Climax of the forth turning

The Climax of the Fourth Turning – 2025

America’s (last) most recent Fourth Turning began with the stock market crash of 1929 and climaxed with World War II. 

-Lifecourse Associates: The Four Turnings 

World War II began September 1st, 1939, and lasted until September 2nd 1945. It lasted six long years. In total, 80 million people died in that war.

Since then, we have been living in the sweet calm of peace that dwells between the periodic madness that is the GREAT RESET. This period of calm quiet lasts for around 80 years. Then it all starts all over again.

we have been living in the sweet calm of peace that dwells between the periodic madness that is the GREAT RESET.
We have been living in the sweet calm of peace that dwells between the periodic madness that is the GREAT RESET.

The quiet and calm lasts for 80 years.

1945 plus 80 years equals = 2025.

Today, I have a short warning from the great book The Fourth Turning by Howe and Strauss. For they, using the theory of generational cycles (or turnings), predict the same RESET to reoccur in our near future.

We know the climax of this Fourth Turning is slated for around 2025. This infers a high likelihood of a major war involving the U.S. in the foreseeable future.
We know the climax of this Fourth Turning is slated for around 2025. This infers a high likelihood of a major war involving the U.S. in the foreseeable future. 

-The Daily Coin

What Should Have Happened after 2016

Strauss and Howe prophesied an election that changed everything sometime during the Crisis era. This era began with a start, with the colossal fall of Lehman Brothers.

And they were right. They were smack-dab absolutely correct.

The filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection by Lehman Brothers on September 15, 2008 remains the largest bankruptcy filing in U.S. history, with Lehman holding over US$600 billion in assets. The bank and financial services firm had become so deeply involved in mortgage origination that it had effectively become a real estate hedge fund disguised as an investment bank. At the height of the subprime mortgage crisis, it was exceptionally vulnerable to any downturn in real estate values.
The filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection by Lehman Brothers on September 15, 2008 remains the largest bankruptcy filing in U.S. history, with Lehman holding over US$600 billion in assets. The bank and financial services firm had become so deeply involved in mortgage origination that it had effectively become a real estate hedge fund disguised as an investment bank. At the height of the subprime mortgage crisis, it was exceptionally vulnerable to any downturn in real estate values.

If the government were better managed, perhaps things might have turned out differently than they had. But it isn’t, and thus things turned out in such as way as what you see today.

The predictions called for a “change in governmental direction” that would have been triggered by this “event”.

The winners (in the election) will now have the power to pursue the more potent, less  incrementalist agenda about which they had long dreamed and against which their adversaries had darkly warned. 

This new regime will enthrone itself for the duration of the Crisis. 

Regardless of its ideology, that  new leadership will assert public authority and demand private sacrifice. Where leaders had once been inclined to alleviate societal pressures, they will now aggravate them to command the nation’s attention. 

The regeneracy will be solidly under way.

Sides were formed. People migrated towards those sides. Many people, surprisingly diverse, chose the Republican leader; Donald Trump. Though, the prediction still held true whether the winner was Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton.

The Fourth Turning predicted  an equal liklihood of Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump being President. Then they predicted that whomever won the election would define the drection the Country would take during the Fourth Turning.
The Fourth Turning predicted an equal likelihood of Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump being President. Then they predicted that whomever won the election would define the direction the Country would take during the Fourth Turning.

We got the realigning election with Donald Trump. He did what H. Ross Perot could not. He united conservatives and blue-collar patriots to win the presidency.


What did not happen.

But, Republicans in Congress did not advance Trump’s agenda.

The predictions assumed that the winner of the Presidency would be in full possession of the levers of power. That did not happen. The “Deep State Swamp” took over the leadership of the nation.

Donald Trump was considered an "outsider". One one of the elite. Not one of the blessed. Not part of the "club", or the "inner circle".

Republican Congressional leaders were either too timid to push, or they were political saboteurs (looking at you, Paul Ryan). Either way, Congress undermined the Presidential agenda, the mandate, that the people gave them. Then they tried to push him out with al kinds of claims related to Russia and sex. Finally, they just threw up their hands and tried to impeach him.

This is what the deep state does to outsiders Middle America sends to Washington to challenge or dispossess it. 

- From Pat Buchanan 

Oh, and about the impeachment…

When asked about the impeachment of President Trump, 100% of him  answered, "If they convict it'll be like when the Germans dropped the  A-bomb on Pearl Harbor and caused the fall of the Roman Empire." 

-Woodpile Report #598

They did not permit President Trump to really implement much of his agenda. Congress, and the entire “deep state” (the unelected bureaucracy) opposed him in every way possible.

Congress and the deep state blocked President Trump from implementing any of his agenda. THis was unheard of, and raised it's ugly head fro the first time during the Trump Presidency. Since then, hundreds of blocking efforts were undertaken to twart the Republican President's agenda. They did not permit President Trump to really implement much of his agenda. Congress, and the entire "deep state" (the unelected bureaucracy) opposed him in every way possible.
Congress and the deep state blocked President Trump from implementing any of his agenda. This was unheard of, and raised it’s ugly head fro the first time during the Trump Presidency. Since then, hundreds of blocking efforts were undertaken to thwart the Republican President’s agenda. They did not permit President Trump to really implement much of his agenda. Congress, and the entire “deep state” (the unelected bureaucracy) opposed him in every way possible.

While he was able to appoint some judges, and conduct some staffing realignments within the enormous Washington bureaucracy, he has been mostly ineffective.

President Donald Trump has been completely blocked by embeds inside the "deep state". Thus he has been severely handicapped in running the nations and is incapable of many actions and activities that other presidents were able to get away with.
President Donald Trump has been completely blocked by embeds inside the “deep state”. Thus he has been severely handicapped in running the nations and is incapable of many actions and activities that other presidents were able to get away with.

Like a wack-a-mole, judges stop implementation of any of his EO’s, hidden masked and nameless bureaucrats thwart every policy he makes. Meanwhile his most close advisors (such as John Bolton) undermine his foreign policy efforts.

Neocons hold a mid-1850s midset.
Neocons hold a mid-1850s mindset. They think in terms of nations, wars, and geographical conquest. They do so at the expense of understanding the Earth as a living (kind of) organism that we all inhabit.

As a result, the House of Representatives, and their “troops” the supporting bureaucracy, are now firmly in the hands of the opposition. Which is essentially, the Bolsheviks. While a true Gray Champion of the Republic holds down the White House in a figurehead role.

A figurehead role, while his supporters have been targeted for assault…

 The Left Has Declared War On You

 There’s no need to worry about finding yourself in the center of a  riot until a faction of society decides it’s okay to intimidate or kill  people they don’t agree with you. So maybe it’s time to start worrying.

 You probably saw the news of the riots in Berkeley, California.  Social Justice Warriors shut down a conservative speaker’s presentation,  set fires, looted, destroyed buildings, maced some conservatives and  beat others mercilessly. The police stood by and watched. The mayor  blamed the victims.

 In Austin, Texas, a gay conservative was beaten unconscious for lighting his cigarette with a Donald Trump lighter. His assailant is at large. Don’t expect the Austin police to put in any overtime hunting him down.

 Magazines openly call for Donald Trump’s assassination.

 Feminists assault anyone who disagrees with them, even shoving bloody maxi-pads into pro-lifers’ mouths.

 The Secret Service is investigating over 12,000 direct threats to assassinate the President.

 And these are just a few of one day’s examples of leftist violence against anyone who disagrees with their worldview. 

 Meanwhile, CNN, New York Times, Washington Post, MSNBC, ABC News, CBS  News, NBC News, Time Magazine, and everything else you would consider  “responsible” journalism openly condones violence against Trump  supporters. Academics and Democrat leaders justify violence and  encourage leftists to attack their political opponents.

 Having lost at the ballot box, having lost in the court of public  opinion, the left has decided to intimidate or kill its adversaries.  Just like the Nazis. Just like the Leninists. Just like the Maoists. 


So what will happen now?

A Fourth Turning Prophecy

Chapter 10 of The Fourth Turning is a prophecy written in 1996 and published a year later. In every way it appears to be a complete reflection of the events unfolding all around us today.

Keep in mind that this work was published a full five years before the events of 9-11. It was written a long time ago, at a time when Bill Clinton was President of the United States. And yet, as long ago as that, the things that it has predicted and the trends that are manifesting are all… spot on target.

Movies of the year 1995.
Movies of the year 1995.

And, I am sad to say, that this prophecy is getting to be quite frightening.

Even if the nation stays together, its geography could be fundamentally changed, its party structure altered, its Constitution and Bill of Rights amended beyond recognition. 

History offers even more  sobering warnings: Armed confrontation usually occurs around the climax of Crisis. 

If there is confrontation, it is likely to lead to war. 

This could be any kind of war—class war, sectional war, war against global anarchists  or terrorists, or superpower war. 

If there is war, it is likely to  culminate in total war, fought until the losing side has been rendered  nil—its will broken, territory taken, and leaders captured. 

And if there  is total war, it is likely that the most destructive weapons available  will be deployed.

That total war could also be a combination or series of several types of war. Several.

Several… all at once.

Several things could implode all at once. Indeed, this is the likeliest scenario. As there are all sorts of trends and events just about to run “off the rails”, and all sort of “the opportunistic others” who have plans to take advantage of government collapse.

It could be a meltdown of government…

Congressional leftists are exploring the nuts 'n bolts of arresting and confining those insufficiently cooperative  with the coup d'etat. And how many times have I said DC is well and truly imploding when they start arresting each other? 

We're reenacting Sulla's Social War. Lists of the proscribed  are being circulated, the walls have networked eyes and ears, and  neighbors are exhorted to turn each other in. After years of hanging out  in academia and  the lower courts, the ghost of Roland Freisler now  hears every appeal. 

The elites saw this coming, consolidated their winnings and  quietly decamped to more inaccessible redoubts. Bereft of expert  supervision, the next tier down is looting the public weal with  clumsy  abandon. The tier below, even less sophisticated, will  strip the  fixtures and wiring from government buildings. Officialdom  will demand  we applaud their righteous resourcefulness. Because equality.  

-Woodpile Report

It could be a violent readjustment of society…

All the usual “good people” assure us that violent revolution is not on the table. This means, simply, that it is. 

- From Brett Stevens at Amerika 

It could be everything and anything. It could be social upheaval in alignment with the Nazi takeover of Germany in the 1930’s, coupled with the genocide of the Cambodians under Pol Pot. It could be a mixture of George Orwell, and the worst elements of THX1138. It could be every nightmare that you could possibly dream of.

'THX 1138' is a chilling look at a 25th-century totalitarian state where mankind is stripped of any individuality. People are numbered drones, and a government-enforced program of sedating drugs controls the populace. The story's title character, THX, is a factory worker whose life is irrevocably changed when he stops taking his mind-numbing drugs.
‘THX 1138’ is a chilling look at a 25th-century totalitarian state where mankind is stripped of any individuality. People are numbered drones, and a government-enforced program of sedating drugs controls the populace. The story’s title character, THX, is a factory worker whose life is irrevocably changed when he stops taking his mind-numbing drugs.

It could be domestic guerrilla warfare…

When the violence comes—and it will come—the military and militarized  police forces will face domestic insurgents who are better armed,  trained, supplied, coordinated, and technologically proficient than the  foreign insurgents the military has heretofore been unable to defeat. 

- From Robert Gore at Straight Line Logic 

It could be a polarization of society…

Breitbart - Calif. Police Chief Cancels Event to Honor Fallen Officer  Because Republicans Were Invited ... "this is not Trump country, we  don’t want Republicans here" 

It could be genocide against “white people”…

We (white people) are now on the same level with Afrikaners in the closing days of apartheid in South Africa. 

- From Taki at Taki's Magazine, about white Americans  

Indeed, all this anti-white propaganda is geared towards genocide. It is not geared to any objective regarding healing. It is an out of control manipulation by the oligarchy to pit Americans against each other.

You cannot purify white people through the healing magic of diversity if they are not actually part of diversity. 

-Z Man

Let’s just clear out all the nonsense and get to the basics…

When Progressives talk about diversity, they mean blacks. 

We can put the  upper bound on diversity as 20%. Any more than that and white crime  victimization and awareness of it begins to soar. This sets off white  flight. 

Baltimore is a great example. Once its black population crossed  the 25% level, it began a rapid decline into chaos.  

As Rhodesia,  Baltimore and now South Africa show, there is some minimum number of  whites required to keep the lights on, so everyone can enjoy the  wonderfulness of diversity. 

In the case of Rhodesia, the number fell  below the minimum and it became Zimbabwe. In Baltimore, they have  hovered along the critical number for decades. South Africa staggers on,  but they too are approaching the inflection point. 

-Z Man

Someone, or some group, is organizing a campaign leading towards the genocide of “white people”. This will absolutely manifest during the crisis period. Look, just because the mainstream media isn’t covering the obvious does not mean that that it doesn’t exist.

 Fighting Is Under Way

 And leftist blood-lust is not limited to a fringe. A very intelligent  and gentle acquaintance of mine, someone with whom I once enjoyed a  cordial and friendly long-running debate, believes that Trump sent  federal troops into Berkeley the other night to conduct mass arrests of  protesters, trigging the riots. It’s completely untrue and she had no  idea where she heard it, but she believes it as much as she believes in  gravity. And her false belief, what psychologists would call a  hallucination (h/t Scott Adams), allows her to justify anything the rioters did, up to and including murder.

 Here’s the thing. You’ve probably heard the word “privilege” so much  you could puke when you hear it. The idea of white privilege is central  to the leftist hallucination. And the idea of a privileged race led  Germany to the Final Solution.

 Adolf Hitler wrote in 1919:

 "But an anti-Semitism based on reason must lead to a systematic legal elimination of the privileges of the Jews. The ultimate objective of such legislation must, however, be the irrevocable removal of the Jews from civil and cultural influence." 

 In fact, the Nazi propagandists worked overtime to defame Jews for  their privilege. Hitler claimed Jews avoided physical labor of any kind,  preferring work in finance, mercantile, and the arts. He lamented that  Jews wrote and produced 90 percent of German movies despite being only  one percent of the population. His propaganda depicted Jewish women as  fat and lazy, yet wealthy, feeding off the labor of the German people.

 Substitute “working class whites” for “Jews,” and Nazi propaganda  sounds a lot like CNN commentators and UC Berkeley professors. Even  so-called conservative Bill Kristol says it’s time to replace America’s white working class with immigrants.

 It’s pretty clear that the left uses the same rhetoric and  scapegoating against conservatives as the Nazi used against Jews. So we  have to ask if these leftists use the propaganda techniques to the same  end.

 The Nazis wanted to vilify and dehumanize Jews so the German people would be conditioned for the Final Solution: extermination.

 When you hear the speeches of campus protesters, you have to conclude  that the left has a final solution in mind for people like you and me.  You don’t have to take my word for it. Here are the words of a school teacher in Seattle protesting against Trump and his supporters:

 "And we need to start killing people. First off, we need to start  killing the White House. The White House must die. The White House, your  fucking White House, your fucking Presidents, they must go! Fuck the  White House. 

 Pay the fuck up, pay the fuck up. It ain’t just your fucking time,  it’s your fucking money, and now your fucking life is devoted to social  change."

 Democrats, establishment Republicans, and the supposedly  “responsible” media ignored this story. They ignored it because they are afraid of attracting the mob’s attention. Like Germans in the 1930s,  some people value their own survival too much to stop bloodshed and  brutality. 


It could be an exodus of the wealthy from the urban centers…

All those pricey urban meccas could become crime-ridden ghost towns. How  could such a reversal occur? Everyone who lives outside protected  enclaves will reach a point where the "urban lifestyle" is no longer  worth the sacrifices and costs. Once enough of the top 10% leave, the  food/beverage service industry implodes. 

Service employees are renters,  paying sky-high rents that unemployment can't cover. Vacant apartments  pile up. As the exodus gathers momentum, all the reasons people clung so  rabidly to urban meccas decay. Local government jacks up fees, tickets,  permits and taxes, accelerating the exodus. 

That's how pricey urban  meccas turn into ghost towns inhabited by those who can't leave and  those living on public services. 

-Of Two Minds Blog

It could be another mindless war…

Those in power could start beating the war drums again. You know, to unify the nation, and distract us from the problems at home. It worked during both Iraq wars.

But right now the United States is mired in eight simultaneous wars. Can you name them all? I can’t. I have to look them up.

Now, luckily Donald Trump has pledged not to get us involved in more wars. This has cost him some political capital. Notable fatalities are General (Mad Dog) Mattis, John McCain (deceased and good riddance), and John Bolton (Neocon on steroids).

Donald Trump came into office promising to not start any new wars and to  get us out of the old ones our feckless elite had dragged us into, and  now that he’s doing it in Syria the usual suspects are outraged. How  dare he actually deliver on his promise not to have anymore of our  precious warriors shipped home in boxes after getting killed on  battlefields we can’t even pronounce, while refereeing conflicts that  began long before America was a thing, in campaigns without any kind of  coherent objective?

-  Critics Aghast As Trump Keeps Word About No More Wars 

Yet, his successor might not be so careful about husbanding our military might. This could have dire consequences. As the world is getting to be technologically advanced, and nuclear weapons are getting increasingly easy to make.

It could be World War III…

And what would happen if a civil war, a CWII or SHTF event were to occur? America would be in chaos. Everything would be a mess, and the central governments from the Federal to the State, and Local levels would be very busy trying to maintain order.

Would other nations sit by and watch from afar? Would they decide to help and roll in the UN to restore order? Or would they just be content to watch America burn?

Thus, if a civil war broke out in the United States, would China, Russia, and Iran not jump in to finally render America helpless? To take advantage of the situation, to cripple the United States to a point where it could never ever, ever EVER fully recover?

Why NOT do a “double tap” and castrate America back into oblivion from which it would take a full 100 years to recover from?

Nuclear war, one initiated by America in order to control the American mobs, could easily reverse America's fortunes in a nanosecond. The idea that a war out here, or over there, would be created and have no consequences is a very dangerous belief. The world is not the 1960's, and not every nation is a thrid world tiny splat of land. Major nations are now getting involved in the global scene, and they do not take kindly to Americans throwing their weight around.
Nuclear war, one initiated by America in order to control the American mobs, could easily reverse America’s fortunes in a nanosecond. The idea that a war out here, or over there, would be created and have no consequences is a very dangerous belief. The world is not the 1960’s, and not every nation is a third world tiny splat of land. Major nations are now getting involved in the global scene, and they do not take kindly to Americans throwing their weight around.

If America has gotten fat, plump and comfortable, being the bully on the global stage, throwing “regime changing” wrenches (via the CIA, NED, and NID) to everyone from Venezuela, Syria, the Ukraine, Hong Kong and China, won’t other nations resent it?

And, if an opportunity presents itself, would not another nation take advantage of that opportunity. An opportunity to “de-fang” the United States, and “neuter” it’s ability to project global influence (read; power) in the world?

I would say yes.

"Hours after the bombs go off in cities, these fires continue to build up and they create firestorms that feed on themselves. They get so hot that everything in the city becomes fuel for its own destruction. The energy released becomes much greater than the weapon itself," Dr. Mills explained, drawing parallels to the way fire consumed the city of Dresden during the World War II.  From each of these 100 detonations, massive firestorms would engulf whole cities and churn five million tons of black carbon into the stratosphere.
“Hours after the bombs go off in cities, these fires continue to build up and they create firestorms that feed on themselves. They get so hot that everything in the city becomes fuel for its own destruction. The energy released becomes much greater than the weapon itself,” Dr. Mills explained, drawing parallels to the way fire consumed the city of Dresden during the World War II. From each of these 100 detonations, massive firestorms would engulf whole cities and churn five million tons of black carbon into the stratosphere.
By nuking the major American cities, all industry would grind to a halt. Banking and savings would be non-existent. Everything would collapse and the survivors  would flee the cities into the countryside. 

Americans should never be under the impression that the rest of the world views us with favor. In fact, it is quite the opposite.

America is viewed as an out of control bully by the rest of the world.

Today is not the 1960’s. It’s no longer “just” a small world after all. It’s a complex and complicated stew of various interests all colliding together for personal advantage.

In the midst of this backdrop the United States is viewed as an out of control empire, a bully, and now (seemingly) with Mr. Donald Trump at the helm, run by an apparent “mad man”.

Right or wrong, perceptions are everything.

Any civil strife in the United States will open the door for other, more powerful nations, to perform the “kill strike”, the “double tap”, on the American nation.

The next turning could have the worst elements of everything known to ma. The could be nuclear war, chemical, biological and germ warfarem hig tecnology spying and swarm drone weapons. All of which could happen simultaneously while the USA government might to enact genocide against its citizenry.
The next turning could have the worst elements of everything known to man. This could be nuclear war, chemical, biological and germ warfare high technology spying and swarm drone weapons. All of which could happen simultaneously while the USA government might to enact genocide against its citizenry.

Oh, and by the way, a fellow by the name of John Titor claimed to be from the future. Yes, he claimed to be a time traveler from the future. He described just this exact scenario, where there was a rather long period of civil unrest and then Russia nuked all the cities. Whether you believe him or not is immaterial. He has some interesting things to ponder.

The link below opens up into a new tab for your reading pleasure.

From the post…

' The blogger suggests this because he questions what actually occurred  did not match all the conflicts that John Titor predicted.  Perhaps the  events he mentions will actually still occur, only they will actually  occur 10 years later.
 Maybe, instead of a civil war in 2013, there is one in 2023Nuclear war in 2025, instead of 2015. '

Remember those two dates; 2023 – Civil War, and 2025 – Nuclear War.

It will be a transformation…

It will be a transformation of sorts.

And then this, also from The Fourth Turning:

With or without war, American society will be transformed into something different. 

The emergent society may be something better, a nation that sustains its Framers’ visions with a robust new pride. 

Or it  may be something unspeakably worse. 

The Fourth Turning will be a time of glory or ruin.

It will be a turning point. It will be a point of inversion, a point of change. A point where things go one way or the other, and everyone in the middle is killed.

Glory or Ruin.

It will be the us vs them. The patriots vs the Red Coats. The grey vs the blue. The yanks against the Nazi’s.

So what will happen?

Consider the Millennials, how they were raised (Power Rangers, Captain Planet, Animal Planet, school uniforms, and conformity against human nature). To them, conformity, and control via electronic media is as natural as breathing air. To them, it is normal to demand conformity, conformity in everything, even in thought and speech.

Consider the Millennials, how they were raised (Power Rangers,  Captain Planet, Animal Planet, school uniforms, and conformity against  human nature). To them, conformity, and control via electronic media is as natural as breathing air. To them, it is normal to demand conformity, conformity in everything, even in thought and speech.
Consider the Millennial’s, how they were raised (Power Rangers, Captain Planet, Animal Planet, school uniforms, and conformity against human nature). To them, conformity, and control via electronic media is as natural as breathing air. To them, it is normal to demand conformity, conformity in everything, even in thought and speech.

Again from The Fourth Turning:

This youthful hunger for social discipline and centralized authority  could lead Millennial youth brigades to lend mass to dangerous  demagogues. 

The risk of class warfare will be especially grave if the 20 percent of Millennials who were poor as children (50 percent in inner cities) come of age seeing their peer-bonded paths to generational progress blocked by elder inertia. 

Unraveling-era adults who are today chilled by school uniforms will be truly frightened by the Millennials’ Crisis-era collectivism.

It’s exactly these millennials, and their behaviors, that have created the NPC meme.

 Unraveling-era adults who are today chilled by school uniforms will be truly frightened by the Millennials’ Crisis-era collectivism.
“Unraveling-era adults who are today chilled by school uniforms will be truly frightened by the Millennials’ Crisis-era collectivism.”

An opportunity came and passed.

So with all these issues, all of them coming to maturity at the same time, we have a situation where a real leader should take the helm of the American government. Then cultivate the civilian population, and provide rules, and outlets to blow off some steam.

But this was not permitted to occur.

Instead, we have the situation we see today. A president that is unable to do much of anything. An entrenched bureaucracy that operates in direct opposition to his policies, and an opposition that is chomping at the bit to install radical Pol Pot style Marxism.

Meanwhile the “fox is running the hen-house” and blatantly behaving like they are untouchable, because they actually are. President Nixon was impeached within months. The people who assassinated Lincoln were arrested and hung within weeks. Yet, Hillary Clinton has been running around freely for over three years and nothing is being done. Let’s never forget Lois Learner, and the rest of the cabal.

Hillary Clinton's guilt is so obvious and spectacular that it is considered a joke.
Hillary Clinton’s guilt is so obvious and spectacular that it is considered a joke.

It’s true.

An opportunity came and passed. The Presidential mandate of the American people was not implemented. Indeed, the only way for the President to communicate is via twitter. The news media is a complete train wreck.

It seems America is seriously out of alignment.

And, like a car badly out of tune, the vehicle shutters, rocks, starts and stops. It sputters, gasping for air or gas, then collapses.
Hillary Clinton meme. Nobody has 56 dead friends.
Hillary Clinton meme. Nobody has 56 dead friends.

Republicans failed to fulfill their mandate with the House and Senate. And then what happened… Well, the people turned, instead, to the other side. The Bolsheviks now run the House. And people, this is not good. Not at all. Not in the least.

And this is who’s running the House:

These four women, Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ayanna Pressley, Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, are 4 of the most radical, hardcore Socialists you will ever meet. On top of that, they all advocate for open borders, they all advocate for illegal immigrants, they all advocate for the Palestinians, and 3 of them are anti-semitic and against Israel.  Now you know a little bit more than you did about 'The Squad' of these four freshman congresswoman who are, by their own actions, dominating the news cycle at this moment. No one that I know has any problem at all with women in the Congress, or women of color in the Congress, but have a huge problem with radical activists like these who are pushing to collapse the system.
These four women, Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ayanna Pressley, Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, are 4 of the most radical, hardcore Socialists you will ever meet. On top of that, they all advocate for open borders, they all advocate for illegal immigrants, they all advocate for the Palestinians, and 3 of them are anti-semitic and against Israel. Now you know a little bit more than you did about ‘The Squad’ of these four freshman congresswoman who are, by their own actions, dominating the news cycle at this moment. No one that I know has any problem at all with women in the Congress, or women of color in the Congress, but have a huge problem with radical activists like these who are pushing to collapse the system.

Look at them. They would arrest you, strip you, hang you by a hook and gut you before you could utter your Bill of Rights protections. They do not run on reason. They are incapable of it. They operate on emotion. And right now, it is unbridled rage.

Think of it as a small “toe hold”, a small start, for something much larger on the horizon.

And people, these individuals HATE YOU. They hate you with a passion and they do want to see you, your families, and everything that you stand for killed, eviscerated, and the ground you walk upon salted for centuries to come.

And if given the opportunity, they will transform your world into something very, very awful.

And people, these individuals HATE YOU. They hate you with a passion and they do want to see you, your families, and everything that you stand for killed, eviscerated, and the ground you walk upon salted for centuries to come.
And people, these individuals HATE YOU. They hate you with a passion and they do want to see you, your families, and everything that you stand for killed, eviscerated, and the ground you walk upon salted for centuries to come.

It Gets Worse

It needs to be clear that 2025 is the date of the climax, not the end,  of the 4T. 

The end of the 2020s is the date at which the 4T will end. 

We  have much more to go through first, and it will take a few years. It  cannot end during the current regime, and correcting it will take some  years in addition. The current situation in which the hard right  dominates our country cannot continue; it must be displaced. 

That might  require violent confrontation, not to achieve a leftist takeover, but to  curtail a hard right rebellion that might break out against the  policies of a soft-left regime that needs to replace today's hard-right  regime. 

-Generational Theory Forum Comment written by an obvious leftist.

Again, looking at the Fourth Turning prophecy from The Fourth Turning:

If the Crisis catalyst comes on schedule, around the year 2005, then  the climax will be due around 2020, the resolution around 2026. 

What  will America be like as it exits the Fourth Turning? 

History offers no  guarantees. Obviously, things could go horribly wrong—the  possibilities ranging from a nuclear exchange to incurable plagues,  from terrorist anarchy to high-tech dictatorship. 

We should not assume that Providence will always exempt our nation from the irreversible tragedies that have overtaken so many others: not just temporary  hardship, but debasement and total ruin. 

Since Vietnam, many Americans suppose they know what it means to lose a war. 

Losing in the next Fourth Turning, however, could mean something incomparably worse. 

It could  mean a lasting defeat from which our national innocence—and perhaps even  our nation—might never recover. As many Americans know from their own  ancestral backgrounds, history provides numerous examples of  societies that have been wiped off the map, ground into submission, or  beaten so badly they revert to barbarism.

This is not a new observation.

Leading up to the major crisis in the Fourth Turning, the police will find themselves becoming more and more militarized. It will reach a point that it will be difficult to tell the difference between a police officer and a soldier.
Leading up to the major crisis in the Fourth Turning, the police will find themselves becoming more and more militarized. It will reach a point that it will be difficult to tell the difference between a police officer and a soldier.

Do you think that I am perhaps exaggerating a little? Well, I am not.

Having lost at the ballot box, having lost in the court of public  opinion, the left has decided to intimidate or kill its adversaries.  Just like the Nazis. Just like the Leninists. Just like the Maoists.

-These People Want You Dead

You should really read People Want You Dead.

Is it really that dire? That Serious?

Of course it is. The United States doesn’t resemble anything like what it was intended to be. Instead, greedy, and selfish men rewrote it to be “progressive”. Which means “subject to change”.

And they changed it.

And changed it.

And changed it.

Now, today, it is a complete and absolute nightmare.

Well, let’s get back to the Fourth Turning. Of course, they cannot predict the future specifically. They can only predict trends.

These predictions are based on previous turnings and the historical record.

“An impasse over the federal budget reaches a stalemate. 

The president and Congress both refuse to back down, triggering a near-total government shutdown. The president declares emergency powers. Congress rescinds his authority. Dollar and bond prices plummet. The president threatens to stop Social Security checks. Congress refuses to raise the debt ceiling. Default looms. Wall Street panics.” 

The Fourth Turning – Strauss & Howe

Strauss and Howe wrote their book in 1996. They were not trying to be prophets of doom. Instead they were observers of history able to connect events through human life cycles of 80 or so years. Well how close were they? Look at the headlines today on Drudge…

Drudge Report splash 9OCT19.
Drudge Report splash 9OCT19.

We have gotten so accustomed to this new “normal” that we forget how obscene it is. Functional governments do not act like this. Dysfunctional ones do.

"The president and Congress both refuse to back down, triggering a near-total government shutdown." 

Using critical thinking skills and identifying the most likely triggers for crisis: debt, civic decay, and global disorder, they were able to anticipate scenarios. Scenarios which could drive the next crisis. And which they warned would arrive in the mid-2000 decade.

  • A polarization of the community.
  • Elements of civil strife, followed by physical strife.
  • The possibility of war and conflict.

The scenario described above is fairly close to the current situation, driven by the showdown between Trump and the Democrats regarding everything from the border wall to the endless stream of impeachment level attacks.

As we enter the twelfth year of this Fourth Turning, the fourth  Crisis period in U.S. history, the mood of U.S. citizens and citizens  around the globe continues to darken.
As we enter the twelfth year of this Fourth Turning, the fourth Crisis period in U.S. history, the mood of U.S. citizens and citizens around the globe continues to darken.

As we enter the twelfth year of this Fourth Turning, the fourth Crisis period in U.S. history, the mood of U.S. citizens and citizens around the globe continues to darken.

Fourth Turnings are driven by generational configuration and the emotional reaction to events by the Prophet generation leaders, Nomad generation spearheads, and Hero generation cannon fodder.

What’s going on now…

Do I need to list all the discomfort?

Discomfort is what happens as the population waltzes towards disaster. It happens each and every time. Consider the years leading up to the first American Civil War…

 William  J. Cooper has written a magnificently researched account of the  political atmosphere that prevailed in the United States immediately  after the election of Abraham Lincoln and through the first shots of the  Civil War at Fort Sumter. What individual elements made up the call to  arms on both sides of the Mason Dixon line? Which persons were  conciliatory and which were belligerent? What contribution did the  nuances of the several political parties play in the mood of the  population? Was the Civil War inevitable no matter what action was taken  by Lincoln? 

 Many  eminent  American Civil War historians tend to move  quickly throughout  the three year period preceding the onset of the War, as they move on  the War itself, however Wm. Cooper's work has  has  been devoted   entirely to a study of this critical era, and provides  significant  insight  as to the period's ultimate  result-- namely, the War itself.
Cooper   has  devoted  much effort to a study of the era's  significant  and   influential caste of characters, including an newspaper editor,  abolitionists, radical Republicans,, members of both houses of  Congress,and each of  the Presidents---both  sitting and  newly  -elected.. 

-Amazon reviews of "We Have the War Upon Us: The Onset of the Civil War, November 1860-April 1861" by Cooper, William J. (2012) Hardcover 

Examining the three prior Fourth Turnings may give us a window into where we stand and what may happen in the coming year.

We are in the eleventh year of this Crisis. (The eleven-year anniversary was in September 2019.) Here we look at the three previous events.

  • The American Revolution Crisis
  • The Civil War Crisis
  • The Great Depression/World War II Crisis
A comparision of the last three "Fourth Turnings" in the United States.
A comparison of the last three “Fourth Turnings” in the United States. Full-scale war is shown in black.

The American Revolution Crisis

The American Revolution Crisis was catalyzed in 1773. This was when the Boston Tea Party forever changed the colonial mood towards revolution.

After eight years of struggle and desperate measures, the climax was reached with the surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown in 1781.

The American Revolution Crisis was catalyzed in 1773. This was when the Boston Tea Party forever changed the colonial mood towards  revolution. After eight years of struggle and desperate measures, the  climax was reached with the surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown in 1781.
The American Revolution Crisis was catalyzed in 1773. This was when the Boston Tea Party forever changed the colonial mood towards revolution. After eight years of struggle and desperate measures, the climax was reached with the surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown in 1781.

But there was still thirteen more years of crisis as the new states forged a Constitution, elected Washington its first president, and he withstood the Jacobins, put down the Whiskey Rebellion and finalized a treaty with England.

In year ten of the crisis, two years past the climax, the Treaty of Paris was signed, British troops left the continent, and Washington resigned as commander of American troops. The Articles of Confederation had been ratified in 1781 and remained in place until succeeded by the U.S. Constitution in 1789.

In year ten of the crisis, two years past the climax, the Treaty of Paris was signed, British troops left the continent, and Washington resigned as commander of American troops. The  Articles of Confederation had been ratified in 1781 and remained in  place until succeeded by the U.S. Constitution in 1789.
In year ten of the crisis, two years past the climax, the Treaty of Paris was signed, British troops left the continent, and Washington resigned as commander of American troops. The Articles of Confederation had been ratified in 1781 and remained in place until succeeded by the U.S. Constitution in 1789.

The Civil War Crisis

There was no tenth or eleventh year of the Civil War Crisis. Lincoln’s election with only 40% of the popular vote, prompting the attack on Fort Sumpter.

Lincoln’s election with only 40% of the popular vote, prompting the  attack on Fort Sumpter.  As well as the subsequent secession of Southern states. It   triggered the bloodiest conflict in world history. It was a fiasco, with 8% of all white men aged 13 to 43 killed in the war, including 6% in the North and 18%  in the South.
Lincoln’s election with only 40% of the popular vote, prompting the attack on Fort Sumpter. As well as the subsequent secession of Southern states. It triggered the bloodiest conflict in world history. It was a fiasco, with 8% of all white men aged 13 to 43 killed in the war, including 6% in the North and 18% in the South.

Lincoln’s election with only 40% of the popular vote, prompting the attack on Fort Sumpter. As well as the subsequent secession of Southern states. It triggered the bloodiest conflict in world history. It was a fiasco, with 8% of all white men aged 13 to 43 killed in the war, including 6% in the North and 18% in the South.

More death and decay. Two per cent of the United States population was wiped out because of the war
More death and decay. Two per cent of the United States population was wiped out because of the war.

The acceleration of this Fourth Turning into a five-year window from 1860 to 1865 was not a positive development.

The extreme intensity of the conflict resulted in 700,000 tragic deaths. The catalyst occurred five years too soon and the resolution a generation too soon.

Perhaps, a more extended crisis may have allowed tempers to moderate and the conflict to end in a more constructive manner. Instead, with the surrender at Appomattox and assassination of Lincoln, the resolution felt more like a defeat than a victory.

Turmoil continued for at least a decade after the resolution.

The Great Depression/World War II Crisis

The Great Depression/World War II Crisis saw its tenth and eleventh years as the most ominous, dangerous and destructive for Great Britain, as they bore the brunt of the German onslaught.

World War II will always be known for the mass genocide of Jews, the use of atomic weapons to destroy complete cities, and the wholesale slaughter of innocent people. When the people who started this entire fiasco started to lose, the followers of Hitler and the Nazi's, they killed themselves with cyanide rather than face their crimes against humanity.
World War II will always be known for the mass genocide of Jews, the use of atomic weapons to destroy complete cities, and the wholesale slaughter of innocent people. When the people who started this entire fiasco started to lose, the followers of Hitler and the Nazi’s, they killed themselves with cyanide rather than face their crimes against humanity.

1939 saw the Nazi invasion of Poland and the official start of World War II.

 A  year and a half after the invasion of Poland by the Germans, the Nazis  evacuated the Jews from my home town, Krakow, and resettled us in very  cramped quarters in the most dilapidated part of the city. On March 13,  1941, my family of six people was forced to relocate from our  comfortable 3-bedroom home at Retjana # 5 to a cramped one bedroom  apartment at Targowa # 1, which we shared with several other families. 
Life  was difficult in the ghetto. Jews were routinely abused, assaulted, and  even murdered by the Nazis, who patrolled the streets with pistols,  rifles, and whips. We were prisoners at the hands of an abusive force  that had prompted a world war, but we were totally unprepared for the  obscene horrors and large-scale genocide that our captors were about to  execute on us.
The  date was October 28, 1942. The Nazis were about to implement their  second deportation of Jews from the Krakow ghetto to the extermination  camps. We were told that the ghetto would be liquidated, that we all  were to be transported to labor camps, and that everybody had to go to  Plac Zgody square with their most important belongings. 
Fear  could be seen on the faces of every Jew in the ghetto. Everyone felt  that something horrible was about to happen. On my way to our family’s  apartment, I met my parents, my sister Greta, and my brother Leszek  inside the corridor of their building. My parents had come out of the  bunker where they were hiding, and I wanted to warn them to stay inside.  
They  didn’t have any working papers (Arbeits-bescheinigungen), so I thought  that their lives could be in danger. But, it was too late to tell them  to go back into hiding. From all sides, the SS Gestapo appeared before  us and pushed us into the street.
Leszek  and I had working papers indicating that he was a toolmaker and I was  an auto mechanic for the German SS. We thought that these papers would  save us and our family from the deportation. We presented the papers to  SS Obersturmfuhrer Martin Fellenz, {1} a Gestapo 
officer who was in charge of the deportation. 

On Mr. Lewis’ return to Krakow 43 years after the second liquidation of the ghetto, Plac Zgody was eerily quiet. Fellenz  ripped up our papers, began to beat us with his club, and ordered us to  go with all of the other prisoners to Plac Zgody. At Plac Zgody, I  noticed many familiar faces, including my girlfriend Regina’s mother,  Ida, and her two sisters, Tosia and Gienia. 
I  wanted to talk to them but I was not permitted to do so. I had to sit  on the ground and remain still. The Germans ordered us not to move an  inch. To prove their point, they began to kill anyone who got up or  moved around. At that point I decided that I had to escape, no matter  what might be the consequences. 
I  told Leszek my plans, and he said he would try to escape, too. I told  my parents and sister what I intended to do, and they told me to go  ahead and run. Soon, we were ordered to line up, four in a row. 
I  told my family not to look for me if I tried to escape. Passing  Wieliczka Street, I tried to run into a house, but I was unsuccessful. I  was stopped by an SS guard and forced back onto the line. I was lucky  that guard did not kill me right then and there for trying to escape. 

- The Story of Victor Lewis 

In May of 1940 Germany launched its blitzkrieg offensive through Holland and Belgium, defeating the French and British forces in a matter of weeks. Chamberlain resigned as Prime Minister, replaced by Churchill, as France surrendered in late June.

The Battle of Britain raged from July through October as Hitler relentlessly bombed England, trying to force their surrender.

Germany, Italy and Japan signed the Tripartite pact in September, setting the stage for the U.S. eventual participation in the war. Einstein informed FDR of the potential for an atomic bomb during 1939 and the Manhattan Project was born. The climax of the crisis occurred with the successful D-Day invasion. The dropping of two atomic bombs on Japan and successful demobilization of military forces marked the end of the crisis.

The United States detonated two nuclear weapons over the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and 9, 1945, respectively, with the consent of the United Kingdom, as required by the Quebec Agreement. The two bombings killed between 129,000 and 226,000 people, most of whom were civilians
Smoldering ruins of Nagasaki, about 700 meters from the hypocenter. The United States detonated two nuclear weapons over the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and 9, 1945, respectively, with the consent of the United Kingdom, as required by the Quebec Agreement. The two bombings killed between 129,000 and 226,000 people, most of whom were civilians.

Learning from History

History may not repeat, but human nature never changes, so the 80-year cycles of man-made crisis will repeat. The length of time from the American Revolution climax in 1781 until the Civil War climax in 1863 was 82 years.

The next climax in 1944 was 81 years after the Civil War climax.

History may not repeat, but human nature never changes, so the 80-year cycles of man-made crisis will repeat. The length of time from the American Revolution climax in 1781 until the Civil War climax in 1863 was 82 years.

Therefore, we can expect a climax to this current Crisis sometime in the 2025 range. The question is what events will transpire between today (the tail end of 2019) and 2025 before a climax is reached.

  • 80 years = 2025
  • 81 years = 2026
  • 82 years = 2027

A study of the years ahead…

There’s a few precious years ahead before these fateful target dates. However, you the reader should please take note, the event and the turning can occur earlier or later than the historical norm. It is just an average target date obtained through extrapolation.

Here are the next few years before the Fourth Turning is expected to reach a crisis point. The astitute reader should realize that the event is scheduled immediately after the 2024 election. Historically, this will mean that a progressive democrat will take over the Presidency. In that event, we can expect a full -on gun conscification effort that would be the result of a mass-shooting event. Democrat presidents always have mass-shooting events int he first six months of their presidency. Then they unlease the anti-gun narrative to a fever pitch. The event that was supposted to really work this last time was the 2016 Los Vegas shooter, but of course it wasn't HIllary Clinton at the Helm it was Donald Trump..
Here are the next few years before the Fourth Turning is expected to reach a crisis point. The astute reader should realize that the event is scheduled immediately after the 2024 election. Historically, this will mean that a progressive democrat will take over the Presidency. In that event, we can expect a full-on gun confiscation effort that would be the result of a mass-shooting event. Democrat presidents always have mass-shooting events in the first six months of their presidency. Then they unleash the anti-gun narrative to a fever pitch. The event that was supposed to really work this last time was the 2016 Los Vegas shooter, but of course it wasn’t Hillary Clinton at the Helm it was Donald Trump..

My guess, for what ever reason, is that Donald Trump will win the 2020 election. The nation would continue to go bat-shit crazy and the opposition forces, with the oligarchy-controlled “deep state” will have all sorts of options on the table for the 2024 election.

I anticipate that there will be numerous things that will occur after the 2024 election. One of which would be a progressive democrat become president with the support with the brain-dead youth vote.

This president, predictably, will [1] unleash full scale gun confiscation efforts, [2] new military expansionism all over the globe, [3] higher taxes along with [4] instituted (pro-black, anti-white) institutionally supported racism leading towards [5] deplorable genocide.

It's what "Democrats" always do. Name one democrat that hasn't raised taxes, banned guns or used the military as a global police force.

Thus, it is my guess that there will be a push-back.

  • Some “heavy hitter” nations might slam-dunk the USA military and cities. They would “hit back” using overt state of the art WMD weapons.
  • Rural “deplorables” might resist federal gun collection efforts.
  • The already dysfunctional government would become a true and real “train wreck”. With more corruption, more inefficiency and expanded theft.

What we can expect…

We can expect…

There will be an increase in “False Flag” events, and paid protestors, and actors crying, screeching and pandering to a well positioned media. This will be broadcast over all the media outlets, seemingly providing justification for the government to take radical action.

Here’s American NED “regime change” (color revolution) efforts in Hong Kong, China…

HK chop on a paid protestor.
HK chop on a paid protestor. There will be an increase in “False Flag” events, and paid protestors, and actors crying, screeching and pandering to a well positioned media. This will be broadcast over all the media outlets, seemingly providing justification for the government to take radical action.

Aside from paid protestors, there will be talented actors and actresses that will cry and sob for the cameras. Here’s a typical child actor sobbing for media promotion…

Aside from paid protestors, there will be talented actors and actresses that will cry and sob for the cameras.
Aside from paid protestors, there will be talented actors and actresses that will cry and sob for the cameras.

Institutions that we historically rely upon to be corrupted beyond usefulness. This will mean everything from the FBI, to the IRS, to the FDA, the FCC, and the military.

This is our “improved” military…

The promotion of diversity makes the American military strong because that is something that the armies of China and Russia do not have.
The promotion of diversity makes the American military strong because that is something that the armies of China and Russia do not have.

There will be a retreat in technological, educational, and manufacturing leadership. The attempts by Donald Trump to thwart the global strategic trade supply chain has not been successful, and only aggravates an already dire situation.

There will be a retreat in technological, educational, and manufacturing leadership. The attempts by Donald Trump to thwart the global strategic trade supply chain has not been successful, and only aggravates an already dire situation.
There will be a retreat in technological, educational, and manufacturing leadership. The attempts by Donald Trump to thwart the global strategic trade supply chain has not been successful, and only aggravates an already dire situation.

It will not be peaceful. Based upon history, the resolution will not be based on compromise, civility, reason, or peaceful means. The opposition forces who follow “progressive thought” will not longer need to follow the Constitution. They will write their own rules as they go along.

It will not be peaceful. Based upon history, the resolution will not be based on compromise, civility, reason, or peaceful means.

It will be a dark and dangerous time. The combustible combination of unpayable debt, civic anarchy, and global chaos are set to detonate, creating an era of maximum darkness, death, destruction, and decisions.

People will die, and the police and the government will be complicit.

It will be a dark and dangerous time. The combustible combination of  unpayable debt, civic anarchy, and global chaos are set to detonate,  creating an era of maximum darkness, death, destruction, and decisions.
It will be a dark and dangerous time. The combustible combination of unpayable debt, civic anarchy, and global chaos are set to detonate, creating an era of maximum darkness, death, destruction, and decisions. People will die, and the police and the government will be complicit.

Read this it’s a six-part series. I suggest you read all the parts, as each one says something unique. It opens up into another tab.

We will have to be strong. Making America Great Again will require personal sacrifice, dreadful choices, survival skills, intelligent decisions, and the courage to win at all costs. We will have to accept that there are people who want to disarm us, then herd us into cattle cars and gas us wholesale.

We will have to be strong. Making America Great Again will require personal sacrifice, dreadful  choices, survival skills, intelligent decisions, and the courage to win  at all costs.  We will have to accept that there are people who want to disarm us, then herd us into cattle cars and gas us wholesale.
We will have to be strong. Making America Great Again will require personal sacrifice, dreadful choices, survival skills, intelligent decisions, and the courage to win at all costs. We will have to accept that there are people who want to disarm us, then herd us into cattle cars and gas us wholesale.

Check out the link below. It opens up in a separate tab.

Historically, how preppers failed during periods of turmoil.

We are leaving the “quiet” period of simmering unrest. The first ten years of this Crisis were the early Winter solstice period when public order began to pass its nadir.

Things will go from “rumblings in the distance” to whole-scale Shit Hit The Fan!

Normally peaceful and quiet people will start to fight back. Those people who have never had to deal with “push back” will be unprepared. Initially it will be glorious…

Normally peaceful and quiet people will start to fight back. Those people who have never had to deal with "push back" will be unprepared. Initially it will be glorious...
Normally peaceful and quiet people will start to fight back. Those people who have never had to deal with “push back” will be unprepared. Initially it will be glorious…

…but it will be short lived.


All Hell will break loose.

Shot and dying.
Factory workers, with their company name badges, in the parking lot of their employer. Two dead and one dying with his legs shot off. He and his co-workers had no idea that “world war III” would break out while they were trying to clock in at work. When one group of people identify another group, and target them with hate, and violence, it only escalates. It gets worse. Eventually there is whole-scale blood shed. Do not be under the illusion that it will never happen in America. There are enormous groups of people just chomping at the bit to attack conservatives and traditionalists. All in the name of a progressive utopia.

America could be unrecognizable afterwards. These events always change the social, political, and personal landscape.

Zimbabwe, the former Rhodesia, was modern, prosperous and a net exporter  of food. 

In the end, Africa won. 

Basic services have collapsed, tyranny  and privation are their new rulers, apparently by preference.  

-The Woodpile Report

The changes can be really good, and long overdue. Or, they could be just absolutely awful. It will be all or nothing, and everything will be affected.

Everything will be affected.


The changes can be really good, and long overdue. Or, they could be just absolutely awful. It will be all or nothing, and everything will be affected. Everything will be affected. Everything.
The changes can be really good, and long overdue. Or, they could be just absolutely awful. It will be all or nothing, and everything will be affected. Everything will be affected. Everything.

The Storm Approaches. The coldest days of Winter beckon with the harshest years of the Crisis ahead. Many melancholy days lie ahead, as bitter winter winds and blizzard like conditions sweep the bleak landscape, testing the mettle of even the bravest souls.

  • The catalyst for the Crisis was the Wall Street created global financial meltdown in 2008.
  • The election of Trump marked the beginning of the regeneracy, with Trump as the Gray Champion.

The last four years have certainly marked a new more volatile phase of this Crisis, setting the stage for the fireworks to come.

The catalyst will unfold according to a basic Crisis dynamic that  underlies all of these scenarios: An initial spark will trigger a chain  reaction of unyielding responses and further emergencies.   The core elements of these scenarios (debt, civic decay, global  disorder) will matter more than the details, which the catalyst will  juxtapose and connect in some unknowable way.
The catalyst will unfold according to a basic Crisis dynamic that underlies all of these scenarios: An initial spark will trigger a chain reaction of unyielding responses and further emergencies. The core elements of these scenarios (debt, civic decay, global disorder) will matter more than the details, which the catalyst will juxtapose and connect in some unknowable way.

The regeneracy is less like FDR’s New Deal initiated unification of the country. Instead it is more like the Lincoln regeneracy after the First Battle of Bull Run. This was when he ordered the enlistment of a half million men to fight against a like number of fellow American men.

Both American factions were unified in their cause.

The chain reaction of emergencies and unyielding responses will continue unabated until a final resolution is achieved.

“In retrospect, the spark might seem as ominous as a financial 
crash, as ordinary as a national election, or as trivial as a Tea Party[1].
The catalyst will unfold according to a basic Crisis dynamic that 
underlies all of these scenarios: An initial spark will trigger a chain 
reaction of unyielding responses and further emergencies. 

The core elements of these scenarios (debt, civic decay, global 
disorder) will matter more than the details, which the catalyst will 
juxtapose and connect in some unknowable way. 

If foreign societies are also entering a Fourth Turning, this could accelerate the chain reaction. At home and abroad, these events will reflect the tearing of the civic fabric at points of extreme vulnerability – problem areas where America will have neglected, denied, or delayed needed action.” 

– The Fourth Turning– Strauss & Howe 
[1] Written over ten years before the Conservative Tea Party came into existence.

About these predictions…

Strauss and Howe foresaw the core elements which would surely propel the next Fourth Turning.

Life was quite different before the American Civil War.
Life was quite different before the American Civil War.

They, of course, weren’t the only ones. But they were able to formulate a hypothesis based on their observations that others could apply in their own individual cases. All of these observations were plain to see for people who chose to see the world with eyes wide open.

Debt, civic decay and global disorder are on center stage as we enter the fateful next decade of 2020.

Syria before and after the Syrian civil war. America will also look like this as well. Stay out of the urban areas. Prepare yourself and your family.
Syria before and after the Syrian civil war. America will also look like this as well. Stay out of the urban areas. Prepare yourself and your family.

A madness seems to be gripping the nation, a melancholy realization all is not right.

Everything has a chaotic feel, as financial markets are falling, politicians threaten and attack each other. The government dysfunction is laid bare for all to see. Meanwhile the Deep State snakes slither behind the scenes trying to bring down Trump. Yes, and racial tensions grow as they are being inflamed by agitators. And the CIA / NED instigate changes where foreign governments topple. Meanwhile, both Russia and China challenge U.S. hegemony, and the global debt Ponzi scheme is entering its collapse phase.

It’s all collapsing like a house of cards.

America is polarized

There are no moderates, only pro-Trump and anti-Trump factions.

Compromise and workable solutions to our deep-seated problems are off the table. The mood of the populace ranges from frustrated and angry to depressed and stressed. The aroma of conflict wafts through the air as battle lines are being drawn.

The initial spark of a global financial meltdown created by greedy 
Wall Street banks, the feckless Fed, and corrupt government officials 
was driven by bad debt, outright control fraud by the financial 
industry, captured rating agencies, easy money provided by the Wall 
Street owned Fed, and utter contempt for properly regulating the Wall 
Street cabal by the Fed and SEC.

This emergency was met by an unyielding response from the establishment, with the easiest money policies in world history, bailing out criminal bankers with taxpayer funds, increasing global debt by $80 trillion to $250 trillion (318% of global GDP), running fiscal deficits exceeding $1 trillion per year, and pretending all that debt will be repaid. Pretend and extend has been the solution.

The Deep State has taken extraordinary measures to try and retain their stranglehold on the wealth of the nation and control of the political, financial, social and media levers of society.

They have utilized a combination of propaganda disguised as news, social media distractions, technological surveillance, misinformation campaigns, welfare to keep the poor sedated, and the continued issuance of debt to keep the masses satiated with consumer goods as their wealth dissipates.

But the teetering edifice of debt, delusion and deception is poised to topple sometime in the next decade starting in 2020.

Can you feel it?

It’s like vibrations that you feel in your car as you drive past a very loud rock concert. It’s a gathering storm, an increasing in pressure, a cooling of temperature, and a raising of pressure…

As we enter 2020, year twelve of this ongoing Crisis, you can sense the panic and distress permeating from the pores of the establishment figures. As well as their rich shadowy benefactors trying to maintain their unseen presence behind the curtain as they pull the strings. As they continue operating as the invisible government running the show for their own benefit.

It seems the unanticipated election of Trump has thrown a monkey wrench into their well- oiled pillage machine. It is forcing them to reveal themselves as they attempt a not so subtle coup against a sitting president.

Fourth Turnings always sweep away the existing social order in a torrent of violent upheaval and the blood of young men.

But that doesn’t mean the existing establishment will give up their wealth, power and control without a fight. And the fight is underway. The volcano has erupted and the molten lava could flow in numerous pathways over the next six or so years.

“Imagine some national (and probably global) volcanic eruption, initially flowing along channels of distress that were created during the Unraveling era and further widened by the catalyst. Trying to foresee where the eruption will go once it bursts free of the channels is like trying to predict the exact fault line of an earthquake.

All you know in advance is something about the molten ingredients of the climax, which could include the following:

Economic distress, with public debt in default, entitlement  trust funds in bankruptcy, mounting poverty and unemployment, trade  wars, collapsing financial markets, and hyperinflation (or deflation)

Social distress, with violence fueled by class, race, nativism,  or religion and abetted by armed gangs, underground militias, and  mercenaries hired by walled communities

Political distress, with institutional collapse, open tax  revolts, one-party hegemony, major constitutional change, secessionism,  authoritarianism, and altered national borders

Military distress, with war against terrorists or foreign regimes equipped with weapons of mass destruction” 

The Fourth Turning– Strauss & Howe

The ingredients of distress in the next phase of this Crisis could include any or all of those pondered by Strauss and Howe twenty-two years ago.

I thus can make the case for multiple levels of distress breaking free from their channels, making 2020 as historic a year as 1939 or 1940.

My prognosis for the decade starting in 2020 follows:

Economic Distress

Economic distress is mounting, as the machinations of the Fed, Wall Street and the U.S. government prove to be nothing more than debt financed illusions.

Once the easy money spigot is turned off and the tide of zero interest debt for Wall Street and mega-corporations recedes, you realize everyone was swimming naked.

The national debt grew by $1.4 trillion in 2018 during “the best economy ever”, according to Trump.

We added $12 trillion to the national debt and have generated a historically weak recovery, especially for the working class.

We’ve gone nine years without recession and the longest period in U.S. history between recessions was ten years. Without the tax cut stimulus, interest rates higher, corporate profits flagging, global trade waning, and central bankers withdrawing liquidity, recession is likely ahead of us. When it happens it could end up driving deficits towards $2 trillion.

The number of zombie companies (GE, Sears, JC Penney, Chesapeake, all fracking companies) propped up by cheap junk bond debt is astronomical.

National debt default is still a ways off, but a tsunami of corporate debt defaults will inundate the economy once the recession knocks the legs out from beneath this faux recovery.

Corporations and consumers have never been more indebted. Stock valuations have never been higher.

An economy that begins to self destruct when interest rates approach 3% proves the “solutions” implemented by those in power did nothing for the average American, while further enriching the parasitical class pulling the strings.

At this point, a specific triggering event is unnecessary to provoke the economic conflagration.

The unbearable weight of unpayable debt is going to cause the structure to collapse at free fall speed, like the Twin Towers pancaking everyone in the floors below.

Collapse of the South Tower on 9-11
Collapse of the South Tower on 9-11.

With a recession inevitable in the future, we know the stock market declines 30% to 40% during recessions, on average. When a stock market is this overvalued, based solely on Fed easy money and corporate buybacks (Apple has lost $9 billion on their buybacks this year), the withdrawal of liquidity combined with recession and declining profits will knock 50% to 60% off current prices. I wonder how many middle-class 401k contributors expect this to happen. Well this will be the third time in 18 years, so you would think they’d learn by now.

Recession means job losses, consumer debt defaults, less tax revenue for the government, more wasteful spending by politicians pretending to care, soaring deficits, currency gyrations, and the potential for rising interest rates as no one will be willing or able to buy the newly issued debt.

Will we have massive deflation or hyperinflation? Anything is possible in a collapse scenario.

What is certain will be millions of angry Americans looking for someone to blame and politicians seeking to distract them with some foreign “threat” to their safety and security.

People! This is when trade wars morph into real wars.

Social Distress

The social distress sweeping the country gets the majority of attention on the left-wing corporate media propaganda machines as they purposely fan the flames of divisiveness.

Keeping the sheeple angry at each other keeps them distracted from the continued pillaging of the national wealth by the Deep State scum operating in plain sight. As they loot and pillage, and then leave for greener pastures. Leaving their underlings to clumsily fight for the remaining scraps.

Before and after views of Syria after the Syrian civil war.
Before and after views of Syria after the Syrian civil war.

The daily war against the normals has reached new heights of hypocrisy and idiocy.

It’s all building up towards a major catastrophe.

  • The unceasing mantra of diversity, trying to normalize the lifestyles of the mentally ill…
  • Glorifying socialism as Venezuela implodes due to socialism…
  • Promoting the climate change agenda to abscond with more taxes…
  • Trying to force left wing agendas down the throats of white traditional family-oriented people….

All of this is on the verge of starting civil violence. It’s so close that you can taste it.

This is what a civil war did to Syria. Not a pretty sight.
This is what a civil war did to Syria. Not a pretty sight.

The ruling class has gone too far in accumulating the wealth of the nation through the capture of regulatory, political, financial, and communication structures.

They know what is coming. They are not pretending that all is fine. They have their very own safe houses all set up far, far away from the strife that is barrelling down towards them.

Wealth inequality arisen through fraud, deception and corruption will lead to class warfare – highly likely after the next financial collapse.

The ruling class has gone too  far in accumulating the wealth of the nation through the capture of  regulatory, political, financial, and communication structures. They know what is coming. They are not pretending that all is fine. They have their very own safe houses all set up far, far away from the strife that is barrelling down towards them.
The ruling class has gone too far in accumulating the wealth of the nation through the capture of regulatory, political, financial, and communication structures. They know what is coming. They are not pretending that all is fine. They have their very own safe houses all set up far, far away from the strife that is barrelling down towards them.

The current government shutdown over funding for a border wall is essentially a showdown over the racial makeup of the country. It goes forward allowing unfettered access to welfare benefits to illegal invaders. And who are allowed to come so that they will loyally illegally vote for their Democrat benefactors for eternity.

Come in – get your free stuff – now move into the ghetto.

Ah yes …Racial politics is what has kept blacks enslaved on the welfare plantation in decaying urban ghettos run by Democrat politician plantation owners.

A black uprising led by Kanye West has struck fear into the hearts of Democrats, giving them further incentive to keeping the southern border open to new Democrat voters.  

With gun grabbing liberal politicians attempting to disarm the deplorables in flyover country. Meanwhile supporting antifa and black lives matter terrorists, and thwarting efforts to keep criminals and terrorists from illegally entering the country,

People! a violent showdown is inevitable.

America is messed up way past the point of redemption. For many Americans, they would be just happy to watch the cities burn and let the survivors fend for themselves.
America is messed up way past the point of redemption. For many Americans, they would be just happy to watch the cities burn and let the survivors fend for themselves.

Political Distress

The political distress since the 2016 election has reached levels not seen since the Civil War Crisis period.

The Deep State controllers’ next hand-picked figurehead president – Hillary Clinton – inexplicably lost the election to a NYC reality star real estate mogul (who boasted about grabbing pussies and had a weakness for strippers and Playboy bunnies no less).

Clinton’s arrogance and hubris were her downfall as the deplorables she ridiculed and a majority of white women in the country gave Trump a slim victory. This, of course, drove millions of pussy-hat wearing feminazis into a blind furious rage.

We’ve all heard of the “end-of-days” scenarios where the government finally passes through enough “gun control” laws and mounts a full-scale attack on democracy, running through houses with gun sniffing dogs to confiscate guns, running concealed carry permits, etc. The general fear held by most anti-gun confiscation groups (which should probably include any and all gun owners) is the idea of the US government announcing martial law during an “emergency” and seizing all firearms to “maintain peace”.
We’ve all heard of the “end-of-days” scenarios where the government finally passes through enough “gun control” laws and mounts a full-scale attack on democracy, running through houses with gun sniffing dogs to confiscate guns, running concealed carry permits, etc. The general fear held by most anti-gun confiscation groups (which should probably include any and all gun owners) is the idea of the US government announcing martial law during an “emergency” and seizing all firearms to “maintain peace”.

They are still living that rage.

College students across the land sobbed in their safe spaces and missed their Queer Theory or Pick your Gender classes.

But not only were snowflakes across the land melting, but the surveillance state spooks who attempted to rig the election in Clinton’s favor went into a frenzy of fear. It is understandable as fear of their traitorous machinations being revealed forced them to begin a coup attempt against Trump.

The Mueller, Comey, Clapper, Brennan, Obama, Clinton reactive coup attempt is ongoing and will never be permitted to come to a head. It will just fester. Like an infected scab that poisons the host to a point where an arm or two needs to be amputated.

PHOTO---America today is a serious sick nation that is more akin to having a festering sore get worse and worse until amputation becomes absolutely necessary.
America today is a seriously sick nation that is more akin to having a festering sore getting worse and worse until amputation becomes an absolutely necessary.

The outcome of this epic struggle between the Deep State and the non-approved upstart president could create civil war like conditions.

How will Trump supporters react if they believe their leader is removed through impeachment, based on false charges?

  • Will they take to the streets in armed insurrection?
  • Will the police and military fire on their fellow citizens?
  • What if Trump refuses to step down, creating a Constitutional crisis?
  • What if he is assassinated?
Do you know how to take down a tank, an APC, or a technical armed by roving groups of armed urban youth? You should. Do not think that you can ride out the Fourth Turning unscathed. It will affect everyone, and you need to be prepaired for the worst.
Do you know how to take down a tank, an APC, or a technical armed by roving groups of armed urban youth? You should. Do not think that you can ride out the Fourth Turning unscathed. It will affect everyone, and you need to be prepared for the worst.

On the other hand, what if Trump’s allies within the DOJ and Military present evidence of collusion against the Obama administration, Clinton and top officials in the FBI, DOJ and CIA?

How would the left wingers react to military tribunals with their beloved leaders in the docket?

Even if these earth-shattering events don’t come to fruition, a Democrat controlled House will thwart everything Trump attempts to accomplish as they position themselves for the 2020 presidential election. The anger and disillusionment of the masses will deepen.

Military Distress

The potential for catastrophe on the military front hasn’t been higher in decades.

Putin and Xi are essentially dictators who have no fear of elections  every two years. They are serious men in possession of nuclear missiles,  capable of destroying the world. They are both serious, serious people. They are in their positions of power through merit. Not though mob rule. They will tolerate the CIA / NED interference with Hong Kong, and the Muslims only so far. If the United States decides to push too hard, they WILL strike back... at American cities. IN FULL FUCKING FORCE.
Putin and Xi are essentially dictators who have no fear of elections every two years. They are serious men in possession of nuclear missiles, capable of destroying the world. They are both serious, serious people. They are in their positions of power through merit. Not though mob rule. They will tolerate the CIA / NED interference with Hong Kong, and the Muslims only so far. If the United States decides to push too hard, they WILL strike back… at American cities. IN FULL FUCKING FORCE.

The linear thinking lemmings dismiss the possibility of a global conflict because they are just as obtuse as “experts” before them throughout history.

Since World War II we have only experienced proxy wars where the outcomes would not change the course of world history.

There have been no “total wars”, where the loser is utterly shattered and complete victory is attained. As we continue on our path of just another righteous war, be advised that the rest of the world is getting awfully tired of this war-mongering.

They want it to STOP.

As we continue on our path of just another righteous war, be advised that the rest of the world is getting awfully tired of this war-mongering. They want it to STOP.
As we continue on our path of just another righteous war, be advised that the rest of the world is getting awfully tired of this war-mongering. They want it to STOP.

Those who practice revisionist history act as if the previous two Fourth Turning total wars were completely predictable before they began. They weren’t.

  • In 1858 no one believed a Civil War taking the lives of 700,000 Americans was just over the horizon.
  • Exactly 80 years later in 1938, few believed a global conflict which would kill 65 million people in six years was imminent.
  • Here we are exactly 80 years later and anyone predicting a global conflagration killing millions is declared a loon.

Every previous Fourth Turning has ended in total war with victory of the “good guys” always in doubt. Every total war has ratcheted up the level of death and destruction, as technological “advancements” enhance our war making abilities.

Every previous Fourth Turning has ended in total war.

This means nuclear World War III…

2025 - the Fourth Turning Crisis - A nuclear response

Human nature DOES NOT change.

We are not smarter, less war-like, more humanitarian, or less arrogant than our predecessors throughout history. Hubris, power, and miscalculation by egomaniacal leaders leads to war.

We know the climax of this Fourth Turning is slated for around 2025.

“[W]e should ban possession of military-style semiautomatic assault weapons, we should buy back such weapons from all who choose to abide by the law, and we should criminally prosecute any who choose to defy it by keeping their weapons,” Rep. Eric Swalwell wrote, adding that law enforcement agencies and shooting clubs should be exempted.
“[W]e should ban possession of military-style semiautomatic assault weapons, we should buy back such weapons from all who choose to abide by the law, and we should criminally prosecute any who choose to defy it by keeping their weapons,” Rep. Eric Swalwell wrote, adding that law enforcement agencies and shooting clubs should be exempted.

This infers a high likelihood of a major war involving the U.S. in the foreseeable future.

Will it ignite in 2020? All the combustible elements are present. The onset of a global depression, trade wars, China & Russia feeling pushed into a corner and the volatile political situation in the U.S. and EU provide a potential pathway to global conflict.

It will, contrary to what everyone expects, absolutely affect America. It will be a war that will “come home”. It will somehow (in ways that we do not know) become entangled with the American citizenry. Be frosty. Be alert. Any foreign war will manifest as trouble on the “home front”.

It will, contrary to what everyone expects, absolutely affect America. It will be a war that will "come home". It will somehow (in ways that we do not know) become entangled with the American citizenry. Be frosty. Be alert. Any foreign war will manifest as trouble on the "home front".
It will, contrary to what everyone expects, absolutely affect America. It will be a war that will “come home”. It will somehow (in ways that we do not know) become entangled with the American citizenry. Be frosty. Be alert. Any foreign war will manifest as trouble on the “home front”.

Immigration chaos in Europe, Brexit, Ukrainian nazis provoking Russia, South China Sea territorial disputes, the Syria, Turkey, Iran, Israel ticking time bomb, Saudi anarchy, socialist South American regimes imploding, and U.S. political pandemonium have created a perfect storm of domestic and international disasters.

QUESTION: What do low-life politicians do when faced with terrible domestic issues?

ANSWER: They seek to distract their citizens with a foreign threat. See “Blame Russia for Everything” as an example of this tried and true propaganda technique.

Desperate politicians do desperate things to retain power.

After every high-profile shooting in America, Leftists immediately, and predictably, begin their calls for gun control. With the measured constraint and careful consideration of Bill Clinton in the Champagne Room at Fuzzy Holes Gentlemen’s Club in Little Rock, they self-righteously and repeatedly demand that we “do something!” You can probably list some of the meaningless blather they shout at us reflexively, such as “If not now, when?,” “The NRA has blood on its hands!,” “Nobody needs an assault rifle to shoot a deer!,” and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.  Despite all their hysterical nonsense, they usually have enough presence of mind to also say, because they have been trained to so do, that “nobody wants to confiscate your guns,” or “no one is talking about banning guns.” If you’re really lucky you’ll hear one of these would-be authoritarians say the following (and this is my personal favorite): “I support the Second Amendment, BUT…”
After every high-profile shooting in America, Leftists immediately, and predictably, begin their calls for gun control. With the measured constraint and careful consideration of Bill Clinton in the Champagne Room at Fuzzy Holes Gentlemen’s Club in Little Rock, they self-righteously and repeatedly demand that we “do something!” You can probably list some of the meaningless blather they shout at us reflexively, such as “If not now, when?,” “The NRA has blood on its hands!,” “Nobody needs an assault rifle to shoot a deer!,” and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Despite all their hysterical nonsense, they usually have enough presence of mind to also say, because they have been trained to so do, that “nobody wants to confiscate your guns,” or “no one is talking about banning guns.” If you’re really lucky you’ll hear one of these would-be authoritarians say the following (and this is my personal favorite): “I support the Second Amendment, BUT…”

Desperate Deep State actors care not one wit for their fellow countrymen.

They are willing and able to sacrifice the youth of their nation to fight wars which will further enrich themselves and their fellow traitorous benefactors.

They do not care about us. For they follow the Marxist model; we are cattle to be used as they see fit.

We are nothing but cannon fodder to this psychopathic scum.

Putin and Xi are essentially dictators who have no fear of elections every two years. They are serious men in possession of nuclear missiles, capable of destroying the world.

They are both serious, serious people.

They are in their positions of power through merit. Not though mob rule. They will tolerate the CIA / NED interference with Hong Kong, the Ukraine, and the Muslims only so far. If the United States decides to push too hard, they WILL strike back… at American cities.


Putin and Xi are essentially dictators who have no fear of elections  every two years. They are serious men in possession of nuclear missiles,  capable of destroying the world. They are both serious, serious people. They are in their positions of power through merit. Not though mob rule. They will tolerate the CIA / NED interference with Hong Kong, and the Muslims only so far. If the United States decides to push too hard, they WILL strike back... at American cities. IN FULL FUCKING FORCE.
Putin and Xi are essentially dictators who have no fear of elections every two years. They are serious men in possession of nuclear missiles, capable of destroying the world. They are both serious, serious people. They are in their positions of power through merit. Not though mob rule. They will tolerate the CIA / NED interference with Hong Kong, and the Muslims only so far. If the United States decides to push too hard, they WILL strike back… at American cities. IN FULL FUCKING FORCE.

Blaming others for all the ills in your own country is a fool hardy tactic. And do not fall for the non-stop mainstream media narrative that they are evil and a war is needed to put them in their place. It’s all propaganda aimed at YOU.

Blaming others for all the ills in your own country is a fool hardy  tactic.  And do not fall for the non-stop mainstream media narrative that they are evil and a war is needed to put them in their place. It's all propaganda aimed at YOU.
Blaming others for all the ills in your own country is a fool hardy tactic. And do not fall for the non-stop mainstream media narrative that they are evil and a war is needed to put them in their place. It’s all propaganda aimed at YOU.

The ever- increasing American saber rattling, whether in the Ukraine, Syria, South China Sea, or during antagonistic trade negotiations can easily lead to unintended consequences. All leaders have enormous egos and are prone to over-confidence and miscalculation regarding how their opponent will react.

Listen to me. Someone, somewhere, somehow is going to do something stupid and then all hell is going to break loose.

  • American military in Taiwan = Radioactive California.
  • NED coaching in China = Glassed over Washington, DC
  • American ships launching missiles in the black sea = Texas sized crater.

The danger is REAL.

To Bolton, the support of allies is proof of US military weakness, not diplomatic strength and he is yet to meet an arms control agreement he likes. The latest casualty amidst their wreckage of the pillars of the US-crafted global order is the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty.
To Bolton, the support of allies is proof of US military weakness, not diplomatic strength and he is yet to meet an arms control agreement he likes. The latest casualty amidst their wreckage of the pillars of the US-crafted global order is the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty.

There is No Escape

“The risk of catastrophe will be very high.

The nation could erupt into insurrection or civil violence, crack up geographically, or succumb to authoritarian rule. If there is a war, it is likely to be one of maximum risk and effort – in other words, a total war.

Every Fourth Turning has registered an upward ratchet in the technology of
destruction, and in mankind’s willingness to use it.

History offers no guarantees.

Obviously, things could go horribly wrong – the possibilities ranging from a nuclear exchange to incurable plagues, from terrorist anarchy to high-tech dictatorship.

We should not assume that Providence will always exempt our nation from the irreversible tragedies that have overtaken so many others: not just temporary hardship, but debasement and total ruin.

Losing in the next Fourth Turning could mean something incomparably worse. It could mean a lasting defeat from which our national innocence – perhaps even our nation – might never recover.” 
– Strauss & Howe – The Fourth Turning

There is no escape from the Fourth Turning.

There is no escape from the Fourth Turning.
There is no escape from the Fourth Turning.

We are midway through this crisis and the existing social order retains tenuous control over the levers of finance, government and the legacy media.

History tells us our society will be reshaped and transformed before this crisis resolves itself sometime between now and 2029.

That’s ten LONG years.

It would be the utmost of arrogance to believe our nation will be protected from destruction by an all-powerful God.

Face it.

Face the hard slap of reality.

We’ve made bad choices, deferred hard decisions, squandered our financial resources, allowed our educational system to be corrupted and valued all the wrong things.

Face it. Face the hard slap of reality. We’ve made bad choices, deferred hard decisions,  squandered our financial resources, allowed our educational system to be corrupted and valued all the wrong things.
Face it. Face the hard slap of reality. We’ve made bad choices, deferred hard decisions, squandered our financial resources, allowed our educational system to be corrupted and valued all the wrong things. The United States is in a complete mess and the Marxist progressives are just about ready to take over and convert the entire nation to a Marxist version of Detroit. When in all actuality everything should be nuked from orbit and it should be rebuilt from the ground up.

A just God would allow us to learn through suffering.

This is your life – Buckle up!

There will be consequences.

The overt last- ditch financial debt schemes concocted by the entrenched establishment, to prolong their power and control, are unraveling. This will result in a death and rebirth of the social order through a chaotic cleansing. It is all in the offing.

I believe the real fireworks will begin during the up coming decade starting in 2020.

It’s gonna be nasty.

What ever you do, do not panic. Plan. Keep your wits about you. Be steady. Be prepared. Be flexible. Be adaptable. Be safe. Do not trust anyone, and what ever you do.
What ever you do, do not panic. Plan. Keep your wits about you. Be steady. Be prepared. Be flexible. Be adaptable. Be safe. Do not trust anyone, and what ever you do.

What ever you do, do not panic. Plan. Keep your wits about you. Be steady. Be prepared. Be flexible. Be adaptable. Be safe. Do not trust anyone, and what ever you do.

Avoid crowds.

  • Do NOT turn in your guns.
  • Do NOT allow yourself to be collected and relocated to “safe” areas.
  • Do NOT advertise your beliefs. Lie low.

I don’t eagerly await the terrible storms headed our way.

What ever you do, do not panic. Plan. Keep your wits about you. Be steady. Be prepared. Be flexible. Be adaptable. Be safe. Do not trust anyone, and what ever you do.
What ever you do, do not panic. Plan. Keep your wits about you. Be steady. Be prepared. Be flexible. Be adaptable. Be safe. Do not trust anyone, and what ever you do.

How to Hide Your Guns from Confiscation

The future of America.

The Bolsheviks are younger, angrier, and more ruthless than the patriots. Something far worse than Venezuela or Cuba is probably the future for America.


Millennial leftists don’t want to win elections; they want to exterminate people who disagree with them. Like Stalin. Like Mao.

Like Pol Pot.

Millennials who are active in politics tend to be radicals and atheist. They have no moral restraints. Anything goes.

Anything goes.

When Marxists come to power, they often arm children and youth. For they are the easiest to control ideologically. THey teach them how to shoot weapons and let them loose on the countryside. This is a picture from Cambodia under Pol Pot, who curiously enough believed int he same sort of Marxist utopia that is in favor in places like San Francisco, Detroit and Baltimore today.
When Marxists come to power, they often arm children and youth. For they are the easiest to control ideologically. They teach them how to shoot weapons and let them loose on the countryside. This is a picture from Cambodia under Pol Pot, who curiously enough believed in the same sort of Marxist utopia that is in favor in places like San Francisco, Detroit and Baltimore today.

I wish we didn’t have to withstand the brutal gales of this coming winter, but we have no choice.

You have to survive Winter to experience the blossoming Spring.

The coming decade will try our souls and force everyone to make choices that will make a difference. The specific events are unknowable, but how we react and who we support during the events will be the decisive factor in whether this Fourth Turning is resolved in a positive way.

Having it resolved in negative way could be an unimaginable tragedy.

When Pol POt and his merry band of Marxists came to power in Cambodia, they disarmed the military, the police, the agencies and all the civilians. Then they collected them. Often still wearing their uniforms. They interviewed them to list their crimes against social Marxism, took their pictures and then executed them on the spot. This is what is coming to America. It is coming. Look into his eyes. He knew that he had minutes to live. What do you think was going through his mind? Was it how he wished that he didn't listen to his leader when he was told to hand in his weapon? Do you think it was regret for turning around and having his hands handcuffed? Was it when he was told to climb onto the truck?
When Pol Pot and his merry band of Marxists came to power in Cambodia, they disarmed the military, the police, the agencies and all the civilians. Then they collected them. Often still wearing their uniforms. Like this poor soldier. They interviewed them to list their crimes against social Marxism, took their pictures and then executed them on the spot. This is what is coming to America. It is coming. Look into his eyes. He knew that he had minutes to live. What do you think was going through his mind? Was it how he wished that he didn’t listen to his leader when he was told to hand in his weapon? Do you think it was regret for turning around and having his hands handcuffed? Was it when he was told to climb onto the truck?

Patrick Henry made his famous “Give me liberty or give me death” speech during the first American Fourth Turning. His words ring true today.

We are already at war.

Sides have been drawn.

You are on one, whether you like it or not.

We are going to have to fight whether we like it or not. Our only other choice is chains and slavery. The other side(s) are armed, well equipped financially secure and operating on a level far, far above us “normals”.

We are going to have to fight whether we like it or not. Our only other choice is chains and slavery. The other side(s) are armed, well equipped financially secure and operating on a level far, far above us “normals”.

Follow the money trail. There you will find the instigators and the crooks that are playing the role of the Wizard of Oz behind the curtain. They transfer huge amounts of money through “art” and “book deals”, like how “someone” gave former president Obama a $60 million dollar advance on a book that would at most make $25,000.

Who was the one who coughed up all that money? And why?

Follow the money trail. There you will find the instigators and the crooks that are playing the role of the Wizard of Oz behind the curtain. They transfer huge amounts of money through "art" and "book deals", like how "someone" gave former president Obama a $60 million dollar advance on a book that would at most make $25,000.
Follow the money trail. There you will find the instigators and the crooks that are playing the role of the Wizard of Oz behind the curtain. They transfer huge amounts of money through “art” and “book deals”, like how “someone” gave former president Obama a $60 million dollar advance on a book that would at most make $25,000.

The time to choose has arrived. Welcome to 2020.

“The war is actually begun! 

The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? 

Forbid it, Almighty God! 

I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!”Patrick Henry – 1775

Millennial activists hate science. They have been fed scientism since birth and lack the intellectual training to discern the difference. Therefore, the advances humanity has made thanks to science will quickly reverse as cures for things like global warming turn out to be distress for man and beast.

If the Bolsheviks don’t turn America into a giant, barbaric, communist prison camp, the divisions in our country will leave us vulnerable to military attack.

Iran, Russia, China, even the European Union could feel emboldened and attack. While we might be able to repel the attack, society would further disintegrate. The will to fight a protracted war just isn’t there. We would move quickly to the most lethal weapons in our arsenal.

If these dire prophecies come to pass, my impulse will be to fight. To choose a side and fight to the death. To the death. Yes, that death. That cold darkness that you never wake up from. It’s that rock-cold serious.

We are rapidly approaching that climax.

It’s soon. One to four years away. Buckle up.

The Prophesy 

In The Fourth Turning, Howe and Strauss warned us that these Crisis eras end in a climax. That means the worst is yet to come.

The Crisis climax is human history’s equivalent to nature’s raging  typhoon, the kind that sucks all surrounding matter into a single swirl  of ferocious energy.

Anything not lashed down goes flying; anything  standing in the way gets flattened. Normally occurring late in the  Fourth Turning, the climax gathers energy from an accumulation of unmet  needs, unpaid bills, and unresolved problems. It then spends that energy  on an upheaval whose direction and dimension were beyond comprehension  during the prior Unraveling era.

The climax shakes a society to its  roots, transforms its institutions, redirects its purposes, and marks  its people (and its generations) for life.

The climax can end in  triumph, or tragedy, or some combination of both. Whatever the event and  whatever the outcome, a society passes through a great gate of history,  fundamentally altering the course of civilization.

Yet one generation—Generation X2, aka, “13ers”—holds the key to surviving the climax:

The 13ers’ gravest Fourth Turning duty will be their society’s most  important preseasonal task: to ensure that there can indeed be a new  High, a new golden age of hope and prosperity.

For the Crisis to end  well, 13ers must keep Boomers from wreaking needless destruction and  Millennials from marching too mindlessly under their elders’ banner. 

They will not find it easy to restrain an older generation that will  consider itself far wiser than they, and a younger one that will  consider itself more deserving.

For this, 13ers will require a keen eye,  a deft touch, and a rejection of the wild risk taking associated with  their youth.

Warning us in 1997, Howe and Strauss said:

From now through the end of the Fourth Turning, 13ers will constantly  rise in power.

From 1998 until around the Crisis climax, they will be  America’s largest potential generational voting bloc. As the years pass,  their civic contributions will become increasingly essential to their  nation’s survival.

They will have to vote more and participate more, if  they want to contain the Boomers’ zealotry. They will have that chance. 

Their own elected officials will surge into Congress as the Crisis  catalyzes, eclipse Boomers around its climax, and totally dominate them  by the time it resolves.

As they go one-on-one with history, 13ers should remember that history is counting on them to do whatever hard jobs may be necessary.

  • If 13ers play their script weakly, old Boomers could wreak a horrible apocalypse, and 13er demagogues could impose a mind-numbing authoritarianism— or both.
  • If 13ers play their script cleverly but safely, however, a new golden age will be their hard-won reward.

As they age, 13ers should remember Hemingway’s words: “Old men do not grow wise. They grow careful.”

“Slackers” to the Rescue

Luckily, we Gen Xers have a role model in Missouri’s new governor, Eric Greitens. Greitens is the epitome of doing whatever hard jobs may be necessary, from Rwanda and Bosnia to Iraq as a Navy SEAL to charity and now to politics.

Even luckier, Generation X is already hardened. We grew up with hard rock and hard drugs and hard breakups and hard attitudes. We were eager fans who made Nirvana and Pearl Jam possible. And it’s an honor. History has handed us the keys to survival.

Those haters in Berkeley are largely Millennials. They’re following the bad examples of destructive, reckless Boomers. If America is to survive the coming climax, history will note that the Slackers, the McFlys, the generation nobody watched overcame our recklessness to rescue civilization itself.

But Generation X cannot win the battle for America’s survival alone. We need to attract soldiers from the Millennial generation. And we need to follow the lead of the Gray Champion, about whom more in future posts.

It’s Going to Be Okay

In the meantime, cut out carbs, eat more healthy fat, practice dry fire drills, stock up on ammo, and be ready for the inevitable climax. You, my friends, are the first and last line of defense in our battle for self-government. We won’t go down without the fight of the millennium.

For your planning purposes

Taking note of “The Fourth Turning” and the Strauss and Howe generational theory of predictive behavior in America, we note that their dates are close but seem to be off by a few years. In our case, the “Crisis catalyst” did not occur in 2005 as predicted. It occurred in 2008 with the Wall Street “too big to fail” debacle. That is three years later.

Adjusting the Strauss and Howe dates to account for the delay in the catalyst, messes things up a bit. They predicted…

If the Crisis catalyst comes on schedule, around the year 2005, then the  climax will be due around 2020, the resolution around 2026. 

What will  America be like as it exits the Fourth Turning? History offers no  guarantees. Obviously, things could go horribly wrong—the  possibilities ranging from a nuclear exchange to incurable plagues,  from terrorist anarchy to high-tech dictatorship. We should not assume  that Providence will always exempt our nation from the irreversible  tragedies that have overtaken so many others: not just temporary  hardship, but debasement and total ruin. 

Since Vietnam, many Americans  suppose they know what it means to lose a war. 

Losing in the next Fourth  Turning, however, could mean something incomparably worse. It could  mean a lasting defeat from which our national innocence—and perhaps even  our nation—might never recover. As many Americans know from their own  ancestral backgrounds, history provides numerous examples of  societies that have been wiped off the map, ground into submission, or  beaten so badly they revert to barbarism.

There is a nice graphic that I composed for your purposes of planning out the next few years. I hope that it is helpful. Adding three years, gives us…

  • Crisis catalyst” in 2008.
  • Climax in 2023.
  • Resolution in 2029.


Of course, you could argue the 2020 was the “climax” simply because it was one Hell of a shitty year. But you all know, it was a shitty year for everyone on the globe. Not just Americans. I argue that it was just foreplay for bigger stuff to come.


I know that I tend to be a little long in the tooth. Yes, my articles are long. I try to cram a lot in them, and sometimes it can get confusing. Here’s a quick summary.

  • The Fourth Turning is proceeding on schedule.
  • The major tripping point is scheduled for 2023 +/- 2 years.
  • It will involve all manner of conflict.
  • Oligarch-instituted cultural changes, and genocides will be initiated.
  • A total clamp down on freedoms via electronic means will take place.
  • Total gun bans, one way or the other, will take place.
  • The USA will get involved in some sort of war. The idea is that it will be just another distraction.
  • One or two, or even three super-powers, will side with the attacked nation.
  • A strong possibility exists for nuclear weapons to be detonated on United States cities.

My suggestions.

For what ever it is worth, here are some suggestions. You have three years. Start now. Start today. (If you do nothing else, try to do the points in bold. It will give you advantage.)

  • Leave the cities. Move. Buy property in a small town, a rural area, or some other place about a three days walk from a major city.
  • Start now. Do not put it off.
  • Have firearms. Use the rule of three. [1] One or two in the open for ready use. [2] Some hidden, and you can tell your wife (but not your children the location). [3] Hidden and known only to you.
  • Have multiple lethal knives. Do not be afraid to use them.
  • Take a class in basic first aid and know how to stop bleeding, provide basic health care, mend a broken bone, and perform emergency surgery. If not the YMCA, then via the internet. Start NOW.
  • Learn on how to make improvised explosives. Especially those that can be used to take down a bridge, disable an ATV, and create a minefield.
  • Stock up on prepper literature in the form of books.
  • Stock up on basic medical supplies including antibiotics.
  • Stock up on all manner of food supplies, and hide large quantities of them from random seizure by roaming groups of people..
  • Start going “x-ray” and do not advertise your plans, or anything about your life to anyone.
  • Have some sort of vehicle that does not require gasoline or electricity to operate. (Bicycle or horse.)
  • Make friends in your new location. Friendships are worth gold. Identify these friends on a scale of trust.
  • Start cutting down on the use of your cell-phone. Start leaving it at home when you go out.
  • Buy a Geiger counter, and iodine pills.
  • Set up a rain water collection system at your house.
  • Start a garden. Learn to grow potatoes.
  • Leave America. If you cannot, then live in a predominantly “red” state. The redder the county the better.
Move to a deep red colored area. Absolutely avoid cities and bright blue areas. Any area that has a shade of blue is to be avoided. Consider Alaska over Hawaii. Avoid Indian reservations. Avoid the border with Mexico. Avoid urban black enclaves.
Move to a deep red colored area. Absolutely avoid cities and bright blue areas. Any area that has a shade of blue is to be avoided. Consider Alaska over Hawaii. Avoid Indian reservations. Avoid the border with Mexico. Avoid urban black enclaves.

SHTF Related Index

This is a collection of my posts related to prepping, SHTF (Shit Hit The Fan), CWII (American Civil War 2), Fourth Turning (Strauss–Howe generational theory) and other posts related to the very sad and sorry tatters that America is today. Actually, I am a little stunned that I have written so much about these matters. But America today is very ill and there are things that really should be said.

Here are the posts.

SHTF and Related Index

The Tale of the Killdozer.
The use of technicals for genocide.
Why are Americans so angry?
Evolution of the USA and China.
The grim future.
Is it clear enough for you?
r/K selection theory
Pictures of a gun-free utopia.
Historically, how preppers failed during periods of turmoil.
Universal Background Checks
What is planned for American Conservatives - Part 2
What is going to happen to conservatives - Part 3.
What is planned for conservatives - part 4
What is in store for Conservatives - part 5
What is in store for conservatives - part 6
Civil War
The Warning Signs
Line in the sand
A second passport
Make America Great Again.
What would the founders think?
The Ninth Amendment
How they get away with it
Taxiation without representation.
Parable about America
Democracy Lessons
A polarized world.
Types of American conservatives.

Articles & Links

You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.

  • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
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The Deep State is going to continue to push for CWII to save their own asses. The Qanon operation has opened the flood gates and Red Pilled millions, many of whom are still to this day digging on their crimes and networks. In the mean time The Everything Bubble is overdue to pop and all of this will be happening as the world wide economy shits the bed.
WWIII should follow shortly after.
It’s the perfect storm.
Of course you probably have a better idea of what’s coming than I do.
I spent an entire weekend reading the things on your site over a month ago. Very amazing and eye opening.
You have a very different vantage point to look at all of this from.

While I am here, could you do me a favor?
I was pretty shocked to see one of my Blogs on your blog roll while I was here that weekend, The Vulgar Curmudgeon.
Thanks for that. There were actually two Vulgar Curmudgeon sites, one on Blogger and one on WordPress. The WordPress Blog is my current home and I had to upgrade it so I bought a domain name and renamed the blog Bustednuckles.
The domain is If you could add that one I would be much obliged. I will be heading over and adding yours to both of mine as soon as I get done here.
Best wishes Metallicman, I hope you have plenty of popcorn stashed away.

Ohio Guy

Hah! I read both yous guys!


I will always have Hope that the securing of our sovereignty will not be given to the weak, neither will we rely on the strength of others. It can only be entrusted to those that will endure unto the End.
This was an interesting read, but I could immediately tell that the writer(s) and I did not go thru the same Great Awakening at the same time or even generation.😌 Initially, and weaved throughout the article was that Trump’s presidency was of non-effect. Implying that a citizenry understanding that it’s alright to love and embrace your country first and then lend a helping hand to others was no big deal. No, President Trump was not a “mad man” for endorsing that banner – it was genius. A lot of comatose people were awaken to another way of thinking.
No one is effective if distracted. I have seen a whole “Boomer” generation begin posting, creating YT channels and launching their own websites telling us the geopolitical truth, but encouraging us all to “do your own research”. It was President Trump that unapologetically called out every left-winged radical and right-winged RINO for what they were – an Enemy of the People!
The writer(s) and I do share a truth – when stated “they truly hate us”! It no longer affects me how it did 4 years ago. Now, I see revealed that only one, besides God’s Warring Angels is President Donald Trump who proudly stands between us and them, and he has been joined by some of the greats!