We are just a group of retired spooks that discuss things that you’ll not find anywhere else. It makes us unique. Take a look around. Learn a thing or two.
After China has “opened up” on it’s restrictions, many of us inside of China are getting sick. Last Tuesday, my little girl failed a random temperature check in Kindergarten and we took her home. Oh Lordy! Was she miserable. Poor little kid.
Running high fever, and absolutely unhappy. But by the end of the day, she was fine.
However, I was the guy taking care of her, and I caught it from her.
Yesterday, I wasn’t feeling well. I was sore all over. Achy. Tired. And on top of that, I had to visit a couple of factories in Foshan. (About a three hour drive away.)
A massive cold front hit. 4° instead of our perennial 30° and I was not a happy camper.
We had our big meals, and at night drank the beijiu and got sloshed. Crashed in the hotel room, and I was miserable. I had the headache from Hell, and could not sleep. My body felt like I had been lifting weights for a week and I was sore all over.
I’m back home now.
I’m following the Chinese government advice and “sheltering in place” voluntarily because I don’t want to give it to anyone else.
Now, I have had three “dead host” vaccines, and so did my entire family, but yeah, we got this virus.
They say it’s not bad.
I beg to differ.
I don’t have a runny nose, coughing, or anything like that, but all my internal organs feel “off”. Like they are strained. I’m operating at 22% right now.
I feel confident that things will go back to normal in a few days.
It might be a coincidence, but my Quality Director did not share the breakfast this morning with us. He was called home.
His wife’s oldest sisters’ grandson (a one year old boy) died last last. It happened suddenly and no one knows what happened.
This situation is only just developing…
I am going to give MM a break while I heal up. Just remember, everyone, to be the best you can be. And remember that I believe in you.
This is a simple “stand alone” post regarding an important event. namely the November 2022 Shanghai “Anti-coronavirus” protests. This article discusses and summarizes what happened to the individuals that participated in the CIA / NED led protests.
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Let it be well understood that I covered (in great detail) what happened, and who was involved and why. As well as the final results and the various trends going on in China. However, this article summarizes the events related to the four participating groups. Now that China has secured them, arrested them, sentenced or sentencing them, and cleaning up the mess that they created;
The NED / CIA trained saboteurs.
The NED / CIA associated "news" reporters.
The local student Leaders.
The student pawns.
The trained saboteurs
These were the Taiwanese and Hong Kong “leaders” that directed the local leaders’ actions.
In Sichuan, Four Hongkongers who disclosed false information and bogus addresses, have already been charged with ‘Falsification for Entry’ which carries 3–10 years.
The sentencing will be next week.
Given the seriousness of their actions they will probably obtain a sentence on the “high side”. This is especially true if they are tied to any previous Hong Kong color revolution activity.
The student participants (Pawns)
Yesterday a total of 91 students apologized for their mistake with the protests.
Using AI obtained data, and 5G remote face scanning (though paper, and masks) the police compiled detailed photo evidence against everyone who was at the “protests”.
Using this photo evidence, every student who participated was visited by the police at their dorms and homes, and the leaders clearly identified.
They were made to sign an Oath that [1] they didn’t get any money and [2] that the protests were because of frustration that they could not go home for the CNY holidays (which now they can).
They also apologized [3] for sending the messages to Reuters & BBC.
The student leaders (Led the protests)
In addition, the leaders, have tougher penalties placed upon them.
There were 14 leaders, or “ring leaders”.
Those Students identified as leaders can no longer join the Civil Service. Which means that they cannot join the CPC, volunteer, or take the basic tests for advancement within Chinese society. They will never vote, or ever become a citizen inside of China.
They will require Security clearance level I for a passport (In short they are unlikely to ever leave China until maybe 2050).
All their social media accounts have been suspended for 3 years. Meaning their internet use is ZERO for the next three years.
No Wechat.
Unable to QR scan.
Unable to buy or purchase things via QR.
Unable to register APPs
Unable to listen to music.
Unable to create and publish music.
Unable to use e-mail
No Douxing
Unable to play games
Unable to watch videos
Unable to create videos
The others will not be punished. They were warned and let off. They were visibly relieved.
Western Reporters (Choreographed and directed the protests)
8 Reporters were charged with Degree Three Incitement and Degree One Public Misinformation without evidence.These charges result in prison time.
Lucky for them that the charges were suspended pending deportation.
If they ever come back to China again, they face 6–14 years imprisonment and 200K Yuan fine
They have been deported
1 Reporter has been released on a 50K Yuan Bond. That he posted. I am sure that his every movement is recorded and watched as we walks the long slow path out of China.
Their Laptops, Phones are all in Security Service custody.
All lists and names, and addresses on the computers were obtained, and deep-deep-DEEP AI scanning of the electronic uncovered a “treasure trove” of information.
Let’s just simply say that any Chinese on any of those lists is finished
This so far was the Security Services… now some words about the dark-arm of China. The dreaded…
Political Corruption Police
Then the Political Corruption Police was involved and they made a number of stops which aren’t covered in any Chinese Daily. Nothing is reported about those events.
On Duoxing and Zhihu they say, many Taiwanese who were spotted have been detained and are questioned.
One must wonder how serious it must be for them as the Political Corruption Police handled their cases instead of the regular police.
They may be charged with spying in which case they may spend the next 20 years in a Chinese Cell. And it will be absolute. China does not have parole or negotiated settlements like in the West. Twenty years is twenty years to the second.
Or they may be killed. As is the historical norm.
Life over. Full stop.
By God the Crackdown was Swift
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It’s like Machines and Robots
The Authorities knew who the brains were and who the unwitting pawns were in seconds.
The Pawns were mostly poor students who were let go with a warning.
The Pawns were a handful of people who didn’t even understand what they were protesting against. They came to protest against Covid 19 lockdowns and were aghast to know that the protests called for Xi Jing pings resignation and overthrow of the CPC.
They admitted to being paid (by the United States government) agents.
They were ordered between 60–200 hours community service and they were visibly relieved. Grateful, even.
The Western reporters were deported. No sense jailing them and causing a major diplomatic incident.
Maybe Mengs charges being dismissed was a quid pro quo?
However the perpetrators from HK and Taiwan are finished. They paid for protests where overthrow of Xi was mentioned. It’s far better for them to simply end their lives now.
Their own personal lives are going to be very dark.
About the student leaders…
The student leaders could face more serious charges if they find money was exchanged and even a Harvard or Yale admission is considered money exchange. So if a letter, or voice message promising easy entry into a Western university is obtained, they will be facing very serious charges.
Then instead of Yale, the poor guy faces 15 years prison
The Overthrow of CPC and Xi
That was the only thing that was regarded serious enough.
The Authorities once again demonstrating their brutal efficiency
Many pro-DPP Taiwanese in Taiwan may no longer dare visit the mainland. They would be picked up within ten seconds and likely never see the light of day again.
It’s an easy question, actually. Over the last few weeks, the World has polarized into two halves.
One side “The West” is uni-polar. They want the world ruled by the United States; a “rules based order”; it’s a world where the United States makes the rules and the changes them as it sees fit. Those in this camp consist of North America, Europe, and Australia / Japan.
The other side; “The East” is multi-polar. It follows the rules set forth by the UN; the community of nations. Russia, China, India, and most of Asia, including Africa, and South America fall into this camp. They believe that all nations, and all societies are equal, and that no singular nation, or block of nations, should determine the course of human societal evolution.
This situation could well exist for some time.
The only way for it to end would be for the complete collapse and annihilation of the United States. That’s probably not going to happen. (Well, unless the American leadership are so absolutely incompetent that they allow it to happen. Which is, after all, a realistic possibility.)
So we have a world divided into two halves, and a mighty “cold war” is starting to emerge. This currently includes energy, soon to include currency. but should eventually result in trade as well. And at that, the West, will probably suffer dearly.
As everything that The Westuses and consumes comes from The East.
The West, ruled by the United States, will continue to make and break rules as it deems fit. The fact is that the United States has been flaunting the resolutions by the UN for many decades. And this codification into a formalized “The West” will be the death blow to that organization; the UN. It will become superannuated by the nations of the West. For, after all, all the member states in the West are proxy nations.
Out of practicality, aside from eventual necessity, the UN will need to move in one of the geographical regions of The East. It is, after all, a most logical conclusion. In fact, the 4FEB22 joint declaration of Russia and China during the Winter Olympics precisely alluded to exactly this; a New reborn UN.
This article discusses that.
But before we get too involved here in these details, let’s throw in some contemporaneous pockets of “news”, some pretty girls, some cats, food, and other subjects as well. A fine smorgasbord of topics. They all really do a fine, fine job in messing up the computer algorithms that assign trolls, ‘bots, and attacks on the MM website. I’ve got to tell youse guys, I mean, it drops to ZERO.
My life has never been so easy.
I’ll tell you what.
Peter has some things to say…
Russia has the world’s largest land mass with all the wealth in the ground and all the water they need who can grow more food than they can ever eat and armed to the teeth to repel any brain-f*cked dickweed that thinks they can dictate their will to Mother Russia because of economic sanctions.
What a joke! Why would a country like Russia need paper lies from the Empire of Lies to prove that they have a good economy?
If China had what Russia has, China would have told the Empire to go stick their head up their butt long ago. But that day is coming sooner than later. When the Dollar Hegemony goes, the world will have peace.
By the way, I don’t see any pundits noting that the current geopolitical situation is highly favorable to China.
1. China is “hands off”. While the fight with Russia is ongoing, no one wants to start a second front with China, empty threats notwithstanding. Hence, all quiet on the eastern front.
2. Lies will be exposed. The lies of the Western politicians and Western mainstream media will be exposed when Putin’s boys burn the Neo-Nazis as an offering to the souls of those who had died in the struggle against the German Nazis. That’s when the lapdogs realize they better not pin their hopes on the Empire of Lies.
3. New Economic structures. Any country with a foreign reserve needs to figure out how to protect its assets from being taken by a lawless overlord. People should learn by now if they hadn’t known before that you do not own anything you cannot defend or hide. By this time, almost everyone must realize that the USD will be going down. It’s time to get on a lifeboat. Thanks to the Empire, which is exposing its own lies.
4. A lesson for Taiwan. The destruction of Ukraine, as unfortunate as it will be unless a surrender is forthcoming, is an object lesson for the Taiwanese authorities. While China would not want to, nor would it need to take such a drastic military action in Taiwan, the threat of doing so is very potent. Taiwan is also an island; people have nowhere to go. China is in a very advantageous position to press for unification negotiations. There are more and more people in Taiwan wanting to start unification negotiations.
5. China and India are together. Wonders of wonders, China and India find themselves on the same front, defending Russia against the Empire of Lies. All those virulently anti-China channels from India have turned around and directed their vitriol against the Empire. Sure is fun to watch.
6. China the peacemaker. Eventually, China will have to be a guarantor of peace for the Russia-Ukraine conflict. The Empire of Lies and its lapdogs have shot their wad. Why should anyone trust them?
7. China will help rebuild Ukraine. The West, seeing that they won’t be selling weapons to Ukraine, will walk away. Good riddance!
Princess Bride – Battle of Wits
This classic scene is from the 1980s movie “The Princess Bride”. It is well worth watching.
Stuffed Peppers
One of my all-time favorites. It’s also something that can only come from the household kitchens. Yum! Stuffed peppers with ground beef and rice are topped with a seasoned tomato sauce. Making classic stuffed bell peppers is easier than you think. You’ll find the full recipe below, but here’s a brief overview of what you can expect:
Stuffed Peppers.
Prepare the Rice and Beef
Cook rice until tender in a covered saucepan. Meanwhile, cook ground beef in a skillet until browned and crumbly.
Stuff the Peppers
Hollow the bell peppers by cutting off the tops and scooping out the seeds and membranes. Arrange the peppers in a single layer in a baking dish. Stuff the peppers with a prepared filling of rice, ground beef, tomato sauce, Worcestershire sauce, garlic powder, onion powder, salt, and pepper. Top each filled pepper with a mixture of tomato sauce and Italian seasoning.
Bake until the peppers are tender, basting with sauce every 15 minutes.
How Long to Cook Stuffed Peppers
These stuffed peppers use cooked ground beef, so they should be fully baked within an hour. You’ll know they’re done when the peppers are tender. The whole recipe, including prep time, should come together in about 90 minutes.
How to Store Stuffed Peppers
Store leftover stuffed peppers in an airtight container in the fridge for three to five days. Make sure they’re completely cooled before storing to slow bacteria growth.
Can You Freeze Stuffed Pepper?
Yes! You can freeze stuffed peppers — and you should if you don’t plan to eat them within five days. Frozen stuffed peppers taste great when thawed and reheated, so this is a great way to meal prep. To freeze baked stuffed peppers: Wrap each completely-cooled stuffed pepper individually in storage wrap, then follow it with a layer of aluminum foil. Store the peppers in the freezer for up to three months.
Thaw frozen stuffed peppers in the fridge overnight. Reheat them in the oven at 350 degrees F for 15 to 20 minutes, or until heated through.
2022 04 11 11 30
Japan pushes India to denounce Russia — RT World News
India has come under increased Western pressure to distance itself from Moscow and sever its economic ties, after it abstained from a United Nations General Assembly resolution condemning Russia's military action in Ukraine, choosing instead to remain neutral alongside China, Pakistan, South Africa, and 30 other countries.
India is also facing criticism for buying Russian oil, available at discounted prices as some countries have been avoiding it in fear of retaliatory sanctions from the US. The Indian government, however, has reportedly adopted a pragmatic approach and was “exploring all possibilities” to ensure the country's own energy security.
Russian President Vladimir Putin announced a “special military operation” in Ukraine on February 24, with a stated goal to “demilitarize and denazify” its government, ensuring that its NATO membership aspirations no longer pose a threat to either Russia or the newly recognized Donbass republics, which have suffered seven years of siege by Kiev forces. The US and its allies have accused Russia of starting an “unprovoked” invasion to occupy Ukraine.
It should be located inside one of the major nations of The East. That goes without saying. If you look at things from this perspective, a number of candidates present themselves…
China (Manufacturing & Technology hub)
Russia (Resource hub)
India (Population and technology hub)
Iran (Oil and Energy hub)
Kazakhstan (BRI hub)
Brazil (South American hub)
South Africa (African hub)
Most people would “knee-jerk response that China would be the location, but I argue “not so fast”. If there was one singular location, then yes, China makes sense. However, the impression that I am getting is that United Nations Part Two might be more “mobile”. Perhaps periodically cycling between hosing nations. Much like the Olympics are today.
Yes. Indeed, it’s a new world that is evolving and manifesting. And the ways of the old are falling away to the wayside like the skin of a dinosaur-sized snake.
How old are you?
limewire laffy taffy kids dont get
TWICE “SCIENTIST” Choreography Video (Moving Ver.)
Yes. The West is undergoing collapse. But the East is doing just fine. Here is the latest video that my little daughter is learning the dance moves to. It’s pretty representative of the mood in Asia these days.
China makes semi-secret delivery of missiles to Serbia
BELGRADE, Serbia (AP) — Russian ally Serbia took the delivery of a sophisticated Chinese anti-aircraft system in a veiled operation this weekend, amid Western concerns that an arms buildup in the Balkans at the time of the war in Ukraine could threaten the fragile peace in the region.
Media and military experts said Sunday that six Chinese Air Force Y-20 transport planes landed at Belgrade’s civilian airport early Saturday, reportedly carrying HQ-22 surface-to-air missile systems for the Serbian military.
The Chinese cargo planes with military markings were pictured at Belgrade’s Nikola Tesla airport. Serbia’s defense ministry did not immediately respond to AP’s request for comment.
The arms delivery over the territory of at least two NATO member states, Turkey and Bulgaria, was seen by experts as a demonstration of China’s growing global reach.
“The Y-20s’ appearance raised eyebrows because they flew en masse as opposed to a series of single-aircraft flights,” wrote The Warzone online magazine. “The Y-20′s presence in Europe in any numbers is also still a fairly new development.”
Serbian military analyst Aleksandar Radic said that “the Chinese carried out their demonstration of force.”
By Pepe Escobar, posted with the author’s permission and widely cross-posted
Vast swathes of NATOstan have been corralled into behaving like a Russophobic lynch mob. No dissent is tolerated.
By now it’s abundantly clear that the neo-Orwellian “Two Minute Hate” Russophobic campaign launched by the Empire of Lies after the start of Operation Z is actually “24/7 Hate”.
Vast swathes of NATOstan have been corralled into behaving like a Russophobic lynch mob. No dissent is tolerated. The full psyops has de facto upgraded the Empire of Lies to the status of Empire of Hate in a Total War – hybrid and otherwise – to cancel Russia.
Hate, after all, packs way more punch than mere lies, which are now veering into abject ridiculousness, as in U.S. “intelligence” resorting to – what else – lies to fight the info war against Russia.
If the propaganda overdrive has been lethally effective amidst the zombified Western masses – call it a “win” in the P.R. war – in the front where it really matters, inside Russia, it’s a major fail.
Public opinion support for both Operation Z and President Putin is unprecedented. After videos of torture of Russian POWs that caused widespread revulsion, Russian civil society is even bracing for a “Long War” lasting months, not weeks, as long as the targets of the Russian High Command – actually a military secret – are met.
The stated aims are “demilitarization” and “denazification” of a future neutral Ukraine – but geopolitically reach way beyond: the aim is to turn the post-1945 European collective security arrangement upside down, forcing NATO to understand and come to terms with the concept of “indivisible security”. This is an extremely complex process that will reach the next decade.
The NATOstan sphere simply cannot admit in public a series of facts that a military analyst of the caliber of Andrei Martyanov has been explaining for years. And that adds to their collective pain.
Russia can take on NATO and smash it to bits in 48 hours. It may employ advanced strategic deterrence systems unmatched across the West. Its southern axis – from the Caucasus and West Asia to Central Asia – is fully stabilized. And if the going gets really tough, Mr. Zircon can deliver his hypersonic nuclear business card with the other side not even knowing what hit it.
“Europe has chosen its fate”
It may be enlightening to see how these complex processes are interpreted by Russians – whose points of view are now completely blocked across NATOstan.
Let’s take two examples. The first is Lieutenant General L.P. Reshetnikov, in an analytical note examining facts of the ground war.
Some key takeaways:
– “Over Romania and Poland there are airborne early warning aircraft of NATO with experienced crews, there are U.S. intelligence satellites in the sky all the time. I remind you that just in terms of budgets for our Roscosmos we allocated $2.5 billion a year, the civil budget of NASA is $25 billion, the civil budget of SpaceX alone is equal to Roscosmos – and that is not counting the tens of billions of dollars annually for the entire U.S. feverishly unfolding the control system of the entire planet.”
– The war is unfolding according to “NATO’s eyes and brains. The Ukronazis are nothing but free controlled zombies. And the Ukrainian army is a remotely controlled zombie organism.”
– “The tactics and strategy of this war will be the subject of textbooks for military academies around the world. Once again: the Russian army is smashing a Nazi zombie organism, fully integrated with the eyes and brain of NATO.”
Now let’s switch to Oleg Makarenko, who focuses on the Big Picture.
– “The West considers itself ‘the whole world’ only because it has not yet received a sufficiently sensitive punch on the nose. It just so happened that Russia is now giving him this click: with the rear support of Asia, Africa and Latin America. And the West can do absolutely nothing with us, since it also lags behind us in terms of the number of nuclear warheads.”
– “Europe has chosen its fate. And chose fate for Russia. What you are seeing now is the death of Europe. Even if it does not come to nuclear strikes on industrial centers, Europe is doomed. In a situation where European industry is left without cheap Russian energy sources and raw materials – and China will begin to receive these same energy carriers and raw materials at a discount, there can be no talk of any real competition with China from Europe. As a result, literally everything will collapse there – after industry, agriculture will collapse, welfare and social security will collapse, hunger, banditry and chaos will begin.”
It’s fair to consider Reshetnikov and Makarenko as faithfully representing the overall Russian sentiment, which interprets the crude Bucha false flag as a cover to obscure the Ukrainian army torture of Russian POWs.
And, deeper still, Bucha allowed the disappearance of Pentagon bioweapon labs from the Western mediasphere, complete with its ramifications: evidence of a concerted American drive to ultimately deploy real weapons of mass destruction against Russia.
The multi-level Bucha hoax had to include the Brit presidency of the UN Security Council actually blocking a serious discussion, a day before the Russian Ministry of Defense struggled to present to the UN – predictably minus the U.S. and the UK – all the bioweapon facts they have unearthed in Ukraine. The Chinese were horrified by the findings.
The Russian Investigative Committee at least persists in its work, with 100 researchers unearthing evidence of war crimes across Donbass to be presented at a tribunal in the near future, most probably set up in Donetsk.
And that brings us back to the facts on the ground. There’s a lot of analytical discussion on the possible endgame of Operation Z. A fair assessment would include the liberation of all of Novorossiya and total control of the Black Sea coastline that currently is part of Ukraine.
“Ukraine” in fact was never a state; it was always an annex to another state or empire such as Poland, Austria-Hungary, Turkey, and crucially Russia.
The landmark Russian state was Kievan Rus. “Ukraine”, in old Russian, means “border region”. In the past, it referred to the westernmost regions of the Russian Empire. When the Empire started expanding south, the new regions annexed mostly from Turkish rule were called Novorossiya (“New Russia”) and the northeastern regions, Malorossiya (“Little Russia”).
It was up to the USSR in the early 1920s to jumble it all together and name it “Ukraine” – adding Galicia in the west, which was historically non-Russian.
Yet the key development is when the USSR broke up in 1991. As the Empire of Lies de facto controlled post-Soviet Russia, they could never have possibly allowed the real Russian regions of the USSR – that is, Novorossiya and Malorossiya – to be again incorporated to the Russian Federation.
Russia is now re-incorporating them – in an “I Did It, My Way” manner.
Vamos a bailar in European Puerto Rico
By now it’s also quite clear to any serious geopolitical analysis that Operation Z opened a Pandora’s box. And the supreme historical victim of all the toxicity finally let loose is bound to be Europe.
The indispensable Michael Hudson, in a new essay on the U.S. dollar devouring the euro, argues half in jest that Europe might as well surrender its currency, and go on like “a somewhat larger version of Puerto Rico.”
After all, Europe “has pretty much ceased to be a politically independent state, it is beginning to look more like Panama and Liberia – ‘flag of convenience’ offshore banking centers that are not real ‘states’ because they don’t issue their own currency, but use the U.S. dollar.”
In synch with quite a few Russian, Chinese and Iranian analysts, Hudson advances that the war in Ukraine – actually in its “full-blown version as the New Cold War” – is likely to last “at least a decade, perhaps two as the U.S. extends the fight between neoliberalism and socialism [meaning the Chinese system] to encompass a worldwide conflict.”
What may be seriously in dispute is whether the U.S., after “the economic conquest of Europe”, will be able to “lock in African, South American and Asian countries”. The Eurasia integration process, rolling in earnest for 10 years now, conducted by the Russia-China strategic partnership and expanding to most of the Global South, will go no holds barred to prevent it.
There’s no question, as Hudson states, that “the world economy is being enflamed” – with the U.S. weaponizing trade. Yet on the Right Side of History we have the Rublegas, the petroyuan, the new monetary/financial system being designed in a partnership between the Eurasia Economic Union (EAEU) and China.
And that’s something no puny Cancel Culture War can erase.
Let’s see how old you actually are…
cassette tape pen pencil
China calls for ‘objective’ analysis of Russia’s claims about US biolabs in Ukraine
A “fair, objective and professional” assessment is needed for the materials Moscow has provided, the Chinese Foreign Ministry says
The international community should provide a “fair, objective and professional” assessment of Russia’s allegations regarding alleged US military laboratories in Ukraine, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said.
In March, Russia shared evidence obtained from laboratories across Ukraine that apparently confirms that Pentagon-funded labs were working on “biological weapons components,” and may have been connected to suspicious outbreaks of dirofilariasis, tuberculosis, and avian flu over the past several years.
According to the latest data revealed by military spokesman Major General Igor Konashenkov on March 30, Kiev was planning to use drones to deploy pathogens against the Donbass republics, as well as Russia itself.
Speaking at a regular press briefing on Friday, Zhao said the US has still not come up with a “constructive response” to Russia’s statements, and called on the international community to give serious consideration to Moscow’s claims.
He said, as quoted by TASS, that China
“would welcome a fair, objective and professional assessment by the international community of the documents provided by Russia on the basis of the UN mechanisms and the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction.”
China has consistently encouraged the US to make public all information about its biolabs. Two weeks ago, China’s permanent representative to the UN, Zhang Jun, told the UN Security Council that following the revelation by Russia of the newly discovered documents,
“the party concerned should respond to questions, and offer timely and comprehensive clarifications to remove the doubts of the international community.”
Several days prior to that, Beijing disclosed for the first time the alleged number of US-controlled biolabs.
Saying that laboratories in Ukraine are just the
“tip of an iceberg,” Zhao revealed that the Pentagon “controls 336 biological laboratories in 30 countries around the world.”
Noting that the US
“has been exclusively obstructing”
the establishment of an independent verification mechanism, the Foreign Ministry spokesman called on the US to
“publish the relevant details as soon as possible, including which viruses are stored and which research has been carried out.”
The US has long claimed that allegations about military-funded biolaboratories in Ukraine are ‘Russian disinformation’.
In March, however, US diplomat Victoria Nuland testified before the Senate that
“biological research laboratories in Ukraine”
did exist, and that Washington was working with Kiev
“to ensure that the materials of biological research do not fall into the hands of Russian forces.”
How you know you are getting old…
home alone mortgage kids dont get
John Lear In Memoriam, 1942-2022 (80 yrs)
John Lear died this year. He was an active member of the UFO community, and was instrumental in providing substance to a story, that was up until then, was peopled with Grade B science-fiction fantasies. He got many things wrong, but he was spot on in regards to United States involvement in the extraterrestial “issue”.
Lear passed away in his sleep Tuesday night [March 29, 2022] at his Las Vegas home, according to his daughter Allison. Lear is the son of Bill Lear, who developed the Lear Jet.
Here is an interview that he had that I was able to collect. Please enjoy.
John Lear, a distinguished pilot and ufologist, discusses specific encounters with UFOs in an interview with investigative journalist George Knapp. Lear discusses alleged abductions by UFOs and government coverups of UFO encounters. This is an episode of On The Record, a 30 minute TV show broadcast on KLAS TV in Las Vegas in 1987.
George Knapp: Hello and welcome to On The Record. Flying saucers, extraterrestrials, monsters from outer space. The government has been telling us for years that they’re not real. They’re weather balloons or swamp gas or reflections from the sun or the ravings of lunatics. But serious UFO researchers say a breakthrough may be very close. Some of the government scientists who worked on the top-secret Project Blue Book are ready to talk. What’s more, a series of revealing government documents have trickled out of the federal files, documents that paint a much different picture of the UFO phenomenon. One of the most dedicated UFO researchers lives right here in Las Vegas. His name is John Lear, and he is my guest today. Mr. Lear, thanks for being here.
John Lear: Okay George.
Knapp: To begin with, you’re a pilot, an airline pilot, captain, you have held 17 different world speed records at one time or another. You’re a member of the famous Lear family that all Nevadans are pretty much familiar with, a former State Senate candidate. You don’t sound like the kind of guy who would get hooked up in something that a lot of people would say as a bunch of nonsense.
Lear: No, it’s just by coincidence that I got really interested in this about two years ago. My father saw a UFO and my brother did, and they were very interested, but there was really no proof as far as I was concerned to really look into it until about two years ago.
Knapp: Your father and brother saw them. Can you give details?
Lear: My brother saw one when he was flying a P-38 from Phoenix to Los Angeles at night. It just appeared in front of them. He made two turns, 90 degree turns, it stayed in front of him and then disappeared, and my father was flying at night, I believe over the Arizona desert and saw one too.
Knapp: So you started, you got an interest because of the other members of your family. How did you start out?
Lear: I had an interest but there was really nothing I could put my finger on. And like I say, two years ago, a friend of mine came through town, we had flown in Southeast Asia together and he was retiring from the Air Force. He came over and we started talking about where he had been for the last 15 years and he mentioned that he had been stationed at Bentwaters (Royal Air Force Base) and I said, oh, Bentwaters, that’s where the flying saucer supposedly was in 1980. He said, “No, John, not supposedly. It was,” he said. “I don’t care if you believe me or not, it landed. I didn’t see it because we were confined to quarters. But I know people who did and I’ll give you the names and if you ever see them, tell them you know me, and they’ll tell you the whole story.” Since then, I ran into one of the security police, who was within 10 feet of the saucer and actually saw the three aliens get out and go up to General Gordon Williams, who was the Wing Commander at that time.
Knapp: There was quite a bit of documentation regarding this Bentwater incident. Why don’t you go into that a little bit?
Lear: There’s the Colonel (Charles) Halt memo that came out under the Freedom of Information Act, and it told about the mysterious lights and beaming down and everything that happened in the forest, except the actual alien landings, that wasn’t in the memo. There was also the tape Colonel Halt tape, forest tape, that he made over a period of eight hours. And there’s a 20-minute segment that we’ve been able to get a hold of that you can hear him running through the forest and, and being worried saying the thing’s after us.
Knapp: Now why do you suppose that hasn’t come out? I mean, this particular incident. Why hasn’t it come out if so many people, and you’ve told me about this before, have seen it, or seen these aliens? Why haven’t some of them come forward?
Lear: A lot of them have come forward, but they’re just not getting any press. It’s something that people just don’t want to deal with. The press doesn’t want to deal with and people aren’t going to listen to something unless Dan Rather or any of your big press people are going to tell them about it and they’re just too spooked. The Air Force has made an art form of ridiculing people who have talked about this thing. They’ve done an excellent job of covering it up for the last 40 years. George basically what we’re dealing with here is, I’ll give you the bottom line.
Knapp: Okay, I want to hear your thesis.
Lear: I’m not trying to sell a book and then trying to promote a lecture. This is based on what I’ve come across after intense research in the last year. And I have found out that the government has retrieved between 10 and 15 actual flying saucers, three of which have been in perfect condition, one of which they tried to fly. They have between 30 and 50 alien bodies in cryogenic storage. We even have the name of the person whose job it is to show these bodies to the heads of state and the people who are authorized to see them. They represent at least five different civilizations.
Knapp: I can’t imagine Dan Rather or Tom Brokaw, if that were to come to their attention, a story of that magnitude, that they wouldn’t do something with it.
Lear: Well, I can’t I can’t answer that question. I don’t know why they don’t do it. There certainly is enough evidence based on what I’ve looked at. For instance, the Linda Moulton Howe documentary in Denver for the CBS affiliate there called A Strange Harvest. Since 1975 to 1980 when she made the documentary, there’s at least 9,000 cattle mutilations. Now, the government said that the mutilations were normal, your desert predator did these. But they weren’t. They were mutilations.
Knapp: I think we have a picture of these somewhere. Maybe we can see that as you’re talking. Well, that’s the next picture. There we are.
Lear: This is the mutilation New Mexico State Police did the research, or the investigation on, and they cut out certain parts. The cut was made with a laser beam far sharper than anything we have. As a matter of fact, they were able to determine that they cut between the cells and didn’t cut the cells themselves. We presently don’t have this kind of technology.
Knapp: Well, we don’t know that we have this kind of technology, or you and I don’t know that we don’t, but that doesn’t prove necessarily that it’s ET.
Lear: No, except that there’s usually a visual sighting of a flying saucer or a light, a strange light, at each one of these sightings.
Knapp: Okay, you mentioned the saucers and the bodies. Now what kind of proof do you have that that is true? How do you know that?
Lear: Well, let me take a look. Let me read to your first what the Air Force says about the bodies. First of all, I’m going to read from the introductory space science Volume Two Department of Physics, United States Air Force. This is Chapter 13, Unidentified Flying Objects. Now this is what the Air Force has the students at the Air Force Academy read and it says, “The most commonly described alien is about three and a half feet tall, has a round head, arms reaching to or below his knees and is wearing a silvery spacesuit or coveralls. Other aliens appear to be essentially the same as Earth men, while still others have particularly wide wraparound eyes, and mouths with very thin lips. And there was a rare group reported to be about four feet tall, weight of around 35 pounds and covered with thick hair for clothing. Members of this last group are described as being extremely strong.” Now I’m not making this up. This is an Air Force, you can pick out an Air Force physics book and read this stuff. At the end of the chapter, they go on to say, this leads us to believe in the unpleasant possibility of alien visitors to our planet or at least of alien-controlled UFOs. Now the picture that we have of the big head that the Air Force describes, this picture was drawn by an army surgeon. These are one of the bodies that was recovered in the famous Roswell incident of 1947.
Knapp: Tell us about that.
Lear: It was the first flying saucer that crashed and was recovered by the Army. It was covered up. There have been several books about it, they recovered four beings, and one of the surgeons that was responsible for the autopsy drew that picture and came up with some of these interesting things in the autopsy. I’ll just read a couple lines; three and a half to four and a half feet tall, two round eyes without pupils, no ear lobes, nose is vague, neck described as being thin, arms described long and thin reaching down to the knee section, you can see that there’s a web portion in the hands, no teeth, no apparently reproductive organs. Brain capacity unknown, colorless liquid prevalent in the body without red cells, no lymphocytes. And there’s more in that particular report.
Knapp: This is an autopsy report and you said the government goes to great lengths, the Air Force in particular, to discredit this kind of stuff. Where did this come from? How did you get this?
Lear: That came in the private, that came from the private collection of Leonard Springfield, who was one of the premier researchers. He worked for the Air Force in the early ‘50s in a secret project reporting UFOs, then as a civilian he continued his private research, and this is out of his collection.
Knapp: Why does the government want to hide this? Why doesn’t the Air Force just come forward? What doesn’t, you know, why don’t they level with us if this is all true?
Lear: Well, there’s not really much they can say based on what I’ve been able to find out. George, they’re really … you know, what could they say about it? They’ve been researching it for many, many years. And based on my information, let’s say that the president decided to make an announcement. This is if he made it today, this is what I think that he would say: “My fellow Americans, I come before you tonight with an announcement of great importance. Despite all our denials, flying saucers do, in fact exist, where they come from we do not know, who is in them we do not know, where they are from we do not know, nor do we know how they got here or what they want. We are unable to duplicate any of the metals found on the several craft we have recovered, nor are we able to figure out how they are propelled. We have hidden these facts from you over the past 40 years, in hopes that we could give you more answers. Unfortunately, we are no closer to answers today than we were 40 years ago. God bless you all.”
Knapp: In other words, you find it highly unlikely that the president would ever make a statement anything like that.
Lear: No, it’s just, it’s too big, it’s massive. The problem is not only just the fact that there are five and as many as 10 different civilizations visiting us. Apparently, and this is from the research that I’ve done, at least 90% of them are hostile. And when I say hostile, if not hostile, they have a completely different set of morals than we do.
Knapp: Okay, I’ll tell you what, we’re going to come back to the president and aliens because there have been some statements made by presidents including President Reagan. We’ll be right back.
Knapp: Welcome back. UFOs, are they real? We’re talking with John Lear on the subject. Mr. Lear mentioned a couple of minutes ago about what the president might say about UFOs. Do you believe that various presidents have been informed about what you believe to be the truth on UFOs?
Lear: Each president has been informed up to and including President Reagan. I’m not sure to the extent they are informed. Privately, I don’t believe they are given the full briefing. The people that control this information is an organization that we know of as MJ-12. They’re a top group of military and scientists. I do know that when the president becomes president, it takes at least three or four months before he actually gets the clearance to know everything there is. And that doesn’t mean they tell him, but it does take three or four months to get it. Now talking the president … let’s talk about what the president has actually said, has he mentioned anything about aliens?
Knapp: President Reagan?
Lear: President Reagan on Dec. 4, 1985. This is a copy of the speech from the White House, just before he went over to Iceland. He says, “I couldn’t but one point in our discussions privately with Secretary General Gorbachev, when you stop to think that we’re all God’s children, wherever we may live in this world, I couldn’t help but say to him, just think how easy his task and mine might be in these meetings that we held, if suddenly there was a threat to this world, from some other species from another planet outside in the universe. We’d forget all our local differences that we have between our countries and we would find out once for all, that we really are all human beings here on this earth together.”
Knapp: He couldn’t be just making a supposition for purpose of making a point? You’re saying he’s trying to tell us something?
Lear: Well here, one week ago at the 42nd General Assembly in front of the UN, Sept. 21. He says, “In our obsession with the antagonism of the moment, we often forget how much unites all the members of humanity. Perhaps we need some outside universal threat to make us recognize this common bond. I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world and yet, I ask you, is not an alien force not already among us?” Now, this is right out of a White House speech. I’m not making this up.
Knapp: What did he mean by this alien force? I mean, does it say, does he go on to say something?
Lear: Yeah, he says, what could be more alien to the universal aspirations of our people than war and the threat of war. But the point is, why would he even bring up aliens? I mean, it’s pretty far out for the president of the United States to mention threats from outer space.
Knapp: Okay, what about President Carter?
Lear: President Carter, we have the quote from Carter when he was during his election campaign. If I become president, I’ll make every piece of information this country has about UFO sightings available to the public and the scientists. I am convinced that UFOs exist because I have seen one.
Knapp: Jimmy Carter says he saw one?
Lear: That’s Jimmy Carter. He saw one in 1973
Knapp: But he didn’t, he didn’t tell us, did he?
Lear: He didn’t. The pressure is enormous on these people to cover this stuff up.
Knapp: How can that be? Are they afraid of a panic, that people would panic?
Lear: There’s the panic problem and there’s also the problem that, in fact, in Cro-Magnon Man, there may have been some tinkering to make us what we are today. That’s been borne out by several researchers, that we couldn’t have developed, exactly, there’s the missing link. Something had to happen to get us going. Between 4,000 and 8,000 BC, we had just been going along and for hundreds of thousand years not doing anything. All of a sudden, bang, we started making pottery, invented the wheel, invented fire, and everything took off. What was the key that did that? I don’t know. But it causes one to think.
Knapp: You mentioned a couple of minutes ago before the break that you think 90% of these visitors are hostile. What makes you think that? That doesn’t fit with what we think of as ET, you know.
Lear: If you read some of these books that are on the newsstands, one is called Intruders, one is called Communion. They apparently come down, and when I say apparently, this is taken from 300 hypnosis cases. A friend of mine has done 140 of them. And the people are abducted, they’re taken up into a saucer, usually lasts about an hour. They do all kinds of experiments, they give them shots, they poke them, they cut them, they do all kinds of things and wipe out their memory and send them back. Only after several months of some psychological problems do they end up going to a psychiatrist. The psychiatrist on trying to find out what the problem is, in the use of hypnosis, finds out that this person has been abducted.
Knapp: What’s the reason for that? What are they trying to learn?
Lear: There’s three things that they’re trying to do with these abductions. The first thing is they’re trying to monitor us. It started in the early ‘40s and they’d put a little unit, very small bb type object way up in the back side of the brain and they’d leave it there for about 18 years. They’d pick them up and put it in about 4 years old. 12 years old, they would pick them up and monitor it, then about 18, they’d take it out. The second thing they did is they put a post hypnotic suggestion, according to many of the people that have been hypnotized, and we found out what they’ve told them, apparently, within the next two to five years, there is going to be a big event, something enormous is going to happen and these people who have been abducted, and there’s probably over 100,000 of them, have been given some place to go and something to do but under our best hypnotic techniques, we cannot find out what it is.
Knapp: So how do we know that that’s true?
Lear: Because they said where they’re going to do something, they know that they’re going to do something, but under the hypnosis, they can’t find out exactly what it is. The third thing that they do is genetic experiments. They’ve been cross breeding. There’s a very good book out now called Intruders written by Budd Hopkins and it’s about a cross breeding experiment with a girl in Indianapolis. They actually, the big head, which we call the big head in research, the little three and a half foot tall with a big head. They cross breed that with this girl in Indianapolis, and there were seven children. Just last fall, before the book was published, they brought the oldest and the youngest to show to her, and they let her name all seven. Now this book has been thoroughly researched by Budd Hopkins and although it sounds strange, believe me when I tell you, you may not find out in a month, a year, five years or 10 years. But you’ll look back at what I’m telling you now, and you’ll say to yourself, “Oh, my gosh, the son of a gun was right. “
Knapp: Well, where’s this girl? Now, she’s just living?
Lear: She lives in Indianapolis. She lives in town, or just outside of town. She just got married. Budd went to her wedding. We all know who she is. She gets along, you know, just fine. It doesn’t mean just because she was abducted and gave them children doesn’t mean it was the end of the world. It was just a part of her life.
Knapp: Why don’t we see a lot of photographic evidence as many cameras and video gear. Why don’t we see a lot of that?
Lear: There are a lot of …
Knapp: Before you go on, the pictures that we showed in the beginning of this program, you say they’re baloney, they’re phony.
Lear: That’s right. The pictures you showed at the beginning were called the Meiers Incident. It’s called the visitors from Pleiades, and any ufologist worth his salt knows, and who has researched that case, knows that he cannot back it up with the negatives and the essential information to prove that something like that happened, so we look at that as suspect.
Knapp: So in other words, you run into your share phonies as well in your research.
Lear: Absolutely, there’s not that many, but there are a few out there. There are so many people that have real stories to tell that we’re just so busy with those. For instance, let’s take the November 17 Japan Airlines incident.
Knapp: I’ll tell you what, we’re going to take another break and we’ll do that when we come back. Stay with us.
Knapp: Welcome back. We have a few minutes left with John Lear. We’re talking about UFOs. You’re about to tell me about the Japanese Airline Incident. It’s probably something that’s still in the memory of our viewers.
Lear: Yeah, the Japanese Airline Incident was a cargo 747 that had taken off from Iceland flying to Anchorage. And as he passed over the United States border and the northern part of Anchorage, he was intercepted by a UFO that was twice the size of an aircraft carrier. And he was followed about 40 minutes. He made a complete 360-degree right turn, he made a descent of 5,000 feet and the thing stayed with him. Regardless of what you hear, the FAA did have him on radar and so did the Air Force. If you have a picture there. This is a 26-page document made by Bruce Maccabee who’s a physicist employed by the Naval Surface weapons laboratory and one of the most respected figures in ufology.
Knapp: I don’t think we have that picture. So go ahead.
Lear: Okay, I’m just going to hold it up here and you can see the size of the 747 to the UFO. Now the UFO was not brightly lit like that. It’s just made like that for reference. It was dark, but this is what he saw beside him.
Knapp: Whose rendition is this?
Lear: This is the captain’s. This is from the captain’s rendition when he was debriefed by the FAA. Now, certain UFO de-bunkers have said what he saw was the planet Jupiter. Well, this is an insult to all transport category captains around the world. I mean, the guy knows a difference between something that’s twice as big as an aircraft carrier and the planet Jupiter.
Knapp: I’ve also heard that it’s the reflection of his own plane.
Lear: What the, the radar?
Knapp: Yeah.
Lear: That was an attempt to describe it. You can’t imagine what pressure these people are under to cover this stuff. It’s tremendous pressure. It really is.
Knapp: Okay. You’re going to tell me that the church, did you want to go further into the JAL Incident?
Lear: No, that’s it. I just want to say it has a 26-page report, it had the captain and the ATC conversation. It had the radar plots, and it had the Air Force plots and the FAA radar plot. There was no question about it. The thing followed him.
Knapp: The church, what do they think about UFOs?
Lear: Well, here’s a copy from the London Evening News, July 21, 1987, and says, “Prepare to meet thine aliens. Vatican theologians have acknowledged that there could be life on other planets. Now they plan to train missionaries capable of working in space and meeting aliens. Jesuit scientists at the Vatican Observatory in Prescotti near Rome have reported moving lights and other identified phenomena in the sky. Starting in September, the Vatican university will have a special UFO section.”
Knapp: You’ve said before you thought that a lot of their intentions were hostile and you’ve mentioned before that a lot of the sightings around the military bases. Why don’t we see them here? Las Vegas, we’ve got a lot of military bases here.
Lear: Well, the in fact there have been a lot of a lot of reports of UFOs in around Las Vegas, not specifically over the Air Force bases. We have the Test Site and of course, we don’t know what’s going on there, and we have Nellis Air Force Base. But there have not really been a lot of sightings over there. The main Air Force sightings were in 1975. And the UFOs descended on every Strategic Air Command base guarding the perimeter of the northern United States. They hovered over the nuclear weapons storage area and they stayed there with impunity for up to two and three hours over a period of three days.
Knapp: And nobody heard about it?
Lear: Well, there were a few reports, but you really don’t, I have a I have a report 150 pages long of the F-106s that were sent out to chase them. And the helicopters, and notifying the Canadian authorities and the security patrolman that were sent down to actually see what was going on and they’d come up on these things and they’d say, “I’m not going any further.”
Knapp: You think maybe it’s a top-secret area if the Air Force actually does have them, maybe they’ve got them here?
Lear: I’m certain they do. Up at the Test Site there’s a report that of the three that they’ve got in perfectly good condition, at least one is up at the Test Site and has flown and one was being flown as of 1981.
Knapp: By us?
Lear: By us.
Knapp: We mentioned at the top of the show that perhaps a breakthrough might be coming. That some of these people from MJ-12 or from the Project Blue Book who are in on the government’s research and saw some of the stuff might be ready to talk we got about a minute left. Why don’t you tell me about that?
Lear: It’s our information that half of, part of MJ-12 wants to release it, part of it doesn’t. We’re hoping that we can do this but of course, as researchers we’re not aware of all the ramifications, we just know of what we’re looking at, so we would like to see them release it but we really don’t know if they are.
Knapp: Okay. John Lear. It’s been very interesting. You keep us posted.
Lear: Sure will.
Knapp: Thank you. We’ll see you next week with more of On The Record.
Now I know that I am getting old…
floppy disc kids dont get
China ‘Decodes’ An Orbiting US Satellite
To protect its space assets, China has devised a new cyber defense.
China has developed a new cyber defense infrastructure that can automatically detect security flaws in orbiting satellites, according to military experts participating in the project
There are thousands of satellites in orbit, each with hundreds of components that could be vulnerable to hackers due to software or hardware flaws.
As launch prices have decreased, there are now more satellites rotating in low earth orbits in 2022, opening the frontier of space to big private sector launch projects. According to the Union of Concerned Scientists, there were 4,852 satellites in orbit at the start of 2022.
We have all felt the pangs of hunger. Going for a few hours or most of a day without food, we are aware of the keen signal that our body gives our mind that we are hungry–a sharp ache or pang that can drive out most other thoughts. But what is severe hunger like over a longer period?
This is really unknown to most of us.
Detailed information about people that have to go without food for long periods due to causes such as conflict and drought is not readily available. Yet it is important to get some idea of what long term hunger is like to help us understand people whose hunger is more acute and gone on much longer than that which we have experienced.
I can tell you that I and my wife experienced severe hunger for weeks at a time, and the longest that we went without food was five weeks.
You all have no idea how desperate and angry a hungry person can get. Do not underestimate this situation.
To help us understand hunger existing not for a day, but many weeks, we present, in abridged form, a description provided by Tony Hall (formerly a Congressman from Dayton, Ohio and ambassador to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization) in his 2006 book, Changing the Face of Hunger (pp. 74–89). He undertook this fast to protest an action of Congress. He fasted from April 4 to April 26, 1993–three weeks and one day.
Being hungry for three weeks, in Hall’s words:
Physically and psychologically, the first week of the fast was the hardest. I was horribly hungry–I could say ‘in agony’ –and getting weaker by the day. I thought constantly about what I would like to eat–that last meal of fried chicken, mashed potatoes, and Caesar salad; some future meals with some of my favorite foods, such as steak, roast beef, and key lime pie….
Family mealtimes were the worst.
I couldn’t go to the table because the food would be too tempting, and not being able to eat it would be agonizing. Janet, Matt, and Jyl would try to hide from me when they snacked between meals….. I followed Dick Gregory’s advice to fill up on water. I really poured it down. Since it was the only thing I was consuming, I paid a great deal more attention to it than I ever had before. I really noticed the difference in taste when drunk from the tap at home, the office, or someplace else. My sense of smell also heightened throughout the fast. I could tell what people had eaten because their bodies gave off aromas that I had never noticed before….
The hardest day of the fast came on Easter, which was my seventh day without eating. Janet and I had gone on a retreat in Maryland with some friends, and our friends prepared a typical big American holiday dinner–turkey, potatoes, dressing, pie, cake. It drove me nuts. I had to leave them, go outside and take a walk, to get away from those wonderful aromas. I decided that if I could get through this day, I would be over the hump.
I did, and I was.
Just as Dick Gregory said, the sensation of hunger faded in about a week. It’s as if the body gives up on getting food and stops demanding it. From then on, I could join my family at mealtimes and not be bothered a bit . It was a revelation about the poor and the hungry, to whom I came to feel exceptionally close as the fast went on. I now fully understood, in a way I never had before, a strange phenomenon I had witnessed during famines: starving children who refused to eat when food was finally offered to them.
The absence of hunger pangs did not mean I wasn’t feeling the physical effects of the fast, however. I’d wake up in the morning feeling fine. My head would be clear. I would think I had lots of energy.
But after noon, I would fade.
The energy would desert me and weakness would take over. I’d need to nap. Then, when I woke from the nap, I’d feel like I couldn’t get up because I was so tired. Lacking the fuel of food, my body temperature apparently dropped, and I felt cold all the time. It also seemed my brain slowed down in the afternoon; I felt “dull.” I thought of poor children who don’t do well in school, who fall asleep in the afternoon, who become poor students because of poor nutrition. Remarkably, some of my vital signs–blood pressure, the results of blood tests–actually improved.
[On April 26, Hall ended his fast.] Because the fast had been a very public endeavor, I thought the breaking of it should be as well. I invited some reporters to my office…and had a V-8. I hadn’t eaten for twenty-two days, and that thick, salty vegetable juice tasted exceptionally good…Unfortunately I could only sip a little bit. Because my stomach had essentially been shut down for three weeks, I would have to coax it gradually back to use, maybe not being able to enjoy a full meal till the end of the week. I had lost twenty-three pounds–dropping from a robust 180 to a gaunt 157….
Now imagine some very large urban youth with guns and a fierce hunger. How would you be able to deal with them?
Food storage tips: Stock up on foods in gallon buckets
More stuff for my friends in the United States. Now is not the time to buy a new car. Now is the time to change your eating habits, and start being more conservative; grandparent-like in the creation of a larder. -MM
In a long-term survival scenario, storing food in gallon buckets is a good way to stock up on beans and rice, which can be used to make different dishes. These ingredients also pair well with other items you may have in your stockpile, such as canned meat and vegetables.
If you don’t have buckets yet, look for five-gallon buckets that are also food grade. If you can’t find food-grade buckets in stores near your area, line the buckets with Mylar bags instead to keep the food clean.
If you prefer something lighter, ask for four-gallon buckets from the nearest bakery. These buckets will be lighter and easier to carry. As a bonus, four-gallon buckets are often free, or only a couple of bucks.
If you can’t decide between the four- and five-gallon buckets, get whatever’s easier for you to lift and move around your stockpile.
What to store in gallon buckets
While bulk foods go well with gallon buckets, other items suit different storage methods like cans or Mylar bags. These items include more expensive foods that spoil quickly with exposure to air or moisture, or items that you don’t use often.
Keep items like dehydrated and dried foods, freeze-dried foods, milk and powdered eggs in cans or their original packaging.
Foods like beans, flour, pasta, rice, sugar and wheat go well with gallon buckets. Generally, each bucket will hold about 25 pounds of food. This will vary slightly depending on the shape of the food you want to store.
Most buckets are usually 12 inches wide and are HDPE (#2) buckets. You can also use PP (#5), which also have gasketed lids like the HDPE buckets.
When filling buckets, tap the sides to help the contents settle down so that you can fit more in. You need to pack the food compactly and get as much air space out as possible so the oxygen absorbers can work properly.
You can only pack 25 pounds of food in a bucket, even if the bucket isn’t filled completely. However, it’s better to fill the bucket completely before adding the oxygen absorbers so that all the oxygen can be removed once the buckets go into storage.
For optimal long-term storage, line the buckets with Mylar bags. Next, fill the Mylar bags with food, add the appropriate number of oxygen absorbers, then seal.
You can skip the Mylar bags if you regularly rotate your food supplies, you’re using food-grade buckets and if you plan on using up your beans, oats, rice and wheat within five years. (Related: Food supply 101: How to store rice properly.)
Here are some tips on how much food you can store in five-gallon buckets and the oxygen absorber capacity needed. Note that the data below provides estimates for the amount of food that will fit in each bucket.
The actual results may vary depending on how much you are able to tap your buckets and settle the contents.
Black beans – 37 pounds (lbs.) of food, (3,000 oxygen absorber capacity)
Once you have buckets of food, you have to figure out a way to store them in your stockpile. Since the buckets won’t last forever, you need to keep them away from sunlight.
Putting excessive weight on the buckets will deteriorate plastic buckets. Note that 5 gallon buckets should only be stacked three to four buckets high, with the heaviest buckets on the bottom.
You can stack buckets higher only if those on top contain very light items like medical supplies. At most, the buckets on top of your pile should not exceed two pounds.
While there are other ways to store bulk foods, buckets are one of the most efficient methods to use because they can keep out moths and are rodent-resistant. Buckets are also waterproof.
Note that since plastic is not completely impermeable, buckets should not be stored directly on concrete. Just place some 2×4 boards underneath the buckets so they’re above the concrete.
Get food-grade buckets and stock up on bulk foods like beans and grains before SHTF.
So… Beijing’s Dynamic Zero Policy Does Not Work Fighting Omicron Variant? Eh?
A pretty good video. Well worth watching.
High Value kitty
Just another day at the job.
Notice the guy in the orange vest. He is NOT the owner of the ship. he is the community government health official. He employs a “ratter”; a kitty cat, to go forth and secure the premises from rats and mice. China; it does not play.
An oldie, but goodie. Placed here for my friends in the United States. These are 'round out your storage items, and most are extremely cheap. For instance, we bought a load of 100 disposible lighters for under USD $3. -MM
Stockpiling necessary supplies is at the very core of prepping. Most of us start out by trying to build a stockpile of food to see us through an emergency and will probably still be stockpiling food when the SHTF. But stockpiling food isn’t all there is to be ready for a disaster. There are many other things we need and use on a day-to-day basis.
Stockpiling food, without bothering to stockpile these other necessary items might not guarantee our death, but it will sure make our lives more uncomfortable. Too much of that discomfort could lead to death; perhaps not directly, but by permitting weakness and disease to bring us to an end.
There are literally hundreds of things that we could use in a post-disaster world; more than can fit in this list. But the items I’ve listed below are probably the most important things to include in your stockpile, either for your own personal use or to use as barter goods.
Disposable Butane Lighters – Fire is one of the things we use the most in a survival situation. Even though it is not considered one of the top three survival needs, it is useful for all three of them. It’s much easier for people who aren’t skilled at starting fires to start them with a disposable lighter than to try and do it any other way.
Waterproof Matches – The waterproof match is the standard fire starter for use in a survival situation. While many people have switched over to butane lighters, matches are still useful. Be sure to get the strike anywhere kind.
Fire Accelerants – Commonly referred to as “fire starters,” chemical fire accelerants or tinders work to get the fire from your matches or lighter into the larger kindling, so that your fire can keep burning. Make sure you have a good stock, as this is essential with damp wood.
Water Filters – Water purification is essential to survival, as water that has microscopic pathogens can spread disease and even kill us. If you use a filter for purifying water, be sure to have plenty of them.
Firewood – Many preppers are planning on heating their homes and cook with a wood fire in a post-disaster world; but few have enough firewood to do that. It takes four to six cords of firewood to heat a home through the winter.
Salt – Salt is not only essential for survival, it’s nature’s number one food preservative. Yet it can be extremely hard to come by. if you’re going to preserve food in a post-disaster world, you’d a better plan on having plenty of salt on hand.
Canning Jar Lids – I’m assuming you have canning jars; but how many lids do you have? They’re not considered reusable, so you’d better have plenty.
Batteries – Ok, batteries aren’t really a survival necessity; but we’ve got lots of things we use every day, which are battery operated. Stocking batteries, especially AA and AAA sizes, will make your life in a post-disaster world much better.
Toilet Paper – If you want to see something that people will kill for in a post-disaster world, I think this is it… especially women. Do you have any idea how much TP your family goes through?
Personal Hygiene Supplies – While we’re talking about TP, we don’t want to forget things like soap, toothpaste, and shampoo. Cleanliness in a post-disaster world is important as a means to help combat the spread of disease.
Plastic Bags – Nobody is going to be making plastic, let alone plastic bags in a post-disaster world. Yet they are something we use all the time. If you are planning on using a bucket toilet, you’re going to need a lot of bags just for that. But you’re going to need them for a lot of other things too.
Ammunition – This is probably one you’ve already thought of, but it’s so important, it bears mentioning. Make sure you’ve got enough for all the calibers you use, as well as the most common calibers out there. Ammo Storage Tips Every Prepper Should Know
Alcohol – Probably the best barter item there is.
Tobacco –The second-best barter item there is.
Antibiotics – If you want to keep your family healthy, I’d recommend putting in a good stock of the most common antibiotics. You can buy these over the counter in Mexico, without a prescription. Make sure you print out information on dosages and to tell you which antibiotics are the best to use in different situations.
Over the Counter Medicines – Self-diagnosis and treatment is dangerous; but sometimes it’s all we have available to us. Having a good assortment of over the counter medicines will make it possible to treat at least the symptoms of common ailments.
Prescription Medicines – If you have family members that need maintenance doses of prescription medicines for chronic conditions, you need to have a stock of those on hand for them. If you can’t get that stock, then look for natural alternatives which will keep them going.
First-aid Supplies – If you ever want to see an environment ripe for injuries, just look at any place that has been hit by a disaster. You and your family will be doing things you normally wouldn’t do, many of which can lead to serious injuries. Be prepared for more than scraped knees and cut fingers; be prepared for treating major injuries. DIY Dollar Store First Aid Kit
Seed – If the situation continues, you’re going to have to start producing your own food. That means growing a vegetable garden, amongst other things. Have lots of seed on hand, so that you can plant a big garden.
Gardening Chemicals and Fertilizer – There are a number of common chemicals used for gardening, as well as common fertilizers. You’ll need all of that if you’re hoping to get a bountiful harvest.
Fishing Gear – Fishing is probably the easiest way of harvesting food from nature. There’s just one problem with it, I have yet to meet a fisherman who doesn’t lose hooks, lures and other gear on a regular basis. So that means you’d better have plenty, so that you can keep on fishing, even after losing your favorites.
Fuel – Ok, this one is a bit tricky, as gasoline doesn’t store easily. It tends to lose its potency pretty quickly. But then, even less potent gasoline is better than no gasoline. And there are additives you can get, which will help that gasoline to last longer.
Repair Parts – If you’ve got gear that you are going to use to survive, you had better have some way of repairing it. That includes parts for just about anything you are planning on using as part of your survival. For example: If you’ve got some of those old Coleman lamps, which can burn gasoline, you should have rebuilt kits for the air pump.
Hand Tools – We are so used to using power tools for just about everything, that many people don’t have hand tools anymore. Do you have a crosscut saw? How about a hand-crank drill? You’re going to need them, if you can’t connect your power tools.
Honing Stones – To keep knives and other sharp tools sharp.
Rope – Always useful. We tend to stock paracord, which is excellent; but you might want some heavier rope as well.
Sewing Supplies – There probably won’t be any shortage of clothing lying around in a post-disaster world, but there will be of sewing supplies. You’re going to need to be able to fix clothing, as well as taking it in as you lose weight.
Sturdy Shoes – Good shoes are important, and by good I mean something that is rugged and will hold up, giving your ankles support. Most of the shoes we wear today won’t do that; they’re more decorative than anything else.
Rugged Clothing – Rugged jeans, flannel shirts and other work clothing are going to be useful as well. The stuff you wear to the office just isn’t going to make it when you’re chopping wood.
Work Gloves – This is one thing you don’t want to try sewing yourself. Nor do you want cheap work gloves to try and do hard work in. Get several pair for each member of the family, especially those who do the hard physical work of survival.
Vitamins – Your diet probably won’t be well-balanced in a post-disaster world. It will be mostly carbohydrates and fats, with a little bit of protein thrown in. The micronutrients that nutritionists tell us we need will be notoriously absent. Good vitamins can help overcome this problem, helping you to remain healthy.
Reading Glasses – Even if you don’t wear glasses now, that doesn’t mean you never will. Keeping a variety of reading glasses around, in different magnifications, may help you to be able to do things as you age, that you wouldn’t otherwise be able to do. (You can get a wide selection really cheap at a Dollar Store or other such bargain place.)
Antibacterial Hand Cleaner – This is a good one to help prevent the spread of disease. Clean hands aren’t going to contaminate food or contaminate other people.
Spices – One of the best ways of getting the most out of the food that you do have available to you is to change its flavor. This can be especially good when you have children, who can be notoriously difficult when it comes to unfamiliar foods. Disguising what it is and making it taste similar to something they like is one of your best ways of dealing with this.
Bullion (also known as soup stock) – Anything can be turned into a soup or a casserole, if you have soup stock to go with it. Generally speaking, having beef and chicken flavors is enough, as they go with everything else. (Stock up on lots and lots of chicken bullion.)
Flashlights – There’s no such thing as enough flashlights. They don’t last forever and you really can’t fix them.
Leather and Leather Stitching Supplies – Our ancestors used leather for a wide variety of things, like making shoes and harnesses. We’ll need it for making a variety of repairs, like resoling shoes.
Lime – This is one of those things that people forget about. Lime is used in outhouses to help keep the odors down, as well as reducing the population of insects.
Wicking – If you’re going to make candles, you’re going to need wicks for them. While just about any cotton string can be used for that, a cotton string isn’t all that common anymore. A few yards of wicking doesn’t cost all that much and it will allow you to make your own candles.
Candles – Speaking of that wicking, it would be a good idea to have a bunch of candles, already made, on hand.
Oil-burning Lamps – A good oil-burning lamp will work off of just about any flammable liquid, providing you with light. The best is oil, of any sort; but if you have something else, they’ll burn that too. Just try it outside first, to make sure it’s not going to blow up the lamp.
Insect Repellant – Nobody likes becoming the mosquito’s dinner. Yet there are more of them in the world than there are of us. Good idea to be ready to deal with them and keep them off your body.
Pest Control – Speaking of dealing with insects, it’s a good idea to be able to kill them too, as well as trapping mice and other pests. Don’t skimp, as you won’t be able to run back to the local store for more.
Cleaning Supplies – Yeah, who thinks about stockpiling cleaning supplies? But if you want to keep the cockroaches and ants out of your home, you’re going to want to have the necessary cleaning supplies to keep your home clean. This is important for fighting disease as well.
Aluminum Foil – We talk about using aluminum foil for cooking in a survival situation and most people include it in their survival kit. But how many of us have extra aluminum foil back home, to use for cooking food in the wake of a disaster?
Charcoal or Propane – Whatever fuel your barbecue grille runs on, be sure to have plenty on hand. That grille is going to be your first alternate stove. You may move to a fire pit later; but in the first month of surviving in the post-disaster world, that grille is it. Medicinal Uses for Activated Charcoal
Cast-iron Pots – Okay, this really isn’t a supply; it’s more like gear. But if you’re going to cook on your barbecue grille, it would be a good idea to have cast-iron cookware on hand. That grille is going to be a bit rough on your Teflon cookware.
Wind-up Mechanical Clock – Maybe you won’t care about what time it is in a post-disaster world and maybe you will. Either way, it might be a good idea to have a clock that you can count on running when there aren’t any batteries to run it.
Chlorine Bleach – Not only is bleach good for cleaning, it’s the easiest means of purifying water. Just add 8 drops of standard (non-scented, non-color safe) bleach to a gallon of water, stir it and allow it to sit for 20 minutes. That will kill all the microscopic pathogens, making it safe to drink.
Hard Candy – Everyone likes something sweet; but unless you’re keeping bees, that’s going to be pretty scarce in a post-disaster world. Hard candies will keep for a long time, can be eaten slowly, extending the enjoyment and can also be used to soothe a sore throat.
So, there you have it; my “top 50” list. However, much you think you need, try to stockpile more; lots more. If you don’t use it yourself, you can use it as barter goods, getting things that you need.
Nuclear War Between U.S. and Russia (2019 Simulation)
Do you want more?
You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.
Lately I have been playing around with the You-Tube platform. I have added a few videos and am busy learning video editing and production. I have up loaded three videos so far, and I am learning so much by my myrid of mistakes. Hopefully, I will be able to provide MM readership with a steady flow of videos to suppliment the writings herein. Well. That’s my goal anyways.
We are in a “funny time”. The main stream American media (along wiht the Western media) are still playing the nonsense, but you know… the “worm has turned“. Ah. It’s all different now. The East is now going to rule, while the West slowly fades into the background.
Oh, don’t misunderstand, it’s still a dangerous time, but the verdict is in. A new world order is emerging out of the old, and there’s very few things that the old order can do to change things.
Here, we will continue on the collection of narratives as we document this great period of change, but keep in mind (as dangerous as this time actually is) the future is a foregone conclusion. The only issue at this time is the death count, and the speed at which the collapse of the West will occur.
Escobar: Meet The New, Resource-Based Global Reserve Currency
Authored by Pepe Escobar,
A new reality is being formed:the unipolar world is irrevocably becoming a thing of the past,a multipolar one is taking shape.
It was something to behold. Dmitri Medvedev, former Russian President, unrepentant Atlanticist, current deputy chairman of the Russian Security Council, decided to go totally unplugged in an outburst matching the combat star turn of Mr. Khinzal that delivered palpable shock and awe all across NATOstan.
Medvedev said “hellish” Western sanctions not only have failed to cripple Russia, but are instead “returning to the West like a boomerang.” Confidence in reserve currencies is “fading like the morning mist”, and ditching the US dollar and the euro is not unrealistic anymore: “The era of regional currencies is coming.”
After all, he added, “no matter if they want it or not, they’ll have to negotiate a new financial order (…) And the decisive voice will then be with those countries that have a strong and advanced economy, healthy public finances and a reliable monetary system.”
Medvedev relayed his succinct analysis even before D Day – as in the deadline this Thursday established by President Putin after which payments for Russian gas by “unfriendly nations” will only be accepted in rubles.
The G7, predictably, had struck a (collective) pose: we won’t pay. “We” means the 4 that are not large Russian gas importers. “We”, moreover, means the Empire of Lies dictating the rules. As for the 3 that will be in dire straits, not only they are major importers but also happen to be WWII losers – Germany, Italy and Japan, still de facto occupied territories. History does have a habit of playing perverted tricks.
Denial didn’t last long. Germany was the first to break – even before industrialists from Ruhr to Bavaria staged a mass revolt. Scholz, the puny Chancellor, called Putin, who had to explain the obvious: payments are being converted into rubles because the EU froze Russia’s foreign exchange reserves – in a crass violation of international law.
With Taoist patience, Putin also expressed hope this would not represent a deterioration in contract terms for European importers. Russian and German experts should sit down together and discuss the new terms.
Moscow is working on a set of documents defining the new deal. Essentially, that spells out no rubles, no gas. Contracts become null and void once you violate trust. The US and the EU broke legally biding agreements with unilateral sanctions and on top of it confiscated foreign reserves of a – nuclear – G20 nation.
The unilateral sanctions made dollars and euros worthless to Russia. Hysteria fits won’t cut it: this will be resolved – but under Russia’s terms. Period. The Foreign Ministry had already warned that refusal to pay for gas in rubles would lead to a serious global crisis of non-payments and serial global-level bankruptcies, a hellish chain reaction of blocked transactions, freezing of collateral assets and closures of credit lines.
What will happen next is partially predictable. EU companies will receive the new set of rules. They will have time to examine the documents and make a decision. Those that say “no” will be automatically excluded from receiving direct Russian gas shipments – all politico-economic consequences included.
There will be some compromise, of course. For instance, quite a few EU nations will accept to use rubles and increase their gas acquisitions so they may resell the surplus to their neighbors and make a profit. And some may also decide to buy gas on the go on energy exchanges.
So Russia is not imposing an ultimatum on anybody. The whole thing will take time – a rolling process. With some sideway action as well. The Duma is contemplating the extension of payment in rubles to other essential products – such as oil, metals, timber, wheat. It will depend on the collective voracity of the EU chihuahuas. Everyone knows that their non-stop hysteria may translate into a colossal rupture of supply chains across the West.
Bye bye oligarchs
While the Atlanticist ruling classes have gone totally berserk but still remain focused on fighting to the last European to extract any remaining, palpable EU wealth, Russia is playing it cool. Moscow has been quite lenient in fact, brandishing the specter of no gas in Spring rather than Winter.
The Russian Central Bank nationalized foreign exchange earnings of all major exporters. There was no default. The ruble keeps rising – and is now back to roughly the same level before Operation Z. Russia remains self-sufficient, food-wise. American hysteria over “isolated” Russia is laughable. Every actor that matters across Eurasia – not to mention the other 4 BRICS and virtually the whole Global South – did not demonize and/or sanction Russia.
As an extra bonus, arguably the last oligarch capable of influence in Moscow, Anatoly Chubais, is gone. Call it another momentous historical trickery: Western sanction hysteria de facto dismembered Russian oligarchy – Putin’s pet project since 2000. What that implies is the strengthening of the Russian state and the consolidation of Russian society.
We still don’t have all the facts, but a case can be made that after years of careful evaluation Putin opted to really go for broke and break the West’s back – using that trifecta (imminent blitzkrieg on Donbass; US bioweapon labs; Ukraine working on nuclear weapons) as the casus belli.
The freezing of foreign reserves had to have been forecasted, especially because the Russian Central Bank had been increasing its reserves of US Treasuries since November last year. Then there’s the serious possibility of Moscow being able to access “secret” offshore foreign reserves – a complex matrix built with Chinese insider help.
The sudden switch from dollars/euros to rubles was hardcore, Olympic-level geoeconomic judo. Putin enticed the collective West to unleash its demented hysteria sanction attack – and turned it against the opponent with a single, swift move.
And here we all are now trying to absorb so many in-synch game-changing developments following the weaponization of dollar assets: rupee-ruble with India, the Saudi petroyuan, co-badged Mir-UnionPay cards issued by Russian banks, the Russia-Iran SWIFT alternative, the EAEU-China project of an independent monetary/financial system.
Not to mention the master coup by the Russian Central Bank, pegging 1 gram of gold to 5,000 rubles – which is already around $60, and climbing.
Coupled with No Rubles No Gas, what we have here is energy de facto pegged to gold.
The EU Chihuahuas and the Japanese colony will need to buy a lot of rubles in gold or buy a lot of gold to have their gas. And it gets better. Russia may re-peg the ruble to gold in the near future. Could go to 2,000 rubles, 1,000 rubles, even 500 rubles for a gram of gold.
Time to be sovereign
The Holy Grail in the evolving discussions about a multipolar world, since the BRICS summits in the 2000s featuring Putin, Hu Jintao and Lula, has always been how to bypass dollar hegemony. It’s now right in front of the whole Global South, as a benign apparition bearing a Cheshire cat’s smile: the golden ruble, or ruble backed by oil, gas, minerals, commodity exports.
The Russian Central Bank, unlike the Fed, does not practice QE and won’t export toxic inflation to the rest of the planet. The Russian Navy not only secures all Russian sea lines, but Russian nuclear-powered submarines are capable of popping up all over the planet unannounced.
Russia is far, far ahead already implementing the concept of “continental naval power”. December 2015, in the Syrian theater, was the strategic game-changer. The Black Sea-based submarine 4th division is the star of the show.
Russian naval fleets may now employ Kalibr missiles across a space comprehending Eastern Europe, West Asia and Central Asia. The Caspian Sea and the Black Sea, linked by the Don-Volga canal, offer a space of maneuver comparable to the Eastern Mediterranean and the Persian Gulf combined. 6,000 km-long. And you don’t even need to access warm waters.
That covers around 30 nations: the traditional Russian sphere of influence; historical borders of the Russian empire; and current political/energy rivalry spheres.
No wonder the Beltway is berserk.
Russia guarantees shipping across Asia, the Arctic and Europe, in tandem with the Eurasia-wide BRI railway network.
And last but not least, don’t mess with a Nuclear Bear.
Essentially, this is what hardcore power politics is all about. Medvedev was not bragging when he said the era of a single reserve currency is over. The advent of a resource-based global reserve currency means, in a nutshell, that 13% of the planet will not dominate the other 87% anymore.
It’s NATOstan vs. Eurasia redux. Cold War 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 and even 5.0. It doesn’t matter. All the previous Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) nations see which way the geopolitical and geo-economic winds are blowing: the time to assert their real sovereignty is at hand as the “rules-based international order” bites the dust.
Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, in China, after meeting several counterparts from across Eurasia, could not have outlined it better:
“A new reality is being formed: the unipolar world is irrevocably becoming a thing of the past, a multipolar one is taking shape. It’s an objective process. It’s unstoppable. In this reality, more than one power will “rule” – it will be necessary to negotiate between all the key states that today have a decisive influence on the world economy and politics. At the same time, realizing their special situation, these countries ensure compliance with the basic principles of the UN Charter, including the fundamental one – the sovereign equality of states. No one on this Earth should be seen as a minor player. Everyone is equal and sovereign.”
Welcome to the birth of the new world system.
Tears For Fears – Head Over Heels (Official Music Video)
Ok. So I’m out of MAJestic on my own and waiting to be called in for “training”. At this time, we (my first wife and I) were living in the nice seaside community of San Louis Obispo in California. It was the middle to late 1980’s. We were living in a broken down van stuck in the end of a church parking lot, and I was working two jobs as a breakfast cook and janitor.
It was at that time that MAJestic tracked me down and called me into the base with work. But before that happened, we were living hand to mouth at the poverty level.
It was a special time. It was Spring and we lived in a “college town”, and the music of that time was unique. One of the songs of that time was “Head over Heels” by Tears for Fears. Here’s the MV of it. Please enjoy my flashback to the past.
What do you think of this flash back in time?
Goldman Sachs warns the dollar is at risk of losing its dominance, and could end up a lesser player like the UK pound
Goldman Sachs has said the US dollar faces a number of risks, and could become a lesser currency like the UK pound.
The US’ tough sanctions on Russia have raised concerns that countries around the world could try to move away from the dollar.
Goldman said the US’ foreign debts mean that foreign investors may become reluctant to hold dollar assets.
This is another one of thes songs of that particular period in time. Fast forward two years later, maybe three, and I am out of MAJestic and I am off trying to start yet again anew. Sheech! And this is the song that is playing all over the radio 24-7…
Homemade Biscuits and Gravy
Homemade Biscuits and Gravy
This recipe will take your taste buds down South, to where good old-fashioned recipes are still king. Our Homemade Biscuits and Gravy recipe is full of so much down-home goodness, you’ll want to eat these homemade biscuits at breakfast AND dinner, which is perfectly all right by us!
What You’ll Need
2 cups pancake and baking mix
2/3 cup buttermilk
1/2 stick (1/4 cup) butter, melted, plus 2 tablespoons butter
1 (16-ounce) package hot pork sausage
3 tablespoons all-purpose flour
1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
1 1/2 cups milk
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
What to Do
Preheat oven to 425 degrees F.
In a medium bowl, stir baking mix, buttermilk, and the 1/2 stick melted butter until soft dough forms. Drop 8 equal spoonfuls of dough onto an ungreased baking sheet.
Bake 14 to 16 minutes, or until golden brown.
In a large skillet over medium-high heat, melt remaining butter; cook 1 to 1-1/2 minutes, or until browned. Add sausage and cook 6 to 8 minutes, or until no pink remains, stirring to crumble sausage. Add flour; mix well. Add Worcestershire sauce, milk, salt, and pepper; mix well. Cook 2 to 4 minutes, or until gravy thickens, stirring constantly.
Cut biscuits in half and spoon sausage mixture evenly on bottom halves. Replace tops and serve.
The captured General in Ukraine is being rewritten
From an influencer, the background wikipedia on the captured American Major General Roger L. Cloutier, that I wrote about HERE, is being rewritten as we speak. Poof! New numbers. New dates. New backgrounds.
White board. That’s what the internet is today. A big white board.
Grow Alum Crystals That Resemble Simulated Diamonds
Alum is found in the spices section of the grocery store. That little jar contains small white crystals that, with a bit of time and effort, grow a big alum crystal that looks a bit like a diamond. It only takes about an hour to grow small alum crystals, but getting a big crystals takes days to weeks.
All you need to grow alum crystals are alum, hot water, and a container. Choose a clear container so you can watch the crystals grow. While not strictly necessary, it helps having a way to tie and suspend a crystal in the liquid. This helps it keep an ideal shape. A coffee filter or paper towel keeps dust out of your project, while still allowing good air circulation.
1/2 cups hot tap water
2-1/2 tablespoons alum
nylon fishing line
pencil, ruler, or knife
2 clean jars
coffee filter/paper towel
There are actually a few different kinds of alum. The edible one in the grocery store is potassium alum. It grows clear crystals. Other types of alum include sodium, ammonium, selenium, and chrome alum. Chrome alum grows deep purple crystals. If you have access to the other chemicals, feel free to combine them to see what colors you get. But, check the labels for safety information. Some types of alum are non-toxic, but others are irritants and not edible.
Grow the Crystals
Pour 1/2 cup of hot tap water into a clean jar.
Slowly stir in alum, a little at a time, until it stops dissolving. Don’t add the whole amount; just enough to saturate the water.
Loosely cover the jar with a coffee filter or paper towel (to keep dust out) and allow the jar to sit undisturbed overnight.
The next day, pour the alum solution from the first jar into the clean jar. You will see small alum crystals at the bottom of the jar. These are ‘seed’ crystals that you will use to grow a big crystal.
Tie nylon fishing line around the largest, best-shaped crystal. Tie the other end to a flat object (e.g., popsicle stick, ruler, pencil, butter knife). You will hang the seed crystal by this flat object into the jar far enough so that it will be covered in liquid, but won’t touch the bottom or sides of the jar. It may take a few tries to get the length just right.
When you have the right string length, hang the seed crystal in the jar with the alum solution. Cover it with the coffee filter and grow a crystal!
Grow your crystal until you are satisfied with its size. If you see crystals starting to grow on the sides or bottom of your jar, carefully remove your crystal, pour the liquid into the clean jar, and put the crystal in the new jar. Other crystals in the jar will compete with your crystal for alum, so it won’t be able to get as big if you let these crystals grow.
Solving Common Problems
The most common problem people experience growing alum crystals is that crystals not growing. If you don’t see crystal growth within a day or two, there isn’t enough alum in the liquid. Gently heat the liquid over a stove or in the microwave and try adding more alum powder. Crystals only grow if the solution is saturated. This is the point where no more solid dissolves.
Crystal Growing Tips
You can use sewing thread or other string instead of nylon fishing line, but crystals will grow on the entire length of the submerged string. Crystals don’t adhere to nylon, so if you use it, you can get bigger and better crystals.
Alum is an ingredient used to make pickles. It makes them crispy.
Don’t worry if you don’t want to bother with the string! Crystals grow just fine on the bottom of the container. Use a spoon to scrape crystals away from each other so they won’t grow together. The shape of crystals growing on a flat surface differs from the shapes that form when crystals are suspended.
From Hal Turner
I happen to be in the morbidity business; I'm the CEO of a large insurance group... Based on what it is we are seeing, the rates right now are excess mortality of 84% and excess of every kind of disease at 1100%.
We are expecting a 5000% or so increase in excess mortality for this year (2022).
An enormous number.
I don't think that it's by coincidence, by the way, that Moderna has now just received licensure of their emergency use authorization HIV vaccine. So they gave everybody AIDS, and here's your salvation, another vaccine."
-- Attorney Todd Callender
The video below is Attorney Todd Callender, whose comments are shown above.
When he says “So they gave everybody AIDS . . . ” he’s talking about the mRNA injections given out under the guise of COVID-19.
Quick investigation of the Preliminary USA mortality data for 2021 from the CDC reveals:
499,132 X 51 = 25,455,732 excess deaths. That is what Attorney Todd Callendar indicates the USA could see !
Add to that the 2.95 million expected deaths, and the result is:
28,405,732 total deaths for 2022.
At this rate all the injected will be gone by 2025, just as was forecasted by the population reduction charts posted on the Deagel web site for many years.
Deagel.com last original 2025 population forecast (before scrubbing it all) for Germany was 28 million. For the USA, the chart that was “scrubbed” is shown below:
2022 04 06 15 51
About one third of Germanys population remain unvaxxed. Today’s population is 83 million, so Deagel’s report may be quite accurate.
So the DoD guy who ran the Deagel website † 2021 knew about this “plandemic” since 2015? CIA connections huh?
Deagle has always had the forecast at the year 2025. The numbers may have fluctuated but the date never did.
Qualudes again
Well, is he right? Or is he fear-mongering? It’s hard to say. I am not a doctor, but I can read tables. I guess we will have to wait and see.
In the meantime, let’s go back to 1976. This song topped the Country and Western chart at that time. It’s about a hyptnomic sedative that was very popular at that time for recreational use. Known as the Qualude. I can tell you first hand, that it was an awesome drug.
It made you so very relaxed, but at the same time, so very lively. You just wanted to dance and have a great time. Don’t drive though. You are not safe behind the wheel of anything.
It was banned in the United States.
Pakastan thwarted a United States coup
Pakistan just narrowly thwarted the US’ regime change campaign against Prime Minister Imran Khan that was launched against him as punishment for his independent foreign policy.
“Imran Khan claimed that Donald Lu warned the Pakistani envoy to the US, Asad Majeed, that there would be implications if the Pakistan PM survived the no-trust vote in the National Assembly.
PM Khan said that the no-confidence motion against him was a “foreign conspiracy” and he thanked Allah that it failed.”
Why invest in diplomacy or in projects like BRI ? The return of investment is way way higher if Uncle Sam just perform regime change here and there and if successful, the interests of US will be taken care of by the puppet gov’t in place.
A fine throw-back to 1960s television fare. It’s well worth at least a ten minute watch. I lvoe the acting, the costumes, and the premise of a B-grade science fiction movie. Great for laughs.
Doomsday ‘Preppers’ Warn Of Hard Times Ahead As Preparedness Goes Mainstream
Food scarcity. Food vouchers. Food riots and flash mobs.
All of that’s coming – and soon, says Texas-based food scientist and “Health Ranger” podcaster Mike Adams, who sees dire events unfolding in America in the short term.
Texas-based food scientist Mike Adams, known online as the “Health Ranger,” sees food shortages and heightened security later in 2022. (Courtesy of Mike Adams)
His advice: people need to get prepared now.
“The thing to really watch for is the food inflation,” Adams said.“My position is we’re going to see food riots in America before the end of this year. We’re going to see flash mobs in grocery stores—especially for meat products.
“Grocery stores are going to respond with increased security and checkpoints. At some point, we’re probably going to see an attempt at price controls and rationing.
“And not on everything—certain types of things. It’s almost certain that the rationing they will attempt to enforce with a vaccine passport app that becomes a food rationing app,” Adams told The Epoch Times.
Adams is not alone in his predictions of hard times coming to America—and the world.
With food production buckling under the weight of runaway inflation, skyrocketing fuel costs, and fertilizer shortages, much of what’s in store is already “built-in.”
What Do You Want From Life?
The tubes was a group that was hitting the audiences when I was graduating out of university. They probably had one hell of a stage show. I don’t actually know, as I never watched them perform. However their album was a real hoot. As this particular song clearly indicates.
Unfertile Ground
In North America two years ago, it cost around $200 an acre to fertilize a 1,000-acre commercial farm, Adams said. Right now, with spring planting, farmers can expect to pay $1,200 to $2,000 an acre.
And consumers will pay for it in higher prices for basic necessities.
“Many farmers are deciding not to plant. In addition, the diesel fuel prices and diesel fuel scarcity is going into their equation whether they should plant,” Adams said.
The upshot, he said, is that fewer farmers are planting, which means less food to go around.
As a food scientist Adams is a big proponent of clean, organically grown food free of heavy metals, which he makes available through the online sale of “Ranger Buckets.” The demand for his products has seen extremely high since the COVID-19 lockdown began in 2020.
Adams said it takes on average six to eight weeks to produce 2,000 buckets, which typically sell out within 30 minutes to three hours.
Even before the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the demand for survival food in the United States has been on the increase among a number of national suppliers.
“The supply chain in the United States continues to crumble. More Americans are realizing it takes four trips to different home improvement stores for parts to make home repairs, instead of all their needs being in one store,” said Lori Hunt at Practical Preppers in South Carolina.
“That is making folks realize this extends to everything: food, books, solar equipment—and considering Ukraine is a source for critical raw materials in the solar industry, this is going to get much worse in the coming months,” she told The Epoch Times.
“Many of our customers are moving toward energy independence, and this is making a greater demand and diminishing supply situation. We are urging our customers to be prepared for a 2–4 month wait to amass all parts needed for their systems. Many installers around the United States are telling us they are experiencing the same.”
Byron Walker, Founder and CEO of Survival Frog in Denver, told the Epoch Times, “We have struggled with supply chain issues and things only appear to be getting worse.”
Allied Marketing Research (AMR) reported that the global incident and emergency market, valued at $75.5 billion in 2017, is projected to reach $423 billion by 2025.
“Factors such as rise in need for safety and security solutions, owing to increase in natural calamities and terrorist attacks, implementation of regulatory policies for public safety, and the necessity for emergency preparedness drive the growth of the global incident and emergency management market,” AMR said on its website.
“In addition, the surge in smart cities is expected to drive the adoption of intelligent evacuation systems and surveillance systems, thereby fueling the incident and emergency management market growth.”
Miami Vice – IN THE AIR TONIGHT | Tribute Video
If you lived though the 1980s then you would really appreciate the television show “Miami Vice”. It defined cool. It was a mix of rock music, detective action, drugs, and fashion. Everyone, and I do mean everyone, was hooked on this show. In this this clip here, you will see so many famous actors when they were young and not yet famous. In hindsight, it’s all pretty silly. But, the video is great and well worth the three minutes to watch.
Price Hikes ‘Here to Stay’
In recent weeks YouTube survival “preppers” such as City Prepping and Alaska Prepper have been sounding the alarm that hard times are just ahead.
Matt the “Magic Prepper,” in North Dakota, said being prepared continues to go mainstream as a “financial and scarcity genre” in view of current global events.
“With food production issues, supply chain problems, a slow economic recovery from the pandemic, and the cascading effects of an overseas conflict, it seems rather clear that shortages, disruptions, and price hikes are here to stay,” Matt told The Epoch Times.
He said the situation in Ukraine has revived interest in preparedness in case of a nuclear, biological, or chemical attack.
“With the conflict creating volatile rhetoric from multiple global superpowers, we find ourselves closer to such an event than any point in recent history,” Matt said. “I operate under the assumption that there is and will likely always be more time to prepare.”
Still, the state of being prepared is “exponentially limited” by the length of time it takes to get prepared, and other factors, he said.
“Every dollar spent today is worth less in value toward preparations than a dollar you would have spent three years ago. Therefore, by waiting to begin, you’ll inherently be able to prepare less and less.
YouTube’s Matt the “Magic Prepper” in North Dakota says it’s not too late to begin preparing for difficult economic times ahead. (Courtesy of Matt the “Magic Prepper”) .
“This is most obviously apparent when you relate it to items such as ammunition. Stocking up on it now provides you with anywhere from 50 percent [to] 75 percent less ammunition for the same amount spent on it three years ago.
“Even if we find ourselves in the midst of a full-on economic collapse or hot conflict, training and learning skills will likely still be accessible,” he said.
Preparedness also requires the ability to network and communication, having supplies in sufficient quantity, a “hardened” location, and knowledge on how to survive an economic collapse.
“I have suggested to keep moving forward regardless of the events unfolding currently. If things finally fall apart to the point of relying on our preparedness efforts, we will have prepared as best as we could up to that point.
“I am making phone calls, appointments, and plans every day to try and enhance my own personal preparedness,” Matt said.
Given the economic protectionism of halting food exports from countries like Hungary, Ukraine, Russia, and Belarus, the world supply of grain is going to be severely limited, Adams said.
This, he said, will result in the “most extreme food shortages we’ve seen in our lifetime.”
Better Now Than Never
“It will begin about August and continue until the end of the year. A lot of this depends on [President Joe] Biden’s economic decisions on whether he allows U.S. oil companies to finish pipelines and do more drilling. If he does not we are going to see even more shortages throughout 2023.”
Out of chaos, however, Adams foresees a reawakening of freedom and self-reliance in the way we grow and produce food.
“I think this is a red pill moment for the people of the world that they need to be more self-reliant. We need decentralization of food production. I’m a big proponent of decentralization—food grown locally.”
The bad news is that only about 5 percent of people in the United State are prepared. But “the more people prepare, the less they panic when shortages appear,” Adams said.
Star Trek – Missile Alert
And here’s a nice brief section of a 1960s Star Trek show. It’s also a fun watch. Just enjoy the five minute vision of the past.
Its about “Gary 7” and his cat.
Rick Wakeman Journey to the Centre of the Earth Full Album 1974 YouTube
Oh my teenage years. This album brought my father and me together musically. He loved it due ot the classical influences, and I loved it for the blend of rock music. Not to mention the great story line.
Simple Minds – Someone Somewhere In Summertime
Another glimpse to my early years right out from the Navy after MAJestic implantation. Enjoy this look back in time.
Yah. It’s a funny time. Don’t get too worked up with and about it. Things are unfolding to the plans set forth. To us “peons” it seems like everything is going to shit, but if you step back, and look at the big picture, just maybe… just MAYBE the West won’t be able to turn the world into an inferno if these various indicators play out as they appear to.
Hold on but not too tightly.
Do you want more?
You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.
Finally, signs over the weekend that US getting frustrated with Chinese offering countries who wish to be neutral, a robust alternative to the Western sanctions regime.
After a meaninglessly polite agree-to-disagree meeting with Xi and Biden, Chinese ambassador was thoroughly disrespected on CNN yesterday.
I'm keeping eyes open for moves by US State Dept etc to play some of its options in the department of strategic destabilization of countries adjacent to China, and/or neutral countries.
The obvious plan is for the United States to unify itself; a collapsing nation, by a unifying major war.
Initially, it was thought that a long, drawn out conventional war against Russia was possible, and then while Russia is preoccupied and “bled to death”, a second one could then be “pivoted” towards a war against China.
The hot flash zones are well known.
These are the RED LINES. For Russia, And the RED LINES for China.
For Russia, it is nuclear weapons and NATO in Ukraine.
For China, it is outside involvment, independence, or nuclear weapons in Taiwan.
For the United States to initiate these long, drawn out wars, it needs to [1] cross those RED LINES, and then [2] manage the conflict on its own terms.
It’s pretty obvious. Not reported in the West, but really quite obvious.
So far, it appears that things are moving ahead according to plan.
This article collects a long series of events and reports regarding both China and Russia at this (frozen) moment of time. Most of these reports and narratives have been submerged under the enormous and spellbinding American psyops machine that has been saturating the airwaves for months now.
Here, we are going to pick though the bits and pieces (twigs and thissles) in that big gushing flood of disinformation just spewing forth from the mighty American propaganda machine.
To begin, we provide the Chinese viewpoint of why America wants China to join with it in sanctioning Russia (over the Ukraine invasion)…
Why the USA wants China to sanction Russia
This is the official point of view of the Chinese government.
2022 03 22 07 56
And here is a comment on the above tweet from the Chinese Government. It flushes it out using better English and parses the nuiances in clear language.
A recurring theme in the American telling of history is that the bad guys do bad things for no reason at all. The general plot is that things were going along just fine and then all of a sudden, for no reason at all, the bad guys started doing bad things. Inevitably, the good guys, which will always be the Americans, were forced to break away from minding their own business to save the world from badness.
The Great War was probably the first run at this form of mythmaking. According to legend, America was trying hard to stay out of the war in Europe, then for no reason at all those very bad Germans started preying on American ships. Finally, those evil Germans sunk a perfectly innocent passenger ship called the Lusitania. The fact that it was stuffed with munitions is conveniently omitted from the tale.
Of course, the Second World War is the full expression of this myth. In the Pacific, the great yellow menace decided out of the blue to attack Hawaii. America was at peace and for no reason at all the Japs attacked Pearl Harbor. In Europe, America’s peace plan created by Woodrow Wilson was working perfectly, but then for no reason at all those very bad Germans declared war on the world.
“According to the myth, America has been minding its own business and for no reason at all the Russians launched this bloody war against innocent civilians.”
The important elements of the story are always the same. America is the innocent bystander, doing its best to mind its own business. The villain is not just the aggressor, but they have no justification for their actions. Whatever reasons they have are dismissed as irrational or evil. The final element is that America must reluctantly swing into action to save the world from the bad guys.
This sort of stuff makes sense after success. The winners get to tell the story of their victory and that always means mythmaking. The only example we have of the winner declaring themselves the villain and the loser being cast as the morally superior party is colonialism. In America that means the natives are the innocents and the paleface is the bad guy. This tale, however, is not written by the actual victors in the fight, but the winners in the 20th-century culture war.
This now-standard form of American mythmaking is not just a post hoc justification, but a justification for future action. The crusades against Islam were framed the same way by the neocons running foreign policy. Instead of mythmaking to explain past action, it is mythmaking to justify one of their schemes. American must reluctantly attack some country, in order to avoid being forced to do it later.
In their booklet The War Over Iraq: Saddam’s Tyranny and America’s Mission, Bill Kristol and Larry Kagan used this exact framing to argue for the invasion of Iraq in the second Bush administration. Preemption is the claim that it is morally justified to attack another country if it can be argued that the target country could one day be a threat to American interests or the interests of American allies.
It is fair to say the entire crusade against Islam was framed as a reaction by America to actors suddenly doing things for no reason at all. Saudi terrorists flew planes into the World Trade Center for no reason at all, so America reluctantly attacked and occupied Afghanistan. Saddam could possibly have thought about getting nukes for no reason at all, so America invaded Iraq and deposed the ruling regime. The same narrative was ready for Iran, but the clock ran out on the Bush administration.
Now we are seeing the same arguments with regards to Ukraine. America is being dragged into this conflict against its will because Russia, for no reason at all, has invaded the sacred lands of Ukraine. Members of Congress are being marched out in front of the cameras by their neocon handlers to tell us that we have no choice but to risk nuclear annihilation over Ukraine.
Of course, there is never any mention of the endless meddling by Washington or the meddling in other former Soviet republics on the Russian border. According to the myth, America has been minding its own business and for no reason at all the Russians launched this bloody war against innocent civilians. Even if they have a reason, it is Russian disinformation and only Putin puppets believe it.
It is clear from the massive public-relations campaign put on by the American media that they were sure the old myth of America would work again. Everyone dutifully started chanting “Keev” and donned the colors of Ukraine. The big social media platforms swung into action to suppress dissent. Everyone assumed this was going to work and the public would rush to support a war with Russia.
The fact that this has not happened, despite the enormous bombardment from the mass media, suggests the myth of America as reluctant warrior has run out of road. Most Americans are willing to accept Ukraine as the victim and Russia as the aggressor, but they draw the line at acting on it. Even the mouth breathers who consume conservative talk radio have started to question the flag-waving.
At the end of the Cold War, the hope was that America could go back to being a normal country again, instead of the savior of the world. Instead, it was a generation of pointless wars of choice cooked up by neoconservative nutters with an ancient grudge against humanity. Like a drug-resistant virus, they have infested the foreign-policy establishment, leading to one disaster after another.
Their final act may very well be destroying America’s image of itself as a positive force in the world. That will be a difficult thing for people to accept, especially the older generations, but it will be a small price to pay if it means the removal of this carbuncle from the face of the country. If humiliation in Ukraine means America turns back to normalcy, then the end of that myth will be worth it.
It is time for the United States Empire to die
“Our media is filled with silly lies, like Russians not having access to information from outside their country. Because that’s believable in the internet age. Or that the Russian military does evil things for no reason, like blowing up hospitals and theaters full of children (though these atrocities miraculously never leave any evidence behind, like bodies). Then why are civilian casualties from more than three weeks of heavy fighting so low? By all accounts, much lower than Russian military casualties? Isn’t that pretty compelling evidence that they’re tiptoeing through Ukraine being extraordinarily careful to not cause civilian casualties?
Well, ackshullllly that’s only because they’re too weak to use the means necessary to win! Oh, I see. That famous Russian weakness again. First off, it’s interesting that we see goodness as weakness and are proud of it. And yes, that is a true statement. Our first month in Iraq inflicted 4-7 thousand civilian deaths and that’s probably undercounted. It’s also interesting that we tell lies that obviously contradict each other and see no problem with this.
Try to have a memory span longer than a goldfish.
Remember Day 3 of the operation when a bunch of Russian armored vehicles parked near Kiev and American “experts” declared they were out of fuel? Because as we all know, Russia is famous for not having enough oil. I’m sure their tanks running out of fuel within 75 miles of their own border is a plausible thing that could happen and not total nonsense.”
Presiden Biden WARNS Xi Peng that there will be CONSEQUENCES if China provides material support to Russia. The meeting between Biden and Xi Peng was an effort by Biden to break-up the relationship between Russia and China which is catastrophically shaking up the United States led current world order. It failed. As Xi Peng will continue to stand strong with it’s next door neighbor, and not help the United States; it’s enemy.
The last seconds of China Eastern Airlines MU5735 were caught on a CCTV camera.
Everyone is dead. This is a near vertical dive. The plain aimed for the ground and slammed into it at full speed. It’s a very unusual crash. Color me suspicious.
This article below states that the crash has aviation experts puzzled because the crash “profile” was very unusual with the angle of descent essentially plunging straight down.
Was this crash an accident; another Boeing 737Max demonstrating that it is a dangerous plane; or even terrorism?
I find it curious that this crash happened after the recent attempts by America to pressure China to distance itself from Russia over the Ukraine issue.
Aviation Experts Baffled By Crash Of China Eastern Airlines Flight MU5735
From MM’s email…
I am sure you have seen the video by now of the Chinese plane dropping at a perfect perpendicular angle to the horizon out of the sky? Wondering your thoughts about this. Seems highly suspicious given America's little pep talk with China that ended with them having an even bigger bruised ego. Surely this is an act of war on America's part. I have never seen a plane head for the ground like that. Usually they are still upright/upside down, aren't they?
Crash of China passenger plane ‘very puzzling’
"It's unheard of that such a modern passenger plane would take such a vertical plunge and crash."
The plane crash resembles the Nazi Ukrainian symbol
It is of a bird flying straight down to the ground.
Ukrainian bird symbol.
Here is the aftermath of #MU5735#crash of the #b737-800. The size of the impact is consistent with the last ADS-B data the aircraft sent – the aircraft was in a straight nosedive. We will have to wait for FDR/CVR data to know what caused the accident.pic.twitter.com/MaJoIao8B9— The 737 Handbook (@737handbook) March 21, 2022
Why is everyone on my feeds suspecious of the plane crash?
Chinese passenger plane goes straight into the ground like a missile:
Experts: "We've never seen a plane do THAT before!"
Reminds me of MH370 ... never seen a plane do THAT before either.
Reminds me of MH17 ... another plane doing odd things.
Just around the time Uncle Sam is turning up the pressure on China ... Coincidence?
In the meantime:
Blinken: "Bend the knee, chinaman!"
Boris: "Bend the knee, chinaman!"
-Arch Bungle | Mar 22 2022 5:58 utc
What does the Chinese government think?
I don’t know.
Within the next six months keep your eyes open for another plane mishap. Only this time in the United States, or in one of the “five eye nations”.
If one happens, there’s a 90% chance it’s part of the on-going tit-for-tat fight and response actions between the USA and China.
I strongly urge American readers to MM not to take any airplane trips in the coming Spring or Summer.
Russia’s New Buk-M3 Air Defense Missile System Now Appears To Be In Ukraine
Russia no doubt hopes the latest iteration of the Buk surface-to-air missile system helps turn the tables against the Ukrainian Air Force.
There are signs the Kremlin is now willing to throw new and high-end surface-to-air missiles (SAMs) into the fray, including the 9K317M Buk-M3, known as the Viking in its export form, the latest iteration of the self-propelled, medium-range Buk system.
9K317M Buk-M3.
As for the latest Buk-M3, this system is significantly different enough from its predecessors to warrant a new U.S. Department of Defense designation — SA-27. In service since around 2016, the Buk-M3 employs new 9M317M missiles and electronic components to provide much-improved capabilities compared with the older Buk systems. According to the U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) manual, it “outperforms even the old S-300P long-range air defense system” — the SAM that’s known in the West as the SA-10 Grumble.
It’s a true “blast from the past”. Simple and delicious. Beef meatballs with rice, simmered in tomato soup. Not really something that you might give to guests, but a great easy meal that mixes up normally available ingredients for something unique and different for the household.
It’s really great for a fast meal on a busy schedule. Oh, and guess what? It goes great with beer.
Porcupine Meatballs
1/2 cup of water
1.5 pounds of ground beef
1 cup of uncooked (instant) rice
I tablespoon of minced onion.
1 teaspoon of salt
1 dash of ground black pepper.
Information/Propaganda/Psyops Theatre
On the Information/Propaganda/Psyops Theatre, today’s Global Times editorial provides a little comic relief:
"The above lies are well concocted, but without any evidence. Certainly, the problem of no evidence may be a bit of overthinking, because when does Washington need to provide evidence to smear others? Isn't it always following the logic of 'if I say so, it has to be so?' If you must ask for any 'evidence, it will again hold up a tiny vial of white powder, or produce a video of the White Helmets being instructed to pose...
"Of course, what's behind it is Washington's hegemony and ambition. Kurt Campbell, the NSC's Indo-Pacific policy coordinator, 'took the initiative' to say at the end of February that the US will keep its focus on the 'Indo-Pacific region' despite the Ukraine crisis. In order to maintain the US' hegemonic self-interests, fabricating lies has become a 'necessary means' for Washington. In the words of Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez Parrilla, 'The US, as usual, lies to try to achieve its political goals'....
"When looking back at his past as CIA director, former US secretary of state Mike Pompeo once said publicly, 'We lied, we cheated, we stole. We had entire training courses.' So how does the US lie and deceive people? It is easier for Washington and the US media to quote 'anonymous officials' to spread lies as shocking 'exclusive news.' The cooperation between US propaganda machines and diplomatic and intelligence services has greatly increased the deceptiveness of those lies. Moreover, the US' alliance system and hegemony in public opinion can make sure that even though Washington is a habitual liar, it can obtain a certain amount of assentation and support. This has become the bases for the US to play politics as it wants.
"While US media maliciously falsifies the truth, Washington deliberately pretends to know nothing. These two to some extent have even formed an integral production, supply and distribution chain of fake news. This is unprofessional, immoral, and irresponsible, and will only further discredit the US in front of the world. As some comments pointed out, whenever people see the news reports that include sentences like 'anonymous officials revealed…' and 'US intelligence agencies claimed…,' they should in their minds replace everything in those sentences with 'They may be lying.'" [I'd say they're probably lying or They're lying again.]
And as if more proof was required, we again see China seconding Russia’s reasoning and explanations of what it’s doing:
"Right now, when the military conflict in Ukraine is getting increasingly serious under Washington's provocation, and when the energy and refugee crises become more and more severe in Europe, the US' smear campaign will only unmask it as the initiator. More and more people will see the true face of the US - an 'empire of lies.'" [All emphasis mine]
How many millions within the Empire agree? Polling suggests that just 30% of the public see media as credible giving us 70% who think otherwise or about 230 million, and since media is the main messenger of the Empire of Lies, we might assume that same number agrees.
But even if that number is only 50 million, I’d say the lies aren’t sinking in as hoped. Of course, this whole paragraph will be controversial as opinion polling within the Outlaw US Empire of Lies has its own credibility problems.
Phil understands
Yes he does.
Republican Congressman Tiffany maps out aggression towards China
One step at a time.
Rep. Tom Tiffany (R-Wis.)
An amendment under the new Consolidated Appropriations Act has banned the creation or use of maps by the Department of State and its foreign operations that depict Taiwan as part of China.
The Appropriations Act, which provides appropriations to federal agencies for the 2022 fiscal year, is a 3000-page piece of legislation that proposed $1.5 trillion spending, including military and humanitarian aid to Ukraine.
This amendment was introduced by Rep. Tom Tiffany (R-Wis.) and other Republican representatives, first in the House bill passed on State Department and related foreign service funding in July 2021, then again for the Consolidated Appropriations Act. This is sneaky because it would be unwise to vote against such an enormous spending bill due to one amendment.
This amendment undermines the fundamental principle of Sino-American relations by violating the longstanding policy of strategic ambiguity and unofficial relations with Taiwan enshrined in the Shanghai Communique, a diplomatic document signed by Beijing and Washington.
Further, Tiffany said “Beijing’s bogus argument that Taiwan is part of Communist China” should be abandoned, and that the bill would “require honest maps that stop perpetuating the ‘One China’ lie.”
What it is like to fight the Chinese
Oh, you think that Russia is tough? The Chinese have heart. They have history, and if you FUCK with them they WILL FUCK you right back. Know your history. Movie dramatization of true events. video 6MB
Patrick Lawrence
Patrick Armstrong may have closed down but Patrick Lawrence is still firing on all cylinders:
“..When those purporting to serve as America’s statesmen and stateswomen think calling other world leaders names is properly part of the diplomatic repertoire — a prominent part, I’ll add — we are left with only one conclusion: The U.S. has no one capable of sailing its ship of state, no one in a position of influence worthy of the title “diplomat.”
“…Simply stated, power obviates the need for serious statecraft. The powerful nation has no need of diplomacy. A figure such as George Kennan was the exception proving the rule, and he was an exception because he saw the need to understand how the world looked to the Soviet Union. Henry Kissinger proved the rule: For all his claim to diplomatic skill, Hank K. was a wielder of American power with a calculating mind, nothing more.
“The rest follows naturally: Antony Blinken is not a serious diplomat. Samantha Power is not a serious diplomat. As a diplomat (and various other things), Hillary “He’s Hitler” Clinton is a walking calamity. Biden, who’s spent his career selling snake oil off the back of a buckwagon, is not a statesman of any kind, serious or otherwise….”
“The lineup of secretaries of state and senior diplomats prior to the attacks in New York and Washington is other than brilliant, but it was by and large accepted that talking to one’s adversaries was at least as important (and often more so) as talking to one’s friends. It was the Bush II regime, with all its kooky ideologues in positions they never should have gotten near, that declared: “We don’t negotiate with our enemies.”
“This pronouncement was advanced, if you recall, as if it were a sound, baseline rule of wise statesmanship. There were corollaries. Diplomatic contacts with those deemed enemies would “give them credibility.”….The all-but-stated assertion is America would not any longer take interest in other people and their perspectives. The American way of defining the world was the only acceptable way. Nothing else need be considered. …”
“…Diplomacy is an essential skill in the century swiftly taking shape around us. But every time Biden or another American “leader” hurls one of their playground insults at the leader of another nation, (Putin as the Beelzebub du jour) they are reminding us: There will be no diplomacy emanating from Washington because they have no idea how to conduct it.
“Power and coercion are all they know.”
This is dangerous. As Americans are really not ready to take on a REAL peer competator. And forget what the American “news” says. Russia is not running out of bullets, stalled or suffering massive defeats. video 8MB
I know it is a chicken and egg question.
I found this on one of my feeds. Interesting.
As a matter of interest, I have noticed a similar correlation of pro and anti war/ hate Russia opinion between the vaxxed and unvaxxed as the Canadian poll below demonstrates. My observations are anecdotal.The question remains are vaxxed people inherently more likely to be receptive to government/MSM propaganda or do they become docile and deliberately ignorant sheep because of their vaxxed status? "How Covid vaccination status might predict views on the Russian invasion of Ukraine (Canadian poll)"..."How vaccination status might predict views on the Russian invasion of Ukraine New poll indicates that “vaccine refusers are much more sympathetic to Russia.”
Unvaccinated Canadians are about 12 times more likely than those who received three doses to believe Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine was justified, according to a new survey by national polling firm EKOS.The poll found 26 per cent of those who identified as unvaccinated agreed the Russian invasion is justified, with another 35 per cent not offering an opinion. This compared to only two per cent of surveyed Canadians who said they had three doses of the COVID-19 vaccine and who supported the attack, and four per cent who offered no view..."
China’s digital yuan is in the US’s crosshairs in what is likely to be the first of many proposed laws against its use!
It’s clear that the US has no love for China’s new digital yuan (e-CNY) central bank digital currency, and now a group of nine Republican senators has come up with the first Act that attempts to limit its use while stopping short of an outright ban.
The e-CNY is in the glaring hot spotlight for its ability to potentially evade sanctions imposed on Russia and sadly not for its gold medal performance at the Olympics. It is essential to clarify that China made no attempt to use the digital yuan to evade sanctions and is unlikely to do so with its new currency still undergoing domestic trials. Still, the e-CNY is deemed a potential threat to US interests, resulting in the new Act.
Senator Bill Cassidy’s (R-LA) statement clarifies the concern: “China’s Digital Yuan allows the CCP to collect personal data on their own citizens and foreign users alike.” “This bill holds China accountable as they introduce their new digital currency.”
The stated goal of the Act
From the Senator’s summary:
• Require the Department of State to issue a warning on the Digital Yuan.
• Require the Secretary of Commerce to report to relevant Congressional committees on the Blockchain- Base Service Network and provide recommendations related to the report.
• Require the Secretary of Commerce to report on trade enforcement actions with respect to the digital yuan.
• Require United States Trade Representative to report on the effect of the digital yuan on trade and investment agreements.
• Require Office of Management and Budget to develop standards and guidelines for agencies that transfer, store, or use digital yuan.
• Require that any foreign government that receives assistance through the Foreign Military Financing Program to disclose if the government uses digital yuan as a settlement or reserve currency.
U.S. targets planes inside of Russia
WASHINGTON, March 18 (Reuters) – The U.S. Commerce Department on Friday moved to effectively ground 100 airplanes that have recently flown to Russia and are believed to violate U.S. export controls, including a plane used by Russian businessman Roman Abramovich.
Many girls in China tend to be of thin build and nice chests. Here she is displaying a nice cleavage. video 2MB
U.S. warns servicing or refueling some Russian-owned planes may violate trade restrictions.
Export controls introduced in late February prohibit exporting aircraft that were made in the U.S. or use some U.S. parts to Russia, effectively grounding some international flights, the Commerce Department said.
Perhaps the world should boycott anything linked to America. Otherwise, products you paid for will not belong to you.
She’s in a car looking really adorable. video 1.4MB
Update on the military situation in the Ukraine
There’s a lot of bullshit out there. The massive, MASSIVE psyops is so full of lies and distortions it’s mind-boggling. Just today, I saw an article on my LinkedIN feed discussing how Russia was bogged down in Ukraine, and used a map showing the first day of action. It’s now one month later. Sheech!
The Ukraine situation is Russia following though on it’s 2014 displeasure in the USA violation of it’s treaties, as well as the non-ultimatum of January 2022. There’s many parties involved in this issue, but the psyops only tell one side of the story, and it is a stack of cards with very little actual content.
Here’s a summary from the Russian daily briefing. More sensible, and certainly more accurate.
China’s Foreign Ministry issues dire warning to QUAD as it toughens stand on Taiwan | English News
China is WARNING the USA and the West. Listen up! Things are going on that isn’t really being well reported in the West. video on You-tube.
2022 03 22 16 07
This video underscores a very important point…
The QUAD is composed of;
And India is specifically making public statements that they are not in the QUAD as a “Pacific NATO” to counter China. They are NOT a treaty ally.
2022 03 22 16 09
I think India has told the US to FUCK off.
I have been watching debates on an Indian talk show, Republic World.
The latest one is called: India delivers diplomatic masterclass amid Russia-Ukraine-West tightrope. You can look it up on YouTube.
India WILL NEVER abandon Russia, so strong is the mutual trust between the two nations.
In fact, this war, as many pointed out, will bring Russia and Asia a whole lot closer. -Peter Schmidt
President Zelensky Phones Taiwan’s Leader Tsai Ing-wen
Tsai: Hello Volodya. I hope you do not mind my calling you that.
Zelensky: (Sobs, wordless.)
Tsai: What is it Volodya? Calm down.
Zelensky: (Sobbing continues.) We have been left alone to defend our state. Who is ready to fight alongside us? I don’t see anyone. Who is ready to give Ukraine a guarantee of NATO membership? Everyone is afraid.*
Tsai: But the Americans have given you weapons, rifles. The Germans even gave you helmets — right away — and now they are promising more. And they also sent military advisors “little green men”– I think that is what they call them when they are Russian.
Zelensky: We are facing tanks and missiles. I am afraid what we have is pretty small potatoes. As the American politician Ron Paul said, it seems the Americans are ready to fight Russia – down to the last Ukrainian (more sobbing).
Tsai: But Volodya, you got to address the U.S. Congress and plea for help – certainly that shows support.
Zelensky: Support? The script that the Americans handed me centered on a No Fly Zone, in other words, a call for WWIII, nuclear war. I looked like a madman! (More sobbing.)
Tsai: I did not think that made you look like a madman. I admire someone who is willing to risk nuclear war for our beliefs. That shows real spine, real guts. And those Congress people applauded you. If you looked mad, would that not make them all insane too. Surely you cannot believe that.
But I know how you feel about those scripts. The Americans stuff one in my face every now and then with the “advice” that it would be good to read it. I feel I am getting an offer I cannot refuse as they say in the American movies.
But you do not have to accept the script – you are safe in hiding in Ukraine.
Zelensky: I cannot comment on where I am – if you understand what I mean.
And I do not know what kind of company you are keeping, Tsai, but most people are appalled and frightened by the prospect of nuclear war. My stance allowed Biden to look sane by turning thumbs down. I was the fall guy.
Tsai: Look Volodya. You have to get hold of yourself. The U.S. has managed to get the whole world behind you. Just like the US has got the whole world behind me. Not to worry.
Zelensky: Are you serious, Tsai? You know that not only China but also India has refused to join US sanctions on Russia – that is 35% of the world’s population right there. China is the number one economy in the world by PPP-GDP and India number three as you surely know. So two of the big three are not backing sanctions. Also refusing are Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, South Africa, Kenya, Tanzania, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia, Mexico. That is over half the world’s population! And there are many more refusenik nations including the 40 countries not in that list on which the US has sanctions – I have lost count.
And NATO is showing cracks. Macron and others are talking to Putin all the time. Sweden has refused to join NATO, saying that would be “destabilizing.”
The world is changing, Tsai.
Exactly how many countries are behind you, Tsai? You better check — carefully. I wish I had. (More sobbing.)
Tsai: (Now looks very worried) Good point, Volodya.
Zelensky: And now Germany is rearming under the influence of the crazy German Greens, the most hawkish of the Parties in the governing coalition. That of course is a dream come true for the neocons – having Germany fight Russia. Two principal competitors of the U.S. fighting one another. It will destroy Ukraine and the rest of Europe. As I have said in the past, this war will engulf Europe.
Tsai: (Now a bit shaken.) But why did you not stop all this as soon as you were elected. You ran as a peace candidate.
Zelensky: (Even more upset). I could not. The Americans would not permit it, and Russia is well aware of this as Lavrov has made clear. And America’s Neo-Nazi friends like the Azov Battalion fiercely oppose it – and together they have enough clout to stop an elected President – or even depose him as we saw back in 2014. I am keenly aware of that as is any President until the U.S. grip on this country is broken and it is “de-nazified,” if I may borrow a term.
So here I am presiding over the unnecessary destruction of my beloved country, unable to agree to the simple terms of peace that the Minsk accords established.
My place in history is not going to be a glorious one.
Tsai: But at least you have the Ukrainian people united behind you. Here on Taiwan there is considerable pro-Mainland sentiment.
Zelensky: United? I have had to ban a dozen political parties, including the main opposition one. I have had to bring all TV under control of one platform. And I have had to declare martial law. Do you think everyone here is happy that instead of implementing the Minsk accords we have brought ourselves to this point?
My advice to you, Tsai, is do not allow Taiwan to become the Ukraine of East Asia, because right now that is the plan the Americans have for you.
I have to go now. I am being called. I am not even supposed to make calls like this.
(Nervously) Keep this call between us. Good-bye.
Tsai: (Shaken) Good bye Volodya.
(Hangs up, summons her assistant.) I need to place another call. Please get President Xi on the line. He has wanted to talk. Tell him I want to discuss the One Country, Two Systems Policy.
And tell him it is the Governor of Taiwan Province calling.
* These are the exact words that Zelensky used in a midnight speech to Ukraine on February 25.
After so many decades of eating at chain restaurants, and fast food places, and then just simply making simple and quick meals, Americans have forgotten what AMERICAN FOOD actually is. Sad. So Sad.
Caitlin Johnstone : It’s Not Okay For Grown Adults To Think This Way About Ukraine
Cute. But accurate.
❖ It’s not okay to be a grown adult in 2022 and believe the US is pouring weapons into a foreign nation to defend freedom and democracy. It isn’t.
❖ It’s not okay to be a grown adult in 2022 and believe serious military conflicts consist of Good Guys fighting Bad Guys like a children’s cartoon show. That’s a fantasy that most people grow out of when they turn eleven.
❖ It’s not okay to be a grown adult in 2022 and believe the same western media institutions who’ve lied about every war are now telling the truth about this one. Liars cannot stop lying. This is learned, by most people, by the time they are seventeen years old.
❖ It’s not okay to be a grown adult in 2022 and believe we’re seeing an unprecedented wave of censorship because the European Union, Silicon Valley megacorporations, and TV service providers want to protect everyone from “disinformation”. They instead want to protect their franchise. You are their commodity.
❖ It’s not okay to be a grown adult in 2022 and believe Ukraine is just a scrappy little underdog acting completely independently of the dictates of the largest power structure on this planet. That a fun childhood nursery rhyme and makes a great Hollywood movie, but in the real world, nope it just doesn’t work that way.
❖ It’s not okay to be a grown adult in 2022 and believe the globe-spanning power structure centralized around the United States is merely a passive witness to this war and not a key player in creating its emergence. It’s known as cognitive dissonance, and is a mental illness.
❖ It’s not okay to be a grown adult in 2022 and believe that governments who’d have every incentive to lie to the public about what’s happening on the ground in Ukraine are simply choosing not to do so. It’s called “denial”, and it is common feature of many mental illnesses.
❖ It’s not okay to be a grown adult in 2022 and believe the politicians who’ve demonstrated ice cold indifference to their own citizens dying of poverty and disease care passionately about the plight of the Ukrainian people. The politicians have demonstrated psychopathic personalities. It is a mental illness to randomly disassociate behaviors with habitual serial criminals.
❖ It’s not okay to be a grown adult in 2022 and believe the most powerful and murderous government in the world is orchestrating the economic collapse of a nation it has long targeted for destruction in order to defend Ukrainians. It’s called wishful thinking, and most adults grow out of this in their 20’s.
❖ It’s not okay to be a grown adult in 2022 and believe the “anti-war” position is to support pouring weapons into a foreign country and cold war brinkmanship that could lead to World War 3 while shouting down anyone who advocates de-escalation, diplomacy and detente.
❖ It’s not okay to be a grown adult in 2022 and believe anything which doesn’t align with what the TV tells you about this war is “Russian propaganda”.
❖ It’s not okay to be a grown adult in 2022 and believe anyone who disputes the TV narrative about this war is defending Putin or thinks he is awesome. Adults do not behave like they still are in kindergarden.
❖ It’s not okay to be a grown adult in 2022 and accuse people who disagree with you of working for a foreign government. It’s lazy. Ignorant, and slothful.
❖ It’s not okay to be a grown adult in 2022 and find it strange and outlandish when someone criticises the most powerful empire that has ever existed for its role in starting a war. The United States is the largest military empire in the history of the world. You cannot associate peace with Military Empires. You associate war with Military Empires. To deny that fact is a sign of being in possession of a serious mental illness.
❖ It’s not okay to be a grown adult in 2022 and be fine with only knowing one side of the story. It will cause you to made very bad decisions, and eventually contribute to getting you into very bad situations.
Fabrications are rife during wars. The say, and no doubt it has validity, that the first victim of war is the truth. Here is a translation from RIA Novosti in Moscow, of some of the fake stories we in the west have been spinning.
Video from the other day. This is what it is like near my house. video 30MB
Capture of the “Bitch of Ukraine”
About the nazi “Taira” #14, her name is Yulia Paevskaya, and there is this Free Yulia and/or Free Taira campaign in the Nazi sections of Ukraine.
In Ukraine, Yulia is a well-known personality, she actively spoke on the Maidan and participated in military operations in the Donbass in the ranks of the neo-Nazi Azov regiment. During 8 years 14000 people died in Dobass.
"Captured Commander of the medical service of Azov is watching a report about the consequences of a strike on Donetsk.She pretend now that she got no idea"
The U.S. government is sending Soviet-era air defense systems in its possession to Ukraine, according to a report from The Wall Street Journal. These systems will reportedly come from stocks of foreign materiel that elements of the U.S. military and Intelligence Community have obtained in various ways over the years for intelligence analysis and training purposes. The possibility that these so-called foreign materiel exploitation, or FME, programs could offer a useful source of additional air defense capabilities that Ukraine badly needs is exactly what that The War Zonelaid out just recently.
The Journal‘s piece did say that the U.S. government has already shipped a number of systems to Ukraine that had been in storage at the U.S. Army’s Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Alabama. U.S. Air Force C-17 Globemaster III cargo planes reportedly picked them up at an unspecified airfield in the Huntsville area. The story notes that Redstone is home to the Army’s Aviation and Missile Command (AMCOM), but it also hosts the Defense Intelligence Agency‘s (DIA) Missile and Space Intelligence Center (MSIC), which has an FME role. DIA serves as the focal point for the Department of Defense’s entire FME enterprise, as well.
The U.S. military has been very active in delivering and otherwise facilitating the shipment of military aid to Ukraine, even before Russia launched its invasion. This includes various air defense systems, especially different types of shoulder-fired surface-to-air missiles, also known as man-portable air-defense systems (MANPADS). In addition, American officials have made clear that there is a heavy emphasis on sending weapons and equipment that Ukrainian forces are already familiar with, an idea The War Zonehad earlier explained the merits of. The core idea behind that philosophy is that this will make it faster and easier for Ukraine’s military to actively put what it receives to use in combat. Ukraine’s ground-based air defenses have been essential in preventing Russian forces from gaining air superiority over the country after more than three weeks of fighting.
Beyond all this, it’s still unclear what systems specifically may ultimately be transferred to Ukraine. The SA-8 Gecko is the only specific system that the Journal‘s sources named as being among the planned deliveries to Ukrainian forces. The SA-8, also known by the Russian nomenclature 9K33 Osa, is a wheeled short-range surface-to-air missile system. DIA’s MSIC is known to have at least one example of this system in its inventory.
(Natural News) Members of the U.S. Marine Corps have been deployed to Australia in preparation for China potentially invading Taiwan. The Marines will be helping their counterparts in the Australian Defense Force (ADF) to ensure preparedness for any crisis or conflict in the region.
According to 100PercentFedUp.com, a rotational force of approximately 2,200 Marines will be based in Australia’s Northern Territory until September 2022. One thousand Marines had earlier arrived in Darwin, the Australian state’s capital, to train alongside the ADF. The contingent of Marines forms
“part of an ongoing U.S. initiative in the Indo-Pacific region to prepare for a possible Chinese invasion of Taiwan in coming years.”
Colonel Marcus Constable, commanding officer of ADF Northern Command, reiterated the importance of the relationship between the U.S. and Australia.
“It is a key way we increase regional cooperation with partners in the Indo-Pacific. Together, we conduct a comprehensive range of training activities including humanitarian assistance, security operations and high-end live-fire exercises,”
Australian Defense Minister Peter Dutton said conflict with China “shouldn’t be discounted,” warning that the communist country may move to invade Taiwan while the world is focused on the Russia-Ukraine conflict. He emphasized that Australian forces would come to the aid of the U.S. should the latter help defend the island nation.
“It would be inconceivable that we wouldn’t support the U.S. in an action if the U.S. chose to take that action. I think we should be very frank and honest about that [and] look at all of the facts and circumstances without pre-committing. [Maybe] there are circumstances where we wouldn’t take up that option, [but] I can’t conceive of those circumstances.”
I am not the only one who misses Ol’ Remus. Remus posted some of my SHTF posts for me and brought a lot of people to MM. But it’s more than that. he was a good, genuine guy.
Here’s what my ‘buddy Phil at bustedknuckles has to say about him…
I remember when I first stumbled on The Woodpile Report, realizing that what I had found was an absolute treasure.
As future posts confirmed, I was spot on with my gut feeling.
Ol’ Remus himself was a treasure.
Filled with wisdom gathered over his many years and blessed with an insight that I have so far, been unable to find duplicated anywhere else.
Even after extensively searching.
I also realized after a few posts that what I had found was also very likely to have a limited window of new inputs. Also due to his advancing age.
Unfortunately I was correct in my assessment there, our reluctant mentor will have been gone two years here shortly.
Very, very fortunately, someone else realized what a treasure trove of wisdom and knowledge he left behind and they immediately set about gathering up into a repository, as much as they could possibly glean from what he did leave behind. Unfortunately, Ol’ Remus didn’t archive his posts.
Occasionally I get a hankering for a touch of that and off I go, searching for that font of knowledge, stashed away still on the internet.
Every time, I am very happy to see it is still there. Some day it might not be. I may try to find the time to download it all and save it on a removable hard drive for safe keeping.
I found this old post a few minutes ago, re-read it and found that it is just as applicable today as it was when he first pecked it out and shared it with us’. So I copied it and I am pasting it here, along with a link to the site that still has many of his old posts.
This is another post from Ol’ Remus at The Woodpile Report. I like his style of writing quite a bit, and agree with him entirely.
He is forecasting catastrophe – and how could it be otherwise?
And yet I get the US Trust “Investment Strategy Overview” newsletter in the mail, and, of course, it is completely in opposition to Ol’ Remus – it’s bullish!
Apparently, we are only 5 years into a bull market of 20 years! Major advances in technology are coming! Progress towards US energy independence! A manufacturing renaissance! The imbalances of the past cycle are correcting themselves! Etc.
How does one reconcile these two views?
What an absolutely bizarre time we live in, when there is such a massive disconnect between the mass media hypnosis and reality. Every day is another chapter in Cognitive Dissonance…
The Coming Unpleasantness
The guilty are sneaking away unpunished, nobody’s fixing anything, there’s an orderly-so-far devaluation of the dollar going on, the Treasury has fallen into the hands of counterfeiters and the election process has gone third-world.
The home folks are broke, or nearly so, and unemployed, or about to be.
Suddenly they understand DCisn’t on their side and now they’re debating whether DC is run by the criminally insane or the merely criminal.
Oh yeah, this will end well.
According to a new study by the Russell Sage Foundation, the inflation-adjusted net worth for the typical household was $87,992 in 2003.
Ten years later, it was only $56,335, or a 36% decline… it’s not merely an issue of the rich getting richer. The typical American household has been getting poorer, too.
-Tyler Durden at zerohedge.com
Now the people who warned of 2008 are saying the market is running out of Greater Fools.
They say few retail investors are in equities that don’t have to be—meaning the funds, the 401ks and IRAs, the insurance companies, the compulsive gamblers. And those that don’t hate the market fear the market.
They say it’s a gas leak looking for detonation.
They say the event will arrive before the warning does.
There are usually no warnings that trouble is coming because everyone at the top of the financial food chain are highly incentivized to keep quiet about problems…
Just about every CEO from every major bank spent much of 2008 claiming that all was well…
As former banker Jean-Claude Juncker put it, “When it becomes serious, you have to lie.”
-Phoenix Capital Research at zerohedge.com
In early 2008 I noted a fairly serious decrease in online “revenue per impression” in the advertising space.
This was not reflected in so-called “official” reports from various online ad firms, but I saw it quite-clearly across data I had available to me.
What followed, of course, was quite clear in the markets. I am seeing the same pattern develop now.
-Karl Denninger at market-ticker.org
Due diligence and fundamentals count for nothing because the arithmetic makes no sense, successful investing amounts to insider information and front running the Fed.
The oscillations are wild and coming closer together.
But still it goes up.
One day it won’t.
The crash will be 2008 on afterburner because no one trusts anybody, no one honors anything, no one believes anything.
The flash-crash will look stately by comparison.
It’ll be like being pushed out of a tree in the dark—pain and terror every inch of the way.
Another horrific stock market crash is coming, and the next bust will be “unlike any other” we have seen.
We have never had this before.
It’s going to be very painful for investors.
-Jeremy Grantham, GMO, via moneynews.com
Warren Buffett’s “best single measure of where valuations stand,” comparing the market value of UScompanies to the gross national product before inflation, is flashing near record bubble red.
Still we are sure, you’ll be able to exit before everyone else when this ends.
-Tyler Durden and Bloomberg at zerohedge.com
The most reliable valuation measures have never been higher except in the advance to the 2000 peak (and for some measures the 1929 and 2007 peaks), but they have started to treat these prior pre-crash peaks as objectives to be attained…
Make no mistake—this is an equity bubble, and a highly advanced one. On the most historically reliable measures, it is easily beyond 1972 and 1987, beyond 1929 and 2007, and is now within about 15% of the 2000 extreme.
-John Hussman at hussmanfunds.com
We have no right to be surprised by a severe and imminent stock market crash.
-Mark Spitznagel via moneynews.com
The market isn’t the economy, true enough, but a couple dozen trillion dollars isn’t exactly budget-dust.
The citizenry would see a yawning crater where their 401ks and IRAs used to be.
They’d notice when their checking account is gone but their debt isn’t, and when the ATM doesn’t recognize their account number, or when their bank is an empty storefront and their car loan has been sold to Vinnie, or when their insurance company doesn’t answer the phone.
As always, people don’t go nuclear until reality invites itself into their living room and defecates on the carpet.
That’s when things get interesting—when people notice, when they have to face what was formerly unthinkable and their only fallback is what good people they are.
Those who drove the financial bus off a cliff know the controls still work fine—the brakes and accelerator and steering wheel, all of ’em, but when the rubber isn’t on the road the effect just ain’t the same.
But all that “driving” stuff keeps the passengers from panicking.
We’ve seen the grandest larceny in all history.
Now, after we’ve been cleaned out, we know the wacko conspiracy guys were right.
In fact we’re worse than cleaned out, the place has been turned into a debtor’s prison from sea to shining sea.
Some would have us believe things are turning around—the market’s up and the trend is your friend.
The market made gains after the Crash of 1929 too, genuine record recoveries.
“Prosperity is just around the corner” referred to those 1930-1931 upticks, not to the unstoppable plunge that followed.
As they say, it’s not the fall, it’s the sudden stop.
The fall itself can be surprisingly profitable.
But what a fall it was.
By July of 1932 the Dow had dropped from its high of 367 down to 41.
Ten years later, in April of 1942, it touched 100 or so, and that was after foreign panic-money poured in from a Europe at war.
The highs of 1929 weren’t seen again until the 1950s.
That’s a trend.
There’s always been fraud, but sometime in the recent past the market buckled in a fundamental way and the fraud poured in.
Proven reforms painfully enacted over decades were swept away.
Fundamentals no longer counted.
Creative finance counted.
Bubbles and deceit counted.
It became a criminal enterprise top to bottom.
Accounting firms and regulatory agencies went over to the dark side en masse.
As Mark Twain said, every profession is a conspiracy against the common man.
Finally the retail investor did something sensible—he ran for his life.
The players left are those who have to stay; the funds, the retirement accounts, the insurance companies, et al, and HFT piranhas are eating them alive at millions of tiny nibbles a second.
What used to be an investor’s clearing house has become a betting parlor on the Federal Reserve’s next move.
The market goes up on tiny volume and bad news, and way up on very bad news and nearly no volume.
They know dark horizons light up the printing presses.
Meanwhile, the banks don’t know what they own, or don’t know what it’s worth, but they do know they’re insolvent and so does everybody else.
So DC gives money to the banks and then pays the banks to lend it back to them.
It’s IOUs paid with IOUs and they can’t write ’em fast enough.
The bottoming is not completely done.
In fact, it has barely even gotten underway yet.
We keep propping up losers.
The result is we still need to see a repudiation of debt at a massive scale and until that happens, the Long Wave bottom won’t be here.
We’re just dancing on the front end of real economic collapse.
-George Ure at urbansurvival.com
What to do.
The demand for collateral will be ferocious when the debacle starts. Treat debt like any other roadside bomb.
Staying current isn’t enough.
Any collaterized debt is too much debt.
You can’t know which exit is the last exit.
The grace period with the trillion-dollar price tag is ending and it’s ending badly.
This disaster has been bought off for decades.
When it happens it’ll go down fast.
Exactly how and when can be sorta-kinda foreseen but not actually known.
A cascade can start from anywhere.
But this much can be said: the collateral chaos will hit the system like a weapons-grade laxative. Everything that’s been contained, covered up and denied will come spewing out looking for daddy.
It’ll take weeks, not months to come apart.
Maybe days.
Get as independent as you can while you can. There are parts of this game where the only winning move is to not play.
Doesn’t mean you have to go all Rambo and head off to some mountain valley, although that’s one way.
But it does mean putting stuff by so you can get by.
“Stuff” means food stored long-term and the wherewithal to get or grow more, uninterruptible for-sure potable water, an off-the-grid heating system, meds and medical supplies, clothing for hard times and hard work and being out in life-threatening weather because you have to be, the means to defend hearth and hoard, batteries and a way to recharge them, cash and real money—meaning gold and silver—all the things you already know but haven’t done.
Knowing isn’t doing, doing is doing.
FDR‘s bailout of the Federal government also went so far as to also issue Executive Order 6814 “Requiring the delivery of all silver to the United States for coinage.”
And what was that worth at the time?
In terms of present dollars, that works out to about $22.77 per ounce. Given that silver is trading below current dollar equivalents of the Depression confiscation prices and gold is still trading at 3.44-times Depression confiscation prices, my personal bias may be inferred.
-George Ure at peoplenomics.com
Plan B.
If you’re in a city, have a viable destination and two or three tried and proven ways to get there.
Practice and take notes.
Again, only doing is doing.
Plan as if your life depends on it.
Take a hike, go the hard way through the hills and woods, you’ll discover how long an unpaved mile can be.
Make a squirrel dinner, yes they’re cute, but there may come a day when only one of you is going to live. Besides, they’re yummy.
Mankind acquired these tastes over geological epochs, you’ve not lost them, merely misplaced them.
Everything seems obvious and predictable in retrospect.
This stuff is pretty obvious and predictable now. And there are always better reasons to not do something than to do it.
You know most people won’t get serious until after it was absolutely necessary. Too late.
They’ll fail, mostly.
Worse, they’ll needlessly fail at the easy part of the learning curve.
Prepared is prepared, you are or you aren’t. Do what you can. And as always, stay away from crowds.
The man could see what was coming from a mile away.
What he didn’t get to see, Thank God, was the Covid Hoax and The Fed dumping several TRILLION more FRN’s into the market and The Bubble having had at least two more years of expansion.
Afterburners indeed.
It is now virtually on our doorsteps.
That makes posting this again very timely.
God rest your soul sir.
I am grateful at this point that you aren’t here to see what is about to unfold on a completely unsuspecting general public.
An interesting statement
Regarding the briefing of the MOD submitted by <redacted> I found one section to be quite interesting:
"Due to hypersonic speed and ultra-high kinetic energy, the warhead of Kinzhal missile complex destroyed a protected underground arsenal located in a mountainous area, built in Soviet times to store special ammunition and missiles.
The destruction of a large fuel depot in Konstantinovka by Kinzhal hypersonic missile was due to its invisibility and invulnerability to any means of enemy air and missile defence.
Combat use of Kynzhal aviation missile system confirmed its effectiveness in destroying highly protected special enemy assets. The strikes on the military infrastructure of Ukraine by this missile system will continue within the special military operation.
I would like to emphasize that Kinzhal system is used with a conventional warhead. Although experts are well aware of the capabilities of this weapon, not only in terms of range, but also in terms of the type of charge."
This seems to be a rather clear message that “we can put a nuclear warhead on this any time we want and deliver in less than 10 minutes to any NATO base in Europe”. Or wherever else they might choose.
Cheesecake Cookies
Now here’s a great cookie. Why doesn’t anyone make these anymore?
No wonder that so many in the money-money-money West cannot understand China. They think with their minds. Not with their hearts. This is China, and this is why China will lead the world to a new and better existence. video 58MB
Stand up for others
Don’t be a spectator. Participate in life. Protect the week, and do your part to make the world a better place. You don’t know when the calling will be, or how you will be tested, but you will be. And when that test of who you are arrives… well be the person that would make your grandmother PROUD. video 68MB
Cleaning lady gives Hard Boiled eggs to students
She doesn’t have to. She wants to. There’s a big difference, when you are a Rufus. video. 4MB
Be the Rufus
You do not know when the calling will strike, but it’s up to you to participate in your community. participate. Help others. Pick up trash. Help dogs and cats. Be kind. Smile. Say good things. Be the Rufus, and let the rest of the world howl! video 5MB
We are in World War III.
The agressor is the United States. Eventually all these American “pushes and shoves” will result in an Asian shotgun being pulled out. Something bigger, deadlier, and more colorful than the military-technical measures that Putin is using.
There will be blasts, blood, entails, crying and sobbing.
Asia does not want this, but it is clear that preemptive action, at some time, will be necessary. You all should be happy that MM is not making Geo-Political decisions. Everything would be resolved by now. It would be a mess, but things would be resolved.
Don’t you know.
Do you want more?
You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.
I usually have tried to refrain from injections and Vaxx subjects, but this one is special. And during a Q&A with the Domain, yet to be published, I was instructed to send this out.
Here is the entire segment from the Q&A…
"Already systems are in place to suppress the desire to generate a major conflict against China.
Within a year or two, a conflict will be the last thing in the minds of the United States leadership.
Everyone will notice that something is amiss by the end of this year (2022), and it will be quite obvious by the end of the next (2023).
Most sensible humans would come to the conclusion that a war would be ill advised.
You will write about it tomorrow."
Here is the article. Complete.
What if the largest experiment on human beings in history is a failure?
A seasoned stock analyst colleague texted me a link today, and when I clicked it open, I could hardly believe what I was reading. What a headline. “Indiana life insurance CEO says deaths are up 40% among people ages 18-64”. This headline is a nuclear truth bomb masquerading as an insurance agent’s dry manila envelope full of actuarial tables.
People frequently write to Jill and myself. People we have never met. They call, they arrive at the farm by appointment or unannounced, they fill our email in boxes with their inquiries. They all want something; time, attention, an interview. Many want to tell us about their fear, illness, nightmares, or (what often seems like) outright paranoid conspiracies. And then, over time, these fears and “conspiracies” keep getting confirmed. As Jan Jekielek (a senior editor with The Epoch Times) recently said to me, it is getting harder and harder to tell which ones are mere conspiracy theories and which are true reality.
One farm visitor told me of his foreshadowing massive numbers of deaths within three years consequent to the genetic vaccines, and that this was all about the “Great Reset” and the depopulation agenda of the World Economic Forum (WEF). I tried to reassure him that, in my opinion, this was highly unlikely- while privately thinking about how easily people fall into this type of conspiracy ideation, and how I need to be careful to avoid going there when confronting so many public health decisions that appear either incompetent or nefarious.
At the time, I only knew of the WEF as the host of a big annual party in Davos Switzerland where the uber rich and the hoi oligoi of the Western nations went to watch Ted talks, drink the best wine, see and be seen. Silly me. What a long, strange trip this has been. I doubt that even Hunter S. Thompson could have imagined it in his most drug and booze addled state. Suffice to say, I nominate Ralph Steadman as official illustrator of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Or a resurrected Hieronymus Bosch.
But I am wandering from a point that I am afraid to clearly state…
Uh oh
It is starting to look to me like the largest experiment on human beings in recorded history has failed.
And, if this rather dry report from a senior Indiana life insurance executive holds true, then Reiner Fuellmich’s “Crimes against Humanity” push for convening new Nuremberg trials starts to look a lot less quixotic and a lot more prophetic.
Here is what lit me up in this report from The Center Square contributor Margaret Menge.
“The head of Indianapolis-based insurance company OneAmerica said the death rate is up a stunning 40% from pre-pandemic levels among working-age people.“We are seeing, right now, the highest death rates we have seen in the history of this business – not just at OneAmerica,” the company’s CEO Scott Davison said during an online news conference this week. “The data is consistent across every player in that business.”
OneAmerica is a $100 billion insurance company that has had its headquarters in Indianapolis since 1877. The company has approximately 2,400 employees and sells life insurance, including group life insurance to employers in the state.
Davison said the increase in deaths represents “huge, huge numbers,” and that’s it’s not elderly people who are dying, but “primarily working-age people 18 to 64” who are the employees of companies that have group life insurance plans through OneAmerica.
“And what we saw just in third quarter, we’re seeing it continue into fourth quarter, is that death rates are up 40% over what they were pre-pandemic,” he said.“Just to give you an idea of how bad that is, a three-sigma or a one-in-200-year catastrophe would be 10% increase over pre-pandemic,” he said. “So 40% is just unheard of.””
So, what is driving this unprecedented surge in all-cause mortality?
“Most of the claims for deaths being filed are not classified as COVID-19 deaths,“What the data is showing to us is that the deaths that are being reported as COVID deaths greatly understate the actual death losses among working-age people from the pandemic. It may not all be COVID on their death certificate, but deaths are up just huge, huge numbers.””
AT A MINIMUM, based on my reading, one has to conclude that if this report holds and is confirmed by others in the dry world of life insurance actuaries, we have both a huge human tragedy and a profound public policy failure of the US Government and US HHS system to serve and protect the citizens that pay for this “service”.
IF this holds true, then the genetic mRNC vaccines so aggressively promoted have failed, and the clear federal campaign to prevent early treatment with lifesaving drugs has contributed to a massive, avoidable loss of life.
AT WORST, this report implies that the federal workplace vaccine mandates have driven what appear to be a true crime against humanity. Massive loss of life in (presumably) workers that have been forced to accept a toxic vaccine at higher frequency relative to the general population of Indiana.
The problem is the mRNA vaccines themselves
FURTHERMORE, we have also been living through the most massive, globally coordinated propaganda and censorship campaign in the history of the human race. All major mass media and the social media technology companies have coordinated to stifle and suppress any discussion of the risks of the genetic mRNA vaccines AND/OR alternative early treatments.
IF this report holds true, there must be accountability. We are not just talking about running over the first amendment of the Constitution of the United States and grinding it into the mud with an army of artificial intelligence-powered heavy infantry.
This article reads like a dry description of an avoidable mass casualty event caused by a mandated experimental medical procedure. One for which all opportunities for the victims to have become self-informed about the potential risks have been methodically erased from both the internet and public awareness by an international corrupt cabal operating under the flag of the “Trusted News Initiative”.
George Orwell must be spinning in his grave.
MM Thoughts
I posted it as told.
It appears to indicate something odd is going on inside of the United States, and since the media is completely controlled by the government, no one really knows what is going on. However, if you look elsewhere there seems to be some alarming trends.
Taking the fact that I was told to post this article, and it was used in conjunction with a discussion of a situation that would dissuade the United States government from getting involved in a war with China, I think that it is significant.
The author is confirming that the actuarial tables (associated with Life Insurance policies) are clearly showing an unheard of association between an increase in deaths and the mRNA vaccines. There is apparently a direct correlation between the two.
Further, he accuses the media, the government and big business of a massive conspiracy. Whether it is part of some kind of depopulation agenda, a profit-motive, or just being malevolent, is not stated.
He suggests rallying up and demanding “Rights” and “accountability” fully oblivious that the United States is a Military empire and he is living in a Police State where he has no voice, no control, no power and no future.
Obviously the United States is a toxic place. But I wasn’t aware that it was this toxic. A 40% increase in a death rate is very concerning.
It’s a stealth SHTF event.
Obviously, if these trends continue or get worse, then the Deagel report will be vindicated, and there will not be enough people left alive in the United States to wage a war against China, let alone run the country.
Frightening stuff.
Special Considerations
There are MANY MM readers that might be shell-shocked from this information. I want to tell you all NOT TO WORRY. From what I understand, the human body adapts to the mRNA changes. You (if you have had an mRNA injection) will need to adapt to prevent what is apparently a potential bad series of side effects.
I do not understand it, but your body will require more oxygenation to prevent any adverse side effects.
This can be obtained via vitamin supplements, more exercise, walks outside in nature, and a reduction in super-processed food like sugary breakfast cereals, deep fried pig skins, and a reduction in fast food to perhaps once a week instead of five times a week.
It has been clearly relayed that once you obtain the mRNA injection, your body needs oxygenation at a greater level than what we all have come to live with. So you must alter your lifestyle with some vitamins, walks and a reduction in super-processed food intakes.
The article above suggests that people who do not alter their lifestyle behaviors towards more oxygenation, will start to see some health complications.
PissedLizard Comments
From an email communication... -MM
Absolutely. I am very familiar with Dr. Malone and the article referenced. I know what I am going to write goes against the narrative, but literally pick up a high school biology book and it’s right there.
The mRNA is from stem cells derived from fetal tissue.
So you are taking another human beings mRNA, mixing it with others, THEN running it thru CRISPR – which tells the mRNA in the vax to make spike proteins.
The thought is that if you naturally make the spike protein that Corona has, you will always have be able to produce anti- antibodies to the spike protein.
Sounds good in theory but you aren’t supposed to make virus spike protein. Although the HUMAN mRNA is programmed to make spike proteins – it could be programmed for anything – and that’s the boosters – but the spike proteins are getting thrown everywhere. They are sticking to the inside of the heart and irritating the blood supply of the middle “muscle” layer of the heart (myocarditis).
This is messed up. It has been from day 1. And for them – all blame goes to Trump. It’s “his vaccine”.
mRNA translates instructions from the nucleus to make a protein – which is basically almost every thing in you.
And all of these miscarriages and sterilizations – yeah. Of course… it’s fucking FETAL TISSUE. Of course mon is going to react. It usually isn’t overt but when you have billions getting the shots – as you see in other articles elsewhere – deaths in the USA up 40 – 60 percent and all non Covid. This shit is designed to kill.
And don’t be fooled about the sinovax either – follow that money for yourself to see EXACTLY what this shit is.
I hope this helps! If not or any other questions – let me know.
The spike proteins get lodged in capillary beds – that’s probably the “get oxygenated” thing though.
Final MM comments
Everyone in China is taking the “dead-host” vaccine. MM myself have taken two injections and am scheduled for a booster late February.
I have altered my lifestyle to accommodate.
I have severely cut down on my super-processed foods. I am trying (not quite as successfully as I would like) for more outside fresh air and exercise. And taking a daily vitamin supplement. The impression that I have is that this would be enough to compensate for any ill-adaptations as a result of the injections.
Do you want more?
You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.
Well, I have been so busy lately that I have forgotten to deal with some of my other sub categories. Here is something for the FAQ Index. It’s just a collection of unsorted Q&A that I’ve accumulated over the last year or so. I think you all might find one or two answers of interest.
Some questions and comments are in regards to my experiences in retirement, some are in regards to slides and mission parameters. Some are in regards to spiritual beings and the non-physical reality, and some are just all over the place. maybe there is something for you all to chew on.
I put forth the questions anonymously.
If you are reading this and see your questions please do not be alarmed or insulted. I put them here simply because you are not the only one. I have others, with situations very similar to yours asking the same kinds of questions. Seriously.
This is my way to make it easier for everyone to pull together and work together.
And if you are reading these Q&A and want to comment, please do so in the comment section and refer to the specific question (Question 4a…etc.). This way we all can participate in helping each other out just like a real Rufus does. Just like what and who you are.
Question 1
Can you remember any “slides” where the earth was empty of people, you were all alone on planet earth during your mission?
I have a feeling that the “elites” are getting ready to “thin the herd” of humanity, I understand that they want to get rid of around 90% of humanity so they can have the entire place to themselves (YIKES!!!)
The reason I mention it is because there’s this guy named Javier that I learned of through YouTube who claims to be trapped in an empty world in the year 2027. He has many elaborate videos on his exploring the empty city of Valencia, Spain in 2027 without a single other person around, it made me think to ask if you had experienced a similar thing in your past slides?
At least I don’t need to convince you on the nature of variable time and the theory of information existing at all points within it, you “get it” already from your past experience 😉
If you check it out, let me know what you think bud.
Now that you mention it, there were times when things seemed really “empty”. It would be maybe 4 in the afternoon on a weekend. Normally, where I lived at that time (in a trailer park) there would be all sorts of activity. Kids would be playing. Lawnmowers would be non-stop noise makers. Cars would come and go. But for some reason it would be ghostly quiet.
No big deal, you brush it off. You say “Well, maybe there is something going on. Like a school event, a game, or something.”
Empty. Quiet.
And then you drive into town and most of the fast food franchises are closed. Again, you brush it off. You say “it must be a local holiday or something”.
Few people on the roads. No one on the sidewalk. But still, the dogs still bark. The birds still sing. The one thing that strikes me (now that I think about it) was that many lawns really needed to be mowed. Not only was the grass tall, but there were long weeds sprouting up in most of them. But aside from that, it was like a quiet day at 5:00 in the morning. Not too much activity at all.
I don’t recall anything on the “news”, but at that time (in my life) I was just listening to cassettes in the car. My own family was normal. Wife and cats were just fine. And then later on around 7pm I slid to a new reality, and the world “woke up” and came alive again.
I cannot definitively state that there was a depopulated world-line reality. But then at the time it could have been. I just never looked at it that way.
Question 2
What do you think the aliens were trying to accomplish through you, their agenda (as it were)?
Are you SURE they were not also agents of The Devil, how did they smell?
Answer 2
Well, for starters there are numerous extraterrestrial species involved in the earth. Some of the extraterrestrials actually “own” the earth, and are supported by other terrestrial species that we do not recognize as such.
In general, though, I am not sure about anything.
I feel a neutral level of respect that emanates from them. I myself, personally have a great deal of affection towards them. As far as smell, I haven’t really noticed anything worthy of note. But then again, at the times when I was interacting with them personally, my senses were so overloaded with sensory stimulus and new experiences that it would be pretty easy to overlook something like a scent.
Question 3
This question is in regards to a slide to a world-line where people were dying.
Interesting, since Rush was alive in that time-frame, we can probably assume it was a jump into the recent past, (you know he died in February, right?). Maybe Covid took hold of humanity more severely in that reference frame than it did in ours, who knows?
The whole bat soup thing is just a bunch of BS to cover the actual story, namely the intentional release of the thing by the CCP, that’s my analysis. They had sick people loaded onto airliners going all over the world in late 2019, bat soup accident my ass!
Back here at home, things are weird, nobody really knows who’s in charge. Biden is too feeble, Harris is a nut (The Scarecrow and the Joker I call them) and Rice and 0bama are running things from behind the scenes. People have mostly tuned out and are trying to go about their business best they can, you know, like they always do(?).
Answer 3
Yeah, well, the slides were always a mix of the culture AT THAT TIME with other elements that were alien to it. Well, the slide took place in the 1990’s so El Rushbo was still alive then, and I used to listen to him then. So yeah, he was going on and on…
Rush Limbaugh 1990’s.
Slides are not like time-travel. You just kind of go into a different reality that is contemporaneous with your departure point (world-line).
The “sickly reality” that I experienced (in many ways) resembles a sort of mix of 1995, 2020 and something else much different. It doesn’t mean that I had an image of the future, it’s just that certain events that seem to be scheduled for decades away, seem to be placed in my (then) present reality.
Other things just didn’t make sense to me. Like the shortage of masks (in October), or my car no longer using a key to start it! At the time, these things were very odd and very startling. The slide at that particular time was a pretty long one, and went for much of the day. It was a working week-day. And the office didn’t change much. Just a lot of really sickly co-workers, and general silence in the office.
At that time in my life, the slides tended to be of rapid cycle. And so it was “normal” for me to cycle in and out of unusual things. Like the “Denny’s” restaurant chain having a drive through window, or my vacuum cleaner having a hose instead of a stand-up model. After a while you just get used to the changes, and you roll with them. It becomes normal.
The ones I remember are the ones that stuck in my head.
Question 4
You know, I’ve been thinking a lot lately about that “jump” you made into the world where everybody was either sick or dying.
Consider that the mRNA vaccine (if effective, big IF) will cause your cells to produce the antigens inside your body for corona/SARs viruses so that no antibodies will be produced if you should become infected from another one, resulting in it killing you.
The Covid vaccine will DELETE your immunity towards corona viruses so that the next “accidental” pandemic release wipes out all the share of the population that got the vax. Then they’ll do the same thing over again.
What do you remember seeing during that “jump” it would probably be useful to know any other snippets of info you might have remembered about that one?
Answer 4
Good question. Gosh that (event) was a long time ago.
I well remember that I thought that it was a bio-weapon attack, but I was confused because no one was talking about an attack at all. And the people just looked sickly. There weren’t any bumps, rashes or anything like that.
In my mind, a bio-weapon event would look like small-pox, measles, or Scarlet fever.
I felt “heavy” like I was well winded, and my chest felt like cement.
Everything else was normal. The radio worked and the stations were the same. There was a greater number of stores closed than what I would normally expect. Maybe about one in three were closed. The roads had less traffic, and no one was walking on the streets. The office was quiet. People were in their cubicles. The parking lot was unusually emptier. Not vacant, but maybe about 70% full. For the most part everything seemed normal.
The news was about some sports figure dying in an airplane crash. El’ Rushbo was talking about the evil bat soup slurping Chinese (which is strange as the Chinese don’t eat bat soup).
The people dressed slightly differently. More sport-shoes instead of loafers. Open collars instead of ties. But nothing to really say it was all that different. The office coffee machine was there and running normally. I think that I made a pot of regular coffee for the group. No donuts on the table though. At that time, I would say that maybe 3 out of ten days would be some kind of donuts for the group to eat with the coffee.
I guess that you could say that everything seemed like a normal everyday work day. The only thing was that everyone seemed to be very sickly, weak and very, very tired. Including myself. It was a struggle to get up out of the chair. A struggle to walk to the car. A struggle to place an order at the drive through, and a lack of desire to eat what I ordered.
I do remember drinking more coffee than I usually would. I liked the hot warmth and the energy that it seemed to give me.
Question 5
I still don’t understand why China is not defending itself against the conclusion and dissemination of ALL US-based analysts that the virus “leaked” from the Wuhan lab.
And if it had, then what do you make of all the preparations in place by the Gates, WHO, etc just before this “leak”. Are they genies who looked into the bottle?
There is no logic in all this. Are they pretty soon going to start teaching our kids in America that 2+2=4 except when…
There’s something I’m missing. Or maybe I should go back to my desk and continue to stress on this proposal I’m working on due in 2 day…
Answer 5
China did defend itself. It followed the global protocol. Which is to use the United Nations, and lodge a complaint.
As such it lodged a formal complaint and made a formal statement at the UN.
The thing is that it was NOT reported in the Western press at all. One of the big mistakes that people in the West make is the assumption (based upon the enormous volume of “news”) that everything that happens is eventually reported to the public.
This is not true at all.
Americans live within an isolation bubble. Information that you are not supposed to see is prevented from your access.
You need not worry.
China doesn’t NEED to defend itself and go tit-for-tat with the huge propaganda onslaught. It’s not arguing for the hearts and minds of Americans or Brits.
The Chinese are sitting from a position of strength. Real strength. Not inflated numbers on spread sheets or the idea that America has a robust economy because the stock market is artificially inflated, or that it has tons of factories that can replace the things that China makes.
That attitude is the most stunning thing that came out the US-China talks in Alaska. The Biden team went in cocky and demanding, and China hit back hard, then went to Russia the next day and strengthened the social-economic-and-military ties with it.
China knows what’s going on. This game of pretend has worn thin. That; American “democracy” is the best and China must adopt it. Nonsense. Or that China should not follow the UN, and instead adopt American-lead “rule based order”. Or that Taiwan, Hong Kong, Tibet or Xinjiang are American protectorates. It’s bullshit. It plays well to the brain-dead American sheeple, but it is not flying in the rest of the world.
Is the greater public ever going to get a clear view of the difference behind the "rules based order" of the West (we own the money system and make the rules) and the negotiated International law based order?Posted by: psychohistorian | Apr 20 2021 17:05 utc | 4
Over the last 75 years, America has really angered the rest of the world, and the rest of the world cheered when China bitch-slapped Blinkein.
What about your family back in <redacted>? Do they really cheer on the United States for fighting eight wars and bringing “democracy” to the world, Seriously. The social media all over Japan, and South Korea are saying (about the way China does things) “Why can’t our government do the same thing”.
Which is one of the reasons why Blinkedin went to those other countries to talk to the leadership.
Look. Let’s imagine that you have a nice house. It’s not the best house on the block. But it’s a good solid house. You have made sure that the foundation is strong, the roof is repaired, the windows and doors are robust, and the water and electricity works great. That’s China.
Down the street is America. It’s an enormous mansion. But the lawn is unruly and untended. The paint is peeling, the roof IS LEAKING. And upon closer inspection you can see that the fixings are all gold-plated, not actual goal, and the windows are single pane, not triple pane like China. The sheets on the beds are all rough weaves at 300 threads / square inch, while the Chinese sheets are around 3000 threads per square inch, and the furniture is old. In fact, aside from the master bedroom, the entire rest of the house is gutted and looks like it same from the 1940’s.
China doesn’t need to respond to the lies.
It just continues on.
I wrote some latest posts, no need to get upset, but the American “leadership” are just corrupted idiots. Sorry to say. So relax. Things are going to sort themselves out one way or the other.
This is how the rest of the world sees America today…
China is running their nation as a merit-driven leadership would naturally operate. And so they view a WIN-WIN scenario to be int he best interests of everyone. This is called, or referred to as “soft power”.
This term “soft power” is very misunderstood in the West. And to make matters worse the Hard-Right describes it as something horrible, and insidious. Like this…
And so now, after decades of non-stop American government propaganda that directs the thoughts of Americans towards certain objectives, we can see how this manifests. When people start taking “hard line”, and “evil combative stances” and thinking that it is normal, the rest of the world looks at them with incredulity.
Consider this little video…
So after explaining that America is desirous to push all the Chinese into a world of poverty and corruption just so that America can be the predominant nation on the planet, and the American news anchor asks “what’s wrong with that?”
Evil has become normal inside of America today.
Question 6
All of this "news", and the Coronavirus situation, and the War-like Biden administration, the frustration, and the anger that is festering all over America is really getting people down. It's hurting people.
I have been following alternative news since this covid saga started. I have followed the development of those experimental injections they claim are “vaccines”, most likely yearly, though by their own admission, they don’t prevent infections and transmission.
I personally won’t be caught dead trusting Fauci and the Bill Gates or the CDC or Governor Cuomo who renamed the iconic Tappan Zee bridge the “Governor Cuomo Bridge”.
It has been quite evident to me that they don’t give a damn about us: To this date they are not providing their patients prophylaxis or early treatment, and HCQ and Ivermectin are not prescribed by mainstream doctors, even though the politicians including Giuliani and Trump have admitted that they have been on HCQ since the very beginning.
The recommendation is still stay home, take Tylenol, and when you can’t breathe go to the emergency room.
My cousin who lives in Cuba has told me of the Cuban government’s immediate distribution of prophylaxis for their entire population.
Yet (in comparison) I have a friend who right now is completely alone in the hospital since Saturday. They have given her pain killers and an antibiotic, that’s it.
The first few days of her illness the doctor gave her zero early treatment. She has never seen a doctor, they only talk to her once a day by phone, the nurses just about never enter her room – this is how they have killed thousand in America, through neglect. My girlfriend is right now sitting alone in terror, which is probably even more detrimental to her psyche, it might even be fatal.
Bref… to go back to my initial thought, everyone, including my cousins who are doctors, their pregnant daughters and even my own daughter in law who is a nurse and is trying to get pregnant, have jumped at the front of the line and taken the Moderna vaccine.
I’m just floored.
I love music, and arts, and nature, and travels, architecture, and peace on earth, and good friends, laughter and compassion for others. I’m just not sure I want to be around for what’s coming for us, this “new nomal” that my doctor cousins are so happy about, the kids in masks and “social distancing”, the forced vaccinations, the militarization of our lives to the point that free spirits and rebels like me will have to be eliminated…
Oh MM, I am afraid we’ve lost the battle, certainly, I have lost the battle in my own little world…
Answer 6
Oh dear…
Please do not feel that way. It’s not as bad as it appears. Not by a long shot.
One of the first things that you MUST do is stop reading “news”. Alternative, Right, Left, Foreign. What ever. Please stop. It’s got so much bullshit that no one is getting accurate and timely information.
You need to reset your thinking process.
America is collapsing, and it’s every-person for themself. Or so it appears…
There was this movie called The Lathe of Heaven. It’s based on a science fiction story by Ursula K. Le Guin.
https://letterboxd.com/film/the-lathe-of-heaven/In a future world racked by violence and environmental catastrophes, George Orr wakes up one day to discover that his dreams have the ability to alter reality. He seeks help from Dr. William Haber, a psychiatrist who immediately grasps the power George wields. Soon George must preserve reality itself as Dr. Haber becomes adept at manipulating George’s dreams for his own purposes.
So get this… when this guy falls asleep, his dreams are so strong that he switches world-lines and arrives on the reality that he dreamed about. Yikes! And of course if he has a nightmare he wakes up to a nightmare, and if he has a happy dream, he wakes up to a happy life.
Well, this guy sees what is happening and decides to hypnotize him and thus beable to manually control what the world will become… all with good intentions, don’t you know. But of course, everythign goes to shit.
In so many ways this resembles the world that we are inhabiting right now. Big, rich and powerful people are controlling things, and others are trying to sound the alarm. All of it is like a slow-motion car wreck and it’s terrifying. It really is. Our lives, our mental health, our families, our incomes are all disrupted. We dont know what to do and we are going and moving towards a panic state.
You are in this state right now.
And it is awful.
The good news is that it is all an illusion. It really is. Sure things are happening, but what is happening regarding you, and your family will not, and does not resemble the narrative that you are reading about. So the first thing that you must do is turn off “THE NOISE”. Stop the “news” feeds and all that nonsense. It’s not gonna be as bad as everyone with a microphone is yelling about.
Second thing. Go to my post about Hemi-sync. Download one or all of the files. Put them on a player, and lie in bed and listen to them.
Why? Well all this howling noise is moving your center of consciousness about. It is no longer centered on the pineal gland. It is off somewhere else. The hemi-sync will recenter it to where you need it to be.
Location of the pineal gland within the brain.
It might take two or three sessions to get the effect, but I guarantee that the first session (listen to 1-8 in a straight shot)… might take you one hour WILL ABSOLUTELY make a difference and you will see and feel the difference.
I am not saying that there is nothing to worry about. I am not saying that you need not be concerned.
What I am saying is that your family needs you right now. They need you to be alert, strong, composed and in control. You must fake it, show a good happy face. And show some leadership. You have a role and this is the time for you to shine.
When you are in a plane you don’t want to hear the airline pilot screaming into the microphone “Oh my God, we are out of control,we’re all going to die!“.
No. You want to hear “Hello folks, we have a minor technical alert. It’s probably nothing. But the policy is to land at the nearest airport. Sorry for the delay.”
Here’s my little secret. You are protected. I’m trying to make sure of it. So don’t worry too much about other things, none of the really bad things will happen to you and your family. What you need to do is turn off the noise, calm and compose yourself and realize that it’s all gonna end really soon.
Question 7
My question has to do with the events described on this site:
Where it appears as though I’ve suddenly become a Targeted Individual. I’m 63 years old and have been retired from the military for 21 years, and I have no idea why or how I suddenly became targeted at the end of October 2020, just before the elections. It is definitely some sort of energetic (scalar weapon?) attack, and it follows me 24 hours per day.
With your background in the USAP programs and your incredible ability to engage in deep research, I think you would be my best option to discover how/why I’m suddenly in the program, and maybe ways to defeat or at least mitigate the attacks.
Thank you – and thank you for your service! It sucks the way they made you exit the program, but that brought you to China and a much better 2nd half of your life. You wouldn’t believe how much life has gone south in the USA in the past year or two.
I’m 63 years old, and like I said retired in 1999 from the Air Force. I flew the F-4E Phantom, F-16C Falcon, and F-117 Stealth Fighter, and had a short stint as a Liaison with the Army in 1990-91 which was mostly spent in Iraq and Kuwait. I planned and controlled airstrikes for the 24th Infantry Division during Operation Desert Storm, which was the first Gulf War.
That went very well, and I was rewarded with my top choice assignment, which was to go to Tonopah Nevada and fly the F-117. The entire wing moved in 1993-94 to New Mexico, and another highly classified program went in to fill the hangers in Tonopah.
I think this is where my Gangstalking (Targeted Individual) story might begin.
My time in Nevada was wonderful, and it was one of the best flying assignments imaginable. However, once we moved the entire Stealth Fighter Wing to Holloman AFB, New Mexico a number of strange things happened.
This seemed to be the holy city for what would surface as the LGBT-QPB movement. Bizarre is an understatement!
There were openly gay people serving on active duty, long before the “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” system was implemented. Top Secret documents about Space Warning (Nuclear Command & Control) and Stealth Technology were waltzing out the gate in the arms of some of the gay officers, which never returned to their rightful place in the SCIF.
My roots in the military go back to the Air Force Academy, which is known for a very strict honor and ethics code. So for a bit I was a classic Whistleblower, in a case where a fair haired gay Captain in the later stages of AIDS had taken some TS Code Word materials about the Stealth Fighter to Vienna, Austria.
Shortly after that he collapsed from respiratory arrest at his downtown residence, spreading the TS Codeword material all over the neighborhood.
And shortly after that an F-117 pilot in my squadron was shot down over Serbia.
I spent some time exiled to Saudi Arabia, and of course had the usual array of classic Gangstalking at the hands of some very incompetent OSI Agents.
After I left the Air Force, I realized that the LGBT-QPB movement was part & parcel of the Deep State, and their Agenda was for a much bigger Game involving the components we now see described in Agenda 2030, and in play with such things as the COVID-19 overt/covert war with China.
To be honest, I don’t care at all about people’s individual sexual preferences. My point is that it was so far out of line with legal & regulatory norms at the time. The Air Force really needed my GIS and Airspace Management expertise after I left the military, so they actually brought me back as a highly paid contractor for about 4-5 years for a number of multi-national bombing range construction projects running into the hundreds of millions of dollars.
So I became “normal” again and found myself briefing and involved with deliberations of people like the SecDef and Secretary of the Air Force, not to mention a number of Congressional Delegates.
All seemed to be forgotten about events from the 90’s. Then shortly before the 2020 elections, maybe late October I found myself in the “spotlight” of what appears to be the 21st century version of Gangstalking (Targeted Individuals). The program is fairly well described by the web site I mentioned (https://www.targetedjustice.com/).
I’m of course not absolutely certain that is the entity/agency that is targeting me, but the description matches at the 99% rate. And I don’t have any other idea of who or why. I completely finished my contractor work with the Gov around 2006, and have been a model citizen and Grandpa since.
My only other claim to fame is that I love to read about as much as you love to write. So I voraciously read everything online and in my library, which tend to average about 1 book per day (400 pages when I measured) of reading. Likewise, I have a small group of friends that I exchange e-mails with and discuss current events and political news as well as esoteric and high tech stuff.
My friends are mostly retired engineers, credentialed professionals, and people like me. We discuss amongst ourselves topics that range from the Deep State agenda to things you write about involving off-planet technology and species.
My research includes things like Ayahuasca and Monoatomic Gold Elixirs, but perfectly legal versions and settings. I don’t ingest or smoke anything illegal or questionable, and I absolutely do NOT do any sort of
social media.
In fact I’m so private I don’t have e-mail or internet on my phone. I keep it all separate between my phone and my computers. My other passion or hobby is ancient texts and prophecy, to include the Scriptures. Absolutely no religion or dogma though, just the Science, History, Culture, and Prophecy in the ancient texts. As a very personal but critically important side note, I was the Commander of a team of Forward Air Controllers in my time spent in Iraq.
During that period I was “summoned” to an out of body meeting early one morning in Oct 1990, and on the other side of the conversation was none other than the Deity you and I know as the LORD Jesus Christ.
Very profound and life changing meeting, where I was “commissioned” to do certain things in Iraq, and warned that there would come a day with another type of “War” that I would also play an important role. That “War” is the one that started for me on Dec 21st, 2019 – and became the COVID-19 overt/covert war to install a one-world government and global banking system.
The US vs China part of it is just a strategy to create fear, which allows the Deep State to enslave, control, and of course orchestrate an economic collapse. To my family and close friends, we think of it as the period described in Revelation, called “The Tribulation” by the religious nuts.
From my prophetic research, that will start in the Fall of 2023, plus or minus a year. But it is a very small group of people that I discuss this with via e-mails. Granted, I know e-mails are read and all that, but it is just a discussion. No social media, no broadcasting or advocating.
Just very pleasant analysis that the good times are finally here! I’ve considered the possibility that my attacks are coming from the demonic sectors, but that never plays out. Even when I query a handful of gifted and Energy Sensitive friends I’ve known and trusted over the years, nothing shows up indicating the attacks are from demonic sectors.
I’ve dealt with those entities dozens of times, and have a pretty robust toolbox to eradicate them. Plus, I have friends in the Higher Realms that step in to help! This seems to be a human controlled Gangstalking system, pretty much like it is described in the Targeted Justice web site.
There might be dark entities in the mix or behind the technology, but at the wheel seems to be human and artificial intelligent algorithms. The “beam” or whatever it is called follows me 24 hours per day, everywhere I go. The scalar component can go through many hundreds of feet of solid earth, so there isn’t any place on the planet that I know of where I could get away from it.
My only solution will involve facing it head on, and finding out ways to spoof, jam, disable, mitigate, and so on. There’s a chain of events involved in the guidance and tracking systems that include GPS, evoked potential biofeedback, microwave beams that intersect to create the Scalar beam, and of course computers and sensors to aid in the tracking.
At night time the signal to noise ratio is the best, so the energetic attack is strongest. Plus it needs the person to be still for it to be the most effective. Walking around or staying in motion just keeps it chasing you but not really affecting your health.
Once I stop to work in my office or try to sleep, it locks on and goes into the “kill” mode. I’ve noticed that it tries to turn my stomach into a battery, much like a lead acid battery in a car. It “charges” it up for a few minutes if I sit still, and then triggers a release like a capacitor discharging.
If I lay down, it is much more powerful in its operation and can (I think) easily kill a person. So, I don’t lay down or get horizontal – ever! I sleep sitting up in a chair, and have done so for the past 4 months. Usually only about 20 minutes at a time in any particular location, and I’m so exhausted and sleep deprived that I go immediately into REM sleep. 15-20 minutes later I get up and move to another location. Lather, rinse, repeat.
I’ve been evaluating a number of shielding and jamming devices and materials, and have made some progress. Likewise, I’ve had to call upon my help in the Higher Realms to keep me alive, particularly on New and Full Moons, which probably has to do with Microwave Propagation (S:N ratio). We’ll talk about that more if you are interested, but I don’t yet want to pollute your research if you decide you want to go into a detailed analysis.
I don’t know why I was suddenly targeted at the end of October. I suspect it might have something to do with the research and private e-mail conversations about the Deep State, but nothing clear in terms of what. In previous episodes with the AI Algorithms, I did notice sometimes I’d get several days of nonstop computer attacks after some particularly noteworthy (ie accurate?) research or e-mails about the Deep State Agenda. But no clear answers on why I was suddenly targeted this time with a Kill Vector, what agency is responsible, or how the system works. That’s the first level of analysis.
The deeper research of course would be how to disable or defeat the technology, which would also reveal who was behind it all. Considering there are something like 170,000 people being Gangstalked, that is definitely the end game and most noble cause. From what I can find thus far, just about all of the Gangstalked people at this level are either ex Military (or some type of DoD service), or are a serious threat to the Deep State.
Like a doctors speaking up against lockdowns and social distancing, and saying the COVID-19 is just a hoax. Let me know what you think, and how far you want to dive into this project. I suspect there is a priority list, and at the top of the stack are retired military that reach a certain age, whistleblowers, independent thinkers, and specific DNA types involving Gaelic, Cherokee, or Iriquois – with the Haplogroup X-2A gene from the original Hebrew Tribe.
There’s a spiritual component to that DNA that when activated it becomes rather powerful. I think the Deep State is scared of those people. Unfortunately, I don’t have the DNA. I’m back on the ex-military and whistleblower and fully informed critical thinker side of the list. I suspect that you will find yourself on the receiving end of the Scalar beam something in the next few years.
Answer 7
Yeah. There’s a lot of very strange things going on in the USA over the last four years, and especially in the last two years. It’s not your worries. It has been reported to me though others as well.
Obviously, you have tapped into something that has targeted you. It’s never pleasant. And you are correct that it’s a human-driven event. It’s not from our benefactors. The best way that I can describe this difference is like this…
Imagine that you are in a room, playing a Avalon Hill Board Game (Like Squad Leader or Panzer Blitz). You are playing, and all is good. Someone moves in the room and secretly, when you are not looking, changes some of the pieces around. – That is how our fellow humans might interact with you.
Our benefactors are different. One minute you are playing the game in a room. You blink, and the next minute you are sitting inside a cafeteria having lunch, and you have no idea what happened.
All technology can be thwarted. That’s the good news. But somehow you ended up getting targeted, and we need to find out how this happened, and then disentangle you from that mess.
Most people are unaware about all the slicing and dicing Trump was engaged in regarding China. One of which was Zoom. You can still use it in China, but the fees are really excessive. No fees anywhere else, but a few hundred USD for a video conference on zoom… Give me a break. When chatting to the states I use skype.
When I was “retired” the shutdown of the ELF field went though this curious cycle. And part of the cycle involved some influences on my gut and stomach area. You are describing an interesting effect for certain. I don’t know if it is like a battery in so much as an internal feedback loop.
My mystery is WTF, dude? Who the Hell did you piss off?
For the most part once my retirement was set in motion most people were very respectful to me. Almost like they were afraid of me. And these were the outsourced dudes that hadn’t a clue as to what I was, am or have done.
Now granted, the initial intention was to disable and cripple me and put me in a nursing home for the rest of my life. But that didn’t happen. I didn’t write about it because it’s oh so painful. And it only makes my unbelievable story even more outrageous. The general public is not ready for the realty of what all this is like.
You pissed off someone, and that lies the key to controlling what ever you are going through.
Pissing off the wrong people. I get the impression that the people or person who decided to retire myself, my entire cell, and others in our unit was someone like a Mike Pompeo. Brash, uncaring, pompus and full of himself. Is in control of some very important levers or power, but is unaware of the details and the depth of the “big picture”.
I get the impression that somehow, in some way, you pissed of one of this kind of person’s underlings. Like one of the direct reports to this level of personage. It seems to be visceral, and up-close and personal. Maybe you can see a promotion of someone that you interacted with; getting promoted in 2017-2018. It’s personal. Which seems to indicate (what I know about people) either a gay-person, or an alternative-lifestyle person that you have directly and absolutely PISSED OFF.
When my group was “retired” it was very cold, calculating. It was methodical and ruthless. I was targeted for “disable and discard”.
A chick came into my life. Dragged me to Arkansas on the promise of a great job and a new life, poisoned the living shit out of me with heavy metals while having me sign away on multiple life insurance policies. The neurological effects got to be pretty pronounced, and was noted by the hospital staff (a doctor and two nurses), and that is what triggered the “fall back” solution; retirement as a sex offender.
Aside from the personal angst, it really was “click off the boxes”, “ram through the system”, and “discharge” into the arms of another agency that knows Jack-shit about what the fuck is really going on.
My situation.
For you, it really doesn’t seem to be that way. It seems to me that you pissed off someone really personally. And he has never forgotten. Then when he has risen to a position of power, he uses that power to attack you ruthlessly for his own personal purposes. It’s really a totally different situation.
I would suggest you read this…
Now, for the USN, (and myself) the ELF transmission facility was shut down the same year that I (and my cell) were all retired. It’s like someone decided to shut down the program and discard the players. The facility was closed. The participants were either killed off, or exiled (such as myself). So it seems for me and in my case we were all just being checked off the list.
But yours is really up-front and personal.
Now, this activity that is going on is telling in that it does not seem like the person doing this has the ability to give a kill-order. Only a torture-order. If you get my drift.
To authorize the execution of an asset or an American citizen you do need to have some very high level authorization. Even I wasn’t killed. They just wanted me to become a vegetable in a nursing home. So the impression that I get is that someone is doing this unofficially to you.
Never the less, they have the ability to authorize a broad spectrum of irritants on you, but is afraid to make their actions noticeable to their superiors.
As long as this person is at this level of power they can probably irritate the fuck out of you. I am sorry to say, but there are limitations. At least with the USN systems.
They needed to observe me to give them feedback as to how everything was working. And this would manifest as monitoring my electronic communication and having people “check up” on me from time to time.
Nothing really bad. Just an occasional observation to see “how I was doing”. I would imagine that that is along the lines of what you are going through.
Now, if MAJ wants to re-de-mothball the ELF probes for me, they would have to fireup the broadcast station (or create an equivalent), and then have someone local (in China) to check up on me. All this is too expensive and really a big hassle for a no-body such as myself. But the impression that I get is that the AF systems are currently operational.
Question one; do you have hardwired ELF probes like I do? Or is all of this direct radiation, targeted with technology that I am unaware of? That will help determine what the Hell is going on with you.
Question response 7a
Who the hell did I piss off? LoL, that’s exactly what I’d like to know! My experiences are very similar to yours, where most people (post military service) have been very respectful of me, while there is a group or agency lurking somewhere in the background that really wants me off the planet. It might be the same people, where the local guys are respectful and the senior leadership wants me to disappear.
My best guess (at the moment) is that I have an uncanny ability to see through smokescreens. LoL, that happens when you spend your entire career as a warfighter! But I tend to connect the dots quite well (in my world) with whistleblower & leaked information, and match it up against the true Deep State Agenda behind all the Dog & Pony Show (Propaganda).
Said differently, what really seems to scare the Deep State leadership is when I connect Biblical Prophecy with the Deep State Agenda, and place in on a Timeline of Current Events. That’s when I’ve always gotten the most “pushback” from various Algorithms/AI that manifests in the form of computer disruptions for a week or so. E-mails shut down or disappear or do weird things, and all my computers sort of blue screen at once. Things like that.
Nothing new there, as that has gone on for about 30 years, counting the last 10 years of my active duty time. Things seem to have changed on/around Dec 21, 2019 when the Deep State went “Active” with their plans to orchestrate a global Economic Collapse and attempt to install a one-world government and banking system (etc). Just exactly like it is described in Biblical Prophecy. Note that I don’t care which Deity or Entity created the prophecies, as in the end it doesn’t matter.
I think you’ve described it as a four year battle, particularly with bioweapon attacks in China, courtesy of Uncle Sam. I agree, although I would describe that as “preparation of the battlefield” as opposed to actual combat.
All of 2019 was full of events between the US and China, and every month things were heating up. The Trade War that didn’t have good optics for DJT (Trump), the 5G/Huawei corporate espionage and economic prowess war, the BSL-4 labs where the Bioweapons were making their way from North Carolina and Canada (etc) back to Wuhan, the Fentanyl problem that connected to the Chinese port in the Virgin Islands (Abaco), some bioweapon espionage events with Dr. Xiangguo Qiu, her husband Keding Cheng at the Canadian BSL-4 Lab, and so on.
Hurricane Dorian in Sept 2019 magically sat stationary on the Chinese Port of Abaco as a Cat 5 storm for 48 hours, which took care of the Fentanyl problem the C_eye_A was having with China.
In July of 2019 the Biowar heated up: I saw reports that somebody on our side of the ocean wanted to solve ALL of the above US-China problems with a single chess move. They did it by inserting a poison pill in the Corona Virus (gain of function) bioweapon research, where it would specifically target the ACE2 Receptor. That of course primarily targets Chinese men because they have 5x as many ACE2 Receptors.
From what I read (and connected the dots), somebody put the poison pill version in the Canadian BSL-4 lab, knowing that Dr Qiu would “steal” it and take it back to Wuhan, as she had been doing for years with all of the other bioweapon research. Once she did that and returned to Canada (about July 2019) she was promptly escorted off the premises and sent home, along with her husband (Dr Cheng) and I think some of her interns.
Mission Accomplished to get the Poison Pill to Wuhan, and then it was a matter of getting the bioweapon released.
Not a lot of information on how/when, but it does seem to connect to the Military Games that were held in Wuhan, that started the same day as Event 201 (Oct 18, 2019). Likewise, I saw a lot of information at the time that 5G had the ability to tweak gene selection and gain of function with COVID-19, which is why areas where 5G was deployed were particularly hard hit. And again, all of that connected to the 5G/Huawei “conflicts” that had been raging between the US and China for quite some time.
Dr Charlies Lieberman (Harvard Chemistry Chair) was arrested in early 2021, which is tightly connected to this story. He had a $4 million private lab inside the Wuhan BSL-4, and was also being paid $50,000 per month by China. His specialty is nanoparticles, which is a big part of the COVID-19 and Vaccine technology, and apparently connects to 5G as well. I think Lieberman was arrested to make him disappear, as 4-5 days after his arrest Canadian Scientist Dr Frank Plumber (SARS/COVID-19 global expert) mysteriously died at a conference in Kenya.
Even with all the smokscreens, deception, conspiracy theories (etc), it was pretty obvious that the war between the US and China was heating up and about to go kinetic, which was against a backdrop of an urgent need for the Deep State to get their Orchestrated Collapse underway, so they could install their One-World Government and Banking System.
I knew from a number of sources and pointers and whistleblowers throughout 2019 that December 21st was some sort of a tipping point for things to kick off.
Consequently, everything from about July to Dec were these preparatory events to set the stage. It appears as though COVID-19 was “cooking” in China 3-4 weeks after Event 201, which means China (CCP) knew by about Thanksgiving what was going on and that they had been attacked by the US Gov with yet another bioweapon. This one targeted humans instead of pigs or chickens.
In early Jan 2020, DJT (sigh… Israel?) took out Iranian Gen Soleimani, which I’m guessing was supposed to trigger a larger war with Iran, and then bring in China to back Iran and get the US and China directly engaged. It didn’t go as planned, and DJT “allowed” Iran to retaliate by an attack on a military base where all the US Soldiers had been removed or bunkered down from ground zero.
You have written up a much more detailed and accurate description of all the COVID-19 events and back story through 2020. I was just following the military and Deep State events, primarily from 2018-2019, knowing that things would kick off in 2020. I was expecting more directly military operations and less biowar, but that part is yet to come.
There were some very interesting tidbits from whistleblowers, which indicated that the Deep State was going to start eradicating (exterminating?) US Citizens, particularly ones that were most likely to resist bringing in the One-World Government to the USA.
Those projects seem to have kicked off in 2018-19 as described in the leaked material, while the usual deception and conspiracy labels flooded the internet sources. And all the whistleblowers and leaks were “plugged” (assassinated) in June-July 2019.
This story connects to the strange fires in Paradise California, where cars and homes burned but the trees and shrubbery didn’t seem to be affected. The particular “targets” to eradicate are the ethnic group being demonized now, which is the usual playbook: white, business or credentialed people, heterosexual, family & Christian values, property and gun owners, etc. The same role the Jews had in Nazi Germany. That’s BLM & Antifa’s role.
You can see that it is a close scrutiny of the Deep State. Even filtering out the conspiracies, deception, and smoke screen efforts, news and events tend to follow that Narrative. More aligned with events since the Summer of 2019, and very tightly so since Dec 21st, that year.
What I’ve found and connected is the Deep State Timeline is driven by planetary events in the solar system. Some of which are caused by weather cycles (Grand Solar Minimum), and some of which are related to a flyby event that again connects to Prophecies and Deities in the Scriptures.
That seems to be the hot button that keeps someone or some agency in the Deep State very worried about me. No broadcasting or social media, just e-mails and conversations with a handful of close friends. Maybe 2 dozen all told, but something I’ve said or been saying seems to be rather sensitive, yes?
Question Response 7b
Hurricane Dorian in Sept 2019 magically sat stationary on the Chinese Port of Abaco as a Cat 5 storm for 48 hours, which took care of the Fentanyl problem the C_eye_A was having with China.
Indeed, the two super typhoons that hit China in 2017 – 2019 were far too suspicious.
But nothing that you have stated was sensitive enough to authorize your death. Someone targeted you on a personal basis.
Question 8
“Likewise, something doesn’t sit right with me when the Gov takes its best, brightest, and most competitive aviators & engineers, put’s ’em through a brutal career including war, implants, and obscene responsibilities, and then turns around and wants to put ’em in the garbage disposal when they go to retire. That is really bizarre. Maybe you can write more about that one of these days. “
Answer 8
Indeed. You take the best and the brightest. You do remember the battery of test, after test to qualify for the AF Academy. Then after six or seven tests, you are sitting alone in a big room with just one or two others. It’s like that.
Only a handful of people got the chance to fly Navy and be a Naval Aviator. (Of course, your view might be different, LOL), and then when you get that opportunity and you are there in your first of several briefings, you are told over and over just how special you are. The 1% of the 1% of the 1%. You just don’t throw it away.
And then, those of us who excelled and survived and surpassed our classmates, we achieved various levels of success. And we, who have (for most of our lives) been promoted through merit, raise up to a position where those who “retire” us, don’t appear to have that same kind of background.
Indeed, to me it seems like America and many of it’s agencies are run by psychopathic idiots or…
…perhaps (better yet) sycophants appointed by psychopathic idiots. It really seems that way.
You can really see the difference here in China. I wouldn’t have thought about things this way, but when you experience leadership run by merit, and people who work together as a group, and who follow the rules. It’s all really rather refreshing.
And it’s starting to become obvious…
A similar anti-China fiasco emerged during last week's ABC.net.au Q & A which devoted its last 25 minutes to Oz's trade relationship with China.
It was introduced with a question from a young graduate of the Greta Garbo School for Wayward Boys & Girls.
He was already in an emotional lather when he stood up to castigate China for torturing Uighur Slaves, and subjecting them to forced abortion and forced sterilization etc sourced, Ahem, from that Tabernacle of Truthiness the BBC!
Anyway, it was slithering along quite hysterically until a young bloke stood up and asked...
... why no-one wants to talk about China virtually eliminating poverty, and a few other praiseworthy achievements absent from Western Homeland policies.
And then whilst the bashers were digesting those assertions, a young Oz entrepreneur pointed out that he couldn't get research funding from Oz.gov or Biz for his new concept.
But he asked China.gov if they were interested in helping commercialize it?
China.gov had a look and a listen and said Yes We Can!
Come on over!
Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | Apr 20 2021 18:26 utc | 12
Question 9
Speaking of random images, look at the very last attachment and see if you can make anything of it. Just a random bit of evidence I scooped up on my research. The image was from June 21st, 2020.
But posted on February 16, 2020. CNY was on Saturday, January 25. So this image was originally posted two weeks into CNY.
Answer 9
Very interesting comment about the dry block of ice in Wuhan. Very interesting, and plausible. I don’t know if it is true or not, but it is certainly plausible. What many American fail to appreciate is just how technologically advanced China is, and just how many cameras are available.
When the HK “pro-democracy” color-revolution was instigated, everything was known and caught on tape.
From the US State Department chick promising “the world” to the leaders of the “pro-democracy” movement…
… to the NGO (CIA assets) being told to “light Hong Kong on fire and let it burn!“. All on tape. All on high-definition 5G.
What was surprising to me was why China let the nonsense continue for so long. They could have stopped everything immediately.
Question 10
Have you ever heard of “Project Preserve Destiny?” There is a book called Above Black by Dan Sherman that describes it.
This story is tightly intertwined with my world back in the early to mid-90’s, where my life went south after the Whistleblowing events that centered on the Fair Haired Captain that was dying of AIDS. He was the training mate or counterpart to Dan Sherman, who wrote the book. Sort of like your Sebastian character, where Sherman was going through training with the Gay Captain, but they never spoke to each other. Or, weren’t supposed to or something like that.
But they trained together and were given psychotropic drugs to boost their Intuitive Communicator abilities. The Gay Captain died in 1994, and turned my life into a shitstorm.
I’ll attach the 1.5 MB PDF, on the off chance it will make it to you. It will be more background material to chat about…
Answer 10
The 1986 photo of Dan Sherman who wrote the book “Above Black” looks a lot like Sebastian. Funny that you would mention this. While in the Navy in training all of our hair was short and we were clean shaven, but when we met up again at NAS NASC China Lake, he had this same hair cut, mustache, and color hair. LOL.
I successfully downloaded the PDF and will take the time to read it. I have many things on my plate right now. No time this weekend for a conference chat. Maybe during the subsequent week. I think this weekend will be more cigarettes and tea, rather than VSOP and pretty girls. But you never know.
Question 11
By the way, no probes for me. I was a straight up combat coded pilot. I had people work for me that were implanted, including other test pilots that did some reverse engineering and flying of the craft. I wasn’t briefed on their program(s), so I didn’t have to be implanted.
One more level deep, and it would have happened. Likewise, when I flew the F-117A, it was a TS Codeword SAP. No direct access to off-planet species, so we got by on non-disclosure agreements and some pretty tight “monitoring.”
Answer 11
That’s fine that you didn’t have probes. MAJ is a carveout and lies embedded within the various military branches, and industry.
I do not think that it has fundamentally changed much, as I understood it, the ONI pretty much directs or funnels the funding.
My experience was that at NAS China Lake my direct MAJ supervisor was retired AF. His name was <redacted>, and used to fly the F-111 Aardvarks during the Vietnam conflict when they were having all sorts of deployment problems.
F-111 Aardvark
Curiously, he was gay (as were many people at China Lake) and was part of a “clique” with the facility. There was a lot, A LOT, of groups, internal politics and fiefdoms there. I’ll tell you what. If I was older, I might have gone running for the hills, it was that bad!
Anyways, the probes are part and parcel about access and control. The ELF probes were / are MAJ mandated and control and monitor participants. The EBP is a very special device that our benefactors install. Once you have them you are in for life.
I can understand how some of your subordinates would have it but you wouldn’t.
Question 12
LoL – sorry if I was too long winded! That’s just how I observed things setting up on this side of the ocean. It will be interesting to compare notes and see how & where your research diverges from what I can find here.
I found a used laptop today, so I’ll load Skype on it and try to get familiar with the controls.
Have you ever heard of “Project Preserve Destiny?” There is a book called Above Black by Dan Sherman that describes it. This story is tightly intertwined with my world back in the early to mid-90’s, where my life went south after the Whistleblowing events that centered on the Fair Haired Captain that was dying of AIDS. He was the training mate or counterpart to Dan Sherman, who wrote the book. Sort of like your Sebastian character, where Sherman was going through training with the Gay Captain, but they never spoke to each other. Or, weren’t supposed to or something like that. But they trained together and were given psychotropic drugs to boost their Intuitive Communicator abilities. The Gay Captain died in 1994, and turned my life into a shitstorm.
I’ll attach the 1.5 MB PDF, on the off chance it will make it to you. It will be more background material to chat about.
By the way, no probes for me. I was a straight up combat coded pilot. I had people work for me that were implanted, including other test pilots that did some reverse engineering and flying of the craft. I wasn’t briefed on their program(s), so I didn’t have to be implanted. One more level deep, and it would have happened. Likewise, when I flew the F-117A, it was a TS Codeword SAP. No direct access to off-planet species, so we got by on non-disclosure agreements and some pretty tight “monitoring.”
Answer 12
Here’s the book and provided for reading pleasure.
Question 13
(Regarding China)
Would it be strange to say it almost has the feel, very much of an almost 50s or early 80s American upward mobility sensibility, with well appointed civic systems of order, cleanliness, and beauty!
Well done is all I can say.
Most Americans have no idea.
I am only tuned in because I have known and still known people of so many nationalities and lived in a number of countries like yourself! So that sense of civic self esteem is getting hard to see in the US but it does exist here and there in little pockets!
I love this country, it’s peoples, it’s foods, it’s sights, it’s traditions, it’s hard won formation, and it’s principles and styles of government… but I am not so pleased with the amount of evil that has become entrenched anywhere in the world.
But China does seem a bit upward mobility obsessed, almost like we all were in the 50’s, and boy we loved that car era too, and having the hottest wheels, whether power for boys, or comfort for girls, was the ticket!
Everybody had to buy their own house, everyone had to have savings, everyone.
Now it’s different in the USA, it’s very very cynical.
And it’s seems, not Pollyanna, but deeply optimistic in some ways what is going on in modern China. A force for the good, who knew, with all the narrative noise in the channel!
Answer 13
Yes. that is exactly how it is.
There’s this live-and-let-live feeling inside of China. No one bothers you. If you want to walk around the mall will a beer in your hand while you sip it, it’s totally fine. If you want to spend the night sleeping on the sidewalk, that’s fine too. But since people don’t need to do that…
…they don’t.
And in many ways, China does feel like the 1950’s and the 1960’s. Seriously. Just go ahead and compare the police for instance.
You know, the photo of the American police reminds me of a scale model that I built when I was in tenth grade. It was by Tamiya. Compare the two pictures. Then compare it to the current Chinese police force.
Question 14
My presumptuous take on it is Type 1Grey conduct themselves in a dispassionate neutral way but welcome chaos and strife as a so-called grit in the oyster growth factor for cultivating the current human species.
Basically inviting in the wave cycle sense, a dialectic antitheses or cancellation wave to close out and dissolve manifest theses constructs of reality.
This can be a great blessing to unstick a really stuck consciousnesses, OR be a curse forcing uninvited transcendence of identity.
Ego gets a full serving of whoop ass either way I suppose.
Answer 14
Yes. In the movie The Matrix, the main character Neo learns that the computer tried to create a pleasant “Heaven” for all the humans to live within. There was no hunger, no starvation, no strife, and…
…all the humans died as a result. We, as a species need to grow and learn. And that means getting out of our “comfort zone” and entering an area of distress. It’s how we grow.
In this scene Morpheus tells Neo about the real history of the world.
Question 15
On mutations yes of course I was assuming, in that negative future world line, at least 100 years or 5 generations out for such compound natural replication errors to fully emerge.
The human response will be the CRISPR the shit out of the human genome to attempt recovery, and in another 100 years that comes to stable fruition.
Neosapiens type R (will create) a whole future dedicated to global recovery from mutations caused via multiple vectors.
It’s one very negative human future to avoid that I suspect is on the actionable watch-list of any world line sentinels.
Also with these issues on the minds of the benefactors, I can see many will help, wittingly or unwittingly, to seed trim tab causal counter flows to help buffer and steer us to a better outcome.
Answer 15
You are so very close to what is really and actually going on.
Question 16
Yeah the list is long and only starts with the obvious first likely cause being that ionizing radiation from nukes or dirty nukes could do it…
… but then there are also-binary genetic toxins that could do it,
…non-ionizing radiation (NIEMR) at certain frequency and intensity profiles that could do it,
…non conventional nuke contamination events could do it,
…a really bad CME could do it (Carrington x5?),
…an exposure of mutagenic material fallen all over the globe from a passing comet could do it,
…a pure mutagenic chemical weapon or bio weapon could do it,
…much later a quantum biogenic munition experiment gone bad could do it…
…it doesn’t take much imagination to imagine a few more plausible tipping points, or crucial key causal trigger events, for such hell on Earth to come about.
Then I think why lay it all out? Lol but duh as you know so well, there is no way around the fact that for the most part most of these alternate wildcards are just that wildcards that are entirely unlikely.
The largest causal likelihood is apt to be what we agree is looming the most – the risks of nuclear exchange.
But you know somehow I am optimistic that sanity will somehow prevail and the unity of the global marketplace will derail fomenting anti-BRI military strategy.
Is blind entitled hegemony worth all our children’s lives? Obviously not, but we do live in an age of highly engineered stupidity, docility, and group think. I don’t mind healthy group think, because it can withstand logical inquiry and ethical justification.
Answer 16
There are so many avenues that can play out. And they have on many world-line, world-path, trajectories. But what matters is the “end game”; the “end result” of all this so that the human species can develop to fit within the galactic society, and there are some very tricky things that must transpire first for it to come to fruition.
OK. Enough for now. I hope you all had a chance to digest some of this and toy with it in your minds.
Question 17
You really seem to make China out as some kind of great glorious place. Sure I suppose that there are some things that China does that are better than America. But you don’t have to be so gungho about it. You need to show some balance to make yourself believable. I just cannot see it ever being as great as you say. You need to tone it down and show some balance.
Answer 17
America is so full of shit right now, that balance is impossible.
It’s gone down into the sewer and it is beyond redemption. Meanwhile China has it’s act together. To make China look a little foul, and dirty by making up things so that it would seem believable to Americans is just… well, silly.
Americans have zero idea how deep they have fallen.
I would guess that the point of divergence happened in the societies in the late 1960’s. China took one path. America took the other path. Now look where everyone is
You see, everything is expensive in America because the corrupt and the evil have taken over the “democracy” and have made it that they rigged the game. Everything flows into one hundred billion tiny pockets. Fees, taxes, regulations, approvals… all are designed to siphon money away from the government to the corrupt individuals.
This just doesn’t happen in China.
There are two reasons for it. The first is that the culture and society has adapted and changed making whole-scale corruption frowned upon. But most importantly secondly, there is a special police branch; the corruption police that will hunt you down and kill you if you try to put your “fingers in the till”.
China does not play.
So when I see America, or the UK, or Australia, this particular scene comes to mind…
You know…
America is being “really really bad” right now. It’s pushing, and pushing for war. The entire fucking world can see this.
I really don’t know what the Hell is wrong with the American leadership. China is not going to be another Yemen. Maybe they want to go out with a “bang” instead of a “whimper”? I don’t know.
One thing that I can tell you is that China is a very deathly serous nation. As the video says, it has taken over a decade for the city of Boston to renovate a fucking bridge. China does it in 48 hours.
Imagine, just imagine what China can do if it is attacked! Especially since it is allied with Russia, North Korea, and Iran. And has pretty much unified all of Asia to include the EU (minus the UK). Imagine…
Question 18
Now you may think this is a bit way out, but I share anyway. I guess you of all people can accept way way out!
I resonate with your site as you know. I also resonate with this site which I have been following intuitively for many years after an event of my own which confirmed this lady had something very special to share. It may not be fitting with your venue, or you may find it too far out which is why I haven’t added a comment. Every day I visit your site, I enjoy all the readers’ comments, sometimes I feel a bit overwhelmed by the intellect and to keep saying, wonderful thank you isn’t really cutting it! But your site is wonderful thank you!
So I share because it might relate to the changes you call the big bump.
This was the newsletter for March. You can listen to her voice if you don’t have time to read all the script. It is very meaningful to me but its all down to personal experience I guess. I don’t understand all of how she puts things, but a part of me does greatly.
It is a very positive shift all the same, and light and sound are the name of the game. I connect with stones and trees and hear sounds naturally. My happy place is on the hills and loving the earth.
I will check it out and so will others that visit the MM site. Best regards and a big thank you!
Question 19
While you were in the organization, have you at any time, walked on Mars?
Answer 19
I can say that I have used the transport portal to go to other places. And they had gravity that in every case was less than the earth. At no time was it more than what I am used to on Earth.
I can tell you that I was inside of a structure that had lighting, and an atmosphere that was suited for other species other than humans, but I did not find it uncomfortable.
I can also say that I had no idea where I went. I can only guess.
That being said, I do know about a very specific facility on Mars. I know about it because that is where the “pilot” that controlled the (EBP / ELF) artifice lived. And being so entangled with this artifice, I was able to “sense” or “overlay” thoughts, impressions or images with this “pilot” entity (as long as it permitted it).
It is through these impressions that I am able to remember, specific (and very limited), images feelings and events. For me, it is almost like being there. Almost.
On a scale from 0 to 10, with 0 being no experience. And 10 being the full human sensory experience. We can thus rate other forms of media and electronics to obtain a better understanding of what I have been able to capture in sensory stimuli.
Reading a story is about a 1.
Reading poetry is about a 2.
Radio and television are pretty much a 3 and a 4 on this scale.
A 4D movie with movement and scents is around a 5.
Wearing a deep sea diving suit, and walking on the ocean floor is around a 6.
And the overlay of sensory input on the experiences of this other being is a 7.5.
So, no. To my knowledge I was never physically on the planet Mars that I am aware of. Though I could have been.
But I was entangled with the Pilot of the artifice, and that provided me with some experiences that were similar to being on Mars. And so I have written about them. As strange and unusual as they seem. But what do you want me to do? Shut the fuck up about it, then die. And thus leave my experiences to disappear into nothingness so that no one benefits from it? Is that what you want?
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
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"... if they (the psychopaths) keep playing "chicken" with Russia & China, they'll get it-sooner, rather than later"
This is going to be a pretty harsh article. We are not going to “dance around” any of the issues. Instead we are going to spell (or spit) it out directly. If you aren’t ready for it you can leave.
First of all, the Untied States has spent a good portion of the last twelve years building up a narrative towards a major global-wide war with China. The last four years (2016 through 2020) has really placed the TargetingReticule on China, and you have to be delusional not to notice it.
And let’s be real about it, as well.
You can pretend that it’s a “cold war”, or it’s a “hybrid war”, or perhaps a simple “trade war”. But that’s just dancing around the raw and harsh facts. It’s a build up to a “hot shooting war” and you just simply cannot avoid that reality.
Most people avoid the harsh reality because [1] they don’t want to believe it, and [2] they are not given all the information of what if going on.
How many Americans know about the American drones spraying swine flu to devastate the pig industry in 2018? How many Americans know about the tit-for-tat attacks on the VTOL aircraft carriers in 2020? How many Americans are aware of the differences between the COVID-19A and the COVID-19B strains.
Very, very few.
It’s been exceptionally hot. And the only way that you can keep abreast of the latest run of attacks is to read the neocon publications out of the K-street military-industrial network in Washington DC.
Propaganda campaigns, and hybrid wars ALWAYS end up in a hot shooting war. There is not one single instance where it did not. Not once.
And people (!) all hot wars that America initiates requires an ignition event to launch. And if one cannot be found, then a fake event is created. These events are called “false flags”.
What is a “False Flag”?
Afalse flag operation is an act committedwith the intent of disguising the actualsource of responsibility and pinning blame onanother party. The term is popular amongst conspiracy theory promotersinreferring to covert operations of various governments and cabals.
The following is from History.com, All credit to the author.
On the night of the 31st of August 1939, several covert Nazi operatives dressed as Polish soldiers stormed the Gleiwitz radio tower on the Germany-Poland border. They broadcast a short anti-German message in Polish before leaving. The soldiers left behind the bodies of a pro-Polish German farmer and several unidentifiable Dachau concentration camp prisoners. The farmer and the prisoners had been murdered and dressed up in German uniforms.
The attack was part of a series of covert actions along the Polish border that the Nazis would use to justify Germany’s attack on Poland the following day. Gleiwitz was a classic ‘false flag’ operation.
So, what is meant by the term ‘false flag’? Originally, the phrase was coined for the practice of pirate ships flying the colors of other nations to deceive merchant ships into thinking they were dealing with a friendly vessel. While the pirates would usually unfurl their true colors just before attacking, the wrong flag would sometimes continue to be flown throughout an attack, hence the term ‘attacking under a false flag’. Over time, the term ‘false flag’ came to be applied to any covert operation that sought to shift the responsibility on to a different party from the one carrying it out, as was the case with the Nazis at Gleiwitz.
One of the most famous incidents considered by many to be a false flag operation is the Reichstag fire, which took place on the night of the 27th of February 1933. A lone communist sympathizer called Marinus van de Lubbe was arrested and charged with setting fire to the German parliament building. This gave Hitler and his propaganda minister, Joseph Goebbels, the excuse they needed to purge Germany of opposition, especially the communists. The sweeping emergency powers Hitler and the Nazi Party grabbed for themselves after the fire are the reason many people think the Reichstag was burned not by a lone communist protesting Germany’s treatment of the working classes (as van de Lubbe himself claimed while in custody), but by the Nazis themselves.
Of course, it isn’t just the Americans and the Europeans who have been accused of participating in false flag operations over the years. Between 1979 and 1983, the Israeli secret services stand accused of instigating a series of car bomb attacks in Lebanon that killed hundreds of Lebanese and Palestinians. Though the bombings were claimed by the terrorist organization, the Front for the Liberation of Lebanon from Foreigners, many believe the bombs were set off by the Israelis to sew dissent throughout the region and justify an Israeli invasion of Lebanon. Though an Israeli general has admitted the attacks were carried out by his country, the official line is still that Israel was not involved.
In the modern era, things become a little murkier. Whether a modern-day false flag operation is real or not is now a matter to be bitterly fought over on the Internet.
To many online conspiracy theorists, the biggest false flag operation of all time was the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Many believe that these attacks were deliberately carried out by the US government as a way to justify the subsequent attacks on Afghanistan and Iraq, which they believe were carried out to install a gas pipeline across Afghanistan and to seize the oil wealth of Iraq.
Many ‘9/11 Truthers’ point out discrepancies in the official report into the destruction of the World Trade Center, focusing primarily on the collapse of the Twin Towers and 7 World Trade Center. They argue that the towers could not have been brought down by plane strike and fire alone, be must instead have been brought down by another means, such as by controlled demolition. The claims that 9/11 was an inside job have been vigorously disputed both by the US government and various experts many times, but it is highly unlikely the myriad of conspiracy theories swirling around 9/11 will ever go away.
Accusations of false flag operations have continued right up to the present day. One of the most widely-disputed and discussed is the Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings of 2012, which has been laid at the door of the US Government.
People who refuse to believe the shootings were the act of a lone gunman allege twenty students and six staff were deliberately murdered so stricter gun controls could be imposed on the US population. Skeptics point to the attack coinciding with President Barack Obama’s announcement that he would sign restrictive small arms legislation. The convenient timing of the attack could then be used by the president as the excuse he needed to impose new restrictions, hence why it must have been a false flag operation. Again, like 9/11, it is highly unlikely that the theories surrounding the tragic attack will ever die down.
We now live in an age where, to some at least, nothing is as it seems, everything can be labelled a conspiracy and no amount of evidence to the contrary will change people’s minds.
There have been several documented false flag operations throughout history, and the existence of them goes some way to explaining why thousands upon thousands of people all around the world believe many more covert operations have been carried out regardless of government claims to the contrary.
Why does the United States want to start a war with China?
The following is from Global Research. Reprinted as found, all credit to the author and edited to fit this venue. The original title of the article is: "China-US Relations and Biden’s “Global Death Trap”: The World Is Facing Another Cold War Which May Become Hot, Even Very Hot" by Prof. Joseph H. Chung Global Research, April 09, 2021.
In Anchorage, Alaska, on 18-19 March 2021, top diplomats of China and the U.S. met and declared the new Cold War. The U.S. side was represented by Anthony Blinken, Secretary of State and Jake Sullivan, National Security Advisor, while China was represented, by Wang Yi, Chinese Foreign Minister and Yang Jiechi, top diplomat of China.
Anthony Blinken said ” China’s actions pose a threat to a rule-based order designed to maintain global stability:”
Translation: “You unthankful China, listen carefully! Do not dare challenge the world in which Washington feels comfortable. Otherwise!” This is the declaration of the cold war.
On his part, Wang Yi said: “Beijing is firmly against US interference in domestic affairs. We will take firm actions in our response.” “Most countries in the world do not recognize US values as global values.”
Translation: “Listen You Washington,. China has done a lot for you. China has something to tell you! China has had enough of your bullying. If Washington wants to fight, well, China is ready!
Two days later…
On March 22, Wang Yi, foreign minister of China and Sergei Lavrov, foreign minister of Russia met to protest against Washington’s sanction imposed on Russia and China.
The very next day, on March 23, Xi Jinping, president of China and Kim Jong-un, president of North Korea exchanged letters for mutual cooperation. This is the beginning of China’s recruiting of cold war alliances.
All these events mean one thing. The Global Cold War has begun and the world will be divided once again between the West and the East and the Cold War is likely to become Global Hot War and we will be all dead.
Before I begin, I would like tell this to Beijing and Washington!
In 2020, the combined GDP of China and the U.S. was 35 trillion USD, or 42% of the global GDP of 84 trillion USD.
You China and the U.S. listen! You have become rich and powerful, because the world has worked hard for you. The world has provided low-cost labor, high quality raw materials and people’s precious savings; the world has bought your products.
Remember! The world belongs to every human being and every country.
Please behave like responsible global super powers. You have no right to ruin the world with your hegemonic fight.
So, China and the U.S. please stop the dreadful cold war and take responsibility of assuring global peace, safety and prosperity.
In this paper, I am asking these questions.
Why does Washington declare the new cold war now?
What are the American objectives of the cold war?
What are the cold war Strategies of the U.S. and China?
Can Washington win the cold war?
Can the hot war happen?
What will be the impact of the Sino-American war on the humanity?
Why does Washington declare the New Cold War Now?
When it comes to the economy, the language betrays the reality all too clearly. The Trump administration’s economic struggle with China is regularly described, openly and without qualification, as a “war.” And there’s no doubt that senior White House officials, beginning with the president and his chief trade representative, Robert Lighthizer (image on the right), see it just that way: as a means of pulverizing the Chinese economy and so curtailing that country’s ability to compete with the United States in all other measures of power.
-Global Research
There are two possible reasons for Washington’s decision to declare the Cold war against China, a war which actually began since Barack Obama’s Asia Pivot.
The first reason is that Joe Biden needs an enemy dangerous enough to unify the American people and to deal with [1] the impossible task of restoring the economy and [2] justify the raison d’être of the existence of the government.
The Pearl Harbor attack was devastating enough to wake up the sleeping Americans to unite and follow the Washington’s leadership. But I wonder if the Chinese challenge is grave enough to unify the Americans and trust Washington and cooperate for the policy of restoring the economy.
The second reason is more convincing. It is matter of coping with the Chinese economic threat when China’s military challenge is still manageable. The Chinese economy is catching up with the U.S. economy at a threatening rate, while the Chinese military capability is still far weaker than American military capacity. In other words, Washington has decided to hit hard Beijing when it is still a weak attacker and get rid of the economic threat.
I have done some calculations to see the evolution of economic and military power of the two super powers. I have assumed that the Chinese GDP will increase per year, at a compound growth rate of 5 %, from US$ 15.42 trillion in 2020 to $ 24.98 trillion in 2031, or a accumulated increase of 62%. As for the United States, it is assumed that its GDP will increase by 2% a year from $20.93 trillion in 2020 to $25.32 trillion in 2031, or accumulated increase of 21%.
This means that, in 2020, the Chinese GDP was 73.6% of the U.S. GDP to reach 98.7% in 2031. This is surely threatening to Washington.
Thus, the Chinese GDP is expected to catch up with the U.S. economy in ten years. But, we have a different picture as far as military strength is concerned.
We have examined the 10-year evolution of national defense budget of the two countries. It is assumed that the share of the defense budget in the GDP will remain the same throughout the 10 year period. The Chinese 2020 national defense share was 1.15% of GDP yielding $ 178 billion. In 2031.The Chinese defense budget will be $287 billion. Now, for the U.S. in 2020, the national defense budget was $730 billion, or 3.6% of GDP, this rate is applied for 2031 to get $911 billion.
This means that despite rapid rise, the Chinese catching up for the defense budget is much slower than the case of GDP. In fact, in 2020, the amount of Chinese national defense expenditures was 24.5% of that of the American national defense budget to increase only to 30.2% in 2031. This may allow Washington to feel safe as far as the Chinese military threat is concerned.
So, Washington’s strategy is to strike China before the Chinese economy catches up with the U.S. economy while Beijing’s is still “militarily weak”.
What are the Objectives of the U.S. initiated Cold War?
An examination of the demands submitted to Chinese negotiators by the U.S. trade delegation last May suggests, however, that Washington’s primary intent hasn’t been to rectify that trade imbalance but to impede China’s economic growth. Among the stipulations Beijing must acquiesce to before receiving tariff relief, according to leaked documents from U.S. negotiators that were spread on Chinese social media:
[1] halting all government subsidies to advanced manufacturing industries in its Made in China 2025 program, an endeavor that covers 10 key economic sectors, including aircraft manufacturing, electric cars, robotics, computer microchips, and artificial intelligence;
[2] accepting American restrictions on investments in sensitive technologies without retaliating;
[3] opening up its service and agricultural sectors — areas where Chinese firms have an inherent advantage — to full American competition.
In fact, this should be considered a straightforward declaration of economic war. Acquiescing to such demands would mean accepting a permanent subordinate status vis-à-vis the United States in hopes of continuing a profitable trade relationship with this country.
“The list reads like the terms for a surrender rather than a basis for negotiation,” was the way Eswar Prasad, an economics professor at Cornell University, accurately described these developments.
The principal objectives of the Cold War is to prevent China from becoming a Global Power threatening the accumulated interests of the U.S. and its allies.
-Global Resource
What are the Cold War Strategies of the U.S. and China?
The weapons of the New Cold War are likely to include the following:
Security Alliance War
Ideological War
Economic War
Security War
Security Alliance War
The security alliance is designed to maximize the “friendly supports” for the country’s war efforts. On this ground, the U.S. has a definite upper hand. Actually, China has only a few alliances; its potential alliances would include North Korea, Russia, Cambodia, Myanmar and Pakistan. But, there is no guarantee that these potential alliances will help China in a Sino-American war. On the other hand, Washington has a lot of alliances.
The U.S. has many security alliances in the East Asian region: the U.S.-Japan Security Alliance, the U.S.-South Korea Security Alliance, the U.S.-Australia Security Alliance, the U.S.-the Philippines Security Alliance. The U.S. has security partnership with Singapore and Taiwan.
The U.S. has the Quad (Quadrilateral Security Dialogue) composed of Australia, India, Japan and the U.S.
Moreover, there was the TPP (Trans-Pacific Economic Partnership) led by Washington. It had 12 member countries. Since Trump withdrew, it has become CPTPP (Comprehensive and Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership) with 11 member countries. But, Biden might rejoin it, because it is supposed to be a free-trade alliance, but, in reality, it is a part of China-containment alliance. It includes five East Asian countries: Brunei, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, and Vietnam. In addition, most of the East Asian countries have some sorts of security cooperation with Washington. Thus, the U.S. has a lot of countries with which it has security related relations.
But, the question is whether these security alliances will join the U.S.-initiated anti-China war. They may cooperate with Washington as long as the cold war remains cold. However, what they should do is to persuade Washington to end the cold war, for it is the best way to keep their economy going in peace.
This is suggested by Graham Allison, the author of his famous book, “Destined for War: Can America and China escape Thucydides Trap?” (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Boston-New York, 2017)
Ideological War
The purpose of the ideological war is to demonize the rival country in order to justify the country’s war on the one hand, and on the other, to maximize global support for the war.
The ideological war relies on the following weapons:
Human Right Violations
Freedom of the Press
Violation of law-Based Rules
Violation of the UNCLOS
Human Right Violations:
The U.S. accuses China for violating minority groups’ rights to maintain autonomous values and political system. But, Beijing argues that it upholds the rights of minority groups. China would say that it has to intervene in order to prevent minority regions from becoming independent, thus threatening the sovereignty of China.
China may ask Washington how it would react, if the State of Alaska fights for its separation from the United States. Moreover, China openly criticises widespread human right violations in the U.S. against minority groups including the Black Africans, Native Indians and other minority groups.
The Canadian Human Right Commission defines human rights as the fundamental right of all human beings for a life of dignity, respect and equality. Hence, all human beings have rights to enjoy public goods such as health, education, housing, racial equality, physical safety on the street. These rights may be violated not only by the government but also by individuals and institutions. Any government which fails to protect these rights is violator of human rights.
In the mainstream media, the perception of human rights violation is limited to the harsh measures taken by the government. The human rights issue has become a political tool in international relations. The debate on human rights issue should, on the contrary, focus on a solution to human rights violations rather than political gain.
In regards to Washington’s policy of China’s human rights violations, I am quite puzzled by its lack of consistency. In fact, for decades since the time of Richard Nixon to the era of Barack Obama, human rights violations in China was not a major issue.
Joe Biden makes human right the key issues in Sino-American relations. Why? Is it because he considers China as a threat to U.S. hegemony?
Freedom of the Press:
The American media criticizes China for lack of the freedom of press. It is true that the press in China is closely managed by the State in order to minimize criticism of government policies. China may react by asking if there is freedom of press in the U.S. China may ask if the American press is free to criticize large corporations which finance the media.
Here, I may ask one question which may interest both China and the U.S.
Is the freedom of the press the raison d’être of the press? What happens, if the free press is biased and behaves in such a way that it is harmful to the welfare of the ordinary people? The Korean press is the freest press in the world, owing to the liberal policies of the government of Moon Jae-in.
Unfortunately 98% of the press present biased report, fabricate stories, publish lies in order to protect the corrupted vested interests of the conservatives accumulated for 70 years; the press is the integral part of the corruption; its sole purpose is to destroy the liberal government and retake the power so that it could enjoy the privileges and wealth provided by the corruption culture. The freedom of press is important, but without political neutrality, it can hurt the nation.
In fact, in the context of the Sino-U.S. cold war, one of the most dangerous weapons is the press. Unfortunately, the press gives itself the mission of demonizing the enemy through lies, biased reports, presenting prepared horror pictures. In a way, the outcome of the New Cold War depends largely on the “press war”. So, my humble wish is that the press in the U.S. and China give itself the mission of stopping the Sino-American cold war and not intensifying it.
Law-Based Rules:
If there is any universal consensus in the West, it is the belief that China does not respect law-based rules. But, we seldom find any concrete incidences where China violates such rules.
The trouble is that rules cannot cover all things and all behaviors. Besides, rules must evolve in function of the need of the time. There are hundreds of reports and research papers which give the impression that China does not respect the international rules. But seldom do they point out which laws are violated. If China is such a violator of international laws, how could it trade with other countries and how could it realize the economic miracle without respecting international laws? Have any international institutions including IMF, WTO, WHO and other international institutions complained about China’s not respecting international laws?
China would react. First, it may ask Washington to provide the actual cases of China’s rule violation. In addition, China may add that most of the international rules being conceived and imposed by the U.S., they may not be suitable for countries of different cultures and judicial traditions. Therefore, China might suggest a reform of the international laws more flexible and inclusive.
Another favorite pass time topic in Washington elite circle and media is the sins of China’s authoritarian regime. This is rather amazing, because the U.S. is a lover of authoritarian regimes in numerous countries, provided these regimes are good boys obeying Washington’s command.
Washington loved General Park Chung-hee and General Jun Doo-hwan for their oppressive authoritarian regime, because they were obedient to Washington.
Chiang Kai-sek was a more than an authoritarian dictator in Taiwan, but he was an asset for America’s China policy.
China may tell the U.S. not to worry about the authoritarian character of the Chinese political regime. China may tell Americans that the authoritarianism has been the core of Chinese values and culture. Besides, as a country of 1.5 billion people with more than a hundred dialects and constant threats of [US supported] independence of minority regions, China needs a strong top-down authoritarian decision-making process.
China’s Assertiveness:
China is accused also for its being assertive with its BRI project, its relations with ASEAN countries and, especially, its militarization of the South China Sea.
China is accused for its assertiveness in connection with its Belt-Road Initiative (BRI). The often quoted incident of such assertiveness is the China’s debt-trap applied to Sri Lanka. However, according to studies by Sri Lankans, the story of debt trap is a lie or misunderstanding by so-called China haters. The project of the Hambantato Port was initiated by current prime minister (former president) in the early 2000s.
It was a purely commercial project and managed by a Chinese government-owned enterprise (GOE). Sri Lanka excessively borrowed money from Western financial institutions including the IMF. Sri Lanka’s debt was so high that the cost of servicing the debts represents 44% of government revenue; this is the debt trap which has nothing to do with the BRI. In fact, Chinese loans represent mere 9% of Sri Lankan government debt. The Hambantato Port is leased for 99 years managed by a Chinese enterprise, CMPort. Sri Lanka has to pay the debt to China for the loans. By the way, the port cannot be used by Chinese navy.
China is accused also for bullying South East Asian countries. This is contentious, according to several studies, these countries do not experience Chinese political assertiveness. On the contrary, Chinese soft business diplomacy is greatly appreciated.
Moreover, China’s productive participation in the activities of ASEAN, APT (ASEAN plus Three), ARF (Asia Regional Forum), EAS (East Asia Summits), RCEP (Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership) Shangri-La Dialogue, and numerous FTAs is highly valued. Even those countries such as the Philippines and Vietnam which have security cooperation with Washington do not feel the pressure of apparent Chinese assertiveness.
Chinese assertiveness which is the most criticized is its alleged military assertiveness. To see more clearly the nature of China’s military assertiveness, we need to study its evolution, which shows that China’s assertiveness was the reaction to American assertiveness.
In 2008, The U.S. joined the TPSEP (Trans-pacific Strategic Economic Partnership) which became later the TPP (Trans-Pacific Economic Partnership) which was more a security alliances than FTA (Free Trade Agreement).
In March 2009, China was under surveillance by an American vessel’s surveillance activities near Hainan Island, the key Chinese navy port.
In September, 2009, the U.S. adopted the Air and Sea Battle (ASB) which was another threat to Chinese A2/AD (Anti-Air/Area-Denied) strategy.
In 2010, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton declared that the U.S. had interests in the South China Sea, meaning the strong military presence in Asia.
In 2012, Barack Obama announced the Asia-Pivot or “Rebalancing” of American military might in favour of the Asia-Pacific region. It is important to point out here that this series of Washington’s assertive activities hostile to China inevitably invited China’s assertive actions.
In fact, in the period, 2013-2014, China extended its ADIZ (Air-Defence Identification Zone) to as far as the region of the Diaoyu/Senkaku Island.
In September 2013, China started its Island-Building operations in the South China Sea.
In 2013, a Chinese navy vessel dangerously approached USS Cowpens, U.S. navy guided-missile destroyer.
Thus, Chinese assertiveness was, largely, the counter defensive actions to the American assertiveness. In short, so called, Chinese assertiveness, cannot not be used for China denunciation.
The building of the South China Sea islands and the militarization of these islands have been the principal object of China demonization. In fact, this operation started in 2013 and completed in 2016. Several reefs including the Mischief Reef, the Subi Reef and the Fiery Reef all became islands armed with missile launch facilities and airstrips for jet fighters. The reason behind this operation may be the fear of blockade of the South China Sea by the U.S. and its allies, a military operation which will make China to starve to death.
Unfortunately, the American assertive actions followed by Chinese counter actions have inevitably led to the deterioration of the Washington-Beijing relations.
In 2014, Barack Obama visited Japan, Malaysia, the Philippines and Singapore in order to strengthen the China containment operations. What is disturbing is the fact that Barack Obama promised Shinzo Abe, Japanese prime minister, that the U.S. would be ready to intervene, if a Japan-China conflict took the form of military confrontation. Obama did not, however, commit himself to US military intervention. In contrast, Biden’s Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken, promised, during his recent visit to Japan, US military intervention in case of China-Japan confrontation involving the Diaoyu/Senkaku Island. This is indeed a dangerous decision on the part of the U.S.
Violation of UNCCLOS:
Another item on the China demonization menu is the theory that China does not respect the UNCLOS (UN Convention of the Law of Sea) and that China prevents free maritime traffic in the South China Sea. But, there is no actual evidence of China’s violation of free maritime traffic in the South China Sea.
To sum up, the Sino-U.S. ideological war has failed to make China’s regime to deserve global suspicion and denunciation.
Washington has no assurance that the region’s neighbouring countries would rally behind the U.S. because of China’s regime and ideology. This does not mean, however, that China is the winner. .
Economic War
As suggested by America’s trade demands, Washington’s intent is not only to hobble China’s economy today and tomorrow but for decades to come. This has led to an intense, far-ranging campaign to deprive it of access to advanced technologies and to cripple its leading technology firms.
Chinese leaders have long realized that, for their country to achieve economic and military parity with the United States, they must master the cutting-edge technologies that will dominate the twenty-first-century global economy,
-Global Research
As I pointed out above, in ten years, Chinese economy will catch up with the U.S. economy assuming that the American GDP will increase by 2% per year, while the Chinese GDP will rise by 5% per year. My assumptions may be wrong, but one thing which is certain is that China’s GDP will soon catch up with that of the US.
There are several reasons:
First, the Chinese per capita is about $11,000 meaning that there is a lot of room for further growth, while in the U.S. where the per capita GDP is $63,000 the potential growth is approaching its limit.
Second, under the intensification of the trade war, the diversification of trade partners becomes strategic. The American trade partners being highly developed countries, the diversification of trade partners will not be a great help, whereas, China’s trade partners being Asian countries with high growth rate, its trade partner diversification will be an advantage.
Third, the U.S., the economy being dependent on high technology, economic growth is unable to create jobs and it creates unequal income distribution at the expense of ordinary Americans, which in the long run, it will slow down the growth of the American economy.
Fourth, the U.S. economy is excessively dependent on the domestic market, the strength of which is the consumer demand. Remember that, in the U.S., the consumer demand accounts for as much as 70% of GDP as against 50% in China. The consumer demand requires strong middle-income class. Unfortunately, in the U.S. the rising inequality of income distribution has almost destroyed the middle class, which will make it difficult to sustain the domestic market.
The COVID-19 crisis has worsened the problem. In short, it will be difficult to stop the Chinese economy from catching up with the American economy.
Security War
As we saw above, it is more than possible that by 2031, Chinese GDP will have caught up with the U.S. GDP. Moreover, if China allocates 3% of its GDP, instead of the present 1.15 %, its military spending will be $ 749 billion, or 82% of Washington’s military expenditures.
The U.S. may beef up its striking force by deploying its 3rd fleet to strengthen the power of its Sea Air Battle (ASB). China will be able to improve its 2A/AD strategy. So, there will be no clear cut winner.
Under such circumstance, God knows what will happen, if China and the U.S. start to “shoot one another”. The message is clear. The shooting war will bring the dooms day for us all. The dooms day will come, if bloody cold war continues.
Can Washington win the Cold War?
The answer is: “it cannot.”
There are several reasons for this.
First, it seems clear that none of the anti-China strategies will give clear upper hand to Washington. In fact, none of the China demonization tactics, the economic war and the military confrontation promises Washington’s victory.
Second, since the fall of the Berlin Wall of 1989, the ideological difference has been much diluted. Hence, the anti-China antagonism is much weaker than it was during the Soviet-U.S. cold war. The implication is that Washington will have difficulties in ganging up its supporters, which will make American offensive uncertain victory.
Third, China being the world’s factory and the world’s consumer market, most of the U.S. allies will be reluctant to support the cold war.
Fourth, the decadence of the U.S.-led neo-liberal economic system and the world wide corruption of the American version of democracy will make it difficult to attract U.S. sympathizers.
In short, neither the U.S. nor China can be the winner. In their cold war, there will be no winner. If there is one, it will be the suffering of all humanity.
If the U.S. cannot win the cold war, that is, if it cannot prevent China from catching up the U.S. economy and the U.S. power, it means that Washington has failed to attain its objectives.
Then, Washington might decide to declare a hot war.
But, American generals and admirals know very well that China is not the (former) Soviet Union and that China is much stronger and richer than the Soviet Union. Moreover, there will be few allies including the UK which will join Washington’s shooting war fight.
However, misguided political leaders might make dangerous decisions to venture into a “shooting war with China” to save the honor and the glory of the U.S. At any rate, we must all try to stop the shooting war, because it will destroy what the humanity has built so far.
Thus, neither the U.S. nor China can win the cold war.
The hot war will kill us all.
So, the only way out for Washington is to admit China as co-leader of the world and cooperate for the global security, safety, peace and prosperity.
There are so many areas where they should cooperate and lead including public health, climate change, natural disasters and terrorism. There are so many global enemies that we need the U.S. and China to deal with these enemies.
Can the Hot War happen?
As Admiral Davidson suggests, one possible outcome of the ongoing cold war with China could be armed conflict of the traditional sort. Such an encounter, in turn, could escalate to the nuclear level, resulting in mutual annihilation. A war involving only “conventional” forces would itself undoubtedly be devastating and lead to widespread suffering, not to mention the collapse of the global economy.
-Global Research
The hot war should not happen, but it can.
The possible flash points of shooting war are the South China Sea, the East China Sea, Taiwan, North Korea especially the Dioayu/Senkaku Island. But, none of these flashpoint countries is likely to lead to shooting war with one exception, namely the Dioayu/Senkaku Island.
Major wars are often sparked by allies of major powers. Graham Allison in his Book (pp 34-38) tells us that the Peloponnesian war between Athena and Sparta, started because of the conflict between Corinth, alley of Sparta and Megara, alley of Athena. In fact, for this reason, Allison is saying that Washington’s plan of expanding security alliances is a very risky game.
If there is any Washington’s ally which might ignite war with China, it will be Japan. (Graham Allison, pp.178-179) There are many reasons. But, I may point out two of them. First, Japan is a military might; its Self Defence Force (SDF) is the third most powerful military force in Asia and it will be much more strengthened by Washington, if the Cold War continues. Incidentally, despite the Peace Constitution, the SDF can go to war and assist the U.S. forces. That is, Japan can participate in the Sino-American war.
The second reason is Japan’s ambition to rule the world. For last 70 years, Japan has been ruled by far-right imperial nationalist conservatives who dream of reviving the Japan of the pre-WWII era.
This extreme right-wing of Japanese politics is inspired by the Japan Conference, led by imperialist symbolized by Shinzo Abe and encouraged by Washington, The Sino-American war provides a golden opportunity for Japan to rearm and realize its dream.
There are four psychic elements which might induce Japan to get into a war against China. These elements are the Hak-Ko-Ichi-U, the Tanaka Memorial of 1929, Shintoism and Bushido.
The Hak-ko-Ichi-U means that the single roof (Japan) should rule the eight corners (the world). This psychic was well represented by the Tanaka Memorial which argued that it was Japan’s sacred destiny to conquer Manchuria for raw materials using Korea as the royal high way to Manchuria, then conquer China for slave labour, then the rest of Asia, and then the U.S.(Pearl Harbour).
Shintoism is back and the Japanese accept the Emperor as God. Bushido has returned and the Japanese people seek redemption by dying for the Emperor. True, many of ordinary Japanese are free from such psychic, but they have no power to participate in Japan’s national policy.
What could happen is Japan’s provocation of military confrontation in the Dioayu/Senkaku Island. Japan could be tempted to provoke war against China just like it did in Manchuria in 1930 and Nanking in 1937.
Moreover, Washington might welcome the Sino-Japan war, not only because it can ruin China and but also the fight between Asian powers would weaken Asia facilitating Washington’s control of Asia. This is something the world should be concerned with. To avoid this, the U.S. should dissolve its security alliance with Japan. For that matter, to avoid shooting war, the U.S. should dissolve all its security alliances.
What we need is huge anti-war alliances including Japan, South Korea and other Washington’s alliances. The same goes for Chinese alliances, although it has few alliances. The ultimate mission of the anti-war alliances is to prevent the super powers from getting into war so that humanity can be saved from total annihilation.
What would be the Impact of the Sino-American War on humanity?
There is no point of talking about the consequences of a hot war, because it is bound to lead to nuclear war and the end of human civilization.
So we will not talk about it…
If Nuclear War is avoided…
Even if a shooting war doesn’t erupt, however, a long-term geopolitical war of attrition between the U.S. and China will, in the end, have debilitating and possibly catastrophic consequences for both sides. Take the trade war, for example. If that’s not resolved soon in a positive manner, continuing high U.S. tariffs on Chinese imports will severely curb Chinese economic growth and so weaken the world economy as a whole, punishing every nation on Earth, including this one. High tariffs will also increase costs for American consumers and endanger the prosperity and survival of manyfirms that rely on Chinese raw materials and components.
This new brand of war will also ensure that already sky-high defense expenditures will continue to rise, diverting funds from vital needs like education, health, infrastructure, and the environment. Meanwhile, preparations for a future war with China have already become the number one priority at the Pentagon, crowding out all other considerations. “While we’re focused on ongoing operations,” acting Secretary of Defense Patrick Shanahan reportedly told his senior staff on his first day in office this January, “remember China, China, China.”
Perhaps the greatest victim of this ongoing conflict will be planet Earth itself and all the creatures, humans included, who inhabit it. As the world’s top two emitters of climate-altering greenhouse gases, the U.S. and China must work together to halt global warming or all of us are doomed to a hellish future. With a war under way, even a non-shooting one, the chance for such collaboration is essentially zero. The only way to save civilization is for the U.S. and China to declare peace and focus together on human salvation.
-Global Research
What interests us is the consequence of the cold war. One thing sure is that the longer it lasts, greater become its negative impact. The cold war is likely to have the following impacts.
Globalization impact
Political and ideological Impact
Economic Impact
Globalization impact: the world will be de-globalized and decoupled. There will be Washington-led bloc and China-led bloc. There will be regional globalization led by Washington and Beijing.
Political and Ideological Impact: there will be emergence of two political and ideological blocs. The China bloc will have varying types of political regimes including hybrid regimes, while the U.S. bloc will maintain liberal democracy. Washington’s ambition of evangelical propagation of its democracy will be compromised.
Economic Impact: there will be China-led free trade bloc in which member countries’ sovereignty is respected and trade negotiations will allow accommodations for member countries specific needs. On the other hand, there will be Washington-led free trade bloc in which member countries sovereignty is minimized and the trade negotiations are likely to be controlled by large corporations.
It is difficult to estimate the cost of the cold war. The Rand Corporation is reported to suggest that the American GDP will fall by 30% because of the cold war. It could be more than that because of the pronounced interdependence of national economies. One thing sure is that the longer the cold war lasts, the greater will become the cost.
To conclude, we have to stop, at all costs, the Sino-American Cold War which will surely throw humanity into the deep and dark bottom of the Thucydides Trap.
It is not too late for academics, research centers, thin-tanks, social movements, decent media and, above all, people’s organizations at the grassroots to launch anti-cold war movements throughout the world.
So what is the ignition going to be?
Well, I do disagree with the author above. I believe that we NEED to discuss the very real and very strong possibility of a hot war between the USA and China / Russia. After all, that is what the neocon publications and the military-industrial think tanks on “K-street” and Washington DC beltway have all been chattering about these last few years.
We just cannot ignore it.
Pretend that it will go away if we don’t mention it. Like in the article above.
So, seriously, what kinds of “false flags” can we expect to get the American population all hot and bothered and ready to march off and attack China?
Nuclear Detonation on American soil.
No. China is not going to randomly launch a nuclear weapon on a “sacrificial” city in America. They are not idiots. But the American population might believe the narrative, and thus it is a real possibility of a pending false flag. All it takes is an American made nuke detonated on American soil, and then unleash the dogs of propaganda blaming China, then immediately gear-up Congress into a war footing.
This is the kind of thing that launched World War II with the bombing of Pearl Harbor.
Middle East War on Terror
As well as the eight wars in the Middle East against terror by the plane attacks on the World Trade Center on 9-11.
Reasons forWar "States like these, and their terrorist allies, constitute an axis of evil, arming to threaten the peace of the world. By seeking weapons of mass destruction, these regimes pose a grave and growing danger." –George W. Bush,
Blaming China for the Global Pandemic and having a “smoking gun”.
You get Americans all upset about some aspect of their life, then you “prove” that it was caused by the Chinese. For instance the inconvenience of the Coronavirus pandemic, is a good target to direct anger towards.
This is one of the more complex reasons to start a war. An event, often beyond anyone's control sparks a breakup of society, and the changes are often uncomfortable. Such as the pandemic. Certain forces use this period of societal upset to initiate war. Such is the case with Bosnia.
In 1990, as Yugoslavia collapsed, the first multiparty elections were held. These elections created nationalist parties intent on perpetuating ethno-national identities and causes. By 1992, war was being imposed through Serbian and Croatian nationalists seeking to expanded into “greater”national territory.
In the coming years the perpetrators of “ethnic cleansing,”displacement, mass atrocity, and genocide, were rewarded by the international community at the Dayton Accords in 1995. Dayton ended the war, but then imposed an ethno-nationalistic portioned Bosnia. A “tycoon class”of nationalist leaders continues to enrich themselves through corruption supported by poverty, fear, insecurity, and the promotion of divisive ethnic identities.
"The hate didn’t exist before; it was artificially installed. It was all so unbelievable that at first, it seemed funny...The emphasis on ethnicity and exclusion was so strong that ethnic hatred became normalized...There is also the ideology of religion and nationality...Never has there been more religion and less faith...National and religious identities are openly used as weapons in the political arsenal.
–Vedran Grahovac, Prijedor"
An assassination of an American Politician inside Washington DC.
This is a very common technique, and there have been numerous Hollywood movies based on this theme.
World War I
This was the kind of event that started World War I. World War 1 started when Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria was assassinated on June 28, 1914. This was the immediate cause but there were a series of events which triggered the war.
It's also the kind of thing that started the civil war in Rwanda. Thegenocidewassparkedbythedeath of the Rwandan President Juvenal Habyarimana, a Hutu, when his plane was shot down above Kigali airporton 6 April 1994.
The need to rescue or save people
Maybe the people in Xinjiang, those “poor Muslims”, or Tibet, or Taiwan, or Hong Kong. So many areas that the United States has been prepping for actionable “color revolution”.
TheUnited States invades Panama in an attempt to overthrow military dictator Manuel Noriega, who had been indicted intheUnited States on drug trafficking charges and was accused of suppressing democracyinPanamaandendangering U.S. nationals. Noriegas Panamanian Defense Forces (PDF) were promptly crushed, forcing the dictator to seek asylum with the Vatican anuncio in Panama City, where he surrendered on January 3, 1990.
When American is attacked by military forces
As unlikely as it appears, there is nothing to prevent the US government to stage a “false flag” to make it look like some military attacked America. That’s what it did to pull America into the war in Vietnam.
The American Civil War
The bloodiest four years in American history begin when Confederate shore batteries under General P.G.T. Beauregard open fire on Union-held Fort Sumter in South Carolina’s Charleston Bay. During the next 34 hours, 50 Confederate guns and mortars launched more than 4,000 rounds at the poorly supplied fort. On April 13, U.S. Major Robert Anderson surrendered the fort. Two days later, U.S. President Abraham Lincoln issued a proclamation calling for 75,000 volunteer soldiers to quell the Southern “insurrection.”
Vietnam WarThe false flag that started the Vietnam War There was notorpedo attack in the Gulf of TonkinHowLyndon Johnsonlied us into a catastrophe On this day in 1964, Congress passed the “Gulf of Tonkin Resolution” which began massive escalationof the US war and occupation of Viet Nam.Thefalseflagthatstarted the Vietnam War |
America has decided to wage a war against Asia. There are aspects of both China, Russia and Iran involved. Right now, it is considered to be “trade”, “Hybrid”, “ideological”, “propaganda”, and …
…it’s intended to go hot.
Whether or not it will be limited to conventional weapons is a silly argument. Of course it will go nuclear.
This article looks at the kinds of false flags that are being set in place for the ignition for the war. And while the planners in K-street and the Washington DC beltway are looking towards a very long generational war, I don’t see that their planning will come to fruition. Instead I picture an unholy terror unleashed upon the USA if any action is attempted. And the result will be a very, very bad and nasty war. And no matter what damage that America wrecks China with, the end result will be the complete and utter devastation of America by the combined forces of Russia and China acting in unison.
To pretend otherwise is foolish.
It’s and entirely uncomfortable subject, but fits exactly with the predictions for the Fiuth Turning generational theory.
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
Two of my staff are at the hospital for severe chronic diarrhea. A close friend and his entire family are also in a different hospital, for the same god-damn thing. A friend just called me and told me that he cannot meet with me as planned because of…
Guess what?
The American news is such a pile of horse-manure it boggles my mind that I still pay it any attention. But there you are, once an American, it’s hard as Hell to break out of long-standing habits. Here, I am going to straighten up some misconceptions that the American “news” still promote. As well as say that “it’s all not over”. Trump does not take losing easily… he’s a sore, sore loser. And actions… his unreported actions… indicate this.
One of the things is that once the COVID-19B failed to devastate China, and China thwarted his efforts in HK, Xinjiang, and Taiwan, the USA threw two additional biological weapons at China. The first [1] was in mid-Summer when China started arresting all the CIA agents and NED / NID agents in Hong Kong. And the second [2] was in October, after the enormous US Navy flotilla returned back to the United States with it’s tail between it’s legs in defeat.
This post is going to discuss these two subsequent biological weapons attacks. For purposes of simplification, we will give them the following names;
COVID-20 The June 2020 biological attack.
COVID-21 The October 2020 biological attack.
The Big Lie
There is one pandemic. It’s a variant of the flu. Now it is evolving. It only kills the old and the sick. Once you get it, you are inoculated. And you don’t even need to wear any masks, or take any protections. You are now “forever” safe.
That is false.
The Truth
President Trump waged biological warfare on China starting in 2017. This was a four year campaign of intensive and constant bio-warfare attacks. It began with viruses designed to destroy grains, and poultry. Then advanced to include meats. To attack the pork industry, the CIA used drones to spray remote farms. And when China was still not starving and “begging for mercy”, he unleashed COVID-19 against the world.
Against the world…
Why the world?
Of course the entire world knows about how COVID-19 ravished the world. What no one has been paying attention to is the timing and distribution of the COVID-19.
There are different strains of COVID-19. They go by the indicators of A, B, C, D…etc.
The first COVID-19 strain to hit the world was the COVID-19A. This strain was discovered throughout America. And it seemed to appear “out of nowhere” in a very short period of time, with clusters originating out of all of the major American cities. This strain is a very light strain. It has an R0=0.1%. In most cases it doesn’t even cause a sniffle, let alone a cough. It is no wonder that Donald Trump wanted everyone to get this stain. As it was his belief that once you get sick with this “harmless” strain that you get immunity to all further strains.
That is FALSE.
The Second COVID-19 strain to hit the world was COVID-19B. This is a lethal strain. Not only does it cause seizures and death, but it’s got a horrific R0=15-20%. This strain was identified and traced directly to the Wuhan “wet” market where American servicemen and women were filed touching and fondling the produce, and the fish tanks there. While this strain was first detected inside of China, it was also found in Russia, Iran, and North Korea. It began to propagate at the exact moment of the major Chinese holiday CNY and forced the Chinese government to go into a complete lock down or else a sizable percentage of the nation would be dead or dying.
If this sounds suspicious, you are correct. It is suspicious.
It appears that someone unleashed a mild COVID-19A to immunize the United States and it’s allies, while unleashing a horrific and lethal COVID-19B against the “enemies” of the United States. China. Russia. Iran. North Korea.
If this sounds suspicious, you are correct. It is suspicious.
While there are some minor mysteries surrounding this. You need only listen to the studies that China presented to the United Nations in August 2020 when they (and Russia) accused the United States of launching a biological weapon attack against them. For instance, the mystery of how Italy become infected with COVID-19B is easily explained that the Italian soldiers shared the same hotel as the American solders did in Wuhan in December 2019.
If this sounds suspicious, you are correct. It is suspicious.
Anyways, I’ve covered this entire subject in great detail elsewhere. If you want to go spelunking through the data, there’s some great tools available. The WHO and the Chinese have mapped the various strains of COVID-19. And it is all pretty damning for the United States.
Of course none of this is reported inside of America. It’s all a HATE-CHINA-fest.
"It's not fair to say that Americans are silent about everything. Americans are very vocal about China stealing and China having no freedom and China having the largest concentration camp for Muslims and China having no human rights for Tibetans.
All these must be true because our politicians and free press say so.
Americans are right to stand up against China imperialism of Belt and Road. Americans will never be silent about China trying to take over the world's islands and oceans.
As for the Capitol insurrection, we blame China for poisoning the minds of Americans with their Hong Kong revolution footage.
We also blame Hong Kong freedom fighters for taking American money and then messing it up.
In fact, China gave Trump the royal treatment and then suckered him into a trade war which damages America.
China is to blame for Trump and his trade wars.
China is to blame for discovering the Covid virus.
We now know that it's been all over the world with no one the wiser, but China had to make a big stink and shut down the country.
China has few Covid deaths but China also has no freedom and no human rights. What do you prefer?
Don't forget some spokesmen for some secret American agency said that China may have corrupted American elections.
China is to blame for destroying American democracy. Who can we believe if we don't believe in patriotic American elected officials, the free press, and American agencies?
Don't worry Jay, Americans will be very vocal about China. They will support more patriotic wars by any means and sanctions against the great evil China with their democratic elections and tax dollars. God bless America!
-Jay Janson's Blog
If this sounds suspicious, you are correct. It is suspicious.
Well, a pissed of Trump, furious that the enormous flotilla he sent off to China returned back with it’s tail between it’s legs, unleashed a very nasty virus aimed directly at China.
From the date of the initial outbreak in Wuhan I watched carefully on a daily basis the dispersion and progression of the coronavirus in China and then abroad, collecting as much data as were available on each location. By late May of 2020, China had been infection-free for many weeks, the concern turning to the identification and quarantine of imported cases. At the same time, the US became once again ‘the leader of the world’, this time in virus infections and deaths, producing 20,000 to 30,000 new cases and around 1,000 deaths per day.
At the time, American hostility toward China’s success in stopping the virus was palpable, with many nasty media articles and White House accusations about China’s false statistics and blaming China for “spreading the virus” to the US. CNN stated, “Chinese state media has repeatedly touted China’s effective measures in containing the virus as the number of infections and deaths surged abroad, contrasting its success with the failures of Western governments, especially the United States.”[1] Clearly there was much surprise and bitterness at China’s success and America’s failure, this coated in a sticky layer of resentment based partly on a justified suspicion that the Chinese were not overly distressed at the Americans enjoying the fruits of their own labor.
But even then I had a sense of an apparition, a version of Dickens’ ‘ghost of coronavirus past’, accompanied by an uncomfortable feeling the Americans were sufficiently bitter (and vicious) to deny the Chinese their apparently easy victory.
My fear was that the Americans would try to reseed China as they did Russia, and it would seem my fears were not unjustified. The new virus that broke out at the Xinfadi market in Beijing was a different strain than any previously existing in China, one that existed only in the US and Europe and could only have been brought in from the outside. And once again at a seafood market with no identifiable patient zero, no clear epidemiology (source and distribution) of a virus that did not exist in China. It almost had to be deliberately seeded, the odds against being infinitesimally small.
In terms of what I am calling COVID-20 (to differentiate it from the initial outbreak), China may have been fortunate to detect and corral this new pathogen before it could spread. The outbreak did expand to three other provinces but in single digits and the medical authorities have taken extreme action to prevent further spread since this variety – which again did not exist in China and had to be seeded from another country, appears to be much more contagious than the original COVID-19.[2]
In response, Beijing has locked down everything and sent a group of experts to guide the fight against this new potential epidemic, so far with good success. Nucleic acid testing has been initiated on a massive scale, already many millions of people tested, and all those in contact with the Xinfadi market being in quarantine. Many residential compounds in the city strictly prohibit anyone from entering or leaving, with residents having their temperatures checked and reported on a daily basis, and their food and daily necessities delivered.[3]
Before this new outbreak, Beijing had been virus-free for nearly 60 days, meaning there were no local viruses and that this new pathogen was definitely an import (or an American export). On June 19, China’s CDC experts, after intensive investigations of the Xinfadi market, announced what they termed “a groundbreaking virus tracing discovery”, which was that the strain of the new virus in Beijing was the same as that in much of Europe – but much older than those in Europe, and “had been around for quite some time” – and that can mean only that it came from the US because that was the source of all the original varieties many months ago.[4]
The investigators said they obtained so many positive samples that the entire market was “severely contaminated by the virus”, but also that no one should form the conclusion that the market was the origin merely because the outbreak took place there. More importantly, they also said “Beijing’s outbreak gives us the opportunity to re-examine our previous speculation that the virus originated from wildlife”, because unlike Wuhan, “the possibility of wildlife causing Beijing’s latest outbreak is slim.” Their conclusion was that “an infected individual or object contaminated with the virus entered the wet market, and the market only gave it an environment to multiply”.[3]
The authorities have already produced the genome sequence and are now establishing when and how the virus was likely imported into China, and how long was the transmission chain. There is no question this pathogen was brought into China “by people”, the question being the identity of those people and their purpose.[5] And, what better way to “teach those smug Chinese a lesson” and attempt to derail China’s rapid economic recovery.
The use of open, public areas with produce and food is the preferred environment from which to launch a bio-weapons attack. Not just in Wuhan with COVID-19, but in America at a Salad Bar.
Russia Re-seeded
There is something equally strange about the virus in Russia. For a long time, Russia had only a few infections, rising steadily by only five or ten per day, then suddenly it exploded, rising by 5,000, then 10,000 and 20,000 per day. Virus outbreaks don’t normally manifest that way. The normal process upon an outbreak is a rapid acceleration in the number of infections until it peaks, as happened with all other countries.
But with Russia, the infections were minor for a long time, steady at very low numbers, with all the indications of an unsuccessful epidemic, and the Russian government took strict measures to control the spread. The US government was clearly resentful at the failure of the virus to devastate Russia and the US media bemoaned the fact that Russia’s death rate was so low. I would be very interested to see the genome sequences from the first infections in January and February, and for those happening in April and May. I haven’t any definitive proof, but I am certain Russia, as China, was seeded again with another variety for a second attempt.
Virus Distribution
But to return to our main point, it isn’t necessary for us to determine the physical origin of the virus. We know the virus originated in bats; that much is confirmed, but the more important issue is the epidemiology, particularly the incidence and distribution.
First of all, for China and most other nations originally infected, there were so many multiple and simultaneous sources that locating a patient zero was a hopeless task. Virus outbreaks, left to their own natural devices, do not behave in this fashion, but begin with one person in a tightly localised situation and provably spreading from that point. Equally distressing is that we have the truly unprecedented “two waves” of worldwide infections. For this, let’s review my observations from an earlier article[6] and take a quick look at those two waves of infections that circled the globe.
The First Wave simultaneously infected 25 nations within a few days centered on January 25.
One month later, the Second Wave simultaneously infected 85 nations within a few days centered on February 25.
A natural virus hasn’t the ability to simultaneously (within three days) infect 85 different countries on all continents of the world. More peculiar is that these countries were not all infected with the same variety of the virus, and that most reported simultaneous outbreaks in multiple locations.
Considering the above information in light of the basics of virus transmission, the only theory that fits all the known facts is that these waves resulted from many people leaving Fort Detrick on the same day carrying a pail of different live viruses, because those multiple varieties at the time existed only in the US. It could not possibly have resulted from air travel because that timing would have been scattered. When 85 countries experience a virus outbreak on virtually the same day, this can happen only with human assistance. The Americans have steadfastly refused to address this point.
Experts on biological weapons are in unanimous agreement that eruptions in a human population of a new and unusual pathogen in multiple locations simultaneously, with no clear idea of source and cases with no proven links, is virtually prima facie evidence of a pathogen deliberately released.
Since natural outbreaks can almost always be resolved to one location and one patient zero. But with COVID-19 (or COVID-20), not one country out of 200 has been able to do this.
It should be firmly noted that this new infection in Beijing is not a “second wave” as termed by the Western media. This is an entirely new and different infection by a new virus and totally unrelated to anything prior, a strain of a new and different virus that was deliberately carried to Beijing and flooded in the Xinfadi Market.
This infection is not related to COVID-19 but is the seeding of yet another biological pathogen in China, making that now seven different biological attacks on China in two years. And China has suffered others similar.
One of the most notable was the H1N1 virus that caused the 1918 flu pandemic – and which was extinct for decades – but which suddenly appeared in 1977 in both China and Russia causing a global pandemic, prompting immediate claims by the Americans that it “escaped from a Chinese lab”.
But the only sensible explanation is that the H1N1 virus ‘escaped’ from the Americans because there were persistent reports that the US military had found or saved samples of the original ‘Spanish Flu’ virus and were attempting to re-activate it. There was never a shred of evidence that either China or Russia had anything to do with this, and both were taken entirely by surprise.
It is my view that the world needs to stop pretending that COVID-19 was an accident of nature.
Consider China’s recent experience. In addition to SARS – which was indisputably man-made, China has suffered repeated viral pandemics in the past two years.
February 15, 2018: H7N4 bird flu.
June, 2018: H7N9 bird flu.
August, 2018: outbreak of African swine flu.
May 24, 2019: massive infestation of armyworms.
December, 2019: COVID-19.
January, 2020: A “highly pathogenic” strain of bird flu.
June, 2020: China is hit with COVID-20.
Are we to tell ourselves it was merely a run of bad luck that China was the only nation in the world to be hit repeatedly with so many different biological pathogens in such a short time? And merely more ‘bad luck’ that China became the only country in the world that was domestically virus-free and was suddenly hit again with a foreign strain in another wet market? This assumption is too ridiculous to bother refuting.
It is unfortunate that so much of our information today comes to us in a passive receptance from the mass media because one result is the loss of our ability to examine information critically and use our minds to assess the presentation.
As an example, it was very clever for the Americans to use a wet market as a distribution point for a virus and for the media to give this point massive air time, because we instinctively associate such markets with at least a possibility of germs and bacteria and thus passively accept the claims as true without the necessary evidence and thus avoid using our brains as intended. Our assessment of wet markets as unsanitary may be correct, but common germs and bacteria are a very different thing from a coronavirus that makes its home in bats and has no business being in a vegetable market.
It isn’t important for our purposes to decide if COVID-19 was created in a lab; the important point is that a coronavirus [1] has no means of transportation from bat caves in Sichuan to a market in Wuhan, nor [2] the ability to mutate itself in such a way as to be energetically contagious to humans, and much less [3] the conscious intelligence to choose China’s largest passenger transportation hub as the distribution point and [4] the Eve of the Chinese New Year as the best time to attack. For these, the coronavirus required a helping ‘black hand’.
The Noose Tightens on the US
There is almost daily an increase in the volume of evidence that COVID-19 was circulating in the US far earlier than admitted, and serving as incriminating proof that the CDC’s deliberate (and threatening) forbidding of testing was to bury this evidence.
The most recent example is headlines in the US media on June 21, 2020, stating, “Over 40 mysterious respiratory deaths in California could dramatically rewrite narrative of COVID-19” in the US.[7] The LA Times reported on “a cluster of mysterious respiratory deaths” beginning in December of 2019. The local news website www.bakersfield.com stated this meant that COVID-19 was circulating in California “way earlier than we knew”. And let’s not forget too quickly that Japanese tourists were infected in Hawaii in September of 2019.
And on June 20, 2020, the Italian National Institute of Health (ISS) revealed that they had discovered that COVID-19 was present in water samples dating back to mid-December of 2019. The results were confirmed by two separate labs that used two entirely different testing methods, and also showed that environmental wastewater from Milan, Turin and Bologna returned positive traces of the virus dating back to December if not earlier. Apparently, the RNA from COVID-19 does not readily dissolve or disintegrate in water and polymerase chain reaction testing allows scientists to identify the RNA after many months.[8][9]
And it wasn’t only Italy. Dutch researchers discovered COVID-19 RNA in a wastewater plant in the Utrecht, Netherlands, city of Amersfoort. French scientists detected “high concentrations” of COVID-19 RNA in samples of sewage water from greater Paris that were obtained before Paris first recorded any deaths. Sputnik News reported in May that a Paris hospital confirmed it had treated Amirouche Hammar, the country’s first COVID-19 patient, on December 27, 2019 – one month before France’s first announcement of infections and four days before the WHO China bureau was informed of a “pneumonia of unknown etiology” on December 31.[10]
The Irish Mirror reported on June 19 that “many countries are beginning to use wastewater sampling to track the spread of the disease”, scientists claiming these detections were “consistent with evidence emerging in other countries” that COVID-19 was circulating around the world long before China reported its first cases, all of which would of necessity have had to have originated in the US and transported around the world.
It is now beginning to appear that many countries were seeded at approximately the same time, perhaps in their water distribution systems. Following these discoveries, the ISS told Reuters it intends to launch a new study of the wastewater of Italian tourist resorts. I suspect other nations will follow.
And it would seem the NYT, WSJ, WP, CNN, ABC, NBC, National Post, Globe & Mail, have no knowledge of this. The Chinese and Europeans know, but the Americans and Canadians don’t know because the owners of their major newspapers and TV networks don’t want them to know.
A Brief Update
If you look at the graph (courtesy of CNN), you can see the European infection pattern (in pink) and the American (in green). The Europeans followed China’s protocols in varying degrees, and thus with varying degrees of success. Europe’s infections peaked at around 30,000 per day then descended to around 2,000 near the end of June, while the Americans, led by a man who is living proof that democracy is the worst possible form of government, saw their infections peak at the same level, slightly decrease, then revert to 30,000 infections and around 1,000 deaths per day where they will now remain until the virus surges through the entire population. Twenty-six states are already experiencing dramatic spikes reaching new records each day, so Trump ordered the CDC to “stop testing” because it makes him look bad.
The next graphic is a list of the top ten nations for COVID-19 infections. Missing from this picture is a comparison I want to make about leadership and competence, to say nothing of intelligence.
Shanghai is a city only two hours from Wuhan and, when the infections exploded, had no warning and almost no time to prepare, but acted so quickly and decisively that the city had only 26 infections and 7 deaths. Missing from the graphic is Canada, with a population very similar to Shanghai, and who, with months to plan and prepare, had 101,000 infections and 8,400 deaths. Canada’s Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau is also living proof of democracy’s vast failings.
The Americans elected a pathetic buffoon who lives in outer space, while the Canadians elected a bullied child so painfully unintelligent and indecisive his wife would have to tell him to call the fire department if his house were burning down. I would include here the Brazilians who, with excessive assistance from the Americans, elected an arrogant sociopath who said famously, “It’s not my fault. What do you want me to do about it?”
In all three countries the leaderless pandemic results are the same, with infections and deaths likely increasing until at least the end of the year. China, with a population of more than 1.4 billion people, had about 80,000 infections and little more than 4,000 deaths, and stopped the virus cold in about three months. But according to the NYT, WSJ, WP, and Canada’s terminally-obnoxious National Post, the “free-market capitalist” countries are God’s first choice while “socialist authoritarian” China should incur yet more sanctions for all its mistakes.
Larry Romanoff is a retired management consultant and businessman. He has held senior executive positions in international consulting firms, and owned an international import-export business. He has been a visiting professor at Shanghai’s Fudan University, presenting case studies in international affairs to senior EMBA classes. Mr. Romanoff lives in Shanghai and is currently writing a series of ten books generally related to China and the West. He can be contacted at: 2186604556@qq.com. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.
Trump goes into hiding
When China discovered the COVID-20 President Trump suddenly was whisked off to a military base, the Nation goes into DEFCON ONE, and on full-alert status. Then when China does nothing, President Trump is miraculously “cured” of the COVID-19 coronavirus illness and he returns to the White House.
If this sounds suspicious, you are correct. It is suspicious.
I do not know how everything will work out. But I can tell you my opinion on this matter. And I will.
My opinion;
Trump and his little army of Neocons attacked China with unconventional warfare. It was the first massive use of biological weapons in a full-spectrum spread. China survived it, but the world is now infected with but one of the viral agents.
Other viral agents lie dormant and are winding through society. How and when they will hit is unknown. One is the "death by shitting" virus. Which is just now getting noticed within China. This is the case, even though China has implemented very strict controls to control this particular and spectacularly nasty virus.
And that means that…
… all human transmitted viruses will always circle the globe. national borders are meaningless. And you cannot isolate a nation and pretend that the virus will not escape.
I would advise everyone to maintain very strict isolation and anti-virus protocols. Wear a mask, even if no one else is. Make sure that you always wash your hands, and if you touch something, make sure that you use hand sanitizer afterwards.
Sure, it seems like over-kill. And maybe it is. If nothing further happens, at least your exposure to the common cold will be greatly reduced. But if something does actually happen, you will be well protected against it.
Do. Not. Follow. The. Herd.
Johns Hopkins Doctor Predicts Covid ‘Will Be Mostly Gone By April’ – Mediaite
There is more than one virus out there. And the nasty strains have yet to hit the USA. You heard it here first. Let’s pray that I am WRONG.
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Listen, and understand.
That terminator is out there. It can’t be bargained with. It can’t be reasoned with. It doesn’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead.
You all have watched the 1980’s movie “Terminator”, eh?
Well, it’s nearing the end of the Chinese Year. We exit the year of the rat, and say hello to the year of the bull. It’s a busy time in China as factories are trying to speed up production to send orders out before the one month shut down. Of course, this is still a strange time, and most people are staying home. Few are going to travel back to their families. It’s too dangerous with the two brand new viral strains floating around.
Two brand new viruses?
Yes. There are two brand-spanking-new, never before seen, “novel” viruses that hit China at the end of 2019.
No I’m not talking about the seizure inducing respiratory COVID-19B. Not the mild stain; the immunization strain in American the COVID-19A. That pathway and history has been substantially mapped out in great detail. https://lnkd.in/gBM2Fur.
I particularly like how the mild strains the COVID-19A (the immunization strain) was moving through America and Britain all Summer 2019. While the deadly strains, COVID-19B and COVID-19C hit China, Iran, North Korea, and Russia at the same time in January 2020. All traced back to the Military Games in Wuhan, and the hotel where the 300 military soldiers were housed.
But I am not talking about this.
I’m talking about the (yet to be named, but I’m naming it) COVID-20. A death by vomiting virus. New. Novel. Hit China right after Trump “gave up on Hong Kong”.
Seems that some the "cat's paw" Chinese drone operators who dispensed the 2018 - 2019 swine flu, "spilled the beans" to the PLA and the government. You see, the Chinese fellows that the CIA hired (to spray the swine flu to the pigs using drones), well they immediately went to the Chinese authorities when given these new viral containers by their CIA handlers.
Uh oh!
When Trump told the NED that “Let it (HK) all burn”, I guess that he didn’t count that everything in Hong Kong was under complete audio and video surveillance. And this pretty much upset Mike Pompeo, John Bolton, and Tom Cotton. And one or more of them gave the ok to release this very, very nasty virus in China.
American and British passport holders, arrested and deported for training “color revolution” techniques, bomb-making, insurgency techniques, and how to provoke the government so that they would violently respond to the provocations.
It’s funny. It broke out in Beijing. Where did everyone get this tick-borne virus? Inside of Starbucks?
Everyone know that Beijing is full of ticks and other critters because it is so filthy and polluted.
The people in the United States, and Britain nod their heads. “Yup. China is dirty and filthy. Of course it’s full of germs and bad stuff”. LOL.
If you are an American you probably think that the pandemic is either fake, or a singular virus. Not realizing that China has been hit with a massive carpet-bombing of viral agents.
Anyways, to make a long story short, I went off to go to the local clinic to get my free swabs and measurements. You can never be too careful.
A visit to the local clinic
To get an idea of what it’s like in China, you have to understand that pretty much if you want to go to any public area or a mall (or anything like that) you need to have your QR code approval.
There’s different applications for this but basically you use your cell phone to scan a QR code and then they’ll tell you if you have traveled into a “hot” area where one of the viruses are active.
Scan to see if you have traveled to a “hot” area. You need to do this and pass before the security guard will allow you in the building.
The QR scan is immediate. And it will tell you whether you’re good to go or not. This morning, I’m dealing with some medical issues on top of our periodic evaluation and so of course we had to scan the QR code and this is what it looks like…
A “clean” QR scan that says that you are “good to go”.
I don’t know what they’re doing in the states, but I can’t imagine they’re doing anything like this. Pretty much China’s is all QR codes, drones, IR scans, barcodes and scanning.
Really, nobody uses money anymore.
And everybody, of course is taking precautions or wearing mask especially this time of season. Oh sure, you’ll see a couple that aren’t but for the most part people take things very seriously, given all the events that happened this time last year.
I guess it’s kind of a crazy time to live, and I you know I suppose that this is going to go down in history books of course. And we’re living through it so that’s gotta be worth something right? They always say that you don’t realize how bad things were until you actually read about it in the history books.
Of course, the person (or people) who controls and writes the history books are the ones that control the narrative. Don’t you know.
An Oreo and Spam burger in China!
I read on my news feeds and Yahoo news, as well as the MSN and drudge report and all those other kinds of “News media” the stunning news! Apparently FOX News first reported that China has a new burger at McDonald’s.
It’s called an Oreo spam burger and everybody’s commenting how disgusting it is and how horrible the Chinese sense of tastes are. And just how crazy that the Chinese would eat (dare they!), eat such a thing. There’s a considerable amount of internet space on this…
… so it’s pretty shocking to me. As I live in China, and there’s nothing at all about this monstrosity. And since it is near CNY, there are McDonald’s advertisements everywhere showing their new CNY holiday menus.
McDonald’s holiday menu advertisements are up and are all over the place. Like this one at the corner of a busy intersection.
Here’s a close up of that picture. I had a zoom feature on my cell phone and snapped this picture. I think that it is clearer and show just what the McDonald’s holiday menu advertisement looks like.
Guess what?
No Oreo-spam burger. Anywhere!
Closer view showing the McDonald’s advertisement for the CNY 2021 holiday menu. Showing a “KFC bucket style” offering and a ton load of sides and desserts. All for 75 yuan (roughly $10 USD).
Well that’s a big mystery.
So what do I do…
I go to McDonald’s here in China and I ask him about it. Never heard of the thing they don’t know what the heck I’m talking about.
So I went over to the website and tried to find their attachment links the Fox news article, the Yahoo article has ton load of links and all the links point back to MSN and Yahoo. None of them point to an advertisement for this mysteriously terrible horrific burger. And, yes, I went to Fox news which is always anti-China and the same thing there they can’t show me a picture of this stupid burger.
Finally I found one.
But not on any McDonald’s website, or part of a McDonald’s advertisement or promotional campaign. I found it on the Hormel Foods website; the company that makes Spam. As best that I can figure out, there is some kind of “I’ll scratch your back, if you scratch mine”, between Hormel and one of the local independent McDonald’s franchises in Beijing. It’s not, NOT, a McDonald’s product.
It is a local franchise owner’s local product.
The Hormel / McDonald’s Frankenstein burger.
Anyways, now you know the entire story. You’ll never figure out this kind of background on your own by reading the American “news”. Sometimes you all just have to go off yourself and see things with your own two eyes.
For 99.9999% of the McDonald’s in China, it’s a completely different story.
This is what the front door to McDonald’s looks like, and THIS is the burger that they are actually promoting this 2021 CNY. It’s the year of the Bull. Why in Pete’s name would they promote a pork spam burger on a beef year?
Think people think!!!!!!
The door to the front of McDonald’s showing the new promoted breakfast burger. It is a beef sloppy-Joe with Chinese spices and flavorings on an extra large English Muffin. It should be pretty delicious. Price is around a $1.20 for a burger and a coffee.
Disappointing because I really wanted to see this thing up close and personal.
I was finally able to do a search for this burger. All of the pictures were in English. None was in Chinese. And none originated out of China. All the picture originated out of America, and had English text. I wonder who’s great idea this was? To market an unsavory burger to Americans in English and say that China is selling it?
Fox news?
Sometimes I think that. American news. Is in another complete time track, in reality of their own making, it’s just something that’s completely off the wall.
However, McDonald’s does have a new holiday burger that’s out. It looks pretty good, it’s a beef patty with chicken-fried bacon toppings. And a kind of a mustard sauce that they’re happening all on this new kind of Sesame bun looks like. Looks pretty good price is pretty reasonable. Here’s the advertisement marquee poster on another window…
Sorry for the glare. Note that in China, no one advertises in English. And all Chinese advertisements tend to have characters from history, in one form or the other, within the advertisement.
Of course, you’ll never hear about that, nope, not at all, not in the American news.
At the medical clinic
So anyways, I trooped out to the local clinic. The local clinic is giving away free Coronavirus packages to everybody.
It’s a nice thing to do. You get scanned, you get swabbed, and you get a nice free check up. It’s on going and there just isn’t any really long lines. You go in, and get checked.
Here’s the banner showing the “care package” that you can get with the QR scan to apply for it.
Banner to apply for the COVID care package at the clinic. Note the fire extinguisher box to the left of the the picture. This is how fire extinguishers are stored all over China.
Anyways, the packages come with a bunch of free masks disposable masks. Some hand sanitizer. Seventy five percent alcohol for swapping things. Some herbal medicines that (you know Chinese herbal medicines) are helpful when you have distress and discomfort. As well as some medicines to handle harsh distress, western medicines, well (actually) made in China but western medicines and of course a sticker with a magnetic back that you can put on your refrigerator. That has a scanning barcode (A QR code). You just scan and it immediately contacts the clinic.
It’s a direct line to the clinics and hospitals in the direct and immediate area.
I would imagine that there’s probably something along these lines in the states too. Maybe at the local clinics and hospitals, there’s probably something similar, I’m sure that you’ll probably will have to pay for it. It’s the American way, don’t you know. Everything for a buck. But the USA just has to be doing this. This is what all the responsible nations are doing. Whether they are in Europe, or Russia, of Africa. Nations are trying to meet the needs of their people.
It’s how reasonable and responsible nations behave.
But you know, China has this because after all, it has been a very difficult period to go though.
The end of the year. Woo woo!
Well, it’s almost the end of the Year of the Rat; 2020. Soon it will be the year of the Bull. 2021 was one Hell of a year. I think everyone can well agree with me on that. It really sucked.
You can tell just how much it sucked, by the kinds of jokes that floated around then…
My best friend got mad at me because he caught me sniffing his sister's panties
It didn't help that she was still wearing them.
Or that his whole family was there.
That made the rest of his sister's funeral kind of awkward.
And who thought you could make the funeral for such a small child more awkward than it already was..
Indeed, if a normal year would be a large Christmas banquet, 2020 would be discarded peanut shells inside an elephant cage.
Indeed, 2020 was a hard year.
If 2020 was a drink, what kind of beverage would it be?
Colonoscopy prep.
As nasty as the year was, America has it easy.
At least the rest of the world wasn’t carpet bombed with biological weapons, a non-stop anti-China propaganda campaign, and CIA-sponsored “pro-democracy” color-revolutions in their cities.
I know everything happens for a reason, but 2020? What the actual fuck!
Ah, but in China…
They. Do. Not. Play. They operate on another level entirely.
When the government went DEFCON ONE, and the militia and reserves were called up everything went harsh lock-down. And you can’t blame them actually. With an onslaught of biological weapons thrown at China from every angle they had to do something.
Do you remember hula hoops? Well if 2020 was a hula hoop you would probably need to visit the hospital after playing with it.
And so they did.
Six biological weapons aimed at grains and produce. Three targeting livestock, and even using drones to spray the viruses over the remote farms and ranches. And then finally, the grand finale, the Coronavirus COVID-19B released when China was most vulnerable on CNY. With two even worse viral agents COVID-20, and COVID-21 in an effort that really just appears to be spiteful, vengeful and (yes) desperate.
No wonder the 2020 meme’s rang true…
All things taken together most American and those outside of China know nothing of all this. To them, there is one unified pandemic. It is natural, and all nations are dealing with it the best that they can.
Though truthfully, America has handled this year the worst.
I suspect that it has to do with the leadership.
Xi Peng felt his nation was under biological weapons attack and went DEFCON ONE. Everything that could be done was done. No chances were taken.
Donald Trump felt that his nations was fine and that everything was going as planned. Let people get a minor sniffle and they would be forever immunized from the nasty lethal strain that attacked China, Iran, North Korea and Russia.
Psychologically, I believe that people act and behave differently during an emergency.
Have you ever been in a car crash when you were drinking. man, oh man, you sure sober up quick. I think that this is the same phenomenon here. Donald Trump didn’t treat this coronavirus; the COVID-19A as anything to be concerned about. he wanted everyone to get it. And he never thought that it would become a dangerous strain.
And so Americans had to suffer.
Some 2020 memes
It’s not just Americans mind you. But everyone.
Here’s from Australia…
The 2020 rat year hit and affected everyone. Absolutely and positively every one.
Is it safe to say that babies born in the year 2020 will be called....
The year 2020 began with Australia on fire and over a billion animals dead.
Little did we know then that it would be the feel good story of the year.
Back in time
Stop me if you heard this joke:
Jimmy magically traveled back in time hundreds and hundreds of years.
He walked around the village feeling very superior to these uneducated and backward people. Saw them practicing with bows and arrows, riding horses, etc.
He walked up to the men practicing with bow and arrows.
“You guys are so simple. I come from the year 2020. Where I come from, we have guns.”
“Yes, we use gun powder, which explodes. The gun powder is in a small bullet and when it gets hit hard it explodes and sends the bullet out the end of a tube so fast it can kill instantly.”
*That’s amazing, can you make us this gun powder?*
“Uh, no. I don’t know how. Someone smarter than me figured it out.”
They shook their heads and went back to practicing.
Then he walked by a girl riding a horse.
He shook his head in sympathy, “Where I come from we ride around in cars.”
“Yes, they were like your wagons, but they didn’t need horses. We poured gasoline into them, which gave it power when it burned and made the care move way faster than any horse.
*Can you make me this gasoline?*
“Uh, no. I don’t know how. Someone smarter than me figured it out.”
*Well, how could it go so fast over the bumpy ground?*
“We had long streets made of concrete which made it very smooth for miles and miles.”
*Wow, can you make us this concrete?*
“Uh, no. I don’t know how. Someone smarter than me figured it out.”
As night fell, he walked over to a small house, lit only by candles.
“Where I come from, there is light in every room, every street, we even carry light in our pocket if we need it.”
*How is that possible?*
“Electricity. It’s like the energy from lightning but we make it and then we store it in a battery and it powers everything in the world. “
*That’s amazing. Can you make us this electricity?*
“Uh, no. I don’t know how. Someone smarter than me figured it out.”
In the morning, he walked by a doctor taking care of a boy coughing.
“You should cover his mouth and nose with a cloth, so you and his family don’t get sick.”
*How do you know this?*
“Uh, I don’t know. But someone smarter than me figured it out.”
Not really a joke. Just wear a mask. Because someone smarter than you figured out it was the right thing to do.
There’s a ton load of memes about this most crappy of years. And you can search the internet for many more examples of how everyone else thought about this year. I can say that I have good news and bad news.
I don't know what animal the year 2020 is in the Chinese calendar...
...but I'm pretty sure it has rabies
Well, 2020 was the year of the RAT.
Firstly the good news. 2020 is over, and in two weeks the Year of the Rat will end. Yay!
In the year 2020, the Lord came unto Noah, Who was now living in America and said:
“Once again, the earth has become wicked and over-populated, and I see the end of all flesh before me."
"Build another Ark and save 2 of every living thing along with a few good humans."
He gave Noah the blueprints, saying:
"You have 6 months to build the Ark before I will start the unending rain for 40 days and 40 nights."
Six months later, the Lord looked down and saw Noah weeping in his yard - but no Ark."Noah!," He roared, "I'm about to start the rain! Where is the Ark?"
"Forgive me, Lord," begged Noah, "but things have changed."
"I needed a Building Permit."
"I've been arguing with the Boat Inspector about the need for a sprinkler system."
"My homeowners association claim that I've violated the Neighborhood by-laws by building the Ark in my back yard and exceeding the height limitations. We had to go to the local Planning Committee for a decision."
"Then the City Council and the Electricity Company demanded a shed load of money for the future costs of moving power lines and other overhead obstructions, to clear the passage for the Ark's move to the sea. I told them that the sea would be coming to us, but they would hear none of it."
"Getting the wood was another problem. There's a ban on cutting local trees in order to save the Greater Spotted Barn Owl."
"I tried to convince the environmentalists that I needed the wood to save the owls - but no go!"
"When I started gathering the animals, PETA took me to court. They insisted that I was confining wild animals against their will. They argued the accommodations were too restrictive and it was cruel and inhumane to put so many animals in a confined space."
"Then the Environmental Protection Agency ruled that I couldn't build the Ark until they'd conducted an environmental impact study on Your proposed flood."
"I'm still trying to resolve a complaint with the Human Rights Commission on how many minorities I'm supposed to hire for my building crew."
"The Immigration Dept. Is checking the visa status of most of the people who want to work."
"The labor unions say I can't use my sons. They insist I have to hire only union workers with ark-building experience."
"To make matters worse, the IRS seized all my assets, claiming I'm trying to leave the country illegally with endangered species."
"So, forgive me, Lord, but it would take at least 10 years for me to finish this ark."
"Suddenly the skies cleared, the sun began to shine and a rainbow stretched across the sky."
Noah looked up in wonder and asked, "You mean you're not going to destroy the world?"
"No," said the Lord. " The Government beat me to it.
That was an American joke.
Now the bad news.
Certain (unnamed) nations have handled this what-ever-you-want-to-call-it outrageously poorly, and this will make containment much more difficult and harder. I anticipate that things will not get back to normal for some time. Years probably. So if you are thinking that everything is going back to normal in four to six months you can dream on. I really doubt that.
Ok, ok. I know that you just don’t want to be reminded of that nasty, nasty year.
But you all have to appreciate that the memes were on fire. I mean really. You can take a meme from America and show it to someone from South Africa or Brazil and they would end up on the floor laughing. Of course, there will be some minor cultural differences. Like no one else in the world were stupidly hoarding toilet-paper. That was just a uniquely American thing.
But for many, the American memes are quite relatable.
Or, perhaps just consider the strange and crazy things that were going on. I wonder what the history books will write. I mean, it’s been an unusually long year. Well at least it seems like it was. In fact, it seems like the year was maybe three times longer than a “regular” year.
It makes you wonder what our collective karma must have been. Right?
And of course, with everyone being locked inside their residences, the normal ways of doing things, the normal activities and the normal relationships all were turned on their heads.
Fathers who normally would be away at work “earning the money” now had to contend with six pre-school boys rampaging inside the house. And the mothers, who would enjoy a nice night out occasionally found out all about the romances that one can have at home.
2020 upended a lot of lives. That’s for certain.
The new year; 2021.
In two weeks will by CNY 2021. Already everyone is making plans for the holidays, and the directives from the local governments is “nope, stay put.” So, that’s what most of us are doing. If we did decide to travel then we would need to allocated 7+14 +7 days on top of our holiday. And all the hotel quarantine expenses will be out of our personal pockets.
So guess what?
Yup. We are staying home.
Doing homework. Yah, and all the Chinese kids will spend their holidays continuing to study and strive to be the best that they can be. Here’s two kids outside of a local corner grocery store. This is typical China.
Anyways, being shut in and isolated from all the parties, KTV’s and the huge banquets is a bummer, but it at least gives me some time to read. And I do have a list don’t you know. And so, without further ado, let’s take a glimpse of some history.
We are going to find a cozy nook, and curl up with a nice book. Well, at least in our mind we will. And as we settle down with a nice tea, or mug of coffee, or glass of wine, let’s put another log on the fire and snuggle under a throw as we read about other bad years at other times.
If you’ve got a favorite pet, a cat or a dog, bring them in. Nothing is finer than spending reading time with a loved one.
Cozy reading nook.
I’m going to put this in my “Tales of the Little Guy” sub-Index of the SHTF Index. And yeah, it is a tale of the little guy. And while he was part of an Army that fought in the American Civil War, I cannot help but believe that his actions were very personal to him.
The following is a reprint of an article titled “Jack Hinson: A Civil War Sniper Hell Bent on Revenge” written on Apr 16, 2018 by Shahan Russell. It was found HERE, and reprinted as found with editing to fit this venue. All credit to the author.
Jack Hinson: A Civil War Sniper Hell Bent on Revenge
John W. “Jack” Hinson, better known as “Old Jack” to his family,
was a prosperous farmer in Stewart County, Tennessee. A non-political
man, he opposed secession from the Union even though he owned slaves.
Friends and neighbors described him as a peaceable man, yet despite all
this, he would end up going on a one-man killing spree.
Jack’s plantation was called Bubbling Springs, where he lived with
his wife and ten children. When the Civil War broke out in 1861, he was
fiercely determined to remain neutral.
When Union Brigadier General Ulysses S. Grant arrived in the area in February 1862, the Hinsons hosted the man at their home. The general was so pleased with the plantation that he even turned it into his temporary headquarters.
Even when one of their sons joined the Confederate Army, while another joined a militia group, Jack remained strictly neutral. They were content to manage their plantation despite the ongoing conflict.
Grant had stayed at the Hinson estate after capturing Fort Henry and
Fort Donelson. In taking the last, he secured a vital gateway to the
rest of the Confederacy. The Union’s victory at the Battle of Fort
Donelson was also its first major one since the start of the Civil War.
Battle of Fort Donelson.
His victory also meant that Union troops became a permanent fixture
in the Kentucky-Tennessee border where the Hinsons lived. While the
family had no problem with that, others did – and the Hinsons would pay
dearly for it. In the end, so would many Union soldiers.
Since many in the region were sympathetic to the Confederacy, some
turned to guerrilla tactics to deal with the better armed and trained
Union soldiers. These were called bushwhackers, because they hid in the
woods where they could attack Union troops before fading back into the
The only known image of Jack Hinson
It wasn’t just soldiers they went after, however.
There were many cases where they’d target Unionist farmers and sympathizers, as well. Still others were not so politically motivated. Some bushwhackers were bandits who took advantage of the deteriorating law-and-order situation to prey on isolated homesteads. In some cases, they even attacked entire communities.
After the fall of Fort Donelson to Union troops, guerrilla attacks on
Union soldiers and their supporters increased. As a result, it became
policy to torture and execute any suspected bushwhackers without a
In the fall of 1862, Jack’s 22-year-old son George Hinson, and his
17-year-old brother, Jack, went deer hunting about a mile from their
home as they always did. Unfortunately, they came across a Union patrol
who suspected them of being bushwhackers.
The boys were tied to a tree then shot, after which their bodies were dragged back to town. There the corpses were paraded around the Dover courthouse square as an example of the Union’s zero-tolerance policy toward resistance.
The remains were then decapitated and left there, while the heads were brought to the Hinson plantation.
Grant went on to become the 18th president. This picture of him taken
between 1870 to 1880 is his official presidential portrait
Before the entire family, the heads were stuck on two gate posts as an example of Union justice.
The lieutenant in charge wanted to arrest the Hinsons for their relationship to the two alleged bushwhackers but was informed about Grant’s stay on the property. He was also told that the major general would not take kindly to any mistreatment of the surviving Hinsons, so they were left alone.
That was the lieutenant’s second mistake of the day.
Of Scottish-Irish descent, Jack could not let the murders of his sons
go unpunished. He buried his children’s remains, then sent the rest of
his family and slaves to West Tennessee to stay with relatives.
He then commissioned a special 0.50 caliber rifle with a
percussion-cap muzzle-loader. Besides its lack of decorative brass
ornamentation, this rifle was also unique because it had a 41” long
octagonal barrel that weighed 17 pounds. The length of the barrel
ensured that he could accurately hit targets from half a mile away.
As to the octagonal shape, it was based on the Whitworth Rifle. With
its hexagonal barrel, it could shoot farther (2,000 yards) and more
accurately than the Pattern 1853 Enfield (1,400 yards) with its
traditional round rifled barrel.
Moving into a cave above the Tennessee River, Jack became a bushwhacker at the age of 57.
Jack became a bushwhacker at the age of 57.
His first target was the lieutenant who ordered his sons shot and beheaded. The man was killed as he rode in front of his column.
The second target was the soldier who placed the heads on the gateposts.
It didn’t take the Union long to connect the dots, so they burned down the abandoned Hinson plantation.
The British Whitworth sharpshooting rifle which served as the basis for Jack’s own
Tennessee and Cumberland rivers were major transport hubs, so he
frequented both. From his higher vantage points, he targeted Union
boats, picking off captains and officers, as well as disrupting the flow
of river traffic.
The most spectacular story of his sniping career was when an entire boat of Union soldiers surrendered to him.
After Jack fired on the boat, the captain thought he was being attacked by Confederate soldiers. To avoid further bloodshed, the captain beached his boat, raised a white tablecloth, and waited to be captured. But Jack couldn’t possibly handle them all, so he retreated and let them wait.
With help from the locals and by constantly staying on the move, he avoided capture despite the massive manhunt for him.
Though he remained apolitical, he began helping the Confederate Army.
In November 1864, for example, he guided Lieutenant General Nathan
Bedford Forrest to Johnsonville to attack its Union supply center.
Jack died on 28 April 1874 and lies buried in the family plot in Cane Creek Cemetery.
With help from the locals and by constantly staying on the move, he
avoided capture despite the massive manhunt for him. His family was not
so lucky, however. Two of his younger children had died of disease,
while the son who joined the army also died, as did another during a
guerrilla raid.
Jack survived the war and cut 36 circles in the barrel of his rifle to mark the number of Union officers he killed. Union records, however, blame him for over 130 kills – though it’s believed that he may have killed “only” a little more than 100.
Kyle Reese:
Listen. Understand. That Terminator is out there. It can't be reasoned with, it can't be bargained with...it doesn't feel pity of remorse or fear...and it absolutely will not stop.Ever. Until you are dead.
Some thoughts on this.
He tried to stay neutral. He tried to stay out of the fight. He tried to make peace. But trying to pretend that the political changes that whirl around you doesn’t affect you is a losing proposition. You are just as likely as not to be caught up in the whirlwind.
And you don’t want that.
You need to be completely aware of everything that is going on around you.
150 years ago Americans fought bloody battles against each other.
And you need to realize that during difficult time you must act and behave differently than you did during peaceful times.
2020 was a crap year. But was it any different in stress than what occurred 150 years ago? Maybe you aren’t watching long columns of men march down the dirt streets, or cheer on your brave men folk… but during times of upheaval it’s difficult to recognize exactly what is going on.
Who’s to say that America, or the rest of the world, isn’t going though the beginnings of stark and drastic societal change? Who’s to say?
No two wars are alike. Stop pretending that they are.
Everything, absolutely everything is personal. It is visceral and affects our own, our own reality. And just as society has advanced with bar codes, cell phones, internet, High Speed Trains, and ranch dressing in single-use packs, so has war and conflict advanced.
What you see today could very well be the start of a long, long period of long-drawn-out change.
What ever you do, learn as best as you can from the past. No matter how far away and seemingly distant to you.
Make the best with what you have.
Enjoy life.
Take care.
A woman’s bathroom in a mall in China. Tomorrow will be better.
And about the end of 2020 and into 2021
The meme’s just keep a rolling along.
Things that I have learned.
And let’s not forget how everyone else celebrated the end of 2020. Does this remind you of yourself?
All of us after the year 2020.
Ah, but you know that the government really cares about you. Why most other nations gave monthly and by-weekly stimulus checks to their citizenry all year. From January through December of 2020. For most people in Europe, Australia and some nations in South America it was as if there wasn’t a pandemic at all. You still got your checks and you still kept your house.
But “exceptional” America, of course, did the same. Well, sort of…
Americans got a “stimulus” check roughly equal to about one half of a month’s rent.
Ah, but we really can’t get too down on America. The government needs that money, don’t you know. If that multi-trillion dollar amount was divided equally by the number of Americans, each and every American (including children) would get hundreds of thousands of dollars. But that would (of course) take away from the real purpose of government…
…to protect it’s people and make sure that they are living life and the “pursuit of happiness.”
America needs the money to protect Americans.
Now, if you are a fine MM reader, then you know that you can alter your reality and make your life better. Or at least certainly better than your peers.
MetallicMan Bonus
For those of you that are conducting Affirmation Prayer campaigns, I would suggest you incorporate this affirmation…
The year 2021 is a very lucky, prosperous, and wonderful year for me, and my family, as well as my business, career and income stream.
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If you believe this narrative, and it is a narrative, then you fit into an entirely new classification for “stupid”.
Elections are how “democracies” get to change direction, policies, laws and rules. There are no other formal ways aside from a Constitutional Convention. And every four years, the citizens of America look at their lives, and their leadership and vote to either continue on the current path or divert from it and go into new directions.
That’s how democracies work.
Yet, the media is flowing with all sorts of articles that says that Biden is going to be a real “war hawk” and that he is not only going to continue with his neocon polices, but become more aggressive with them (as if that is even possible). And this narrative is cropping up here and there, and it is really irritating to me.
It makes me want to dust off the old turntable, and put some Lobo on and dream of what might have been. Let me off. This world has gone ape-shit.
Lobo from Big Tree Records
For those of you who don't know, Lobo was an American music group from the early 1970's. The singer / songwriter was a Florida folk rocker kind of guy. His songs become rather well known with "Me and You and a Dog Named Boo". (travelin' and ah livin' off the land, how I love being a free man.)
Me and you and a Dog Named Boo.
Ever since it appeared that Biden might overtake Trump in the election, the entire propaganda machine inside of America (and England) has been spewing forth this narrative…
Of course, this is the narrative that is being fed to the mindless masses; the “Joe Sixpack” in “Flyover country”.
Meanwhile, all the neocon war-loving publications inside of America are horrified that Biden might ease up on the war-stance and instead embrace the idea of co-existence…
Ah yes… not going to war with China is “hysterical”. It is horrific, dangerous and inattentive.
What ever you say.
Now we are going to talk about Trump
Hey! You just cannot avoid talking about this fellow, he has been President for the last four years, and has been very active in many areas. There are people who love him and who hate him. In fact, I will go as far as to say that he is the most polarizing figure since Hillary Clinton.
And she is VERY polarizing.
So, all you Trump supporters, don’t get all hot and bothered about bad things being said, and that goes double for the Biden supporters. Keep in mind that both Presidents, and all of their minions are but actors. Nothing more. The purpose of this post herein is to take a look at media manipulation of Americans. Just like we did in the earlier post of media manipulation of American views on China.
Just what is this particular neocon publication anyways?
TheNationalReviewis a right-leaning, semi-monthly magazine founded by author William F. Buckley, Jr. in 1955. Buckleystartedthemagazinewiththegoalofmakingconservativeideasrespectableatatimeinwhichhebelieved “literateAmerica [had] rejectedconservatisminfavorofradicalsocialexperimentation.”
-National Review Media Bias | AllSides
Yeah. They are neocons. These are the folk that cheer on the eight simultaneous wars the USA is fighting today, and who push for mega-expensive military hardware. Fun fact, one “Hellfire” missile is the cost of a hospital. These guys think that having a hundreds of thousands of them…
…isn’t enough.
But boy, oh boy, do they HATE being referred to war-loving neocons…
I think I need a beer. If you, the reader were here with me, I’d buy you all a beer. That’s the truth, and that’s a fact Jack.
It’s time for a beer, you all.
I am getting off the subject. Oh yes. So what is all this about? What is going on, why is the American media so geared up to convince Americans that Biden is going to be just like Trump on international matters?
Hold that thought.
Why do I (and others) defend China?
Yeah. I am swimming up river. It’s just a lone lonely voice out in the wilderness while hundreds, if not thousands, of anti-China articles are being cranked out of the American media machine daily. What the fuck is going on?
Here is a quote from Bill Brodenblock…
…concerning whether he was going to waste his time retorting to some bullshit from the Wall Street Journal.
Right. A well-argued rebuttal will take you much more than a day. There’s a lie, a half-truth or impeachment in every sentence.
No, it is not worth the effort. They have the resources to produce every day another “article” or “report” on China, again bursting with lies and fabrications.
They are stronger than we, they have almost unlimited resources and much more experience in making up lies than anyone else.
Their readership is thousands of times more than ours.
A new Global Times poll in China has shown that over 70 percent of respondents believe that the "wolf warrior diplomacy" is the diplomatic attitude that China should take, with 78 percent of interviewees believing that China's global image has improved in recent years.
The outspoken example of the new Chinese wolf Warrior diplomacy is 赵立坚 (Zhào Lìjiān) the one of the cartoon, showing the Australian hypocrisy on its war crimes in Afghanistan (Brereton report).
I became a “Wolf Warrior”, not in the first place because I was living in China, also not because I feel I should defend China’s legitimate viewpoints
but because I can’t stand lies.
I can’t stand it to see politicians, journalists, teachers or whoever with some power lying to people, often people who’re helpless and unable to defend themselves.
Both my grandfathers were in politics; they knew and used all the famous tricks as so common today in politics. I, as a little boy have seen them developing their strategies at our kitchen table. My father was a teacher and a deacon. He strongly disapproved the hypocrisy of his father and father-in-law. My father taught me that lying is a sin. I feel lying it is more than just a sin, it is a crime.
My pro-China stances are motivated by my disgust for lies.
That’s why I am doing it, not in the first place to help China.
Nevertheless, I feel that China, the Chinese government or whoever with some political power in China, should at least take the effort to send me a “thank you” or to show some recognition for my efforts. That’s the least they can do.
Every day at the local social media, I get the full load of shit over me. In my meetings at business associations and service-clubs (now often on-line), there are people who start scolding, some even yelling at me, just because they know my China viewpoints. Last year, during a speech/presentation, someone was trying to prevent me from finishing my presentation.
It’s not just Bill, don’t you know.
I hate being lied to as well.
And when I think about all the lies, and the deceptions, and the tricks, and “the rug getting pulled out from under my feet” I get really angry. I just want, no NEED, to go out and get a beer.
Office party before the fleet of lies out of Washington DC suppressed drinking at work-related events via insurance restrictions.
And I hate it even more when others actually believe the lies. Hey! Have you died from “Mad Cow Disease” yet? What about Y2K? What about “Back Masking” on Rock and Roll music? How has that “Domino Theory” panned out?
Domino TheoryThe domino theory was a theory prominent in the United States from the 1950s to the 1980s that posited that if one country in a region came under the influence of communism, then the surrounding countries would follow in a domino effect. The domino theory was used by successive United States administrations during the Cold War to justify the need for American intervention around the world.Wikipedia
I hate it when the government is lying so obviously and so blatantly. It just riles up my skivvies.
It makes me want to go to the fridge, pop open a beer and watch some Golden Girls. Anything to get my mind off this bullshit.
The Golden Girls
NBC was already a monster by 1985 thanks to programs like "The Cosby Show", "Cheers" and "L.A. Law" (all part of that unbeatable Thursday lineup). In 1985 it appeared that Beatrice Arthur (who struck gold with "Maude", a spin-off of "All in the Family") was going back to television in a new show called "The Golden Girls".
Along with Arthur (a smart-mouthed Brooklyn native) was her old-world Sicilian mother (Estelle Getty), a bubble-headed Minnesota native (Betty White) and a sex-crazed belle from Georgia (Rue McClanahan). This quartet of actresses would create the finest core of performers to ever star in a television series.
"The Golden Girls", unlike "Cheers", was a hit from its first episode.
It dominated with vigor and spunk on Saturday nights. NBC was worried that the show would never find an audience big enough to make a dent in the ratings, but for a time "The Golden Girls" was as excellent as anything else the networks had to offer.
The four women, all obviously over 50, lived, laughed and cried together in Miami for nearly a decade from 1985 to 1992.
The series pushed the envelope on everything that dominated headlines during its run (AIDS, homosexuality, sexism, ageism, political unrest, abortion and an endless list of other topics too long to go into at length). The episodes went for comedy, but usually almost always had a deep meaning to them about love and friendship.
All four actresses shared the spotlight equally for the most part.
Arthur and McClanahan had hit gold with "Maude" and White had been along seemingly at the advent of television programming. Getty was relatively unknown, but fit in well with more-established performers immediately (her character got away with more than the others as she was written as a lady who had suffered a major stroke which affected the relationship between what she said and thought).
Herb Edelman (who made a name for himself in "The Odd Couple") was always a consistent element as Arthur's two-timing ex-husband and Harold Gould (who was a key player in "The Sting") also became a fixture during the series' latter episodes as White's love interest.
The great thing about this show is that it took a chance by starring four actresses in their mid 50s to 60s and showed that just because you're old, it doesn't mean that life is over and you can't have fun anymore. The humor reaches to all age demographics and the characters each have such distinct, hilarious traits that watching them try to get along is a hoot.
If you're a boy or adult man that feels embarrassed to watch this show, DON'T. It's a pure classic that will never be forgotten in my life and will always be one of my favorite shows! This show proves that hilarity doesn't just come from younger folks, but that it can come from older people just as much!!! Long live The Golden Girls!!! 10 out of 10 EASILY!!!
The Golden Girls learn how things were done in “the old country”.
Yeah. I get it. I’m too old a fogy to appreciate the new understandings about how Mr. Trump ran things. For he was brilliant.
He brought factories back to America… …almost.
He built a wall… almost.
He put Hillary Clinton in jail … almost.
He lowered taxes … not quite, he actually raised them.
He balanced the budget … nope. He sent the debit into orbit.
He protected the USA… we see how well that is panning out with COVID-19.
He made America respected around the world … absolutely NOT.
Not. Not. Not.
Jeeze Man!
I need a beer.
You need a beer to slug through all the bullshit that exists int he USA today.
America today is terribly disrespected around the world. And I attribute it to Donald Trump and his inability to master the prerequisite laws of power necessary for his position as President of the United States.
What do I mean?
I mean this…
The 48 Laws of Power
To best understand my point of view as to why his international policies stank you need to learn the basics of the laws of power. This is especially true in global politics. Consider the following laws that Trump routinely violated.
For starters, he violated Law #3.
3. Conceal your intentions.Keep people off-balance and in the dark by never revealing the purpose behind your actions. If they have no clue what you are up to, they cannot prepare a defense. Guide them far enough down the wrong path, envelop them in enough smoke, and by the time they realize your intentions, it will be too late.
I: Use decoyed objects of desire and red herrings to throw people off the scent:
If at any point in the deception you practice people have the slightest suspicions to your intentions, all is lost. Do not give them the chance to sense what you are up to: Throw them off the scent by dragging red herrings across the path. Use false sincerity, send ambiguous signals, set up misleading objects of desire. Unable to distinguish the genuine from the false, they cannot pick out your real goal.
Hide your intentions not by closing up, but by talking endlessly about your desires and goals - just false ones.
II: Use smoke screens to disguise your actions:
Deception is always the best strategy, but the best deceptions require a screen of smoke to distract people attention from your real purpose. The bland exterior—like the unreadable poker face—is often the perfect smoke screen, hiding your intentions behind the comfortable and familiar. If you lead the sucker down a familiar path, he won’t catch on when you lead him into a trap.
A helpful or honest gesture can divert from a deception.
Patterns will also help mask a deception.
Often the key to deception is being bland and acting with humility.
When you conceal your intentions, you can allow others to drop down their guard. They don’t groan and say “oh, it’s that Donald Trump again”. You don’t say “I demand that you do this or I will bloody well blow the shit out of you”.
I really do need a beer.
Times have changed, but humans haven’t.
He violated Law #4.
4. Always say less than necessary. When you are trying to impress people with words, the more you say, the more common you appear, and the less in control. Even if you are saying something banal, it will seem original if you make it vague, open-ended, and sphinxlike. Powerful people impress and intimidate by saying less. The more you say, the more likely you are to say something foolish.
Silence generally makes people uncomfortable - they will jump in and nervously fill the silence.
Generally saying less makes you appear more profound and mysterious.
Be particularly careful with sarcasm - rarely is it valuable.
Be careful with arousing suspicion or insecurity by being silent. At times it is easier to blend by playing the jester.
Donald Trump was never the one to keep his mouth shut. I think that many Americans grew weary (though obviously not everyone) and tired of the 70 tweets per night, and the horror of waking up to find yet another contract torn up and more discord and chaos.
Christmas Party at the office, 1970’s style.
He violated law #18.
18. Do not build fortresses to protect yourself - isolation is dangerous.The world is dangerous and enemies are everywhere—everyone has to protect themselves. A fortress seems the safest. But isolation exposes you to more dangers than it Protects you from—it cuts you off from valuable information, it makes you conspicuous and an easy target. Better to circulate among people, find allies, mingle. You are shielded from your enemies by the crowd.
Retreat to a fortress and you lose contact with your sources of power, and your knowledge of what is going on.
If you need time to think, then choose isolation as a last resort, and only in small doses.
That was the sole primary element in the MAGA plan; to Make America Great Again; it was to isolate America from all foreign trade, build a wall around it, and then just attack all non-Americans everywhere. In addition, kick all Chinese out of the country, ban all Chinese applications, and if possible sink all Chinese ships.
I mean when you are on a roll… you are on a roll.
When you are on a roll, you are on a roll.
He violated Law #19.
19. Know who you’re dealing with - do not offend the wrong person.There are many different kinds of people in the world, and you can never assume that everyone will react to your strategies in the same way. Deceive or outmaneuver some people and they will spend the rest of their lives seeking revenge. They are wolves in lambs’ clothing. Choose your victims and opponents carefully, then—never of fend or deceive the wrong person.
Being able to recognize the type of person you’re dealing with is critical. Here are the five most dangerous:
The Arrogant and Proud Man: any perceived slight will invite vengeance. Flee these people.
The Hopelessly Insecure Man: similar to the proud man, but will take revenge in smaller bites over time. Do not stay around him if you have harmed or deceived him.
Mr. Suspicion: sees the worst in others and imagines that everyone is after him. Easy to deceive - get him to turn on others.
The Serpent with a Long Memory: if hurt, he will show no anger, but will calculate and wait. Recognize by his calculation and cunning in other areas of life - he is usually cold and unaffectionate. Crush him completely or flee.
The Plain, Unassuming, and Often Unintelligent Man: this man will not take the bait because he does not recognize it. Do not waste your resources trying to deceive him. Have a test ready for a mark - a joke, a story. If reaction is literal, this is the type you are dealing with.
Never rely on instincts when judging someone; instead gather concrete knowledge. Also never trust appearances.
Perhaps if Trump drank alcohol, he would be more open and sensitive to how his actions affected others. But he seems to be completely and totally oblivious to it.
He violated law #24.
24. Play the perfect courtier.The perfect courtier thrives in a world where everything revolves around power and political dexterity. He has mastered the art of indirection; he flatters, yields to superiors, and asserts power over others in the most oblique and graceful manner. Learn and apply the laws of courtiership and there will be no limit to how far you can rise in the court.The Laws of Court PoliticsAvoid Ostentation: modesty is always preferable.
Practice Nonchalance: never appear to be working too hard; your talent must appear to flow naturally, with ease. Showing your blood and toil is a form of ostentation.
Be Frugal with Flattery: flatter indirectly by being modest.
Arrange to be Noticed: pay attention to your appearance, and find a way to create a subtly distinctive style and image.
Alter Your Style and Language According to the Person You’re Dealing With: acting the same with all will be seen as condescension by those below you, and offend those above you.
Never Be the Bearer of Bad News: the messenger is always killed. Bring only glad news.
Never Affect Friendliness and Intimacy with Your Master: he does not want a friend for a subordinate.
Never Criticize Those Above You Directly: err on the side of subtlety and gentleness.
Be Frugal in Asking Those Above You for Favours: it is always better to earn your favours. Do not ask for favours on another person’s behalf.
Never Joke About Appearances or TasteDo Not Be the Court Cynic: express admiration for the good work of others.
Be Self-Observant: you must train yourself to evaluate your own actions.
Master Your EmotionsFit the Spirit of the Times: your spirit and way of thinking must keep up with the times, even if the times offend your sensibilities.
Be a Source of Pleasure: if you cannot be the life of the party, at least obscure your less desirable qualities.
Yes. Like him, love him or hate him, Mr. Trump was certainly unique. Most Americans, trapped within the media and informational bubble there, were never given insight to his faults. Only endless praises and glory. He, in a way, had a following that rivaled both Bill Clinton, and Barrack Obama, and at that you MUST give him credit.
You just MUST.
He, like Bill Clinton, is a master manipulator.
But those of us who sit outside of the American echo-chamber tend to have a different point of view.
He violated law #43.
43. Work on the hearts and minds of others.Coercion creates a reaction that will eventually work against you. You must seduce others into wanting to move in your direction. A person you have seduced becomes your loyal pawn. And the way to seduce others is to operate on their individual psychologies and weaknesses. Soften up the resistant by working on their emotions, playing on what they hold dear and what they fear. Ignore the hearts and minds of others and they will grow to hate you.
Remember: The key to persuasion is softening people up and breaking them down, gently. Seduce them with a two-pronged approach: Work on their emotions and play on their intellectual weaknesses. Be alert to both what separates them from everyone else (their individual psychology) and what they share with everyone else (their basic emotional responses). Aim at the primary emotions—love, hate, jealousy. Once you move their emotions you have reduced their control, making them more vulnerable to persuasion.
Play on contrasts: push people to despair, then give them relief. If they expect pain and you give them pleasure, you win their hearts.
Symbolic gestures of self-sacrifice can win sympathy and goodwill.
The quickest way to secure people’s minds is by demonstrating, as simply as possible, how an action will benefit them.
All this talk about politics, manipulation and likes makes me want to drink. And drinking makes me hungry.
Some New York style pizza would really hit the spot.
And the laws that he actually used…
To be fair, President Trump DID actually follow certain rules of power. And he does deserve full credit for that. Don’t you know.
His entire presidency was Law #17.
17. Keep others in suspended terror: cultivate an air of unpredictability.Humans are creatures of habit with an insatiable need to see familiarity in other people’s actions. Your predictability gives them a sense of control. Turn the tables: Be deliberately unpredictable. Behavior that seems to have no consistency or purpose will keep them off-balance, and they will wear themselves out trying to explain your moves. Taken to an extreme, this strategy can intimidate and terrorize.
Unsettle those around you and keep the initiative by being unpredictable.
Predictability and patterns can be used as a tool when deceiving.
As well as… Law #27.
27. Play on people’s need to believe to create a cult like following.People have an overwhelming desire to believe in something. Become the focal point of such desire by offering them a cause, a new faith to follow. Keep your words vague but full of promise ; emphasize enthusiasm over rationality and clear thinking. Give your new disciples rituals to perform, ask them to make sacrifices on your behalf. In the absence of organized religion and grand causes, your new belief system will bring you untold power.How to create a cult in 5 easy steps:Keep It Vague, Keep it Simple: use words to attract attention, with great enthusiasm. Fancy titles for simple things are helpful, as are the use of numbers and the creation of new words for vague concepts. All of these create the impression of specialized knowledge. People want to hear there is a simple solution to their problems.
Emphasize the Visual and the Sensual over the Intellectual: Boredom and skepticism are two dangers you must counter. The best way to do this is through theatre, creating a spectacle. Appeal to all the senses, and use the exotic.
Borrow the Forms of Organized Religion to Structure the Group: create rituals, organize followers into hierarchy, rank them in grades of sanctity, give them names and titles, ask them for sacrifices that fill your coffers and increase your power. Talk and act like a prophet.
Disguise Your Source of Income: make your wealth seem to come from the truth of your methods.
Set Up an Us-Versus-Them Dynamic: first make sure your followers believe they are part of an exclusive club, unified by common goals. Then, manufacture the notion of a devious enemy out to ruin you.
People are not interested in the truth about change - that it requires hard work - but rather they are dying to believe something romantic, otherworldly.
The most effective cults mix religion with science.
I’m out of beer, and I need to drain the lizard.
Hold on.
Doesn’t all this make you hungry? It does me. That’s for certain.
A hamburger might be nice.
Where he has indeed… Law #32.
32. Play to people’s fantasies.The truth is often avoided because it is ugly and unpleasant. Never appeal to truth and reality unless you are prepared for the anger that comes from disenchantment. Life is so harsh and distressing that people who can manufacture romance or conjure up fantasy are like oases in the desert: Everyone flocks to them. There is great power in tapping into the fantasies of the masses.
Never promise a gradual improvement through hard work; rather, promise the moon, the great and sudden transformation, the pot of gold.
The key to fantasy is distance - the distance has allure and promise, seems simple and problem free. What you are offering, then, should be ungraspable. Never let it become oppressively familiar.
I think that this is more my speed. Seriously.
And who can forget his amazing MAGA rallies? Law #32.
37. Create compelling spectacles.Striking imagery and grand symbolic gestures create the aura of power—everyone responds to them. Stage spectacles for those around you, then, full of arresting visuals and radiant symbols that heighten your presence. Dazzled by appearances, no one will notice what you are really doing.
Words often go astray, but symbols and the visual strike with emotional power and immediacy.
Find an associate yourself with powerful images and symbols to gain power.
Most effective of all is a new combination - a fusion of images and symbols that have not been seen together before, but that clearly demonstrate your new idea, message, religion.
Like I said. I need a beer.
I say that it is time for a beer.
Let’s pause on the “why is the news media so focused on Biden continuing Trumps policies”, and take a look at what I mean when I say that his international polices stink.
For after all NO ONE in the USA thinks that his international policies were bad.
Americans gleefully accepted a 25% increase in the price of almost all manufactured products. Not a peep from the serfs. And of course, FOX and El’ Rushbo were absolutely gleeful in every action that he took.
But functionally… yeah. His international policies stank.
Trumps international policies
Yes his international policies stunk. No, I take that back, they were an unmitigated disaster. But you all don’t need to believe me. Check out this opinion…
He has cozied up to right-wing nationalist dictators and autocrats at a moment when citizens of faltering democracies and the many peoples around the world aspiring to freedom most need an advocate on the international stage.
He has rejected the honorable American presidential tradition of seeking unity and instead has indulged in the politics of division, willfully alienating a large segment of the American electorate while among his own supporters drumming up hatred for and suspicion of others.
He has transformed the White House, which should promote policies based on reality, into the world capital of ignorance, dishonesty and misinformation by reciting verifiable falsehoods, from the size of his inauguration crowd to the direction of a hurricane to the (disproven) prevalence of election fraud.
He has been a particular antagonist to California, seeking to undermine this state’s forward-looking policies on auto emissions and environmental preservation, spreading falsehoods about the causes of its deadly wildfires, disparaging its rational and humane approach to immigration challenges, demeaning it for its struggles to deal with homelessness, and offering instead purported solutions that are unworkable, nonsensical or cruel.
He has denied the existential challenge of climate change and has promulgated policies that weaken the nation’s role in fighting it and scuttle the nation’s ability to take economic leadership in low-emission and carbon-capturing technology.
He has made the United States unreliable, erratic and foolish in international affairs by disparaging its diplomatic corps, engaging in frequent and jarring changes in foreign affairs and defense advisors and repudiating international allies and partners.
Trump has cheapened his office, instilled distrust in essential institutions of justice and democracy and replaced knowledge and professionalism with ignorance and amateurism.
He has made light of verified Russian assaults on U.S. elections, and at his notorious and shameful Helsinki news conference last year said he believed Russian President Vladimir Putin over his own nation’s intelligence agencies.
He failed to elicit from the Russian leader an apology for past intervention or a promise not to intervene in other elections. In so doing, he invited further, more comprehensive attacks — and failed in the most basic duty of any U.S. president, which is to protect and defend the United States.
He has reduced or eliminated independent science advisory panels in a quest to remove fact from policymaking when it collides with damaging policies he wishes to pursue.
He has demeaned the presidency with foul, angry language hurled at his political adversaries, replacing fireside chats and presidential addresses with cable-TV-fueled, stream-of-consciousness tweets that attack his critics and stoke fear and outrage in his supporters.
He has undercut the nation’s moral standing by his shrugging response to the murder of Jamal Khashoggi at the hands of Saudi operatives.
He has sullied the office of the presidency by using it to express his personal contempt for people he does not like or who do not support him. The most egregious example may be his treatment of Sen. John McCain, a much-decorated former Vietnam War prisoner whose honor Trump questioned even after McCain’s passing.
He has appealed to the basest part of our culture, lifting into the mainstream chords and currents of racism that had long been left to fester in only our darkest corners. He commented on the deadly white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Va., with an equivocating speech that shrank from condemning violent racism and promoted false equivalency among demonstrators for and against white supremacy. He put in place a program to deny visas to visitors from majority Muslim nations. He disparaged Latinos; called Haiti, El Salvador and African nations “shithole countries”; and expressed his preference for immigrants from Norway. He promoted the notion that one’s American-ness is a function of descent and not birth or naturalization, by saying U.S.-born members of Congress should “go back” to the countries “from which they came.” He has issued statements that in the aggregate define an America united not by law, the Constitution, liberty or justice but by racial heritage.
More than any president in living memory, Trump has cheapened his office, instilled distrust in essential institutions of justice and democracy and replaced knowledge and professionalism with ignorance and amateurism. This partial list represents a mere slice of what makes Donald Trump unacceptable as president of the United States and what makes it of utmost importance that Americans of all political parties and positions reject and replace him.
-LA Times
Of course, that is just someone’s opinion.
I like to think that he meant well. That he tried, he really tried.
It’s just that his ideas are from another time, an outdated time, when nations ruled by paper and separated by cultural differences fought over swatches of rock and desert. But that age is long gone. This is a new age, and for the human species to propagate and grow we need to discard those childish ideas behind and accept that we are all biologically the same. That we are not different. And that fighting over territory, or advantage is a undesirable pursuit.
Times have changed.
For one thing, I was fighting for Trump. I really wanted him to stop that Obama trademark of non-stop progressive social re-engineering. I was tired of all the bullshit, and the people being forced to bake cakes against their beliefs, and other such nonsense. I wanted it to STOP. And you know what?
It did.
What’s more, I wanted factories to return to America, and people to start working again, and all that nonsense about HR Diversity officers to go away, and cheaper affordable health care to return (yes, return to pre-1980 levels).
They didn’t.
But you know, I wasn’t inside of America when he was the reigning head honcho. I was outside of America. I was sitting on the front row watching him represent the United States to the rest of the world. And precious little of what he did was covered by the American domestic press.
He was a God-damn train wreck.
In hindsight, it is no wonder that Trump was gloating that 2020 would be a “banner year” for America, and that there would be victories abound. His plans, were they to manifest would have put America back on top, and the rest of the world opposition crippled for decades to come. Even though…
People! 2020 was the year that the USA was to destroy China, first by starvation and internal revolution, then by biological weapons, and finally by military confrontation on the Chinese shores. The only reason why American cites are not radioactive ruins right now is because the Chief of Staff of the Defense department disobeyed his orders to attack China in the Summer of 2020 with the mega-flotilla of aircraft carriers.
Ah, but no one is talking about that.
Nor are they talking about his plan to destroy China through starvation with eight (x8) types of selective biological weapons targeting crops and livestock, some of which (in the more remote areas) were deployed by drones, and then a full-on assault on the Chinese people (a nation four times larger than the United States) by COVID-19B, and having Americans get “herd Immunity” though COVID-19A. With a follow up with the far more lethal vomit-to-death virus unleashed in October 2020. No wonder Trump pretended to get sick while scurrying to the airborne command post when the Chinese PLA discovered and isolated the virus..
How’s that all working out you-all?
No one is talking about that.
Of course not.
Americans know (after four years of propaganda) that China is vile and evil, and that 5G technology is bad, and that the world would be a better place if China were completely and utterly destroyed due to the superiority of American “democracy”.
American NEEDS the rest of the world to adopt the “great American way of life“. So that everyone can enjoy that great delicious, lip-smacking “democracy” and American “way of life” like this lithe young lass does.
American NEEDS the rest of the world to adopt the “great American way of life“.
But, seriously, how has President Trump’s international policies been?
Well, if you read the conservative websites, Trump has been almost God-like. He has single-handedly made America strong (again), stopped terrorism in it’s tracks, built walls around America to keep out bad guys, and almost put Hillary Clinton in Jail. To some, his tenure as President has been a resounding success.
Most conservatives do not believe in “climate change” or that humans have a responsibility to shepherd and manage our natural resources. Instead, they believe that while there are limits, they are near infinite in practicality, and thus all the issues about care for the earth is yet another way to skim money out of the pockets of Americans.
Well, both sides are right and both sides are wrong. But that doesn’t matter. What we are talking about here is the Trump policies concerning climate regarding international treaties.
Since the Trump administration took office, it has been fighting what they call an “anti-growth” agenda put in place by the Obama administration. Regulations that required businesses to spend time and money to meet the former administration’s environmental standards were swiftly reviewed and, in many cases, rolled back.
States, municipalities, and NGOs have responded to these changes by filing lawsuits to block the administration. Some, like lawsuits against the Keystone XL pipeline, have successfully kept public land closed to additional development.
This aspect of his policies has been covered substantially by National Geographic Magazine.
Clean air
1. U.S. pulls out of Paris Climate Agreement
This is perhaps the decision that set the tone for the Trump administration’s approach to the environment: when he moved to withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement in June of 2017. To many, it signaled less U.S. leadership in international climate change agreements. (Read more about this decision.)
2. Trump EPA poised to scrap clean power plan
The Clean Power Plan was one of the Obama’s signature environmental policies. It required the energy sector to cut carbon emissions by 32 percent by 2030, but in October 2017 it was rolled back by Trump’s EPA. Among the reasons cited were unfair burdens on the power sector and a “war on coal.” (Read more on why Trump can’t make coal great again.)
3. EPA loosens regulations on toxic air pollution
This regulation revolved around a complicated rule referred to as “once in, always in” or OIAI. Essentially, OIAI said that if a company polluted over the legal limit, they would have to match the lowest levels set by their industry peers and they would have to match them indefinitely. By dropping OIAI, the Trump EPA forces companies to innovate ways to decrease their emissions, but once those lower targets are met, they’re no longer required to keep using those innovations. (Read more about air pollution.)
4. Rescinding methane-flaring rules
Under the Affordable Clean Energy rule issued in August 2018, states were given more power over regulating emissions. In states like California, that means regulations would likely be stricter, whereas states that produce fossil fuels are likely to weaken regulations. The following month, the EPA announced they would relax rules around releasing methane flares, inspecting equipment, and repairing leaks. (Read more about methane.)
5. Trump announces plan to weaken Obama-era fuel economy rules
Under the Obama administration’s fuel economy targets, cars made after 2012 would, on average, have to get 54 miles per gallon by 2025. In August 2018, the Trump Department of Transportation and EPA capped that target at 34 miles per gallon by 2021. The decision created legal conflict with states like California that have higher emission caps. (Read more about speed bumps in the way of super-efficient cars.)
6. Trump revokes flood standards accounting for sea-level rise
In August 2017, President Trump revoked an Obama-era executive order that required federally funded projects to factor rising sea levels into construction. However, in 2018, the Department of Housing and Urban Development required buildings constructed with disaster relief grants do just that. (Read more about how rising sea levels may imperil the internet.)
7. Waters of the U.S. Rule revocation
What are the “waters of the U.S.?” President Trump issued an executive order in 2017 ordering the EPA to formally review what waters fell under the jurisdiction of the EPA and Army Corps of Engineers according to the 1972 Clean Water Act. The proposed change narrowed the definition of what’s considered a federally protected river or wetland. (Read more about Trump’s plans to roll back the Clean Water Act.)
8. NOAA green lights seismic airgun blasts for oil and gas drilling
Five companies were approved to use seismic air gun blasts to search for underwater oil and gas deposits. Debate over the deafening blasts stem from concerns that they disorient marine mammals that use sonar to communicate and kill plankton. The blasts were shot down by the Bureau of Energy Management in 2017 but approved after NOAA found they would not violate the Marine Mammal Protection Act. (Read more about how scientists think seismic air guns will harm marine life.)
9. Interior Department relaxes sage grouse protection
The uniquely American sage grouse, a bird resembling a turkey with spiked feathers, has become the face of the debate between land developers and conservationists. In both 2017 and 2018, the Trump administration Department of Interior eased restrictions on activities like mining and drilling that had been restricted to protect the endangered bird. (Read more about how the sage grouse become caught in the fight over who owns America’s west.)
10. Trump officials propose changes to handling the Endangered Species Act
In July of 2018, the Trump administration announced its intention to change the way the Endangered Species Act is administered, saying more weight would be put on economic considerations when designating an endangered animal’s habitat. (Read more about the rollbacks facing endangered animals.)
11. Migratory Bird Treaty Act reinterpretation
Companies installing large wind turbines, constructing power lines, or leaving oil exposed are no longer violating the Migratory Bird Treaty Act if their activities kill birds. This controversial change was declared by the Trump administration in December of 2017. (Read more about why legally protecting birds is important.)
Opening public lands for business
12. Trump unveils plan to dramatically downsize two national monuments
Unlike national parks, which have to be approved by Congress, national monuments can be created by an executive order, which the president said means they can be dismantled just as easily. Such was the case for Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante in Utah, which President Trump reduced and opened for mining and drilling companies in 2017. Tribes and environmental groups are challenging that interpretation in court. (Read more about the impacts of downsizing these two monuments.)
13. Executive order calls for sharp logging increase on public lands
Just a day before the longest government shutdown in U.S. history, President Trump issued an executive order that called for a 30 percent increase in logging on public lands. The decision was billed as wildfire prevention, though environmental groups say it ignores the role climate change plays in starting wildfires. (Read more about California’s historic wildfires.)
Security & Enforcement
14. Trump drops climate change from list of national security threats
The Trump administration’s decision to delist climate change from national security threats in December of 2017 meant less Department of Defense research funding and a nationalistic viewpoint on the potential impacts of wildfires, droughts, hurricanes, and other natural disasters. (Read more about how climate change is forcing migration in Guatemala.)
15. EPA criminal enforcement hits 30-year low
The size and influence of the EPA has shrunk under the Trump administration, and it’s illustrated by their diminished prosecuting power. Criminal prosecutions are at a 30-year low, and many violations that would have been prosecuted in the past are now being negotiated with companies. The administration says this is streamlining its work, but environmentalists have warned it could lead to more pollution. (Read more about the scientists pushing back against President Trump’s environment agenda.)
But it’s more than that…
Donald Trump does not have a foreign policy; he has moods regarding international affairs. Underneath the volatility of his moods, however, are some convictions:
That other countries are robbing the U.S. through trade;
U.S. allies are at best incapable of defending themselves.
Our allies are unwilling to spend resources in order to do so;
multilateralism is for the weak.
In many respects, these convictions are fundamentally wrong: over the long term, the U.S. has benefited enormously from …
A commitment to open trade,
From alliances beyond immediate transactional quid-pro-quo,
A multilateral international order,
U.S. global power projection.
The real tragedy of Trump’s inability to recognize these facts is the negative consequences that his failed foreign affairs beliefs and choices frequently have for those affected by them.
It makes me want to eat, and drink…
It makes me want to go away, far away from all this nonsense.
Trump simply makes a lot of bad foreign policy decisions that hurt everyone from U.S. domestic consumers to businesses with international supply chains to leaders of U.S. allies in Europe and the Indo-Pacific.
And for some foreign policy decisions—such as the abrogation of the Iran deal, or engagement with North Korea—the jury is still out. We still do not know how those decisions will pan out, and whether or not they are good or bad.
Nonetheless, occasionally, Trump’s convictions feed instincts leading him to decisions that are fundamentally right. Ironically, however, even when Trump makes ostensibly good foreign policy choices, he executes them so badly, or approaches them from such a chaotic and skewed vantage point, that even those who normally would support the policy in question end up obliged to reject it.
A cursory examination of three of Trump’s major international priorities— [1] relationships with allies, [2] the war in Syria, and [3] U.S.-China trade relations—is indicative of this incongruous dynamic.
[1] Trump’s Treatment of Allies
Arguably, the most enduring of Trump’s foreign policy blunders will be his alienation of U.S. allies, particularly in Europe. He has alienated everyone.
Trump is not viewed with favor on the international scene.
It’s one thing to raise some long-overdue points about the commitment of allies, but it is another thing to be insulting to them, to cause them to lose face, and to create havoc . His rhetorical antagonism and extortionate attempts to compel their increased defense spending (both on burden-sharing and purchases of U.S. technology) portend a change to less cohesion and more conflict between the U.S. and its allies in Europe and the Indo-Pacific.
This behavior is pushing forward a new normal in which the U.S. and its allies consider themselves to have different approaches to international affairs and fewer overlapping interests.
This is dangerous for U.S. security, as the U.S. National Defense Strategy identifies the U.S. alliance network as an asymmetric strategic advantage vis-à-vis competitors such as China or Russia.
If abandonment fears on the part of the U.S.’s European and Indo-Pacific allies could be leveraged for greater alliance investment and strengthening in the long run, then some pressure would make sense.
But Trump has undermined this potential outcome by going too far:
By stoking right-wing, illiberal nationalism in European states’ domestic politics;
Fundamentally calling into question NATO,
And questioning the EU, and U.S. commitment to Indo-Pacific hub-and-spoke allies;
Browbeating and humiliating European and Asian allies.
And failing to acknowledge the strategic advantages that U.S. basing rights overseas represent for U.S. global power projection.
Moreover, Trump seems to misunderstand basic facts about alliance burden-sharing (both multilateral and bilateral) and couples his distaste for alliances with a general destabilization of the internationalorder.
Yet, for all that, his instinct that U.S. allies—particularly in NATO—should meet their defense funding obligations (such as the 2% of GDP threshold for NATO countries) is a good one…
The open hostility of his rhetoric and the malformed reasoning behind extortionate demands (such as the recently unveiled “Cost plus 50” concept) weaken the persuasiveness of the serious voices who have pushed (and continue to push) for greater commitment from U.S. allies.
At the very least, it makes allied advocates for greater defense spending seem aligned with a U.S. president who apparently does not care about the interests of allied states.
This dynamic hurts their public credibility.
At worst, it undermines these voices’ ability to broker political deals necessary to overcome headwinds on an issue that is sensitive throughout Europe and the Indo-Pacific.
[2] Trump’s Withdrawal Decision
If you want to withdraw from the world stage, then do it. And initially it looked like that was exactly what Trump was doing. And then he started to expand the global military presence. It was confusing and confounding.
There are many good arguments for why the U.S. should not have an armed forces presence in Syria, and thus why Trump should withdraw U.S. troops from that war-ravaged land. To begin with, Trump campaigned on the promise to leave Syria, and a (small) majority of the U.S. population supports the withdrawal policy.
There is also little evidence that the U.S. military role in the country has led to better security outcomes for Syria.
American military in Syria.
As many have argued from the political right, left, and center (as well as from both realist and institutionalist perspectives), U.S. military participation in the Syrian conflict [1] arguably violates international law, [2] is unconstitutional under U.S. law, [3] remains hampered by undefined goals, and [4] has not successfully advanced core U.S. strategic interests (indeed there are legitimate arguments that it undermines U.S. security).
A cynic might even argue that the best strategy for the U.S. in Syria would simply be to let U.S.’s enemies—Iran, the Syrian government of Bashar al-Assad, Islamic State and sundry terrorist organizations, Russia, etc.—kill each other. And yet, despite there being a relatively sizable group against the U.S. presence in Syria, Trump botched the withdrawal decision.
Nor was the decision supported by sound strategic or political reasoning; rather, it was sold on the basis of patent lies about the status of defeat of the Islamic State. Indeed, ISIS carried out a lethal attack shortly after Trump’s announcement of the organization’s defeat.
As if these self-inflicted wounds to Washington’s reliability and credibility weren’t bad enough, Trump apparently reached the decision after being dubiously convinced by discussions over the phone with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
A man whose ulterior motive is clearly not to finish off elements of remaining terrorist groups in the region (thereby aiding the U.S. in the war on terror)…
… and much less to provide for regional stability…
… but rather to weaken, and, if possible, destroy the U.S.’s Kurdish allies.
To boot, Trump’s decision to pull out of Syria cost him his Defense Secretary, James Mattis, for whom the policy changes were the last straw.
Given their deteriorated relationship, Trump probably considered Mattis’s resignation a blessing.
But for most experts and allied governments, it was unsettling to see him leave, not only because of his reputation as the last, preeminent “adult at the table” in Trump’s cabinet, but also because, of all things, Mattis left in protest of a failed policy, thus slightly tarnishing his sterling image as the wise warrior-monk.
In the end, this group even undermined partially the withdrawal decision, as both National Security Advisor John Bolton and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo walked back parts of the withdrawal commitment during their visits to the Middle East in early 2019.
Regarding Syria, rather than a well thought-out planned withdraw, the decision was conducted on a whim and implemented without any foresight. This kind of decision is what has historically caused nations to collapse, invasions to occur, and people to riot.
[3] The Trade War fiasco
I have written about this in great depth.
As for China, Trump’s instinct to confront it as a strategic competitor is an overdue corrective to the West’s negligence in realizing that China is a rising power.
But how he has dealt with this matter has been catastrophic.
Yet, a trade war, which Trump imagines will solve the U.S.-China trade imbalance, is not the right answer to these issues.
The fact that many economists do not believe the U.S. trade deficit with China is a problem in the first place.
In fact, trade wars to repair trade deficits do not lead to progress on structural issues.
The tariff-based trade war with China only acts as a tax on U.S. businesses and consumers.
It has also caused disruption in global supply and production chains.
It has caused instability in global markets.
It has fundamentally created a weakening of the free trade norm that underpinned U.S. economic strength.
And so far, China has hardly budged on “structural reform“, as U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer recently conceded. But they don’t need to implement any changes to their government, their society or their inherent way of life. China is not what the neocons think it is, much to America’s chagrin. China is doing splendidly.
Why throw away your cut of prime steak and eat dog food instead?
It’s not a popular view point, but that is because 99% of Americans haven’t a clue as to how backwards, and repressed that they have become. Further that they have absolutely no idea of what China is, how it works, or what the Chinese people think.
Americans think that the Chinese are poor, downtrodden and living in a repressive / suppressive horrible dark and gloomy place. And that America represents the best place in the world.
The Chinese are happy with their government, their way of life, and view America as a crazy place that is fat, unhealthy and rather dumbed down.
Anyone who counters with the crazy (well, insane) idea that China NEEDS to make substantive changes to their government; “structural reform“, a very successful one at that, seriously needs their fucking head fixed.
If you are driving a Porsche 911, you aren’t going to trade it in for forty year old Pacer.
American policy makers often draw a sharp distinction between what the historian Jeffrey Wasserstrom has termed “big bad China and the good Chinese people,” stressing that today’s more hawkish China policy is directed against the CCP and not the ordinary people who “dream of freedom.”
Yet China contains multitudes — not just dissidents, democrats, and human rights defenders — and many Chinese are vocal supporters of their government.
Indeed, various multinational opinion surveys consistently find a “high level of regime support” in China, even after factoring in the possibility that some people hide their dissatisfaction for fear of political repercussions. In 2014, Pew Global Research found that a staggering 92% of respondents had “confidence” in their country’s leader, Xi Jinping.
In addition, Trump is a poor, untrustworthy messenger, the optics of the trade war rollout—such as using dubious national security grounds to justify tariffs—have allowed China to plausibly appear a victim of U.S. economic aggression in general and Trump’s bad faith in particular.
Ironically, remaining locked into a trade war with negative spillover effects to other countries, especially allies, potentially pushes them away from the U.S.’s position. Indeed, the U.S. is having difficulty convincing allies—including France and Germany—not to purchase Huawei’s 5G technology, despite the unproved security risks that Washington says they have.
In the end, the consequences of Trump’s poor foreign policy choices go beyond the irony that analysts, pundits, and policymakers are compelled to abjure policy directions that they otherwise support.
Good policy choices need solid execution and messaging to have their intended effects.
Unfortunately, even Trump’s good ideas—increased allied financial commitment to security and defense burden-sharing, extricating the U.S. from some of the messiest and most hopeless aspects of Middle East conflict, and pushing back against Beijing’s violations of trade norms—are undermined by his approach to concretizing policy.
Trump is the anti-Midas—even the gold he accidentally touches turns to dirt. This warps debate about future policy choices and will restrict future options because we will have “tried that before.”
Global nuclear conflict was avoided in 2020 just narrowly. There is no doubt in the halls of MM that that would have been the result of the planned “hot war” in the South China Sea by Trump.
How can you believe anything out of the American media?
So why all this propaganda directed towards Americans that Biden will be “tough on China”?
I have identified numerous reasons.
Keep in mind that the "President" has limited powers and range of abilities. That they are all playing a role and are puppets controlled by higher forces hiding behind the scenes.
To convince the donors who funded the Trump campaign, that their investments will not be wasted.
To convince the American citizenry to keep on hating China, until a new villain can be established, and the anger and disgust siphoned away and redirected towards it.
To keep Wall Street positive and in the black.
And my thoughts on the media narrative…
While limited war, using nuclear weapons, was avoided. The (8 +1) bio-weapon assaults were not, and the globe is now dealing with the spillover from the bio-weapons attacks on China by the Trump administration.
Well, I’m still glad that we gave Trump a chance.
That being said, MM anticipates a Biden Presidency to right some wrongs and correct some of the damage that the Trump administration inflicted on the global stage. But it will not be complete. There is much that remains raw and that will boil and fester into other issues down the road in the future.
Trump has completed his role. He has successfully isolated America from the global stage, and much of the internal discord and turmoil that will occur in the next five years will be geographically limited to the North American continent.
Biden can do anything, but I anticipate a redirection of hostilities towards Russia. This is a very dangerous turn of events. But if you know the whole and real story it makes sense.
Were Trump to actually successfully enact a “hot war” with China, it would have been a Waterloo moment (for America) with a minimum of three aircraft carrier groups sinking in internal Chernobyl fires, and uncountable submarines as well.
At that, you can pretty much expect a limited nuclear response and all of the top 20 largest American cities would be in radioactive ruins today. New York, Washington, LA, Chicago, Houston, Boston, San Francisco… all would be gone.
But this world-line did not run this way, did it?
You can say “phew” and wipe your forehead. Yay!
…like I have stated in regards to [1] start, [2] end and [3] signposts on a person’s lifeline, the same is true for groups of people and societies. The end of the USA was not prevented.
It was only postponed.
Things were only postponed.
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I’ve been in a kind of strange funk lately. It’s difficult to put my finger on it. It could be anything. It’s really just been a strange year all in all.
Those of us expats that applied for our Federal Government Coronavirus checks never received them and we can’t seem to figure out why. Everyone else in the world got theirs. But a quick review of the news explains it all. [1] If you don’t have a social security number tied to a bank account, you just aren’t going to see the money. Or, [2] if you use a bank account not on SWIFT, or [3] if you have a family bank account with a non-citizen. If you want a stimulus check, no matter what anyone says, it must be deposited in an account that the US government can tax. It’s something that we suspected all along, but nothing hits home hard, then having money denied to you.
I’ve been terribly nostalgic for Boston, and the surrounding environs lately. I go to Visitnewengland.com and check out my old stomping grounds and some of my favorite restaurants and pubs. Sigh. There I can see that some of the places are still standing and I look at the fine blue skies of Massachusetts and the fall leaves, and just… well…
Yah. While I do enjoy where I live, I have to admit that I really, really loved living in Boston, and the surrounding area. As you can well guess, I used to live in Milford, Walpole, Woonsockett, and Uxbridge. I wonder what it must be like now. I’ll bet that it is glorious. That’s what, and probably really nice for a nice little walk in the Wrenthan state forest.
F. Gilbert Hills state forest.
Anyways, I feel (you know “feel”) it’s time to wind some things down, pause a while, regroup and contemplate new directions. It’s a strong feeling. And I cannot explain it, except to say that my “feelings” and “hunches” have merit and are illustrative of other things.
Whether it is only personal, or suggestive of other things, bigger things, in a more expansive Geo-political arena is unknown. It’s just a really persistent, super odd feeling. Really.
When you get into these kinds of funk, the first thing that you want to do is hide. You go into your attic and read old magazines, you get the tackle box out and go fishing, or you hop in your truck and go on long rides in the countryside. You try to settle yourself. But it’s difficult.
It’s sort of like you are a (old fashioned) peculator coffee-pot and you are sitting on the stove and the water is starting to sizzle and a few pops of coffee are hitting the glass bulb on top. It’s almost exactly like that.
A peculator coffee-pot.
It’s a strong feeling that I cannot shake.
The thing about these feelings, for me, is that I am unable to discern what’s going on. Is it [1] me personally? Is it [2] something having to do with my latest affirmation campaign? [3] Is it part of my MAJesic mission parameters? [4] Is it a trend or series of changes that I am sensitive to? [5] Is it something having to do with our benefactors?
I really do not know.
These feelings pretty much come and go with me all the time. You get in tune with yourself and your body, and you can feel when you need to rest, or you need to exercise, or when an organ is going to give your trouble, or when you should avoid doing certain activities. It’s an internal awareness of self. These feelings, well, they are like tides or swells with the ocean. Only this time, it’s really, really, REALLY strong and persistent. Gosh darn it, I might need to go ahead and drink some VSOP and some beer to chill way the fuck down.
This reminds me of something…
You know, my first wife, well she had a mental illness known as schizophrenia. And she was the sweetest and kindest girl that I have ever met, but when the illness would hit her, she was unmanageable and needed to go into seclusion in a mental hospital staffed with trained and experienced doctors. And the thing about this illness is that while she had it, she was also really seriously super psychic. She could see things, predict things, and experience things hours or days before they occurred.
Good and bad.
Drove her crazy. Or, according to the doctors; crazier.
Anyways, this feeling that I have right now reminds me of an event years ago.
On October 17, 1989, a magnitude 6.9 earthquake hit the San Francisco Bay Area, killing 67 people and causing more than $5 billion in damages. On October 17, 1989, a magnitude 6.9 earthquake hit ...
-San Francisco Earthquake of 1989 - HISTORY
On October 16, all day long, I watched her experience this kind of discomfort that I am kind of feeling now. Now, we were not living in California at that time, we were living in Indiana, but she had this desire to call our friends in San Francisco and talk to them. Just talk. She didn’t feel anything bad. She just wanted to talk.
Weeks later the friends (in San Francisco) called us and told us that when the power was eventually restored they found my wife’s messages on their answering machine asking if they were all all-right. They all asked “how did you know?”
Anyways, I’m just throwing this all out there. It’s probably nothing for you all to be concerned about. Just go about your daily lives. Just remember that isolation is a danger. Get out and be with friends. Be social. Don’t trap yourself in a place or within a isolation bubble.
From Robert Greene…
LAW 18
The world is dangerous and enemies are everywhere—everyone has to protect themselves. A fortress seems the safest. But isolation exposes you to more dangers than it Protects you from—it cuts you off from valuable information, it makes you conspicuous and an easy target. Better to circulate among people, find allies, mingle. You are shielded from your enemies by the crowd.
Ch‘in Shih Huang Ti, the first emperor of China (221-210 B.C.), was the mightiest man of his day. His empire was vaster and more powerful than that of Alexander the Great. He had conquered all of the kingdoms surrounding his own kingdom of Ch’in and unified them into one massive realm called China. But in the last years of his life, few, if anyone, saw him.
The emperor lived in the most magnificent palace built to that date, in the capital of Hsien-yang. The palace had 270 pavilions; all of these were connected by secret underground passageways, allowing the emperor to move through the palace without anyone seeing him. He slept in a different room every night, and anyone who inadvertently laid eyes on him was instantly beheaded. Only a handful of men knew his whereabouts, and if they revealed it to anyone, they, too, were put to death.
The first emperor had grown so terrified of human contact that when he had to leave the palace he traveled incognito, disguising himself carefully. On one such trip through the provinces, he suddenly died. His body was borne back to the capital in the emperor’s carriage, with a cart packed with salted fish trailing behind it to cover up the smell of the rotting corpse—no one was to know of his death. He died alone, far from his wives, his family, his friends, and his courtiers, accompanied only by a minister and a handful of eunuchs.
The “Red Death” had long devastated the country. No pestilence had ever been so fatal, or so hideous. Blood was its Avatur and its seal—the redness and horror of blood. There were sharp pains, and sudden dizziness, and then profuse bleeding at the pores, with dissolution.... And the whole seizure, progress, and termination of the disease, were the incidents of half an hour. But the Prince Prospero was happy and dauntless and sagacious. When his dominions were half-depopulated, he summoned to his presence a thousand hale and light-hearted friends from among the knight, and dames of his court, and with these retired to the deep seclusion of one of his castellated abbeys. This was an extensive and magnificent structure, the creation of the prince’s own eccentric yet august taste. A strong and lofty wall girdled it in. This wall had gates of iron. The courtier.s, having entered, brought furnaces and massy hammers and welded the bolts. Theyresolved to leave means neither of ingress nor egress to the sudden impulses of despair or of frenzy from within. The abbey was amply provisioned. With such precautions the courtiers might bid defiance to contagion. Theexternal world could take care of itself In the meantime it was folly to grieve, or to think. The prince had provided all the appliances of pleasure. There were buffoons, there were improvisatori, there were ballet-dancers, there were musicians, there was Beauty, there was wine. All these and security were within. Without was the “Red Death.” It was toward the close of the fifth or sixth month of his seclusion, and while the pestilence raged most furiously abroad, that the Prince Prospero entertained his thousand friends at a masked ball of the most unusual magnificence. It was a voluptuous scene, that masquerade.... ... And the revel went whirlingly on,until at length there commenced the sounding of midnight upon the clock.... And thus too, it happened, perhaps, that before the last echoes of the last chime had utterly sunk into silence, there were many individuals in the crowd who had found leisure to become aware of the presence of a masked fzgecre which had arrested the attention of no single individual before.... The figure was tall and gaunt, and shrouded from head to foot in the habiliments of the grave. The mask which concealed the visage was made so nearly to resemble the countenance of a stiffened corpse that the closest scrutiny must have had difficulty in detecting the cheat. And yet all this might have been endured, if not approved, by the mad revellers around. But the mummer had gone so far as to assume the type of the Red Death. His vesture was dabbled in blood—and his broad brow, with all the features ofthe face, was sprinkled with the scarlet horror ... ...
A throng of the revellers at once threw themselves into the black apartment, and, seizing the mummer, whose tall figure stood erect and motionless within the shadow of the ebony clock, gasped in unutterable horror at finding the grave cerements and corpse-like mask, which they handled with so violent a rudeness, untenanted by any tangible form. And now was acknowledged the presence of the Red Death. He had come like a thief in the night. And oneby one dropped the revellers in the blood-bedewed halls of their revel, and died each in the despairing posture of his fall. And the life of the ebony clock went out with that of the last of the gay. And the flames of the tripods expired. And Darkness and Decay and the Red Death held illimitable dominion over all.
Shih Huang Ti started off as the king of Ch’in, a fearless warrior of unbridled ambition. Writers of the time described him as a man with “a waspish nose, eyes like slits, the voice of a jackal, and the heart of a tiger or wolf.”
He could be merciful sometimes, but more often he “swallowed men up without a scruple.” It was through trickery and violence that he conquered the provinces surrounding his own and created China, forging a single nation and culture out of many.
He broke up the feudal system, and to keep an eye on the many members of the royal families that were scattered across the realm’s various kingdoms, he moved 120,000 of them to the capital, where he housed the most important courtiers in the vast palace of Hsien-yang. He consolidated the many walls on the borders and built them into the Great Wall of China.
He standardized the country’s laws, its written language, even the size of its cartwheels.
As part of this process of unification, however, the first emperor outlawed the writings and teachings of Confucius, the philosopher whose ideas on the moral life had already become virtually a religion in Chinese culture.
On Shih Huang Ti’s order, thousands of books relating to Confucius were burned, and anyone who quoted Confucius was to be beheaded. This made many enemies for the emperor, and he grew constantly afraid, even paranoid.
The executions mounted.
A contemporary, the writer Han-fei-tzu, noted that “Ch’in has been victorious for four generations, yet has lived in constant terror and apprehension of destruction.”
As the emperor withdrew deeper and deeper into the palace to protect himself, he slowly lost control of the realm. Eunuchs and ministers enacted political policies without his approval or even his knowledge; they also plotted against him.
By the end, he was emperor in name only, and was so isolated that barely anyone knew he had died. He had probably been poisoned by the same scheming ministers who encouraged his isolation.
That is what isolation brings: Retreat into a fortress and you lose contact with the sources of your power. You lose your ear for what is happening around you, as well as a sense of proportion. Instead of being safer, you cut yourself off from the kind of knowledge on which your life depends. Never enclose yourself so far from the streets that you cannot hear what is happening around you, including the plots against you.
Louis XIV had the palace of Versailles built for him and his court in the 1660s, and it was like no other royal palace in the world. As in a beehive,
everything revolved around the royal person. He lived surrounded by the nobility, who were allotted apartments nestled around his, their closeness to him dependent on their rank. The king’s bedroom occupied the literal center of the palace and was the focus of everyone’s attention. Every morning the king was greeted in this room by a ritual known as the lever.
At eight A.M., the king’s first valet, who slept at the foot of the royal bed, would awaken His Majesty. Then pages would open the door and admit those who had a function in the lever. The order of their entry was precise: First came the king’s illegitimate sons and his grandchildren, then the princes and princesses of the blood, and then his physician and surgeon.
There followed the grand officers of the wardrobe, the king’s official reader, and those in charge of entertaining the king. Next would arrive various government officials, in ascending order of rank. Last but not least came those attending the lever by special invitation. By the end of the ceremony, the room would be packed with well over a hundred royal attendants and visitors.
The day was organized so that all the palace’s energy was directed at and passed through the king. Louis was constantly attended by courtiers and officials, all asking for his advice and judgment. To all their questions he usually replied, “I shall see.”
As Saint-Simon noted, “If he turned to someone, asked him a question, made an insignificant remark, the eyes of all present were turned on this person. It was a distinction that was talked of and increased prestige.” There was no possibility of privacy in the palace, not even for the king—every room communicated with another, and every hallway led to larger rooms where groups of nobles gathered constantly. Everyone’s actions were interdependent, and nothing and no one passed unnoticed: “The king not only saw to it that all the high nobility was present at his court,” wrote
Saint-Simon, “he demanded the same of the minor nobility. At his lever and coucher, at his meals, in his gardens of Versailles, he always looked about him, noticing everything. He was offended if the most distinguished nobles did not live permanently at court, and those who showed themselves never or hardly ever, incurred his full displeasure. If one of these desired something, the king would say proudly: ‘I do not know him,’ and the judgment was irrevocable.”
Louis XIV came to power at the end of a terrible civil war, the Fronde. A principal instigator of the war had been the nobility, which deeply resented the growing power of the throne and yearned for the days of feudalism, when the lords ruled their own fiefdoms and the king had little authority over them.
The nobles had lost the civil war, but they remained a fractious, resentful lot.
The construction of Versailles, then, was far more than the decadent whim of a luxury-loving king. It served a crucial function: The king could keep an eye and an ear on everyone and everything around him. The once proud nobility was reduced to squabbling over the right to help the king put on his robes in the morning. There was no possibility here of privacy—no possibility of isolation.
Louis XIV very early grasped the truth that for a king to isolate himself is gravely dangerous.
In his absence, conspiracies will spring up like mushrooms after rain, animosities will crystallize into factions, and rebellion will break out before he has the time to react. To combat this, sociability and openness must not only be encouraged, they must be formally organized and channeled.
These conditions at Versailles lasted for Louis’s entire reign, some fifty years of relative peace and tranquillity. Through it all, not a pin dropped without Louis hearing it.
Solitude is dangerous to reason, without being favorable to virtue....Remember that the solitary mortal is certainly luxurious, probably superstitious, and possibly mad.
-Dr. Samuel John son, 1709-1784
Machiavelli makes the argument that in a strictly military sense a fortress is invariably a mistake. It becomes a symbol of power’s isolation, and is an easy target for its builders’ enemies. Designed to defend you, fortresses actually cut you off from help and cut into your flexibility. They may
appear impregnable, but once you retire to one, everyone knows where you are; and a siege does not have to succeed to turn your fortress into a prison. With their small and confined spaces, fortresses are also extremely vulnerable to the plague and contagious diseases. In a strategic sense, the isolation of a fortress provides no protection, and actually creates more problems than it solves.
Because humans are social creatures by nature, power depends on social interaction and circulation. To make yourself powerful you must place yourself at the center of things, as Louis XIV did at Versailles. All activity should revolve around you, and you should be aware of everything happening on the street, and of anyone who might be hatching plots against you. The danger for most people comes when they feel threatened. In such times they tend to retreat and close ranks, to find security in a kind of fortress. In doing so, however, they come to rely for information on a smaller and smaller circle, and lose perspective on events around them. They lose maneuverability and become easy targets, and their isolation makes them paranoid. As in warfare and most games of strategy, isolation often precedes defeat and death.
In moments of uncertainty and danger, you need to fight this desire to turn inward. Instead, make yourself more accessible, seek out old allies and make new ones, force yourself into more and more different circles. This has been the trick of powerful people for centuries.
The Roman statesman Cicero was born into the lower nobility, and had little chance of power unless he managed to make a place for himself among the aristocrats who controlled the city. He succeeded brilliantly, identifying everyone with influence and figuring out how they were connected to one another. He mingled everywhere, knew everyone, and had such a vast network of connections that an enemy here could easily be counterbalanced by an ally there.
The French statesman Talleyrand played the game the same way. Although he came from one of the oldest aristocratic families in France, he made a point of always staying in touch with what was happening in the streets of Paris, allowing him to foresee trends and troubles. He even got a certain pleasure out of mingling with shady criminal types, who supplied him with valuable information. Every time there was a crisis, a transition of power—the end of the Directory, the fall of Napoleon, the abdication of
Louis XVIII—he was able to survive and even thrive, because he never closed himself up in a small circle but always forged connections with the new order.
This law pertains to kings and queens, and to those of the highest power: The moment you lose contact with your people, seeking security in isolation, rebellion is brewing. Never imagine yourself so elevated that you can afford to cut yourself off from even the lowest echelons. By retreating to a fortress, you make yourself an easy target for your plotting subjects, who view your isolation as an insult and a reason for rebellion.
Since humans are such social creatures, it follows that the social arts that make us pleasant to be around can be practiced only by constant exposure and circulation. The more you are in contact with others, the more graceful and at ease you become. Isolation, on the other hand, engenders an awkwardness in your gestures, and leads to further isolation, as people start avoiding you.
In 1545 Duke Cosimo I de’ Medici decided that to ensure the immortality of his name he would commission frescoes for the main chapel of the church of San Lorenzo in Florence. He had many great painters to choose from, and in the end he picked Jacopo da Pontormo. Getting on in years, Pontormo wanted to make these frescoes his chef d’oeuvre and legacy. His first decision was to close the chapel off with walls, partitions, and blinds. He wanted no one to witness the creation of his masterpiece, or to steal his ideas. He would outdo Michelangelo himself. When some young men broke into the chapel out of curiosity, Jacopo sealed it off even further.
Pontormo filled the chapel’s ceiling with biblical scenes—the Creation, Adam and Eve, Noah’s ark, on and on. At the top of the middle wall he painted Christ in his majesty, raising the dead on Judgment Day. The artist worked on the chapel for eleven years, rarely leaving it, since he had developed a phobia for human contact and was afraid his ideas would be stolen.
Pontormo died before completing the frescoes, and none of them has survived. But the great Renaissance writer Vasari, a friend of Pontormo’s who saw the frescoes shortly after the artist’s death, left a description of what they looked like. There was a total lack of proportion. Scenes bumped against scenes, figures in one story being juxtaposed with those in another, in maddening numbers. Pontormo had become obsessed with detail but had lost any sense of the overall composition. Vasari left off his description of the frescoes by writing that if he continued, “I think I would go mad and become entangled in this painting, just as I believe that in the eleven years of time Jacopo spent on it, he entangled himself and anyone else who saw it.”
Instead of crowning Pontormo’s career, the work became his undoing.
These frescoes were visual equivalents of the effects of isolation on the human mind: a loss of proportion, an obsession with detail combined with an inability to see the larger picture, a kind of extravagant ugliness that no longer communicates. Clearly, isolation is as deadly for the creative arts as for the social arts. Shakespeare is the most famous writer in history because, as a dramatist for the popular stage, he opened himself up to the masses, making his work accessible to people no matter what their education and taste. Artists who hole themselves up in their fortress lose a sense of proportion, their work communicating only to their small circle. Such art remains cornered and powerless.
Finally, since power is a human creation, it is inevitably increased by contact with other people. Instead of falling into the fortress mentality, view the world in the following manner: It is like a vast Versailles, with every room communicating with another. You need to be permeable, able to float in and out of different circles and mix with different types. That kind of mobility and social contact will protect you from plotters, who will be unable to keep secrets from you, and from your enemies, who will be unable to isolate you from your allies. Always on the move, you mix and mingle in the rooms of the palace, never sitting or settling in one place. No hunter can fix his aim on such a swift-moving creature.
Image: The Fortress. High up on the hill, the citadel be comes a symbol of all that is hateful in power and authority.
The citizens of the town betray you to the first enemy that comes. Cut off from communication and intelligence, the citadel falls with ease.
Authority: A good and wise prince, desirous of maintaining that character, and to avoid giving the opportunity to his sons to become oppressive, will never build fortresses, so that they may place their reliance upon the good will of their subjects, and not upon the strength of citadels. (Niccolò Machiavelli, 1469-1527)
It is hardly ever right and propitious to choose isolation. Without keeping an ear on what is happening in the streets, you will be unable to protect yourself. About the only thing that constant human contact cannot facilitate is thought. The weight of society’s pressure to conform, and the lack of distance from other people, can make it impossible to think clearly about what is going on around you. As a temporary recourse, then, isolation can help you to gain perspective. Many a serious thinker has been produced in prisons, where we have nothing to do but think. Machiavelli could write The Prince only once he found himself in exile and isolated on a farm far from the political intrigues of Florence.
The danger is, however, that this kind of isolation will sire all kinds of strange and perverted ideas. You may gain perspective on the larger picture, but you lose a sense of your own smallness and limitations. Also, the more isolated you are, the harder it is to break out of your isolation when you choose to—it sinks you deep into its quicksand without your noticing. If you need time to think, then, choose isolation only as a last resort, and only in small doses. Be careful to keep your way back into society open.
Whenever you feel strange, or are angry, fearful, or upset, or confused… don’t isolate. Reach out to others, and get with your friends and support network. It might be the local watering hole, or your extended relatives. It might be some friends, or if you have no-one then just get out in nature and take your favorite dog with you.
Everyone has times where things “don’t feel right”. And it is at those times that we need to get in touch with what is going on, calm the fuck way, way down, and get with others. Others that care about us.
For me, this is one of those times. You all shouldn’t read more into this than what it probably is. Nothing. But use this as a reminder that we are all part of an environment with a complex social structures and a network that involves others. tap into that network and you will mitigate any negative concerns or worries that you might have.
For me, I’m going out to eat some delicious food, have a smoke or two with some friends, and gonna eat some fine delicious food. I’d suggest you all do the same. God Bless.
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If you buy into the government “proof” that the coronavirus is natural and that it was just extraordinary bad-luck for it to strike China on the eve of their busiest holiday, then this post is not for you. This post is a link to a comprehensive report that confirms that the United States unleashed a bioweapons attack on China.
Ah. You can believe whatever you want. It’s “no skin off my back”. You can just go ahead and believe whatever makes you live through the day.
I often receive contributions from others in the form of information, links, and other data that are not usually available on the internet. When someone proposes an idea, a concept, or some information, I tend to listen to them. I might not agree with them, but if they have done their research properly and have something of value to contribute, I will provide access to their information on this site.
Thus this post.
I do not agree with everything in the article, but the amount of research and the information conveyed is significant. It is worthwhile reading and I suggest you, the reader, give it every consideration.
The following is a link to a PDF file. The author devoted a significant amount of time and effort to the study of the COVID-19 bioweapons attack, and compiled the information within a PDF for ease of reading. I suggest that if the reader has any doubts that this is a natural virus, that they read this detailed summary.
You can access it here, just click on the picture below…
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because I just don’t care to.
Please kindly help me out in this effort. There is a lot of effort that goes into this disclosure. I could use all the financial support that anyone could provide. Thank you.
Here’s some more escapist, mostly upbeat or odd, movies to help release you from the insanity that has become our daily ritual. These movies and shows were not chosen because they were praised by critics, or because I was paid to recommend them (Under some kind of money-making scheme.). Instead they are generally, known (and forgotten) movies that have the ability to carry you away to another time and another place.
And that is what is important…
Don’t you know.
To be able to carry you away to a different time, and a different place, and a different lifestyle.
And, in this case, for me… way way back to my 20’s. That in-between stage from during the transition from High School to adulthood. As a young man, being strong and healthy, and with options all over the place…
So when you watch these movies you can forget the life that you live now. You can forget your boss, the need to buy groceries, the dog wanting to go outside, and the bills piling up on the kitchen table. Instead you can escape to a quieter time; a time when things were simpler, and the entire world was yours for the taking.
It can transport you to a time when the “news” only lasted for thirty minutes, and just gave summarys of events, not panels of “experts” endlessly debating if Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are racist.
It will transport you to a time when people seemed a little bit happier, a time when that grey storm cloud wasn’t hovering over their head, and a time when … well, it was possible for you to be anything you wanted to be.
We will start with a relatively unknown movie.
Hot Dog The Movie (1984)
This movie will absolutely cart you off to the 1980’s, to the land of ski lodges, big hair, and vibrant colors in the snowy mountains. It’s funny, silly, up-beat and has a positive up-lifting music track. All in all, perfect for these uncertain times.
Who knows what surprises you might discover when trapped inside a gondola with a “snow bunny”?
Did you ever own white Vuarnet Cat Eyes? Are you stoked that padded ski sweaters are coming back in? Did you ever want to be the toast of Tahoe, ski all season long, party every night and hang out with a wacky bunch of ski bums with names like Thrasher and Squirrel?
Then check out this early 80's classic (I know, it came out in '84, but it's SO '82).
Harkin Banks is the wunderkind from the sticks who hooks up with Dan O'Callahan. Dan is the good time Squaw Valley veteran who's a permanent fixture on the competitive ski scene, sharing slopes and hot tubs with his party hardy co-horts: the nutty Squirrel Murphy, who digs zinc oxide, sexy ski bunnies and long gondola rides; Kendo Yamamoto, who doesn't speak much English, but can tear down the mountain like a Kamakaze; punk rocker, Thrasher, who dances to his own tune, even at parties; and a host of semi-nameless others.
The “rat pack”, just some friends that want to ski, drink and have fun together. What’s so wrong about that?
But what would a crazy party flick be without some bad guys?
Enter Rudy Garmisch, zee Austrian ski champ and nemesis of the Squaw Valley locals. He and his loyal "Rudettes", mostly nameless guys and fraulines also from zee Austrian slopes, push some of the locals out of the upcoming competition with promises of good television ratings and new sponsorships from internationally minded companies.
Uh-oh, ol' Dan's not happy with that at all!
Toss in a battle over a cute blonde runaway, Sunny, and you have a recipe for trouble on the slopes.
Oh. I had Sunny-side-up. Und, I had Sunny-side-down. Und, I had Sunny-side all zee way around!
Not to worry, all's well that ends well. After all, what tiff can't be settled over a friendly game of Chinese Downhill? Not sure you wanna play? No worries…there's nothing one of Dan's famous "Leg Spreader" cocktails can't fix.
And to top it all off, there's some fantastic ski footage set to even more fantastic early 80's music. Why they even bothered to make Ski School in the early 90's was a mystery to me - how could they do the ski party flick any better than Hot Dog?
Surprisingly enough it was also pretty damn good. But Hot Dog: The Movie is still the original and the best.
THE classic early 80's ski flickcolparker4 February 2003
It’s a movie about sun, fun and friends. It’s about having fun and just enjoying life. Oh, and by the way, there isn’t any sort of political correctness either. It’s PC free – you all!
You don’t need to know how to sky to appreciate this movie. It’s just a lot of fun, a lot of smiles, and just some good old vibes.
"What the fuck is a Chinese downhill?"
You are not going to be sad after watching this movie. Instead you will be in a good joyous mood and wondering just why… why you never took up skiing.
Risky Business (1983)
Just about everyone of my generation knows this movie. It’s the movie that made Tom Cruse the screen actor that he is today. But let’s be real. When was the last time you watched it?
For me, It’s been at least a decade, perhaps two. And I have talked to some of the younger folk who have never heard of this masterpiece. Can you believe it?
Well, for some fun, I downloaded the torrent and checked it out. (My betaMAX tape is lost somewhere under a pile of dusty boxes.)
It took me away.
It blew me away.
On a number of really curious levels…
As a young businessman he learns how to manage time and resources. He tries to keep his overhead down, while maximizing the profits. Look at how young Tom Cruse is.
Well, after decades, I finally sat down and re-watched this. And ohhhh there were so many things that I had forgotten, and so many things that I can see with my older eyes of experience. It will carry you back to a time long ago when business opportunities can just fall right into your lap, unplanned and ultimately successful.
It’s partially remembering what it was like having the entire house to yourself when your parents are away…
…and it’s partially about exploring what it’s like to have a relationship with a strong and positive female…
… and it’s partially about what it was like before the decades of greed and spite took over America.
fun, funny, and smart
8 February 2003 | by pompaj
Most funny comedies aren't very smart. They're funny because of individual jokes that play by themselves, without relying on the overall plot. Risky Business is an exception and the reason why it works so well, is because it tells a simple story that could really happen and would also be a lot of fun.
You're a high school kid, your parents go on vacation for a week, leaving you the whole house to yourself. That's the setup.
A friend calls up a call girl, she shows up, and the entertainment begins.
This movie is smart enough to know what kids think about at that age, sex, and it holds nothing back. It is very clever at times and has a strong character in Joel, played by a young, energetic Tom Cruise. Another thing that this movie understands is mood and tempo. Everything hits the right beat. Smart and funny is an ideal combination and this movie achieves it.
Risky Business is all about a young man who learns about how to make and manage money with a female partner. He handles finances, and she handles operations and labor.
The thing is, this movie not only takes you back to another place…
… but it gives you context. You can see what transpired in the last four decades and your experiences, right or wrong. It will give you an appreciation of things at so many levels. It’s worth a re-viewing.
"Money may not buy happiness, but it will buy the things that will Make you happy"mercuryix-121 December 2006
There are too many reviews of Risky Business for mine to have any relevance as a movie review. However, this movie is for me a time capsule of the era I saw it in, and a photograph of the future to come in American culture.
I saw this movie when I was 22 in a tiny college theater with a date. I remember several disconnected things about it: The movie was much more interesting than my date was, the music by Tangerine Dream was hypnotic and fit the tone of the film, which struck me as being more depressing in places than funny (although there are some funny moments in it), and it gave me a glimpse into a world that I thought was fictional.
It turned out I hadn't experienced the world it was presenting yet.
When Cruise asks his friends what they plan to do with their lives, one's answer is very simple and focused: "Make money". Another friend adds: "Make a LOT of money".
I well remember that when the movie first came out, I was amazed at the idea of a cordless phone. Here we have a scene where his friend is pushing the idea of calling in a prostitute for the night.
It turns out the movie was precognizant of the next ten to twenty years of American culture; the absolute obsession with making money through any means necessary, legally or illegally, regardless of consequences to yourself or others.
Then taking that money and buying the things that will make you happy: a porsche, a big house, and most importantly, a hot babe in your bed, that will only be there as long as the money is.
Internally discovered happiness? A quaint notion created by the poor who can't afford the toys that validate your existence.
I am sure that the filmmaker would be the first to say that the movie parodies the hollowness of the "American Dream" of acquiring wealth to buy creature comforts, but too much of the time it feels like it celebrates them.
At the end, the hooker stays Cruise's girlfriend only as long as he continues to make her money; she even says "I'll be your girlfriend...for a while".
Real loyalty there. But then, she is a hooker, and is being honest.
She in fact is presented as the only person in the film that is not a hypocrite.
She has no illusions that money & sex make the American world go 'round, and doesn't pretend herself to be otherwise; unlike Cruise and the rest of his friends.
In the end however, she is still hollow, the values the kids pursue are hollow (they are only after sex, not love), and the movie feels as deep and solid as a glossy magazine ad for a Lexus.
Ah. His “partner” has a love for night time rides on subway trains. The scene, the music and the situation are all hypnotic.
Even over the obsession of greed, however, the film illustrates the complete alienation of the modern American teenage male: alone, isolated, judged by his peers with the kind of car his dad lets him drive, his clothes, and whether he can get laid or not.
The emphasis is on sex, not relationship.
There is no rite of passage into adulthood, no guidance from parents who more often than not are as distant from their children as the cardboard cutout parents in this film.
In short, as depressing as this film is when you step back from it, it paints a frighteningly accurate portrait of how superficial and narrow a world, yet directionless (except for accumulating superficial wealth) a young boy's world can be.
There are no values taught in this film, because there are none available as examples. And that is the environment too many kids are subject to. That is what was so disturbing to me about the film at the time I saw it, yet it took 20 years to understand why (as I was, like most kids my age, in the same vacuous and bankrupt culture this kid was in at the time).
There are 300% more suicides committed by 14 year old boys in America than any other age group or category. This movie explains why.
Seven stars, not for humor, but for photographing the beginning of an era that lasts until this day. The message from Enron, WorldCom, Martha Stewart and others for American kids will be: Don't get caught. A message which is slowly becoming the only "moral direction" left in American culture.
This move will not only take you back forty years to a time where your reality was something quite different, but it will give you perspective in the reality that you now inhabit. And at that, this movie is worth viewing again.
One Crazy Summer
Here’s a fine 1980’s escape. It’s got what we all need today…
No, I’m not talking about super heroes that got bitten by a radioactive spider, guys dressed in black trooping around in flack vests and holding assault guns, or super-dooper CGI special effect animation. I’m not talking about bullets that hang in the air, or magical powers that you can use to push people away with the wave of your hand. You won’t find ugly monsters or effeminate millennial men trying to get a woman to seduce them…
This movie is about silliness on the beach.
It is politically incorrect, very dated, and outrageously stupid. It is precisely what America needs right now.
The cast of “One Crazy Summer” hams it up for a group portrait. The 1980’s were a time of many things, but one of the things of value was that Hollywood has reached it’s stride. From the 1980’s into the 1990’s Hollywood produced a broad range of movies Movies that catered to average people. Not movies that targeted a set demographic or political interest.
It’s a simple fact that there are many of us from generations from long ago who grew up loving those loopy John Cusack comedies made by Savage Steve Holland. And while I prefer there other more bizarre, out-there flick, Better Off Dead, it’s hard for me to dislike One Crazy Summer.
This is a movie I grew up loving wholeheartedly.
One Crazy Summer was a follow-up to Better Off Dead, returning Cusack and Curtis Armstrong from that film.
I cannot say enough good things about this movie. From the warped mind of Savage Steve Holland comes this superior laughfest. First, I have to say that I haven’t seen many movies that start out with a David Lee Roth tune. This could be a good or bad thing.
Cusack is Hoops, following graduation pal Joel Murray(George)to Nantucket for the summer to each some fun on the beach. He picks up his kid sister from “Generic Elementary” school with her sick dog and the adventure begins…
Hoops finds himself embroiled in a feud with a blonde, buff punk named Teddy Beckersted whose lecherous father has designs on bulldozing over homes of a neighborhood to build a giant condominium. Sigh. So 1980’s.
One of the homes, needing it’s mortgage repaid belongs to Demi Moore (Cassandra). Yikes!
However, there’s a sailboat race. And it might be their only hope of saving Cassandra’s grandfather’s home. You see it has been won by Teddy over the past many years and they need to fight for it. Yet, Hoops is deathly afraid of boats over water.
But, with the help and motivation of newfound Nantucket friends (..such as the goofy auto-mechanic twin brothers!), George, and budding love-interest Cassandra, perhaps Hoops can come to terms with his fears and win the race to save the neighborhood.
Armstrong has a supporting part as the son of a kooky, manic weapons salesman, General Raymond(..SCTV’s Joe Flaherty in an inspired bit of casting), Ack, who uses the training from his father to assist Hoops and company in their goals to win the race.
This movie is all about leaving your troubles behind and getting away for the summer to Nantucket. Hoops is afraid of boats, but has no choice when his friend George launches his clunker onto the ferry at the last minute. He shacks up with future love interest Demi Moore, the worst actress in history. But she is pretty young and 80’s looking in this one. They finally hit mainland and meet a whole host of odd characters.
Memorable scenes include Bobcat getting stuck in a Godzilla suit (!) running rampant across an entire model of Aguilla. I love how the smoke and fire is coming out of his mouth as he does so (a cigar was thrown into his costume), and the Japanese investor loving the presentation.
Beckersted (Mark Metcalf, barely recognizable as Teddy’s rather unhinged pops)’s condominium…
… Hoops being chased by deranged cub scouts wishing to perform first aid…
… George a victim of toxic flatulence…
… Bruce Wagner’s nutty Uncle Frank’s increasing insanity every time he tries to better his chances to win 1 million dollars from a radio show…
… and the wonderful Billie Bird as George’s grandma who actually bills the group after a meal!
Jeremy Piven as(you guessed it)a brutish jerk who associates with Teddy and causes trouble for Hoops and his posse, the yummy Kimberly Foster as Cookie (..Teddy’s girl who attempts to make-out with Hoops while he attends a luncheon with his father), and the one-and-only William Hickey as Old Man Beckersted, who will not reward his son and grandson an inheritance if they lose the sail boat race.
Demi Moore is cute, but this is Cusack’s vehicle, though Bobcat and Villard steal most of the scenes their in.
Again, some delightful animation from Holland are sprinkled throughout the movie (Hoops is an artist, appropriately).
The movie comes to a happy ending via boat race on the lovely waters of Nantucket. Cusack and co. build a riff raff boat and blow everyone out of the water, despite some unfair play along the way. So they get the trophy, house, and Cusack ends up in a lip-lock with Demi. Despite the cheesy story, there are some really funny moments in this one. Some of my personal favorites are: the guy getting stabbed during the hat toss at graduation, Uncle Frank getting launched out of the bathroom window, and Bobcat getting stuck in a Godzilla costume.
Sometimes a movie can take you back… way… way back to a time that you have almost no recollection of. Can you remember what it was like when you were 14, 15 or even 16 years old?
An accident puts the consciousness of an elderly dream researcher into the body of a bratty teenager. The problem? The kid prefers dreamworld limbo to real life.
There, in the tumultuous middle school years we have forgotten what it was like. For, and that is true for most young people, don’t really come into their own until their final years in High School.
This movie will transport you to that time.
And at that, it is valuable. On that reason alone.
The lives of a crusty old scientist and a bratty, teen Michael-Jackson-wannabe are about to intersect in a paranormal way. Coleman Ettinger seeks to break down the door of reality through studied dreaming; Bobby Keller wants Lainie Diamond, the girlfriend of his high school friend Joel, a handsome school jock. As Coleman persuades his wife Gena to join his experiments, an accident knocks their bodies out of existence, along with Bobby's consciousness. Coleman's consciousness winds up in Bobby's body while Gena's ends up buried and asleep inside Lainie's. Only when sleeping can Coleman contact Bobby and elicit his help in putting things back, except that Bobby smugly prefers limbo over his aggravated life as a modern teenager.
This movie will teleport you back to your middle school years.
Bizarre dream sequences are only a small part of this fabulous fantasy comedy starring Corey Feldman, Corey Haim, Jason Robards, Piper Laurie, and Meredith Salenger.
Bobby Keller (Corey Feldman) lives his life day to day, as he puts it. He is failing all his classes, his parents don’t talk to him, and he is head over heels in love with Lainie (Meredith Salenger), although he dates Shelly.
But, an accident involving Bobby and Lainie and Coleman and Geena (Jason Robards and Piper Laurie) causes Coleman to take over Bobby’s mind and body, and part of Geena’s mind takes over Lainie.
Now, Coleman has to find a way to switch back and get his wife back. But, Bobby isn’t so willing to, unless Coleman can correct his screwed-up existance, while helping him to get Lainie.
Lainie was a “hottie” in the movie.
A Touching Filmcrice-149 July 2009
It's difficult to me to review this film, for the simple reason that I was 15 when I saw this movie. It was made for me. It was made for teenagers trying to figure out life, love, getting into college, and dealing with adults. I loved it.
It was the best by far of the "body-switching" genre that seemed to dominate the 1987-1990 period, but rarely was a teen drama tackled with more earnestness and via such a bizarre but interesting plot. Whatever the reason, it works and instead of being just another body switch comedy or teen fluff, it truly becomes a beautiful film that deserves its cult status.
Favorite scenes: The opening scene intercut with the opening credits involving Bobby and Dinger (Corey Haim) talking about Bobby’s infatuation with Lainie…
… as well as singing the blues and why Dinger’s leg was broken (reason: his mom ran him over with her Volvo)…
… the accident scene, the dream sequences, the scene where Bobby discovers that he’s Coleman…
… and when they were having a hard time going to sleep…
… the scene in the gym when they were dancing to the rock version of “Dream a Little Dream of Me”, and the closing credits with Bobby and Coleman dancing to the same song.
Just handing out with your high school friends. It was a different time and your worries and concerns were all quite different then.
This was a wonderfully romantic movie with an original plot. It was adorable, and Corey Feldman was kinda cute, despite the Michael Jackson look, something he was into for a few years.
The Dream sequences were really interesting, filmed in a strange blue tint.
The movie also had an interesting plot, and great music (especially Frank Sinatra’s “Young at Heart” and both versions on “Dream a Little Dream of Me.”).
I highly recommend it to anyone who likes the two Coreys, good acting, creativity, or body switching movies.
I well remember when I first viewed it. I was in Ridgecrest, California, and I had gotten off the base at the China Lake Naval Weapons Center, and pulled into the video rental store in a strip mall right outside the main gate. When I walked in, they had this movie playing and everyone was standing in the shop watching it. So I asked what the movie was, and then I went and rented it right there and then.
I should go as far as to say that all the John Cusack movies from the 1980’s are fine escapist flicks today. All of them are silly, charming and sweet. Nothing is too serious. Nothing is too dangerous…
… and there are no superheroes!
There are also no gun fights, no SWAT teams dressed in black, no making fun of traditional roles… no gays… no lesbians… not transgenders… no CGI monsters, or special effects where people can jump to the top of a building. None of that nonsense.
You won’t be assaulted by “role reversals” and insulted by snide anti-male jokes.
It’s all just good fun.
This one’s hilarious! My family have borrowed several lines from this film and use them as inside jokes. John Cusak stars in this film about a teenager whose girlfriend dumps him for the Captain of the ski team. The film has enough skiing in it to satisfy most ski buffs, but it’s not really about skiing. It’s about relationships more than anything and the results are absolutely hilarious.
What makes this a cut above is the composition of sight gags — ‘How to build a space shuttle out of household items’ is in the foreground, and then the eye pulls back to reveal the mother battling a sea monster in a pot, which frustrates her attempt to cook it…
Cusack frets over an impossibly broken binding, and in the same frame the ‘paperboy from hell’ appears on a weatherized delivery bicycle…it’s priceless stuff.
This is one of those movies where you are with your friends twenty years later and go, “I WANT MY TWO DOLLARS” and the room jocularly erupts and instigates discussion. If you find yourself easily amused, can see the humor in the way life hands you a sour glass of milk to wash down life’s trials in love, then you MUST see this Classic Movie.
Better Off Dead is the zaniest movie that I think I have ever seen. Let’s just recap what this movie has in it.
We have a guy that attempts suicide but he can’t even succeed at that.
There is his best friend that declares that a mountain they are on in the dead of winter is pure snow, saying ” Do you know what the street value of this is?”
We have a father that is trying to speak the lingo of his kids and fails miserably.
A mom that cooks food that literally slides off it’s plate.
We have a math class full of genius’ that get upset when they don’t have homework to do.
Lane has a younger brother who orders books on how to pick up trashy women and learns how to build rockets.
We have the entire male population ( and Barney Rubble ) that wants to go out with Lane’s ex-girlfriend now that they are broken up.
There is two Oriental guys that want to constantly race Lane and then broadcast it over the loud speaker on their car.
There is Porky from the Porky’s movies basically playing the same role here.
Dancing hamburgers.
A basketball team that grunts.
And of course the most relentless paper boy in the history of paper delivery…
If there was ever a role that John Cusack milked until it mooed, this one would have to have been it. His portrayal of Lane Meyer will forever be remembered in high school lore as the Ultimate Champion of the Underdog. I laughed so hard my sides ached and tears were running down my cheeks. What has long been a cult classic, this film did an excellent job of portraying the awkwardness of those teenage years that all adults thank God every day that we now have behind us.
Whoooooooo! I’m out of breath.
So why do I mention all of these things about the movie? Because all of these little issues combine to somehow make one of the funniest and zaniest movies you will ever see.
Better Off Dead is so full of energy that there is enough material in here for ten movies. But Savage Steve Holland makes it work. Don’t ask me how, but he does. I think I’m going to stop here because if you haven’t seen this movie you have to see it now. This is a completely original film and it also one that no one will ever have the guts to make again.
Are you tired of the daily grind? Do you want to have some adventure and excitement in your life? Most men in their 30’s would ascribe to this sentiment. And it is exactly this that makes this next movie so special.
What happens when you are living the married life, the life with a job and a boss? When you are playing the role as a father at home, and a worker at your work? Is that all there is to life, you ask?
Maybe you dream about chucking it all way…
Hopping on a steam tramp and going somewhere… anywhere… other than here.
You need a break, a vacation a… reset.
Ya! This is pretty common in America. The society and laws are all pretty repressive. No vacation for you, and pay your taxes, and everything else. You can relax by watching movies that make fun of you. That’s your reality. Deal with it.
OK. I’m not going to elaborate more than what all this means. You all need to take a break and a vacation from life right now. You need to get out and have some fun. You need more than just a change. You need a slap in the face change…
Adulthood has lots of perks: No more homework, you really can eat whatever you want, and you eventually become a good 90 percent less angsty. However, one major drawback is you no longer get a spring break (or a summer break, for that matter). Being an adult means work never stops and vacations are rare. But! That doesn't mean you can't still vicariously enjoy spring break through your favorite movies. Is it the same as escaping to a pristine beach? No... but it is cheaper, so there's that.
There are awesome spring break movies from every era, but the '90s in particular were big on vacation movies. While not all of them focused on spring break, they did showcase the joys of travel, downtime, and relaxation. Basically, all the things you can't just drop everything and do on a whim because you have responsibilities now. Bask in the joy of those simpler times when you naively thought summer would never end and life really could just be one long vacation in the sun by planning a spring break movie night with your closest friends.
Make mixed drinks with tiny umbrellas and throw pillows all over the floor slumber party style as you watch one of these '90s gems — after all, you are an adult and while you may not get a designated spring break, you make your own rules now.
Movies about vacations gone awry are my favorite kind of movies. In real life, you want your vacation to go smoothly, but watching a movie family's vacation go from crazy to crazier is always hilarious. Captain Ron is no exception. Watching Martin Short get shown up by the cooler than cool Captain Ron during his own family vacation is a madcap story that might just make you glad you have to work all spring.
Let’s look at a forgotten gem of a movie… Captain Ron.
A family in Chicago inherits the yacht formerly owned by Clark Gable. They decide to sail it from the island of Ste. Pomme de Terre to Miami, and they sail with the assistance of Captain Ron and their lives will never be the same again
‘Captain Ron’ is a great movie! The plot is simple, & so is the movie. That is what make sit so much fun. Yes, most of the movie is translucent, but it works so well. Kurt Russell shines as Capt. Ron Rico, who has been hired by the Harvey family to be the drive their boat from a Carribean Island to Miami, FL. While he bumbles from one scene to the other, Capt. Ron manages to be successful in the end. All of this makes Martin Harvey(Martin Short) furious, while his family loves Capt. Ron.
This is wonderful movie, one of my favorite movies of all time! A family inherits a sailboat and decides to flee the urban rat race. They don’t realize that they will have to over come many hurdles, including aspects of them selves, Capt. Ron, the boat and the environment.
The daughter plays a teenager that is simultaneously apathetic and nearly out of control. The son is a kid who hasn’t taken an interest in life until now. The father assumes that Capt. Ron can’t know anything while the family begins to believe that it’s the father who doesn’t know anything.
This movie was one of the triggers to me moving to a tropical island to live, oh and to buy a boat.
This film has a little bit of everything in it. Adventure, pirates, lots of excitement, and plenty of laughs. It is one of the most enjoyable movies I’ve watched. If you just want to relax and sit back and laugh, CAPTAIN RON is a movie you won’t want to miss.
I don’t understand the many poor reviews I have seen from the “professional reviewers”. I think this movie is incredibly funny in a quiet sort of way. I have seen it many times. It reminds me of the many Jackie Gleason Honeymooners I have seen over and over. I know what punch line is coming and I begin laughing before the punch line is even delivered.
Martin Short is not his usual manic self and this is refreshing. Kurt Russell is a master as he plays against the heroic roles he has played so often.
The play of the use of “gorillas” versus “guerillas” is laid back genius.
By the end of the movie, I actually found myself nostalgic for the sense of freedom and fun that only Captain Ron can steer you towards
Ignore all the stuffed shirt, up-tight pinheads who couldn’t loosen up if a gun was held to their collective heads. Treat this movie as it should be…FUN! This is the film that keeps us going through the winter until sailing season…then we take the video along on board.
Martin Short and Kurt Russell are TERRIFIC together, and Mary Kay Place? Who’d have known what a versatile actress she is, after all, most of us only had Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman to judge her by. The kids certainly do add a fine finishing touch to this hilarious crew.
This movie was not created to win an academy award, it was created to be lighthearted and fun and it far exceeded that goal.
Every time i want to laugh, when I see this movie on, I catch a glimpse. This movie is guaranteed to make you laugh. And Mary Kay Place is such EYE candy for us men. She represents the type of woman we men would ask to marry. Beautiful yet supportive of her family and children.
Kurt Russell is THE man! One of the most under appreciated actors in Hollywood, Russell takes what would have been a run of the mill comedy and makes it HILARIOUS!!!
Captain Ron Rico is about as laid back as laid back can be. He’s an ex Navy boat driver whose been through one too many squalls, not to mention a stint in rehab. A treasure chest of worldly knowledge, he’s never at a loss to relate his exploits even when it comes to his glass eye, “Won it in a crap game a few years back.”
At first glance he’s a man you wouldn’t trust to float an inner tube, but as he proves to Martin Short throughout the course of the movie, he’s “far more cunning than first suspected.”
After all, you gotta love a guy who as he’s sipping beer with Short’s young son, he tells the young lad that he just caught his parents “Playing hide-the-salami in the shower.” I crack up just writing about it.
This is a very funny movie that never really hit the headlines. No idea why, but maybe because I am a sailor myself, I can appreciate the humor. Well worth watching if you want to lose yourself in the Caribbean lifestyle from your cold and damp apartment in winter.
But besides Russell’s stellar performance, there’s BEAUTIFUL locations and photography, a catchy reggae soundtrack, and enough laughs from the rest of the cast to make this a most enjoyable film to pop a bowl of popcorn to and enjoy with the family.
As for me….I wanna go out drinkin’ with Captain Ron!
‘There’s Something About Mary’ (1998)
This movie was filed in Woonsockett, RI when I was actually living there. Which is a pretty old blue collar town, quiet and kind of boarded up. “Going to seed”, some might say.
This movie is great escapist fare.
Thirteen years ago, Ted (Ben Stiller) landed a prom date with the most popular and beautiful girl in school, Mary (Cameron Diaz). Unfortunately, the date wasn’t meant to be, for Ted has his manhood damaged right in front of Mary, and ends up in the hospital instead of the prom.
What makes this work…is its a dead-on hard hitting comedy. The Farrley Brothers spared no one: male or female, handicapped or able bodied, black or white, rich or poor, job or not, straight or gay, animal or vegetable, blonde or brunette, educated or not. It is NOT a cinematic masterpiece so don’t look for one, it is not a punch line comedy or slapstick comedy, it is sophomore humor done very well because you’re going to be laughing at what you think you shouldn’t no matter how much you want to say you would never laugh at something like that.
Thirteen years later, Ted decides to track Mary down, and have a second chance with his dream girl. He hires sleazy private eye, Pat (Matt Dillon) to find her for him.
Pat finds her, and she’s grown up beautiful.
Pat decides he wants to date her. He stalks her, finds out everything she wants in a man, and poses as just that. Meanwhile, Ted has been led to believe that Mary has become fat white trash in a wheelchair. Pat and Mary start dating.
The Farrley Brothers added in “some things” that…well… may have just happened to you at some point in your adolescence, and put a comedic/gross quality to it that shocks you into laughing at it. All through the film you might laugh because you’re thinking, “Better them than me”…..even if it was you!
Well, by the end of the movie, every man who is involved in the story has tried to make a move on Mary.
We all know how it ends, but it’s one funny ride.
The funniest gag in the movie involves a NEW brand of HAIR GEL (compliments of Ted, and tested by Mary). I won’t tell you what’s really being mistaken for hair gel, but when you find out, you’ll laugh so hard, you gag.
Not for everyone’s taste, even those who think they know comedy, but this is that kinda comedy that is hard to do once you’ve reached maturity and forgotten what it was like to laugh at simple things. This is as simple as it gets. Don’t put too much into it, it is what it is, and to me, it was really funny!
This movie knows what a comedy of this type should be like. Each gag goes somewhere, and is really big. They’re usually extended scenes with punchlines.
Me, Myself, and Irene goes for the cheapest laughs you can find, but There’s Something About Mary takes it’s time, carefully planning each gag, in order to make it gut-bustingly hilarious. That’s just what this movie is. 10/10.
‘Wayne’s World’ (1992)
Maybe you might have forgotten this flick. But, I’ll bet you that you can remember some scenes as clear as a bright day on a fresh Spring morning.
This is a positive and happy, and yet terribly silly movie that is just perfect for these dark times of fear and uncertainty.
Wayne is still living at home. He has a world class collection of name tags from jobs he's tried, but he does have his own public access TV show. A local station decides to hire him and his sidekick, Garth, to do their show professionally and Wayne & Garth find that life is no longer the same...
This is the film that catapulted both comedians’ careers into the stratosphere. 1992 is an interesting time in alternative rock history between the peak of grunge in 1991, and the coming crest of the “punk revival” in 1994 with Green Day, Offspring and Rancid. Wayne’s World reveled in this new “alternative rock,” music a concept which was at the time much more flexible than it is now. Rife with irony, alternative rock was eventually the name given to the music that blended aspects of rock, metal, punk, pop, and eclectic “weirdness.” While Wayne is the more metal half of the excellent duo, Garth is the grunge/nerd/”punk” side of the equation.
Ask most men within a decade of my age in either direction to list the 100 best movie scenes of all time, and the scene from “Wayne’s World” where they sing/lip sync Bohemian Rhapsody in the car will be on more lists than not.
Heck! It might even make every list.
Not designed for the “critically acclaimed” snob set, Wayne’s World, the film adaptation of the extremely popular Saturday Night Live skit by the same name, targets its audience perfectly and never even enters the water, let alone jumps any sharks.
The movie is true to itself from start to finish.
Heavy metal rock and roll fandom provides the backdrop for a non-stop train wreck of social satire. Only in 1992; and only in Meyer’s and Carvey’s comedic genius could Aurora, Illinois ever seem so cool.
The plot centers around an opportunistic television producer named Benjamin Kane (Rob Lowe), who, with funding from an arcade owner, turns Wayne’s World into a slickly produced national show.
You would think that this would be a good thing. But alas, it’s not.
The transition caused it to lose touch with its audience, and causing friction between Wayne and Garth, who feel they have sold out their fans and their roots.
A love interest is tossed to Wayne in the form of Cassandra (Tia Carerre), in triangular form due to the attention paid to her by Kane as well as Wayne.
Rob Lowe was excellent as the sleazeball junior television executive, while cameos abound from the rock world, including Alice Cooper and Meat Loaf. Though not publicized as much as the other quotables from the movie, my personal favorite scene was when Wayne and Garth were each laying on parked cars, and Garth starts whistling the closing theme from Star Trek.
The pop-culture cuisinart responsible for most of the SNL skits was working in overdrive in this film, and that’s a good thing. Everything from product placements, to gratuitous sex, to lame plot devices were lampooned.
Wayne’s World, in the film’s plot, is the name of a Cable Access television show (dare I say “DIY”) hosted by Wayne Campbell and Garth Algar. Rob Lowe plays Benjamin, an advertising scout/producer who is looking for talent to promote a chain of video game arcade stores. He finds his muse in the low-brow witticism, promptly signs the boys, and sets them up in a proper television studio.
You might have seen this move before, but a re-watch is always in order for some much needed “positive vibes”.
‘Dazed and Confused’ (1993)
There is not a single movie that portrayed my Junior / Senior year in 1976 / 1977 than this movie. To say that it is accurate is an understatement.
Wooderson: Let me tell you what Melba Toast is packin' right here, all right. We got 4:11 Positrac outback, 750 double pumper, Edelbrock intake, bored over 30, 11 to 1 pop-up pistons, turbo-jet 390 horsepower. We're talkin' some fuckin' muscle.
This movie is EXACTLY what it was like for me in 1976. My Junior year. It was exactly what was going on including my Orange (goat) GTO!
What a great, great movie. If you want to know what being in High School in the mid 70's was like, rent this film.
I grew up in the metro Manhattan area. We didn't have the freshman hazing, and few of us could afford the cars (although we sure knew about them and lusted after them), but the rest of this movie is so dead on about my experience of High School in the 70's that it's scary.
Every character in the film corresponds with someone that I knew during that time.
Yes, there was a lot of pot smoking, yes, obtaining beer was quite easy for underage kids…
I used to buy it in bars when I was 16.
We made pipes in shop class.
We hung out and had parties at night, drove the streets drinking beers and smoking joints listening to the same music.
There were no youth centers though.
The girls that I knew were as beautiful, and also struggled to get into their jeans. They used pliers too, but they also put them on while they were wet to further get that skintight look.
There was no HIV virus to worry about, Herpes was not a big thing then, the biggest worry was getting pregnant.
Everyone was having sex…
All of these facts also were no big deal.
Most of my peers grew up just fine, and now are upstanding pillars of the community. Many today would like you to believe that this is an example of the road to ruin.
It was an incredible great time.
The film has interesting character development, with the same types I remember. Philosophers, heads (now called stoners), bullies and waifs.
This is my American Graffiti and it is perfect. Waxing nostalgic? Perhaps, but anyone that didn't live through that time will sill love the dialog in this film, as it deals with the universal experience of that point in one's life.
This is high school in the 70's. Check it out.
Almost a Documentary...goodwynn191914 July 2005
The first day of summer vacation leaves a group of ’70s teens exhilarated and ready to party. Their raucous activities might remind you of the debauchery you got up to in the good old days. There are so many scenes that we all have lived, and personal flashbacks will flood your mind.
Either way, the feeling of complete freedom makes this movie a must for anyone starving for a vacation.
This movie takes you back to a time when you had absolutely no worries. It was a time when everything was in a kind of dull haze and everyone was walking in some kind of a fog.
What makes “Dazed” work so well is that it gets the LOOK of the mid-to-late 70s just right, particularly the hair & clothing styles. Secondly, the actors pull off the material expertly. In fact, a large part of the film’s success is the excellent casting choices. Both are no easy feat. Speaking of the actors, you get a few up-and-comers here: Matthew McConaughey, Milla Jovovich, Ben Affleck and one or two of lesser note (as far as future popularity goes).
Slater: Are you cool, man?
Mitch Kramer: Like how?
Slater: Okay.
All the standard school archetypes are here: the jock who parties on the side, the bullies, the hot sister and her little long-haired brother, the black dude, the hot (feminist) teacher, the streetfighter, the cool guys, the geekier crowd, the babes, the guy who graduated years ago but still hangs around, the mentors & mentees, etc.
A Time Machine Trip Back To The Texas Summer Of 1976Oracle29594 February 2005
I graduated in 1976 from a high school in North Dallas and this entire movie is so spot on it's scary.
It is my favorite film. I've seen it hundred's of times and every time it's like watching it for the first time. Only someone that was there and lived through those days could have directed such a movie.
I drove a 70 dark blue Chevelle SS 454 with a 4-speed, over 400 HP and all of the goodies Wooderson described. Starting that car up, listening to the roar of that engine and burning out in 1st gear while in a thick cloud of blue smoke in front of the high school at 3PM while wasted......doing over 80MPH in 2nd gear....oh yea!
I feel sorry for the teenagers today that drive the limp wrist fluffs of metal that pass themselves off as cars these days.
I was a stoner like Pickford smoking weed non-stop.
Some mentioned that the heavy drug use was not too common. Well, at our school it was beyond common. Before school, during school (in the bathroom and football field) and after school. Our school had a smoking area outside the cafeteria where everyone went to light up.
The opening scene with Aerosmith "Sweet Emotion" slowly building up and Pickford driving his Goat and girlfriend in the school parking lot kills me every time.
I cannot imagine a better opening scene for the movie. That was pure genius.
The funny thing is Linklater did not show getting licks from the coach or the principal. For all the "uninitiated" back then all a coach or an asst. principal had to say was "Smith, I want to see you back at my office now".
Our coach had a paddle he personally made that he kept on his wall over his desk. It had about 30 holes drilled in it and it was covered in black electrical tape! When that one came down you knew it! Now with all the PC people coach would go to jail for "assaulting the poor boy" Hell, back then it was called character building. As I remember from the 7th grade on licks were given out.
The soundtrack. Best ever.
Might as well be back at White Rock Lake or Lake Ray Hubbard on a Friday night getting wasted. Head East was a nice touch. Every time I listen to that soundtrack I remember things I have not thought about in 25 years.
The man that portrayed Pickford's dad was dead on. Accent, demeanor along with the big caddy and the tennis playing wife in the mini-skirt and puffed up hair.
Some of the reviewers mentioned they did not think it was too realistic showing/mixing a lot of sexual activity among the freshman girls. That is another point I must dispute.
Maybe at their school in their town of 500 or their strict upbringing but at our junior high and high school the freshman and younger girls were pretty wild.
I mean really "wild"!
This is coming from someone who "lost it" at 12. So insinuating things about a 15 or 16 year old freshman is pretty tame. 15 and 16 year old's were the "world travelers" to us 13 or 14 year old guys.
There is something about this movie that pulls me back over and over again. It's hard to describe.
I'm not sure what it is. Am I a Wooderson that enjoys reminiscing? Am I someone that prefers simpler times? Am I someone that is so sick of PC people that a movie like D&C is like a breath of fresh air?
Was there something magical in the air back in 1976?
The country was celebrating 200 years of freedom. Now within the last 30 years it seems that most of those freedoms have been slowly whittled away with and all that is left is a former shell of the old.
Especially after 2001.
The best scene? To me it's a toss-up between the opening "Sweet Emotion" GTO in the school parking lot and the Emporium scene with "Hurricane" playing in the background while (The Past) Wooderson, (The Present) Pink and (The Future) Mitch walk into the Emporium while the camera films every little nuance in slow motion.
The cockiness of Woods, the mellow Pink and the innocence of Mitch. Put that scene on slow motion and study their faces and the reaction shots of their peer's faces as they acknowledge their presence.
Your own personal time machine if only for an hour and a half. Slip the DVD in, turn the lights down low, take a couple good strong hits and wash them down with a few Tallboys. Use your imagination and for the briefest of time you are back in 1976. I wish they made more movies like this instead of the sugar coated pablum coming out of Hollywood nowadays.
Remember this?
Howard Hughes died,
Robin Trower-Bridge of Sighs,
Jeff Beck,
Kawasaki Z1,
Kawasaki 750 triple 2-stroke,
45 cents a gallon gas,
104 octane gas,
Frampton Comes Alive,
Bad Company - Shooting Star,
Elvin Bishop - Fooled Around and Fell In Love,
Jimmy Carter,
Dirty Mary,
Crazy Larry,
1969 Dodge Charger 440,
2 Lane Blacktop,
3 finger lids,
Diamond Dogs,
J. Geils,
Midnight Special, Wings Over America tour,
Bad Company - Movin' On,
Mott The Hoople - All The Young Dudes,
SD 455 with the Big Bird on the hood,
Marshall Tucker Band - Heard It In A Love Song,
Emerson, Lake and Palmer - Brain Salad Surgery,
Edelbrock Tunnel Ram with Holley Double Pumpers, ...
...getting high at dusk while listening to Pink Floyd's "Time" and looking at the Dallas skyscraper skyline against the setting sun.
If you do then Dazed and Confused is right up your alley. If you don't then still watch it, the characters in D&C cover all generations, just the cars and clothing have changed.
Dazed and Confused is a lot like the time in which it takes place. The film doesn’t have much of note to say, but you get the sense that it has a good time just being there. By 1976, Vietnam was in the rear-view mirror, as were much of the struggles of the previous decades. It was almost like people were sick and tired of caring about things and just wanted to get wasted. Notice how nobody seemed to care when their teacher was trying to tell them about the 1968 Democratic Convention or our “aristocratic” forefathers. There is a certain innocence about the period that our up-tight and violent world of today could use right now.
And then you have the standard school experiences like parties at friend’s houses, keg parties, fleeing bullies, dealing with coaches & teachers, flirting, the possibility of sex, hanging out, meaningless conversations, fights, smoking pot at school or in your friend’s bedroom, etc.
Like “Fast Times,” “Dazed and Confused” is a joy to watch — whatever your age — because it successfully takes you back to the high school years with all its joys & agonies.
Cynthia: Maybe the 80s will be like radical or something. I figure we'll be in our 20s and it cant' get worse.
Some don’t like it because it’s more of a slice-of-life film than a plot-driven, contrived story. The plot here is simple: It’s the last day of school and the youths want to celebrate. If they can’t party at their friend’s house (because the dad catches wind of their plans) they’ll have a party at the park or wherever, but they WILL party. The rest of the film involves their interactions within this context.
Our film shows us the trials and tribulations of kids just looking to get high, drunk, or just save their butts from being paddled on the last day of school. Not much of note happens in this film. We just see kids doing what kids are still doing. They are all just out to have a good time.
Slater: Oh, a little weed, you know. There may be a beer bust later on.
I’ve heard some complain that the film conveys a terrible message.
What message?
There is no message.
The message is that school’s out and it’s time to celebrate! Besides, there are a few positive points that can be mined from the proceedings: the arrogant bully gets what’s coming, make a stand and fight when you have to (even if you get beat up), ultra-tight pants must be put on with pliers & the help of a friend, be true to yourself, etc.
But — really — this isn’t a movie to look for deep messages, its simple purpose is to take you back to the school years — in this case, 1976 — and all the fun & painful experiences thereof.
There is nothing at all pretentious or preachy about any of the subject matter. We see some cool cars, tight jeans, long hair, and just about anything you would associate with this time frame.
Don Dawson: You know that Julie chick? Loves you. You want her? Gotta play it cool, you know. You can't let her know how much you like ?cause if she knows, she'll dump you like that. Believe me. Like, if she asks you if you want a ride, you say, "No, I've got my own ride, but maybe I'll see you later." Sounds stupid, doesn't it? It works.
No review of “Dazed and Confused” would be complete without noting the excellent soundtrack. You get some great rock/metal of the 70s like “Sweet Emotion,” “School’s Out,” “Stranglehold,” “Do You Feel Like We Do,” “Love Hurts,” “Paranoid,” “Rock & Roll Hootchie Coo,” “Rock & Roll All Nite,” “Slow Ride,” “Cherry Bomb,” “Tuesday’s Gone” and many more.
Here’s some quotes, and slang, that my generation can most certainly relate to…
“Alright, alright, alright!” — Wooderson
“Shotgun!” — Slater
“It’d be a lot cooler if you did.” — Wooderson
“You cool, man?” — Slater
“‘I’ve got my own ride, but maybe I’ll see you later.’” — Dawson
“You gotta keep on livin’… L-I-V-I-N.” — Wooderson
‘Wild at Heart’ (1990)
I’m going to close out this post with a slightly more serious flick. This one is surreal, but anyone that was in love with someone who’s parents hated you would relate to this movie.
It was hard enough finding a girlfriend in high school. But finding one that had parents that approved of you was just about impossible. Here is a movie … perhaps taken to extremes… that illustrates the lengths at which a mother would go to in order to “protect” her daughter.
Lula's psychopathic mother goes crazy at the thought of Lula being with Sailor, who just got free from jail.
Ignoring Sailor's probation, they set out for California.
However their mother hires a killer to hunt down Sailor and hurt him.
Unaware of this, the two enjoy their journey and themselves being together... until they witness a young woman dying after a car accident - a bad omen.
It’s something that I know all too well.
The opening scene to Wild At Heart features Nick Cage ferociously beating an assassin to death. Heads are rammed against walls, fists are lunged into guts and what results is a brutally bashed corpse with brains pouring out of it’s head. This kind of high-octane violence which is fueled by maniacal characters and deranged intervals creates a fantastic effect. One which has so much impact and so much individuality to it’s merit that it turns out to be one hell of a movie.
Recipient of the prestigious Palme d’Or award at Cannes, David Lynch’s “Wild at Heart” is an amazingly brilliant spectacle for the senses. Bold splashes of deep red, curiously staged musical numbers (Nicolas Cage does his own singing and he’s great!), and the continuous references to “The Wizard of Oz” help create a surreal and dreamlike texture to the narrative.
This is simultaneously a thrilling road movie and a revelation of small town, American country folk. The two protagonists, Sailor and Lula (Nicholas Cage and Laura Dern) are so in love with each other that they’d go to extreme lengths not to be separated.
Their separation is exactly what Lula’s crazed mother wants, as she believes that Sailor is a cold-blooded murderer who is putting her daughter in danger.
Her anger is so fierce that the viewer becomes slightly scared by her: her manic fits of rage where she plasters herself in red lipstick; her bizarre paroxysms fueled by numerous cocktails.
All of her slight idiosyncrasies and mannerisms well up to create a very intimidating mother.
She sends out a hitman to dispose of Sailor and bring back her daughter, but the lovely couple are on the run from her and the law.
Sailor and Lula (excellent performances from both Nicolas Cage & Laura Dern); two broken souls passionately in love, flee the vengeful wrath of Lula’s mother Marietta, who for reasons of her own will stop at nothing to ensure the lovers are kept apart. Diane Ladd practically steals the show in her brave portrayal of Lula’s psychopathic mother Marietta.
Sailor and Lula meet up with some very strange characters whilst travelling far away from Lula’s mother.
The eccentricities of ‘Tuna Town’ in Texas, the insane car accident victim and Lula’s nutcase cousin who believes that “the man with the black glove is coming to get him”.
It’s all rudimentary David Lynch fare. He has mastered the art of contemporary film making: a clever blend of black-comedy, violence and fantasy.
Gut wrenchingly violent in places, hopelessly romantic in others; Lynch has crafted an adult fairy tale worthy of multiple viewings. Recommended to those who enjoy and appreciate abstract methods of film-making a definite 10/10!
The viewer builds an empathy for the two main characters, as it would be a terrible thing to see their undying love for each other shattered.
The other characters in the movie all seem to want to destroy that love.
Sailor’s character, although violent and hard-bitten, seems the most normal of the lot. It takes a sane man to make sense of all the insane folk in America’s underbelly.
He puts up with a lot from everyone, but all he really wants to do is escape from it all with Lula.
They meet an assortment of weird people, especially Bobby Peru, and also Perdita Durango, who has appeared recently in a film with her name as the title, also written by Barry Gifford. It is classic David Lynch, with a homage type theme to the Wizard of Oz. It has the sensuality and eroticism later seen in Lost Highway, the violence and gore, the head sequence after the bank robbery being graphic, and a general uneasiness throughout. But it is a darkly humorous and transfixing piece.
Well, while you are trapped in this slow-motion nightmare you might as well make the best of the situation. Now, rather than watching horror and adventure movies out of Hollywood, how about checking out some more light hearted fare for purposes of escape…
If you want to relive your school years…
Hot Dog the Movie
One Crazy Summer
Risky Business
Dream a little dream
Better off dead
Dazed and Confused
If you want to relive your 20’s…
Wayne’s world
Something about Mary
Wild at Heart
If you want to just escape from your life as an Adult…
Captain Ron
In any event, it’s great escapist entertainment. Certainly at least one of these movies will strike a cord within your soul. Have fun.
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The evidence is in, and with [1] Pompeo admitting that the COVID-19 strike against China was intentional, and [2] the Chinese treating it as a bioweapon, you just cannot deny what is going on. Not to mention that the bio-weapons scientists from Russia and America also agree that this is an American biological weapon.
I mean, you can only keep your head in the sand for so long. If it acts like a duck, waddles like a duck, quacks like a duck and has a painted sign saying “I am a duck!”….
…it’s a duck.
I can hear the scoffing already, I continue to think lots of people have a big blind spot in understanding power and how it's being executed because they don't want to consider silly sounding things like the occult.
it's taken me many long years and lots of reading to start wrapping my head around the twisted belief system of these sociopaths. I don't think it benefits anyone to underestimate what they are capable of, yet many of you here seem to be doing precisely that.
-Posted by: lizard | Apr 15 2020 17:10 utc | 2
COVID-19 was an American biological weapons attack to suppress China. It was a part of many other efforts, and all which are combined into the so-called “hybrid war” that Trump has been promising his followers for the last four years. (More about that here.) You know, that pesky “hybrid-war” that everyone is talking about on the internet.
He kept his promise, don’t you know.
Now before you all get your tail feathers all ruffled up, ask yourself these questions...
[1] Does Donald Trump try to keep his promises?
[2] Will Trump try to Make America Great Again?
[3] How does China fit in that equation of America being great?
[4] Would John Bolton support a war against China?
[5] Would Mike Pompeo support a war against China?
It's all there. No matter how uncomfortable it might be to accept.
The COVID-19 was indeed part of an aggressive “hybrid war” that Trump and his advisors; Pompeo and Bolton, were using to suppress China. This is obvious to anyone paying attention, and any student of history, that America is tumbling into the historical dangers of the Thucydides Trap.
“Make America First.” Right?
This is the best write up so far on the big plan out of Washington DC, and how it actually materialized. It fully explains the mysteries that surrounds this event. And as you read it, many puzzle pieces will come into focus. Indeed, the abject clarity of the entire effort will materialize right before your very eyes.
It’s a great article.
Let’s look at this COVID-19 situation in terms of the geo-political ramifications. Let’s look at the big picture.
But first, before we look at American’s big plan to suppress China, let’s consider the global ramifications, and what China must think of all this. You do know, that they don’t get their news from CNN. They have real experts, not actors or diversity hires, from which to make their decisions upon.
What do you think that the Chinese think of all this…
A Chinese response to US regime strategy would have to be genuinely asymmetrical.
In the sense it would use resources against which the US has little or no defense.
Since the US is probably one of the most poorly organized industrial countries in the world, any degree of well-organized and disciplined action is likely to do damage to the US. (But that is another issue.)
It is entirely possible that China was active "below the surface" after so many other attacks (the last four years of non-stop viral attacks against livestock and food grains) and because it has been unwilling to waste efforts or goodwill in overt military action. It seems to me at least clear that China deliberately refrained from accusing the US of what was so obviously an attack.
The question that must have arisen for China was-- if this attack is not suppressed systematically then other similar attacks can continue.
The issue was to map the pipeline so to speak and find ways to cut the flow (of the COVID-19) into the country. This was certainly a military and not just a public health priority.
For me at least, it makes perfect sense to conceal as much as possible about the nature of a covert attack until one has developed a defense or other response. China had every reason to deny the US any excess intelligence about the results of its attack. That is also why no one wanted (or wants to call it a war).
If there is no "war" then any information China withholds is negligent. If it is a war-- then we are talking about self-defense against an aggressor and all his NATO allies.
Even if we did not have the war with China however we would be faced with the fact that the NATO, and the US regime that owns it, is ruled by psychopaths. Psychopaths for whom human life is merely a conduit for potential cash-flow. They constitute pathogens for which there are no BSL standards high enough to contain.
-Dr. T. P. Wilkinson
No one wants to see what is really going on; that their beloved President would willingly launch bio-weapons against the world in order to Make America Great Again.
The Big American Plan to suppress China, and keep America Number One in the world.
This article was passed on to me in it’s really raw state by Chua. Who wrote this as the preface…
Wow, entire logical analysis that convincingly joins all the dots.
Anybody who studies the bombings, invasions, slavery, killings and looting history of the United States will have no doubt about the possibility of such bio attacks against China.
-Cheers Chua
And as such, I just had to post it in my blog.
But you know what? The article was not blog-ready. Grammar, punctuation, idiomatic expressions and other factors rendered it generally unreadable for the general audience. I needed to flush it out, enhance it, and clarify things.
So what we have here is not the raw content that I first saw, but my cleaned up and edited version. I hope that you will like it. Godfree Roberts is a most excellent word smith. I just hope that I did not botch up his magnificent piece with my “improvements“.
Yah! E-gads! Like the United States has been improved by the 16th amendment, eh?
This is a reprint of an article written on Mon, 13 Apr 2020, 9:28 am by Godfree Roberts. It has been edited to fit this venue and all credit to the author. This is taken raw from an email chain and required substantial editing. So I added grammar, punctuation, spelled out the idioms, and abbreviations, and flushed out complex meanings into far simpler (easy to digest) sentences. Never the less, it is a great and outstanding read.
But first recognize some terminology that might confuse…
Z-US = Zionists in US government.
But you know, you could easily change the nomenclature to PTB (The Powers that Be), the 1%, the Oligarchy, or the global elite. It's just a name. And, after all, they are are one and the same.
OK. Here we go…
The Big American Plan to suppress China, and keep America Number One in the world.
By Godfree Roberts, and edited by Metallicman.
Just my speculation.
After a series of asymmetrical warfare efforts and aggressive trade war failed to derail China, the Z-US deep state decided to deploy bioterrorism as a last-ditch attempt, a final-effort, short of a hot war.
Quote from General Patton. Both Bolton and Pompeo believe that if you are going to fight a war to obtain objectives to utilize every piece of equipment in your arsenal and nothing is off-limits.
Since US has always gotten away unscathed in all its successful bioterrorism efforts on China…
Many intelligent commentators have argued that coronavirus plays to Trump’s strengths – above all his hostility to globalisation and hatred of China. Trump is already playing the Chinese card and will go on doing so. No wonder, blaming China is Trump’s last hope.
-Global Research
They used a virus that is hard to contain. A virus with a long incubation time. A virus that will infect a billion, and overwhelm hospitals. They selected a virus that would kill hundreds of millions. And they targeted China. China, with all its aged Communist Party leadership, to wipe absolutely and completely out.
They would let the COVID-19 run it’s course, and ruin China completely.
And, it certainly has caused damage. That is for certain.
China GDP over time.
So, yes. The plan worked. The launch of this bio-weapon tanked the Chinese GDP. It completely stopped the Chinese “machine” in it’s tracks.
The neocons in the Trump administration must have been giddy with glee.
James Mattis, former head of the military under President Trump. He sat along side with John Bolton and Mike Pompeo in discussions on how to stop China’s rise and suppress it.
Stage 2 – Control all of Asia
Then, in short order, they could enact the second stage of their plans.
After that, a global Marshall Plan 2.0 will launch.
It would include many elements. From Congress approving measures for Taiwan, Hong Kong, Tibet and Xinjiang “independence”, to American military carrier groups sitting right off the China coast, to legal actions to neuter Chinese industry and government on the world stage, to complete disruption of the Belt and Road initiative.
And China, preoccupied with the COVID-19 bioweapons emergency, and it’s leadership neutered inside of hospital ICU’s on ventilators, the American forces would have the upper hand.
The Marshall Plan 1.0
The Marshall Plan was an American initiative passed in 1948 for foreign aid to Western Europe. The United States transferred over $12 billion in economic recovery programs to Western European economies after the end of World War II.
The stated goals of the United States were to rebuild war-torn regions, remove trade barriers, modernize industry, improve European prosperity, and prevent the spread of Communism.
The Marshall Plan required a reduction of interstate barriers, a dropping of many regulations, and encouraged an increase in productivity, as well as the adoption of modern business procedures, and the adoption of American social norms (fashion, trends, education, policing policy, and pornography), implementation of American society conventions, control of media by American entities, control of industries by American industry, and government that were controlled by the American government..
This Marshall Plan 2.0 is intended to enslave the devastated world just like it did after WWII. The EU, Africa, all of the Pacific and maybe even Russia would bend to the all-knowing, all-powerful, American rule. Thus, establishing a NWO with Z-US as the ultimate unchallenged master.
The entire world would thus use GMO seeds and hormone injected livestock. It would obey and follow centralized American laws, rules and regulations. No matter how nonsensical they would be locally.
Any industry would be majority owned by Americans, and the rest of the world would be neutered militarily and subjected to American style surveillance and manipulation techniques.
And that was / is the big plan.
It’s pretty simple, though the implementation was tricky. And, as we know now, it did not go anywhere near what was planned.
So the US started the whole shebang by planting a false flag in a Fort Detrick Lab.
A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.
The false flag was / is “having a leaking (potential) bioweapon“.
It is used as a cover; as an excuse. As a fall-back explanation, were anyone start to trace the biological makeup of the virus back to it’s point of origination.
You know, just in case they’ve been caught red handed. Which they actually were.
Plausible deniability is the ability of people (typically senior officials in a formal or informal chain of command) to deny knowledge of or responsibility for any damnable actions committed by others.
-Plausible deniability
Fort Detrick, a map showing the wide expanse of this military development facility, with the various QUADS, the parking lots, and all the various outer buildings used in the development of biological weapons of mass destruction.
This is (of course) quite necessary. Otherwise being caught “red handed” would certainly [1] spark a public outcry or even worse [2] an immediate Chinese WMD retaliatory first strike on American cities.
Pretty risky shit. I’ll tell you what.
So ask yourself. Can a civilian agency shut down a military base under the direct control of the President?
No, of course it cannot.
And in this case. Can a weak US CDC shutdown a Pentagon’s powerful Fort Detrick military biowarfare lab? No it absolutely cannot. Or else, for instance, GITMO would be long closed.
We still do not know for certain where the virus that causes the current pandemic has come from. China's first known Covid-19 case has now been traced back to mid November. While the virus is most likely a natural creation the U.S. State Department officials now point to alleged insecurities at the safety level 4 laboratory in Wuhan which did research on similar viruses. It spreads unfounded rumors that the virus escaped from there. But the U.S. itself has many such laboratories with long documented security issues and there is reasonable suspicion that the real patient zero case has happened in the U.S.
Science will eventually solve that conundrum. Until it does there is little to gain from further speculation about it.
If 3000 lives can be sacrificed for 911, what’s 30,000 to win another century of American hegemony and rule?
Now, here’s the beauty of the plan. And why Donald Trump was so adamant in insisting that the Flu was far worse, and that the COVID-19 was nothing that Americans needed to worry about…
The plan was to release a mild strand “A” for “herd immunity” in US.
Not only to release it, but to have it propagate and spread so that the largest number of Americans would get this low-level illness. Sure they might have a sore throat for three days, but that would be it. And afterwards they would be immune to the COVID-19 biological weapon. They would be immunized by “herd immunization”.
And this is exactly why, in the face of all the videos and the news out of China, that Trump was telling people to mingle and not wear masks. To go to outings, and to enjoy themselves. He told people to ignore the news out of China. To go forth.
He did this intentionally. He wanted the American citizenry to get the least lethal stain of COVID-19 to immunize themselves against the most lethal strain.
The basic plan was to release two strands of COVID-19. The weaker strand would allow immunity to build up in the populations that it infected, while the more dangerous strain would decimate the nations that it would encounter. Thus a “perfect” biological war would take place. Where the Chinese would be devastated by the dangerous virus, and the American population would be inoculated from it.
This was intended, and actually took place, before launching a more lethal “B” strain on China. Thousands did die during the immunity (herd immunity) program just like they die during normal vaccinations. However, it was easily covered up under the excuses of a bad flu season, e-vaping deaths, and other reasons.
And it actually was…
According to the latest US media reports, the 2019-20 flu season is "on track for one of the worst flu seasons in decades."
The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that the flu has affected 19 million people so far this season and at least 10,000 have died, including at least 68 children. In addition, at least 180,000 people have been hospitalized.
Some US media outlets said flu remains greater threat than coronavirus in the US.
-Global Times
US allies Nato, Australia, New Zealand, Japan & South Korea are also given the “A” strand for herd immunity via US military bases. In short, the United States, all all of it’s Western allies were inoculated in such a way that their populations obtained immunity to the COVID-19.
This is a biowar hypothesis to explain several anomalies in this pandemic. There are two CoronaVirus (CV) strains: “S”, which is low fatality and “L”, which is high fatality.
Propaganda Onslaught
Now, it wasn’t enough to immunize the American nation, and it’s allies, and then unleash the more virulent and dangerous strain inside China during their most vulnerable time of the year (CNY). Other actions also needed to take place.
SST has fully jumped the shark, it seems, going full in with the "Chinese poisoned us/this is war" concept, which will be the new "Putin stole the election".
Racist troglodytes are already flooding the comment board calling for the summary execution of anyone involved with Chinese students or academic institutions. The empty wheel blog went full in with the Russiagate nonsense and became virtually unreadable. SST is next.
Americans are wigged out, in general. They will believe what they want to believe, and shout anyone else down while insisting they must be Russian or Chinese agents.
-Posted by: jayc | Apr 15 2020 17:26 utc | 3
An entire anti-China propaganda war needed to take place.
Convince industry to decouple from China.
Raise American opinion against buying Chinese made or developed products.
Prepare America for a “hot” war, and military intervention into China.
American propaganda comes in many forms. From news and media, to Hollywood and the idea that Americans fight for “Liberty and Freedom”. .
Thus, a series of media warfare efforts began in early 2019. They instigated numerous narratives. With the first narrative being the notion that the vaccine facility in Wuhan (the Wuhan Lab) was actually a military reverse engineering base. And it was stealing American pathogenic Coronavirus to develop Chinese bioweapons. Further, that the Chinese were dirty people, incompetent, and the facility was leaking the dangerous COVID-19, and covering it up….
I find it really interesting how the many millions of articles that promote the idea that the COVID-19 virus escaped from the lab in Wuhan, fail to provide a simple map showing the relative locations of the buildings in question. . Or, pictures showing an unguarded entrance way. No fences. No security guards. And the clinic sitting right next to a major shopping mall. . Anyone can walk right off the sidewalk and walk right directly into the main lobby unopposed. This is not at all what is described in the American media.
Meanwhile the propaganda onslaught ended up doxxing Chinese scientists. Imagine that! Eh?
And in every other way … to prepare ground for smearing campaign against China.
The anti-China campaign, which the Deputy National Security Advisor Matthew Pottinger is running, leaked to Bloomberg that a secret U.S. Intelligence Report claims that China concealed the real numbers of its Covid-19 cases:
"...China has concealed the extent of the coronavirus outbreak in its country, under-reporting both total cases and deaths it’s suffered from the disease, the U.S. intelligence community concluded in a classified report to the White House, according to three U.S. officials."
Nonsense. China did not conceal its number of Covid-19 cases. Nor did it hold back any information.
Reporting numbers during an outbreak of a new disease is actually very difficult.
Cont. reading: China Did Not Deceive Us - Counting Death During An Epidemic Is Really Difficult
It is also extremely critical that the American public believe that there is but one singular virus and that everyone is fighting it together and equally.
Each nation is “fighting the Coronavirus pandemic“.
Not that America has the very, very mild COVID-19A with a R0=0.01%.
And that China, Iran, North Korea and Russia has the very lethal COVID-19B with a R0=20.0%.
And to do this, all videos, news and pictures from inside of China must be banned. No one must notice that the action of the two strains are very different.
You can see these videos in my SHTF COVID-19B Video collection HERE. These are the specific Videos that Trump absolutely forbid Americans to watch.
In these videos you notice something very interesting. You notice how sudden the onslaught of the virus is, and how absolutely lethal and debilitating it is. It isn’t some sick patients walking to the hospital because they are having trouble breathing. It’s people raising a spoon to their lips while drinking soup and then collapsing on the spot.
Attack on China
So, after the following prerequisite steps were put in place…
Immunized America and it’s allies with the non-lethal strain of COVID-19.
Conducted push and push, and push trade-war “negotiations”.
Instituted a anti-China propaganda onslaught.
Created a fall-back “plausible deniability” excuse for the COVID-19 virus.
The attack on China began.
In December 2019, 300 herd-immunized US Military soldiers with some injected with higher fatality “B” strand were sent to Wuhan military games to spread. They were also asked to target North Korea & Iran soldiers particularly.
In the process, 5 US soldiers became very sick.
These soldiers were hospitalized at the local hospital in Wuhan, bioposies were taken, and everything was recorded on video, and meticulous records were taken. They were all evacuated in emergency and airlifted by American military transport with the excuse of malaria.
American military troops who were infected with the COVID-19 were evacuated out of Wuhan by military transport in December 2019.
A series of events then unfolded exactly like what was predicted during the Event 201 simulation. From global outbreak to economy impact.
President Trump with his two trusted advisors on International geo-political issues; John Bolton and Pompeo. All of whom wanted to suppress China to Make America Great Again, by any and all means possible.
"while I abhor violence, I sometimes wonder if the true way to fix our broken world is to find a screening process for sociopaths/psychopaths and, once identified, either execute or sterilize them. we've been taking their top-down eugenics programs for decades now (centuries?). maybe what we need is a bottom-up program to rid our institutions of their influence."
I have had that exact same thought before, and I do believe that would be the only way to 'fix' our problems. Our system rewards those socio/psyco traits, hence they always rise to the top. Kind, caring people rarely rise to the top.
-Posted by: David F | Apr 15 2020 19:48 utc | 27
Trump tells everyone that the flu is worse.
Of course, now that the United States is effectively immunized against the COVID-19, there is no need to worry.
Thusly, President Trump could continue to push on the “everything is fine” narrative, and the the “flu is much worse“, and “you do not need to wear masks” narratives.
One of the very few remaining posters / pictures that told Americans not to wear a mask. . Once, Trump discovered that the “weak” non-lethal stain did not grant viral immunity, he made a “U turn” and told everyone to start wearing masks.
It, from the point of view of President Trump, was to get as many people exposed to the less-lethal COVID-19 virus strain as possible. The more people exposed to it, the more people who would be immune from it’s effects. It’s no wonder that he INSISTED that masks not be worn, that people must continue to attend groups and church meetings, and that everyone should ignore what is going on in China. That America is somehow different.
And what do you know…
That’s the American mainstream narrative; that the Wuhan coronavirus isn’t serious. It isn’t as bad as the flu, and the flu kills thousands of people each and every year. So that there is nothing to be worried about.
Try to find those posts on the internet now. The past has all been white-washed out. They have all disappeared. Go ahead Google it.
Until the big “U-turn” by Trump, he insisted that everyone not wear masks. . That everyone get exposed to this minor sickness, and that it is not as bad as the flu. Which is true. The mild “herd immunity” strain isn’t all that bad. So, how did Trump know that America had the least dangerous strain, and the Chinese had the nasty strain? .
And of course, the entire American media propagates this narrative. Here’s from USA Today…
So far, there have been an estimated 19 million cases of flu, 180,000 hospitalizations and 10,000 deaths in the U.S. this influenza season – including 68 children, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Worldwide, seasonal influenza epidemics cause 3 million to 5 million severe cases every year and kill up to 650,000 people a year, according to the World Health Organization.
"That just far surpasses the amount of cases compared to the novel coronavirus," Colburn said. "If you didn’t travel specifically to Wuhan, China, or have contact with a person with suspected or known coronavirus, your chance of contracting this is extremely low."
-USA Today
That is simply because America and it’s allies are now (at this point in time) convinced that the Herd Immunized theory has been effectively put in place. Thus, the West was not overly concerned about the outbreak despite the numerous WHO warnings.
Yeah. He, President Trump, know something that everyone else didn’t. For not only did he unleash the deadly strain against China, but he intentionally unleashed the far less virulent strain against the American people.
One strain to attack China with.
One strain to defend the United States with viral immunity.
As part of the propaganda onslaught, President Trump and his entire administration and all the Alt-Right media renamed and referred to the virus as the “Chinese virus”, instead of it’s actual name. .
The US sat still and waited for the big China collapse.
It was going to infect everyone, and in a few months the entire Chinese nation would collapse.
Mike Pompeo was in great spirits and in a fine positive mood in late January when the COVID-19 started to hit China. Here he is right before he took a flight to Minsk, Russia to discuss geo-political issues with Putin.
With the knowledge that China was in the throes of a complete collapse, Trump authorized and set up a propaganda onslaught designed to pull out its entire supply chain and decouple it globally with border closings. A declaration of global crisis would give US a great excuse for unlimited Quantitative easing (QE) to execute Marshall Plan 2.0. Everything was put into place, and started to be engaged.
And if you recall, at that time, when the news was just starting to say that something was going on off in (far away) China, the American media propaganda machine absolutely and ruthlessly plummeted China for every direction for every possible reason. Within weeks, the American populace were “foaming at the mouth” and demanding Chinese “pay”. Don’t know what for… but “pay!” they demanded.
Leaving the rest of the world “scratching their heads”, why all this anti-China news saturating my feed? Why now? What’s going on?
The recovery will NOT be, but Trump will distract all Americans by screaming against China and how China is responsible for everything. Expect Americans to fall in line and the anti Russia hysteria to now turn into super anti China hysteria. Expect attacks against Asians in USA
And all because the Chinese were greedy bastards eager to make money and they quickly forgot history and how the Ango Saxon treated them just merely 150 years ago.
As somebody who grew up in Communist Eastern Europe it the 70s, I vividly remember how we were warned how the Americans will try to hurt us by spreading bio weapons. This was grilled into us over and over. The Communists knew. China better gt prepared, the West will try to rip them a brand new assholes. And they got nobody to blame but themselves!
-Posted by: Hoyeru | Apr 16 2020 20:13 utc | 21
The attack on Iran & Italy
The Iran attack reason is obvious.
Italy was singled out for “B” strand infection in Oct19, for committing unforgivable sins in: joining China BRI, adopt Huawei 5G, and refused to join US-Nato hostility towards Russia.
Italy has been hit hard by this virus. Their military who visited the Wuhan Olympic games shouldn’t have shared the same hotel with the American servicemen. .
Saudi MBS was tasked to collapse oil price to devastate Russia, Iran & Venezuela oil economy in crisis.
But Chinese CDC system was so damn good that it detected the COVID just with only 4~8 reported cases by 31Dec2020.
Only 4 people, perhaps as high as 8, had the virus. Yet the Chinese immediately recognized what was going on and took action.
This was not expected.
As the simulation predicted a few months later with 100 million infections. The simulation expected the Chinese to react months after the CNY holiday, and by that time, the devastation would be uncontrollable and disastrous. They expected and anticipated a scene from a Hollywood movie, or a zombie movie.
The Trump leadership expected a scene right out of a Hollywood movie to take place in China. They planned for it to happen exactly that way.
It was expected that all of China would be shut down, and it’s GDP would plummet while deaths overwhelmed the cities, the leadership and the society. The world would then pull away from China, as they would be immune to the virus. It would be an absolute collapse of the Chinese nation, and agitator cells in Hong Kong and Taiwan would begin efforts (already in place) to topple the government for “democracy”.
But, yah, that DID NOT HAPPEN.
The Chinese immediately determined it was a biological attack; a biological WMD. A military weapon. A dangerous and lethal virus directed at the Chinese nation, the Chinese people, and the Chinese culture all during the most significant time of the year inside of China.
The Chinese communist party decisively locked down the entire country at DEFCON ONE. They did so realizing the enormous and astronomical economic trillion dollar cost.
The United States' DEFCON (short for "defense readiness condition") scale is a measure of the level of alertness of the nation's defense forces. The DEFCON scale uses a minimum of 5 (for normal peacetime status) and a maximum of 1 (for situations of global severity, like nuclear war).
-How to Understand the DEFCON Scale
The Chinese military went DEFCON ONE and the entire military was alerted on CNY eve. All the military were put on high alert. Not just the bio-weapons division, but also the nuclear, the naval and the special forces as well.
Within 2 months the Chinese contained the epidemic with only 84,000 infections, and 3,400 deaths. The dragon is injured, but not fatally.
So, China got their house in order.
They knew who all the agitators were in Hong Kong, most of whom were “journalists”. They rounded them up, and deported them. The protests in Hong Kong came to a complete and absolute end.
No more “Mr. Nice Guy”.
Enough is enough.
It was American journalists working for the NED / NID that trained and funded the insurgency in Hong Kong.
Jimmy Lai, the billionaire “yellow journalist” who had dreams of being the new King of Hong Kong when China collapsed was seized, and sent to the mainland for “extraction of information”, and punishment (that may or may not include organ harvesting).
Meanwhile all the “rats nests” were cleaned out. Including lawmakers. Which resulted in the complete firing of all the “pro-democracy” teacher elements in the schools and universities.
And while the United States was busy sending two carrier fleets to sit right off the coast of Taiwan (You might have forgot about that eh?) – they expected to instigate some military action while China was busy fighting the bioweapon – China started to “lay down the law” and warn Trump of the consequences.
But… It’s now ready to revenge, with its own biowarfare defense chief Gen Chen Wei. And now he took over the game.
The Chinese military, while not as large as America’s is peer capable and nuclear armed. They are a force to be reckoned with, and know what actually happened.
The US was caught off guard by China’s unexpected quick success. It was not what was expected. Not at all.
With no excuse for its unlimited Quantitative Easing (QE) plan to save a completely collapsing Wall Street, Plan B was launched.
Plan B is launched by the United States
Plan B: US-Nato play fear porn by competing to be the most infected nations. This justified their Quantitative Easing (QE) & trillion dollar bailout plans…
…. as well as preparing an American police state for a full-on WMD war.
But there is a snag…
But US found its Herd Immune program wasn’t working very well. The COVID-19 “safe” strain did not provide immunity. Once people had the COVID-19 “safe” strain, they still could obtain the COVID-19 “lethal” strain afterwards.
The “herd immunity” system DID NOT WORK.
Further, to make matters even worse, the new virus is a mutated “C” strand, and it was something that it don’t anticipate. And recent data suggests that US cases are more severe than in China.
In case you are wondering why Trump insisted in this absurd demand, now you know. The only way that the BIG PLAN would ever be able to come to fruition was if the West had a vaccine and the Chinese did not. Thus it was critical to maintain this level of control over the virus.
America went into lock-down when the weak COVID-19 virus strain was displaced by the very virulent and lethal mutated strain.
They did so on the advice that the “C” strand if left to run it course it would be horrific…
Typical 60% (210 million) infections.
With 15% (30 million) hospitalizations.
Expected 3% (6 million) in the ICU.
And 0.1~4%(200,000 to 8 million) deaths.
All of this is devastating.
Meanwhile the Russians and the Chinese are not stupid.
China & Russia played along the game by sending medical aids team to study the pandemic situation in the EU.
If they lift the lock-down too fast to declare success, global economy has not yet devastated with 60M deaths as Event 201 simulated. Unlimited Quantitative Easing (QE) global Marshall Plan 2.0 will not be able roll out successfully if the world economy is not damaged.
N95 masks are in hot demand in the United States, as the government did not believe that the people and citizenry would ever actually need to wear them. They did not plan on that contingency.
Additionally, the mutated “C” strand is also not responding well to its ready Remdesivir & other prepared vaccines. Nor to the chloroquine treatment. So some lock-down is still required to buy time for new vaccine development.
But holding lockdown for too long, global supplies and food will run out in 60days.
Trump tweet on the use of chloroquine as a treatment for COVID-19.
This will end up giving China an unprecedented upper hand using its supply chain power. In fact some clusters have already moved production orders to China from West recently due to global supply disruption.
China is now watching the game in a high position.
It has yet to decide if to retaliate or benefit from the crisis. A Chinese Marshall Plan is also been envisaged.
US-Nato is struggling with its own created “epidemic” with no effective vaccines yet.
A Plan C of WMD war with China can’t be launched until Gate’s digital vaccines can be completed, with a well prepared West police state.( The Anglosaxons Mission). America is really not ready. The situation changed, and the plan did not go as it was supposed to.
The US punts.
Seeing no near timeline to end the pandemic, Trump suspended the $10 oil price game by calling Putin & MBS.
He had to do this.
Even Americans like Scott Ritter are admitting that the United States got played by the chess masters:
"Trump cannot turn on or off the U.S. oil-producing spigot, a fact Russia knows only too well. When Trump attempted to gain credit for a 2.5-million-barrel reduction in production brought on by bankruptcy, Russia refused to allow it. Likewise, when Trump promised cuts in oil production to help Mexico meet G20 targets, it was a promise the American president is unable to deliver on. In getting the U.S. to agree to attend a G20 summit on oil production, the Russians lured the U.S. into a policy trap from which there is no escape."
Is Putin Laying a Petroleum Trap for Trump?
-Posted by: ak74 | Apr 15 2020 20:00 utc | 30
China and Russia have been busy making joint military treaties and both consider America and it’s allies as a dangerous, out of control, nation(s).
Otherwise devastated oil nations may cave in to start selling oil in RMB to China, the single largest oil buyer. This will collapse Petrol-dollars, hence destroying US global power.
Cold War 2.0
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo even called the Communist Party of China (CPC), which is going all out to lead the Chinese people in the fight against the coronavirus, the "central threat of our times" on Thursday. US Senator Tom Cotton also made a series of exaggerated accusations against China regarding this crisis.
-Global Times
A Plan D Cold War 2.0 is also on brewing.
Everything is unfolding per the “hybrid war” that Pompeo, Bolton and Trump launched. It is not going as planned, nor as expected, but all indications are that they will continue fighting until they win… or the world is destroyed in the process. They do not care.
That is to play victim suing China as culprit of pandemic for compensation. US & gangs will then confiscate all China overseas assets & treasury, and decouple China permanently.
China has started its vaccines testing on humans. Once they work, they will able to contain US global bioterrorism damage, hence derailing NWO Marshall Plan 2.0
Chinese attack subs have been on alert since CNY and moved into place when China went DEFCON ONE.
Its also now aggressively ramping up its food production, anticipating a global food shortage soon.
With medical aids and later food aids, the world geopolitical situation will incline in favor of a benevolent helpful China. While Trump continues his tyranny of tightening sanctions and snapping at the allies medical supplies.
Its unlikely China can replace US Petrol dollars with RMB soon, so it will has to contest a new Cold War 2.0 with its aids program and a Marshall Plan after the pandemic is over.
This may divide the world into two, like during the Soviet era.
But India is a “wild card”.
But India is the most unstable nuclear time bomb to watch out. Its already fragile fake economy $2.8T will be devastated by its unprepared sudden lock-down on 4hrs notice.
50M homeless and beggars are now packed in gov and charity houses to get food.
100M migrant workers have lost jobs walking back to village spreading infections.
200M slum dwellers living in open cesspits have mostly become jobless running out of food. Living 10 to one tiny zinc roof hut with no toilet and water to wash hand, its super hot bed for virus spreading.
700M Indians are still defecating outdoor with no clean water access. Feaces & urine are proven to carry virus for long time. 90% of India cities has no sewage system, polluting all water sources with direct discharge.
800M depending on agriculture can’t plough/ harvest their land for spring season will see food shortage & lost income. Many farmers relying on loan to buy Monsanto GMO seeds & weed killers will go bankrupt.
1300M poor will deplete most of their tiny savings if any without jobs in couple of months. Consumption will fall to rock bottom. Millions of business will shut in vicious cycle.
India’s economy relies on over 50% in service sector and tiny export will collapse. Its already existent bad debt ridden banking sector will be put to acid test.
But India has no ability to print rupees out of trouble for unlimited Quantitative Easing (QE) like the US & EU. Its already nose deep in debts(70% to GDP) to get more loans.
So Modi may resort to border confrontation with Pakistan again to divert attention.
And we can well expect that the US will try goad it for a false flag nuclear war hoping to drag China in using India as canon fodder.
Conclusions about the Big Plan
The US & China will decide the entire worlds future within the next 5 years.
Expect Trump to escalate the trade war, further restrict exports to China, block Chinese corporate requirements, and threathen China's debt holdings as some form of "reparations." Expect military saber rattling to increase around Taiwan in addition to shows of strength from Guam (B52 flights).
In other words, recall Bukharin's warning that trade wars are only "partial sorties." In the end, they will be solved by "real force...the force of arms."
What we are witnessing is an unprecedented concentration of all contradictions of global capitalism and imperialism.
-Posted by: Prof K | Apr 16 2020 18:57 utc | 8
The US & China will decide the entire worlds future within the next 5 years.
The US is geared toward a hegemony world lead by its MAGA policy.
China is for a common destiny of mankind with a multi-polar world.
What will occur during this tumultuous time is undefined, but quite frightening.
What will be next?
As the entire world is right now suffering from the United States bio-weapon attack, keep in mind that any nation that is willing to use bio-weapons will not have any qualms to using nuclear weapons either.
Any nation that is willing to use bio-weapons will not have any problem in using nuclear weapons either.
Donald Trump is already deploying low yield nuclear weapons on active military platforms.
Inuit's view of Socipaths: "Kunlangeta is allegedly an Inuit Yupik word for psychopath – in a 1976 study anthropologist Jane M. Murphy, then at Harvard University, found that an isolated group of Yupik-speaking Inuits near the Bering Strait had a term (kunlangeta) they used to describe “a man who … repeatedly lies and cheats and steals things and … takes sexual advantage of many women—someone who does not pay attention to reprimands and who is always being brought to the elders for punishment.” When Murphy asked an Inuit what the group would typically do with a kunlangeta, he replied, “Somebody would have pushed him off the ice when nobody else was looking.”
-Posted by: john | Apr 15 2020 20:00 utc | 31
Finally, one year later, a book comes out reporting that Trump was very angry about some (unspoken, but very BAD thing that John Bolton did) and as a result he wished or vocalized that John Bolton would end up getting Coronavirus.
Not too much. You need to accept things as they are right now. You need to look at the real situation and not endlessly debate the news and propaganda. You need to start taking action, on a personal level, right now.
Right now.
There will be change.
It might be sudden, and swift. Or, it might be slow and gradual. But change will occur. It will occur on many levels.
The changes that everyone are expecting will probably NOT be the ones that will actually manifest. Be safe. Spend time with loved ones. Be part of your community. Be able to contribute, in some way, and at some physical level to the world around you.
You will be fine.
It's very unlikely the USA will collapse in a single historical event.
As a capitalist nation, the USA is much more decentralized, fragmented and anarchic (in production and distribution of the wealth it produces and consumes) than the USSR. The USSR was a centrally planned economy: when Gorbachev committed the mistake of demoralizing and destroying the CPSU, he automatically destroyed the USSR.
That will not be the case of the USA: the fall of Washington D.C. - or even Wall Street - would not be the immediate end of the USA.
The most likely scenario for an end of the USA would be for a gradual and constant degeneration of its social structure, with or without balkanization (probably with). This balkanization would be very violent, because local capitalists would assemble private armies and fight against each other for supremacy and the reunification of the USA (a la Roman Empire).
It would be a Mad Max cum Yugoslavia scenario.
The problem with this is: who would be in control of the American nuclear arsenal?
Will the USAAF be capable of stopping with the balkanization process and thus keep the country united?
Will the USA anihilate the rest of the world before it would disappear, in an act of nihilism?
A lot of known unknowns - let alone unknown unknowns.
-Posted by: vk | Apr 16 2020 20:06 utc | 16
Finally, a final statement.
Well the “big plan” did not go as it was supposed to.
Most of the people who are now going to pay for the mistakes made by the Trump – Pompeo – Bolton cabal are just normal people trying to live their lives in peace. You cannot undo their folly. Instead, you must ride out the situation…
You must play the cards that you are dealt with.
Just keep in mind this truth;
People who make or work with real physical things will do better than those that work with paper, budgets, theories, and intangibles. When the going gets tough, it’s the farmer that stays employed, not the social justice activist.
What this means is…
Dollar as global reserve currency will persist only so long as China goes along with it, which won't be all that long as they are already hashing out deals to denominate trade with other countries in currencies other than the dollar. The dollar stuck around so long as GRC because for quite a while after WWII much of the international trade involved purchasing goods manufactured in the US. Obviously that is not the case anymore.
As vk @16 mentioned above, manufacturing is the real economy. Capitalist finance is just a parasite on the real economy. On its own finance can do nothing but shuffle paper around.
What the dollar worshipers don't realize is that it isn't the share of the GRC that is important, it is what currency the people who make stuff that other people want to buy are selling their goods in that is important. The US has very little leverage to force the Chinese to sell their products in dollars.
-Posted by: William Gruff | Apr 16 2020 20:35 utc | 36
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Donald Trump, in late march 2020, announced that he expects that “things will be back to normal by Easter”. That’s pretty much a three week time period.
I am sorry to say that that probably will not happen.
The United States is not China. The United States cannot replicate China’s success in controlling the outbreak. China mastered the COVID-19 outbreak by the implementation of extremely drastic measures, and even at that, it took a three month-long national lock-down to do so.
America, unorganized, corrupt, rife with fraud and incompetence is not going to be able to handle this event like the Chinese did. As I write this, many Americans are not wearing masks outside, and just last week everyone was partying (without a care) during Spring Break.
For America, and for other “free” democracies, the effects of the COVID-19 outbreak will be felt for a long time. How long? No one knows for certain, all we have is what we know from history. And, at that, history tells us that the Influenza outbreak in 1918 lasted for a solid year until well into 2019.
Here we review that event. We look at what happened and perhaps learn a little bit about history in the process.
The following information comes from the most excellent internet resource; Britannia which is an on-line encyclopedia. I find that it is better than most other internet resources and not as heavily propagandized as Wikipedia and other venues. It’s a resource worth bookmarking. Edited to fit this venue, and all credit to the author(s).
Influenza pandemic of 1918–19
Influenza pandemic of 1918–19, also called Spanish influenza pandemic or Spanish flu, the most severe influenza outbreak of the 20th century and, in terms of total numbers of deaths, among the most devastating pandemics in human history.
influenza pandemic of 1918–19: temporary hospital A temporary hospital in Camp Funston, Kansas, during the 1918–19 influenza pandemic.Courtesy of the National Museum of Health and Medicine, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Washington, D.C
Influenza is caused by a virus that is transmitted from person to person through airborne respiratory secretions. An outbreak can occur if a new strain of influenza virus emerges against which the population has no immunity.
The influenza pandemic of 1918–19 resulted from such an occurrence and affected populations throughout the world.
An influenza virus called influenza type A subtype H1N1 is now known to have been the cause of the extreme mortality of this pandemic, which resulted in an estimated 25 million deaths, though some researchers have projected that it caused as many as 40–50 million deaths.
influenza A H1N1 virusTransmission electron micrograph of recreated 1918 influenza A H1N1 virus.Cynthia Goldsmith/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (Image Number: 8160)
Three Waves
The pandemic occurred in three waves.
The first apparently originated in early March 1918, during World War I. Although it remains uncertain where the virus first emerged, it quickly spread through western Europe, and by July it had spread to Poland. The first wave of influenza was comparatively mild.
However, during the summer a more lethal type of disease was recognized, and this form fully emerged in August 1918. Pneumonia often developed quickly, with death usually coming two days after the first indications of the flu.
For example, at Camp Devens, Massachusetts, U.S., six days after the first case of influenza was reported, there were 6,674 cases. The third wave of the pandemic occurred in the following winter, and by the spring the virus had run its course.
In the two later waves about half the deaths were among 20- to 40-year-olds, an unusual mortality age pattern for influenza.
Walter Reed HospitalThe influenza ward at Walter Reed Hospital, Washington, D.C., during the 1918–19 epidemic.Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. (cph 3a39569)
Outbreaks of the flu occurred in nearly every inhabited part of the world, first in ports, then spreading from city to city along the main transportation routes.
India is believed to have suffered at least 12.5 million deaths during the pandemic, and the disease reached distant islands in the South Pacific, including New Zealand and Samoa.
In the United States about 550,000 people died.
Most deaths worldwide occurred during the brutal second and third waves. Other outbreaks of Spanish influenza occurred in the 1920s but with declining virulence.
What does this mean?
We can expect that authoritarian governments will have a much better success in controlling the disease than the “freedom loving” democracies would. They are far better equipped in handling crisis events, emergencies and the mobilization of the citizenry.
We can expect that authoritarian governments should be able to resume “somewhat normal” life within a half year from the first onset of the sickness. China is leading the way, and showing that it can be done.
Other nations would have a longer duration of illness and it could easily move in multiple waves. The influenza of 1918 ran in three (four) waves, and each wave became successively more dangerous. It is possible that the COVID-19 would be able to suspend “normal” life in a non-authoritarian government for up to two years (worst case).
I cannot predict the future.
However, I feel reasonably confident that America will be dealing with this illness through the Fall of 2020 and into the Winter of 2021. It is unlikely that the United States could alter the path that it is firmly set upon.
Meanwhile China, and the rest of Asia will be able to suppress the illness by late Spring 2020.
Please be prudent, take reasonable precautions, and ignore the American media advice that…
It is only lethal to older people.
It is just a kind of flu.
You do not need to wear a mask.
All of which are false.
People this is a SHTF event. You are either ready for it, or your aren’t. Please make the best of it, in your own way, with those that you care about. God Bless.
Please make the best of it, in your own way, with those that you care about. God Bless.
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Please kindly help me out in this effort. There is a lot of effort that goes into this disclosure. I could use all the financial support that anyone could provide. Thank you very much.
You will find all sorts of information on the internet. This is especially true about the COVID-19 coronavirus. Contemporaneously, the advice in America has gone from [1] “not to worry, the flu is far worse”, to [2] “wash your hands, but you don’t need to wear a mask”, to [3] “stay indoors as much as possible”. Great Dejesus, people! Is that the best advice the enormous American government (and by extension, their media) can give? Ok, well, here’s what to do and why. It’s straight up and no bull shit.
The following is a reprint of an article titled: COVID-19: Why America May Be Hit Hard for 3-4 Months & What To Do, written by Dr. Carl Juneau, PhD . All credit to the author.
COVID-19: Why America May Be Hit Hard for 3-4 Months & What To Do
March 13 ·
updated March 16, 6:34 pm ET · now includes US cases by time, infected
people without symptoms spreading the virus, and predictions based on 5
other countries.
Coronavirus cases in the United States by time.
It’s here. COVID-19 hit China, Europe, and is grinding America to a halt. On March 13, President Trump declared a national emergency. Still, as a PhD in Public Health who specialized in epidemiology, I’m worried. Here’s why:
You have a compromised immune system (Health Canada)
You have a condition (heart or respiratory disease, diabetes, hypertention, or cancer)
Symptoms can take up to 14 days to appear. You can transmit the virus even if you have no symptoms (Bai et al. 2020), and possibly 1-2 weeks after symptoms (Woelfel et al. 2020, preprint data).
A comparison of the top infected nations in the world today.
“It is a failing, let’s admit it.”
This is Dr. Anthony Fauci from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, at a congressional hearing.
“The idea of anybody getting [tested] easily, the way people in other countries are doing it, we're not set up for that.”
Americans are not getting tested.
As of March 12, The Atlantic estimates that about 8,000 people have been tested in the US. Compare that to 29,700 in the UK and 210,000 in South Korea, and you can see why the number of confirmed cases in the US is suspiciously low.
“It has probably bought us a few hours, maybe a day or two”
When people don’t interact with each other, the virus doesn’t spread. You can see it in the following chart: Chinese regions (except Hubei) contained the outbreak with lock-downs, whereas South Korea, Italy, and Iran reacted late and saw it spread.
But with so many untested and undetected cases, it’s probably coming in too late. See the lines curving up for South Korea, Italy, and Iran? I’m afraid this is what’s coming for the US. But it may not be too late to flatten the curve.
Flatten the curve
You can slow down the outbreak by keeping your distance. In Italy, the town of Lodi had the first case, and locked down on Feb 23. Bergamo waited until March 8.
See the difference:
A comparison of two Italian cities and what happened when they waited to lock-down the community.
An initial report on Clinical Characteristics of Coronavirus Disease 2019 in China published in the New England Journal of Medicine (Guan et al. 2020) found 1.4% of patients died.
As of March 14, worldwide, 3.7% of the 145,902 people infected suffered the same fate.
But rates vary by country.
Italy, where more seniors are infected, has a rate of 7.2%.
“They may be particularly at risk for the coronavirus”
People without insurance often wait until their
conditions become serious before seeking medical help, so they could
infect many others (CNN, 2020).
In an interview with Berkeley News, Stephen Shortell, PhD, Dean Emeritus of the School of Public Health, explains:
"Financial access to care is simply not a problem in most other developed countries, like Italy and South Korea."
But in the US, without health insurance, the situation could be worse.
"Those without insurance tend to be lower income, have less than high school education, work in low wage jobs, live in areas that have more pollution and fewer health resources, and generally are in poorer health. Thus, they may be particularly susceptible/vulnerable/at risk for the coronavirus."
Sick Leave
Lack of paid sick leave is another problem.
“Many people will go to work sick, causing the virus to spread more widely.”
-Dean Baker, senior economist at the Center for Economic and Policy Research
"Those who are employed are more likely to go to work even when they are ill, because the low wage jobs typically do not have good sick leave policies, and people need the income."
That’s why I’m afraid the US may be hit
the hardest, and become the next epicenter of the pandemic. So what
actions can you take to slow down the outbreak?
According to models shared with about 50 expert teams, 160-214 million people in the US could be infected, with as many as 200,000 to 1.7 million dying if no actions were taken to slow transmission.
Total cases in the USA and 5 other countries.
Other countries suggest outbreak will last 3-4 months
Total cases in Italy, UK, and Iran have
been going up for 1 month (see above). South Korea, with great measures
in place, has just stabilised after 1 month. The US, arguably, has bad
measures in place. So I estimate 1-2 months of total cases going up.
Next, people infected start to recover,
or die (1-7%). But new people get infected, so the curve becomes flat.
The curve was stable for 1-2 weeks in South Korea and China, with good
measures in place.
Then most people have been exposed. You
either got it, didn’t get it, got sick and recovered, or you’re dead. So
cases go down. Active cases in China have been going down for 1 month.
But people are still dying, and have another 2-3 weeks to go.
Based on the above, I predict 3-4 months
total. Still, it’s not too late to slow down the outbreak, and avoid
overburdening hospitals. What can you do?
Stay home
The best way to stop the outbreak is to stay home. It worked in China (see lockdowns above). In fact, according to the World Health Organization, even if you have mild respiratory symptoms, you should stay home. Here are more tips from the Organization:
To recap:
Wash your hands often (e.g. when you get home, before you eat, after using the restroom)
Wash your hands at least 20 seconds (with soap or a rub with at least 60% alcohol)
Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth
Cover your mouth and nose with your bent elbow when you cough
Maintain at least 1 metre (3 feet) distance between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing
If you have a fever, cough and
difficulty breathing, seek medical attention and call in advance. Follow
the directions of your local health authority.
If you can, stay home. Tell your parents
and friends to stay home. Especially those aged 65 and up (or with
compromised immune systems or a medical condition), as the virus is more deadly to them. Be safe!
A note to athletes
I work with athletes. If you train, you should watch out for:
Overtraining. This is when you train vigorously, yet performance deteriorates (Lakier Smith, 2003). You risk supressing your immune system, putting you at risk for upper respiratory tract infections (MacKinnon, 2000).
Cutting weight.Hagmar et al. (2008) found that athletes striving for leanness reported being ill more often in the last 3 months. Tsai et al. (2011)
found that taekwondo athletes who trained hard and cut weight before a
national competition had suppressed mucosal immunity and more upper
respiratory tract infections.
Concerned? It might be a good idea to ease off. What to do instead? Sleep, if you’re like the 1 in 3 Americans who don’t get enough sleep (CDC, 2016). Lack of sleep creates low-grade inflammation and weakens your immune system (Besedovsky et al. 2012).
How long should you sleep? At least 7 hours a night (CDC, 2016).
Tell your US friends
Will 200,000 to 1.7 million Americans die, as the CDC experts projected? Not if we act in a big way.
So please share this article with your US friends. They need to understand and stay home. Act now, and we can avoid the worst.
About the Author
Dr. Carl Juneau holds a PhD in Public Health, with a specialization in epidemiology. He usually writes about exercise as the founder and CEO of Dr. Muscle. Email · Facebook · LinkedIn
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The horrible yank track record when included, tips this into deliberate bio weapon deployment territory.
-Mike T
Translated from Chinese.
You don’t think that the Chinese people read CNN, MSNBC, and FOX news do you? They don’t. To them, the nonsense spouted out of the American media outlets are something from the “Outer Limits”. They have their own media, their own chat rooms, and their own theories.
Now that the COVID-19 is spreading and mutating all over the world, the idea that it was a Frankenstein-bio-weapon-virus to suppress China is taking hold within China. For the Chinese have a “front row seat” in all of this. And…
They are not stupid.
The current Covid-19 panic was caused by seven weeks of daily anti-China propaganda as the international media abused the crisis to bash Chinese officials, citizens and their culture. H1N1 originated in the U.S. which utterly failed to contain it. It was therefore not propagandized.
America is still holding on to the China-is-incompetent narrative…
The science surrounding these apparent reinfections is further complicated by China’s handling of the outbreak, which since January has been marred by faulty testing procedures and questionable case counting methods with shifting definitions. In addition, the overburdened healthcare system has put pressure on doctors to discharge people who may not have fully recovered to free up beds for newly infected patients.
China has been praised in recent weeks by the World Health Organization for containing the virus. But the Communist Party’s early moves to suppress public knowledge on the extent of infections prompt concerns over the accuracy of information about recovered patients who retest positive but may have been misdiagnosed in the first place.
-LA Times
So, you don’t need to freak out, and you do not need to wear a mask…
You do not need to wear a face mask to protect yourself from this airborne virus.
But that’s gonna change…
Pretty soon you will see the Hard-Line Conservatives in the USA start to blame China for the virus. Already they are calling it the “Wuhan Flu“… intentionally to generate bad will against China.
Well, what isn’t reported in the American Press is that the Chinese government has identified [1] who made the virus and [2] how it took hold so rapidly within China. And…
Scientific analysis revealed by Larry Romanoff suggests that the virus was “Made in America”:
“it appears that the virus did not originate in China and, according to reports in Japanese and other media, may have originated in the US. …
In February, the Japanese Asahi news report (print and TV) claimed the coronavirus originated in the US, not in China, and that some (or many) of the 14,000 American deaths attributed to influenza may have in fact have resulted from the coronavirus.
This is another article, a Chinese one, that discusses this turn of events. It’s a long read. I mean… Looooooong. But it will give you an idea of what CHINA and the Chinese people think of all this.
As you read it, please keep in your mind that the Chinese people are NOT the cardboard-cut-out black-and-white cartoon that the American Alt-Right media portrays them as. They are hyper-patriotic, smart, and industrious.
Hyper-patriotic. Keep that in mind.
This is a reprint of a Chinese article titled “*Theory* Coronavirus is biological warfare to decouple the US-China economies as a prelude to US attacking China in a fighting war”, written on March 10, 2020 by Liberty Cat. The original Source (PDF with Chinese translation). (This blog post archived.)
Aside from editing the post to fit this venue, and adding much sorely needed punctuation, little has been changed. My impression is this singular article is but a collection of similar articles all strung together into a singular format for Western audiences. All credit to the authors, who ever they might be.
*Theory* Coronavirus is biological warfare intended to decouple the US-China economies as a prelude to US attacking China in a fighting war
This is the biggest and most important issue of our time…
The 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) was designed by the United States and planted in Wuhan, China, by the American CIA.
It was done so as a biological weapon meant to…
Decouple the US-China economies;
To separate, segregate, and to isolate China from the rest of the world.
To facilitate the closing of borders;
The severing of supply chains;
The intention of rerouting trade to bypass China.
All with the purpose of weakening China from within.
While causing internal strife and sowing chaos and discord.
But also as a prelude to a US-initiated fighting war against China in the South China Sea.
The ultimate purpose is to protect and restore American hegemony.
Including protecting the US petrodollar hegemony against the rising Huawei-enabled Chinese blockchain-based digital Yuan. As well as China’s Belt and Road infrastructure and trade initiatives in Eurasia
All the while intending to fully collapse the Chinese government…
To cut off China from global trade and international commerce
To force a regime change of China’s government.
After, of course, defeating China in a devastating physical war.
I believe and have compelling circumstantial reason to believe that the American CIA injected and planted the so-called “Wuhan virus” into Wuhan, China.
I believe that they did so in or around the dates of October 31st 2019 to December 31st 2019.
That it was done maliciously and methodically with the intent to harm China, and the Chinese people. As well as with potential to destabilize and perhaps even with the motive to collapse China from within.
Some Videos
Geopolitics of the South China Sea
China’s trillion dollar plan to dominate global trade
The People’s Republic of The Future
Is war between China and the US inevitable? | Graham Allison
America to Isolate China
The US wants to re-route global supply chain around China.
They want to bypass China and isolate China on the world stage as opposed to what the Chinese want.
The Chinese want to use Huawei-enabled digital-blockchain Yuan, and cashless WeChat, etc to topple the US Petrodollar hegemony.
The Chinese want also to use the Chinese the (One Belt One Road) BRI / OBOR relationships and bi-lateral trade/infrastructure agreements.
By the world accepting thus system and trade agreements, the world would adopt the use of the digital Yuan, and in order to have the world bypass the SWIFT system…
Since US has abused its dollar status and weaponized it for unlawful sanctions.
… and to bypass the US dollar as the default global reserve currency etc.
Why Now?
It was a race against time to see whom would pull the rug from underneath the other countries feet first.
The US, unable to compete fairly due to its structural disadvantages and its many other shortcomings, decided to go the biological attack route…
… which allows it to hide under the cover of “plausible deniability”…
Since it is more difficult to conclusively prove the attribution or source of a new mysterious virus than it would be to track the trajectory of an incoming thermonuclear missile etc.
… to inflict maximum damage to China while minimizing the potential blow-back.
A plausible deniability meme.
How it began…
Right after the signing of the so-called “Trade Deal” in which the US didn’t get what it wanted…
(The US did not get the sort of Plaza Accord concessions that it was hoping to get out of President Xi Jinping and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and thought that China would kowtow to the US.)
…and immediately into the start of the new decade…
(Marking the turn of the second decade in what the PNAC would called the “New American Century” in which it proposed using genetic viral targeting to accomplish political motives)
…the US resorted to biological attacks in order to contain, isolate and attempt to cripple China/CCP internally and on the world stage at large.
After its NED/CIA sponsored Hong Kong destablization / radicialization didn’t spill over into the rest of mainland China…
… and right after its intense year long anti-China anti-Huawei campaigns have peaked in effectiveness…
… the US releases the evil demon virus into the heart of mainland China, at the absolutely worst possible location…
(Wuhan being one of the Chinese main Central hubs in terms of transportation and an important city for China’s Belt and Road initiatives and estimated to have as high as 8% growth in GDP in 2020)
… and in also the absolute worst possible timing…
(Right before the Chinese Lunar New year, otherwise known as the greatest annual human migration event, during a time in which shopping, spending and consumerism activity would have been at a peak.)
… in order to cripple China economically…
… to cut China off from the rest of the world…
…. and force China to isolate its own cities from within…
…, and to have the effect of smearing China’s reputation on the world stage…
…while invoking the escalation of fear, racism and bigotry towards the Chinese people abroad.
Earlier bio-weapons events
All this comes right on top of the heels of the event last fall, African swine fever (ASF)…
… which had never before seen in China but now mysteriously appeared with the onset of the US trade war…
… decimated half of China’s pigs, which doubled pork prices and contributed to inflation causing pricy US pork exports to double in China.
The odds for two such consequent anomalies, timing and location are exceedingly low.
Yet both did occur – in almost perfect sequence.
Particularly devastating is the very real possibility that this virus was intentionally engineered to have as long an incubation period as possible, and with the ability to hide within plain sight…
… by being asymptomatic during its initial stages…
… hence making it orders of magnitude more difficult to eradicate.
Just recently, as recent as Feb 1st 2020, there has been yet a third mysterious outbreak in China, this time of the bird flu kind that is far more deadly to humans and wiping out Chinese chicken and poultry at the most dire of times.
Designed to kill the Chinese Advance
Indeed the coronavirus victims so far, both inside and outside of China, are only people with Chinese type of blood, Haplogroup O-M175, designed to attack that type of blood and specifically Chinese people.
Dr. Steven Hatfill Biological Weapons Expert says the Wuhan virus it will have to play it out and “run its course” not only in Wuhan but the greater mainland China.
The host of “War Room: Pandemic” Mr. Steve Bannon (Trump’s chief campaign advisor and trusted sidekick) predicted this will crush China economically, and that its the end of the XI/BRI/OBOR…
… and will give US the chance to re-route trade of all countries to go-around and bypass China…
… bringing the global supply chain back to US and its allies…
… whilst isolating China economically, politically, etc.
They are selling this to the American people and pitching it to the world as this evil Chinese Belt and Road connectivity is what is allowing this virus to spread so quickly to the rest of the world…
… and that it would behoove mankind and all nations to reconsider the security and stability of their own supply chains…
… and basically urging everyone to pull their companies, people, trade, businesses etc out of China.
This is not unlike what Wilber Ross US Commerce Secretary already
stated a few days ago… that this virus is good for America and will help
bring lots of jobs back to the USA… seems like the goal is to use this
event to pull the rug underneath China’s development feets.
It’s a coincidence…
I suppose it could be a coincidence that China, the geopolitical adversary and economic enemy to the United States (according to the US itself)…
… suddenly gets this mysterious virus seemingly far more potent than SARS…
(which itself apparently only targeted Chinese ethnic DNA and left the white/Caucasian population untouched)
…at the worst possible timing and in the worst possible location.
Wuhan being Chinese’s central hub and this being the Chinese Lunar New Year, it has the highest ability to spread and go “super viral”…
… whilst impacting the max amount of damage to the stability of the China…
… both in terms of having the max potential to cause political turmoil in the homeland
(Ruining people’s new year, quarantine and lock-downs of cities of unprecedented proportion, causing many Chinese citizens to get angry etc.)
… and doing the maximum amount of possible damage to the Chinese economy, ruining the New Year in which consumerism was supposed to be at its very highest points.
Even the SARS of 2003 had a negative impact on Chinese GDP by as much as 2%…
… and this new novel virus has already turned out to be far worse than SARS and at a much more accelerated speed of spread and deaths.
Unsurprisingly, without need for a single bullet fired or sanction imposed, it already managed to force China to self-impose the closure of its borders and cities…
… most nations have already stopped flights to China including the United States itself…
… on the world stage it is another “ding” for China’s image and gives the propaganda mouthpieces of the West something else to gripe about…
… whilst at the same time an attempt to cap Chinese One Belt One Road ambitions and sabotage China’s growing economy and hegemonic rise.
It comes right on the crisp of Trump signing the fake “Trade Deal” and the UK decided to go against the US and work with Huawei….
Behind the Curtain…
I say something else is going on behind the scenes, more than what we are being told.
We could have transition from Trade War…
… to Tech War…
… to now maybe bio-war...
… if that is the case, then very likely the US already fired the first, second, and third shots, so to speak.
China should at least stay very vigilant and have a credible deterrence contingency plan in place…
In the nuclear world in which China has DF-41, the “MAD” (Mutual
Assured Destruction) doctrine is still well in place. But a mystery
virus affords far more “plausible deniability” for the US. Thus
achieving the goal with less fear of attribution and thus retribution.
Instead of directly confronting China in the South China Sea
militaristically immediately, maybe they think a better way to take
China down a notch or two would be the use of “other means” to an ends…
John Bolton Quote.
It’s a Dangerous Time.
Science and technology in the world has come a long way since the days of Westerners giving Native Americans blankets laced with smallpox to “thanksgiving” them.
It is the human condition to be risk/loss adverse.
A nation that would stop at nothing to achieve Manifest Destiny on the way up surely wouldn’t have any qualms of preserving its hegemony at all costs on the way down.
After all, the American way of life is non-negotiable and Graham T. Allison predicted the likelihood that this confrontation of a rising power with a declining power will inevitably lead to war, and history has shown that to be indeed the case.
The US is applying its doctrine of maximum pressure to destroy China on all fronts, with Trade War, Tech and supply chain War, cyberwar, information and psychological operations warfare, and now biological warfare and most likely to be followed up with conventional or even nuclear war once US believes China is sufficiently weakened.
Steve Bannon was hoping to “break the back of the CCP ( Chinese Communist Party )” by cutting off China’s supply chain…
… and was hoping the Hong Kong riots was going to catch fire in the rest of the mainland…
…so to force the CCP to lose control…
… making it easier to do an opportunistic regime change.
The Dangerous “Red Line”
I’m sure both China and US have their own red-lines.
If the US had any involvement in this new virus, if China finds any credible evidence, then there are a number of things China can do besides retaliating with its own bio-weapon…
For example, we all know the Trade War is not about trade, but wanting China to slow down in terms of hegemonic rise…
For example China could simply start building Huangyan Island in the South China Sea, making a move that would seal the US fate as the “falling empire”.
If China militarizes the island it would give China total control of the South China Sea region, so China can declare ADIZ ( Air Defense Identification Zone ) over South China Sea.
America would be pushed back to Guam, and it would be the beginning of the end of the petrodollar hegemony.
(Which never could have lasted forever anyway but it would push it up along the timeline to make it collapse that much faster)
Plausible deniability
Some have said that well the virus is RNA single stranded which makes it harder to target any race specific without mutations losing the specificity over many infections cycles.
And that if it were double stranded it would make it that much easier to create vaccines for and kill/contain.
But I believe in this case it is about maintaining “plausible deniability” whilst not crossing any hard red lines in case attribution is established in the future.
A virus outbreak that dings China’s GDP by 2 to 5 % in 2020 is not comparable to an end of civilization event that wipes out 90% of the Chinese population, for example.
Whatever blow-back or collateral risk is considered acceptable levels since it was deployed to China’s central Wuhan, naturally China has a self-interest in containment, and the vast majority of the damage will be internal to China.
It may have been initially engineered as race specific single stranded RNA and knowingly by hostile forces that predicted by the time it lost its race specificity that China would have already contained it.
Hence “mission accomplished” with little attribution and minimal blowback.
What better way to undermine China / CCP than to have its population grow resentful of or turn against its very Government!?
Already Western media is talking about how Chinese are filthy and if it wasn’t for eating rats, bats, dogs, etc this wouldn’t ever have befallen. Perfect cover for re-enforcing racists stereotypes for the ulterior motives of containing and isolating China, and that of Chinese culture, and Chinese ideology on the world stage.
Lead up to a hot war.
Is war between China and the US inevitable? | Graham Allison
Thucydide’s Trap
All of this should be seen within the larger context and backdrop of the so called Thucydide’s Trap.
Thucydide’s Trap.
For various reason, biological warfare against mainland China gives America multi-prong strategic and asymmetric advantages, hence why it has now become the method and weapon of choice for the US to use against China.
At what point does China take action or else find itself too little and too late to be suffering same fate as Native Americans?
History has shown that America is willing to wipe out entire Han civilization to maintain American hegemony and regain full spectrum dominance and supremacy.
It started with Kissinger
Kissinger is credited for giving Nixon the idea to open up China.
It appears as the 45 year rapprochement comes to a sudden close, the US has regretted the long term decision.
When viewed through the lens of optimization of entropy maximization and the 2nd law of thermodynamics…
… it is all about the counterbalance needed to an unchallenged US uni-polar scheme…
… one that impedes the progress and destiny of a universe in evolution.
Evil Steve Bannon
Steve Bannon was quoted to say that it is Ten times more important for the US to kill Huawei than it is for Trump to sign any trade deal.
Steve Bannon quote on China..
The USA realizes that China will soon surpass them if status quo isn’t changed.
The true motive of the trade war is to decouple the US from China quickly enough to asymmetrically target and destroy any tip of the spear Chinese companies/projects/tech such as the Huawei, 5G, DJI, EV, trains, Cancer research, TikTok, SenseTime, etc etc.
It’s to cripple China’s plans to move up the value chain and hi-tech-ify its economy and to do so with enough force to set back China…
… and permanently prevent it from successfully climbing the arch trajectory of replacing the US.
For the US it’s not just about losing the top spot to China.
If America were to ever lose its petrodollar hegemony it would collapse in much the same way as happened to the USSR.
The whole US empire is built on house of cards, ever since Brentwood…
… they got away with taxing/usurping the world using the dollar as economic weaponization through ‘quantitative easing’ and its military to control OPEC to sustain the petrodollar hegemony.
In the 1980’s Japan became a threat to the US so they forced Tokyo to acquiesce to the Plaza Accord.
This resulted in the “lost four decades” and Japan never recovering.
Nowadays Trump, Steve Bannon, Pompeo and other Hawks are trying to impose the same sort of colonization on China.
However, it is much harder to do since China doesn’t entertain US troops/US bases unlike the Japanese vassal state…
…so the next best thing is to subvert Hong Kong by way of CIA/NED and other propaganda techniques.
It is a situation in which the American nation killed a million civilians in Iraq after a false flag event and a WMD pretext…
… but is now is banning Chinese AI startups…
… ostensibly because they care about the human rights of Muslims in China’s internal Xinjiang region?
Give me a fucking break!
War against Chinese Companies…
The United States congress has accused TikTok — the Chinese dancing video social media app — of being a grave National Security threat…
… and this concern is based on zero evidence…
… and then the US publicly maligned China in front of the world with regards to the success and popularity of this singing app.
The Chinese need to learn the real truth about what America is and what it plans to do…
So likewise if there is any possibility this virus crisis had anything to do with US government then the Chinese people deserve to all know or at least be aware of the possibility.
Certain elements in the US have already put out the narrative that it was China’s own incompetence that lead to the leak of the lab virus, so the Chinese people deserve to know the real truth.
This is all part of the bigger picture to contain China’s continued rise, as we see that if the US ever lost its hegemony it would be game over…
America is losing it’s grip…
America views Chinese ambitions such as Made In China 2025, One Belt One Road, 5G, AI, etc as existential threats to its very lifestyle and way of life.
Hence the whole “Huawei is a national security issue” stance…
Now even TikTok, a dancing video app, has become a “national security” threat and targeted and singled out by the US Congress.
By “national security” they really mean China is offering the world a better deal…
… and they are pissed that they are being undercut…
… and they view Chinese success as a direct threat to American hegemony.
The West had its chance to help out Africa but did nothing. Now China wants to help them develop and US is getting resentful.
The supreme irony in all this is accusing China of predatory lending.
It will get much worse…
This will only get much worse, Xi predicted this will last a period of 30 years until which time China has become the undisputed Number One in the world economically, technologically, politically and militaristically.
As the declining power the US isn’t going to just go down without fighting…..
Just like the Roma Empire, as the US declines on the way down the lip service of freedom, democracy, etc stops and the true colors of the ugly side all comes out…
… they just did another coup in Bolivia…
…conveniently after China signed a lithium deal to secure development of batteries for EVs.
And now US is even sanctioning its own “allies” like Germany for daring to buy energy from Russia (NordStream 2, etc)…
The Bio-weapon scenario is very likely.
Like others have already brought to light and mentioned, with the multiple initial sources surrounding this Wuhan virus, it makes “intentionally starting a pandemic with a bioweapon” scenario much more likely.
The virus failed to spread with the first group of targets, so they tried again with the market.
For those who refuse to believe the US could ever be morally capable of doing such a coordinated strike and biological attack on mainland China…
… even if you do not at all believe US had anything to do with it, and even if US in reality had nothing to do with it…
… it still doesn’t change the fact that this virus has changed the power dynamic.
And upset the balance.
The Situation is Precarious.
And we already have evidence from US such as Wilber Ross etc willing to take full advantage of the situation.
China must be prepared to adapt and adjust to this fluid situation as well, short term and as well as long term.
This thing could very well [1] politically isolate China (it is already having such an effect) and [2] crater China’s GDP, and most importantly [3] strategically pressure China to give up its long term development aspirations as well as to [4] sign away certain concessions (give up on Made-In-China 2025 etc) right at the most critical moment in history.
It’s a Critical Moment in History.
Sure we understand that the flu killed already 10,000 US persons this
year alone, I also know the numbers in terms of how many up to 80,000
die of flu alone last year. And yes some of the hysteria and panic of
this Wuhan thing may cause more damage than good at this point,
sometimes the fear is more than just the virus damage itself.
Having said that, on the other hand, the facts are that this banning of all flights from China to the US, the enactment of the quarantine is described by the US CDC itself as the heaviest action it has taken in 50 years.
Indeed, when was the last time Russia closed its borders to China?
When was the last time Disney shutdown, and all these hundreds of other things shutting down in China and all the countries closing their door to China?
Precisely my point regardless of whether or not the real or perceived threat of this virus is overblown or not, the fact is the reaction to it has already greatly harmed China substantively at what could be argued as the worst possible timing…
…so yes, this virus has changed the power dynamic and upset the balance.
The fact of the matter is the rest of the world isn’t closing its
flights and borders to the USA, despite the flu in the US killing way
more people, but the world is closing its doors to China…
This cannot be good no matter how it is spun.
This cannot be good.
I’m concerned this will be the point of inflection in which the tide permanently turns and China regresses back to being closed, isolated country…
… and America pulled the supply chain rung under China’s feet while China is down/ill…
… and then convinces the rest of the world to a new Brentwoods to basically maintain US hegemony for the next 100 years.
Perhaps this is what Trump was secretly hinting at when he gleefully
announced at Davos that “now is the time for renewed and great
Maybe he was hinting at world events to come that will greatly
benefit America at the direct expense of China, events that by the time
he made the speech at Davos would have already been put in place by the
If there is WAR!
If America has declared war on China, —
First by [1] economic decoupling via sanctions and tariffs...
... then [2] by trying to kill off Chinese technology ascension by attempting to cut off China’s tech supply chain...
... with [3] the banning of Huawei and the restriction to supply chain access of many other prominent Chinese tech companies...
... and [4] by covert bio-warfare to destroy China’s food supply...
... and [5] then finally directly poison the Chinese people with an evil sinister virus in hopes of destabilizing the entire country.
— etc and by all appearances it has.
By all appearances, it has.
With Pompeo openly stating that the Chinese CCP was the “central threat of our times”.
And Bannon calling for Trump to “takedown Xi”…
…And to “break the spirit and crack the back of the Chinese people”, then it behooves China to defend itself and its citizens and interests appropriately.
Everyone should be aware of what is going on.
This information had better be spread across Chinese media far and wide so that the average Chinese develops a healthy and warranted suspicion of certain nations….
Certain nations that have taken it upon themselves to stop at nothing to destroy the Chinese way of life and to destroy China’s development and progress.
Making more mainland Chinese aware…
… of the underlining truth…
… that all of China is constantly being targeted with warfare…
…warfare of all categories and at all levels by the United States…
… awareness cannot possibly be a bad thing.
America has been applying every kind of means of warfare that exists under the sun against China.
It has been applying it against the Chinese government and against the Chinese people and their well-being.
Be it Trade War,
Economic War,
Proxy War (Taiwan, HK, etc),
Tech War (Huawei/5G/AI/tiktok),
Supply Chain War,
Information propaganda Warfare (including the “reverse conspiracy theory” and other false flags),
Biological Warfare
…and soon to be Conventional war and perhaps even someday Nuclear war.
The Chinese people for their own good should be more aware of the
ideological war that America has inflicted upon the Chinese citizens
both at home and abroad…
The stark contrasting juxtaposition could not be more supremely ironic and hypocritical.
“Brain drain” from the rest of the nations in the world to the US is called “free market” and labeled as “freedom loving scientists going to work in open democratic Universities with higher pay and better quality of life”.
And yet this same notion of “brain drain” from the US to the rest of the world is called “intellectual property theft”, “spying”, or “sending spies to steal ‘American technology’”.
For when as China or Russia or India jailed their scientists for working with US universities and earning US research grants.
If they did that, immediately the US media will instantly accuse them of being “totalitarian communist police state with no academic freedom” etc.
During China’s moment of greatest need and vulnerability we see Westerner’s racism and xenophobia come out in full blossom from Universities.
Universities that say it is normal to be xenophobic to so-called “free speech” newspapers that take delight in China’s plight and openly incite hatred and racisms.
And doing so by publishing intentionally vile depictions of the Chinese people and the Chinese flag in order to kick China while it is down.
A Devious Design
The deviously designed CIA lab virus was specifically tailored to cause as much economic, political, and reputational damage to China, the Chinese government, and the Chinese people (both domestic and abroad) as it possibly could.
By this “Wuhan virus” being asymptomatic at the onset and specifically targeting Chinese DNA.
Not only does this make the virus that much more difficult to permanently eradicate but it also is a discriminatory virus in that it selective targets only Chinese/Asian people.
In addition to that, it also at once amplifies and concentrates on Chinese race specificity while effectively being a silent yet stigmatic racist killer.
Since the vast majority of those that could ever be affected by this virus are Chinese or people of Chinese ethnicity…
… and since this disease can be spread to other Chinese without first showing any visible nor discernable symptoms at all…
… this creates the sort of environment and dynamics that are conducive to several uniquely emergent dynamics, all of which are absolutely devastating to the Chinese race:
It sets in place the stigma, fear and disgust of Chinese people everywhere in all areas of the world.
It also sets the double whammy of making Chinese people suspicious of each other and resentful of one another.
Thus potentially fracturing the concept of Chinese unity and destroying that of the notion and tenability of the Chinese ‘civilization state’.
This has the effect of pitting Chinese people against one another in all aspects of life and relationships…
…it is actually a form of divide and conquer enacted by the West so that the White man could once again enslave and colonize China.
By the virus selectively targeting only Chinese DNA it creates a sort of structural racism against all Chinese Americans that otherwise the US government would have a much harder time bringing about without suffering political damage abroad and in the homeland.
Again this designer virus is especially devious because it allows the current rogue Trump administration and future American leadership to do…
… what otherwise would have been political unpalatable to implement…
… by creating this artificial lab-made virus that only targets Chinese people…
… and releasing into the center of mainland China…
… to encourage it to leverage the Lunar New year …
…to spread to all corners of China…
… it has at once conveniently convinced the America citizens to willingly advocate their government to shut the door to China;
… to ban all flights from China etc, and it also has created the environment whereby Chinese American citizens in America are now viewed with suspicion, contempt and disdain.
By the virus selectively targeting only Chinese DNA it creates a sort of structural racism against all Chinese Americans (and against all people of Chinese ethnicity worldwide) that otherwise the US government or other Western governments would have a much harder time bringing about without suffering political damage abroad and in the homeland.
Every Chinese person is now a potential threat.
Even if they look perfectly healthy on the outside they could still be deathly sick and gravely ill on the inside.
This puts disproportionate focus onto the entire Chinese race/ethnicity rather than on the symptoms of an illness itself. It also gives Western governments everywhere the convenient pretext and excuse to segregate people of Chinese ancestry and to round up and gas Chinese Americans…
… just like how the Nazi Hitler of Germany prosecuted the Jews during World War II.
Indeed, due to the selectivity of the virus it has the effect of causing public resentment towards its victims based on the basis of race (Chinese/Asian) rather than on the basis of the actual symptoms and other negative physical side effects.
And because this virus can transmit without showing any visible symptoms at all, it also furthermore re-enforces racists stereotypes by ushering in an atmosphere of the fearful unknown type. It’s a sort of “uncertainty” that breeds discrimination not on visible symptoms but by casting a broad categorical stroke against all people of Chinese descent anywhere in the world.
Possibility of WAR!
This opens the door to the possibility if America were to go to war with China that someday soon…
… all Chinese Americans will be rounded up and locked up into Concentration Camps in the USA…
… but under the ostensible guise and false-flag pretext of being quarantined, segmented and segregated by race alone for…
… public safety…
… as yet another variant of the so-called “Wuhan virus” conveniently re-appears just in time.
The Bigger Picture.
In terms of the bigger picture from the high-level top-down geopolitical standpoint, (all else being equal) America knows that…
… “time is on China’s side”…
… be it with regards to GDP PPP…
… or the situation in the South China Sea…
… or that of Hong Kong….
…or that of Taiwan…
… and especially as China’s sphere of influence continues to grow in Eurasia…
… or even in the larger context of the digital blockchain Yuan…
… and China’s BRI/OBOR to replace or supplant the US petrodollar hegemony and…
…in so many other aspects…
It’s Now or Never.
America knows that if status quo doesn’t abruptly change that one day it will be too late to confront China.
Trump, as their self-proclaimed “Chosen One” has openly stated from the beginning that he won’t allow China to surpass America “on his watch”…
… and that if his administration doesn’t stop China right now that no future generation of administrations will ever be able to do so again.
The US recognizes that the situation is quickly reaching an inflection point past which there is no point of return or going back.
It is now or never.
And since a direct nuclear confrontation is not going to help America achieve its goals…
… or retaining its status…
… nor reversing its decline…
… and coming back on top in terms of once again being sole unipolar hyperpower…
… with no contender or meaningful challenger…
… then only option left….
… after a failed trade war and failed tech war…
… was to attack China in the back…
… by secretly using biological warfare against China…
… not once…
… not twice…
… but now for a third and potentially ever more devastating time…
…. as each attack is increased in boldness and exponential in unprovoked escalation.
China Side – Fear of speculation
Some Chinese people online at “Sinodefence” and other similar forums may have overinflated egos and think they somehow represent the image of China…
… and I believe they take the posture of not daring to speculate…
… because admitting that China was the victim of a foreign biological warfare attack is somehow showing weakness…
… and they may even believe if there was hard evidence it would still be in China’s favor to keep quiet to “bide time”…
… and not directly confront and risk further escalating the issue.
In their minds, since this Wuhan virus is at most something that will make a big dent in China’s GDP growth over the next year or two…
… but nothing like a zombie virus or civilization ender…
… that it is better to take the safe conservative approach than to risk the possible damage to China’s standing and reputation.
For if it were to come out and publicly accuse the United States of such unthinkable acts against humanity.
To their line of thinking, it is far better to take a hit to economic growth and regress a few months/years than to expose those behind this attack and risk further alienation on the world scene etc…
American side – Waiting to engage the military.
From the American side the narrative has already been spun that “due to the busy new year China must have accidentally leaked their own virus”…
…and certainly there are motivated elements in Western media being compelled to push this particular narrative out in the open at the moment.
But it is reasonable to question the motive for spinning something fictional like this, why suddenly now the conspiracy theory…
… from Western powers that China did this tragedy to itself by carelessly releasing a lab made virus that it supposedly had been working on in Wuhan?
Who stands to gain the most from this event and the narrative being spun around the event?
Also, even playing devil’s advocate and assuming the Western assumption may have some element of possibility…
… in that a virus in the Wuhan lab was accidentally released to China own detriment…
… a reasonable person may also wonder about the timing, in that China’s supposedly first known incident of accidental release of virus causing harm of any magnitude…
…. just so happens to be right around signing of historic trade deal and right before the lunar new year mass migration.
Hence they attack the element of timing by preemptively suggesting that due to the new year rush it must have made operations that much more error prone etc.
Some elements in the United States on the other hand runs contrary to the scientific establishment official story as well, but for different reasons.
For example, the guy who wrote the above article admitted to having had ties to the NSA.
They concede and admit that by all appearances the evidence shows that this virus was indeed designer engineered to target Chinese/Asians, to be asymptomatic at first and with a conveniently long incubation period.
But then only admit the half-truth that its man-made but curiously proceed to argue the origin or rather the attribution as the main point of contention.
In the real world it is almost always the results that matter.
The “ends” rather than the “means” that count, and tracking missile trajectories of incoming thermonuclear warheads are a lot easier…
… than ascertaining attribution in terms of finding the actual nation responsible for a sophisticated designed and cleverly released bio-weapon.
It is about asymmetric warfare to gain advantage, the timing (right before Chinese lunar new year), location (Wuhan being central transportation hub of China and a city that had been projected for 8% GDP growth in 2020 before the outbreak) and characteristics of the virus (targeting Chinese/Asian) are just too coincidental for this to be anything random or by chance circumstantial.
Just way too fortuitous for there to be any other reasonable explanation.
Now if you were a hostile power wanting to screw with China wouldn’t this be consistent with being a plausible cover story to deflect suspicion?
What’s more likely, the Chinese government accidentally released their own virus that was designed to somehow only target their own peoples Chinese DNA and it (the accidental release of the virus) just so happened to coincide with the absolute worst timing for China;
(both in terms of the peak of the US China trade war and right before the Lunar new year mass migration)
…or some hostile superpower took advantage of this for plausible deniability and then deflects suspicion away from them by spinning up this nonsense story?
Who stands to win the most from this event and who stands to lose the most?
What does common sense tell you?
Which nation in the very same first month of 2020 went against international law to trick and ambush a top Iranian general and assassinated him in a drone strike in a cowardly manner whilst pretending to operate under the guise and pretext of ‘rule of law’ and with the Iranian general being ostensibly invited for “peace talks”?
The whole idea is to provoke China into responding and in the process having China make the mistake of giving the US the excuse needed to further exponentially escalate.
America knows China prefers non-confrontation as the Chinese strategy is simply to build, to trade, to bid time and to focus on its own development and economic growth instead of worrying about confronting US directly.
Every nation simply does what’s in their own best interest, maximizing optimization strategies conducive to bettering its advantages.
For the US it means taking an early and provocative challenge direct to China in the form of trade war, tariffs, tech bans, coercing allies to switch supply chains, kidnapping Huawei CFO, and surgical bioweapons tailored to Chinese DNA and deployed at the timing and location of max impact.
This biological attack differs from conventional warfare in that it would allow the initiator of aggression, in this instance the United States of America, to preserve the option at its choosing to take a more equivocal stance and fluid position by inflicting harm onto China but without a publicly overt display of open hostilities.
This virus was engineered to have maximum devastation in high density Asian environments, and it is an asymmetric weapon because these conditions are not reproducible anywhere else in the world other than in mainland China, the factory of the global world with over 1.4 billion citizens living in high density supermegacities with the required critical threshold to cause an uncontrolled chain reaction in infection spread rate.
It would seem US is counting on the fact that China won’t respond to this attack in order to essentially score a big goal and earn major points for free.
This would allow America to crash the economy of China with impunity.
Even a total nonresponse is still a reply in the form of China believing it still benefits the most by ignoring this attack (and indeed not even publicly acknowledging it at all) and strictly focusing on growth path after it has recovered.
Is this intended to merely knock China down a few steps off the development ladder in lieu of war in the South China Sea …
— since that could end up costly for US interests as well —
…or is it really a prelude to war, intended to severely weaken China…
… so that an American initiated war later on would be on US terms and US timing…
… and would be much less costly for America and the rest of the world after China had already been sufficiently decoupled and isolated from the world.
Chinese miscalculations
I think Chinese leadership miscalculated and mistakenly believed America would never go down the biological warfare route.
Just like they miscalculated and never thought the US would arrest Huawei CFO.
Or that the Trump administration would not put Huawei on the US entity list and then lower the 25% IP rule down to 10% essentially with intent to kill Huawei by choking off its supply chain rather than just playing nice by slowing it down but still giving it room to live.
Even Huawei’s recent UK “win” is capped at 35% market share restrictions.
Trump had personally begged Boris to outright ban Huawei completely, so the idea that America would adopt any stance of shared prosperity or a mutual win-win propositions with the number two power in the world are naïve and misguided at best.
Crossed into dangerous territory.
One wonders what would have happened had General MacArthur not been capped and was allowed to use nukes to win the Korean War and capture the entire peninsula?
The landscape would surely be very different today.
But it would have crossed a Rubicon and set a precedent that would have sent the world down a different path.
The world’s number one superpower using a biological warfare attack on the people of the world’s number two power for better or worse has also achieved the effect of crossing such a Rubicon of no return.
But in the long term would this turn out to be an overplay?
Would it actually serve to prolong / restore American hegemony or would it inadvertently accomplish the opposite?
Hard to tell but hindsight is always 20/20 and it would seem by America initiating the recent decoupling with China that it has already tacitly admitted that its opening up with China with the Nixon approachment was a strategic blunder of a mistake.
The Soviet Union was going to collapse on its own sooner or later, but America’s warming up to China to further isolate the USSR was indeed an overplay in retrospect.
America at the time believed opening up China would force it to be Westernized and made more democratic and ultimately serve American interests by bolstering US hegemony.
Instead, China grew up and had other plans for itself.
Taking out Mao Zedong’s son in Korea with napalms was probably on the whole detrimental to US interests’ long term, although it seemed like a great win at the time.
Likewise, the Five Eyes Intelligence Agencies, led by the American CIA/NSA, ambushing and kidnapping Meng Wanzhou (the CFO of Huawei and also the daughter of the Huawei CEO Mr. Ren Zhengfei) at the Canadian border also did not have the sort of effect that the US had hoped it would achieve.
Ren Zhengfei believes strongly in meritocracy and was never going to hand the reigns of his company Huawei to his daughter anyway.
Had Mao handed the country to his son its very likely China would have opened up to the world many decades later than what had been achieved by Deng Xiaoping.
And today America would still be the sole unipolar hyperpower instead of Pompeo running around the world telling everyone that China is the “central threat of our times”.
A need for creative thinking
Graham Allison often said that it would take some imaginative creative thinking to overcome the Thucydides Trap between China and the United States.
The rising power doesn’t want to kowtow and suffer the fate of Japan’s four lost decade after acquiescing to the Plaza Accord ‘trade deal’…
… and the declining incumbent ruling power doesn’t want to give up its status and position…
… and even the mere thought of détente is out the window as the American “way of life” is “nonnegotiable”.
So what is left is the realization in Washington that time is on China’s side, and that if a military confrontation is inevitable anyway, then it would be advantageous for the US to strike first while it still retained the edge and initiative.
But absent an immediate kinetic force what other options are there to slow China down?
Perhaps this is the creative imaginative solution alluded to by Allison, we have seen this virus cause the closing of borders…
… the pulling out of international companies and the re-routing of global supply chains to bypass China…
… and physical isolation of China without so much as a single bullet fired or sanction applied.
It at once accomplished all the political objectives with none of the traditional political costs associated, no certain attribution, and thus also no blowback nor retribution.
When the article was translated from the Chinese it resembled paragraph long sentences with very little punctuation. It was impossible for a native English reader to follow.
Thus you have the adaptations that I have made in formatting. It is not perfect, but substantially easier to read without degradation of the article content.
We can consider the “article” to be a compilation of perhaps ten Chinese articles that all share a similar theme; That the Chinese are aware of the Geo-political ramifications of everything that is going on, and they will react to it on their terms, on their timetable.
Depending on who wrote the comment it was either the mainstream American media narrative or the Hard-Right American media narrative. Very little independent thought. Very little in the way of rational thought. Most responses were emotional in nature.
By all indications, The Trump administration declared war on China, and has been fighting it at various levels throughout his administration.
This will not end as long as the neocons maintain a grip on the Washington Establishment.
The four years from 2020 through 2024 are going to be rather dicey. I do not know what will happen. I really do not. What I do know is what history tells us, and the view that history provides is anything but pretty.
Take note and prepare.
I have more posts on this subject in my Trump Trade Wars Index. Here…
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No one can know the severity and consequences of this epidemic until it's over. The present reaction may be needlessly excessive, pathetically inadequate or wise and prudent. We can't know now what will be self-evident in hindsight.
We do know we're being misled, kept in the dark and lied to by lunatics with credentials. We just don't know which ones are the lunatics.
-Woodpile Report
When I read American media, and listen to people like Donald Trump and Rush Limbaugh say how this coronavirus is a big nothing; that’s it’s not as bad as the flu. That everyone can relax and just ride it out and rest, I shudder.
Nothing to see here ... carry on ... it's less to worry about then the common flu
- C D
I scene from the movie “Aliens” comes to mind. Here, the Marines are called up on deck. There is a pre-battle briefing. During it, Ripley is trying to warn everyone about the xenomorphs. Unfortunately, no one takes her seriously, and the cocky Space Marines joke and laugh about it…
“Oh, it’s just another bug hunt.”
Sigourney Weaver’s Ripley stands in front of the squad of ten cocky, poised space marines. They laugh and joke, oozing bravado and testosterone—even the women. As the shavetail lieutenant lays out the situation, Bill Paxton’s mouthy PFC Hudson interrupts: "Is this going to be a stand-up fight, sir, or another bug hunt?"
"All we know is that there’s still no contact with the colony," replies the lieutenant, Gorman, "and that a xenomorph may be involved."
"Excuse me, sir," interjects PFC Frost from the back row, "—a what?"
"A xenomorph," repeats Gorman, emphasizing the syllables.
-ARS Technica
“Oh, it’s just another bug hunt.”
Yeah. It’s like that.
Then they get their asses handed to them on a platter.
Lots of famous people are peddling fairy tales that will collapse in the face of reality within 90 days
Rush Limbaugh, Dr. Drew and Elon Musk are all spinning delusional
fairy tales, by the way. So is President Trump. If you ask them the
simple question above — by what mechanism does the virus stop
replication? — they can’t provide any rational answer.
Rush Limbaugh says “98% of the people survive,”
which is an admission that 2% die. If half the U.S. population gets
infected, a 2% fatality rate is about 3.3 million people, or 100 times more fatalities than the flu.
But since Rush can’t do math, you can’t walk him through this simple
equation. Rush has become the propaganda broadcast hub for Mike Pence,
who knows nothing about virology or epidemiology. When Mike Pence talks
about the coronavirus, it makes about as much sense as Joe Biden talking
about firearms.
Dr. Drew is a celebrity doctor who says it’s, “no worse than the
flu.” Yet unless he’s been lobotomized, he must know that the mortality
rate of seasonal influenza is only around 0.1% (CDC.gov), while the
mortality rate among those infected with the coronavirus is, according
to the WHO, 3.4%. That means the coronavirus mortality rate is 34 times higher than the season flu. Surely Dr. Drew can follow this simple math, unless he’s gone the route of Brian Williams on MSNBC who thinks 327 million multiplied by one million is only 500 million. (Hint: The correct answer is 327 trillion.)
Elon Musk is a high-tech huckster
and hype artist whose entire financial existence depends on fluffing
falsehoods and denying financial reality. He’s been able to sucker
millions of investors into his soon-to-fail “Tesla” fiasco, but the virus can’t be bamboozled by billionaires.
The virus doesn’t care if Elon Musk is loved by millions of deluded,
ignorant youth who literally think he’s Iron Man. The virus can’t be
reasoned with or threatened on twitter. It just replicates.
Similarly, President Trump now
repeats propaganda lines from Dr. Anthony Fauci, uttering shockingly
uninformed things like, “One day it will just magically disappear” (or
some similar paraphrased statement). Yet the virus doesn’t respond to
magic. It only responds to biochemistry and physiology. The virus can’t
even hear President Trump since the virus has no ears. So it offers no
consideration to the spin of Mike Pence or Trump himself. Their words
are irrelevant. The only thing that matters is stopping the replication of the virus.
President Trump's comments on the COVID-19 coronavirus diverge slightly from other officials.
During a Tuesday press conference, Trump sought to reassure the public, saying everything from "it will go away, just stay calm," to stating the U.S. has done a "very good job" in testing for the virus, reports CNN's Daniel Dale.
-The Week
So we ask you, dear reader, by what mechanism will the replication of this virus be stopped?
Here’s seven lies that everyone with a microphone are promoting…
[1] It’s not as bad as the flu.
If flu has killed ~300,000 worldwide this year, and coronavirus has killed 3,000, then flu is …. 100 x worse.
I see this all over the American blogsphere.
Yeah. I get this.
Can we put the Wu-flu into perspective?
It is something serious. But like I stated in another thread, it's not an end-of-the-world serious.
We're nearing the end of the regular flu season.
A season where 18,000 people died WITH an available vaccine.
And no one bats an eye.
Hell, many threads on anti-vaccinations are on this site. I don't get the vaccine.
This is a novel virus. There is no vaccine.
So wash your hands, cough into your sleeve. If you're sick? Stay at home.
The last few days I've been working from home because I've caught a nasty cold and I work in a hospital so I didn't want to freak people out.
Now I'll be in work tomorrow to check on Power Charting and time change issues because of Daylight Savings Time, but I'm also feeling a little better.
This is the flu. A new flu, but the flu all the same.
I am not stockpiling on water, toilet paper, or rice and canned meat.
I did stock up on scotch, vodka, wine, and beer but that's because I'm an aging booze hound and it was a Friday.
I won't tell people not to stock up, but you're wasting a perfectly good worry on what (in my opinion) is a minor issue.
Go ahead.
Don’t wear a mask.
Try to self-heal in bed at home…
A healthy comparison between the COVID-19 and other illnesses.
Look at the graph and read this conservative bloggers opinion…
“Oh, but this is not the ‘flu, this is the KUNG KILLER WUHAN DESTROY US ALL ‘FLU™”, we hear from usually sane sources. Yes. A ‘flu with about the same infection parameters, symptoms and slightly higher mortality than the regular ‘flu which has, last we checked, so far failed to End the World As We Know It™ after Dis even knows how many regularly scheduled outbreaks ever since we came up with a name for it. It’s so regular now that we even have the name “flu season” in the vocabulary. It’s more regular than a newborn’s bowel movements. Heck, even the seriously dangerous Spanish ‘Flu of WWI fame failed to make much of a mess of civilization, and that was back when we had absolutely no flipping clue what we were dealing with.
Not to mention SARS, MERS and H1N1, every single one of which were more lethal by orders of magnitude than this one. Quickly, everybody tell us about the MERS Panic™. No? Didn’t happen? Civilization didn’t end? Well colour us surprised, because by current levels of hysteria, it certainly should have, considering that it was every bit as infectious and 36, that’s thirty-six, times as lethal.
Yet this one, THIS one is definitely, DEFINITELY at least one of the horsemen of the Apocalypse! THIS time it will get us!
Listen, we’re not saying to not use your brains here, like washing your hands, not hanging around people coughing and hacking their lungs out without covering their mouthes, but perhaps a little bit of perspective is in order?
-Nice Doggie
Further perspective:
In the US-alone flu season, we saw at LEAST 220,690 new cases per day, on average. Over TWO-HUNDRED THOUSAND.
The peak day WORLDWIDE for COVID-19 was 15,100. Just 6.8% of the US AVERAGE for flu. (That day was an extreme outlier, because it represented China changing reporting standards from confirmed-by-testing to diagnosed-by-symptoms.)
As of 3/5/2020, new COVID-19 cases WORLDWIDE: 2,800. 1.3% of the average US flu cases.
If you truly believe you’re going to die from COVID-19, you either 1) have some extremely high risk factors like being an 80 year old man with diabetes and a bum ticker, who’s been french-kissing your girlfriend from Wuhan; or 2) you already died from the frickin’ flu.
Sure things could change. The virus could mutate again. We could import a bunch more infected people and turn them loose. But as things stand…
1. Eat decent food.
2. Wash your hands often.
3. Avoid sick people.
Sound familiar? Yes, it’s the same basic precautions you be be taking to avoid the flu and common cold (which I’ll remind you is often yet another coronavirus, too; and for most people COVID-19 is amounting to a common cold).
People need to stop losing their shit.
-Bear Buss
Yeah. It’s just like the flu. Right?
Just like the “common cold” right?
The disease is certainly a handful. It has caused and will cause tragic deaths, economic damage, and social disruption and uncertainty that always attend a serious pandemic. Its R –∅ rate (the rate at which the virus spreads) seems to be high, close to seasonal flu.
But I’m getting more optimistic about the actual public health impact of the virus because its virulence appears to be much lower than the 3.4 percent mortality rate claimed by the World Health Organization.
The New York Times spoke with “a number of experts in epidemiology, and they all agreed that 1 percent was probably more realistic.”
-Jim talent on FOX News
Sure… whatever those un-named “experts”, have to say…
FOX is the same as CNN. They just have a different audience, but they spout the same narrative.
What ever you say…
“People! You can read Ripley’s report.”
If you are talking about number of people who die, well no one knows that answer as this is a new virus. We know that statistically the influenza tends to kill a lot of the older and infirm people in large quantities. However, to assume that it will always be in the top spot is foolish.
Coronavirus is far deadlier than the flu. Thus far, the mortality rate for coronavirus (the number of reported cases divided by the number of deaths) is around 3% to 4%, although it’s likely to be lower because many cases have not yet been reported. The flu’s rate is 0.1%.
-LinkedIN Pulse
This virus is certainly appearing to be quite the contender. It looks like it will displace the influenza for that top ranked spot.
Incidentally, If you have a chance to to an old cemetery. One from around the time of the American Civil War. You will find entire families wiped out by the flu. In those days, they just were not able to handle viruses like we can today.
Now, if you are looking at the need to go to a hospital to get better, the COVID-19 is far worse. With the flu, you can have it and stay at home and nurse yourself back to health. Not so with the coronavirus. If you have it, you MUST go to a hospital, and be observed. If you have the more serious strain, it will attack your central nervous system and you will go into convulsions, followed by complete and absolute organ failure, while your lungs fill up with water.
By the criteria of mobility, the COVID-19 is far more contagious than the flu. I have seen values ranging from 8x to 20x more contagious.
By the criteria of mortality, the COVID-19 if far more lethal than the flu. The R0 version of 4.5 – 6.6 that is from Wuhan is only after the entire nation went DEFCON ONE and all the medical doctors for the entire nation converged on to that city. Before that happened, the R0 value was 14%.
A Los Alamos National Laboratory analysis of the outbreak in China in December 2019 and January 2020 puts the unrestrained R0 of Covid-19 at between 4.5 and 6.6. (The R-naught figure indicates the contagiousness of a disease in a given environment. If the number is above one, it’s spreading.)
The R0 for the flu is 0.1%.
Under every criteria, the COVID-19 is far worse than the influenza.
[2] Only old people die from it.
Once the hospitals were set up (two brand new hospitals in Wuhan built within ten days), and everyone who was ill went to the hospital and immediately went into ICU… the situation improved dramatically. Only the older folk and those with preexisting conditions were dying for the most part.
China built two complete 1000-bed hospitals in Wuhan within a ten day period.
So, yes. The data clearly says that the old and those with previous health conditions are dying from this COVID-19 virus.
What is not being said is that tens of thousands of people are in ICU, and getting around-the-clock care. These people have a high likelihood of surviving. And only the sickest do not survive.
“They completely wiped out my entire crew in less than twelve hours.”
Which means, that if you have access to a month in the ICU, you will pretty much be able to survive the COVID-19 virus.
That’s the good thing.
And hospitals that can handle maybe 30 in an ICU at any given time, will now be forced to deal with hundreds. There will be those that will not be permitted to stay in the ICU.
That’s the bad thing.
If you cannot make it to the ICU, cannot afford a month in the ICU, or have preexisting issues that you might not be aware of, the lethality of this illness increases exponentially.
So… Your chances of surviving from this virus is very high if you can afford a month in the ICU and get a spot in an already saturated hospital.Aside from that, survival is not guaranteed.
— Coronavirus appears to spread more slowly than the flu. This is probably the biggest difference between the two. The flu has a shorter incubation period (the time it takes for an infected person to show symptoms) and a shorter serial interval (or the time between successive cases). Coronavirus’s serial interval is around five to six days, while the flu’s gap between cases is more like three days, the WHO says. So flu still spreads more quickly.
— Shedding: Viral shedding is what happens when a virus has infected a host, has reproduced, and is now being released into the environment. It is what makes a patient infectious. Some people start shedding the coronavirus within two days of contracting it, and before they show symptoms, although this probably isn’t the main way it is spreading, the WHO says. (However, one non-peer-reviewed article this week also suggests that coronavirus patients are shedding huge amounts of the virus in these early stages when they have either no symptoms or just mild ones.) The flu virus typically sheds in the first two days after symptoms start, and this can last for up to a week. But a study in the Lancet this week, which looked at patients in China, showed that survivors were still shedding the coronavirus for around 20 days (or until death). One was still shedding at 37 days, while the shortest time detected was eight days. This suggests coronavirus patients remain contagious for much longer than those with flu.
— Secondary infections. As if contracting coronavirus wasn’t bad enough, it leads to about two more secondary infections on average. The flu can sometimes cause a secondary infection, usually pneumonia, but it’s rare for a flu patient to get two infections after the flu. The WHO warned that context is key (someone who contracts coronavirus might already have been fighting another condition, for example).
— Don’t blame snotty kids—adults are passing coronavirus around. While kids are the primary culprits for flu transmission, this coronavirus seems to be passed between adults. That also means adults are getting hit hardest—especially those who are older and have underlying medical conditions. Experts are baffled as to why kids seem protected from the worst effects of the coronavirus, according to the Washington Post. Some say they might already have some immunity from other versions of the coronavirus that appear in the common cold; another theory is that kids’ immune systems are always on high alert and might simply be faster than adults’ in battling Covid-19.
[3] It originated from a Wuhan seafood market.
But when the time came, the bastards were prepared: The Weird Animal Market! The bat soup-slurping Chinese!
And hey, if that didn’t work: ‘The Wuhan Level 4 Biolab!’, which was conveniently minutes away from the designated ground (or patient) zero, at the Market.
(Talk about convenient! As is the coincidence that the outbreak occurred in the midst of the ultimate Chinese travel week, the Lunar New Year. Yes, the better to spread not only The Bug, but the panic; and to make sure both spread world-wide, via air travel.)
But blaming the bio-lab would be a fall-back position; ever the optimists, the real perps were hoping mother nature as patsy would hold water, at least for a few months.
The idea that it originated from a seafood market in Wuhan has been disseminated throughout the internet with such relish that it is taken for granted that this is the truth.
It isn’t.
Aliens is among other things a Vietnam war allegory, pitting military arrogance against the implacability of an enemy unshackled by conventional definitions of combat. All the technology in the world, even these giant guns, won’t save our heroes.
When the outbreak occurred XiPeng ordered his scientists to find out the top two questions about the coronavirus;
Where it it originate from?
What was the underlying cause that created this virus?
After one month of study, the scientist came back and made their determinations…
The virus broke out all over Wuhan in widely divergent locations. At the same time, within hours, the virus broke out in the North of Wuhan, the East of Wuhan, the South of Wuhan, and the Western sections of Wuhan. One of the virus carriers, ended up infecting the seafood market.
From that point, the virus propagated the most rapidly throughout Wuhan.
The COVID-19 coronavirus brokeout on one day in widely separate regions within Wuhan. Then, one of the infected persons, apparently made their way to the seafood market, where many subsequent people were infected.
The COVID-19 coronavirus brokeout on one day in widely separate regions within Wuhan. Then, one of the infected persons, apparently made their way to the seafood market, where many subsequent people were infected.
[4] It’s a natural virus.
I’ve been reading lots of stuff about this thing – none of it clearly definitive or trust worthy. Hype aside, it seems there are about equal cases to be made for the extremal “it’s nothing” and “the world is ending” views.
I’d opt for what I hope is true: that this isn’t a big deal, except that there are some weird things going on. Two examples:
1 – china’s apparent over reaction. Their view of human life is rather different from ours and I can’t see them shutting down whole cities over a few hundred, or even a few thousand, deaths; and,
2 – the apparent death rate among senior government people affected in Iran.
- Paul Murphy
This narrative is one where it originated naturally by eating bat soup. This narrative is so absolutely preposterous, it is amazing just how gullible people are.
Then it is bolstered with pictures of Asians in Indonesia and Papal New Guinea eating bat soup. While the Chinese do actually eat bat soup, they don't do it in Wuhan. They do it in the smaller more rural sections of China.
One of the questions that XiPeng asked his scientists was…
What caused this virus?
After studying this issue, they came back and in February had their answer.
This virus was man-made.
Even before the toll in China reached the current 3,045 dead and 80,711 infected, the Chinese Communist Party had called the pandemic a biological weapon of the USA following the revelations of Asian scientists on the anomalous “modeling” of the S protein.
As reported first by Veterans Today and then by Gospa News, the American journalist Jeff Brown, founder with other international journalists and authors of the Bioweapon Truth Commission, an independent research organization on the history and innovations of biological weapons, has supported this thesis, that with the passing of the hours finds more and more supporters.
-Veterans Today
Officially, and yes… OFFICIALLY, the Chinese government considers this virus to be of human manufacture.
If there is a way to cripple a country without warfare, this is how it's done.
I don't doubt there is a pandemic occurring, but the sheeple will buy into this more than what actually occurs from a health standpoint. Don't get me wrong, people will die from this, but it will absolutely cripple our economy. God help us and continue stocking up.
- Bill Krejci
Officially the Chinese government considers this virus to be of human manufacture.
It is the American mainstream press that promotes the idea that this is natural. Not the Chinese media.
[5] It has the same symptoms as the flu.
The Chinese are so scared of it they shut down their industrial base to keep it from spreading. And Commies aren’t know for being overly worried about deaths.
The problem we still know very little of what happened in China since they are not letting in CDC virologists.
And nothing is getting shipped from China to the U.S. I live near a rail line that brings in Chinese made goods from Long Beach Harbor to the rest of the U.S. and those big freight trains used to run by me every hour or so. They haven’t for over a week.
This is no flu.
- Rwc1963
No it does not have all the same symptoms as the flu does.
Comparison between the COVID-19, the common cold, and the influenza.
The big give away is the “dry cough”. It will be like there is a little tickle in your throat. You won’t be coughing up white or green mucus. It will just be like you need a glass of water.
Also, do not look at all the symptoms, and assume that they are all of equal weight. diarrhea and a runny nose can happen, but are not typical. The typical “give aways” for this illness is the dry cough, the soreness in your body as it tries to fight the virus, and the fever.
“Bug Stomper” nose art on the first of the Sulaco’s two UD-4 Cheyenne gunships.
The COVID-19 has different symptoms than the Flu. The most common are a dry throat, a fever and general tiredness.
[6] You do not need to wear a mask.
China found that one of the best preventions for all citizens was to always wear face masks. This is a lesson for the world. Everyone deserves to have an adequate supply of masks.
-LinkedIN Pulse
In China, they made it a law that you must wear a mask at all times until this DEFCONE ONE emergency is over. You cannot ride public transportation, enter buildings, enter complexes, do anything without a mask. It is fundamental. They enforce it with police, drones, and volunteers. Everyone must wear a mask. No exceptions.
Why is China being so gosh-darn anal about this?
Because this COVID-19 can be transmitted by the air.
Federally funded tests conducted by scientists from several major institutions indicated that the novel form of coronavirus behind a worldwide outbreak can survive in the air for several hours.
A study awaiting peer review from scientists at Princeton University, the University of California-Los Angeles and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) posted online Wednesday indicated that the COVID-19 virus could remain viable in the air "up to 3 hours post aerosolization," while remaining alive on plastic and other surfaces for up to three days.
"Our results indicate that aerosol and fomite transmission of HCoV-19 is plausible, as the virus can remain viable in aerosols for 42 multiple hours and on surfaces up to days," reads the study's abstract.
The test results suggest that humans could be infected by the disease simply carried through the air or on a solid surface, even if direct contact with an infected person does not occur. That finding, if accepted, would come in stark contrast to previous media reports that suggested the virus was not easily transmittable outside of direct human contact.
-The Hill
The idea that you do not need to wear a mask came from the American media that insists that the flu is far worse, and that people shouldn’t buy up all the masks, but instead, leave the masks for the hospital staff to use.
Worst Case: It's some bio-engineered frankenvirus, with who-knows what lethality, r-naught, and incubation time.
-Woodpile Report
People!, you all need to start wearing masks, NOW!
I guess just because you’ve done 38 simulated drops doesn’t really mean you’re ready for command. Writer and director Cameron takes pains to set Gorman up as the embodiment of Vietnam-era military officer hubris and jargon-veiled incompetence, and the lieutenant holds himself above and entirely separate from the squad under his command. Dropping a fancy college word like “xenomorph” is just another way to lord rank and position over the jarheads—people whose names he hasn’t even really bothered to learn.
You need to wear a mask and perform extra-careful sanitary procedures outside of your home.
[7] China seriously bungled the coronavirus outbreak through sheer incompetence.
You might get this impression by reading the absolutely insane level of Anti-China rhetoric that came from Washington DC, and the American media. They couldn’t do anything right.
Well, that was a lie.
The early work found that infections were doubling roughly every six days, and that for every three to four rounds of transmission—or once every 20 to 30 days—one minor mutation was occurring, Bedford said in a Feb. 13 interview. “We are watching very carefully for more local transmission,” he said at the time.
They locked down the entire nation under DEFCON ONE after the first person died by the COVID-19 virus. They built up two hospitals from scratch in ten days, and mobilized the entire nation to fight this illness.
They also took these other steps…
COVID-19 medical care was free.
Medicines no longer need a doctor prescription.
Orders for medicines are now of three month duration, not one.
Quarantines, at every level with road blocks are everywhere.
Military decontamination units sweep the cities.
Suspect patients are held in isolation wards and monitored.
APPs are available for news, help, assistance and police that everyone in China can access.
Self-quarantine was advised for everyone for three weeks.
Food delivery was mandated to continue, hoarding was prohibited, as well as price gouging.
Decontamination robots were designed and put into use.
Robots deliver food.
Drones scan the people for sickness.
Drone monitor and make sure that everyone is wearing a mask.
Every business is checked by the regional community centers for compliance, and get free face masks by the government.
There’s many more things going on, but that is just a thumb-nail sketch. Now, compare that to the foolish and comical farce of the American response…
When a country is run by engineers, things get built to solve problems.
When a country is run by lawyers, laws get passed to solve problems.
And when bankers are in charge of countries, more loans are issued to solve problems.
Yet, sound finances are necessary to run a country. And indebtedness is not a sound financial state.
Put lawyers appointed by bankers in charge, and nothing good happens. Oh, at first it does. A sound system can take a lot of abuse before breaking. You are drawing down the capital built up.
- James Dakin talks of the epidemic of stupidity.
Anyone that still thinks that America is handling this COVID-19 out-break better than China needs to have their head adjusted. Especially now that Trump has appointed a committee to look into this matter and report it’s findings, instead of taking direct and immediate action.
What is he thinking?
You can believe what ever you want. I know that China has taken deadly serious action against this virus. They identified it as a biological weapon, that was made in the United States and they went DEFCON ONE on CNY, of all times! But you can listen to CNN and Rush Limbaugh if you wanna. It’s your life.
Some Videos
This is a serious illness, and nothing like the Flu. Check out some videos…
Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.
Taking the kids shopping.Riding the elevatorGoing home from work.Checking into the hospital.
The COVID-19 virus is a very nasty illness. It is being handled expertly with the authoritarian Chinese government, and hopelessly bungled by the inept American government. To best survive, you need to self quarantine and practice rigid and absolute cleanliness measures immediately. Make ZERO exceptions.
Thank you for reading this. I have more articles in the Trump Trade War Index, here…
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I have been quite clear that the United States has been conducting biological warfare with China for the last four years. But others refuse to believe the train of evidence. They cannot reconcile the idea that the USA would wage covert germ warfare on a nuclear armed nation. But things are changing. Here’s an article by a detractor to this belief that begrudgingly admits that just maybe the USA is that reckless in risking World War III.
And that maybe I am right.
That the USA has been conducting germ warfare against China, and does not care if there is some “leakage” of the virus out of China. The goal is to suppress China at whatever the cost.
This is a reprint of the article titled ” Who Made Coronavirus? Was It the U.S., Israel or China?”, it was published on March 6, 2020 by Enrique Suarez for the Strategic Culture Foundation. It has been edited to fit this venue. All credit to the author.
Who Made Coronavirus? Was It the U.S., Israel or China?
It might be possible that Washington has created and unleashed the virus in a bid to bring Beijing’s growing economy and military might down a few notches.
I’ve had to delete YouTube off my phone to avoid all the anti China stuff since the virus kicked off.
There is a massive offensive happening to try poison people’s minds against China.
Reality is I’ve actually never had a bad experience in China and I’m going in and out 10 years.
-Derek Kenny
The most commonly reported mainstream media account of the creation of the Coronavirus suggests that it was derived from an animal-borne microorganism found in a wild bat that was consumed by an ethnic Chinese resident of Wuhan. But there appears to be some evidence to dispute that in that adjacent provinces in China, where wild bats are more numerous, have not experienced major outbreaks of the disease. Because of that and other factors, there has also been considerable speculation that the Coronavirus did not occur naturally through mutation but rather was produced in a laboratory, possibly as a biological warfare agent.
Where did it originate?
I got the insight today that this global crisis makes one thing very clear.
To everyone's probable disbelief in the Western world, China and other Asian countries opted for drastic measures to save the people's lives, regardless of economic impact.
The West is so concerned about economic and consequent political fall out that they compromise lives .. ultimately it will shoot in their own feet...but meanwhile unnecessary lives will be lost. And who will take the responsibility?
-Peter Buytaert
reports suggest that there are components of the virus that are related
to HIV that could not have occurred naturally. If it is correct that
the virus had either been developed or even produced to be weaponized it
would further suggest that its escape from the Wuhan Institute of Virology Lab and
into the animal and human population could have been accidental.
Technicians who work in such environments are aware that “leaks” from
laboratories occur frequently.
Wuhan Institute of Virology Lab .
There is, of course, and inevitably, another theory.
There has been some speculation that as the Trump Administration has been constantly raising the issue of growing Chinese global competitiveness as a direct threat to American national security and economic dominance.
It might be possible that Washington has created and unleashed the virus in a bid to bring Beijing’s growing economy and military might down a few notches.
If there is a way to cripple a country without warfare, this is how it's done. I don't doubt there is a pandemic occurring, but the sheeple will buy into this more than what actually occurs from a health standpoint. Don't get me wrong, people will die from this, but it will absolutely cripple our economy. God help us and continue stocking up.
- Bill Krejci
It is, to be sure, hard to believe that even the Trump White House would do something so reckless, but there are precedents for that type of behavior.
In 2005-9 the American and Israeli governments secretly developed a computer virus called Stuxnet, which was intended to damage the control and operating systems of Iranian computers being used in that country’s nuclear research program. Admittedly Stuxnet was intended to damage computers, not to infect or kill human beings, but concerns that it would propagate and move to infect computers outside Iran proved to be accurate as it spread to thousands of PCs outside Iran, in countries as far-flung as China, Germany, Kazakhstan, and Indonesia.
American and Israel designed Stuxnet was intended to take out the computers of Iran, but “leaked” and took down half of the global internet.
Inevitably there is an Israeli story that just might shed some light on what has been going on in China.
Israel has a vaccine!
Scientists at Israel’s Galilee Research Institute are now claiming that they will have a vaccine against coronavirus in a few weeks which will be ready for distribution and use within 90 days.
The institute is claiming that it has been engaged in four years of research on avian coronavirus funded by Israel’s Ministries of Science & Technology and Agriculture.
Israel’s Ministries of Science & Technology and Agriculture.
They are claiming that the virus is similar to the version that has infected humans, which has led to breakthroughs in development through genetic manipulation, but some scientists are skeptical that a new vaccine could be produced so quickly to prevent a virus that existed only recently.
They also have warned that even if a vaccine is developed it would normally have to be tested for side effects, a process that normally takes over a year and includes using it on infected humans.
If one even considers it possible that the United States had a hand in creating the coronavirus at what remains of its once extensive biological weapons research center in Ft Detrick Maryland, it is very likely that Israel was a partner in the project. Helping to develop the virus would also explain how Israeli scientists have been able to claim success at creating a vaccine so quickly, possibly because the virus and treatment for it was developed simultaneously.
The biological weapons research center in Ft Detrick Maryland.
In any event, there are definite political ramifications to the appearance of the coronavirus, and not only in China.
American Political Ramifications
In the United States, President Donald Trump is already being blamed for lying about the virus and there are various scenarios in mainstream publications speculating over the possible impact on the election in 2020.
If the economy sinks together with the stock market, it will reflect badly on Trump whether or not he is actually at fault. If containment and treatment of the disease itself in the United States do not go well, there could also be a considerable backlash, particularly as the Democrats have been promoting improving health care.
One pundit argues, however, that disease and a sinking economy will not matter as long as there is a turnaround before the election, but a lot can happen in the next eight months.
National Security and Iran.
And then there is the national security/foreign policy issue as seen from both Jerusalem and Washington.
It is difficult to explain why coronavirus has hit one country in particular other than China very severely. That country is Iran, the often-cited enemy of both the U.S. and Israel.
The number of Iran’s coronavirus cases continues to increase, with more positive tests confirmed among government officials last Saturday. There were 205 new coronavirus cases, bringing the government claimed total to 593 with 43 fatalities, though unofficial hospital reports suggest that the deaths are actually well over 100.
That’s the highest number of deaths from the virus outside of China.
No less
than five Iranian Members of Parliament have also tested positive amid a
growing number of officials that have contracted the disease. Iran’s
vice president Masoumeh Ebtekar and deputy health minister Iraj Harirchi
had also previously been confirmed with the virus.
The usual suspects in the United States are delighted to learn of the Iranian deaths.
Mark Dubowitz, a Washington DC neocon and his Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD) is active in pounding the drums of war against Iran.
Mark Dubowitz, Executive Director of the Washington-based but Israeli government-connected Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD) boasted on twitter Tuesday that…
“Coronavirus has done what American economic sanctions could not: shut down non-oil exports.”
An Iranian government spokesman responded that…
“It’s shameful and downright inhuman to cheer for a deadly Virus to spread – and enjoy seeing people suffer for it…”
Dubowitz followed up with an additional taunt, that Tehran has “spread terrorism” in the Middle East and “now it’s spreading the coronavirus.”
The US сould be the prime culprit behind Covid-2019 outbreak that hit China and then Iran, head of its elite Revolutionary Guards claimed, threatening that the virus will eventually be turned against those who unleashed it.“It is possible that this virus is a product of a biological attack by America which initially spread to China and then to Iran and the rest of the world,” Hossein Salami said on Thursday.
He vowed that Iran would “fight” the virus and cautioned that the illness “will return” to the United States, if Washington was indeed responsible for the outbreak.
Though such conspiracy theories have been circulating for a while, there’s still no official proof it could be true.
The Head of Iran’s Civil Defense Organization, General Gholam Reza Jalali, said earlier on Tuesday that media fear-mongering over the new corornavirus in the country bolsters claims that the virus is a biological attack on China and Iran. He said that some reports indicate that it could be a hostile state, but added that his suspicion requires laboratorial investigation and a study of the virus genome.
Iran has been one of the countries hit hardest by Covid-19 outside of mainland China where it originated. As of Thursday, the Islamic Republic has reported 3,513 confirmed cases and 107 deaths attributed to the virus. Some 15 of those who have succumbed to the coronavirus died in the last 24 hours, according to Iran’s Health Minister Saeed Namaki.
The country has shuttered all schools and universities until the end of the country’s calendar year on March 20 in an effort to stop the spread of the virus.
On Tuesday, state media announced that the head of Iran’s emergency medical services was being treated for coronavirus. Numerous high-level Iranian officials have fallen ill to the virus. Recently, 23 lawmakers tested positive for the illness in the Islamic Republic.
Mohammad Mirmohammadi, a member of a council that advises the supreme leader, died after falling sick from the disease. His death follows those of two other high-profile Iranians who contracted the virus – a former ambassador and a newly-elected member of parliament.
- Сoronavirus May be a Product of US ‘Biological Attack’ Aimed at Iran and China, IRGC Chief Claims - RT News
Who made the COVID-19?
Even before the toll in China reached the current 3,045 dead and 80,711 infected, the Chinese Communist Party had called the pandemic a biological weapon of the USA following the revelations of Asian scientists on the anomalous “modeling” of the S protein.
As reported first by Veterans Today and then by Gospa News, the American journalist Jeff Brown, founder with other international journalists and authors of the Bioweapon Truth Commission, an independent research organization on the history and innovations of biological weapons, has supported this thesis, that with the passing of the hours finds more and more supporters.
-Veterans Today
So, you have your choice.
[1] Coronavirus occurred naturally, or [2] it came out of a lab in China itself or [3] even from Israel or [4] the United States.
If one suspects Israel and/or the United States, the intent clearly would have been to create a biological weapon that would damage two nations that have been designated as enemies.
But the coronavirus cannot be contained easily and it is clear that many thousands of people will die from it. Unfortunately, as with Stuxnet, once the genie is out of the bottled it is devilishly hard to induce it to go back in.
Back to America…
Nothing to see here ... carry on ... it's less to worry about then the common flu
- C D
Now it appears that it has boomeranged back to America.
The Post I’m stationed at told us today they’ve been briefed today and it’s just like the flu and to wash our hands and not worry. 75K is a huge number that would get out. I’m sure some have it but I have trouble buying that number. Anyone else on active duty please chime in if you’ve heard or seen otherwise.
- Jonathan Weaver
The United States government, being what it is, is actively lying to the people, covering up events and trying to tell everyone that the flu is much, much worse.
I work maintenance for an intercity apartments had the cops called and they were talking amongst them selves saying Kroger and several others are paying off duty cops for security. I mentioned corona virus they shut up after that. The stores know.
- Shawn May
And finally this, from a conservative blogger who bought into the Trump narrative hook-line-and-sinker…
Further perspective:
In the US-alone flu season, we saw at LEAST 220,690 new cases per day, on average. Over TWO-HUNDRED THOUSAND.
The peak day WORLDWIDE for COVID-19 was 15,100. Just 6.8% of the US AVERAGE for flu. (That day was an extreme outlier, because it represented China changing reporting standards from confirmed-by-testing to diagnosed-by-symptoms.)
As of 3/5/2020, new COVID-19 cases WORLDWIDE: 2,800. 1.3% of the average US flu cases.
If you truly believe you’re going to die from COVID-19, you either 1) have some extremely high risk factors like being an 80 year old man with diabetes and a bum ticker, who’s been french-kissing your girlfriend from Wuhan; or 2) you already died from the frickin’ flu.
Sure things could change. The virus could mutate again. We could import a bunch more infected people and turn them loose. But as things stand…
1. Eat decent food.
2. Wash your hands often.
3. Avoid sick people.
Sound familiar? Yes, it’s the same basic precautions you be be taking to avoid the flu and common cold (which I’ll remind you is often yet another coronavirus, too; and for most people COVID-19 is amounting to a common cold).
People need to stop losing their shit.
-Bear Buss
Yeah. It’s just like the flu. Right?
Just like the “common cold” right?
Nothing to worry about.
You don’t need to wear a mask.
Philip M. Giraldi is a former CIA counter-terrorism specialist and military intelligence officer who served nineteen years overseas in Turkey, Italy, Germany, and Spain. He was the CIA Chief of Base for the Barcelona Olympics in 1992 and was one of the first Americans to enter Afghanistan in December 2001. Phil is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, a Washington-based advocacy group that seeks to encourage and promote a U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East that is consistent with American values and interests. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.
I have other posts on this subject. You can view them in my Trump Trade War Index, here…
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
Please kindly help me out in this effort. There is a lot of effort that goes into this disclosure. I could use all the financial support that anyone could provide. Thank you very much.
Executive Summary
When the COVID-19 outbreak occurred, and Beijing got involved, one of the first things that he ordered was that people find out the origin of the coronavirus. The scientists did just that. Their results were published in February 2020.
The COVID-19 virus did not originate in Wuhan, China. It originated in the United States.
As people start digging into the causes and history behind this COVID-19 viral agent, it becomes clear that the agent did not “spontaneously” erupt in Wuhan by people eating bats. The etymology lineage has been traced, and it leads to a place outside of China. In fact, it points straight, and clear directly at the United States. This report is interesting and supports the notion that I have made that this is just the latest escalation of the Trump Trade Wars to suppress China’s rise.
Please read it with an open mind, and take special note that you will have a very difficult time finding this information inside America. Or on any of the regular American media channels. America will not EVER allow it’s citizens to know that it has been conducting surreptitious germ warfare against China.
Quick note before we begin…
Guys, I am so sorry for the flood of COVID-19 related posts. I have all kinds of other things that are in my stack of stuff that I really want to get to, but this is all just taking up my precious time. After all, it’s not everyday that you are at ground zero during a biological warfare attack.
I have stuff that I want to cover on soul construction, and consciousness partitioning, as well as some things regarding the the happiness of dogs, and some positive things to say about people. Please bear with me. Thank you.
Even before the toll in China reached the current 3,045 dead and 80,711 infected, the Chinese Communist Party had called the pandemic a biological weapon of the USA following the revelations of Asian scientists on the anomalous “modeling” of the S protein.
As reported first by Veterans Today and then by Gospa News, the American journalist Jeff Brown, founder with other international journalists and authors of the Bioweapon Truth Commission, an independent research organization on the history and innovations of biological weapons, has supported this thesis, that with the passing of the hours finds more and more supporters.
-Veterans Today
Japan, China and Taiwan Reports on the Origin of the Virus.
The Western media quickly took the stage and laid out the official narrative for the outbreak of the new coronavirus which appeared to have begun in China. They have been claiming that it has originated with animals at a wet market in Wuhan.
The American Mainstream Narrative
This is a natural virus - it originated in a Wuhan seafood market from people eating bats.
The American Alt-Right Narrative
It is a Chinese biological weapon, accidentally released by a germ weapons center that is located in Wuhan - a city twice the size of New York City.
The American HARD-Right Narrative
It is a stolen American biological weapon, intentionally released within Wuhan in order to kill Chinese people to ease population and starvation pressures.
In fact the origin was for a long time unknown but it appears likely now, according to Chinese and Japanese reports, that the virus originated elsewhere, from multiple locations, but began to spread widely only after being introduced to the market.
More to the point, it appears that the virus did not originate in China and, according to reports in Japanese and other media, may have originated in the US.
Chinese Researchers Conclude the Virus Originated Outside of China
After collecting samples of the genome in China, medical researchers first conclusively demonstrated that the virus did not originate at the seafood market.
Instead, it had multiple unidentified sources.
After which it was eventually exposed at the seafood market from where it spread everywhere. (1) (2) (3)
New Chinese study indicates the novel coronavirus did not originate in Huanan seafood market.
According to the Global Times:
A new study by Chinese researchers indicates the novel coronavirus may have begun human-to-human transmission in late November from a place other than the Huanan seafood market in Wuhan.
The study published on ChinaXiv, a Chinese open repository for scientific researchers, reveals the new coronavirus was introduced to the seafood market from another location(s), and then spread rapidly from the market due to the large number of close contacts.
The findings were the result of analyses of the genome data, sources of infection, and the route of spread of variations of the novel coronavirus collected throughout China.
The study believes that patient(s) zero transmitted the virus to workers or sellers at the Huanan seafood market, the crowded market easily facilitating further transmission of the virus to buyers, which caused a wider spread in early December 2019.
(Global Times, February 22, 2020, emphasis added (2)
Chinese medical authorities – and “intelligence agencies” – then conducted a rapid and wide-ranging search for the origin of the virus. Thus, collecting nearly 100 samples of the genome from 12 different countries on 4 continents, identifying all the varieties and mutations.
During this research, they determined the virus outbreak had begun much earlier, probably in November, shortly after the Wuhan Military Games.
They then came to the same independent conclusions as the Japanese
researchers – that the virus did not begin in China but was introduced
there from the outside.
China’s top respiratory specialist Zhong Nanshan said on January 27, 2020;
“Though the COVID-19 was first discovered in China, it does not mean that it originated from China”
“But that is Chinese for “it originated someplace else, in another country”. (4)
This of course raises questions as to the actual location of origin.
If the authorities pursued their analysis through 100 genome samples from 12 countries, they must have had a compelling reason to be searching for the original source outside China.
This would explain why there was such difficulty in locating and identifying a ‘patient zero’.
Japan’s Media: The Coronavirus May Have Originated in the US
In February of 2020, the Japanese Asahi news report (print and TV) claimed the coronavirus originated in the US, not in China, and
that some (or many) of the 14,000 American deaths attributed to
influenza may have in fact have resulted from the coronavirus. (5)
Japanese Television Report sparks speculations in China that COVID-19 may have originated in the United States.
A report from a Japanese TV station disclosing a suspicion that some of those Americans may have unknowningly contracted the coronavirus has gone viral on Chinese social media, stoking fears and speculations in China that the novel coronavirus may have originated in the US.
The report, by TV Asahi Corporation of Japan, suggested that the US government may have failed to grasp how rampant the virus has gone on US soil.
However, it is unknown whether Americans who have already died of the influenza had contracted the coronavirus, as reported by TV Asahi. (People’s Daily, English, February 23, 2020, emphasis added)
On February 14, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC) said they will begin to test individuals with
influenza-like-illness for the novel coronavirus at public health labs
in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, Chicago, and New York City.
The TV Asahi network presented scientific documentation for their claims, raising the issue that no one would know the cause of death because the US either neglected to test or failed to release the results.
Japan avoided the questions of natural vs. man-made and accidental vs. deliberate, simply stating that the virus outbreak may first have occurred in the US. The Western Internet appears to have been scrubbed of this information, but the Chinese media still reference it.
These claims stirred up a hornet’s nest not only in Japan but in
China, immediately going viral on Chinese social media, especially since
the Military World Games were held in Wuhan in October, and it had
already been widely discussed that the virus could have been transmitted
at that time – from a foreign source.
“Perhaps the US delegates (to the Wuhan Military World Games) brought the coronavirus to Wuhan, and some mutation occurred to the virus, making it more deadly and contagious, and causing a widespread outbreak this year.”
(People’s Daily, February 23, 2020) (1)
Shen Yi, an international relations professor at Shanghai’s Fudan University, stated that global virologists “including the intelligence agencies” were tracking the origin of the virus. Also of interest, the Chinese government did not shut the door on this.
The news report stated:
“Netizens are encouraged to actively partake in discussions, but preferably in a rational fashion.”
In China, that is meaningful. If the reports were rubbish, the
government would clearly state that, and tell people to not spread false
Taiwan Virologist Suggests the Coronavirus Originated in the US
Below is a rough translation, summary and analysis of selected content of that newscast. (see map below)
The man in the video is a top virologist and pharmacologist who
performed a long and detailed search for the source of the virus.
He spends the first part of the video explaining the various haplotypes
(varieties, if you will), and explains how they are related to each
other, how one must have come before another, and how one type derived
from another.
He explains this is merely elementary science and nothing
to do with geopolitical issues, describing how, just as with numbers in
order, 3 must always follow 2.
He spends the first part of the video explaining the various haplotypes (varieties, if you will), and explains how they are related to each other, how one must have come before another, and how one type derived from another.
One of his main points is that the type infecting Taiwan exists only in Australia and the US and, since Taiwan was not infected by Australians, the infection in Taiwan could have come only from the United States.
The basic logic is that the geographical location with the greatest diversity of virus strains must be the original source because a single strain cannot emerge from nothing.
He demonstrated that only the United States has all the five known strains of the virus (while Wuhan and most of China have only one, as do Taiwan and South Korea, Thailand and Vietnam, Singapore, and England, Belgium and Germany), constituting a thesis that the haplotypes in other nations may have originated in the United States.
Korea and Taiwan have a different haplotype of the virus than China,
perhaps more infective but much less deadly, which would account for a
death rate only 1/3 that of China.
Neither Iran nor Italy were included in the above tests, but both countries have now deciphered the locally prevalent genome and have declared them of different varieties from those in China, which means they did not originate in China but were of necessity introduced from another source.
It is worth noting that the variety in Italy has approximately the same fatality rate as that of China, three times as great as other nations, while the haplotype in Iran appears to be the deadliest with a fatality rate of between 10% and 25%. (7) (8) (9)
Due to the enormous amount of Western media coverage focused on China, much of the world believes the coronavirus spread to all other nations from China, but this now appears to have been proven wrong.
With about 50 nations scattered throughout the world having identified at least one case at the time of writing, it would be very interesting to examine virus samples from each of those nations to determine their location of origin and the worldwide sources and patterns of spread.
The Virologist further stated that the United States has recently had more than 200 “pulmonary fibrosis” cases that resulted in death due to patients’ inability to breathe, but whose conditions and symptoms could not be explained by pulmonary fibrosis.
He said he wrote articles informing the US health authorities to consider seriously those deaths as resulting from the coronavirus, but they responded by blaming the deaths on e-cigarettes, then silenced further discussion. …
The Taiwanese doctor then stated the virus outbreak began earlier than assumed, saying, “We must look to September of 2019”.
He stated the case in September of 2019 where some Japanese traveled to Hawaii and returned home infected, people who had never been to China.
This was two months prior to the infections in China and just after the CDC suddenly and totally shut down the Fort Detrick bio-weapons lab claiming the facilities were insufficient to prevent loss of pathogens. (10) (11)
He said he personally investigated those cases very carefully (as did the Japanese virologists who came to the same conclusion)..
This might indicate the coronavirus had already spread in the US but where the symptoms were being officially attributed to other diseases, and thus possibly masked.
The prominent Chinese news website Huanqiu related one case in the US where a woman’s relative was told by physicians he died of the flu, but where the death certificate listed the coronavirus as the cause of death.
Just for information
In the past two years (during the trade war) China has suffered several pandemics:
February 15, 2018: H7N4 bird flu. Sickened at least 1,600 people in China and killed more than 600. Many chickens killed.
China needs to purchase US poultry products.
June, 2018: H7N9 bird flu. Many chickens killed.
China needs to purchase US poultry products.
August, 2018: outbreak of African swine flu. Same strain as Russia, from Georgia. Millions of pigs killed.
China needs to purchase US pork products.
May 24, 2019: massive infestation of armyworms in 14 province-level regions in China, which destroy most food crops. Quickly spread to more than 8,500 hectares of China’s grain production. They produce astonishing numbers of eggs.
China needs to purchase US agricultural products – corn, soybeans.
December, 2019: Coronavirus appearance puts China’s economy on hold.
China’s entire economy comes to a complete halt. American leadership boasts that American businesses will benefit from this “tragedy”.
January, 2020: China is hit by a “highly pathogenic” strain of bird flu in Hunan province. Many chickens died, many others killed.
China needs to purchase US poultry products.
The standard adage is that bad luck happens in threes, not sixes.
Just because you do not believe this, does not mean that others agree with you. The Chinese leadership gets their reports from their scientists directly, not from FOX News or CNN.
The Chinese leadership (and the Russian leadership) [1] has this information, and [2] they are “taking it in” and [3] are making the necessary long-term responses on [4] their terms, at [5] the time of their choosing.
Be advised.
Larry Romanoff is a
retired management consultant and businessman. He has held senior
executive positions in international consulting firms, and owned an
international import-export business. He has been a visiting professor
at Shanghai’s Fudan University, presenting case studies in international
affairs to senior EMBA classes. Mr. Romanoff lives in Shanghai and is
currently writing a series of ten books generally related to China and
the West. He can be contacted at: 2186604556@qq.com. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
Please kindly help me out in this effort. There is a lot of effort that goes into this disclosure. I could use all the financial support that anyone could provide. Thank you very much.
The following is a chart based on the latest findings (as of 5MAR20) from a Los Alamos National Laboratory analysis of the outbreak in China in December 2019 and January 2020. I have placed the information on a graph using data from the Information is Beautiful website. It is very interesting and very instructive.
On the chart are two data points. They are labeled “L” and “S”. This is because there are two strains of the virus.
Coronavirus: there are 2 types, Chinese researchers find, while authorities say faeces and urine can transmit the infection. They found that one type, which they called the L type, was more prevalent than the other, the S type, meaning it was more infectious.
They also found that the L type had evolved from the S type, and that the L type was far more widespread before January 7 and in Wuhan, ground zero of the outbreak.
This is a chart of the COVID-19 coronavirus R0 and mortality plotted against pathogens.
While there are two strains, I labeled the points in the chart based on the probability of where a given individual may live and their situation.
For instance, I live inside of China, but outside of Wuhan. For my situation, the data point “S” would be most appropriate. Everyone is taking extreme caution, and the hospital and medical facilities inside China are top rate.
If you, however lived in or near a city inside America, say Pittsburgh or Cleveland your data point might be in the middle of the red box. While those inside the big cities like Chicago, Los Angles and New York might be closer to the “L” data point.
"The preliminary study found that a more aggressive type [L] of the coronavirus accounted for about 70% of analyzed strains, while 30% was linked to a less aggressive type [S]."
- Roger Ng 黄扬光
Notice where the flu is on the chart. It’s difficult to see. It is all the way over buried in the lower left hand corner. If you are treating this COVID-19 like the flu, you are making a grave mistake. It’s no where near as lethal or contagious.
Theraflu will not stop you from going into a seizure.
This COVID-19 coronavirus shares the same general region (on the chart) with Smallpox and the Bubonic Plague.
Additional notes of interest…
The Novel Coronavirus, 2019-nCoV, is Highly Contagious and More Infectious Than Initially Estimated[Excerpts:] Integrating uncertainties in the exponential growth rate estimated from the ‘first arrival’ approach and the uncertainties in the duration of latent and infectious periods, we estimated the values of R0 to be 6.3 and 4.7. The high R0 values we estimated have important implications for disease control.The 2019-nCoV epidemic is still rapidly growing and spread to more than 20 countries as of February 5, 2020. Here, we estimated the growth rate of the early outbreak in Wuhan to be 0.29 per day (a doubling time of 2.4 days), and the reproductive number, R0, to be between 4.7 to 6.6.How contagious the 2019-nCoV is in other countries remains to be seen. If the value of R0 is as high in other countries, our results suggest that active and strong population-wide social distancing efforts, such as closing down transportation system, schools, discouraging travel, etc., might be needed to reduce the overall contacts to contain the spread of the virus.
This shockingly high original Chinese R0 value meant a doubling of the number of cases every few days, and subsequently, regional hospitals were overrun by infected patients. The Chinese experience indicates how it may spread in the West and the 3rd world. Critically, the often-quoted case fatality rate (CFR) of “only” 2% for Covid-19 occurs when severely affected patients have access to first-class medical treatment, with teams of nurses and doctors caring for them in isolation ICUs. About 15% of people infected with the virus will develop severe symptoms (pneumonia, etc.) requiring intensive individual treatment in order to survive. Once hospitals are swamped and many of the medical staff become infected, the CFR can swiftly rise to above 15%. This is believed to be the situation inside the Wuhan City quarantine zone.
An infectious disease with an R-naught above five, and the number of cases doubling every two days, is like a biological atomic bomb chain reaction, particularly in the age of jet travel to all points of the globe.
Be safe everyone.
Please implement Chinese-level quarantine measures, and do not believe the nonsense that the flu is far worse. The Chinese were ONLY able to control the outbreak by putting the entire nation under the DEFCON ONE military emergency, and building three hospitals in the infected area. As well as moving all the national medical personnel to Wuhan.
That action controlled the mortality rate and moved it from 14% to 4% within Wuhan. And 1% in the rest of the nation.
This COVID-19 has brought everyone together…
The virus is China’s 9/11. Not literally – there is a different mechanism that created this crisis, not a terrorist attack but a viral attack. But the effect on society is very similar – people feel the same.
The single biggest effect of this virus on modern China is that it brought people together in an unprecedented and organic way.
It’s not the result of a government campaign to foster national pride. It came about naturally, people have sacrificed in ways big and small, they have lost income, family members have died, they have lost business, their personal freedom of movement was sacrificed, their children’s education and lives have been upended, and more. The whole country has pulled together during this crisis. The feeling, the emotion that this crisis created in society is one of unity. Of strength and sacrifice for a cause bigger than the individual. It has created an overwhelming wave of pride and solidarity, of what some call nationalism.
On a personal note: To the people on LinkedIN who called me out for not piling on to the criticism of China’s leadership or government for handling the virus in the early days – I don’t care. It was inhumane, unkind, and worse to lob criticism of any kind during onset of the crisis.
There has been a clear divide. Those that are engaged in modern China, that live(d) there, that speak Chinese, that acknowledge the complexity of modern China and can separate the people from their government. And on the other side of the divide those that want to enforce their own views about religion or political governance or whatever soap box they want to get on and don’t care who they hurt along the way.
People have seen which side you are on. Last minute posts trying to recast yourself as someone who cares – don’t undo a month or more of hateful language directed towards the Chinese.
- The COVID-19 Virus is China’s 9/11
Most everyone (except for the 1% of “bad apples”) are with the program and 100% with the government. They are also very hyper-patriotic and very spiritual people. Here is a church service via the internet. Everyone is connected using their cell-phones and they are all singling together all over the nation. Check it out.
Prayer service inside a quarantine barracks.
More information on this subject can be found in my Trump Trade War index here…
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
Please kindly help me out in this effort. There is a lot of effort that goes into this disclosure. I could use all the financial support that anyone could provide. Thank you very much.
Here’s a bunch of videos that I collected during the (so far) six
week long quarantine that everyone in China experienced. The videos are a
selection of virus related subjects but generally relate to how China
handled the biological weapons attack, and how society adapted to it. As
of this writing, things have stabilized and people and companies are
cautious and careful in their actions and movements.
Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.
Video 1 – New technology helps locate sick people.
Xi Peng has made a call out to all of China to help fight this deadly and lethal COVID-19 virus. The results have been astounding. From people running inside and handing wads of cash to the police (I have about a zillion videos on this), to people buying masks out of their “own pocket” and giving them away, to making food for all the workers… everyone is involved. This COVID-19 has really pulled the Chinese nation together. While before it was hyper-patriotic, today it is on a completely different level.
Here’s one of the latest innovations from the Shenzhen factories and R&D development centers. It’s already in mass production and the “word on the street” is that they will be handing these out to all of the police agencies all over China. Check it out.
Video 2 – America just doesn’t get it…
Nope, America just does not get it. The illness is a biological weapon. It is designed to be stealthy and hide within people and shed when they feel fine and normal.
So what you want to do is avoid crowds.
If you are trying to stock up for an emergency or SHTF event, you do not wait until it happens. You prepare years in advance. That is why they are called “preppers”.
Look at these fools. Do you see any of them wearing a mask? What about gloves? How many do you think are going to disinfect their clothing, wash their hands, or sanitize their car keys?
If the COVID-19 hits America, it will be like shooting fish in a barrel.
America is not anywhere as prepared, organized or run by talented and experienced leadership like China is. It just isn’t.
Video 3 – The new technology.
The new technology of the thermal imaging headsets are now in production and available. You can see them on the streets along with the flying drones and robots that are making sure that everyone is “with the program”.
America doesn’t have any of this. And won’t for years. 5G is bad for you don’t you know. It’s gonna give you brain damage, don’t you know. It’s gonna fry your brain… don’t you know…
Video 4 – Community pitches in.
China is hyper-patriotic. This is something that is unknown in the Untied States because everyone is in this propaganda bubble where everyone in China wants to move to America for “freedom” and “democracy”. Where the Chinese can’t wait to “throw away their chains” and over through the vicious tyrannical Chinese government… don’t ya know.
Here’s a common scene. The local kitchens feed the police, militia and volunteers with delicious meals. This looks to me like Guiling meifan. It’s a very delicious and spicy dish of noodles and pork.
Video 5 – Military decontamination team decontaminates the taxis.
When you are in China, most of what you will see are the civilian militia in their (either) red or orange jackets, or the hospital staff in their (either) white or blue NBC suits and masks. Most of the military presence is behind the scene. Like here…
Here is what happens before the taxis go out and about. They cycle back to their staging area for continuous decontamination by the military NBC troops.
Video 6 – Seriously sick man tries to break out of quarantine.
Yup, so you are in quarantine and you are ill and not thinking right. What you should do is call the police using the APP or the hospital and wait until they come and get you. But that’s not what this fellow does. He hops in his cart and tries to smash through the roadblock and escape on his own…
Video 7 – Xinjiang decontamination.
The Uyghur Muslims are on board with the program and are participating in the decontamination of their communities, their cities and their people. Here we have them working and participating side by side with the Chinese military crews working to decontaminate the communities in Xinjiang.
You would think that if the American narrative is correct, that the Chinese wants to exterminate the Uyghur Muslims that they would just simply let the illness run it’s course, right?
After about this bunch of videos I’m going to give it a rest for a spell. As you can clearly see, China is organized and working together to fight this terrible biological weapon. While it has put a dent in the Chinese economy, it is recovering.
Compare that to the levels of panic and ineptitude in the United States. It’s where “it’s every man for himself” and no one is trusting the government. Lord help the people in America. They have no idea what a shit-storm this biological weapon could end up being.
If you would like to check out the full index of the Trump Trade War activities, you can go here…
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
Please kindly help me out in this effort. There is a lot of effort that goes into this disclosure. I could use all the financial support that anyone could provide. Thank you very much.
Here’s a bunch of videos that I collected during the (so far) six
week long quarantine that everyone in China experienced. The videos are a
selection of virus related subjects but generally relate to how China
handled the biological weapons attack, and how society adapted to it. As
of this writing, things have stabilized and people and companies are
cautious and careful in their actions and movements.
Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.
Video 1 – Airport Screening
While there are all sort of roadblocks and check points in China at this time, there are multiple stations at airports. This is what it looks like.
One thing, notice the lines… yeah.
They are not absurdly long like they are int he United States. When I left the USA, I had to wait in a line for three hours while TSA processed me. In China it is professional, quick and of short duration.
Video 2 – What it was like when China went into DEFCON ONE.
When China announced that the nation was under a biological weapons attack and that everyone should stay in their homes under “lock down” conditions, it was eerie. It was like a horror movie.
Suddenly sirens were blaring, messages were popping up ont he televisions, and on all the social media. Drones started to fly about telling people to stay inside and the various police, military, and militia were called up to secure roadblocks and quarantine regions of society.
It was like this…
Video 3 – Inside of one of the quarantine facilities
The Chinese government has set up large containment facilities for people who were collected at roadblocks or who have come to the hospital for treatment. These facilities are policed and maintained by hospital staff and nurses 24-7. Here is what it is like at night…
Video 4 – Hitting in Italy
This COVID-19 broke out of China and has mutated to attack other races aside from Asian. It is active in Iran, Korea (both North and South) and Italy. Here is a news-woman on Italian television reporting the news before it was publicly known that the coronavirus exploded in Italy.
I do hope that this poor girl is going to be ok.
Video 5 – Quarantine in a hotel
Not all quarantines are held inside retrofitted stadiums and public schools. Hospitals have also been converted to quarantine stations in the smaller towns and communities. Here’s one where everyone is outside the door waiting for the thrice daily medical checkups and supplies.
Video 6 – Locked inside your home
If you are ordered to be quarantined within your home, special precautions are taken. Here we see that a police official marks the door with a notice that people inside are possibly infected and the at the entire home is under quarantine. Then they put on a alarm, where any removal or movement will trigger an alert. Finally, everything is connected via WeChat and QR code so that the quarantined people have instant access to the police and hospital if they need anything or are having an emergency.
Video 7 – A reminder that this is not the flu.
To this day, even now in March, the American media is still proclaiming that the flu is far worse. Donald Trump is calling the COVID-19 a “hoax” and has put off the responsibilities for dealing it to his vice President Pence. Such is the American bubble of ignorance.
I think what is happening is that American media is a propaganda arm of the “deep state”, and now even the American leadership believes the lies and twisted narrative. It’s a dangerous situation.
Meanwhile, how in God’s Green Earth can you possible believe that the Flu is anywhere near as bad as this? You never see people collapsing on the street from the flu. Never.
There are more videos to explore…
If you would like to check out the full index of the Trump Trade War activities, you can go here…
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
Please kindly help me out in this effort. There is a lot of effort that goes into this disclosure. I could use all the financial support that anyone could provide. Thank you very much.
Here’s a bunch of videos that I collected during the (so far) six
week long quarantine that everyone in China experienced. The videos are a
selection of virus related subjects but generally relate to how China
handled the biological weapons attack, and how society adapted to it. As
of this writing, things have stabilized and people and companies are
cautious and careful in their actions and movements.
Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.
Western media about China:
Xi Jinping is not the president but the "paramount leader" of China. Chinese media don't bring news because they're the "mouthpiece" of the Party
China doesn't fire officials, it "purges" them
China doesn't requisition private hospitals during a health emergency by passing laws, it "seizes" them
Chinese leaders don't strengthen laws, they "concentrate power"
China doesn't give out loans, they "trap" countries in debt.
China doesn't punish corrupt officials, they "net" them
Chinese media doesn't report news, it reports "propaganda"
China doesn't revise counting methodologies, it "under-reports" cases
Chinese companies don't innovate, they "steal IP"
Chinese people are not patriotic, they're "brainwashed"
Chinese provinces don't win PISA tests, they "selectively nominate the best schools".
-Maitreya Bhakal on Twitter @MaitreyaBhakal Feb 13. 2020
Video 1 – Virus strikes a motorcycle rider.
The thing is that this virus comes with a one-two punch. It is light and you seem to get over this minor cold, and then it goes into remission. It borrows deep. Then out of the blue, while you are feeling just fine and normal, it will suddenly strike you. It will be sudden and you can be doing anything. From walking, to riding a motorcycle to driving a car.
Once the virus hit, there was an increase in vehicular accidents on the highways and roads. Some of them seemed strange. Like the woman who was just pulling out of the driveway and crashed into the wall unconscious. Or the truck driver that ran over the car ahead of him, or the delivery truck that ran through a red light and crashed into the trees. Or, the truck that drove clear off the die of a tall bridge. These stories are horrifying.
Like this motorcycle rider…
Video 2 – What it is like when you are tested as positive at a road block.
My brother asked me what it was like if you went through a road-block and you were tested positive for the illness. Well, it’s like this. They just cannot test for the illness, but they can test to see if you are having any symptoms of an illness, and if you are, they will sequester you and pull you aside and take you into to quarantine. Like this…
Video 3 – When it strikes it is sudden and swift.
WHen the second phase of the illness kits, it’s a Knock-out punch and it is sudden. This video says it all. It is frightening and alarming.
I keep hearing that this isn’t as bad as all the hype makes it look.
I would like to remind the people saying this that this particular virus was CUSTOMIZED IN A LABORATORY.
Who knows what it will mutate into now that is out in the world FOREVER?
-Busted Knuckles
I just cannot grapple in my mind how anyone can possibly say that the flu is worse than this. Obviously they are back-seat drivers who are just paper-pushers living within their own sweet bubble. Well, you all had best wake up. The reality can get to be pretty harsh. I’ll tell you what.
Video 4 – Medical staff collapsing from the KO punch when the illness strikes
I’ve presented many such videos of hospital workers collapsing during this emergency. Sometimes it due to exhaustion, but more often than not, they contract the COVID-19 illness and succumb to it. It’s a very sad and tragic situation, indeed.
Sadly, many hospitals are experiencing this event and watching their staff succumb to this frightening illness; this evil horror.
Video 5 – Remote temperature and vitals check on quarantine housing.
The Chinese have been very proactive in using drones to check on the health of the people under quarantine. As can be easily seen in this video.
Video 6 – Collecting some infected people that refuse to stay in quarantine.
here we have a family of people that are infected. They know that they are infected. So they were put under house quarantine, and they broke quarantine. Thus they became a risk to the community. So the police came to seize them an put them into more secure quarantine facilities.
Video 7 – Road block
This is what a road block looks like on a highway off-ramp. It is pretty much the same all over China.
These roadblocks are covered in other posts as they are both interesting and come in all sorts of sizes and shapes.
Video 8 – Going back to work.
Now that most of the Chinese factories have reopened, new procedures are in place. The factory, as a closed eco-system must maintain the strictest health guidelines for safety and control of this serious COVID-19 virus. Here is a video that pretty much shows what it is like throughout China today…
Video 9 – Some closeups of the Chinese decontamination vehicles.
Here’s a video that shows a decontamination vehicle close up. It gives you a great idea of what it is like and it’s design. These vehicles are handed out to the local communities but they are military vehicles. The Chinese have a complete army of them, and they are now in all the top tier cities.
Unlike most military vehicles, they are not painted green or grey. They are used during public DEFCON ONE emergencies so they are treated as part of the hospital units. So they are painted white like the ambulances are.
This is a very unique time in this world. Yes, not just for China but for the world. This event is unheard of, or at least the modern incarnation of it is. It’s a horror movie right out of “12 monkeys” where an evil man tries to kill a huge swath of the global population by releasing a virus on Christmas eve. Funny how this hit stride during CNY eve.
I have hundreds of videos to post, and I will get to them as time permits. In the mean time please be safe.
If you would like to check out the full index of the Trump Trade War activities, you can go here…
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
Please kindly help me out in this effort. There is a lot of effort that goes into this disclosure. I could use all the financial support that anyone could provide. Thank you very much.
Zhong Nanshan said, "This plague originated in China first, but it didn't necessarily originate in China at first. "
Here’s a bunch of videos that I collected during the (so far) six
week long quarantine that everyone in China experienced. The videos are a
selection of virus related subjects but generally relate to how China
handled the biological weapons attack, and how society adapted to it. As
of this writing, things have stabilized and people and companies are
cautious and careful in their actions and movements.
Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.
Video 1 – Girl collapses when trying to leave the quarantine zone.
Here is an interesting video, though on first glance it doesn’t look like anything special. It’s jsut some chick collapsed on the ground near a road-block.
Well the story behind this is more interesting. This woman started to have the COVID-19 symptoms and wanted to leave the complex. However, her temperature reading said that she was running a temperature and that further testing was necessary. The miitia wanted to put her into quarantine, but she refused. So she ran and climbed over the gate.
Then collapsed while she was crossing the barrier.
There she is jut lying there and everyone is afraid to touch her as she is possibly infected and (or was) terribly irritated. So they are standing around waiting for the ambulance and police to come and take her to quarantine.
Video 2 – Military Units at a Road-Block.
When China went into DEFCON ONE all of the military units were called into service. This includes such things as the nuclear forces inside their bunkers, the air forces inside their planes and the naval forces on board their ships. The group forces were dispatched and chemical and NBC decontamination troops have been busy in the cities making them habitable again. However other troops are being used to control the population and man roadblocks and triage centers.
Here we have a more or less common sight in China this month.
Video 3 – Everyone is making sacrifices.
Many of the nursing and doctor staff have had to have their hair cut off in order to service this very contagious and lethal pathogen. It’s a sad thing to see women cut off their hair that they have been growing for the last twenty years. Though not as heart-rendering as being away from your children and loved ones. They don’t understand and they don’t understand why you cannot cross the street to hug them. It’s really a tear jerker.
Here we see a flight attendant who is working triple shifts transporting hospital workers to Wuhan and the staff that she is transporting…
Video 4 – America is not with the program.
The world is entering into a new reality; a new way of interacting and working together. The old corrupted and failing structures are collapsing, and the United States appears to resemble a large dying beast, thrashing about wildly…
Because I'm 1/2 Chinese,1/2 white, I like to test Pakistani's reactions If I tell them I'm American, most become reserved, some stop smiling.
If I say Chinese? Most grin immediately & say China is an all weather friend.
Yet somehow China is painted as an enemy of Islam by US media🤔
-Shaun Rein
So, it was just a matter of time before COVID-19 would exit China and hit the shores of America. The American media and the Leadership are not worried at all. Donald Trump calls it a hoax, and the media are still talking about how much worse the flu is.
Meanwhile, there is a complete absence of programs to deal with this issue, and the citizens are out buying everything that isn’t nailed down.
You can easily see the differences between China and the USA at this juncture of time. In China, systems are in place to maintain food supplies and controlled access and screening. In America none of that exists…
… though there is talk in some states about setting up “blue ribbon panels” to look into the matter.
Here’s a comparison between an American supermarket and a Chinese one during the COVID-19 emergency.
I can’t remember a time when we have seen such widespread “panic buying” all over the nation. Today I spoke with someone that just visited the closest Wal-Mart in this area, and I was told that there are empty shelves all over the store. There are very few canned goods left, some of the most essential medications have been cleaned out, and there was nothing left in the long-term storable food section at all. Of course similar things are being reported at major retail stores all across the United States. All of a sudden, fear of COVID-19 has motivated thousands upon thousands of Americans to start prepping like crazy. But most of the population is still not taking this crisis seriously enough. As the number of confirmed cases all over the world continues to rise at an exponential rate, what are the stores going to look like when most of the country finally realizes that they should be prepping for an extended pandemic?
In Los Angeles, a local Costco was quickly raided of the most essential supplies when the store opened on Saturday morning…
At a Costco Wholesale market in Los Angeles Saturday morning, a swarm of shoppers loaded up carts with essential items to prepare for a possible period of quarantine.
According to the chain, water, paper towels and Clorox disinfecting wipes were the most in-demand products.
And up in northern California, photos of completely empty shelves over the weekend were rapidly shared on social media…
On social media, residents further north shared shocking photos and videos from Costco centers in San Francisco.
Shelves were depleted of tinned food, while some shoppers climbed up onto shelving in order to reach remaining supplies of rice.
Of course the exact same thing is happening in other states as well.
In Washington, one local resident claimed that “thousands of people” have been descending on the local Costco centers…
I live in the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak in Washington State. My advice for those elsewhere – go to Costco now. Thousands of people at local stores yesterday – not where you want to be if there is a virus spreading. Glad I went a week ago.
And one video that has been very widely shared shows hundreds of people lined up at a Costco in Brooklyn before it even opened in the morning.
-The most important news
Video 5 – Chinese decontamination robot.
The Chinese do not mess around. It is a nation full of hard workers, talent and leadership by merit. No “diversity hires” here. They’d never survive.
With all the decontamination trucks running 24-7, and the decontamination teams working “around the clock”, there is still a lot of areas and regions that are not getting the proper decontamination attention that is required.
Enter the Chinese solution; decontamination robots and sky drones with AI capability using 5G wireless technology.
Video 6 – Hyper-Patriotic China went into High Gear!
This COVID-19 brought the already super-Patriotic Chinese closer and more unified than ever.
If you listen to the American Alt-Right media you would be under the mistaken impression that the Chinese are just pining away for the “freedom” and “democracy” that America has. You believe that the Chinese government is a totalitarian government that is very dystopian and like a scene from 1984. You believe many other false and judicious things.
Yet the truth is the absolute opposite. The Chinese by nature are hyper-patriotic. So the narrative about China developing the COVID-19 as a biological weapon to kill it’s own people is just absolutely and patently ridiculous. China does not have to do that. All they need to do is ask for volunteers, play some patriotic music and wave some flags and the Chinese people would step up to the plate and give their lives for their country.
If you think that American is patriotic, you are wrong. Only some areas in America are mildly patriotic. The Chinese are 100% unified hyper-patriotic.
Video 7 – Asshole steals the building sanitizer.
Yup there is one in every crowd. Here we have a woman stealing the building supplied hand sanitizer. What a dick-wad!
During this emergency, all building provide tissues and sanitation supplies for the residents to use when they egress from their apartments. That is what they are for. Most Chinese think in terms of the society. Family, and society come first, then it’s their turn.
But there are still those selfish and evil people who believe that it is every man-for-himself. These are evil and selfish people that should not live in that community at all.
Video 8 – American rush to stock up on supplies
So here is America, and for the last two months American media has been bashing China about this COVID-19 coronavirus non-stop. Now it looks like one or two people are carriers and are infecting others, and suddenly everyone rushes to the supermarket to get int he midst of the big crowds of people…
…with out masks!
Can you believe it?
... the White House has no ” corona virus team as he felt it unneeded. His answer to this particular pandemic is Mike Pence.
... Putting Pence in charge was a move he was forced to make as he felt the CDC was unimportant.
-Gone to Hell
People, if you are reading this you MUST do four things. [1] Never go outside unless you are wearing a mask. Wear it solidly and never take it off for any reason, and [2] stay away from crowds. Finally, [3] be hyper clean. Wash, scrub and do not wear outside clothes in the house. Wash them immediately.
And most importantly, [4] do not use your hands. Don’t touch anything, and most certainly do not eat anything with your hands. Use utensils.
That said, there’s probably not all that much that can be done at this point, other than let the thing play itself out. No vaccine anywhere in sight, nor will one be widely affordable when it finally arrives. The contagion is already pretty much out of the barn, so other than telling everyone to stay home and quit circulating among each other – which ain’t gonna happen regardless – there’s not all that much to be done at this point.
Video 9 – Mask discipline
In China during this emergency, you MUST wear a mask at all times. You can go to jail if you do not. So it is very important, and wearing the mask below your chin does not count. It MUST cover your nose and mouth. It’s not just for your safety, but it is for the safety for the entire community. Many foreign visitors to China are very lax about this requirement.
They will pay the price if they are not careful.
Donald Trump held a press conference on Thursday naming Vice President Mike Pence to be in charge of the Corona Virus response. Many commented that Trump did not look confident, was reading from a script and kept referring to the Corona Virus as ''similar to the flu''
These were just some more videos that were taken during the bio-weapons attack on China.
It’s the fifth such biological weapons attack since Donald Trump began the Trump Trade war. With Three chicken flu outbreaks in 2017, the drone propagated African Swine Flu during 2018 and 2019, and the collapse of the grain industry by an unusual strain…
Now this.
Well, China knows whats going on.
Zhong Nanshan said, "This plague originated in China first, but it didn't necessarily originate in China at first. "
Well, it’s working. The Chinese GDP is at zero for two months now. And America is sitting nice and pretty knowing full well that the COVID-19 favors Asians over other races.
When Coronavirus hits Europe, should we wear a mask or not? Are you aware of the huge cultural difference between East and West?
Within only 3 days, already 15 confirmed infections in Switzerland, which leads to increased social anxiety.
Asian community starts to store masks and food at home, took the same measures as in China. While the Swiss community, still business as usual.
Actually, the underline message of "Wearing a Mask" differs between Europe and China. In China, it means “I'm concerned, and don't want to get infected".
While in Europe, it means "I'm already infected/sick, and don't want to pass it to you"...
This cultural difference gives great social pressure to many Asian communities in Europe, who were highly worried, yet still not dare to wear a mask when going out for work or shopping.
Therefore, I "invented" a small disclaimer to resolve this cultural crash, as:“Keine Panik, nur Selbstschutz (Don't panic, just for self-protection)”. I stick it on my bag when wearing a mask, it releases the fear for both Europeans and myself.
There are times we try to be "The Same" to hide from cultural differences. But why not face it and smile it away? :)
-Sally Yan
We will see. In the meantime, I am not going to fall for the narrative that this is a “natural” sickness that came about from eating bats…
…give me a fucking break will ya!
More videos on the way…
If you would like to check out the full index of the Trump Trade War activities, you can go here…
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
Please kindly help me out in this effort. There is a lot of effort that goes into this disclosure. I could use all the financial support that anyone could provide. Thank you very much.
Here’s a bunch of videos that I collected during the (so far) six week long quarantine that everyone in China experienced. The videos are a selection of virus related subjects but generally relate to how China handled the biological weapons attack, and how society adapted to it. As of this writing, things have stabilized and people and companies are cautious and careful in their actions and movements.
Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.
Video 1 – Worker gets struck by the Virus
We start this post with a reminder why the COVID-19 virus is so concerning. It has a “one-two punch”. When it first hits, the effects are very mild. Then later, the KO punch hits.
You catch it, and then it incubates for around two weeks. On the third week it starts shedding the virus to everyone around you. If you touch something, it will stay on that surface for up-to twelve hours.
Then, sometime around the fourth week, you will start to not feel well. You will have a slight fever, and a mild sore throat.
You will have this for about a week and then it will go away.
It hasn’t gone away. It’s digging in deep. It’s infecting your vital organs. It’s burying in deep.
Then from two to four weeks later… it erupts.
Many people just pass out, while others go into shock and spasms.
Here we have a person experiencing the “knock out punch”.
Video 2 – Asshole spreads the COVID-19 infection intentionally.
China has an enormous population. It is four times the size of the population of the USA. In fact, there are more Chinese that speak English than there are Americans.
Chew on that for a while.
Anyways, there’s assholes everywhere. Here we have an asshole with the virus trying to give it to everyone in the apartment building.
Obviously she’s got something wrong with her.
It is precisely because of people like her that China has enacted such draconian containment measures.
Video 3 – Westerner joins the local militia.
In China during this period there are numerous levels of participation in handling this crisis. Since China went DEFCON ONE the military are all involved, as were all the military reservists. Police, Fire and Hospital services at all levels worked around the clock. Local community militia were called up and recruited residents to help the.
In this video we have a non-Chinese as part of the militia and is out setting people up for some of he free screening centers that went up everywhere. Unlike the USA, you don’t need to pay money to get tested.
It’s not a for-profit model.
Video 4 – People are dying from this illness.
"That happened to us just like throwing from happy festival to a resident evil film in 24 hours!"
-Rui Meng Wang
This video puts into words something that is entirely missing in the American media at all levels. People are dying. Families are being hurt.
This is not just something you do for geo-political advantage. This is serious business, and has serious ramifications.
Video 5 – The KO punch hits.
This video below best shows how this virus works and why it is so dangerous. For when the second phase of it hits you, it is sudden and you just collapse right then and there. This is true whether you are standing, walking, riding a bicycle, or driving a truck…
Video 6 – Not everyone wants to cooperate.
Some people are fearful. They fear the government. They fear the police. They fear the hospitals. And when they are often confronted with that fear, they react like a wild animal.
They flee.
And it is up to the police to corral them and secure them so that they don’t infect the rest of the community.
Video 7 – Decontamination in process.
The clothing used by the fire frighting crew differs from the hospital crew. Aside from being colorful, they are full spectrum NBC suits. Here we have them undergoing a decontamination procedure.
Under this DEFCON ONE emergency, everyone is playing a role and doing their part in it.
This virus is a very serious illness. No wonder people consider it a biological weapon. It is very important that we take this virus very seriously and do not be lax in our habits.
When I see pictures of Americans, and videos of Americans stocking up on supplies to “ride out” the virus, I am shocked. So here they are… a silent virus that hides in your body before it attacks, and what do all the Americans do?
They go out in public in the midst of enormous crowds of people and do so without wearing a mask.
That is the height of insanity.
Maybe it’s because of the near relentless attacks on China and the narrative that flu is far more serious. Perhaps it is because Donald Trump called this virus a hoax. Or maybe it’s just that Americans are truly that stupid.
Who knows?
If you would like to check out the full index of the Trump Trade War activities, you can go here…
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
Please kindly help me out in this effort. There is a lot of effort that goes into this disclosure. I could use all the financial support that anyone could provide. Thank you very much.
Most of the negative comments to my postings come from people who don’t read the entire post / article. They scan the headline, maybe read one or two paragraphs and then lash out with some kind of vitriol. Aside from the trolls (they don’t last long here) the responses are telling. Unless you state something similar to the mainstream media narrative, you are a radical; and irresponsible fool, who needs to be “put in his place”. Maybe. Here’s another opinion. Check it out.
Mainstream media
Government approved propaganda for the masses.
Alt-Left and Alt-Right
Elements of real actual truth interspersed with the intentionally outrageous. The articles are designed to push an on-going narrative "off track" and move it away from the truth.
This opinion on the COVID-19 coronavirus is from another person looking at things from a different, and more expansive point of view. He omits some things that I include in my calculus, such as the use of drones to propagate germ warfare, but it’s still a good look at this situation. Please give him every consideration.
China is Confronting the COVID-19 Epidemic. Was It Man-Made? An Act of of Bio-warfare?
The new
coronavirus, 2019-nCoV, also called COVID-19, has as of this date
resulted in more than 3,000 deaths and infected more than 80,000 people
Worldwide, the vast majority of them in China
The epidemic is largely confined to Mainland China.
While the virus has
spread to at least 51 countries according to the WHO, the numbers of
confirmed cases are low: 4691 confirmed cases outside Mainland China.
(See table right)
Not Addressed is that this could be a man-made virus.
Source: WHO, February 28, 2020. 51 countries according to WHO
What western media fails to
address is that there is a probability that the virus could have been
man-made in one or more of the numerous US bio-warfare laboratories.
Western media also are silent about the fact that the virus appears to be largely affecting ethnic Chinese, meaning, it targets specifically Chinese DNA.
Also not addressed is that this virus initially targeted Asians exclusively.
Almost all of the deaths and confirmed cases in the 51 countries and territories to which the virus has spread, are of Chinese origin.
The virus appears to be
strengthening, as it mutates over time, making its control even more
difficult. Will it eventually break the “Chinese DNA boundaries” and
affect also other DNA types, i.e. western “Caucasian” people.
The West expects the Chinese to control the spread and limit it to China.
But the west also expects
Chinese scientists and bio-researchers to overcome the epidemic and stop
the virus from further mutating, therefore reducing the western
infection risk.
Finding a Vaccine.
Despite early hopes that a
vaccine may be found soon – until now there has been little progress in
this direction. However, Cuba’s antiviral Recombinant Interferon Alpha
2B (IFNrec) was chosen by Chinese medical and bio-researchers to combat
the coronavirus.
Interestingly, Interferon
had been discovered in Cuba 39 years ago, at the very onset of Cuba’s
biotechnology programme in 1981. But it is not widely used in the world,
even though it could save countless lives and cure countless patients
(mainly diabetics), simply because of the US boycott that does not allow
marketing of medication Made in Cuba.
This could be an act of biological warfare.
Nevertheless, the COVID19 infection rate seems to have been gradually
declining in the last three weeks. And there is no doubt that China
will overcome this epidemic. Yet, the world must wake up to the fact
that this could be an act of biological warfare.
Precedents: Bird Flu, African Swine Flu affecting China
In the last two years, since 2018 alone, China was hit by several
types of bird flu (H7N4 and H7N9) in 2018 and yet another strain just in
January 2020 which was overshadowed by the more serious COVID-2019.
There was also an outbreak of the African swine Flu (2018), killing millions of pigs.
Propagated by drones. These advanced and technically advanced drones sprayed the virus over the widely isolated pig farms. Not talked about in the Western media, but well known in China.
And there was a massive food crop destruction (2019 – mostly corn and soybeans) by the so-called “armyworms”.
Compensating for the impacts on the supply of pork, corn and soybean,
China resorted to importing theses commodities– and most of the imports
came from the US.
An attempt to create a famine?
Were these ‘outbreaks’ which had destructive impacts on China’s
economy coincidental? They have created instability, food price
inflation and a dependence on imported agricultural products from the
The western media has been playing up the so-called Trump tariff war
with China, while hidden from the limelight and in parallel, more
serious warfare – bio-warfare – was going on.
These actions are being kept hidden from Americans.
In fact, little is known in the west about these previous biological attacks by the US-led west. Thus aiming at damaging massively the China’s economy…
… as well as heightening China’s dependence on imports from the US.
In addition to damaging China morally, thereby, they, the west, believe (wrongly), weakening the level of resistance.
A real war with bombs and guns, maybe nuclear, aiming at total destruction, cannot be ruled out.
The Big Picture
Let’s remember the Big Picture.
Namely that this is, in whatever way you want to turn it, a bio-war against China.
And perhaps the first step of an all-out war against China’s rising economic power…
…and foremost against China’s solid currency, the yuan which may soon take over as the world’s chief reserve currency.
This would mean the fall of the US-dollar hegemony, the only force that keeps the (American) empire alive and kicking, other than its military strength which is non-sustainable…
….as it aims only at destruction abroad…
… but leaving behind a rapidly faltering economy at home.
Precisely the same pattern brought down the Roman Empire some 2000 years ago.
Too Many “Coincidences”: The October 2019 Simulation of a High Level Pandemic
There are too many “coincidences” to conclude that this strengthened coronavirus…
… considerably stronger than SARS, the one of the 2002 / 2003 epidemic…
… ‘escaped’ a Wuhan lab by accident, or as the west would like to present it: by negligence.
First, there were the Military Olympics in October in Wuhan (18 – 27 October 2019), where about 200 American soldiers participated.
The first cases of 2019-nCoV fever were discovered about two weeks later…
… two weeks is the average gestation period from infection to outbreak.
Event 201
Second, there was Event 201, on October 18, 2019, at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, in Baltimore, Maryland, sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Economic Forum.
(WEF – the corporatocracy representing Big Weapons, Big Pharma and Big Money), and the John Hopkins Institute.
The theme was simulating a High-Level
Pandemic Exercise – and yes, the simulation produced 65 million deaths.
Just a couple of weeks before the first COVID-19 victims were
identified. (See below)
And third – the timing, hitting China right on their most important Holiday, the Lunar New Year. When people are traveling, uniting with family and friends, when there are usually huge festivities with lots of people. This is an event of celebrating happiness.
All now cut short by the outbreak that put Wuhan and portions of Hubei Province, and a total of about 50 million Chinese in quarantine. And more – no shopping, no exchange of presents, no celebrations – a huge economic loss.
Not “just” coincidences
Circumstantial gut-feeling tells me, this is not a series of three coincidences. This could be (yet to be confirmed) a maliciously planned disaster.
Is this is a sinister plan carried out by a western elite to attack
China’s rapidly growing economy, outpacing that of the United States?
Is it an attack on the Yuan which is also gradually replacing the US dollar as a world reserve currency?
When that (the Yuan replacing the dollar) happens the US-empire which essentially relies on dollarization is doomed.
The build-up to more harm and destruction, possibly a hot war?
Strange WHO activity…
In late January, the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Director General (DG) said that the new coronavirus, COVID19, also called 2019-nCoV, was not a pandemic.
On January 30, probably on instructions from Washington, he declared the outbreak of a Global Emergency, but added on his own initiative that there were no reasons for countries to ban travel of their citizens to China.
In contradiction to WHO’s recommendation, Washington immediately issued a travel warning for US citizens not to travel to China. Many other countries followed their master, especially Europeans.
Another hit on the Chinese economy.
Cruise ships with Chinese on board are not granted docking rights. Merchandise vessels are in many countries not allowed to enter international harbors to unload their goods.
Media Propaganda
The media propaganda drums proclaim that the virus is spreading fast
and will soon engulf the entire world. The culprit is China, where the
virus originated. That’s what western propaganda wants you to believe.
Nobody mentions that the COVID19 virus appears to be focusing on the Chinese genome (yet to be confirmed) and that almost no westerners.
Well, if the media would talk about it, it would become clear for the entire world that the virus could not have been created or originated in China.
As China would not infect her own people.
No matter what the ridiculous Alt-Right narrative might proclaim.
And that the virus was most likely man-made and somehow transported into Wuhan.
Could it be that it was brought to Wuhan by one or more of the American participants in the military games?
Rates are declining.
The death to infection rate is about 3% in China, but has been steadily declining in the past week. The ratio is less than 1% in the several countries outside of China, where the virus was detected. Italy and Iran seem to be exceptions.
In Italy, as of this date, the official number of infected people has jumped to 400 with 12 confirmed deaths, also a death rate of 3%.
Iran with about 140 cases and 20 deaths, a 14% death rate, the highest in the world. Why? Faulty reporting, or do those who died in Iran have Chinese DNA?
In Italy, a country in the midst of the European flu season, most diseased people are elderly, according to the Health Ministry. But how precise are the tests? This is important since most symptoms of COVID19 are very similar to those of the common flu, especially for elderly people vulnerable to respiratory diseases and pneumonia.
By comparison, US deaths from in the 2019 / 2020 flu season so far are estimated at about 34,200 (CDC). Figures in Europe are probably proportionately similar. But these figures are silenced by the media.
And now Italy is building
up the propaganda drama, discussing border closing, but not yet
deciding, and so are France, Germany and Switzerland – the discussion is
a big media hype – but so far to the question – “Shall we ban entry to
travelers from Italy?” – They decided up to now, to leave borders open,
as closing them would be bad for business. Though, that’s what they
don’t say.
To add spice to the drama, Italy has also canceled the Venice Carnival and other public events, even closed church service and tourist attractions and monuments.
Anti-China fear.
The point is tremendous fear mongering, propagating fear from China. People in fear can easily be manipulated. It’s always been the case. Planting fear into a docile and even placid and peaceful population has always been the precursor to a call for war.
Fear, in a first round also helps isolating China, to cause as much economic damage as possible (weakening China to the point of ‘least resistance’).
Public consent for the second round, namely a hot war, will then be easy.
There is not much time, as the Chinese economy is advancing rapidly and along with it – the Yuan’s supremacy over the dollar.
Which, once recognized by the majority of the world, means the dollar hegemony is broken, and through that the US empire is broken.
For sure the US would not shy away from killing millions, hundreds of millions, just to preserve their dollar hegemony.
Washington also realizes that the east, China, Russia and the rest of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) is no longer dependent on the west. But could carry on with an autonomous “eastern” economy – which in itself would be an incentive for other countries in defiance of the US dictate to join the east.
The China – Russia – Iran alliance is one of the strongest “eastern axis” – which also provides full energy self-sufficiency to the eastern countries, i.e. the Shanghai Cooperation Organization or SCO.
The association of SCO and the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) comprises today about half of the world’s population and controls about a third of the world’s economic output (GDP).
Economic Damage
Nevertheless, China’s economic damage is considerable – work stoppages, limited consumption at home and in many countries a virtual ban on Chinese imports.
The stock market has dropped tremendously due to the Coronavirus outbreak and its economic consequences.
The worst may not yet be over, even if it doesn’t come to a ‘hot’ war…
… which we profoundly trust it will not.
China reacts…
To counteract this economic calamity, the People’s Bank of China (PBC – China’s Central Bank) may consider injecting quickly important amounts of money into China’s economy.
Especially targeting small and medium size enterprises, both public and private.
It would do this through China’s public banking system and other means of direct economic support…
To cut short losses caused by the western-imposed epidemics.
Reduce the risk of economic stagnation and.
Reducing un- or under-employment.
And to (once again) achieve food self-sufficiency.
Diversify China’s suppliers and supply-chains away from the US and western US-allies.
The accent is on food self-sufficiency.
International Trade
For international trade and transfer payments, Chinas Interbank Payment System (CIPS) and the crypto-yuan is expected to gradually increase its acceptance around the world…
… and outrank the western transfer system SWIFT…
… and the US-dollar hegemony which are key instruments the United States uses to impose…
… totally illegal economic sanctions upon countries that dare insisting on their sovereignty. And refuse to submit to Washington’s pressure.
Cases in point are Russia, China, North Korea, Venezuela, Iran, Cuba, Syria, Sudan – and many more.
These US-led western efforts to weaken China’s economy are also meant to send a discouraging message to all those countries that are planning to divest their reserves and international payment methods away from the US-dollar.
The west will not succeed.
China is far more powerful than the West believes.
Even with the massive
damage caused by the recent coronavirus, China’s economy is steadier and
stronger than that of most western countries, especially the US.
China’s non-confrontational approach to resolve these social – health – and economic issues, will help China to overcome and isolate her aggressive adversaries.
That’s part of the 5000-year old Tao philosophy.
What this all looks like…
As the US is increasing her aggressive stance against China (and Russia) – Washington appears and acts more and more like a dying beast…
… lashing out around itself, trying to bringing down and destroying as much as possible…
… while steadily digging itself deeper into its own (economic) grave.
Sanctions left and right and bio-wars on China – threatening China by surrounding her with some 400 military bases and nuke-equipped warships and planes…
… will not create more confidence in the US, rather the contrary.
Countries and people realize that being aligned and allied with the US of A, is dangerous, can be deadly.
So, they are driven away and towards the east, rather than being attracted by the western sinking ship.
Amazingly, western aggression will falter confronting China’s robust social and economic system…
… and more so, China’s peaceful plan to connect and build bridges between the world’s people, nations and cultures…
… through the socioeconomic development scheme of the 21st Century spanning the globe – the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), also called the New Silk Road.
A way Towards a Shared Future for Mankind.
The Author
Peter Koenig is an economist and geopolitical analyst. He is also a water resources and environmental specialist. He worked for over 30 years with the World Bank and the World Health Organization around the world, including in Palestine, in the fields of environment and water.
I am not alone in the idea that the COVID-19 coronavirus is part of a legion of efforts used by America to thwart and suppress China’s rise. It’s pretty obvious if you look at the big picture and take off you “rose colored glasses”.
What I fear is World War III.
America is run by neocon idiots who believe the lies that they propagandize to the American people.
They are going to destroy the world, and no… America will not escaped unscathed. It will be a Genghis Khan level event. The few future survivors will crawl out of their bunkers and lament this period of time. And they will consider the current American leadership to be the greatest fools in all of humanity.
They had an opportunity to share in the bounty of the world, but instead chose to be the Lord over everything and everyone, and destroyed the entire world in the process.
Perhaps moving to either Iceland or Fiji might make sense at this time. Eh?
I hope you enjoyed this post. I have many more in my Trump Trade Wars Index…
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
Please kindly help me out in this effort. There is a lot of effort that goes into this disclosure. I could use all the financial support that anyone could provide. Thank you very much.
When confronted with different theories, scientists use a system of analysis to determine which theory has the most merit. This is a deductive reasoning process, and one that is used daily by engineers all over the globe. You look at all the theories, you provide weighed analysis and come up with the “best fit” theory for a given situation. Here, we will apply it to the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak during the 2020 CNY new year.
Currently there are four theories on the origin and causes for the COVID-19 coronavirus. They are;
Natural. The virus sprung up naturally.
Bioweapon – The Chinese stole it from America (CIA narrative).
Bioweapon developed by China to kill Chinese (CIA narrative).
Bioweapon used by the Trump Administration to suppress China.
You will note that of the four theories, two of them are from the American CIA. Both of those two theories originated from Radio Free Asia; a (former) CIA operation outsourced, but still run by, the head of the CIA.
... upon further examination of the sourcing for this serious claim,(That the Chinese biological lab in Wuhan released this bioweapon)...
... the first outlet to report on this claim was Radio Free Asia, the U.S.-government funded media outlet targeting Asian audiences that used to be run covertly by the CIA and named by the New York Times as a key part in the agency’s “worldwide propaganda network.”
Though it is no longer run directly by the CIA, it is now managed by the government-funded Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG), which answers directly to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who was CIA director immediately prior to his current post at the head of the State Department.
In other words, Radio Free Asia and other BBG-managed media outlets are legal outlets for U.S. government propaganda.
(But why not the CIA directly?)
Notably, the long-standing ban on the domestic use of U.S. government propaganda on U.S. citizens was lifted in 2013, with the official justification of allowing the government to “effectively communicate in a credible way” and to better combat “al-Qaeda’s and other violent extremists’ influence.”
- Bats, Gene Editing and Bio Weapons: Recent DARPA experiments Raise Concerns Amid Coronavirus Outbreak
If you pay attention to the American media you will aware of the the first three theories. The fourth theory, the idea that the biological weapon was used as an on-going suppression as part of the Trump Trade War is noticeably absent.
Seeing that the American government controls all American media; [1] Mainstream, [2] Alt-Left and [3] Alt-Right, this omission should tell you (the reader) something.
The analysis
Below is a comparison matrix. Scientists, and engineers will recognize this table immediately. It is used all the time and is very helpful in determining the “price points” to set on new products, the comparative benefits and pitfalls of a given production decision, as well of the merits of an investment decision.
At the top of the table you can see the four theories presented. While on the left side you can see all the circumstances that contribute to the theories as presented.
Theory comparison on the causes of the COVID-19.
Another Opinion
You all do not have to come to the same conclusion that I have. Other people have come to similar conclusions. Here’s one…
If the current state of global affairs reminds you of an over-the-top plot by a white-cat-stroking James Bond villain, you’re not far off. When it comes to nuclear policy, we are closer than ever to a real-life movie disaster.
- By Olivia Alperstein
America has a president that is currently using biological weapons against it’s economic foes instead of trying to make peace treaties. As well as deploying “low yield” nuclear weapons across the entire spectrum of the Armed Forces.
To me it seems like anything is possible with this President. And, that is quite scary.
A theory comparison matrix clearly shows that the circumstances supporting a biological weapon release by America…
… in support of the Trump Trade Wars…
… is by far (by a factor of three times) the most plausible theory regarding the origination of this event.
I take no great satisfaction in support of this conclusion. Instead, I am petrified by it. For it means that the Trump administration is actively using weapons of mass destruction against the civilians of a nuclear-armed nation and is not expecting any consequences for doing it.
Either the administration are idiots or they are evil. No other answer is possible.
I hope you are all ready to pay the price for this malfeasance.
Final note.
Oh, and by the way…
Fun Fact: China and Russia have been giving everyone smallpox vaccinations for decades now. While America stopped doing so in the early 1970’s.
When was the smallpox vaccine discontinued in the United States?
Because of vaccination programs and quarantine regulations, the risk of importation of smallpox into the United States was reduced by the 1960s. As a result, routine vaccine vaccination was discontinued in 1971.
I hope that you found this post curious. If you want to read more on this subject check out my Trump Trade Wars index here…
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
Please kindly help me out in this effort. There is a lot of effort that goes into this disclosure. I could use all the financial support that anyone could provide. Thank you very much.
Here’s a bunch more videos taken during the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak in China during the 2020 CNY holiday and going into February of that year. These videos are very interesting. Please check them out. They all tend to be short, but since there are so many… around 20… they might take some time to load.
Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.
Keep reloading as necessary to collect the videos. If you are watching on a computer put this in a separate tab and allow it to load at it’s own speed. Depending where you live it might take up to an half hour, though most people shouldn’t have to wait nearly so long.
Sorry about this.
Video 1 – Breaking Quarantine
China is an enormous nation. There are all kinds of people in it. No matter how serious the emergency, there will be that 1% of Jack-Offs that think that the rules do not apply to them and they can do as they please. When this happens, the police need to step in and isolate the malcontents. Because all it takes is but one person and he can infect three hundred others in a matter of hours, and then suddenly the entire city starts to collapse.
Here we have a Jack-ass trying to break through a quarantine check point. These road-blocks are everywhere and you must obey them. Some are set up by local communities. Some by local police. Some by military, and some by local industry. If you try to run through, you will be stopped. You will be apprehended, and you will go to prison.
Video 2 – Breaking Quarantine 2
Here’s another one. This is a checkpoint at a highway. It’s been my experience that these checkpoints are at every toll booth and at every road-side rest area. You must obey them.
They are staffed by police, traffic police and military. You do not mess around. This is a serious, and very serious illness and containment is crucial.
Video 3 – Breaking Quarantine 3
Here’s another example of a person trying to break quarantine. You can see that not only is he not obeying the check-point, but he is taking it on himself to be a one-man wrecking-crew and starts to tear apart the entire road-block setup.
Video 4 – Shutting down a roadblock
All things end. Now certain areas are easing up on their quarantine restrictions. Thus, it means that things are starting to return to normal in certain areas. Here we have a video of a policeman shutting down one of the quarantine roadblocks.
Video 5 – Collapse 1
Medical worker collapses or almost collapses in a hospital. This is beginning to become rather common in the various hospitals that work with this virus. It’s a very serious and lethal viral agent and every care must be taken to control it.
I have all sorts of videos about the dressing and undressing procedures in this highly lethal environment. But you know, if you accidentally touch an infected article of clothing during the undressing procedure, you too could become infected.
Video 6 – Collapse 2
Here is the inside of a bank. In the lower part of the screen we can see a person just collapsing on to the floor. This kind of collapse is rather common with this illness. When it strikes it hits you suddenly and strongly.
Video 7 – Policeman Collapse
Here’s a police man that collapses in one of the police stations. All people who are out and dealing with the public are starting to see their ranks decrease and more and more members contract the illness.
It’s horrible.
Video 8 – Street Collapse
The Western media narrative is that it only strikes the old and the feeble. It’s amazing that they still maintain this fantasy. Especially the American media. Most everyone can contact this illness, and there are patients as young as ten months and as old as 95 years getting sick and ill from it. here we have a young chick getting struck down at a gas station.
Video 9 – Discovering you have the virus and being told you must go into isolation.
So imagine what it must be like. You are not feeling well, so you have some suspicions and you go to the the hospital. They run a few tests and then discover that you have COVID-19; the coronavirus. At first you would be in a state of shock and denial. Then you might panic and flee. You do not want to spend the time in the hospital. Like this poor girl.
Video 10 – Going into Quarantine.
And this is what it is like when you are sick and told to go into Hospital Isolation. You are collected and driven to an isolation ward. Then you are assigned a room, and some gear. The rest of your belongings are sterilized or incinerated and you are held there in isolation until you get better, or off to the hospital if you get decidedly worse.
Video 11 – The coronavirus hits suddenly.
This coronavirus is hitting everyone suddenly. You are just doing your job when suddenly you feel woozy. You start to wobble, and you get tunnel vision. Then the world goes black. This is what it is like.
But not to worry. CNN and FOX says the Flu is much worse.
Video 12 – Infected trying to break out of quarantine.
In this video we have a community that is infected. Large numbers of people have been taken into the various hospitals in the surrounding region. Those that remain were not tested to be sick… two weeks ago. But might actually be sick.
Here we have a fellow trying to run the gauntlet and escape from the quarantine.
Video 13 – Arrest for not wearing a face mask.
During this DEFCON ONE emergency you cannot go outside unless you wear a mask and are scanned for a fever. No exceptions. Everyone in China knows this. Yet there are those miscreants that think that the law does not apply to them and when they are refused to board public transportation they fly into a rage and cause all sorts of turmoil.
Video 14 – Refusing to go into Quarantine.
Here’s a chick who was tested to have a fever. She wants to break out of the quarantine area and go her own way. She does not want to go into isolation. But the illness is so very serious that she doe not have that option. So she is taken down and hauled off to the isolation ward.
Video 15 – The virus hits with a sudden ferocity.
This is what it is like. You are having a dinner. You drank a coke and ate some pork and suddenly you are not feeling well. While some people just get tunnel vision and black out, others just go into seizures and all sorts of bad things start to happen. Like this poor fellow….
Video 16 – Virus wipes out a hospital staff member.
Many hospital personnel are ending up catching the virus. It’s a terrible thing and they are working long hours and tirelessly to fight this conflagration. But they can get sick, and when you start to see one of the nurses or doctors starting to wobble and lose control, you need to help them out quickly. This is a serious and lethal virus.
Video 17 – This is what it is like all over China.
This is how you go onto the public buses. This is how you enter your apartment building. This is how you enter your place of employment. This is how you enter public buildings such as police stations, hospitals or transportation hubs.
Everyone must wear a mask. There are no exceptions.
Everyone must take a temperature reading, and spray their clothing with disinfectant solution. Everyone must abide to the rules or you will get arrested. There is zero tolerance for non-compliance. PERIOD.
Video 18 – Pretty Girl
This is why it is absolutely critical to stay in isolation and not get this virus. You are getting ready to go out with your friends and suddenly you do not feel well. You have a seizure, black out. You regain composure and then have another seizure. Than you black out again. It repeats over and over…
But don’t worry. The flu is far worse, don’t you know. That’s what CNN and FOX all are saying. You can go on Drudge and What-Finger-News and it’s all the same MONOLITHIC narrative. Funny that! So believe them.
Or see the reality with your own two eyes…
Video 19 – Building multiple hospitals.
When I check out the comments on social media there’s a bunch of detractors complaining about China-this and China-that. Oh, Xi Peng didn’t do enough. Oh, the Chinese stole a biological weapon and is trying to kill their own people. All sorts of just bullshit nonsense. All of which is supremely irritating.
Donald Trump would not be able to build an emergency hospital in ten day, let alone three of them So shut the flying fuck up.
Check out this, the third hospital being built in Wuhan to help handle this emergency.
This is a serious illness. All evidence points of a biological warfare event. At least that is exactly how the Chinese government is treating it. While the American main-steam and (alt) media are all treating it as not as serious as the flu. Well, you you ever see the flu do what you see on these videos, then go ahead and make up your own post explaining to the world that this is a big ol’ “nothing burger”.
More to follow. Please be safe.
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The pictures and narrative took place in the time period from say 10FEB20 to 18FEB20. This was during the height or the peak of the “Wuhan Coronavirus COVID-19” event. The Chinese government treated this event as a biological attack, and the entire nation and military went into DEFCON ONE. I, as an expat, had to make a “visa run”. It was scheduled months before, and the deadline was rapidly approaching, so I left my apartment and ventured outside to experience the world around me.
Visa Run
But first, we need to explain what a “visa run” is.
Avisarunisashorttripoveraninternationalborderdesignedtoresetthevisaintheoriginatingcountryofthetrip. Manycountrieswhichhavevisa-freetravelorgrantvisasonarrivalhaveasetamountoftimethatyoucanbeinthecountry.
-What is a visa run?
Most nations are not like the United States, where you enter and you are not monitored or have to check in with the police or anything like that. I live in China, and I have to make periodic checks to both the Chinese customs, and the police stations to keep them aware of what I am doing and what I am up to.
My time for a visa run was fast approaching, so I made a visa run to Macao via the HK-China-Macao bridge. It was easy for me to do. The bridge is right in front of my house. So I took the bus, and one stop later, I was at Customs and Immigration.
Life during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak
Well, the life is… boring.
Everyone stays inside of their house. They have food and groceries delivered, and watch a heck of a lot of movies. It’s terribly boring. Imagine being cooped up in your house.
And that goes double for the dog.
He doesn’t understand. He’s just sitting there crossing his legs and whimpering. He keeps looking at the door, and pleading with his eyes. But, nope. Sorry dog. You can bring in an unwelcome “visitor” very easily as you vacuum up every scent you can detect.
So, anyways…
I geared up and ventured forth outside of our place.
Gearing up
Well, the first thing is really simple. Aside my my clothes, I made sure that I wore an outside windbreaker that I could wash in the washing machine when I arrived home, and had a bottle of disinfectant to spray my clothes and shoes when I got back into the house.
Of course, I wore a mask and latex disposable gloves.
All set to go to the Customs office and renew my visa.
Some people wear a hat and then wash it with the clothes upon returning. But I figured that I would just wash my clothes upon arrival and take a full shower. Which I did.
Getting the Bus
Since I live so close to the HK-Macao-Zhuhai bridge, I just went to the bus stop and took a bus. It’s an easy ride, and almost all buses (with the exception of #99) goes to the main station near the Customs office.
That center is a massive mall / customs / transportation hub about the size of an airport. This was my first time visiting it, and while I had seen it from the outside for years, I had never ventured inside the complex.
Bus stop near my house. Takes you straight to the Customs / Immigration center complex.
There wasn’t too many people out and about. Firstly because I left at nine in the morning. But, of course, the big and real reason is simply because everyone is staying inside their homes, and not venturing out unless it is an absolute emergency.
View from the bus stop. You can see Macao across the bay. The buildings to the right are in downtown Zhuhai, known as the Gongbei district. The buildings to the left are the apartments, and casinos of Macao. At night they are really rather pretty and the lights of the “Sands” is clearly visible.
Here’s another view from the bus station. I like to call this road “Billionaires road” because the houses are all expensive, and large. Most people don’t need a five bedroom apartment with four bathrooms, and three rooms for maid’s quarters.
Bus station facing the apartments for the well-heeled.
Here’s another view of Macao. Mostly Zhuhai has excellent weather. This day trip was no exception, with temperatures in the low 70’s and sunny. There were a few people out. One or two jogging with face masks on…
The cleaning workers who attended to the trashcans, the sweeping of the sidewalks and the tending of the bushes. All of whom wore masks, gloves and protective attire. They were also busy disinfecting everything multiple times.
China does not have a Welfare Program like the United States has.
If you want a hand-out you need to beg for it. The government will give you "Jack Shit". However, they will offer you work. Anyone who is willing to work can get a job, a small paycheck, a roof over their heads in a small barracks and three meals a day.
The work that is provided is most the janitorial and gardening type, of which you can see in the early mornings.
Another view of Macao.
At the Customs
Now I am not permitted to take pictures and photos inside the Customs complex, but let me tell you that it is enormous. It is, like many of the Chinese public works; new, clean, modern, and well maintained.
It is built and designed to be the transportation hub for the Zhuhai – HK – Macao nexus and it’s size belays that fact. It is part customs complex, part mall, and part airport / bus and ferry center. It’s enormous, and I was a little taken aback by the size and scope of it.
Now, do not get the wrong impression.
The regular customs office in Gongbei is also enormous. And it is full of people and much used. But I figured that I would take a spin at this new complex for two reasons…
One, it’s next door to where I live.
Two, the bus to Gongbei (#99) is not available due to the COVID-19 out-break.
So after getting lost and finding my way, I made it into the complex and it was empty!
You see, the buses from HK to Macao has stopped because of this Coronavirus event. That that represents the bulk of the passenger traffic to the customs complex.
So of the thirty entry stations, only one was open, and there were only four people in front of me. Amazing!
Inside of the Macao-HK-Zhuhai customs complex.
Things went well.
People were nice and polite as they always are. They don’t growl at you like the American customs officers in Chicago do. Nor will they pull you aside for “special screening”. They asked me what I intended to do in Macao and I told them that I was just making a visa run. They said “Oh, ok”, and let me go on my merry way.
The layout was very convenient.
The Macao customs officer was sitting right next to the Chinese customs officer. You took two steps and were processed immediately.
They didn’t have the customs robots that I was used to working with. But it really didn’t matter to me. That novelty wore off a year or so ago. I was just happy to talk to a real person. Though they did do a bio-metric scan of my face and left palm print. Which is pretty normal.
The only thing out of the ordinary were the four health check stations that I had to go through.
Leave China.
Enter Macao.
Leave Macao.
Enter China.
But these weren’t really a hassle. I just filled out a form and got my temperature measured at my forehead, my wrist and scanned by thermal body imaging.
Leaving the Complex and back into China.
Because of the coronavirus (COVID-19) almost all of the stores, the shops and the restaurants were all closed. It was just like being in a large airport early in the morning before anything opened up. It was quiet and spacious and lonely. The only things moving about were the cleaning ladies, the observation drones, and the mobile police robots.
The police robots were just these big white Segway robot thingys. They were going up and down the boulevards and hallways announcing the situation and imploring people to be extra clean, not to touch surfaces and if you feel ill to report that to an attendant immediately.
Leaving the customs complex. It was all quiet and deserted as all foot and pedestrian traffic was on hold during the emergency.
Arrival Home
All in all, the entire event took under an hour. This is perhaps a world record! Sometimes it would take me a full half a day to complete the customs system. You might get behind a tour bus and have to spend hours waiting in line. But today the event was smooth and easy.
I hopped on the bus and a few minutes later I was back home.
Leaving the bus station and heading back to the house. I took this picture crossing the street from the bus station, and you can see the enormous HK-Macao-Zhuhai bridge in the background.
Of course, there are these big red banners telling everyone to be extra careful. To stay inside. To avoid other people and if sick tell the authorities. It warns about intentionally spreading the virus, and speaks of being a unified nation fighting the virus emergency together.
Warning banner on one of the fences. These banners are everywhere.
Eventually I was able to enter my complex. I passed the complex guards who opened up the gate for me, took my temperature and registered my time in their login clipboard and police APP on the phone.
Of course, my apartment complex consists of various buildings and each building requires an electronic FOB or pass-code to unlock the doors. On the doors are the government notices about the emergency and a quick QR code to immediately contact the police for help and assistance.
Front door to my building. Note the coronavirus notice proudly displayed on the doors.
Registering with Police
But wait!
I’m not done.
You see, I still must tell the police that I exited China, and returned. I do this for every visa run. So I needed to take a hop over to the local police office and register into my database.
Grab a bus to the police station. So I went to the bus station and grabbed a bus. The police station is only a few stops away, and so I grabbed a bus and rode it to the nearby police station.
There’s only a few people on the bus.
When the bus arrived, a second employee came down and measured my forehead temperature. He made sure that I wore a mask. If I did not wear a mask, I would not be permitted onto the bus.
I also wore latex gloves. About half of the people wore gloves. Most were those very flimsy PE gloves that you use when you are eating messy foods like sloppy joes, or fried chicken. But I, have a supply of gloves, from some of my chemical businesses. So I am well equipped in that arena.
About three years ago, all the buses in Zhuhai were replaced with electric buses. They have been running without problem now for these last three years. They are really quiet and if you are not careful, they will sneak up on you and you might miss you bus.
I know, it’s happened to me more than once.
They normally play music, soft Chinese music either Chinese pop or Chinese traditional music, but the buses were quiet. No audio on any of the buses, and the few people on the buses were quiet. They all sat apart from each other and were afraid to touch anything.
Quiet bus ride, with quiet passengers. Riding on a quiet street. Most people were either inside, working remotely to their offices, or getting things fired up int he factories. Very few restaurants were open.
The television on the buses normally shows videos related to public safety and local news. Here the videos were all about the safety of Chinese citizens and steps that you must take to survive this emergency, and to contribute and participate in the health and well-being of the country.
Public announcement on the bus video monitors.
Arrival at the police station wasn’t a big deal. They were getting back from their lunch break and lunch nap. One officer came over and updated my records. I’m in the system, so he just updated the information and I was free to go. Maybe took me two minutes.
Then I went and walked a little bit. To stretch my legs and maybe grab a bite. I heard that both McDonalds and KFC remained open through this emergency, and I wanted to see if I could get myself a burger, fries and a coffee.
I could have taken a bike, they are everywhere. But I just felt like walking.
Walking down the street in Zhuhai.
Maybe the reports were wrong.
I did see some food delivery bicyclists riding about and delivering food. This was (yellow) Kangaroo, and (blue) Er-Le-Ma.
I didn’t see much going on.
Some decontamination trucks were spraying the roads and saturating the trees. These trucks were white. Not the military camouflage that you would expect. The Chinese, I guess, only feel the need to paint military vehicles in olive green colors if they will be used in battle-zones. For urban and civilian environments they tend to be either white or black.
It’s a cultural thing I guess.
View down the street. Some cars are out and about, but mostly things are awfully quiet.
Back to the house a second time
Well, nothing is going on. So I just took another bus and went home. Everyone is inside and factories are just opening up. Most of my factories are at about 60% staffing, and it’s a slow slog. Things won’t be back to normal until March.
Meanwhile we are still taking orders.
Some of our Australian and New Zealand clients want us to source alternative suppliers out of China, and we have. They are about 40% more expensive, take about 25% longer to make and have an unverified quality history.
The rest of the clients (those in Europe and Africa) are still placing healthy orders with us. In fact the orders out of Europe are on the increase. Especially for Germany and England.
Anyways, I got off the bus and started the walk home from the bus station.
Front of a nearby apartment complex.
But the signs are there, and very few critters are moving about. I did see a feral tabby cat. She just looked at me with my mask on my face. I guess that I must have looked strange to her.
I said hello, and went on my merry way. She then got up and slaundered in the opposite direction.
Another red banner.
This is just a narrative of my one trip outside my apartment during this biological weapons attack on China in January / February 2020. You don’t have to believe me that it is a biological weapons event. You can watch CNN and FOX and listen to what they say. But the Chinese government is treating it as a biological weapons event and that is all that matters.
SHTF is real, and preppers take note.
The reality, however, is not anything like you would expect. Its not a scene out of the “Walking Dead”, or some scene from “12 monkeys”. It’s something entirely different.
Anyways, this is what the REAL DEAL is like. It’s not the narrative that you might see in the American media. Whether it is FOX, CNN, or Alex Jones.
You all, be safe. Be happy and be healthy. Best Regards.
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One of the reasons why the Chinese have been so swift in combating this coronavirus is because they identified (quickly and swiftly) it as a biological weapons attack. Most Americans are unaware of this because they read Western propagandized media. They believe that it is either [1] “not as bad as the flu”, or that it is [2] a biological weapon that the Chinese unleashed upon themselves. Here, we won’t get into that argument. Instead we will just present some videos of what went on during the days of 8FEB through 10FEB.
These videos were taken during a two day time period. Past the peak of the biological attack.
You, the reader, can believe what ever you want to. The FACT is that the China put their entire armed forces to DEFCON ONE, and shut the entire nation down.
You do not do this with the flu. You do not do this if you had an accidental leak from a weapons facility. You do not do this, especially in the middle of the biggest holiday of the year, unless there is a FUCKING GOOD REASON.
You can observe and come to your own conclusions.
Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.
Video 1 – People getting sick suddenly.
The pesky thing about this virus is it’s high contagious nature, stealth infection, and rapid and sudden lethal outbreaks.
I find it laughable that the media is saying that the flu is far deadlier. Or that it only attacks old people. Here’s a young man in his 20’s going into a seizure on the bus.
I don’t know about youse guys, but I never had a seizure when I had the flu.
Video 2 – Affects children.
The reason why the Chinese video APPs were banned by the American military was so that they would not watch the effects of the biological weapon on the civilian population.
Here we have a little child in the hospital dying from the American bio-weapons attack.
Video 3 – Military decontamination units at work.
If you know what to look for you can clearly see the military decontamination units fighting this virus. Here we have a squad going after a contaminated area.
Decontamination is the process of removing or neutralizing chemical or biological agents so that they no longer pose a hazard. For military purposes, decontamination is undertaken to restore the combat effectiveness of equipment and personnel as rapidly as possible.
-Decontamination - NCBI Bookshelf
Video 4 – Bringing food and checking up.
If you have the virus, you can opt to stay at home instead of going to a hospital or a tent clinic. In that case, the military / police will lock you in your house and seal the door. If the seal is broken, they will come and take you to jail so that you will not be a risk to the community.
Video 5 – Military and police decontamination.
Here’s some units in the decontamination of the streets using the military foggers. It’s a pretty impressive sight.
The Chinese military has invested enormous sums of money perfecting mass decontamination of buildings and people. Here is an impressive array of trucks.
Hit hits suddenly. Up until when it hits, you think (falsely) that you can handle it. But you cannot. Here we see police taking a woman to an emergency station.
Video 8 – At the hospital.
This is pretty much what it will be like once she makes it to the hospital. There will be doctors and nurses in full NBC gear attending to her. But even at that, it will be a rough slog to get better…
Video 9 – Quarantine area
The Chinese government has repurposed sports arenas, and other civics facilities into quarantine areas. The people may or may not be sick. But they do need to wait within safe confines to see what may happen. Here’s one of the facilities within Wuhan…
Video 10 – Morning exercise
The Chinese love to exercise in the mornings and the evenings. This was started by the “dancing grandmothers” and after some abuses, was repurposed to a health initiative, that most of China takes part in. It’s a period of two to three hours of guided line dancing to Chinese pop music and K-pop. Here, we can watch it inside one of the quarantine facilities.
Video 11 – Drones continue to keep people off the streets
Big red banners with bright yellow letters are everywhere. They tell the people to be mindful, careful and to stay at home. Never the less there are those that refuse to listen. Some are just bad apples. Some are crazy. Some don’t give a fuck – they are far too self absorbed. And…
And some are just people going out for a walk and being casual with mask discipline. Such as this chick. The local police drone admonishes her and chases her home.
Video 12 – Inside a Military field hospital
Once Beijing declared this a DEFCON ONE situation, military hospitals were set up in all of the tier one, tier two and tier three cities. This is in addition to the new hospitals being constructed, the regular hospital and the networks of clinics that abound all over China.
China has a much more extensive system of medical care than America has. It has build up this network in great detail and complexity with layers over layers of systems.
Here we see what it is like inside one of the military tent hospital complexes.
Video 13 – Robot food delivery
To keep people from being contaminated, robots are being used in the tier one cities. Some have smiley faces, but most look like white boxes on wheels. Like this…
Video 14 – Assholes
During this period all elevators have tissues that people are supposed to use to press the buttons. Clear tape overlays are on the buttons, and public mechanisms of conveyance are all disinfected multiple times a day.
That’s all well and good, if everyone was “normal”.
One of the things that I hear from people (mostly Americans) is what about people’s rights? What about their freedoms? Well, not everyone is “with the program”. There is a tiny percentage of crazy assholes that want to make life miserable for the rest of us.
Luckily, China is fully wired up. Video feed of miscreants and trouble-makers goes straight to the local police… who know these people and take direct and swift action.
Here’s an asshole…
Video 15 – Going to the hospital
People “on the front lines”; those that need to be in public and are exposed to others are getting sick. Usually, being quite patriotic, they will stay at their posts until they get a seizure or collapse. Here’s a policeman, and that is exactly what happened.
Video 16 – Pull the nation closer.
It’s difficult to imagine the Chinese nation being any more patriotic than it already is, but this bio-warfare attack has pushed Chinese patriotism to mountainous heights. It’s really amazing. Here’s just one of thousands of videos I have collected along this theme.
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This is a complete reprint of a most excellent article that I (personally) 100% agree with. In short, regardless as to the events and causes related to the virus, the way that China has handled it and the global reaction to it has been overwhelmingly positive. This and similar trends are pointing in positive directions for China. This article discusses the “fall out” from this event.
This article was published on February 10, 2020 by Fionn Wright – 仁飞扬 and can be found HERE. The only changes that I made was add section headers, and added some illustrative photos. I strongly suggest that the reader visit the original source, and (if possible) follow the author as he has other articles of worth.
Could the Coronavirus make China Stronger than Ever? 10 Trends that Indicate it Will.
virus is hitting China’s economy hard, but this is likely only
temporary. China’s immune system is fighting back — building hospitals
in record time, completely locking down a city and most importantly the
entire nation uniting as one voice of support and solidarity.
Mario Cavolo called out the global response to the Coronavirus in his post “Something’s not right here folks” which originally went viral on LinkedIn and then subsequently all over Chinese social media. He compares the media response to Coronavirus with the H1N1 outbreak in the US, saying, “it’s not a conspiracy, it’s just a tragedy,” and “this vicious, political, xenophobic racist attacks and smearing of all things China needs to stop.”
What doesn’t break you only makes you stronger, and the Chinese people are resilient and will find ways to rise out of this crisis, likely coming back even stronger than before. How long that will take no-one yet knows, but the Chinese spirit is not even close to being broken, and we’ve seen how Chinese ingenuity in a time of crisis has led to entirely new operating models…
Remember how Jackie Ma became a billionaire…
During the SARS outbreak in 2003, because everyone was
afraid to go out, Liu Qiangdong, founder of JD (Jing Dong, one of
China’s largest online retailers), moved the physical stores in
Zhongguancun to an online store. Ma Yun saw the demand for e-commerce
and set up Taobao (Alibaba’s B2C commence platform).
Comparison with the 2003 SARS…
To make a comparison with SARS, China’s GDP was 12 trillion yuan in 2003, but 17 years later China’s GDP has reached 100 trillion yuan, so China’s overall anti-risk capability has increased nearly 10x since then.
Interestingly, a few industries are actually booming, from medical to online education to food delivery. The altered ecosystem during the crisis is forcing people to find new ways of accessing what they need.
Short term vs. Long term.
the short term effects on many industries across China, it is unlikely
to have a long-term destabilizing impact on China’s economy, which is
already in the midst of a major adjustment, and this event will in many
ways accelerate the pace of adjustment towards adaptability and
Many of the concepts below are inspired by the famous
Chinese blogger Shuimuran (水木然) and much of the data and research I have
found through Dr. Shirley Yu, Political Economist from Harvard and the London School of Economics.
1 – Off-line Shopping is Over
Although people in China have already formed the habit of online shopping in the last few years, there are still a few types of products that people still prefer to buy offline.
These last few remaining products are likely to virtually disappear in the coming months after this outbreak. For example, before the outbreak people used to go to the market for fresh groceries, but now buying groceries online has also become the norm.
Shopping on-line has been a staple of Chinese life for the last fifteen years. What has changed is that many “untouchable” items like lettuce and snacks are now being bought on line.
Since shopping is done online, the physical store of the future is no longer centered on “selling products”, but with a shift through New Retail to “providing experiences”.
If the physical store is still designed as a place to sell, then it will lose relevance.
No matter what kind of enterprise, it must have an ability to capture customers online, the traditional way of getting customers, such as cold calls or traditional advertising, have less and less power, and will cost more and more.
As New Generation China Expert Michael Norris has been predicting for years, more and more things will start to be free, and more and more things will start to be infinitely closer to zero direct profit, so businesses have to find alternate ways of generating income streams.
Advertising can be charged more, or partnerships can be created to package and bundle products and services, driving people towards what they are most interested in even if its not your product, but making money by doing so.
Human attention is now the most valuable resource on earth.
2 – Online education will start to replace offline education
Suddenly a whole new possibility has opened up. While before online education was used to supplement offline education, we will begin to see online education starting to replace parts of offline education.
Home schooling via computer will displace more traditional teaching methods.
New models of doing this more effectively are being realized at this very moment, and people are beginning to realize that the time it takes to commute is actually valuable time that could be used to learn.
Just as the internet has changed the circulation path of products, it has also changed the path of knowledge transmission.
Online education democratizes superior educational resources, and this is exactly the core problem of solving Chinese education. Previously, each teacher could only teach in front of dozens or at most hundreds of people, but now a single teacher can reach tens or even hundreds of thousands of people online, and these students come from all over the country, including undeveloped areas that have internet access.
Working remotely will become the norm rather than the exception.
The office leasing market in 2020 will likely drop, with the potential exception of co-working spaces despite the WeWork fiasco.
Online office software will accelerate in popularity, especially the office software that can realize collaborative work. What follows is the online office model. An online China is coming, and China will become the global benchmark for a new kind of office.
Entirely new collaborative tools and features will be released and updated at lighting speed.
Areas of the developed world, such as in Africa, will leapfrog the developed world in adopting these as they have done with digital currencies, and thus in some areas become more competitive.
4 – A More Health Conscious Society Based on Biotech
Chinese people will begin to move their focus away from making money, sacrificing their health for money, seeing the limitations of the 996 work schedule.
Physical and mental health will be the key indicator of a person’s value in the future, and Chinese people will make more conscious decisions about their lifestyles.
The identification, judgment and response of the virus will promote the breakthrough of the whole medicine and medical technology, especially to enhance the awareness and attention of the whole nation on the power of biotech.
This outbreak has shown us the importance of a scientific medical system.
At least initially, the news from Wuhan was all about the shortage of medical resources. The core of medical problems lie in the effective allocation of medical resources, the scheduling ability of medical resources at critical moments, and the coordination and sharing of medical resources.
The social credit network tied to surveillance for safety and security will expand to include health of individuals.
The government will know who is sick when, and sometimes before the individual may even be aware of it themselves. This could come directly in the form of infrared cameras to capture people within a crowd with a fever, or indirectly in the form of the types of products that people buy, predicting health indicators based on big data of others who regularly consume those products.
Thanks to the virus, infrared cameras are now monitoring people at all cross-roads and place of population density. This is useful in the quick and rapid determination of who is sick and who is not.
The healthier one is, through healthy eating, buying health related products and perhaps even exercise equipment or classes, the more likely one is to perform well and be less of a burden on society. This is tricky to measure but as more data rolls in and is analyzed, conclusions can be tested, measured and implemented in rapid iterations.
5 – Accelerated Integration of Smart Cities
is a city with a population of over 11 million, has nine provinces and
was locked down during the Spring Festival travel rush, the largest yearly migration of people on planet earth.
If the situation of every citizen in Wuhan is known, every person can
be accurately tracked and every outflow can be located, then we will
deal with it in a more orderly way.
Facial recognition and social scoring (all tied to police records) is now automatic in Chinese cities. This coupled with video monitoring of dissidents are a powerful tool to combat crime. As was illustrated during the HK riots when the Trump administration officials were tracked, monitored, and recorded cutting deals, and training the “pro-democracy” terrorists.
China’s futuristic smart cities include: traffic management, logistics supply chain, emergency preparedness, and information traceability, which will be fully data-based, and even equipped with artificial intelligence disaster preparedness prediction.
This reflects the management level of the whole society.
With smart cities, China will have more data-backed scientific means of governance.
Modern governance is more and more based on data, with the health and security of the people as the first consideration.
Chinese monitoring software.
After this outbreak, the country will learn from experience and lessons learned, analyze what worked well and develop new systems to build the learnings into the fabric of society.
After this outbreak, we will have the speed of strategic coordination, the speed of wartime research and development, and the speed of public security response.
The advantages of China’s logistics have been fully demonstrated, and supplies in Wuhan have been quickly replenished. Even scarce medical resources have been deployed efficiently across the country, which is truly a miracle of modern logistics.
Alibaba has set up a special fund of 1 billion yuan for medical supplies, which is used to purchase medical supplies at home and abroad.
In addition to the company’s global resource search, Chinese people around the world also launched a global procurement, a batch of supplies from different countries from different flights to China.
The seemingly “frozen” China is actually engaged in epic strategic material allocation. After this outbreak, we will see China’s strategic material coordination capacity not just in crisis but throughout the entire business world.
7 – China has Contingency Plans for its Contingency Plan
In the annual Central Economic Work Conference report formulating economic priorities for 2020, China has emphasized the necessity to be ready for a “contingency plan” for 2020.
This contingency plan would in no way be framed on the basis of a liberal market model, in the event that the “China Model” failed to deliver on what was intended.
In 2019, strategic relationships were developed between Alibaba, Tencent, and the largest state infrastructure and telecom organizations, to help the state upgrade its technological competitiveness as it develops the Belt and Road Initiative.
The “contingency plan” proactively drives China’s economic independence from the US.
This contingency plan is not about market liberalism, but rather increasing state control.
The trade war directly impacts China’s labor market, as manufacturers move out of China. China is recalibrating its global supply chain routes, primarily focusing on its Belt and Road Initiative as well as the EU, to compensate for the loss of trade-related jobs.
China’s Belt and Road Initiative.
The guiding principle from President Xi for China’s booming real estate sector, that properties are for living (within) not (for) investment, will continue in 2020.
There are currently 400 million middle income class (people) in China, and by 2035 (this) is expected to double to 800 million.
In order to drive sustainable consumption in China, structural reforms will need to happen in its healthcare, social welfare and pension systems so the middle class can afford to save less and spend more.
The participation of individuals, enterprises, public welfare organizations and Chinese at home and abroad has formed a systematic collaboration on a scale the human species has never seen before.
China built this second hospital in Wuhan in another ten days.
This creates a global ecosystem of Chinese that can support one another in times of crisis and cooperate when things settle down.
There is also an increasing realization that China is speeding ahead of the rest of the world…
… and it’s verified by Chinese who live or regularly travel abroad, constantly sharing memes of how backwards and slow the “developed world” actually is in many ways.
San Francisco, USA.
This strengthens national pride and solidarity within China, even though they see the benefits of being abroad like healthy air, safe food and uncrowded scenic nature sites.
9 – Chinese Companies will Push to Expand Abroad
Chinese companies will start looking more actively to do business abroad to diversify their markets the same way a wise investor diversifies his portfolio to dampen the effect of a crisis.
Huawei is leading the pack here swimming upstream against a lot of pressure, and doing remarkably well despite the international controversy. But Huawei is just the first of many Chinese companies that will expand beyond its borders in the next decade.
Not all companies have the resilience or reach of Huawei and will direct their attention more towards developing economies who are more open to Chinese products.
We’ll see more examples of Chinese companies like this that leverage the advantages of the Chinese tech infrastructure and applying them to meet the unmet needs of markets outside China, particularly developing economies.
The familiarity and integration with these forms of infrastructure will give them an advantage that will make it difficult for Western competitors to compete with. This will be similar in the same way that it has been difficult over the last decade for Chinese companies to compete with the likes of Google, Facebook or Apple. Of course, due to market penetration and foundational platforms that gave them the edge.
Huawei influence map.
Of the 195 sovereign nations recognized by the UN, Huawei currently has contractual relationships with 172 countries, engulfing the developing world.
The top strategic priority for Huawei will be to capture the developed world in 2020.
American proxies; independent nations in name only.
Whether Huawei’s push through Europe can succeed will be a fundamental test of China’s technological power as well as a test of the increasingly fragile relationships of the West.
The UK, against the will of the US, has now partially let Huawei in to develop their 5G infrastructure, but is doing their best to keep them out of areas that may compromise national security.
One challenging event at the beginning of 2020, while it has slowed China down, is not going to stop China from reaching its goal of being a fully developed country by 2050.
Girl takes a selfie with a Chinese robot.
Seen on the scale of decades, or the Chinese long-term view of centuries, the coronavirus crisis will be but a blip on the radar.
Since ancient times, the Chinese nation has encountered a host of disasters, and yet remains an indomitable nation, rising from abject poverty in the last few decades, returning to reclaim its place as one of the most powerful countries on earth.
This outbreak is an opportunity for China to evolve. It will be a test of China’s economic and social relations, its people and government relations, and China’s relations with the world.
China has already impressed the world with its ability to rapidly mobilize at scale to build the hospitals in Wuhan, and these moves are but a small taste of what is to come.
Let’s support the Chinese people in this time of crisis. The #ChinaDream starts in China, but will end up supporting the dreams of those all over the world.
With love and gratitude,
P.S. According to the "Law of China Speed", this article is already outdated by the time I hit publish, follow me to stay updated:
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My Conclusions
You will not see anything like this on the American media. Whether it is the main-steam media, the Alt-Left or the Alt-Right media. But just because the media will not provide similar articles does not mean that the events are not occurring.
This is what is REALLY going on.
American media is designed to control, corral and manipulate the American citizenry. Much like the old former Soviet propaganda was used against the Russian people. You can see this when the media is reporting on events that you, yourself, are witnessing with your own two eyes.
But, you know, Americans do need to see the world as it actually is.
Some of it might be pleasant to observe, while others are ugly.
Some like the Uighur situation are “opportunities” for great wealth-building. If you are educated, and aware of what is really going on, you can become filthy rich, instead of the force-fed anti-China narrative and hide in fear about “re-education camps and the poor abused Muslims”.
Others, are signs of danger that you must take heed of, like the risks of hiring “diversity experts” (in a company) instead of talented experienced engineers, scientists and designers. (You know, for diversity, and to fight “white privilege”.)
For Americans to survive the growth pains of a new global situation, they must be educated through sources no longer tainted by the manipulative oligarchy. I do hope that you learn something in what I have to say.
The world is not a horrible, deep dark place, but there are under-currents of events that are transpiring that only the strong, the well-equipped and the flexible can survive.
So be strong. Be flexible. Be well equipped.
Take care, and BEST REGARDS.
Metallicman ready to take on the coronavirus.
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The virus is proving to be far more contagious than the flu, having spread from 300 people in mid-January to more than 75,700 as of Thursday morning.
That’s the American mainstream narrative; that the Wuhan coronavirus isn’t serious. It isn’t as bad as the flu, and the flu kills thousands of people each and every year. So that there is nothing to be worried about.
I strongly disagree. However, you shouldn’t take my word for it. You just need to watch some movies of what is going on in China today, and come to your own conclusions. Right?
Look, see, watch.
Think for yourself. Come to your own conclusions.
Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.
Video 1 – Almost too late.
You are not feeling well. So you finally decide to go to the hospital. You’ve been putting it off. It’s just a sore throat you thought. But, now you are feeling dizzy and getting tunnel vision. You should have went earlier. You know that now.
You look at your cell phone but the sweating in your hands make scrolling and pushing the buttons really difficult. So you ask your friend to help. They help you and get you in the car.
Just like the flu, right? Only the flu is much worse, right? The American media has all this pegged. Do not worry. The flu is far worse.
Here’s from USA Today…
So far, there have been an estimated 19 million cases of flu, 180,000 hospitalizations and 10,000 deaths in the U.S. this influenza season – including 68 children, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Worldwide, seasonal influenza epidemics cause 3 million to 5 million severe cases every year and kill up to 650,000 people a year, according to the World Health Organization.
"That just far surpasses the amount of cases compared to the novel coronavirus," Colburn said. "If you didn’t travel specifically to Wuhan, China, or have contact with a person with suspected or known coronavirus, your chance of contracting this is extremely low."
-USA Today
Now, this advise and write-up seems rather silly when you look at it. If you were in China, and were to read this, you would shake your head in pure disbelief. Because what this news “report” is saying DOES NOT AGREE with what you are witnessing.
This is what the Chinese people are starting to notice…
Almost too late.
Video 2 – Registering people at a clinic.
So you are sitting there at the table talking with people, helping them with the paperwork and interviewing them… then you don’t feel so hot. Just like the Flu, right? You’ve seen policemen and doctors collapsing in front of you with the flu, right?
Well… actually no. You don’t see them collapsing. Nor do you ever see American police inside American emergency tent-clinics registering sick people, either. But somehow, yes somehow, the flu is worse.
You know the WHO data on the seasonal flu includes deaths from impoverished areas, where people live in primitive homes and huts, do not have adequate sanitation and medical care. And we are all supposed to believe that that data is representative of a modern, civilized and state-of-the-art nation.
It’s illusionary, and deceptive. As this propaganda from USA Today proves…
There’s a deadly virus spreading from state to state. It preys on the most vulnerable, striking the sick and the old without mercy. In just the past few months, it has claimed the lives of at least 39 children.
The virus is influenza, and it poses a far greater threat to Americans than the coronavirus from China that has made headlines around the world.
“When we think about the relative danger of this new coronavirus and influenza, there’s just no comparison,” said Dr. William Schaffner, a professor of preventive medicine and health policy at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. “Coronavirus will be a blip on the horizon in comparison. The risk is trivial.”
-USA Today
Have you EVER seen ANY American policeman collapse from the flu in the line of duty?
Passing out at a clinic.
Video 3 – Another casualty at the hospital.
Don’t wait until the last moment. If you are not feeling well, rush to the hospital. You see this kind of stuff all the time with the flu, right? It’s common knowledge, right? Every flu is like this, Right?
Screenshot 7FEB20.
While it is true that people with the flu try to get better at home, and serious cases are sent off to the hospital, no one ever collapses at the front door or in the car-port. But this is what is happening with this virus.
This kind of thing amazes me.
How can anyone see scenes like this, and still have the audacity to claim that the flu is worse? That it’s all just hype?
Influenza rarely gets this sort of attention, even though it kills more Americans each year than any other virus, said Dr. Peter Hotez, a professor of pediatrics, molecular virology and microbiology at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston.
Influenza has already sickened at least 13 million Americans this winter, hospitalizing 120,000 and killing 6,600, according to the CDC. And flu season hasn’t even peaked. In a bad year, the flu kills up to 61,000 Americans.
Worldwide, the flu causes up to 5 million cases of severe illness worldwide and kills up to 650,000 people every year, according to the World Health Organization.
And yet, Americans aren’t particularly concerned.
-USA Today
Hospital problem.
People, this is what is called propaganda.
Now, propaganda only works when the audience is kept ignorant of the true state of affairs. If you control all the news, in all the various forms, you can control the actions of the people.
This is why the American propaganda controls three branches of news;
Mainstream news
Alt-left news.
Alt-right news.
And make no mistake, the Alt-Right news is just as manipulated as the mainstream media news is. What’s the Alt-Right news saying?
“This is a biological weapon. Stolen by China. Used on their own people for eugenics purposes.”
Yes. Absolute nonsense.
OK. Let’s go back to the mainstream news propaganda;
“This is a natural virus. Harmless, but with a scary name.”
Video 4 – Policeman getting sick at his station.
The problem with this virus is that it is stealthy and fast acting. You can get it, and then it sits inside your body making you super contagious, and you will feel just fine and wonderful. Then, it will hit you suddenly. You know…like the flu! NOT!
Sick people in China are handing over their phones to the police and medical teams. They use the GPS tracking information to compare who they might be in contact with. They are quickly discovering chance encounters with infected people, and that the virus “jumps” from the infected (but feeling normal) person in a matter of seconds.
Like this…
Infected in 15 seconds while he bought vegetables at the market.
GIC Team GICexpat 6FEB20
A 56-year-old man in Ningbo was recently confirmed as a newly found case to have contracted the novel coronavirus after visiting a food market in the city’s Jiang Bei district on January 23. The confirmation was released to the public on February 4 by the district’s official social media account.
What’s especially surprising about this case is how fast the man contracted the virus.
Video surveillance revealed that it only took 15 seconds for him to be fully exposed, as neither he nor the 61-year-old woman standing next to him while picking out vegetables at the same stall were wearing protective masks.
The woman is believed to have had contracted the virus a few days prior while attending a blessing ceremony.
The man and woman, now both affected by the 2019-nCoV, did not know each other before crossing paths at the Shuang Dongfang market.
Unfortunately, 19 people who subsequently came into close contact with the newly-infected 56-year-old patient have already shown positive signs of infection. All of them have been put under isolated medical observation for further examination.
Meanwhile, the mainstream American news is still on the “don’t worry, be happy” narrative.
Fewer than half of adults got a flu shot last season, according to the CDC. Even among children, who can be especially vulnerable to respiratory illnesses, only 62% received the vaccine.
If Americans aren’t afraid of the flu, perhaps that’s because they are inured to yearly warnings. For them, the flu is old news. Yet viruses named after foreign places — such as Ebola, Zika and Wuhan — inspire terror.
And the Alt-Right conservative news is also parroting this more or less. They argue that this is all nonsense. That it isn’t all that contagious. Here’s from the Moon of Alabama blog…
... We had documented in an earlier post that neither the infectiousness nor the mortality of the novel Cornoavirus are especially severe. This New York Times graphic also explains that.
The ONLY reason that the virus is being contained is because the entire fucking nation went DEFCON ONE.
This is not the flu…
Video 5 – Woman is not feeling well.
So you go outside to run an errand, then suddenly you don’t feel right. You feel dizzy. So you stand there puzzled, and then you pass out. Just like everyone does every flu season. Right?
That’s the American mainstream media narrative…
Some doctors joke that the flu needs to be rebranded.
“We should rename influenza; call it XZ-47 virus, or something scarier,” said Dr. Paul Offit, director of the Vaccine Education Center at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.
Measles in the Democratic Republic of Congo has killed 5,000 people in the past year — more than twice as many as Ebola. Yet UNICEF officials have noted that the measles, which many Americans no longer fear, has gotten little attention. Nearly all the measles victims were children under 5.
Screenshot 7FEB20.
Personally, I think that Selco said it best…
I know now that bad things can happen, and one more important thing, actually I believe it is most important:
I no longer believe government and authority, not at all.
When they really doing their best to assure you that everything going to be fine, you can be sure that something bad is happening.
Video 6 – Truck driver passes out at the wheel.
My take on things is that this Wuhan corona virus has a potential to become Apocalyptic. I don't like what I am seeing now.
Posted by: blues | Feb 5 2020 16:36 utc
Every flu season you always hear about truck drivers unable to drive because of the flu, right? They just pull over and die at the side of the highway, right? It’s an every year occurrence. Right?
Some people may worry less about the flu because there’s a vaccine, whose protection has ranged from 19% to 60% in recent years. Simply having the choice about whether or not to receive a flu shot can give people an illusion of control, Schaffner said.
But people often feel powerless to fight novel viruses. The fact that an airplane passenger spread SARS to other passengers and flight crew made people feel especially vulnerable.
The “Virus Hunter”, world renowned Columbia University Professor, Walter Ian Lipkin came to China and met with Zhong NanShan, China’s lead epidemiologist in fight against #CoronaVirus.
A few points are of significance:
1. Lipkin said he spoke for hours with Zhong, and exchanged different views. But ultimately he trusts Zhong, because Zhong is a humanitarian.
2. The infection ratio of the CoronaVirus is probably Underestimated. The fatality ratio is probably Overestimated.
3. I repeat, America’s top scientist already came to China. Lipkin also fought alongside Zhong and China during SARS in 2003.
These perspectives are very important! Please remember!
Most sobering of all, 35-year-old Chinese doctor Li Wenliang, the CoronaVirus whistleblower who was charged with spreading rumors of virus last month, died of CoronaVirus himself hours earlier.
Video 7 – Doctors pass out.
Ignoring the reported 2019-nCoV #s for China (which are suspect) but taking into account reported #s only for countries outside China (and assumed to be reasonably accurate), the calculated death rate (1/212) as of this morning is (rounded up) .5%. Hardly Apocalyptic.
Posted by: Trisha | Feb 5 2020 17:02 utc
And another thing about the flu is how it completely shuts down hospitals, and causes the doctors and nursing staff to pass out and stop working. Right? After all, the flu is far worse. Right?
Hotez, who is working to develop vaccines against neglected diseases, said he worries about unvaccinated children. Most kids who die from the flu haven’t been immunized against it, he said. And many were previously healthy.
“If you’re worried about your health, get your flu vaccination,” Hotez said. “It’s not too late.”
Video 8 – Police take you away.
This morning on Canadian TV: Worldwide infected 24,0000, death toll in China 450, let's say 500
Here https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-020-00154-w
I found:
4 February 11:00 GMT — Cases in China pass 20,000, so 25,000 seems reasonable.
Then from CNN, 17 min ago (they are hardly conservative with numbers):
What we're covering here
The virus: The coronavirus outbreak has killed 492 people worldwide, the majority of which are in China, and infected more than 24,500 people across 25 countries over 30 days.
Some math:
fatality percent: 500/24500*100 = 2.04 % => really high mortality rate, almost as much as common flu.
Population infected in China: 20000/16 billion = 0.002 % which proves that this is a horrible horrible unstoppable virus
In other countries a bit less, per this site https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/01/countries-confirmed-cases-coronavirus-200125070959786.html
Australia 14, Germany 12, India 3, Malaysia 12, Singapore 28, South Korea 19, USA 11, Vietnam 10, Canada 4, Russia 2, UK 2, in total over 25 countries.
Percent countries where at least 1 case discovered: 25/195 = 13%, => really world wide spread.
Of course, since the flu is so deadly, the police will come to your house if you have the flu. They will break down the door, and they will haul you away to the hospital for your own good. Right? That’s what always happens with the flu. Right?
Forcefully removed from their home.
Video 9 – Military biological decontamination units.
Screen shot of the graph of contaminated cases over time. 7FEB20.
I'm not so sure that the Coronavirus is so innocuous as some would have us think, simply because of the way China has reacted to it. Why quarantine tens of millions if it is no big deal? Do you trust China to provide accurate statistics if they are seeing a huge fatality rate with a highly infections organism?
Zerohedge has posted an article showing that there was a "mistaken" post showing much more serious numbers, which indicated a 16% fatality rate. With a high R0 value and an airborne pathogen, that reportedly has shown transmission via fomites (spreads through touching of contaminated surfaces), this would be approach the lethality of the organism portrayed in the movie "Contagion".
Posted by: Perimetr | Feb 5 2020 17:32 utc | 15
Of course, every flu season has the local national guard, and military forces performing vehicle sweeps and decontamination procedures using truck mounted machines and chemicals. They scrub the air and make sure that everyone is safe. It’s normal, every flu season, right?
Military mass decontamination of entire cities.
Video 10 – Containment centers.
The one thing that would scare China the most, I think, is if the virus was infectious before symptoms appear. A virus able to spread wholly undetected can be a nasty piece of work, specially one that's seemingly a new addition to our species' ills, because we don't have any innate immunity around for the time being - if things go badly, a big chunk of the total population can get infected.
Posted by: Clueless Joe | Feb 5 2020 17:44 utc | 19
And, of course, the yearly flu containment centers are always active. Right? After all, since the flu is so much worse, and far more dangerous, there is nothing to worry about. Right?
The virus is contagious at least 5 days before symptoms appear, I have read some reports that say 9-14 days before symptoms appear. Which is why it is out of control. Taking temperatures to screen is like pissing in the wind
Posted by: Per | Feb 5 2020 17:48 utc | 22
On the Alt-Right is the narrative that China is lying, and that hundreds of dead are piling up. Well, I’m not seeing that. Not first hand, not second hand. It’s all nonsense.
And people (!) nonsense = propaganda.
This situation is serious. No doubt. The Chinese are treating it as a DEFCON ONE event, and that shows how serious it is. However, it is contained and things are adjusting.
Here is a comment on MoA that speaks some sanity…
Now crematorium nonsense is back, only being applied to China. The only people who buy this ridiculous story are ones who haven't ventured into the sunlight from their parents' basement in years, and have for certain never further from their trailer park than the local Walmart. How else is it that anyone can imagine that the big problem with covering up a large number of deaths is just the problem of disposing of the bodies? What about family, friends, and coworkers of the deceased? How about creditors? Who thinks they will just shrug and forget about it if the person who owes them money disappears?
The only people who can seriously consider the narrative of cremating bodies to hide deaths are ones who cannot conceptualize people on the other side of the planet who speak a weird language as actual human beings with full lives. Delusional Americans for whom the world is just another TV show, and Chinese people are just extras in that show with no backstory or future whom nobody would notice if they died unless their body blocked the sidewalk or something.
If you, dear reader, are leaning towards believing the crematorium narrative, ask yourself if simply disposing of the body would work at erasing anyone you know, like one of your parents or children? Kinda silly to think that would make you forget them, huh?
So why imagine it would work in Russia or China?
Answer: The only way you could believe that is if your understanding of those places was just a shallow caricature; a cartoon.
Posted by: William Gruff | Feb 5 2020 21:19 utc | 65
Containment barracks.
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Lordy! American media is in la-la land, I’ll tell you what. And most Americans are following the big lie. No one wants to believe that America is involved in persuasive germ warfare to put pressure on China for the Trump trade wars. I guess that neocons like John Bolton would NEVER even consider such a thing, right?
What's so difficult to believe?
You all know that Trump wants America to be number one in the world and is doing everything possible to control the rise of China.
You know that that is why the "Trump Trade Wars" are on-going.
You know, if you are paying attention, that America only represents 11% of Chinese exports, and a far smaller percentage of imports. China is self-sufficient and doesn't really NEED America.
So in order to leverage China to bow to America, "other" pressures must be used...
... but biological germ warfare is "off the table".
So everyone is out there grasping at straws.
For suggesting this obvious “elephant in the room”, I’m an evil spook that gives people the heebie-jeebies for suggesting this.
Instead, it’s a natural viral “bug” not anywhere near as bad as the seasonal flu… If anything, if it is a biological weapon it’s something that came out of stolen technology, or from some kind of fringe revolutionary group.
OK. Ok.
Don’t shoot the messenger. Got it?
It’s a biological weapon. It was unleashed in China on THE Chinese New Year holiday and it is designed to create mass causalities. It’s rampaging through China now.
All you need to know is this…
[1] China is treating it as a biological weapon, and they [2] WILL NOT ALLOW AMERICAN RESEARCHERS ANYWHERE NEAR IT.
Doesn’t that tell you something?
Here’s some more videos. To youse guys who think that it’s nothing to worry about, you can ignore this post. FOX and CNN has better news with well-paid “experts” for you to believe. I’m just posting videos of what is going on, taken by people that are right here at ground zero, and who (like me) are dealing with it.
You all can sit comfy in your homes and dream that it’s just a way for the Untied States government to force you all to take vaccines, or for the dark cabal to exterminate the human race, or for Reptilians to feed on humans. Remember, it’s your reality. Not mine.
You might be right.
I might be wrong.
Here’s what I am seeing. Come to your own conclusions.
Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.
Video 1 – Going Crazy inside the apartment.
Like me, the rest of China are all stuck, cooped inside the house. As I write this it’s been ten days of isolation and we are beyond stir-crazy. So the Chinese social media is full of people making the best of things. The best way to protect yourself and you family is to stay isolated, if you go out, you go protected and disinfect yourself, and do not touch any surfaces.
This coronvirus is so darn dangerous. So most people stay inside, and my little dog cannot understand why I won’t take him outside for a walk (and a shit), but we are not going to take any risks.
Going crazy.
Video 2 – Ambulances going to the hospital.
Once the new hospital was constructed in Wuhan, sick patients were transported to it. They were moved from the military field tent hospitals to the new wings of the sprawling mega-hospital. The convoy of ambulances is impressive.
Video 3 – Baby in trouble!
It’s heartbreaking for anyone to get this Frankenstein coronvirus HIV monster. But it’s especially heartbreaking to see young innocents get stricken with it.
That’s precisely why the Pentagon forbid all the military not to view or use Chinese social media. It’s not that they want to prevent people from watching lip-synchronization to pop songs.
They don’t want the troops “getting soft” watching the heart wrenching events of American germ warfare unfold.
Video 4 – Breaking through a quarantine roadblock.
Not everyone is with the program. Some fight it. They don’t care. Some, like this fellow, plows through the roadblock.
These selfish people are very dangerous and put an entire community at risk.
Video 5 – Containing an infected girl.
So you’ve been diagnosed with this killer, super contagious Frankenstein virus, what do you do? You flee from the hospital and try to run away. Not the brightest of decisions.
Video 6 – Hope
You have a loved one in the hospital dealing with this illness. They are your family and they are there, and the last you saw was when they collapsed going to empty the garbage. Now, you are scared silly that they would die…
That’s what is going on in China today, right now.
China is at Level One alert.
People! This is equivalent to DEFCON 1 in America. The Chinese government is treating this as a WMD bio-weapon attack and it is very serious. People are sick and dying.
Defense readiness conditions (DEFCONs) describe progressive alert postures primarily for use between the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the commanders of unified commands. DEFCONs are graduated to match situations of varying military severity, and are numbered 5,4,3,2, and 1 as appropriate. DEFCONs are phased increases in combat readiness. In general terms, these are descriptions of DEFCONs:
DEFCON 5 Normal peacetime readiness
DEFCON 4 Normal, increased intelligence and strengthened security measures
DEFCON 3 Increase in force readiness above normal readiness
DEFCON 2 Further Increase in force readiness, but less than maximum readiness
DEFCON 1 Maximum force readiness.
- DEFCON DEFense CONdition
The closest comparable American situation was during…
Pearl Harbor
Luckily the Chinese government took quick action. But still, it means nothing when your loved ones are in the hospital dying.
Video 7 – Eating lunch.
You are having lunch with friends and your one friend suddenly slumps over and is in distress. That’s coronvirus. That’s China today. They American media is all about this not being as bad as the flu. Well, I have never seen the flu have such rapid an onslaught, and act so stealthy in application.
You don’t know when he picked up the bug. Probably 14 days ago. He was normal. He felt normal. He went out to eat with his friends. Ordered some dishes. Now this.
Video 8 – Decontamination.
This is a sight that is not at all uncommon. Everyone is wearing full cat #4 costumes and decontaminating themselves. This germ is so darn lethal. But it’s more than that, it’s got an unusually long life outside it’s host.
12 hours (!) on metal and plastic surfaces. 6 to 12 hours on clothing.
Video 9 – Delivering supplies.
All aircraft are available to transport supplies. They are arriving from all over the world, from India, to Japan, from Australia to NZ. Nothing from America though…
Yeah, the Gates foundation owns the patent on this virus, and held a meeting discussing the possible scenarios of a release of it…
…the day before American troops were in Wuhan.
Video 10 – Going shopping.
This is what it’s like going shopping right now.
You go out wearing all sorts of protection, you go straight from point “A” to point “B”. Then you select and buy your groceries. Then return back as quickly as possible. Then you disinfect yourself.
You wash all of your clothes immediately.
Then you scrub yourself raw in a hot, hot water shower, and put on house clothes.
Video 11 – Everyone is getting disinfected.
Here we have a Chinese government official being disinfected on his way to the office. Disinfecting is mandatory. You just cannot go outside without taking care of yourself. This virus can “jump” as far as two meters (two yards), and it can do some from people who appear completely healthy and normal.
Video 12 – Hotel Cleaning
One sick person was staying in a hotel. So after the new hospital was constructed he was moved to it, and the hospital room was sanitized. The bedding, mattress and pillows were hauled off to be incinerated. The rest disinfected thoroughly.
Video 13 – Military at work.
As stated earlier, this is a level one military event. It is equivalent to the American DEFCON #1. All the military are mobilized and are on high alert. This includes the nuclear forces as well as the police and medical services. The most visible, of course, are the medical services. Here was have a video showing the men and women at work.
Video 14 – Passing out in the 7-11.
This sickness happens so rapidly. You get on your coat and put on your mask. You grab your keys and cell phone. You go downstairs to make a dash to the 7-11 on the corner. When suddenly…
…you don’t feel so well.
It’s like this. Real deal.
Collapsing in the Sinotecc.
Video 15 – Seizure of an infected person.
Not everyone wants to cooperate. Some fight tooth and nail. They do not want to go to the hospital. They do not trust doctors. They do not trust medicines. They do not want to be injected. And so they run, they hide and they put up a fight.
Of course, the police are called in and they are captured, secured and medicated.
Video 16 – This is what it is like.
You are hiding and locked down inside your house. You look outside your window and you see a bunch of police cars and ambulances outside in your courtyard. You see them do into your building and you see them take away an entire family.
It’s like living a horror movie.
That’s about it for this post. Too many videos take forever to load and freezes the entire article / post. More is on the way. I hope that you enjoyed this post, and if you liked it, please watch some of my other similar posts on my China index…
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I was interviewed to speak on my thoughts of the CNY Wuhan Coronavirus emergency. I accepted, as after all, we are all locked up inside our isolated and quarantined areas, and have nothing better to do, eh? It’s my very first interview and I do not think that it is all that great, but others think that it is interesting. Oh, I don’t know.
Taking their name from the scheming, parasitic lawyer in Charles Dickens' 1850 novel David Copperfield, Uriah Heep is a progressive rock institution who, alongside bands like Deep Purple, Queen, Black Sabbath, and Led Zeppelin, helped lay the foundation for the United Kingdom's vibrant hard rock/heavy metal scene, via combustible hits like "Easy Livin'," "The Wizard," "Sweet Lorraine," "Lady ...
- Uriah Heep on Spotify
Uriah Heep
I’m retired with a quiet life, kids, dogs and beer. I just want to chill out in my sunset years. I really don’t need social justice trolls and their ilk causing me trouble. So while you can read what I have to say, know what I know, and see what I look like… personal contact is by invitation only. I don’t want someone crashing my party and losing my buzz. Understand?
And then, the detractors started to assault everything I said. Fine. I wouldn’t bother to nod to them on the street, let alone share a pizza with them. Anyways, China-Rising responded HERE.
Funny thing about on-line personas. I suppose in real life I am more a combination of Pauly Shore, David Lee Roth and Rodney Dangerfield.
9SEP20 Update
Apparently, the China Government agrees with my appraisal. From a message group that I belong to…
Chinese propaganda getting good. Unlike West propaganda, Chinese includes evidence. exactly consistent with Uriah Heep's version. Thanks Jeff, but Kevin it may be a conspiracy that Heep told it in real time and the Chinese officials docu youtubed 8 months later.
Keep in mind that I am Uriah Heep in this interview.
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Here are some more videos taken during the Chinese New Year Coronavirus emergency. At this time, and when these videos were taken, the Chinese government pretty much locked down most cities, and placed travel restrictions everywhere else. Everyone must wear a mask, and everyone must stay indoors unless it is an absolute emergency and they NEED to get out.
Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.
Video 1 – Viral task team.
The Chinese have established task teams to go forth and tackle specific issues and problems specifically and surgically. Here we have a video describing one such team.
Itwasanurgentorder. Manymemberslefttheir Chinese NewYear'sEvefamilyreunionstogetreadytoboarda special planetothecapitalofcentral China’sHubeiProvince. ThreenursesfromShanghaiYueyangHospitalofIntegratedTraditional Chinese andWesternMedicineareinthe team.
- Medics abandon reunions to head to Wuhan - SHINE News
Video 2 – Disinfecting the public areas.
All areas are being disinfected. Here’s one in process.
Cleaning involves getting rid of dirt and gunk where germs can grow. The friction of cleaning -- often with soap and water -- removes most surface germs, which is adequate for most household surfaces. In other cases, however, it's a good idea to disinfect, which destroys or inactivates most of the germs.
In this case anti-viral agents are being sprayed.
Video 3 – Police drones telling everyone to stay indoors.
No one is to go outside. Everyone must stay indoors. Here we have a police drone telling a village woman to go back to her house.
The use of police drones is notable, because the drone allowed surveillance of gaming operators who otherwise would have been difficult to track. While old-fashioned surveillance works best in some situations, drones in this case allowed investigators to plan a raid with 3D intel on the target site. China is the world leader in the use of drones.
- www.bestonlinecasinos.com/news/police-drones-used-for-illegal-gambling-raid-in-china/4894/
Video 4 – Regional militia and police roadblocks.
Road bocks come in different sizes and shapes. Here’s an overview.
This is a deadly virus. It stays inside of you and then when it’s ready to hit, it hits you with incredible force.
On January 10, gene sequencing determined it to be the new Wuhan coronavirus, namely 2019-nCoV, a betacoronavirus, related to the Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome virus (MERS-CoV) and the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome virus (SARSCoV). However, the mortality and transmissibility of 2019-nCoV are still unknown, and likely to vary from those of the prior referenced coronaviruses.
Video 6 – Police drones telling everyone to go back home and stay inside.
In the cities, the drones were out in force and instructing everyone to get home as quickly as possible.
Video 7 – Handing out face masks.
I have hundreds of these videos. Everyone is donating face masks and handing them out.
Video 8 – The virus attacks the hospital staff.
As I’ve stated before, this is a deadly lethal virus. Hospital staff are not immune. Already doctors and nurses have died. The first doctor was a man who was 62, and collapsed in the elevator.
Video 9 – Roadblocks and checkpoints.
More road blocks and checkpoints.
To all my valued clients, overseas friends and family:
With regard to the infection of the New Corona Virus, the Chinese government is currently taking the most effective and powerful measures to actively respond, and at least in Shanghai people are calm, and staying at home, except for journeys to the grocery store , which by the way (despite media reports) are well stocked!
Most cities in China are normal, albeit unusually quiet, and only cities close to the source of the outbreak around Wuhan have been affected by stricter travel restrictions . Although we expect the infection numbers to rise in the short term, we believe everything will be back to normal soon as the control measures slow down the spread of infection .
The government has extended the official CNY holidays until Feb 9th to help facilitate the measures taken, but some companies and factories will reopen earlier according to the local situation. Thanks for your understanding and support through this challenging time.
- post on LinkedIN 31JAN20
Video 10 – Arresting one of the “criminal elements” who operated the drones that sprayed swine flu and wiped out the pork industry in 2019.
As strange was it seems, the complete collapse of the pig farm industry in China in 2019 was propagated by drones. This is why so many isolated pig farms became infected. “Criminal elements” were using drones to spray the pigs with flu to devastate the pork industry.
Here are some ways that the people in rural areas blocked the roads to keep their villages safe.
Sometimes its with piles of dirt. Sometimes it’s will huge boulders. Sometimes, it’s with fencing, and sometimes it’s with bricks. Curiously, sometimes it’s just with a sign saying “keep out – infected area”. And, sometimes it’s just a few sticks and tree branches on the road.
Video 12 – Canceled wedding.
When everyone was told to stay inside, many events were canceled. Here is a wedding.
You know, many weddings are planned to occur on CNY as that is the only time during the year where everyone can come together in one spot. Canceling the wedding means that everyone will need to wait until next year to get married.
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Here are some more videos taken during the Chinese New Year Coronavirus emergency. At this time, and when these videos were taken, the Chinese government pretty much locked down most cities, and placed travel restrictions everywhere else. Everyone must wear a mask, and everyone must stay indoors unless it is an absolute emergency and they NEED to get out.
... These are the same type of precautions recommended during the cold and flu season. I only began wearing a mask after the lockdown started Jan 23. Right now, I am following the public health recommendations, and staying in my apartment as much as possible. Currently I am trying to figure out if I can work remotely, reading papers at home, even though face-to-face is much more effective. A health hotline has been set up so that foreigners at our lab can get medical help, if necessary. The biggest problem is eating.
I went to the grocery store today, and everything was orderly. There were no shortages; but then again, I was there early and a line was forming at the vegetables.
In this health emergency, it is everybody's responsibility to protect others and ourselves. I do not want to spread the disease and I do not want to catch what other people have. Currently you cannot drive. There is no public transportation. My friends are scattered across Wuhan, and right now, all over China and the world, since it was Spring Festival. The only way to get in contact is by phone and the messaging tools like WeChat and QQ. The social isolation I hope will slow the spread of the coronavirus, but some people are trying to run away from it.
The US government airlifted a group of Americans out of the city. I decided to stay. I have a job here. I have friends here. It is a commitment and a contract. This thing will pass. I really like the street I live on. I like the food. I like hot and dry noodles. I like the Wuchang fish. I like the atmosphere in Wuhan, and people are down to earth. I walk down the streets and go to shops. When you live somewhere awhile, you become part of the community; it does not matter if you are a foreigner or not. I will continue to stay in isolation until the outbreak is over, and I will go back to work.
-Stephen C. McClure spoke with Li Lei.
Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.
Video 1 – Construction of a hospital in ten days.
The Chinese do not mess around. They have decided to build two hospitals in Wuhan to handle patients, and they are making it happen. It is absolutely astounding.
As two makeshift hospitals are being constructed in Wuhan, Hubei province, in a bid to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus, ministry-level government departments, organizations, businesses and people from all walks of life are lending a helping hand to the projects.
Central government subsidies will mainly be used to buy medical equipment to ensure concentrated treatment for infected patients, according to the National Development and Reform Commission.
More than 2,000 workers from five design and construction units-the China Institute of Architectural Design and Research, the China Construction Third Bureau, Wuhan Hanyang Municipal Construction Group, Wuhan Construction Group, and Wuhan Airport Development Group-have participated in the Huoshenshan Hospital project, according to China Business Journal.
Meanwhile, Xinhua News Agency has reported that the Wuhan bureau of State Grid Corp, the national electricity provider, has already installed substations and laid cables at the construction site.
A Sinopec Group gas station near the site is providing free services for all vehicles carrying building materials. The company has also provided 16,500 liters of diesel fuel and 1,000 cans of lubricating oil to back up construction work.
Communication companies, including China Telecom Corp, have built 5G base stations to ensure easy contact between the project's engineers and will lay cables for normal digital communications once the temporary hospitals begin operations.
Employees of an environmental technology research company in Beijing have provided services to prevent wastewater seepage during the construction process.
Meanwhile, officials in Pingyu county, Henan province, have sent an impermeable membrane, which had been intended for a landfill project, to the construction site.
- Donations and volunteers flood sites in Wuhan
A livestream shows trucks, earthmoving equipment and building work in full swing at the construction site of two special hospitals in Wuhan, Hubei province, the epicenter of the novel coronavirus outbreak.
Video 2 – Scanning people boarding a bus.
Under the current state of emergency everyone must wear masks and be constantly scanned for fever. Here we see people being scanned prior to boarding a bus.
Video 3 – Community unloads hospital supplies for the new hospital.
As the new hospitals are going up, supplies are being made and brought in. It’s not just masks and gowns. It’s complete operating rooms, beds, and general hospital equipment. Everything is being replicated, from the operating room to the lowest janitor gear.
On Sunday night, a logistics company in Hubei transported 240 metric tons of steel to the site.
A company in Guangdong province, which produces medical ventilators, donated 144 machines worth 175,000 yuan ($25,000) to Huoshenshan Hospital on Monday.
In addition to construction materials, food and electrical appliances have also been donated by businesses across the country.
China Mengniu Dairy Co said it had provided milk worth 8 million yuan to construction workers and frontline medical employees.
Meanwhile, Midea Group, an electrical appliances manufacturer, donated more than 550 air conditioners to the Huoshenshan project and sent 100 employees to install the machines, according to the company's social media account.
On Sunday, the new facilities also received 1,100 televisions and 400 air purifiers from Skyworth Digital Technology Co. The televisions will allow voice calls between doctors and patients, thus lowering the cross-infection risk, according to Beijing News.
Meanwhile, a group of military veterans from across the nation volunteered to help the Huoshenshan Hospital project.
Jiang Jing, a former member of the People's Liberation Army Air Force, journeyed to Wuhan from Zhanjiang, Guangdong province.
"I am responsible for managing warehouse resources, handing out medical supplies including masks and raincoats, and arranging meals for construction workers," he said.
Retired soldier Wang Guohui drove more than 300 kilometers from Shenqiu county, Henan, to bring 4 metric tons of homegrown vegetables to the workers.
"The Wuhan people are united and striving to conquer the enemy. I want to make my own tiny contribution. I only felt at peace when I had brought the vegetables in person," said Wang, when he arrived at 9 pm on Jan 24, Lunar New Year's Eve.
Liu Yingjie, a construction worker from Shanxi province, drove 800 km to the site with some colleagues. After a break of just four hours, the men started work installing the prefabricated wards.
"Given the acute situation, we must finish the project as quickly as possible so patients can be treated," Liu said, adding that his father led a team of construction workers during a renovation project after the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake in Sichuan province.
- Donations and volunteers flood sites in Wuhan
Video 4 – Roadblock medical scan.
There are roadblocks everywhere. Here’s a typical one. You must get the scan or you will be apprehended. They are making sure that sick people are contained. Now this virus is really tricky in that you can be totally healthy and still infect people. But, all things considered, they are doing an admirable job keeping the sick isolated from the general population.
It's 4 am on Monday when my colleague, Yi Bingkun, and I finished the night shift. It's the 50th hour since we arrived in Wuhan to help fight against the novel coronavirus. The situation here is far more grievous than what we imagined, with more suspected cases and an acute shortage of medical staff. We are here to bring them hope, but it seems that we assume more responsibilities.
The ward was almost overloaded during our first night shift and we continued to receive more patients. My colleague and I plunged into work without delay after wearing protective suits.
However, an emergency occurred when a patient went into sudden cardiac arrest when we had just changed shifts. Kun (my colleague Yi Bingkun's nickname) rushed to give chest compressions to the patient and I called a doctor for help.
The patient, unfortunately, died of severe illness after all rescue measures failed. The patient's family, however, sent their gratitude to us. Their every single "Thank you" makes me feel warm and that the efforts we've made are worthwhile.
- Nurse battles coronavirus on the frontline
Video 5 – Disinfecting vehicles.
Military protocols are being used in the disinfection of vehicles, gear and equipment. These trucks did not appear out of the blue. The PLA has a complete army of these vehicle to handle nation-wide biological warfare attacks.
Video 6 – Police roadblock
Here is another police roadblock. It’s pretty common and it is more or less the same set up when I left my relatives house to go to the airport.
If you do not wear a mask you will not be permitted to be in public. You must wear masks in public. As this is a super contagious disease.
High Contagiousness
Indeed, if we compare how SARS spread out in 2002-2003, it is hard not to notice how much more contagious nCoV-2019 is compared to SARS.
It took SARS three months to reach to the point of 300 cases between November 2002 and February 2003. In the climax of SARS, the daily number of newly registered cases in Mainland China never exceeded 200 cases.
In comparison, on 28th January 2020 alone, 1459 new cases of nCoV-2019 were reported nationwide, including 315 cases in Wuhan. In just a week between 20-28 January, the number of patients with nCoV-2019 exceeded the number of all SARS patients confirmed in Mainland China between 2002-2004!
Mainland China had just 5327 cases of SARS, but nCoV-2019 already had 5974 registered cases by the end of January 28th, 2020.
- Coronavirus: Summary to date & insights
Video 8 – Throwing away all the food.
When the government told everyone that they had to stay inside… not only in Wuhan, but in the entire nation, so many events were canceled. Not just the millions of parties and dinners, but also weddings and other oddball and religious celebrations. All the restaurants are suffering. Here we have all the meals in a big banquet being thrown away because the event was canceled.
Given the decorations, it appears to be a wedding party.
Video 9 – Not wearing a face mask.
Some people just don’t “get it”. You must wear a face mask and you must avoid people. You only go out if it is an emergency. But, some people, they think that they can flaunt the rule of law and do as they please. Here we have a dimwit woman demanding to do as she pleases and she doesn’t care if she lives of dies.
Video 10 – Fumigating the city.
Here we have a typical fumigation team. All the cities are being disinfected and fumigated. No exceptions. Everyone is assisting and working on this most terrible issue and event.
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This comes from The Economic Collapse Blog, and all credit to the author. The article is edited to fit the font and formatting style of this blog, and I added pictures and minor text corrections.
Just two months before the Wuhan outbreak, a “high-level pandemic exercise” entitled “Event 201” was held in New York City.
On October 18th the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, in conjunction with the World Economic Forum and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, brought together “15 leaders of business, government, and public health” to simulate a scenario in which a coronavirus pandemic was ravaging the planet.
The current coronavirus outbreak that originated in China did not begin until December, and so at that time it was supposedly just a hypothetical exercise.
The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY. The exercise illustrated areas where public/private partnerships will be necessary during the response to a severe pandemic in order to diminish large-scale economic and societal consequences.
I find it quite interesting that the Bill & Melinda Gates
Foundation was involved, because they are also financial backers of the
institute that was granted a U.S. patent for “an attenuated coronavirus” in November 2018.
It appears that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has been
quite interested in the threat posed by coronaviruses for quite some
Event 201
Eric Toner, a researcher at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health
Security, spearheaded putting “Event 201” together. In his scenario, a
coronavirus outbreak had begun on Brazil’s pig farms…
Toner’s simulation imagined a fictional virus called CAPS. The analysis, part of a collaboration with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, looked at what would happen if a pandemic originated in Brazil’s pig farms.
Even though the outbreak was quite limited at first, Toner’s scenario ultimately showed that a coronavirus pandemic could kill 65 million people…
The pretend outbreak started small: Farmers began coming down with symptoms that resembled the flu or pneumonia.
From there, the virus spread to crowded and impoverished urban neighborhoods in South America.
Flights were canceled, and travel bookings dipped by 45%.
People disseminated false information on social media.
After six months, the virus had spread around the globe.
A year later, it had killed 65 million people.
Let us certainly hope that this current outbreak does not evolve into that sort of a nightmare.
A horror of a nightmare.
Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.
According to Reuters, there are now more than 800 confirmed cases, and the death toll has shot up to 25…
China confirmed 830 cases of patients infected with the new coronavirus as of Jan. 23, while the death toll from the virus has risen to 25, the National Health Commission said on Friday.
Wuhan death.
People! This is not your average “everyday” flu or bug. This virus is a killer. It strikes hard and fast, and within minutes. Here is an actual video of one of the fellows that it killed. Video is pulled from the surveillance cameras.
It’s a horror!
This guy actually died. He was one of the first confirmed deaths.
But many are skeptical that the official figures are accurate. Because the images coming out of Wuhan are extremely alarming…
Disturbing images of Wuhan residents dropping unresponsive to the floor have emerged on Instagram following the diseased Chinese city’s coronavirus lockdown.
Wuhan has been branded a “zombieland” by frantic locals after Chinese authorities told residents they are not allowed to leave yesterday morning.
Pictures from inside the city paint an apocalyptic picture as medics patrol in hazmat suits and gas masks.
Over the past 48 hours, numerous videos have been posted on social
media that supposedly show violently sick people that have literally
collapsed in the streets of Wuhan. Here is just one example.
If people are literally dropping where they stand, that would seem to
indicate that we aren’t being told the full truth about this virus.
It affects everyone. In all walks of life.
Chinese authorities are trying to keep everyone calm, but they are
definitely treating this like it is no ordinary outbreak. For example,
one airline passenger that was suspected of having the virus was
actually “wheeled out of an airport in a quarantine box”…
Footage has emerged showing an airline passenger with suspected SARS-like coronavirus being wheeled out of an airport in a quarantine box.
The man inside the box is wearing a protective suit, a mask and gloves after he reportedly showed possible symptoms, including a fever, during screening and was isolated from other travelers.
The box is surrounded by staff wearing blue masks as it is wheeled to a waiting ambulance outside a terminal at the airport in Fuzhou in south-eastern China.
Wuhan death.
The whole world was stunned when it was announced that the entire
city of Wuhan would be facing a quarantine, but now seven other Chinese
cities are also being locked down.
Wuhan location within China.
In addition, big cities all over China are canceling festivities for the upcoming Lunar New Year holiday…
Major Chinese cities, including Beijing and quarantine-blocked Wuhan, banned all large gatherings over the coming Lunar New Year festival, the most important holiday on the Chinese calendar, in an expanding effort to contain a rapidly spreading coronavirus outbreak.
The announcement Thursday came as authorities expanded travel restrictions imposed on Wuhan to surrounding municipalities, shutting down travel networks and attempting to quarantine about 25 million people – more than the population of Florida.
Wuhan death.
We have never seen anything like this before in the entire modern history of China.
Profound steps are being taken.
Would Chinese officials really take such dramatic measures if the threat was not real?
“We don’t want the American public to be worried about this because their risk is low,” says Anthony Fauci, head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. “On the other hand, we are taking this very seriously and are dealing very closely with Chinese authorities.”
-American Center for Disease Control
Hopefully they are correct, and hopefully this outbreak will blow over sooner rather than later.
Hospitals are being overwhelmed and already one of the doctors has died.
But a virologist that played a key role in identifying SARS in 2003 insists that what we have seen so far is just the beginning…
“A bigger outbreak is certain,” said Guan Yi, a virologist who helped identify severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in 2003. He estimated – “conservatively,” he said – that this outbreak could be 10 times bigger than the SARS epidemic because that virus was transmitted by only a few “super spreaders” in a more defined part of the country.
“We have passed through the ‘golden period’ for prevention and control,” he told Caixin magazine from self-imposed quarantine after visiting Wuhan. “What’s more, we’ve got the holiday traffic rush and a dereliction of duty from certain officials.”
I am petrified.
And if that wasn’t enough to send a chill down your spine, just check out what else he had to say…
“I’ve seen it all: bird flu, SARS, influenza A, swine fever and the rest. But the Wuhan pneumonia makes me feel extremely powerless,” he told Caixin. “Most of the past epidemics were controllable, but this time, I’m petrified.”
Wuhan death.
The next week or two will be an absolutely critical time.
If authorities are able to stop the number of cases from rising at an
exponential rate, and if there are able to keep it mostly confined to
just a few areas of China, we may have a chance to prevent a global
But if not, we may be facing a worst case scenario.
And according to “Event 201”, a worst case scenario could potentially mean tens of millions of dead people.
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