The failed Color Revolutions on the BRI that connects China to Russia and Europe

Virtually no one knows about it. But last December, another coup was discreetly thwarted in the Kyrgyz capital, Bishkek. 

Kyrgyz intel sources attribute the engineering to a rash of NGOs linked with the USA, Britain and Turkey. 

That introduces an absolutely key facet of The Big Picture: NATO-linked intel and their assets have been preparing a simultaneous color revolution offensive across Central Asia.

On my Central Asia travels in late 2019, pre-Covid, it was plain to see how western NGOs – Hybrid War fronts – remained extremely powerful in both Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan. 

Yet, they are just one nexus in a western nebulae of Hybrid War fog deployed across Central Asia, and West Asia for that matter. 

Here we see the CIA and the US Deep State crisscrossing MI6 and different strands of Turkish intel.

When President Tokayev was referring, in code, to a “single center,” he meant a so far ‘secret’ US-Turk-Israeli military-intel operations room based in the southern business hub of Almaty, according to a highly placed Central Asia intel source. 

In this “center,” there were 22 Americans, 16 Turks and 6 Israelis coordinating sabotage gangs – trained in West Asia by the Turks – and then rat-lined to Almaty.


For those who follow the Western Bloc “news” it’s all full of Taiwan independence, Uighur torture and rape camps, and Ukraine NATO membership. The truth however is actually quite different. Instead of this “carefully crafted” narrative, something else has been going on; There has been major fighting to destroy the BRI (Belt and Road Initiative) in the heart of Central Asia.

And the usual culprits (The USA, UK, and Israel) are (as usual) failing and floundering left and right.

The BRI is (as I have discussed before) the solution to bypass the liability of the logistic transport from China to the rest of the world.

It’s a land route from China to Asia, Europe, and Africa. It’s faster, and cheaper than sea shipments, and further it is not subject to blockade by the powerful and omnipresent American naval forces.

The real threat of Naval blockade as presented to China by then President Obama.

It has been a top American (warmongering) neocon agenda for nearly a decade now. Stop the BRI at all costs.

Here, we are going to review the latest fiasco; the battle for Kazakhstan. It’s a CIA-sponsored “color revolution” using Turkish assets that was stopped and dissambled within days.

So let’s start off by taking a look at a map.

Where is Kazakhstan with regard to the BRI?

Well, it’s easy to see. Just look at a map.

You can easily see that most of the BRI route corrodors plow through Kazakhstan and the Uighur regions in Xinjiang in Western China.

Kazakhstan is a key rail hub for the BRI. A loss to hostile forces would stop the BRI operational corridors.

It’s very obvious, and as clear as day.

But you all had best be careful in your selection of maps.

Not every map is accurate, and it is becoming more and more predominant that images, text and maps are being rewritten to fit whatever narrative is driving the great American Military Empire.

It’s curious how most maps out of the United States strategically omit that Kazakhstan holds the critical rail lines for the BRI.

Look at this map (below) that omits the key rail lines as shown above. they are all rerouted out of Kazakhstan, and away from the Uighur populated regions in China. Imagine that!

Raw map, blatantly lying about the BRI route corridors.

It’s not at all accurate.

However, what is most interesting is really how carefully the map sidesteps the CIA “color revolution” target areas…

Notice how the BRI corridors are strategically located outside all the CIA-color revolution hot spots. What a coincidence!

Careful, careful.

Don’t step in the target color revolution “hot zones”.

Ok, so, here’s how the ACTUAL MAP should actually look. The BRI corrodors are  in brown. The black lines are what “The China Road Project” wants you all to think the BRI actually is.

The first thing an astute MM reader will notice is that the rail lines to Laos, Cambodia, are missing.

Then all the transport and rail lines to the Western part of China through Uighur land is sidestepped.

Then, you will note how Afghanistan, and Iran are somehow ignored. I guess their membership in the SEO means nothing…

Notice how the BRI goes through EVERY SINGLE region that has experienced a color revolution, and being propagandized.

Let’s talk about Some areas of “color revolutions”

Actually, I really hate the term “color revolution”. It’s so very deceptive. Instead, we should be calling them what they are. They are “unorthodox military campaigns” used to create proxy / client states and territories for the United States military bases.

On Monday morning, leaders of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) held an extraordinary session to discuss Kazakhstan.

Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev framed it succinctly. Riots were “hidden behind unplanned protests.” The goal was “to seize power” – a coup attempt. Actions were “coordinated from a single center.” And “foreign militants were involved in the riots.”

Russian President Vladimir Putin went further: during the riots, “Maidan technologies were used,” a reference to the Ukranian square where 2013 protests unseated a NATO-unfriendly government.

Defending the prompt intervention of CSTO peacekeeping forces in Kazakhstan, Putin said, “it was necessary to react without delay.” The CSTO will be on the ground “as long as necessary,” but after the mission is accomplished, “of course, the entire contingent will be withdrawn from the country.” Forces are expected to exit later this week.

But here’s the clincher: “CSTO countries have shown that they will not allow chaos and ‘color revolutions’ to be implemented inside their borders.”

Putin was in synch with Kazakh State Secretary Erlan Karin, who was the first, on the record, to apply the correct terminology to events in his country: What happened was a “hybrid terrorist attack,” by both internal and external forces, aimed at overthrowing the government.


I list four primary (simply because they are germane to this article topic) color revolution targets.

  • Belarus
  • Ukraine
  • Kazakhstan
  • Xinjiang (Uighur Ethnic stronghold)

You can find all sorts of detailed information regarding the various color revolutions in these targeted regions. Most of the revolutions failed.

The only successful one was the Ukraine. But it has pretty much split the country in two.

Just like how the American military intervention split Korea into two...

... and split Vietnam into two...

... and Germany into two. 

History repeats itself, don't you know.

There is a Russian-leaning (culturally and socially) East with most of the industry and infrastructure, and a Western-leaning (Nationalist / Fascist) Western side, with mostly rural areas.

A split Ukraine.

Additionally, there have been color revolution attempts in…

We will leave out the rout of American military forces out of Afghanistan, and the ongoing “soft” war with Iran. We will jsut say that they are now pro-China, and independent of the Western Bloc.

So it is really NOT BEING REPORTED what is actually going on. The United States have been conducting CIA-sponsored “color revolutions” throughout Central Asia in a very dramatic effort to stop the BRI from manifesting.

And that is it in a “nutshell“.


Let’s talk about Kazakhstan…

Who “lost” Kazakhstan and to whom?


Dear friends, Christ is born!  Glorify Him!

The magnitude of the crisis in Kazakhstan has surprised many, including myself.

Some compared what happened to the Euromaidan in Kiev, but that is a very bad comparison, if only because the Euromaidan happened on one square of one city whereas the violent insurrection (because that it was it was!) in Kazakhstan began in the western regions but quickly spread to the entire country (which is huge).

Kazakhstan is huge.

Just by the sheer magnitude of the insurrection (about 20’000 well organized and trained combatants all over the country) and its extreme violence (cops had their heads cut off!), it was pretty obvious that this was not something spontaneous, but something carefully prepared, organized and then executed.

The way the insurgents immediately attacked all TV stations and airports, while bigger mobs were trashing the streets and looting stores, shows a degree of sophistication Ed Luttwak would have approved of!

To me, this is much more similar to what happened in Syria in the cities of Daraa, Homs, Hama, Aleppo, Damascus, and many more.

I will admit that my initial reaction also was…

“wow, how could the Kazakh and Russian intelligence services miss all the indicators and warnings that such a huge insurrection was carefully prepared and about to explode?”. 

Then came the news that President Tokaev appealed to The Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO).

Which up until now was a rather flaccid organization.

And that very same evening Russia began an air bridge to move forces to Kazakhstan.

These forces were huge and substantive, including the subunits of the 45th Guards Separate Special Forces Brigade, 98th Guards Airborne Division and 31st Guards Airborne Assault Brigade.

Russian military transporters also airlifted small contingents of Armenian, Kyrgyz, Tadjik special forces.

Most interestingly, the Belarusians also sent one reinforced company from their elite 103rd Separate Guards Airborne Brigade (that is the famous Vitebsk Airborne Division, one of the best Soviet Airborne Divisions).

Considering the current tensions with the West over the Ukraine, the speed with which these forces were sent to Kazakhstan indicated to me that this was clearly a prepared move.

A prepared action.

The breakdown of the messy Kazakh op necessarily starts with the usual suspects: the US Deep State, which all but “sang” its strategy in a 2019 RAND corporation report, Extending Russia. Chapter 4, on “geopolitical measures”, details everything from “providing lethal aid to Ukraine”, “promoting regime change in Belarus”, and “increasing support for Syrian rebels” – all major fails – to “reducing Russian influence in Central Asia.”

That was the master concept. Implementation fell to the MI6-Turk connection.

The CIA and MI6 had been investing in dodgy outfits in Central Asia since at least 2005, when they encouraged the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU), then close to the Taliban, to wreak havoc in southern Kyrgyzstan. Nothing happened.

It was a completely different story by May 2021, when the MI6’s Jonathan Powell met the leadership of Jabhat al-Nusra – which harbors a lot of Central Asian jihadis – somewhere in the Turkish-Syrian border near Idlib. The deal was that these ‘moderate rebels’ – in US terminology – would cease to be branded ‘terrorists’ as long as they followed the anti-Russia NATO agenda.

That was one of the key prep moves ahead of the jihadist ratline to Afghanistan – complete with Central Asia branching out.

The genesis of the offensive should be found in June 2020, when former ambassador to Turkey from 2014 to 2018, Richard Moore, was appointed head of MI6. Moore may not have an inch of Kim Philby’s competence, but he does fit the profile: rabid Russophobe, and a cheerleader of the Great Turania fantasy, which promotes a pan-Turk confederation of Turkic-speaking peoples from West Asia and the Caucasus to Central Asia and even Russian republics in the Volga.

MI6 is deeply entrenched in all the ‘stans’ except autarchic Turkmenistan – cleverly riding the pan-Turkist offensive as the ideal vehicle to counter Russia and China.


In other words, at least the Russians had advanced warning and were fully prepared.  If so, I doubt they said anything to their colleagues from the CSTO, with the possible (likely?) exception of the Belarusians.

Okay, so let’s explore the implications of the above.

If the Russians knew, why did they do nothing at all to prevent what just happened?

Here we first need to revisit what recently happened in Belarus.

The Belarus “Color Revolution”.

President Lukashenko had pretty much the same foreign policy as President Tokaev. It’s something they call a “multi-vector” foreign policy.

This is a policy I would summarize as follows:

  • First, pump all the aid and money from Russia,
  • While suppressing pro-Russian forces inside your own country.
  • Try to show the AngloZionist Empire that we can be bought, just for the right price of course (this is also what Vucic is doing in Serbia right now).

Now let’s recall what happened in Belarus.

The United States Military Empire and its vassal states in the EU tried to overthrow Lukashenko.

He had no other choice than to turn to Russia for help and survival.

Russia, of course, did oblige, but only in exchange for Lukashenko’s “good behavior” and comprehensive abandonment of his “multi-vector” foreign policy.

Lukashenko prevailed, the opposition was crushed, and Russia and Belarus have already taken major further steps towards their integration.

Result? “Color Revolution” collapsed.

But of the nay-sayers…

Now I know that there are those out there who love to accuse Putin (personally) that he “showed weakness”, “let the US and NATO blow up countries on the Russian periphery”, etc. etc. etc.

To those inclined to this, I ask a simple question: compare the Belarus before the insurrection and after.  Specifically, from the Russian point of view, was the multi-vectoring Belarus preferable to the fully aligned Belarus of today or not?

The answer, I submit, is absolutely obvious.


Now let’s look at Kazakhstan.

Potentially, this is a much more dangerous country for Russia than Belarus: it has a huge border (7’600km, open and undefended as Kazakhstan is a member of the Eurasian Economic Community!).

It has a strong pan-Turkic underground (supported by Turkey).

It also has an equally strong Takfiri underground (supported by various non-state and even state actors in the region).

As well as ethnic tensions between the Kazakhs and the Russian minority and (of course) very important security ties to Russia.

To have the United States Military Empire take over Belarus would have been very bad indeed, but the Empire taking over Kazakhstan would have been even much MUCH worse.

Yet, as a direct (and, I submit, predictable) consequence of the insurrection, Tokaev now knows that his fate depends on Russia, just like Lukashenko’s.

  • Is that a bad or a good outcome for the Kremlin?

I will toss in another name here: Armenia’s Pashinian.

Pashinian was a notorious russophobe until the Azeris attacked at which point he had no other choice but to turn to Russia for help and, frankly, survival.  (That is also true of Erdogan, but he is an ungrateful SOB who can’t ever be trusted, not even for minor matters.)

Now remember all those dummies who were screaming urbi et orbi that the CSTO is useless, that the Russians just let the Azeris beat the crap of Armenia and could do nothing about it?  As soon as Russia got involved, the war stopped and the “invincible” Bayraktars stopped flying.

  • Is that a good or bad outcome for Russia?

And now, oh sweet irony, the self-same Pashinian happens to be the formal head of the CSTO (more like Stoltenberg really, a official mouthpiece with no real authority) and he had to “order” (announce, really) the CSTO operation into Kazakhstan.

So we have Lukashenko, Pashinian and now Tokaev all ex-multi-vector politicians begging Russia for help and getting that help, but at the obvious political price of ditching their former multi-vector policies.

  • I don’t know about you, but for me this is a triumph for Russia: without any military intervention or “invasion”.

Putin “cracked” three notorious multi-vectorist and got them to be nice, loyal and very grateful (!) partners for Russia.

By the way, Russia also has a very deep “penetration” into all the other “stans” whose leaders are not stupid and who, unlike the western journos and “experts” all read the writing on the wall.

The impact of what just took place in Kazakhstan will reverberate all over Central Asia.

Central Asia.

Now, about the CSTO operation itself…

We talk about how the “Color Revolution” was stopped.

First, there are the Russian and Belarusian forces. Consisting of about 3’000 Russians and 500 Belarusians. They are truly elite, top of the line, battle hardened, professional, highly trained and  superbly equipped forces (the other smaller contingents are more for “PR decoration” than for anything else).

Officially, their mission is only to protect key official (Kazakh and Russian) facilities. However, these forces would be more than enough to make minced meat of out any western or Turkish trained Takfiris or nationalists. THis is regardless of their size or training. This is true, even if their numbers are much higher than the 20’000 estimate.

And, in the worst case which did happen, these forces happened to be in control of key airports were Russians (and Belarusians) could send in even more forces, including at least two Russian airborne divisions. (That was strategically important, to prevent Russian and CSTO resupply, while allowing United States Military resupply and logistics.).

That would be a force nothing in Central Asia can even dream of taking on.

I should also mention that Russia has a large and strategically crucial military base in Tadjikistan which has trained to fight against Takfiri terrorists and insurgents for decades now and which could also support any Russian military operation in Central Asia.

So the objective of these forces are:

  • To free up Kazakh security and military forces to put down the uprising (which they did.)
  • To send a political message to the Kazakh security forces: we got your back, no worries, do your job.
  • To send a political message to the insurgents: you will either lay down arms, flee abroad or die (which is what Putin ordered in both Chechnia and Syria, so these are not empty threats at all).
  • To send a political message to the US and Turkey: Tokaev is our guy now, you lost him and this country!
  • To send a political message to the entire Central Asia and Caucasus: if Russia has your back, you will stay in power even if the idiots at CIA/NED/etc. try to color-revolutionize you.
  • To send yet another message to folks like Erdogan or Vucic – all that multi-vectorness will end up very badly for you, use your head before it is too late (for you, not for us – we are fine either way!).

Suggestions of NATO involvement

Some have suggested that the timing of the insurrection Kazakhstan was some kind of attempt by US/NATO to “hurt” Russia in her “weak underbelly” and to show Russia that she has to back down from her ultimatum to the West (negotiations are supposed to start tomorrow, in an atmosphere of general pessimism).  Well, I don’t have any info out of Langley or Mons, but if that was the US plan, then this entire project not only collapsed, but has backfired very very badly indeed.

Remember, the PSYOP narrative was that Putin is either stupid, or weak or sold out to the West, yet when we look at the “before and after” thingie, we see that while the West “almost” (or so they think) “got” Belarus, Armenia, Azerbaijan and, now, Kazakhstan, the reality is quite different.

The reality is that in each case it appears that the narcissistic megalomaniacs running the West have confidently waltzed into a carefully laid Russian trap. This trap, which, far from giving the Empire the control of the countries it “almost” acquired, made them lose them for the foreseeable future.

Can you imagine the level of impotent rage and frustration in Langley and Mons when the watch that kind of footage on their C3 monitors.

Of sure, the AngloZionist propaganda machine and the clueless trolls (paid or not) who parrot that nonsense won’t say a word about all this, but just use your own common sense, use the “before and after” thing, and reach your own conclusions.




Speaking of conclusions: how about all those who bitched about the CSTO being a toothless wannabe copy of NATO which can get nothing done?  You still find it so toothless now?

How does it compare to NATO, no, not on paper, but in terms of combat operations capability?

  • The Western Bloc wanted to turn Kazakhstan into a “Russian Afghanistan” (same plan for the Ukraine, by the way).
  • Turkey wanted to turn Kazakhstan into a Turkish-run vassal state.
  • The Takfiris wanted to turn Kazakhstan into some kind of Emirate.
  • The United States Military Empire wanted to turn Kazakhstan into a strategic roadblock to the Chinese BRI.

In your opinion, how do you evaluate the effectiveness of a collective security treaty which could foil all of these plans with only a brigade-sized force and in just a few days?

Heavy CIA involvement

One more thing: there is something else which Kazakhstan and Syria have in common: there were A LOT of CIA/MI6/Mossad/etc agents around Assad.

This became quite clear by the number of high-level Syrian officials who either backed the insurrection, or even led it.

Most later fled to the West, though some were killed.

But the point is that the “apple” of the powers structure in Syria was quite rotten.

The same can be said for Kazakhstan where a huge purge is taking place, with the highly influential head of the security services (and former Prime Minister!) not only demoted, but arrested for treason!

Simplified Summary

The “Color Revolution” collapsed and the instigators were rounded up, tortured and executed.

So in plain English, the SVR/FSB/GRU will now have a free hand to “clean house” the same way the Russians “cleaned house” around Lukashenko and Assad (in this case with Iranian help): quietly and very effectively,

Again, I can hear the hysterical and desperate wailing out of Langley and Mons.  That’s what you get for believing your own stupid propaganda!

As for those who bought that silly “Putin losing countries all over the former Soviet Union space” PSYOP narrative, they probably feel quite stupid right now, but won’t ever admit it.  Speaking of stupid,

No, Putin is NOT, repeat, NOT trying to “re-create” the Soviet Union.

And while that mediocre non-entity Blinken warns about how the Russians are “hard to get out once they come in” (coming from a US Secretary of State this is both quite hilarious and a new, even higher, level of absolute hypocrisy!), the truth is that most CSTO forces will leave pretty soon, if only because there will be no need to keep them in Kazakhstan.


Simple: the hardcore trained terrorists and insurgents will soon be dead.

Additionally, the looting rioters will get off the streets and hope that they don’t get a visit from the Kazakh NSC (National Security Committee).

The traitors in power will either leave the country for the EU or be jailed.

And the Kazakh security and military forces will regain control of the country and maintain law and order.


Why would the Russian paratroopers and special forces need to stay?

Consider the Russian point of view

The Central Asian nations with Russia and China are chasing the CIA-backed forces out of the area.

Furthermore, Russia has no need, or desire, to invade or, even less so, administer poor, mostly dysfunctional countries, with major social problems and very little actual benefits to offer Russia.

And now that Lukashenko, Pashinian, and Tokaev know that they serve at the pleasure of the Kremlin, you can rest assured that they will generally “behave”.

Oh sure, they will remain mostly corrupt states, with nepotism, tribal affiliation, and religious extremism all brewing at some level, but as long [1] as they represent no threat to  the Russian minority in these states and [2] to Russian national security interests, the Kremlin will not micro-manage them.

But at the first sign of a resurgence of “multi-vectoriality” (possibly inspired by the many western corporations working in Kazakhstan) the chairs upon which these leaders currently sit will immediately begin shaking pretty badly and they will know whom to call to stop this.

American United States Involvement

Speaking of weak “idiots” who “lost” countries to the Empire, does anybody care to make a list of countries the Empire has ACTUALLY snatched away from Russia (or any other adversary) and succeeded in keeping?  Syria?  Libya?  Afghanistan?  Iraq maybe?  Yemen?  And that is after the “Mission Accomplished” declaration by a “triumphant” US President 🙂

Okay, the three Baltic statelets.  Bravo!  Captain America won another Grenada!

Ah, I can hear the voices chanting “the Ukraine!  What about the Ukraine!?”.

Well, what about the Ukraine?

There is a Russian saying (цыплят по осени считают) which can be roughly translated as “do not count your chickens before they are hatched“. 

Right now, NOBODY can confidently predict what will happen with the Ukraine further down the road. 

Not only has the Ukraine become a country 404 deindustrialized shithole, it now is run by an entire class (in the Marxist sense) of Nazis whom, apparently, nobody has the will or the ability to de-Nazify (Russia could, but has exactly zero motive to do so, as for the US/NATO, LOL!!). 

Even if Russia and the US agree to some kind of neutral status for the Ukraine, this will not remove a single Nazi from power and, if anything will create the conditions for an even bigger breakup of the country (which is what I think will eventually happen anyway, but very slowly and very very painfully).

The one thing which the Ukraine does have in common with Kazakhstan is that these are both invented countries created by the rabidly Russophobic Bolsheviks.

Not only are their current borders meaningless (and I mean totally completely meaningless), but these borders bring under one totally artificial political “roof” completely different regions and ethnic groups. 

The big difference is, of course, that the Ukie leaders, all of them, were, and still are, infinitely worse than either Nazarbaev or Tokaev ever were. 

Also, Ukie nationalism is the most hate-filled and demented on the planet, they can only be compared with the Hutu Interahamwe in Rwanda. 

Yes, there is definitely a nationalist streak in the Kazakh society (lovingly nourished and fed by the West for decades), but in comparison with the Ukronazis, these are soft-spoken and mostly mentally sane humanitarians. 

In my personal, and therefore admittedly subjective, experience, Kazakhs and Russians get along much better than Ukrainians and Russians.

Belarusian-style “housecleaning” in Kazakhstan has already begun!



Last, but not least, it will take decades to de-Nazify the Ukraine, and God only knows who will be willing and capable of doing that (certainly NOT Russia!) whereas Kazakhstan’s insurgents are already being killed, in large numbers (several thousand by some accounts), by Kazakh security forces.

As for the Kazakh oligarchs and officials who assisted them, they are either dead or in jail or already abroad.

Did I mention China?

It is a very important actor in Kazakhstan.

On one level, China and Russia are economic and even political competitors in Kazakhstan, however China absolutely and categorically cannot allow Kazakhstan to be taken over by either the US/NATO, or the Takfiris or the pan-Turkists.

The Chinese have not flexed their military muscle (yet), but they could, and you can be rest assured that they will flex with (immense) economic muscle to prevent such an outcome.

So while the poor Ukraine has Poland as a neighbor, Kazakhstan has both Russia and China which are absolutely determined not to allow any hostile force (anti-Chinese or anti-Russian, these are the same forces) to color-revolutionize Kazakhstan.

They will not all it to turn into the kind of nightmarish shithole the Empire turned so many countries into, from the US-occupied EU to the Nazi-occupied Ukraine.

The bottom line about the Ukraine is this: let’s wait and see what kind of chickens the Ukie eggs will hatch in time and whether the eventual outcome will be worse or better for Russia.

And, by “outcome” I do not refer to the roaring statements coming from western politicians and the talking heads on the idiot box, I mean actual outcomes.

Outcomes, which in such matters can take months or even years before becoming fully apparent.


What just happened in Kazakhstan was both a US-triggered full-scale insurrection AND an attempted coup.

There is overwhelming evidence that the Russians were aware of what was coming and allowed the chaos to get just bad enough to give only one possible option to Tokaev: to appeal for a CSTO intervention.

The extreme swiftness of the Russian military operation took everybody by surprise and none of the parties involved in that insurrection+coup (the US, the Takfiris and the Turks) had any time to react.

Thus, they couldn’t prevent the quick deployment of (extremely) combat-capable forces which then made it possible for the Kazakh military and security forces to regroup and go on the offensive.  Having Pashinian “order” this CSTO operation was beautiful, karmic, cherry on the cake 🙂

All in all, this is just the latest in a series of cataclysmic failures of the leaders of the (already dead) AngloZionist Empire and the (equally dead) USA to actually get something, anything, done.  In the confrontation between western hot air and Russian military action, the latter has prevailed, yet again.

Tomorrow the US will try to scare Russia with talks about “sanctions from hell”.  Good luck with that!


So now with the collapse of the “color revolutions” designed to stop the BRI, the United States Military Empire is insisting on the placment of nuclear weapons throughout the edges where the BRI intersects with Russia and Europe. This is why the Ukraine is so strategicaly important right now.

And the American leadership is engaged in “dialogue” to make sure that they can stop the BRI at all costs…

This Is How the U.S. Does ‘Dialogue’


Washington will not consider Russian proposals on no expansion of NATO, and has no intention of even discussing the idea.

So much for “dialogue”.

It was the first high-level Russia-NATO meeting since 2019 – coming immediately after the non sequitur of the U.S.-Russia “security guarantee” non-dialogue dialogue earlier in the week in Geneva.

So what happened in Brussels? Essentially yet another non-dialogue dialogue – complete with a Kafkaesque NATO preface: we’re prepared for dialogue, but the Kremlin’s proposals are unacceptable.

This was a double down on the American envoy to NATO, Julianne Smith, preemptively blaming Russia for the actions that “accelerated this disaster”.

By now every sentient being across Eurasia and its European peninsula should be familiar with Russia’s top two, rational demands:

  • No further NATO expansion, and
  • No missile systems stationed near its borders.

Now let’s switch to the United States / Western Bloc spin machine.

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg’s platitudes were predictably faithful to his spectacular mediocrity.

On the already pre-empted dialogue, he said…

…brace yourself…

…it was “important to start a dialogue”.

Russia, he said,

“urged NATO to refuse to admit Ukraine; the alliance responded by refusing to compromise on enlargement”.

Yet NATO “welcomed bilateral consultations” on security guarantees.

NATO also proposed a series of broad security consultations, and 

“Russia has not yet agreed, but has not ruled out them either.”

No wonder: the Russians had already noted, even before it happened, that this is noting but stalling tactics.





The Global South will be relieved to know that Stoltenberg defended NATO’s military blitzkriegs in both Kosovo and Libya: after all “they fell under UN mandates”. So they were benign.

Not a word on NATO’s stellar performance in Afghanistan.


And then, the much-awaited clincher: NATO worries about Russian troops “on the border with Ukraine” – actually from 130 km to 180 km away, inside European Russian territory. And the alliance considers “untrue” that expansion is “an aggressive act”.


Because “it spreads democracy”.

Bomb me to democracy, baby

So here’s the NATO gospel in a flash.

Now compare it with the sobering words of Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Grushko.

Grushko carefully enounced how

“NATO is determined to contain Russia. The United States and its allies are trying to achieve superiority in all areas and in all possible theaters of military operations.”

That was a veiled reference to Full Spectrum Dominance, which since 2002 remains the American gospel.

Grushko also referred to “Cold War-era containment tactics”, and that “all cooperation [with Russia] has been halted” – by NATO.


“Russia honestly and directly pointed out to NATO that a further slide of the situation could lead to dire consequences for European security.”

The conclusion was stark:

“The Russian Federation and NATO do not have a unifying positive agenda at all.”

Virtually all Russophobic factions of the bipartisan War Inc. machine in Washington cannot possibly accept that…

[1] …there should be no forces stationed on European states that were not members of NATO in 1997; and ….

[2]…that current NATO members should attempt no military intervention in Ukraine as well as in other Eastern European, Transcaucasian, and Central Asian states.

On Monday in Geneva, Deputy Foreign Minister Ryabkov had already stressed, once again, that Russia’s red line is unmovable:

“For us, it’s absolutely mandatory to make sure that Ukraine never, never, ever becomes a member of NATO.”

Diplomatic sources confirmed that in Geneva, Ryabkov and his team had for all practical purposes to act like teachers in kindergarten, making sure there would be “no misunderstandings”.

Now compare it with the U.S. State Department’s Ned Price, speaking after those grueling eight hours shared between Ryabkov and Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman:

[1] Washington will not consider Russian proposals on no expansion of NATO,

[2] and has no intention of even discussing the idea.

So much for “dialogue”.

Ryabkov confirmed there was no progress.

Referring to his didacticism, he had to stress,

“We are calling on the U.S. to demonstrate a maximum of responsibility at this moment. Risks related to a possible increase of confrontation shouldn’t be underestimated.”

To say, in Ryabkov’s words, that “significant” Russian effort has been made to persuade the Americans that “playing with fire” is not in their interests is the euphemism of the young century.

Let me sanction you to oblivion

A quick recap is crucial to understand how things could have derailed so fast.

NATO’s not exactly secret strategy, from the beginning, has been to pressure Moscow to directly negotiate with Kiev on Donbass, even though Russia is not mentioned in the Minsk Agreements.

While Moscow was being forced to become part of the Ukraine/Donbass confrontation, it barely broke a sweat smashing a coup cum color revolution in Belarus. Afterwards, the Russians assembled in no time an impressive strike force – with corresponding military infrastructure – in European Russia territory to respond in lightning quick fashion in case there was a Ukrainian blitzkrieg in Donbass.

No wonder an alarmed NATOstan had to do something about the notion of fighting Russia to the last impoverished Ukrainian. They may at least have understood that Ukraine would be completely destroyed.

The beauty is how Moscow turned things around with a new geopolitical jiu-jitsu move. Ukro-dementia encouraged by NATO – complete with empty promises of becoming a member – opened the way for Russia to demand no further NATO expansion, with the withdrawal of all military infrastructure from Eastern Europe to boot.

It was obvious that Ryabkov, in his talks with Sherman, would refuse any suggestion that Russia should dismantle the logistical infrastructure set up in its own European Russia territory. For all practical purposes, Ryabkov smashed Sherman to bits. What was left was meek threats of more sanctions.

Still, it will be a Sisyphean task to convince the Empire and its NATO satrapies not to stage some sort of military adventure in Ukraine.

That’s the gist of what Ryabkov and Grushko said over and over again in Geneva and Brussels. They also had to stress the obvious: if further sanctions are imposed on Russia, there would be severe blowback especially in Europe.

But how is it humanly possible for seasoned pros like Ryabkov and Grushko to argue, rationally, with a bunch of amateur blind bats such as Blinken, Sullivan, Nuland and Sherman?

There has been some serious speculation on the timeframe ahead for Russia to in fact not even bother to listen to the American “baby babble” (copyright Maria Zakharova) anymore. Could be around 2027, or even 2025.

What’s happening next is that the five-year extension of the new START treaty expires in February 2026. Then there will be no ceiling for nuclear strategic weapons. The Power of Siberia 2 gas pipeline to China will make Gazprom even less dependent on the European market.

The combined Russia-China financial system will become nearly impervious to U.S. sanctions. The Russia-China strategic partnership will be sharing even more substantial military tech.

All of that is way more consequential than the dirty secret that is not a secret in the current “security guarantees” kabuki: the exceptionalist, “indispensable” nation is congenitally incapable of giving up on the forever expansion of NATO to, well, outer space.

At the same time, the Russians are very much aware of a quite prosaic truth; the U.S. will not fight for Ukraine.

So welcome to Instagrammed Irrationalism.

What happens next?

Most possibly a provocation, with the possibility, for instance, of a chemical black ops to be blamed on Russia, followed by – what else – more sanctions.

The package is ready. It comes in the form of a bill by Dem senators supported by the White House to bring “severe costs” to the Russian economy in case Moscow finally answers their prayers and “invades” Ukraine.

    • Sanctions would directly hit President Putin, Prime Minister Mishustin, Foreign Minister Lavrov, the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces Gen Gerasimov, and “commanders of various branches of the Armed Forces, including the Air Force and Navy.”
    • Targeted banks and financial institutions include Sberbank, VTB, Gazprombank, Moscow Credit Bank, Alfa-Bank, Otkritie Bank, PSB, Sovcombank, Transcapitalbank, and the Russian Direct Investment Fund. They would all be cut off from SWIFT.

If this bill sounds like a declaration of war, that’s because it is. Call it the American version of “dialogue”.


MM Comments.

Tokayev is a very smart operator. Trained by the foreign service of the former USSR, fluent in Russian and Chinese, he is totally aligned with Russia-China – which means fully in sync with the masterplan of BRI, the Eurasia Economic Union and the SCO.

Tokayev, much like Putin and Xi, understands how this BRI/EAEU/SCO triad represents the ultimate imperial nightmare, and how destabilizing Kazakhstan – a key actor in the triad – would be a mortal coup against Eurasian integration.

Kazakhstan, after all, represents 60 percent of Central Asia’s GDP, massive oil/gas and mineral resources, cutting-edge high tech industries: a secular, unitary, constitutional republic bearing a rich cultural heritage.

It didn’t take long for Tokayev to understand the merits of immediately calling the CSTO to the rescue: Kazakhstan signed the treaty way back in 1994. After all, Tokayev was fighting a foreign-led coup against his government.

Putin, among others, has stressed how an official Kazakh investigation is the only one entitled to get to the heart of the matter. It’s still unclear exactly who – and to what extent – sponsored the rioting mobs. Motives abound: to sabotage a pro-Russia/China government, to provoke Russia, to sabotage BRI, to plunder mineral resources, to turbo-charge a House of Saud-style ‘Islamization’.

Rushed to only a few days before the start of the Russia-US ‘security guarantees’ in Geneva, this color revolution represented a sort of counter-ultimatum – in desperation – by the NATO establishment.

Central Asia, West Asia, and the overwhelming majority of the Global South have witnessed the lightning fast Eurasian response by the CSTO troops – who, having now done their job, are set to leave Kazakhstan in a couple of days – and how this color revolution has failed, miserably.

It might as well be the last. Beware the rage of a humiliated Empire.


America has been prepping for war for some time now.

Russia knows this.

China knows this.

Now it’s pushing for the fomalities.

Here’s a screen capture of a member of the American leadership with the proud (but out of shape) Marines. He is all full of pomp, and impressive regalia. Aren’t you all proud of the great mighty might of the American Military Empire?

Relax military standards. Relax military rules. Start pushing the rest of the world around, and threatening color revolutions and nuclear war everywhere…

The American military war machine.

Now, let’s compare that with Mr. Putin paying homage to the Russian soldiers that died to save Russia. Determined to move forward in uncertain times when dealing with an out of control, mad-dog, Western Bloc.


And now, let’s compare that to China, and China’s military…

Determined. Disiplined. Lethal.

Honor guards attend a flag-raising ceremony at Tiananmen Square in 2017. Under President Xi Jinping, China has ambitiously pressed its advantage almost everywhere at once.

So now we see the whole picture.

China and Russia, along with the entirety of the SEO and Iran are linking together. They are forming one unified block. The BRI is critical to that unity, and the Western Bloc DOES NOT WANT THAT TO HAPPEN.

And so they are doing everything to stop it.

Look at the picture of the American military review above again. Do you know what it reminds me of?

America comparisons.


It’s frightening that these “people” have inhereted the weapons, technology, and systems of their predecessors. They do not deserve them.

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning 3. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 3


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A Forecast For the Next Decade (2022 through 2032)

Sometimes you come across a really decent, well written article by someone that speaks basic points in clear terms directly. They don’t have enormous paragraph-long sentences, filled with wandering thoughts, jargon, or bullshit. It’s just a very well done article that makes a great deal of sense, and is well written for others to understand.

I read one such article today.

It’s pretty darn American centric, and places some pretty complex situations into rather simplistic terms, but over all, it’s not bad.

And I am going to reprint it here. Well, edited to fit this venue, of course. And then let you all suckle on the savory tidbits that it presents.

But first…

Let me tell you how I came accross it.

I got up, as all of us do, and went to my office. I went in early as I had a scheduled conference call with a salesman in Oregon. It didn’t happen, sigh, as salesmen are always busy being “road warriors”. So I left the office and went down and got myself a burger and a coffee at Burger King. You don’t bitch and moan about what things should be. You adjust and accept them as they are.

The view this morning from infront of the Zhuhai, China office… video 14MB

All is good.

I walked the five minute stroll to the neighborhood Burger King. Up the stairs and inside past the Coronavirus QR. So I ran up to the interior ordering kiosk, and ran through the ordering QR scan and order placment at the kiosk. Paid using wechat. And while waiting for the meal I was reading my feeds.

I no longer really read American “news”.

As time goes on, it all seems so disconnected from reality. Instead I read The Saker, Moon Over Alabama, UNZ, and a handful of other bloggers that report on things as they see them and are not doing it for money. They are doing so in their love of truth reporting.

It’s a new reality. I tell you the truth.

Anyways, you know, I do scan through Drudge Report. That gives me a “birds eye” overview of the current American “news” scene. And yeah. It’s still a lot of bullshit.

Drudge Report 11JAN22

Same Old.

Same Old.


When I grabbed my muffin-hamburger, and swilled my “hot cup of Joe” I read a comment that pointed to this article here.

Chinese version of a muffin breakfast hamburger at Burger King looks a little something like this.

And well, I read it, and thought… “well, this is a pretty decent article to share“, and so when I went back to my office, I sat down and started to share it.

But I have to warn the readership, that the author equates all the problems that the Western Bloc is currently experiencing with Socialism, Marxism, and Communism.  

That's not true in the least. It's due to greed, and wealthy powerful oligarchs. 

But let's not quibble on the trivial.
A nation that has zero elements of solicalism, zero elements of Marxism, and zero elements of Communism is not falling into decay because of them. It is falling into decay becuase the systems that it is based upon (democracy, wealth generation, and identity politics) are failing.

Here it is…

Found HERE. All credit and so on and so forth. Edited to fit this venue.

A Forecast For the Next Decade

To say that last year (2021) was a “game-changer” seems silly really. It was revealing.

For many who don’t follow the financial world, it revealed the incurable monetary problems in the Western led financial system.

For many who don’t follow politics, it revealed the deep state, as from country to country the people’s will was overturned by vested interests.

For many who don’t follow big business, it revealed silicon valley for what it is. A cesspool of Marxist, power hungry technocrats with maniacal tendencies.

What last year was more than anything else, was an accelerant for many of the underlying trends that were already in motion, while bringing on new probabilities and uncertainties.

When looking at the world from a birds eye view, we find that segregating the United States, Canada, Britain and the European Union into separate political and economic entities no longer makes sense.

They are “The Western Bloc”, and are now following the same exact  ideological, political and social paths. All without regard to national bourdaries or geography.

Prior to Covid, we had some reservations as to how things would play out, but now the path seems indisputable. For the “Western Bloc” this path is an acceleration of socialism into a blow off top, an authoritarian style of governance, and it will – by necessity – involve printing money in a vain attempt to stave off the collapse.

It won’t matter.

All in the “Western Bloc” will share the same fate.

Screen capture of a screen captures of a Twitter feed.

There is a (non-zero) chance that some type of debt forgiveness is tried.

This will likely coincide with the issuance of a Central Bank Digital Currency for the “Western Bloc”.

But it will not be smooth, and it will be contentious. It will be looked back upon as one of the greatest thefts from the middle class in history, and a final nail in the coffin that is Western hegemony.

Some background

Here’s some background…

Western Bloc Domance

The world we’ve all experienced has been dominated by the Western success model.

All models have their strengths and weaknesses, and over time these change. Nothing is static nor is it linear. This one has been no different.

What has become increasingly evident is that this model has over time decreased in its resilience.

It has been overwhelmed by socialism, which has created an entire society that is incapable of withstanding any hardship, even low intensity hardships.

This societal structure lends itself towards societies seeking out and championing more of what has been instrumental in its weakness, namely socialism. (Read my report entitled What Happens Next on it here.)

We are now in the final throes of its life.

The “Western Bloc” is coming to an end.

The next final step is authoritarian Marxist rule, and final collapse. Coming out of a collapsed society is rarely rapid. Remember; the USSR lasted 80 years.

Manufactured Hysteria

The manufactured hysteria over Covid-19 is being used to extend the life of this dying economic system through what is being sold to an unsuspecting public as “The Great Reset”.


The ESG trend (read this, this, this and this if you’re not up to speed) is part of this “Great Reset” package. It is simply Marxism in new packaging, with an enormous marketing budget.

It’s now dressed up with buzz words such as “sustainability”, “inclusivity” and “equality” and the now much promoted “build back better“.

Strong Narratives

In order to fool convince people, strong narratives are required.

All have been building for years now and one such part of this Marxist agenda is of course “man made climate change”. This has been a tried and tested model.

It was originally labeled as Global Warming, but when the absurdity and inability to pretend it existed in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary (no warming), the buzz word was neatly transitioned to Climate Change.

Importantly, it allows for the instilling of terror in a populace… and once sufficiently terrorised, people are incredibly malleable.

We have been here before.

Too many exhibits but here is a taste for those who can’t recall…

Like this…

And this beauty…

Despite all this, we can now expect “climate lockdowns”.

If you think I’m joking, you’ve clearly not been paying attention.

Charles MacKay the author of “Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds” made the following astute observation after studying and documenting follies, manias, popular delusions and sheer madness exhibited by crowds.

The Great Reset; like climate change, extinction rebellion, planetary crisis, green revolution, and now the Covid hoax, are being promoted in order to distract, terrify, and provide justification for greater authoritarian control as the financial edifice crumbles.

All are built on flimsy, junk science produced by dishonest political hacks on the Government payroll, and spoon fed to the public via mass propaganda.

The reasons for these are twofold.

One [1] is to build a protective wall around themselves (as starving, angry masses can become unruly to deal with) and the other [2] is that we are witness to a vain attempt to dramatically slow the consumption of natural resources (lockdowns on air travel and consumer travel) and therefore extend the lifetime of the current system.

It may prove “stimulatory” for a very short while (massive capital being poured into “green energy”) and provide a short term reprieve from the inevitable, but ultimately won’t address the bottom-line problem and will only delay the inevitable.

How long that takes is up for debate.

Regardless, it is known that the system cannot continue…

…and so…

…we are living through the attempt to self demolition, with the intent that those in control will be able to rebuild and do so with even greater control.

The collapse of the Western financial system – and ultimately the Western civilization – is the main reasons for this forecast.

Covid is designed as an excuse to try resist this collapse and retain power. It won’t work.

Western Bloc societies, drunk on extreme liberalism, are unable to deal with any real hardship.

So far, the Covid death toll is roughly 2 million people, if we’re being generous.

If we are to add back all those flu and heart disease deaths which have miraculously disappeared then certainly the figure is significantly less.

The risk is clearly not from Covid, as even the most naïve and gullible using rudimentary math will quickly find.

The Actual Risks

The actual risk – the risk that you should be concerned with – is from the Marxist Oligarchy Class takeover we are living through and its ultimate probabilities.

What is now certain is that the economic crisis due to the lockdowns will cause far more deaths than the virus worldwide.

“Globally, the lockdown measures have increased the number of people at risk of starvation to 1.1 billion, and they are putting at risk millions of lives,”

Leading epidemiologist Dr. John Ioannidis of Stanford University
“This year has seen a perfect storm that has left 270 million people facing crisis levels of food shortages. That is double the number of people needing immediate assistance this time last year.”

Caoimhe de Barra, CEO, Trócaire

And creating untold misery:

“I think that the cost to our nation in continuing to keep these schools closed is substantial, and I’m hopeful that resources that are necessary can be made available… But there has been another cost that we’ve seen, particularly in high schools. We’re seeing, sadly, far greater suicides now than we are deaths from COVID. We’re seeing far greater deaths from drug overdose that are above excess that we had as background than we are seeing the deaths from COVID.”

Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Director
Suicide rates in Australia are forecast to rise by up to 50 per cent due to the economic and social impacts of the coronavirus and tipped to outstrip deaths from the pandemic by up to 10 times.

Australian Medical Association modelling, The Australian
My family would 100 percent starve if I don’t beg. What else can I do to feed them when there is no work?

Alireza Yousufi, 41, Kabul, talking to the Washington Times

Furthermore, lockdowns will not end.

They will be brought back like a tool, at any time, for any purpose.

American-style Democracy is over.

This year will see elections in multiple western countries. We expect to see any opposition to the elites now in power being quashed under “health restrictions”.

Free and fair elections are finished.

The obvious political campaigning that would oppose “The Great Reset” will be made illegal under new laws already implemented.

What’s more is that the “sustainability agenda” which is the “Green Deal” dressed up in different pants, is now being implemented.

It will bring about an astonishing fall in the standards of living, skyrocketing poverty, starvation, stagflation and an acceleration of the breakdown of civil society.

Holding this all together will require a level of authoritarianism few can imagine.

This is being rolled out ahead of time.

They (the oligarchy) know what is coming and are prepared for it.

The populace are still largely ignorant, optimistic, gullible and completely unprepared for it.

The public is unprepared for the consequences of the sustainability agenda – environmental devastation, skyrocketing poverty, starvation, stagflation and an accelerated breakdown of civil society.

This persistent and ongoing tide of “woke mob” led politics is going to render the Western Bloc Anglo-Western social and cultural institutions impotent.

The rule of law is being manipulated to preference society’s rights over individual rights.

Evidence, reason and rationality are running headlong into a wall of “cancel culture“, as education and science is being replaced by selected procedural methods.

In effect, the civil structure on which the West was built is being ripped to shreds before our eyes.

We can safely say that much of the Western world today is in second world status, descending rapidly into third world status, masked mostly by the efficiencies of globalisation built over decades that is now reversing (as I recently presented here).

Britain, a former beacon of law and order, is now under martial law with citizens being beaten and imprisoned for visiting their loved ones or going to the gym.

The push towards mass vaccinating the populace via coercion, propaganda and manipulation is in full swing.

“Health Impact Events” and deaths from these experimental unorthodox mRNA vaccines are already mounting and the campaign to suppress the truth is becoming increasingly draconian.

The extent of the economic damage done is already largely incalculable, but already exceeds that of the great depression by at least a factor of 2.

It grows exponentially with each day.

Britain is not unique, as the same is true albeit to a lesser extent for all of the Western Bloc.

The physical infrastructure still remains, but this masks the underlying rot.

Just as an abandoned building in the tropics left uncared for is overtaken by the jungle, this existing infrastructure will slowly, then rapidly deteriorate.

At that point the physical decay and poverty will mirror the intellectual, moral and social decay, and it will finally become visually apparent.

Within a decade, many cities in the West will be unrecognisable.

This is the future of those following The Great Reset, namely Western democracies.

The Western economic system has been held together by debt.

After decades of not allowing true busts to happen and kicking the can down the road, we’ve reached the inevitable…

…dead end.

The bond market is no longer functioning.

The vast amount of debt is now bought by the Central Banks themselves, and fully 100% of secondary issuance is owned by the Central banks (EU).

This was done in a bid to hold down the cost of borrowing, while simultaneously being able to print more dollars.

Debt forgiveness is coming.

In a last ditch attempt to detonate the existing system and replace it, the elimination of public debt will be conducted.

It will be the largest, most egregious theft in living memory and millions of people will become impoverished overnight.

This will also coincide with a Digital Central Bank Currency unit tied to UBI (Universal Basic Income).

It will usher in a level of control and enslavement that will be total.

China’s social credit system is the (supposed) model. For more depth go read the IMF and WEF’s own papers on the topic.

It won’t matter, as debt repudiation will not work.

It will likely signify the final nail in the Western Bloc led system’s coffin.

When analysing historical data, various systems of governance, and the societies being governed, it is instructive to note that the experience with the Soviet system implemented by the Bolsheviks was quite different to what lies ahead for the West.

Soviet society at the time was far more resilient than Western societies are today.

This was both as [1] a consequence of strong family structures and largely mono ethnic culture, as well as [2] the fact that the preceding wars fought by the soviet population had hardened society to deal with social, and economic hardships.

This is the polar opposite of Western society today, where society is outraged if someone is “misgendered” or if a “person of insufficient colour” makes a burrito (cultural appropriation).

To think that such a culture can sustain itself is beyond laughable.

Three years ago, we forecast that if this wasn’t stopped the west risked descending into tyranny.

We believe it is now too late.

Western societies today sport records in the following:

  • They are THE most diverse ever,
  • They are more multicultural than at any time
  • They are the most personally indebted
  • Their governments are the most indebted
  • They experience the highest standards of living

The first two points are important since, in times of economic prosperity multiculturalism and diversity bring creativity, innovation and expansion.

But in times of economic contraction, people turn tribal.

This is exacerbated when they are turned against each other, as is the case across the western world (white privilege, stakeholder equity, toxic masculinity, gender identity).

The last point is important, since they are the least resilient and will suffer the most. Western societies don’t know hardship and when even a minor shock hits, the belief is that not only can the state provide for all who are disadvantaged, but that it should.

This is why they will borrow and print. Society will literally demand it.

Evidence of Western societies lack of resilience is to be found in the degenerate behaviour being disguised as virtue.

We see it in “cancel culture”, hate speech laws, censorship of any apposing views – and now even questions, hijacking of science to fit a narrative (Covid and Climate change being the most aggressively used) and attempts to rewrite history in favour of the perpetually oppressed.

These are all signs of this crumbling system.

Not Like the USSR

To put this into context, when the Bolsheviks took over and created the Soviet system, ten percent of the population died.

Some from outright slaughter, some in Gulags, others from poverty.

The new age Bolsheviks are now in power in the West and this will likely be worse, possibly much worse for the reasons mentioned above.

None of this takes into account the effects of the experimental drugs being used on populations.

The ultimate result; the populations of these countries will decline.

The combination of deaths and migration will ensure this.

The Second and Third World countries

Right now, the jury is largely out on those countries we have formerly termed “second” and “third” world.

We are watching them closely.

Those who follow Western powers and The Great Reset, tying themselves economically and politically to them, will suffer accordingly with civil strife prevalent.

With the collapse of their economic systems, so too will the power vacuum left be filled.

This in itself could become a hair trigger on an international scale.

We have already seen the chess pieces on the board shifting.

China taking Hong Kong (HK was always part of China. China did not “take” HK in so much as it regained control over one of it’s cities. -MM) was a result of the early inning of this power vacuum. China took HK because it could. So much has happened in such a short period of time that has weakened the Western system that it is now simply a matter of time before more power plays are had on the international stage.

The West will experience intensified secessionist movements, which are likely to result this time in violence, as the system becomes authoritarian in a mad bid to hold things together.

It remains highly unlikely that the United States remain “United”.

The term “Domestic Terrorism” will become the norm as anyone diverging from the narrative will find themselves quickly deemed a “terrorist”.

Watch for it.

Second and third world countries – provided they choose NOT to ally themselves to the sinking Western ship – are better positioned to deal with hardship than the Western democracies.

Social safety nets in these countries are effectively decentralized; they are the family unit.

The requirement – and indeed ability – of their governments to “fix” the problems are lacking, and so they won’t.

Those second and third world countries that choose not to follow the West will be following Russia and China, neither of which will follow The Great Reset.

They cannot, as their power structures require a wholly different approach.

They are ideologically opposed to The Great Reset and so cannot be bought as easily as the Western powers have been. This is for both economic, but also cultural and ideological reasons.

Countries that tie themselves to these two will form the new makeup of the post Western world.

This is unfolding now, and is easily seen if you’re paying attention.

Different Systems

In a recent Insider publication, I remarked that;

At $7.1 trillion, the combined market cap of Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, and Google is greater than the GDP of every country in the world with the exception of the US and China.

It is not a coincidence that every single one of these companies has been an avid and enthusiastic supporter of lockdowns.

They are more powerful than many governments, and as we’ve just seen in the US, they are exerting immense political influence.

In the Western system, the corporate elites dictate government policy and they are in the process of attempting to gather as much power as possible to ensure their own survival, and indeed usher in an entirely new system.

They are calling it “The Great Reset”.

Backing this great reset is the grand con masquerading as “philanthropy”.

For instance, Bill Gates wealth has doubled from $54 billion to $105 billion since he started his vaccine agenda, under this carefully constructed guise of “philanthropy” whilst killing thousands, injuring millions and rendering thousands infertile (read this and this for a sample).

“First we got population. The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.”

Bill Gates, Ted2010 Conference, emphasis ours

Those paying attention might also raise an eyebrow at his recent foray into disaster capitalism, as the measures he championed for covid-19 have allowed him to become the US’ largest farmland owner and enter a bidding war to buy Signature Aviation, the world’s largest private jet operator.

Otherwise known as “key strategic assets” in a world of government controlled movement and supply chains.

But who would notice, he’s too busy pumping 160x the amount of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere per year than the average person he is dictating the life of, for one of his “guilty pleasures“.

Dangerous megalomaniacs with socialist tendencies who are risking the entirety of humanity with a dangerous, unproven, unnecessary and rushed to market Covid vaccine for a falsified pandemic to further their interests is the stark reality of our current situation.

This is not a movie, or a story.

It is fact.

Geopolitics and Military

The situation between the three great powers has changed dramatically.

The only relevant achievement of the Western powers during the past decade has been the formation of a strategic alliance, both military and economic, between Russia and China.

The relationship between the United States and ASEAN was dealt a serious blow under the Obama administration. Nothing since has been done to repair this and instead China has grown its influence under the Belt and Road initiative.

US influence is now at an all time low…

… and about to get worse.

Into this void has stepped China.

The implementation of Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), which has created the world’s largest trading block, is a stark reminder of just how rapidly Western influence is collapsing.

It is instructive to note that neither the EU nor the US are party to RCEP.

Moving to Europe and Russia; This partnership is now in tatters as the Kremlin has finally had enough and realised there is little to gain from engagement. The EU never wanted a partnership, but rather a vassal EU state.

For the same reasons that Russia will not pursue The Great Reset, Russia was never going to acquiesce to the EU’s agenda.

This was always the most probable outcome, but the Covid scam, and the EU’s pushing its “Sustainability agenda” which wraps neatly into The Great Reset, is not in Russia’s interests.

If there ever was any doubts as to what would happen with this partnership these have now been conclusively put to rest.

There isn’t and will not be any partnership.

Both Russia and China have been preparing for a major war since 2008, and China has been increasing its military capabilities for the last 20 years. Russia has now completely de-dollarised its economy, built a hoard of gold, and has one of the most stable balance sheets of any sovereign.

They are coincidentally self sufficient in both food and energy, both of which are about to become absolutely critical. As I’ve said many times before:

You don’t have any political security if you don’t have energy security.

Western powers are in the process of virtue signalling away their energy security for brownie points at the Woke table. Whether by intent, ignorance or malice they are ceding autonomy.

Their enemies will use this against them.

Right now, their enemies need not lift a finger, as watching your enemy commit suicide is both cheaper, easier and likely a more gratifying experience.

The period of time post World War 2 is that which is in the memory of people today. I would suggest a longer timeframe is required to adequately assess the risks in front of us today.

War is more the norm than most realise.

The entire global world order has been underpinned by American economic, military (especially the Navy) prowess. That order is collapsing right now and at great speed.

This power vacuum WILL be filled.

As of this writing, not one in one hundred in the Western system believes that anything other than a Western led system will lead.

The brainwashing of individuals is complete, and not only do the majority believe the West holds the moral high ground, but they believe in their technological superiority.

This hubris has allowed them to entirely ignore what is taking place around them. We see it with the rise of the supremacy of the emotional arguments over the rational ones (2+2=4 = racist) which are ignored or deprecated.

Rational, objective, evidence based thinking is now uniformly categorised as “conspiracy theory”, and any questioning of the spoon fed narrative is ridiculed and then “canceled”.

That mindset can play a key role in the upcoming catastrophic events.

At least in the Soviet system, the silent majority of the people were aware of the fallacies they were fed. They knew they were bunkum and paid lip service to them in order to survive.

In the West however, we can see that absurd claims are actually completely believed.

Over the course of the 2020s it will become obvious that the new model (The Great Reset) is failing.

This will be taking place while the Russia-China block outperforms.

This relative and obvious divergence may lead to war, purely out of desperation (they created a fake pandemic and fake climate alarm so don’t discount a war for whatever reason).

The last piece of hegemonic power is of course… nuclear weapons.

It may be tempting to snatch victory from assured defeat when one has such power in hand.

The historians among readers will understand why we are rushing towards what may be the worlds first nuclear war.

Such a war will not halt the collapse of the western financial, and hence political system. It may just turn it into one where the casualties are counted in the billions.

We hope that such a catastrophe can be avoided.

Right now, unless the technocrats at the WEF are not halted in their tracks, the probability of this falls daily.


What does Dr Paul Craig Roberts have to say…

Dr Paul Craig Roberts, no stranger to the inner workings of the Deep State, put it rather starkly recently:

‘NATO officials have thumbed their noses at Putin’s concern with Russia’s security. Trump’s National Security Advisor and neocon warmonger John Bolton encourages more provocation of Russia, which as Putin has made clear will result in war.

‘Clearly as 2021 comes to an end, there is no intelligence to be found anywhere in the Western World as all vie to show how tough they are with Russia.

‘When Putin says Russia has nowhere left to which to retreat, he is telling the idiot West that Russia has reached the extent of its ability to avoid war. “We simply have no room to retreat” means Russia has done all she can do to avoid war and now the Americans must get off Russia’s doorstep.

‘Putin is relying on Biden to show awareness and responsibility and to work for peace by acknowledging Russia’s legitimate security concern. But what if Biden is just a figurehead, and the shots are called by the military/security complex who will go for profits despite the risk that Putin will not back down?

‘What if Washington’s concern is limited to destabilizing Russia in the interest of US hegemony and Russia’s security is precisely what Washington intends to undermine, not secure.

‘ . . .

‘2022 could . . . be the year the Western world comes to an end in nuclear war.’


Here, we look at how the investor class are viewing the chaos in the United States. Obviously, it’s very American centric.  And they don’t really understand what is going outside of the ‘States. Except to say that it’s really not going in the same direction as the Western Bloc.

I look at things in a far simpler manner.

Let’s use the Western Bloc’s insistence in “The Great Reset” and the requirement that everyone takes the mRNA injections.

Follow what the Western Bloc is doing.

Look at what the Deagal report suggests…


Follow what the United Asia Bloc is doing.

In their insistence that nations and societies must be socially stable, use tried and true medical and vaccination protocols… what does the Deagal Group say…

Obviously the trends are all approaching unity.

The Western Bloc is racing towards collapse on a number of fronts. This is accelerating with the insistance of mandatory compliance with mRNA injections, uncontrolled military spending which is causing enormus google-sized bubbles.

Remote viewing of the future is strongly suggestive of…

  • A massive die-off of populations in the Western Bloc.
  • A restructuring of the geographic boundaries of many Western Bloc nations.
  • A massive readjustment of the economic and financial situation within those nations.
  • Turmoil, chaos, and discomfort.

While it is obvious that Asia, and most of the rest of the world will fare much better. They will enjoy strong economies, lush and vibrant cities, and a calm and good lifestyle.

But then you all know about this, don’t you? I’ve covered it extensively.

The big question mark is whether the Western Bloc will take the entire globe down with it as it collapses. To that I have no clear answers.

All indicators point to that senario is indeed building up towards a climax.

[1] Trump launched war in South China Sea

Here’s a youtube video about what the Taiwanese people think.

It failed miserably. 
And cost the Military leadership their jobs, and Trump his Presidency.

The eight battle assault carriers steamed back to the United States without incident. Something "spooked them". What it was is not clear, and certainly not reported.

The Tit-for-tat VTOL carrier fires were very illustrative.

First, the USA torches the Chinese Type-075 aircraft carrier in April 2020 in Shanghai, then China torches the USS Bonhomme Richard in San Diego in July 2020. 

[2] Trump launched Bio-Weapons

Numerous deaths. Mostly American. 
But the objectives were not realized. China was not suppressed. Iran did not collapse. Instead, it boomeranged back to the West and the nations are now dealing with the "Covid hoax", and "mRNA Vaxx". Which are creating a very dangerous situation.

[3] Biden placing nuclear delivery systems near China

Terribly provocative. 
It is signing the death warrants for many Australians, and Japanese. In process, but will NOT end well.

[4] Biden placing nuclear delivery systems near Russia

Terribly provicative. 
Resulted in Putin making an ultimatum after Russian nuclear boomer subs surrounded the United States.  

Supposedly there is going to be a meeting between Putin and Biden. The USA is going to use it for propiganda purposes, unaware just how serious the situation is. 

I will tell you all; the knife is pointed at the throat of the United States right now. And make no mistake, this is coordinated with the Chinese.

[5] Color revolution in Kazakhstan.

A great you-tube video by a US Marine discussing how this was a US sponsored event.

The revolution is over. 
Took a decade to plan and put systems in place. It all collapsed within three days when the CSTO, led by Russia, treated it as a defacto military invasion. They hit hard. All of the participants are either killed or undergoing torture / information extraction.

So what’s next?

Well, that’s a good question. No one really knows. Not really. From my side, The Commander says that “anything is possible”, but they are aiming for “little bads” instead of “big bads”.

The Western Bloc elites are lunitic, drug riddled morons. They have no idea what’s coming their way unless they STOP all this nonsense. Collectively they are acting like a rabid dog, and the rest of the world pretty much called the “Animal Control Officers” and they ahve arrived with shotguns to kill the crazy beast.

Will they shoot? Will the rabid dog lurch and hurt a young baby, mangle a little old lady, or kill a cat? It’s a tense time.

Yes, the next decade from 2022 through 2032 will be quite different.



Once the tense time (dealing with the rabid crazy Western Bloc leadership) is over, we can expect a far, far better overall quality of life all over the globe. Those living in the smaller rural American communities will do better than those in the cities. In general, those living outside of the Western Bloc nations will be doing better than those inside of it. These are general rules with tons of exceptions.

In all cases…

  • Obtain multiple skills to increase your value outside of a corporate environment.
  • Become active in your community.
  • Center your consciousness using Hemi-sync technology.
  • Conduct prayer affirmations.
  • Monitor your gravitational influence situation with fate forecasting.
  • Be the Rufus. Create a bubble of kindness around you.

Some extra suggestions to improve your life…

  • Replace all lighting in your house with “natural light” bulbs / LEDs.
  • Eat more fish.
  • Invite friends over for a dinner at your home or in a restrurant.
  • Spend some time alone. Everyone needs to have some time to themselves.
  • Severely cut down on your internet and social media intake.
  • Severely cut down on fast food, and corporate chain-brand meals.
  • Exercise, and get a lot of air. Nature, and water and airflow are important.

The chances are that if you follow these simple basic suggestions that you all will exit 2032 in great shape, prosperous, and happier than when you entered it.

I believe in you.

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning 2. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 2


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What the meals were like during first five years of progressive socialism in the Soviet Union.

America is a mess.

It is going down the toilet on all fronts.

Here we are going to briefly review the insanity that Washington DC is involved in on the “Geo-political front”, and that will Segway into what is going on in the “home front”. Overall, it’s a damning situation, and getting uglier by the minute. Those of you who thought that Trump was insane will now be terrified that Biden is (maybe) even worse.



The Empire of Chaos is in utter desperation, and on a Kill Bill rampage. Without a samurai sword.

Some of us, including Alastair Crooke, Paul Craig Roberts, The Saker, and if we he was still alive, Prof. Stephen Cohen, have been warning everyone for a long time.

It doesn't matter that Russiagate was completely debunked. The Dem Dementia administration is now on Russiagate 2.0 on steroids.

This "intel" report on Russian interference in the - rigged - US elections does not even qualify as a bad joke.

What Crash Test Dummy's handlers told him to say in that interview about Putin being "a killer", "without a soul" who will "pay a price", goes way beyond ANYTHING that happened during the Cold War.

At least there was a measure of diplomatic decency in the superpowers relationship.

What's happening now is totally reckless, totally irrational - not to mention terminally stupid: there is NO American foreign policy left.

The Kremlin - as well as the Ministy of Foreign Affairs - already got the picture: they are dealing with a bunch of lowly gangsters which also happens to be criminally insane.

For the record: Stupidistan is now at war ON THREE FRONTS. Against Russia, against China and against Iran.

Declining empires are ALWAYS strategically stupid."

Posted by: Seej | Mar 18 2021 19:05 utc | 4

It’s even worse than that.

By now, you have all heard it. (From here) Here is the official transcript:

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: Director of National Intelligence came out with a report today saying that Vladimir Putin authorized operations during the election to under — denigrate you, support President Trump, undermine our elections, divide our society. What price must he pay?
PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: He will pay a price. I, we had a long talk, he and I, when we — I know him relatively well. And I– the conversation started off, I said, “I know you and you know me. If I establish this occurred, then be prepared.”
GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: You said you know he doesn’t have a soul.
PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: I did say that to him, yes. And — and his response was, “We understand one another.” It was– I wasn’t being a wise guy. I was alone with him in his office. And that — that’s how it came about. It was when President Bush had said, “I looked in his eyes and saw his soul.” I said, “Looked in your eyes and I don’t think you have a soul.” And looked back and he said, “We understand each other.” Look, most important thing dealing with foreign leaders in my experience, and I’ve dealt with an awful lot of ’em over my career, is just know the other guy. Don’t expect somethin’ that you’re– that — don’t expect him to– or her to– voluntarily appear in the second editions of Profiles in Courage.
GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: So you know Vladimir Putin. You think he’s a killer?
GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: So what price must he pay?
PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: The price he’s gonna pay we’ll– you’ll see shortly.

This is truly a historic interview and a watershed moment in US-Russia relations. Let’s deconstruct what is happening here:

“Director of National Intelligence came out with a report”:

Ever since 9/11, the US intel community has been under huge pressure to produce not intelligence, but to serve as a kind of criterion of truth, a substitute for any rules of evidence. 

For example, if tomorrow Biden’s handlers want to accuse Putin of eating newborn babies for breakfast, all they have to do is get the US intel community to produce a report which will say with “great confidence” that it is “highly likely” that Putin does, indeed, like to start his days by snaking on babies.

The “logic” here works like this: “since we (the West) are the good guys, our intelligence community is objective, non-political and trustworthy”. QED.

And the fact that the history of both the CIA and the FBI prove beyond any reasonable doubt that both of these agencies were totally politicized for decades does not matter.


Because the also “objective, non-political and trustworthy” US media says that the intel community must be trusted because it is, you guessed it, “objective, non-political and trustworthy”. Oh the beauty of circular logic….


“What price must he pay?”.

This one is so important that Stephanopoulos asks this twice and Biden “reassures” him twice. 

The message here is that it is not Stephanopoulos who demands a retaliation, it is the vox populi, the outraged people of the United States. And why would the people of the USA hate Putin and Russia and demand retaliation?

Why – because the objective, non-political and trustworthy US media fully endorses the claims of the objective, non-political and trustworthy US intel community!

How can anybody possibly doubt these two paragons of honesty?! Only a “Putin agent” would doubt their word, right?


“Putin does not have a soul”.

This is pretty pathetic, since Stephanopoulos comes from a Greek Orthodox family he should know that all humans have a soul and to suggest otherwise is, actually, a total and categorical rejection of everything Christianity stands for. 

It is also a clear case of dehumanization, something which all politicians do before they turn to violence and war.

It is unlikely that Biden has any idea what he did or did not tell Putin when they met, but even if we assume that Biden did actually tell Putin that he had no soul, I can just imagine the true amazement (and inner giggle) of Putin hearing that.

By the way, the “official” response of Putin was “we understand each other” which makes absolutely no logical sense.

So what we have is a basically brain dead pseudo “President” who is programmed by his handlers to tell the US public that Putin has no soul and that Biden told him that face to face. What actual purpose such a statement would pursue is neither asked nor answered.


“Is Putin a killer”.

First, what a fantastically stupid thing to ask. 

Why? Because this question has no objective meaning unless the context or scope is specified.

It could mean “did he commit murder?“, that is illegal manslaughter, a crime under Russian law. Or it could mean “did he, the President of Russia, order Russian special services to kill Litvinenko, Skripal, Navalnyii and others?“.

This would be legal under Russian law and, in fact, the Russians have never denied ordering the execution of, say, Wahabi terrorists (both in Russia and outside).

That would be a policy decision similar to one the US used to (putatively) execute Osama Bin-Laden or General Soleimani.

Finally, that question could also mean “did Putin as the commander in chief of the Russian armed forces order military operations which resulted in the loss of human life, including possible innocent human life?“.

This would also be a policy decision which any commander in chief has to make. These are all completely different questions, but for micro-brains like Stephanopoulos or Biden, the purpose of questions is not to elicit answers, it is to set an emotional tone, a kind of “mental background” which Orwell very aptly called the “two minutes of hate“.

Yes, all of the above is completely unprecedented: not even in the worst hours of the Cold War did western politicians use that kind of language. What we witness today is not only truly extremely dangerous, it is also the end of diplomacy.

The End of Diplomacy

When diplomacy dies, wars are born.

I grew up in So. CA and had the greatest life as a child and up to the millennia when everything changed after 9.11 

The point and the problem is that most people define America as the government whereas I define it as the people who by and large are friendly, decent and caring.

Are they misled?

For sure, but they are indoctrinated from early childhood and they resist the idea that their government might be a monster, same as a child does with an abusive parent.

Americans are mostly sheep, but they are good sheep and after all even us “superior” humans share a herd mentality, i.e. shepherd/sheep.

So it pains me to know that it will be we the people who will suffer the fallout of any hostilities with Russia or Iran or China or Venezuela for that matter. The slime overlords will avoid the radar as always.

-NATO Blues

Yes, I know, ever since the Obama administration, US “diplomats” were mostly unprofessional political appointees with a fantastically low level of education, fully compensated by an fantastically high level of arrogance and hypocrisy. But while the likes of Psaki would spew any idiocy imaginable, US Presidents have never sunk to the level of Biden.

Biden is a reaction to Trump in that his admin represents a desperate attempt to salvage the neoliberal policies of the past 50 years since the 80s. Unfortunately for Biden, and the rest of America, there's only so many populations you can exploit before exploited productive forces become so advanced that they begin to demand higher wages, and thus profits dry up. Global wage differences even out, then import prices go up, and our American standard of living continues to drop until the sweatshops come home to roost. That won't stand and ideology shifts again and again (Biden's response to these shifts is, ironically, censorship and control).

So what does the Biden admin do? They know it will eventually come down to opening up new labor power markets (those sweet, sweet populations and natural resources of Russia are so tempting to Biden's vampiric brood) and taking down competing countries (China's rise as a consumer market is a big problem for the US). This is why Biden's behavior makes sense. If they don't put maximum pressure now, not just on Russia and China, but all potential neocolonial interests, then they won't get the chance in the future. We'll see the internal contradictions in the US give rise to even more blatant fascism (doesn't matter from whom, Trump or Biden).

Posted by: Kapusta | Mar 18 2021 20:19 utc | 16

You might wonder what the Russian reaction to all that is?

First, the Russian media immediately picked up on this and posted key excerpts of this interview with Russian voice-over, as did the Russian Internet.

The goal here is simple: to show each and every Russian how much the West hates Russia and everything Russia.

This shows how much whoever “leads” US is detached from the reality. I do not know what kind of drug they are using, but I want some of that s**t! 

Loss of common sense in US is astonishing.

They could not win war against Serbia when they were the strongest and now they want to go against Russia and China at the same time!?!

-Stekicar on March 17, 2021  ·  at 5:55 pm EST/EDT

Furthermore, it does not take a genius to understand the implications of the combination of the two following two facts:

  1. Putin is by far the most popular Russian politician, at least since Stalin
  2. The West sees Putin as some kind of devil incarnate
  3. Ergo: the West hates all the Russian people for regularly voting for Putin

Simple and quite undeniable.

In fact, an increasing number of Russians are saying “we are the Jews of the 21st century” and, frankly, I cannot disagree with this. The big difference here is that 20th century Jews did not have thousands of nuclear weapons to defend themselves. Russians do.

I wonder of Stephanopoulos and the rest of them understand this?

I don’t think so.

Interesting comments by a senior Russian Senator:

“US President Joe Biden’s boorish remarks about Russian leader Vladimir Putin will inevitably have a negative impact on relations between the two countries, Deputy Speaker of the Russian Federation Council (the upper house of parliament) Konstantin Kosachev wrote on Facebook on Thursday……..

“This is a fault line. These boorish remarks have killed off all expectations that the new US administration will pursue a new policy towards Russia,” Kosachev noted. According to him, “evaluations like these from a statesman of such a high rank are generally unacceptable.” The Russian senator stressed that the remarks had come from the president of the country “that drops a bomb somewhere in the world every 12 minutes, according to expert estimates.” “As a result, the death of more than 500,000 people has been linked to US actions since 2001. Could you comment on that, Mr. Biden?” Kosachev said………..”

There is a culture of total impunity in the USA which stems from the fact that the US never fought a war in defense of the US mainland in its history and from the fact that the USA used to be protected by two oceans and two absolutely peaceful neighbors.

In sharp contrast, Russia has no natural borders and 1000 years experience of war, most of them existential and most fought on Russian soil.

Maria Zakharova today:

17 March 202120:09
Comment by Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova


en-GB1 ru-RU1

Russian Ambassador to the United States Anatoly Antonov has been summoned to Moscow for consultations in order to analyse what needs to be done in the context of relations with the United States.

The new US administration took office about two months ago and the symbolic 100-day mark is not too far away, which is a good occasion for trying to appraise what Joe Biden’s team has managed to do and where it was not very successful. The most important thing for us is to identify ways of rectifying Russia-US relations, which have been going through hard times as Washington has, as a matter of fact, brought them to a blind alley. We are interested in preventing an irreversible deterioration in relations, if the Americans become aware of the risks associated with this.

This is what we will talk about during the consultations that the Foreign Ministry and other relevant agencies will hold with the Russian Ambassador to the United States.

I would also add that the other comment many Russian officials are making is that Biden simply lacks even basic manners. To make clear: they are not only saying that Biden has zero understanding of diplomacy, they are saying that Biden simply has no basic manners which any semi-educated person ought to have.

On the main Russian TV channel reporters were even asking today whether Russia ought to completely break diplomatic relations with the USA!

Whistling Shrimp  on March 18, 2021  ·  at 4:03 am EST/EDT 

Maybe American leadership is hoping that we the people will fail to notice that they have thoroughly destroyed our economy when those of us left after the nuclear exchange are freezing in the rubble of our homes during a truly anthropogenic climate change known as nuclear winter.

There also will be no worries about questions of ownership, acquisition of food, medicine or political power as the well-armed oligarchy ensconced in their bunkers with their mercenary armies will simply take everything not vaporised and leave you to die and rot on the frozen and nuclear-contaminated formerly fruited plain.

It will be a glorious and divinely-inspired “reset.”

That would be a very dangerous mistake and I don’t think that the Kremlin will go so far, at least officially, but there is a clear understanding amongst Russian officials while officially the two countries still have diplomatic relations, in reality the US basically terminated them.

Do I really have to spell out here how insanely dangerous this is?

While it is absolutely normal for some tribes still living in the bronze-age to play out ritual threats and displays of macho prowess in order to impress an adversary, to see the (nominal) leader of a nuclear superpower acting like such a bronze-age tribal leader is perplexing to say the least.

And just like the Sentinelese tribesmen believe that their bows and arrows can scare away metal ships and even helicopters, so do the “Biden tribesmen” (let’s call them that) hope that sanctions or US military capabilities will scare Russia into complete submission.

US military capabilities will scare Russia into complete submission?

Furthermore, at no time does Stephanopoulos question the moral and legal right of the US President to “punish” Russia and/or Putin.

In fact, by repeating this question, he strongly suggests that punishing Russia and/or Putin is not only the right of the US President, but his moral and, possibly, even legal obligation.

This is exactly what Dr John Marciano calls “empire as a way of life” (see here and here for details).

This ignorant, arrogant, narcissistic, messianic and terminally delusional belief that the USA is some kind of “collective messiah” tasked by nature or some god with policing the planet. The Sentinelese try to “defend” their own shores and land and they don’t have millions of members in an organization called “Veterans of Foreign Wars” (have they really no shame at all?) and they don’t spend on “defense” more than the rest of the planet combined.

Finally, we can rest assured that whoever is in command of the Sentinelese he (or she) is a much smarter and honest leader than the brain-dead vegetable that the theft of the US 2020 election put into power.

In Hans Christian Andersen’s wonderful tale the breaking moment comes when an innocent child explains “he hasn’t got anything on!“, while the rest of the people are under the spell of what is called “pluralistic ignorance“.

Let me ask you: how soon do you think that declaring, say, “Uncle Shmuel is truly brain dead…” will become a criminal offense in the so-called “the land of the free and the home of the brave“?

The point is that the neocons in the US needed a puppet in the White House, who would continue the globalist Agenda of introducing a globalist empire run by corporations and private banks. For that to succeed, both Russia and China need to be broken up and plundered. 

Too late for that, and by now it’s clear that not only is Sleepy Joe brain dead, but the neocon elite which is still living in the past, incapable of fully understanding that the world is changing.

What the neocon elite is very much aware is the fact that the present Western financial Ponzie scheme cannot function perpetually, showing signs of financial collapse.

You cannot keep postponing gigantic foreign and internal debts and at the same time keep printing funny money in the trillions.

For this scheme to have any chance of being maintained, then good old fashioned plundering is required, the chief targets being Russia and China.

And now we have the answer why Anglo-American elites are aggressively disposed towards both countries. A boiling point is being created, which can explode into something very dangerous and suicidal.

When a rat is cornered, it becomes dangerous, as proven by the neocons, who are apparently losing their nerve, failing to achieve a globalist world wide empire, while the empire they have created is showing signs of dissolution.


It is dangerous insanity.

For the record: Stupidistan is now at war ON THREE FRONTS. Against Russia, against China and against Iran.

Declining empires are ALWAYS strategically stupid."

Posted by: Seej | Mar 18 2021 19:05 utc | 4


Alas, more than 30 years ago it was observed in USA that it benefits a politician to seem stupid, and being genuinely stupid is even better. 

Why do you think power to be within Democratic Party decided to maneuver the least intellectually able contender to win in the primaries? That in itself is not necessarily bad, but on the lower levels of government, you must prove stupidity (or at least utter lack of original thinking) to advance.

Now we have new generations of opportunists hiding any sign of thinking, apart from passing all the required exams in elite schools etc. Let me think of the greatness and extinction of Irish elk.

Posted by: Piotr Berman | Mar 18 2021 19:20 utc | 7

Now it all makes sense…

There is a reason why Xi Peng, Putin and Iran are constructing the BRI out of Xinjiang. Asia is unifying against the “dangerous menace”.

BRI simplified, showing only the land routes.

Remember that China-Russia-Iran are a unified block

They have banded together in defense of an out-of-control United States Military Empire.

By Pepe Escobar and first posted at Asia Times…

Leviathan seems to be positioning itself for a geopolitical Kill Bill rampage – yet brandishing a rusty samurai high-carbon-steel sword.

Predictably, US deep state masters have not factored in that they could eventually be neutralized by a geopolitical Five Point Palm Exploding Heart Technique.

In a searing, concise essay, Alastair Crooke pointed to the heart of the matter. These are the two key insights – including a nifty Orwellian allusion:

1. “Once control over the justifying myth of America was lost, the mask was off.”

2. “The US thinks to lead the maritime and rimland powers in imposing a searing psychological, technological and economic defeat on the Russia-China-Iran alliance. In the past, the outcome might have been predictable. This time Eurasia may very well stand solid against a weakened Oceania (and a faint-hearted Europe).”

And that brings us to two interconnected summits: the Quad and the China-US 2+2 in Alaska.


The virtual Quad last Friday came and went like a drifting cloud. When you had India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi saying the Quad is “a force for global good,” no wonder rows of eyebrows across the Global South were raised.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi remarked last year that the Quad was part of a drive to create an “Asian NATO.”

It is.

But the hegemon, lording over India, Japan and Australia, mustn’t spell it out. Thus the vague rhetoric about “free and open Indo-Pacific,” “democratic values,” “territorial integrity” – all code to characterize containment of China, especially in the South China Sea.

The exceptionalist wet dream – routinely expressed in US Thinktankland – is to position an array of missiles in the first island chain, pointing towards China like a weaponized porcupine. Beijing is very much aware of it.

Apart from a meek joint statement, the Quad promised to deliver 1 billion doses of Covid-19 vaccines throughout the “Indo-Pacific” by the end of… 2022.

… by the end of 2022.

… about two years from now.

The vaccine would be produced by India and financed by the US and Japan, with the logistics of distribution coming from Australia.

      • Produced in India.
      • Financed by the US and Japan.
      • Logistical distribution out of Australia.

That was predictably billed as “countering China’s influence in the region.”

Too little, too late. The bottom line is: The hegemon is furious because China’s vaccine diplomacy is a huge success – not only across Asia but all across the Global South.

Yah. China has been doing this all year. And it is just insane to think that American promises of some day in two years is going to matter. Or make a difference. Or to provide credibility.
And as crazy as all this is, we are not even going to begin to talk about the crazed printing of trillions of US Dollars that is now flooding the world.

This ain’t no ‘strategic dialogue’

US Secretary of State Tony Blinken is a mere apparatchik who was an enthusiastic cheerleader for shock and awe against Iraq 18 years ago, in 2003. At the time he was staff director for the Democrats on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, then chaired by Senator Joe Biden.

Now Blinken is running US foreign policy for a senile cardboard entity who mutters, live, on camera, “I’ll do whatever you want me to do, Nance” – as in Nancy Pelosi; and who characterizes the Russian president as “a killer,” “without a soul,” who will “pay a price.”

A dance towards nuclear war.

Paraphrasing Pulp Fiction: “Diplomacy’s dead, baby. Diplomacy’s dead.”

With that in mind, there’s little doubt that the formidable Yang Jiechi, director of the Office of the Foreign Affairs Commission of the CPC Central Committee, side by side with Foreign Minister Wang Yi, will make shark’s fin soup out of their interlocutors Blinken and National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan at the 2+2 summit in Anchorage, Alaska.

Only two days before the start of the Two Sessions in Beijing, Blinken proclaimed that China is the “biggest geopolitical challenge of the 21st century.”

According to Blinken, China is the …

“only country with the economic, diplomatic, military and technological power to seriously challenge the stable and open international system – all the rules, values and relationships that make the world work the way we want it to, because it ultimately serves the interests and reflects the values of the American people.”

So Blinken tacitly admits what really matters is how the world works “the way we want it to” – “we” being the hegemon, which made those rules in the first place. And those rules serve the interests and reflect the values of the American people.

As in: It’s our way or the highway.

America is the best, and all the soldiers are Rambo. America is invincible, and you had best obey us or we will destroy you.

Blinken could be excused because he’s just a wide-eyed novice on the big stage. But it gets way more embarrassing…

American foreign policy 2021

Here’s his foreign policy in a nutshell (“his” because the hologram at the White House needs 24/7 instructions in his earpiece to even know what time it is):

      • Sanctions, sanctions everywhere;
      • Cold War 2.0 against Russia and “killer” Putin;
      • China guilty of “genocide” in Xinjiang;
      • China is a notorious apartheid state getting a free pass to do anything;
      • Iran must blink first or there’s no return to the JCPOA;
      • Random Guaido recognized as President of Venezuela, with regime change still the priority.

There’s a curious kabuki in play here.

America is used to fighting wars in far away lands. World War III will be an easy win.

Following the proverbial revolving door logic in DC, before literally crossing the street to have full access to the White House, Blinken was a founding partner of WestExec Advisors, whose main line of business is to offer “geopolitical and policy expertise” to American multinationals, the overwhelming majority of which are interested in – where else – China.

So Alaska might point to some measure of trade-off on trade.

Americans are not afraid to die for “democracy”. Because God has “blessed America” with invincibility.

The problem, though, seems insurmountable.

Beijing does not want to eschew the profitable American market, while for Washington expansion of Chinese technology across the West is anathema.

Blinken himself pre-empted Alaska, saying this is no “strategic dialogue.”

So we’re back to bolstering the Indo-Pacific racket;

      • Recriminations about the “loss of freedom” in Hong Kong – whose role of US/UK Fifth Column is now definitely over;
      • Tibet;
      • The “invasion” of Taiwan, now on spin overdrive, with the Pentagon stating it is “probable” before 2027.
      • Shutdown of the BRI by intervention in Xinjiang.

“Strategic dialogue” it ain’t.

A new America awaits.

A junkie on a bum trip

Wang Yi, at a press conference linked to the 13th National People’s Congress and the announcement of the next Five-Year Plan, said: 

“We will set an example of strategic mutual trust, by firmly supporting each other in upholding core and major interests, jointly opposing ‘color revolution’ and countering disinformation, and safeguarding national sovereignty and political security.”

That’s a sharp contrast with the post-truth “highly likely” school of spin privileged by (failed) Russiagate peddlers and assorted Sinophobes.

Top Chinese scholar Wang Jisi, who used to be close to the late Ezra Vogel, author of arguably the best Deng Xiaoping biography in English, has introduced an extra measure of sanity, recalling Vogel’s emphasis on the necessity of US and East Asia understanding each other’s culture.

According to Wang Jisi,

“In my own experiences, I find one difference between the two countries most illuminating. 

We in China like the idea of “seeking common ground while reserving our differences.”

We state that the common interests between our two countries far exceed our differences.

We define common ground by a set of principles like mutual respect and cooperation.

Americans, in contrast, tend to focus on hard issues like tensions over Taiwan and the South China Sea.

It looks that the Chinese want to set up principles before trying to solve specific problems, but the Americans are eager to deal with problems before they are ready to improve the relationship.”

The real problem is that the hegemon seems congenitally incapable of trying to understand the Other. It always harks back to that notorious formulation by Zbigniew Brzezinski, with trademark imperial arrogance, in his 1997 magnum opus The Grand Chessboard:

“To put it in a terminology that harkens back to the more brutal age of ancient empires, the three grand imperatives of imperial geostrategy are [1] to prevent collusion and [2] maintain security dependence among the vassals, [3] to keep tributaries pliant and protected and [4] to keep the barbarians from coming together.”

Dr Zbig was referring, of course, to Eurasia. “Security dependence among vassals” applied mostly to Germany and Japan, key hubs in the Rimland.  “Tributaries pliant and protected” applied mostly to the Middle East.

And crucially, “keep the barbarians from coming together” applied to Russia, China and Iran. That was Pax Americana in a nutshell. And that’s what’s totally unraveling now.

"the Americans are eager to deal with problems before they are ready to improve the relationship."

That observation is consistent with that of an entity that only wants its orders obeyed and seeks no relationship or friendship with any other entity since it sees itself as Top Dog, and #1 in every way. As with the Nord Stream project, we see the Gangster mentality--Do as I say or else!

Not only does the Emperor have no clothes or much of a working memory, he's got erectile dysfunction too that's well beyond the ability of Viagra to fix.

Posted by: karlof1 | Mar 18 2021 19:22 utc | 8

The Kill Bill Logic

Kill Bill scene.

Hence the Kill Bill logic. It goes back a long way. Less than two months after the collapse of the USSR, the 1992 Defense Planning Guidance preached total global dominance and, following Dr Zbig, the absolute imperative of preventing the emergence of any future peer competitor.

Especially Russia, defined as “the only power in the world with the capacity of destroying the United States.”

Then, in 2002, at the start of the “axis of evil” era, came the full spectrum dominance doctrine as the bedrock of the US National Security Strategy. Domination, domination everywhere: terrestrial, aerial, maritime, subterranean, cosmic, psychological, biological, cyber-technological.

And, not by accident, the Indo-Pacific strategy – which guides the Quad – is all about “how to maintain US strategic primacy.”

This mindset is what enables US Think Tankland to formulate risible “analyses” in which the only “win” for the US imperatively requires a failed Chinese “regime.”

After all, Leviathan is congenitally incapable of accepting a “win-win”; it only runs on “zero-sum,” based on divide and rule.

And that’s what’s leading the Russia-China strategic partnership to progressively establish a wide-ranging, comprehensive security environment, spanning everything from high-tech weaponry to banking and finance, energy supplies and the flow of information.

To evoke yet another pop culture gem, a discombobulated Leviathan now is like Caroline, the junkie depicted in Lou Reed’s Berlin:

But she’s not afraid to die / 
All of her friends call her Alaska /
When she takes speed /
They laugh and ask her /
What is in her mind /
What is in her mind /
She put her fist through the window pane /
It was such a /
funny feeling /
It’s so cold /
in Alaska.

Washington Has Resurrected the Specter of Nuclear Armageddon

Truth Is An Endangered Species:  Support It

During the 20th century Cold War with the Soviet Union, there were US Soviet experts who were concerned that the Cold War was partly contrived and, therefore, needlessly dangerous. Stephen Cohn at Princeton University, for example, believed that exaggerating the threat was as dangerous as underestimating it. 

On the other hand, Richard Pipes at Harvard believed that the CIA dangerously underestimated Soviet military power and failed to grasp Soviet strategic intentions.

In 1976 President Gerald Ford and CIA Director George H.W. Bush commissioned an outside panel of experts to evaluate the CIA’s National Intelligence Estimates. This group was known as Team B. 

Under Pipes’ leadership Team B created the perception that the US faced a dangerous “window of vulnerability.”

In conventional wisdom, in order to close this window of vulnerability President Reagan began an American arms buildup. 

On this point conventional wisdom is wrong.

The Reagan military buildup was as much hype as reality.  Its purpose was to bring the Soviets to the negotiating table and end the Cold War in order to remove the threat of nuclear war. 

Reagan’s supply-side policy had fixed the problem of worsening trade-offs between employment and inflation, thus making an arms buildup possible. 

In contrast, Reagan regarded the Soviet economy as broken and unfixable. 

He reasoned that a new arms race was more than the Soviets could afford, and that the threat of one would bring the Soviets to the table to negotiate the end of the Cold War.

The Soviet Union collapsed when hardline communists, convinced that Gorbachev was endangering the Soviet Union by giving up too much too quickly before American intentions were known, placed President Gorbachev under house arrest. 

The Yeltsin years (1991-1999) brought the dismemberment of the Soviet Empire and was a decade of Russian subservience to the United States.

Putin came to power as the American neoconservatives were girding up to establish US and Israeli hegemony in the Middle East.

As General Wesley Clark told us, seven countries were to be overthrown in 5 years. The American preoccupation with the Middle East permitted Putin to throw off American overlordship and reestablish Russian sovereignty. 

Once Washington realized this, the American establishment turned on Putin with a vengence.

Stephen Cohen, Jack Matlock (Reagan’s ambassador to the Soviet Union), myself and a few others warned that Washington’s refusal to accept Russian independence would reignite the Cold War, thus erasing the accomplishment of ending it and resurrecting the specter of nuclear war.

But Washington didn’t listen. 

Instead, Cohen and I were put on a list of “Russian agents/dupes,” and the process of trying to destabalize Putin began.  In other words, once an American colony always an American colony, and Putin became the most demonized person on earth.

Today (March 17) we had the extraordinary spectacle of President Biden saying on ABC News that President Putin is a killer, and “he will pay a price.”  This is a new low point in diplomacy. 

It does not serve American interests or peace.

This all is dangerous.

Yesterday a CIA-Homeland Security report was declassified. The “report” is blatant propaganda.

It alleges that Russia interfered in the 2020 election with the purposes of “denigrating President Biden’s candidacy and the Democratic Party, supporting former President Trump, undermining public confidence in the electoral process, and exacerbating sociopolitical divisions in the US.”

“Russiagate” is still with us despite the failure of the three-year Mueller investigation to find a scrap of evidence.

We desperately need a new Team B like the one the CIA commissioned in 1976 to check on itself.  But in those days discussion and debate was possible. 

Today they are not. 

We live in a world in which only propaganda is permitted. 

There is an agenda.

The agenda is regime change in Russia. 

No facts are relevant.  There will be no Team B to evaluate whether the Putin threat is exaggerated.

New York City in 2025?

The anti-Russian craze that has been orchestrated in the US and throughout the Western world leaves the US in an extremely dangerous situation. 

Americans and Europeans perceive reality only through the light of American propaganda.  American diplomacy, military policy, news reporting, and public understanding are the fantasy creations of propaganda.

Los Angles in 2025?

The Kremlin has shown amazing forbearance of Washington’s inanities and insults.  It was the Democrat Hillary Clinton who called President Putin the “new Hitler,”  and now Democrat Biden calls Putin “a killer.” 

American presidents and presidential candidates did not speak of Soviet leaders in these terms. They would have been regarded by the American population as far too deranged to have access to the nuclear button.

Chicago in 2025?

Sooner or later the Kremlin will understand that it is pointless to respond to demonization with denials. 

Yes, the Russians are correct.

The accusations are groundless, and no facts or evidence is ever provided in support of the accusations. 

Sooner or later the Kremlin will realize that the purpose of demonizing a country is to prepare one’s people and allies for war against it.

They have realized this. They know what will occur. They are ready and prepared.

Washington pays no attention to Maria Zakharova and Dmitry Peskov’s objections to unsubstansiated accusations.

Houston in 2025?

When “sooner or later” is, I do not know, but the Russians haven’t reached that point.  The Kremlin reads the latest allegations as an excuse for more sanctions against Russian companies and individuals. This reading is mistaken. 

Washington’s purpose is to demonize Russia and its leadership in order to set Russia up for regime change and, failing that, for military attack.

In the United States Russian Studies has degenerated into propaganda. 

Recently, two members of the Atlantic Council think tank, Emma Ashford and Matthew Burrows, suggested that American foreign policy could benefit from a less hostile approach to Russia. Instantly, 22 members of the think tank denounced the article by Ashford and Burrows.

This response is far outside the boundaries of the 20th century Cold War.  It precludes any rational or intelligent approach to American foreign policy.  Sooner or later the Kremlin will comprehend that it is confronted by a gangster outfit of the criminally insane. 

Then what happens?

Oh you know.


Pepe does get to the essential detail so clearly. Commonality verses divide all and conquer all. When he says it goes back a long way he is surely right again.

“To put it in a terminology that harkens back to the more brutal age of ancient empires, the three grand imperatives of imperial geo-strategy are to prevent collusion and maintain security dependence among the vassals, to keep tributaries pliant and protected and to keep the barbarians from coming together.”

“To keep the barbarians from coming together” This is so telling with regard to the little noticed reality that the Roman Empire never truly collapsed.

Its patriarchal method of class rule, wherein an externally imposed force imposes a unity of subjugation on all peoples (symbolized by the fasces) with its iron rings that hold all peoples within its steely grip – is still the dominant ideology of governance in the West.

Boston in 2025?

The collapse of Capitalist America is nothing less than the real and final collapse of the ideology of Roman rule. It has been so long coming that the Western mind has to stretch deeply into history to see it for what it is.

It was Peter Ustinov who said that Americans make the best movies about the Roman Empire. Because they share the same excesses along with similar bad taste. There is a reason that Washington DC has a Cato institute. Rome never had an ideology of commonality.

It had a religion of anti-commonality in governance.

Now all it has left is a very old propaganda display that cannot hide its own sunset. As the dog finally faces its death its plaintive barking becomes ever more shrill and detached from reality.

And on the home front…

The entire United States has become a free-for-all brawl.

Those that are not rioting, or trying to grab as much cash as they can, are busy planning the “new” utopia that will replace the flailing nation.

In America, many millennials are very interested in reliving the Soviet and Chinese experiments with communism. They believe the glowing positive stories that they learned in American public schools, and believe that progressive socialism could easily be implemented in America.

What they don’t realize is that what they have been taught is a lie, or at best an illusion.

All you need to do is crack open a history book and relive that time. It’s not pretty. Here we do talk about it. In fact we talk about a very simple aspect of that time; how people ate. After all, the implementation of progressive socialism under the communist banner was going to right some wrongs, feed everyone, provide safety by disarming everyone, and provide free healthcare. What happened instead should be a wake-up call to everyone.

Here we concentrate on a small area (about the size of California) and how it fared once the Communists came to power in Russia. In America we would today refer to this movement as “progressive socialists”, but aside from the name they are carbon copies of the communists of 1918.

With that being said, please kindly keep in mind that a name is just a name. Many Americans tend to equate all "democracies" at wonderful utopias, and all "communist" nations as Hell-holes. Neither is true. 

Many times nations use a name as a cover to pretend and mask what they really are.

Such as the United States "democracy" when it is actually an oligarchy-ruled Military Empire, and the "communist" China with is actually a merit-led republic.

Do not be fooled by what the popular narrative is. Observe how the nation acts, and functions. That will tell you what the nations actually are and what to expect from them.

The February Revolution

The February Revolution (March 1917 in the Gregorian calendar) was a revolution focused around Petrograd (now St. Petersburg). The Russian Revolution of 1905 is considered as a major factor to explain what sparked the February Revolution. In particular, the events of Bloody Sunday triggered massive unrests. A council of workers called the St. Petersburg Soviet was created and the beginning of a communist movement began.

Meanwhile, a Provisional Government was formed by members of the Imperial parliament or Duma. The Soviets, which stand for “workers’ councils”, initially permitted the Provisional Government to rule while they kept control over various militias. It took place in the context of major military setbacks during the First World War. After the entry of the Ottoman Empire on the side of the Central Powers in October 1914, Russia was deprived of a critical trade route which led to a minor economic crisis and Russia’s inability to provide munitions to their army. As a result, the army leadership considered they did not have the means to quell the revolution and Nicholas II was soon to become the last Emperor of Russia. [1]

The disruption of agriculture was also a considerable problem in Russia, but it was not caused by poor harvests, which had not been significantly altered during war-time. The indirect reason was that the government had been printing off millions of ruble notes in order to finance the war, and by 1917 inflation had made prices increase up to four times what they had been in 1914.

The peasantry made no gain in the sale of their products, since it was largely taken away by the middlemen on whom they depended. Consequently, they tended to revert to subsistence farming. Therefore, the cities were constantly in a situation of food shortage.

In the meantime, rising prices led to higher wages expectations in the factories. In January and February 1916, revolutionary propaganda partially financed by German funds resulted in widespread strikes.

The overall outcome was a growing criticism of the government. The original patriotic excitement, which had caused the name of St. Petersburg to be changed to the less German-sounding Petrograd, may have subsided a little but heavy losses during the war strengthened thoughts that Nicholas II was unfit to rule. [2]

The following is a reprint of an article titled "How to serve man" By Douglas Smith. Reprinted as found, and edited to fit this venue. All credit to the author.

How to Serve Man

In 1921, the Lenin-led Soviet Union faced one of the worst famines in history. A new book details its horrors and the American effort to combat cannibalism

By Douglas Smith

The stories began to appear in the Soviet press in the autumn of 1921, each one more gruesome than the last. There was the woman who refused to let go of her dead husband’s body. “We won’t give him up,” she screamed when the authorities came to take it away. “We’ll eat him ourselves, he’s ours!” There was the cemetery where a gang of 12 ravenous men and women dug up the corpse of a recently deceased man and devoured his cold flesh on the spot. There was the man captured by the police after murdering his friend, chopping off his head, and selling the body at a street market to a local restaurant owner to be made into meatballs, cutlets, and hash. And then there was the desperate mother of four starving children, saved only by the death of their sister, aged 13, whom the woman cut up and fed to the family.

The stories seemed too horrific to believe. Few could imagine a hunger capable of driving people to such acts. One man went in search of the truth. Henry Wolfe, a high-school history teacher from Ohio, spent several weeks in the spring of 1922 traveling throughout Samara Province, in southeastern Russia, intent on finding physical evidence of cannibalism. In the district of Melekess, officials told him about a father who had killed and eaten his two little children. He confessed that their flesh had “tasted sweeter than pork.” Wolfe kept on searching, and eventually found the proof he had been looking for.

At first glance, it appears to be an unremarkable photograph of six individuals in winter dress: two women and four men, their expressions blank, betraying no particular emotion. But then our eyes catch sight of the grisly objects laid out across a wooden plank resting unevenly atop a pair of crates. There are two female heads, part of a rib cage, a hand, and what appears to be the skull of a small child. The adult heads have been cracked open, and the skulls pulled back. Along with human flesh, cannibals had feasted upon the brains of their victims.

Wolfe stands second from the right, surrounded by Russian interpreters and Soviet officials. There’s a faint look of satisfaction on his face at having accomplished his goal. Here, at last, was the incontrovertible proof he had set out to find.

An American in Russia

Wolfe may have found the answer he had been seeking, but to us, a century later, the photograph raises a number of questions. What was Wolfe doing in Russia in the first place? What had led this young American to a remote corner of the globe, half a world away, in search of such horrors? And why would the Soviet government, the newly formed socialist state of Vladimir Lenin and his Bolshevik Party, dedicated to world revolution and the overthrow of the capitalist order, have helped Wolfe to uncover, much less document and publicize, its miserable failure at feeding its own people?

If we look closely, a clue to answering these questions is to be found in the three letters stamped on the box in the center of the frame: “ARA.” Facing one of the worst famines in history, the Soviet government invited the American Relief Administration, the brainchild of Herbert Hoover, future president of the United States, to save Russia from ruin. For two years, the A.R.A. fed over 10 million men, women, and children across a million square miles of territory in what was the largest humanitarian operation in history.

Why would the Soviet government have helped Wolfe to uncover its miserable failure at feeding its own people?

Its efforts prevented a catastrophe of incalculable proportions—the loss of millions of lives, social unrest on a massive scale, and, quite possibly, the collapse of the Soviet state. Having completed their mission by the summer of 1923, the Americans packed up and went home. Before the A.R.A. left, the leaders of the Soviet government showered the organization with expressions of undying gratitude and promises never to forget America’s help.

“An act of humanity and benevolence,” Machiavelli wrote in his Discourses on Livy, “will at all times have more influence over the minds of men than violence and ferocity.” Machiavelli was wrong. The Soviet government quickly began to erase the memory of American charity, and what it could not erase, it sought to distort into something ugly. But it wasn’t just the Russians. Back in the United States, where Americans had followed the work of the A.R.A. with great interest, knowledge of Hoover’s achievement faded. By the time Hoover was voted out of office a decade later, during the Great Depression, the story of this extraordinary humanitarian mission had been forgotten. Now, almost a hundred years later, few people in America or Russia have ever heard of the A.R.A. Here is the story of one of the most horrifying aspects of the famine, and how the Americans sought to document it.

All P.R. Is Good P.R.

During his stay in the Soviet Union, William Garner, the P.R. man for the A.R.A., pushed for information on a subject of particular interest: cannibalism. He said he was hoping to get a chance to sit down with a cannibal for an interview before heading home. This wasn’t just morbid curiosity on his part; rather, he had been directed by his bosses to find solid, incontrovertible evidence of cannibalism. The A.R.A. had received Soviet reports on the problem but wanted its own proof. “We have ’em,” William Kelly, stationed with the A.R.A. in the city of Ufa, told Garner, “but they won’t talk for publication.”

Kelly had heard plenty of stories since arriving in Russia. He was convinced there had been thousands of cases of cannibalism that winter, but it was difficult to get precise details. Few Soviet officials were willing to talk to the Americans about this most horrifying aspect of the famine, largely out of a sense of shame and embarrassment for what they felt it said about their country. Nonetheless, a few had shared with Kelly what they knew, telling him that cannibals were dealt with forcefully when caught—put on trial and punished, some of the guilty even sentenced to death for their crimes.

Once, Kelly saw the trial records of a case, complete with a photograph of the accused and a boiled human head. The official policy of the A.R.A. was to soft-pedal such “horror stuff,” in Kelly’s words, in order to avoid accusations that the Americans had been exaggerating for cheap publicity. In early February, the Moscow office wired London to say that “any implication that the American Relief Administration vouches for the existence of cannibalism should be carefully avoided.”

Garner was hoping to get a chance to sit down with a cannibal for an interview before heading home.

“There are continual rumors about cannibalism around here,” Henry Wolfe, the high-school history teacher from Ohio, wrote from Samara on February 12 to his little brother Eddie, a student at Phillips Academy back in Massachusetts. “It is said there are cases where starving people have been eating dead bodies. I have heard some weird stories, but don’t know whether they are true.” He left soon after for the village of Melekess, a journey of some 250 miles. Wolfe wrote Eddie again from there on March 5, describing his trip: “At nearly every village we visited we heard of cannibalism. The stories were told to me by reliable persons and their accounts were corroborated by everyone in the village…. There is a woman in prison here in this town who ate her child. (Keep this on the quiet.) I’m going to see her today. You can’t imagine the terrible straits the peasants in the famine zone are in.”

Wolfe had traveled to New York in August 1921 to hand in his application in person to join the A.R.A. A member of the staff told him they might be in touch later, but they’d already received 500 applications and couldn’t make any promises. He waited around for several days, hoping to hear something. “The more I think of this Russian proposition the better I like it and the more I hope they will need me,” he wrote to his mother. But nothing came through, so Wolfe headed back to Ohio to prepare for another year of teaching history to the kids in the public schools of Coshocton County.

This was a far cry from his days as a volunteer ambulance driver during the war, first with the American Field Service in France and then the Red Cross in Italy, where he crossed paths with Hemingway and Dos Passos. He sent letter after letter to the A.R.A. that autumn, but still there were no openings for him. Finally, in December, he received word that they could use him if he could be ready to sail from New York on January 7. The office made sure to instruct him to bring heavy underwear, high boots, galoshes, and his sleeping bag.

Bodies of Evidence

When he arrived in Moscow at the end of the month, he was shocked to discover that his war service had not prepared him for Russia. The stench of the railroad station was beyond description, as was the mass of ragged humanity lurking in the darkness. Two days later, on the ride from the station in Samara to the A.R.A. house, he passed two dogs fighting in the street over a partially eaten corpse. Wolfe looked at his driver in horror, but the man paid no heed. Such things had become commonplace. On a short walk after dinner, he counted 14 dead bodies lying in the streets around the personnel house.

Wolfe spent most of his time as the lone American in the town of Melekess (now Dimitrovgrad) in northern Samara Province. Touring the villages in the area, he encountered the same hardships witnessed by other A.R.A. men—the frozen corpses stacked like cordwood in locked warehouses awaiting burial in the spring; the fetid hospitals lacking beds, blankets, aspirin, and soap; the walking dead, their eyes sunken and dull, dragging one heavy foot after the other through the snowy streets before collapsing from exhaustion.

Two dogs fighting in the street over a partially eaten corpse—such things had become commonplace.

Wolfe had a particular curiosity about what he called “the infernal crimes” that hunger could drive people to. In village after village, he met peasants who admitted to eating human flesh, whether corpses they had found or victims they had killed for food. It became something of an obsession for Wolfe, and he spent several weeks “on the trail of the cannibal,” as he wrote in a letter to a fellow A.R.A. man, William Shafroth, in early March, aided by “definitive information concerning cannibals” from local officials. Just to be safe, he made sure to carry a revolver with him on his travels.

Hearing the stories of cannibals was one thing, but to be able to catch them in the act was another. “If it can be seen, perhaps it would be valuable information to the A.R.A.” Not long after this, Wolfe found what he had been looking for, and he posed alongside his Soviet helpers for the photograph with his find, a mission-accomplished look on his face. The A.R.A. had its proof. He sent the photograph on to his superiors in Moscow. Unfortunately, the details of the image—where it was taken, the names of the men and women surrounding Wolfe, and the facts behind the discovery of the body parts—have been lost.

Original Sin

According to official Soviet reports, the first instances of cannibalism appeared in late summer 1921. The government was, not surprisingly, alarmed by the reports; nonetheless, it permitted articles about them to be published in the leading newspapers—Pravda and Izvestiia. By the spring of 1922, however, some officials felt the press had gone too far. In March, People’s Commissar for Public Health Nikolai Semashko complained in the pages of Izvestiia that the press had begun to treat the matter as some sort of “boulevard sensation.” Secondhand stories were being reported as facts, and reporters were increasingly prone to unwarranted speculation and exaggeration.

The medical doctor and amateur poet Lev Vasilevsky was prompted by Semashko’s criticism to conduct his own study of cannibalism. In Vasilevsky’s opinion, the problem was too important to be swept under the rug or left to unscrupulous reporters. The truth needed to be known and the guilty punished or, if proved to be psychologically ill, institutionalized. So he set out to undertake a serious investigation, interviewing medical workers and state and local officials, and consulting the materials that had been collected by the city of Samara’s “Famine Museum,” created by two local academics both to document the horrors of the famine and to educate the public. Among the museum’s collections were a series of gruesome photographs of cannibals, typically shown alongside the body parts that had been found with them at the time of their arrest.

In 1922, Vasilevsky published a brochure based on his research, A Horrifying Chronicle of the Famine: Suicide and Anthropophagy. In sparse, unadorned prose, Vasilevsky compiled a chilling catalogue of murder, violence, insanity, and ineffable suffering. He quoted a Bashkir edition of Izvestiia: “In the cantons are very many cases of people consuming human flesh. Driven wild by hunger, they are cutting up their children and eating them. In the grip of starvation, they are eating the bodies of the dead.” Vasilevsky also quoted a provincial official from the village of Bolshaya Glushitsa, in Pugachëv County, who warned that they were being “threatened with the danger of mass cannibalism.”

According to Vasilevsky, there had been hundreds of cases of cannibalism, and he predicted that the numbers were certain to grow as the famine worsened and the taboo against eating human flesh weakened. Indeed, it was the fear of “psychological infection” that prompted Vasilevsky to publish his research with a warning on the title page stating that this work was not to be distributed within the famine zone: readers, he worried, might draw the wrong conclusions from his work.

The people’s commissar for public health complained that the press had begun to treat the matter as some sort of “boulevard sensation.”

Among the cases recounted in A Horrifying Chronicle was that of a group of three adolescents from Ufa Province. Before they were caught, they had lured little children to a remote hut, strangled them, chopped them up, then boiled and eaten their remains. The authorities never did manage to determine the exact number of their victims. The three youths were sent off to a special facility for juvenile criminal offenders, yet the overseers made certain to separate them, concerned that they might try to continue their crimes from inside the institution.

Vasilevsky spoke to the investigating medical doctor. He found the case particularly disturbing. It turned out that the three inmates had had plenty of food at home and had apparently ventured into this grisly business out of sheer curiosity. In their interrogations, they had appeared normal, quiet, and even respectful, but he had no doubt that their “derangement had reached an extreme stage from which there was no hope of recovery.”

Their case reminded Vasilevsky of something he had read in a Kursk newspaper: “People are no longer people. Human feelings have died out, the beast, devoid of all reason and pity, has awakened.” Although Vasilevsky had to agree, he insisted that this had nothing to do with the Russian character but was quite simply the logical result of years of misery and suffering. In this, Vasilevsky was correct. Acts of cannibalism have been recorded during famines throughout history in other parts of the world, such as Ireland during the Confederate Wars of the 17th century and China during the Great Leap under Mao.

Devil in the Detail

Around the time Vasilevsky’s brochure appeared, the Samara State Publishing House released The Book of the Famine, a much larger work filled with official documents—telegrams, letters, interrogation records, police reports, and photographs—describing in grisly fashion many cases of murder, suicide, and cannibalism.

One of the most complete records concerned a 56-year-old illiterate peasant from the village of Yefimovka, Buzuluk County, by the name of Pyotr Mukhin. On January 12, 1922, he testified before Balter, an investigator for the Samara Province Revolutionary Tribunal, that his family had not had any bread since Easter of the previous year. At first they lived off grass, horsemeat, and then dogs and cats. After that, they were reduced to gathering bones and grinding them into an edible paste. But then this, too, ran out, along with all the animals in the village.

“All over our region and in our own village a great number of corpses lie about in the streets and are piled up in the public warehouse. I, Mukhin, early one evening stole into the warehouse and took the corpse of a boy around the age of seven. I had heard that some people of our village were eating human flesh. I took him home on a sleigh, chopped up the corpse into small pieces, and set about to boil it that same evening. Then we woke the children—Natalya, 16 years old, Fyodor, 12, and Afanasy, 7—and we ate it. We ate the entire body in one day, all that was left were the bones.”

Soon after, a man from the village soviet came and asked Mukhin whether the rumor that they had eaten human flesh was true. Mukhin said yes, it was—many did it in the village, although they hid the fact. The man took him to the soviet for questioning. “We don’t remember what human flesh tasted like, we were in a mad frenzy when we ate it. We never killed somebody to eat them. We’ve got plenty of corpses and so it never crossed our minds to kill someone. There’s nothing more I can tell you …”

That same day, Balter questioned Mukhin’s 28-year-old son-in-law, Prokofy, a former Red Army soldier. He told Balter that, a week before he began eating human flesh, he had had to bury his grandfather, father, and mother in the course of just 10 days. All of them had starved to death. Earlier, in the spring of 1921, he had buried his only son, aged two, also dead from hunger. A week before Christmas, his pregnant wife, Stepanida, brought home some boiled human flesh from her father, Pyotr Mukhin, and they ate this together with Prokofy’s sister Yefrosinya. The three of them were arrested and taken to the village soviet, along with some human flesh found in their home.

They were held for three days with no food, and then conveyed to Buzuluk, a journey of four days. Given nothing to eat along the way, they asked one of the accompanying officials whether they might eat the pieces of flesh. He told them no: it had been entered into the police files as evidence. They ignored him and ate it anyway.

Mukhin, his daughter, and his son-in-law were all held in the Buzuluk House of Forced Labor, where they were examined by a psychiatrist from the faculty of Samara University in the middle of January. It was his judgment that none of them displayed any signs of “delirium, delusion of the emotions (hallucinations or illusions), maniacal agitation, condition of melancholy or similar signs of emotional disturbance.” They were neither mad nor insane, but in their right minds. It was hunger that had made them resort to cannibalism, and they presented no danger of committing violence against the community. “They present as typical normal subjects who have been placed in exceptional circumstances that have forced them to commit acts of an anti-human nature, at odds with the normal expression of human nature.” The subsequent fate of Mukhin, his daughter, and his son-in-law is unknown.

They were neither mad nor insane, but in their right minds. It was hunger that had made them resort to cannibalism.

The matter-of-fact tone in which these flesh-eaters described their actions was typical. According to the report of the A.R.A. inspector in Pugachëv County, a man by the name of Svorikin, once the starving had eaten human flesh, they no longer considered it a crime. The corpse, devoid of any human soul, was food, either for them or for “the worms in the ground.” He noted: “They speak of these things with a curious kind of passiveness and quietness, as if the question were not of eating a person but simply a herring.”

The practice became so common in this district that the peasants approached state officials to request the government to permit it. That this took place in Pugachëv County in Samara Province is not surprising. This part of the Volga region, which included Buzuluk, home of the Mukhins, suffered like nowhere else. By July 1922, the population had fallen from 491,000 to 179,000 in just two years: over 100,000 had perished from starvation and disease, 142,000 had been evacuated by the state and various relief agencies, and roughly 70,000 people had simply vanished without a trace. Pugachëv County was particularly remote: cut off from the rail lines, isolated from the outside world, left to survive on its own. It was precisely in such places that the most desperate victims of the famine resorted to cannibalism.

Once the starving had eaten human flesh, they no longer considered it a crime.

But not all peasants were willing to accept their fate and take to eating the dead. On the morning of December 8, 1921, in the village of Pokrov-Tananyk in Buzuluk County, a group of almost 50 angry peasants dragging the body of a brutally murdered man on a sleigh arrived at the home of Comrade Golovachëv, the county chairman. They pounded on his door until he came out, and demanded he give them food or else they would come back and eat the man instead. They threw the bloody corpse on the doorstep and departed. Golovachëv’s response is not known, nor is it known whether the mob made good on its threat. The policeman who reported this incident added, “Crimes of cannibalism are becoming more and more prevalent.”

False Alarm

Even if the A.R.A. wanted to play down cannibalism in its publicity, the subject was too explosive to keep out of the Western press, which had a tendency to treat it with the same tawdry sensationalism that had so angered Commissar Semashko. In April 1922, Reuters reported that during a riot in Samara a member of the A.R.A. staff had been killed and eaten. That same month, a story appeared in a Parisian newspaper stating that the American boss of the A.R.A. in Samara had been murdered, cooked, and eaten by the locals. A bemused Wolfe wrote to his brother in mid-May to say he was sure Eddie had read of the reports that an American had been killed and eaten in Samara, and that the likely victim had been none other than Henry himself, but there was no cause for alarm: this was an old rumor that had been going around for months, and he was safe and sound.

On May 29, The New York Times carried a story on cannibalism that made reference to an exhibition of gruesome photographs recently set up in the Kremlin, only a few doors down from Lenin’s office. The article questioned the reason for the exhibition, surmising that the terrifying images and stories were part of the government’s strategy to wring more aid out of the West. Many of the photographs had been taken by G.P.U. agents to be used as evidence in criminal cases. Although the article gave a vivid, and horrifying, description of the images, the Times refused to publish some of the details, substituting in brackets the words “Here follow details too revolting for publication.”

By the autumn of 1922, Wolfe had had enough of Russia. On November 9, he wrote a letter to Colonel William Haskell, head of the A.R.A. operation in the Soviet Union, informing him that he was beset by “a depression and nervous tension which make it impossible for me to work as I would.” Given what he had seen, no one could blame him. He had gone to Moscow on leave for a time, hoping this would help his mental state, but as soon as he returned to the famine zone, he felt stricken once again with famine shock. The only thing for him to do was resign and go home. The comfortable normality of his native Ohio had never looked so good.

Adapted from The Russian Job: The Forgotten Story of How America Saved the Soviet Union from Ruin, by Douglas Smith. To be published by Farrar, Straus and Giroux on November 5, 2019. Copyright © 2019 by Douglas Smith. All rights reserved. Photos: Fine Art Images/Heritage Images/Getty Images; Courtesy of Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library, University of Virginia, J. Rives Childs Papers; © Photo12/The Image Works; Courtesy of the Hoover Institution Library and Archive, Stanford University (three women; Kapitonovich); © Fine Art Images/Heritage/The Image Works


Please keep in mind that as America goes though all these changes, that there will be areas of discomfort and distress. Some areas might experience broken lines of supply and transport. If that happens, the people may become hungry. And a nation where just everyone owns guns, and has a shit-fit over wearing masks, and hoards toilet tissue would go “ape shit” when hungry. Learn from history.

Do not be caught unprepared.

And do not count on your “leaders”. If anything they are puppets controlled by other interests who themselves are idiots.

America is devolving from a land of the “lone wolf” to a land of “every man for himself”. Be safe. Be frosty.

You greatest ability right now is to control your thoughts, to prepare, and establish friendships to everyone in your neighborhood. Be helpful. Obtain useful skills. Know how to be valuable. You will be fine.

Do you want more?

I have more posts in my International America and the rest of the world… index here…

International USA


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The evolution of America and China; they both no longer resemble their stereotypes

America has evolved. China has changed. But the mainstream media reporting has not. This post discusses how both China and the United States have changed. We look at how they have migrated away from the form of government they were first established as. We look at how they both started, how they both changed, and where they both are today.

  • For the United States, we study how it was first set up as a Constitutional Republic. We look at how it was changed through “progressive” alterations by President Wilson. We track the train of progressive change through FDR, to Clinton, and Obama. Finally, we follow the changes to the totalitarian police-state oligarchy America is today.
  • For China, we study how it was set up as a Marxist utopia, and how it failed miserably. We look at who orchastrated the movement away from hard-line communism, and what they replaced it with. For, surprisingly, it was replaced by a single-party traditional Chinese-conservative government. We discuss how Mr. Deng brought this transformation through the implementation of Reganomics in the 1980’s.

Of course, we use facts and history to support this history. But, it’s not a popular history. It’s a stealth history.

The Stereotypes of China and America

The actual history lies hidden. We never see it behind the paid actors and actresses that pretend to be reporters. We never watch the actors pretending to be “experts” on televised discussion boards. We never see the entire picture, ever. All we see are actors reading scripted lines. Lines that are cultivated to evoke emotional reactions from us.

All we see is what is being “reported” to us.

American news 18AUG19
American news 18AUG19. This is a screen capture of CNN taken on 18August 2019. Our view of life and news is all colored by the news selectively presented to us, and how it is presented.

That’s because the mainstream American media is a propaganda arm for others who desire Americans live in a “fake reality”. It’s a reality where Americans can be easily manipulated, emotionally tugged upon, and cajoled to perform the bidding of others.

Have you ever wondered why some people think the way that they do? I mean, why is it “common knowledge” that Trump followers are  “Deplorable” Nazi “Red-Necks” who are High School dropouts and  uneducated bumbletons?  Why is it “common knowledge” that Universities  and Colleges are the perfect routes for success in today’s’ modern  world? Why is it “common knowledge” that we need to pay income taxes or  else our bridges would collapse and our telephones would explode?

 The News Media told us. 

The following link opens up in a separate tab…


I argue that in order to have a peaceful life, you need to tune out and turn off that screaming, screeching noise-maker. You need to divorce yourself from the news. Oh, and yes this means all news. Most especially the news that YOU WANT TO BELIEVE. For that is the most dangerous manipulations. For they have successfully tapped into your emotional tug-points.

Dog Shit

Because of all this manipulation, Americans have a distorted view of the world, and their place in it.

American media is nothing but lies.
American media is just propaganda. Nothing that you see is real and truthful. It is all distorted lies and partial-truths.

That is why many young people today feel that America is a horrible place, and needs to be replaced with a soft and kind socialist utopia. While, older Americans hold on to the belief that America is still the greatest nation in the world, and that it is full of “free” people living a life in liberty. Both points of view are framed upon the lies fed to them by the media.

With this there are two “camps” of belief;

  • Conservative. America is still a free republic. Liberty, while under assault, still exists. Any problems that America has are short-lived, and as long as a Conservative representative is elected, everything will be fixed, and people will once again be left alone as the normal order of things.
  • Progressive. America has problems because it is not progressive enough. It needs a strong leader to move to the “enlightened despotic” utopia. A utopia where the intellectually superior would tend to the rest of humanity much like a Shepard tends a flock of sheep. A Shepard sort of like a militarized Obama.

Let’s look at these two nations (USA and China) and two societies and compare them, shall we? Let’s start with America.

America Today

Liberty does not thrive when you must pee in a cup to get a job.

Here we are going to start with America. For simplicity, I have broken apart the various details into other posts. (All the statements made can be expanded upon in much greater detail by clicking on the links shown.)

An American.
Ron Swanson. I am an American. Know what this is all about.

How America was Changed.

How America was changed. It was changed purposefully. The America that we see today is what is the result of 100 years of progressive alteration in the hopes of achieving a utopia. Which is, on top of an earlier period of 100 years of evolution where those in government centralized power and control.

  • Wilson started the path towards progressive implementation. He turned Americans into serfs, and put bankers in charge of America’s economy.
  • FDR expanded upon it and had to rewrite and redefine the interpretation of key aspects of the Constitution. He pretty much started down the path to shredding the Bill of Rights.
  • Clinton altered the Justice department. Implemented forceful elements of social change and started the balkanization of America.
  • Obama radicalized all of the many agencies in Government. He armed them and made them a force to control the American people. He was the one who implemented the decisiveness and radical element of the progressive cause.

Freedom is never having to ask permission to eat, drink or do something with your own body.

This migration, the players who implemented this migration, as well as certain key changes to the American Constitution is covered in this link (it opens up in a separate tab);

Why are Americans so angry?

Here is a little graph that I made about these changes, and no it is not precise. It is reflective of my own biases and not to scale. The horizontal axis represents time, the vertical axis represents the social-political organization of America.

Though, not completely accurate does not mean that it is nonsense. It does include the destruction of the tenth amendment during the civil war, and the progressive changes wrought on Americans by Wilson, FDR, Clinton and Obama.

Chart of how America has changed over the years toward a progressive liberal socialist marxist oligarchy from a constitutional republic.

Tracking the Changes that altered America.

Tracking how small changes made America what it is today. America has been under the assault of progressives, busy-bodies, fraudsters, and the evil for over two centuries. It's difficult to document and get the "big picture" without getting bogged down in the details.

Here we use a parable to show how well-meaning changes can severely alter what something is. It’s a fun parable. It is also directly applicable to America today. It also opens up in a separate link. And yes, that’s exactly what happened to America…

Parable about America

Ah… talking about the big picture…

The Big Picture

The Big Picture. Information overload. When dealing with a complex issue like two centuries of change in a large nation, such as America it becomes easy to get bogged down in the details and forget the big picture. Let's take a quick look at human nature, won't we?
Democracy Lessons

But, again, now that you (the reader) can see the big picture, let’s get into some of the “nitty gritty”. First off, let’s look at the very first “showdown”. This was the American Civil War.

You see, back then the Federalists wanted a central government (like we have today), and those who read the constitution realized that the nation was founded on small government, locally governed. They used the issues of the day (which progressives want to politically realign to slavery) in order to battle with the big government folk. They fought and lost.

Today the elements of such a “showdown” are popping up here and there, and there are very close parallels to the American civil war. Let’s look at this…

The First Rupture

The first rupture. While the Constitution migrated away from a Republic in the first twenty years after ratification, the first signs that America did not represent it's people on a local level was evidenced by the first American Civil War. Here we look at this, and study how the exact same process is used contemporaneously to control American citizens.
Civil War

Now, what is the nature of the people who want to discard liberty and freedom? What makes them tick, and why are they so “Hell bent” on changing things…

Who Changed America

Who changed it. We ask what the nature of people who want to implement change is, and look at specific examples. In this post we look at the personality aberrations that cause this kind of behaviors and why they despise the concept of liberty and freedom. Again, the link will open up in a separate tab for your reading clarity.

One of the problems that Americans have with this entire bout of change is that they are unable to categorize the absolute mind-blowing array of changes. And since they are unable to follow the entire wide breadth and scope of all the efforts that the progressives are doing, they fail to grasp the enormity of all the intent.

Yet, it need not be so complex.

  • America changed from a Republic to a Democracy early on.
  • Once a Democracy, evil and wealthy men used mob rule to get into positions of power.
  • They centralized the power in Washington D.C..
  • When the people revolted there was a Civil War and the powerful and wealthy won.
  • But, that power was not enough.
  • They wanted more. They wanted to live like Kings over serfs.
  • Thus progressive politics was implemented.
  • Subsequent Presidents expanded upon this and it changed society.
  • America changed from a K-strategy majority rule to a r-strategy control center.

Here we talk about this.

How the changes affect society

Americans have become so accustomed to the progressive onslaught that they do not realize what the assaults on liberty are.

How the changes affect society. Here we look at how the changes in the government structure results in how people behave. This tracking and association of behavior with environment is well known and quite remarkable in it's consistency. What people are loathe to associate is how exactly it is following the American model.
r/K selection theory

To put it clearer…

The state doesn't get to put up a hoop - not any hoop - for anyone to  jump through before deciding their constitutional rights will be  granted. 

- Aesop at Raconteur Report 

The assault on Liberty

The Bill of Rights has been ignored. It’s not limited to the first and second amendments either. It’s everything. From “Red Light Cameras” that violate the 6th Amendment confrontation clause, to the 9th and 10th amendments. It’s all selective enforcement, and encroachment at will.

The Assault on Liberty. America has been dying a long slow death through million of tiny little cuts. Here we try to document just some of the many ways that America is being attacked. For each time you ban something, the government takes away a freedom. Freedom is the opposite of a ban. Here we look at this...

The cultivation of ignorance. In order to subjugate a people, you need to keep them ignorant, disarmed, drugged or otherwise helpless. There are many techniques, and many are being used on Americans today. Here we look at this aspect…

How they get away with it

A looted America. Over the last 100 years, with the implementation of a progressive reality, America went from a nation of strong independence, to a dependent society that must ask permission from the government to function.

Since them, Americans have been treated as money-making machines, and fleeced over and over again.

Everything in the United States is monetized, taxed, regulated and utilized. The people are serfs serving the global ultra-wealthy. Here we study the American HST program as a perfect example of this…

Why no High-Speed rail in the USA?

Culture Wars. There is a fundamental clash between the very two disparate cultures in America.

One is the “nationalism” movement. They want [1] to be left alone, [2] a much smaller government, and [3] a return to the Constitution as written back in 1776.

The other is the “modern progressive” movement. It has elements that are desirous of [1] “enlightened despotism” and is [2] implementing Marxism to achieve their preferred utopia. It is a King and slave relationship.

Here we discuss this… “the culture wars”…

What is going on in Hollywood?

Hyper regulation of everything. In America you have expensive medical care, that if you track it back to it’s source, you will find that all the costs (in one way or the other) originated in various ways by government programs.

For instance, you have expensive cars that in one way or the other requires testing, and registration of all of the millions of components that make up the vehicle.

You have to ask an agency for permission to do anything. It wasn’t always this way.

It is this way because FDR scrapped out the SCOTUS who ruled that the 9th amendment will not permit the formation of any federal agencies. He did not like this. So he overhauled the SCOTUS and staffed it with closet Marxist wanna-bes. They then started ruling in favor of rolling waves of Marxism.

The Ninth Amendment

How Americans are controlled. Americans are the most manipulated, regulated, taxed and regulated people on the planet. Of course, many don’t think so.

They look at the shiny newness of their shackles and view that as a sign of freedom. Here we look at how Americans are manipulated and kept in a state of fear.

Freedom - American style.
Under a progressive liberal agenda, Americans have come to accept the cleanness and newness of their shackles as a sign of advancement and modern enlightenment. It is what was intended by President Wilson when he rewrote the Constitution to implement enlightened despotism as a prelude to full-on Marxist control by the richest people in society. You can see how this works with the two tiered justice system, and the rampant abuse of young girls by the richest elite.

Some long over due changes. Here we discuss some of the key things that MUST be changed to have America move back to the Constitution as it was intended to be.

These are not a comprehensive list of items, it’s just some of the many, many problems that MUST be radically changed or else the United States will be no longer in the near future…

Make America Great Again.

Personally, I would erase EVERYTHING, and start all over again, but with the Constitution as originally written. I would undo all the alterations, scrap the current crop of players, and start fresh and new.

I would put everything in the hands of the individual states. I would pull the federal government out of everything except the most limited and necessary functions.

I would defang every government entity, and then implement a fourth branch – the OVERSIGHT branch of corruption police constantly keeping the officials transparent and honest. This group would be very powerful and have it’s own court system, police, prisons, and torture rooms.

And yes, I would follow the Chinese model and implement torture for abuse by leadership. They will not be given a free pass. After all, if they want their own laws, they will have to have their own punishments as well.

I would nuke the progressive government from orbit, and set up corruption police to make sure that these monsters never raise their ugly heads ever again. I would do exactly the same thing that the Chinese do to their SJW problem.

But that is just me.

Today America is so far removed from what it once was that Americans have NO IDEA what freedom actually is. Hey! Wake up! These are CRITICAL characteristics of a FREE SOCIETY, how many exist in America today? Eh?

  • No taxes on anything.
  • No regulations except the most critical infrastructure.
  • No agencies.
  • Property means “YOURS.”
  • Privacy is absolute.
  • One set of laws that are applied equally.

In a free land, you can smoke and kill yourself with drugs and drink. No one will stop you.

In a free land, your property is yours, and no one can seize it, tax it, regulate it or claim it from you.

In a free land there are no laws against “vices” and no laws on behavior.

Starting all over from scratch is the only way to be sure.

How different America is today from the founding? It is terribly different from what the Constitution was originally set up as.

In fact, aside from keeping the same names and titles, the nation resembles the exact opposite as what it was set up as. Here, we go Right by Right (in the Bill of Rights) and look at the tattered remains of what exists.

What would the founders think?

What America is today. Finally, we conclude with a study of what America actually is. We look at the organization, the history, the changes and the functional rearrangements that made America what it is. Then we come to conclusions as to what it functionally is.

Spoiler alert: It’s an oligarchy run by non-Americans.


Which pretty much explains this comment…

According to the experts, America is a country whose most fearsome enemy  is not only the majority of its people—the majority of its people are  also the nation’s biggest threat and its ultimate outsiders. 

-Jim Goad at Taki's Magazine


Lets look at China.

It’s common knowledge that China is communist. We know this, because the progressive American mainstream media has told us this. We know this because this was the case as recent as the 1980’s. We know this because Mr. Mao proudly committed to communist ideals back in the 1940’s. We know this because his picture is still on the Chinese currency.

And… and, we believe this is still the case, well because, we don’t know any better.

The failure of communism

However, that has all changed. You know, there have been many, many changes since Richard Nixon was in office. A lot has happened since the 1960’s. First, communist China collapsed in the 1970’s. (Though, it didn’t get the American media attention that it deserved. It’s almost like the American media were pining away for the success of communism.) Communist Cambodia collapsed shortly afterwards, followed by the collapse of the communist Soviet Union.

In the tail half of the last century, just about every communist nation imploded in upon itself. With the exception of Cuba and North Korea.

Of course, the American mainstream media wouldn’t like to admit any of this. In their minds, it is still useful (for distraction purposes) to manipulate the more mainstream and conservative members of their (shrinking) audience. They do this by treating Americans as fools and playing Don Quixote chasing “communist” windmills.

It serves their “Neocon” audiences.

What they have left out, in their news casts and discussion panels, was that communism in China was a terrible failure. When communism was implemented in China, it caused devastation, deaths, starvation, and the destruction of centuries of culture and society. Not just a few deaths, mind you. But whole-scale mass starvation. Not just the destruction of one or two museums, but most of the history of China. Not just the unwritten traditions, but really all aspects of Chinese life was adversely corrupted.

Fall of the Former Soviet Union.
We well know about how the Soviet Union and that brand of communism fell. What was little reported was how the Chinese were able to avert a similar catastrophe. In China, they had heroes who experimented with non-Communist methods to bring about economic success. Mr. Deng and his Chinese version of Reaganomics was the most successful.

China, due to Mr. Mao and his advisors, was riding the bullet train towards catastrophic collapse.

In the 1970’s serious and drastic action needed to be taken to undo the ravages of communism. So numerous leaders “stepped up to the plate”. Each one acted as a hero in an attempt to stop the collapse of the Chinese government, and the resulting foreign intervention.

(You all know, don’t you, that once the Chinese nation collapsed, that rich and wealthy American elite would offer to “rebuild” the nation. You know, out of kindness…)

Implementation of Reaganomics in China in the 1980’s

So the Chinese all stepped up. One of the most famous was Mr. Deng. He and his stunning successes are known all over China. He implemented wide-scale Ronald Reagan economic policies. Only this time, he didn’t have Mr. Bush Sr. snapping at his heels. He didn’t have a media making fun of his actions calling it “Zombie Economics”, and he didn’t have Beijing reverse his polices as soon as they started to bear fruit.

All of which happened in the United States.

You see, back then, China was in a state of an emergency. It was a serious and a dangerous time. Thus, anyone trying to play political games for their own personal benefit, did so at the peril of the entire nation and race.

When the SJW movement took control of China

So, Mr. Deng was permitted to implement a Chinese-version of Reaganomics. He was given a small and tiny fishing village. He was given the tiny hamlet of Shenzhen to use as a “test bed”. And, it took off. The growth was astounding.

Downtown Shenzhen China when Mr. Deng took over, and what it looks like today. This is what the “miracle” of Reaganomics does, and it was this force that was used to completely transform China. However, in doing so, they HAD to move away from communism. For Reaganomics is wholly incompatible with communism.

Today, Shenzhen is populated by 14 million busy inhabitants. To put that in perspective, New York has pretty much had a constant population of 4 million people over the last three decades.

Seeing the success of this, and other initiatives, too numerous to mention here, we have seen an evolution of China.

China moved from hard-line communist to something else.

China still calls itself “communist”

The Chinese refer to this new way of doing things as “Socialist with Chinese characteristics“, but what it really and functionally is is something quite different. It’s much the same way that Americans still claim that America is a Republic.

We, as Americans, can easily recognize the policy positions as near identical clones to Mr. Ronald Reagan’s “free market” policies. The most that you would ever… ever… ever, hear this reported is when the media begrudgingly admits that China is capitalist.

Evolution of China from a Marxist Communist Republic established by Chairman Mao, to a single-party authoritarian traditional Chinese-conservative nation by Mr. Deng.

Though, the progressive mainstream media would NEVER admit to it. Though the hard-line Neo-cons would never say anything positive to their “dog and pony” show that narrates a communist enemy that needs to be opposed at every turn.

Freedom & Liberty in China

Ignorance about China

Yes. You can tell just how knowledgeable any “talking head” is in America when they refer to China as “Chicom’s” (Chinese communist), when in all actuality they are HARD-LINE CONSERVATIVE, and that they INSIST on tradition, and merit.

You know that Americans are manipulated when a Conservative American frets about…

China doing things…

  • China imprisoning and reeducating radical Uighar Muslims.
  • Cracking down on “free democracy” movements by SJW folk.
  • Worrying about “junk” products made in China.

To which, I must say that China’s stance is very American Conservative on these issues…

America doing things…

  • Radical Muslims must be vetted and kept out of America.
  • Antifa, BLM, and other SJW’s are not permitted to disrupt day to day life.
  • Make the products in America instead of importing them.

So, when I see and hear an American conservative take the “talking points” right out of FOX, or CNN, I know that they are just regurgitating the nonsense programming that is used to keep Americans dumb, stupid and living in fear.

If the American government was truly functional, they would have taken immediate steps to control the Antifa, and BLM riots, and mass SJW attacks and disruptions. They would have identified the leaders of the movement and arrested and detained them. They would have isolated the riots and attacks with trained forces and collected the agitators and sent them off to discover what their malfunction was.

  • Preventing ambulances from helping people.
  • Damaging stores and public works.
  • Looting stores and communities.
  • Throwing chemical milkshakes and beating innocents with bikelocks.

People! This is what a functional and responsible government looks like; Pay attention!

Pay attention!

Today, China is [1] a single-party government. One single party often means totalitarian. But, in my mind it sure as heck beats “pretend democracy” with is mob rule manipulation.

Oh, and by the way, the Chinese do not mess around. They are a serious, serious nation that is run as a meritocracy. Their leaders got there through merit, not by a popularity contest, or through political placement. This is a serious cold-hard fact that many Westerners need to grasp their heads around.

China is not what you think.

The government is [2] nationalist with [3] “China First” objectives. The government is set up to support the Chinese people. Not a global one-world order. As such they know that they must police their leadership. From 1997 though to 2013, the local government leaderships as well as the wealthy business owners started to take advantage and corruption became rife and problematic.

So the president Xi Peng implemented the “Corruption Police”.

This group is as powerful as the IRS in America and answers to no one except the President. No 9th circuit court or judge in Hawaii is going to block or postpone any actions that they take. As such, the bad guys in China are scared shitless. You either come clean with transparency or you WILL suffer the consequences. And believe you me, you don’t want to do Hard Time in China.

The Chinese “Corruption Police”…

The Chinese “Corruption Police”.

They [4] believe in free-market economics, and [5] vigorously defend the traditionally conservative Chinese social way of life. That being said, the Chinese culture is “Chinese conservative”, not “American conservative”. They are similar, but NOT identical.

Statue of Mr. Deng Xiaoping.
Statue of Deng Xiaoping at Lianhuashan Park. Mr Deng brought Reaganomics to China., and single handedly helped to move China away from rigid formal communism to the nation that it is today.

China is a traditional conservative nation.

Not, American conservative, mind you. They are Chinese conservative. Which means that they hold many of the same beliefs and ways of doing things that an American Conservative would agree with. But not all of them.

  • Mother and Father are parents.
  • Father works and supports the family.
  • Mother takes care of the home and children.
  • Education is important, and merit based.
  • Success is achieved through hard work, and merit.
  • Vices are normal and need social outlets.
  • Any person who does not agree to the above are ill and need to be medically corrected and isolated from society.

As such, the Chinese family and relationships look like they came right out of the American 1950’s. The man goes out and works hard, has a beer or two with his buddies after work, and then comes home to his family.

Yes. It’s Fred Flintstone style. Yes. Wally and the Beaver style. Yes. The Brady Bunch style.

And when the man comes home from a hard day’s work, he will give 100% of his pay to his wife. She will use this money to take care of the household, invest in the education of the children, and maintain the social standing of their family with the rest of society.

She in turn, will have his house clothes washed and laid out on the bed for him. His slippers will be ready for him when he gets inside, and after he takes his after work shower, he will find a nicely laid out dinner waiting for him. Often (depending on the person) with a alcoholic libation waiting for him.

China is a Traditional Nation.

Here is a handy chart that I composed describing the differences between American Progressive Liberal belief, and Chinese beliefs. It goes a long way to illustrate how close modern China is to the traditional American Conservatism. As well as how far removed it is from the progressive reality of America today, and the communist ideal that China came from.

A comparison between the United States and China.
A comparison between the United States and China. Here we compare various elements of culture, society, with the way that things are conducted in China as compared to the United States.

While most of America is enjoying the progressive themed Hollywood movies (women in leadership roles, people with superpowers granted to them through luck, and diversity in every scene), the Chinese produce movies and videos around more traditional themes. The music, even the more up-beat, aren’t as harsh. The women are sweeter, and they aren’t wagging their enormous trashcan jugged assess at the screen.

Culture and society are a reflection of what the nation is. In a like vein, Hollywood is a reflection of what America is today. To understand what China is like, all you need do is pay attention to their culture…

What does this mean

The traditional notions of America being the land of “Democracy” against the evil Communists is wholly outdated. The “cold war” ended with Ronald Reagan. He finished off the success and rule of communism.

Yet, the oligarchs would have none of this. They argue that it wasn’t implemented properly. Maybe Pol Pot wasn’t harsh enough. Maybe they weren’t diverse enough. Maybe they weren’t ruthless enough. They write about this, and announce their intentions quite openly.

For instance…

Make no mistake, the globe is forming into two sides. Sides, mind you, that are so diametrically opposed in fundamental belief systems that the ability to coexist will not be possible.

Here is a map of the world today. The conservative traditionalist nations are colored in RED, and the “enlightened” progressive globalist oligarchy are in BLUE. Most other nations are unknown in this regard, and are left bare and uncolored.

Partial color coded map
This is a partial map showing known polarization around the globe. Traditional conservative nations are colored in red and progressive socialist nations controlled by an oligarchy are in blue. There is evidence that many Muslim nations are also traditional, and conservative, but they differ in some fundamental ways and deviate in such a way that they are not included in this calculus. In short, if you look at the map, you can easily see that the former “free world” of “democracy” have all devolved into mob-ruled oligarchies under the progressive socialist banner.

The Implications

The implications of such a realization are astounding. By looking at the globe in this manner, we can clearly see that philosophy and ideologies are what frame the way that the globe operates today.

  • Almost every democracy has devolved into mob-rule controlled by a rich oligarchy.
  • Almost every former communist nation has evolved into a traditional conservative nation.
  • The oligarchy owns the media in the regions they control. As such they try to keep the “cold war” alive through fear to control their people.
  • Oligarchies help each other out. It is almost like they share the same blood-lines or something.
  • Conservative nations tend to be populist and nationalistic. They only make agreements that serve their own interests.

Important Note

These are only my opinions. Perhaps, you the reader, have other ideas. That is fine. This is nothing more than a very simplistic overview of but one equation of a very complex calculus. For all that I did was simply map out conservative belief structures against progressive belief structures globally.

The reader should note that there are cultural differences that also come into play. For instance, a conservative American would believe that everyone should own firearms, while a conservative Chinese would believe that civilian ownership of firearms should be banned.

To the American, it might seem that it really isn’t conservative at all.

After all, the right to self-defense is a role liberty enshrined in the Bill of Rights. But to the Chinese that seems strange, as in China, all children are given basic military training at an early age. By the time they are 16 they know how to work together as a team, and how to perform the most basic of military disciplines. When the time comes to undergo more rigorous training, they can opt out with parental consent. However, with consent, they are able to learn the more martial skills expected of a soldier.

While the implementation of the right of self-preservation differs, both conservatives maintain the importance given in this liberty. How it is implemented is different, that’s all.

In American conservatism, the individual has the Right to exercise that right and train on his own dime. In Chinese conservatism, everyone must learn how to protect themselves and the nation if called upon to do so.

A polarized world.

Here is a handy dandy chart of the comparisons between Chinese and American Conservatism. As I have repeatedly stated, Chinese conservatism is similar to, but not identical to American conservatism. (Remember, however, that the Chinese government operates under Chinese Conservative rules, while the American government operates under progressive Marxist rules.)

A comparison between American conservatism and Chinese conservatism.
A comparison between American conservatism and Chinese conservatism. They are similar, but not identical. Never the less American conservatism has much more in common with Chinese conservatism than with the progressive reality that America is today.

The effect of these changes on America…

All of the progressive changes has come at a price for Americans. It has lowered so many of the attributes that made America the fore-most leader in the world…

The United States enjoys the highest degree of personal freedom in the world 

Once again, a variety of indicators  are used by various study groups to determine the level of personal  freedom enjoyed by citizens across the world, including economic freedom  (the ability to earn a living wage, and retain it for personal use),  political freedom, access to education, religious freedom, and many  others. 

The evaluation is then compared between nations,  and in the final comparison the United States routinely ranks in the  second ten. America’s neighbor to the north, Canada, invariably finishes  with a higher ranking of personal freedom than the United States. So do  New Zealand (consistently first among numerous rankings), Taiwan, and  the United Kingdom.

The all too frequent response from  Americans ill-disposed to accept such rankings is to huff “If you don’t  like it leave,” or some similar retort, as well as denial of the  accuracy of the ratings. 

After all, the phrase “land of the free” is  included in the national anthem, and is far more accurate than any  intellectual studies. As with many facts which are in conflict with  accepted myths, they are inconvenient, and thus to many must be  considered inaccurate. 

Nonetheless, the rankings, some of which are far  less laudatory of American freedom, exist, there existence is a fact,  and whether or not one agrees with their findings they are easily  available for study. 

The rest of the world may see them as well, and a  student in Wellington may well wonder why American leaders claim to live  in the greatest degree of freedom in the world, when the facts before  their eyes indicate otherwise. 


As well as..

The United States is the richest country in the world 

Besides the belief that the United  States is the best educated country in the world enjoying the highest  standard of living in the history of humanity is the belief that America  is the richest nation in the world, evidenced by the vast reserves of  minerals still untapped within its borders and off its shores. 

Again,  the ranking of nations by wealth is subject to the variations of the  means used for evaluation, but the United States again does not crack  the top five in many rankings. Using the standard of Gross Domestic  Product per capita, or GDP by individual, the United States ranked seventh in 2018, trailing international leader Luxembourg by almost half. It also trailed Norway, Switzerland, Ireland, Iceland, and Qatar.

Fox Business used another mix of  criteria to list what it called the world’s wealthiest countries in May  2019, but even by its standard, which gave Monaco the top spot, the  United States did not crack the top five. 

When using privately held  wealth as the standard of measure, as did Visual Capitalist in May 2019,  the United States jumped all the way to number one, a piece of data  which offers a meaty bone of contention for those prone to enter into  spirited discussions of what it means for society. 

Fortune Magazine  listed the fifteen richest countries in the world in November 2017, and  in its list it included the United States, ranking it above Iceland, the  Netherlands, and Saudi Arabia in 12th.  

The argument over which nation is the richest in the world can be made  using a variety of data as the facts for supporting it, but by most  objective evaluations the United States is not in the top five. 

Not to omit…

The United States has the highest standard of education in the world 

The United States has the admiration  and respect of the civilized world for the availability and quality of  education it offers all of its citizens. Such is a belief held by many  to the point that it is an irrefutable fact of the modern world. It is  incorrect. 

Though the United States ranks near the top in expenditures  for education, at all levels, when compared to other civilized nations  it is quickly apparent that money spent does not equal education  achieved. In the percentage of students completing primary education the  United States does not make the top five (Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Israel,  Saudi Arabia, and Mexico). 

For secondary education (that is, completing  high school) the USA again does not make the top five. Nor does the  United States rank in the top five for completion of post high school  degrees, though in fairness such degrees mean different things in  different parts of the world.

The World Top Twenty Project looked  at post education success as well as other indicators to rank civilized  nations by education in 2018, with the United States absent from the  resulting list of the top twenty, which was led by South Korea. 

The  United States own Center on International Education Benchmarking, a  project of the National Center on Education and the Economy (NCEE), lists the top performing nations of the world in terms of education  and does not include the United States among the top ten, instead  reporting on the progress made in the listed nations and the changes  which could be adaptable to American education systems. 

When CNBC listed  the top ten most educated nations of the world in February, 2018, it  listed the United States as sixth, a ranking bolstered to some extent by  the number of foreign students completing advanced degrees at American  institutions. 



The last fifty years has seen an absolute role reversal for both the United States and China. The United States today is an oligarchy that treats it’s citizens as serfs in a land with a two-tiered justice system.

Anyone who does not see this is a FUCKING IDIOT.

When you have some poor sop getting 70 years in prison for having a picture of a single nude 14 year old girl on his computer, and a serial pedophile rapist who has repeatedly raped over 1000 children under 14 (Epstein), who got the most lenient sentence in the history of law, should be obvious to everyone except the most partisan hack.

And, let’s not even talk about Hillary Clinton, and Lois Learner. Eh?

Meanwhile, China is a meritocracy. It is advancing forward using the exact same formula that made America the strongest nation in the world in the 1700’s.

To pretend that contemporaneous China, and the United States fit the tired old stereotypical narrative as portrayed by the mainstream media is to play the village idiot. It’s not the same, and does not, in any way, resemble that narrative.

SHTF and Related Index

The Tale of the Killdozer.
Why are Americans so angry?
r/K selection theory
What is planned for American Conservatives - Part 2
What is going to happen to conservatives - Part 3.
What is planned for conservatives - part 4
What is in store for Conservatives - part 5
What is in store for conservatives - part 6
Civil War
The Warning Signs
Line in the sand
A second passport
Make America Great Again.
What would the founders think?
The Ninth Amendment
How they get away with it
Taxiation without representation.
Parable about America
Democracy Lessons
A polarized world.
Types of American conservatives.

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