Law 11 of The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene; Learn to keep people dependent on you (Full Text)

What is “welfare”? It is “free stuff” from the government, as long as you meet their criteria. And since it is important to “them” to maintain their budgets, the natural inclination for the welfare system is to grow. To grow larger, and larger, and even larger. All the while, those on welfare are becoming dependent upon the government.

Fun Fact: China doesn't have "welfare". You either work or die.

Their system is free work for anyone. You join the work collective, and you are given free food, free housing, free clothes, and a modest stipend to live off of. If you cannot do the bare minimum work requirements, the collective will kick you out, and you will either beg or starve.

And the end result of decades of this behavior, and this system, is to create a class of people that act as pawns for those that dish out the benefits.

Let’s look at the techniques that criminal masterminds use to keep people dependent upon them, and have them doing things that they naturally would be abhorrent towards.

LAW 11



To maintain your independence you must always be needed and wanted. The more you are relied on, the more freedom you have. Make people depend on you for their happiness and prosperity and you have nothing to fear. Never teach them enough so that they can do without you.


Sometime in the Middle Ages, a mercenary soldier (a condottiere), whose name has not been recorded, saved the town of Siena from a foreign aggressor. How could the good citizens of Siena reward him? No amount of money or honor could possibly compare in value to the preservation of a city’s liberty. The citizens thought of making the mercenary the lord of the city, but even that, they decided, wasn’t recompense enough. At last one of them stood before the assembly called to debate this matter and said, “Let us kill him and then worship him as our patron saint.” And so they did.

The Count of Carmagnola was one of the bravest and most successful of all the condottieri. In 1442, late in his life, he was in the employ of the city of Venice, which was in the midst of a long war with Florence. The count was suddenly recalled to Venice. A favorite of the people, he was received there with all kinds of honor and splendor. That evening he was to dine with the doge himself, in the doge’s palace. On the way into the palace, however, he noticed that the guard was leading him in a different direction from usual. Crossing the famous Bridge of Sighs, he suddenly realized where they were taking him—to the dungeon. He was convicted on a trumped-up charge and the next day in the Piazza San Marco, before a horrified crowd who could not understand how his fate had changed so drastically, he was beheaded.


Two horses were carrying two loads. The front Horse went well, but the rear Horse was lazy. The men began to pile the rear Horse’s load on the front Horse; when they had transferred it all, the rear Horse found it easy going, and he said to the front Horse: “Toil and sraeat! The more you try, the more you have to suffer.” When they reached the tavern, the owner said; “Why should I fodder two horses when I carry all on one? I had better give the one all the food it wants, and cut the throat of the other; at least I shall have the hide.” And so he did. 



Many of the great condottieri of Renaissance Italy suffered the same fate as the patron saint of Siena and the Count of Carmagnola: They won battle after battle for their employers only to find themselves banished, imprisoned, or executed. The problem was not ingratitude; it was that there were so many other condottieri as able and valiant as they were.

They were replaceable.

Nothing was lost by killing them. Meanwhile, the older among them had grown powerful themselves, and wanted more and more money for their services. How much better, then, to do away with them and hire a younger, cheaper mercenary. That was the fate of the Count of Carmagnola, who had started to act impudently and independently. He had taken his power for granted without making sure that he was truly indispensable.

Such is the fate (to a less violent degree, one hopes) of those who do not make others dependent on them. Sooner or later someone comes along who can do the job as well as they can—someone younger, fresher, less expensive, less threatening.

Be the only one who can do what you do, and make the fate of those who hire you so entwined with yours that they cannot possibly get rid of you. Otherwise you will someday be forced to cross your own Bridge of Sighs.


When Otto von Bismarck became a deputy in the Prussian parliament in 1847, he was thirty-two years old and without an ally or friend. Looking around him, he decided that the side to ally himself with was not the parliament’s liberals or conservatives, not any particular minister, and certainly not the people. It was with the king, Frederick William IV. This was an odd choice to say the least, for Frederick was at a low point of his power. A weak, indecisive man, he consistently gave in to the liberals in parliament; in fact he was spineless, and stood for much that Bismarck disliked, personally and politically. Yet Bismarck courted Frederick night and day. When other deputies attacked the king for his many inept moves, only Bismarck stood by him.


Then the Woman laughed and set the Cat a bowl of the warm white milk and said, “0 Cat, you are as clever as a man, but remember that your bargain was not made with the Man or the Dog, and I do not know what they will do when they come home.” 

“What is that to me?” said the Cat. “If I have my place in the Cave by the fire and my warm white milk three times a day, I do not care what the Man or the Dog can do.” 

... And from that day to this, Best Beloved, three proper Men out of five will always throw things at a Cat whenever they meet him, and all proper Dogs will chase him up a tree. 

But the Cat keeps his side of the bargain too. 

He will kill mice, and he will be kind to Babies when he is in the house, just as long as they do not pull his tail too hard. 

But when he has done that, and between times, and when the moon gets up and the night comes, he is the Cat that walks by himself, and all places are alike to him. Then he goes out to the Wet Wild Woods or up the Wet Wild Trees or on the Wet Wild Roofs, waving his wild tail and walking by his wild lone. 


Finally, it all paid off: In 1851 Bismarck was made a minister in the king’s cabinet. Now he went to work. Time and again he forced the king’s hand, getting him to build up the military, to stand up to the liberals, to do exactly as Bismarck wished. He worked on Frederick’s insecurity about his manliness, challenging him to be firm and to rule with pride. And he slowly restored the king’s powers until the monarchy was once again the most powerful force in Prussia.

When Frederick died, in 1861, his brother William assumed the throne. William disliked Bismarck intensely and had no intention of keeping him around. But he also inherited the same situation his brother had: enemies galore, who wanted to nibble his power away. He actually considered abdicating, feeling he lacked the strength to deal with this dangerous and precarious position. But Bismarck insinuated himself once again. He stood by the new king, gave him strength, and urged him into firm and decisive action. The king grew dependent on Bismarck’s strong-arm tactics to keep his enemies at bay, and despite his antipathy toward the man, he soon made him his prime minister. The two quarreled often over policy—Bismarck was much more conservative—but the king understood his own dependency. Whenever the prime minister threatened to resign, the king gave in to him, time after time. It was in fact Bismarck who set state policy.

Years later, Bismarck’s actions as Prussia’s prime minister led the various German states to be united into one country. Now Bismarck finagled the king into letting himself be crowned emperor of Germany. Yet it was really Bismarck who had reached the heights of power. As right-hand man to the emperor, and as imperial chancellor and knighted prince, he pulled all the levers.


Most young and ambitious politicians looking out on the political landscape of 1840s Germany would have tried to build a power base among those with the most power. Bismarck saw different. Joining forces with the powerful can be foolish: They will swallow you up, just as the doge of Venice swallowed up the Count of Carmagnola. No one will come to depend on you if they are already strong. If you are ambitious, it is much wiser to seek out weak rulers or masters with whom you can create a relationship of dependency. You become their strength, their intelligence, their spine. What power you hold! If they got rid of you the whole edifice would collapse.

Necessity rules the world. People rarely act unless compelled to. If you create no need for yourself, then you will be done away with at first opportunity. If, on the other hand, you understand the Laws of Power and make others depend on you for their welfare, if you can counteract their weakness with your own “iron and blood,” in Bismarck’s phrase, then you will survive your masters as Bismarck did. You will have all the benefits of power without the thorns that come from being a master.

Thus a wise prince will think of ways to keep his citizens of every sort and under every circumstance dependent on the state and on him; and then they will always be trustworthy. 

-Niccolo Machiavelli, 1469-1527


An extravagant young Vine, vainly ambitious of independence, and fond of rambling at large, despised the alliance of a slately elm that grew near, and courted her embraces. Having risen to some small height without any kind of support, she shot forth her flimsy branches to a very uncommon and superfluous length; calling on her neighbor to take notice how little she wanted his assistance. “Poor infatuated shrub,” replied the elm, “how inconsistent is thy conduct! Wouldst thou be truly independent, thou shouldst carefully apply those juices to the enlargement of thy stem. which thou lavishest in vain upon unnecessary foliage. I shortly shall behold thee grovelling on the ground; yet countenanced, indeed, by many of the human race, who, intoxicated with vanity, have despised economy; and who, to support for a moment their empty boast of independence, have exhausted the very source of it in frivolous expenses.” 



The ultimate power is the power to get people to do as you wish. When you can do this without having to force people or hurt them, when they willingly grant you what you desire, then your power is untouchable. The best way to achieve this position is to create a relationship of dependence.

The master requires your services; he is weak, or unable to function without you; you have enmeshed yourself in his work so deeply that doing away with you would bring him great difficulty, or at least would mean valuable time lost in training another to replace you. Once such a relationship is established you have the upper hand, the leverage to make the master do as you wish. It is the classic case of the man behind the throne, the servant of the king who actually controls the king. Bismarck did not have to bully either Frederick or William into doing his bidding. He simply made it clear that unless he got what he wanted he would walk away, leaving the king to twist in the wind. Both kings soon danced to Bismarck’s tune.

Do not be one of the many who mistakenly believe that the ultimate form of power is independence. Power involves a relationship between people; you will always need others as allies, pawns, or even as weak masters who serve as your front. The completely independent man would live in a cabin in the woods—he would have the freedom to come and go as he pleased, but he would have no power. The best you can hope for is that others will grow so dependent on you that you enjoy a kind of reverse independence: Their need for you frees you.

Louis XI (1423-1483), the great Spider King of France, had a weakness for astrology. He kept a court astrologer whom he admired, until one day the man predicted that a lady of the court would die within eight days. When the prophecy came true, Louis was terrified, thinking that either the man had murdered the woman to prove his accuracy or that he was so versed in his science that his powers threatened Louis himself. In either case he had to be killed.

One evening Louis summoned the astrologer to his room, high in the castle. Before the man arrived, the king told his servants that when he gave the signal they were to pick the astrologer up, carry him to the window, and hurl him to the ground, hundreds of feet below.

The astrologer soon arrived, but before giving the signal, Louis decided to ask him one last question: “You claim to understand astrology and to know the fate of others, so tell me what your fate will be and how long you have to live.”

“I shall die just three days before Your Majesty,” the astrologer replied.

The king’s signal was never given. The man’s life was spared. The Spider King not only protected his astrologer for as long as he was alive, he lavished him with gifts and had him tended by the finest court doctors.

The astrologer survived Louis by several years, disproving his power of prophecy but proving his mastery of power.

This is the model: Make others dependent on you. To get rid of you might spell disaster, even death, and your master dares not tempt fate by finding out. There are many ways to obtain such a position. Foremost among them is to possess a talent and creative skill that simply cannot be replaced.

During the Renaissance, the major obstacle to a painter’s success was finding the right patron. Michelangelo did this better than anyone else: His patron was Pope Julius II. But he and the pope quarreled over the building of the pope’s marble tomb, and Michelangelo left Rome in disgust. To the amazement of those in the pope’s circle, not only did the pope not fire him, he sought him out and in his own haughty way begged the artist to stay. Michelangelo, he knew, could find another patron, but he could never find another Michelangelo.

You do not have to have the talent of a Michelangelo; you do have to have a skill that sets you apart from the crowd. You should create a situation in which you can always latch on to another master or patron but your master cannot easily ,find another servant with your particular talent. And if, in reality, you are not actually indispensable, you must find a way to make it look as if you are. Having the appearance of specialized knowledge and skill gives you leeway in your ability to deceive those above you into thinking they cannot do without you. Real dependence on your master’s part, however, leaves him more vulnerable to you than the faked variety, and it is always within your power to make your skill indispensable.

This is what is meant by the intertwining of fates: Like creeping ivy, you have wrapped yourself around the source of power, so that it would cause great trauma to cut you away. And you do not necessarily have to entwine yourself around the master; another person will do, as long as he or she too is indispensable in the chain.

One day Harry Cohn, president of Columbia Pictures, was visited in his office by a gloomy group of his executives. It was 1951, when the witch- hunt against Communists in Hollywood, carried on by the U.S. Congress’s House Un-American Activities Committee, was at its height. The executives had bad news: One of their employees, the screenwriter John Howard Lawson, had been singled out as a Communist. They had to get rid of him right away or suffer the wrath of the committee.

Harry Cohn was no bleeding-heart liberal; in fact, he had always been a die-hard Republican.

His favorite politician was Benito Mussolini, whom he had once visited, and whose framed photo hung on his wall. If there was someone he hated Cohn would call him a “Communist bastard.” But to the executives’ amazement Cohn told them he would not fire Lawson. He did not keep the screenwriter on because he was a good writer—there were many good writers in Hollywood. He kept him because of a chain of dependence: Lawson was Humphrey Bogart’s writer and Bogart was Columbia’s star. If Cohn messed with Lawson he would ruin an immensely profitable relationship. That was worth more than the terrible publicity brought to him by his defiance of the committee.

Henry Kissinger managed to survive the many bloodlettings that went on in the Nixon White House not because he was the best diplomat Nixon could find—there were other fine negotiators—and not because the two men got along so well: They did not. Nor did they share their beliefs and politics. Kissinger survived because he entrenched himself in so many areas of the political structure that to do away with him would lead to chaos. Michelangelo’s power was intensive, depending on one skill, his ability as an artist; Kissinger’s was extensive.

He got himself involved in so many aspects and departments of the administration that his involvement became a card in his hand. It also made him many allies. If you can arrange such a position for yourself, getting rid of you becomes dangerous—all sorts of interdependencies will unravel. Still, the intensive form of power provides more freedom than the extensive, because those who have it depend on no particular master, or particular position of power, for their security.

To make others dependent on you, one route to take is the secret- intelligence tactic. By knowing other people’s secrets, by holding information that they wouldn’t want broadcast, you seal your fate with theirs. You are untouchable. Ministers of secret police have held this position throughout the ages: They can make or break a king, or, as in the case of J. Edgar Hoover, a president. But the role is so full of insecurities and paranoia that the power it provides almost cancels itself out. You cannot rest at ease, and what good is power if it brings you no peace?

One last warning: Do not imagine that your master’s dependence on you will make him love you. In fact, he may resent and fear you. But, as Machiavelli said, it is better to be feared than loved. Fear you can control; love, never. Depending on an emotion as subtle and changeable as love or friendship will only make you insecure. Better to have others depend on you out of fear of the consequences of losing you than out of love of your company.

Image: Vines with Many Thorns. Below, the roots grow deep and wide. Above, the vines push through bushes, entwine themselves around trees and poles and window ledges. To get rid of them would cost such toil and blood, it is easier to let them climb.

Authority: Make people depend on you. More is to be gained from such dependence than courtesy. He who has slaked his thirst, immediately turns his back on the well, no longer needing it. When dependence disappears, so does civility and decency, and then respect. The first lesson which experience should teach you is to keep hope alive but never satisfied, keeping even a royal patron ever in need of you. (Baltasar Gracián, 1601- 1658)


The weakness of making others depend on you is that you are in some measure dependent on them. But trying to move beyond that point means getting rid of those above you—it means standing alone, depending on no one. Such is the monopolistic drive of a J. P. Morgan or a John D.

Rockefeller—to drive out all competition, to be in complete control. If you can corner the market, so much the better.

No such independence comes without a price. You are forced to isolate yourself. Monopolies often turn inward and destroy themselves from the internal pressure. They also stir up powerful resentment, making their enemies bond together to fight them. The drive for complete control is often ruinous and fruitless. Interdependence remains the law, independence a rare and often fatal exception. Better to place yourself in a position of mutual dependence, then, and to follow this critical law rather than look for its reversal. You will not have the unbearable pressure of being on top, and the master above you will in essence be your slave, for he will depend on you.


Powerful people; those with near limitless pools of money, can easily make others dependent upon them. By using this dependence, they can use them as an army; or as a resource to achieve far greater deeds than what thy can attempt alone. We must realize that EVERYONE who has money in America uses this technique.

Whether it is Progressive Marxists that have the welfare of the poor in their hands, or whether it is the Conservative Republicans that have the Social Security incomes of the elderly. All the wealthy use this technique.

How manipulated are you?

What are you willing to do to maintain the status quo? That is the truest measure of your enslavement.

Do you want more?

Check out my 48 Laws of Power Index here…

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The Donald Trump evacuation to a secure military base happened at the same time that SADS-CoV was discovered in China.

It's so bad, it's almost comical at this point—almost. As Senate Republicans suddenly try to distance themselves from the monster in the White House who just might doom their majority, it's impossible to forget just how much harm these elected lawmakers have visited upon our country.

-Senate Republicans, who wouldn't speak out to save America, suddenly speak out to save themselves

Do not believe what the media says. It’s all lies.

Do not believe what you think they are trying to cover up either. Many people have been tricked into this “tar baby”, and just end up propagating the alternative mantras.

Look at the few “raw” facts…

Donald Trump was in the hospital for three days and then was miraculously “cured”. Ok. I know it’s all fucked up, and sounds like a political stunt in a very partisan election year. But… could it have been something else instead…?

Think about it.

What happened when he went to the hospital?

Oh, you know, the “normal” precautions. Suddenly America went DEFCON ONE. Airborne command centers were engaged and all military ICBM silos were manned and the VP and other leadership were shuffled away to secret and secure hardened facilities. Airborne command posts were fully manned and the entire nation was put on the highest alert.

Then, after three days everything went back to normal.



To me, as former ONI – MAJ, this appears to me as a…

… staged precaution…


… clear “dry-run” practice…

…for the “unthinkable”.

And when I say “unthinkable”, I mean exactly that. A launch of a rather nasty nuclear war.

If you all do not realize why I think like this then check out my post about what America has been up to for the last four years, here.

Strange? You betya!

What’s even stranger is the timing of this “sickness”, and the instigation of DEFCON ONE in America.

It happened at the same time when the Chinese military discovered COVID-20 hitting the population centers of China.

Imagine that!

More lethal. More contagious. Of a completely different strain than COVID-19, and both "novel" and "never before seen" viral pathogens. Only instead of your lungs filling up with fluid, and crystallizing so that they feel like cement, you die by vomiting to death. (You can also shit your self to death as well. You end up with chronic and painful gastrointestinal diarrhea.)

Both this and the COVID-19 coronavirus are both wildly contagious and you can get it from touching a surface that someone touched days or even weeks ago. Another interesting thing about it (and all the bio-weapons launched against China since 2016) is the enormous size of the virus. It's a honker, big monster.

The Facts

Americans never have any “facts”.

At best, it’s distortions and partial truths.

The American media is owned and run by the United States government. Not only do they control the mainstream media and all “fact checking” of it. But they also control the alternative media as well. They control both the alt-right and the alt-left media.

You will NEVER see real “news” any longer.

All you will see are one of perhaps three major narratives. All which are designed to move you for thinking things or thoughts that run counter to what you are supposed to think. Which is why you WILL NEVER SEE ANYTHING LIKE THIS POSTED ON THE REST OF THE INTERNET.

Only here, on MM were you able to get any of the following “firsts” first, in “real time”…

COVID-19 is an American bio-weapon. The eighth in four years.
COVID-20 secured by China on October 2020 by the PLA.
The big picture about the HK, Thailand, and the Beirut missile attack.

Just here.

Only HERE.

And additionally to that…

Not only are you all kept stupefied and ignorant of what is going on through drugs, distractions and economic suppression. The government completely covers up the true and real activities as they happen in real time.

You will never realize what is going on or happening until long after the events occur. If ever. And the reason for this is that in a "democracy" run by public opinion, the opinions and thoughts of the citizens get in the way of what the government is trying to achieve. For good or worse.

This reminds me of some horrific movies.

It does.

Not that the movies depicted cover ups. After all, what kind of a movie would it be if you couldn’t have all the excitement of action and adventure…?

But it did remind me of those 1980’s movies that were trying to warn people that nuclear war was a terrible, terrible thing and that you just cannot assume that it will never happen.

Thoughts that somehow have been forgotten over the years. Instead a new, fresh crop of bright-eyed American neocons have approached the stage. And they, along with their psychopath President are playing with nuclear war, and military action like five year olds with firecrackers.

People! If you keep this bio-weapon nonsense up, you are going to see the combined forces of Asia Bitch-slap the United States into the pre-stone-age.

Only this time, there are no adults to supervise…

Washington has declared war on China.  The administration and its allies hope that the war will be “cold,” but have no strategy for keeping it so.  I find it noteworthy that the most belligerently anti-Chinese members of the current U.S. Senate are also its youngest. 

They came to adulthood after the end of the post-World War II “Cold War” and have no experience of its anxieties.  They appear to take its sudden end as predestined – something that was so inevitably right ideologically that it can and should be taken for granted.  Their military experience, if any, has been in the contemporary equivalent of the 19th century’s Indian Wars – combat with gun-toting farmers with no air forces, air defenses, navies, guided missiles, or nuclear weapons with which to answer U.S. hostility.  

To paraphrase Hilaire Belloc’s riff on Britain’s hubris in its colonial wars:

“Whatever happens, we have got
Close air support and they have not.”

The Cold War was radically different from this.  It was a global struggle between two competing ideological blocs and nuclear-armed power centers capable of destroying not just each other but all life on the planet except maybe the cockroaches.  It began as a series of squabbles over the spoils of a worldwide war.  Each side strove to consolidate spheres of politico-military and economic influence and deny the other access to them.  

But each learned to avoid confrontations that might lead to armed combat directly with the other.  

Each limited itself to proxy wars aimed at sustaining or imposing its ideology somewhere not in the grip of the other.  

Each sought to minimize and contain interaction with the other.  That was not difficult, given the utter lack of interdependence between the two and the blocs of nations they formally and informally commanded.

The struggle we Americans have now initiated with China has none of these characteristics.  To analogize it to the Cold War of 1947 – 1991 is intellectually lazy.  

More important, it is profoundly misleading and delusional.  The Sino-American split is not the sequel to a bloody world war.  

However politically convenient it may be for Americans to cast antagonism to China in all-encompassing Manichean terms, this is a contest born of contending national self-images and ambitions, not ideologies.  

The struggle with China on which Americans have embarked is a bilateral contest in which others may or may not choose to take sides, not one between two committed blocs of nations.  

China is both a much less inherently hostile and far more robust rival than the Soviet Union was.

The Movie “By Dawn’s Early Light”

Fear of a global thermonuclear war was very real in the 1980s. At the height of the cold war the Soviet Union had tens of thousands of nuclear weapons aimed at the US and NATO countries and we had just as many aimed at Russia and Warsaw Pact countries too.

What people feared was that some minor conflict between the US and the USSR would spiral out of control and we’d fire our missiles at them and they at us which would essentially send what was left of mankind back to the stone age. Movies like The Day After (1983), Threads (1984) and Testament (1983) explored life post nuke war and the picture they painted weren’t nice ones.

But after the Soviet Union began to collapse and the cold war started to wind down in the late 1980s and early 90s fear of a nuclear war between “us and them” began to diminish. Surely with the United States and the Soviet Union on good terms a nuclear war would be out of the question. Right?

The main crux of the movie By Dawn’s Early Light (1990) was that no, in fact the possibility of a nuclear war was actually GREATER now that controls over these weapons were slowly being relaxed in the Soviet Union.

In By Dawn’s Early Light, separatists steal a missile from Russia and fire it back into the country from Turkey making it seem like that NATO was at fault. And an automatic Russian defense program fired off a few nukes of their own towards the US in retaliation for this strike.

What follows are the President of the US and the Russian Premier trying to deescalate the crisis, even as Washington DC is nuked, the President presumed killed and the Secretary of the Interior, the highest surviving member of the government left alive, takes the reigns of the country. ..

And if the real President who is still alive wants to stop the war, the first question the new Secretary of the Interior President asks the military commanders is if we’re winning the war or losing it?

Scene from Dawn's early light.
Are we winning the war, or losing it?

The other side of By Dawn’s Early Light is of the crew of a B-52 bomber on the way to deliver their payload of nukes to Russia, and them debating the merits of killing millions upon millions of people for a war that shouldn’t be happening in the first place.

Eventually (spoiler alert) they turn their bomber around and head back home which causes the Russians to turn some of their bombers around too. And while the real President and the Premier see this as their chance to stop the war, the Secretary of the Interior President sees it as a sign of weakness and orders the B-52 shot down.

Shoot down our own planes.
The American Air Force B-52 bomber crew is being told by the Navy Fighter Pilots that they have orders to shoot them down.

I originally saw By Dawn’s Early Light when it premiered on HBO and bought the VHS of the film when that came out a few years later. But honestly I hadn’t checked out the film in many years. While the special effects of the movie do look a bit dated, I did find that even 20+ years on the tension of By Dawn’s Early Light slowly builds and is maintained throughout the film right up until the very end.

I still found myself tensing up as the crew of the B-52 slowly comes to the realization that tonight’s flight isn’t a drill or the real President debating the Secretary of the Interior President on why it’s not a good idea to continue a war where every time one side fires a shot tens of thousands of civilians die.

While we’re probably not facing a situation like By Dawn’s Early Light in our immediate future, we still live in a world where there are thousands of nukes here in the US and thousands more overseas. And all it takes is one of those falling into the wrong hands to ruin everyone’s day.


What the fuck is the matter with these neocon war-hawks in Washington DC? What is their friggin’ malfunction?

Neocons run America today.

While I genuinely believe that Trump would much rather work with both Russia, China and other nations of the multipolar alliance in lieu of blowing up the world, these aforementioned neocons think otherwise evidenced by Pompeo’s October 6 speech in Japan. 

In this speech, Pompeo attempted to rally other Pacific nations to an anti-Chinese security complex known as the Quad (USA, Australia, Japan and India). With his typically self-righteous tone, Pompeo stated that “this is not a rivalry between the United States and China. This is for the soul of the world”. Earlier Pompeo stated “If the free world doesn’t change Communist China, Communist China will change us.”

Pompeo’s efforts to break China’s neighbours away from the Belt and Road Initiative have accelerated relentlessly in recent months, with territorial tensions between China and Japan, Vietnam, South Korea, Malaysia, Taiwan, Indonesia, Philippines, Indonesia and Brunei being used by the USA to enflame conflict whenever possible. 

It is no secret that the USA has many financial and military tentacles stretching deep into all of those Pacific nations listed.

Where resistance to this anti-China tension is found, CIA-funded “democracy movements” have been used as in the current case of Thailand, or outright threats and sanctions as in the case of Cambodia where over 24 Chinese companies have been sanctioned for the crime of building infrastructure in a nation which the USA wishes to control.

Pompeo’s delusional efforts to consolidate a Pacific Military bloc among the QUAD states floundered fairly quickly as no joint military agreement was generated creating no foundation upon which a larger alliance could be built.

-Win-Win vs Lose-Lose: The Time Has Come for the World to Choose

The world is on dangerous territory, and the idiots in Washington DC (and they are idiots for even considering the use of WMD’s in all their forms) are going to plunge the world into a darkness that I am truly fearful of.

If you can, watch the 1984 movie titled “Threads”. Learn about which I speak.

The Movie “Threads (1984)”

This is perhaps one of the most masochistic films ever made. You are taken into the personal world of two British families in Sheffield (site of a major NATO installation), who have children that are about to be married. Thousands of miles away, World War 3 slowly starts, and the ultimate horror happens. Thermonuclear war breaks out.

First shown by the BBC on 23 September 1984, Threads was must-watch TV. Accompanied by documentary On The Eighth Day and followed by a lengthy discussion on Newsnight, it’s a grim and unflinching depiction of what would happen to Britain if the unthinkable happened – if a political conflict between the US and Russia were to escalate into full-blown nuclear war.

An uncompromising reportage-style drama, Threads was the first film to realistically depict the horrors of a nuclear winter. Shocking, harrowing and hard to watch, it nonetheless made an important contribution to an increasingly urgent debate about the world’s ever-growing nuclear stockpile.

Threads focuses on two families linked by an unplanned pregnancy. Manual worker Jimmy Kemp (Reece Dinsdale) and middle class Ruth Beckett (Karen Meagher) must face the fact that they are having a baby, and that their old way of life will soon be over. Their concerns are those of any new parents: hopes and fears for their child, building a home together, saying goodbye to the Friday night pint at the pub. We also follow local government chief Clive Sutton (Harry Beety) as he struggles to put emergency plans into place amidst the growing likelihood of war. It soon becomes very clear that the city is woefully underprepared for a crisis of any kind, but in that very British way Sutton and his officials carry on regardless – unaware that, in the face of the storm to come, all preparations are ultimately futile.

I think it would be useless to repeat all that the other users have said about "Threads" since I cannot do better but agree with everything. This has to be THE most graphic representation of nuclear war. 

And I used to think "The Day After" was disturbing.

I was able to cope to the whole movie, but let's say it wasn't easy at all. I can still hear in my head the yells of the panicked citizens as the mushroom cloud rises in the distance when it hits Crewe… 

or see the bottles of milk… 

or the corpse (which bears a striking resemblance with E.T.!) burning in the firestorm… 

or see survivors keeping as gold what is taken nowadays as granted: supermarket plastic bags… 

...and what they put inside is simply disgusting.

When I found out my local video store had a copy of this film, I rushed to get it, as I was impatient to see this movie I have heard so much about. The impatience to see the movie was rewarded by nothing more than a really bad aftertaste of radioactive fallout.

I liked the movie not for the quality of the actors, but for the overall realistic representation of the holocaust and for the great job done with a small budget. I give a thumbs up to that.

-airodyssey26 June 2000

Nuclear war is NOTHING to take lightly.

The world, literally, grinds to a halt, in one of the most scientifically accurate depictions of nuclear war since “War Game, The” (1965).

Framing this drama are news reports about growing political tension around the world. We learn piecemeal, through snippets of television reports and glimpsed newspaper headlines, that in recent months a coup in Iran has been followed by a Soviet occupation.

Having just purchased this on DVD I was eager to watch it after waiting years to see it after it was unofficially banned from ever being shown on the BBC again. I was four when it was first shown and my parents switched it off, too frightened to watch it themselves never mind let me see it.

I have to say it is absolutely terrifying and utterly terrifying in the extreme. 

This could have actually happened! 

I was impressed by the way the film conveyed what it would be like if thousands of megatons of atomic bomb was dropped on the U.K. 

Normal life comes to an abrupt stop. 

One minute people are shopping in their local supermarket, going to the pub and wallpapering their new flat and suddenly they are plunged into Hell.

Civilization is blown back into the stone age.

The most scary part was the way the authorities were shown unable to cope with the scale of the attack (perhaps why the BBC never aired it again). We always think that it could never be that bad because someone would come to our rescue, someone would maintain control. 

But no, the bombs / missiles keep raining down and down prompting one traumatized emergency committee member to scream, "not another one!" 

They just did not expect so devastation and are completely helpless. Later soldiers shoot people for food, people wish for death and the emergency committee, those meant to be running things, die in the supposed protective bunker, trapped by rubble.

Ten years later, nothing is back to normal. What young people there are behave like wild animals, raping and fighting and speaking in a bizarre caveman manner.

Since the Cold War ended people have stopped being frightened of nuclear weapons. Everybody in every country should watch this film and realize that if there ever was a nuclear war, still possible with growing tensions between a superpower and its rivals, those left alive would wish they had been caught in the blasts and killed outright.

I don't recommend this for sensitive viewers.

-charlieboy809 September 2005

Unlike the US film “Day After, The” (1983) (TV), the film gives detailed information as to what is happening on a scientific basis. You are shown how a worst-case scenario can happen, and what the effects are, as you follow the surviving members of the two families through the aftermath.

I've always said that no film can really scare you as an adult as films scared you when you were a kid. My benchmark for that being watching 'The Omen' on video when i was about 13, nothing has ever quite lived up to it in the effect it had on me.

Rewatching 'Threads' a while back makes me change my mind.

I remember first seeing it in Ireland on the BBC when I guess i was about 14. Even in Ireland, a neutral country, anxiety about nuclear war was a big thing when we were kids in the 80's.

'Threads' does really get to you, its very unsettling and disturbing. Unlike fictional horror films, 'Threads' is hugely different in one respect - it's real. 

This is what would happen, you can't distance yourself by saying it's make believe. There are still thousands of nuclear weapons armed and primed to be launched within minutes, 24 hours a day, everyday. Now we even have a country, the US, that says it's ready to use them, even if no one else does first.

Rewatching it, the dated production values don't detract from the film's power. It seems to bring the film even closer to the ordinary and the everyday. It's the film's ordinariness that makes it so viscerally disturbing - Hollywood special effects would at least have allowed you to distance yourself from it somewhat. 

In fact the film is more realistic for not having them. Someone else mentioned the scene of the woman in the shopping center urinating where she stood out of pure terror as she sees the bomb go off a mile or two away from her - that's the scene that stayed with me the most too.

Its depressing to think in 2004 we are living in a world where politicians are again talking about 'winnable' wars using nuclear weapons. 

In many things in life you get a second chance if you make mistakes, I don't think nuclear weapons use will give us the luxury of finding out afterwards was it all worth it. Watch "Threads' and see if you think 'winnable' nuclear war is something you want to give yourself or your children.

-BenjAii7 December 2004

What follows is a complex sequence of small scale political escalations, events that are alluded to but never fully or coherently explained. By themselves, none of the steps towards conflict seem irreversible, but together they constitute a crisis.

All this occurs firmly in the background of the characters’ lives, and is largely ignored: TV reports are turned over to something more interesting, newspapers are delivered without headlines being read. It’s only as the crisis deepens that people start to pay attention.

The early 80s were the first time in a generation that full scale nuclear war seemed not only possible but probable.

It’s hard to imagine now, nearly thirty years after its demolition, but in 1984 the Berlin Wall was a very solid and enduring dividing line between two opposing world powers: the countries of NATO, including the US and Britain on one hand, and those united by the Soviet-sponsored Warsaw Pact on the other. Europe was very much at the center of these international tensions, and those old enough to remember the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis just over twenty years earlier knew that political conflict could escalate quickly and unpredictably.

Capable of being launched in minutes, and with a time-to-target of between 4 and 6 minutes, the US’s Pershing II missiles had hard target capability – meaning they could take out weapons silos and command bunkers buried deep below ground.

Both sides knew that a massive and all-encompassing preemptive strike was the only way to win a nuclear war. The stakes were incredibly high. Indecision or delay – of even a few minutes – could mean the difference between survival and total annihilation.

I was about eleven or twelve when this harrowing made-for-TV docu-drama was repeated by the BBC, back to back with 'The War Game'. 'The War Game' didn't faze me much, for various reasons, but 'Threads' - that grabbed me instantly and wouldn't let go. 

It was not only horribly real, seeing a lower-middle class family rather like my own suddenly plunged back into the dark ages by a nuclear holocaust, it was also entirely believable (the cold war was still very much an ongoing concern back in the eighties) and shockingly compelling. 

I wanted to look away, but couldn't. 

I wanted to run from the room in fright, but couldn't. 

For better or worse, this film showed in full, unflinching, uncompromising detail exactly what it would be like if your home town got nuked, and gave us graphic realism in spades. 

Melting milk-bottles, spontaneous urination, houses reduced to rubble in seconds, burning cats, dead kids, gore, vomit, armed traffic wardens shooting looters, filth, decay, disease…it's certainly not a barrel of laughs, but Mick Jackson's aim was to shut up all the ignorant gung-hos who believed a nuclear war could be "won". 

He succeeded, unequivocally. The scene that made the deepest impact on me was the ravaged makeshift classroom with a ragged bunch of shell-shocked adults dazedly watching an ancient videotape of a schools programme (Words and Pictures, in fact) in an attempt to regain their numeracy and literacy skills. 

That was a show we used to watch at school. Work it out for yourself. In short, this is a downbeat, depressing, bleak and utterly horrible film, but I recommend it wholeheartedly to everyone. The cold war may be gone, but the threats portrayed are still very real.

-world_of_weird16 September 2004

People had become used to the jargon that surrounded the debate about a nuclear future – IBMs, kilotons, radiation sickness, fallout – but what did the words really mean? What would a nuclear war actually look like? Few in Britain at the time had any idea. Threads would change all that.

If the film was going to be a useful contribution to the nuclear debate, it needed to incorporate the latest scientific thinking and research, and an impressive number of physicists, psychologists and other scientists and theoreticians were consulted during production, including Nobel Peace Prize winner Joseph Rotblat and cosmologist Carl Sagan (who had also conducted experimental research on radiation in the 60s).

But Threads was not just about presenting research; if it was to be effective as a drama it needed a suitable story on which to hang the science. Jackson turned to a dramatist known for his naturalistic portrayals of ordinary British life, Barry Hines.

Hopelessness and helplessness pervade the script. The growing nuclear threat becomes just one more pressure on a society already dealing with high unemployment and degradation of local services. Public protest about the two inevitably become conflated: anxiety about a future of nuclear destruction is interwoven with anxiety for a future without jobs. At the root of both is a fear of society’s impending collapse.

The scenes of death, destruction and disease are so realistic, I had to shower after seeing this film for the first time.

But what is most disturbing is that the film includes the long-term effects of global thermonuclear war, going into weeks, months, years, even decades.

While other films about the same topic, like "The Day After" and Testament", were reasonably effective in their messages, I think they failed where "Threads" succeeded. In the aforementioned films, there's a glimmer of hope. In "Threads" there is no hope, only death, misery and dread.
!3 years afterwards.
Words can't describe how this movie affected me in 1985, but I'll try. I happened upon a presentation of "Threads" when I was about 11 years old. As a Navy family, we were stationed in Washington D.C. After viewing it, I was frightened to the point of vomiting. I had nightmares for weeks. The world was a very unstable place at the time with a Soviet government that seemed to change monthly.

The cast does an admirable job here. Dialog is kept to a damaging minimum. There is no soundtrack other than screams of misery and explosions. Very effective. While you can't compare a TV production, there is effective use of stock footage. The interspersed scientific facts regarding the aftermath punctuate the film brilliantly.

While other films about the same topic, like "The Day After" and Testament", were reasonably effective in their messages, I think they failed where "Threads" succeeded. In the aforementioned films, there's a glimmer of hope. 

In "Threads" there is no hope, only death, misery and dread.

I believe I saw "Threads" before the TV broadcast of "The Day After" because my reaction was one of slight indifference. After seeing Mick Jackson's and Barry Hines' work, "The Day After" is like a day at Disneyland. No film portrays the world on the brink and over the edge as effectively. Highly recommended.

-huladog557 November 2005

When the unimaginable does happen, Threads becomes something else…

Shocking images blend the mundane with the horrifying: milk bottles melting in the firestorm, bodies burning to ash in the rubble. Nothing is left untouched or undefiled by radiation. Life returns to subsistence levels as nuclear winter settles over the UK. Sickness, starvation and death become inescapable. Survivors hoard bits and pieces of broken objects – all that remains of life before the blast – in dirty plastic carrier bags. A scavenged dead rabbit becomes an unimaginable feast.

The film holds no-one responsible for all this except, perhaps, those at the very top of the chain. It calmly sets out the steps to war, with local officials no more to blame for the chaos than those left dazed and destitute once the firestorm has passed. Ultimately, all preparations to survive are futile, a child’s toy windmill in the path of a hurricane.
The film holds no-one responsible for all this except, perhaps, those at the very top of the chain. It calmly sets out the steps to war, with local officials no more to blame for the chaos than those left dazed and destitute once the firestorm has passed. Ultimately, all preparations to survive are futile, a child’s toy windmill in the path of a hurricane.

It’s the visual images that stay with you: a sudden splash of crimson blood against a grey wall when all before was colorless; children laboriously unpicking precious scraps of fabric one strand at a time; the pristine black silhouette of an undamaged marble tomb – as if death is the only thing in the world that has retained its sharp outline.

All this is delivered to us with a coolness, a deadpan detachment that is sickeningly unsettling. As time passes, characters simply disappear from the story – and we are left to imagine what has happened to them. It’s in the most offhand way that we discover the fates of those in the command center under Town Hall.

The film holds no-one responsible for all this except, perhaps, those at the very top of the chain. It calmly sets out the steps to war, with local officials no more to blame for the chaos than those left dazed and destitute once the firestorm has passed. Ultimately, all preparations to survive are futile, a child’s toy windmill in the path of a hurricane.

The film ends thirteen years after the nuclear attack, and the final frames of the film will burn into you like no other film ever will. There can be no question that this film MUST be re-released in the USA on DVD, so that it’s message will be heard and felt.

My boyfriend had been dogging me for months to watch this movie, which he (erroneously, I think) described as sci-fi. Now, I've never been a fan of sci-fi movies, as I think most of them are over-done, corny, etc. Add to that the fact that the movie was made 23 years ago, and I pretty much decided it wasn't going to be my cup of celluloid tea.

Was I ever wrong. Not only was it the singular most horrifying movie I've ever watched, it's timely as hell, and it's done documentary-style, so there aren't any overblown emotional scenes to detract from its realism. This movie scared me on such a profound level that I actually felt like I was having a panic attack and had to shut it off halfway through, during the "hospital" scene. 
Mind you, I've never in my entire life been so disturbed by a movie that I just couldn't watch anymore. I sobbed, hard, for a good 15 minutes and couldn't sleep for most of that night. I have yet to finish the second half.

That said, I can't recommend it to the faint-of-heart. It will hit you on such a visceral level that everything in your reality will seem a little duller and less important after having watched it. I'm still amazed at how the events outlined in this movie are as much a threat to us now as they were in 1984. Twenty-three years later, we are no further from preventing a nuclear holocaust. If anything, the threat is more imminent.

If you can stomach it, you won't regret it.

-brrrnor18 February 2008

In 2020, it feels as if those safer times are ending. This is an important film that has become more, not less, relevant since it was first released.

It’s still one of the most traumatic things I’ve ever watched. It’s not for the faint-hearted, but it truly is something everyone should watch.

Not yet convinced?

The United States is run by psychopaths that think that they have been given powers by God, and that they are invincible. They have followers that believe this as well, and they are all in charge of a massive nuclear arsenal and they are running around the world stirring up trouble galore.

Nothing good is ever going to come of this.

It will not be a scene from “The walking dead”. It will be something else. If you live, you might have to wait thirty years before you will see taste pizza again. If might never, ever be able to drive a car ever again, and forget about checking out your Facebook page, or attending any kind of university. It’s all over.

It’s game over.

Forever, and your life will be forever changed.

If you earnestly believe that Donald Trump and company will usher in a better world for you and your fellow Americans, you are delusional. He has been one wrecking-ball after the other, and aside from plunging the entire globe into a global recession, he unleashed a global pandemic and is RIGHT NOW toying with the idea of launching nuclear weapons.

Nothing . good . will . come . of . this.

Reality Check

Most Americans are unaware of the true realities involved. In fact, media in America is a mountain-sized discharge of manipulation and nonsense to give the illusion of understanding and objectivity. While it is none of the sort.

An attack on China is a de faco attack on Russia. Both military have officers stationed in their respective military headquarters.

Any attack on China will NOT be limited to a distant South China Sea. They will retaliate. They will make it personal. America will never be the same afterwards. If you think that America is falling apart at the seams now, can you imagine what would happen with the top 20 cites in smoldering run, zero internet, radio or television, and where every other person has a gun…

Think about it.

Look at what is going on now. Look at the “hybrid-war” with China. Only four short years ago, China had our “most favored trading partner status”. And what is not said, and what you just cannot find in the alternative media…

Eight American initiated biological weapons attacks on Chinese food supplies and livestock. Followed by the release of COVID-19 on the most important holiday in China, CNY 2020. It didn't work, so the USA sent a flotilla of two assault carrier groups and five nuclear carriers to the South China Sea...

...which returned with "their tail between their legs" when the directed energy weapons ringing China turned off all the electronics, sensors, engines, and systems on the Naval vessels and aircraft. Planes started to fall out of the sky. Ships became uncontrollable. Nuclear reactors started to scram. 

And yet...

After all this. COVID-20 is launched inside of China. At the same time that President Trump gets "sick" and goes into "hiding" and America goes DEFCON ONE.

Russia out-numbers the USA in nuclear weapons, and China is substantially superior to the United States in key strategic military technology (like hyper-velocity weapons, directed energy beams, drone hardware, swarm drones, and captive munitions).

But if you tell these neocons any of this, they shout you down with…

  • “America is number one”
  • “God is on our side”.
  • “America has never lost a war!”
  • “You are delusional, America is the best!”

And so on and so forth.

The neocons have co-opted the American patriotic conservative movement arguing that blowing up people, places and things are signs of American greatness.
The neocons have co-opted the American patriotic conservative movement arguing that blowing up people, places and things are signs of American greatness.



Still not convinced that these neocon “patriots” don’t believe that a nuclear war is “winnable”…

In addition to a nuclear first strike, the United States and her allies have a decided advantage of quick strike, long range battlefield capabilities because of superior aircraft and carrier strike capabilities. The Chinese have developed and are close to making operation, carrier-busting weapons platforms. A major advantage enjoyed by the US is about to be totally negated by an advancement in Chinese technology.

-Can America Win World War III? A Critical Analysis | The ...

Yes, you read that correctly.

America needs to strike FIRST, using nuclear weapons because both China and Russia have well-organized defensive weapons.

Crazy, eh?

Well, they seem to temper their enthusiasm for war with some caution…

The downside of a nuclear first strike by the United States would be that the US would also take a significant beating as Russian and probable Chinese and Indian nuclear forces would have time to retaliate. 

However, the US submarines could do much of the damage, because of geographical proximity, before our enemies could get many of their missiles off the launching pads. If the deep space platform missiles were successful along with the “Rods from God” in targeting Russian and Chinese nuclear submarines, the United States could win a decisive victory. 

With regard to the “Rods from God”, does anyone think that the recent destruction of the four chemical plants in China was truly an accident?

-Can America Win World War III? A Critical Analysis | The ...


It’s pretty much all there in black and white.


An odd thing happened in October 2020. The President, Donald Trump was carted off to a hospital for three days and the United States went DEFCON ONE. Then things returned back to normal.

The excuse was that he was sick. That he had the COVID-19. But that he was cured miraculously, and is now feeling better than ever. His die-hard fans and believers are pretty much spit between…

  • It’s a sign from God that he is the messiah.
  • See, COVID-19 is not as bad as the flu.

It doesn’t matter what “everyone thinks”. I am not in Middle School, nor am I a member of the American sheeple. I just do not care what everyone else thinks.

COVID-20 (SADS-CoV) was launched, and discovered inside of China by the PLA at the same time that Donald Trump went "into the hospital" and DEFCONE ONE was initiated in America.

I know that all the evidence is pointing to an out-of-control leadership that is implementing long term strategies that require the use of nuclear weapons to achieve.

Trump followers have a near-religious belief in his ability and purpose.
Trump followers have a near-religious belief in his ability and purpose.

And while it is clear that the Overseers will not permit radical changes to the Earth environment, they will permit a wide degree of latitude in how the PTB and their oligarchy-run governments operate. You can well expect things to get dicey.

Now, I am NOT saying that it will happen. Instead, what I am saying is that all the evidence points to plans within plans that involve this exact kind of human-generated calamity. And absolutely no-one is considering or what is aware of what is actually going on.

Were I to be one of the merit-driven leaders in Russia or China, I would instigate a pre-emptive first strike to prevent a belligerent United States, run by religious fundamentalist psychopaths, from destroying the rest of the world in their zeal for a utopia where Jesus comes down from heaven to purify the universe.

Either way, it’s a sick mess.

Be aware, but be safe.

Do you want more?

Check out my posts on the International Geo-Political scene here…

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COVID-19 coronavirus videos collected by 1MAR20 – 4

Here’s a bunch of videos that I collected during the (so far) six week long quarantine that everyone in China experienced. The videos are a selection of virus related subjects but generally relate to how China handled the biological weapons attack, and how society adapted to it. As of this writing, things have stabilized and people and companies are cautious and careful in their actions and movements.

Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.

Video 1 – Airport Screening

While there are all sort of roadblocks and check points in China at this time, there are multiple stations at airports. This is what it looks like.

One thing, notice the lines… yeah.

They are not absurdly long like they are int he United States. When I left the USA, I had to wait in a line for three hours while TSA processed me. In China it is professional, quick and of short duration.

Video 2 – What it was like when China went into DEFCON ONE.

When China announced that the nation was under a biological weapons attack and that everyone should stay in their homes under “lock down” conditions, it was eerie. It was like a horror movie.

Suddenly sirens were blaring, messages were popping up ont he televisions, and on all the social media. Drones started to fly about telling people to stay inside and the various police, military, and militia were called up to secure roadblocks and quarantine regions of society.

It was like this…

Video 3 – Inside of one of the quarantine facilities

The Chinese government has set up large containment facilities for people who were collected at roadblocks or who have come to the hospital for treatment. These facilities are policed and maintained by hospital staff and nurses 24-7. Here is what it is like at night…

Video 4 – Hitting in Italy

This COVID-19 broke out of China and has mutated to attack other races aside from Asian. It is active in Iran, Korea (both North and South) and Italy. Here is a news-woman on Italian television reporting the news before it was publicly known that the coronavirus exploded in Italy.

I do hope that this poor girl is going to be ok.

Video 5 – Quarantine in a hotel

Not all quarantines are held inside retrofitted stadiums and public schools. Hospitals have also been converted to quarantine stations in the smaller towns and communities. Here’s one where everyone is outside the door waiting for the thrice daily medical checkups and supplies.

Video 6 – Locked inside your home

If you are ordered to be quarantined within your home, special precautions are taken. Here we see that a police official marks the door with a notice that people inside are possibly infected and the at the entire home is under quarantine. Then they put on a alarm, where any removal or movement will trigger an alert. Finally, everything is connected via WeChat and QR code so that the quarantined people have instant access to the police and hospital if they need anything or are having an emergency.

Video 7 – A reminder that this is not the flu.

To this day, even now in March, the American media is still proclaiming that the flu is far worse. Donald Trump is calling the COVID-19 a “hoax” and has put off the responsibilities for dealing it to his vice President Pence. Such is the American bubble of ignorance.

I think what is happening is that American media is a propaganda arm of the “deep state”, and now even the American leadership believes the lies and twisted narrative. It’s a dangerous situation.

Meanwhile, how in God’s Green Earth can you possible believe that the Flu is anywhere near as bad as this? You never see people collapsing on the street from the flu. Never.

There are more videos to explore…


If you would like to check out the full index of the Trump Trade War activities, you can go here…

Trump Trade War

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The evolution of America and China; they both no longer resemble their stereotypes

America has evolved. China has changed. But the mainstream media reporting has not. This post discusses how both China and the United States have changed. We look at how they have migrated away from the form of government they were first established as. We look at how they both started, how they both changed, and where they both are today.

  • For the United States, we study how it was first set up as a Constitutional Republic. We look at how it was changed through “progressive” alterations by President Wilson. We track the train of progressive change through FDR, to Clinton, and Obama. Finally, we follow the changes to the totalitarian police-state oligarchy America is today.
  • For China, we study how it was set up as a Marxist utopia, and how it failed miserably. We look at who orchastrated the movement away from hard-line communism, and what they replaced it with. For, surprisingly, it was replaced by a single-party traditional Chinese-conservative government. We discuss how Mr. Deng brought this transformation through the implementation of Reganomics in the 1980’s.

Of course, we use facts and history to support this history. But, it’s not a popular history. It’s a stealth history.

The Stereotypes of China and America

The actual history lies hidden. We never see it behind the paid actors and actresses that pretend to be reporters. We never watch the actors pretending to be “experts” on televised discussion boards. We never see the entire picture, ever. All we see are actors reading scripted lines. Lines that are cultivated to evoke emotional reactions from us.

All we see is what is being “reported” to us.

American news 18AUG19
American news 18AUG19. This is a screen capture of CNN taken on 18August 2019. Our view of life and news is all colored by the news selectively presented to us, and how it is presented.

That’s because the mainstream American media is a propaganda arm for others who desire Americans live in a “fake reality”. It’s a reality where Americans can be easily manipulated, emotionally tugged upon, and cajoled to perform the bidding of others.

Have you ever wondered why some people think the way that they do? I mean, why is it “common knowledge” that Trump followers are  “Deplorable” Nazi “Red-Necks” who are High School dropouts and  uneducated bumbletons?  Why is it “common knowledge” that Universities  and Colleges are the perfect routes for success in today’s’ modern  world? Why is it “common knowledge” that we need to pay income taxes or  else our bridges would collapse and our telephones would explode?

 The News Media told us. 

The following link opens up in a separate tab…


I argue that in order to have a peaceful life, you need to tune out and turn off that screaming, screeching noise-maker. You need to divorce yourself from the news. Oh, and yes this means all news. Most especially the news that YOU WANT TO BELIEVE. For that is the most dangerous manipulations. For they have successfully tapped into your emotional tug-points.

Dog Shit

Because of all this manipulation, Americans have a distorted view of the world, and their place in it.

American media is nothing but lies.
American media is just propaganda. Nothing that you see is real and truthful. It is all distorted lies and partial-truths.

That is why many young people today feel that America is a horrible place, and needs to be replaced with a soft and kind socialist utopia. While, older Americans hold on to the belief that America is still the greatest nation in the world, and that it is full of “free” people living a life in liberty. Both points of view are framed upon the lies fed to them by the media.

With this there are two “camps” of belief;

  • Conservative. America is still a free republic. Liberty, while under assault, still exists. Any problems that America has are short-lived, and as long as a Conservative representative is elected, everything will be fixed, and people will once again be left alone as the normal order of things.
  • Progressive. America has problems because it is not progressive enough. It needs a strong leader to move to the “enlightened despotic” utopia. A utopia where the intellectually superior would tend to the rest of humanity much like a Shepard tends a flock of sheep. A Shepard sort of like a militarized Obama.

Let’s look at these two nations (USA and China) and two societies and compare them, shall we? Let’s start with America.

America Today

Liberty does not thrive when you must pee in a cup to get a job.

Here we are going to start with America. For simplicity, I have broken apart the various details into other posts. (All the statements made can be expanded upon in much greater detail by clicking on the links shown.)

An American.
Ron Swanson. I am an American. Know what this is all about.

How America was Changed.

How America was changed. It was changed purposefully. The America that we see today is what is the result of 100 years of progressive alteration in the hopes of achieving a utopia. Which is, on top of an earlier period of 100 years of evolution where those in government centralized power and control.

  • Wilson started the path towards progressive implementation. He turned Americans into serfs, and put bankers in charge of America’s economy.
  • FDR expanded upon it and had to rewrite and redefine the interpretation of key aspects of the Constitution. He pretty much started down the path to shredding the Bill of Rights.
  • Clinton altered the Justice department. Implemented forceful elements of social change and started the balkanization of America.
  • Obama radicalized all of the many agencies in Government. He armed them and made them a force to control the American people. He was the one who implemented the decisiveness and radical element of the progressive cause.

Freedom is never having to ask permission to eat, drink or do something with your own body.

This migration, the players who implemented this migration, as well as certain key changes to the American Constitution is covered in this link (it opens up in a separate tab);

Why are Americans so angry?

Here is a little graph that I made about these changes, and no it is not precise. It is reflective of my own biases and not to scale. The horizontal axis represents time, the vertical axis represents the social-political organization of America.

Though, not completely accurate does not mean that it is nonsense. It does include the destruction of the tenth amendment during the civil war, and the progressive changes wrought on Americans by Wilson, FDR, Clinton and Obama.

Chart of how America has changed over the years toward a progressive liberal socialist marxist oligarchy from a constitutional republic.

Tracking the Changes that altered America.

Tracking how small changes made America what it is today. America has been under the assault of progressives, busy-bodies, fraudsters, and the evil for over two centuries. It's difficult to document and get the "big picture" without getting bogged down in the details.

Here we use a parable to show how well-meaning changes can severely alter what something is. It’s a fun parable. It is also directly applicable to America today. It also opens up in a separate link. And yes, that’s exactly what happened to America…

Parable about America

Ah… talking about the big picture…

The Big Picture

The Big Picture. Information overload. When dealing with a complex issue like two centuries of change in a large nation, such as America it becomes easy to get bogged down in the details and forget the big picture. Let's take a quick look at human nature, won't we?
Democracy Lessons

But, again, now that you (the reader) can see the big picture, let’s get into some of the “nitty gritty”. First off, let’s look at the very first “showdown”. This was the American Civil War.

You see, back then the Federalists wanted a central government (like we have today), and those who read the constitution realized that the nation was founded on small government, locally governed. They used the issues of the day (which progressives want to politically realign to slavery) in order to battle with the big government folk. They fought and lost.

Today the elements of such a “showdown” are popping up here and there, and there are very close parallels to the American civil war. Let’s look at this…

The First Rupture

The first rupture. While the Constitution migrated away from a Republic in the first twenty years after ratification, the first signs that America did not represent it's people on a local level was evidenced by the first American Civil War. Here we look at this, and study how the exact same process is used contemporaneously to control American citizens.
Civil War

Now, what is the nature of the people who want to discard liberty and freedom? What makes them tick, and why are they so “Hell bent” on changing things…

Who Changed America

Who changed it. We ask what the nature of people who want to implement change is, and look at specific examples. In this post we look at the personality aberrations that cause this kind of behaviors and why they despise the concept of liberty and freedom. Again, the link will open up in a separate tab for your reading clarity.

One of the problems that Americans have with this entire bout of change is that they are unable to categorize the absolute mind-blowing array of changes. And since they are unable to follow the entire wide breadth and scope of all the efforts that the progressives are doing, they fail to grasp the enormity of all the intent.

Yet, it need not be so complex.

  • America changed from a Republic to a Democracy early on.
  • Once a Democracy, evil and wealthy men used mob rule to get into positions of power.
  • They centralized the power in Washington D.C..
  • When the people revolted there was a Civil War and the powerful and wealthy won.
  • But, that power was not enough.
  • They wanted more. They wanted to live like Kings over serfs.
  • Thus progressive politics was implemented.
  • Subsequent Presidents expanded upon this and it changed society.
  • America changed from a K-strategy majority rule to a r-strategy control center.

Here we talk about this.

How the changes affect society

Americans have become so accustomed to the progressive onslaught that they do not realize what the assaults on liberty are.

How the changes affect society. Here we look at how the changes in the government structure results in how people behave. This tracking and association of behavior with environment is well known and quite remarkable in it's consistency. What people are loathe to associate is how exactly it is following the American model.
r/K selection theory

To put it clearer…

The state doesn't get to put up a hoop - not any hoop - for anyone to  jump through before deciding their constitutional rights will be  granted. 

- Aesop at Raconteur Report 

The assault on Liberty

The Bill of Rights has been ignored. It’s not limited to the first and second amendments either. It’s everything. From “Red Light Cameras” that violate the 6th Amendment confrontation clause, to the 9th and 10th amendments. It’s all selective enforcement, and encroachment at will.

The Assault on Liberty. America has been dying a long slow death through million of tiny little cuts. Here we try to document just some of the many ways that America is being attacked. For each time you ban something, the government takes away a freedom. Freedom is the opposite of a ban. Here we look at this...

The cultivation of ignorance. In order to subjugate a people, you need to keep them ignorant, disarmed, drugged or otherwise helpless. There are many techniques, and many are being used on Americans today. Here we look at this aspect…

How they get away with it

A looted America. Over the last 100 years, with the implementation of a progressive reality, America went from a nation of strong independence, to a dependent society that must ask permission from the government to function.

Since them, Americans have been treated as money-making machines, and fleeced over and over again.

Everything in the United States is monetized, taxed, regulated and utilized. The people are serfs serving the global ultra-wealthy. Here we study the American HST program as a perfect example of this…

Why no High-Speed rail in the USA?

Culture Wars. There is a fundamental clash between the very two disparate cultures in America.

One is the “nationalism” movement. They want [1] to be left alone, [2] a much smaller government, and [3] a return to the Constitution as written back in 1776.

The other is the “modern progressive” movement. It has elements that are desirous of [1] “enlightened despotism” and is [2] implementing Marxism to achieve their preferred utopia. It is a King and slave relationship.

Here we discuss this… “the culture wars”…

What is going on in Hollywood?

Hyper regulation of everything. In America you have expensive medical care, that if you track it back to it’s source, you will find that all the costs (in one way or the other) originated in various ways by government programs.

For instance, you have expensive cars that in one way or the other requires testing, and registration of all of the millions of components that make up the vehicle.

You have to ask an agency for permission to do anything. It wasn’t always this way.

It is this way because FDR scrapped out the SCOTUS who ruled that the 9th amendment will not permit the formation of any federal agencies. He did not like this. So he overhauled the SCOTUS and staffed it with closet Marxist wanna-bes. They then started ruling in favor of rolling waves of Marxism.

The Ninth Amendment

How Americans are controlled. Americans are the most manipulated, regulated, taxed and regulated people on the planet. Of course, many don’t think so.

They look at the shiny newness of their shackles and view that as a sign of freedom. Here we look at how Americans are manipulated and kept in a state of fear.

Freedom - American style.
Under a progressive liberal agenda, Americans have come to accept the cleanness and newness of their shackles as a sign of advancement and modern enlightenment. It is what was intended by President Wilson when he rewrote the Constitution to implement enlightened despotism as a prelude to full-on Marxist control by the richest people in society. You can see how this works with the two tiered justice system, and the rampant abuse of young girls by the richest elite.

Some long over due changes. Here we discuss some of the key things that MUST be changed to have America move back to the Constitution as it was intended to be.

These are not a comprehensive list of items, it’s just some of the many, many problems that MUST be radically changed or else the United States will be no longer in the near future…

Make America Great Again.

Personally, I would erase EVERYTHING, and start all over again, but with the Constitution as originally written. I would undo all the alterations, scrap the current crop of players, and start fresh and new.

I would put everything in the hands of the individual states. I would pull the federal government out of everything except the most limited and necessary functions.

I would defang every government entity, and then implement a fourth branch – the OVERSIGHT branch of corruption police constantly keeping the officials transparent and honest. This group would be very powerful and have it’s own court system, police, prisons, and torture rooms.

And yes, I would follow the Chinese model and implement torture for abuse by leadership. They will not be given a free pass. After all, if they want their own laws, they will have to have their own punishments as well.

I would nuke the progressive government from orbit, and set up corruption police to make sure that these monsters never raise their ugly heads ever again. I would do exactly the same thing that the Chinese do to their SJW problem.

But that is just me.

Today America is so far removed from what it once was that Americans have NO IDEA what freedom actually is. Hey! Wake up! These are CRITICAL characteristics of a FREE SOCIETY, how many exist in America today? Eh?

  • No taxes on anything.
  • No regulations except the most critical infrastructure.
  • No agencies.
  • Property means “YOURS.”
  • Privacy is absolute.
  • One set of laws that are applied equally.

In a free land, you can smoke and kill yourself with drugs and drink. No one will stop you.

In a free land, your property is yours, and no one can seize it, tax it, regulate it or claim it from you.

In a free land there are no laws against “vices” and no laws on behavior.

Starting all over from scratch is the only way to be sure.

How different America is today from the founding? It is terribly different from what the Constitution was originally set up as.

In fact, aside from keeping the same names and titles, the nation resembles the exact opposite as what it was set up as. Here, we go Right by Right (in the Bill of Rights) and look at the tattered remains of what exists.

What would the founders think?

What America is today. Finally, we conclude with a study of what America actually is. We look at the organization, the history, the changes and the functional rearrangements that made America what it is. Then we come to conclusions as to what it functionally is.

Spoiler alert: It’s an oligarchy run by non-Americans.


Which pretty much explains this comment…

According to the experts, America is a country whose most fearsome enemy  is not only the majority of its people—the majority of its people are  also the nation’s biggest threat and its ultimate outsiders. 

-Jim Goad at Taki's Magazine


Lets look at China.

It’s common knowledge that China is communist. We know this, because the progressive American mainstream media has told us this. We know this because this was the case as recent as the 1980’s. We know this because Mr. Mao proudly committed to communist ideals back in the 1940’s. We know this because his picture is still on the Chinese currency.

And… and, we believe this is still the case, well because, we don’t know any better.

The failure of communism

However, that has all changed. You know, there have been many, many changes since Richard Nixon was in office. A lot has happened since the 1960’s. First, communist China collapsed in the 1970’s. (Though, it didn’t get the American media attention that it deserved. It’s almost like the American media were pining away for the success of communism.) Communist Cambodia collapsed shortly afterwards, followed by the collapse of the communist Soviet Union.

In the tail half of the last century, just about every communist nation imploded in upon itself. With the exception of Cuba and North Korea.

Of course, the American mainstream media wouldn’t like to admit any of this. In their minds, it is still useful (for distraction purposes) to manipulate the more mainstream and conservative members of their (shrinking) audience. They do this by treating Americans as fools and playing Don Quixote chasing “communist” windmills.

It serves their “Neocon” audiences.

What they have left out, in their news casts and discussion panels, was that communism in China was a terrible failure. When communism was implemented in China, it caused devastation, deaths, starvation, and the destruction of centuries of culture and society. Not just a few deaths, mind you. But whole-scale mass starvation. Not just the destruction of one or two museums, but most of the history of China. Not just the unwritten traditions, but really all aspects of Chinese life was adversely corrupted.

Fall of the Former Soviet Union.
We well know about how the Soviet Union and that brand of communism fell. What was little reported was how the Chinese were able to avert a similar catastrophe. In China, they had heroes who experimented with non-Communist methods to bring about economic success. Mr. Deng and his Chinese version of Reaganomics was the most successful.

China, due to Mr. Mao and his advisors, was riding the bullet train towards catastrophic collapse.

In the 1970’s serious and drastic action needed to be taken to undo the ravages of communism. So numerous leaders “stepped up to the plate”. Each one acted as a hero in an attempt to stop the collapse of the Chinese government, and the resulting foreign intervention.

(You all know, don’t you, that once the Chinese nation collapsed, that rich and wealthy American elite would offer to “rebuild” the nation. You know, out of kindness…)

Implementation of Reaganomics in China in the 1980’s

So the Chinese all stepped up. One of the most famous was Mr. Deng. He and his stunning successes are known all over China. He implemented wide-scale Ronald Reagan economic policies. Only this time, he didn’t have Mr. Bush Sr. snapping at his heels. He didn’t have a media making fun of his actions calling it “Zombie Economics”, and he didn’t have Beijing reverse his polices as soon as they started to bear fruit.

All of which happened in the United States.

You see, back then, China was in a state of an emergency. It was a serious and a dangerous time. Thus, anyone trying to play political games for their own personal benefit, did so at the peril of the entire nation and race.

When the SJW movement took control of China

So, Mr. Deng was permitted to implement a Chinese-version of Reaganomics. He was given a small and tiny fishing village. He was given the tiny hamlet of Shenzhen to use as a “test bed”. And, it took off. The growth was astounding.

Downtown Shenzhen China when Mr. Deng took over, and what it looks like today. This is what the “miracle” of Reaganomics does, and it was this force that was used to completely transform China. However, in doing so, they HAD to move away from communism. For Reaganomics is wholly incompatible with communism.

Today, Shenzhen is populated by 14 million busy inhabitants. To put that in perspective, New York has pretty much had a constant population of 4 million people over the last three decades.

Seeing the success of this, and other initiatives, too numerous to mention here, we have seen an evolution of China.

China moved from hard-line communist to something else.

China still calls itself “communist”

The Chinese refer to this new way of doing things as “Socialist with Chinese characteristics“, but what it really and functionally is is something quite different. It’s much the same way that Americans still claim that America is a Republic.

We, as Americans, can easily recognize the policy positions as near identical clones to Mr. Ronald Reagan’s “free market” policies. The most that you would ever… ever… ever, hear this reported is when the media begrudgingly admits that China is capitalist.

Evolution of China from a Marxist Communist Republic established by Chairman Mao, to a single-party authoritarian traditional Chinese-conservative nation by Mr. Deng.

Though, the progressive mainstream media would NEVER admit to it. Though the hard-line Neo-cons would never say anything positive to their “dog and pony” show that narrates a communist enemy that needs to be opposed at every turn.

Freedom & Liberty in China

Ignorance about China

Yes. You can tell just how knowledgeable any “talking head” is in America when they refer to China as “Chicom’s” (Chinese communist), when in all actuality they are HARD-LINE CONSERVATIVE, and that they INSIST on tradition, and merit.

You know that Americans are manipulated when a Conservative American frets about…

China doing things…

  • China imprisoning and reeducating radical Uighar Muslims.
  • Cracking down on “free democracy” movements by SJW folk.
  • Worrying about “junk” products made in China.

To which, I must say that China’s stance is very American Conservative on these issues…

America doing things…

  • Radical Muslims must be vetted and kept out of America.
  • Antifa, BLM, and other SJW’s are not permitted to disrupt day to day life.
  • Make the products in America instead of importing them.

So, when I see and hear an American conservative take the “talking points” right out of FOX, or CNN, I know that they are just regurgitating the nonsense programming that is used to keep Americans dumb, stupid and living in fear.

If the American government was truly functional, they would have taken immediate steps to control the Antifa, and BLM riots, and mass SJW attacks and disruptions. They would have identified the leaders of the movement and arrested and detained them. They would have isolated the riots and attacks with trained forces and collected the agitators and sent them off to discover what their malfunction was.

  • Preventing ambulances from helping people.
  • Damaging stores and public works.
  • Looting stores and communities.
  • Throwing chemical milkshakes and beating innocents with bikelocks.

People! This is what a functional and responsible government looks like; Pay attention!

Pay attention!

Today, China is [1] a single-party government. One single party often means totalitarian. But, in my mind it sure as heck beats “pretend democracy” with is mob rule manipulation.

Oh, and by the way, the Chinese do not mess around. They are a serious, serious nation that is run as a meritocracy. Their leaders got there through merit, not by a popularity contest, or through political placement. This is a serious cold-hard fact that many Westerners need to grasp their heads around.

China is not what you think.

The government is [2] nationalist with [3] “China First” objectives. The government is set up to support the Chinese people. Not a global one-world order. As such they know that they must police their leadership. From 1997 though to 2013, the local government leaderships as well as the wealthy business owners started to take advantage and corruption became rife and problematic.

So the president Xi Peng implemented the “Corruption Police”.

This group is as powerful as the IRS in America and answers to no one except the President. No 9th circuit court or judge in Hawaii is going to block or postpone any actions that they take. As such, the bad guys in China are scared shitless. You either come clean with transparency or you WILL suffer the consequences. And believe you me, you don’t want to do Hard Time in China.

The Chinese “Corruption Police”…

The Chinese “Corruption Police”.

They [4] believe in free-market economics, and [5] vigorously defend the traditionally conservative Chinese social way of life. That being said, the Chinese culture is “Chinese conservative”, not “American conservative”. They are similar, but NOT identical.

Statue of Mr. Deng Xiaoping.
Statue of Deng Xiaoping at Lianhuashan Park. Mr Deng brought Reaganomics to China., and single handedly helped to move China away from rigid formal communism to the nation that it is today.

China is a traditional conservative nation.

Not, American conservative, mind you. They are Chinese conservative. Which means that they hold many of the same beliefs and ways of doing things that an American Conservative would agree with. But not all of them.

  • Mother and Father are parents.
  • Father works and supports the family.
  • Mother takes care of the home and children.
  • Education is important, and merit based.
  • Success is achieved through hard work, and merit.
  • Vices are normal and need social outlets.
  • Any person who does not agree to the above are ill and need to be medically corrected and isolated from society.

As such, the Chinese family and relationships look like they came right out of the American 1950’s. The man goes out and works hard, has a beer or two with his buddies after work, and then comes home to his family.

Yes. It’s Fred Flintstone style. Yes. Wally and the Beaver style. Yes. The Brady Bunch style.

And when the man comes home from a hard day’s work, he will give 100% of his pay to his wife. She will use this money to take care of the household, invest in the education of the children, and maintain the social standing of their family with the rest of society.

She in turn, will have his house clothes washed and laid out on the bed for him. His slippers will be ready for him when he gets inside, and after he takes his after work shower, he will find a nicely laid out dinner waiting for him. Often (depending on the person) with a alcoholic libation waiting for him.

China is a Traditional Nation.

Here is a handy chart that I composed describing the differences between American Progressive Liberal belief, and Chinese beliefs. It goes a long way to illustrate how close modern China is to the traditional American Conservatism. As well as how far removed it is from the progressive reality of America today, and the communist ideal that China came from.

A comparison between the United States and China.
A comparison between the United States and China. Here we compare various elements of culture, society, with the way that things are conducted in China as compared to the United States.

While most of America is enjoying the progressive themed Hollywood movies (women in leadership roles, people with superpowers granted to them through luck, and diversity in every scene), the Chinese produce movies and videos around more traditional themes. The music, even the more up-beat, aren’t as harsh. The women are sweeter, and they aren’t wagging their enormous trashcan jugged assess at the screen.

Culture and society are a reflection of what the nation is. In a like vein, Hollywood is a reflection of what America is today. To understand what China is like, all you need do is pay attention to their culture…

What does this mean

The traditional notions of America being the land of “Democracy” against the evil Communists is wholly outdated. The “cold war” ended with Ronald Reagan. He finished off the success and rule of communism.

Yet, the oligarchs would have none of this. They argue that it wasn’t implemented properly. Maybe Pol Pot wasn’t harsh enough. Maybe they weren’t diverse enough. Maybe they weren’t ruthless enough. They write about this, and announce their intentions quite openly.

For instance…

Make no mistake, the globe is forming into two sides. Sides, mind you, that are so diametrically opposed in fundamental belief systems that the ability to coexist will not be possible.

Here is a map of the world today. The conservative traditionalist nations are colored in RED, and the “enlightened” progressive globalist oligarchy are in BLUE. Most other nations are unknown in this regard, and are left bare and uncolored.

Partial color coded map
This is a partial map showing known polarization around the globe. Traditional conservative nations are colored in red and progressive socialist nations controlled by an oligarchy are in blue. There is evidence that many Muslim nations are also traditional, and conservative, but they differ in some fundamental ways and deviate in such a way that they are not included in this calculus. In short, if you look at the map, you can easily see that the former “free world” of “democracy” have all devolved into mob-ruled oligarchies under the progressive socialist banner.

The Implications

The implications of such a realization are astounding. By looking at the globe in this manner, we can clearly see that philosophy and ideologies are what frame the way that the globe operates today.

  • Almost every democracy has devolved into mob-rule controlled by a rich oligarchy.
  • Almost every former communist nation has evolved into a traditional conservative nation.
  • The oligarchy owns the media in the regions they control. As such they try to keep the “cold war” alive through fear to control their people.
  • Oligarchies help each other out. It is almost like they share the same blood-lines or something.
  • Conservative nations tend to be populist and nationalistic. They only make agreements that serve their own interests.

Important Note

These are only my opinions. Perhaps, you the reader, have other ideas. That is fine. This is nothing more than a very simplistic overview of but one equation of a very complex calculus. For all that I did was simply map out conservative belief structures against progressive belief structures globally.

The reader should note that there are cultural differences that also come into play. For instance, a conservative American would believe that everyone should own firearms, while a conservative Chinese would believe that civilian ownership of firearms should be banned.

To the American, it might seem that it really isn’t conservative at all.

After all, the right to self-defense is a role liberty enshrined in the Bill of Rights. But to the Chinese that seems strange, as in China, all children are given basic military training at an early age. By the time they are 16 they know how to work together as a team, and how to perform the most basic of military disciplines. When the time comes to undergo more rigorous training, they can opt out with parental consent. However, with consent, they are able to learn the more martial skills expected of a soldier.

While the implementation of the right of self-preservation differs, both conservatives maintain the importance given in this liberty. How it is implemented is different, that’s all.

In American conservatism, the individual has the Right to exercise that right and train on his own dime. In Chinese conservatism, everyone must learn how to protect themselves and the nation if called upon to do so.

A polarized world.

Here is a handy dandy chart of the comparisons between Chinese and American Conservatism. As I have repeatedly stated, Chinese conservatism is similar to, but not identical to American conservatism. (Remember, however, that the Chinese government operates under Chinese Conservative rules, while the American government operates under progressive Marxist rules.)

A comparison between American conservatism and Chinese conservatism.
A comparison between American conservatism and Chinese conservatism. They are similar, but not identical. Never the less American conservatism has much more in common with Chinese conservatism than with the progressive reality that America is today.

The effect of these changes on America…

All of the progressive changes has come at a price for Americans. It has lowered so many of the attributes that made America the fore-most leader in the world…

The United States enjoys the highest degree of personal freedom in the world 

Once again, a variety of indicators  are used by various study groups to determine the level of personal  freedom enjoyed by citizens across the world, including economic freedom  (the ability to earn a living wage, and retain it for personal use),  political freedom, access to education, religious freedom, and many  others. 

The evaluation is then compared between nations,  and in the final comparison the United States routinely ranks in the  second ten. America’s neighbor to the north, Canada, invariably finishes  with a higher ranking of personal freedom than the United States. So do  New Zealand (consistently first among numerous rankings), Taiwan, and  the United Kingdom.

The all too frequent response from  Americans ill-disposed to accept such rankings is to huff “If you don’t  like it leave,” or some similar retort, as well as denial of the  accuracy of the ratings. 

After all, the phrase “land of the free” is  included in the national anthem, and is far more accurate than any  intellectual studies. As with many facts which are in conflict with  accepted myths, they are inconvenient, and thus to many must be  considered inaccurate. 

Nonetheless, the rankings, some of which are far  less laudatory of American freedom, exist, there existence is a fact,  and whether or not one agrees with their findings they are easily  available for study. 

The rest of the world may see them as well, and a  student in Wellington may well wonder why American leaders claim to live  in the greatest degree of freedom in the world, when the facts before  their eyes indicate otherwise. 


As well as..

The United States is the richest country in the world 

Besides the belief that the United  States is the best educated country in the world enjoying the highest  standard of living in the history of humanity is the belief that America  is the richest nation in the world, evidenced by the vast reserves of  minerals still untapped within its borders and off its shores. 

Again,  the ranking of nations by wealth is subject to the variations of the  means used for evaluation, but the United States again does not crack  the top five in many rankings. Using the standard of Gross Domestic  Product per capita, or GDP by individual, the United States ranked seventh in 2018, trailing international leader Luxembourg by almost half. It also trailed Norway, Switzerland, Ireland, Iceland, and Qatar.

Fox Business used another mix of  criteria to list what it called the world’s wealthiest countries in May  2019, but even by its standard, which gave Monaco the top spot, the  United States did not crack the top five. 

When using privately held  wealth as the standard of measure, as did Visual Capitalist in May 2019,  the United States jumped all the way to number one, a piece of data  which offers a meaty bone of contention for those prone to enter into  spirited discussions of what it means for society. 

Fortune Magazine  listed the fifteen richest countries in the world in November 2017, and  in its list it included the United States, ranking it above Iceland, the  Netherlands, and Saudi Arabia in 12th.  

The argument over which nation is the richest in the world can be made  using a variety of data as the facts for supporting it, but by most  objective evaluations the United States is not in the top five. 

Not to omit…

The United States has the highest standard of education in the world 

The United States has the admiration  and respect of the civilized world for the availability and quality of  education it offers all of its citizens. Such is a belief held by many  to the point that it is an irrefutable fact of the modern world. It is  incorrect. 

Though the United States ranks near the top in expenditures  for education, at all levels, when compared to other civilized nations  it is quickly apparent that money spent does not equal education  achieved. In the percentage of students completing primary education the  United States does not make the top five (Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Israel,  Saudi Arabia, and Mexico). 

For secondary education (that is, completing  high school) the USA again does not make the top five. Nor does the  United States rank in the top five for completion of post high school  degrees, though in fairness such degrees mean different things in  different parts of the world.

The World Top Twenty Project looked  at post education success as well as other indicators to rank civilized  nations by education in 2018, with the United States absent from the  resulting list of the top twenty, which was led by South Korea. 

The  United States own Center on International Education Benchmarking, a  project of the National Center on Education and the Economy (NCEE), lists the top performing nations of the world in terms of education  and does not include the United States among the top ten, instead  reporting on the progress made in the listed nations and the changes  which could be adaptable to American education systems. 

When CNBC listed  the top ten most educated nations of the world in February, 2018, it  listed the United States as sixth, a ranking bolstered to some extent by  the number of foreign students completing advanced degrees at American  institutions. 



The last fifty years has seen an absolute role reversal for both the United States and China. The United States today is an oligarchy that treats it’s citizens as serfs in a land with a two-tiered justice system.

Anyone who does not see this is a FUCKING IDIOT.

When you have some poor sop getting 70 years in prison for having a picture of a single nude 14 year old girl on his computer, and a serial pedophile rapist who has repeatedly raped over 1000 children under 14 (Epstein), who got the most lenient sentence in the history of law, should be obvious to everyone except the most partisan hack.

And, let’s not even talk about Hillary Clinton, and Lois Learner. Eh?

Meanwhile, China is a meritocracy. It is advancing forward using the exact same formula that made America the strongest nation in the world in the 1700’s.

To pretend that contemporaneous China, and the United States fit the tired old stereotypical narrative as portrayed by the mainstream media is to play the village idiot. It’s not the same, and does not, in any way, resemble that narrative.

SHTF and Related Index

The Tale of the Killdozer.
Why are Americans so angry?
r/K selection theory
What is planned for American Conservatives - Part 2
What is going to happen to conservatives - Part 3.
What is planned for conservatives - part 4
What is in store for Conservatives - part 5
What is in store for conservatives - part 6
Civil War
The Warning Signs
Line in the sand
A second passport
Make America Great Again.
What would the founders think?
The Ninth Amendment
How they get away with it
Taxiation without representation.
Parable about America
Democracy Lessons
A polarized world.
Types of American conservatives.

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