A message for non-native English speakers to this blog. (And you’se guys too!)

Summary: Life is too short to hide away in your basement eating potato chips and drinking king-size Cokes. You really do need to get yourself a pretty girl, start eating steaks, and drinking some fine delicious alcohol. I'll tell you what!

I have noted that a significant number of the negative comments on this blog come from non-native speakers of English. Their comments and responses are always about a “trigger phrase” that upsets them. They get angry at the phrase, and hurriedly type off an angry response to me.

A response that I do not print.

When I say…

"America is blowing up mud huts in third-world shit holes..."

I mean…

"America is wasting, time, money, and lives on things it has no business being involved in."


Come on! Give me a break, why don't you. I really don't need some of the nonsense that spews forth from some of ya.
Come on! Give me a break, why don’t you. I really don’t need some of the nonsense that spews forth from some of ya.

Yet, even the most childish responses and comments, I do ponder about. And in so thinking, I wonder what is going on. Some of the responses are predictable

  • Radical progressive Marxist.
  • Flag-waving hard-boiled Pro-America cannon-fodder (in their 20’s).
  • University professor type.
  • Joe Smo with a beer in one hand and pork rinds in the other.
  • A 11 year old child alone at home.
  • The basement troll who lives for making life miserable for others.
  • A “know nothing”, know-it-all.

Well, this post here is for a different kind of person. It is one who I turned off by my use of the English language, and the way that I speak.

Hey! Bud! You'se got a problem with the way I express myself?
Hey! Bud! You’se got a problem with the way I express myself?

I well remember when my boss ordered me to change my signature. And being the beta chuck I was, I obeyed.

Never again.

Now I live my life on my own terms. If you cannot handle it, you can leave.

It is particularly true for those of you whom watched my video(s). I come across as energetic, impassioned, and convinced. I am not what people would assume an “enlightened”, or “knowledgeable”, or otherwise “well bred” person would look like, sound like, or act like.

I played those roles. I lived that life.

It sucked.

So now I’m just having fun.

I do not act like the stereotype of what I am supposed to be. That's fine. Maybe I'm here to break some of those "glass barriers" of nonsense created to corral the ignorant. Eh?
I do not act like the stereotype of what I am supposed to be. That’s fine. Maybe I’m here to break some of those “glass barriers” of nonsense created to corral the ignorant. Eh?

You follow your own path.

You know, like Donald Trump, David Lee Roth, Pauly Shore, or Rodney Dangerfield.

Be unique.

Be you.

Pauly Shore and "Encino Man".
Pauly Shore and “Encino Man”.

Well, I don’t wear white robes or a wreath of clusters of gold coated olive leaves. I don’t have a halo. I have no red “bat phone” to God. I am a human, and I act like a human.

Deal with it.

I just wanna munch.
I just wanna munch.

Some Notes

I find that many people are repelled by my use of American idioms.

They take them literally.

Mainly because the language is foreign to them, or that they use machine translation that does not convey American idioms very well.

Do not take the literal meaning of an idiom. It is a terrible mistake.

For instance, well imagine the confusion that would insure if you used direct machine translation for the following idioms…

  • Shit a brick.
  • Piece of cake
  • Behind the Eight Ball
  • Scoot over.
  • Ballpark.
  • Put lipstick on a pig.
  • Bought the Farm
  • Knock on wood.
  • Break a leg.
  • Jump on the Bandwagon
  • Break a bill.

It’s going to confuse the living shit out of people.

Who doesn’t want to get laid?

Here’s some of the idioms that I use (that some people are in an uproar over) and what they mean.

[1] Blowing up mud huts

The idea behind this idiom is that America is using weapons, very expensive weapons, to do things that are just simply not necessary. As well as being used for things that they are not designed for.

John Bolton, he is a neocon. He is the type of American that loves war. He wants to rule the world. He thinks that anyone outside of America are lowly animals, and can be killed or done with however he feels. He is ignorant, arrogant and dangerous. And today, he has power within Washington DC.
John Bolton, he is a neocon. He is the type of American that loves war. He wants to rule the world. He thinks that anyone outside of America are lowly animals, and can be killed or done with however he feels. He is ignorant, arrogant and dangerous. And today, he has power within Washington DC.

Here, the US military will fire a $30,000,000 missile at at low-value target. Like a car parked under a fig tree, a pile of bricks, and (my favorite) a cabbage patch.

What’s their malfunction?

They hate gardens, back yards, and farm animals?

American wars for the last 70 years have been proxy adventures.

The missile is designed to shoot down other high-value targets. It has expensive electronics, expensive stealth systems, and expensive counter measures. It is tested against simulations of the most advanced Russian and Chinese weapons systems. It is tested under simulated EMC and nuclear conditions. It is tested to be used under all extremes of weather from the hottest climate to the arctic winter.


But it is being used to blow up and destroy something that it was not designed for.

It is like buying a very expensive steak, at the most expensive restaurant in the city. Then taking it and throwing it on the street for the village dogs to eat.

It’s a waste of resources, and a true shame.

Hellfire Missile. Often used by drones in the Middle East.
The budget for the purchase of the Hellfire Missiles, and what the money could be spent on instead...

 5,950 Hellfire Missiles – Housing & Smart TVs for 19,807 People
 $654,500,000 – $248,558,282 = $405,941,718
 $405,941,718 – Replacing 10,000 Lead Pipes in Flint
 $405,941,718 – $216,000,000 = $189,941,718
 $189,941,718 ÷ Average Monthly Grocery Expenses
 $189,941,718 ÷ $214.75 = 884,478.3 

When I use this idiom, I mean that the military should NOT be shooting these weapons unless it is in a defensive role to defend the citizens of the United States, on United States soil.

And they most certainly should not be shooting it at average families living in rural, undeveloped areas.

Donald Trump with a presidential national Security Advisor John Bolton. This neocon wants to use nuclear weapons against any threat; real or imagined against the United States.
Donald Trump with a presidential national Security Advisor John Bolton. This neocon wants to use nuclear weapons against any threat; real or imagined against the United States.

We should call all the troops home. Stop killing strangers, and concentrate on things that really matters.

Like friends, family, good food and high times!

What, you don’t want to have fun?

Listen up! Pay attention!

This is how it’s done…

Party on, Earl.

[2] Third World Shit Hole

This is an American idiom that generally means a (crappy) poorer nation. It is used by most Americans negatively, but that is NOT how I use it.

When I use it, I mean it to be a small nation, minding their own business…

…and that America has no business being there at all.

It may or may not be corrupt (though, no other nation could approach the level of corruption that the USA has), and it may or may not have depreciated infrastructure. (Though many places in the USA would easily fit this description. Like Detroit for instance.)

War, war, war. Most Americans never heard of these places that America is involved in. After all, America is fighting eight simultaneous wars right now. Most Americans can't even name all the wars, let alone point to them on a map.
War, war, war. Most Americans never heard of these places that America is involved in. After all, America is fighting eight simultaneous wars right now. Most Americans can’t even name all the wars, let alone point to them on a map.

In my mind, the term “third world shithole” means;

  • Small nation.
  • Far away nation.
  • Poorer nation.
  • A nation turned into rubble by the US Military / CIA / NED / NID. (Most of the smaller nations.)
  • A nation turned corrupt by the CIA and “pro democracy” regime change apparatus.


If you rely on computer, machine, or google translation services, they will fail you. They will give you an incorrect translation of this blog. Be advised, and take care.

Fun Fact:

The word " Covfefe " (the word that Donald Trump tweeted) is an Arabic word. It means "I will stand up". Google deleted this reference in their translation software, and the engineer responsible for the deletion of that entry came forth and described why he was told to delete it.

The internet is all about how stupid and silly Donald Trump is by misspelling an English word, when the truth is something very different.

Do not rely on internet software.

Being friends is much better than killing each other.

In my mind, there are many, many “third-world shit-holes” that I would be very happy living in. Seriously, like…

  • Bolivia
  • Chile
  • Zambia (Been there.)
  • Algeria
  • Cambodia (Been there.)
  • Indonesia (Been there.)
  • Burma

For me, I see these “far away” lands as refreshing alternatives to the nightmare that the United States has devolved into.

Refreshing. Live your life on your own terms.

The people live their lives easily, casually and spend time with friends, family and have fun. They do not worry about reporting their earnings to their governments, walking down the street, or driving too fast. They do not worry about drinking, smoking, or fishing. They do not worry about what their leaders are doing.

They are off living their own lives.

In my mind, many blown up mud huts” should still be untouched and standing. Not a smoldering crater in the dirt.

We should all be spending the time enjoying ourselves. Why not? Please tell me why not. Please tell me....
We should all be spending the time enjoying ourselves. Why not? Please tell me why not. Please tell me….

Life is far too short to waste it on war, death and destruction. That is my official take on these matters. I hope that you all agree with me.

Life is too short to waste on war.

We all should be enjoying ourselves. Singing, dancing, spending time with loved ones. Eating good and delicious food. Drinking the beverages that we enjoy and playing games and getting involved in activities that matter to us.

We should all be spending the time enjoying ourselves. Why not? Please tell me why not. Please tell me....
We should all be spending the time enjoying ourselves. Why not? Please tell me why not. Please tell me….

We should be spending time with pets, smelling nature, and honoring our God… no matter what you call him. Or how you worship or praise him.

Have fun.

Two girls are better than one…

… if you are up to the challenge.

We should all be spending the time enjoying ourselves. Why not? Please tell me why not. Please tell me....
We should all be spending the time enjoying ourselves. Why not? Please tell me why not. Please tell me….

We need to spend more time in appreciation of the good blessings that we have been entrusted with (by our God), and less time dealing with the evil machinations of others in power.

And yes. Whether you have someone cooking for you, or you are skilled and talented enough to make your own food, it does not matter. Cook some delicious food! And… EAT IT!

What’s stopping you?

I hope that I clarified some things here. Most people will shake their head and say WTF?

All Americans understand what those two idioms mean…

… though they might not understand why I am so aggressive in promoting enjoyment.

Don’t take things so gosh darn personally.

I mean that there should not be any kind of war or fighting. That we should spend the time helping others and improving the human species, not trying to fight each other so that some rich people get richer. I mean the top top 1% of the humans already have enough money to buy Jupiter, so what's their malfunction? Eh?
I mean that there should not be any kind of war or fighting. That we should spend the time helping others and improving the human species, not trying to fight each other so that some rich people get richer. I mean the top top 1% of the humans already have enough money to buy Jupiter, so what’s their malfunction? Eh?

True, but about 25% of my audience lies outside of America.

Bet ya all didn’t know that!

And misunderstandings do occur. I do hope that this can clear some issues up.

Let me be your guide.

I hope that you enjoyed this little post. I have more in my Happiness Index… here…

Life & Happiness

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You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.

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What the term “Gaslighting” means, brilliantly explained by Kurt Schlichter

This article looks at the political term “Gaslighting” and what it means. It is used in context in reference to the elected officials and their cronies in Washington D.C. with examples. This this case, we use a most excellent, and caustic biting article, by Kurt Schlichter.

It can also be applied to inner-personal relationships;

It’s important to distinguish between regular lying and gaslighting. A lie is just a falsehood and it can be told for many reasons.

Gaslighting are lies told with the specific intent to make the other person question their sanity/reality.

It is a form of manipulation to make the other person doubt themselves so much that they no longer trust their perception of events. If you no longer trust yourself, then you begin to think you are the problem and the other person is then off the hook.

-What is gaslighting

The article is presented as published, and all credit to the author. I personally like Kirts writing style, and I would recommend that reader go visit his presence on the internet on townhall.com once you all finish reading this article.

Bad Gaslighting Epidemic Sweeps The Elite

There are three questions that our terrible, terrible ruling class raises whenever it opens its collective kale-hole to lecture us: 1) Does the elite think we are really, really stupid, or 2) Is the elite really, really stupid, or 3) Is the elite all of the above?

The last week has been eventful, even by Age O’ Trump standards, and the one enduring takeaway is just how bad these people are at gaslighting us with inept lies that demand we disbelieve what’s happening right in front of us.

But it should come as no surprise that our alleged betters are no good at gaslighting because they have proven themselves to be no good at anything

Here’s a fun test: can you name something – anything – major in the last two decades that our best and brightest have not screwed up?

I’ll wait.

Gaslighting is their default move because gaslighting is all these losers have. It’s not like they can sit back and let you read their CV of achievements. Iraq, Obamacare, their annoying millennial kids…all disasters. The members of America’s current ruling class are King Midases of failure.

Everything they touch turns to suck.

So, because they have no other way to deal with the damning evidence of their utter incompetence, our elite instead tries to convince us that we are crazy for noticing just how lame they are.

What Gaslighting is.

That’s called “gaslighting,” the straight-faced denial of what’s happening right in front of you that tries to leverage your politeness and deference to convince you that it’s not the elite that’s rotten. You’re just crazy for noticing, you crazed crazy person of craziness.

Gaslighting is lying "straight to your face" when there is obvious physical evidence in front of everyone that you are telling a lie.
Gaslighting is lying “straight to your face” when there is obvious physical evidence in front of everyone that you are telling a lie.

An example of gaslighting.

Take the Northern Syrian crisis – please. I generally side with the non-commie Kurds over the Turks, but facts are facts and facts mean something.

We keep hearing how we “betrayed our allies,” but who promised the Kurds that we would fight Turkey on their behalf?

It’s a big jump from “Let’s both fight ISIS” to “Take that, NATO ally.” But our garbage media, and our garbage politicians, sort of hand wave away the fact that you can’t “betray” someone by not doing what you never promised to do, especially when no reasonable person could ever expect you to do it.

A second example of gaslighting.

And then there’s the Kurdish monolith issue – all Kurds are not created equal.

There are different Kurd factions and different Kurd groups, and some Kurds are communists. In fact, we’ve designated the very Kurds Turkey says it’s going after (the PKK) as terrorists based on their actual terrorism.

Certainly, at the start of the story you probably couldn’t have expected our reporters and our politicians to tell Kurd X from Kurd Y without a program (in a better world, though, we’d expect them to zip it until they could), but when we’re a week-plus into what is allegedly the greatest atrocity ever was (because they think they can pin it on Trump) and they are still pretending that all Kurds are sweet n’ cuddly, they are lying to you.

A Washington DC example of gaslighting.

How about the response on Capitol Hill? We’ve got a bunch of politicians posing and posturing and prancing about over this border incursion half-way around the world and we’re sitting here wishing they would devote some of that wailing and teeth-gnashing to the incursions over our border.

But once again, they act like we can’t see the truth sitting right there.

As for the Democrats, well, how long would their support have lasted if Trump had used force against…our NATO ally?

You’re helping Putin!” they would shriek. Of course, they are currently shrieking, “You’re helping Putin!” when Trump doesn’t use force against Turkey.

And then there are the Republicans who holler and cry, raging over this terrible situation as if there wasn’t some way for our pols to influence events by, oh, I dunno, offering a resolution declaring war.

That’s a thing in the Constitution, I hear.

But taking votes means taking stands, and virtue signaling is no fun if that signal is, “I want you to send your sons and daughters to maybe die to sort out this latest 2000-year-old brawl between this latest bunch of strangers,” and the voters you signal it to are sick of stupid wars that never seem to end.

Gaslighting by Hillary Clinton.
Gaslighting by Hillary Clinton.

An example of phony outrage gaslighting.

And then there’s the phony outrage over some silly meme where fake Donald Trump fights fake logos of the fake news.

They insist that this year-old YouTube clip is going to spark terrifying violence against…I guess, CNN and MSNBC logos. Of course, these trademarks have remained unassaulted since this silly, fakey vid was created, but never mind that – this is the worst thing ever!

Also, you must ignore the fact that the original movie scene the meme was based upon featured the hero massacring a church full of conservative Christians in Kentucky. 

Weird how that realistic cinematic bloodletting matched the seething hatred of traditional Americans we’ve come to expect from our poisonous popular culture, but the Blue Check Mafia has an explanation about why the Christian slaughter was A-OK.

See, in the movie, Beanie and Cecil had a magic crystal and the mind control lasers made it so Zippy and Zoopy were actually good guys and shooting a bunch of Jesus people actually means we love Christians and stuff and don’t you see that when they shoot a church full of Christians it doesn’t mean they are shooting Christians, and that if you think it does you are craaaaaazzzzzyyyyyyy?

Just don’t pay attention to the real violence outside Trump’s Minneapolis rally.

Gaslighting Summary

It’s bad enough that they lie to us, directly and by omission, all the time. But what makes it worse is how their lies are such glaringly obvious fabrications and/or dissimulations that the deepest insult is that they think we might believe them.

The article is presented as published,  and all credit to the author. I personally like Kirts writing style,  and I would recommend that reader go visit his presence on the internet  on townhall.com once you all finish reading this article. 

Other Examples

On a personal level

A good example of gaslighting is when your husband comes home late from work for the 10th time in a row. You ask him why he keeps coming home late. “What?” He says, in shock. “I haven’t been coming home late! Are you sure you aren’t just losing track of time?” 

And you doubt yourself. 

The next day it happens again, but you checked the time. “You’re late!” And he said “what? No I’m not. I always come home at this time.” 

And you try to argue that it’s only been the last ten or even times he shows up at this time, he insists that you must have been confused, maybe in the past he got off work early once but he definitely always just comes home at this time.

You wonder if you’re really that unobservant. Honestly, that is so like you to be kinda airheaded. You’re not too smart, or you’d know for sure what time he gets home. The fact that you doubt it is not a good sign, he seems pretty sure that he always got home at this time. You shrug. 

You move on. 

He goes on screwing the secretary. Some day you find a pair of underwear in your laundry and it’s not yours. You ask him about it. He says he got you those two years ago for your anniversary, what the fuck, why don’t you remember? You apologize because you feel bad for being inconsiderate, forgetting something that mattered to him. You wear the women’s underwear to dinner as a make-up surprise.

It’s beyond simple lying, it’s lying that makes you doubt your reality and makes you docile, easy to control because you no longer trust which way is up, you have to depend on them to tell you which way is up.

-What is gaslighting

SHTF Related Index

This is a collection of my posts related to prepping, SHTF (Shit Hit The Fan), CWII (American Civil War 2), Fourth Turning (Strauss–Howe generational theory) and other posts related to the very sad and sorry tatters that America is today. Actually, I am a little stunned that I have written so much about these matters. But America today is very ill and there are things that really should be said.

Here are the posts.

SHTF and Related Index

The Tale of the Killdozer.
The use of technicals for genocide.
The Climax of the Fourth Turning in 2025.
2025 - the Fourth Turning Crisis - A nuclear response
Why are Americans so angry?
Evolution of the USA and China.
The grim future.
Is it clear enough for you?
r/K selection theory
Pictures of a gun-free utopia.
Historically, how preppers failed during periods of turmoil.
Universal Background Checks
What is planned for American Conservatives - Part 2
What is going to happen to conservatives - Part 3.
What is planned for conservatives - part 4
What is in store for Conservatives - part 5
What is in store for conservatives - part 6
Civil War
The Warning Signs
Line in the sand
A second passport
Make America Great Again.
What would the founders think?
The Ninth Amendment
How they get away with it
Taxiation without representation.
Parable about America
Democracy Lessons
We can no longer build. As we enter the Fourth Turning.
A polarized world.
America's sunset.
Types of American conservatives.
America is no longer a nation. When you cannot enforce a border, enforce laws, and prosecute criminals, you no longer have a nation. America is no longer a nation. It might still be the remains of a once great empire, sort of like Rome was after the Vandals sacked it, but as a functioning nation, it is no longer. When you cannot enforce a border, enforce laws, and prosecute criminals, you no longer have a nation. I argue that the United States is no longer a nation. Forget about being a nation that follows the Constitution. Rather, I argue that it is not longer a nation in the crudest, simplest, and most primitive terms. What it is is up for debate. But, a nation... no it is not.

Some prepper humor…

Nuke from orbit.

Articles & Links

You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.

  • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
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  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.