The US is no longer the self-confident colossus that bestrode the world a few decades ago. America in 2022 is a financial, political, economic, military and social basket case, and its UK ally is in the same very leaky boat. The liberal Anglo world is further disturbed by the situation in Canada, which is now in the critical phase of a historic struggle between the Trudeau regime and a large and well-organised section of the working population. -UNZ
So I get up this morning, and after my normal routine, I grabbed my cup of coffee and checked my email, and all of that. After I responded to a few tight communications, I then headed towards the “Drudge Report”. It’s a “news” agreggator that collects daily “news” out of the United States. It’s routinely full of bullshit, and it’s one of the reasons why I just don’t read that bullshit any longer. I have a blood pressure issue, and anger just doesn’t help.
Today is day two since the Ukraine started shelling the pro-Russian Ukranian provences in Eastern Ukraine. And Putin and Russia has been very clear. They will not get involved in any of the “baloney” and nonsense out of NATO, the Ukraine and the United States. So they aren’t.
So what does the American “news” report?
Take a look…
Russia has put it’s foot down and stated boldly that there will be no fighting on it’s doorstep. So it sent in peacekeepers to stop the shelling.
That’s hardly an invasion!
But, the US media spins and spins and spins.
I don’t know about most of the other subjects, but I do follow the situation inside of China and with Russia. And I can POSITIVELY confirm that almost every American “news” report regarding them are lies. Or, at best detail omitted distortions.
There is no way that Russia wants Kiev. President Putin, and his foreign ministers have repeatedly stated so.
But they DO want [1] nuclear weapons, and [2] fighting off their borders. That’s a fact. It’s a reasonable fact. They also want America, NATO and the Ukraine to follow their treaty signitures.
What’s a document and a treaty is it is not ever being obeyed or followed? It has gotten so bad that I task the reader to find one treaty that the USA has followed to the letter. I cannot find one. And I looked.
The USA (and NATO) makes and breaks treaties at will.
What’s the point of having treaties at all?
You do know what Genghis Khan would do, right?
You do realize, just by looking at the map above, that Russia and China are the inheritors of the Genghis Khan empire. You DO know what that means. Right?
As far as American “news” goes…
So where in FUCK do they get the intel?
Conservative talk radio? Here’s from hal Turner that is pushing the “silent war” angle with “stealth invasion by Russia” narrative…
Where do they get this intel?
Oh, excuse me. They got it from un-named experts in the United States. That’s where.
Un-named “experts”
Here’s another…
The Washington Post newspaper is reporting that according to “U.S. Officials, U.S. intelligence intercepted an order given to Russian subordinates that said that they were to proceed with a full-scale attack on Ukraine.”
People, I cannot confirm this intel AT ALL.
According to the Washington Post newspaper:
The Biden administration has been warning of imminent attacks for days. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin on Saturday said Russian forces “are now poised to strike,” bolstering President Biden’s warning on Friday that Russian President Vladimir Putin had “made the decision” to attack Ukraine. The White House said Biden would convene a rare Sunday meeting of the National Security Council to assess the developing situation in Ukraine. However, some high-level European officials have expressed frustration that the United States had not shared the intelligence that led it to surmise Russia’s intentions with such certainty. U.S. intelligence that provided Biden with the confidence to make the assertion came from an order given to Russian subordinates to proceed with a full-scale attack, according to several people familiar with the matter, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the matter’s sensitivity. The United States obtained intelligence on the order as Russian military and security officials were taking steps to implement it, and did so very recently, the people said.
Oh. So it’s automatically truth, eh?
Long time readers of MM know the truth about all this.
Truth is evident in behavior.
Now look people. If you are doing well, if you are successful, and if you are happy and healthy you act that way. You do not lie. You do not apologize for your actions. You do not go around hiding behind others, or making false promises.
You do not.
You don’t.
Because you don’t NEED to.
It’s like people saying that China is lying or covering things up. Like torture, starvation, etc. etc.
Yada. Yada. Yada.
China, people! It’s a Communist country. They don’t NEED to lie. They tell you the way things are and you deal with it. Simple and painless.
And like China…
You become confident in your success and who you are. You act like Dwayne Johnson. You act like Clint Eastwood. You act like Bruce Willis in “Die Hard”. You become a bit proud and if you made a mistake, you say something like…
"Yea. I made a mistake. Do you have a problem with it?".

That’s not the case of losers, children, infants, and those with poor self esteem, or those that have things to hide. They must lie, and distort things.
Like in a “democracy” where the opinions of others determine your role in society and government. You have to lie, and make promises, and cover up truths.
These people, well, they come up with excuses and distortions. They act like Chris Tucker in “Rush Hour”. And when caught in a lie, they tend to ignore what you said or lie about it.
"It was not my fault. Besides, I was right and you are wrong. And what I am telling you, you must believe, and obey or else!"

And that is how human beings act.
Using basic human nature as a guide, how would you classify the “news” coming out of the United States today? As that of a healthy and proud nations, or as a losing, dying nation?
The fundamental targets of the NATO warmongers in this crisis are not Donbass, nor even Russia, but Germany, and China’s One Belt, One Road initiative. They are trying to keep Germany down, and China out; failure to do both means that the US will become an isolated rust-belt island thousands of miles away from the core economic block of the world. The same development also spells the forthcoming end of the dollar as the world’s financial reserve currency, while America’s time as a sole military superpower has already clearly ended. This is a classic example of the Thucydides’ Trap, the moment when an emerging power threatens to displace an existing great power as the hegemon of the age, a transition which all too often is accompanied by a war of desperation. -UNZ
The point
To Americans, the elite and the general population alike, wars are things that are fought in other peoples’ countries. Despite the fact that the US hasn’t won a war since the campaign against Japan in 1945, the general view in Washington, in particular, is that there is nothing to fear and plenty to gain from war. -UNZ
I argue that the United States is doing everything that it can to hide the face of it’s true and actual nature.
Not only to it’s citizenry, but also to other nations.
It has been bribing it’s toadies for compliance, and manipulating everyone else. It has also been involved in creeping antagonism at all levels against most every threat whether real or not.
Those in the West call it a “hybrid war”.
I call it what it is actually; the publicly exposed elements of a real, on-going, war. It’s the tip of the icebreg that is never reported.
The anti-China propaganda roars forward…
It’s from Bloomberg. Of course. Screenshot. The article itself isn’t worth your time to read.
I live in China and I didn’t even know there was a scandal. Imagine that!
So are girls, women and mothers “chained” inside of China?
Are you fucking serious?
Do you even know what a Chinese woman looks like?
Chinese girl in black
Most Chinese girls and women look like this. In fact, if your nation allows you to access Douxing, you can watch them all the time. Too bad that it is banned in the United States, Canada, The UK, and Australia. You know, for “national security”. Don’t you know.
The reality of what China is has been so massively distorted that no one in the West knows the truth any more…
This t-shirt *ISN’T* dirty!!
So what is going on inside of China? Well, consider this…
This is exactly what GOOD marketing is about:
Yujian Xiaomian 遇见小面 is a noodles brand that may not be known to all of you (especially abroad), but there’s a lot of marketers and brands can learn from them.
This t-shirt is such a simple idea, but it hits the nail on the head.
What’s everyone’s issue when eating soup noodles? The oil stains.
Happens. Every. Time.
So how do you fix that? They decided to create this limited-edition t-shirt to give out for free to anyone who gets their white t-shirt stained while eating at their store.
(+They also sell on WeChat)
So they’ve taken the MAIN thing that gets people worried and used it as a linchpin for their campaign. Brilliant.
Not only that, but the wordplay on the t-shirt is great too:
It makes clever use of the expression “Jia You” (literally: add oil) which is used figuratively to motivate others, like saying “Come on! You can do it!” and changing it to “add some oil AGAIN”.
The best part is that people expressed very mixed feelings about this online…
Some left comments like “this is gross” or “this makes me want to wash it” – while others thought it was very funny and creative.
BUT – that’s precisely what great marketing is about!
You want to spark conversation!
BE creative, BE divisive, get people expressing polar views – that’s what’s makes this whole thing so fun and engaging.
I kind of like the marketing aspect of this, and it’s unique and a good thought. Though whether or not I’d buy one is unknown. I’m of a different generation, don’t you know, and my tastes and ascetics are somewhere else.
What about the chained up women? What about the horrible plight of the Uighur Muslims? What about the poor oppressed young Chinese yearning™ for freedom™ and democrac™y?
Chinese girl in a cute miniskirt
But, the ignorant, stupid, moronic American screeches… chained Uighurs! Chained Chinese women! Starving people pining away for freedom™ and democracy™!
This is what Chinese women look like…
A new world order
Nope. It’s not the George Bush NWO.
It’s a REAL *new*, New World Order; its a revised world order.
Why is the United States in such a hysterical hissy-fit? Well, for the last 100 years (probably longer) it’s all be lies, built upon lies, constructed over lies, and now ruled by the best liers and the most corrupt individuals. It’s a “house of cards” that is falling down, and the rest of the world doesn’t want any part of it.
Countries grouped around their most important trading partner.
1990 versus 2020
Chinese girl in a village
And when you point these truths out, there is this period of silence, and then the computerized megaphone yells out the preprogrammed narrative; “‘Merica! It is the best and the brightest! It is the house on the shining hill. Everyone wants to lvie in ‘Merica!”
Then followed shortly afterwards with…
“Chained Chiense women. Fake false flags. Olympic failures”.
Here’s the real deal. This is what is going on inside of China. This is the real picture.
But some technical folk do see. Maybe not the entire picture, but maybe their little part of it, and see that there are serious clamering bells and alrms a wailing…
China’s 5G Soars Over America’s
In some U.S. cities, it’s slower than the old 4G system. Washington should make it a priority.

At this point, football fans have seen so many ads from AT&T and Verizon claiming to have the fastest and most reliable 5G service on the planet that those without a 5G smartphone might think they are really missing something. Don’t be misled. Unless you are traveling internationally, you won’t enjoy faster speeds with a new 5G-enabled smartphone than you’d get on a 4G phone streaming games from New York, Los Angeles or many other U.S. cities. AT&T’s and Verizon’s new 5G networks are often significantly slower than the 4G networks they replace. America is far behind in almost every dimension of 5G while other nations—including China—race ahead.
America’s average 5G mobile internet speed is roughly 75 megabits per second, which is abysmal. In China’s urban centers 5G phones get average speeds of 300 megabits per second. Though that’s not quite the fastest 5G in the world—South Korea claims that title at over 400 Mbps—it’s still fast enough to download a high-definition movie in two minutes. Mobile internet speed is a central advancement of 5G, which enables a new domain of breakthrough applications with potent economic and national-security implications. American 5G upload speeds are slower than those of many developed countries, including Israel, Singapore and Canada. In Boston, Chicago and New York City, AT&T’s 5G speeds are at least 10% slower than its 4G; in Washington, Los Angeles and Austin, Texas, Verizon’s 5G speeds are at least 20% slower than the company’s 4G.
The U.S. also trails China in the global market for 5G-related services. Although American sanctions have hurt Huawei, China’s national champion is still the global leader in supplying 5G infrastructure with 30% of the market, while no U.S. firms sell 5G infrastructure abroad. Strategically significant countries including Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa and Turkey have installed Huawei infrastructure and are already using it to deliver 5G services.
While Beijing has prioritized broadening its 5G network, Washington has a dysfunctional relationship with the U.S. mobile industry—as typified by the Federal Aviation Administration’s hysterics over the proximity of American airports to 5G services, which operate near scores of airports around the world with no problem. For its part, China has been rapidly allocating the most efficient part of the wireless spectrum, called midband, to 5G service providers. China has deployed at least three times as much midband to 5G providers as the U.S. has. AT&T and Verizon are using the same spectrum bands for both their 4G and 5G networks. As a result, as one industry analyst aptly put it, their 5G networks are “just 4G with sprinkles on it.”
Washington’s dithering has left America well behind China in the race to build 5G infrastructure. Because 5G signals have short wavelengths, reliable service requires proximity to many wireless base stations. China has installed more than one million 5G base stations, while the U.S. has built only 100,000. The American fiber-optic network is also less dense than that of many developed countries like Japan, making it more difficult for mobile operators to deploy these small cell sites.
China’s investment in 5G also dwarfs America’s. The Innovation and Competition Act, which Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer hailed as “the key to preserving America’s position on the world stage as a current and future technological leader in the 21st century,” would authorize $1.5 billion in spending on 5G mobile networks through 2026. China has already spent $50 billion to build out its 5G network and is on track to spend an additional $100 billion on 5G over the next five years.
The pathetic U.S. performance in the 5G race is a sign of America’s larger failure to keep up with China on strategically important technologies. China is also ahead of America in high-tech manufacturing, green energy and many applications of artificial intelligence. On current trajectories, by 2030 it will likely lead the U.S. in the number of semiconductor chips it produces and in applications of biotechnology to defeat diseases like cancer.
In 2019 the Pentagon’s Defense Innovation Board tried to sound the alarm, stating bluntly: “China is on a track to repeat in 5G what happened with the U.S. in 4G.” The transition from 3G to 4G made possible a previously unimaginable world of mobile computing, smartphones and applications from Google Maps and Uber to Facebook and Instagram. The step up to real 5G speeds will lead to analogous breakthroughs in autonomous vehicles, virtual-reality applications like the metaverse, and other areas that have yet to be invented. Applications abound that could advantage a country’s intelligence agencies and enhance its military capabilities.
It will take far more than an additional $1.5 billion investment from Congress to change this. The Biden administration should make 5G a national priority and take the lead in building digital highways across the country as the government did in creating our national highway system. Otherwise, China will own the 5G future.
Saga of the chained Chinese girl…
Again. You saw what the Drudge Report said…
When you read the AP “report”, there is no evidence. Just an accusation that is repeated and treated like it is fact. Sheech!
AP screenshot.
And you know, it doesn’t look at all like what is really going on…
Chinese girl cute at home
The rest of the world is seeing this. And theya re starting to take action.
One of the Five Eyes has blinked over China
New Zealand has defied the wrath of its Anglosphere allies to sign a big new trade deal with Beijing
China and New Zealand this week completed the ratification of their upgraded free-trade agreement, which will come into force in April. Although the deal was a long time in the works, it expands the number of tariff-free goods New Zealand is able to export into China, securing what is its largest market and a key source of income for its farmers.
The agreement comes despite the growing tensions between Beijing, the United States and its allies, with Washington seeking to put the brakes on China’s expanding economic ties with its allies, in a view towards strategic containment.
This has led to claims that New Zealand, a member of the Five Eyes Anglosphere intelligence alliance involving Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States, has not been sufficiently ‘loyal’ to their agenda. Jacinda Ardern’s more cautious approach towards Beijing, as opposed to the absolutely relentless hostility to China seen in neighboring Australia, has seen her country mocked as ‘New Xi-land.’
So why is New Zealand acting differently to its partners when it comes to Beijing? And will the pressure to get it to take America’s side succeed?
New Zealand, for many reasons, is a country which is fundamentally different from the other Anglosphere nations; its world outlook is more moderate, less elitist and more progressive. While the other three countries, Australia, Canada and the United States, were once British colonies established through the near total, unapologetic destruction of indigenous inhabitants in the name of Anglo-Protestant settler supremacy, New Zealand was established as more of a compromise between the British and the native Māori population. The Maori were not entirely displaced, but instead remained a cultural and political force within the country.
In recent years, Maori culture has in fact been on the ascendency in New Zealand and unlike its Anglophone counterparts, the nation’s broader identity has absorbed it. This means that in foreign relations, New Zealand is less inclined towards the zealous imperialist and supremacist mindset seen in Washington, Canberra, London and Ottawa.
Wellington is considerably more peaceful and less contentious in its outlook, which in turn influences its attitude towards Beijing. As a nation of just five million people which relies significantly on agricultural exports, China’s market of 1.4 billion hungry mouths represents a trade bonanza that is simply not matched anywhere else in the world. Why, in such circumstances, should New Zealand subscribe to an aggressive anti-China agenda?
Yet for all intents and purposes New Zealand does, on paper, effectively take a side as part of the US-led security order in the Pacific, even if it is not considered a leading player or part of concentrated groups such as ‘The Quad’ strategic security grouping of the United States, India, Japan and Australia.
Whilst British and Australian media outlets are quick to accuse Ardern’s New Zealand of being subservient to China owing to trade, this is misleading. One may note that New Zealand has banned Huawei from its 5G networks, that it still engages in naval military drills against China in areas such as the South China Sea, still puts its name to anti-China statements pursued at the United Nations and elsewhere, and so on. But, significantly, this is done in a non-aggressive, discrete and non-confrontational way.
It might be said that Wellington ‘follows’ the US agenda in its own moderate way, but does not attempt to lead or put its head above the pack needlessly. For example, New Zealand has somewhat embraced the Xinjiang-focused human rights discourse, but has notably avoided the ‘genocide’ accusation as pushed by the most aggressive Anglosphere politicians. Likewise, when the AUKUS deal to provide nuclear submarines for Australia was declared last year, Ardern announced such subs would be banned from its waters as part of its anti-nuclear stance.
These distinctions remind us that New Zealand’s foreign policy is not ‘pro-China’ as such, but a careful balancing act not to frame itself as an explicit enemy to Beijing in the way Australia has done, a move that resulted in China banning numerous exports from that country throughout 2020 and 2021. New Zealand, were it to follow suit, arguably has far more to lose as a much smaller nation.
Yet this also alludes to the underlying reality: that Wellington is part of an economic order which increasingly revolves around China, albeit while simultaneously being part of the US-led security order. Whilst these conflicting modes of existence have caused more discomfort in Australia, owing to its much stronger sense of Anglophone exceptionalism and historical embrace of ‘yellow peril’ rhetoric, New Zealand seems to be deftly riding out the balance.
The upgraded trade agreement with Beijing illustrates this existence isn’t going to change anytime soon. Wellington is also part of the 15-member Asia-Pacific Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership that also incorporates China and commenced this year.
While talk of diversification in international trade is often thrown around, this is superficial and easier said than done, for there are no other markets the size of China’s. This is something that the US and some of its closer allies have been unwilling to face: Beijing is and will continue to be the economic heart of an entire region by the realities of size, geography and economics. No amount of denial can change that, however much America wishes it, as set out in its “Indo-Pacific” strategy.
This might mark one final distinction between Wellington and the rest of the Five Eyes states. Whilst the others are in denial, hostile towards a changing world where China is rising, and frantically trying to assemble strategies based on nostalgia or past glories, New Zealand, while still technically on their side, is more pragmatic and realistic about it all. It has not switched allegiances, yet it has few qualms or anxiety or hesitation about integrating and trading with China to its own benefit.
But, you know, those who have the money, and who have travelled, do know what is going on inside of China.
How to pick stocks…
Meanwhile the Chiense are moving forward with all kinds of innovations…
A drone within a smartphone?
The Chinese smartphone manufacturer VIVO caused a stir a few months ago. A video showing a drone within a smartphone went viral.
The phone appears to have a design similar to a modern smartphone but something is unique about the camera.
Instead of carrying large devices, the drone simply slides out of the phone, flying around and taking pictures.
With its own battery and three installed infrared proximity sensors, it will ensure that the camera drone will not fly against or hit anything.
Release date, price and other information are not yet available, as the product shown is only a patent so far.
But it will be the world’s first flying detachable phone camera.
drone with a smartphone-2022-02-19_17.49.17
But you know…
There’s a ton-load of bullshit on all American platforms. And they are subtle. Most Americans wouldn’t catch the lies.
This one, I caught today on LinkedIN…
But it’s NOT.
Apple is NOT the most popular smartphone in China. It’s not even number four.
Thanks to President Trump, and a rising patriotism thoughtout China, it’s not even number four. It’s way, way down the list, and maybe it was (iPhone) tops in China in 2015, it is no longer.
As long as the anti-China narrative continues, the Chinese interest in buying American products will continue it’s long slide towards ZERO.
Chinese girl visiting Korea
Korea is a beautiful place, and they are Han race, just like the Han Chinese. In fact, many Chinese live inside of Korea. they work there, and live fine productive lives there. This one gal here is an attractive lass (one of my favorites) that lives there. Her videos makes me want to hop on a plane and visit.
I’ll bet that she’d be a lot of fun.
The master mind behind HK riots files for bankruptcy
Well, I argue that John Bolton was the mastermind behind the HK riots, but there is no quesiton that Guo Wengui played a signifigant role.

Exiled Chinese businessman Guo Wengui filed for bankruptcy on Tuesday night, days after a New York court ordered him to pay $134 million to a creditor for moving a yacht out of U.S. waters to prevent it from debt collection.
Guo, a real-estate developer also known as Miles Kwok, said he fled China in 2014 after learning a state security official linked to him was the subject of a corruption investigation. Beijing later said it was pursuing Guo on a slew of criminal charges, allegations the businessman has denied.
Guo has since lived in New York City and amassed a large following, particularly among Chinese Americans, by painting himself as a mega-rich dissident and freedom fighter who is trying to take down China’s ruling Communist Party. He had an estimated net worth of $1.1 billion in 2015, and the Fifth Avenue penthouse he lived in was worth $68 million.
The Chapter 11 filing indicates that Guo is seeking debt relief and to stop all collection efforts against him pending a reorganization of his finances. He declared that he now owned less than $100,000 of assets but owed dozens of creditors to the tune of $100 million to $500 million.
Guo said his debts came from “litigation expenses, claims, and judgments,” and included a list of entities that were in legal disputes with him.
Guo has become an influential player in the conservative media world in the U.S. after he allied with Steve Bannon, former President Donald Trump’s adviser. He’s an investor and active user of Gettr, a pro-Trump Twitter alternative that claims to be free of “cancel culture.”
Guo’s popular video streams regularly lash out at not only Chinese officials but also other pro-democracy activists from China. He has been promoting false information about the pandemic and called COVID-19 vaccines part of a conspiracy concocted by the Chinese Communist Party.
A 2021 report by network analysis company Graphika found that Guo is at the center of a vast social media network which amplifies online disinformation and promotes real-world harassment campaigns participated by his fans. Guo denies encouraging anyone to participate in harassment.
Guo’s bankruptcy attorney, William Baldiga, did not immediately respond to a request for comments.
The 15-room Manhattan condo on the 18th floor in the Sherry-Netherland hotel, where Guo has lived for years, is now on sale for $45 million, about $23 million less than it was bought for in 2015.
Last week, a New York judge ruled that Guo arranged for a boat called the Lady May to leave New York waters for the Bahamas to shield it from debt collection. Guo, who has maintained he doesn’t own the yacht, was ordered to pay $134 million to a creditor.
Bannon was arrested on the same boat in 2020 on unrelated federal charges.
Last year, three media companies tied to Guo agreed to pay $539 million, without admitting wrongdoing, to settle charges that the companies illegally sold cryptocurrencies.
Here is how to understand China
Bruce Lee explains how China does things. Not just in Covid, Kung Fu, but in education, energy, trade, and military.
Chinese girl on a horse
Here’s my gal from Korea again. Can you see why I find her so alluring? Chained up abused little waif? No. Not in the least.
Chinese girl outside a local store
Here is a Chinese girl outside of a typical small town store. This is a pretty much typical scene throughout China. She has the same hair color that MM has, don’t you know. Therefore, there is an immediate affinity for this gal. Though, I must tell you all, seriously… she’s much prettier than I am.
China is just moving ahead, and allowing the rest of the world to howl.
And, you know…
Unhinged America
They are really, right now, totally unhinged.
It’s funny if it wasn’t so sad.

China Makes Breakthrough Ahead of Other Nations in Crucial Fusion Reactor Technology That Promises Endless Source of Power
The race for advanced weaponry has been one-upped with the stride in fusion reactor technology that places a Chinese tokamak ahead of other nations as a crucial future development.
China, despite the claims of the US, is now way ahead in arms and energy research crucial to lead countries as pre-eminent powers exceeding the American lead.
A self-contained sun or ‘Tokamak’ will be providing power for China, with inner temperatures as high as 120 million degrees.
China advances with the power of its artificial sun
Experts say that Beijing’s push to advance technology has enabled the development of fusion power in a compact casing. Advanced countries are racing to beat China to pursue cutting-edge scientific developments, reported the Sun UK.
The artificial sun breakthrough will cement the lead of the Communist Party in a power-hungry world. Fusion can power with safe non-lethal energy that is clean and renewable, the holy grail which the west wants to have.
Research to contain the immense heat as a source of power for the earth and the sun at its core. Compared to fission, it offers more options since the atomic age started in the 1950s, cited Techno Trendz.
The goal is for the contestants in this race to get the most wins to complete a fully functional Tokamak. The rat race to see the finish line is what western and eastern powers are gunning for.
The recent announcement that the Chinese Tokamak started up as a next-generation fusion reactor that burned with the heat of a star for 20 minutes, the longest time on record.
What is shown to the western allies is that Beijing might be at a tipping point that will be a sign of Chinese dominance of fusion technology.
According to two analysts, Thomas Corbett and Peter Singer, who have agreed that the drive for China to push for advancement is more than the west ever thought possible.
In Defense One, they stressed all success in research and development is all in China, and they are strides that exceeded expectations.
Achieving an internal temperature of plasma heat of 120 million Celsius for about 20 seconds in 2021. Compared to the sun with an interior heat of 27 million is less hot than the quasi-sun at 120 million degrees.
China’s Tokamak can replace limited oil supply at wartime
Any country that perfects the Tokamak will have all the energy it needs to be steady and clean. The energy shortages of the past will be rare, for example, the EU gas and oil crises, remarked Dr. Daniel Jassa by the Bulletin Of Atomic Scientists.
China’s Experiential Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST) is on trial to sustain longer operation times. For the record, the funds for the development is has reached £700 million is a lot, but Beijing is still putting in money, unlike the west.
One consideration to develop the Tokamak is that it can replace the endangered oil supply at wartime, with 14.3 million barrels a day being threatened. It assures fewer power supply problems.
Economic development will benefit from it and fuel development faster. China sees what it means to have it when faced with old powers like the US and Europe.
The Chinese Tokamak is the peak of advanced fusion reactor technology, giving it a quantum leap over the west.
Chinese girl in her car
But the Chinese are chained up! And the food in the Olympics was so bad that the people howled and tore at their hair in frustration!
So says the British tabloids…
I just cannot tell you how many times that I have experienced this scene. See. It’s just like in America, or Australia or the UK. We all are the same, you know. It’s only our societies that are different.
7 Times The Speed Of Sound, China Claims Breakthrough With ‘Hypersonic Gun’ That Can Shoot-Down Missiles, Fighter Jets
The emergence of hypersonic weapons has forced nations to look for countermeasures. Japan has reportedly decided to develop “railguns” in the face of emerging hypersonic threats and it is not the only country to do so.
A railgun is an electromagnetic weapon capable of firing projectiles at Mach 7 — seven times the speed of sound — and is said to be capable of destroying ships, missiles, and planes. But on the flip side, the fast-moving projectile and its high-voltage electric current could produce irreversible wear on the rail or inner wall, lowering the gun’s lifespan and accuracy.
Now, China appears to have found answers to some of the issues plaguing railguns. Wang Xiaohe, a researcher at the China Huayin Ordnance Test Centre in the northwestern province of Shaanxi, claims that the country’s researchers have come up with some viable solutions in recent years, reported SCMP.
China’s railgun program has to go through a number of certification processes before it can be used in future battles. Wang and his colleagues emphasized that the volume and intensity of these tests would considerably exceed any previous tests, stating that a significant number of shots would have to be fired “nonstop at top energy levels” to uncover and address issues.
China’s railgun program is not new. In 2018, some images emerged on social media showing a large, previously unknown weapon placed on the Type 072III-class landing ship, Haiyang Shan.
The possibility of a ship-mounted railgun was mentioned by a verified Weibo account belonging to a retired Chinese navy officer. He said that a project to build a ship-mounted railgun had been authorized years ago, possibly with the help of the Beijing Institute of Technology and a China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation institute.
Does US Have Railguns?
Last July, the Pentagon declared that it had put a halt to its railgun program in order to free up resources for hypersonic weapon research. Aside from financial limitations, one of the main reasons was the need to replace a gun barrel after 20 shots due to wear and other problems.
The United States has been a pioneer in the development of railguns. It is said an American inventor had suggested the use of rail cannon to shell Havana from the coast of Florida during the Spanish-American War in the late nineteenth century. The Pentagon initiated the modern US railgun program during the Cold War period.
After decades of development and more than 1,000 rounds of tests, US researchers accomplished a variety of technological and engineering advancements that expanded the weapon’s operational range to over 100 nautical miles with bullets soaring at seven times the speed of sound.
However, the issue with the weapon is that its range would still expose American warships to enemy fire. This might be fatal in the face of an opponent (China) capable of deploying sophisticated missiles.
Wang claimed that research in the United States and other nations had benefited Chinese researchers a lot. China is using liquid metal in the rail to reduce wear. Chinese scientists also employed some of the models used by American railgun experts to simulate and analyze the occurrence of damage.
However, Chinese railgun had some unique designs that had never been seen before, Wang added. The Chinese design, unlike most railguns, would not have an additional mechanism attached to the muzzle to suppress an electric flash. To attain more consistent performance with minimal damage, it would employ a special coating technology.
In 2018, China undertook the world’s first live open-sea test with a railgun placed on a warship. A 25kg (55lbs) projectile was reportedly propelled to Mach 7.3 and hit a target 250 kilometers away with the prototype weapon. Chinese scientists are also working on hypersonic missiles that could be launched from a railgun and could search for targets, the report said.
China claims to have developed heat-seeking hypersonic missiles ahead of the United States, which could be used to attack aircraft carriers and moving vehicles. However, hypersonic weapons are expensive to operate. Railguns, according to the Chinese navy, might help defend the country’s shore due to its unrivaled firing range.
The plan is to add railgun interceptors to the existing missile defense system. Japan is also considering long-range missiles that would allow it to fire projectiles from afar. The three mechanisms would combine to provide a three-tier deterrent.
A total of 6.5 billion yen ($56 million) has been set out in the fiscal 2022 budget for the development of prototypes of military-use railgun technology. The system ought to be operational in the second part of the 2020s.
Moreover, the Japanese Defense Ministry will begin full-scale research and development of high-power microwave (HPM) weapons in the fiscal year 2022, which begins in April, according to Japan’s Yomiuri Shimbun newspaper. The news comes days after Chinese media reported that the country is working on laser weaponry for the J-20 Mighty Dragon stealth aircraft.
“The ministry plans to work on a prototype over the next five years and has earmarked 7.2 billion yen [US$62.5 million] in next year’s budget plan for that purpose,” officials told Japanese newspaper, Yomiuri Shimbun.
Japan’s Foray Into Railgun Domain
Last Month, it was reported that Japan has decided to develop an electromagnetic weapon system to intercept enemy hypersonic missiles. The decision to develop “railguns” came as Tokyo considers how to deal with the threat posed by hypersonic weapons from its neighbors such as China, North Korea, and Russia.
The rest of the world is getting angry at the USA
Oh, but NOT reported to Americans, don’t you know. Never report this stuff to Americans. They cannot handle the truth. Keep them living in fear and anger.
Chinese girl in blue near water
Oh yeah. She’s typical. You will notice that there are flowers and trees lining the road. This is normal. China respects the people and provides everyone a nice place to live in. Especially in industrial areas like this one.
China set to achieve 14 nm breakthrough in 2022
An interview with Strategy Analytics
Tuesday 13 July 21
China consumes about 70% of global semiconductor production. But the country’s plans to mass produce 14 nm chips next year within the country is likely to make China the biggest semiconductor supplier globally.
A sudden surge in demand for electronics during the COVID-19 pandemic led to an unprecedented shortage of semiconductor chips worldwide.
Right from gaming consoles, laptops and desktop to even digital thermometers have been faced with an acute chip shortage due to a sudden increase in demand, bringing to fore the importance of self-sufficiency in semiconductor manufacturing.
China is taking a lead in addressing the global shortage of chips by accelerating the development and manufacturing of 14 nm chips, which are expected to go into mass production in the country in 2022.
While China is the world’s biggest consumer of semiconductors, a large part of that demand has been met through imports so far. However, the country is making rapid strides in becoming self-reliant and developing a strong ecosystem of semiconductor design and manufacturing.
China has a lot of work to do…
Chinese girl in a brown top
Is she sreeching and crying about being chained up?
I really like this girl. I like the brown and tan theme that seems to be her “thing”. It goes great with the rose sofa that she is sitting upon.
China eyes thorium breakthrough in Gobi desert
On the edge of the Gobi Desert, at a place called Wuwei, China will soon test a safe, inexpensive nuclear energy, that will not need water to cool nuclear fuel rods nor uranium.
This experimental nuclear reactor uses thorium as a fuel and experts believe that China will be the first country to have a chance to commercialize the technology, German website reported.
The reactor is unusual in that it has molten salts circulating inside it instead of water.
It has the potential to produce nuclear energy that is relatively safe and cheap, while also generating a much smaller amount of very long-lived radioactive waste than conventional reactors.
Operated by the Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics (SINAP), the reactor is designed to generate just two megawatts of thermal energy — enough to supply up to 1,000 households.
If the experiments are successful, however, China hopes to build a reactor with a capacity of 373 megawatts by 2030, which could supply hundreds of thousands of households with electricity.
According to the government of Gansu Province, construction was to be completed by early September and a trial run is slated later this month.
What exactly is thorium and why is it important?
A weakly radioactive, silvery metal that occurs naturally in rocks and is currently rarely used industrially, it is a by-product of the growing rare earth mining industry in China and is therefore an attractive alternative to imported uranium.
“Thorium is much more abundant than uranium, so using it would be a very useful technology for the next 50 or 100 years when uranium reserves run out,” said Lyndon Edwards, a nuclear engineer with the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organization in Sydney.
The reactor type is one of the “perfect technologies” that should help China achieve its goal of zero carbon emissions by around 2050, says energy modeler Jiang Kejun from the Energy Research Institute of the National Development and Reform Commission in Beijing.
The naturally occurring isotope thorium-232 cannot be fissioned, but when irradiated in a reactor it absorbs neutrons and forms uranium-233, a fissile material that generates heat.
Thorium has been tested as a fuel in other types of nuclear reactors in countries such as the US, Germany, and the UK, and is part of a nuclear program in India.
So far, however, it has not proven to be cost-effective because its extraction is more expensive than uranium and, unlike some naturally occurring uranium isotopes, it has to be converted into a fissile material.
Some researchers advocate thorium as a fuel because they believe that its waste products are less weapons-grade than uranium, making it safer and greener.
Unlike the uranium currently used in nuclear power plants, burning thorium does not create plutonium, a highly toxic chemical element.
There’s another advantage — this type of reactor does not need to be built near watercourses, since the molten salts themselves “serve as a coolant, unlike conventional uranium power plants that need huge amounts of water to cool their reactors.”
As a result, the reactors can be installed in isolated and arid regions… like the Gobi Desert.
Compared to light water reactors in conventional nuclear power plants, molten salt reactors, also known as molten salt reactors, work at significantly higher temperatures.
The result: You can generate electricity much more efficiently, says Charles Forsberg, a nuclear engineer at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge.
According to, China’s reactor will use fluoride-based salts, which melt into a colourless, transparent liquid when heated to about 450 ºC. The salt acts as a coolant to transport heat from the reactor core.
In addition, rather than solid fuel rods, molten-salt reactors also use the liquid salt as a substrate for the fuel, such as thorium, to be directly dissolved into the core.
Molten-salt reactors are considered to be relatively safe because the fuel is already dissolved in liquid and they operate at lower pressures than do conventional nuclear reactors, which reduces the risk of explosive meltdowns.
However, some critics say the feasibility of molten-salt reactors remains questionable as it creates further technical problems.
“At very high temperatures, the salt can corrode the reactor’s structures, which need to be protected in some manner,” said Jean-Claude Garnier, head of France’s Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA).
When China starts up its pilot reactor, it will be the first molten salt reactor to have been in operation since 1969. At that time, US researchers shut down their reactor at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee.
It will also be the first liquid salt reactor to run on thorium.
China’s reactor will be “a test bed to do a lot of learning,” says Forsberg, from analysing corrosion to characterizing the radionucleotide composition of the mixture as it circulates.
“We are going to learn so much new science,” agrees Simon Middleburgh, a nuclear materials scientist at Bangor University, UK. “If they would let me, I’d be on the first plane there.”
Molten-salt reactors are just one of many advanced nuclear technologies China is currently investing in.
In 2002, an intergovernmental forum identified six promising reactor technologies to fast-track by 2030, including reactors cooled by lead or sodium liquids. China has programs for all of them.
Some of these reactor types could replace coal-fuelled power plants, says David Fishman, a project manager at the Lantau Group energy consultancy in Hong Kong.
“As China cruises towards carbon neutrality, it could pull out [power plant] boilers and retrofit them with nuclear reactors.”
But even if China ends up claiming victory, they should not rejoice too quickly, said Francesco D’Auria, nuclear reactor technology specialist at the University of Pisa: “The problem with corrosive products is that you don’t realize their damage until five to 10 years after.”
If it is successful, series production could start as early as 2030, officials said.
Chinese girl at the piano
But… But…
China abuses it’s people, the American “news” reports say…
This gal is one of those girls that posts a lot of modeling photos on her DouXing. I can see why; she’s cute, attractive all in a small package. Her dress, don’t you know, fits her like a glove.
China’s new metaverse of product marketing
Check this out! This brand…
Used to be “LAME” when I was a kid: When I saw this video my initial reaction was just wow – look how far we’ve come.
Not just in terms of marketing through the metaverse (can’t believe that’s a real sentence) and what that could entail once fully developed, but also just as a country.
To me, campaigns like these emphasise the importance + relevance of the Guochao (national pride/identity) trend.
When I was younger, you would try to avoid brands like Anta or Li-ning at ALL COSTS – tell your parents that you would get bullied if you wore their shoes to school. But those days are over!
These brands are coming in strong, and even taking advantage of the fact that brands like theirs used to be looked down upon (even by locals) for being Chinese.
They’re now playing up the fact that they’re home-made and can represent their country in a positive way.
Back to the metaverse – this is clearly just a vision / interpretation of how these experiences could look in the future. A lot of the stuff in this video isn’t possible yet. Everyone talks about the metaverse, but few understand it!
I think the first business to crack how to incorporate movement sensors / the appropriate hardware will see huge success in the coming years.
Did you like this video?
Would you want to try on clothes like this?
China branding -1-2022-02-18_20.41.57
E-Yuan implemented in Hong Kong
The digital yuan will connect with Hong Kong’s FPS mobile payment system making payments between Mainland and HK easy for the little guy!
This is big because it shows once again how all of the e-CNY’s cross-border activity will be focused on Hong Kong, and that the future is here now!
The link between the e-CNY and HK’s FPS system provides our first real example of how the e-CNY can be used to link retail payment systems.
FPS or “faster payment system” is Hong Kong’s new retail RTGS payment system which already handles some HK$ 5.2 bn daily. Hong Kong is China’s fourth largest trading partner and besides tourism there is a ton of e-commerce and SME trade with neighboring Guangdong. So this will potentially be a big help to many!
But if you really want to see where this tie-up is going look at Singapore!
e-CNY mobile cross border payments will be modeled after Singapore’s. Singapore’s mobile real-time payment system “PayNow” has connections with instant payment systems in India, Thailand, the Philippines, and Malaysia. (Did I miss any?) These systems make remittances and e-commerce a breeze.
It won’t be long after the national launch of the e-CNY before it will have similar connectivity within the region. With the e-CNY making e-commerce a breeze throughout the region.
Understand that this will be a seamless experience. As these e-CNY payments are part of existing mobile payment systems like FPS in Hong Kong, e-commerce sites, retailers, and restaurants won’t have to do anything to accept and convert e-CNY payments. It will be a major benefit to SMEs within the region and Alibaba will get more business than ever!
It’s important to note that Hong Kong’s position as the leading international e-CNY center has been set in stone by the PBOC.
This is one of two critical projects that the PBOC is bringing to Hong Kong. Never forget that the PBOC and the HKMA are building mBridge the first dedicated global CBDC transfer system that will go into production this year.
What we don’t yet know is how the e-CNY payments will be handled by the banks setting up the system. Hong Kong users won’t have e-CNY UTXO style digital wallets so there will have to be a special link built to connect e-CNY tokens with accounts of FPS users. I’m curious to see how they do it.
Here’s what’s going to happen. The PBOC is going to call other central banks in the region and say: “Hi we want to connect your retail RTGS system with e-CNY.” What country will say no given China’s commercial ties within the region?
That’s just one way the e-CNY revolution will start and before long you’ll see it on mobile payment apps throughout the region.
The future is here, most have no clue.
Hong Kong sets stage for e-CNY use, to launch pilot ‘soon after Spring Festival’
- The pilot will strengthen Hong Kong’s role as an international offshore yuan trading centre, HKMA’s Eddie Yue says
- ‘Restaurants and other shops in Lan Kwai Fong will like to join the test, because the e-CNY is the future of payments’: Allan Zeman
Thin and stacked Chinese girl in brown
But what of the Chained women?
Normally, for the longest time, I shied away from very thin girls. Now I know better. Everyone has these great attributes that lie under the skin in places that you just cannot see. Look at her. Look at her eyebrows. Lovely.
Such a very cute Chinese girl in the country
If I were a younger man…
Anyways, this girl is the kind of happy and pleasant person that I wouldn’t mind spending a dinner with. Maybe a nice light fish with some tasty vegitables and then perhaps a nice tea afterwards. Or maybe more.

Such a cute gal.
Chinese girl with a nice chest.
Always a favorite. When I see her, I think of a fine robust wine. Some dancing, and some nice food snacks.

Chinese girl
Not chained up.
Not yearning for democracy™.
Not pining away for freedom™.
In a nice white dress while she is in the car. As I get older, I really, I mean REALLY, appreciate a fine nice patterned dress. There are so many, so so many styles and color and patterns. And OMG, the gals look so fine in them.
The model Chinese girl
I’ll bet that you all didn’t know that Chinese people have average and normal lives. Lives that did not include chains, whippings, and torture…
I do like this model, and the clothes that she models has appeal. They are thin, light and nicely tailored. I suspect they are some kind of polyester blend. All in all, it’s really nice to look at and watch. Notice the air conditioner behind her. This very common inside of China.
Chinese model – Outside slacks
You can bet that the photographer is standing nearby with one or two grips. When I go on a photoshoot, there’s literially from ten to twenty other people there with us. Sometimes there’s an entire buffet laid out so that we can snack during the shoot. They’ve got these large light umbrellas, and strobe generators, as well as all sorts of props.

But I will tell you that the table of food is the most delicious part of the shoot.
Chinese model – jiggle jiggle
Here she is again. Love her.
I just love these Chinese girls
I do. The “curtain wall” ceiling is something that I am well used to working with.
I do love these very cute Chinese girls
Don’t you? This video makes me feel young again.
Leggy Chinese girl
Like my mom.
Chinese girl in a stunning dress
Stunning. I love it. And she’s not “chained up”. Imagine that!
Chinese Girl in front of her apartment
So very typical. And not being in chains!
Chinese Girl in a lime top
She’s in a lime colored top and she isn’t in matching chains!
Oh, my goodness! Jeeze! Louise! She’s quite the stunner, don’t you think. By the way, this is what the interiors of what houses in China look like. Not like those squalor hovels that the American “news” provides the illusion of.
A beautiful Chinese Girl
Yes she is.
I wonder what her chains look like?
Chinese Girl at home
This is what it is like. It really is.
Do you see any chains?
No. It is not about be chained up in some kind of dingy cellar pining away for democracy™ and freedom™. For pete’s sakes.
Just today…
I often get a shit load of bullshit comments. Most I do not post. But I did post this one, and here’s an excerpt…
“All MAJesticmembers, are service to others sentience.” –I doubt that far more than I doubt your story.
Don’t understand why, eh? Cannot understand why it is IMPERITIVE that The Domain only employ STO sentience? Obviously knows nothing about the nature of sentience and consciousness manifestation and sorting procedures.
Be the Rufus, as this fine upstanding African-American man so clearly defines.
It is difficult for me, being an American by birth, living inside of China. I read the American “news”. I follow the “American “politics”. Yet, I also see things with my own eyes first hand. And there is such a very profound difference between what is being reported “in the news” and what is actually going on.
Most Americans believe that China is a failed throw-back to old-world dictatorships and that the Chinese are just brainwashed. But thats wrong. It’s actually the other way around.
Meanwhile, China is plowing forward. It’s citizens are happy and doing well, and the entire world is adapting to the new power realignments.
But not America. And not Americans.
They are being a steady stream of lies and bullshit; designed for fear, terror and anger.
All the anger is directed to various targets. Whether by race, social economic targets, or foreign powers.
Thus making Americans, themselves, a very fearful and angry group of people.
I really need to trim down my American “news” feeds. I just cannot take the lies any longer. It’s not that good for my health don’t you know, and if someone wants to convince me that the United States is worth saving, please tell me.
As I see it from here, the most humaine thing to happen for the world and for the American people is to have everyone and everything associated with the United States government to simply die off and go away.
You would think.
And, you know, if you have been paying attention, the rest of the world has been reorganizing for a NEW; “New World Order”. Nope. It’s the the George Bush NWO. It’s something different.
It’s one where it is one where either [1] the United States sits it out, or [2] is the minor “player” that it deserves to be. A kind of “back water” off in its own hemisphere.
But America is fighting against the tide. It cannot be that stupid, you would think. There are many intelligent and capable people inside the United States. It is true. It’s just that they are not in leadership roles. They have been displaced for ideological reasons.
So, a redirection of interests and activity is seemingly not happening. They are pushing and pushing and pushing for WAR!
The rest of the world endured. It listened. It bid it’s time. And now the sand in the hourglass ran out.
Russia put it’s paw down. China stands right next to it.
What’s next?
Guess. It’s not what the American oligarchy thinks. “Some far away war while the American leadership enjoys safe haven from the conflict that it starts.” Nope.
The BIG boys are out with the BIG toys.
And as for China…
I’m sticking with a fruitful and positive Asia. One that is serious. One that is STO sentience, and one that will launch a new beginning to end this fucking, freaking out turmoil set upon humanity by the rude, crude and evil clustered inside their enclaves in the United States.
Do you want more?
You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.
New Beginnings 3.
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