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This article is just a collection of some of my favorite cat pictures. Some are cute. Some are inspirational. Some are funny, and some are “head scratchers”. I hope that it brightens up your day today.
It’s just a bunch of cat related quotes, pictures and other related things.
First some Pharaoh comix…
Which leads up to this…
Some really BIG cats…
And some funny cartoons
Upper case and Lower case
More big cats
Something worthy of a chuckle
More and more big kitties
Some kitty humor
Shit my wife has said…
From Tumblr
Cat vape station
Kissing a kitty
And more big cats
Cat Language
Strange emotion cat
Physics Cat
Garlic Thief
More big cats
The King.
Tough Russian and Northern Europe Cats
Just keeping it real
Mozzarella Cat
You do not have permission to leave
Siberian Cat
Cat names
Coronavirus Kitty
Plot Twist
Cat quotes…
The life of a cat owner…
Putin is a cat lover…
Not lost, just visiting.
A Fat Cat
A Russian oligarch cat
A very busy cat
Dogs and Cats
All cat owners can relate…
A cat owner after a bad day at work…
Not about cats, but funny never the less…
Do you want more?
You can find more articles related to this in my Cat Heaven Index. Here…
This article is just a collection of some of my favorite cat pictures. Some are cute. Some are inspirational. Some are funny, and some are “head scratchers”. I hope that it brightens up your day today.
Fat Cat
Fat cat.
The love bond.
The love bond.
Hello Kitty
Hello Kitty
There’s a Japanese Show About a Samurai and the Adorable Cat He Wouldn’t Assassinate
It’s a classic Hollywood story: an assassin on a job can’t go through with it when he meets his would-be victim, then the two form an unlikely friendship against their common enemy.
Samurai Cat.
It’s a pretty reliable trope, although it can be hard finding new ways to keep it fresh. But that not a problem for one Japanese show, which had the greatest version of this story we’ve ever come across:
The amazing tale of the friendship between a samurai and the adorable cat he refused to kill.
Fighting for the Cat.
Neko zamurai (translation Samurai Cat), which we only just learned about at Reddit, was a Japanese TV mini-series that ran for two seasons from 2013 to 2015.
A time for a meeting of the minds.
It followed Madarame Kyutaro, known as Madara the Devil, a “humorless samurai, nearly desperate for work” who agrees to kill Tomanojo, the cat “accused of possessing a man’s soul.”
Protecting the Cat.
One problem, though: when he actually saw the adorable little kitten, his Katana became a Kan’t-ana, so he took Tomanojo home with him.
Man and cat.
Kitty in the snow
Kitty in the snow
Lion Love
Lion Love.
A fine tail
A fine tail.
Are you alive?
Are you alive?
Expert at game play.
Expert at game play.
Cartoon Kitty.
Cartoon Kitty.
Ready to pounce.
Ready to pounce.
An outdoor excursion.
An outdoor excursion.
Walking Around.
Walking Around.
Little guy.
Little guy.
Needing snuggles.
Needing snuggles.
A very fine looking cat.
A very fine looking cat.
A very fine looking cat.
Climbing up to say hi.
Climbing up to say hi.
Mine. Mine. Mine.
Mine. Mine. Mine.
Where I keep my spare cats.
Where I keep my spare cats.
Chow Hall.
Chow Hall.
Adjacent Cattery.
Adjacent Cattery.
A natural hunter.
A natural hunter.
A close call.
A close call.
Cat ladder.
Cat ladder.
Beautiful Eyes.
Beautiful Eyes.
Under the sheet fun!
My cats used to love to play this game when we made up the beds.
Under the sheet fun!
Who is this stranger?
Who is this stranger?
Come to mommy.
Come to mommy.
Smart Cat.
Smart Cat.
Climbing the walls.
Climbing the walls.
Wants to be the one and only.
Wants to be the one and only.
Ready or not; here I come.
Ready or not; here I come.
Service please.
Service please.
I will not be ignored.
I will not be ignored.
Kitten fight!
Kitten fight!
Caught up in a first person mouser!
Caught up in a first person mouser!
A clean escape.
A clean escape.
Cats make wonderful and funny companions. Those who visit MM might be able to see similar GIFs and pictures that resemble events that they too have experienced. This is just a fun post, and I do hope that you all enjoyed it.
Masterless Samurai Kyutaro Madarame is hired by a dog-loving gang to get rid of their rival gang’s beloved pet, an adorable white cat. Upon raising his sword, however, he cannot bring himself to go through with the act and the cat melts his heart.
Do you want more?
You can find more articles related to this in my Cat Heaven Index. Here…