We are just a group of retired spooks that discuss things that you’ll not find anywhere else. It makes us unique. Take a look around. Learn a thing or two.
“We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force.”
— Ayn Rand
Rule by brute force.
That’s about as good a description as you’ll find for the sorry state of our nation.
SWAT teams crashing through doors. Militarized police shooting unarmed citizens. Traffic cops tasering old men and pregnant women for not complying fast enough with an order. Resource officers shackling children for acting like children. Homeowners finding their homes under siege by police out to confiscate lawfully-owned guns. Drivers having their cash seized under the pretext that they might have done something wrong.
The list of abuses being perpetrated against the American people by their government is growing rapidly.
We are approaching critical mass.
The groundwork has been laid for a new kind of government where it won’t matter if you’re innocent or guilty, whether you’re a threat to the nation, or even if you’re a citizen. What will matter is what the government—or whoever happens to be calling the shots at the time—thinks. And if the powers-that-be think you’re a threat to the nation and should be locked up, then you’ll be locked up with no access to the protections our Constitution provides.
In effect, you will disappear.
American Citizens are just “things” that the elites use
President Biden’s long list of executive orders, executive actions, proclamations and directives is just more of the same: rule by fiat.
Now the Biden Administration is setting its sights on gun control.
Mark my words: gun control legislation, especially in the form of red flag gun laws, which allow the police to remove guns from people “suspected” of being threats, will become yet another means by which to subvert the Constitution and sabotage the rights of the people.
In Radley Balko's study of police raids of the homes of civilians for the CATO Institute, he described the mayhem currently taking place at the hands of federal and state governments in the United States in the name of law enforcement:
"Americans have long maintained that a man's home is his castle and that he has the right to defend it from unlawful intruders. Unfortunately, that right may be disappearing. Over the last 25 years, America has seen a disturbing militarization of its civilian law enforcement, along with a dramatic and unsettling rise in the use of paramilitary police units (most commonly called Special Weapons and Tactics, or SWAT) for routine police work. The most common use of SWAT teams today is to serve narcotics warrants, usually with forced, unannounced entry into the home.
"These increasingly frequent raids, 40,000 per year by one estimate, are needlessly subjecting nonviolent drug offenders, bystanders, and wrongly targeted civilians to the terror of having their homes invaded while they're sleeping, usually by teams of heavily armed paramilitary units dressed not as police officers but as soldiers. These raids bring unnecessary violence and provocation to nonviolent drug offenders, many of whom were guilty of only misdemeanors. The raids terrorize innocents when police mistakenly target the wrong residence. And they have resulted in dozens of needless deaths and injuries, not only of drug offenders, but also of police officers, children, bystanders, and innocent suspects."
- from the Executive Summary of a research paper titled, Overkill: he Rise of Paramilitary Police Raids in America by Radley Balko, CATO Institute.
But you have already heard this spiel…
America is a military empire, it’s police are military soldiers.
These “red flag” laws, growing in popularity as a legislative means by which to seize guns from individuals. They are an excuse. The excuse sounds so reasonable. People who are viewed as a danger to themselves or others, have their guns removed. Yes, this is yet another Trojan Horse, a stealth maneuver by the police state to gain greater power over an unsuspecting and largely gullible populace.
Nineteen states and Washington DC have red flag laws on their books.
That number is growing.
As The Washington Post reports, these laws “allow a family member, roommate, beau, law enforcement officer or any type of medical professional to file a petition [with a court] asking that a person’s home be temporarily cleared of firearms. It doesn’t require a mental-health diagnosis or an arrest.”
America is a military empire, it’s police are military soldiers.
Sound familiar?
Someone in the neighborhood doesn’t like you…
… they claim that you are a witch…
…or you are a communist…
…or a child sex offender…
…or are a danger to yourself.
In the midst of what feels like an epidemic of mass shootings (the statistics suggest otherwise), these gun confiscation laws—extreme risk protection order (ERPO) laws—may appease the fears of those who believe that fewer guns in the hands of the general populace will make our society safer.
Of course, it doesn’t always work that way.
It’s just an excuse
SWAT team raids "The Garden of Eden" The beast is gaining more and more unbridled power to lash out as he did this week at "The Garden of Eden" - a small organic farm in Texas reported by a RT News. This is but one of many raids that take place on a daily basis throughout the U.S. In this case they held 6 adults at gunpoint and handcuffed them for 10 hours saying they were looking for marijuana. Throughout the day the police conducted their search, destroying parts of the farm in the process. However, the property owner Shelley Smith told the media, "They came here under the guise that we were doing a drug trafficking, marijuana growing operation. They destroyed everything.”
The residents believe the raid was only an excuse to allow them to change the farm's "unconventional appearance." Code enforcement cops came along with the SWAT team and Smith said that they had been issued a number of code violations recently including, “grass that was too tall, bushes growing too close to the street, a couch and piano in the yard, chopped wood that was not properly stacked, a piece of siding that was missing from the side of the house and generally unclean premises,” The cops found no drugs or criminal activity but arrested one of the members of the group for an unpaid parking ticket.
While in theory it appears perfectly reasonable to want to disarm individuals who are clearly suicidal and/or pose an “immediate danger” to themselves or others, where the problem arises is when you put the power to determine who is a potential danger in the hands of government agencies, the courts and the police.
Any excuse serves a tyrant
It took place in August, 2005 when a SWAT team killed an innocent man in his home while his wife and 4 year old son hid in a bedroom closet in Sunrise Florida. After killing the man, the police claimed they knocked on his door and announced they were police. But according to neighbors who watched the scene unfold from their window, the police in black masks did not identify themselves before smashing down his door and using a flash grenade expecting to find drugs and guns. The neighbors said that if the police had yelled, "POLICE!" - they would have heard it. The police claimed that 23 year old Anthony Diotaiuto (a two-time Iraq war veteran) fled from his bed into another room and "armed himself." Radley Balko (quoted above) reported that the police initially claimed that he fled to the bedroom for a handgun and pointed the gun at them. Later, the story changed with a spokesperson for the police saying that the "found the weapon next to his body" after they killed him.
Diotaiuto returned from his night shift at one of the two jobs he had to provide for his family. According to his friends, he had a shotgun and handgun which he kept for protection with a valid concealed weapons permit. Balko surmised that he rose from a deep sleep, disoriented by the crashing of his door and flash grenade and ran terrified into another room. After they killed him, the police claimed that they found 2 ounces of marijuana, some plastic baggies and a scale. But by the time the case went to a jury trial, that amount of marijuana was determined to be 16 grams, a little more than half an ounce. The Broward County medical examiner reported 10 bullet wounds in his head, chest, torso, and limbs.
America is a military empire, it’s police are military soldiers.
We’ve been down this road before.
Remember, this is the same government that uses the words “anti-government,” “extremist” and “terrorist” interchangeably.
This is the same government whose agents are spinning a sticky spider-web of threat assessments, behavioral sensing warnings, flagged “words,” and “suspicious” activity reports using automated eyes and ears, social media, behavior sensing software, and citizen spies to identify potential threats.
This is the same government that keeps re-upping the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which allows the military to detain American citizens with no access to friends, family or the courts if the government believes them to be a threat.
This is the same government that has a growing list—shared with fusion centers and law enforcement agencies—of ideologies, behaviors, affiliations and other characteristics that could flag someone as suspicious and result in their being labeled potential enemies of the state.
For instance, if you believe in and exercise your rights under the Constitution ...
(namely, your right to speak freely, worship freely, associate with like-minded individuals who share your political views, criticize the government, own a weapon, demand a warrant before being questioned or searched, or any other activity viewed as potentially anti-government, racist, bigoted, anarchic or sovereign),
Radley Balko’s White Paper, Overkill: The Rise of Paramilitary Police Raids in America:
Balko said that botched raids such as this one are not 'isolated incidents.' Other examples of SWAT teams misused are the hundreds of raids conducted each year at a wrong address. Often the people targeted are completely innocent, unlike in the Diotaiuto tragedy. Further, the 'no-knock' and 'quick-knock' raids often rely on anonymous tips and 'dubious informants to obtain the search warrants.'
The raids are intended to terrify. The police generally break down the doors with a battering ram or blow them off with explosives. Sometimes police use a flash bang grenade. Once inside, police force the occupants to lie prone, generally at gunpoint...
Balko wrote in Overkill, 'The idea of sending battalions of men dressed, trained, and armed like soldiers to do civilian police work should give us great discomfort'.”
America is a military empire, it’s police are military soldiers.
Now consider the ramifications of giving police that kind of authority: to preemptively raid homes in order to neutralize a potential threat.
It’s a powder keg waiting for a lit match.
Duncan Lemp
Under these red flag laws, what happened to Duncan Lemp—who was gunned down in his bedroom during an early morning, no-knock SWAT team raid on his family’s home—could very well happen to more people.
At 4:30 a.m. on March 12, 2020, in the midst of a COVID-19 pandemic that had most of the country under a partial lockdown and sheltering at home, a masked SWAT team—deployed to execute a “high risk” search warrant for unauthorized firearms—stormed the suburban house where 21-year-old Duncan, a software engineer and Second Amendment advocate, lived with his parents and 19-year-old brother.
America is a military empire, it’s police are military soldiers.
No one in the house that morning, including Lemp, had a criminal record.
No one in the house that morning, including Lemp, was considered an “imminent threat” to law enforcement or the public, at least not according to the search warrant.
So what was so urgent that militarized police felt compelled to employ battlefield tactics in the pre-dawn hours of a day when most people are asleep in bed, not to mention stuck at home as part of a nationwide lockdown?
According to police, they were tipped off that Lemp was in possession of “firearms.”
Thus, rather than approaching the house by the front door at a reasonable hour in order to investigate this complaint—which is what the Fourth Amendment requires—police instead strapped on their guns, loaded up their flash bang grenades and acted like battle-crazed warriors.
In May, 2010 Joseph Weekley, a Detroit cop shot and killed Aiyana Stanley Jones, a seven-year-old girl when they raided a home during the early morning hours as she lay sleeping on a sofa in her home on Lillibridge Street in Detroit. Aiyana was shot in the head and neck. Assistant Police Chief Ralph Godbee said the heavily armed "Special Response Team" was executing a "no-knock" search warrant for a homicide suspect and they threw a flash grenade through an unopened window around 12:45 a.m. before charging in with guns drawn but they got the wrong house. It may have never gained international attention except that it was recorded by a reality TV crew, which was filming an episode of “The First 48,” a program like "Cops" and other racist TV shows that feed off the misery of victims in praise of the work of US police.
In June, 2013 Weekley went on trial for involuntary manslaughter with a possible sentence of 15 years in prison. The cop claimed that he had "physical contact" with the little girl's grandmother, Mertilla Jones, after entering the home. On June 18, the trial ended in a hung jury and he is now to be retried. In the trial, Grandmother Mertilla testified,
"I saw the light leave out of her eyes, and blood gushed out of her mouth. I knew she was dead.” After the first trial, Mertilla stated, "He admitted he shot and killed her. He's a dirty cop because he said I touched him. I never touched that man. ... I was never anywhere near Joseph Weekley. He's a lying [expletive] cop."
The Military patrol America today
America is a military empire, it’s police are military soldiers.
This is what you get when you live inside a Military Empire.
This is the blowback from all that military weaponry flowing to domestic police departments.
This is what happens when you use SWAT teams to carry out routine search warrants.
Red Flag Laws
America is a military empire, it’s police are military soldiers.
This is what happens when you adopt red flag gun laws, which Maryland did in 2018, painting anyone who might be in possession of a gun—legal or otherwise—as a threat that must be neutralized.
Therein lies the danger of these red flag laws, specifically, and pre-crime laws such as these generally where the burden of proof is reversed and you are guilty before you are given any chance to prove you are innocent.
Red flag gun laws merely push us that much closer towards a suspect society where everyone is potentially guilty of some crime or another and must be preemptively rendered harmless.
Where many Americans go wrong is in naively assuming that you have to be doing something illegal or harmful in order to be flagged and targeted for some form of intervention or detention.
The American Police State
America is a military empire, it’s police are military soldiers.
In fact, U.S. police agencies have been working to identify and manage potential extremist “threats,” violent or otherwise, before they can become actual threats for some time now.
All you need to do these days to end up on a government watch list or be subjected to heightened scrutiny is use certain trigger words (like cloud, pork and pirates)…
America is a military empire, it’s police are military soldiers.
Be warned: once you get on such a government watch list—whether it’s a terrorist watch list, a mental health watch list, a dissident watch list, or a red flag gun watch list—there’s no clear-cut way to get off, whether or not you should actually be on there.
You will be tracked wherever you go.
You will be flagged as a potential threat and dealt with accordingly.
This is pre-crime on an ideological scale and it’s been a long time coming.
The government has been building its pre-crime, surveillance network in concert with fusion centers (of which there are 78 nationwide, with partners in the private sector and globally), data collection agencies, behavioral scientists, corporations, social media, and community organizers and by relying on cutting-edge technology for surveillance, facial recognition, predictive policing, biometrics, and behavioral epigenetics (in which life experiences alter one’s genetic makeup).
America is a military empire, it’s police are military soldiers.
It’s the American police state’s take on the dystopian terrors foreshadowed by George Orwell, Aldous Huxley and Phillip K. Dick all rolled up into one oppressive pre-crime and pre-thought crime package.
If you’re not scared yet, you should be.
It’s a Nightmare America
America is a military empire, it’s police are military soldiers.
Connect the dots.
Start with the powers amassed by the government under the USA Patriot Act, note the government’s ever-broadening definition of what it considers to be an “extremist,” then add in the government’s detention powers under NDAA, the National Security Agency’s far-reaching surveillance networks, and fusion centers that collect and share surveillance data between local, state and federal police agencies.
To that, add tens of thousands of armed, surveillance drones that will soon blanket American skies, facial recognition technology that will identify and track you wherever you go and whatever you do. And then to complete the picture, toss in the real-time crime centers being deployed in cities across the country, which will be attempting to “predict” crimes and identify criminals before they happen based on widespread surveillance, complex mathematical algorithms and prognostication programs.
Hopefully you’re starting to understand how easy we’ve made it for the government to identify, label, target, defuse and detain anyone it views as a potential threat for a variety of reasons that run the gamut from mental illness to having a military background to challenging its authority to just being on the government’s list of persona non grata. Finally, add in the local police agencies and SWAT teams that are being “gifted” military-grade weaponry and equipment designed for the battlefield and trained in the tactics of war.
It all adds up to a terrifying package of brute force coupled with invasive technology and totalitarian tactics.
This brings me back to those red flag gun laws.
It’s the nail in the American Coffin
America is a military empire, it’s police are military soldiers.
In the short term, these gun confiscation laws may serve to temporarily delay or discourage those wishing to inflict violence on others, but it will not resolve whatever madness or hate or instability therein that causes someone to pull a trigger or launch a bomb or unleash violence on another.
Indeed, those same individuals sick enough to walk into an elementary school or a movie theater and open fire using a gun can and do wreak just as much havoc with homemade bombs made out of pressure cookers and a handful of knives.
Nor will these laws save us from government-instigated and directed violence at the hands of the militarized police state or the blowback from the war-drenched, violence-imbued, profit-driven military industrial complex, both of which remain largely overlooked and underestimated pieces of the discussion on gun violence in America.
No matter how well-meaning the politicians make these encroachments on our rights appear, in the right (or wrong) hands, benevolent plans can easily be put to malevolent purposes. In this way, even the most well-intentioned government law or program can be—and has been—perverted, corrupted and used to advance illegitimate purposes once profit and power are added to the equation.
The war on terror, the war on drugs, the war on illegal immigration, asset forfeiture schemes, road safety schemes, school safety schemes, eminent domain: all of these programs started out as legitimate responses to pressing concerns and have since become weapons of compliance and control in the police state’s hands.
And what is next…
Well, it’s when the elites declare that they are a class that is up and above that of the American citizenry.
The following article is reprinted as found with limited editing to fit in this venue, and all credit to the original author. by Baruch Pletner,PhD,MBA
The Hi-Tech Traditionalist: A Revolution In Reverse: The Uprising Of The American Elites Against The American People
The great Bolshevik revolutions of the last century in Russia, in China, and in Cuba all followed a familiar pattern: a group of young, energetic, endlessly corruptible, but not yet corrupt outsiders take on, in the name of the people, a tired corrupt establishment.
A civil war ensues in which the people side with the revolutionaries because they (mistakenly) think that things can never be worse.
Revolutionaries win, slaughter the establishment elites, and proceed to rob and enslave the people in even more outrageous fashion.
In May, 2008, a SWAT team raided a home in Norwalk, Connecticut after a prostitute called the police telling them that the home contained drugs and weapons. She gave the police a false name and after the killing no weapons were found but the police killed Gonzalo Guizan and dragged the home owner, Ronald Terebesi out in handcuffs. In February, 2013 taxpayers from 5 Fairfield County towns were ordered to pay $3,500,000.00 resulting from the raid on the residence in Norwalk that left Guizan dead, Terebesi traumatized and heavy damage done to his house. Reporter Jonathan Turley expressed his view of the $3.5 million settlement:
"Now, Easton First Selectman Thomas Herrmann insists that the settlement does not reflect any negligence by his officers or those of the other towns: 'While the defendants, police departments and officers from Darien, Easton, Trumbull, Monroe and Wilton maintain they were not responsible for the unfortunate death of Mr. Guizan, the insurers for the defendants, who will bear the full cost of the settlement, believed that it was best to resolve the matter rather than incur further attorneys’ fees, which were anticipated to be significant. The defendants concurred, further believing it was important to facilitate the Guizan family being relieved of the combined burden of litigation.'
"That seems a rather belated concern for the Guizan family since you first launched a virtual military assault on a drug allegation, then killed the unarmed Guizan, and then fought their claim for damages until you had little practical alternative but to settle."
The only thing the police found were two smoking pipes and a tin with a minuscule amount of drugs. Jonathan Turley described the raid and this part of his original story has since been redacted,
"One would have thought this was the alleged bin Laden raid, as it looked like a military operation in a war zone. Heavily armed police and SWAT teams raided a home owned by Ronald Terebesi based on a tip from a local stripper that she had a “dispute” with Terebesi. This sounds pretty harmless so far, but SWAT team members dressed in armor bore down on this home with flash grenades, snipers surrounding the house, and a virtual tank supplied to this police department after the cover up of 9/11 by DHS.
"When all was said and done, one man, Gonzalo Guizan, was killed and Terebesi was dragged from his home. Both of these men were unarmed, and had done nothing to warrant this raid, and in fact were cowering in a corner when the spray of bullets were fired."
Soon enough the old guard revolutionaries become every bit as corrupt as the ones they have replaced if not more so and the cycle repeats itself.
In America, the situation is rather farcically backwards.
America is a military empire, it’s police are military soldiers.
In America, the corrupt establishment elites have decided to stage a Bolshevik coup against the American people rather than the other way around.
A Tsar fully in command of his own kingdom staging a coup against his own people is a bizarre development to say the least, and yet, here we are in 2021 America.
Like always, there are reasons.
First and foremost among them is the sheer scope of the nepotism and corruption of the American elites in business, government, technology, and the intelligence services.
This scope has very likely far exceeded anything previously known in human history.
Had the dimensions of the robbery perpetrated by the American ruling classes against the American people become widely known earlier, America could well have experienced a more typical revolution, one by the people against the elites.
Well aware of the possibility if not probability of such an outcome, the people who run America put in place a plan to make it all but impossible.
America is a military empire, it’s police are military soldiers.
The plan involved the gradually escalating erosion of the limits on government powers put in place by the Constitution with a parallel erosion in the God-given rights guaranteed every American by the same document.
This was a fully bipartisan effort, put in place immediately after president Reagan departed office.
It is sufficient to observe the exponential increase in government versus private sector employment in America from 1988 to 2019 to fully grasp this point.
Stopping immigration from countries that have (or at least used to have) a tradition of personal freedom and limited government while throwing open the spigots for immigration from countries that have neither was the second part of the same plan.
The destruction of family values and Christianity in America was the third.
On the whole, the plan was a spectacular success.
Americans proved easy targets for propaganda on pro-gay rights and every other kind of moral depravity and have learned to bite their tongues and bow low whenever they heard the phrase: “diversity is our strength”.
White Americans learned to internalize guilt for something they had no control over – the very color of their skin.
Americans allowed themselves to become squeezed out of well-paying jobs by the elites-induced trifecta of low and high-skilled immigration and automation, with nary a whisper in protest.
All was going well for the elites until they had a panic attack, a freakout of unheard of proportions when a non-establishment person, Donald Trump managed to get himself elected president.
The problem for the elites inherent in Trump’s election was simple: they have not done much, if anything, to cover the tracks of their massive robbery of the American people.
America is a military empire, it’s police are military soldiers.
That meant that when Trump assumed office even their best efforts would likely not be good enough to stop him from perceiving at least a glimpse of the true scale of their crimes.
There is a certain irony in the fact that being criminals themselves, the American establishment has found, in Trump, the one true nemesis.
For he is a New York developer who cut his teeth dealing with the New York building trades, which are, of course, a criminal element in and of themselves.
Trying to pin on Trump their own sins of sexual corruption, nepotism, embezzlement, etc. has not been a well-thought out strategy on the part of the American power elites.
America is a military empire, it’s police are military soldiers.
This is simply because it enabled him to begin educating the American public as to the breathtaking scope of their own criminality.
And that pretty much explains what happened during the election of 2020; a coup d’etat against the American people, the American Constitution, and the American Republic itself.
Since the elites still very much permeate every hall of power in America, this is a one-off deal in which the rulers of a country set out to violently overthrow the very political structure of the country they are ruling, but, as they say, it is what it is.
The cover may be different, but the playbook is the same, so we are already being exposed to the oldies but goodies of…
escalating agitprop (weaponized lies and propaganda),
suppression of unwanted elements (cancel culture),
and paid snitching (whistleblowing).
Now we are entering into a new phase, that of secret trials with a predetermined outcome.
Apparently congressional Democrats are going to hold impeachment hearings (read Bolshevik tribunal) at a secret location with no rights whatsoever being afforded to the accused.
America is a military empire, it’s police are military soldiers.
Unfortunately for all of us, however, the scope of their criminal acts is such that they cannot contemplate any due process without committing political and even non-political suicide.
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) said federal government programs that armed police “with the weapons and tactics of war” had led forces across the United States to become unnecessarily and dangerously militarized.
“The use of hyper-aggressive tools and tactics results in tragedy for civilians and police officers, escalates the risk of needless violence, destroys property and undermines individual liberties,” the ACLU said in a report.
It said police forces set up special weapons and tactics (SWAT) units initially to face emergencies such as hostage situations and active-shooter scenarios.
But after studying more than 800 SWAT deployments conducted by 20 law enforcement agencies between 2011-2012, it said the specialized teams had moved away from that original role and were increasingly used to search people’s homes for drugs.
It said the raids were often violent, involving 20 or more officers armed with assault rifles and stun grenades, breaking down doors and windows, and screaming at occupants to get on the floor. It said children were present on numerous occasions.
The ACLU said the militarization of policing was also evident in police training that it said encouraged officers to adopt a “warrior” mentality – something it said was reinforced by the use of equipment such as battering rams, flashbang grenades, and armored personnel carriers.
It said the shift in culture was partly driven by U.S. Supreme Court rulings that gave police increased authority to force their way into homes, often in narcotics probes.
All things are on the table right now, including things that now sound crazy like setting up a parallel Supreme Court having declared the Constitution illegitimate because it was written by white males some of whom supported slavery and ratified without African American and other minority votes.
Needless to say, such actions may well precipitate an armed conflict we know of as civil war, but that would not be an unexpected outcome for the elites.
We know now that the American intelligence services all work for the elites and not for the people.
They will fight on their side in the coming war. What we don’t know is to what degree the armed forces have been infiltrated, especially the mid-level officer corps.
The outcomes of such cataclysms are never possible to predict, but we know what we know.
American ruling classes have long since betrayed her and her people to make themselves fabulously, generationally rich and powerful.
They could have cut a power-sharing deal with the American people as represented by president Trump; his hand has always been open to them.
They didn’t take him up on it.
Massive anger is building up in America now and the battle lines are drawn: either the American republic overthrows her own criminal elites or they overthrow her.
Which shall it be? To quote the Commander in Chief of the forces of light: “we’ll see what happens.”
The MM Opinion
Nothing is going to happen domestically. People are getting ready, ready, ready but there isn’t any “trigger” that will enable the unleashing of holy terror internally.
If something is going to happen, then it will happen externally.
Which brings up all these “waltzes” and “dances” that the Biden administration is involved in regarding other nations. It’s very blatant and “in your face”. Here’s my terms, you lowly Chink.. you lowly scum Russki… you evil Iranian… accept them or we will squelch you like the vermin you are.
Is it intentional? Or is the leadership complete morons? It’s difficult to tell these days. So I must ask…
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
What is the world coming to? Is everyone crazy? Are all the governments corrupt? Is all that we have to look forward to is yet another war?
Well, there are answers to these questions.
Here we postulate that the “generational turnings” that are described in the “Fourth Turning” are similar to other methods of societal evolution.
We observe that numerous people and organizations have noticed that history tends to repeat. Thus, as such, tried to map out these events to identify future events. In particular, we will take a look at the KaLa Rhythms as being similar to that of the generational turnings as described in the Strauss-Howe generational theory.
The Strauss–Howe generational theory, also known as the Fourth Turning theory or simply the Fourth Turning, which was created by authors William Strauss and Neil Howe, describes a theorized recurring generation cycle in American history. According to the theory, historical events are associated with recurring generational personas (archetypes).
- Strauss–Howe generational theory - Wikipedia
The KaLa theory differs from the Strauss-Howe theory, but both come to the same conclusions. We will treat each theory with respect, but acknowledge that no one can accurately predict the future, just observe the trends within society.
Other systems
There are other systems that chart people, society, and behaviors over time. The ones that I find interesting are…
Strauss-Howe Generational theory.
KaLa Rhythm Cycles.
Chinese horoscope BaZi.
Chinese Bazi Calculator(八字) According to Chinese astrology, the year, month, day and hour of birth of an individual has great significance when it comes to analysing his/her destiny or fate. These four components ie, the year, month, day and hour is known as 'The Four Pillers of Destiny' or Bazi (Bā Zì) and is a key factor determining a person's future.
- Chinese Bazi Calculator | Four Pillers of Destiny
Calculating BaZi for a person and monitoring their auspicious and inauspicious days to determine things to avoid and things to embrace.
Welcome to 2020
The current decade is predestined to be the most exciting time America has ever known.
It will start in 2020 and end in 2030, and during those ten years will be a period of advanced change that will be very disturbing for anyone not prepared for it.
Antifa protestors arrested in Berkley California. Antifa supporters have complained about the Berkeley Police Department posting mugshots on Twitter of the 20 people who were arrested on Sunday when protesters attacked police and city vehicles during a march by conservative groups. Berkeley PD has refused to remove their tweets that included booking photos, names, ages, hometowns, and crimes alleged to have been committed by the arrestees, Newsweek reported. In a press release posted on Sunday evening, the police department said the list of people arrested at the protest was only “partial” and said police were still working to confirm the identities of some of those who had been arrested. However, the Fact-Check website “Snopes.com” was very quick to denounce the photos posted by the police. They reported that the mug-shots were NOT of Antifa terrorists. (WTF? All you need to do is go to the police website to see for yourself.)
Numerous changes have positioned themselves for action and collapse during this period, and human nature will decide the outcome as to how the events will unfold.
Cycles of life and behavior
In America, upon the founding of the United States, the “clock was set”. It’s an alarm clock, don’t you know. It ticks and tocks for 82 years (plus or minus 2 years). And, you know what? The alarm is going to go off soon.
Alarm clock. Generational turnings, whether KaLa or some other methodology defines a cycle of change with a period of 80 years. Soon this tick-tock of the clock will stop and the alarm will go off.
How do we know? Well, it’s been repeatable. Roughly every eighty years or so, the alarm goes off, and all Hell breaks loose.
KaLa Rhythms
According to the KaLa theory, this natural cycle began with the birth of our nation in the American Revolution.
The KaLa cycle started upon the birth of the United States during the American Revolution.
Consistent Highs and Lows have come ever since as the Cycles of change pulsed through our nation. When the nation was founded, we found that we had all of our Cycles at a peak High at the same time.
The KaLa cycles at the start of the American experience.
The cycles moved up and down. Three cycles representing different aspects of human mob psychology.
The cycles moved up and down. Three cycles representing different aspects of human mob psychology.
They rose and fell.
They would always collapse when the three cycles would simultaneously fall to the bottom. This happened during the American Civil War and then again during the 1920’s stock market crash / great depression and World War II. But the very first time this happened was around 1800.
February 17, 1801 – Thomas Jefferson is elected as the 3rd president of the United States in a vote of the House of Representatives after tying Aaron Burr, his Vice President, in the electoral college with 73 electors. This situation would be later prevented by the 12th Amendment to the Constitution. (Bye bye representative Republic. Hello Democracy.)
Now it is getting close to the next collapse of the triad of cycles.
In the decade of the 1990s, each Cycle crossed out of its Low half, into the High, to reach peaks in all three Cycles this decade.
Our future now is like never before.
Charting the cycles
The World moves in cycles. Whether it is the movement of planets, the changes or the seasons, or the rise and fall of the ocean tides. Everything in this universe moves in cycles.
And cycles can all be charted.
National and generational cycles can be charted. This is from Business Insider.
You can find a chart that gives the times of coming ocean tides, because they move in Rhythm. Calendars can list the next phases of the moon, because it moves in Rhythm. Now you know the times of change, because our times move with Rhythms that are as regular as ocean tides and phases of the moon.
The Seasons of time are changing dramatically now and everything around us is changing with them.
Periods of crisis and chaos also come as regular parts of the Cycles.
Space / Time patterns
Ka is an ancient Egyptian name for energy. Kala is Sanskrit for time.
Thus, Kala Rhythms are changes of energy through time.
The Egyptians believed that Ka is the Physical, Spiritual and Intellectual parts of a person, or god, that constitute an individuality. It transcends death of the body as living energy.
Ancient Egyptian KA.
Ancient Indian scriptures described Kala as transcendent time and as relative time which is Cyclical in nature.
We live in relative time and all the Cycles within it.
Kala Rhythms are therefore changes in Physical, Spiritual and Intellectual energies through Cyclical time.
This triad of energies that constitute an individuality is part of any person or living system. In our case, they are basic elements of the United States. Change is part of any time.
To see where we are in time is to know where we are in the Cycles of change. Cycles tell us from where we come, where we are, and where we are going.
To see where we are in time is to know where we are in the Cycles of change. Cycles tell us from where we come, where we are, and where we are going.
That is the Tao of Now.
Fractals are replete through nature as transcendent repeating patterns on different scales of size and time.
Fractals are replete through nature as transcendent repeating patterns on different scales of size and time.
These patterns give us clues to what is all around.
Spirals in pine cones, sunflowers and snail shells encode the same mathematical pattern by which plants replicate their leaf growth (Fibonacci sequence).
The ratio found in this sequence is the rate by which our bones increase in length when progressing from smaller to larger joints in our hands, feet and legs (phi ratio).
Our average number of respirations per day, and our number of heartbeats every six hours, each equal the number of years in the precession of the equinoxes, (a 25,920-year Cycle of where the earth is in its orbit on the first day of Spring).
We find ourselves as part of it all.
Our Cycles
The rise and fall of our industrial production is a multiple of the 7-year septennial Rhythm of cell growth in our bodies.
Cells within the body follow a rhythm and pattern.
This is a Physical Cycle.
A woman’s menstrual Cycle has an average length that coincides with phases of the moon every twenty-eight days.
This is the human female Menstrual Cycle.
Rises and falls in social tides of enthusiasm coincide with the moon again, and a multiple of the 9-year Cycle, as the tilt of the moon’s orbital plane around the earth moves in “Saros Cycles” that relate to mood swings in the nation.
This is an Emotional Cycle.
Academic achievements and peak times of invention for our nation resemble a multiple of the 11-year sunspot Cycle and electromagnetic radiation in solar wind.
This is an Intellectual Cycle.
We are not observers of nature, we are part of it. We are within the Rhythms and the Rhythms are within us. More discovery of self repeating patterns through the microcosm and the macrocosm has led to a new word in the English language, “Fractals.”
The discovery of self repeating patterns through the microcosm and the macrocosm has led to a new word in the English language, “Fractals.”
These are reappearing and transcending patterns of nature.
Now Fractal-Rhythms show us transcending patterns with the added dimension of time. As we navigate the currents of time, we are transcending a scale of our own. It is self realization. In the process, the wonders of the universe reappear in ever more splendid and fascinating ways, and they come, in Rhythmic Cycles.
Rhythmic Cycles
Our Triad of Energies holds the Physical Cycle, the Emotional Cycle, and the Intellectual Cycle.
They come from the body, the heart, and the mind of the nation. We undulate between strengths and weakness, hopes and fears, and ideas and apathy.
In this post we will identify different colors for the different cycles. In my convention, I use blue for the Physical cycle, green for the Emotional cycle, and red for the Intellectual cycle.
The Physical Cycle changes our production, territoriality, and strength. It affects what we build, our sense of materialism, the military, how we play sports, and our health and fitness. These rise and fall together.
The Emotional Cycle changes our sense of idealism, inspiration, and faith. A national mood is reflected in our styles, practice of religion, market speculation, entertainment and general outlook. They move in waves.
The Intellectual Cycle affects invention, learning and interests. Shifts come in government policies, court decisions, commerce, academic performance of students, and technologies. They are Cyclical. Together, these changing energies bring change to our times
Stages of a Cycle
The stages of a cycle.
A Cycle goes through four stages that are the Seasons of a Cycle, as it progresses between Highs and Lows.
It begins with a First Quarter, or “Spring,” where we lay Foundations for things to come. This is when we begin anew.
The Second Quarter, or “Summer,” comes with Improvements as we branch out in variations. This is when we expand.
A Third Quarter, or “Autumn,” brings Review and reform to what we have done. This is when we retreat.
Then, the Fourth Quarter, or “Winter,” comes with Alternatives as we abandon the past to simplify. It is when we search. This consistent pattern repeats as each Cycle revolves.
Points of Chaos
A Cycle goes through chaos when it crosses the midpoint. Whenever a Cycle switches from Low to High, or from High to Low, it passes through the point of transition (red dotted line) where it meets with turbulence.
A Cycle goes through chaos when it crosses the midpoint. Whenever a Cycle switches from Low to High, or from High to Low, it passes through the point of transition (red dotted line) where it meets with turbulence.
A Crossover in the Physical Cycle might cause an industrial recession.
Crossovers in the Emotional Cycle might come with rioting in the streets.
A Crossover in the Intellectual Cycle might bring falling stock prices.
Every time a Cycle goes through a Crossover, we have chaos in the nation.
Make no mistake the Second American Civil war is intended to be a complete genocide against White People.
Our Three Cycles
Cycles work together as our Physical, Emotional, and Intellectual energies progress through their four stages of development, and points of chaos, to bring change to the nation.
This universal pattern of development that is common to all three Cycles holds true even though the three Cycles are of different lengths.
The Physical Cycle repeats every 28 years.
The Emotional Cycle recurs every 36 years.
The Intellectual Cycle revolves every 44 years.
They still follow the same pattern while influencing different parts of the nation.
The combined effect of the Cycles is that they may all be in different stages of development at any given time. A myriad of combinations is possible. This brings variety to our times.
Once this simple pattern is understood, however, we can see where we are in each Cycle, and how each Cycle affects us.
The combined state of the nation is then deciphered. Beneath the complexity of our times, lie simple and basic elements. It becomes clear, once you have the math.
Birth of a Nation
The start of the United States cycle.
1770s: The Beginning: This all goes back to the beginning, our point of origin. We were born in the American Revolution. America was birthed from whatever it was before into a unified nation. As such it took on the characteristics of the KaLa.
Thus, the body, heart and mind of a new nation have gone forth with Cyclical progression.
Of course, there were preceding Rhythms from native American tribes, and trends set in motion establishing the colonies were embraced by English loyalists, but the new order of Rhythms would collect all cultures or becomes mutually exclusive to them through war.
New vibrations do not just come into being, they come with birth pains which, in our case, was the American Revolution. With every rebirth comes forth a new set of KaLa Rhythms.
This formed a new nation with a life of its own, and with it, the Rhythms of Life.
Construction of the White House. This image depicts a series of reconstruction efforts back in the middle 1800’s.
The triumvirate braid of Rhythms in the body, heart and mind of a nation brings us up to today. Now the combination of Cyclical energies is shaping our times as much as ever.
They will continue to do so as the inveterate procession of Rhythms carries us into the future.
Cycles Now
Here we can see the last thirty years laid out in a nice handy chart…
Cycles 1990 to 2020.
2000s: The New Reality This Trirhymic High in the Cycles came into being after an Upward Physical Crossover in 1999-2000 that put us in a vulnerable period of crisis as we reached an Emotional Peak in 2000.
Consequently, we were in a point of overs peculation in an over-bought market when we hit an abrupt Physical crisis and “the bubble burst” in the market.
Meanwhile a rising Intellectual Cycle brought us further into space and scientific achievements.
The unexpected attack on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001 came from external sources beyond the internal rhythms of the nation producing largest External Aberration in our history.
We recovered, due in part to the strong position of our Cycles.
We moved on to a hyso–IntellectualPeak in 2006 that gave a pause as real estate sales slowed down. Now we are gaining momentum in a Trirhythmic 2nd Expansion which produces even more energy a Peak and our greatest expressions unfolding in an historic High.
We face a moral and emotional crisis in 2009-2010 when we have an Emotional Downward Crossover.
Below is a chart showing the three Cycles from the birth of our nation in 1775 until 2100. Look at where the different Cycles are in different times and for an overview of America. Different energies manifest in different time as we surf through the tides of history.
U.S. KalaRhythms Chart
We start by looking at the 19th century…
Then, the 20th century…
And now today, and our future…
Cycle Highlights
Below is an overview of some key points in American history with a look at where Cycles where at the time. Note how Cycles working together can have a dynamic effect on events from beyond the plane of physical causality.
When the KaLa cycles started.
After the birth pangs of the Revolutionary War, we separated from our mother country, England. A new nation began a life of its own, and with it, a new set of Cycles came into the world.
Our Physical, Emotional and Intellectual energies gave us an individuality.
These Cycles soon peaked to boost us forward. A myriad of combinations came in the Cycles and our times changed.
The Roaring Twenties
The “Roaring twenties”.
The first time we had a sustained High in all three Cycles at once was from 1919 to 1929. Every Cycle Peaked to bring us the “Roaring Twenties.”
The Roaring Twenties refers to the decade of the 1920s in Western society and Western culture. It was a period of economic prosperity with a distinctive cultural edge in the United States and Western Europe, particularly in major cities such as Berlin, Chicago, London, Los Angeles, New York City, Paris, and Sydney. In France, the decade was known as the “années folles”, emphasizing the era’s social, artistic and cultural dynamism. Jazz blossomed, the flapper redefined the modern look for British and American women, and Art Deco peaked. Not everything roared: in the wake of the hyper-emotional patriotism of World War I, President Warren G. Harding “brought back normalcy” to the politics of the United States. This period saw the large-scale development and use of automobiles, telephones, movies, radio, and electrical appliances being installed in the lives of thousands of Westerners. Aviation soon became a business. Nations saw rapid industrial and economic growth, accelerated consumer demand, and introduced significantly new changes in lifestyle and culture. The media focused on celebrities, especially sports heroes and movie stars, as cities rooted for their home teams and filled the new palatial cinemas and gigantic sports stadiums. In most major democratic states, women won the right to vote. The right to vote made a huge impact on society.
Unprecedented Highs came to the market, optimism soared, and achievements flourished.
This ended suddenly when two Cycles crossed down through the point of chaos (red line meridian) and we had the Stock Market Crash of 1929.
And if you follow the cycles, it actually was predictable.
The Great Depression was a severe worldwide economic depression that took place mostly during the 1930s, beginning in the United States. The timing of the Great Depression varied across nations; in most countries, it started in 1929 and lasted until the late 1930s. It was the longest, deepest, and most widespread depression of the 20th century. In the 21st century, the Great Depression is commonly used as an example of how intensely the world’s economy can decline.
The longest period for all Three Cycles to be Low at once came during the Great Depression.
We were still reeling from the Crash of 1929 which made it even worse.
The Great DepressionbeganintheUnitedStatesasanordinaryrecessioninthesummerof 1929. The downturnbecamemarkedlyworse, however, inlate 1929 andcontinueduntilearly 1933. Realoutputandpricesfellprecipitously.
It took so long to recover because all Cycles were going down.
We finally began to recover when two Cycles started to rise just before WW II. A wartime economy boosted us upward and we continued with Cycles that peaked in the 1950s & 1960s.
Now, facing reality.
Facing the reality of today.
Now we are headed for our greatest Cyclic High since the American Revolution.
Tick-Tock the clock is ticking, and soon the alarm will go off again.
All three Cycles have been High since the an Upward Crossover of the Physical Cycle in 1999, and all three Cycles Peaked in just a six-year period (2000 – 2006).
Now we have a Triple 2nd Quarter of Variation and Expansion.
It is the 2nd Quarter that is the most productive as it is a time of fruition. This promises that the time we are in now will make this our most energetic decade ever!
It is toward these times that generations to come will reflect and admire, hold in awe, and even admonish. Fasten your seatbelt, it’s going to be a bumpy ride!
The Significance of a Double Crossover
Double Crossovers in America are rare, but consequential.
If a Crossover can bring brief crisis to the nation, then what happens when two Cycles Cross Over in the same year?
Well we actually do know. As they have happened before. Three times to be exact. Yup. Three times in our history, we found out.
Double Downward Crossover.
A Physo–Emotional Double Downward Crossover of 1901/02 came as both the Physical Cycle and Emotional Cycle shifted from 2nd Qtr. Expansion into 3rd Qtr. Reform by crossing the transitional midpoint of crisis.
In the crisis, President McKinley Was Shot by an Anarchist and Teddy Roosevelt succeeded to the presidency.
An era of big business ended as Huge Trusts and Monopolies Lost Control of industries like copper, sugar, meat, tobacco and oil when stock prices fell in the Panic of 1901 that threatened the entire banking structure.
Roosevelt Activated the Sherman Anti-Trust Act against: big railroad, oil & tobacco monopolies, the Northern Securities Company, timber companies and more.
This was the period of “Muckrakers” and “Trust Busters” that ushered in 3rd Qtr. Reform.
A Physo–Intellectual Double Downward Crossover of 1929/30 ended the “Roaring Twenties” with great crisis.
A Physo–Intellectual Double Downward Crossover of 1929/30 ended the “Roaring Twenties” with great crisis.
A Three-Way High ended with both the Physical Cycle & the Intellectual Cycle crossed down through the transitional midpoint of crisis with disastrous results.
Yet, America was near an Emotional Peak at the time and over-speculation turned to over-panic when the unforeseen Double Crossover wreaked havoc on stock values.
The market crashed, we panicked, and Downward Cycles pulled the market down.
An Emo–Intellectual Double Downward Crossover of 1973/74 gave us this year of double trouble.
An Emo–Intellectual Double Downward Crossover of 1973/74 gave us this year of double trouble. The Watergate Affair began that led to resignations from the President, Vice-President and most of the Cabinet. Our Recession of 1973-74 brought the worst stock market drop since 1929. The Oil Crisis severely impacted business with emergency provisions for energy consumption.
Now for the future…
A Physo–Emotional Double Upward Crossover in 2027/28 will make the next cyclical crisis in the United States due to occur within March 21, 2027 to March 21, 2028 as both the 28-year Physical Cycle and the 36-year Emotional Cycle cross up through the midpoint of crisis at the same time!
A Physo–Emotional Double Upward Crossover in 2027/28 will make the next cyclical crisis in the United States due to occur within March 21, 2027 to March 21, 2028 as both the 28-year Physical Cycle and the 36-year Emotional Cycle cross up through the midpoint of crisis at the same time!
Looking Ahead we can see how make a forecast toward our tendencies based on our consistent history Cyclical influence.
The 21st Century
The American cycles for the 21st century.
2010s: Our positional High that is now in place will have a gradual decline with stages.
In 2009-2010 as the Emotional Cycle has a Downward Crossover we are bound to see a moral and ethical crisis in a major event in the nation.
In 2009-2010 as the Emotional Cycle has a Downward Crossover we are bound to see a moral and ethical crisis in a major event in the nation.
In 2013-2014 when the Physical Cycle has a Downward Crossover will are likely to experience a brief industrial recession.
In 2017-2018 with the Intellectual Cycle has a Downward Crossover we will likely see a dip in stock prices and commodities. This will all lead to gradual decline and a recession in 2020.
The 2020’s.
An American genocide as part of an American Civil War would be absoltuely devistating to the nation, the people, the infrastructure and the future. America might not be able to recover. It might not be able to recover for multiple decades. Take heed.
2020s: We will rise toward new High from a likely recession in 2020, but we will encounter a major national crisis in 2027-2028 as we have a Physo–Emotional Double Upward Crossover, the fourth only Double Crossover in our nation’s history.
Russia and China can come in when America is weak. Any kind of internal American Civil War will ignite this event sequence.
This will likely result in over-reaction put into action with possible acts of violence and public outcry.
The industrial sector of the economy could suffer and we should be cautious with are responses in foreign relations as we will have a tendency to use force…
… and picking a fight with the wrong nation would be ill advised.
We should be cautious with are responses in foreign relations as we Americans have a tendency to use force. Not every nation is incapable of fighting back, and there could be serious negative repercussions if we pick a fight with the wrong people.
An Intellectual Low will decline through a period of reform to reach a bottom in 2028.
The 2030’s
However America deals with the events of the 2020’s, it will survive. Though it might not be all that recognizable.
It will be quite a different nation.
Rising Cycles will reach Physical and Emotional Peaks in a High that will be somewhat reminiscent of the “gay ’90s” of the 19th century, but in a new time. The Intellectual Cycle will be Low and rising through 4th Qtr. Alternatives and we make a progressive shift in our methods of learning and scientific pursuits.
The 2040’s.
This should be a new era of intellectualism as the Intellectual Cycle reaches a Peak in 2050, but both the Physical Cycle and the Emotional Cycle will end their Highs to usher in a new period of reforms in the Physo–Emotional Double 3rd Qtr. Reform.
In this decade we are likely to find new ways to revise old practices as we shift from survival of the fittest to survival of the wisest.
End Conclusions
The decade of the 2020’s will be difficult and dangerous. It will be a time of great changes, and sudden events.
Eventually, new realities will take place, and the 2030’s will be a time of reconstruction and rebuilding. There will be renewed optimism and hope in the general population.
In the 2040’s there will likely be complete overhauls of entire systems, organizations and operations. With different or revised systems put solidly in place.
Humans are not more enlightened. Our natures have NOT changed. Soon, we will relive the past, and people(!) is is not friendly or simple. It’s ugly and dangerous.
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Some prepper humor…
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This article suggests that of the numerous forces tearing America apart, one such force is an out-of-control legal system. No, we are not talking about the US Prison system that incarcerates a full 25% of the inmates on the planet. Though, yes it is a problem. We are instead going to talk about laws and regulations in the United States and the damage to liberty that they have forged. This article argues that when the laws and regulations have become so numerous and complex, that the entire system devolved into lawlessness.
Now, of course, there are numerous forces that are tearing the United States apart, and eventually (sure as shit) it will crumble and die, and a New America will rise up from the ashes. What it will look like, no one knows.
Though, I have painted some pretty dark and gloomy pictures of what could happen in other posts. Don’t you know.
These forces are numerous and include such things as…
The socialists Marxist movement started 100 years ago by President Wilson.
The greedy oligarchy that is gobbling up everything that they can lay their hands on.
The upper middle class which is following the (winning) strategy of the oligarchy.
A collapsing culture and morals.
A decaying infrastructure.
A collapsed educational system churning out imbecile serfs ready to work on “the plantation”.
And, many more.
Here is an article that was written by Alec Orrell . I think that is is really very good. He mapped out how we devolved into orderly lawlessness. His article is titled Legitocracy in America, and it is worth the time to read.
This article is copied as written without much editing aside from some paragraph formatting and the fonts used in this template.
I added some "pull away" text for highlighting and maybe interjected on or two personal comments along the way (though you will be able to easily see that they are from your's truly.)
I have added my own pictures to help illustrate some of his fine points, but there are a couple of decorative "splash" pictures on his originally posted venue.
After reading the article, I would suggest the reader go to his original article and read some of his other works. This fellow is brilliant and a word-smith. (Though he tends to write on a university level, where I tend to be far more plebeian.)
All credit to the author Alec Orrell writing in Human Events.
The commentariat across the political spectrum have recently reveled
in predicting imminent authoritarianism and the “literal death of
democracy” unless sundry bugbears are stopped.
As Murray sees it, the United States’ hyper-complicated and outrageously voluminous law is much the same as no law at all for the ordinary citizen.
The catastrophizing is quaint.
Perhaps they are too terrified, distracted, or dissembling to utter the truth obvious under closer examination: the United States ceased to operate as a constitutional democratic republic at least 100 years ago. Democracy isn’t “in peril”—it’s dead and buried.
The United States ceased to operate as a constitutional democratic republic at least 100 years ago. Democracy isn’t “in peril”—it’s dead and buried.
How did we get here?
How did we get here? Social scientist Charles Murray (The Bell Curve) penned a fascinating but little-remarked book titled By The People in 2015. There, Murray argued the United States has become, in effect, a lawless society.
His assertion may strike some as odd, because lawless usually calls to mind a breakdown in order, like in Afghanistan or Somalia.
But countries maintain order without righteous law all the time.
Dictators the world over regularly keep the peace using suppression and intimidation. There’s no shooting in the streets, but there’s no sense of justice or predictability, either.
Dictators the world over regularly keep the peace using suppression and intimidation. There’s no shooting in the streets, but there’s no sense of justice or predictability, either.
As Murray sees it, the United States’ hyper-complicated and outrageously voluminous law is much the same as no law at all for the ordinary citizen. The oppressor isn’t a dictator but an incomprehensible and unpredictable justice system passed from one set of leaders’ hands to another, from one political party to another.
Murray writes:
[L]et’s talk about the legal system not as it looks from thirty thousand feet to law professors, where everything can be fit together and rationalized, but how it looks at ground level to ordinary law-abiding citizens …
I am reminded of science-fiction author Arthur C. Clarke’s famous observation that “any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”
From ground level, our encounters with today’s legal system as it actually functions are often indistinguishable from lawlessness.
Consider that, between federal, state, city, county, and judge-made
law—along with truckloads of regulations and codes by state and federal
agencies which carry the full force of law—an American today lives under something like 100 times as much law as his or her great-great-grandfather. That’s a chilling comparison.
An American today lives under something like 100 times as much law as his or her great-great-grandfather.
Further, consider that the average American thoroughly understands few or none of the laws governing him.
Sure, he possesses a vague sense of the basics and some traffic law, but that’s all.
Should the internal functions of the miraculous device go awry, the average citizen is helpless. He usually cannot afford skillful lawyers to interpret the laws or to defend him when he is forced to confront the legal system. A lawsuit or a criminal prosecution ruins him, regardless of his culpability.
Washington, D.C.; April 29, 2019: A study released today shows that the vast majority of Department of Health and Human Services regulations issued over a recent 17-year period are unconstitutional. The first-of-its-kind study reviewed 2,952 rules issued by HHS and found that 71% of final rules from 2001 through 2017 were issued by low-level officials and career employees who lack constitutional authority to do so.
Such rules are unconstitutional. The Constitution requires that significant government decisions must be made solely by “principal officers” appointed by the president after Senate confirmation. Issuing a regulation with the force of law is one of those actions that only principal officers can perform.
The majority of unconstitutional rules were issued by the Food and Drug Administration. Just 2% of FDA rules were issued by principal officers, while 1,860 rules were finalized and issued by career employees.
“In a democracy, those who make the rules need to be accountable to the people,” report co-author Thomas Berry, an attorney at Pacific Legal Foundation, explained. “That’s why the Framers included the Appointments Clause in the Constitution. Only properly-appointed officers in the executive branch may issue regulations that are binding on the public. This preserves democratic accountability for significant executive branch actions.”
One such rule is the controversial “Deeming Rule,” which classifies tobacco-free vaping products as tobacco products. The rule prohibits Steve Green, a California vape shop owner, from telling his customers his story about using vaping to stop smoking and recover from early signs of emphysema. PLF filed three lawsuits challenging the rule last year.
“Among the hundreds of illegal FDA rules, 25 rules were classified as significant because they had an impact on the American economy of at least $100 million or had other significant economic impacts,” said Angela Erickson, PLF’s strategic research director and co-author of the report. “Congress and the White House should ensure that this practice ends and agencies comply with the law.”
The full report is available at pacificlegal.org/HHSreport.
He usually cannot afford skillful lawyers to interpret the laws or to defend him when he is forced to confront the legal system. A lawsuit or a criminal prosecution ruins him, regardless of his culpability.
The law is like an iPhone: a miraculous device at which he glances all the time and uses for simple tasks without knowing the first thing about how the internal functions perform their magic.
Should the internal functions of the miraculous device go awry, the average citizen is helpless.
He usually cannot afford skillful lawyers to interpret the laws or to defend him when he is forced to confront the legal system. A lawsuit or a criminal prosecution ruins him, regardless of his culpability.
In the United States, Federal drug defendants who won’t plead guilty pay dearly, according to our new report, “An Offer You Can’t Refuse.” Prosecutors use their ability to vary the charges to seek longer mandatory sentences for people who turn down plea bargains. Defendants who go to trial receive sentences that, on average, are three times as long. Not surprisingly, 97 percent of drug defendants are convicted by pleas, not trial.
The wrongfully accused regularly plea bargain to avoid being crushed by the legal process.
The vast majority of criminal cases in the United States end not in courtroom trials but in negotiated agreements between prosecutors and defense lawyers. Plea bargaining dates to the 1800s and has often been controversial. Law-and-order advocates say the practice lets criminals get lower sentences, while some defense lawyers and civil libertarians say it coerces defendants to give up their legal rights. Most prosecutors, defense attorneys, and judges, however, say the practice helps produce justice while reducing strains on the court system. Defense lawyers last year cheered a court ruling that would have barred prosecutors from offering leniency in exchange for a defendant’s testimony against accomplices. But prosecutors celebrated last month when the ruling was overturned.
The citizen is told that ignorance of the law is no excuse for breaking it, but he cannot correct his ignorance himself nor pay to have others supplement it.
It will be of little avail to the people, that the laws are made by men of their own choice, if the laws be so voluminous that they cannot be read, or so incoherent that they cannot be understood; if they be repealed or revised before they are promulgated, or undergo such incessant changes that no man, who knows what the law is to-day, can guess what it will be to-morrow.
Law is defined to be a rule of action; but how can that be a rule, which is little known, and less fixed?
Madison’s sketch of run-amok law bears an uncanny resemblance to the United States today.
He highlights a fundamental truth Americans have forgotten amidst the partisan bickering over which byzantine laws to pass:
Representative lawmaking does not produce democracy when demos (“the people”) cannot grasp the laws, either to express their disagreement with them or to follow them.
In Madison’s view, such edicts aren’t real law, just dressed-up tyranny divorced from the ethos of a constitutional republic.
Taxation of Social Security benefits. The complicated formula and the 20 step worksheet used to determine the percentage of benefits (up to 85%) subject to tax aren’t new, but they are affecting more Americans as the number receiving Social Security grows. Here is the equation as i stood in 1997.
Were Madison alive to witness the present debacle, he might opine:
The United States possesses no authentic law, only enforced order.
A tyrant who inflicts his will with rifles and a legal priesthood who inflict their will with occult laws are functionally equivalent. In both cases, citizens lose all confidence in a coherent moral order of their own design underlying their day-to-day existence.
The United States possesses no authentic law, only enforced order.
The United States today might be better called a legitocracy—a government by the legal priesthood for the legal priesthood.
Judges, lawyers, prosecutors, regulators, law schools, bar associations, and legal-activism conglomerates like the ACLU and GLAAD use their specialized knowledge to function as gatekeepers of society’s rules, politics, and culture.
Nothing is accomplished without the involvement of the legal priesthood.
Judges, lawyers, prosecutors, regulators, law schools, bar associations, and legal-activism conglomerates like the ACLU and GLAAD use their specialized knowledge to function as gatekeepers of society’s rules, politics, and culture. Nothing is accomplished without the involvement of the legal priesthood.
Armies of lawyers draft the bills for elected lawmakers, who enact their recommendations with only a vague understanding of their mandates.
Then lawmakers turn the laws backover to prosecutors, regulators, and jurists for implementation and enforcement. More often than not, lawmakers come from the ranks of the law-schooled themselves.
Representative lawmaking does not produce democracy when demos (“the people”) cannot grasp the laws, either to express their disagreement with them or to follow them.
Thus the legal priesthood operates in a closed system, disconnected from the populace and unaccountable in practice to anyone but themselves.
Thus the legal priesthood operates in a closed system, disconnected from the populace and unaccountable in practice to anyone but themselves.
To be sure, the priesthood declaims with great eloquence about “democracy,” a “nation of laws,” and “the people”; but they amount to an insular social class—the card carriers in a one-party state.
The rest of us are merely along for the ride.
One is reminded of the famous maxim:
“Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything.” In this case, one might say: “Those who enact the laws and vote for lawmakers decide nothing. Those who interpret and enforce the laws decide everything.”
Much like the aristocracies and theocracies of bygone days, the chieftains of the legitocratic class have fallen into warlording over which of them gets to make the rules that control the society and the state.
They bicker over bizarre ideologies and disrupt elected government at every turn with nuisance lawsuits and politically-motivated prosecutions. They divert political and cultural issues from legislatures and elections into courtrooms.
They divert issues away from legislatures and elections and into the courtrooms instead.
For example, Americans recently were treated to the groaning spectacle of a federal judge deciding how the President may operate his personal Twitter account, and whether biological men must be allowed in women’s locker rooms when they identify as women.
As in all warlordism, the resulting instability destroys the average citizen’s peace, predictability, and trust.
He may not be able to articulate the government’s devolution into feuding legitocracy; nevertheless, he senses that he lives in a failed state.
He sees no sacred or impartial justice emerging from the legal system anymore. Virtue and common sense have no place and no reward. All he sees are wizards in tailored suits hurling thunderbolts at one another and terrorizing his day-to-day existence with their staggering litigiousness and self-righteous culture crusades.
He senses that he lives in a failed state.
He sees no sacred or impartial justice emerging from the legal system anymore.
Virtue and common sense have no place and no reward.
All he sees are wizards in tailored suits hurling thunderbolts at one another and terrorizing his day-to-day existence with their staggering litigiousness and self-righteous culture crusades.
The average citizen hesitates to publicly speak his mind, defend his person, establish a business, worship openly, or seek redress for real injuries.
Should anyone bother to ask him, the citizen will declare that the words chiseled on the Supreme Court building (“Equal Justice Under Law”) have turned to bitter irony.
He watches with ballooning cynicism as the legal priesthood deploys word games to exonerate one another’s heinous manipulations, then turn and damn ordinary citizens like him to years of legal hell for standing up to their diktats.
He watches with ballooning cynicism as the legal priesthood deploys word games to exonerate one another’s heinous manipulations, then turn and damn ordinary citizens like him to years of legal hell for standing up to their diktats.
Justice is no longer a sacred right grounded in fear of God and His mystery. It is something you hire or receive as a reward for loyalty.
Justice is no longer a sacred right.
The legitocratic class has changed the motto of the United States from “In God, We Trust” to “There Is No God—Trust Us.”
Thus, the average citizen hesitates to publicly speak his mind, defend his person, establish a business, worship openly, or seek redress for real injuries.
He fears to resist the legal system’s incessant cultural bullying, lest he gets sucked into the vortex and land in Oz for years pursued by flying monkey lawyers.
Thus, the average citizen hesitates to publicly speak his mind, defend his person, establish a business, worship openly, or seek redress for real injuries. He fears to resist the legal system’s incessant cultural bullying, lest he gets sucked into the vortex and land in Oz for years pursued by flying monkey lawyers.
He can’t say how it happened, but the citizen knows he dwells at the bottom of a multi-tiered, politically corrupt, unchecked cabal of a legal system that cares nothing for his well-being.
Will the legal priesthood reform themselves?
Will activist judges voluntarily give up their arrogated and unconscionable power of nationwide injunction?
Will the Supreme Court allow voters and lawmakers to address questions of culture and politics through elections and legislation once again, rather than dictating both from the bench?
Will law schools cease to operate as seminaries of progressive social engineering, imperious elitism, state-enforced credentialism, relativism, nihilism, identity politics, and other ever-shifting philosophies?
Will the legal priesthood stop terrorizing the unanointed and favoring their own, demanding with one voice that the law revert to a form comprehensible and accessible to the average citizen?
Of course they will, right after unicorns fly out of Chief Justice John Roberts’ robes.
He can’t say how it happened, but the citizen knows he dwells at the bottom of a multi-tiered, politically corrupt, unchecked cabal of a legal system that cares nothing for his well-being. Happiness has been replaced by trinkets and freedom by tax rebates, and liberty… well, it just doesn’t exist.
Americans live in denial of their rationalized, systemic oppression.
Over the last five or so generations, legalistic authoritarianism has progressively choked the average citizen’s pursuit of happiness, like a slow garroting in a collar of recondite laws.
Americans live in denial of their rationalized, systemic oppression. Over the last five or so generations, legalistic authoritarianism has progressively choked the average citizen’s pursuit of happiness, like a slow garroting in a collar of recondite laws.
If one doubts this, it’s only because he hasn’t experienced the extremities of the legal system’s insanity himself yet—the Kafkaesque horror of an endless, politically motivated IRS audit, or a court telling a father he must call his 6-year-old son a girl. The law and government do not serve the will of the people; it’s the other way around now.
The law and government do not serve the will of the people; it’s the other way around now.
Where does that leave the citizen?
He is reduced to hoping the orderly lawlessness of the legal system remains confined to the courts and the government, that disorderly lawlessness does not erupt in public.
He is right to be concerned.
Americans are quarreling with one another in frustration. A growing number of individuals and groups misidentify the root of the tyranny and endanger public order, blaming vague and simplistic concepts like “white supremacy,” “fascism,” “the patriarchy,” “capitalism,” etc. for the oppression they sense.
Americans are quarreling with one another in frustration. A growing number of individuals and groups misidentify the root of the tyranny and endanger public order, blaming vague and simplistic concepts like “white supremacy,” “fascism,” “the patriarchy,” “capitalism,” etc. for the oppression they sense.
Meanwhile, disturbed young male shooters at the end of their tether scapegoat women and minority groups for the proliferation of politically correct rules under which they feel smothered.
Tracing their anxieties back reveals a common source: alienation from the rules that govern them.
Tracing their anxieties back reveals a common source: alienation from the rules that govern them.
Unsurprisingly, the legal priesthood plays both sides to lengthen their reach and tighten their grasp: The root problem is not that the people toil under mountains of legal minutiae and can’t even breathe without violating at least five laws.
No, according to them the problem is always too much freedom requiring (you guessed it!) more laws.
Laws restricting firearms.
Laws restricting hurtful speech.
Laws restricting plastic straws.
Laws, laws, laws.
A violent response.
Rooftop Koreans taking matters into their own hands when the government failed them.
A militia-like civil defense response from ordinary citizens akin to the Roof Koreans of the L.A. riots seems well within the realm of possibility these days.
Scene from the television series “The Walking Dead”. Americans are getting ready for the conflict that lies ahead. They are “prepping” and make no mistake, it will happen unless drastic action takes place immediately.
American citizens must be brought to understand that the struggle gripping the country does not fundamentally pit liberals against conservatives or Democrats against Republicans.
The struggle pits average citizens who want to live under clear, predictable, and widely understood laws against the legal priesthood’s empire of complication and confusion.
American citizens must be brought to understand that the struggle gripping the country does not fundamentally pit liberals against conservatives or Democrats against Republicans. The struggle pits average citizens who want to live under clear, predictable, and widely understood laws against the legal priesthood’s empire of complication and confusion.
And that is the way it is.
One of the first things that you notice when you move to another nation is just how simple it is.
If there is a tax, it's only one singular tax. There are no regulations, and the things that you can do, from driving without a seat-belt, to having your five year old buying a beer for you is astounding.
Here in communist China, I am afforded so many, many MANY freedoms that Americans haven't a clue to what they have lost. That's a fact Jack. Deal with it.
If the public can grasp that their system of government has slowly
changed without their consent, the legal priesthood’s magical powers
will evaporate and the U.S. legal system will be seen for what it is: a
recondite abomination propped up by platitudes. At that time, rescuing
the democratic republic back from the pit of legitocracy stands a
Until that time, the wizards will continue to rule, and may God help us all.
SHTF Related Index
This is a collection of my posts related to prepping, SHTF (Shit Hit The Fan), CWII (American Civil War 2), Fourth Turning (Strauss–Howe generational theory)
and other posts related to the very sad and sorry tatters that America
is today. Actually, I am a little stunned that I have written so much
about these matters. But America today is very ill and there are things
that really should be said.
Here are the posts.
SHTF and Related Index
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off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you
because I just don’t care to.
Here is a fantastic article that I discovered. It is written by Victor Davis Hanson, and he asks the most basic question. Why are we no longer able to build things like we used to? And he is absolutely right. America no longer has the ability to build, create, construct, reason or operate in any way like a normal functioning government.
This article discusses how America (and by extension, Americans) hold on to the title and respect that they inherited from their forefathers. America inherited being the world’s leader militarily, socially, economically, culturally, and spiritually.
However, those that took over, during the last 60 years, squandered what they were given. In many cases destroyed what was built up, created, and established. And replaced it with something else. (If you don’t know what I am talking about, look up “culture wars”.) As America crumbles, people naturally try to hold on to what is no longer healthy and viable. That is what we are witnessing today.
Thus this article.
His article is placed as written, and I added my own photographs for emphasis. As well as some links to related articles that I have written. These other articles open up in a separate tab for you viewing pleasure.
of the stories about the gods and heroes of Greek mythology were
compiled during Greek Dark Ages. Impoverished tribes passed down oral
traditions that originated after the fall of the lost palatial
civilizations of the Mycenaean Greeks.
Dark Age Greeks tried to make sense of the massive ruins of their forgotten forbearers’ monumental palaces that were still standing around. As illiterates, they were curious about occasional clay tablets they plowed up in their fields with incomprehensible ancient Linear B inscriptions. Today, many of us find ourselves in the same situation.
Age Greeks tried to make sense of the massive ruins of their forgotten
forbearers’ monumental palaces that were still standing around. As
illiterates, they were curious about occasional clay tablets they plowed
up in their fields with incomprehensible ancient Linear B inscriptions.
of the 21st century are beginning to look back at our own lost epic
times and wonder about these now-nameless giants who left behind
monuments that we cannot replicate, but instead merely use or even mock.
We of the 21st century are beginning to look back at our own lost epic times and wonder about these now-nameless giants who left behind monuments that we cannot replicate, but instead merely use or even mock.
Does anyone believe that contemporary Americans could build another transcontinental railroad in six years?
tried to build a high-speed rail line. But after more than a decade of
government incompetence, lawsuits, cost overruns and constant
bureaucratic squabbling, they have all but given up. The result is a
half-built overpass over the skyline of Fresno — and not yet a foot of
track laid.
Californians tried to build a high-speed rail line. But after more than a decade of government incompetence, lawsuits, cost overruns and constant bureaucratic squabbling, they have all but given up. The result is a half-built overpass over the skyline of Fresno — and not yet a foot of track laid. Who were these people who built such magnificent structures, and gave them to us to husband? And why have we squandered their gift to us?
Who were those giants of the 1960s responsible for building our interstate highway system?
roads now are mostly the same as we inherited them, although the state
population has tripled. We have added little to our freeway network,
either because we forgot how to build good roads or would prefer to
spend the money on redistributive entitlements.
California’s roads now are mostly the same as we inherited them, although the state population has tripled. We have added little to our freeway network, either because we forgot how to build good roads or would prefer to spend the money on redistributive entitlements.
When California had to replace a quarter section of the earthquake-damaged San Francisco Bay Bridge, it turned into a near-disaster, with 11 years of acrimony, fighting, cost overruns — and a commentary on our decline into Dark Ages primitivism.
Yet 82 years ago, our ancestors built four times the length of our singe replacement span in less than four years. It took them just two years to design the entire Bay Bridge and award the contracts.
Yet 82 years ago, our ancestors built four times the length of our singe replacement span in less than four years. It took them just two years to design the entire Bay Bridge and award the contracts. Yet we are unable to do even a smidgen of effort on a similar modern structure, using the most modern technology and machinery at our fingertips. What went wrong?
generation required five years just to plan to replace a single section.
In inflation-adjusted dollars, we spent six times the money on one
quarter of the length of the bridge and required 13 agencies to grant
approval. In 1936, just one agency oversaw the entire bridge project.
California has not
built a major dam in 40 years. Instead, officials squabble over the
water stored and distributed by our ancestors, who designed the
California State Water Project and Central Valley Project.
Californians would have little food or water without these massive
transfers, and yet they often ignore or damn the generation that built
the very system that saves us.
Contemporary Californians would have little food or water without these massive transfers, and yet they often ignore or damn the generation that built the very system that saves us.
America went to the moon in 1969 with supposedly primitive computers and backward engineering. Does anyone believe we could launch a similar moonshot today?
No American has set foot on the moon in the last 47 years, and it may not happen in the next 50 years.
America went to the moon in 1969 with supposedly primitive computers and backward engineering. Does anyone believe we could launch a similar moonshot today? Of course not. Our “advanced” spaceship; “The Orion”, is a near clone (carbon copy) of the Apollo crew module designed back in 1965. The only difference is that it now has LED screens instead of dials.
once gave us blockbuster epics, brilliant Westerns, great film noirs,
and classic comedies. Now it endlessly turns out comic-book superhero
films or pathetic remakes of prior classics.
Our writers, directors and actors have lost the skills of their ancestors.
But they are also cowardly, and in regimented fashion they simply parrot boring race, class and gender bromides that are neither interesting nor funny.
Does anyone believe that the Oscar ceremonies are more engaging and dignified than in the past?
Yes. America at one time was a place of greatness, where any thing could happen and a poor boy could become wealthy through hard labors. Not so today. We have squandered the legacy of our forefathers, and trampled upon it. Now, with the ignorance of a three year old, we trample and stomp on their precious presents as if we are deserving of that right to destroy.
have been fighting in Afghanistan without result for 18 years. Our
forefathers helped to win World War II and defeat the Axis Powers in
four years.
In terms of learning, does anyone believe that a college graduate in 2020 will know half the information of a 1950 graduate?
the 1940s, young people read William Faulkner, F. Scott Fitzgerald,
Pearl Buck and John Steinbeck. Are our current novelists turning out
anything comparable? Could today’s high-school graduate even finish “The
Good Earth” or “The Grapes of Wrath”?
We have lost our most important gift; the ability to build, to create and to enhance our life towards that of happiness. These buildings and structures were more than just functional. They were lovely and added to the atmosphere and the culture of the city. Instead, we wasted them, we destroyed them and replace them with bland parking lots.
social media is impressive. The internet gives us instant access to
global knowledge. We are a more tolerant society, at least in theory.
But Facebook is not the Hoover Dam, and Twitter is not the Panama Canal.
ancestors were builders and pioneers and mostly fearless. We are
regulators, auditors, bureaucrats, adjudicators, censors, critics,
plaintiffs, defendants, social media junkies and thin-skinned scolds. A
distant generation created; we mostly delay, idle and gripe.
Penn Station. Today all these railroad stations were town down and replaced with “progressive”, modern boxes that more resemble a all-night laundromat than any kind of public transit station. Not only that, but poor management, greed, and lack of maintenance has resulted in them all appearing to be decaying, run down and decrepit.
As we walk amid the refuse, needles and excrement of the sidewalks of our fetid cities; as we sit motionless on our jammed ancient freeways; and as we pout on Twitter and electronically whine in the porticos of our Ivy League campuses, will we ask: “Who were these people who left these strange monuments that we use but can neither emulate nor understand?“
In comparison to us, they now seem like gods.
All credit to the the author;
Victor Davis Hanson is a classicist and historian at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, and the author of "The Second World Wars: How the First Global Conflict Was Fought and Won," from Basic Books. You can reach him by e-mailing authorvdh@gmail.com.(C) 2019 TRIBUNE CONTENT AGENCY, LLC.
SHTF and Related Index
Some prepper humor…
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find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy
notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a
necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money
off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you
because I just don’t care to.
World War II began September 1st, 1939, and lasted until September 2nd 1945. It lasted six long years. In total, 80 million people died in that war.
Since then, we have been living in the sweet calm of peace that dwells between the periodic madness that is the GREAT RESET. This period of calm quiet lasts for around 80 years. Then it all starts all over again.
We have been living in the sweet calm of peace that dwells between the periodic madness that is the GREAT RESET.
The quiet and calm lasts for 80 years.
1945 plus 80 years equals = 2025.
Today, I have a short warning from the great book The Fourth Turning by Howe and Strauss. For they, using the theory of generational cycles (or turnings), predict the same RESET to reoccur in our near future.
We know the climax of this Fourth Turning is slated for around 2025. This infers a high likelihood of a major war involving the U.S. in the foreseeable future.
We know the climax of this Fourth Turning is slated for around 2025. This infers a high likelihood of a major war involving the U.S. in the foreseeable future.
-The Daily Coin
What Should Have Happened after 2016
Strauss and Howe prophesied an election that changed everything sometime during the Crisis era. This era began with a start, with the colossal fall of Lehman Brothers.
And they were right. They were smack-dab absolutely correct.
The filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection by Lehman Brothers on September 15, 2008 remains the largest bankruptcy filing in U.S. history, with Lehman holding over US$600 billion in assets. The bank and financial services firm had become so deeply involved in mortgage origination that it had effectively become a real estate hedge fund disguised as an investment bank. At the height of the subprime mortgage crisis, it was exceptionally vulnerable to any downturn in real estate values.
If the government were better managed, perhaps things might have turned out differently than they had. But it isn’t, and thus things turned out in such as way as what you see today.
The predictions called for a “change in governmental direction” that would have been triggered by this “event”.
The winners (in the election) will now have the power to pursue the more potent, less incrementalist agenda about which they had long dreamed and against which their adversaries had darkly warned.
This new regime will enthrone itself for the duration of the Crisis.
Regardless of its ideology, that new leadership will assert public authority and demand private sacrifice. Where leaders had once been inclined to alleviate societal pressures, they will now aggravate them to command the nation’s attention.
The regeneracy will be solidly under way.
Sides were formed. People migrated towards those sides. Many people, surprisingly diverse, chose the Republican leader; Donald Trump. Though, the prediction still held true whether the winner was Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton.
The Fourth Turning predicted an equal likelihood of Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump being President. Then they predicted that whomever won the election would define the direction the Country would take during the Fourth Turning.
We got the realigning election with Donald Trump. He did what H. Ross Perot could not. He united conservatives and blue-collar patriots to win the presidency.
What did not happen.
But, Republicans in Congress did not advance Trump’s agenda.
The predictions assumed that the winner of the Presidency would be in full possession of the levers of power. That did not happen. The “Deep State Swamp” took over the leadership of the nation.
Donald Trump was considered an "outsider". One one of the elite. Not one of the blessed. Not part of the "club", or the "inner circle".
Republican Congressional leaders were either too timid to push, or they were political saboteurs (looking at you, Paul Ryan). Either way, Congress undermined the Presidential agenda, the mandate, that the people gave them. Then they tried to push him out with al kinds of claims related to Russia and sex. Finally, they just threw up their hands and tried to impeach him.
This is what the deep state does to outsiders Middle America sends to Washington to challenge or dispossess it.
- From Pat Buchanan
Oh, and about the impeachment…
When asked about the impeachment of President Trump, 100% of him answered, "If they convict it'll be like when the Germans dropped the A-bomb on Pearl Harbor and caused the fall of the Roman Empire."
-Woodpile Report #598
They did not permit President Trump to really implement much of his agenda. Congress, and the entire “deep state” (the unelected bureaucracy) opposed him in every way possible.
Congress and the deep state blocked President Trump from implementing any of his agenda. This was unheard of, and raised it’s ugly head fro the first time during the Trump Presidency. Since then, hundreds of blocking efforts were undertaken to thwart the Republican President’s agenda. They did not permit President Trump to really implement much of his agenda. Congress, and the entire “deep state” (the unelected bureaucracy) opposed him in every way possible.
While he was able to appoint some judges, and conduct some staffing realignments within the enormous Washington bureaucracy, he has been mostly ineffective.
President Donald Trump has been completely blocked by embeds inside the “deep state”. Thus he has been severely handicapped in running the nations and is incapable of many actions and activities that other presidents were able to get away with.
Like a wack-a-mole, judges stop implementation of any of his EO’s, hidden masked and nameless bureaucrats thwart every policy he makes. Meanwhile his most close advisors (such as John Bolton) undermine his foreign policy efforts.
Neocons hold a mid-1850s mindset. They think in terms of nations, wars, and geographical conquest. They do so at the expense of understanding the Earth as a living (kind of) organism that we all inhabit.
As a result, the House of Representatives, and their “troops” the supporting bureaucracy, are now firmly in the hands of the opposition. Which is essentially, the Bolsheviks. While a true Gray Champion of the Republic holds down the White House in a figurehead role.
A figurehead role, while his supporters have been targeted for assault…
The Left Has Declared War On You
There’s no need to worry about finding yourself in the center of a riot until a faction of society decides it’s okay to intimidate or kill people they don’t agree with you. So maybe it’s time to start worrying.
You probably saw the news of the riots in Berkeley, California. Social Justice Warriors shut down a conservative speaker’s presentation, set fires, looted, destroyed buildings, maced some conservatives and beat others mercilessly. The police stood by and watched. The mayor blamed the victims.
In Austin, Texas, a gay conservative was beaten unconscious for lighting his cigarette with a Donald Trump lighter. His assailant is at large. Don’t expect the Austin police to put in any overtime hunting him down.
Magazines openly call for Donald Trump’s assassination.
Feminists assault anyone who disagrees with them, even shoving bloody maxi-pads into pro-lifers’ mouths.
The Secret Service is investigating over 12,000 direct threats to assassinate the President.
And these are just a few of one day’s examples of leftist violence against anyone who disagrees with their worldview.
Meanwhile, CNN, New York Times, Washington Post, MSNBC, ABC News, CBS News, NBC News, Time Magazine, and everything else you would consider “responsible” journalism openly condones violence against Trump supporters. Academics and Democrat leaders justify violence and encourage leftists to attack their political opponents.
Having lost at the ballot box, having lost in the court of public opinion, the left has decided to intimidate or kill its adversaries. Just like the Nazis. Just like the Leninists. Just like the Maoists.
So what will happen now?
A Fourth Turning Prophecy
Chapter 10 of The Fourth Turning is a prophecy written in 1996 and published a year later. In every way it appears to be a complete reflection of the events unfolding all around us today.
Keep in mind that this work was published a full five years before the events of 9-11. It was written a long time ago, at a time when Bill Clinton was President of the United States. And yet, as long ago as that, the things that it has predicted and the trends that are manifesting are all… spot on target.
Movies of the year 1995.
And, I am sad to say, that this prophecy is getting to be quite frightening.
Even if the nation stays together, its geography could be fundamentally changed, its party structure altered, its Constitution and Bill of Rights amended beyond recognition.
History offers even more sobering warnings: Armed confrontation usually occurs around the climax of Crisis.
If there is confrontation,it is likely to lead to war.
This could be any kind of war—class war, sectional war, war against global anarchists or terrorists, or superpower war.
If there is war, it is likely to culminate in total war, fought until the losing side has been rendered nil—its will broken, territory taken, and leaders captured.
And if there is total war, it is likely that the most destructive weapons available will be deployed.
That total war could also be a combination or series of several types of war. Several.
Several… all at once.
Several things could implode all at once. Indeed, this is the likeliest scenario. As there are all sorts of trends and events just about to run “off the rails”, and all sort of “the opportunistic others” who have plans to take advantage of government collapse.
It could be a meltdown of government…
Congressional leftists are exploring the nuts 'n bolts of arresting and confining those insufficiently cooperative with the coup d'etat. And how many times have I said DC is well and truly imploding when they start arresting each other?
We're reenacting Sulla's Social War. Lists of the proscribed are being circulated, the walls have networked eyes and ears, and neighbors are exhorted to turn each other in. After years of hanging out in academia and the lower courts, the ghost of Roland Freisler now hears every appeal.
The elites saw this coming, consolidated their winnings and quietly decamped to more inaccessible redoubts. Bereft of expert supervision, the next tier down is looting the public weal with clumsy abandon. The tier below, even less sophisticated, will strip the fixtures and wiring from government buildings. Officialdom will demand we applaud their righteous resourcefulness. Because equality.
-Woodpile Report
It could be a violent readjustment of society…
All the usual “good people” assure us that violent revolution is not on the table. This means, simply, that it is.
- From Brett Stevens at Amerika
It could be everything and anything. It could be social upheaval in alignment with the Nazi takeover of Germany in the 1930’s, coupled with the genocide of the Cambodians under Pol Pot. It could be a mixture of George Orwell, and the worst elements of THX1138. It could be every nightmare that you could possibly dream of.
‘THX 1138’ is a chilling look at a 25th-century totalitarian state where mankind is stripped of any individuality. People are numbered drones, and a government-enforced program of sedating drugs controls the populace. The story’s title character, THX, is a factory worker whose life is irrevocably changed when he stops taking his mind-numbing drugs.
It could be domestic guerrilla warfare…
When the violence comes—and it will come—the military and militarized police forces will face domestic insurgents who are better armed, trained, supplied, coordinated, and technologically proficient than the foreign insurgents the military has heretofore been unable to defeat.
- From Robert Gore at Straight Line Logic
It could be a polarization of society…
Breitbart - Calif. Police Chief Cancels Event to Honor Fallen Officer Because Republicans Were Invited ... "this is not Trump country, we don’t want Republicans here"
Indeed, all this anti-white propaganda is geared towards genocide. It is not geared to any objective regarding healing. It is an out of control manipulation by the oligarchy to pit Americans against each other.
You cannot purify white people through the healing magic of diversity if they are not actually part of diversity.
-Z Man
Let’s just clear out all the nonsense and get to the basics…
When Progressives talk about diversity, they mean blacks.
We can put the upper bound on diversity as 20%. Any more than that and white crime victimization and awareness of it begins to soar. This sets off white flight.
Baltimore is a great example. Once its black population crossed the 25% level, it began a rapid decline into chaos.
As Rhodesia, Baltimore and now South Africa show, there is some minimum number of whites required to keep the lights on, so everyone can enjoy the wonderfulness of diversity.
In the case of Rhodesia, the number fell below the minimum and it became Zimbabwe. In Baltimore, they have hovered along the critical number for decades. South Africa staggers on, but they too are approaching the inflection point.
-Z Man
Someone, or some group, is organizing a campaign leading towards the genocide of “white people”. This will absolutely manifest during the crisis period. Look, just because the mainstream media isn’t covering the obvious does not mean that that it doesn’t exist.
Fighting Is Under Way
And leftist blood-lust is not limited to a fringe. A very intelligent and gentle acquaintance of mine, someone with whom I once enjoyed a cordial and friendly long-running debate, believes that Trump sent federal troops into Berkeley the other night to conduct mass arrests of protesters, trigging the riots. It’s completely untrue and she had no idea where she heard it, but she believes it as much as she believes in gravity. And her false belief, what psychologists would call a hallucination (h/t Scott Adams), allows her to justify anything the rioters did, up to and including murder.
Here’s the thing. You’ve probably heard the word “privilege” so much you could puke when you hear it. The idea of white privilege is central to the leftist hallucination. And the idea of a privileged race led Germany to the Final Solution.
Adolf Hitler wrote in 1919:
"But an anti-Semitism based on reason must lead to a systematic legal elimination of the privileges of the Jews. The ultimate objective of such legislation must, however, be the irrevocable removal of the Jews from civil and cultural influence."
In fact, the Nazi propagandists worked overtime to defame Jews for their privilege. Hitler claimed Jews avoided physical labor of any kind, preferring work in finance, mercantile, and the arts. He lamented that Jews wrote and produced 90 percent of German movies despite being only one percent of the population. His propaganda depicted Jewish women as fat and lazy, yet wealthy, feeding off the labor of the German people.
Substitute “working class whites” for “Jews,” and Nazi propaganda sounds a lot like CNN commentators and UC Berkeley professors. Even so-called conservative Bill Kristol says it’s time to replace America’s white working class with immigrants.
It’s pretty clear that the left uses the same rhetoric and scapegoating against conservatives as the Nazi used against Jews. So we have to ask if these leftists use the propaganda techniques to the same end.
The Nazis wanted to vilify and dehumanize Jews so the German people would be conditioned for the Final Solution: extermination.
When you hear the speeches of campus protesters, you have to conclude that the left has a final solution in mind for people like you and me. You don’t have to take my word for it. Here are the words of a school teacher in Seattle protesting against Trump and his supporters:
"And we need to start killing people. First off, we need to start killing the White House. The White House must die. The White House, your fucking White House, your fucking Presidents, they must go! Fuck the White House.
Pay the fuck up, pay the fuck up. It ain’t just your fucking time, it’s your fucking money, and now your fucking life is devoted to social change."
Democrats, establishment Republicans, and the supposedly “responsible” media ignored this story. They ignored it because they are afraid of attracting the mob’s attention. Like Germans in the 1930s, some people value their own survival too much to stop bloodshed and brutality.
It could be an exodus of the wealthy from the urban centers…
All those pricey urban meccas could become crime-ridden ghost towns. How could such a reversal occur? Everyone who lives outside protected enclaves will reach a point where the "urban lifestyle" is no longer worth the sacrifices and costs. Once enough of the top 10% leave, the food/beverage service industry implodes.
Service employees are renters, paying sky-high rents that unemployment can't cover. Vacant apartments pile up. As the exodus gathers momentum, all the reasons people clung so rabidly to urban meccas decay. Local government jacks up fees, tickets, permits and taxes, accelerating the exodus.
That's how pricey urban meccas turn into ghost towns inhabited by those who can't leave and those living on public services.
-Of Two Minds Blog
It could be another mindless war…
Those in power could start beating the war drums again. You know, to unify the nation, and distract us from the problems at home. It worked during both Iraq wars.
But right now the United States is mired in eight simultaneous wars. Can you name them all? I can’t. I have to look them up.
Now, luckily Donald Trump has pledged not to get us involved in more wars. This has cost him some political capital. Notable fatalities are General (Mad Dog) Mattis, John McCain (deceased and good riddance), and John Bolton (Neocon on steroids).
Donald Trump came into office promising to not start any new wars and to get us out of the old ones our feckless elite had dragged us into, and now that he’s doing it in Syria the usual suspects are outraged. How dare he actually deliver on his promise not to have anymore of our precious warriors shipped home in boxes after getting killed on battlefields we can’t even pronounce, while refereeing conflicts that began long before America was a thing, in campaigns without any kind of coherent objective?
- Critics Aghast As Trump Keeps Word About No More Wars
Yet, his successor might not be so careful about husbanding our military might. This could have dire consequences. As the world is getting to be technologically advanced, and nuclear weapons are getting increasingly easy to make.
It could be World War III…
And what would happen if a civil war, a CWII or SHTF event were to occur? America would be in chaos. Everything would be a mess, and the central governments from the Federal to the State, and Local levels would be very busy trying to maintain order.
Would other nations sit by and watch from afar? Would they decide to help and roll in the UN to restore order? Or would they just be content to watch America burn?
Thus, if a civil war broke out in the United States, would China, Russia, and Iran not jump in to finally render America helpless? To take advantage of the situation, to cripple the United States to a point where it could never ever, ever EVER fully recover?
Why NOT do a “double tap” and castrate America back into oblivion from which it would take a full 100 years to recover from?
Nuclear war, one initiated by America in order to control the American mobs, could easily reverse America’s fortunes in a nanosecond. The idea that a war out here, or over there, would be created and have no consequences is a very dangerous belief. The world is not the 1960’s, and not every nation is a third world tiny splat of land. Major nations are now getting involved in the global scene, and they do not take kindly to Americans throwing their weight around.
If America has gotten fat, plump and comfortable, being the bully on the global stage, throwing “regime changing” wrenches (via the CIA, NED, and NID) to everyone from Venezuela, Syria, the Ukraine, Hong Kong and China, won’t other nations resent it?
And, if an opportunity presents itself, would not another nation take advantage of that opportunity. An opportunity to “de-fang” the United States, and “neuter” it’s ability to project global influence (read; power) in the world?
I would say yes.
“Hours after the bombs go off in cities, these fires continue to build up and they create firestorms that feed on themselves. They get so hot that everything in the city becomes fuel for its own destruction. The energy released becomes much greater than the weapon itself,” Dr. Mills explained, drawing parallels to the way fire consumed the city of Dresden during the World War II.
From each of these 100 detonations, massive firestorms would engulf whole cities and churn five million tons of black carbon into the stratosphere.
By nuking the major American cities, all industry would grind to a halt. Banking and savings would be non-existent. Everything would collapse and the survivors would flee the cities into the countryside.
Americans should never be under the impression that the rest of the world views us with favor. In fact, it is quite the opposite.
America is viewed as an out of control bully by the rest of the world.
Today is not the 1960’s. It’s no longer “just” a small world after all. It’s a complex and complicated stew of various interests all colliding together for personal advantage.
In the midst of this backdrop the United States is viewed as an out of control empire, a bully, and now (seemingly) with Mr. Donald Trump at the helm, run by an apparent “mad man”.
Right or wrong, perceptions are everything.
Any civil strife in the United States will open the door for other, more powerful nations, to perform the “kill strike”, the “double tap”, on the American nation.
The next turning could have the worst elements of everything known to man. This could be nuclear war, chemical, biological and germ warfare high technology spying and swarm drone weapons. All of which could happen simultaneously while the USA government might to enact genocide against its citizenry.
Oh, and by the way, a fellow by the name of John Titor claimed to be from the future. Yes, he claimed to be a time traveler from the future. He described just this exact scenario, where there was a rather long period of civil unrest and then Russia nuked all the cities. Whether you believe him or not is immaterial. He has some interesting things to ponder.
The link below opens up into a new tab for your reading pleasure.
From the post…
' The blogger suggests this because he questions what actually occurred did not match all the conflicts that John Titor predicted. Perhaps the events he mentions will actually still occur, only they will actually occur 10 years later.
Maybe, instead of a civil war in 2013, there is one in 2023? Nuclear war in 2025, instead of 2015. '
Remember those two dates; 2023 – Civil War, and 2025 – Nuclear War.
With or without war, American society will be transformed into something different.
The emergent society may be something better, a nation that sustains its Framers’ visions with a robust new pride.
Or it may be something unspeakably worse.
The Fourth Turning will be a time of glory or ruin.
It will be a turning point. It will be a point of inversion, a point of change. A point where things go one way or the other, and everyone in the middle is killed.
Glory or Ruin.
It will be the us vs them. The patriots vs the Red Coats. The grey vs the blue. The yanks against the Nazi’s.
So what will happen?
Consider the Millennials, how they were raised (Power Rangers, Captain Planet, Animal Planet, school uniforms, and conformity against human nature). To them, conformity, and control via electronic media is as natural as breathing air. To them, it is normal to demand conformity, conformity in everything, even in thought and speech.
Consider the Millennial’s, how they were raised (Power Rangers, Captain Planet, Animal Planet, school uniforms, and conformity against human nature). To them, conformity, and control via electronic media is as natural as breathing air. To them, it is normal to demand conformity, conformity in everything, even in thought and speech.
This youthful hunger for social discipline and centralized authority could lead Millennial youth brigades to lend mass to dangerous demagogues.
The risk of class warfare will be especially grave if the 20 percent of Millennials who were poor as children (50 percent in inner cities) come of age seeing their peer-bonded paths to generational progress blocked by elder inertia.
Unraveling-era adults who are today chilled by school uniforms will be truly frightened by the Millennials’ Crisis-era collectivism.
It’s exactly these millennials, and their behaviors, that have created the NPC meme.
“Unraveling-era adults who are today chilled by school uniforms will be truly frightened by the Millennials’ Crisis-era collectivism.”
An opportunity came and passed.
So with all these issues, all of them coming to maturity at the same time, we have a situation where a real leader should take the helm of the American government. Then cultivate the civilian population, and provide rules, and outlets to blow off some steam.
But this was not permitted to occur.
Instead, we have the situation we see today. A president that is unable to do much of anything. An entrenched bureaucracy that operates in direct opposition to his policies, and an opposition that is chomping at the bit to install radical Pol Pot style Marxism.
Meanwhile the “fox is running the hen-house” and blatantly behaving like they are untouchable, because they actually are. President Nixon was impeached within months. The people who assassinated Lincoln were arrested and hung within weeks. Yet, Hillary Clinton has been running around freely for over three years and nothing is being done. Let’s never forget Lois Learner, and the rest of the cabal.
Hillary Clinton’s guilt is so obvious and spectacular that it is considered a joke.
It’s true.
An opportunity came and passed. The Presidential mandate of the American people was not implemented. Indeed, the only way for the President to communicate is via twitter. The news media is a complete train wreck.
It seems America is seriously out of alignment.
And, like a car badly out of tune, the vehicle shutters, rocks, starts and stops. It sputters, gasping for air or gas, then collapses.
Hillary Clinton meme. Nobody has 56 dead friends.
Republicans failed to fulfill their mandate with the House and Senate. And then what happened… Well, the people turned, instead, to the other side. The Bolsheviks now run the House. And people, this is not good. Not at all. Not in the least.
And this is who’s running the House:
These four women, Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ayanna Pressley, Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, are 4 of the most radical, hardcore Socialists you will ever meet. On top of that, they all advocate for open borders, they all advocate for illegal immigrants, they all advocate for the Palestinians, and 3 of them are anti-semitic and against Israel. Now you know a little bit more than you did about ‘The Squad’ of these four freshman congresswoman who are, by their own actions, dominating the news cycle at this moment. No one that I know has any problem at all with women in the Congress, or women of color in the Congress, but have a huge problem with radical activists like these who are pushing to collapse the system.
Look at them. They would arrest you, strip you, hang you by a hook and gut you before you could utter your Bill of Rights protections. They do not run on reason. They are incapable of it. They operate on emotion. And right now, it is unbridled rage.
Think of it as a small “toe hold”, a small start, for something much larger on the horizon.
And people, these individuals HATE YOU. They hate you with a passion and they do want to see you, your families, and everything that you stand for killed, eviscerated, and the ground you walk upon salted for centuries to come.
And if given the opportunity, they will transform your world into something very, very awful.
And people, these individuals HATE YOU. They hate you with a passion and they do want to see you, your families, and everything that you stand for killed, eviscerated, and the ground you walk upon salted for centuries to come.
It Gets Worse
It needs to be clear that 2025 is the date of the climax, not the end, of the 4T.
The end of the 2020s is the date at which the 4T will end.
We have much more to go through first, and it will take a few years. It cannot end during the current regime, and correcting it will take some years in addition. The current situation in which the hard right dominates our country cannot continue; it must be displaced.
That might require violent confrontation, not to achieve a leftist takeover, but to curtail a hard right rebellion that might break out against the policies of a soft-left regime that needs to replace today's hard-right regime.
-Generational Theory Forum Comment written by an obvious leftist.
If the Crisis catalyst comes on schedule, around the year 2005, then the climax will be due around 2020, the resolution around 2026.
What will America be like as it exits the Fourth Turning?
History offers no guarantees. Obviously, things could go horribly wrong—the possibilities ranging from a nuclear exchange to incurable plagues, from terrorist anarchy to high-tech dictatorship.
We should not assume that Providence will always exempt our nation from the irreversible tragedies that have overtaken so many others: not just temporary hardship, but debasement and total ruin.
Since Vietnam, many Americans suppose they know what it means to lose a war.
Losing in the next Fourth Turning, however, could mean something incomparably worse.
It could mean a lasting defeat from which our national innocence—and perhaps even our nation—might never recover. As many Americans know from their own ancestral backgrounds, history provides numerous examples of societies that have been wiped off the map, ground into submission, or beaten so badly they revert to barbarism.
This is not a new observation.
Leading up to the major crisis in the Fourth Turning, the police will find themselves becoming more and more militarized. It will reach a point that it will be difficult to tell the difference between a police officer and a soldier.
Do you think that I am perhaps exaggerating a little? Well, I am not.
Having lost at the ballot box, having lost in the court of public opinion, the left has decided to intimidate or kill its adversaries. Just like the Nazis. Just like the Leninists. Just like the Maoists.
-These People Want You Dead
Of course it is. The United States doesn’t resemble anything like what it was intended to be. Instead, greedy, and selfish men rewrote it to be “progressive”. Which means “subject to change”.
And they changed it.
And changed it.
And changed it.
Now, today, it is a complete and absolute nightmare.
Well, let’s get back to the Fourth Turning. Of course, they cannot predict the future specifically. They can only predict trends.
These predictions are based on previous turnings and the historical record.
“An impasse over the federal budget reaches a stalemate. The president and Congress both refuse to back down, triggering a near-total government shutdown. The president declares emergency powers. Congress rescinds his authority. Dollar and bond prices plummet. The president threatens to stop Social Security checks. Congress refuses to raise the debt ceiling. Default looms. Wall Street panics.” – The Fourth Turning – Strauss & Howe
Strauss and Howe wrote their book in 1996. They were not trying to be prophets of doom. Instead they were observers of history able to connect events through human life cycles of 80 or so years. Well how close were they? Look at the headlines today on Drudge…
Drudge Report splash 9OCT19.
We have gotten so accustomed to this new “normal” that we forget how obscene it is. Functional governments do not act like this. Dysfunctional ones do.
"The president and Congress both refuse to back down, triggering a near-total government shutdown."
Using critical thinking skills and identifying the most likely triggers for crisis: debt, civic decay, and global disorder, they were able to anticipate scenarios. Scenarios which could drive the next crisis. And which they warned would arrive in the mid-2000 decade.
A polarization of the community.
Elements of civil strife, followed by physical strife.
The possibility of war and conflict.
The scenario described above is fairly close to the current situation, driven by the showdown between Trump and the Democrats regarding everything from the border wall to the endless stream of impeachment level attacks.
As we enter the twelfth year of this Fourth Turning, the fourth Crisis period in U.S. history, the mood of U.S. citizens and citizens around the globe continues to darken.
As we enter the twelfth year of this Fourth Turning, the fourth Crisis period in U.S. history, the mood of U.S. citizens and citizens around the globe continues to darken.
Fourth Turnings are driven by generational configuration and the emotional reaction to events by the Prophet generation leaders, Nomad generation spearheads, and Hero generation cannon fodder.
What’s going on now…
Do I need to list all the discomfort?
Discomfort is what happens as the population waltzes towards disaster. It happens each and every time. Consider the years leading up to the first American Civil War…
William J. Cooper has written a magnificently researched account of the political atmosphere that prevailed in the United States immediately after the election of Abraham Lincoln and through the first shots of the Civil War at Fort Sumter. What individual elements made up the call to arms on both sides of the Mason Dixon line? Which persons were conciliatory and which were belligerent? What contribution did the nuances of the several political parties play in the mood of the population? Was the Civil War inevitable no matter what action was taken by Lincoln?
Many eminent American Civil War historians tend to move quickly throughout the three year period preceding the onset of the War, as they move on the War itself, however Wm. Cooper's work has has been devoted entirely to a study of this critical era, and provides significant insight as to the period's ultimate result-- namely, the War itself.
Cooper has devoted much effort to a study of the era's significant and influential caste of characters, including an newspaper editor, abolitionists, radical Republicans,, members of both houses of Congress,and each of the Presidents---both sitting and newly -elected..
-Amazon reviews of "We Have the War Upon Us: The Onset of the Civil War, November 1860-April 1861" by Cooper, William J. (2012) Hardcover
Examining the three prior Fourth Turnings may give us a window into where we stand and what may happen in the coming year.
We are in the eleventh year of this Crisis. (The eleven-year anniversary was in September 2019.) Here we look at the three previous events.
The American Revolution Crisis
The Civil War Crisis
The Great Depression/World War II Crisis
A comparison of the last three “Fourth Turnings” in the United States. Full-scale war is shown in black.
The American Revolution Crisis
The American Revolution Crisis was catalyzed in 1773. This was when the Boston Tea Party forever changed the colonial mood towards revolution.
After eight years of struggle and desperate measures, the climax was reached with the surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown in 1781.
The American Revolution Crisis was catalyzed in 1773. This was when the Boston Tea Party forever changed the colonial mood towards revolution. After eight years of struggle and desperate measures, the climax was reached with the surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown in 1781.
But there was still thirteen more years of crisis as the new states forged a Constitution, elected Washington its first president, and he withstood the Jacobins, put down the Whiskey Rebellion and finalized a treaty with England.
In year ten of the crisis, two years past the climax, the Treaty of Paris was signed, British troops left the continent, and Washington resigned as commander of American troops. The Articles of Confederation had been ratified in 1781 and remained in place until succeeded by the U.S. Constitution in 1789.
In year ten of the crisis, two years past the climax, the Treaty of Paris was signed, British troops left the continent, and Washington resigned as commander of American troops. The Articles of Confederation had been ratified in 1781 and remained in place until succeeded by the U.S. Constitution in 1789.
The Civil War Crisis
There was no tenth or eleventh year of the Civil War Crisis. Lincoln’s election with only 40% of the popular vote, prompting the attack on Fort Sumpter.
Lincoln’s election with only 40% of the popular vote, prompting the attack on Fort Sumpter. As well as the subsequent secession of Southern states. It triggered the bloodiest conflict in world history. It was a fiasco, with 8% of all white men aged 13 to 43 killed in the war, including 6% in the North and 18% in the South.
Lincoln’s election with only 40% of the popular vote, prompting the attack on Fort Sumpter. As well as the subsequent secession of Southern states. It triggered the bloodiest conflict in world history. It was a fiasco, with 8% of all white men aged 13 to 43 killed in the war, including 6% in the North and 18% in the South.
More death and decay. Two per cent of the United States population was wiped out because of the war.
The acceleration of this Fourth Turning into a five-year window from 1860 to 1865 was not a positive development.
The extreme intensity of the conflict resulted in 700,000 tragic deaths. The catalyst occurred five years too soon and the resolution a generation too soon.
Perhaps, a more extended crisis may have allowed tempers to moderate and the conflict to end in a more constructive manner. Instead, with the surrender at Appomattox and assassination of Lincoln, the resolution felt more like a defeat than a victory.
Turmoil continued for at least a decade after the resolution.
The Great Depression/World War II Crisis
The Great Depression/World War II Crisis saw its tenth and eleventh years as the most ominous, dangerous and destructive for Great Britain, as they bore the brunt of the German onslaught.
World War II will always be known for the mass genocide of Jews, the use of atomic weapons to destroy complete cities, and the wholesale slaughter of innocent people. When the people who started this entire fiasco started to lose, the followers of Hitler and the Nazi’s, they killed themselves with cyanide rather than face their crimes against humanity.
1939 saw the Nazi invasion of Poland and the official start of World War II.
A year and a half after the invasion of Poland by the Germans, the Nazis evacuated the Jews from my home town, Krakow, and resettled us in very cramped quarters in the most dilapidated part of the city. On March 13, 1941, my family of six people was forced to relocate from our comfortable 3-bedroom home at Retjana # 5 to a cramped one bedroom apartment at Targowa # 1, which we shared with several other families.
Life was difficult in the ghetto. Jews were routinely abused, assaulted, and even murdered by the Nazis, who patrolled the streets with pistols, rifles, and whips. We were prisoners at the hands of an abusive force that had prompted a world war, but we were totally unprepared for the obscene horrors and large-scale genocide that our captors were about to execute on us.
The date was October 28, 1942. The Nazis were about to implement their second deportation of Jews from the Krakow ghetto to the extermination camps. We were told that the ghetto would be liquidated, that we all were to be transported to labor camps, and that everybody had to go to Plac Zgody square with their most important belongings.
Fear could be seen on the faces of every Jew in the ghetto. Everyone felt that something horrible was about to happen. On my way to our family’s apartment, I met my parents, my sister Greta, and my brother Leszek inside the corridor of their building. My parents had come out of the bunker where they were hiding, and I wanted to warn them to stay inside.
They didn’t have any working papers (Arbeits-bescheinigungen), so I thought that their lives could be in danger. But, it was too late to tell them to go back into hiding. From all sides, the SS Gestapo appeared before us and pushed us into the street.
Leszek and I had working papers indicating that he was a toolmaker and I was an auto mechanic for the German SS. We thought that these papers would save us and our family from the deportation. We presented the papers to SS Obersturmfuhrer Martin Fellenz, {1} a Gestapo
officer who was in charge of the deportation.
On Mr. Lewis’ return to Krakow 43 years after the second liquidation of the ghetto, Plac Zgody was eerily quiet. Fellenz ripped up our papers, began to beat us with his club, and ordered us to go with all of the other prisoners to Plac Zgody. At Plac Zgody, I noticed many familiar faces, including my girlfriend Regina’s mother, Ida, and her two sisters, Tosia and Gienia.
I wanted to talk to them but I was not permitted to do so. I had to sit on the ground and remain still. The Germans ordered us not to move an inch. To prove their point, they began to kill anyone who got up or moved around. At that point I decided that I had to escape, no matter what might be the consequences.
I told Leszek my plans, and he said he would try to escape, too. I told my parents and sister what I intended to do, and they told me to go ahead and run. Soon, we were ordered to line up, four in a row.
I told my family not to look for me if I tried to escape. Passing Wieliczka Street, I tried to run into a house, but I was unsuccessful. I was stopped by an SS guard and forced back onto the line. I was lucky that guard did not kill me right then and there for trying to escape.
- The Story of Victor Lewis
In May of 1940 Germany launched its blitzkrieg offensive through Holland and Belgium, defeating the French and British forces in a matter of weeks. Chamberlain resigned as Prime Minister, replaced by Churchill, as France surrendered in late June.
The Battle of Britain raged from July through October as Hitler relentlessly bombed England, trying to force their surrender.
Germany, Italy and Japan signed the Tripartite pact in September, setting the stage for the U.S. eventual participation in the war. Einstein informed FDR of the potential for an atomic bomb during 1939 and the Manhattan Project was born. The climax of the crisis occurred with the successful D-Day invasion. The dropping of two atomic bombs on Japan and successful demobilization of military forces marked the end of the crisis.
Smoldering ruins of Nagasaki, about 700 meters from the hypocenter. The United States detonated two nuclear weapons over the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and 9, 1945, respectively, with the consent of the United Kingdom, as required by the Quebec Agreement. The two bombings killed between 129,000 and 226,000 people, most of whom were civilians.
Learning from History
History may not repeat, but human nature never changes, so the 80-year cycles of man-made crisis will repeat. The length of time from the American Revolution climax in 1781 until the Civil War climax in 1863 was 82 years.
The next climax in 1944 was 81 years after the Civil War climax.
History may not repeat, but human nature never changes, so the 80-year cycles of man-made crisis will repeat. The length of time from the American Revolution climax in 1781 until the Civil War climax in 1863 was 82 years.
Therefore, we can expect a climax to this current Crisis sometime in the 2025 range. The question is what events will transpire between today (the tail end of 2019) and 2025 before a climax is reached.
80 years = 2025
81 years = 2026
82 years = 2027
A study of the years ahead…
There’s a few precious years ahead before these fateful target dates. However, you the reader should please take note, the event and the turning can occur earlier or later than the historical norm. It is just an average target date obtained through extrapolation.
Here are the next few years before the Fourth Turning is expected to reach a crisis point. The astute reader should realize that the event is scheduled immediately after the 2024 election. Historically, this will mean that a progressive democrat will take over the Presidency. In that event, we can expect a full-on gun confiscation effort that would be the result of a mass-shooting event. Democrat presidents always have mass-shooting events in the first six months of their presidency. Then they unleash the anti-gun narrative to a fever pitch. The event that was supposed to really work this last time was the 2016 Los Vegas shooter, but of course it wasn’t Hillary Clinton at the Helm it was Donald Trump..
My guess, for what ever reason, is that Donald Trump will win the 2020 election. The nation would continue to go bat-shit crazy and the opposition forces, with the oligarchy-controlled “deep state” will have all sorts of options on the table for the 2024 election.
I anticipate that there will be numerous things that will occur after the 2024 election. One of which would be a progressive democrat become president with the support with the brain-dead youth vote.
This president, predictably, will [1] unleash full scale gun confiscation efforts, [2] new military expansionism all over the globe, [3] higher taxes along with [4] instituted (pro-black, anti-white) institutionally supported racism leading towards [5] deplorable genocide.
It's what "Democrats" always do. Name one democrat that hasn't raised taxes, banned guns or used the military as a global police force.
Thus, it is my guess that there will be a push-back.
Some “heavy hitter” nations might slam-dunk the USA military and cities. They would “hit back” using overt state of the art WMD weapons.
Rural “deplorables” might resist federal gun collection efforts.
The already dysfunctional government would become a true and real “train wreck”. With more corruption, more inefficiency and expanded theft.
What we can expect…
We can expect…
There will be an increase in “False Flag” events, and paid protestors, and actors crying, screeching and pandering to a well positioned media. This will be broadcast over all the media outlets, seemingly providing justification for the government to take radical action.
Here’s American NED “regime change” (color revolution) efforts in Hong Kong, China…
HK chop on a paid protestor. There will be an increase in “False Flag” events, and paid protestors, and actors crying, screeching and pandering to a well positioned media. This will be broadcast over all the media outlets, seemingly providing justification for the government to take radical action.
Aside from paid protestors, there will be talented actors and actresses that will cry and sob for the cameras. Here’s a typical child actor sobbing for media promotion…
Aside from paid protestors, there will be talented actors and actresses that will cry and sob for the cameras.
Institutions that we historically rely upon to be corrupted beyond usefulness. This will mean everything from the FBI, to the IRS, to the FDA, the FCC, and the military.
This is our “improved” military…
The promotion of diversity makes the American military strong because that is something that the armies of China and Russia do not have.
There will be a retreat in technological, educational, and manufacturing leadership. The attempts by Donald Trump to thwart the global strategic trade supply chain has not been successful, and only aggravates an already dire situation.
There will be a retreat in technological, educational, and manufacturing leadership. The attempts by Donald Trump to thwart the global strategic trade supply chain has not been successful, and only aggravates an already dire situation.
It will not be peaceful. Based upon history, the resolution will not be based on compromise, civility, reason, or peaceful means. The opposition forces who follow “progressive thought” will not longer need to follow the Constitution. They will write their own rules as they go along.
It will not be peaceful. Based upon history, the resolution will not be based on compromise, civility, reason, or peaceful means.
It will be a dark and dangerous time. The combustible combination of unpayable debt, civic anarchy, and global chaos are set to detonate, creating an era of maximum darkness, death, destruction, and decisions.
People will die, and the police and the government will be complicit.
It will be a dark and dangerous time. The combustible combination of unpayable debt, civic anarchy, and global chaos are set to detonate, creating an era of maximum darkness, death, destruction, and decisions. People will die, and the police and the government will be complicit.
Read this it’s a six-part series. I suggest you read all the parts, as each one says something unique. It opens up into another tab.
We will have to be strong. Making America Great Again will require personal sacrifice, dreadful choices, survival skills, intelligent decisions, and the courage to win at all costs. We will have to accept that there are people who want to disarm us, then herd us into cattle cars and gas us wholesale.
We will have to be strong. Making America Great Again will require personal sacrifice, dreadful choices, survival skills, intelligent decisions, and the courage to win at all costs. We will have to accept that there are people who want to disarm us, then herd us into cattle cars and gas us wholesale.
Check out the link below. It opens up in a separate tab.
We are leaving the “quiet” period of simmering unrest. The first ten years of this Crisis were the early Winter solstice period when public order began to pass its nadir.
Things will go from “rumblings in the distance” to whole-scale Shit Hit The Fan!
Normally peaceful and quiet people will start to fight back. Those people who have never had to deal with “push back” will be unprepared. Initially it will be glorious…
Normally peaceful and quiet people will start to fight back. Those people who have never had to deal with “push back” will be unprepared. Initially it will be glorious…
…but it will be short lived.
All Hell will break loose.
workers, with their company name badges, in the parking lot of their
employer. Two dead and one dying with his legs shot off. He and his
co-workers had no idea that “world war III” would break out while they
were trying to clock in at work. When one group of people identify
another group, and target them with hate, and violence, it only
escalates. It gets worse. Eventually there is whole-scale blood shed. Do
not be under the illusion that it will never happen in America. There
are enormous groups of people just chomping at the bit to attack
conservatives and traditionalists. All in the name of a progressive
America could be unrecognizable afterwards. These events always change the social, political, and personal landscape.
Zimbabwe, the former Rhodesia, was modern, prosperous and a net exporter of food.
In the end, Africa won.
Basic services have collapsed, tyranny and privation are their new rulers, apparently by preference.
-The Woodpile Report
The changes can be really good, and long overdue. Or, they could be just absolutely awful. It will be all or nothing, and everything will be affected.
Everything will be affected.
The changes can be really good, and long overdue. Or, they could be just absolutely awful. It will be all or nothing, and everything will be affected. Everything will be affected. Everything.
The Storm Approaches. The coldest days of Winter beckon with the harshest years of the Crisis ahead. Many melancholy days lie ahead, as bitter winter winds and blizzard like conditions sweep the bleak landscape, testing the mettle of even the bravest souls.
The catalyst for the Crisis was the Wall Street created global financial meltdown in 2008.
The election of Trump marked the beginning of the regeneracy, with Trump as the Gray Champion.
The last four years have certainly marked a new more volatile phase of this Crisis, setting the stage for the fireworks to come.
The catalyst will unfold according to a basic Crisis dynamic that
underlies all of these scenarios: An initial spark will trigger a chain
reaction of unyielding responses and further emergencies.
The core elements of these scenarios (debt, civic decay, global
disorder) will matter more than the details, which the catalyst will
juxtapose and connect in some unknowable way.
The regeneracy is less like FDR’s New Deal initiated unification of the country. Instead it is more like the Lincoln regeneracy after the First Battle of Bull Run. This was when he ordered the enlistment of a half million men to fight against a like number of fellow American men.
Both American factions were unified in their cause.
The chain reaction of emergencies and unyielding responses will continue unabated until a final resolution is achieved.
“In retrospect, the spark might seem as ominous as a financial
crash, as ordinary as a national election, or as trivial as a Tea Party[1].
The catalyst will unfold according to a basic Crisis dynamic that
underlies all of these scenarios: An initial spark will trigger a chain
reaction of unyielding responses and further emergencies. The core elements of these scenarios (debt, civic decay, global
disorder) will matter more than the details, which the catalyst will
juxtapose and connect in some unknowable way. If foreign societies are also entering a Fourth Turning, this could accelerate the chain reaction. At home and abroad, these events will reflect the tearing of the civic fabric at points of extreme vulnerability – problem areas where America will have neglected, denied, or delayed needed action.” – The Fourth Turning– Strauss & Howe
[1] Written over ten years before the Conservative Tea Party came into existence.
About these predictions…
Strauss and Howe foresaw the core elements which would surely propel the next Fourth Turning.
Life was quite different before the American Civil War.
They, of course, weren’t the only ones. But they were able to formulate a hypothesis based on their observations that others could apply in their own individual cases. All of these observations were plain to see for people who chose to see the world with eyes wide open.
Debt, civic decay and global disorder are on center stage as we enter the fateful next decade of 2020.
Syria before and after the Syrian civil war. America will also look like this as well. Stay out of the urban areas. Prepare yourself and your family.
A madness seems to be gripping the nation, a melancholy realization all is not right.
Everything has a chaotic feel, as financial markets are falling, politicians threaten and attack each other. The government dysfunction is laid bare for all to see. Meanwhile the Deep State snakes slither behind the scenes trying to bring down Trump. Yes, and racial tensions grow as they are being inflamed by agitators. And the CIA / NED instigate changes where foreign governments topple. Meanwhile, both Russia and China challenge U.S. hegemony, and the global debt Ponzi scheme is entering its collapse phase.
It’s all collapsing like a house of cards.
America is polarized
There are no moderates, only pro-Trump and anti-Trump factions.
Compromise and workable solutions to our deep-seated problems are off the table. The mood of the populace ranges from frustrated and angry to depressed and stressed. The aroma of conflict wafts through the air as battle lines are being drawn.
The initial spark of a global financial meltdown created by greedy
Wall Street banks, the feckless Fed, and corrupt government officials
was driven by bad debt, outright control fraud by the financial
industry, captured rating agencies, easy money provided by the Wall
Street owned Fed, and utter contempt for properly regulating the Wall
Street cabal by the Fed and SEC.
This emergency was met by an unyielding response from the
establishment, with the easiest money policies in world history, bailing
out criminal bankers with taxpayer funds, increasing global debt by $80
trillion to $250 trillion (318% of global GDP), running fiscal deficits
exceeding $1 trillion per year, and pretending all that debt will be
repaid. Pretend and extend has been the solution.
The Deep State has taken extraordinary measures to try and retain their stranglehold on the wealth of the nation and control of the political, financial, social and media levers of society.
They have utilized a combination of propaganda disguised as news, social media distractions, technological surveillance, misinformation campaigns, welfare to keep the poor sedated, and the continued issuance of debt to keep the masses satiated with consumer goods as their wealth dissipates.
But the teetering edifice of debt, delusion and deception is poised to topple sometime in the next decade starting in 2020.
Can you feel it?
It’s like vibrations that you feel in your car as you drive past a very loud rock concert. It’s a gathering storm, an increasing in pressure, a cooling of temperature, and a raising of pressure…
As we enter 2020, year twelve of this ongoing Crisis, you can sense the panic and distress permeating from the pores of the establishment figures. As well as their rich shadowy benefactors trying to maintain their unseen presence behind the curtain as they pull the strings. As they continue operating as the invisible government running the show for their own benefit.
It seems the unanticipated election of Trump has thrown a monkey wrench into their well- oiled pillage machine. It is forcing them to reveal themselves as they attempt a not so subtle coup against a sitting president.
Fourth Turnings always sweep away the existing social order in a torrent of violent upheaval and the blood of young men.
But that doesn’t mean the existing establishment will give up their wealth, power and control without a fight. And the fight is underway. The volcano has erupted and the molten lava could flow in numerous pathways over the next six or so years.
“Imagine some national (and probably global) volcanic eruption, initially flowing along channels of distress that were created during the Unraveling era and further widened by the catalyst. Trying to foresee where the eruption will go once it bursts free of the channels is like trying to predict the exact fault line of an earthquake.
All you know in advance is something about the molten ingredients of the climax, which could include the following:
Economic distress, with public debt in default, entitlement trust funds in bankruptcy, mounting poverty and unemployment, trade wars, collapsing financial markets, and hyperinflation (or deflation)
Social distress, with violence fueled by class, race, nativism, or religion and abetted by armed gangs, underground militias, and mercenaries hired by walled communities
Political distress, with institutional collapse, open tax revolts, one-party hegemony, major constitutional change, secessionism, authoritarianism, and altered national borders
Military distress, with war against terrorists or foreign regimes equipped with weapons of mass destruction” – The Fourth Turning– Strauss & Howe
The ingredients of distress in the next phase of this Crisis could include any or all of those pondered by Strauss and Howe twenty-two years ago.
I thus can make the case for multiple levels of distress breaking free from their channels, making 2020 as historic a year as 1939 or 1940.
My prognosis for the decade starting in 2020 follows:
Economic Distress
Economic distress is mounting, as the machinations of the Fed, Wall Street and the U.S. government prove to be nothing more than debt financed illusions.
Once the easy money spigot is turned off and the tide of zero interest debt for Wall Street and mega-corporations recedes, you realize everyone was swimming naked.
The national debt grew by $1.4 trillion in 2018 during “the best economy ever”, according to Trump.
We added $12 trillion to the national debt and have generated a historically weak recovery, especially for the working class.
We’ve gone nine years without recession and the longest period in U.S. history between recessions was ten years. Without the tax cut stimulus, interest rates higher, corporate profits flagging, global trade waning, and central bankers withdrawing liquidity, recession is likely ahead of us. When it happens it could end up driving deficits towards $2 trillion.
The number of zombie companies (GE, Sears, JC Penney, Chesapeake, all fracking companies) propped up by cheap junk bond debt is astronomical.
National debt default is still a ways off, but a tsunami of corporate debt defaults will inundate the economy once the recession knocks the legs out from beneath this faux recovery.
Corporations and consumers have never been more indebted. Stock valuations have never been higher.
An economy that begins to self destruct when interest rates approach 3% proves the “solutions” implemented by those in power did nothing for the average American, while further enriching the parasitical class pulling the strings.
At this point, a specific triggering event is unnecessary to provoke the economic conflagration.
The unbearable weight of unpayable debt is going to cause the structure to collapse at free fall speed, like the Twin Towers pancaking everyone in the floors below.
Collapse of the South Tower on 9-11.
With a recession inevitable in the future, we know the stock market declines 30% to 40% during recessions, on average. When a stock market is this overvalued, based solely on Fed easy money and corporate buybacks (Apple has lost $9 billion on their buybacks this year), the withdrawal of liquidity combined with recession and declining profits will knock 50% to 60% off current prices. I wonder how many middle-class 401k contributors expect this to happen. Well this will be the third time in 18 years, so you would think they’d learn by now.
Recession means job losses, consumer debt defaults, less tax revenue for the government, more wasteful spending by politicians pretending to care, soaring deficits, currency gyrations, and the potential for rising interest rates as no one will be willing or able to buy the newly issued debt.
Will we have massive deflation or hyperinflation? Anything is possible in a collapse scenario.
What is certain will be millions of angry Americans looking for someone to blame and politicians seeking to distract them with some foreign “threat” to their safety and security.
People! This is when trade wars morph into real wars.
Social Distress
The social distress sweeping the country gets the majority of attention on the left-wing corporate media propaganda machines as they purposely fan the flames of divisiveness.
Keeping the sheeple angry at each other keeps them distracted from the continued pillaging of the national wealth by the Deep State scum operating in plain sight. As they loot and pillage, and then leave for greener pastures. Leaving their underlings to clumsily fight for the remaining scraps.
Before and after views of Syria after the Syrian civil war.
The daily war against the normals has reached new heights of hypocrisy and idiocy.
It’s all building up towards a major catastrophe.
The unceasing mantra of diversity, trying to normalize the lifestyles of the mentally ill…
Glorifying socialism as Venezuela implodes due to socialism…
Promoting the climate change agenda to abscond with more taxes…
Trying to force left wing agendas down the throats of white traditional family-oriented people….
All of this is on the verge of starting civil violence. It’s so close that you can taste it.
This is what a civil war did to Syria. Not a pretty sight.
The ruling class has gone too far in accumulating the wealth of the nation through the capture of regulatory, political, financial, and communication structures.
They know what is coming. They are not pretending that all is fine. They have their very own safe houses all set up far, far away from the strife that is barrelling down towards them.
Wealth inequality arisen through fraud, deception and corruption will lead to class warfare – highly likely after the next financial collapse.
The ruling class has gone too far in accumulating the wealth of the nation through the capture of regulatory, political, financial, and communication structures. They know what is coming. They are not pretending that all is fine. They have their very own safe houses all set up far, far away from the strife that is barrelling down towards them.
The current government shutdown over funding for a border wall is essentially a showdown over the racial makeup of the country. It goes forward allowing unfettered access to welfare benefits to illegal invaders. And who are allowed to come so that they will loyally illegally vote for their Democrat benefactors for eternity.
Come in – get your free stuff – now move into the ghetto.
Ah yes …Racial politics is what has kept blacks enslaved on the welfare plantation in decaying urban ghettos run by Democrat politician plantation owners.
A black uprising led by Kanye West has struck fear into the hearts of Democrats, giving them further incentive to keeping the southern border open to new Democrat voters.
With gun grabbing liberal politicians attempting to disarm the deplorables in flyover country. Meanwhile supporting antifa and black lives matter terrorists, and thwarting efforts to keep criminals and terrorists from illegally entering the country,
People! a violent showdown is inevitable.
America is messed up way past the point of redemption. For many Americans, they would be just happy to watch the cities burn and let the survivors fend for themselves.
Political Distress
The political distress since the 2016 election has reached levels not seen since the Civil War Crisis period.
The Deep State controllers’ next hand-picked figurehead president – Hillary Clinton – inexplicably lost the election to a NYC reality star real estate mogul (who boasted about grabbing pussies and had a weakness for strippers and Playboy bunnies no less).
Clinton’s arrogance and hubris were her downfall as the deplorables she ridiculed and a majority of white women in the country gave Trump a slim victory. This, of course, drove millions of pussy-hat wearing feminazis into a blind furious rage.
We’ve all heard of the “end-of-days” scenarios where the government finally passes through enough “gun control” laws and mounts a full-scale attack on democracy, running through houses with gun sniffing dogs to confiscate guns, running concealed carry permits, etc. The general fear held by most anti-gun confiscation groups (which should probably include any and all gun owners) is the idea of the US government announcing martial law during an “emergency” and seizing all firearms to “maintain peace”.
They are still living that rage.
College students across the land sobbed in their safe spaces and missed their Queer Theory or Pick your Gender classes.
But not only were snowflakes across the land melting, but the surveillance state spooks who attempted to rig the election in Clinton’s favor went into a frenzy of fear. It is understandable as fear of their traitorous machinations being revealed forced them to begin a coup attempt against Trump.
The Mueller, Comey, Clapper, Brennan, Obama, Clinton reactive coup attempt is ongoing and will never be permitted to come to a head. It will just fester. Like an infected scab that poisons the host to a point where an arm or two needs to be amputated.
America today is a seriously sick nation that is more akin to having a festering sore getting worse and worse until amputation becomes an absolutely necessary.
The outcome of this epic struggle between the Deep State and the non-approved upstart president could create civil war like conditions.
How will Trump supporters react if they believe their leader is removed through impeachment, based on false charges?
Will they take to the streets in armed insurrection?
Will the police and military fire on their fellow citizens?
What if Trump refuses to step down, creating a Constitutional crisis?
What if he is assassinated?
Do you know how to take down a tank, an APC, or a technical armed by roving groups of armed urban youth? You should. Do not think that you can ride out the Fourth Turning unscathed. It will affect everyone, and you need to be prepared for the worst.
On the other hand, what if Trump’s allies within the DOJ and Military present evidence of collusion against the Obama administration, Clinton and top officials in the FBI, DOJ and CIA?
How would the left wingers react to military tribunals with their beloved leaders in the docket?
Even if these earth-shattering events don’t come to fruition, a Democrat controlled House will thwart everything Trump attempts to accomplish as they position themselves for the 2020 presidential election. The anger and disillusionment of the masses will deepen.
Military Distress
The potential for catastrophe on the military front hasn’t been higher in decades.
Putin and Xi are essentially dictators who have no fear of elections every two years. They are serious men in possession of nuclear missiles, capable of destroying the world. They are both serious, serious people. They are in their positions of power through merit. Not though mob rule. They will tolerate the CIA / NED interference with Hong Kong, and the Muslims only so far. If the United States decides to push too hard, they WILL strike back… at American cities. IN FULL FUCKING FORCE.
The linear thinking lemmings dismiss the possibility of a global conflict because they are just as obtuse as “experts” before them throughout history.
Since World War II we have only experienced proxy wars where the outcomes would not change the course of world history.
There have been no “total wars”, where the loser is utterly shattered and complete victory is attained. As we continue on our path of just another righteous war, be advised that the rest of the world is getting awfully tired of this war-mongering.
They want it to STOP.
As we continue on our path of just another righteous war, be advised that the rest of the world is getting awfully tired of this war-mongering. They want it to STOP.
Those who practice revisionist history act as if the previous two Fourth Turning total wars were completely predictable before they began. They weren’t.
In 1858 no one believed a Civil War taking the lives of 700,000 Americans was just over the horizon.
Exactly 80 years later in 1938, few believed a global conflict which would kill 65 million people in six years was imminent.
Here we are exactly 80 years later and anyone predicting a global conflagration killing millions is declared a loon.
Every previous Fourth Turning has ended in total war with victory of the “good guys” always in doubt. Every total war has ratcheted up the level of death and destruction, as technological “advancements” enhance our war making abilities.
Every previous Fourth Turning has ended in total war.
This means nuclear World War III…
Human nature DOES NOT change.
We are not smarter, less war-like, more humanitarian, or less arrogant than our predecessors throughout history. Hubris, power, and miscalculation by egomaniacal leaders leads to war.
We know the climax of this Fourth Turning is slated for around 2025.
“[W]e should ban possession of military-style semiautomatic assault weapons, we should buy back such weapons from all who choose to abide by the law, and we should criminally prosecute any who choose to defy it by keeping their weapons,” Rep. Eric Swalwell wrote, adding that law enforcement agencies and shooting clubs should be exempted.
This infers a high likelihood of a major war involving the U.S. in the foreseeable future.
Will it ignite in 2020? All the combustible elements are present. The onset of a global depression, trade wars, China & Russia feeling pushed into a corner and the volatile political situation in the U.S. and EU provide a potential pathway to global conflict.
It will, contrary to what everyone expects, absolutely affect America. It will be a war that will “come home”. It will somehow (in ways that we do not know) become entangled with the American citizenry. Be frosty. Be alert. Any foreign war will manifest as trouble on the “home front”.
It will, contrary to what everyone expects, absolutely affect America. It will be a war that will “come home”. It will somehow (in ways that we do not know) become entangled with the American citizenry. Be frosty. Be alert. Any foreign war will manifest as trouble on the “home front”.
Immigration chaos in Europe, Brexit, Ukrainian nazis provoking Russia, South China Sea territorial disputes, the Syria, Turkey, Iran, Israel ticking time bomb, Saudi anarchy, socialist South American regimes imploding, and U.S. political pandemonium have created a perfect storm of domestic and international disasters.
QUESTION: What do low-life politicians do when faced with terrible domestic issues?
ANSWER: They seek to distract their citizens with a foreign threat. See “Blame Russia for Everything” as an example of this tried and true propaganda technique.
Desperate politicians do desperate things to retain power.
After every high-profile shooting in America, Leftists immediately, and predictably, begin their calls for gun control. With the measured constraint and careful consideration of Bill Clinton in the Champagne Room at Fuzzy Holes Gentlemen’s Club in Little Rock, they self-righteously and repeatedly demand that we “do something!” You can probably list some of the meaningless blather they shout at us reflexively, such as “If not now, when?,” “The NRA has blood on its hands!,” “Nobody needs an assault rifle to shoot a deer!,” and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Despite all their hysterical nonsense, they usually have enough presence of mind to also say, because they have been trained to so do, that “nobody wants to confiscate your guns,” or “no one is talking about banning guns.” If you’re really lucky you’ll hear one of these would-be authoritarians say the following (and this is my personal favorite): “I support the Second Amendment, BUT…”
Desperate Deep State actors care not one wit for their fellow countrymen.
They are willing and able to sacrifice the youth of their nation to fight wars which will further enrich themselves and their fellow traitorous benefactors.
They do not care about us. For they follow the Marxist model; we are cattle to be used as they see fit.
We are nothing but cannon fodder to this psychopathic scum.
Putin and Xi are essentially dictators who have no fear of elections every two years. They are serious men in possession of nuclear missiles, capable of destroying the world.
They are both serious, serious people.
They are in their positions of power through merit. Not though mob rule. They will tolerate the CIA / NED interference with Hong Kong, the Ukraine, and the Muslims only so far. If the United States decides to push too hard, they WILL strike back… at American cities.
Putin and Xi are essentially dictators who have no fear of elections every two years. They are serious men in possession of nuclear missiles, capable of destroying the world. They are both serious, serious people. They are in their positions of power through merit. Not though mob rule. They will tolerate the CIA / NED interference with Hong Kong, and the Muslims only so far. If the United States decides to push too hard, they WILL strike back… at American cities. IN FULL FUCKING FORCE.
Blaming others for all the ills in your own country is a fool hardy tactic. And do not fall for the non-stop mainstream media narrative that they are evil and a war is needed to put them in their place. It’s all propaganda aimed at YOU.
Blaming others for all the ills in your own country is a fool hardy tactic. And do not fall for the non-stop mainstream media narrative that they are evil and a war is needed to put them in their place. It’s all propaganda aimed at YOU.
The ever- increasing American saber rattling, whether in the Ukraine, Syria, South China Sea, or during antagonistic trade negotiations can easily lead to unintended consequences. All leaders have enormous egos and are prone to over-confidence and miscalculation regarding how their opponent will react.
Listen to me. Someone, somewhere, somehow is going to do something stupid and then all hell is going to break loose.
American military in Taiwan = Radioactive California.
NED coaching in China = Glassed over Washington, DC
American ships launching missiles in the black sea = Texas sized crater.
The danger is REAL.
To Bolton, the support of allies is proof of US military weakness, not diplomatic strength and he is yet to meet an arms control agreement he likes. The latest casualty amidst their wreckage of the pillars of the US-crafted global order is the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty.
There is No Escape
“The risk of catastrophe will be very high.The nation could erupt into insurrection or civil violence, crack up geographically, or succumb to authoritarian rule. If there is a war, it is likely to be one of maximum risk and effort – in other words, a total war.Every Fourth Turning has registered an upward ratchet in the technology of
destruction, and in mankind’s willingness to use it.History offers no guarantees.Obviously, things could go horribly wrong – the possibilities ranging from a nuclear exchange to incurable plagues, from terrorist anarchy to high-tech dictatorship.We should not assume that Providence will always exempt our nation from the irreversible tragedies that have overtaken so many others: not just temporary hardship, but debasement and total ruin.Losing in the next Fourth Turning could mean something incomparably worse. It could mean a lasting defeat from which our national innocence – perhaps even our nation – might never recover.” – Strauss & Howe –The Fourth Turning
There is no escape from the Fourth Turning.
There is no escape from the Fourth Turning.
We are midway through this crisis and the existing social order retains tenuous control over the levers of finance, government and the legacy media.
History tells us our society will be reshaped and transformed before this crisis resolves itself sometime between now and 2029.
That’s ten LONG years.
It would be the utmost of arrogance to believe our nation will be protected from destruction by an all-powerful God.
Face it.
Face the hard slap of reality.
We’ve made bad choices, deferred hard decisions, squandered our financial resources, allowed our educational system to be corrupted and valued all the wrong things.
Face it. Face the hard slap of reality. We’ve made bad choices, deferred hard decisions, squandered our financial resources, allowed our educational system to be corrupted and valued all the wrong things. The United States is in a complete mess and the Marxist progressives are just about ready to take over and convert the entire nation to a Marxist version of Detroit. When in all actuality everything should be nuked from orbit and it should be rebuilt from the ground up.
A just God would allow us to learn through suffering.
This is your life – Buckle up!
There will be consequences.
The overt last- ditch financial debt schemes concocted by the entrenched establishment, to prolong their power and control, are unraveling. This will result in a death and rebirth of the social order through a chaotic cleansing. It is all in the offing.
I believe the real fireworks will begin during the up coming decade starting in 2020.
It’s gonna be nasty.
What ever you do, do not panic. Plan. Keep your wits about you. Be steady. Be prepared. Be flexible. Be adaptable. Be safe. Do not trust anyone, and what ever you do.
What ever you do, do not panic. Plan. Keep your wits about you. Be steady. Be prepared. Be flexible. Be adaptable. Be safe. Do not trust anyone, and what ever you do.
Avoid crowds.
Do NOT turn in your guns.
Do NOT allow yourself to be collected and relocated to “safe” areas.
Do NOT advertise your beliefs. Lie low.
I don’t eagerly await the terrible storms headed our way.
What ever you do, do not panic. Plan. Keep your wits about you. Be steady. Be prepared. Be flexible. Be adaptable. Be safe. Do not trust anyone, and what ever you do.
The Bolsheviks are younger, angrier, and more ruthless than the patriots. Something far worse than Venezuela or Cuba is probably the future for America.
Millennial leftists don’t want to win elections; they want to exterminate people who disagree with them. Like Stalin. Like Mao.
Like Pol Pot.
Millennials who are active in politics tend to be radicals and atheist. They have no moral restraints. Anything goes.
Anything goes.
When Marxists come to power, they often arm children and youth. For they are the easiest to control ideologically. They teach them how to shoot weapons and let them loose on the countryside. This is a picture from Cambodia under Pol Pot, who curiously enough believed in the same sort of Marxist utopia that is in favor in places like San Francisco, Detroit and Baltimore today.
I wish we didn’t have to withstand the brutal gales of this coming winter, but we have no choice.
You have to survive Winter to experience the blossoming Spring.
The coming decade will try our souls and force everyone to make choices that will make a difference. The specific events are unknowable, but how we react and who we support during the events will be the decisive factor in whether this Fourth Turning is resolved in a positive way.
Having it resolved in negative way could be an unimaginable tragedy.
When Pol Pot and his merry band of Marxists came to power in Cambodia, they disarmed the military, the police, the agencies and all the civilians. Then they collected them. Often still wearing their uniforms. Like this poor soldier. They interviewed them to list their crimes against social Marxism, took their pictures and then executed them on the spot. This is what is coming to America. It is coming. Look into his eyes. He knew that he had minutes to live. What do you think was going through his mind? Was it how he wished that he didn’t listen to his leader when he was told to hand in his weapon? Do you think it was regret for turning around and having his hands handcuffed? Was it when he was told to climb onto the truck?
Patrick Henry made his famous “Give me liberty or give me death” speech during the first American Fourth Turning. His words ring true today.
We are already at war.
Sides have been drawn.
You are on one, whether you like it or not.
We are going to have to fight whether we like it or not. Our only other choice is chains and slavery. The other side(s) are armed, well equipped financially secure and operating on a level far, far above us “normals”.
We are going to have to fight whether we like it or not. Our only other choice is chains and slavery. The other side(s) are armed, well equipped financially secure and operating on a level far, far above us “normals”.
Follow the money trail. There you will find the instigators and the crooks that are playing the role of the Wizard of Oz behind the curtain. They transfer huge amounts of money through “art” and “book deals”, like how “someone” gave former president Obama a $60 million dollar advance on a book that would at most make $25,000.
Who was the one who coughed up all that money? And why?
Follow the money trail. There you will find the instigators and the crooks that are playing the role of the Wizard of Oz behind the curtain. They transfer huge amounts of money through “art” and “book deals”, like how “someone” gave former president Obama a $60 million dollar advance on a book that would at most make $25,000.
The time to choose has arrived. Welcome to 2020.
“The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!”
– Patrick Henry – 1775
Millennial activists hate science. They have been fed scientism since
birth and lack the intellectual training to discern the difference.
Therefore, the advances humanity has made thanks to science will quickly
reverse as cures for things like global warming turn out to be distress
for man and beast.
If the Bolsheviks don’t turn America into a giant, barbaric, communist prison camp, the divisions in our country will leave us vulnerable to military attack.
Iran, Russia, China, even the European Union could feel emboldened and attack. While we might be able to repel the attack, society would further disintegrate. The will to fight a protracted war just isn’t there. We would move quickly to the most lethal weapons in our arsenal.
If these dire prophecies come to pass, my impulse will be to fight. To choose a side and fight to the death. To the death. Yes, that death. That cold darkness that you never wake up from. It’s that rock-cold serious.
We are rapidly approaching that climax.
It’s soon. One to four years away. Buckle up.
The Prophesy
In The Fourth Turning, Howe and Strauss warned us that these Crisis eras end in a climax. That means the worst is yet to come.
The Crisis climax is human history’s equivalent to nature’s raging typhoon, the kind that sucks all surrounding matter into a single swirl of ferocious energy.
Anything not lashed down goes flying; anything standing in the way gets flattened. Normally occurring late in the Fourth Turning, the climax gathers energy from an accumulation of unmet needs, unpaid bills, and unresolved problems. It then spends that energy on an upheaval whose direction and dimension were beyond comprehension during the prior Unraveling era.
The climax shakes a society to its roots, transforms its institutions, redirects its purposes, and marks its people (and its generations) for life.
The climax can end in triumph, or tragedy, or some combination of both. Whatever the event and whatever the outcome, a society passes through a great gate of history, fundamentally altering the course of civilization.
Yet one generation—Generation X2, aka, “13ers”—holds the key to surviving the climax:
The 13ers’ gravest Fourth Turning duty will be their society’s most important preseasonal task: to ensure that there can indeed be a new High, a new golden age of hope and prosperity.
For the Crisis to end well, 13ers must keep Boomers from wreaking needless destruction and Millennials from marching too mindlessly under their elders’ banner.
They will not find it easy to restrain an older generation that will consider itself far wiser than they, and a younger one that will consider itself more deserving.
For this, 13ers will require a keen eye, a deft touch, and a rejection of the wild risk taking associated with their youth.
Warning us in 1997, Howe and Strauss said:
From now through the end of the Fourth Turning, 13ers will constantly rise in power.
From 1998 until around the Crisis climax, they will be America’s largest potential generational voting bloc. As the years pass, their civic contributions will become increasingly essential to their nation’s survival.
They will have to vote more and participate more, if they want to contain the Boomers’ zealotry. They will have that chance.
Their own elected officials will surge into Congress as the Crisis catalyzes, eclipse Boomers around its climax, and totally dominate them by the time it resolves.
As they go one-on-one with history, 13ers should remember that history is counting on them to do whatever hard jobs may be necessary.
If 13ers play their script weakly, old Boomers could wreak a horrible apocalypse, and 13er demagogues could impose a mind-numbing authoritarianism— or both.
If 13ers play their script cleverly but safely, however, a new golden age will be their hard-won reward.
As they age, 13ers should remember Hemingway’s words: “Old men do not grow wise. They grow careful.”
Even luckier, Generation X is already hardened. We grew up with hard
rock and hard drugs and hard breakups and hard attitudes. We were eager
fans who made Nirvana and Pearl Jam possible. And it’s an honor. History
has handed us the keys to survival.
Those haters in Berkeley are largely Millennials. They’re following
the bad examples of destructive, reckless Boomers. If America is to
survive the coming climax, history will note that the Slackers, the McFlys, the generation nobody watched overcame our recklessness to rescue civilization itself.
But Generation X cannot win the battle for America’s survival alone.
We need to attract soldiers from the Millennial generation. And we need
to follow the lead of the Gray Champion, about whom more in future
It’s Going to Be Okay
In the meantime, cut out carbs, eat more healthy fat,
practice dry fire drills, stock up on ammo, and be ready for the
inevitable climax. You, my friends, are the first and last line of
defense in our battle for self-government. We won’t go down without the
fight of the millennium.
For your planning purposes
Taking note of “The Fourth Turning” and the Strauss and Howe generational theory of predictive behavior in America, we note that their dates are close but seem to be off by a few years. In our case, the “Crisis catalyst” did not occur in 2005 as predicted. It occurred in 2008 with the Wall Street “too big to fail” debacle. That is three years later.
Adjusting the Strauss and Howe dates to account for the delay in the catalyst, messes things up a bit. They predicted…
If the Crisis catalyst comes on schedule, around the year 2005, then the climax will be due around 2020, the resolution around 2026. What will America be like as it exits the Fourth Turning? History offers no guarantees. Obviously, things could go horribly wrong—the possibilities ranging from a nuclear exchange to incurable plagues, from terrorist anarchy to high-tech dictatorship. We should not assume that Providence will always exempt our nation from the irreversible tragedies that have overtaken so many others: not just temporary hardship, but debasement and total ruin. Since Vietnam, many Americans suppose they know what it means to lose a war. Losing in the next Fourth Turning, however, could mean something incomparably worse. It could mean a lasting defeat from which our national innocence—and perhaps even our nation—might never recover. As many Americans know from their own ancestral backgrounds, history provides numerous examples of societies that have been wiped off the map, ground into submission, or beaten so badly they revert to barbarism.
There is a nice graphic that I composed for your purposes of planning out the next few years. I hope that it is helpful. Adding three years, gives us…
“Crisis catalyst” in 2008.
Climax in 2023.
Resolution in 2029.
Of course, you could argue the 2020 was the “climax” simply because it was one Hell of a shitty year. But you all know, it was a shitty year for everyone on the globe. Not just Americans. I argue that it was just foreplay for bigger stuff to come.
I know that I tend to be a little long in the tooth. Yes, my articles are long. I try to cram a lot in them, and sometimes it can get confusing. Here’s a quick summary.
The Fourth Turning is proceeding on schedule.
The major tripping point is scheduled for 2023 +/- 2 years.
It will involve all manner of conflict.
Oligarch-instituted cultural changes, and genocides will be initiated.
A total clamp down on freedoms via electronic means will take place.
Total gun bans, one way or the other, will take place.
The USA will get involved in some sort of war. The idea is that it will be just another distraction.
One or two, or even three super-powers, will side with the attacked nation.
A strong possibility exists for nuclear weapons to be detonated on United States cities.
My suggestions.
For what ever it is worth, here are some suggestions. You have three years. Start now. Start today. (If you do nothing else, try to do the points in bold. It will give you advantage.)
Leave the cities. Move. Buy property in a small town, a rural area, or some other place about a three days walk from a major city.
Start now. Do not put it off.
Have firearms. Use the rule of three. [1] One or two in the open for ready use. [2] Some hidden, and you can tell your wife (but not your children the location). [3] Hidden and known only to you.
Have multiple lethal knives. Do not be afraid to use them.
Take a class in basic first aid and know how to stop bleeding, provide basic health care, mend a broken bone, and perform emergency surgery. If not the YMCA, then via the internet. Start NOW.
Learn on how to make improvised explosives. Especially those that can be used to take down a bridge, disable an ATV, and create a minefield.
Stock up on prepper literature in the form of books.
Stock up on basic medical supplies including antibiotics.
Stock up on all manner of food supplies, and hide large quantities of them from random seizure by roaming groups of people..
Start going “x-ray” and do not advertise your plans, or anything about your life to anyone.
Have some sort of vehicle that does not require gasoline or electricity to operate. (Bicycle or horse.)
Make friends in your new location. Friendships are worth gold. Identify these friends on a scale of trust.
Start cutting down on the use of your cell-phone. Start leaving it at home when you go out.
Buy a Geiger counter, and iodine pills.
Set up a rain water collection system at your house.
Start a garden. Learn to grow potatoes.
Leave America. If you cannot, then live in a predominantly “red” state. The redder the county the better.
Move to a deep red colored area. Absolutely avoid cities and bright blue areas. Any area that has a shade of blue is to be avoided. Consider Alaska over Hawaii. Avoid Indian reservations. Avoid the border with Mexico. Avoid urban black enclaves.
SHTF Related Index
This is a collection of my posts related to prepping, SHTF (Shit Hit The Fan), CWII (American Civil War 2), Fourth Turning (Strauss–Howe generational theory)
and other posts related to the very sad and sorry tatters that America
is today. Actually, I am a little stunned that I have written so much
about these matters. But America today is very ill and there are things
that really should be said.
Here are the posts.
SHTF and Related Index
Articles & Links
You’ll not
find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy
notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a
necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money
off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you
because I just don’t care to.
This post looks into the role that (so called) “technicals” play in national upheavals. A “technical” is a pickup truck that has been modified into a mobile heavy weapons platform. These machines have been commonly used in just about every national conflict over the last two decades. Here, we look at the role that they have, and why there are used. As opposed to other vehicles constrained for other purposes.
There are many uses for a pickup truck armed with heavy arms. These uses can vary from a personnel supporting role to that of an anti-aircraft platform.
outcome of all state-sponsored genocide against a certain group of
people is well recorded and predictable. Here is a photo from the Sierra
Leone Civil War.
That being stated, over the last two decades the primary purpose of these “technicals” has been to collect, round-up, and secure unarmed civilians so that they can be easily herded into “Safe Areas” controlled by the insurgents employing the vehicles.
Important note. In order to illustrate some points, I have liberally sprinkled historical antidotes from various conflicts around the world and from different historical periods. When discussing Syria in 2014, for instance, please don’t get confused when a quote appears about what the Japanese did to the Chinese in Nanchang in the 1930’s. The point is that the events are similar independent of geography or historical episode.
A Personal Interest.
Personally, I was unaware of the term “technical” up until a few years ago. When suddenly I started seeing pictures of the ISIS in Syria riding in brand (spanking) new Toyota pickup trucks with heavy weapons attached. To me it seemed eerily familiar to other events which unfolded in Africa, Bosnia, and South America.
soldiers in Sierra Leone. Note how well armed they are. Government
forces working secretively set aside caches of weapons and ammunition
for use by ideologically motivated “regulars”. Who then sprung forth
when the time was right. They will be better armed than you. You had
best be better trained.
For me, I wondered three things. Firstly [1] WHY were these civilian vehicles pressed into military service? Secondly and [2] HOW did the ISIS (a radical outlier) manage to obtain all these new trucks? And finally, [3] HOW were they being used?
Well, it turns out that I wasn’t the only one wondering about these things. Others, many who were much smarter than myself pondered these questions, and after some “investigative journalism” came up with some answers.
The ISIS was a creation of Barrack Obama.
It turned out that the Toyota trucks were supplied by the United States State Department, and pressed into service by the CIA. This was under the watchful eyes of then-President Barrack Obama.
President Obama represented the Global Interests of a global socialistic community. He did not care for local Americans, as he viewed them as a part of an “old order” that must be discarded in favor of a new, more “enlightened” progressive way of doing things.
The ISIS was a front organization for the CIA who wanted to manufacture a very powerful trans-national force in the Middle East. We know this is true because of the financial paper trail that remains.
The architects of this scheme were President Obama, the Saudi Government, and elements within Iran. (Yeah, what a bunch of strange bed-fellows.) But there you have it.
Globalists just think differently than us “normals”. I attribute it to massive amounts of mind-altering chemicals, and a life of ease without punishment. You do know, after all, that Mr. Obama never had a “boss” that he ever reported to, signed a W-2 form, or went through the dress-down experience of a layoff. It’s a groomed life that he lived. Perfect for being a figurehead… or a puppet.
Personally, I believe that hardship and toil makes us better, stronger and more sympathetic people. It’s a shared human experience that you cannot isolate yourself from. People who never had these typical American experiences, end up living a life with the mentality of a ten year old.
Anyways, here’s the “smoking gun”. (Not that you would ever see this reported on the mainstream American media.)
Allocation of American taxation to fund the procurement of vehicles to be used by the ISIS. Looks so nice. Give to “Syria”. Except that the recipient was not the Syrian government, but rather the ISIS group within the Syrian government.
Who was affected by this “stoke of the pen” by Obama…
The people who paid for this were the American people through taxation.
The people who suffered for this were the Syrian citizenry, who found their homes, lifestyle, and culture obliterated.
The people who authored this, are now safe in their mansions. They are still partying, drinking chardonnay, and having a merry old time. (Obama, Hillary Clinton, and the various Middle Eastern interests.)
Moneys were diverted from the Afghanistan allocations toward the ISIS insurgents. This money was used to buy up equipment, weapons, and ammo to be used against the Syrian people in order to fun a new progressive wonderful all-Islamic national unity.
Let’s start with how I got interested in this scheme of things. Let’s look at Syria and the ISIS insurgency. In the process, let’s look at their use of technicals and how they obtained them.
The ISIS in Syria
I always thought of a pickup truck as something that you could fill up with a cord of wood, or transport a refrigerator in. Using it as mobile heavy machine gun platform seemed a little silly. For certainly the wheels would be shot out, and the engine destroyed within months of use. It is, after all an unarmored vehicle.
Out of the blue sometime during the Bush Presidency, the world became aware of the ISIS. It was never a serious threat, mostly constrained to being an outlier in that contentious region of hate, dust, and searing heat.
The ISIS mission was founded in 2004 to create a hard-line Islamic state crossing over the borders of Syria and Iraq. In the ideal manifestation, it would entail a huge swath of land including Iraq and Syria with political ties to Iran.
The objective of the ISS was to create a powerful national state that occupied the territories of Syria and Iraq.
The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has emerged from radical Sunni jihadists in Iraq who fought under the banner “al-Qaeda in Iraq”. Their goal since being founded in 2004 is to create a hard-line Islamic state crossing over the borders of Syria and Iraq.
Were they to achieve their aim, the new state would be a caliphate led by a supreme religious leader called a “caliph”.
The nations that would belong to the Caliphate are predominantly Sunni Muslim. Yet Iran--which sees the so-called Arab Spring as a divine signal from Allah that the Caliphate, to be led by Iran, is on the horizon and that the Mahdi is near--is overwhelmingly Shia.
- Would Muslims Accept Iran as the Leader of a New Caliphate
In order to capture and subdue large sections of flat desert land, and to subjugate the people there, the ISIS adopted a system of convoys of armed technicals.
The technicals would be used in such a way as to cut off egress out from a targeted city or town, and allow foot soldiers to go house to house and room to room capturing and seizing civilians.
Thus the role of the technical was strictly defined. Firstly, to transport elements to a targeted area. Then, seize strategic portions which would in effect, surround the target, and finally to cut off egress or escape from the enclosed area through use of their mounted weapons.
ISS technicals armed with anti-aircraft weapons. Toyota-made pickup trucks and sport-utility vehicles have been featured prominently in a number of ISIS propaganda videos used in Iraq, Syria, and Libya, according to ABC. Vehicles shown include the Hilux and the Land Cruiser. The weaponry appears to be Russian made L-70 or ZU-23-2B air defense systems.
Caliph means successor in Arabic, and a cleric with this title is
regarded by Sunni followers as an Iman chosen by Allah from the Family
of the House, direct descendants of the Prophet Muhammad.
One map (drawn up by ISIS as early as 2006) shows a region which includes much of north-east Syria and northern Iraq. The area, roughly the size of Belgium, contains many, many oil wells.
Obviously aside from all the religious attire, the purpose of this organization is to control access to oil and minerals in the region for personal profit. For a more pedestrian person such as my self, it seems like the motive is related to personal greed.
Yet, you just cannot draw lines on a map and make claim to them. You need to control and subjugate the people that live in those areas.
Control of a region for profit
ISS technicals used for personal transport, and fielding light machine gun weaponry. ISIS has used these vehicles in order to engage in military-type activities, terror activities, and the like, but in nearly every ISIS video, they show a fleet – a convoy of Toyota vehicles.
The Islamic world is complex, and in the political-religious sphere there were two groups at distinctly different objectives and behaviors.
Iraqi Shias (Conservative Muslim Nationalists.)
Iraqi Sunnis (The progressive ISIS fighters.)
The single most important factor in ISIS’s activities is the conflict between Iraqi Shias and Iraqi Sunnis. ISIS fighters themselves are Sunnis, and the tension between the two groups is a powerful recruiting tool for ISIS. Yet, let is be well known that they are a minority who wishes to become the majority.
The majority of Iraqis – between 60% and 70% – are Shias.
In order for a minority to become a majority in a given fixed reason, the civilian population must be purged. They must either be chased away, converted, or killed off. This, my friends, is known as genocide.
Genocide can occur when powerful people, often in leadership roles, and who contains the major media are able to convince the minority that they “deserve” to be the majority. In the case of Iraq, it was ex-dictator Saddam Hussein who was a Sunni and the absolute power of his Ba’ath party gave Sunnis the belief that they are the real majority and legitimate rulers.
The difference between the two largest Muslim groups originated a long, long time ago. It began with a controversy over who got to take power after the Prophet Muhammad’s death in 632AD. They have been fighting, killing, torturing, and raping ever since.
They have been fighting over this issue for 140 centuries.
There doesn’t seem to be any resolution of this issue in the near future. And for reasons, that I have difficulty in fathoming, then President Obama, and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, felt it was the business of the United States to get involved in this conflict.
ISS technicals mounted with heavy machine guns. The heavy machine gun appears to be a DShK 1938 Soviet heavy machine gun. The vehicles shown in the ISIS videos are older Toyota models, according to ABC.Hyundais, Mitsubishis, and Isuzus are also depicted, though to a lesser extent. It’s possible some of the Toyota vehicles are being smuggled into the region, an Iraqi military spokesman told ABC.
The idea is to herd people into places where they are trapped and can
be easily controlled. There will be urban youth terrorizing the rural
areas, small towns and communities, and this will create a situation
where everyone will start to stream into the “safe” cities.
It won’t be safe.
About 500-thousand residents in Iraq's second biggest city of Mosul have fled after Islamist militants overran much of the city.
ISIL, or the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, an offshoot of al-Qaida, launched the attack on the city today, seizing the governor's headquarters and rampaging through police stations.
Hundreds of detainees are reported to have been set free.
Roads across the city are now packed with cars as thousands of residents make their way to border crossings into the autonomous Kurdish province of Irbil.
There are no immediate estimates on how many people were killed in the assault.
- Thousands Flee Mosul after Militants Seize City
It will be a snare. It will be crowds of people trapped between tall stone walls with machine gun armed technicals at both ends of the street.
People will be collected, processed and used or killed. They will use lists.
Here is an ISIS truck parading captured, and “handed over” females to be either given to the soldiers, or sold off in the public square as slaves. This is from Syria, and the girls were most likely handed over to the “police” to spare their lives. The “police” then processed them and set them off to the market for their future roles within the community; sex slaves.
ISIS Leadership under the employ of the CIA.
US troops and allied Sunni militias defeated al-Qaeda in Iraq during the post-2006 troop surge, however the surge did not destroy its fighters completely. Peace was not obtained, no matter what the American media had to say about it in their “reports”.
In 2010, the US commander in Iraq, General Ray Odierno, described the group as “fundamentally the same.” In 2011, senior ISIS members regrouped following the freeing of high-profile members held by the Iraqi Government.
ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was in custody at a US detention facility in Iraq until 2009 when he was handed over to the Iraqi authorities. As he left Camp Bucca, near Iraq’s southern border with Kuwait, he told his captors: “I’ll see you guys in New York.”
He then disappeared from custody. The video cameras were turned off. The guards asleep. The watch lists missing.
ISS Technical with a platform mounted heavy machine gun. The weapon appears to be a Russian made 12.7mm NSV heavy machine gun. US itself has played a key role in arming, funding, and intentionally perpetuating the ISS terrorist army across Syria and Iraq. In 2014 it was reported that the US State Department had been sending in fleets of specifically Toyota-brand trucks into Syria to whom they claimed was the “Free Syrian Army.” But, who really were representatives of the ISS, and who immediately pressed the equipment into service for their cause.
And he was correct.
The CIA, under the direction of President Barrack Obama, and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, shuffled him off to a “safe haven”, and there he rested and recouped.
It has been claimed that al-Baghdadi, who uses a variety of aliases, was only radicalized while in US custody. Imagine that.
According to his story, he was a simple farmer wrongly swept up and became a follower of bin Laden at Camp Bucca. However, it is more likely al-Baghdadi was an Islamic fundamentalist long before the US and Britain invaded Iraq.
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is the nom de guerre of an individual who has had various names and epithets attributed to him, including Abu Du’a (أبو دعاء ʾabū duʿāʾ), Al-Shabah (the phantom or ghost), and Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi al-Husseini al-Hashimi al-Qurashi (أبو بكر البغدادي الحسيني الهاشمي القرشي, )
There are only two known photos of the 43-year-old al-Baghdadi, who Iraqi military officials believe was hiding somewhere in Iraq’s eastern Diyala province.
In any event, he returned back to Iraq, and under the support of President Barrack Obama, and Hillary Clinton he was able to consolidate and recruit armed forces, receive CIA training and weapons, and amass a large enough military force to seize huge sections of Syria.
And yes. The key to the seizure of land was through the use of armed technicals.
Seizing sections of Syria.
ISS truck with a RPG crew for specialized assault tasks. Specific equipment like the Toyota Hiluxes are what is referred to as “force enablers” for the moderate opposition forces on the ground,. Oubai Shahbander said the US-supplied pickups were officially intended to be delivering troops and supplies into battle. Though he grudgingly acknowledged that some of the vehicle fleet might become battlefield weapons. And so they were. No surprise there.
In order to secure large sections of Syrian territory, the ISS utilized “technicals”; fast-moving civilian pick-up trucks with mounted heavy weapons. They would ride the trucks and surround a targeted town. Then ground forces would go house to house…
... Xia Shuqin, now 86, telling what happened to her on December 13, 1937. She lived at No. 5, Xinlukou Street, east of Zhonghuamen, one of the main gates to the inner city.
On that day, Japanese soldiers burst into her house and killed seven members of her family: her grandparents, parents, and three of her sisters.
Soldiers raped and then killed her mother and two elder sisters. She was stabbed three times and passed out. Of the entire family, only Xia and her four-year-old sister survived.
-What happens when military troops enter your town and go house to house. China Today.
You know, that I know, that it is difficult to visualize this. Syria is harsh rocky desert. It doesn’t look anything at all like the United States. But you know what? The utility and the strategy is absolutely portable. Whether it is in Iraq, Bosnia, Sierra Leone, China, or Tennessee.
Consider the United States.
How technicals would be used to seize points of egress from a town as it is under assault from foot-soldiers moving in from the West. For illustration purposes, the small town of Milford, Massachusetts is used in this example.
In operation, units would form into convoys. These units would then surround a targeted town or city. Technicals would be set up at all the cross roads, thus preventing egress via vehicles, or pedestrians who utilize roads for travel.
Trucks would then collect soldiers who would then move into the town on foot. They would be in groups of 8 to 10 and form into small squads.
The only way that a small town, or folk in the rural sections could oppose this encirclement assault is to delay the movement of the technicals. This would be through road blocks, and sniper attacks. Thus providing a window of opportunity for others to escape.
people, isolated and undefended, in the rural regions were dangerously
exposed. Large packs of armed “militia”, actually ideological youth
armed with military arms and on drugs and in an frenzy against perceived
slights (“privilege” and “advantage”) as promoted by the media prior to
the SHTF event. This is a scene in front of a “road block” that was set
up by local residents to slow down the roving bands of armed urban
youth. Their hope was that it would give them enough time to stream into
the nearby cities for protection. The only thing was that the cities
were all controlled by the very same people who set all the attacks in
Each squad would proceed to a specific target area and objectives. They would move house to house and collect the civilians there.
The ISIS would then separate the women and children from the men and the boys.
Children rounded up in Syria by the occupation forces. The parents gave them up because the new government promised to protect them and keep them out of harm’s way while the war raged. As a result they were sold and abused. Many died. The “new government” lied.
Young women, young female children, and some young boys were set apart and taken to holding areas. Often these were secured warehouses, schools, jails or other buildings that were easy to secure and “lock down”.
Once trapped, they must deal with the life as it is. They survive. But only just barely, as many of the women that they share their imprisoned state end up dying.
About all she has left is her name, which she prefers to keep to herself, and the shocking memories of last July. That's when Serbian troops stormed the northwest Bosnian village of Rizvanovici, and S., a 20-year-old Muslim woman with a ponytail, was rounded up with 400 other women in the yard of a neighbor's house.
Two soldiers, wearing camouflage uniforms and Serbian crosses around their necks, picked S. and her friend I. out of the crowd. "They brought us to an empty house and there they did what they wanted to do," says S. dully. "First we had to excite them and then we had to satisfy them."
Afterward the Serbs traded partners. The girls had been virgins. "They were laughing at us," S. recalls. "They said we were pretty girls and [that] we saved ourselves for them."
Her ordeal didn't end there. After being raped and dumped at the yard, one of the soldiers came back to bring S. to his commander. "He told me to take off my clothes and to lie down on the bed," she says. "Then he did the same thing. He started to kiss and to caress me. He saw that I didn't feel anything.
I looked into his eyes and asked him if he had a wife. He said no. I asked him if he had a sister. He said he had one. Then I said, 'How would your sister feel if somebody did the same thing to her that you are doing to me?' Then he jumped up and told me to get dressed and leave."
S., who now lives in a refugee center in northern Croatia, is a survivor of what may be the most sadistic violence to haunt Europe since the Nazi campaigns: "ethnic cleansing."
Now, on top of documented cases of systematic torture and murder in Bosnia, come charges of a new Serb atrocity-mass rape. No one knows how many victims there are, though estimates range from 30,000 to 50,000 women, most of them Muslim.
In the last few months, a torrent of wrenching first-person testimonies from refugees has emerged, suggesting widespread sexual abuse by Serb forces.
They tell of repeated rapes of girls as young as 6 and 7; violations by neighbors and strangers alike; gang rapes so brutal their victims die; rape camps where Serbs routinely abused and murdered Muslim and Croat women; rapes of young girls performed in front of fathers, mothers, siblings and children; rapes committed explicitly to impregnate Muslim women and hold them captive until they give birth to wanted Serbian babies.
The men and boys were then scrutinized as a threat. They are separated and often tortured, then killed outright.
“On December 14, we marched from the city to the banks of the Yangtze River … all we could see on the river’s 2,000 or more meter-wide surface was the bodies of men, women, and children, slowly floating like rafts. Looking upriver, more corpses, like mountains, moved toward us in what seemed an endless stream. There must have been at least 50,000. The Yangtze River had become a river of corpses.” This account was given by Japanese veteran Akahoshi Yoshio, from Weeping Yangtze River, a memoir collection by veterans published in Japan.
“In the square about 100 people sat, hands tied behind their backs. In front of them were two freshly dug pits, about five meters square and three meters deep… the soldiers carrying out the executions appeared agitated, their faces manically contorted.” Former military correspondent Sato Shinju so recounted in his book March as Military Correspondent.
-The Rape of Nanking, China Today
Those judged as a threat were killed outright. The rest were either recruited for the ISS, or were left alone.
“Abou Jihad” is a French Islamic State (or ISIL or ISIS) fighter in Syria who is one of the main disseminators of IS materials in French. He is stating openly what mainstream Western media outlets, the United Nations, and the Islamic State itself have now confirmed, namely, that the Islamic State is practicing the sexual enslavement of Yazidi and other non-Muslim women and girls.
Once captured, they can be raped repeatedly, and then sold off as slaves for sex and housework as needed. “Abou Jihad: “350 dollars for the Yazidi girl in Mosul if you want.” was the going rate as of 2014. Two years later, when Donald Trump become president, and the ISIS lost their funding, support and intelligence from the Obama Administration, the ISIS organization collapsed. Need less to say, the progressive liberals view ISIS activity in Syria to be a “dry run” for what is in store for the United States.
Most men are killed. This is the historical norm. As is the systematic rape of women.
Serbian military policy has mandated the systematic gang-rape of Muslim and Croatian women and girls, their imprisonment in schools, factories, motels, arenas and concentration camps for ongoing serial rape, rape followed by murder, sexual torture and sexual slavery.
In addition to the estimated 90 concentration camps set up throughout Bosnia, there are more than 20 rape/death camps. Some hold 15 to 25 women and look like brothels; others hold more than 1,000. More than 7,000 women were held as prisoners in a Serbian-run prison-brothel near Brcko in northern Bosnia, and Muslim women are reportedly held in sexual slavery in the Sarajevo suburb of Grbavica. Young girls just reaching puberty appear to be specially designated targets for gang-rape.
-LA Times
The plight of the women and children was often years of rape, sexual slavery and a life of servitude. Eventually leading to death.
In general, the technicals played a major role in rapid control of key strategic points for tactical control. Their armament would be very effective against civilian vehicles and could lay down suppressive fire to scare the Dejesus out of any civilian who dared try to get around the road-block.
Routes of escape were blocked, this included rail, roads, boats and by air. To escape a town or village under siege, you need to avoid the HMG mounted on technicals and avoid all crowds.
They played a role that effectively removed all means of escape from the civilians trapped within a town or targeted region.
...But there does seem to be a widespread pattern of on-the-ground commanders encouraging-or even ordering-their men to rape. The testimonies of so many victims and witnesses, and of some captured Serb perpetrators, have a consistency that cannot be accidental.
"It's hard to believe that all these Serbian men, no matter how animalistic you think human nature is, would suddenly get it in their heads to find a 7-year-old girl and rape her," says the lead State Department researcher.
Rape is an integral part of ethnic cleansing, of eradicating entire areas of their historic Muslim populations through brutal intimidation, expulsion and outright murder. In such Bosnian towns as Brcko, Bjeljina, Kljuc, Sanski Most, Prijedor, Kotor Varos, Zvornik, leading citizens-anyone who owned a business, participated in the Party of Democratic Action, held a university degree-were hunted down and liquidated.
The rest of the male population was packed off to prison camps.
Rape clearly was the coup de grace delivered to tens of mortally wounded towns, a way of ensuring that women would never want to return to their homes.
For 12-year-old Vasvija, the terror began after she was evicted from her village of Jelec in August. During her first night in Partizan Hall, a Serb-run detention camp in the nearby eastern Bosnian town of Foca, two soldiers picked her from among the 70 detainees, all women, children and elderly civilians.
"They brought me to a flat, an empty flat," she says, a single tear running down an otherwise passive face. "They raped me." Both soldiers? "Both."
Over nine consecutive nights, Vasvija endured the same hideous treatment at the hands of different men. Once she was taken out with her mother and another inmate.
They were all raped by the same Serbian soldier. Exchanged on Sept. 17 for Serb prisoners, Vasvija, her siblings and her mother now live in a refugee center near Sarajevo. No one has heard from her father, who was beaten and dragged off to a different prison camp when the Serbs overran Jelec.
All the unarmed civilians could do was hide, surrender, or run. (As a kind reminder, please take note. The civilian population were disarmed within a year of the genocide. Once disarmed, there was nothing preventing the military and militia to do with the civilian population as they wished.)
Once the population was disarmed, only the Serbian military and the opposition forces had weapons. This made sense, as the government needed the population to be disarmed in order to round them up and kill them so that a minority could come to power.
Sierra Leone has suffered terrible social and economic costs as a result of its civil war and fight over diamond control.
Under the cover of warfare the rebels committed heinous crimes against humanity in the form of murder, rape, and mutilation.
The war between 1991 and 1999 claimed over 75,000 lives, caused 500,000 Sierra Leoneans to become refugees, and displaced half of the countries 4.5 million people[6]. Also during this period, the Sierra Leone economy was being cheated out of millions of dollars in the form of illegal diamonds.
Rape of women and girls was widespread and systematic during Sierra Leone's conflict through most of the 1990s, and is reportedly continuing on a smaller scale in areas still controlled by rebels in the north and east of the country.
Members of the RUF primarily perpetrated this brutal tactic as a tool of war to terrorize the civilian population into submission and break-apart families and communities.
In addition, to the thousands of women who were raped, thousands more women and girls were abducted and taken into the bush to travel with the rebels and to act as domestic sex slaves to the fighters. .
In many cases the abducted were gang raped, beaten, starved, tortured, forced to walk long distances carrying heavy loads, and told they would be killed if they tried to escape.
The rebels have been reluctant to turn over children in spite of their obligation to do so under the Lome Peace Accord and have been particularly slow to hand over girls.
Girls and young women who managed to escape from the rebels or who were released, suffer a variety of consequences such as sexually transmitted infections. These include HIV/AIDS, trauma and post traumatic stress disorder, extreme anxiety and alienation by their communities and families.
Numerous women also were left with scarring and serious gynecological problems, such as damaged uteruses and bladders. A high percentage of the survivors are pregnant or are now single mothers of so-called "rebel babies."
The Rebels also terrorize citizens with the systemic mutilation of men, women, and children.
The rebels had teams dedicated to capturing citizens and mutating them. Often times they cut off both the victims’ hands and put the hands in a rice bag and took it back to their commanders.
Such behavior is not an isolated event or the product of undisciplined soldiers, it is the rebels gruesome strategy and can be traced back to the leaders of the RUF.
As a result of these acts, the thousands of surviving amputees in Sierra Leone were forced in to refugee camps. Many of these people are illiterate and support themselves by farming the land, and they are left futureless as a result of their needless amputations.
-Blood Diamonds
This technique was used in other nations such as Rwanda, Bosnia, Cambodia, Sierra Leone and South Africa with great success. They would form a convoy and race to the targeted region or town. Then they would surround the town, and use the technicals to secure the exits so that no one could leave.
Parade of ISS technicals showing an array of mounted equipment, and personnel. The mystery of how hundreds of identical, brand-new ISIS-owned Toyota trucks have made it into Syria is solved. Not only has the US and British government admitted in the past to supplying them, their military forces and intelligence agencies ply the borders of Turkey, Jordan, and even Iraq where these fleets of trucks must have surely passed on their way to Syria – even if other regional actors supplied them.
Then, they would employ foot soldiers to go house by house, room by room to collect the civilians for the ISS to do with them as they pleased. And, they DID do what they pleased. This is what happens in every war, and most especially in every genocide.
...military leaders of the Bosnian Serbs-with low ranking henchmen like Borislav Herak. A 21-year-old Serb laborer from Sarajevo, Herak admits to raping seven Muslim women and to killing two of his victims in addition to the 18 murders to which he has already confessed.
"We were ordered to rape so that our morale would be higher," he says from a military prison in the Bosnian capital. "We were told we would fight better if we raped the women."
He claims that he and fellow soldiers frequented the Sonja Cafe-one of several alleged "rape camps" outside Sarajevo-which maintained a population of 70 Muslim women and girls; those who were killed were quickly replaced.
Entire villages, such as Miljevina in eastern Bosnia, may have been converted to rape camps.
About 100 people, "all young Muslim women and girls, were raped," says a 20-year-old named Aida. Her attacker was Dragan J., a Serb policeman and neighbor, who excused his behavior, she says, on the ground that "'It is war, you can't resist, there is no law and order'."
Rasema, a 33-year-old mother, offers a similar account. She claims that her assailants raped her in front of her two girls. When she resisted, they threatened, "We will cut out your teeth! Do you want us to slaughter your children, to watch us cutting them into pieces, piece after piece?" In his own defense, one attacker told Rasema, "I have to do it, otherwise they will kill me."
They would search out specific people and took special note to those which might be armed, or have a high risk of opposition. They would use lists obtained, compiled and given to them by local people friendly to their cause.
Usually educated people, business leaders, outspoken independent people, and people who were the victim of petty grudges would be on the list.
Imagine what the list would look like if a feminist millennial were to compile the list of everyone in the local town where she lived. Who would be on it? Would you?
American mainstream media telling us “normals” what they fully intend to do with us once they reacquire the reins of power.
Two young Serb deserters, Slobodan Panic and Cvijetin Maksimovic, now being held in a prison in Orasje, Bosnia, told NEWSWEEK they were ordered to rape and murder for the amusement of their commander in Brcko, in northeastern Bosnia, last May.
Panic says he balked when two battered women, each about 18, were brought to him in a room in a warehouse where 500 to 600 civilians were imprisoned. Serb soldiers "Said they'd kill me if I didn't" rape them, he recalls, insisting that he "only did a little" to his screaming victims, not consummating the act.
Three other women were dragged out for the same humiliating display. During these episodes, Panic says, soldiers stood around in a circle and laughed.
Then they hauled two badly beaten Muslim prisoners before Panic and handed him a gun. "I said, 'I can't, they've never done anything to me'," he remembers. "'You have to or else we'll kill you'," Panic says he was told. He shot each man in the chest. Two more male prisoners appeared.
A soldier handed Panic a knife. "Butcher them," he commanded. When Panic protested, the soldier replied, "I'll show you how it's done." Then, holding Panic's hand around the knife handle, he seized the man by the hair, jerked back his head and cut his throat.
Death, at least, brings an end to suffering. Rape victims who became pregnant relive their horror every day. Sofija, a 30-year-old Muslim, was released from a school turned prison camp in the village of Parzevic in mid-September, after being raped every night for six months by five or six different Serb soldiers.
Now she is hiding from her family in a cold Sarajevan hospital, tormented by the thought of the unwanted child growing inside her. "I do not want to see the baby," the mother of two says without emotion. "I will not feed it. I do not want anything to do with it."
Her roommate says that Sofija talks in her sleep every night, debating whether to kill the baby when it arrives in mid-January. Somewhere in Sarajevo are 12 other pregnant women and girls from the same village as Sofija who were similarly raped and held until long past the time for a safe abortion.
Earlier release doesn't guarantee relief: a 1978 Yugoslav law allows gynecologists to perform abortions only up to the 10th week of pregnancy; thereafter, cases are referred to a hospital ethics commission which, in Roman Catholic Croatia, home to 400,000 Bosnian refugees, may be more inclined to put the babies up for adoption.
Rape is the ultimate act in the Serbs' program of annihilation. They have robbed countless civilians of their possessions, their land, their lives and their dignity. Bosnia will be haunted by hundreds, if not thousands, of Serbian children forced on unwilling Muslim mothers.
Former American truck, utilized by the ISS in Syria, showing a mounted AA gun. A Mr. Mark Oberholtzer sold the truck to AutoNation Ford back in October 2013. From there the truck was sold at auction and somehow made its way to Turkey. It then crossed the nearby boarder to Syria and was converted into a technical mounting an anti-aircraft dual barrelled weapon. Unfortunately for Mark Oberholtzer, the CIA which handled the transaction to the ISS (for the State Department under Hillary Clinton) did not remove the decals. Thus, despite being assured the decals would be removed, they remained in tact and contained his business name and phone number.
Once the ISS / ISIS took control of a town they were able to exert control over large geographical areas. This enabled them to control access to the natural resources, the people and their labors, the women and children, and obtain international status.
The control of geographical regions was important in order to seize control of the people.
ISS Convoy with American supplied Toyota technicals mounted with heavy weapons in Syria. The British government has also admittedly supplied a number of vehicles to terrorists fighting inside of Syria. The British Independent’s 2013 article titled, “Revealed: What the West has given Syria’s rebels,” reported that:
“So far the UK has sent around £8m of “non-lethal” aid, according to official papers seen by The Independent, comprising five 4×4 vehicles with ballistic protection; 20 sets of body armour; four trucks (three 25 tonne, one 20 tonne); six 4×4 SUVs; five non-armoured pick-ups; one recovery vehicle; four fork-lifts; three advanced “resilience kits” for region hubs, designed to rescue people in emergencies; 130 solar powered batteries; around 400 radios; water purification and rubbish collection kits; laptops; VSATs (small satellite systems for data communications) and printers.”
It’s fair to say that whatever pipeline the US State Department and the British government used to supply terrorists in Syria with these trucks was likely used to send additional vehicles before and after these reports were made public.
To many Americans, this is all specialized history. Who cares about history, they argue? When there are much more important things to worry about. They argue that war and house to house fighting would never happen in America.
It would NEVER happen here.
Why get all “hot and bothered”?
Ah, that “it would never happen here” excuse. After all, America is the “freest nation” in the world, and everyone is flocking to America. There is nothing to worry about.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, it turns out that there is a connection between the ISIS, and the Antifa. The ISIS have been training American Antifa members on small arms tactics as well as the use of technicals to secure rural towns and villages.
American Antifa obtaining training from the ISIS and American CIA “advisors” while President Obama was in office, and under the watchful eyes of the State Department under Hillary Clinton.
As such you can rest assured that the local Antifa would employ technicals in a manner similar to how they were employed in Iraq and Syria. They would utilize young males, often from racially cultivated urban areas to man these technicals, and they would seek out anyone who would be an enemy to their cause.
I will not spend too much on this subject. Just recognize that there is a connection between the American progressive activist movements such as Antifa, BLM and other SJW folk, and the CIA sponsored (and trained) military groups ISIS, and others.
If you want to go down this deep rabbit hole be my guest. I find it over kill. All that one needs to know is that the CIA is active in funding and training the progressive Antifa and BLM movements.
If you have any questions about this, you can address them to either Barrack Obama, or Hillary Clinton.
There is a very strong connection between the ISIS and the American Antifa and BLM movements. This should not be ignored, nor discounted.Once
the enemies are identified, “tiger teams” of lightly trained militia
go forth into the undefended rural areas and small towns attacking
everyone on the lists that they were given. It never is random. They
have lists of people to target and places to go. Do not expect it to be
unplanned or random. Picture from the Sierra Leone conflict.
Professional Use of Technicals
Russia, Britain, and the United States have all utilized technicals to achieve their various mission parameters. They are most effective against militia, lightly armed foot soldiers, civilian vehicles, homes and buildings, and civilians.
Russian Defense Ministry has deployed a group of UAZ Patriot trucks equipped with Kord 12.7 mm heavy machine guns and AGS-17 grenade launchers to Syria.
In the late 1960s during Vietnam War the US Armed Forces adopted an Mk.19 40-mm automatic grenade launcher. This powerful weapon recommended itself well during the War in Vietnam. Soon after the Soviet Union adopted a similar 30-mm automatic grenade launcher. It is known as the AGS-17 Plamya. It was developed in the late 1960s by the KBP design bureau and adopted by the Soviet Army in 1971. It has been widely exported and has fought in numerous wars, earning for itself the reputation of being a reliable, effective weapon. The AGS-17 is still in production today.
The AGS stands for Avtomatischeskyi Granatmyot Stankovyi (which is Russian for automatic grenade launcher mounted). This weapon is capable of quickly firing large numbers of grenades.
The AGS-17 is a blowback-operated belt-fed weapon with a removable rifled barrel 29 centimeters in length. This weapon is fired from an open bolt. Iron sights, adjustably sighted out to 800 meters, come as standard, although optical 2.5x magnification sights are generally used. Maximum sighting range with optical sight is 1 700 m.
The AGS-17 Plamya is normally deployed on a foldable tripod with a range fire for both direct and indirect fire. The AGS-17 is fired using dual grips.
This automatic grenade launcher can fire two types of 30x120 mm grenades - the VOG-17M high-explosive fragmentation round and the improved VOG-30. The VOG-17 grenade has a claimed kill radius of 7 m. The grenades are fed in 29-round belts housed in a circular detachable magazine, commonly referred as the "snail". Each AGS-17 grenade launcher is equipped with 3 magazines.
Since it entered service the AGS-17 has proved its worth in a number of conflicts, including the War in Afghanistan, Chechen Wars, and Syrian Civil War. It still serves in over 15 countries and is licensed produced by Bulgaria, China, Cuba, and Iraq.
-Military Today
The weapons can be mounted aboard a rotary turret, allowing the user to instantaneously change his arc of fire. Additionally, if necessary, the vehicle can be equipped with Konkurs or Kornet anti-tank missiles, capable of hitting enemy targets at distances of up to 5 km.
Russian Defense Ministry has deployed a group of UAZ Patriot trucks equipped with Kord 12.7 mm heavy machine guns and AGS-17 grenade launchers to Syria. The gas-powered vehicles will possibly be used to protect humanitarian convoys. The firepower in the back of the vehicles will enable their operators to suppress enemy fire in a radius of up to 2 km.
It can also be fitted with with a 120 mm mortar with an effective range of 9 km.
The new military-use technicals, the UAZ Patriots, were first demonstrated to President Putin in the Spring of 2016. In the summer, they were shown at a closed pavilion for specialists at the Army-2016 Military-Technical Forum.
The vehicles feature upgraded all-terrain capabilities, a one ton carrying capacity, and armor protection. They also feature power plugs for night vision, special tents for protection against shrapnel, and storage for ammunition.
The latest vehicles may replace or complement the UAZ-3132 Gusar, already engaged in Syria and used for operations by Russian special forces, experts said.
In 2014, soon after Daesh (ISIS) made itself globally known by capturing large swathes of Syria and Iraq, world media reported on the terrorist group's successful use of large numbers of Toyota pickup trucks for their operations. Now, finally, the terrorists seem to have met their match.
- Russia's Answer to Daesh Jihad-Mobiles: Deadly UAZ Patriot Jeeps
We can well expect that the technicals, when employed in the United States, would be armed in much the same way that they were armed in Libya.
As well as taking on the same roles.
thugs armed with weapons during the Liberian civil war. They terrorized
everyone that they could. The people ran from them into “protective”
enclaves. There, they were pawns to be used by the oligarchy for what
ever purposes they wanted.
Other conflicts use of Technicals
Here’s a selection of the more advanced weaponry that can be found on technicals. Many come from the resourceful Libyans, but photos include images from all over the world. These larger weapons would be employed to fight the more modern advanced weaponry that a modern army might have. Such as tanks, APC’s and artillery.
Libya missile launcher of some unknown type mounted upon a technical. It appears to be a 3 x 5 quad tube rocket launcher on a manual turret.
The Libyans have been very resourceful. One can only imagine what kind of home-made defense technicals traditional conservative Americans might cook up in their home workshops and garages.
The Libyans would take apart captured tanks, vehicles, helicopters, and aircraft. They would seize hard heavy earth moving equipment, and scavenge everything that they can. As a result, the people of Libya have ended up with a “Mad Max” assortment of strange and unusual technicals.
A “Transitional gun” mounted on a pickup truck in Libya.
The goal has been to convert old weapons, mainly Chinese and Russian air-to-air rockets and ground-to-air missiles, into mobile weapon platforms.
These platforms can then be used against the better trained and equipped of Libyan armed forces.
Some civilian light jeeps are fitted with small unguided UB-32 rockets pod from captured combat helicopters. In those cases they are often mounted at the rear of the vehicle. The helicopter UB32 pods can fire 32 S-5 57 mm unguided air-to-ground rockets
In the final years of the war in Sierra Leone, I returned to the country of my father, where I had spent part of my childhood. Like many returnees, I had come to help members of my family caught up in the fighting, which by then had lasted more than a decade.
The village where my family lived had been behind enemy lines.
To reach them I needed to rent a car, preferably a four-wheel drive, but available vehicles were scarce. Eventually I secured one: a black Toyota 4×4 with tinted windows. We departed Freetown at dawn, drove along and around roads cratered by shellfire.
In the late afternoon, we had reached the dirt track to the village. What struck me most was the emptiness, the absence of people.
Occasionally in the distance we saw men repairing damaged roofs, but along roads where I was used to seeing schoolchildren, women toting loads, men on bicycles–we did not pass a soul. Then, rounding a corner: a small group of women carrying firewood.
We slowed for them, but instead of waving and greeting us, they dropped their loads and ran into the bush.
We laughed. We thought we had merely surprised them. Then the same thing happened again. And then again. Women saw our approaching vehicle and fled in silence. We looked at ourselves through their eyes: deep throated engine, darkened windows, alloy wheels. The kind of vehicle a rap artist might drive. The kind of vehicle the rebel militia might drive.
The women had been running for their lives.
-Design and Violence
Some captured anti-aircraft guns (such as the ZSU-23-4 Shilka) was also converted to be used as anti-tank combat vehicle.
Russian heavy machine-gun mounted on a Technical.
In these cases, sometimes additional armor plates were fitted around the vehicle, and the radar is replaced with two batteries of 32 unguided missiles.
Some light civilian pickup trucks are fitted with between two and four launcher tubes of 122 mm Grad artillery rockets. They are also mounted at the rear of the vehicle. Normally this weapon system is fitted to the Russian made BM-21 MRLS multiple rocket launcher system truck.
A technical armed with a GRAD missile launcher.
The 122 mm rocket, Russian designation 9M22, is a High-Explosive Fragmentation (HE frag) fin-stabilized unguided rocket with a steel-tube body. It has an HE frag warhead in the pointed nose section and an electrically-ignited rocket motor in the tail.
Stabilization during flight is provided by four spring-out stabilizer vanes at the tail, mounted at an angle of 1° to the longitudinal.
Libyan rebel technical. A vehicle equipped with a 122 mm GRAD rocket in a quad array fitted on a light jeep.
Other types of warhead can be installed in place of the HE frag, including chemical (VX or GB nerve agent) HE-Incendiary and Smoke. The 9M22 rocket has a maximum range of about 20,750 m.
It was not until the early 1990s, however, that such hacked vehicles earned their current name, “technicals.” During the Somali Civil War, organizations like the United Nations were unable to bring their own protection and hired guards and drivers on the ground, dubbed “technical assistants.”
Over time, the term evolved to signify the vehicles owned by these guard companies, and later to reference vehicles with heavy weaponry mounted on the back.
Now found in war- and guerrilla-torn areas throughout the world, technicals are a significant symbol of power, popular for their speed, durability, and efficiency at moving both men and weapons in unison. In the early 2000s, technicals again gained attention when they were recognized as the vehicles of choice for leaders of both the Taliban and Al Qaeda.
From the civil war in Sierra Leone to the Iraq ISIS conflict, these vehicles remain an integral design in the arsenal of conflict.
-Design and Violence
To increase the fire power and the mobility of Libyan rebel
fighters, many types of machine guns and light heavy weapons were mounted at
the rear of light pickup. These were the ZPU-1,
and ZU-23-2
light anti-aircraft guns.
All these light anti-aircraft guns use the Russian made 14.5
mm Vladimirova KPV (Krubnokalibernyj Pulemet Vladimirova) heavy machine gun
(HMG), which has a quick-change barrel.
Libyan technical with an unknown mounted weapon. The Libyan war was a war between Gaddafi army and Libya’s Transitional National Council army with air support from NATO started on the 17 March 2011
Some of Libyan rebels light jeeps are also equipped with
Chinese made Type 63 107 mm multiple rocket launcher system.
The Type 63 is a towed, 12-tube, 107-mm multiple rocket launcher system produced in China in the early 1960s, based on the Soviet BM-12 MRS and using similar rockets. Type 63 MRS was developed in the late 1950s as the replacement for the 102 mm (6-round) Type 427 and Type 488 multiple rocket systems which were withdrawn from front-line service with the People's Liberation Army many years ago.
Improvised Employment of S-5 Air-to-Surface Rockets on technicals.
The Libyan rebels also used old stocks of weapons and
ammunition which were captured in old government military bases. Many members
of the Libyan rebel army need to work on the captured weapons in order to
repair them and to place them in operational capability.
Hilux. Hi-lux. High as in “high riding.” “Lux” meaning luxury. “The vehicular equivalent of the AK47,” a former U.S. army ranger told Time magazine.
A rigid steel frame construction with a cab and body fitted on the top. Beloved of farmers, construction crews, rebel armies, warlords, Somali pirates, and Afghan insurgents.
Good for moving workers, good for moving contingents of men. Mount a machine gun on a tripod on the back and you have a gunship. The design of the Hilux on the battlefield has proved a perfect and unintended synthesis of form and function.
Fast. Maneuverable. High ground clearance. Light enough to cross minefields without detonating mines, it’s said. So popular they even named a war after it: the Libya-Chad “Toyota War” of the 1980s was fought with cavalries of Hiluxes.
-Design and Violence
Although improvised systems firing air-to-surface rockets had become commonplace in some armed conflicts of the 1990s and early 2000s, it was only during the civil war in Libya in 2011 that these weapons became one of the primary systems used in many of a conflict’s land battles. S-5 rockets, among others, were used with a variety of improvised systems, ranging from single-barrel man-portable rocket launchers to UB-32-57 rocket pods mounted on pickup trucks.
Anti-tank rockets are also transformed to increase their power and efficiency against the Kaddafi forces tanks and armored vehicles. For instance, an aluminum ring is added to standard RPG rocket-propelled grenades and refitted with high explosives.
Explosive elements of old anti-tank and anti-personnel are extracted to create homemade bombs or IED (Improvised Explosive Devices), which was used against the pro-Kaddafi forces.
A Humvee technical armed with a massive cannon.
A “Home Grown” Technical
A Syrian technical armed with a 120mm “sniper cannon”.
The Free Syrian Army announced a technical called the Sniper Cannon (in Arabic; al-madfa’a al-qannas المدفع القناص) of their own design and from their own manufacturing shops. It’s a local made 120mm cannon mounted on a vehicle and the reason behind that name is the precise shots that the cannon can perform.
A Syrian technical armed with a 120mm “sniper cannon”. The Free Syrian Army announced a technical called the Sniper Cannon (in Arabic; al-madfa’a al-qannas المدفع القناص) from their own manufacturing. It’s a local made 120mm cannon mounted on a vehicle and the reason behind that name is the precise shots that cannon can perform.
People the photo above, and the text comes straight from the firearms blog. They cover it in great detail and show how American handy-men can create their very own high-powered technicals using the means at hand. It is well… well worth the read. Please give Marawan Maklad every credit for the fine, well written piece.
Please note that despite the fact that it’s locally made with poor tools and equipment, the guys behind the gun were clearly both skilled and devoted in building it, taking care of every aspect they can add with available resources available to them.
The cannon is breech-loading, using the standard or locally made 120mm mortar shells.
It has the capability to shoot indirectly like a mortar or directly like an Anti-Tank gun (one of the reasons for calling it a sniper cannon).
It is also equipped with a huge flash suppressor that has the same design style as a Barrett M107 .50BMG (but in a larger scale to fit a 120mm barrel).
That muzzle brake decreases the sound about 50% (according to FSA; which is very unlikely) and hides the muzzle flash efficiently during night shooting. This is much more important as the flash can reveal their position, and which leads to a counter strike done by Al-Assad’s forces either by air or artillery.
Mobility is another reason for mounting the gun on a vehicle; to be able to hit and evacuate which is a well-known guerilla tactic.
When I was writing about Croatia, a friend—a war correspondent who had reported the conflict in the former Yugoslavia—pointed out something which later seemed so obvious I wondered how I could have missed it.
“The reason that war kicked off so fast,” he said, “was because they were a nation of hunters. Every man had a gun and knew how to use it.”
When people go to war they fight with whatever comes to hand. In Sierra Leone every man was a farmer, every man owned a cutlass or a machete. In Sierra Leone before the war if you saw a gang of men in the back of a Toyota Hilux carrying machetes, you’d think they were farm workers on their way to clear the bush.
A few years later, you’d be running for your life.
-Design and Violence
Other Technical Designs
In a war torn nation, there are all kinds of destroyed and disabled military vehicles and equipment. Often people will salvage what they can, which for the most part, means the working small arms, machine guns, and ammo. However, a resourceful person, with the help of an oxygen acetylene torch kit, can remove armor, skirting, and large weapon clusters with ease and a little bit of elbow grease.
It was not enough for the Free Syrian Army to improvise small arms and remote control weapon stations, but they developed a number of modifications for vehicles as well. They have not only repaired damaged tanks and put them back in service, but they have also used pick-up trucks to which they mounted different types of armament, so they could compete on a more even footing against Al-Assad’s Forces. Here are some pickup trucks upgraded to mount a modified BMP-1 Turrets with 73mm guns.
Often these components would be mounted onto technicals. The armor providing protection, and the weapons providing firepower. However, the overall appearance is anything but pretty. As some of these pictures can show.
Fully armored technical with armor removed from battle damaged tanks and factory buildings.
Roundups and Genocide
The thing about technicals is that they are the perfect machines to use against unarmed, or lightly armed civilians. As such, convoys of such vehicles are sent out to surround a targeted town or community. The technicals secure the area, and the foot soldiers collect the people.
The foot soldiers are government employees who are armed and who are tasked with collecting unarmed civilians and to take them to “safe areas”.
The government only wants their soldiers to have weapons. Not the civilians. That way they can do what they like without fear of an uprising. As their abuses in office get more and more pronounced, the clamor for gun control and confiscation becomes louder and louder. Eventually it happens. Generally (though there are exceptions) genocide happens within a two year period afterwards.
Once the collect the people, they go through a sorting process. They find out the “us vs them” people. They identify them. They call them out, and they make it plain as day that “real” progressive socialists won’t have anything to do with these “enemies of the people”.
Today in America, these are the enemies…
White people.
Anyone who is friends with white people.
Climate change deniers.
Traditionally-minded people.
Gun owners.
People from a predominantly “red” state.
Religious people (with the exception of Muslims).
Heterosexual people and traditional marriages.
Anyone or anything associated with traditional America
In America, it is “White Privilege”.
Everyone knows who the targets of hate actually and really are. You have to be either fully immersed in PC culture and blind to reality, or a friggin’ moron not to realize this.
Political Correctness is a blanket term that today is used to demonize and isolate.
If you’re talking about going and taking people’s guns away from them, there’s going to be a lot of violence.
- Meghan McCain
It goes by other names in other nations. But by whatever name is of
no consequence. What is important is how it is used, and what it’s
purpose is. For it prevents a person from saying what they truly
History is full of reminders in how to use terminology like this.
comes the us-vs-them propaganda. Then the disarming. Then the gathering
of people. Finally comes the killings. Every time you hear the term
“white privilege” on the media, this is what that announcer wants to do
to your family and YOU.
The dehumanization and objectification of political adversaries is
always used in the preparation and justification for mass murder. This
came into sharp focus as an effective weapon during the French
Revolution. As well as other “revolutions”, “civil wars”, or
“conflicts”. They are almost always genocidal events initiated by the
richest people in the nation.
these events, people are pitted against each other. Often by the most
trivial of reasons. Their “armies” are mob-manipulated youth driven into
crazed behaviors by decades of non-stop propaganda. We we have some
urban youth, provided with drugs and military weapons to terrorize the
The specific insults morph to fit the circumstances and the times.
each time it is a new and different term; a new name. Yet, each insult
is designed to have the same effect — to dehumanize and to objectify a
group of people.
These are the people in opposition to the dominant group that has seized power and the legal mechanisms of the State.
Progressive liberal militia in Berkeley, California getting ready to fight against “White privilege” , deplorables, and racists. They are willing to kill anyone whom they deem a threat to their vision of a Marxist utopia. Please take a special note that the Marxist militia is totally fine with having “large capacity” magazines, while the law is in place to collect them from local conservatives and moderates. It doesn’t seem fair does it?
The insults and attacks serve a purpose to strengthen the ideology of
young easily manipulated people who can be the disposable “soldiers”
of the cause. This always happens.
It is predictable.
using emotion-driven political speech, you can demonize a class or a
group of people. Then you can take another group of people, manipulate
them through alcohol, drugs and sex and unleash them on the people that
you demonize. This is a historically proven method.
There was a reason that the 2nd Amendment was placed in the Constitution. The mere attempt to
regulate it, minimize it, restrict it or impede in the free exercise of
it, is a FULL-ON screeching alert that tyranny is present.
And no. I am not talking about the latest encroachments. I am talking
about the first encroachments back in the early 1900’s. I am also
talking about the FAILURE of our elected officials in allowing all this
the Constitution was being followed as intended, every person in the
USA would have access to fully automatic Stoner weapons. Were this to be
the case today, there would be ZERO threat of oligarchy initiated
genocide in the United States.
Never travel alone or in groups that were too big — always two to three men. All armed, travel swift, in the shadows, cross streets through ruins, not along open streets.There were many gangs 10 to 15 men strong, some as large as 50 men. But there were also many normal men, like you and me, fathers and grandfathers, who killed and robbed. There were no “good” and “bad” men. Most were in the middle and ready for the worst...
-Commonsense Show
My point is that we can expect it to happen here, in the United States within a decade. You all had best be ready for it. No one will be able to skate by safely.
That includes all you “Preppers” out there. No one ever wins a defensive war. The only way that wars are won is through offensive action.
You can prep and hide, but eventually you will lose as the conflict becomes increasingly drawn out. The ONLY way to secure the area where you and your society lives is through offensive operations. Operations that, instead of targeting the forces, target the leadership and their logistic means of support.
Look, I know that many of you do not want to see what happens when opposition forces, riding technicals invade your town, and start collecting people. You don’t want to see what happens once you are disarmed, and the progressive opposition have all the guns.
The decapitated head of Bosnian Serb farmer Pero Makic, who was executed by Bosnian Muslim/Croat forces in the northeastern Bosnian city of Brcko on June 22, 1992. His head was placed on a pitch-fork and a cigarette was placed in his mouth. One of the forks of the pitch-fork was stabbed in his eye. This is a photo that was censored and suppressed in the West and the US. How many farmers in your area have a hunting rifle, a shotgun, and a twenty two caliber handgun?
Well face the ugly truth! This is an article you MUST take a good long hard look at. Read it. And remember what will happen to you and your family once a great many of you are disarmed. Read it before the progressive thought police censors it from you.
What ever happens, do not allow yourself or your family to be rounded up and collected. Historically, you will not leave alive.
In Bosnia, women and children are 75% of the more than 2.5 million people driven from their homes–not by the random violence of war but by forced expulsion and mass killings–in the Serbian military effort called “ciscenje prostora,” or what Americans have learned to call “ethnic cleansing.” Ethnic cleansing, enunciated as policy by Serbian political and military leaders at the highest levels of authority, is genocide. It requires the removal or killing of all non-Serbs from the new republics of Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia, both formerly part of Yugoslavia.
Two Opinions (x2)
I have placed two opinions from people who do not see the value in fighting for your Rights. I want to place them here to illustrate just how out of touch they are with the knowledge of history. They seem to think that collection of guns is just that. Maybe a restriction on freedom. Nothing much more.
They are wrong.
First they come for the guns, and then they FUCKING kill you, rape your six year old daughter repeatedly, and salt the earth that you lived on. KNOW YOUR FUCKING HISTORY! Gosh darn it!
These jokers, obviously don’t.
What the heck you these idiots think is going to happen once Americans are disarmed? A life in a utopia? NOPE! It’s going to a a continuation and acceleration of a progressive push for a Marxist utopia. One that does NOT include you or your family.
You are standing the way of that.
The two opinions, from conservative blogs (for Pete’s sakes!) are worth a read and please when you read them, keep in mind the historical precedents that I have placed in the article about technicals, the collection of civilians and what happens afterwards.
Here’s another opinion. From the Daily Reckoning. It was written in February 20, 2014 . Long before the Antifa, BLM and SJW war on conservatives. It was written before “Red Flag Laws’ and the election of Donald Trump.
This is a collection of my posts related to SHTF (Shit Hit The Fan), CWII (American Civil War 2), Fourth Turning (Strauss–Howe generational theory)
and other posts related to the very sad and sorry tatters that America
is today. Actually, I am a little stunned that I have written so much
about these matters. But America today is very ill and there are things
that really should be said.
Here are the posts.
SHTF and Related Index
Articles & Links
You’ll not
find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy
notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a
necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money
off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you
because I just don’t care to.
Well, it’s been (almost) three solid years into the Donald Trump Presidency and not one treasonous criminal action has been punished. Not one. ZERO. Zilch. Na-da.
Take for example when Hillary Clinton literally laughed out loud at a question about her email investigation — had to wipe her eyes, she laughed so hard. She laughed at us, at America, for being so clueless as to think she’d ever answer to our laws.
And she’s still laughing, because she’s right: she’s untouchable. The consensus is that even though we know that the first email investigation was rigged by the FBI to clear Hillary, no one will reopen the case.
-Cold Fury at hold your breath.
Nope. All we (the people) have are promises. Promises that someday, at some time, all the 5d machinations of the DOJ will “get to the bottom” of things. They’re “experts” don’t ya know. Don’t ya know.
You know, like all those promises that the government has given us year, after year. Year after year. Promising to make changes. Promising to fix potholes. Promising to do things. But doing nothing.
Same old. Same old.
Watching FBI agent Peter Strzok battle with Congress, my initial reaction was pure anger.
His repeated, arrogant insistence that he had done nothing wrong despite tons of evidence to the contrary convinced me he deserved immediate firing — if not the firing squad.
Gradually, though, anger gave way to amazement as Strzok grew increasingly combative and condescending. Given his predicament, the sneering and smirking were stupid, and yet he persisted.
Who is this jerk, I wondered, and how in the hell did he get to be a big shot at the FBI? And why are taxpayers still paying for the privilege of his malignant presence on the FBI payroll?
My answers can be summarized in four names: James Comey, Jeff Sessions, Rod Rosenstein and Christopher Wray. They are chief culprits in the death of public trust in the Department of Justice.
-Michael Goodwin
Meanwhile, those who have committed the most blatant abuses of their offices in the history of the world, are walking free in their mansions, and enjoying the “good life”. They are still on the media networks. They are still cavorting with “our betters”. They are still eating expensive steaks and drinking high-end Chardonnay. They are still cavorting with the rich and famous. They are still behaving like they always have.
They are rubbing their privilege in our faces.
Real privilege is begin able to avoid getting arrested when you break laws. Real privilege is knowing that you are immune from the Justice system, and that you can do what ever you want in life and no one will lift a finger against you.
Real privilege is killing a threat in public. While in Federal custody, and having all the guards asleep, the cameras turned off, and the documents erased.
Real privilege is doing it blatantly, in an "in your face" assault, with zero consequences.
The pure audacity and brazenness of these crimes are mind blowing and staggering in their audaciousness.
They are doing so because they know there isn’t a FU@KING THING that we can do about it. We are powerless, and our illustrious president; Donald Trump is actually powerless to stop them.
Real privilege is operating in the open, in public, where everyone knows that you have this privilege.
Full of hot air.
Every day, it seems more and more likely that Donald Trump is just a clown to entertain us "normal's" with the hope for change, when in all actuality, nothing substantive is getting resolved.
I give you my word!
Now, do not misunderstand.
Oh, for certain, he has done some good works. Yes he has. Yes, he is miles ahead of any other Republican President, including Ronald Reagan.
It’s all fun and games. The expression on all those “Holier than thou” smug (in your face) progressive Marxists is precious. And, yes, I do enjoy sitting down with a big bowl of popcorn and watch their heads explode.
But Trump is NOT doing the dirty and nasty work that he needs to do…
Getting us out of the eight wars (x8) that we are currently fighting. There is no reason at all for us to be fighting and dying in Yemen. None.
Elimination of those progressively-armed Federal Agencies; IRS, ATF, FDA, EPA, and for certain FBI and the DOJ. They are now armed military forces with their own law-making branches, their own judicial branches, and their own processes. All of which lie OUTSIDE our elected Congressional representatives. They police, and enforce, the two-tiered justice system.
Arresting and trials, with death sentences for treasonous activity…
It’s a treasonous bunch for certain, but nothing is getting done.
It appears, by all substantive measure, that AG Barr is just as ineffective as AG Sessions was. "Ineffective" is a polite word for "corrupt".
Ah. The Progressive globalist oligarch cabal.
Their crimes vary from committing outright treason, stealing and embezzling millions (if not billions) of dollars, and cover-ups at an extraordinary scale. All these people should have been left hanging from a scaffolding with back hoods over their heads.
Yet nothing has happened.
As much as I admire Trump for taking on the wild beast that the United States has become, the fact remains that serious action MUST occur to slay the lawless oligarchy that rules our nation. Unless that is taken cared of, everything will subside and revert back to the gallop of rampant progressive Marxism.
Our patience has worn thin. We are no longer the hopeful, wide eyed people we once were. We can see the evil straight up. We know the score, and no media spin, or RINO-conservative article is going to change our assessment.
Comey got the last laugh. He is above the law. He earned that by keeping the Clintons above the law.
- From Don Surber
How about greed for personal gain. How about treason for personal gain. How about murder for personal gain. How about coverup for personal gain.
One quibble: I met Randy Weaver at a Knob Creek Machine Gun Shoot one year, and spent about an hour hanging out and casually conversing with him. At NO point did he strike me as an “outspoken white separatist”; white separatist he may have been, which is not a crime (yet).
But he wasn’t an “outspoken” anything at all. He was instead very quiet and humble—almost diffident, really. The one thing that stood out most about him was how deeply he was still haunted by FBI scumwad Horiuchi’s wanton, vicious murder of his entire family.
Weaver’s grief over their execution by federal death-squad was still as raw and agonizing as if it had been fresh, several years after his own despotic government inflicted it on him.
I hadn’t known of Barr’s sordid history before, but it does clearly establish one thing: the very idea of him ever ensuring justice against Deep State coup d’état plotters is no better than wholly ludicrous.
That Barr would defend such an outrage against all decency and humanity as the FUSA government’s murder of unarmed and innocent civilians at Ruby Ridge—a youth shot in the back as he fled the monstrous agents of a monstrous tyranny; his dog killed for no purpose other than to terrorize him; his mother sniped from hiding as she committed the heinous crime of standing in the doorway of her own home with her infant child in her arms—puts paid to that nonsense.
-Cold Fury. Put no faith in the stalwart AG Barr. He's a deep swamp plant.
They should have been arrested, incarcerated, and hung until dead. That didn’t happen, and now it seems that Barr is just another Sessions. It’s all a dog-and-pony show,
This "investigation" into the treason of the Deep State is proving to be the equivalent of a 25-month pregnancy, and counting.
- From Col. B. Bunny at Liberty's Torch
It’s all a fraud
One of the features of the current year is the regular reminder that western style democracy is a complete fraud. According to the political class, democracy allows for public policy to reflect the will of the people. The parties put forward candidates offering various policy proposals and the public signals their preferences by voting for one or the other candidates. The winners then set about trying to implement the policies they proposed. That’s how we’re told representative democracy works.
In reality, nothing like this happens. Instead, the parties put on a show for the voters, rarely intending to actually do what they claim. Instead, they manufacture differences between one another, so they can pretend the choice before the voters is stark. Once the election is over, the politicians go back to living their lives of leisure, waiting for instructions from the people who actually run things. The politicians are like robot actors, brought out for elections, then put back in storage.
The obvious example of this is the most recent American presidential election in which Donald Trump scored a stunning upset on the promise to reduce immigration, crackdown in illegal immigration and address the gross inequality resulting from globalization. So far, none of that has been done. Instead, he spent most of his presidency fighting a seditious coup to get him out of office. In fact, Trump’s three years are pretty much what Jeb Bush promised when he was running in the 2016 primary.
-The Z man Blog
Russian oligarchy prior to the 1916 October revolution. Most, if not all, of the people in this photograph were killed, or fled the country to safe havens elsewhere.
know what will happen. It has been well documented. People will be
collected. They will be rounded up into urban areas, or centers. The men
will be separated out from the group. They will be led to an isolated
area, a cellar, a warehouse, a cluster of tree, an area behind a
bulldozer. They will then be held down by two people and shot dead.
Well, were the criminals arrested?
But, that didn’t happen did it? Nope. Instead what did we get? We got a media onslaught of a “Russian Narrative”. We got trade wars that increased the prices of our purchases, and we got a promise with more wars “down the pipe”. The latest being with Iran.
Meanwhile in America, in the “heartland”, we are arrested and incarcerated for the slightest offense. It’s really sad and alarming to the most wide-eyed believer.
This is what is called a “two-tied” ,”unequal“, or “Medieval” Justice system. Hell would freeze over before the likes of Louis Learner would be arrested for anything resembling jaywalking.
The Joke Police are looking to strip Dave Chappelle of his speech rights, which once again proves we are coming to a decision point in this country. That’s what this whole godforsaken Woke Crusade boils down to — a choice, and the choice is this: Are we going to allow ourselves to become second class citizens in our own country? Are we going to allow far-left activists and their allies in the media, Silicon Valley, and Hollywood to bully us into creating a two-tiered class system?
- Great little slice of outrage from John Nolte.
Two-tiered Justice System.
Heck! Hillary Clinton could be filmed stabbing an illegal migrant to death in the town square with hundreds of onlookers, and the news media would report that Donald Trump did it.
What we get is “bread crumbs”. A monthly feed of hope…
But, people… Hope is not actionable by itself.
People, a two tiered justice system is not sustainable.
Two Tiered Justice
If you have one set of laws for the members of the government and another set for everyone else, you are not being governed, you are being ruled.
- SteveF, comment at Daily Pundit, via Cold Fury
And this quote…
“How do I recognize that the SHTF is very close?”
One of as closest answers possible to give there is this: “You know it is close when people stop worrying about repercussions (punishment from the law and the system).”
-Organic Prepper
Yeah, and this…
Then as now, the pleasant skin of “Yay, democracy!” has been sloughed off to reveal the naked sinews of power and wealth and violence beneath. There’s no crisis like there was in 2008. The world isn’t ending like it was in 2008. But I’m telling you that it feels the same to me.
They’re. Not. Even. Pretending. Anymore.
-Epsilon Theory
Give him some time…
The conservative argument is always “give it some time”. “It’s a big mess and Donald Trump is only one lone man.”
Yes. I get that.
But we don’t have all day. We do not have an unlimited amount of time. We have THIS window. Maybe another four years. Maybe…
Yes, there are things that need to be put into place. I get that…
Prerequisites for draining the swamp.
The thing is that there just isn’t a lot of time.
There really isn’t.
You either do things NOW, or accept the fact that they will never get done.
Don’t believe me? Well then do some comparisons…
Obama implementation of ACA ObamaCARE … months.
Obama giving 7 billion dollars to South Africa … weeks.
Wilson in the formation of the Federal Reserve … months.
Arrest, trial, sentencing and execution for Lincoln’s death … months.
Arrest, trial, sentencing for contemporaneous treason … years
Don’t you all see that there is something seriously wrong here? Don’t you see that time IS AN ISSUE?
Don’t piss on my leg and tell me it is raining.
Lewis Powell Payne 2. A UNIQUE INSIGHT into the Civil War Confederates has been brought to light in the form of rare photographs that have been enriched with colour. The authentically colourised pictures depict the tragic circumstances of the war with two dead men lying on the ground in Maryland, USA; a confederate buried and a federal unburied. Other photos include a portrait of American confederate soldier and commander of the Confederates States of America, Robert Edward Lee, and Lewis Powell Payne, who conspired with John Wilkes Booth to assassinate President Abraham Lincoln, leaning against a wall. Further images expose the aftermath of the war with a confederate soldier in Petersburg, Virginia, lying lifelessly on the ground with blood on his face. The vintage photographs were carefully colourised by CEO, Mads Madsen (23), from Horsens, Denmark, who spent between 12 to 14 hours to colourise the pictures of the dead men at Dunker Church and Antietam alone. Mads Madsen / mediadrumworld.com
Yeah. Meanwhile, it’s the same old. Same old.
It’s nearing the next election cycle. They know how to predict our behavior. They know how to manipulate us. They know what buttons to push.
They are following the same old tired formula. They are expecting us to react in the same old tired manner.
Who cares what conservatives do, say, or think anymore? They didn't conserve America. They didn't conserve the ladies room. They couldn't even conserve the two human sexes!
- Vox Day at Vox Popoli
They are expecting to move us “normals” to pull the lever to whomever they want us to.
You know strike at the curtain, not at the man behind the curtain. Fight and get all worked up with the political hot-button items of the day. From “Red Flag” laws, to “global warming”, to LGBT bathrooms.
Vote to make a difference.
No one, of course, no one is talking about the REAL issues.
That is the sustainability of an oligarchy under the guise of a democracy / partial republic. No one is talking about this. For they, the Kingly rulers, believe that they have sufficiently dumbed down the populace to a point where we are unaware of their crimes and their manipulations.
They are chomping at the bit, as all this has been in the works for a century at least and it is just about ready for fruition. All they need is to disarm a large enough segment of the population. If they can’t do it overtly, they will do it covertly though “red flag” laws, and when that happens, it will just be a matter of months before they can exert full dictatorial control.
As if they don't have it already.
People, if you can get arrested in your own yard for making and selling lemonade, you ARE living in a dictatorship. If you have to pee in a cup to get a job, you are living in a dictatorship. If you need to undress to your underwear to board a plane, take a train, or travel you are living in a dictatorship.
It’s just a matter of months.
Elections provide the illusion of control.
However, every study conducted on this issue has proven that the issues that matter to the voting public are not what the fellows in Washington DC promote. They have a totally different agenda.
Americans in America today. Many on drugs. Many unemployed or underemployed. Many getting their information from questionable sources.
It is a globalist agenda and they follow the money path and directions from the global oligarchy.
Today, we are fighting PROXY wars in the Middle East. Not because mainstream Americans demand that we fight Yemen to protect our "interests", but rather because it is what the donors to our political class desire.
Sometimes, in a once in a century event, a candidate will be elected (like Donald Trump) that will try to do the “right thing”, and who will make the hard and the difficult choices.
But, what if all the people that he has to work with are corrupt? What if they do not answer to their constituents simply because they are not beholding to them. What if they don’t need to try?
What then?
Broken electoral system.
Knowledge is power
It should be clear enough for everyone that the “Deep State” is far larger and far more powerful than any citizen voted initiative, even when it is the President of the United States. There is nothing that we can do about it. We can only react to it. There are three options.
Except accept our fate, fight back, or flee.
We crossed the Rubicon.
We must now accept our fate. As well as how it will develop in the next few years, or…
We need to jump ship. Escape while it is still possible. Just like the multimillionaire software oligarchs are doing. Or…
We need to fight and take back what is ours.
Face the facts. Face it. Our nation is a full-on oligarchy, run like the most evil and corrupt mob organization ever conceived.
Meanwhile, us citizens are treated like dirt. We are the money-cows that have zero rights and are ear-marked for the gulag as soon as a Progressive Democrat gets control of the armed forces. You know this is true, or do I need to provide links and data to convince you all?
They have already nullified key sections of the Bill of Rights. Since when can any Congress make any law infringing upon any of the Rights within the Bill of Rights? Or, do you think that everything will magically reverse and go away?
Read this letter…
They have already nullified key sections of the Bill of Rights. Since when can any Congress make any law infringing upon any of the Rights within the Bill of Rights? Or, do you think that everything will magically reverse and go away? Negating the Bill of Rights.
Be Sensible
Here is my attempt to talk you, the reader, out of dangerous violent action.
Most conservatives are sitting tight and looking around trying to see what other conservatives are doing. Then, they plan to take action themselves. No one wants to make the first move. They are waiting on the mainstream American news media to somehow report on other traditional conservatives taking action…
The thing is that the American mainstream media controls information dissemination.
American mainstream media controls information dissemination.
There is no way to know positively if other conservatives are taking hard action. Thus, as a result you risk becoming the lone “gun man” who is disturbing the tranquility of “our republic”.
Listen to me.
War is ugly.
People die. Including you, your friends, your family and your loved ones.
It should be avoided at all costs.
People get tortured, and sadness abounds.
Dying ain’t much of a living.
If you are truly unhappy with the way things are today, then leave the United States.
If you are unhappy, but do not want to hurt anyone, just lie low and hunker down. Go with the flow. Do what everyone else is doing. Accept things as they are, and hope that your children will turn things around.
Violence is a last resort item that will probably get YOU KILLED. Heed my words.
Let’s take a breather and look at our options. There are three, and only three options.
[1] – Protect your own.
Option one. You can, if you wish, to accept servitude and slavery. There is no shame in that. As the saying goes in North Korea…
"It's better to be miserable than dead."
That’s fine. I’m sure that is your deep desire. Let it all blow over, and some day everything will change. Most (so called) Conservatives will accept this reality. My guess is that 94% will.
Pretend that some day it will all go away.
Think about other things. Think about your family. Think about your career. Think about your favorite sport team.
It was the summer of 1996, early June, and I was teaching a course at Simmons College in Boston to make some extra dough. Jennifer was clerking for a lawfirm down in Dallas, pregnant with our first child.
My dad called. He and my mom were in London, where they had rented a small flat for a month. Did I want to come over and stay for a few days?
As it happened, I had five days free, perfect for a long weekend trip. I walked down to a cheapo travel agency on Boylston (yes, a physical travel agency), and found a ticket for $600 or thereabouts.
Seemed like a lot. I could have afforded it, by which I mean there was room on my credit card to buy it, not that I could really afford it. $600 was a lot of money to me.
That said, I hadn’t seen my parents since Christmas, and my dad sounded so … happy. This was a special trip for them, a chance to LIVE in a city that my father LOVED, and this was my chance to share it with them. But $600. I dunno.
I called my father and told him that I just couldn’t swing it. He understood. He was a very practical guy. The call lasted all of 20 seconds. You know, international long distance being so expensive and all.
I never saw my father again. He died a few weeks after he and my mother got home.
You must make the choices in life that mean a lot to you.
My cat taught me this trick; “Life is hard. Then you nap.”
Up until now, this has been the status quo for most of America and most certainly for most Conservatives, and “normals”. We have accepted our lot. We don’t like it, but we accept it.
We pay our taxes.
We don’t protest when the government is out of control.
We accept the fact that we must undress to travel.
We shrug off the latest restrictions on our freedom.
We have adapted to the chains around our wrists, and the shackles on our legs.
The spunk is beaten out of us.
This is true though many do not want to admit it. Listen up! Here is the harsh truth…
Let me tell you that it’s only going to get worse. It’s going to get a whole lot worse. But maybe you can survive. Ride the waves, so to speak.
There are a lot of sick and perverse people around us. We are simply not seeing them. They are waiting for the SHTF.
- Selco at Organic Prepper
Ride the waves.
Accept your place in the world.
American mainstream media telling us “normals” what they fully intend to do with us once they reacquire the reins of power.
This is what the United States government wants you to do.
It is what the progressive liberals want you to do.
This is what the American mainstream media wants you to do.
This is what the “deep state” wants you to do.
This is what the “swamp in Washington DC” wants you to do.
This is also probably what your friends and family want you to do as well. It’s a female trait; safety over freedom. Even if that safety is probably going to be short lived.
Washington Post opinion writer Jennifer Rubin appeared on MSNBC's "AM Joy" Sunday and said that not only does Trump have to lose in 2020, but there must be a purging of "survivors" who still support the commander-in-chief.
"It's not only that Trump has to lose, but that all his enablers have to lose," she said. "We have to collectively, in essence, burn down the Republican Party."
"We have to level them because if there are survivors — if there are people who weather this storm, they will do it again."
- Nick Givas at Fox News, about the 2020 national election
Your freedom, if you wait, will be short lived.
Progressive Marxist plans for when they obtain the reins of power. Only this time, it will be forever.
Option two. Alternatively, you can do what I did. Leave. My guess that a small minority will join me, but you all had best consider this option. Time is fleeting and the window of opportunity is closing.
It’s not a comfortable option. You must discard most of your belongings. Move away from all you know and love. Lose your support network, your friends and your family.
You will need to embrace a new place, a new culture, a new society and a new way of doing things and living life. You might need to learn a new language, take up a new occupation, and live at a standard of life that you are not accustomed to. Are you up to it?
That’s right. You can leave.
Leave America.
Doug Casey quote.
It’s no longer my business who gets rich and who suffers in the USA. It’s one big enormous cluster f@ck and I want no part of it. Not at all. I really do not want to get embroiled in any kind of spitting match between progressive and traditional nationalists.
When you get older in life, you learn that there are some things worth fighting for, and other things that are important to you. You learn to pick and choose your battles selectively. You know what is important, and what hasn’t a hope in Hell in occurring.
So you make decisions based on YOUR own personal circumstances.
In my case, for me, it’s one of moving to a freer nation. One where I can live life on my very own terms. And let others battle the mess that the United States is today.
Maybe I cannot get a bagel or an authentic NY Style slice of pizza, but I sure can get other things just as wonderful.
For those of you who would prefer to live to a grand old age, and have no desire to observe blood spilled, I would advise you to leave America. I would advise you all taking some immediate actions to secure a safe-haven and protect you and yours from the encroaching darkness.
Life is far too short to get killed, watch your family suffer through hardship or endure a life crippled.
Do what I did, and flee.
Spicoli telling it like it is. Wars and strife are for younger idealistic mean to deal with. Old grizzly coots like myself would rather stay far from all the strife and life the rest of our life in peace. While it is impossible to find the best island to hide upon, we can make reasonable choices and hunker down for the protracted shit-storm that is about to be unleashed.
That's what many Jews did in the 1930's when Hitler rose to power. Some made it to the USA, but only a few. Some made it to Shanghai, and there they huddled in their enclaves while the war waged around them. While others went next door to Poland. But that didn't help them at all.
Call me a coward, if you will.
While the USA goes through the “big reset”, I will be out here, minding my own business. I will not need to fight, or witness atrocities. And I will be safe.
The days of the United States fighting a three or four year long war are long over. Today, the United States fights long-duration decade-long wars that never end.
Instead of the second American Civil War (CWII) being over in a short period of time (like the first American Civil War), it might be prolonged for decades.
Decades, or even longer. Maybe something resembling the Palestine vs. Israel conflict. The "forever" war.
Are you willing to permit you and your family to endure that?
Instead, I will be surrounded by people who will not be affected by anything going on in the USA. Just like youse guys aren’t affected by anything going on in Lusaka, Zambia. Just like your family is not affected by what is going on in Spain right now. Or Singapore. Or Taipei.
When you live in another nation, it’s a different world, and I’m doing just fine, thank you.
Outside of the USA, everything is just fine.
Call me what ever names you want. I just do not want to be either a slave or embroiled in the SHTF CWII, Fourth Turning that is gathering momentum in America today.
And, make no mistake, it is gathering momentum.
While I had hope that the election of Donald Trump would reverse and undo the damage of progressive Marxism, he has not.
He has failed.
Hey! Instead of tweeting about buying Greenland, how about shutting down the ATF, or at least downsizing it... severely.
Outside the United States, everything is just fine.
Yes. Donald Trump.
He’s done some nice things, and he’s a hoot to listen to, but he’s not doing the real hard and uncomfortable things that need to be tasked.
It's as if the United States is a big car wreck. With broken windows, flat tires, a fire in the engine, with wounded and dying people inside. And Donald Trump, is well, washing the rear view mirror instead of tending to the damage and the destruction that urgently needs his attention.
A great example of that is former AG Jeff Sessions and his war on medical marijuana instead of prosecuting for treason. It's the same thing. Just different personalities.
Donald Trump has failed to reverse the century of Progressive ideology and oligarchy control. He has not undone the mistakes of Wilson, and FDR. Nor has he taken affirmative action to restore liberty crashed by Bush, Clinton and Obama. America is just treading water.
Realize that, and take appropriate action.
[3] – Go on the offensive.
Option three. The “into the black” option.
I’m not moping around waiting to die. I’m not lazing around eating bonbons. The present is for DOING. The present is FLEETING. I’ve got something to SAY before I go. I’ve got a future to SECURE for my children, because in them I can still see future’s promise and not just future’s threat.
-Epsilon Theory
Do not misunderstand. Just because I am quiet and kind, does not mean that I am incapable of being entirely and dangerously violent.
It is natural to fight for freedom and liberty. That being said, it is ugly, ugly business and should only be undertaken as a last resort. You should not go about it cavalierly. You need to plan and strike with maximum effectiveness at the root causes, the generals and the masterminds of those who are sealing your freedom.
You can, if you wish to stay, go on the offensive and fight back. (As the saying goes; Be a man gosh-darn it!) Though, you must realize that you are taking a big and dangerous risk. Be careful.
The Stoner 63. This was exactly the kinds of weapons that the founders intended the people to arm themselves with. Not single-shot .22 round BB pellets.
You are only a single person and the problems going on in America are far to large and deep for a single person to handle. You know this, right?
However, regionally, YOU can make a difference.
Warning: If you are reading this then this warning is for you. Every word you read of this useless fine print is another second off your life. Don’t you have other things to do? Is your life so empty that you honestly can’t think of a better way to spend these moments? Or are you so impressed with authority that you give respect and credence to all that claim it? Do you read everything you’re supposed to read? Do you think everything you’re supposed to think? Buy what you’re told to want? Get out of your apartment. Meet a member of the opposite sex. Stop the excessive shopping and masturbation. Quit your job. Start a fight. Prove you’re alive. If you don’t claim your humanity you will become a statistic. You have been warned.
- Chuck Palahniuk, “Fight Club” (1996)
Regionally… locally… YOU can make a difference.
Contrary to the Mainstream media narrative, conservatives, and traditional patriots do not strike out at innocents. We are not progressives who want to shoot up a elementary school, run down people on a sidewalk, or shoot up a Walmart. Nope.
We only fight as a last resort.
However, when we fight, we aim at the target, and we do our best to hit that target. And we do not care how we do it.
You will know when real conservatives are taking action. It won’t be a school full of innocents shot up. No. It will be a counsel member, a congressman, or a labor leader strung up and lynched. It could be a university professor, a member of the mainstream media management, or a software mogul.
We study. We prepare. We plan. Then, we hit where it matters the most. When playing chess, we go after the King and The Queen. We don’t bother with the pawns.
We go after leadership.
Make sure that your entire family is properly trained in the use of firearms.
The progressive liberal cabal, and their RINO enablers, treat Americans as animals. Like cattle and that they can ratchet up the intensity of their progressive agenda slowly without worry of a backlash. They view this entire matter; the adjustment towards progressive Marxism as a giant rheostat.
However traditional conservatives do not look at things that way. We look at it as an on/off switch. We are petrified that it might go to on. But if it does, we will NOT have any mercy. It will be a real bloody nightmare.
The conservative populace will target the progressive leadership in precise surgical attacks. Avoid the innocent. Hit those singular individuals that run the oligarchy in your region. Do not waste your time on the little guys. Target those in charge. Then go down the list and hit their enablers.
Ai! And it’s certainly a target-rich environment.
Target Rich environment.
Operational Zone
In the map below you can easily identify where you live and what social-geographic region that you inhabit. That is your operational zone.
Select your operational zone.
Compile a target list.
Plan each one thoroughly.
America’s cultural enclaves. America is not a homogeneous society. It is a collection of social-economic regions. America’s cultural enclaves. (Image Source)
You need to [1] identify the progressives that live within that area, you need to [2] identify the enclaves of the wealthy and [3] their points of egress, such as small regional airports. You need to identify [4] bridges and [5] choke-points and [6] you need to target those enemies of Liberty…
The Marxist cabal.
Operational Plans
Go after the key and central figures that are running the Marxist plan and take them down. (One George Soros is equivalent to 10,000 social justice warriors. ) Do not waste your time on the enablers, and the vast bulk of society. Do not hurt innocents, or the misinformed. Protect where possible, but stick to your mission parameters.
A word of caution.
If this is your preferred avenue of approach, and I have been unable to talk you out of it, then take the necessary precautions.
1. Go "X-ray" leading up to any action. Zero internet. Zero cell phone. Zero electronics. Communicate face to face or not at all. There is an over-reliance on electronic communication monitoring systems. In war, you go full X-ray.
2. Tell no one what your plans are. No one. Not even your dog. Missions are secret, for a reason.
3. Leave no records, or justification of your actions. They should speak for themselves. You do not need to hope for death and leave some kind of manifesto to prove yourself. You are not some ego deprived, basket head-case. You do not need to justify your actions.
4. If you want to target a person, consider other means aside from (noisy and easy to trace) firearms. For "surgical" strikes, nothing beats poison, radiation or "accidents". Remember Antonin Scalia. It's worked great for the progressive cabal. Adopt their strategy.
5. Any target worth your effort will be protected. Either by personal surveillance, guards, or other means. If not, then they are just plain foolish in their arrogance.
6. Threaten no one. Avoid arguments. Be as low-key and innocuous as possible. Be the Scarlet Pimpernel.
With that understood by most of the readers here, I’m sure you can all see how these RFL (Red Flag Laws) may eventually become the confiscation we’ve been warned about all along. RFL allow the state to use almost any reason they desire to go to your home, enter it and take your firearms away from you. All they have to do is justify it to themselves.
Make an angry, politically-charged Facebook post? A RFL can be used to confiscate your guns. It has happened.
Make a Twitter post that “authorities” interpret as being Islamophohic? A RFL can be used to confiscate your guns. It has happened.
You get in an argument with your woman and piss her off? A RFL can be used to confiscate your guns. It has happened.
Spare me the talking points on the legal limits of RFL at the present time. All they needed to do for now is get the laws into place. Rest assured they will be administratively and bureaucratically tweaked and adjusted so that it gets EASIER for the boys wearing the Oakleys to kick your door in, and those bureaucratic and administrative tweaks will make it harder and more expensive for you to get your guns back. Assuming that you ever get them back at all.
RFL are the tool that willll be used to get guns away from anyone and everyone that those in charge don’t want to have them.
All the talk that’s been had in your group about being quiet about your guns… Put that into action now. Ditch the NRA stickers, stop the good old boys gun discussions down at the local watering hole, remove the vanity pics from Facebook (why do you still have FB?). No one needs to know about your guns if they don’t live in your house. It won’t be easy to change those habits, but it’s time now.
The legal framework for taking your guns away simply for being a wrong-thinker is in place. The local Kommissar has his eyes open and the police will follow their orders to knock on your door when they get the order.
-American Partisan
Study Materials
Anything worth doing is worth doing well. If you are going to sit and stay put and be passive, then put on the “neutral” camouflage and go with the flow. If you are going to flee, then prep and make the leap. And, of course, if you are going to strike against the progressive cabal study.
If you are desirous of taking matters into your own hands, be realistic about it. It will not be like any television show, or movie that you have watched. It will be up front and personal. It will NOT go the way you planned, and it will NOT be pleasant.
Think. Think very carefully if you really want to do this. Bugging out and high-tailing it to a foreign land is a much easier and less risky thing to do.
In the early stages of SHTF, the government will still be functional and they will have the resources to track you down and kill you dead. Realize this. They will protect their elite members and protected classes of people and will strike back harshly at you and yours… their inferiors.
Realize it, and take the appropriate measures.
Advantage lies in secrecy, surprise, planning, and backup plans. Trust no one. Plan on the worst possible outcome, and keep frosty and alert.
War is not like a video game. It is up front, in your face and personal. You had best steel yourself for this reality if you are even going to contemplate fighting and hurting others. It’s nasty, nasty business. It really is.
If you are not ready to kill someone with a knife, up close and personal, then you are not ready to do anything. Option three is not for you. You should reconsider options one or two.
Life isn’t fair. Deal with it.
When one anonymous phone call can cause police to descend on your house, seize your firearms, and shoot you if you resist, then you no longer live in a nation of laws.
- Staff at Amerika
I have a friend here in China named Ronald. He’s from South Africa.
He fled his home nation when the social Marxists came to power and started to implement their war on “white people”. (Within months of Barrack Obama giving 7 billion dollars to South Africa to “improve their energy grid”. Who’d have thought?)
He lost just about everything that he owned. But… he’s alive. He has a roof over his head and trying to make it at 65 years old in a strange land with strange customs.
But at least he doesn’t have to worry about gangs of black urban youth riding technicals, crashing through his doorway and abusing his family and friends.
His point of view is that while things are a real struggle for him at this time, it is far better for him now in China that were he to have stayed in South Africa. He’s a lucky man and has his nut.
The holy grail of nuts.
Don’t put too much faith in Donald Trump and the Republican crew to reverse centuries of progressive Marxism. They are floundering. They are not doing anything. It’s not that they don’t want to, it’s that they do not have that ability.
As a result all this is just leading youse guys along.
As Bill Barr slowly and efficiently covers up the seditious plot and other crimes committed by the FBI and DOJ during the Obama years, it is not unreasonable to wonder how far down the scale this moves the political center. Twenty-five years ago, most dissidents would have thought this level of corruption was improbable, if not entirely impossible. The typical normie was still sure the next election would bring reformers, who would chase off the crooks and clean up the system...
One thing we know is that dissident ranks are growing. Even the Left is admitting it. The popularity of dissident sites, podcasts and video shows are at record highs. More important, the general sense within dissident ranks is that reform is impossible...
Whatever you may think of Trump, the result of the last three years is proof that elections don’t matter. This shameless refusal by public officials to apply the law to Washington insiders makes a mockery of the rule of law. Throw in the stunning dishonesty of the mass media and the metastasizing surveillance state and it is impossible for even the most gullible to remain a civic nationalist.
-Z man blog via Remus
Do not be caught off guard. You are a man and have responsibilities.
Newsflash: Red Flag Laws are already being enforced across the country, even in some die hard Red States.
My advice to Armed Patriots is still the same:
DUMP ALL Social Media
Do NOT advertise anything about Firearms on your vehicle or person
Keep your Personal Business to yourself
NEVER willingly install Listening Devices in your House such as SIRI and ALEXA
Big Brother is listening and watching 24/7.
Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous!
-The Tactical Hermit
Take your responsibilities seriously and make the hard and difficult choices.
Choose one of the following three options and go full blast at it. You do not have forever. Now is the time. You are the person. Be smart. Be frosty. Be serious.
Stay and accept a life as a serf in a two-tiered society.
Flee for greener pastures.
Fight the bastards, but be smart about it.
The BIG GAME is coming.
" this past weekend i was at the local having a pint. out of no where there was a commotion by the pool tables behind me. i looked and there stood a kid 17-18ish, yelling at a guy standing with his hair in a ponytail.
he had a slight smirk on his face. he never said a word, he just stood staring back with a shit eating grin.
eventually the manager walked over, and ended up kicking the kid out.
the manager came back sat next to me and the bartender walked over. i looked at the manager and said, “that kid was gonna get pounded if it went to blows.” the bartender (an Irish guy and former hell raiser) nodded and the manager quickly agreed. “OH YEAH!!!!” manager spent a year in prison for involuntary man slaughter. guy pulled a gun on him, he took the gun and he shot the man in the face, point blank.
when he told me the story he did it in the most chilling voice i’d ever heard from his mouth.
guys that fight, NEVER talk shit. there’s a disagreement and either a fight begins or does not. when a fist lands on your face, that’s the primary sign you are in a fight. there’s a certain way i fight if i KNOW it’s gonna down. don’t ask, i ain’t telling.
“when you are short on everything but the enemy, you are in combat.” -murphey’s laws of combat.
guy ended up coming up to the bar to get a drink. i looked over at him and said, “god dammit i was hoping you were gonna unload on him.” he smiled and said, “nah, i only fight men.” i told the bartender i was covering his beer. he shook my hand, thanked me and i asked his name.
“Mike, you.”
i answered, “Danny. nice to meet you. stay the fuck up Dude.”
he turned and walked back to his game of pool.
stay up.
- ITLR: The Barking Doggy
“… if Barr & Durham fail to deliver a bale of indictments, they will be putting a bullet in the head of this republic. There will be no hope of restoring trust in the system …” There’s more.
“What is most perilous for our country now, would be to journey through
a second epic crisis of authority in recent times without anybody
facing the consequences of crimes they might have committed. The result
will be a people turned utterly cynical, with no faith in their
institutions or the rule of law, and no way to imagine a restoration of
their lost faith within the bounds of law”.
The first epic crisis was the finance debacle of 2008,
“… fraudsters and swindlers in that orgy of banking malfeasance were never marched into a courtroom, never had to answer for their depredations, and remained at their desks in the C-suites collecting extravagant bonuses”.
The FBI, the Department of Justice, the CIA, the FISA
Court, the Department of State, et al, originated and assisted this
clunky coup attempt and continue to cover up the misdeeds of their
participants. Piles of actionable evidence have been part of the public
record for some time now, yet we still await reason to believe the Barr
and Durham investigations are being conducted in good faith. Given
events thus far an objective observer would bet the other way.
As Mr. Kunstler points out, trust, perhaps
legitimacy itself, is slipping away from DC. Consider their serial
crimes, not merely unpunished but flouted as insider jokes. Consider
the malicious partisanship and sponsored assaults by DC’s core agencies,
openly applauded in DC as brave and heroic. Consider past and ongoing
“legislating from the bench” specifically intended to undo the express
will of the people. The emerging message is plain enough now to be
unmistakable. Our votes don’t count. Because we don’t count.
Most SHTF and Prepper articles concentrate on self-preservation. Now, Self-preservation is important, but it will not take our Republic back. Always remember that. Fighting a Defensive war is a losing proposition.
NO ONE ever wins a war fought on the Defensive.
Highlights from Part one. Staple this to your Brain.
1) Government identification records are the clerical basis for mass murder and other atrocities: No, not every government ID scheme leads to genocide and expatriation. But for the collectivists of both the German Reich and the USSR, each victim’s identity card was both part of the initial targeting and the final “production record”.
2) Get to the forest early if you want to live: If you think they will be coming for you, you are probably right. Plan not to be where they know you work and live. Act early if you want to maximize your chances. You and your family will die if you are at your government-approved address.
3) The Bad People will have lots of help from your neighbors:The most disturbing moment for me in the KGB museum was not in the execution or interrogation/torture cells. It was realizing, while moving through the excellent exhibits on the mass deportations of Lithuanians after “liberation” by the Soviets in 1944, that most of the deportees (many of whom were subsequently executed or starved or died of exposure and disease) had been betrayed to the NKVD/KGB by their neighbors.
4) “Fascism” is not the only mortal enemy of freedom and life; the real enemy is collectivism in any form: At each of the memorials, one could tell the provenance of any signage by its reference to “fascism”. Mostly, such markings were from the Soviet era, during which — not coincidentally — many more millions of innocent human beings were killed by the “enlightened” Communists than had been slaughtered by the Hitlerites and their collaborators. While it is too much to expect the Soviets to acknowledge these facts, it is essential that freedom-minded folks grok that collectivism, in any form, can and usually does lead to the mass grave.
5) Never report en masse when ordered to do so: Nothing good ever happens to folks who do.
6) Food and ammunition will be the vital shortages you must address in order to live: Empty weapons and bellies a successful resistance does not make.
7) The Bad People will torture and kill those who help you: Get used to the idea. Retribution killing is a standard totalitarian play. Try to avoid jeopardizing your allies to the extent possible, but know that they too will be swept into the whirlwind.
8) The Bad People will torture and kill your family
members:Sippenhaft ain’t just a chapter in Vanderboegh’s long-awaited novel. The KGB museum was filled with execution orders with notations indicating that not only had the subject been killed per order of the Party, but that “special measures” had or would be taken against the victim’s family.
9) You must be prepared to fight until victory or death: Once you go to the woods, you are there for the duration. The Baltic “forest brothers”stayed out until they were killed or captured. More on them in the next part of this report.
10) If you think it can’t happen here, you are wrong. The Polish and Lithuanian Jews who were ground into dust by the Einsatzgruppenthought the same thing. So did the Lithuanians who couldn’t believe that the Communists under Stalin and subsequent regimes would hold their passionate patriotism against them.
Almost all of those folks who believed “it couldn’t happen” died.
A few survived by running into the woods, or by bearing up under the brutal realities of the Gulag, year after year after year.
Each of them knows the single biggest lesson from Lithuania: naked, brute force can and does triumph over kindness, love of kin and country, and simple human decency — often for decades or more.
Lose your illusions.
While there is still time.
Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous!
SHTF Related Index
This is a collection of my posts related to SHTF (Shit Hit The Fan), CWII (American Civil War 2), Fourth Turning (Strauss–Howe generational theory)
and other posts related to the very sad and sorry tatters that America
is today. Actually, I am a little stunned that I have written so much
about these matters. But America today is very ill and there are things
that really should be said.
Here are the posts.
SHTF and Related Index
Articles & Links
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find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy
notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a
necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money
off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you
because I just don’t care to.