror every day. Sofija, a 30-year-old Muslim, was released from a school turned prison camp in the village of Parzevic in mid-September, after being raped every night for six months by five or six different Serb soldiers. Now she is hiding from her family in a cold Sarajevan hospital, tormented by the thought of the unwanted child growing inside her. "I do not want to see the baby," the mother of two says without emotion. "I will not feed it. I do not want anything to do with it." Her roommate says that Sofija talks in her sleep every night, debating whether to kill the baby when it arrives in mid-January. Somewhere in Sarajevo are 12 other pregnant women and girls from the same village as Sofija who were similarly raped and held until long past the time for a safe abortion. Earlier release doesn't guarantee relief: a 1978 Yugoslav law allows gynecologists to perform abortions only up to the 10th week of pregnancy; thereafter, cases are referred to a hospital ethics commission which, in Roman Catholic Croatia, home to 400,000 Bosnian refugees, may be more inclined to put the babies up for adoption. Rape is the ultimate act in the Serbs' program of annihilation. They have robbed countless civilians of their possessions, their land, their lives and their dignity. Bosnia will be haunted by hundreds, if not thousands, of Serbian children forced on unwilling Muslim mothers. -Newsweek
The Evil Progressive Cabal
Cynical and dishonest “progressives” who do understand the historical pattern cannot yet reveal their ultimate goal of creating a disarmed and helpless American citizenry.
Nevertheless, millions of Americans understand their hidden aim with crystal clarity, seeing through the false sincerity of power-hungry leftist politicians who are actually Marxist wolves dressed in Democrat sheep’s clothing – for now.

In August 1992 I went to Croatia, which was as close as I could get to Bosnia-Herzegovina. It was there that I met Mirsada, a sixteen year old girl who had been raped. I will try to keep her in my mind, because I liked her from the moment I met her and I tried to help her, trying not to act pitifully towards her. She had been detained in a concentration camp near Teslic for 4 months with her mother and sister. She was raped approximately 80 times per day. At the time I met her, she was heavily pregnant (in her sixth month). After she gave birth to a baby girl, she gave it up for adoption and left for Denmark. She never saw her daughter. I never asked her to talk to me about this as I was afraid my interest would appear disrespectful and that it might hurt her. But once, when we were just sitting and talking, she told me that when she was in the concentration camp she was not allowed to sleep because the soldiers would constantly come for her, never giving her the time or space to sleep. This was the first time that the situation in which this girl and many other women found themselves really became clear and close to me. -Biserinternational

But unless and until these secret Stalinists and sundry other “progressives” can figure out a way to disarm Americans, they cannot execute their historically standard final solution to the “reactionaries-standing-in-the-way-of-utopia” problem.
Indeed, this is a thorny problem for them, because tens of millions of Americans, disbelieving their deceitful bromides, will stick to their guns no matter what.

Unlike the Armenians, Jews, kulaks and other exterminated peoples, Americans who support the Second Amendment will never be disarmed quietly by government edict prior to meekly boarding a train to a socialist “reeducation” camp.
They will not be taken at government gunpoint on a one-way forced march into a desert or a Zyklon-B “delousing shower,” simply because they foolishly agreed to be disarmed by their future oppressors in the dubious name of “public safety.”

If American “progressives” truly intend to disarm the American people, they will have to do it the hard way, by taking their bullets first, one at a time.
Because we know what you will do to us. You tell us this all the time. We are not asleep, we are listening, and we are taking your threats against us, our families, and our society very, very seriously.

What Can We Do To Stop Democide?
The most practical thing that we can each do is promote the importance of individual freedoms. Most importantly the Right of self-defense. In America this means the second amendment to the Constitution that is enshrined in the Bill of Rights.
"... The Conventions of a number of the States, having at the time of their adopting the Constitution expressed a desire in order to prevent misconstruction or abuse of its powers, that further declaratory and restrictive clauses should be added: And as extending the ground of public confidence in the Government will best ensure the beneficent ends of its institution. " -Preamble to the Bill of Rights
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." -The 2nd Amendment to the Bill of Rights
When humans have rights that are associated with those freedoms, it begins to take the power and control away from the governments and put it into the hands of the people being governed.
As it was the original intention of the United States Constitution before it was “improved” by rich bankers, and idealistic progressives.
Not… not…
Anything resembling what the progressive Marxist socialists have planned… and which CLEARLY looks like it is heading our way now.
It is going to get a lot worse, and serious action steps must be taken to avoid the train wreck that is destined to occur.

What if we disarm, what then?
Well… for one thing, don’t get caught up in the normalcy bias.
The normalcy bias, or normality bias, is a belief people hold when considering the possibility of a disaster. It causes people to underestimate both the likelihood of a disaster and its possible effects, because people believe that things will always function the way things normally have functioned. This may result in situations where people fail to adequately prepare themselves for disasters, and on a larger scale, the failure of governments to include the populace in its disaster preparations. About 70% of people reportedly display normalcy bias in disasters.[1] -Wikipedia

After all, this is America. No one is going to initiate genocide in America. It’s a free land of happiness and contentment. Right?

Washington Post opinion writer Jennifer Rubin appeared on MSNBC's "AM Joy" Sunday and said that not only does Trump have to lose in 2020, but there must be a purging of "survivors" who still support the commander-in-chief. "It's not only that Trump has to lose, but that all his enablers have to lose," she said. "We have to collectively, in essence, burn down the Republican Party." "We have to level them because if there are survivors — if there are people who weather this storm, they will do it again." - Nick Givas at Fox News, about the 2020 national election
Your freedom, if you wait, will be short lived.

The erosion of rights we have seen won’t continue in a linear fashion. It will accelerate. - John Wilder at Wilder, Wealthy, and Wise

Some Links
- Genocide Watch
- Symbolization – Rwandan Genocide – Google
- Symbolization – 8 Stages of Genocide
- Symbolization for the rwandan genocide
- What is the Armenian genocide symbolization?
- examples of the 8 stages of genocide in the armenian genocide
- 10 Stages of Genocide
- Guatemalan genocide – Wikipedia
- Genocide – Wikipedia
- Blue Scarves and Yellow Stars: Classification
- Preventing Genocide by Greg Stanton
- Eight Stages of Genocide: From Classification to Denial
- The Genocide Education Project
SHTF Related Index
This is a collection of my posts related to prepping, SHTF (Shit Hit The Fan), CWII (American Civil War 2), Fourth Turning (Strauss–Howe generational theory) and other posts related to the very sad and sorry tatters that America is today. Actually, I am a little stunned that I have written so much about these matters. But America today is very ill and there are things that really should be said.
Here are the posts.
SHTF and Related Index

Other Blogs that you all should visit.
These blogs and sites have better information than I every could compile. These people are experts in personal survival and preparedness. I recommend them wholeheartedly.
- SHTF Plan
- Off Grid Survival
- SurvivoPedia
- The Survivalist Blog
- The Prepper Journal
- Ready Nutrition
- Modern Survival Blog
- The Economic Collapse Blog
- WoodsMonkey
- American Preppers Network
- Urban Survival Site
- Survival Based Blog
- The Daily Sheeple
- SHTF Blog
- Preparedness Advice Blog
- Modern Survival Online
- Survival Blog
- Survivalist Prepper
- Family Survival Farm
- Survival Sherpa
- Doomsday Moos
- Infowars
- Prepper’s Will
- Apartment Prepper
- Backdoor Survival
- The Weekend Prepper
- Expert Prepper
- End of the American Dream
- Graywolf Survival
- Doom and Bloom
- ITS Tactical
- The Survival Doctor
- Ed That Matters
- The Organic Prepper
- The Survival Mom
- Outdoor Life
- Prepared Housewives
- Wood Trekker
- Alt Market
- Frugal Chicken
- Herbal Survival
- Mom With a Prep
- Northern Homestead
- Living Life in Rural Iowa
- Food Storage and Survival
- Canadian Prepper’s Network
- Willow Haven Outdoor
- Suburban Survival Blog
- Beans, Bullets, Bandages & You
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