We are just a group of retired spooks that discuss things that you’ll not find anywhere else. It makes us unique. Take a look around. Learn a thing or two.
The following is the 31st part from a series of articles describing the adventure that a follower who goes by the handle "daegonmagus" has experienced since reading MM. They are very interesting and fascinating. I hope that you all learn from his journey and maybe learn a thing or two as he relates his unique experiences to the readership here.
Lately he has been conducting lucid dreaming (LD) to map out the subconscious / non-physical realms that surround us. His writings are very interesting, but describe things way beyond my understanding. Never the less, many MM readers find great value in his experiences, and writings, and one can easily see benefit in reading his writings.
I hope that you enjoy this article.
Adventures in the Occult: Thoughts on {Not} Being a Freemason
I came across this site, inscribed on believing on the mind (metallicman (inscribedonthebelievingmind.blog) in which I seem to feature in one of the articles along side Metallicman. Lucky me for being “famous”, I guess. Unfortunately the article makes some assumptions about me that are quite inaccurate, like the (very definitively written) idea I am a Freemason and another retired MAJestic agent. Guys, I don’t care if you want to write articles that feature me but at least fucking verify your information with me beforehand, else it makes your content look like its full of “badly researched” holes and shouldn’t be taken seriously. I wrote to the article’s publisher, Diana Barharona, requesting a polite change to its content, but never received a reply, so in response to it I’d figured I’d clarify a few points.
Firstly, I am not a MAJestic Agent, at least, not that I Know of – I came into contact with Metallicman after having experiences that paralleled with his during his time in MAJestic courtesy of my LDing – I offered to edit his books because I understand the true importance of his content. Secondly I am not, nor ever have been and never will be a Freemason, though I do have masonic blood in both sides of my family; my great uncle was a 33rd degree Mason from the Broome lodge of Western Australia, and on my mother’s side I only have a passing reference of who was actually involved in the organisation, as I never met them before their ultimate expiration from the earth. My connection to the organisation, is, therefore, now reduced to a silver ring that was kept and handed down after said expiration. In regards to my great uncle, I only met him a handful of times as a kid, and only found out about his masonic connection long after I’d started walking down my own metaphysical path.
I never liked the man particularly much; my first memory of him was him pulling his false teeth out and chasing me around the house with them. Which is probably a good thing, considering the unknown persona he carried with him over and through his deathbed; that he exhibited at one point paedophilic tendencies on certain members of the family – not really something anyone should be surprised by given the amount of similar stories arising about Freemasonic happenings.
Of course, his victims never spoke about any of it until they had 6 ft of dirt separating him from them. I only found out about it back in 2019, and was – to put it simply – QUITE FUCKING LIVID, as this is something that goes against the very essence of my being, and considering I still genuinely cared for the family member in question. My only solace is knowing that his dementia did a good job of obliterating his brains cells in the years before he finally kicked the bucket. That and the fact that his indiscretions could be considered at the more “minor” end of the spectrum when it comes to the question of psychological damage such individuals can cause upon their victims. I shudder to think there was more than what was brought forward. Maybe it is my own naievity, maybe it’s a defense mechanism to stop me digging too deep into it and setting me off on a path of grave defilement. Whatever, I guess it explains why I thought it necessary to clarify my position.
In addition to this, I was once approached to join the brotherhood by another old man at a spiritualist circle I used to attend with my mother and SD. As far as I am aware, him and my great uncle had no connection to one another. I politely declined the invitation because at that point I was not interested in submitting the celestial authority that came with the spark that animated my physical being over to a society built upon the idea of a spiritual hierarchy.
Quite frankly, I’d been astral projecting and lucid dreaming for a decade at that point, and had read all about Aleister Crowley and his Argentum Aurum, the Hermetic Order of The Golden Dawn, Ordo Templi Orientis etc. Call it arrogance – though I call it an unfaltering knowledge of self – the Freemasons seemed to me like just another group of novice Occultists that needed to be handed their divinity piece by piece by climbing through the ranks of the degrees. I preferred to bypass all that shit and reclaim my divinity myself, from the devil himself, if necessary; part of this involved never allowing any other individual or organisation to project false authority over my soul and its progression, as I truly believed that right belonged to my higher self, and my higher self alone.
Still, he sought the need to hand me some pamphlets on the Freemason’s apparent ideologies and how one cannot become a member unless they have an initiate vouch for them, which, I guess, is what he was planning on doing for me. You don’t get random’s making such an offer unless you have demonstrated you at least know a little bit about what it is you are talking about.
This does not mean I didn’t research what I could about them (much of which had already been done by the time I was propositioned to join). You may remember I was a steward of the Hell Fire Club which practiced spiritual alchemy. The only reason I had even bothered joining this Club was because it allowed for self initiation, as the club was not interested in using a similar hierarchal method of initiation to the Freemasons. Plus it had some really rare and hard to obtain books on magic, in a specially bound editions, which, like I have mentioned previously, is what really tickled my fancy.
This all sounds very mysterious, and diabolical, given the English chapter used to meet in the caves of West Wycombe in fancy masks and robes to carry out their rituals (based on Pagan festivities), but in reality my chapter never consisted of more than SD and myself, and all we ever did was sit on a carpet in our own house and throw a coin at a bottle; big fucking whoop. Nothing in comparison to the secret meetings and “architectural marvels” the Freemasons have been known to engage in and construct in the apparent quest to “become better men”. As I mentioned before, I revered knowledge above all personal gain and profit. The Hellfire Club was an interesting avenue into gaining more knowledge of the alchemical process of transmuting the lead of human consciousness into something much more profound and metaphorically “golden”.
But – and there is a but – being a club heavily inspired by Hermetic teachings, which crosses paths with some Freemasonic concepts and ideologies, it was inevitable that it was going to attract initiates of Freemasonry as well as other societies such as those aforementioned.
The Stewards for the other Australian (as well as international) Chapters, for example, are themselves occultists, which belong to such organisations as the Freemasons, the Hermetic Order of the Red Dragon etc etc. You have to also consider that this was in the early days of social media, before there were any real dedicated chat rooms where concepts such as the occult (which simply means “hidden” or “hidden knowledge”) could be freely talked about without ridicule from the spiritually inept who would brandish them as devil worshippers etc (wait until you see what the demonologists talk about, lol).
So you could say that as the international division of the Hellfire Club took off, us members began to realise we had a safe spot to bounce metaphysical concepts and ideas off each other, as each sought to incorporate their own occult knowledge and flavour into their own chapters. I became respected among these other members as I demonstrated knowledge I had picked up on the Kabbalah, Alchemy and the occult in general over many years of study, and likewise I respected them and the knowledge they offered me, a lot of which had to do with Freemasonic processes.
So yes, I had, and still do have access to a network of high ranking 33rd degree Freemasons, who have some influence over the operations of others in other jurisdictions. To give you an idea of this influence, when a potential recruit – also a low ranking Freemasonic initiate – into our HFC chapter tried to rape SD, I was told if I had brought the matter to one I am in contact with, himself a 33rd degree Freemason, immediately after it had happened, they could have ejected and banned this piece of shit from joining any of the Australian divisions – this is what I mean when I say my knowledge of the occult earnt me some “respect”. Am I involved in their evil diabolical scheme to take over the world?. Hence there are things that I know, some deduced from extension of my studies into the occult, and some communicated directly to me by these Freemasons, but at the end of the day I hold no oaths, or am held by no encumberances when it comes to the distribution of “what I know”. And Hence I have seen both the good and bad parts of the brotherhood, so I am loathe to jump on the bandwagon of vilifying them as a whole. The answer, unfortunately for those who’d have a mind to spin my content as being some form of Freemasonic propaganda, is a somewhat stale and rather definite “no”.
This does not mean I know all there is to know about the Freemasons and their goings on behind closed doors – honestly, to me, it’s a confusing mess of shit that varies from Rite to Rite and jurisdiction to jurisdiction, that I have no intention of delving too deeply into – but what I do know is that the Temple of Solomon, and the subsequent Greater and Lesser Keys of Solomon, which deal with the summoning of “Djinn” or “demons” is a very integral part of the core concepts that are dealt with within {one aspect of} Freemasonry, as can be evidenced from HERE.
Unfortunately for the Freemasonic brotherhood, I also know, from another, exterior source, who was directly brought up under an operation involving Extra Terrestrials – a very big one, dating back before WW2 – that the ideologies around such “demons” or “goetic spirits” were originally distorted by the protectors of the very Temple the Freemasons worship (this goes back beyond Hiram Abif), to lead prying eyes down a false road. What was revealed to me by this source, was that the Freemasonic brotherhood was intentionally set up as a front to hide the true identity of what these goetic spirits actually were/are; interdimensional intelligences that could be communicated with and prepared for possession of a willing host through the Solomonic workings, ie the Greater and Lesser Keys. According to my source, Solomon himself, wasn’t exactly “human”; the original builders of his temple knew of this secret, because it was to be a chamber that provided the necessary atmosphere for that intelligence to acclimatise after it found a willing host. True Masons were those who allegedly knew this secret, and my source claims she was brought up by one of them. Of course, I have no way of verifying any of this, so its up to the reader how much salt they want to sprinkle o n that tasty morsel.
But I can attest to the assertion there is something otherworldly about these books, because I inadvertently summoned one of these entities early one morning and it scared the absolute shit out of me.
And I do not mean via an LD state either. Here, in this physical world, I accidentally brought one of these entities from its realm into ours, after simply reading from the versions of the Greater and Lesser Keys that I owned.
I was around about the age of 20, and I had just received my Hell Fire Club Bound Edition (extremely rare and worth $600 – $1200 respectively) copies of these works in the mail; A copy of Aleister Crowley’s own Goetia – the Lesser Key – , replete with his handwritten notes, and a copy of Sepher Maphtea Shalamoh, one of the oldest known surviving manuscripts of the Greater Key –
Here is a picture of the pages from an identical, non Hellfire Club edition I owned of the Sepher Maphtea Shalamoh. Good luck trying to read it if you don’t know Aramaic Hebrew (I sure as fuck don’t, though if you do I’d be very interested in a helpful translation of the entire thing).
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You hear of people in the occult community who try and use these grimoires to obtain money and power and whatever other materialistic shit they can think of; this wasn’t part of my intention. I had them simply because I wanted the knowledge they contained. I was committed to reading them without ever actually trying the rituals contained within.
That very night, or more correctly morning as it was about 3am, I was in my caravan (trailer in American speak) playing xbox with my dog, Abby, sat on the couch next to me whilst SD slept in the bed just over from us. All of a sudden I heard a very deep, guttural roaring sound, deeper and louder than any human could ever manage, followed by a stomping from one end of the caravan to other. I was around 100kg at the time and these footsteps shook the caravan much more than I did even when I was in a pissed off mood. They were very, very heavy, and very dense steps – not the footsteps or noise of any Tom cat or animal one would expect to find in that part of Western Australia. Abby was a fearless dog, and this scared the shit even out of her. Make no mistake, this was a good, old fashioned demon summoning if ever there was one. As soon as it finished, the TV went nuts and just started flicking 666 over and over again despite the remote not being jammed under anything, as it was sitting on the table next to me. For anyone who has studied the occult, and certain people of historical fame, that number is an obvious reference to Master Therion, aka Aleister Crowley. How coincidental I’d been reading his copy of the Goetia only hours prior. Regardless, it was good lesson in taking care next time I read the thing.
So yes, these texts are powerful texts, but I do not recommend fucking with them unless you have balls of steel, and know absolutely what the fuck it is you are doing. And not unless you are intending to be a willing host for an interdimensional consciousness to take up residence in your body; regardless of whether or not this is your intention THIS WHAT THE KEYS INTENDED PURPOSE WAS. They are {allegedly} the original CE5 protocols, and I have a suspicion there are some Freemasons who know this and have incorporated it into the Lodges workings, though I do not think every single Lodge knows about it. Again, maybe that is my own naivety. New age demon worshippers (and yes there a lot of them, facebook now has groups dedicated to the subject – I have watched these spawn into communities from nothing) have no idea what they are fucking around with. Thinking it is a means for quick materialistic manifestations, many of these worshippers will willingly engrave, tattoo, embed the sigils of these interdimensional consciousnesses directly onto their bodies, using blood for ink, using the rituals to “command” these intelligences into doing their bidding etc.
Talk about fucking amateurs.
You see why I always had a thirst for knowledge of just what the fuck it was I was getting myself into before diving right into it? If you want to know how possession works, it is carried out via sleep paralysis; I have experienced this directly, and so has SD – the exact same experience. What happens is the dominant consciousness enters via the ear, in my case, the right one, and you feel your own consciousness distort as it gets squeezed to one small side of your head. You can then feel the invading thought form taking up residence in the greater portion of your head that you no longer occupy. It is not a pleasant experience, which I liken to “mind raping”.
To one who is not lucky enough to even get to sleep paralysis (that is a joke), you will simply wake up and have thoughts that will destroy you if you are unable dissociate yourself from them. In my case, it bent my perception to seeing suicide as a very tempting option, seemingly for no reason, then I remembered the mind worm invader the night previous, shook the thoughts off (repetitively) and they never bothered me again; you must be very savvy as to what constitutes your thoughts, and what are those thoughts from an invading parasite. This was some years after the incident in the caravan so I don’t think the two were related, but still if you see anyone engaging in this level of dumb shittery, high ranking Freemasonic members included, you can bet your bottom dollar they don’t have the faintest idea of what it is they are doing, and are, in all probability going along with something that has been taught at the highest levels, under the idea that a Goetic intelligence is a nefarious spirit to be “commanded to do one’s bidding”. Either that, or they are taking inspiration from Crowley when he deliberately stepped into the circle of the demon Choronzon and let it possess him. Not exactly sure what divine ending they would be expecting from that though.
The only proper way to communicate with such entities is via the hypnogogic/lucid dreaming state, when connected to the higher information stream of the higher self – this importance needs to be emphasized, because when connected to this information stream things cannot lie to you; you can literally trace their whole existence through MWI and analyse every thought and choice they have ever made; if they are deceiving you, it will show in this analysis. If you can muster the discipline to do away with the ritualistic commands of the Greater and Lesser Keys, the type of shit that apparent Masters of the Occult, like Crowley, suggested were necessary, and actually meet them face to face in their own domain with a level of respect, you might find they are willing to reveal to you “forbidden knowledge” of the earth and the greater cosmos; who do you think the “President” of the Unseen 5 that showed me “the fall” was? Wink wink. Of course, if you haven’t prepared your consciousness accordingly, the energetic signature of these spirits will likely be too intense for you to bear (another reason why you need the higher information processing capabilities of the higher self). It is just simply too much information for your consciousness to be able to handle. But it is sure a hell of a lot less intense than standing face to face with the Grand Architect of the universe, what the big G in the middle of the Masonic square and compass represents. Just trust me on that one
“The spirits of the Goetia are portions of the human brain. Their seals therefore represent methods of stimulating or regulating those particular spots (though the eye).” – Aleister Crowley, The Initiated Interpretation of Ceremonial Magic in the Goetia.)
And I quote from the previous link:
“If we as masons want to look at this in a philosophical sense we are all seeking to be the wise King Solomon. We must unlock the brass vessel of our own unconscious mind releasing all the aspects of ourselves we care not to let out. Each demon can be seen as an aspect of our personality that we keep hidden from the world. It is the goal of the magician with the aid of angels and magickal weapons to face the dark aspects of him and symbolically slay and expel those forces from our own spiritual nature, thus purifying him. This medieval system of what some would consider “black magick” is simply a way to reflect upon the aspects of our own psyche. If we as individuals wish togain the wisdom of the archetypal king, we should face the shadow of ourselves and the demons that well in the void of our own nightmares.”
So the Freemasons, channeling their inner Carl Jung, believe that the texts allow an unlocking of deep aspects of the psyche which must be vanquished with the help of the “angels”….so what happens if the angels are really demons in disguise and are the very things responsible for those darker aspects of the self arising in the first place?
The Native Americans believed in such a concept they called the Wetiko, which they considered to be a sort of psychic virus that attached itself to the psyche of man and inflated his ego to the point he would put his own selfishness before empathy; Paul Levy does a good write up of this at https://www.theosophical.org/publications/quest-magazine/3472
Can you see where I am going with this? Through the illusion of duality of good and evil “spirits” – ie, angels vs demons – and the failure to understand that one’s own consciousness is originally of the highest attainable divine status, (ie, failure to adhere to a very basic and core concept of the occult) the Freemasons have allowed the submission of their own divine authority over to lesser divine parasitic entities, so that these same entities may “help” liberate them from a problem they {potentially} had a hand in causing in the first place.
To anyone who has read even a small amount of Carl Jung’s work in this area, it could be argued shadow work does not need to involve the help of supposed “angels” or “guides” to be carried out. In fact, repetitive self psychological evaluation was part of my “magickal undertakings”; I use to evaluate myself and my thoughts and try to understand where they had arisen, and what had caused them in my constant effort to “know myself” – again a basic edict of Alchemy. For us lucid dreamers, who can literally enter into the parts of our subconscious mind and “see” the thoughts as they arise, and what the shadow self is actually comprised of, and analyse these completely from an objective viewpoint, the last thing we need is “help”.
So where does this leave me? I already met the “Grand Architect”, who I called the All Being, back in 2016. What could any Freemasonic Lodge offer me if the whole goal of their brotherhood is to eventually bring one’s consciousness into contact with such a being? Seems I must have been quite learned in “High Magick” to achieve this feat without ever bothering to join their organisation.
The supposed “evil” nature of the Goetic spirits does not match to their temperament when met under LD – they can be considered very respectable intelligences in this domain – which suggests to me the Solomonic rituals are actually subverting the communication over to other entities who do not want us contacting these spirits because of the information they {the Goetic spirits} hold. If my source {and assumptions from my experiences and those in my inner circle} is correct and these are indeed inter dimensional intelligences, then the question must be asked: who is summoning what when using such ceremonial methods as the Freemasons and Crowley used?
Let’s continue from that link shall we?
“Before one sincerely attempts to evoke these demons, one should first spend some time invoking the 72 counterpart angels of the Almadel. The Almadel is a very enlightening experience and puts the magician in touch with the aspects of virtue within the psyche of the individual. This should be required for two reasons, one: one should be in touch with their inner strength before they face the demons, and two: the angels of the Almadel have direct control over the demons of the brass vessel. The Almadel is a system of scrying into a crystal ball over an altar made of wax upon which are engraved the Holy names of God. Remember that invocation is to call down a power within your spirit and mind, so you invoke angels to bring them closer. The Magician will evoke demons, to bring from within ones self into manifestation.
After one has made meaningful contact with his own inner angelic forces, he is now mentally and spiritually prepared to venture into the darkness of his own being. This system of High Magick should only be attempted by those who have magickal training, or are learned practitioners of ceremonial magick. This system to the unprepared is VERY DANGEROUS, and can be disastrous for those who approach the subject manner with a light heart or contempt in the mind. A short exert from the Lesser Key of Solomon will show the level of seriousness this system deserves.
Curse you and deprive you from all your offices and places of joy and place and do bind thee in the depths of the bottomless pit, there to remain until the day of judgment; I say into the lake of fire and brimstone… let all the company of heaven curse thee… let the hosts of heaven curse thee, I curse thee into fire unquenchable, and torments unspeakable as thy name and seal is contained in this box, chained and bound up and shall be choked in sulphurus and stinking substance and burnt in this material fire… which is prepared for thee damned and cursed spirits and there to remain until the day of doom and never more remembered of before the face of God which shall come to judge the dead and the world by fire.” (Lesser Key of Solomon, Book 1: Ars Goetia)
The Goetic demons require quite an elaborate array of magical implements such as a magic robe, wand, sword, circle, ring, brass vessel containing the 72 sigils of demons, black mirror within the magick triangle, and a very good memory. These evocations are quite lengthy and the magickal ritual can last quite awhile, especially when in a hypnotic trance which is required. “
What we have a case of is “the bible told us these {demons} were bad, and that these {angels} were good, so we will employ the service of the good guys and not question their motives”. That’s fine if you are of a religious inclination, but I never have been so the core concepts behind such a dualistic method of thinking in Freemasonry simply do not fit with my ideological makeup. The two are not compatible, therefore there is no reason for me to be a part of their Brotherhood.
My first novel, Dreaming Demons, as appalling as it was (first novels are always shit, especially when you are trying to offend as many people as possible with it), attempted to explain this difference in temperament between the Goetic spirits outside of the dualistic concepts of good and evil. It was a 120k word story which featured Astaroth as the main character (though “his” name was written backwards). As I was writing this book, I one day had an urge to switch on the TV, which was strange because I never watched TV in the day time. I specifically remember just randomly stopping typing and walking over to it and flicking it on. So what are the odds, that at that exact moment the movie Bedknobs and Broomsticks was on, and the children were discussing “finding the Star of Astaroth? One in several million billion I bet. Astaroth is the 29th spirit of the Goetia and is said to “show people the fall”. His rank, as mentioned by Crowley, was Duke, though other spirits held the rank of President. So when I was shown “the Fall” by the leader of the Unseen 5, I was also shown that his rank is no longer Duke but now rather President – this is why he was taking the form of then president Obama. Does that clarify who this organisation really is? It should be obvious by now that it is the real Ashtar{oth}/ Command – not that fake ass bullshit one finds discussed in new age circles.
In case you weren’t aware, Astaroth was synonymous with The Phoenician goddess Astarte, the Babylonian Ishtar, and the Sumerian Inanna:
The name Astaroth was ultimately derived from that of 2nd millennium BC Phoenician goddess Astarte,[1] an equivalent of the Babylonian Ishtar, and the earlier Sumerian Inanna. She is mentioned in the Hebrew Bible in the forms Ashtoreth (singular) and Ashtaroth (plural, in reference to multiple statues of it). This latter form was directly transliterated in the early Greek and Latin versions of the Bible, where it was less apparent that it had been a plural feminine in Hebrew. – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astaroth
This should give you an idea of just how old the Unseen 5 really is. They have been monitoring humanity from their vantage point in the astral planes since at least the time of Ancient Sumeria.
So, to summarise the question of whether or not I am a Freemason, the answer is no, and the reasons are:
Submission of one’s own celestial authority over to lesser intelligences is the first failing step to what many occult and Hermetic societies strived to achieve. The ranking system of the Freemasons (and many other secret societies for that matter) is a sure fire guaranteed way of diminishing this celestial authority even further, and submits to the idea man is a lesser intelligence that must evolve its way into divinity, rather than already possessing a ticket of entry.
Freemasons believe in the duality of angel vs demon arising from a core religious belief that centres around Christianity. The subjectivity and personal nature of religion provides a weakness for manipulative entities to exploit, in my opinion, hence why I believe all occult practices should be done with an objective mind free from emotion and religious doctrine.
Freemasonry can’t offer anything in the development and understanding of the psyche beyond what Lucid dreaming can offer. Ritual becomes redundant when you can enter into the very part of the mind the ritual seeks to exploit and directly push the buttons that exist therein.
Personal Experience tells me that the Goetic spirits are real interdimensional intelligences that very much differ from being simply deeply repressed aspects of the shadow self, and that they hold some every important information about humans and their {true} cosmological history. Those in my inner circle, through their own experiences, agree with this assessment. This does not fit in with the Freemasonic understanding of these spirits.
I’ve already met the Grand Architect, there is simply nothing the brotherhood can offer me in the form of spiritual liberation.
The following is the 30th part from a series of articles describing the adventure that a follower who goes by the handle "daegonmagus" has experienced since reading MM. They are very interesting and fascinating. I hope that you all learn from his journey and maybe learn a thing or two as he relates his unique experiences to the readership here.
Lately he has been conducting lucid dreaming (LD) to map out the subconscious / non-physical realms that surround us. His writings are very interesting, but describe things way beyond my understanding. Never the less, many MM readers find great value in his experiences, and writings, and one can easily see benefit in reading his writings.
I hope that you enjoy this article.
Up to date version
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A better version of this summary is on PDF, and it corrects some errors and adds some more detail.
I suggest that you read this PDF, downloadable HERE rather than reading this summary…
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A Report on the Operational Characteristics of the ET Craft I Piloted, (later TBD) Accompanied by a Video Simulation:
The following report is based on an experience I had on the 27th June 2022 in which I believe I was successful in having my consciousness merged and attached to what most people would consider an extra terrestrial space craft. Whilst this falls under the category of a Lucid Dreaming/ Astral Projection experience, these forms of nomenclature are, in my opinion, not sufficient in describing the vividness of the experience, which was comparable to the vividness of waking, physical reality. It is for this reason I have decided to write this report including as much detail as possible, so it can hopefully be built upon by other explorers of consciousness. I am confident that there is valuable information here that will give insight into the potential operating parameters of ET spacecraft visiting our planet. I am currently working on an accompanying video simulating what it was like to fly this space craft. The original article I wrote can be found at [daegonmagus] – Part 26 – Lucid Astral Projection – The Consciousness Craft Launch Facility and Something Dwelling in the Red Planet: – Metallicman, albeit, much to my chagrin I had not found much time to properly scrutinize the experience and draft a proper report on my findings when I wrote it. This document is to make up for that, though bear in mind it has been written several months after the fact. I apologise, for not writing this sooner, as life got in the way.
To the layman, and those who have not had Out of Body experiences such as astral projection and lucid dreaming this report might come as a bit outlandish in its claims. It is therefore important to understand some back context derived through many years worth of experimentations in lucid dreaming I myself have conducted over several decades and note some passages from prior works in this field of Ufology that are relevant to what is being discussed here. Hopefully, I can then provide a logical process by which other consciousness explorers may adapt to their own voluntary OBE sessions to achieve similar results. I am confident in my assertions that further investigation into this material will yield results that will make the scientific community pay more attention to astral projection and lucid dreaming. In saying that though I am only one man who is limited to only a very narrow window of knowledge and skillsets which can be used for the purpose of scientifically investigating this matter (specifically electronics and radio propagation theory), therefore I welcome any input and advice from others whose own windows of knowledge and skills can further compliment this research. I have done my best to provide as much information as possible to give a starting point for further investigation, but at the end of the day, much of this model has been derived through my own interpretations of what I was experiencing that may prove to be inaccurate. However, I do not think these inaccuracies warrant this material to a swift shuffling into the dustbin, and am confident that they can be ironed out if enough manpower takes the subject herein seriously enough.
An integral part of the theory being discussed here is the idea that consciousness and the physical body are two completely separate things that interface with one another to provide a singularly functioning biological machine that is capable of perceiving and interacting with the physical world around it. It is important to cast aside Darwinian theory of evolution here, as it does nothing to assess the consciousness components that drive said machine, and assumes, rather incorrectly, that consciousness and body are one combined “thing”, inseparable until at least the expiration of the biological body through death. While the evolutionary model of the biological body through Darwinian theory is likely correct (I have no intention of setting out to prove or disprove it), it fails to provide any rationale to the consciousness component and somewhat considers it as an after thought in the question of human {intelligence} evolution. I therefore argue that if consciousness existed before the body (from the rationale that it is too complex to evolve to its current position through a single incarnation), then it deserves a much more thorough scrutinisation, and its own theory of evolution to be applied.
Based on my own experiments and experiences during my OBEs, consciousness, itself, is a superior technology, far in advance of what humans can consider our greatest technological achievements, of which only very advanced civilizations are able to fully realize (for the sake of the argument we will consider these advanced civilizations as being of extra terrestrial nature, or non human, as the human experience is a direct consequence of their manipulation strategies of this superior technology – something which has been directly communicated to me during OBEs, by representatives of such advanced civilisations). It is an extremely versatile component and energy source, of a quantum construction that is extremely adaptable to its own environment. What do I mean by this? To put it simply, through the voluntary act of initiating an OBE, or more specifically through initiating a conscious transition into the sleeping state (where consistent awareness is carried over and no break in understanding or memory is allowed to interfere before sleep is induced), one can deliberately change the dynamics of their own consciousness and manipulate it at a quantum level, to experience things of an indescribable nature to the layman who is yet to have an OBE.
To the investigators of quantum physics, this equates to a witnessing and understanding of the other side of the quantum domain, where Schrodinger’s cat is both alive and dead at once (metaphorically speaking). Where the particle becomes wave and the seemingly impossible becomes possible.
So now we understand that consciousness is a superior, quantum based technology, we can start to gain an understanding of the relationship between consciousness and body, and the irrelevance of Darwinian theory thus becomes apparent. Indeed, consciousness is an entirely separate thing to the body, and can actually be detached from it voluntarily through advanced lucid dreaming practices. Through years of practice, I became somewhat of an expert at regularly achieving this level of detachment, in which I took the opportunities to experiment with just what exactly is achievable by consciousness whilst in this state, pushing it beyond limits that can be explained through common rationality and logic. This detachment can be felt during the aforementioned conscious transition into the sleeping state, where the “interfaces” that allow movements of the limbs and data to be obtained and processed through the nervous system are felt to “fall away”, in which physical reality then becomes replaced by a quantum reality, and where the act of thought creates a seemingly physical environment to manifest around you (what we commonly equate to being dreamscapes).
It is here that consciousness can be tuned out of resonance with the body and made to adapt to other containers, of both physical and non physical (quantum) nature, simply by the use of tought.
How exactly is this achieved? I once had a lucid dreaming experience which I believe offers valuable insight into this question. In the dream, my physical reality was applied like a holographic overlay over my dream environment as I awoke. This physical picture of my room “grew” in definition the closer I got to waking up until I was completely awake, washing out the dreamscape as it did so. During this holographic overlaying of physical reality, I observed a back and forth “wave like” effect (of the holographic physical reality) that moved back and forth through its wave’s peaks at a rate somewhere around 0.5Hertz.Originally I stated this to be about 4Hz, but after reassessing these waves, I figured it closer to being 0.5Hz, based on my understanding of frequency. I immediately applied my (somewhat limited) expertise in radio modulation to my mode of thinking to try and conceptualise what was happening during this experience. After several years of studying that radio theory more in depth (and comparing it to an experience whereby I remembered my own reincarnation and my consciousness being placed within the fetus of my current incarnation, again courtesy of lucid dreaming), my arriving hypothesis is that the brain emits a carrier wave somewhere down this end of the ELF spectrum, (the exact frequency I suspect which can be determined through the application of standard antenna theory to the neurological/ nervous system pathways assuming they act as complex antenna arrays that are susceptible to drift tuning from the parasitic oscillations derived through the natural inductances, capacitances and resistances inherent within the body’s fats and salts) and that consciousness “rides” on the envelope of this carrier in a similar way to how an audio frequency can be modulated on to an AM carrier wave. It could also be closer to an FM or PM wave, though admittedly I have not bothered trying to conceptualize this operating potential beyond simple imaginings.
An important note is to be made here; the formulas associated with finding wavelengths and frequency are based on the idea of electromagnetic radiation being propagated at the speed of light (minus 5% on earth due to atmospheric influence). Whilst these formulas may provide an explanation of the physical, biological body’s energetic radiation (and thus may determine its carrier wave frequency), it would seem that mode of thought (the consciousness signal that rides upon the carrier) operates much fast than the speed of light, which means that an entirely new set of formulas would likely need to be devised before attempting to calculate these thought component wavelengths/ frequencies. I suspect that this modulation operation is actually achieved through a range of harmonic carriers, rather than one stand alone frequency, and would suggest dream researchers study more in depth, the envelopes between the brainwaves picked up through EEG equipment, rather than the actual waves themselves. In other words, try looking for information where at first glance there doesn’t appear to be any.
In another lucid dreaming experience I was in a hypnogogic state bordering a conscious transition into the sleeping state, and caught a signal from nearby non physical intelligence. This signal I heard coming through like a typical broken radio signal, interlaced with heavy static/ white noise, that almost completely drowned at the audible component of the signal out. Given that in these states of mind, thoughts produce tangible environments, I deliberately used my thoughts to manifest a radio dial in which I was then able to tune out this white noise interference and bring out the fidelity in the audible signal. I understood this immediately as being “not of human or earth origins”, as whatever was speaking spoke in a “clickity clack” dialect that had no familiarity to any language I had ever heard; I had no idea what they were saying.
Almost simultaneously as I tuned into this frequency, I was “teleported” to a sort of large ship (no longer in hypnogogia but on the otherside of transitioning into the sleeping state) filled with a strange liquid where telepathic images were transmitted to me about what these creatures looked like (not describable), as well as gesturing me to enter a strange cylinder device to my side. Upon entering the cylinder, I underwent a calibration process, whereby an understanding of this foreign language immediately happened. The details of that conversation are irrelevant to this report and have been discussed elsewhere in my literature. After having many experiences of contact with non physical “alien” intelligences within these states, I am very confident in my assertion that the operational characteristics of consciousness can be finely tuned whilst consciously aware one is in this state.
So, to summarize, the hypothesis is that the biological human body is simply a vessel that locks consciousness into it through the use of what essentially equates to signal modulation. Through deliberately induced lucid dreaming (or more specifically Wake Induced Lucid Dreaming) one can gain access to the mechanisms that allow them to control and tune their consciousness away from this “capturing” frequency of the human body, in which it can then be primed for habitation within other vessels both of biological and non biological substance.
We now take a look at the testimony of Lt Colonel Philip J Corso (which was relayed in his book The Day After Roswell) in which he states his assumption (from reports he read) that the craft that crashed at Roswell in 1947 seemingly had no operational controls that one would expect to find in conventional aircraft, and that this particular craft was possibly controlled by an extraterrestrial consciousness that was able to be tethered in with it. In the book, Corso mentions how the suits worn by the ETs also somehow allowed control of the craft by emitting an electromagnetic signature that matched in with the craft. Corso’s assumptions are heavily similar to my own determinations of using a carrier frequency to lock consciousness within a biological body; in fact if you substitute the space craft for the human body they are almost identical, and these were hypotheticals I was conceptualizing years before reading his book.
Further, in the Alien Interview (an alleged manuscript of an interview with the alien from the same Roswell Crash) Airl, the alien suggests a very similar mode of piloting their craft by moving their consciousness into it. Regardless of whether or not either of these works are legitimate or not, they present a very workable hypothesis that I believe warrants further investigation, which I used as a basis for experimentation during my own lucid dreams: deliberately using induced OBEs to target and hijack functional ET spacecraft.
Based on my experiences and experiments therein, I can state with 100% surety that Lt Col Corso was correct in his assessment, but that he failed to identify deliberately induced OBEs, such as Lucid Dreaming and Astral Projection as a very reliable means in achieving operational control of extra terrestrial vehicles (if you believe the military industrial complex hadn’t already worked this out). I remind the reader of this article that I am very well versed in what constitutes a sub conscious dream, a deliberately constructed (visualised) dream, an astral projection experience, hypnogogia, sleep paralysis and the difference between all of them. What my experience entailed was something completely different; it was a rerouting of my consciousness into an extra terrestrial space vehicle that I wore and experienced in the exact same way I experience the physical body I use to type these words. I was physically present in (physical) outer space whilst operating this vehicle, not simply buzzing around the astral plane (which I have done before and also managed to bump into some kind of flying UFO).. The following is based on notes I was able to take during that flight out of the solar system into incredibly “deep” space, which hoping will one day be taken as validation of the experience, when space exploration technology progresses to a point where a more thorough exploration to the region of space I was in can be carried out.
The Vanquish DM-22 Specifications:
Given my appreciation of the craft in question, and the achievement of the experience, I feel the need to refer to it in specific manner, so that no confusion can be made if this craft is ever witnessed in our local region of space. Thus I came up with the name Vanquish DM-22; Vanquish (because it seemed like the space fairing equivalent of an Aston Martin V12 Vanquish, also fitting considering the safety of feeling being able to “vanquish” any offensive attack that came my way), and DM – 22 in reference to my initials and the year I first flew it. Flying this craft was a very big deal for me.
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Size and shape were hard to determine, as a) it is hard to determine the outside of a body you are currently inside of (just like we cannot determine the shapes of our own bodies without a mirror, except for those parts we can see), and b) the distance between celestial bodies gave a distorted perception of size, particularly at the speeds I was travelling. In saying that though, I got the feeling of a sort of spinning top as a basic silhouette of shape (through my field of vision and based on what I could “feel”, just like one can “feel” their head is a certain shape without touching it). I am confident the above CAD model is a close representation of its shape, considering. The bottom point of the VDM-22 would be what I consider the standout feature, as I could feel this as being the main “limb” of the VDM-22. Most of the control points (the “nerves” of the craft) seemed to gather at this bottom point.
Based on the hangar length, and that the VDM-22’s width was almost touching each side of the launch “chimney”, then considering my perspective of the chimney whilst inside of it, then once again outside in space, I am guessing the diameter was somewhere around 20m. I consider this to be a less accurate assumption than estimating the shape as I had a limited frame of reference to work off. The movement of celestial bodies past the ship suggested the size was astronomically large, but again at those distances and speeds it becomes almost impossible to tell. Extrapolating from the idea I was able to eventually land on Mars, is suggestive the craft was much smaller than that particular planet. At the same time, using the atmospheric boundary of the same planet during landing also suggests it was bigger than conventional earth shuttles.
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The “ears” of the VDM-22 body seemed to be some kind of telepathic transceiver that increased audible range to the point that atmospheric noise could be heard with crystal clear clarity from great distances. Noises very similar to those compiled by NASA on what planets “sound like” could be heard on approach to certain planets, which faded as one moved away from them. According to NASA these particular frequencies (before being manipulated by them so they could be heard by the human ear) sit somewhere within the 800MHz spectrum, suggesting this craft body allows the filtering of signals far beyond the 20kHz limit of the human ear. Through the use of the HUD, zooming in to a neighboring galaxy also allowed one to pin point the audio signals coming from that region of space. Interlaced throughout this white noise, in various star clusters, intelligent voices could be heard quite easily. It appeared that certain planets were also conscious (as if consciousness had taken up residence in them like I was taking up residence in this craft) and exhibited intelligence to the level they were able to seemingly communicate (which took the form of English, assumedly translated through the craft’s “ears”) with other nearby planets and me as I approached them. An apparent Martian intelligence was one such example that seemed quite dominant and “loud” and easily discernible even from deep space. Two way communication with these intelligences could be achieved through first zooming into their region of space and using thought as a transmission medium. This zooming feature allowed identification of planetary bodies to extremely high detail from vast distances over several hundred lightyears away.
It was also apparent that some of these planetary transmissions had been set up as beacons to provide navigational data to similar space craft that would be traversing the area.
I was also able to use a stellarium astronomy software that came with a telescope I bought, called Starry Night 8, to devise a very close simulated representation of some aspects of the experience, and derive from it interesting data in the form of star maps that allowed me to approximate in space I was, as well as speeds I was achieving with this craft. This simulation will be included in the aforementioned video along with animations to better show the process of how to merge ones consciousness with these type of craft.
The speeds of the VDM-22 can be broken down into 3 categories of operation: atmospheric, local space and outer galaxy speeds. Atmospheric was the initial speed upon launching from the facility tunnel perched on the top of an asteroid I tracked using Starry Night 8 to being somewhere near the Pawlowia Asteroid during the time of the experience. I have in my head (and I don’t know why) that the approximate length of the tunnel the VDM-22 was hangared in was between 32 and 36km in length (protruding directly into space). This length was covered in about 10 seconds, which equates to about a 13000km/hr initial “launch” speed and presented the hardest part to navigate, as I was very much aware there was limited clearance between the edges of my craft body and the tunnel walls (within a mere meter). Extreme focus must be given to propel the craft at this speed through such a confined space. I knew if I was out by even small degree, at that distance I would crash into these tunnel walls and the experience would end.
How to Achieve Flight Control of the Vanquish DM-22:
To understand how to gain operational control of the Vanquish DM-22, we must first delve a bit deeper into this idea that one experiences a detachment of the consciousness mechanisms from the interfaces of the human body that allow motor control over the limbs etc which can be directly ported over to a target space craft. I mentioned previously that consciousness whilst out of body (lucid dreaming, not astral projecting, as consciousness is still attached to an energetic body with the latter) is extremely versatile in its ability to adapt to its quantum environment. This should be taken as meaning that consciousness can exhibit an infinite range of movement and form whilst in this state, that does not conform to typical standards related to the physical plane. These mechanisms therefore can be considered as control points with an endless number of ways that they can be arranged. When locked within the body, these control points take the typical bipedal human form, which appears like a tree branch that extends out from the head, down both sides and branches off at the arms or the legs (I highly recommend vigourous study of the Kabbalistic tree of life, as it provides the template of consciousness whilst in human form, according to the students of it). If we consider a MO capped stick figured commonly used a basis for building CGI characters off the movements of real people, this acts as a good mock representation of these control points. We can then start to identify the crucial control points and designate them with specific alphanumeric characters:
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What we now have is a rudimentary map of the “quantum body” (my own terminology). This body should in no way be compared to the astral or etheric bodies, as it is really just a ball of energy without any recognizable form – our consciousness in pure consciousness state. What our quantum body map allows us is a means to conceptualise how these control points are reshaped according to the interfaces of whatever vehicle it is being adapted to. In the case of the interstellar craft I was lucky enough to pilot, this shape takes a similar form to the typical sitting lotus position many people use to engage in meditation, if only differing from the position of the hand control points that would equate to resting in the middle of the lap. If one takes our stick figure, arranges it into this position, and then compares it to the typical flying saucer shape, the similarities between the two, should immediately become apparent. This will give an idea of where the consciousness control points will “sit” within the craft that is being piloted.
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We can then equate specific gestures that are activated within our biological “meat suit” bodies courtesy of our consciousness stimulating these control points, with actual real time space craft controls. This is the key to controlling these craft. Effectively what you are doing is stimulating these same control points which are now tethered to different parts of the craft in question rather than your biological body. This is how I was able to propel this vehicle at incredible speeds into very deep space.
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Through my experience piloting this craft I made the following observations mid flight on how control of the craft through these control points is realized. These determinations were made after going through a “calibration process” or “dance” by which I had to become acquainted with these gestures before I could properly fly the craft.
The shape of the saucer has nothing to do with aero dynamics (which always eluded me due to the idea in the vacuity of space velocity is not effected by drag ); it has to do with the turning motion of consciousness within the craft. In the craft I was in, it was as if there was an invisible central axis running from top to bottom that was the main housing for my consciousness. An action comparable to turning my head to look in a certain direction was achieved by spinning consciousness around this axis in either a clockwise or counter clockwise motion. This allowed a 360 pivot and scouting of one’s entire surroundings without any actual physical movement of the craft being carried out. When propelling forward, turning of the vehicle was achieved by rotating consciousness around this axis, which was almost instantaneous. This allowed tight 90 degree bends to be achieved rather effortlessly mid flight.
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As consciousness was spun around this central axis, the control points, which were embedded into walls of the vehicle, also spun with it.
To move through the z axis, the control points of the head are used to what would equate to a looking up or looking down gesture, except that the craft never tilted as our head would do when making such a gesture. It always stayed in the same position relative to how consciousness was viewing (through the x/y axis) from within the central “cockpit”.
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To strafe left and right on the x axis we take the triangular arrangement of control points at the top of the forearm, the elbow, and the top of the bicep and push them out to the side, we wish to strafe to, like we are elbowing someone in the ribs. An elbow “jab” would equate to a quick evasive “jump” in that direction, whilst a prolonged “shove” would propel the VDM-22 quite a distance.
A tilt of the craft (ie left or right) was achievable by using this same triangular arrangement of control points and bringing them down to our side (like we are making a chicken flying gesture). This would equate to a “barrel roll” around the y axis on whatever side the control points were on, allowing the ship’s relative plane to be changed.
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A forward propelling motion through the y axis equated to taking all control points above the pelvis (from the middle of through the arms and fingers to the head) and pushing them forward, like they comprised a joystick.
Braking was achievable by pulling these same control points back to center.
Reverse was simply the opposite of forward propelling through the x axis using the same control points, or a “lean” back motion.
A detailed HUD map of current location was accessible through simple thought. This is hard to explain but it effectively allowed one to target areas of interest as well as zoom in incredible distances (into neighboring galaxies) in order to pin point travel destinations. It was effectively like switching from 1st person to third person view, except the craft was not visible during the process. My assumption is that it was some sort of controlled method of projecting consciousness into these regions, not comparable to astral projection.
Targeting of areas of interest were achievable by using the control points equated with the fingers. Rapid, multiple target acquisition could be achieved similarly to playing a piano or typing on a computer keyboard when the HUD was activated (if you could fit it into the crammed space of your lap in the lotus position).
Close scrutiny of the above should allow one to conceptualize a near complete range of movement through all 3 axes and explain the evasion techniques seen by most UFO encounters by pilots. In addition to the above I also had an inkling that the control points of the toes (ie wriggling them) would activate the on board weapons arsenal, which I never bothered testing due to an inner knowing it would be quite devastating (beyond humankind’s worst weapons). This knowledge of having these weapons on board was comparable to the understanding one has male reproductive organs whilst sitting in this (lotus) position; one does not have to “take them out” or “play with them” to know they are there. I suspect it was some kind of laser system, but as I never used it, this is just a guess. I understood that I was a force to be reckoned with, that the composition of my space craft body was virtually indestructible and almost wished for another craft to engage me so I could so test out the defence capabilities of the VDM-22. I felt confidant that I was the biggest fish in the universe, and nothing was going to injure me.
Body Disconnection and Spacecraft Reattachment Process:
Importance must be given to the Hypngogic phase of the OBE, as there is a very small window of opportunity between properly disconnecting consciousness from the body, then attaching it to another usable vessel. Whilst hypnagogia can be considered as a cleavage point of consciousness, where it is “drifting” away from the physical body, but still attached to it, it does not equate to a full separation. Proper separation of consciousness from the body happens very quickly after consciousness inverts from its projected outward state which one experiences from hypnagogia (as well as from sleep paralysis) as a fast “sucking backwards” sensation in which it is pulled away from all hypnogogic imagery (what would happen if Han Solo slammed the millennium falcon in reverse whilst in hyperdrive). This inversion of consciousness is where the physical world becomes supplanted by the quantum one, where the attachment mechanisms of the body fall away and is the crucial point at which consciousness must be quickly tethered to its new container. In the case of my experience, this tethering was achieved by a sort of {non physical} hook that hung from the hallway roof that had the ability to pull my consciousness out of the body I was remote viewing from, and orient it in such a way that it aligned with the space craft cockpit (which was rotated 90 degrees in reference to the ground plane of the facility), and simultaneously merged me into it. It seemed it was by almost sheer luck the timing of this hook hitting me coincided with a conscious transition into the sleeping state, but it is more likely that the hook actually initiated the transition. My suggestion here is that this hook is probably standard affair in many ET space craft docks, or at least those that exhibit an effortless ability to move their consciousness between different containers. An important take away from this is that hypnogogia can be used to target a specific craft through remote viewing practices.
Interestingly – and I am going to be bold with this statement – our models of neighboring galaxies seem to be somewhat inaccurate. According to this experience, I can say with 100% certainty that the Milky Way is not the largest galaxy in this region of space, and that we have a neighboring twin of roughly the same size that comes off perpendicularly to it.
The Experience:
The experience began as an involuntary remote viewing in hypnagogic trance. If I wanted to I could move my body and get up out of bed, but my consciousness was almost completely “away” and viewing from inside of a body that was walking around the launch facility, which took the form of a typical hospital insofar as layout and design was concerned. I was, evidently, on the very cusp of falling asleep. It is important in this stage of the veiwing, one intentionally refrains from exploring any random thoughts that present themselves, and just let the viewing unfold, as experience tells me that any focus away from the events unfolding in the viewing session has a tendancy to ruin it. I thus watched as this body walked about 50m down a hallway, past what appeared to be a cafeteria lounge, turn right through a door way and then walk down a neighboring hallway back from the direction I had just come. I passed what appeared to be two female reception staff to my left sitting at a table which appeared to have a doorway to outside behind it. The whole effort was quite casual, including the very brief conversation that was had with these reception staff; mine and my escort’s destination was through some blast doors that were located just up ahead. Upon reaching just in front of these blast doors the hook became evident. This was of non physical nature, but I could see it, not through the eyes of the body I was observing through, but through my own consciousness. It looked like a standard length of metal that protruded from the roof, and folded at a 90 angle towards the direction I was coming from – perfectly aligning with the centre of my forehead. The end of the hook seemed to taper into a sharp point.
I had barely had time to react before the head of body I was observing through walked was pierced this hook.
My consciousness immediately underwent the same transition into the sleeping state I have become accustomed to experiencing during my lucid dreams. I entered on into the same void space (written about elsewhere), only that this hook seemed to turn my consciousness 90 degrees upwards as it transitioned; if you picture Han Solo throwing his Millenium Falcon into a sideways back flip as he hits hyper drive in reverse, this is what it felt like; it takes much practice for one to find their bearings through such confusion, and is, in my opinion, the “fun” part of the whole affair. I immediately noticed a cluster of stars coming through what appeared to be a circular hole in this void space. My immediate realization was that this “void space” was some sort of non physical (quantum) hangar; I had just never bothered looking upwards in my other experiences with it. Ie, every time one enters into the sleeping state and into this void space, they are entering into one of these quantum hangars (even if they don’t remember it).
There was a slight period of distortion during the engagement period of my consciousness control points interfacing in within the craft body, similar to how when one first wakes up they are in a daze and their arms and legs are yet to work properly. After several seconds this haze wore off, and I was now completely attached and using this craft as if it was my own body, perceiving the physical, cylindrical, structure of the hanger. The interesting part of this haze period, was that the hangar seemingly went from being in non physical state to becoming solid as the haze wore off, and I could make out, with great vividness, tapered ridges running the entire length of the launch “chimney”. I can remember the roaring sound my thruster exhausts made as it echoed along these tapered ridges, as I propelled the craft forward, towards the opening with the stars, taking care not to move too close to the sides of the launch. This marked the hardest part of the flight; I was aware that any slight movement or twitching of the control interfaces would crash the craft into this chimney, so particular attention was paid to slowly accelerating forward until I was confident I wasn’t going to drift into it. At the same time, I had launch protocols being relayed to me via telepathic means by an unknown party, and I could feel their presence through telepathic means (not describable). A few seconds later I arrived at the opening and shot out of the chimney into space where I could see, in very vivid detail a ring of asteroids circling our sun. These asteroids looked like wet rocks glistening from the rays of light of the sun that were hitting them.
Once in open space, I underwent the calibration process to better get acquainted with the consciousness control points and how they would move the craft. This calibration process was a few minutes of me “dancing” around in space doing barrel rolls and amateur flips as if I was taking a car out to a parking lot to learn how to drive it properly. I am therefore quite sure in my assessment of the above control point manipulation to space craft operation criteria; I had to run myself through it before I could properly control the craft; it was like stretching ones limbs before playing a football game to make sure they work properly. The entire time I was aware of the base launch facility beneath me perched on a small asteroid. The facility appeared somewhat like it was made of brick work (something I found curious given its location in the middle of space) and was probably about fifty by one hundred meters in area, several stories high. The launch tunnel was several tens of kilometers in length.
After a quick tour of this asteroid ring, pin pointing earth, I decided I wanted to get away from these asteroids into a much more open area so I could test this craft’s speed capabilities. I had the inner knowing that this particular craft was the Bugatti Veyron of space (ie, engineered for speed); this understanding was akin to the intimate understanding one has of their own body and it’s capabilities and knowing that a lethargic, heavy weighted body is unlikely to perform as well in a 100m sprint than a more agile one. I just knew, this craft body was designed to be “fast”, and I was itching to see what it could do.
Using starry night software I was then able to simulate a very close representation of the time it took to fly past Jupiter and Saturn (note that in the simulation these planets appear further than I was to them because of lack of control I have over that particular program; in the experience these planets were much bigger, taking up almost all of my viewport, which I assume would mean the speeds to be somewhat faster, as I would have been covering greater distances at the same time). According to starry night 8, this would equate to an approximate acceleration of this craft from a standstill to about 4 Astronomical Units (roughly 598,000,000km) in 2 seconds; 4AU to 250ly/sec (23,652, 000, 000, 000, 000km) within 30 seconds. The region close to the location of the Magellanic clouds was reached within 1 minute of burning with barely any effort, in which I assume I was travelling somewhere near the 250ly/ sec mark. The simulation is a very close representation as to what I witnessed and how planets and stars “floated” past me during the experience. Stoppage from any of these speeds was instantaneous (no coasting or wind down), from the moment the braking control points were stimulated. As one can see, even at initial launch speeds, this craft is capable of flying pretty fast – faster than photonic based light, whilst out of atmosphere, that is for sure. The simulation from finishing the calibration process to entering into the nearby Sagittarius Galaxy can be considered 99% exact to how I experienced it, with a short period of total darkness coming out of the milky way before entering into the next galaxy., taking probably a few more seconds in actuality.
Coming out of the Milky Way, and entering into this darkness, I then turned around (spun my consciousness around the central axis of the craft), which is when I noticed two twin sized galaxies arranged perpendicular to each other. A period of disorientation occurred in which I did not know which exact one it was that I had come from.
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In the bottom galaxy, I noticed a large anomalous black hole petrusion taking up about a third of the entire galaxy, spanning from one edge to other, so proceeded to fly over the top of the pancake to get a better view. This black hole I identified as being part of the anomaly I have written about elsewhere (consciousness disassembler I have experienced during prior OBEs). My suspicions are that from our vantage point on earth much of the light from this larger neighboring pancake’s stars is being swallowed by this anomaly which distorts our perception of this galaxy and makes it look much smaller than it really is. I am aware radio emissions are used by astrophysicists to map areas around black holes, but this particular area was somewhat silent around this anomaly (remember, my audible range was several hundred MHz wide, possibly even wider, as opposed to human hearing which peaks at 20kHz), suggesting this anomaly is also capable of swallowing radio frequencies. At the cracks of this anomalous protrusion were what looked like bits of sea foam being brightly illuminated by nearby stars, which I assumed to be left over remnants of other stars that this thing had swallowed after it had spat them out.
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Using starry night, and trying to ascertain the relative location of this galaxy from the apparent sizes of galaxies neighboring the Milky Way at different angles, my conclusion is that this close twin is located in the very same region of space that houses the small and large Magellanic Clouds. My suggestion here is that the Magellanic Clouds are actually one larger galaxy which has been.
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“cleaved” into two parts through this anomaly, which distorts our perception of them from earth, making them appear as two different clusters. I am hoping that future advances in space exploration will one day provide validation of my experience through the finding of evidence of this supermassive black hole anomaly.
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Regardless, after pondering this anomaly for a few moments, and being somewhat concerned of its proximity to earth, I then penetrated out into very, very deep space, to the point I was left floating “in the middle of nowhere”. This would have equated to somewhere near the edge of the cosmic web (the real one, which covers a far greater distance than the known one, judging from what I was witnessing, and comparing to the starry night simulation software).
It was here I tried to establish telepathic communication with the Elder Guardians, who I knew existed very, very far beyond this cosmic web. This was the prime intention of what I wished to achieve with this experience. Up until that point I had been quite active in my exploration around the universe, but it was at this point that I simply just stopped and floated in the middle of no where and the realization hit me that I was an almost unfathomable distance from my physical body back on earth. A curious discovery was made out here; even at that vantage point, I was not able to receive more than a broken transmission that consisted of mainly white noise in between a few “Hello, can you hear me’s”, which suggests to me that there is a barrier that “absorbs” (or more correctly, introduces interference at) even the frequencies associated with telepathic thought transmission somewhere near the edge of the universe.
Shortly after this communication attempt was aborted, the Martian Intelligence spoke directly to me, the amplitude of its “voice” coming through extremely prominently and clear even from this deep region of space. It had evidentally “spotted” my presence flying inside and out of the milky way, and was curious about what I was up to. I had been aware of this intelligence from breaching the outer edges of the milky way, but had not paid much attention to it until it decided to specifically address me. How this was done was hard to explain, but it was like someone shouting at you from a distance, and saying “yes you” when attention was given to the voice. This attention was achieved through the aforementioned “zooming” in to the region of space this intelligence was coming from. The initial thought was that, to a human, this intelligence would have been quite sinister and dangerous, though from the comfort of my space vehicle I thought it’s attempts at coercion to be quite lame, like an adult trying to scare a child who has already called their bluff. I proceeded with extreme caution at its suggestion I come closer to it as it had “something I needed”. Through my targeting apparatus I was then able to run a scan of the planetary body this intelligence was inhabiting, which I identified from its red patterns as being Mars, or a very similar looking planet (galaxy and solar systems were still hard to determine even with this apparatus, unlike my simulation software I did not have the luxury of labels I could use for identification). I was basically operating as a police officer would, going through basic protocols to make sure I was not going to be ambushed.
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Once the Mars like planet had been identified, I accelerated forward to it and came within its atmosphere within about 10-20 seconds. Note, that in the simulation, this is covered much quicker on account for the limited way I had to show the targeting of Mars from deep space. However, the part where I look around trying to pin point where this intelligence was coming from is fairly accurate, although actual movement was more robotic. Atmospheric penetration of the Martian like planet was different to that outlined in the simulation, and involved a forward acceleration into a region that was darkened by the lack of sunlight, close to where daylight would have been breaking. This forward acceleration eventually allowed me to get close enough to gently bring my craft body down to almost ground level, in a rocky outcrop with several cliffs surrounding me. There appeared to be a violent dust storm that made visibility of anything but the nearby cliff faces hard to make out. Even upon landing the intelligence still beckoned for me to follow it into this dust storm, which I was very convinced by this point was a trap.
I decided that the wisest move would be to report my findings of this alien intelligence back to the launch facility base on the asteroid near Pawlowia. Shortly after this, my consciousness was disconnected form this space craft body and I awoke in bed, suggesting that this craft may have been left on whatever planet this was I was on.
Determinations from the experience:
ET spacecraft can 100% be “hijacked” through using techniques commonly involved in initiating out of body experiences. Remote viewing practices can be used as an effective means to target these craft.
There is a launch facility for these craft set up in the asteroid belt, which seems to be close to where the asteroid Pawlowia was on the 27th June 2022.
This facility exhibits human like construction methods (brickwork) and is populated by beings seemingly indistguishable from humans.
These spacecraft have the ability to up scale the bandwidth of frequencies that can be heard during their piloting. There seems to be a common “channel of communication” through this entire bandwidth.
Operation of frequency transmission is different to common methods used on earth; whereas we tend to use a single frequency to modulate the information onto, typical signal transmission from these craft seem to happen simultaneously over this entire frequency range, which has a bandwidth several MHz wide.
The instantaneous transmission speeds through vast distances of space suggest that these transmission are operating beyond those restricted to the speed of light. Instantaneous communication from two different points, many millions of light years apart also suggest a different means of signal propagation, as radio waves are limited to the speed of light (minus 5% under earth atmospheric conditions)
Planetary bodies can seemingly exhibit intelligence at a level that they can be communicated with by not only other planets over great distances, but also by intelligences passing by in some of these space vehicles. My assumption is that this intelligence really comes from an extremely high powered transceiver stationed on these planets by other ET races, in which the planet itself becomes part of the transmission component. I suspect ET races are actually using the planets in some way as an amplification medium of the signals on this telepathy channel.
The most dominant of these transmission stations comes from a planet that either is Mars or looks very similar to it. This transceiver, from whatever its location, can propagate signals out into the edge of the cosmic web instantaneously, with effectively 0 attennuation. Again, this alludes to the idea that these are not typical electromagnetic based radio signals we use on earth, given the obvious bypassing of the inverse square law. The intelligence behind these transmissions is extremely hostile and malicious as far as human standards go, but somewhat inferior when operating from one of these vehicles, suffering from an obvious cowardice.
Some planetary bodies are being used as navigational beacons for these type of space craft. These transmission beacons cover radiuses of several light years, or in the case of the Martian like planet transceiver, several million lightyears, but can be pin pointed from distances very far away from them through directional receiver (audio telescope) capabilities of these craft. This means that sounds from these beacons will not be heard until passing into their broadcasting range, unless these areas are specifically targeted by the craft’s audio telescope zooming capabilities.
Earth propagates a signal that is very noticeable throughout, at least, its own solar system. There is no way it can remain hidden to outside craft of similar capabilities given the loudness of this signal.
The regions inside and outside of the Milky Way are teaming with “intelligent chatter” on this telepathic line. This comes across like being in a crowd of people all speaking at once, until the audio telescope is used and zoomed into a particular sector, where signals in that sector get louder and drown out the crowded noise. In the case of the Martian transceiver, it was essentially like being shouted at by someone on the opposite end of the universe, the loudness of the shout being very obvious.
There is a boundary out past the cosmic web in which signals from this telepathic channel are broken and experience a high level of interference. Estimated distance from earth to this boundary is in the “trillions” of lightyears or more.
There is a neighboring pancake galaxy of similar size to the milky way that comes off perpendicular to it at an approximate distance similar to the Magellanic Clouds. A large part of this galaxy is taken up by a massive anomalous black hole that swallows light and radio frequencies around the site. An ocean of foamy white substance lines the edges of this “crack”. It is also possible this galaxy with the anomaly is the milky way itself. Past experience with this black hole anomaly suggest it exists outside of known time and space, originates from outside of the telepathic signal boundary, and can rip consciousness apart. From those experiences, it seemingly has a direct relationship with the amnesia introduced into our consciousness that prohibit us from retaining memory of past lives.
The universe is spherical, and does not feel a big enough a place to explore when using one of these craft.
Through directional audio telescoping capabilities and relevant speeds of the craft I piloted, exploration into useful areas and galaxies for resource gathering purposes could be carried out extremely easily and efficiently in a very small amount of time. I estimate, that if humans had consistent and unfettered access to this technology, they could accurately map the entire universe within a single year.
It is my belief that it is possible to move consciousness in a similar manner to what is done via lucid dreaming at the moment of death. It is my intention to try and move my consciousness into one of these space craft suits at the expiration of this physical body, in an attempt to provide some form of validation of my claim that techniques used to induce OBEs can be used to hijack and pilot these craft. If I am successful in my endeavors, then I will use this opportunity to provide not only evidence of the existence of these craft, but that my curriculum for piloting them is at least somewhat usable. Therefore, any sightings of a craft similar to the Vanquish DM-22, distinguishable by the pointed “spinning top” bottom, over areas or during events with direct significance to my life, such as properties I owned, burial site of my body, etc, can be taken as a visitation from the same consciousness that piloted the body used to write these very words. I am certain that direct telepathic communication, along the same channel used by this craft, can be made through broadcasted thoughts during hypnagogia or whilst in the void space after a conscious transition into the sleeping state. I recommend using this avenue for any parties interested in trying to contact my consciousness post humously.
A more thorough explanation of visiting schedule will be given to my Ordo Occultum Astrum once it has been worked out.
I have been asked to “fill in the details” regarding what happened in the space of time from when “Alien Interview” was transcribed, and when I entered MAJestic. It’s a rather simplistic narrative, but I will include it here.
For the record.
World War II ended.
The United States launched two nuclear explosions on Japan. The first was an atomic bomb. The second was a hydrogen bomb.
Hiroshima atomic-bomb
The USA began operation paperclip where research and technology in the ruins of Germany were plundered and shipped to the United States for testing. Most of this equipment went to the South West states for testing and evaluation, as well as many of the Nazi German scientists involved in their development.
The Domain started to investigate the nuclear detonations. That brought their vehicles into the air space around Japan, and South Western United States.
Meanwhile, the testing of the (Operation paperclip) procured German radar systems occurred in New Mexico. Simultaneously these systems uncovered cloaked extraterrestrial vehicles and systems. It caused them to behave erratically and eventually crash.
There was a crash of a Domain vehicle in Roswell New Mexico in 1947. The nurse that interviewed the type-1 grey extraterrestrial transcribed the interrogation.
Majestic 12, also known as MJ-12 was established immediately afterwards.
This organization is the code name of a secret committee of scientists, military leaders, and government officials, formed in 1947 by an executive order by U.S. President Harry S. Truman to facilitate recovery and investigation of alien spacecraft. Evidence suggests that all the 12 participants were in Roswell, NM during the interrogation.
The leaked secret government documents surfaced upon the death of the last living member of the initial committee. This occurred in 1984.
1948 through 1953 / 1954
The commander of the downed Domain vehicle stopped moving and “died”.
MAJestic began to use the radar systems to down all extraterrestrial vehicles. This action resulted in downing and capture of numerous extraterrestrial vehicles and species.
At that time, four separate and unique extraterrestrial species were identified. This resulted in a greatly expanded role for MAJestic, and all sort of programs and structures were put in place.
This action continued in earnest, but got the Domain’s attention when yet another Domain vehicle was disabled and crashed.
This forced The Domain to make an appearance to the ranking American leadership. They knew who to contact, when and how as they were “keyed” to these consciousnesses from the interview in 1947. They made an appearance at the individuals bedroom, and startled him completely.
It is not known what was spoken.
What is known is that afterwards, there was a series of formal meetings. The first was established by the Domain. As was the second one.
The third meeting was by mutual arrangement and established the basic relationship between MAJestic and The Domain.
By 1955/6 the agreement between the Domain and MAJestic was in place.
A program and plan was developed jointly by The Domain and MAJestic in which certain “special” individuals would be chosen as “representatives / interfaces / Liaison officers / Ambassadors” between The Domain and MAJestic.
Various programs were set in motion.
My program came into being around 1955 -1957. I was selected by the Domain and agreed to participation in the non-physical realm. Whether this was inside of “Heaven” or outside of it is unknown. My memories were erased as I entered the confusing static field that surrounds the earth physical environment.
I was groomed for my role after that. And was physically born in 1958.
Thoughts and Conclusions
My experiences are suggestive of there being an amnesia field that surround the Prison Complex, especially around the physical earth. However, the idea of me going “into” a tunnel “towards the light” is not something that I recall. Though, this could very well be something that was erased from my memories.
Putting together what I know we can suggest some ideas and concepts worth musing about.
Amnesia Field
There is absolutely a static filled, cloudy, foggy field that surround the earth. I well remember this field and how my memories gradually disappeared as I entered it.
Tunnel of Light
Whether or not there is a “tunnel of light” is unknown to me personally. Everyone talks and discusses the tunnel of light, but to me it just seems to manifest as a “parting of the fog” rather than a clear and direct tunnel. You can peer towards a target, or an objective to head towards, and older consciousness that have gone through many such reincarnations know exactly what to do upon death.
MM Prebirth experience
My knowledge and prior histories suggest a life in and about “Heaven”. To include meeting “elders”, “guardian angels”, and other important beings. I have a distinct memory of a prior reincarnation that I have written about before.
However, my memories of what this life would be is cloudy and sparse.
I know that I had a large meeting of some type, and that this life was all completely mapped out to the point that I was excited to enter into it. If you can believe that! And that I specifically told myself not to forget that this life was going to be an exciting roller coaster adventure. So obviously, I knew what I was getting into, and why as well as what to expect.
Thus, I had to have joined or agreed to work with The Domain long before I was born.
I will tell everyone that while The Domain Commander says that I was Mades Escapleon, I have no memories of that life. What memories that I have acquired through my Past Life Regression hypnosis concerned growth as an assemblage of other life forms contributing to the consciousness that exists today.
This does not in any way suggest a dwarf-like funny little administrator man running a Prison Complex for the “Old Empire”. Nor does it mean that the Domain Commander was lying. It means nothing.
…that I was not ready for the full scope of my involvement with all which has been going on.
At that time, when I did my Past Life Regression my targets were a search for answers about my relationships with others; my piss-poor luck at working at a stable company, and why I ended up being married to a mentally ill woman. I had no knowledge of anything that would inspire me to ask questions related to MAJestic issues.
At that time I did not recall that I was in MAJestic. Instead, this (past life regression incident) occurred ten years prior to my retirement.
All of which means absolutely nothing.
All that matters is what is going on right now. I can only hope that I am “living up to my end of the bargain”, and making a difference, a positive one, in the world.
What’s Next
Yah. I’m gonna die.
It’s going to happen. We all die.
Usually it comes quickly without warning, though both of my parents realized that their time was drawing near and tried to ready us kids for the shock of their departure. Good thing that. Though it still came as a shock.
When my time comes, my family will grieve. MM followers will wonder about the silence. But it should be obvious.
Death is a natural process.
As I figure it, were I to stay in the United States, in that "lifestyle" I would probably die around 80 years old. Thus giving me some 15 years or so left to keep clunking about on this ball of mud.
But I live in China, and my lifestyle is healthier, with far less stress, and better in every way. I figure that I could probably make it to my high 80's maybe even 90. And that gives me another 25 years or so.
Of course, world war III, coronavirus, and cigarettes and alcohol might shorten that calculus substantially.
I figure that the USA stole 5 years of my life. So I DESERVE 80 years plus the 5 stolen years = 85 years. Minimum.
In any event, let’s hope to have a nice calm peaceful death, and when I die, and when that happens…
… I will summon the Domain Commander and await for retrieval. I will not go through anything or expect anything or follow the defaults. This is my last time on this fucking Prison Shit Hole, and I am NEVER going to return to it. Well, at least, that is what I think, anyways.
How do I know?
Consider the following statement(s)…
..from my past life regression session in the late 1990’s. This was long before I was “woken up” from my MAJestic induced amnesia of my operational segment(s). Thus at that time, I had no idea of my actual life or role. Not until I was “retired ” in the ADC Pine Bluff facility did I recall my role. And in this memory erased role…
I told the hypnotist regression expert that…
This was [1] my absolute last reincarnation on the earth.
My life has been one of [2] wrapping up karma and [3] performing good “works”.
Though at the time, I had no idea what those “good works” were.
That [4] I was moving on to bigger and better things.
That what ever form that I would take on in the future, [5] it would not be human.
And [6] that I was a “trans dimensional” being.
Combined with what I know now, and what I was exposed to then, we can see how puzzle pieces are fitting and falling into place. This expands upon the entire MM adventure saga.
Do you want more?
I have more posts in my Past Life Regression Index here…
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Could there be extraterrestrials on Titan? Or could remote viewers for the CIA observe some events in the distant future? Who knows. One thing is certain, Titan is an interesting place, and the idea that there might be a facility there is something to investigate. Even if it is seemingly unlikely.
I stumbled upon a CIA remote viewing report some time ago. It tickled my interests and I just now got a chance to sit down and ponder about it.
A quick review of Titan
Titan is an interesting moon. Saturn’s largest moon Titan is an extraordinary and exceptional world. Titan has a radius of about 1,600 miles (2,575 kilometers), and is nearly 50 percent wider than Earth’s moon. Among our solar system’s more than 150 known moons, Titan is the only one with a substantial atmosphere. And of all the places in the solar system, Titan is the only place besides Earth known to have liquids in the form of rivers, lakes and seas on its surface.
But it is a dim place.
Titan is about 759,000 miles (1.2 million kilometers) from Saturn, which itself is about 886 million miles (1.4 billion kilometers) from the Sun, or about 9.5 astronomical units (AU). One AU is the distance from Earth to the Sun. Light from the Sun takes about 80 minutes to reach Titan; because of the distance, sunlight is about 100 times fainter at Saturn and Titan than at Earth.
Titan, is an icy world whose surface is completely obscured by a golden hazy atmosphere. Titan is larger than the planet Mercury and is the second largest moon in our solar system. Jupiter’s moon Ganymede is just a little bit larger (by about 2 percent).
Titan’s atmosphere is made mostly of nitrogen, like Earth’s, but with a surface pressure 50 percent higher than Earth’s. Titan has clouds, rain, rivers, lakes and seas of liquid hydrocarbons like methane and ethane.
High in Titan’s atmosphere, methane and nitrogen molecules are split apart by the Sun’s ultraviolet light and by high-energy particles accelerated in Saturn’s magnetic field. The pieces of these molecules recombine to form a variety of organic chemicals (substances that contain carbon and hydrogen), and often include nitrogen, oxygen and other elements important to life on Earth.
Titan would most certainly be a spectacular place to visit.
Some of the compounds produced by that splitting and recycling of methane and nitrogen create a kind of smog—a thick, orange-colored haze that makes the moon’s surface difficult to view from space. (Spacecraft and telescopes can, however, see through the haze at certain wavelengths of light outside of those visible to human eyes.) Some of the heavy, carbon-rich compounds settle to the moon’s surface—these hydrocarbons play the role of “sand” in Titan’s vast dune fields. And methane condenses into clouds that occasionally drench the surface in methane storms.
Experiments led by researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology suggest the particles that cover the surface of Saturn’s largest moon, Titan, are “electrically charged.” When the wind blows hard enough (approximately 15 mph), Titan’s non-silicate granules get kicked up and start to hop in a motion referred to as saltation.
As they collide, they become frictionally charged, like a balloon rubbing against your hair, and clump together in a way not observed for sand dune grains on Earth — they become resistant to further motion. They maintain that charge for days or months at a time and attach to other hydrocarbon substances, much like packing peanuts used in shipping boxes here on Earth.
The findings have just been published in the journal Nature Geoscience.
“If you grabbed piles of grains and built a sand castle on Titan, it would perhaps stay together for weeks due to their electrostatic properties,” said Josef Dufek, the Georgia Tech professor who co-led the study. “Any spacecraft that lands in regions of granular material on Titan is going to have a tough time staying clean. Think of putting a cat in a box of packing peanuts.”
The electrification findings may help explain an odd phenomenon. Prevailing winds on Titan blow from east to west across the moon’s surface, but sandy dunes nearly 300 feet tall seem to form in the opposite direction.
“These electrostatic forces increase frictional thresholds,” said Josh Méndez Harper, a Georgia Tech geophysics and electrical engineering doctoral student who is the paper’s lead author. “This makes the grains so sticky and cohesive that only heavy winds can move them. The prevailing winds aren’t strong enough to shape the dunes.”
-The electric sands of Titan
The largest seas are hundreds of feet deep and hundreds of miles wide.
Beneath Titan’s thick crust of water ice is more liquid—an ocean primarily of water rather than methane. Titan’s subsurface water could be a place to harbor life as we know it, while its surface lakes and seas of liquid hydrocarbons could conceivably harbor life that uses different chemistry than we’re used to—that is, life as we don’t yet know it. But because we really do not know much about this place, Titan could also just as well be a lifeless world.
As exotic as Titan might sound, in some ways it’s one of the most hospitable worlds in the solar system. Titan’s nitrogen atmosphere is so dense that a human wouldn’t need a pressure suit to walk around on the surface. At the surface of Titan, the atmospheric pressure is about 60 percent greater than on Earth—roughly the same pressure a person would feel swimming about 50 feet (15 meters) below the surface in the ocean on Earth.
Titan viewed from space.
Because Titan is less massive than Earth, its gravity doesn’t hold onto its gaseous envelope as tightly, so the atmosphere extends to an altitude 10 times higher than Earth’s—nearly 370 miles (600 kilometers) into space. The the atmosphere is quite large, larger than earths.
And the gravity is light, much lighter. Meaning that you could hop and jump for great distances. Walking would be like walking on a trampoline. Which might be pretty cool. Well, at least initially.
The spacesuit would be lighter and thinner. It would resemble something from the 2019 hit movie “The Wandering Earth”.
But, you know, you all would, however, need an oxygen mask and protection against the cold—temperatures at Titan’s surface are around minus 290 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 179 Celsius). It makes Siberia look like a tropical oasis. But, what this means is that the spacesuit could be light, and thin. With only a interior heater that would keep your snug and warm against the cold outside.
Indeed, the surface of Titan is one of the most Earth-like places in the solar system, albeit at vastly colder temperatures and with different chemistry. Here it is so cold (-290 degrees Fahrenheit or -179 degrees Celsius) that water ice plays the role of rock.
There is no free standing water at all. The moment you take a bottle of water outside of the hut, it freezes instantly into the hardest ice imaginable.
Titan may have volcanic activity as well, but with liquid water “lava” instead of molten rock. Titan’s surface is sculpted by flowing methane and ethane, which carves river channels and fills great lakes with liquid natural gas. No other world in the solar system, aside from Earth, has that kind of liquid activity on its surface.
Titan is an interesting and complex moon.
Titan’s dense atmosphere, as well as gravity roughly equivalent to Earth’s Moon, mean that a raindrop falling through Titan’s sky would fall more slowly than on Earth. While Earth rain falls at about 20 miles per hour (9.2 meters per second), scientists have calculated that rain on Titan falls at about 3.5 miles per hour (1.6 meters per second), or about six times more slowly than Earth’s rain.
A rain shower on Titan would be a slow slog of relaxing pitter-patter.
Titan’s raindrops can also be pretty large. The maximum diameter of Earth raindrops is about 0.25 inches (6.5 millimeters) while raindrops on Titan can reach diameters of 0.37 inches (9.5 millimeters), or about 50 percent larger than an Earth raindrop.
Or maybe more like a slog slog of thump-whump.
Vast regions of dark dunes stretch across Titan’s landscape, primarily around the equatorial regions. The “sand” in these dunes is composed of dark hydrocarbon grains thought to look something like coffee grounds. And as I have stated above, are electrostaticly charged to behave like “Styrofoam peanuts”. It might be a real task cleaning off your suit when you come inside.
The moon Titan has a thick and substantive atmosphere.
In appearance, the tall, linear dunes are not unlike those seen in the desert of Namibia in Africa. Titan has few visible impact craters, meaning its surface must be relatively young and some combination of processes erases evidence of impacts over time. Earth is similar in that respect as well; craters on our planet are erased by the relentless forces of flowing liquid (water, in Earth’s case), wind, and the recycling of the crust via plate tectonics. These forces are present on Titan as well, in modified forms. In particular, tectonic forces—the movement of the ground due to pressures from beneath—appear to be at work on the icy moon, although scientists do not see evidence of plates like on Earth.
Titan takes 15 days and 22 hours to complete a full orbit of Saturn. Titan is also tidally locked in synchronous rotation with Saturn, meaning that, like Earth’s Moon, Titan always shows the same face to the planet as it orbits.
Saturn takes about 29 Earth years to orbit the Sun (a Saturnian year), and Saturn’s axis of rotation is tilted like Earth’s, resulting in seasons. But Saturn’s longer year produces seasons that each last more than seven Earth years. Since Titan orbits roughly along Saturn’s equatorial plane, and Titan’s tilt relative to the sun is about the same as Saturn’s, Titan’s seasons are on the same schedule as Saturn’s—seasons that last more than seven Earth years, and a year that lasts 29 Earth years.
The Saturn moon Rhea in the foreground, with Titan in the background.
The Cassini spacecraft’s numerous gravity measurements of Titan revealed that the moon is hiding an underground ocean of liquid water (likely mixed with salts and ammonia). The European Space Agency’s Huygens probe also measured radio signals during its descent to the surface, in 2005, that strongly suggested the presence of an ocean 35 to 50 miles (55 to 80 kilometers) below the icy ground.
The discovery of a global ocean of liquid water adds Titan to the handful of worlds in our solar system that could potentially contain habitable environments. Additionally, Titan’s rivers, lakes and seas of liquid methane and ethane might serve as a habitable environment on the moon’s surface, though any life there would likely be very different from Earth’s life. Thus, Titan could potentially harbor environments with conditions suitable for life—meaning both life as we know it (in the subsurface ocean) and life as we don’t know it (in the hydrocarbon liquid on the surface).
A view of Titan when peering through the atmospheric haze.
All in all, I would say that Titan would not only be an absolutely fascinating place to visit, but it would be a beautiful one as well. With Saturn rises, settings, seasons, clouds, and unique geography. Not to mention the glimmering rings that would hover above you in the smoggy skies above.
The enormous dense atmosphere, with the low gravity, could make individual personal flying a reality. With only the smallest amount of propulsive jet-pack and “wings” necessary. While it would be risky; a tear in your suit due to a tumble or fall could be lethal, it would be extraordinary.
Couple that with sailing on the seas of Titan, or swimming (wearing a spacesuit of course) would be a truly unique and adventuresome experience.
What is remote viewing.
Well, Titan is a very cool place and it would be both beautiful and interesting. So… then, why is the CIA investigating it, and what is the technique that they are using?
Remote viewing is defined as the ability to acquire accurate information about a distant or non-local place, person or event without using your physical senses or any other obvious means. It’s associated with the idea of clairvoyance, seemingly being able to spontaneously know something without actually knowing how you got the information. It is also sometimes called “anomalous cognition” or “second sight.”
Many of us experience this from time to time as an intuitive flash of insight that turns out to be correct. Many well-known entrepreneurs and business people, like George Soros, Conrad Hilton, Thomas Alva Edison and Akio Morita, the co-founder of Sony, have attributed their business success to this ability. And we’ve all seen natural psychics perform seemingly amazing feats of mental skill on TV.
The difference between natural psychic receptivity and remote viewing is that the latter is a trained skill, a controlled process, that the average person can learn to do, to some degree or another.
Why the CIA used remote viewing
The CIA in conjunction with Stanford University operated a program known as STARGATE to investigate ‘paranormal’ abilities and phenomena that some humans are capable of, and perhaps all of us are capable of.
One of the programs under the STARGATE umbrella was the remote viewing program.
As stated above, “remote viewing” is the ability to describe a remote location, regardless of distance and ones proximity to the target, from a given location independent of the target. So basically, if you had this ability you could accurately “see” what’s on the back side of the Moon, if anything, or you could see what’s inside a specific building in another country if you were given the coordinates.
The CIA has viewed this technique as a valuable sensing mechanism / tool ever since they had obtained demonstratively consistent results guaranteeing it’s effectiveness.
To summarize, over the years, the back-and-forth criticism of protocols, refinement of methods, and successful replication of this type of remote viewing in independent laboratories has yielded considerable scientific evidence for the reality of the (remote viewing) phenomenon. Adding to the strength of these results was the discovery that a growing number of individuals could be found to demonstrate high-quality remote viewing, often to their own surprise…The development of this capability at SRI has evolved to the point where visiting CIA personnel with no previous exposure to such concepts have performed well under controlled laboratory conditions.
-Collective Evolution
A CIA remote-viewing exercise
In November 1986, a remote viewing subject who was sent to Saturn’s moon Titan reported seeing a base on Titan’s surface.
Entering the base, the remote viewer found to her astonishment that all the operators were identical to human beings.
She observed two young, healthy human males working at a control panel supervised by an attractive female.
That’s it?
Yea. It’s a fine tantalizing nugget for certain.
What I can say (from my MAJestic experience) that there are extraterrestrial species that really resemble Earth humans in physical appearance. In general, we find them to be handsome / beautiful overall. They are our height, have the same physical proportions as we do and tend to (not always though) wear clothing. They differ from us in some internal ways, in organs and some biological behaviors.
Now, the thing about this remote viewing session is that we do not know WHEN the target viewing occurred. The Remote Viewer could well describe viewing an event that will happen two hundred years in the future, and those individuals are Earth-born humans.
Certainly in 1986 there was a lot of MAJestic activity. And other agencies were often pulled into supplying supporting help tangentially without their knowledge as to why.
In general, I tend to believe that this is a contemporaneous viewing. As almost all of the MAJestic activity at that time was contemporaneous. This was most certainly true about MAJestic, and there is no reason to believe that a supporting other inter-agency group (like the CIA, for instance) would deviate from that criteria.
I can also confirm that I was active in 1986 within MAJestic, though I was still in training at that time. And while my information was “on a need to know basis only”, we (Sebastian and myself) were able to observe other people from other agencies visiting the China Lake NWC facilities from time to time, and going into our restricted access areas. What they were doing, we never found out.
In general
In general, there was always a purpose or a goal that the programs (that we participated in) had. Knowing this, we must also extrapolate that there was a reason, some kind of reason, why the CIA would remote view Titan.
Keep in mind that for many, many years, titan was only considered a little speck of light in the pictures obtained from Earth-bound telescopes. No one knew anything at all about it. For many, it was just another typical moon.
The first spacecraft to explore Titan, Pioneer 11, flew through the Saturn system on Sept. 1, 1979. Astronomers on Earth had previously studied Titan’s temperature, and calculated its mass, and Pioneer 11 confirmed those characteristics. Because of Titan’s extended and opaque atmosphere, scientists at the time thought (incorrectly, it turns out) that Titan might be the largest moon in the solar system. Pioneer 11 also saw hints of a bluish haze in Titan’s upper atmosphere, which scientists predicted the Voyager spacecraft would be able to see.
The first close up views of Titan other than as a speck of light came with the Voyager 1 flyby.
Its flyby of the Saturn system in November 1979 was as spectacular as its previous encounter.
Voyager 1 found five new moons, a ring system consisting of thousands of bands, wedge-shaped transient clouds of tiny particles in the B-ring that scientists called “spokes,” a new ring (the G-ring), and “shepherding” satellites on either side of the F-ring -- satellites that keep the rings well-defined.
During its flyby, the spacecraft photographed Saturn’s moons Titan, Mimas, Enceladus, Tethys, Dione, and Rhea. Based on incoming data, all the moons appeared to be composed largely of water ice.
Perhaps the most interesting target was Titan, which Voyager 1 passed at 05:41 UT Nov. 12, 1979, at a range of about 2,500 miles (4,000 kilometers).
Images showed a thick atmosphere that completely hid the surface. The spacecraft found that the moon’s atmosphere was composed of 90% nitrogen. Pressure and temperature at the surface was 1.6 atmospheres and minus 292 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 180 degrees Celsius), respectively.
Atmospheric data suggested that Titan might be the first body in the solar system, apart from Earth, where liquid might exist on the surface. In addition, the presence of nitrogen, methane, and more complex hydrocarbons indicated that prebiotic chemical reactions might be possible on Titan.
Naturally, this information helped direct the follow-up mission with Voyager 2.
When the Voyager 1 and 2 spacecraft passed through the Saturn system in 1980 and 1981, they couldn’t see Titan’s surface because of its hazy atmosphere—images from that mission showed a featureless orange world—but they did see the blue haze as a seemingly detached layer of Titan’s upper atmosphere.
Just before Voyager 1 arrived in the Saturn system, some scientists speculated that the moon’s cold temperatures and methane meant that Titan might be home to oceans of liquid hydrocarbons. But the Voyager spacecrafts’ cameras were unable to penetrate Titan’s opaque atmosphere to get a clear view of the surface. Voyager did, however, reveal that Titan had traces of acetylene, ethane, and propane, along with other organic molecules, and that its atmosphere was primarily nitrogen.
In 1994, NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope recorded pictures of Titan using particular colors of infrared light that could pierce through the haze. The Hubble images showed large bright and dark areas, including bright region the size of Australia. The Hubble results didn’t prove that liquid seas existed, though, and the mystery about what was hidden below Titan’s haze remained until 2004.
The Cassini spacecraft, with the European Space Agency’s Huygens probe attached, became the first human-made object to orbit Saturn in 2004. Almost immediately, Cassini began observing Titan, peering through the haze for the first time.
The Huygens probe detached from Cassini and parachuted through Titan’s atmosphere, landing on the surface on Jan. 14, 2005—the first landing of a probe in the outer solar system.
Huygens collected images and atmospheric data during its descent as well as from the surface, and transmitted that data to Cassini, which relayed the data to Earth.
Cassini performed 127 close flybys of Titan over 13 years, using a suite of tools, including radar and infrared instruments to peer through Titan’s haze and finally give scientists a detailed view of the moon’s surface and complex atmosphere. Cassini-Huygens discovered that Titan has clouds, rain, lakes and rivers of liquid hydrocarbons, as well as a subsurface ocean of salty water.
The very first picture taken while on Titan’s surface.
Meanwhile the Cassini probe orbited the planet and peered through the haze to take detailed pictures.
This mosaic of three frames provides unprecedented detail of the high ridge area including the flow down into a major river channel from different sources. Images captured by the DISR reveal that Titan has extraordinarily Earth-like meteorology and geology. Images show a complex network of narrow drainage channels running from brighter highlands to lower, flatter, dark regions. These channels merge into river systems running into lakebeds featuring offshore “islands” and “shoals” remarkably similar to those on Earth. Other Huygens’ data provide strong evidence for liquids flowing on Titan. However, the fluid involved is methane, a simple organic compound that can exist as a liquid or gas at Titan’s sub-170 degree C temperatures, rather than water as on Earth. Titan’s rivers and lakes appear dry at the moment, but rain may have occurred not long ago.
Additionally, the probe took pictures as it descended to the planet (ok, well, moon) surface. These pictures are all very interesting. Here is one such picture…
This image, taken during the Huygens descent to the surface of Titan, shows the boundary between the lighter-colored uplifted terrain, marked with what appear to be drainage channels, and darker lower areas. These images were taken from an altitude of about 8 kilometers with a resolution of about 20 meters per pixel.
Investigating this further…
The decision to remote view Titan occurred in 1986. This was directly after the Hubble Space Telescope took pictures of the moon. If you recall, all that anyone knew about Titan was that there were areas of light and dark under the haze of Titan. Perhaps the team wanted to see if there were any entities under this cloud cover involved in the apparent seasonal changes.
Or, perhaps this “dove-tails” with other remote viewing efforts also conducted prior to it.
What we do know is that after this viewing (and other viewings that are still classified) that…
The CIA Remote Viewed the “Galactic Federation” presence on the Earth.
One of the CIA’s declassified remote viewing sessions conducted in 1988 targeted the Earth headquarters for the Galactic Federation. (see remote viewing notes here) It’s unclear who the remote viewer is. (Names are usually listed.)
First of all, where would the CIA get the idea to even look for some sort of galactic federation? This implies either joint-efforts alongside MAJestic, or independently obtained information suggestive of this.
Remote viewer Lyn Buchanan describes the four general classification-types of extraterrestrials:
“After the military I was asked by a branch of the government to do a…study paper to compare and contrast ET psychic ability to human psychic ability.
…I was given access to many of the things that never made it into Project Grudge or the Blue Book or anything like that because they couldn’t be denied.
…I found out that we can take the ET’s of all different kinds and species and all that and put them into four main categories.
We’ve got those who are more psychic than us and those that are less psychic than us.
In each of those two categories we’ve got friendly to us and unfriendly to us, the unfriendly non-psychic ones tend to not come here. They don’t like us, they don’t want to be around us.
The non-psychic friendly ones come here for trade.
The psychic friendly ones actually want to help us develop our abilities and become stronger at it.
And the unfriendly psychic ones want us wiped off the planet, they want us dead, period, no questions asked.”
To which I say; “Duh!”
Yeah. Dogs are big and small. Some have long hair and some have short hair. Interesting, but not really (at all) of significance on a practical basis.
Remote viewers Ingo Swann, Pat Price and Joseph McMoneagle also claimed to have remote viewed extraterrestrials and ET bases on Earth, with extreme accuracy.
Buchanan said that there are five extraterrestrial bases on Earth, all inside of mountains. Some of these bases have humans working with these extraterrestrials in various ways.
According to Captain Frederick H. Atwater, a retired US Army officer who was involved in remote viewing experiments for [1] the Army’s Intelligence and Security Command, [2] the Defense Intelligence Agency and [3] the CIA, Pat Price remotely viewed four alien bases on Earth, one of which was located under Mount Ziel, in the Northern Territory (Australia), some 80 miles west-northwest of Pine Gap.
Price believed the base contained a mixture of ‘personnel’ from the other bases, one purpose being to ‘transport new recruits, with an overall monitoring function’. The other bases were said to be under Mount Perdido in the Pyrenees (Spain), Mount Inyangani in Zimbabwe, and in Alaska under Mount Hayes. Price described the occupants as ‘looking like homo sapiens, except for the lungs, heart, blood and eyes.’
And so with this, we enter into the realm of Internet-extraterrestrial-lore…
For undisclosed reasons, the CIA remote-viewed the Saturn moon Titan. They say humans or a species similar to humans working within a base or facility there. Not much of interest can be determined from the event aside than the base appears to be isolated and alone. There isn’t a large city or community there, apparently.
After the viewing the CIA conducted a series of remote viewing sessions to “map out” the extraterrestrial presence on the earth. Of which they determined consisted of five “bases” all underground, and all under mountains.
When you read reports like this our minds tend to go into “over drive” to figure things out and wonder what is going on. Those with a military bent might consider that the extraterrestrials are here to take over the planet. While others with different ideology might have completely different views.
But I will not allow that here.
Instead, I will selectively provide this nugget…
Haim Eshed, former head of Israel’s Defense Ministry’s space directorate, former General and respected professor claimed that the U.S. & Israel have been in contact with intelligent extraterrestrials for quite a long time. He specifically referenced the “Galactic Federation” emphasizing how they are waiting for humanity to evolve, and that we are not quite ready for contact.
To which I must say… YES.
The earth is a sentience nursery, and we will never be permitted to egress from it until we get our collective shit together, sort out the kind of sentience that we want to have, and chill out by discarding the selfish, and disastrous from our societies. If we do not, then they will all consume us and we will see a caste system completed on a global basis.
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
Please kindly help me out in this effort. There is a lot of effort that goes into this disclosure. I could use all the financial support that anyone could provide. Thank you very much.
If you enjoy what you see, it would be helpful if you could assist in hosting this forum. A donation would be appreciated.
How about that for a title? Yah, it’s probably going to get exactly zero hits on Google, don’t you know. But after all, everyone just “knows” what the universe is, and what our role in it is, right? We all know.
Or do we?
Is all we see, all that there is? Is all the rumors about UFO’s, little green men, and strange being that walk in and out of our reality just some kind of Hollywood fiction? Is the idea that we can buy our way into “forgiveness” and “Heaven” possible if we donate enough money to charity and large churches? Is wealth the sole method to determine whether or not you lead a successful life?
What is real, and what is not?
What is important, and what is trivial?
What is actual, and what is a lie?
Here we are going to discuss what our reality actually is. And while I have (in other posts) discussed the nature of our universe, and the nature of our reality, here is where “I bring it home” and discuss it on a very up-front and personal way.
"BringingItHome" "Bringingithome" is making something more clear by seeing the situation more closely. Example: "Taking care of my grandfather is really bringinghome the importance of good health care." When one thing happens which shows you that some thing is real, that "bringsithome".
-GoEnglish.com Idioms
Quick Overview
The universe doesn’t look like anything that we are taught in school or in our religions. It does not at all resemble our physical reality. It is something quite different. So to enter this discussion you all need to be made aware of that.
Is the perception of our reality the same thing as the actual reality?
Our universe is actually something else.
And because we don’t have the proper vocabulary to describe it, we will overuse some terms with will tend to add confusion. That is something that we do not want.
Definition of universe
1 : the whole body of things and phenomena observed or postulated : cosmos: such as a : a systematic whole held to arise by and persist through the direct intervention of divine power
b : the world of human experience
(1) : the entire celestial cosmos
(2) : milky way galaxy
(3) : an aggregate of stars comparable to the Milky Way galaxy
2 : a distinct field or province of thought or reality that forms a closed system or self-inclusive and independent organization
3 : population sense 4
4 : a set that contains all elements relevant to a particular discussion or problem
5 : a great number or quantity
First off, we all exist within a time-less void.
Within this void, are multiple universes. There are a large number of them. Maybe infinite. Who actually knows?
We, our consciousness, come from one of these universes.
We have a name for it. We call it “Heaven”.
But what about us?
Sure there is a Heaven. It is a “place”. But what about us?
Our consciousness is part of a group of quanta that we call a soul.
And thus, yes, souls reside within Heaven. And they create these objects known as “consciousness”.
And you, who are reading this, are one such being; one such consciousness.
Is there anything that is too difficult to understand? It should be pretty clear. Most religions pretty much maintain this belief structure, more or less. Of course, they don’t refer to a consciousness as being a part of soul. Or that you are a being of consciousness. But aside from that, that’s the basics of the void that we call “the universe”.
Now, as you all might be aware, you and I are not dwelling within Heaven. We are somewhere else. If we were inside of Heaven things would be quite different. Indeed, and you all can well imagine what the differences would be.
Instead, we are conscious that dwells somewhere else. Not in Heaven. Somewhere else.
We call this other place “reality”.
It is our reality. And that is where our consciousness dwells while our bodies are alive and functioning. And when we die, our consciousness leaves our reality and returns to Heaven.
Again, this shouldn’t be too difficult to understand either. Most religions have some idea or concept of this. We live on the Earth, and then we die and return to Heaven. Many religions refer to this as soul, but that is not completely accurate.
Soul stays within Heaven. It is the universe that the soul occupies. It never leaves that universe.
Instead it creates a “vehicle”, known as consciousness, which it uses to acquire experiences with. These experiences are like a giant vacuum cleaner, and it collects all sorts of new, interesting, and curious experiences with it. These experiences are when quanta interact together, and in that interaction they create associations. These associations become building blocks. And those building blocks are what the soul uses to grow.
But where does consciousness go to collect those experiences?
It enters another universe.
This other universe is called “reality”.
This is a slightly different version than what most religions teach. The Buddhists believe that suffering is the path to enlightenment, and I suppose that you could say that suffering is a sub-set of experiences.
The Christian religions teach that we are born corrupted and that we must cleanse ourselves though pious actions in order to qualify to return to Heaven. Again, not so different.
Our actions, and the experiences associated with them, observe the needs that the consciousness has to build up quantum relationships for soul.
All this I pretty much covered in other posts, describing the “shaft or cylinder of light” that the consciousness passes through to get to Heaven and all that.
But now we are going to diverge a little away from what most religions teach.
Our reality is not like Heaven. Each universe is completely different in construction and appearance. And I am very limited in what I can say about Heaven. Though I have written about the geography of Heaven in other posts. The “reality universe” that we (our consciousness) inhabits is not as it appears. The reality is that our reality universe is a very large collection of “frozen moments in time”.
It is a near infinite collection of “snap-shots”.
There is a snap-shot of the moment when you were born. There is a snap-shot of when the dinosaurs became extinct. There is a snap-shot of when the pyramids were built in Egypt. There is a snap-shot of when man walked on the moon, and there is a snap shot of the forest fires of 2134. There is a snap-shot of every moment in time.
Additionally there is a snap-shot of “alternative universes”. There is a snap-shot of when George Washington betrayed the American revolution and became king of France. There is a snap-shot of when the Incas invaded Spain, and a snap-shot of Hillary Clinton winning the 2016 election.
Each snap-shot is a three dimensional reality. With sights, sounds, emotions, feelings, thoughts, and colors.
Now, what happens is that our consciousness moves from one snap-shot to another. And since it moves we experience time. We experience “the arrow of time”. And it seems that the world around us moves. But in reality it is our consciousness is what is moving. Not everything else.
It’s like a movie projector in a movie theater. Each “snap-shot” is a frame in the film. And we, as consciousness experience this movement as “real life”.
Now, for the “head blown” realization…
…each “snap shot” is an individual “world-line”.
Coordinates of location
Since each moment is frozen in time, you can associate it with coordinates.
These are coordinates of location.
The best and most effective way of doing so is with gravity readings.
Each world-line or snap-shot in time has it’s own unique set of coordinates. And if you add geographical coordinates of where your consciousness happens to be, you will have a complete set of coordinates that describes your position in all the universe at any given frozen moment in time.
It is by accessing these coordinates of location that you are able to conduct world-line travel and apparent time-travel. You might want to see my construction notes on my DIY teleportation mechanism or egress portal. HERE.
Dimensional portal showing magnetic field generator, and the “air gap” that the traveler must pass through to use the mechanism. This post discusses the geometry of this “air gap”.
A life time of experiences
Now the way that our consciousness travels this group of world-lines is pretty much fixed. It’s almost like it is pre-ordained or fated.
The moment that you, as consciousness, tries to deviate from your path, something will happen that will snap you back on that path.
Since thoughts change reality, we can use our thoughts to navigate the various world-lines at will. I have devoted an entire section on this called Intention Campaigns.
That’s the good news.
Now for the bad news.
Evil or selfish people use popular media, news, or industry to control the thoughts of others. They flood the airwaves and media with narrative to make people think in certain ways. These patterns of mutated mass-thought is very dangerous. And is the source of many of the problems that we humans are experiencing today. I have also covered this in other posts. With an entire index devoted to the collapse of the United States.
This is a big ol’ subject and you just will not find it anywhere else. But this is how the universe works pretty much.
Now, let’s get to the “brass tacks”, or the real purpose of this post.
A Sentience Nursery
Humans are a very, very young species. Heck we are under 30,000 years old, and our written history only goes back 6,000 years. Pro-humans have been around longer, but not much longer. Maybe 300,000 years.
Older, more mature species have long colonized and settled our galaxy (a collection of solar systems) within our “reality universe”. And they have set aside enclaves, or preserves used for the incubation and growth of new emerging species.
There are five such sentience nurseries in our general geographic region of space.
I do not know much about what lies outside our immediate region of space. I have written some very detailed posts about this subject and our galaxy and if you are really interested, you might want to check them out.
This is where we are protected, and nurtured and lead to “growing up” and becoming a productive species within our galaxy.
Once we “graduate”, our RNA will be altered (with some modifications of our DNA as well) and the human species will become something else.
Our RNA / DNA will be such that it fits an approved archetype. And once that is completed, we (the survivors) will collectively fit within an ecological niche within the galaxy.
You can see what happened with a much older species that already graduated from our sentience nursery; the Cephalopods.
The Guardian Angels
Our “sentience nursery” is tended to by a species that everyone is pretty much aware of known as the “greys”. I refer to them as the “Type-1 greys” because that was the first species that I met when I joined MAJestic.
I have things to say about this species, and things that I am limited to discuss. This is my attempt to add some clarity on this issue, in the midst of all the massive disinformation out there off in internet land.
And where they are from. Nope they are not from Zeta Reticuli. They are from some place nearer…
And… how near, you might ask…
And how long have they been involved with the earth…
And, if they are so prevalent all over the earth, then where is their bases of operation? The sightings are global, and constant and consistent. But Google Earth doesn’t indicate any extraterrestrial bases or housing structures.
Where are they…
And maybe a little bit about how they started interacting with humans.
They pretty much police this entire environment and make sure that the humans are tended to and don’t get into too much trouble. They occupy both the physical reality, and the non-physical reality within this “reality universe”.
Much of what is written about them is much maligned nonsense. They are desirous of humans to get a service-to-self sentience. But aside from that, don’t really care one way or the other about what happens. They are objectively neutral.
But, that’s not really true regarding our protectors.
And it is our protectors that make sure that the Type-1 greys behave themselves.
The human species themselves are tended to by the very first intelligent species to graduate from this sentience nursery. They are a species that dwells within the non-physical reality and performs autonomous world-line travel operations for the human body automatically without human consciousness interaction. They are known as the Mantids. They act as our guardian angels. Because that is what they are, more or less.
Before they took on their role, they evolved naturally on this earth in the physical. As such, they have left behind some relics…
I have much to say about them, and I will get to that once, I establish commonality of dialog about the non-physical realities.
Crazy stuff!
You betya. The world that you think you know isn’t even close to what the actual reality is. Now, can you just believe that this is all just an introduction? Yup it is.
Because right now I’m going to tell you what this “sentience nursery” actually is, and I will try to describe it in ways so that everyone can understand.
Think of a farm. Let’s suppose the farm is raising horses. These are special Arabian horses known for special beauty and personality. And the farm is run by a loving and caring family that loves those horses. They hire people to take care of the horses, and care for them. These caretakers mend the fences and make sure that no one will break in the farm and steal the horses. They also make sure that none of the horses escape the farm. They are very good at what they do, but to them, it’s just a job; a paycheck.
A horse farm can be a very beautiful place.
Consider the Earth to be the same as the farm. You can consider humans to be the special horses being groomed and cared for. And you can consider the Mantids to be the farmer and his family that love and care for the horses. Finally, you can consider the Type-1 greys to be the farm-hands that maintain the farm and keep everything working and in order.
There are five other farms in the county. They are all raising horses. But each farm raises a different breed. And that is the way that our section of galaxy works.
Keeping the horses corralled
But how do they do it? How does the type-1 greys keep the horses in their pens, on their learning tracks, keeping them well fed, and steering them away from the gate that will let them out of the farm where they can roam freely?
Type-1 Grey “cowboys” keep the human herds under control..
They use numerous techniques.
The gates are hidden from view. The horses cannot see the gates, and do not know where they are.
The keys to open the gates are never discussed or told to the horses, they wouldn’t know how to open the gates, even if they were right in front of them.
The horses are kept busy and distracted by certain other horses that are intentionally agitated, and are used to distract attention away from the gates.
They also use other animals (dogs) to help keep the horses in their place.
Other Animals
These guardians, or “cowboys”, use “helpers” to help put the humans “in their place” and control them.
This includes the MAJestic organization, and one of the roles that I participated in was as a “cowboy for the human race“. If you all don’t know what I am specifically referring to, then you should read this post…
You see, and this is specifically directed to long time readers to MM, the longer you read, the more articles you absorb, the more “puzzle pieces” that fall into place.
The Gates
In our human reality, the gates are absolutely hidden.
We need to be able to map the coordinates of location, then use a high flux egress portal to assign new coordinates that lead outside of our nursery.
The keys are the specific coordinates that the traveler must use to egress, and that come either from long periods of experimentation, or being told what coordinates to use.
Finally, certain individuals within our human reality are intentionally creating disruptions. These disruptions keep the human species “on our toes” and distracted in such a way that we don’t have the time nor inclination to egress our of our reality.
And that is the way it is.
Cowboy with his cowboy dogs.
Cowboy movement
Because the gates are hidden, the caretakers can enter and leave our apparent reality at will. It doesn’t matter what world-line we are on, they can find us through the coordinates of location and the impression that the quanta associated with our consciousness makes.
When you watch them enter, it is like they are coming out of nowhere, and that they leave just as easily. And these gates can open up just about anywhere, but you all would be surprised that there is an entire non-physical reality that lies outside our physical reality. And our caretakers and guardian angels tend to be in that realm at various states of energy.
They rarely enter the physical realm. That is where the livestock roam.
You are not in Kansas anymore.
We’re not in Kansas anymore is a phrase that means we have stepped outside of what is considered normal, we have entered a place or circumstance that is unfamiliar and uncomfortable, we have found ourselves in a strange situation.
The idiom we’re not in Kansas anymore was first used in the movie The Wizard of Oz, a 1939 film based on the L. Frank Baum book, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, published in 1900. In the story, Dorothy Gale is caught in a tornado that transports her and her dog, Toto, into a magical land called Oz.
The line, “Toto, I’ve a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore,” summed up the fact that not only did Dorothy travel away from home physically, but she had traveled to a new reality where anything was possible.
Though the movie premiered in 1939, it was a staple of holiday programming on television through the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s in America. The idiom we’re not in Kansas anymore did not become popular until the 1980s.
-We’re not in Kansas anymore Idiom Definition – Grammarist
The world that we live in is not what it seems.
If you are a new comer to this MM website then all this will seem strange, upsetting and not make any sense to you. Which is why I have an entire series devoted to teach it in great detail, but in stages.
Most people who follow the lesson plan agree that there is a lot here, but once they follow the step plan, it all becomes crystal clear and they see their life, and their role within it, in crystal clarity.
Yes, we talk about world-lines, other species, little “green” men, high technology, and secrets. Strange, and a little crazy, eh? Ah. It’s all American as “Apple Pie”, isn’t it?
Let’s hope that someone else benefits from this information.
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
Please kindly help me out in this effort. There is a lot of effort that goes into this disclosure. I could use all the financial support that anyone could provide. Thank you very much.
Let’s discuss others that have tried to make a buck off of the UFO, or Extraterrestrial issue. Let’s look at their motivations behind the creation of enormous amounts of disinformation that is nothing short of a fire-hose spewing out the most confusing and perplexing nonsense regarding our extraterrestrial benefactors. Here, we talk about some such person. We talk about “Commander X”.
We all have opinions of others. In fact, I have included memes regarding this characteristic of humans within this Metallicman blog.
The truth is that we shouldn’t judge others. We really shouldn’t, and that includes me. Yup, yours truly should NOT judge others. Those whom live in glass houses should not advocate throwing rocks.
There are those whom tread upon my “turf” and, naturally, I end up having opinions regarding them and the statements that they make. With this in mind, I wish to devote an entire post to an individual known as “Commander X”.
A person known as “Commander X” who claims to be an “insider” in such matters is a perfect example of how people can believe the simple narrative.
"Commander X is alleged to be a retired Military Intelligence Official turned author who writes about controversial subjects related to secret United States government programs. Commander X also released an DVD which is compiled of a person with a blacked out face giving lectures. Critics say the sound effects made by the audience ( coughing and clapping ) are made artificial. Rumors are that Commander X is the same person as Timothy Beckley Green.
I neither support nor disparage the statements made by this individual. I am only commenting on them.
He just does not understand that the world is large and complex and that the relationships between people are governed by sentience. This person is an example of how a person can pick a political target and use it as their dartboard for blame. It is a very good example of how a non-insider can exploit the apparent reality and try to profit from it.
In truth, this clown knows “jack shit” (nothing) about MAJestic.
I use him as an example. He is a great example. I don’t know for positive what his association is. I do not know if he is [1] legitimate (highly unlikely), or a [2] hoaxer, [3] disinformation expert, or [4] profiteer (probable).
I just do not know.
My experiences were of a very limited scope, and were not anyway as inclusive as the experiences that he claims to have been privy to. In any event, he has very strong opinions related to the Republican political party (RNC) and their relationship with the New World Order (NWO) and extraterrestrial treaties.
I strongly disagree with him.
The extraterrestrials that I have had contact with do not care one way or the other about American centric politics. They do not care if the person is a Democrat, a Republican, a Libertarian, or a Communist. They simply do not care.
(Can I make this any clearer?)
The extraterrestrial species that I had close, face to face, and physical contact with had absolutely zero interest in what I thought, felt, desire, cared about, or yearned for They did not care about politics or the group behaviors of large masses of humans.
They did not care about it.
There is no massive secret and hidden agenda that some people allude to. Instead there are multiple agendas and objectives that various clandestine human groups work toward. The human race does not need to know about the individual efforts, nor the participatory members.
All that one needs to know and understand is that their own personal thoughts and their own personal actions define their existence. It defines their sentience, and sentience will determine their own personal evolutionary future.
His Books
If the reader wishes to investigate the simple narrative, then they should read the large volume of books written by this person. He has made quite the small “cottage industry” writing and producing such blather;
Underground Alien Bases: Flying Saucers Come from Inside the Earth!
The Philadelphia Experiment Chronicles: Exploring the Strange Case of Alfred Bielek and Dr. M.K. Jessup
Time Travel – Fact Not Fiction: Time Slips, Real Time Machines, And How-To Experiments To Go Forwards Or Backwards Through Time
Invisibility and Levitation: How-To Keys to Personal Performance
Reality of the Serpent Race and the Subterranean Origin of UFOs
The Philadelphia Experiment Revelations!: An Update on The Philadelphia Experiment Chronicles – Exploring The Strange Case of Alfred Bielek & Dr. M.K. Jessup
Nikola Tesla: Free Energy and the White Dove
Commander X’s Guide to Incredible Conspiracies
Mind Stalkers: UFO’s, Implants & the Psychotronic Agenda of the New World Order
William Cooper: Death of a Conspiracy Salesman
The Controllers: The Rulers of Earth Identified
Teleportation: From Star Trek to Tesla
Incredible Technologies of the New World Order: UFOs – Tesla – Area 51
The Ultimate Deception
The Smoky God and Other Inner Earth Mysteries: Updated/Expanded Edition
Strange and Unexplainable Deaths at the Hands of the Secret Government
Planet X: The Coming of the Guardians
Behind the Mask: An Inside Look at Anonymous
Time Travel: A How-To Insiders Guide
Morgellons: Level 5 Plague of the New World Order
The Commander X Files
Supressed Intelligence Reports: News They Dare Not Print!
Underground Alien Bases
America’s Top Secret Treaty With Alien Life Forms: Plus The Hidden History Of Our Time
The Final Nail in Your Coffin! – A Pox to All of Mankind: Morgellons and Red Mercury Plagues Created in NWO Labs of Mad Scientists
Behind The Mask: An Inside Look At Anonymous
America’s Top Secret Treaty with Alien Life Forms: Plus the Hidden History of Our Time
Mind Stalkers
Commander X Teleportation Update (Book & Cd)
The Philadelphia Experiment Chronicles – REVISED EDITION: Exploring the Strange Case of Alfred Bielek and Dr. M.K. Jessup
Mind Controlled Sex Slaves And The CIA
Magick And Mysteries Of Mexico: Arcane Secrets and Occult Lore of the Ancient Mexicans and Maya
Plans For Time Travel Machines That Really Work – Revised And Updated Edition: How To Move Through Time And Space
The Dulce Wars: Underground Alien Bases and the Battle for Planet Earth
Nikola Tesla’s Death Ray and the Columbia Space Shuttle Disaster
2012 and the Arrival of Planet X
Dead Men Talking; Exposing The New World Order Conspiracy And The Evil Agenda Of The Brotherhood Of Illuminati (Book And Dvd Set)
Teleportation: A How to Guide: From Star Trek to Tesla
Out of the Darkness: UFO Revelations and the Arrival of the Mysterious Planet X
The Final Nail In Your Coffin! – A Pox To All Of Mankind
Coming of the Space Guardians – UFO Rescue Squad, Millions to Be Saved
Out Of The Darkness
Mind Matrix: Covert Electronic Harassment Mind Control Program
Matrix of the Mind: UFO Abductions – Mk Ultra – And Electronic Harassment Technology Designed to Warp Your Brain
Mind Stalkers: Mind Control of the Masses
Levitation and Invisibility: — Learn to Use the Incredible Super Powers Within You!
The Conspiracy Summit Dossier: Whistle Blower’s Guide To The Strangest And Most Bizarre Cosmic And Global Conspiracies!
Fighting the Federal Reserve — The Controversial Life and Works of Congressman
Mind Machines: How to Understand Them- How to Build Them – Applying Their Basic Technology
Mysterious Disappearances: They Never Came Back
UFO’s Nazi Secret Weapons?
The Secret Lost Diary of Admiral Richard E. Byrd and The Phantom of the Poles
My thoughts on this matter.
Just a mere glance at the prodigious quantity of books authored by this individual speaks volumes about who this individual is, their actual knowledge, true MAJestic association and their purposes. May I indulge the reader;
MAJestic is compartmentalized. No one person knows the full details of many of the sub-projects and sub-programs. The prodigious volume of works for this author betrays the fact that he is neither from the top of the MAJestic organization, nor a working-level person.
Those at the top of the management structure only know executive summaries without extensive details.
Those in the middle echelon know substantial details of a very VERY limited range of subjects.
Those at the lowest levels know nothing except to perform their own unique and specialized task.
MAJestic is secret. You have hardwired probes in your skull that prohibits memory recall. To have the abundance of memories that this individual claims would require the same kind of botched retirement sequence that I went through.
MAJestic operates from a HQ located in another reality. This reality occurs on a different planet, at a different time, and in a different world-line. To access any of the information that has been so prodigiously published would mandate travel to the centers of control. This means portal access.
The moment the first book was released, the person would have been tracked down and killed. There would not have been a second book, or any of the many many other books.
Finally, any and all disclosures are at the behest of our benefactors and our “up-line” within our individual cell. The only way we can disclose anything is with their approvals.
Therefore, everything written by this author is to be considered suspect.
A criticism of this opinion.
Let it be well understood that “Commander X” has a following of believers. And they do not agree with my contentions.
“This is rich. It really is.
There is absolutely nothing that is different between this Commander X person and yourself. The only real difference is that he has a far better business model than you do. He is making money in his books, while you are just squandering away your nonsense for free (or at cost).
Your objections to this person only come from your failed profit model. Your writings about him is nothing more than a school-yard bullying. Face it, you and he are both the same.”
The mechanism.
The mechanism behind how a person can create a profit model through writing a large number of books is to tell people what they want to believe. No one wants to read that they are overweight and fat. Instead, they want to believe that a “miracle pill” will make you thin, young and youthful. No one wants to believe that America is falling apart and it’s government is terribly corrupt. They want to read about American “exceptionalism” and the wonderful “freedom” and “democracy” that they possess.
He capitalizes on this.
His subject matter is certainly interesting. He has made a science of vacuuming up the most popular of the “fringe” and “alternative” memes and subjects, added his own opinions, and fantasies and mixed it all up with some researched facts here and there to flush-out the body of his books.
He likes to rage on about the Powers That Be (PTB), the New World Order (NWO), and the “Secret” or “Hidden Agenda”.
Now, they do exist, but you all must know that there is no secret handshake, annual planning sessions, and ceremonial attire that they wear and engage in. They are in all actuality a loose collection of very powerful interests that are collaborative in nature with shared objectives.
But you all know this. Right?
And there are “overlapping” organizations that dance in and out of the PTB (or the ) NWO such as MAJestic.
What he does is take these “known and well understood” realities and creates a fiction around them. It makes for great reading, and maybe some of what he writes is actually true. Some of it is certainly plausible.
One of his key “writing points” is the New World Order (NWO). It’s a globalist objective that has a modern progressive view of nations where there are no borders, but a sole centralized government.
There are other definitions, don't you know, but this is mine.
New World Order (NWO)
In a keynote luncheon at RIMS 2010, Nassim Nicholas Taleb, best-selling author of The Black Swan, told the story of a turkey who is fed by the farmer every morning for 1,000 days.
Eventually the turkey comes to expect that every visit from the farmer means more good food. After all, that’s all that has ever happened so the turkey figures that’s all that can and will ever happen.
But then Day 1,001 arrives. It’s two days before Thanksgiving and when the farmer shows up, he is not bearing food, but an ax. The turkey learns very quickly that its expectations were catastrophically off the mark.
And now Mr. Turkey is dinner.
My experiences with extraterrestrials were entirely positive. There were no political motivations or influences that I was aware of.
All those who worked on the projects were loyal Americans with a moderate degree of patriotism and had no inclinations toward a New World Order or anything like that at all.
Even though we sometimes referred to the triangular symbology when contacting each other, the association with the New World Order is most likely coincidental.
Some of the people I worked with were very liberal in their political beliefs, while others were much more conservative in their leanings. (It was always a personal belief forged by one’s own experiences.)
If anything, and this is speculation on my part; the NWO is a desirable end-achievable towards meeting the requirements as set forth by treaty by the Type-I greys.
Implementation will be problematic, and probably will not happen in my lifetime (I hope. I am not a big fan of it.).
I believe that as such, MAJestic has a vested goal in achieving this kind of one-world government to meet their treaty obligations with the Type-I greys.
Indeed, it is very important that for the human race to advance, in alignment with the goals set forth by the Mantid species, that we [1] incorporate a global wide governmental body with [2] a strong degree of control over the earth’s population, [3] decrease the enormous pollution “foot print” currently accelerating globally and [4] stabilize our conflict resolution. The United Nations, as it stands today, is not sufficiently strong enough to meet the guidelines as established by the Mantids.
It just simply does not meet their requirements.
+ + +
The environment and world view by those truly involved in the MAJestic Umbrella is very, very far removed from the nuances and limited world view of a political machine that is earth-centric.
While many might have their own private thoughts, they tended to keep them to their selves. All extraterrestrial-related black projects are politically sterile. Don’t get caught up in the narrow focus of those in power in America.
Apparent power. They are all “puppets” of the Banking (or powerful) global elite. Who are thus “puppets” of the more powerful extraterrestrial policing species such as the Type-I greys.
They are, generally, not involved in the MAJestic operation.
Ronald Reagan and George Bush aside, most presidents, elected officials (Senators and Representatives), appointed political appointees, celebrities, and popular stars are not involved in the MAJestic organization. They are but “window dressing” for the masses of human population to ease control over.
Truthfully, humans are a prized commodity; and must be treated properly and carefully. Selection of those whom interface and work with the extraterrestrial leadership is carefully done and strictly maintained.
Popular clowns; most presidents, television personalities, and pop stars are just entertainment. They have absolutely no bearing on the reality of the human condition, in a multi-dimensional quantum reality that is nurtured by Mantid extraterrestrials.
There are those that have created a for-profit mechanism from which to obtain wealth via capitalization on the distrust of Americans for their government. This includes everything related to UFO’s, Extraterrestrials, wealthy elite, secret societies and such things as the PTB and NWO.
The person known as “Commander X” is one such person.
In itself, he and his writings are pretty harmless. Rather he creates interesting fiction to supply those looking for answers, and makes a few dollars in the process. He utilizes known situations (UFO’s, PTB, NWO, and the Greys) and generates disinformation for personal profit.
The reader should beware of anyone who is trying to profit from the “extraterrestrial issue”.
That is because, to have that desire to make money off of others (on this issue) is to be a ‘Service to self” sentience. And MAJestic membership is limited to “Service to others” only. You can only be a Rufus if you are involved in MAJestic and extraterrestrial interaction.
Do you want more?
I have other posts along this line, if you are interested, please check out my MAJestic index here…
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
Please kindly help me out in this effort. There is a lot of effort that goes into this disclosure. I could use all the financial support that anyone could provide. Thank you very much.
Let’s talk about profiteers. People who will make rules, bend laws, or create situations so that they can make a buck out of it.
It is people like this that caused the disappearance of public water fountains in favor of bottled water that you can purchase. It is people like this that has made it so that all of us have to endure “child safety caps” on our medicines bottles. It’s people like this that have contributed so much to the destruction of the selfless side of human nature… and who has instead replaced it with a selfish, greedy nature.
“Anything for a buck.”
About three months ago or so, I received an email that pretty much stated that they would copy my website and re-post it online, intentionally distorted, so as to mess up my SEO ranking on Google. What they said that they would do is copy my website word for word, and interject all sorts of lies, and easily proven hoaxes within it. In short making Metallicman just another “hoax website”.
They said that they would do any number of number of things…
Mess up my SEO ranking on search engines.
Post NSFW content that would ban the site from many rankings.
Fill it with outrageous lies, known and proven hoaxes.
Plant bit-mining software in it.
Plant malware in it.
And in many ways render it unreadable.
Not to mention destroy my image / reputation.
The solution to avoid this was to deposit a few thousand US dollars worth of bitcoin to their account. If I didn’t do so, then my website will be “toast”, and my reputation would be shit.
You all would be surprised at all the hoaxes, and scams that invade my Metallicman mailbox. Most are trolling bots, or mass mailings. Typically I just ignore them.
Whether it is my great, great uncle who died and left three hundred billion dollars in an abandoned account...
Or, someone who wants me to join the Illuminati...
Maybe, some dude who says that they have a video of me masturbating to movies on the internet...
Or yet one of hundreds of "invoices" from people who want my "products"...
I pretty much ignore them all.
But this one was different…
To be honest, I really don’t give a fuck if there is a few hundred copies of this website all messed up and corrupted with malware and porn. Those that are supposed to see this site are already connected. For this site is not monetized, and has no other purpose except to provide information to a very select few.
I can live without it.
It’s more of a pain than anything else.
So it does not matter to me if the SEO ranking sucks. Nor does it matter if it is confused with other similar sounding websites. I really don’t care. Not to mention that I simply don’t have a couple of thousand US dollars to give to someone to blackmail me with.
If it came down to that, I’d just simply pull the site.
I’d let the fakes propagate and go buy myself a girl and get drunk. I really don’t give a flying fuck about what could happen, or who might miss out, or what might happen to my “reputation“.
It’s already fucking shit, for God’s sakes…
Well, about two weeks after I ignored this first email, I received another email from those in control of domain names for websites.
It turns out that some jackass tried to buy the Metallicman website name in various forms. The (domain name guardians) asked me if I had any business associated with China as the fucker was trying to purchase the Metallicman.cn domain name.
Metallicman.com is the registered domain. And they tried to buy the Metallicman.cn registered domain.
Now, normally, this wouldn’t be much of an issue. Most Americans who use the dot-com domain registration don’t have any business with China. But I am different. Not only is my contact address Chinese, but my email system, and funding mechanisms are all Chinese.
So they had to do something they normally bypass. They asked me if I had any business associated with China in any way.
I of course, told them that I was not only inside of China, but that I conduct business with Chinese entities. Were they to grant this request, there could be all sorts of disruptions within internet commerce.
Thus no one aside from myself can own this domain name.
The FCC does not permit spoofing other websites. So if it appears that someone is trying to spoof or copy your website they will not be allowed to do so. As it is not only illegal, but it is a felony.
OK. Long story short. He could not carry forth on his threat. I am sure that were it to be his desire, he would probably register with other domains. But my gut feeling is that he was just disappointed and just stopped this shit, and went on to “greener pastures”.
Issue over.
Oh. Don’t worry about me. Nothings going on here.
But, that guy who tried to blackmail me, well…
…“he’s a bad man, a very bad man”.
…”he’s a bad man, a very bad man”.
That poor fuck however, is set to encounter some awfully bad luck in his future. And no, it’s not going to be the color of his socks changing either. (I do so hope you get that reference.) No evil deed goes unpunished, and eventually bad people come across things that can generate real actual real-life nightmares.
It’s not a measured response either.
It’s the stuff that real, honest to God, nightmares are made of.
This is a portrayal of a nightmare. It’s one of those things where you hope you’ll wake up. It’s about an entire community that has been taken over by a child brat who is totally self centered and sociopathic. He probably doesn’t realize the error of his ways. Any effort to educate him would result in being “sent to the cornfield.” This is a state of limbo. When your adversary has no conscience, he cannot be approached in a rational way. This story is about fear. Not only are the people under constant threat, the world the boy is creating is one that is becoming bleak and vacuous. We never know if he has the power to bring things back, but it appears not. We know at some point he will be all that is left. Everyone has a breaking point. Billy Mumy is a great choice for the child monster. The other characters sweat and frown. In their efforts to survive they have the constant mantra “That was a good thing you did. A real good thing.” This is an episode of the Twilight Zone where we never get to relax. See it if you never have. HERE.
Other Disclosures
What if, this fucker was well versed in doing this kind of nonsense? Can you actually believe that I was the very first person that he tried this nonsense with? Nope. I’m sure that he has been doing this for some time, and has had others pay him in bitcoin.
So, what about those other people who have “disclosures”? What about them?
Are they real? Are they fake? Are they sincere, or trying to create a fiction for their own purposes? What’s the story?
“The further a society drifts from truth, the more it will hate those that speak it.”
-George Orwell
There are other people who have stated that they were posted on Mars.
And I am interested in this because <redacted>.
You see, the Martian facility is <redacted>. <redacted>.
So, I read their stories with a great deal of interest and more than a little bit of incongruity. Whether they are intentional elements of a disinformation scheme designed to preemptively advert any actual disclosure, or just isolated profiteers trying to capitalize on the mysteries of the UFO and ET abduction experience, I do not know. (Though I have my own opinions.) In most instances their reported experiences differ from mine substantially.
Of course, my interpretations of my experiences might be erroneous…
They all, however, do accurately describe the transport portal, but do so in a very, very inaccurate manner.
While others describe their entry into the programs intentionally or unintentionally omitting the fact that they had to be implanted with probes to do so. Hum… Let me be terrifyingly specific.
Only people with implanted probes get to go to Mars, boys and girls. (The dimensional portal will not work for you without the probes.) Additionally, if you want to join a top secret program; well then, that is not what it is called.
It is a SAP, W-SAP a U-SAP, or if you are an active MAJestic member a W(U)-SAP. It is not a super (dooper) top secret, grade “X” program. Best get your nomenclature correct. All of this tells me something quite clear; many of them are (perhaps) full of bullshit.
Oh, excuse me, let me say this nicer. Let me sound more reasonable and understandable. Let me be clear in a more polite manner; all of this is suggestive to me of fraud and deceit.
I am afraid that, as open minded as I am, I just simply do not believe many of them. I do not believe them at all.
The reader is thus cautioned not to associate my disclosure with these other individuals or their disclosures. Because even if they are telling the truth, their stories differ from mine in many profound ways that they have no bearing with my story in any way.
It is these kinds of occluded statements that tend to render a real and actual disclosure like mine into the rubbish bin without giving it its fair and just consideration.
That is what would most probably happen. It is, perhaps, their intention.
The truth is, honestly, if they actually did teleport to Mars; if they are actually important enough to be considered for any Mars related program then they will have the implanted probes in their head.
This is a fact; period. End of discussion.
I don’t give much credence to any of them unless they can pass the x-ray test.
Let’s see those probes boys and girls. Let’s see them. Everyone that was involved in MAJestic has these probes. Everyone who was involved in my specific program has these probes. (According to the lecture on the base in Florida; everyone who is even associated with this program has these probes.)
There are many such examples of such rubbish.
Anyone who is states that Mars has [1] standing water…
Standing water requires an atmosphere with a specific pressure range and a suitable temperature. This is basic thermodynamics. All one needs to do is look up the appropriate chart in any classical thermodynamics textbook. Water; if the necessary conditions are not present, there will not be any water standing.
Pressure – Enthalpy (h) table for water.
[2] plant life on its surface…
When I refer to (my) Mars, it is an alternative world line Mars. Other people might also be relating an alternative world-line Mars as well.
However, any alternative world-line Mars would be similar to ours in most significant ways.
To deviate, for instance, to a world-line where the is life on Mars, with indigenous life would also be a Mars with at least a 40% deviance from our reality.
The greater the deviance, the greater the impact on the consciousness and the soul that “farmed” that consciousness.
When the consciousness returned back to this (normal) world-line (or something similar with a 1% deviance), there would be manifest changes in their experiences. It’s the “carry over” effect, that occurs when you move across world-lines.
The larger the deviance, the greater the effect.
Consciousness is not a “stand alone” attribute. It is a very vibrant controlling “ball” or quanta that can alter and manipulate the physical world.
When it moves in and out of different world-lines it affects the physical world (after all, was I not a “dimensional anchor”?).
The greater the change between world-lines, the greater the adverse affect on the consciousness. That does not benefit the soul. Therefore, it is very advantageous for the soul to limit the alterations to the consciousness, because the purpose of the creation of realities is to obtain experiences.
Consciousness is what helps to define the realities that the soul will experience. (Not the other way around.)
[3] carved statues, [4] religious burial crypts, [5] rodents that scurry about the surface, [6] huge pyramid structures or [7] faces that stare up to the sky, [8] native animals or [9] intelligent naturally evolved life…
… is a nutcase.
Either that or they are intentionally trying to throw such an amazing amount of disinformation at the reader that everything becomes distasteful and confused, or they are ignorantly delusional.
Do not believe any of it.
OK, then. Here are just some of the many examples of such disinformation; disinformation intentionally designed to render any real disclosures inert. I culled many of these references from books or the Internet. I present them here with my comments.
I am biased.
Please be prepared for some rather harsh criticism. (Wince.)
Captain Kaye
Let me start this discourse with a Mr. Randy Cramer (Captain Kaye).
The reader needs to understand that once I became retired and my life started to settle out, I began an active search for others who were in the program that I participated in. I wanted to meet up with them, chat with them, and compare notes. It was my hope that they could fill in some blank areas of my memories, or fill in some thoughts that I have had regarding my experiences. However, alas, I have been mostly unsuccessful.
One of the first of these individuals that I started to focus my attention on was “Captain Kaye”.
He is (by his own words) a former US Marine who has claimed that he spent 17 years of his career on MARS. The ex-naval infantryman, who uses the pseudonym Captain Kaye. He states that he was posted to the Red Planet to protect five (!) human colonies from indigenous Martian life forms.
FACT: In this universe, there are no (current) indigenous life forms on Mars bigger than a fossilized microbe. At least this guy doesn’t charge for his bullshit. You can watch him chat about his “experiences” on you-tube at https://youtu.be/ktjuDsAt0yo .
Mr. Randy Cramer also known as “Captain Kaye”.
He claims he then spent nearly three years serving in a secret ‘space fleet’ run by a multinational (!) organization called the Earth Defense Force, which recruits military personnel from countries including the US, Russia and China. Captain Kaye said he was trained to fly three different types of space fighters…
And, by the way, just who were the Earth at war with? Indeed, if we were at war with any known extraterrestrial species that I know of, we would all be long eviscerated by now. Truth. They could swat us like a fly and there would be nothing that we could do about it.
and three bombers.
In testimony released to ExoNews TV.
He added that training took place on a secret moon base called “Lunar Operations Command”, Saturn’s moon Titan, and in deep space.
On Titan? Why would anyone want to locate a command and control center there? It is far from being a neutral and calm place to settle.
The hydrocarbon atmosphere would, I would imagine, cause more headaches and hassles to the inhabitants than any vacuum world or moon would.
Observations from the Voyager space probes have shown that the Titanean atmosphere is denser than Earth's, with a surface pressure about 1.45 times that of Earth's. Titan's atmosphere is about 1.19 times as massive as Earth's overall, or about 7.3 times more massive on a per surface area basis.
It supports opaque haze layers that block most visible light from the Sun and other sources and renders Titan's surface features obscure.
The atmosphere is so thick and the gravity so low that humans could fly through it by flapping "wings" attached to their arms.
Titan's lower gravity means that its atmosphere is far more extended than Earth's; even at a distance of 975 km. The atmospheric composition in the stratosphere is 98.4% nitrogen—the only dense, nitrogen-rich atmosphere in the Solar System aside from the Earth's—with the remaining 1.6% composed of mostly of methane (1.4%) and hydrogen (0.1–0.2%).
Because methane condenses out of Titan's atmosphere at high altitudes, its abundance increases as one descends below the tropopause at an altitude of 32 km, leveling off at a value of 4.9% between 8 km and the surface.
There are trace amounts of other hydrocarbons, such as ethane, diacetylene, methylacetylene, acetylene and propane, and of other gases, such as cyanoacetylene, hydrogen cyanide, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, cyanogen, argon and helium.
The orange color as seen from space must be produced by other more complex chemicals in small quantities, possibly tholins, tar-like organic precipitates. The hydrocarbons are thought to form in Titan's upper atmosphere in reactions resulting from the breakup of methane by the Sun's ultraviolet light, producing a thick orange smog.
Titan also has no magnetic field. Whether there is life on Titan, the largest moon of Saturn, is at present an open question and a topic of scientific assessment and research.
Titan is far colder than Earth, and its surface lacks stable liquid water; factors which have led some scientists to consider life there unlikely.
On the other hand, its thick atmosphere is chemically active and rich in carbon compounds. On the surface there are bodies of liquid methane and ethane; some scientists speculate that these liquids might take the place of water in living cells different from those on Earth.
In short, if you were to walk and operate upon the surface of Titan, it would be more like wearing a deep-sea diving outfit as your trudge your way through a soup of oils and hydrocarbons. It is not an ideal place to set up any kind of base of operations.
Captain Kaye’s testimony reveals that the main human colony on Mars is called Aries Prime which is located inside a crater. Aries Prime serves as the headquarters for the Mars Colony Corporation. According to Captain Kaye, the air is breathable on the surface of Mars…
The atmosphere on Mars is not, nor ever has been, breathable by humans. While there is some oxygen in the atmosphere, the combination of temperature, and pressure, as well as the presence of other gasses in the atmosphere precludes the suitability for organic human life on the surface.
…and the temperature could be warm at times.
Yes, the temperature on Mars near the equator can, at times, approach a human comfort level for a short and brief period of time.
He claims that there are two indigenous species on Mars, both of which are highly intelligent. One of these was a Reptilian species that was very aggressive in defending its territory.
The other was an Insectoid species that was equally capable of protecting its territory.
He said that indigenous Martians are not particularly interested in expanding their territory, only maintaining it. Captain Kaye said that as long as the Mars Defense Force and Mars Colony Corporation did not encroach on the territory of the indigenous Martians, there would be stable relations.
After serving 17 years of a 20 year tour of duty, events changed dramatically when virtually all combat personnel from the Mars Defense force were asked to retrieve an extraterrestrial artifact from a cave sacred to the indigenous Reptilians.
Captain Kaye described how over 1000 (one thousand!) men and women were killed in a subsequent battle and only 28 of his colleagues, including himself, survived. Captain Kaye says he retired after a 20 year tour of duty, describing a retirement ceremony on the moon that he claims was presided over by VIPs including ex-Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld.
My commentary on all of this; he is full of BULLSHIT.
I just do not know where to begin. It is so outlandish, and so full of just complete nonsense.
The physics concerning the planet are just wrong. The presence of life, whether intelligent or not is incorrect. (Even taking into account the possibility that he might have used dimensional travel to go to a world-line where Mars has a human-friendly atmosphere, he wouldn’t have returned to our world-line. There are limits to the technologies employed. (For the planet Mars to have a breathable atmosphere…) He would be so far off “the beaten path” that returning to this kind of world-line would be near impossible.)
All SAP agents in MAJestic are implanted. If he was part of the organization he would have similar probes to mine. (Again, let’s see those probes.)
There are no wars, nor is there a need to maintain a military garrison on Mars to defend humans or other creatures from aggressor forces.
There are no warlike or aggressive reptilians that we need to worry about. (The truth is, the Mantids and the Type-I extraterrestrials are so far advanced technologically, that if they wanted to, they could eradicate humans off the face of the globe within days and there isn’t a thing that we could do about it.)
If you join a W(U)-SAP, you will NOT sign an enormous document (that is what you need to do if you go through American legal channels), you sign a one page document. If you violate it, you are killed. End of story. There just simply isn’t the need for a huge legal document because violators of the MAJestic confidentiality oaths would not go through the American court system. They would be taken into a room and shot in the head.
If what he says were true, then he would be retired as a sex offender, and like me, scared as shit of being killed for his public disclosures.
Additionally, the idea that 1000 people can die on Mars without anyone noticing is just short of mind-boggling.
The greys, of whatever race (supposedly contacted) do not “feel” evil or dangerous. (This is another loud “tell-tale” sign of a lying profiteer.) They do not “ “ooze” a kind of evil dark”.
Summary; I just simply do not believe anything that Captain Kaye has said. It is all hogwash.
Corey Goode
According to alleged Secret Space Program whistleblower Corey Goode, who in October 2016 released a press release about human activity and Mars.
In it he states that we are already present on Mars and have been for a long time. And he’s not the only one who’s saying that. This also comes as less of a surprise given the recent WikiLeaks’ documents, suggest that human and extraterrestrial collaboration that’s been happening for some time.
“Mars was first visited by the Germans as far back as the 1930s, but during the 70s, US space programs were actively exploring Mars and other planets to establish bases. In 1980 the US SSP became – Solar Warden. Under Project Solar Warden vast development and colonization occurred on Mars and other planets. Goode continues, “Bases on Mars were built under the surface.”
-Corey Goode
The reader can watch more on this in detail on GAIA.com where Corey Goode & David Wilcock host Cosmic Disclosure.
He claims he was recruited through one of the MILAB programs at the young age of 6, and trained and served there from 1976-1986/87. Toward the end of his time as a MILAB he was assigned to an IE support role for a rotating Earth Delegate Seat (shared by secret Earth government groups) in a “human-type” ET Super Federation Council.
MILAB refers to the military abduction of a person who is then indoctrinated and trained for any number of military black ops programs.
Apparently, Goode’s IE abilities played an important role in communicating with non-terrestrial beings as part of one of the Secret Space Programs (SSP). During his 20 year service he had a variety of experiences and assignments, including the Intruder Intercept Interrogation Program.
Corey Goode from the US Secret Space Program (SSP) said, “There are humans already on Mars and it’s been colonized.” In Dec. 1986, Goode was recruited into SSP – U-SAP (Un-Acknowledged Special Access Programs) under Project Solar Warden. He was assigned to a research vessel in space to study the solar system from Dec. 1986 – Dec. 2007.
Darren Perks while conducting research for Huffington Post on the “Solar Warren” program, made an FOI (freedom of information) request with the DoD (department of defence) in 2010.
He received a very interesting response in an email;
“About an hour ago I spoke to a NASA rep who confirmed this was their program and that it was terminated by the President. He also informed me that it was not a joint program with the DoD. The NASA rep informed me that you should be directed to the Johnson Space Center FOIA Manager.I have ran your request through one of our space-related directorates and I’m waiting on one other division with the Command to respond back to me. I will contact you once I have a response from the other division. Did NASA refer you to us?”
Interesting. This was obviously a “slip up”.
NASA hacker, Gary McKinnon hacked into U.S. Space Command computers several years ago and learned of the existence of “non-terrestrial officers” and “fleet-to-fleet transfers” and a secret program called “Solar Warden”, he was charged by the Bush Justice Department with having committed “the biggest military computer hack of all time”, and stood to face prison time of up to 70 years after extradition from UK.
But trying earnest McKinnon in open court would involve his testifying to the above classified facts, and his attorney would be able to subpoena government officers to testify under oath about the Navy’s Space Fleet.
To date the extradition of McKinnon to the U.S. has gone nowhere.
McKinnon also found out about the ships or craft within Solar Warden. It is said that there are approx eight cigar-shaped motherships (each longer than two football fields end-to-end) and 43 small “scout ships.
The Solar Warden Space Fleet operates under the US Naval Network and Space Operations Command (NNSOC) [formerly Naval Space Command]. There are approximately 300 personnel involved at that facility, with the figure rising.
Read the rest here; http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/darren-perks/solar-warden-the-secret-space-program_b_1659192.html
+ + +
His experiences are very different from mine. They are so different that there are no points of common reference. Some points;
If he is real, he would have probes inbedded in his skull like mine. All extraterrestrial interaction, and technology transfer falls under MAJestic perview. As such, he would have memory controlling devices, a core kit one inside his skull. He need not have to use the dimensional portal, but he would need to be implanted.
If he spent any period of time on Mars from 1986 until 2004, I would be aware of it.
He would not be part of any kind of research or study unless he possessed a minimum of a technical degree, either in engineering or one of the sciences. This is fundamental. People are not active members in MAJestic unless they have this minimum requirement.
If what he said is true, then he would have been retired as a sex offender.
I think he is full of shit and is a BULLSHIT artist. I do not know why he has made such outrageous statements.
However, that being said, he does know something.
Whether it is in passing, or through a friend of a friend is not clear. I do not believe he is who and what he says he is. I personally believe that he took the little bits and scraps of truth that he discovered and fabricated a large story around them to fit a more conventional narrative in regards to geo-political weapons and technology that was moved to an outer space environment.
What does he know?
Solar Warren
Could he be referring to a SAP known as “Solar Warren”?
When Space Shuttle Atlantis landed at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida on July 21, 2011 and headed to a museum, we were told that the U.S. Government no longer had any space-capable vehicles, and that we would have to rely on other countries and private companies to get into orbit and service the Space Station.
And we have. For decades, it has been the Russians that provided shuttle capability for LEO operations.
But according to others, who have elaborated on the Solar Warden project, they have stated that this program is an active Space Fleet!
This program, code-named 'Solar Warden', apparently has now grown to 85 small disc-shaped "scout ships" and 10 elongated-delta-shaped motherships [each longer than three football fields joined end to end]. (There are also apparently additional intermediate-length deltoid spacecraft as well. )
The Solar Warden Space Fleet is operated by Naval Network Warfare Command's subcomponent Naval Network and Space Operations Command (NNSOC), headquartered at Naval Support Facility Dahlgren, VA.
The Solar Warden Fleet utilizes launch facilities at Vandenberg AFB, Lompoc, California and the Utah Test and Training Range in the desert west of Ogden, Utah.
Apparently NNSOC has approximately 365 personnel on Earth and in space. NNSOC operates in cooperation with the Central Security Service-Operations Division and its work to protect extraterrestrials in near-space and on the ground.
The Solar Warden Space Fleet's vessels are staffed by Naval Space Cadre and Marine Space Cadre officers, whose training has earned them the prestigious 6206-P Space Operations specialty designation, awarded after they have graduated from the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California with a Master of Science degree in Space Systems Operations.
Space Cadre Officers receive space operations training at NASA, and after graduating and a space flight are awarded the Naval Astronaut or Naval Flight Officer Astronaut insignia.
Other member countries' Navies and Marines furnish men and women officers to this program also.
That’s pretty amazing! Not only is this program enormous, but it is integrated within existing systems BUT not associated with MAJestic or even use the ONI oversight!
Their justification for the existence of this super-dooper top secret amazing program is two-fold.
One part [1] of the Space Fleet’s mission is to prevent rogue countries or terrorist groups from using near space to conduct warfare against other countries, or to fire from space on Earth-bound targets. The Federation has made it quite clear that space is to be used for peaceful purposes only.
A second part [2] of Earth’s Space Fleet’s mission is to prevent the rogue global-elite control group, the Cabal or related organizations, from using its orbital weapons systems, including nuclear missiles and directed-energy beam weapons, to intimidate or attack anyone or any group on Earth it decides to target or extort.
Because this Space Fleet has the job of being “Space Policeman” within our solar system, its program has been named Solar Warden.
WOW! Not only isn’t it part of MAJestic, but it’s not part of the UN either!
How to they justify this?
The Space Fleet operates under authority granted by a secret Resolution of the UN Security Council.
The U.S. component is so highly classified that when British civilian Gary McKinnon hacked into U.S. Space Command computers during 2001-2002 and learned of the existence of "non-terrestrial officers", "fleet-to-fleet transfers", and a secret program called "Solar Warden", he was charged by the Bush Justice Department with having committed "the biggest military computer hack of all time."
Corroboration and Verification
What makes all these flights of fantasy believable is selective extracts of defense authorization bills.
But, let me tell youse guys something. Waived SAP authorizations are not provided within authorization acts in anything other than an alpha-numerical designation. If this was an actual SAP, there would not be any white paper trail at all.
Thus this statement below is just disinformation…
Lest anyone think that Solar Warden is an errant flight of fancy, important corroboration of this information is found in the National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2012. Section 912 of that Defense Bill refers to the Secretary of Defense being authorized to purchase and take delivery of "space vehicles". (Relevant Section 912 shown here.)
Summary; Not only do I not believe Corey Goode, but I also do not believe the story about Solar Warden either.
It does not mean that I am an expert and that my opinions are gold, but that I am part of MAJestic and everything associated with this Corey Goode disclosure seems like bullshit to me. Sorry to say. I know that many, many of you all believe his story and the idea that there is a space fleet as part of the Solar Warden fantasy.
It’s just simply not true. There is only one singular umbrella organization. It is MAJestic, and if the information disclosed regarding this Goode / Solar Warden nonsense is incompatible with it.
Here is another “new age” “nut case” trying to cash in on the financial opportunities presented by the gullible. I present the following for the reader to make heads or tails out of it and to determine if my appraisal has any validity.
“My name is Michael Relfe and I helped produce “The Perfect Health System”. My wife Stephanie supplied the talent, healing expertise and the raw determination to create a training system that would allow anyone to learn kinesiology and possess a technology that would help them make fantastic improvements in their life.”
“I want to tell you a little about myself and why you need Disk 11 (The Wernicke’s Correction). I have spent 24 years in the IT industry and have been an employee or consultant for Fortune 50 companies such as AMEX, IBM, American Airlines and The US Navy. I hold a degree in Computer Science and am a graduate of United States Naval Nuclear Power School. I am not sharing these things to attempt to impress you or to be a smartass. I want to help you understand that your success in life and the completion of your goals is in your hands and that with kinesiology….a special kind of kinesiology, you now have the technology to change your situation and get what you want out of life…”
“Kinesiology is scientific. Chiropractors and Licensed Massage Therapists using Kinesiology put treatments on insurance. And this is the actual hands on, repeatable, meat-and-potatoes kinesiology correction. Some kinesiology corrections are for your body. This kinesiology correction is for your brain. And it is demonstrated completely in "Perfect Health With Kinesiology & Muscle Testing - Disk 11"”. And no, it's not available separately. You need to learn Kinesiology from the other disks before you can use it correctly.
After the sales pitch he describes how he found out about this marvelous scientific breakthrough. Of course it involves an adventure of sorts on the surface of Mars. This adventure is outlined in the work titled “The Mars Records”, Book 1 and book 2[i]. Essentially it involves a convoluted mix of astral projection[ii], hypnotic regression[iii], reincarnation[iv], and general gallivanting around the surface of the planet meeting all kinds of curious and interesting individuals. Some of which are quite dangerous; such as those pesky Reptilians[v].
[ii]Astral projection (or astral travel) is an interpretation of out-of-body experience (OBE) that assumes the existence of an "astral body" separate from the physical body and capable of travelling outside it. Astral projection or travel denotes the astral body leaving the physical body to travel in an astral plane. The idea of astral travel is rooted in common worldwide religious accounts of the afterlife in which the consciousness' or soul's journey or "ascent" is described in such terms as "an... out-of body experience, wherein the spiritual traveller leaves the physical body and travels in his/her subtle body (or dreambody or astral body) into ‘higher’ realms." It is frequently reported in association with dreams, and forms of meditation.
[iii]Past life regression is a technique that uses hypnosis to recover what practitioners believe are memories of past lives or incarnations, though others regard them as fantasies or delusions or a type of confabulation. Past life regression is typically undertaken either in pursuit of a spiritual experience, or in a psychotherapeutic setting. Most advocates loosely adhere to beliefs about reincarnation, though religious traditions that incorporate reincarnation generally do not include the idea of repressed memories of past lives
[iv]Reincarnation is the religious or philosophical concept that the soul or spirit, after biological death, begins a new life in a new body. This doctrine is a central tenet of the Indian religions. It is also a common belief of various ancient and modern religions such as Spiritism, Theosophy, and Eckankar and is found in many tribal societies around the world, in places such as Siberia, West Africa, North America, and Australia.
[v]Reptilians (also called reptoids, reptiloids, or draconians) are purported reptilian humanoids that play a prominent role in science fiction, as well as modern ufology and conspiracy theories. The idea of reptilians on Earth was popularized by David Icke, a conspiracy theorist who claims shape-shifting reptilian aliens control Earth by taking on human form and gaining political power to manipulate our societies. Icke has claimed on multiple occasions that many of the world leaders are, or are possessed by, reptilians.
It all begins so innocently;
“The Mars Records, authored by Stephanie Relfe, is a 300-plus page document http://www.surfingtheapocalypse.com/mars_records.html chronicling the biofeedback sessions of her husband Michael who discovered he had been involved in a secret black project while in the Navy. Michael was astonished to find thathe had been living a double life as a covert operative for The Mars Defense Force. Some of his assignments were covert ops, piloting spacecraft, remote viewing, psychic defense and even psychic assassinations.
Michael’s recruitment, training and service for Mars Defense Force was carried out via sophisticated alien and military mind control technology. This included implants, hypno-programming, dissociation of specifically trained alter personalities, advanced psi training, speed learning, psi enhancing drugs and time travel. Michael’s case is unique and very important because he is one of a very handful of persons who have been able to clear, recall and deprogram the sophisticated alien and military mind programming. His success in memory retrieval and deprogramming is due to deliverance prayer and the excellent therapeutic skills of his wife, Stephanie Relfe. She uses a combination of biofeedback clearing sessions and kinesiology .”
-From an interview with Eve Lorgen
I do not believe anything that is written here. I think that this is just simply a traditional “snake oil salesman” who have updated their time honored technique to fleece the gullible by using the opportunities presented by the New Age movement. I believe that activities such as this make real and actual disclosures fall into the realm of the insane.
Henry Deacon(Project Camelot)
Arthur Neumann is his real name. He has made some remarkable statements. Part of which involved the participation in top secret programs authored by the United States government. Initially, when he first came forward he did so under an assumed name (Henry Deacon) to protect himself and his family. In 2009 he decided to come forward under his real name.
Henery Deacon
He has a background as a physicist and is now engaged in a profitable money making project known as “Project Camelot”.
On his website one can purchase all kinds of video and audio transcripts as well as books that describe the upcoming US –China war in 2008 (WTF?) and the secret conspiracies involving the United States government and time portals.
As of 2020, there were no overt hostilities between the United States and China.
Interesting stuff, but I rather doubt all of it. Of course it doesn’t really match or fit anything that I was exposed to, but that means nothing. What is important and germane to this discussion is what part of his testimony agrees or disagrees with mine.
Sorry, but I do not believe in time travel. The concept of time is a human fabrication to describe a universally evolving universe subject to the thoughts of all sentient creatures that inhabit it. It's world-line travel.
However, I do believe in dimensional portals. Please read elsewhere to see how a person can utilize dimensional travel to achieve apparent time-travel.
On July 25, 2009, at the European Exopolitics Congress in Barcelona, Mr. Neumann publicly stated,
“There is life on Mars. There are bases on Mars. I have been there.”
The following day, Mr. Neumann participated in Future-talk, a Project Camelot documentary interview, in which he provided details of his teleporting to a base on Mars and participating in a one-hour project meeting, which was also attended by representatives of an intelligent civilization that lives in cities under the surface of Mars.
This experience is indeed, similar to mine in that he describes [1] teleporting to a place, but he fails to discuss the process, the equipment and the mandatory implantation. That sounds quite strange to me. He describes [2] cities under the surface of Mars that are [3] occupied by creatures belonging to an intelligent civilization. That <redacted>.
If fact, if he just left his experiences to the “bare bones”, no-nonsense aspects of visiting the facility, and discusses his implantation I would believe him. But he relates such a large amount of disinformation that it has polluted anything of value that he must contribute to this discussion. In effect, he renders his testimony null and void.
My conclusion of this individual is that he actually might of teleported to the facility, but the other things that he discusses are wholly outside my experience range and thus appear fantastical to me.
I do NOT think he is a crackpot. However, the other statements garnered from him are so far-fetched and outlandish that they make it difficult for me to want to associate with his testimony in any way. I want to believe him. I want to say to him; “Yes, I too was involved in similar programs!” But, alas his descriptions of life on Mars; time portals that bend time and space and strange secret cabals are beyond my experience base. I want to believe him, but I just cannot.
Our mutual experiences are too different.
Andrew D. Basiago(Project Pegasus)
Andrew D. Basiago is a Vancouver, Washington lawyer. As a side project, he runs Project Pegasus. This is a group dedicated to lobbying the government to release the secrets of teleportation and time travel. Basiago also refers to himself as “the discoverer of life on Mars.”
Andrew D. Basiago running for the US Presidency.
He makes many amazing and fantastic claims. They are just and wild and crazy as my own. For instance, he claims to be one of two “planetary-level whistle blowers”. He claims to have teleported to Mars in the 1980s[i] as an Earth ambassador[ii] to the Martian civilization[iii]. Which is why he is mentioned here.
[i] I teleported in the 1980’s, why couldn’t he have also?
[ii] As such, this implies an organization that represents the earth. He has to be an ambassador who he would represent . There isn’t any. The closest organization would be MAJestic, and that organization is primiarily a United States organization that represents human interests in a fractured and dysfunctional global alliance of nations.
[iii] On our dimensional track, there isn’t any indigenous native intelligent Martian life.
This is strange because when he published his article nearly three decades later, he claims to have been “astonished” to discover life on Mars. Along with William B. Stillings, a comrade he dug up somewhere, Basiago now claims that President Obama was a fellow Mars traveller back in the day, then living under the moniker “Barry Soetoro.” In fact, the fact that Barack Obama used to go by Barry Sotero may be the only truth in Basiago’s claims. Basiago and Stillings say they met Obama on Mars, and the government is now covering up the president’s space travel past.
Barrack Obama, or what ever name he used, was NEVER at the facility where <redacted>. The only people who visited the facility were MAJestic members tied with industry and space technologies. No political personages, lawyers, attorneys, or “grass root” fundraisers were ever granted permission to visit the facility. Selection of the particular individuals who would visit was determined by our extraterrestrial partners. They had no interest in any “service to self” individual ever being privy to the projects that we were all involved in.
Mr. Basiago was featured in a six-hour interview posted by Jessica Schab on YouTube. The name of this video is “A Conversation with Andrew D. Basiago” . ( I would hazard a guess that the interview was too controversial for mainstream media.)
Curiously, he has stated that he was involved in time travel. Another person known as Vonheldon also has a compelling narrative. His photos are convincing, though anyone can use Photoshop these days, so that might not be convincing enough. I think this person has a lot to say, but as far as his experiences compared with mine are concerned, I have to offer a “shrugged shoulders” expression. I find all of these stories quite interesting, but unfortunately are far beyond my realm of experience to offer any kind of verification or validity.
In the 39-part interview, he related his experiences in DARPA’s Project Pegasus as one of America’s early time-space explorers during the period 1969-72 and narrates the seven episodes over 40 years in which the CIA, in possession of a “quantum access” capability since 1967-68, briefed him about his destiny as a public figure who would one day be principally associated with the discovery of life on Mars.
Could this be the same as the dimensional portal that I was transported in?
Ms. Schab writes that in this,
“…six-hour interview, American lawyer Andrew D. Basiago, 47, narrates the hidden history of his discovery of life on Mars in 2008 and reveals the fact that by 1968 the US intelligence community was already aware of aspects of his later Mars work. Andy tells the phenomenal story of seven briefings over 40 years in which he was shown evidence of his destiny involving the discovery of life on Mars, and explains how the emergence of time travel and this epochal future event were interlinked.
According to Andy, by 1968, the CIA was already teleporting individuals to the past and future to retrieve artifacts there and bring them back, while propagating holograms of past and future events with devices called chrono-visors to also gather intelligence.
Incredibly, as a result of this quantum access, Andy was given a copy of his landmark paper The Discovery of Life on Mars in 1971 and asked to read and remember it, so that when, in 2008, he wrote it, it would contain as much data about Mars as possible!”
I know nothing about his version of time travel. I know nothing about the CIA. I know nothing about the “discovery of life on Mars” in 1971. They are beyond my base of experience.
As I understand it, “time travel” as is perceived today is not possible. However, apparent “time travel” is possible, but this isn’t so much as travelling forward and backwards in time as it is mostly dimensional swapping. By swapping in and out of the multi-world reality, one could experience universes that were apparently further back or forth in time relative to our departure universe.
Ms. Schab continues,
“During his lecture, Andy shared numerous photographic images evidencing his discovery of life on Mars, including many photos of humanoid beings, different animal species, carved statues and built structures on Mars that put him at the forefront of Mars research.
Throughout the weekend, Andy lectured at his table to small groups of conference-goers, who came and sat in rapt attention as he shared stories about his experiences as a child in Project Pegasus, the secret US research program in which time travel was the focus.
I know that, like me, everybody who took part in those impromptu seminars was certain that Andy is, as Bill Ryan of Project Camelot stated recently, the real deal - a truth-teller with significant new information to share about the real Philadelphia Experiment.”
Again, I must state that I know nothing about “Project Pegasus”, and the “Philadelphia Experiment”. To me it all sounds so fantastical and outrageous. Maybe that is its intention. However, anyone who would actually spend any time of significance on Mars would work in conjunction with us at the base. I do not know any of the afore mentioned people. I never saw them there (not that that means anything), and so their testimony, while outlandish does not mesh up well with my experiences.
Aside from the movie and what I read in the book. It all sounds too fantastical to me. Chances are that it, at most, is derived partially from truth with a lot of fiction thrown in for good measure.
On the other hand, some of the things that he says does absolutely agree with my experience. Though, I never recall seeing him at the facility in any capacity. (This is critical. I was there at the facility through entanglement. It was a large facility, but a small community. We all knew each other quite well, and thus knew everything that went on around us. I knew when we had visitors and who they were. Though I generally did not meet the visitors myself, we monitored them, and knew what was going all at all times. I do not ever recall anyone like him at the facility where I was entangled.)
He states that;
He had secretly teleported to bases on Mars.
There is the existence of a permanent teleportation mechanism linking Earth and Mars.
An intelligent civilization lives under the surface of Mars.
This Mr. Basiago says some pretty outlandish things; things that absolutely do not mesh with my experiences at all. Was he really on Mars, or was he somewhere else? Is all this a big lie, or is there really some truth in what he has to say? For me, it all seems nonsensical and just out and out lies. He for instance, makes the following statements;
There is the existence of native life forms on the “ecologically fragile” surface of Mars.
The US government has had a fully operational teleportation capability since 1967-68[i].
By 1969-70 the United States government was already training a cadre of gifted and talented American schoolchildren, including himself, to become America’s first generation of “chrononauts” or time-space explorers.
Look guys; the planet Mars is pretty much a sterile world today.
The actual surface of Mars within a 2% world-line variance.
It is mostly rocks with some frozen liquids in the shape of crystals scattered about. There once was flowing water on the planet, but it was geologically a long; long time ago [ii]. And, when the water did flow there was not enough time [iii] for any kind of evolutionary process to take place. There are no statues, or ruins on Mars suggestive of a great glorious human-compatible civilization. There are no carved faces the size of mountains on the planet. There are no statues or fossilized bones or remains to be seen.
[i] Perhaps they did. Nevertheless, how would he actually know this. No one told us anything about how the system was developed. They only taught us how to use it. This date he gives places this capability to transport humans across the distances of space before Neil Armstrong stepped on the Moon. I just can’t reconcile this statement that he made. We only started to investigate the facility in the late 1970’s. I just can’t believe this statement.
[ii] Perhaps two billion years ago. That is over a billion years before the first microbes started to form on the earth.
[iii] By all accounts; the presence of standing liquid water on the surface of Mars was a relatively short lived event. Certainly lasting more than a few million years. One must take into account that it took about 700 million years to go from microbes to humans on the earth.
Mars does have relics; bases and facilities. But nothing approaches the size; scope and breadth as what is proclaimed by many of these Martian enthusiasts (Who perhaps want to relive the fictional adventures on Barsoon.).
Barsoom is a fictional representation of the planet Mars created by American pulp fiction author Edgar Rice Burroughs.The world of Barsoom is a romantic vision of a dying Mars. Writers and science popularizers like Camille Flammarion were convinced that Mars was at a later stage of evolution than Earth and therefore much drier, took the ideas farther and published books like Les Terres du Ciel (1884), which contained illustrations of a planet covered with canals.
There are no native Martian inhabitants. There are extraterrestrial colonists who live there underground but there is no way that anyone could mistake them as being native to Mars.
The Mars-analog in this world-line possess none of the things outside of the dimensional portal that this individual claims. If he conducted operations in another world-line, it would have to be so different from this one that returning here would be a near impossibility. (Just saying.)
The Mars-analog in this world-line possess none of the things outside of the dimensional portal that this individual claims. If he conducted operations in another world-line, it would have to be so different from this one that returning here would be a near impossibility. (Just saying.)
The problem with disinformation is that the actual is often mixed up with the fantastical. Thus polluting the entire narrative. Taken in total, this is more like an intelligent profiteer who is trying to capitalize on a niche segment of the population for personal gain.
Laura Magdalene Eisenhower
In a public statement, Laura Magdalene Eisenhower, great-granddaughter of former President Dwight David Eisenhower (1890-1969), has exposed her attempted recruitment from April 2006 through January 2007 by a secret Mars colony project. (This is pretty amazing, precisely because of her relationship with a former United States president.)
Interview with Laura Magdalene Eisenhower.
Ms. Eisenhower’s account of her [1] targeting by time travel surveillance and [2] attempted manipulation by trained intelligence agents attached to a Mars colony project were revealed in an ExopoliticsRadio.org interview. Further, there is an extensive written statement at Ms. Eisenhower’s website. Ki’ Lia, a Stanford-educated artist, futurist and colleague of Ms. Eisenhower (!), has provided a corroborating first hand witness account of her and Ms. Eisenhower’s attempted recruitment into a secret human survival colony (!) on Mars. The alleged purpose of the secret Mars colony was to provide a survival civilization for the human race on Earth in the event of a planned (such as HAARP or bio-weapon induced) or natural cataclysm (such as by solar flares) that might depopulate the Earth.
+ + +
What can I say? I know nothing about all of this. Their experiences are wholly different than anything that I have experienced. It all sounds so fantastical, and outrageous, not to mention that odd and obscure Science-fictiony name of Ki’Lia.
LOL, Look if you really are going to do some actual technical work regarding another race use simple and easy to remember and pronounce names for Pete’s sake. Jeeze! Even though my drone pilot was an extraterrestrial, I always considered him as a “Paul”. I don’t know why. I just did. It is human nature. We humanize things that we know in comfortable terms that we can understand. We vilify that which we do not understand and do not know with strange words, terms and iconography.
I personally think she is more than just a little off. Her belief structures and experiences are quite unlike mine. For me, she appears crazy. But you know, she might not be; instead she might just be a lousy communicator. In any event, I do not want what I write to be associated with her experiences in any way. She is a little way too “new age-y” for my tastes.
Oh, by the way... LOL is an abbreviation of slang that arose during the growth of the Internet in the 1990’s. If you don’t already know that LOL stands for Laughing Out Loud, then welcome to the Internet!
Other variations of this include ROFL and LMAO.
ROFL is another way to say LOL and it stands for Rolling On Floor Laughing.
LMAO is yet another alternative to LOL or ROFL and it stands for Laughing My Ass Off.
(Yet) This woman is apparently a great expert on time-travel and alternative realities. In fact, she claims that she can open up her own time and dimensional portals at will! (Wow!) I suppose the best thing for me to present to the reader is what this woman writes on her own website, and let the reader come to their own conclusions;
“…She is also a Whistleblower and has been speaking out about being recruited to go to a Colony on Mars that represented a time-line that she refused to go along with. She has been able to uncover some necessary truths and agendas that humanity is being kept in the dark about and lectures and does workshops on these issues along with topics such as Global Alchemy, Christ-Sophia, Sacred Union, ET races, Esoteric Cosmology, the Positive Time-line and seeks to empower the individual so that harmony can be restored.
For more than 15 years, she has been providing clairvoyant readings and transformative healings for individuals with the assistance of many divination tools and astrology. Focusing on chakra systems, Laura has advised on topics such as soulpath, abduction, mind-control, core issues, relationships, past lives and physical ailments. She has been strategizing to solve the roots of major world problems including epidemics, war, environmental degradation and injustices that have been a result of the misuses of power of the shadow government. She also covers hidden agendas connected to ET races and the exile of the Divine Feminine energies.
Going through an intense World Soul journey of the labyrinth, Laura has discovered an ability to open a Natural stargate by co-creating with the Venus transits and weaving through the multi-dimensions of the higher and lower worlds. Clearing portals and moving past gatekeepers, Laura works to free us from the 3-D holographic time-loop and guide us back to the Pleroma, the totality of divine powers. With great passion and courage, she is helping to return Sacred Union, divine wisdom, and the many faces of the Goddess that have been buried and forgotten for thousands of years.”
What can I say? I am speechless.
I think that along with all these other individuals, my story seems just as far fetched. It seems just as fantastical, and just as insane and unlikely.
And perhaps, that’s exactly the point, eh?
But if I could disclose EVERYTHING, well, then things would make much more sense, I’ll tell you what. But I can’t, and thus, you need to discern.
An underappreciated fundamental.
Let’s compare why these people all say that they were part of a top secret program…
Captain Kaye. Space Marines to protect the Earth!
Corey Goode. Space Police to protect the Earth!
Michael Relfe. Space Army to protect Mars!
Henry Deacon. Martian time travel to prevent war!
Andrew D. Basiago. Ambassador to the Martian civilization.
Laura Magdalene Eisenhower. World War III life boat.
What do all these people have in common? Can you figure it out? Aside from all the standard cliche’s like California going to slide into the Pacific Ocean, an upcoming war, or climate change, or social upheaval, or the need to defend the earth from those dangerous extraterrestrials, what is it? Is it the military, war, Martian life, time travel…
… heck, we’ve even got Barrack Obama involved as a time-travelling politician! I mean according to all these people anyone can become a member of a top secret super-dooper program. We’ve got everyone from a jar-head to a confused woman who was asked to preserve the human species on Mars. I’m just surprised there’s no LGBT or “women of color” on the list.
My MAJestic disclosure…
Sentence evolution of the human race within a nursery used for the emergence of young developing species.
So I have to ask you. Now think about it. Really, think about it. Can you tell the difference between Metallicman and all the other “disclosures”? Is this “just another disclosure” in a long, long string of disclosures? Or is it something different?
It’s very easy to confuse the real with the fake if you do not have the tools of discernment.
This is true whether you are trying to figure out things about your life, about the United States government, top secret projects or if you are trying to scam someone.
You need the power of discernment.
You need the power of discernment, or else you risk being led astray by the confused. You can be lead off the edge of a cliff, or follow the pied piper who would gleefully empty your bank accounts. Or even worse.
You could end up messing around with the wrong person. And sometimes that person can be way, way out of your league.
Ripley 8.
Do you want more?
I have more posts along these lines in my MAJestic Index, here…
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
Please kindly help me out in this effort. There is a lot of effort that goes into this disclosure. I could use all the financial support that anyone could provide. Thank you very much.
As I have repeatedly stated, the United States government has known about extraterrestrials for decades. They have established a very secret organization known as MAJestic to study this matter. This organization is used to interact with extraterrestrials and extract technologies from them. This organization is completely removed from the US government and operates secretively within it. It’s sort of like bubbles of water floating within oil.
This article serves as a secondary source of validation of my disclosure of the existence of MAJestic.
MAJestic exists.
It operates outside of government control.
All classifications within it are unacknowledged special access programs. (USAP).
Elected officials , politicians, and bureaucrats are not permitted access ever.
It is involved in all things extraterrestrial.
It is well established and has been in operation for decades.
Executive Summary about this “Leak”.
The world “leak” carries a lot of baggage with it. It’s kind of silly, don’t you know. All that went on is a United Sates Admiral, Tom Wilson, wanted to inquire about certain R&D programs that some of his subordinates had participated in.
He did not care to know all the details, just an executive overview. He felt that he had to, at the bare minimum, understand their involvement in R&D support efforts that lie within deep black special access programs.
Notes have been made public of a conversation that allegedly occurred on Oct. 16th 2002 with US Admiral Tom Wilson.
At that time, US Admiral Tom Wilson was Deputy Director of the DIA & Vice Director for Intelligence [VJ2] for the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Tom Wilson admits he was denied access to a SAP involving reverse engineering an alien UFO craft.
If true, this incident shows that high-ranking officials are excluded from SAPs & USAPs by an oversight committee.
The top military/aerospace corporations can reject anyone without ‘need to know.’
Highly advanced technology is in private hands with no public oversight.
The Admiral Wilson leak refers to notes where Wilson, a senior official, admits he was denied access to a Special Access Program where they were reverse engineering vehicles that were not of human fabrication.
Admiral Wilson
Admiral Wilson is a military officer with a long and distinguished career.
He was a Real Admiral (upper class).
He served as the Deputy Director, and later the Director, of the DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency).
He also served as the Vice Director for Intelligence for the Joint Chiefs of Staff, a position known as VJ2 or J2.
The Notes and their history
On April 19th 2019, researcher Canadian Grant Cameron uploaded to the internet 15 pages of documents.
About Mr. Grant Cameron Grant Cameron is the recipient of the Leeds Conference International Researcher of the Year and the UFO Congress Researcher of the Year. He became involved in Ufology as the Vietnam War ended in May 1975 with personal sightings of a UFO type object which locally became known as Charlie Red Star.
- Grant Camerion Bio - Modern Knowledge
These documents are allegedly the notes taken by Dr. Eric Davis on October 16th 2002.
These notes record the conversation between Admiral Wilson and Willard Miller, a US Naval Reserve Commander and top military advisor to Steven Greer of The Disclosure Project.
GreerfoundedtheCenterfortheStudyofExtra-TerrestrialIntelligence (CSETI) in 1990 tocreateadiplomaticandresearch-basedinitiativetocontactextraterrestrialcivilizations. In 1993, hefoundedtheDisclosureProject, anonprofitresearchproject, whosegoalistodisclosetothepublicthegovernment'sallegedknowledge...
- Steven M. Greer - Wikipedia
In the exchange, the admiral admits he was denied access to a SAP (Special Access Program) or more accurately a (U)SAP (Unacknowledged Special Access Program).
This is because, despite his rank and position, he still didn’t have need to know.
This particular (U)SAP lies wholly outside the purview of the United States government, the military and the entire bureaucracy that supports it. It is in the careful, and well-trained hands of a number of top military aerospace corporations.
In this instance, the (U) SAP involves the reverse engineering of UFO/alien craft technology.
The Alien / ET face on the side of the Bigelow Aerospace building. NASA has partnered with Robert Bigelow, who’s an unconventional figure in the aerospace world. He’s more at home on the Vegas strip than at America’s space agency, and he’s obsessed with aliens and UFOs. In the spring of last year, he and NASA carried out an historic test to prove his high-flying technology is ready to support humans in space.
The Admiral Wilson Leak Documents
The notes were taken by Dr. Eric Davis, a scientist who was a member of NIDS (National Institute for Discovery Sciences).
The National Institute for Discovery Science, known also as NIDS, was founded by Robert Bigelow serving as a way to channel funds into the scientific study of paranormal phenomena. The NIDS performed research in the area of cattle mutilation and black triangle reports. The NIDSci bought Skinwalker Ranch after journalist George Knapp first wrote about it in 1996, and Deputy Administrator Colm Kelleher led the investigation for a number of years.
-National Institute for Discovery Science - Wikipedia
NIDS is owned by aerospace billionaire Robert Bigelow (who has openly talked about UFOS and aliens for decades). NIDS conducted scientific research into UFO-related phenomena such as the mystery of the black triangles.
Additionally, Davis is an associate of Dr. Hal Puthoff, the famous developer of remote viewing in the US in the 1970s.
Hal Puthoff Dr Hal Puthoff is one of the original SRI (Stanford Research Institute) team members and creators of the Remote Viewing program, contributor to the development or remote viewing and Ingo Swann’s Controlled Remote Viewing (CRV).
- Hal Puthoff - Remote Viewing information and resources
Exopolitical researcher Dr. Michael Salla contacted Davis to verify whether the leak was genuine and confirm whether he had indeed written the notes.
Davis replied that he had no comment.
Taken in total, this is a clue that the content is genuine, since Davis refused to call them a hoax.
The full 15 pages of the Admiral Wilson leak documents are available here. They are worth reading in full.
What the Documents Reveal
The documents record a conversation from 2002 where Admiral Wilson, with hindsight, was referring back to a period from April-June in 1997.
They start with Admiral Wilson confirming that he met with Greer, Miller, Edgar Mitchell (Apollo 14 astronaut and founder of Institute of Noetic Sciences), Admiral Mike Crawford and General Pat Hughes (who was Wilson’s boss) in a Pentagon conference room.
The notes state that Wilson and Miller talked privately for 2 hours on UFOs, MJ-12, Roswell, crashed UFOs, alien bodies, etc.
In the notes, “TW” stand for Tom Wilson and “EWD” stands for “Eric Davis”:
TW: Confirmed Greer/Miller/Mitchell gave talk in Pentagon Conference room. Adm Mike Crawford, Gen. Pat Hughes (Hughes his boss) were present (others too.) Date April “97. (Ed Mitchell said 4/9/947.) After group broke up, Miller/Wilson talked (privately) 2 hours on UFOs, MJ-12, Roswell, crashed UFOs/alien bodies, etc. TW intrigued – knew about intelligence on US mil/intel UFO close encounters – and foreign gov’t encounters. Seen records. Told Miller.
TW: Yes, Miller asked the question on MJ-12/UFO cabal – crashed UFO. Confirmed he called Miller ca. late June ’97 and told that he/Miller was right – there is such an organization in existence.
Davis notes that Wilson was furious that Miller had betrayed his
confidence and shared the conversation with others (according to Davis,
Miller only told Greer and Mitchell). Wilson goes on to state that he
started investigating whether there was a secretive group hiding UFO
EWD: Okay then, what happened in April-June ’97?
TW: After parting with Miller (week later, he thinks) – I made calls, knocked on a few doors, talked to people – went on for 45 days (thereabouts) on and off– Suggestion came from Ward (Gen. M. Ward) to go through the records groups files (like an index system) in OUSDAT (Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology)– Ran into Bill Perry in May ’97 – talked about this quietly – he suggested the same thing– They told me of a special projects record group not belonging to usual SAP – a special subset of the unacknowledged/carve-outs/waived programs – not belonging to usual SAP divisions as organized in ’94 by Perry himself – set apart from rest but buried/covered by conventional SAPs
Admiral Wilson Leak Docs Mention Existence of MJ-12 and (U)SAPs
In just the first few pages of this leak, Wilson has admitted both that MJ-12 exists (or existed) and that advanced technology projects/UFOs are hidden within (U)SAPs.
In the second quoted section above, Wilson states he spent about 45 days looking into the matter, and in the first quoted section above, he states that he concluded that MJ-12 did exist.
He also reveals how he learnt that (U)SAPs exist, as a special subset of SAPs which are “unacknowledged/carve-outs/waived”, something which various whistleblowers have exposed over the years.
Ufologist Richard Dolan, who wrote his analysis of the Admiral Wilson leak here, coined the phrase “Breakaway Civilization”.
The term “Breakaway Civilization” is used to describe the state of affairs whereby a private military aerospace contractor is in possession of extraordinarily advanced technology and is able to speed light years ahead of what the public thinks is possible.
In short to literally create another civilization. Which is to say, to “breakaway” from the old civilization and evolve. Leaving the old civilization behind, like the discarded skin of a snake that slithers away.
(U)SAP’s reside inside SAP’s.
Michael Salla points out how (U)SAPs are often hidden inside SAPs. He also has shown a confidential NSA document leaked by Snowden to prove the point:
“The method of hiding the most highly classified programs behind less classified ones was verified in one of the NSA documents leaked by Edward Snowden called Sentry Eagle. It graphically depicted how Exceptionally Compartmented Information (ECI – an Intelligence Community classification similar to an Unacknowledged SAP used by the Pentagon) would be hidden behind a Non-ECI Program (similar classification status to a conventional SAP).”
Wilson Meets the (U)SAP Gatekeepers.
There are more fascinating details to the story, however to keep this brief, it gets really interesting when Davis starts asking Wilson what he found.
Wilson at first is tight-lipped:
EWD: … so what SAP compartment did you find in?TW: Core secret – won’t sayEWD: Code name?TW: Again won’t say – core secret.
Code name is MAJestic.
EWD: Who was the project contractor or USG agency that runs the program?TW: An aerospace technology contractor – one of the top ones in US.
EWD: Who?TW: Core secret – can’t tell.
EWD: Defense contractor?
TW: Yes, the best one of them.
EWD: Intelligence too?TW: In their corporate portfolio.EWD: Give a hint?TW: Sorry no.
People have guessed that it could be Northrop Grumman or Boeing, although Lockheed Martin is also likely, given the notoriety of its Skunkworks program.
We do not know which particular sub-program (U)SAP is involved in this instance. However, just about all American aerospace companies participate in MAJestic operations to some extent.
Wilson goes on to say how he called them.
He demanded to be “read in” or informed about the project.
It was a surprise to him, and he was given the access denied treatment:
TW: (End of May ’97) Made three calls to the program manager – one of them conference call with security director and corporate attorney. Confusion on their part at to why I was looking for them and what I wanted from them or wanted to know about. Very testy tone from all of them.
TW: I told threesome I wanted formal briefing, tour, etc. – was exploiting my regulatory authority as Deputy Director DIA/Assistant Joint Chief of Staff J-2 – Told them my not being briefed was oversight they needed to correct – I demanded!
TW: They needed to discuss this (his demand) so hung up. Got called 2 days later and they said they don’t want to talk on phone and arranged for face-to-face meeting at their facility.
EWD: Did you go?
TW: Yes, ten days later (mid-June or so). Flew out there– Met in their conference room in their secure vault– Three of them show up
EWD: 3 guys with whom you had telecon?
TW: Yes, same 3– Security director (NSA-retired, a CI expert)– Program director– Corporate attorney– Called themselves “the watch committee” or gate keepers
This watch committee or group of gatekeepers then proceeded to tell Wilson that although his rank, authority and credentials checked out, he still wasn’t getting access. In (U)SAP programs within MAJestic, there is always a handful of people in the know. They are the “gatekeepers” and “watch committee”.
They are the ONLY people within MAJestic that has any idea of the detailed scope of actions within that sub (U)SAP.
In my own (U)SAP, the "gatekeepers" are two in number, with a third that might have partial understanding of my role. They filter the summaries and context that I acquire as part of my role, and provide the distilled simplified "executive summaries" to the MAJestic management for utilization.
They said they had reached a previous formal agreement with the Pentagon’s Special Access Programs Oversight Committee (SAPOC).
TheplanstandardizedandformalizedtheSAPapproval, termination, revalidationandrestructuringprocessthroughthe Special Access Program Oversight Committee (SAPOC). ASeniorReviewGroup (SRG) wasestablishedtosupporttheSAPOCprincipals.
- Special Access Program Oversight Committee (SAPOC)
The agreement was that they (the watch committee) and only they would decide who met the rigorous criteria to gain access. Those few people would be on a list called the bigot list:
[TW] Said after that episode a formal agreement was struck with Pentagon people (SAPOC) to prevent this in future
– didn’t want a repeat
– Special criteria were established in agreement
– A special circumstance that must meet rigorous access criteria set by contractor committee
– No USG personnel are to gain access unless they met the criteria
– to be administered by contractor committee (program director, attorney, security director) irregardless of the tickets and position USG personnel possess
– Literally their way or the highway.
EWG: What are criteria?
TW: I asked for that and they refused to give answer. I was mad
– implication is now
– to me
– they operate without official oversight or any justification
– politically dangerous place to be!
TW: … they weren’t going to let me in the door
EWD: Why?
TW: They said my tickets were all confirmed and valid, but I was not on the bigot list
“is a list of personnel possessing appropriate security clearance and who are cleared to know details of a particular operation, or other sensitive information.”
It is a term of British origin and is widely used by US intelligence agencies.
The program director then, somewhat surprisingly given this exceptional program secrecy, showed Wilson the bigot list.
Wilson saw that there was no-one from the Executive (i.e. White House) or Legislative Branches of the US Government – just private contractors and a couple of Pentagon people.
EWD: Who was on it? Recognize names?TW: That is core secret.Willing to say that most were program employees – names and titles (job titles) – civilians – didn’t recognize any military personnel – could be there.
This is something that I have been saying for years. MAJestic members are technically educated professionals with a military background, working in a civilian capacity.
EWD: Any politicians?TW: No– No White House names, no President!– No Congressional people– No Congressional staffers
EDW: Any in Clinton or Bush Sr. Administrations?TW: No! But handful of names were Pentagon individuals I recognized …
The Watch Committee Admits They are Reverse Engineering UFOs of Extraterrestrial Origin
The Admiral Wilson leak document describes how the Project Manager of the watch committee actually admitted the nature of the project they were so closely guarding.
The Project Manager admitted that the project was about reverse engineering technology from extraterrestrial vehicles.
– [TW] Program Manager said they wereNot any weapons programNot any intelligence programNot any special ops or logistics program
Doesn’t fit these categories– I asked what they were then– Loud groan from Program Manager– Security Director and attorney say it’s okay to say it.
EWD: Say what?
TW: There were a reverse engineering program – Something recovered years ago in the past– Technological hardware was recovered– So I thought they meant recovered Soviet/Chinese, etc. hardware and reverse engineer it – like a missile or intel platform or aircraft – actually came to meeting expecting to find a sensitive foreign collection and reverse engineering operation – thought “UFOs” (was) used as a cover for that – So I said that and they said they weren’t that either– They had (program manager talking) a craft – an intact craft they believed could fly …– Program manager said they didn’t know where it was from [they had some ideas on this] – it was technology that was not of this Earth
– not made by man
– not by human hands
Wilson ended his tale by saying that eventually he did meet with the SAPOC chairman at the Pentagon. He backed up the access denial Wilson was given.
Wilson got angry against at the SAPOC chairman, who then told Wilson that he had better shut up and drop the matter, else he wouldn’t get the DIA directorship and he may lose a ranking star.
Wilson backed off. The matter ended.
As time moves forward, other parts of the enormous puzzle will start to fall into place.
Any American, living in 2020, who believes that America doesn’t have secrets or that we are alone in the universe, or that America still has “freedom” inside of our wonderful “democracy” is living a terrible, terrible lie.
The world is not what you all think it is.
As I have been saying for years, now.
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Patent documents indicate that the U.S. and China are actively developing radical new craft that seem eerily similar to UFOs reported by Navy pilots.
The United States Secretary of Navy is listed as the assignee on several curious aviation technologies patents. These are highly unusual patents, devices and mechanisms.
Highly unusual.
These patents were generated by an aerospace engineer working at the Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division (NAWCAD) headquarters in Patuxent River, Maryland.
They are very interesting.
Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division (NAWCAD) headquarters in Patuxent River, Maryland.
The patents are very interesting.
One of these patents describes a “hybrid aerospace-underwater craft”. You know, one that can swim through the water as easily as it can fly through the air or jet through space.
Vehicle from the movie “Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow”.
According to the patent, it is capable of truly extraordinary feats of speed and maneuverability in air, water, and outer space. It is truly a revolutionary electromagnetic propulsion system.
Very exciting. Bordering (or perhaps, crossed over) the line between accepted scientific paradigms and God-like technology.
A scientific paradigm is a framework containing all the commonly accepted views about a subject, conventions about what direction research should take and how it should be performed.
- What Is A Paradigm? - Explorable.com
To most classically educated scientists, it sounds pretty far fetched.
Imagine trying to get a patent for it!
Trying to get a patent.
A primary patent examiner at the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) thought that they were too fantastic to approve. And as such, he denied the patent applications as “too fantastical” to be considered in any degree of seriousness.
“Brawndo has what plants crave. It’s got electrolytes.”
United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)
This did not sit well with the United States Navy.
No sir. Not at all.
They absolutely and urgently, wanted these patents to be granted. They believed that it was in the best interests of “National Security”.
Washingtonhasbeenincapableofcopingwiththegreatchangesthathavetakenplaceinrecentyears, includingtheriseofemergingmarketsanddevelopingcountries, and national security hasbecomean excuse itleansonwhenitwantstoactonitssuspicionsabouttheeconomicdevelopmentandtechnologicalprogressofothercountries.
- The phony excuse of national security - CGTN
The Chief Technical Officer (CTO) of the Naval Aviation Enterprise personally wrote a letter addressed to the examiner. He claimed that the U.S. needs the patent. As the Chinese are already “investing significantly” in these aerospace technologies.
His argument is that the patents were necessary for “American Defense superiority”.
Chinese idiom.
UFO’s? No way!
The descriptions on the patents sound very, very similar to the UFOs reported by Navy pilots.
They do.
Why is that, you suppose?
Well, everyone know that there’s no such things as “little green men”, extraterrestrials or “star people”. That’s just nonsense for school children. Right?
And since the USA would never keep secrets and technologies hidden from the American people, we know that they would tell us about extraterrestrials and their technologies. They would be open and transparent.
Open and transparent is the way America always does things. Right?
That’s what it’s like to live within the best democracy in the history of the world. Right?
The government is open and has no secrets. Don’t you know!
So, there are no extraterrestrials at all. After all, President Obama got on the Ellen DeGeneres show and said that to an audience of millions. Millions!
President Barack Obama has awarded the USA’s highest civilian honor to
various actors, musicians and athletes during a ceremony at the White
It must be the dastardly Chinese or Russians!
Since it cannot be extraterrestrials that are using these technologies, then it MUST be those terrible Chinese or Russians! Right?
Damn Commies!
It’s easy to find demonization of the Chinese on the internet. Oh, they are so evil… right?
This raises the question, are the Chinese developing (or even already flying craft) leveraging similar advanced technology and is the American Navy now scrambling to catch up?
I rather doubt that the Chinese are anywhere near this level of development, and I am a pretty strong supporter of the Chinese. Yes, it is true that many Chinese cities look like something out of the "The Jetsons", but this level of technology is centuries more advanced than what is publicly available in peer review journals.
And I am not alone…
I deeply doubt that the Navy is playing catch-up to what the Chinese have secret developed. Tingly and Rogoway do not appear to be aware of the many insiders who have come forward with their startling testimonies about U.S. reverse engineering programs involving captured flying saucer technologies that go back as far back as the 1940s.
Why not reverse engineering of extraterrestrial craft?
Why not?
I mean, you have to be a rather retarded block head not to realize that the universe is a very big place, and time goes on a long long way. To think that the world, as we know it, and the beliefs that we hold are absolutely fundamentally correct, is absolute lunacy.
Extraterrestrials exist.
The Untied States government knows about them, and has treaties with numerous entities. They have been reverse engineering their technologies for decades now, and it’s only a matter of time when the research will pay off with some kind of hybrid developmental vehicles.
It’s only a matter of time.
Maybe like now.
And if the reverse engineering has reached a point where actual prototypes can be manufactured, perhaps it would also be a good time to secure intellectual patents protections. Right?
The Wondrous Inventions Of Dr. Salvatore Cezar Pais
Maybe a look at some of these patents might give us some insight.
Maybe we can take a peek at the strange aerospace patents filed by Salvatore Cezar Pais, an aerospace engineer at NAWCAD.
Aerospace engineers work and develop the technologies and systems that go into vehicles that fly though the air and space.
Let it be well understood that there are some supplemental documents in the USPTO’s databases that imply that Navy leadership knows that these technologies are actually feasible.
Throughout the supplemental documents are references to actual validation tests and observations. All of which point to the idea that these parents are not just “ideas of merit”, but rather “technical protection documents for technology that has been proven to work”.
Let it be well understood that there are some supplemental documents in the USPTO’s databases that imply that Navy leadership knows that these technologies are actually feasible.
Little information can be found about Salvatore Cezar Pais; he has virtually no web presence.
What is known is that he received a PhD in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering from Case Western Reserve University in 1999. We also know that he currently works as an aerospace engineer for NAWCAD at Naval Air Station Patuxent River in Maryland. This facility is one of the Navy’s top aircraft test bases.
Pais has published several articles and presented papers at American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics conferences over the years.
With all the “hush hush” and top secret development work in the deep black SAP’s, it’s just a simple matter of time before some of the technologies will need to be patented.
In those papers he covers his work in electromagnetic propulsion, and revolutionary room temperature superconductors. Not to overlook such topics like his PhD dissertation: “Bubble generation under reduced gravity conditions for both co-flow and cross-flow configurations.”
While all are pretty outlandish-sounding, the last one is the one that the Chief Technical Officer of the Naval Aviation Enterprise personally vouched for.
This is the patent that he claimed that the Chinese are already developing similar capabilities.
The patent was first applied for on April 28, 2016, over a decade after the Nimitz Carrier Strike Group encountered strange Tic Tac-shaped aircraft. It is also nearly a year after Navy pilots across multiple squadrons flying out of Naval Air Station Oceana and NAS Norfolk experienced a string of bizarre encounters with unidentified aircraft. Some of which, like the Tic Tac UFO, seemed to possess exotic performance capabilities.
The Nimitz Carrier Strike Group encountered strange Tic Tac-shaped aircraft. It is also nearly a year after Navy pilots across multiple squadrons flying out of Naval Air Station Oceana and NAS Norfolk experienced a string of bizarre encounters with unidentified aircraft.
The hybrid aerospace-underwater craft in Pais’ patent, meanwhile, is described as being capable of incredible feats of speed and maneuverability. It can fly equally well in air, water, or space without leaving a heat signature.
This is possible, Pais claims in the patent, because the craft is able to “engineer the fabric of our reality at the most fundamental level” by exploiting the laws of physics.
“…engineer the fabric of our reality at the most fundamental level”
The concept is fairly simple, although the engineering required to make it a reality is another issue all together.
The basic theory…
All matter contains energy on the quantum level.
Allparticlesareripplesinfieldsandhave energy; photonsarenotspecialinthisregard. Photonsarestuff; energy isnot. Thestuffoftheuniverseisallmadefromfields (thebasicingredientsoftheuniverse) andtheirparticles. Atleastthisisthepost-1973viewpoint.
- Matter and Energy: A False Dichotomy
By theoretically creating its own incredibly dense and polarized energy field, the hybrid craft is claimed to be able to create a quantum ‘vacuum’ around itself. This vacuum allows it to repel any air or water molecules with which it interacts.
Thus, the craft can essentially ignore aerodynamic or hydrodynamic forces, or so it is claimed in the patent.
The hybrid craft is claimed to be able to create a quantum ‘vacuum’ around itself which allows it to repel any air or water molecules with which it interacts.
Throughout his patents and publications describing the hybrid aerospace underwater craft (HAUC), Pais writes that the radical feats of speed and maneuverability (of which the craft is supposedly capable of) can be achieved by coupling “high-frequency axial spin” or “accelerated vibration” with “high-frequency vibrations of electrically charged systems.”
High speeds are possible with [1] High frequency axial spin (or vibration) and [2] high frequency vibrations of electrically charged systems.
In other words, if you can [1] create a room temperature superconductor capable of storing an incredibly high amount of energy and [2] get the energy field created by that superconductor moving at incredibly high speeds around or within the craft, then…
… you can create a polarized energy vacuum around it.
This then, allows it to basically ignore the energy of the air or water around it, thereby removing its own inertia and mass from the equation.
The application of the theory…
In his most recent publication, Pais describes the hybrid aerospace / underwater craft as a roughly cone-shaped vehicle that would appear round from the front or rear.
“the HAUC is conical in configuration, with an elliptical cross-section, similar in geometry to a hypersonic glide vehicle / dart.”
The radical vehicle would have room for a crew compartment. Maybe something along the lines of the space shuttle, where the pilot and NFO would sit side by side.
He presented it at the 2019 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics SciTech Forum in San Diego on January 2019.
Man, with all these papers of a great diversity of subject matter and content, you would think this guy is either a genius, or is the designated patsy for technical patent assignments for IP.
In the paper, Pais writes…
"the achievement of room temperature superconductivity (RTSC) represents a highly disruptive technology, capable of a total paradigm change in Science and Technology,” and adds that its “military and commercial value is considerable."
The capabilities described in the paper
should certainly sound familiar to anyone who’s been following the Navy
UFO stories over the last several years:
“the achievement of room temperature superconductivity (RTSC) represents a highly disruptive technology, capable of a total paradigm change in Science and Technology,” and adds that its “military and commercial value is considerable.”
From the paper…
It is possible to envision hybrid aerospace-undersea craft (HAUC), which can function as a submersible craft capable of extreme underwater speeds (lack of water-skin friction) and enhanced aerial/underwater stealth capabilities (non-linear scattering of RF and sonar signals).
This hybrid craft would move with great ease through the air/space/water mediums, by being enclosed in a Vacuum/plasma bubble/sheath, due to the coupled effects of EM field-induced air/water particles repulsion and Vacuum energy polarization.
Dr. Brian Collett provides his opinions
Dr. Brian Collett, is a Hamilton College physics chair who teaches courses in electromagnetic theory and quantum physics. He has some thoughts on these patents and what they might imply.
Dr. Brian Collett, is a Hamilton College physics chair who teaches courses in electromagnetic theory and quantum physics. (Image is for reference only. Not an actual photo of the good doctor.)
Collett stated that patents and peer-reviewed articles about theoretical physics are one thing, however the descriptions of the HAUC and the claims in Pais’ research…
"...bear no more resemblance to quantum physics as I understand it than does ‘The Force’ from Star Wars."
Moreover, Collett adds,
"a working room temperature superconductor would have far more radical uses that are actually within the bounds of possibility"
…than a hybrid craft that can theoretically create a quantum vacuum around itself.
Other physicists have stated the same thing – although most of them refused to go anywhere near on the record concerning the hybrid craft patent based on how outlandish it seems.
But, why then would the Naval Aviation Enterprise CTO personally vouch for this patent to the USPTO?
Is it possible?
Just because something is patented doesn’t mean it’s currently in production or even possible.
Private entities and the U.S. government both regularly patent forward-looking technologies to ensure that they own the rights to them when or if they’re ever fully realized. The patent for the hybrid craft is set to expire on September 28, 2036.
That being said, the unorthodox circumstances surrounding the approval of this patent have us wondering why the Chief Technology Officer of the U.S. Naval Aviation Enterprise, Dr. James Sheehy, personally vouched for the legitimacy of this beyond-revolutionary aerospace technology in the Navy’s appeal to the USPTO.
Take important note. Sheehy assured the patent examiner in charge of this application that the aircraft propulsion method described in the patent is indeed possible or will be soon based on experiments and tests NAWCAD has already conducted.
Never the less, the application was initially rejected by Patent Examiner Philip Bonzell on the grounds that “there is no such thing as a ‘repulsive EM energy field,'”
While repulsive fields are well known in physics, the patent examination did not agree that this new type of repulsive field was possible. He saw no evidence that it could be constructed, tested or applied.
Further, he argued it was outrageous. Here;
"when referring to the specifications as to ascertain about the microwave emitters needed in this system it is seen that for a high energy electromagnetic field to polarize a quantum vacuum as claimed it would take 10^9 [T]eslas and 10^18 V/m."
That’s roughly the equivalent to the magnetic strength generated by most magnetars and more electricity than what is produced by nuclear reactors.
What would be needed to generate such amounts of energy is perhaps the potentially revolutionary room temperature superconductor described in one of Pais’ other patents for which the Navy is listed as the assignee.
Obviously, the examiner believed it’s impossible with today’s technology. He believed that it was impossible to create the insane amount of energy needed to generate the EM field. And this is what would be required to propel this craft in the manner described in the patent application.
More New Technology…
The implication is that another type of new technology would be required.
Well, to do A, you need to have B, C, and D.
Well, imagine that! All these things are suddenly available simultaneously for patent.
Wow oh wow!
Either an army or geniuses have been toiling away in the dark, in secret, and being fed through their cages for decades, or we have been secretly reverse engineering very advanced technologies based on principle that make the internal combustion engine, electronics, and rocket engines look like "Romper room play toys".
What would be needed to generate such amounts of energy is a revolutionary room temperature superconductor . One, mind you, already described for in one of Pais’ other patents for which the Navy is listed as the assignee.
are materials that can conduct electricity with zero resistance,
meaning the electrical currents carried through them never degrade or
dissipate like they do in metals, such as copper or silver.
After it was rejected, the NAWCAD’s patent attorney, Mark O. Glut, appealed the decision and submitted further documentation to ensure the patent office that this craft is indeed “enabled,” meaning it can actually be built and can perform as described in the patent.
Superconductors also create their own repulsive magnetic fields when placed near magnets, enabling applications like the levitating Maglev trains currently floating at high-speed in Japan and China.
Most superconductors today require extremely low temperatures to operate, however, making them impractical for most uses outside of laboratories or large scale industrial applications. Room temperature superconductors for years have been something of a "Holy Grail" of science for engineers, because, once realized, they would open the doors for incredible new forms of power transmission and storage, electric motors, and magnetic levitation devices.
According to documents available to the public at the USPTO website, the Patent Office rejected Pais’ and the Navy’s application for this craft on March 30, 2018.
After it was rejected, the NAWCAD’s patent attorney, Mark O. Glut, appealed the decision and submitted further documentation to ensure the patent office that this craft is indeed “enabled,” meaning it can actually be built and can perform as described in the patent.
NAWCAD’s patent attorney, Mark O. Glut, appealed the decision and submitted further documentation to ensure the patent office that this craft is indeed “enabled,” meaning it can actually be built and can perform as described in the patent.
This craft has already been built…
One of the most compelling items in the collection of appeal documents is the letter accompanying the final appeal written CTO Sheehy concerning the U.S. Patent Office’s rejection of “Craft Using an Inertial Mass Reduction Device.”
This craft is indeed “enabled,” meaning it can actually be built and can perform as described in the patent.
In the letter dated 15 December 2017, Dr. Sheehy claims that Salvatore Pais has “already begun a series of experiments to design and demonstrate advanced High energy Density/High Power propulsion systems” that are described in the patent.
In the letter dated 15 December 2017, Dr. Sheehy claims that Salvatore Pais has “already begun a series of experiments to design and demonstrate advanced High energy Density/High Power propulsion systems” that are described in the patent.
Furthermore, Sheehy claims that…
"the realization of this result demonstrates that this patent documents the future state of the possible and moves propulsion technology beyond gas dynamic systems to field-induced propulsion based hybrid aerospace-undersea craft."
Have a look at the letter yourself:
“the realization of this result demonstrates that this patent documents the future state of the possible and moves propulsion technology beyond gas dynamic systems to field-induced propulsion based hybrid aerospace-undersea craft.”
It’s important to note that Sheehy doesn’t go so far as to say on the record that the Navy currently possesses this technology and instead notified Patent Examiner Philip Bonzell that he agrees that…
"this mode of acceleration/movement is beyond the state of the possible, at least at present."
Sheehy, of course, adds that…
"China is already investing significantly in this area" and "would prefer we [the U.S.] hold the patent as opposed to paying forever more to use this revolutionary technology" as he asserts "this will become a reality."
Remarkably, it seems to boil down to the ol’ “we must not allow an Inertial Mass Reduction Device gap!”
Heh. Heh.
Approved patent.
Perhaps because of that threat from the Chinese looming, the USPTO finally issued a notice of allowance for “Craft Using an Inertial Mass Reduction Device” to the Department of the Navy on October 31, 2018, at a fee of $1,000 USD.
No reason was given for why the patent was eventually approved.
It’s important to note, as well, that U.S.
patent law ends at America’s borders. The Navy can patent anything it
wants to, but those patents would not necessarily keep a foreign country
from developing and patenting similar technologies.
The Dawn Of Electromagnetic Propulsion?
Normally, I would agree with others that these patents are likely just the Navy ensuring that when or if this technology does become available, the U.S. will be able to control it.
However, these are not normal times.
Thanks to To the Stars Academy (TTSA), the Department of Defense, and the media at large, the Navy pilots have witnessed aircraft behaving exactly like the craft these patents describe. Additionally, some of the pilots’ visual descriptions of those anomalous aircraft even seem to be uncannily similar to the drawings of the aircraft as depicted in Pais’ patents.
One of those patents depicts a curiously and distinctly shaped gravitational wave generator that resembles the Tic Tac-shaped object reported by retired U.S. Navy Commander David Fravor and other NimitzCarrier Strike Group pilots in encounters that took place in 2004 off the Baja Coast.
The so called “Tic Tac” encounter.
One of those patents depicts a curiously and distinctly shaped gravitational wave generator that resembles the Tic Tac-shaped object reported by retired U.S. Navy Commander David Fravor and other NimitzCarrier Strike Group pilots in encounters that took place in 2004 off the Baja Coast.
In regards to claims that these patents may simply be speculative “math theory,” as the patent examiner called them in one of the rejections. Never the less, it’s important to remember that scientific and engineering research sometimes reach tipping points. Tripping points in which incremental progress made over decades suddenly culminates in large paradigm shifts. Shifts, mind you, that bring the theoretical into the realm of the possible. (Of course, massive bursts of associated funding also can really help, of course.)
The patents appear to draw upon established theoretical research. Included in the Navy’s patent appeals and Pais’ most recent publication are references to decades’ worth of peer-reviewed research in room temperature superconductors and macroscopic quantum effects. Additionally, there are even notated copies of several studies related to Pais’ research.
In the publication, Pais also thanks Naval Aviation Enterprise CTO Dr. James Sheehy…
"for the many hours of thought-provoking discussions on the concept at hand."
To the Stars Academy.
Interestingly enough, both Pais’ research and some of his patents also contain acknowledgments to the work of Dr. Harold E. Puthoff.
Dr. Harold E. Puthoff is the co-founder and Vice President of Science and Technology of To the Stars Academy.
TTSA’s goal is to advance “our current understanding of scientific phenomena and its technological implications.”
The stated mission of TTSA’s Aerospace division is to find “revolutionary breakthroughs in propulsion, energy, and communication”.
The company claims it is “currently working with lead engineers from major Department of Defense and aerospace companies with the capability to pursue an advanced engineering approach to fundamental aerospace topics.”
This includes Space-Time Metrics Engineering (STME). (This is a theoretical concept in which quantum vacuums are engineered as a means of propulsion.)
It remains unclear how TTSA intends to follow through with and secure funding for these ambitious goals.
Physicist Harold White stunned the aeronautics world when he announced that he and his team at NASA had begun work on the development of a faster-than-light warp drive. His proposed design, an ingenious re-imagining of an Alcubierre Drive, may eventually result in an engine that can transport a spacecraft to the nearest star in a matter of weeks — and all without violating Einstein’s law of relativity.
In a press release marking the official launch of TTSA on Oct. 11, 2017, former Program Director for Advanced Systems at Lockheed Martin Advanced Development Programs at the Skunk Works, Steve Justice, described how TTSA was working on developing revolutionary “Advanced Electromagnetic Vehicles”.
These are vehicles that will “dramatically reduce the current travel limits of distance and time” and “mimic the capabilities observed in unidentified aerial phenomenon by employing a drive system that alters the space-time metric.”
Without a doubt, these advanced electromagnetic vehicles that TTSA says it plans to develop sound uncannily like the electromagnetic hybrid aerospace underwater craft in Pais’s patent.
Few Answers, But Plenty Of Questions
NAWCAD has a liaison for pubic communication.
Kurt Larson is NAWCAD’s Public Affairs Director.
Larson states that…
"when it comes to patent applications, [NAWCAD] cannot provide any context outside of the filed patent application documents."
Similarly, USPTO policy states that applications for patents are not generally open to the public, and…
"no information concerning them is released except on written authority of the applicant, his or her assignee, or his or her attorney, or when necessary to the conduct of the business of the USPTO."
As striking as the similarity between the claimed capabilities of the hybrid craft and those of the objects described by Navy personnel, it’s still unknown whether these patents are related to the ongoing UFO revelations.
It is important to note that if the Navy had wanted this patent to remain classified, it could have filed the patent under the Invention Secrecy Act of 1951 (35 U.S.C. ch. 17).
This is a law which allows patents to remain classified if they might pose a possible threat to the national security of the United States.
Instead of doing that, however, all of Pais’ patents are currently fully available to the public.
If such a propulsion technology was so revolutionary and if the Navy indeed wanted to keep this technology out of others’ hands, it’s curious that they would choose to make the patent public.
Maybe the Navy is signaling to its adversaries that it, too, is aware of this revolutionary capability and to whom it belongs.
It is important to note that if the Navy had wanted this patent to remain classified, it could have filed the patent under the Invention Secrecy Act of 1951 (35 U.S.C. ch. 17).
Also, consider the fact that Senators, including the vice chairman of the Senate Intelligence Community, have been briefed in recent weeks by Navy officials about the unexplained sightings Navy pilots have reported.
Even President Donald Trump recently stated in an interview that the Navy UFO reports could be due the fact that pilots
"see things a little bit different from the past,"
This is a comment which could be taken to mean that pilots are witnessing new types of aerospace technology for the first time.
Trump seemed to indicate that he does not believe the objects reported by Navy pilots are evidence of anything extraterrestrial. As such he took his interviewer’s UFO question in stride without any apparent surprise. This could be an indication of just how far into the mainstream the UFO discussion has become.
A Technology “UFO” Race
Consider as well the comments made by former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada, reportedly a key figure in securing funding for programs like the now-infamous Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program and its associated studies.
Has China and Russia also been reverse engineering exotic extraterrestrial spacecraft as well?
Could Reid have meant that these three military powers are currently scrambling to be the first to master the technology behind a hybrid aerospace-undersea craft and deploy it on a substantial scale? If so, where does the Navy, and the Pentagon as a whole, currently stand in that clandestine race?
Well known in “UFO circles” that the Russians have been working with extraterrestrial species for decades and has various vehicles in their possession.
Furthermore, Pais notes in the paper that such a technology…
“would permit swift movement of the HAUC beyond our Solar System.”
Image is from a source who claims China will be releasing Hi Res images taken by the Chang’e-2 moon orbiter, which clearly show buildings and structures on the moons surface.
It’s also possible that this patent is just another facet of an information operation that goes along with a larger UFO narrative to promote the Pentagon’s undisclosed interests.
But the inclusion of China, a very terrestrial potential foe and America’s chief technological adversary, as a direct competitor when it comes to the technology seems odd and even counterproductive if that were the case.
On the other hand, some may say that this could be proof of two superpowers struggling to mimic the capabilities of something they are observing, but do not fully understand on a technological level. Considering all the unknowns, all possibilities are worth examining.
... some may say that this could be proof of two superpowers struggling to mimic the capabilities of something they are observing, but do not fully understand on a technological level.
Much of this work and investigation are being “bird dogged” by Brett Tingley and Tyler Rogoway. They are doing some great work. Now, of course, they know nothing of MAJestic or any thing related to it, so they are doing the necessary journalistic ground work with a healthy dose of skepticism. Well, good for them!
Much of this work and investigation are being “bird dogged” by Brett Tingley and Tyler Rogoway. They are doing some great work. Now, of course, they know nothing of MAJestic or any thing related to ti, so they are doing the necessary journalistic ground work with a healthy dose of skepticism. Well, good for them!
In any event, I would strongly advise the interested reader to follow their work and observe that the US Navy is making headway in the understanding and development of technologies that mimic that of our extraterrestrial benefactors.
Check out the patents yourself…
To view them for yourself, visithttps://portal.uspto.gov/pair/PublicPair and search for application number 15/141,270. Once there, click on the “Image File Wrapper” tab.
The Inventor speaks out
I hate it when other people get credit for work that you do. I know, it has happened to me, more than just a few times.
Comment or Message
The article on patents held by the Navy make me feel angry because I have an unmet need for the US Government to acknowledge my patents on gravitomagnetic energy. https://patents.google.com/patent/US10177690B2/en I observe I also filed for a patent in China too.
They denied the patent even though the US had already granted it. I feel suspicious that they stole my invention along with the US Navy. I have an outstanding FOIA request on this with the Navy.
I have analyzed the Navy's Tic Tac UAP video to demonstrate spacetime metric engineering effects.
I observe I have some research results I would like to share. Here's a report I conducted with correspondence with Dr. Hal Puthoff of TTSA. There's a few of the slides in the beginning that cover my background.
Also I have several GIF files I created to share to show some of the UAP technology in action I would like to explain in more detail. It makes me feel happy to know your curious. I request you check out the following background information that goes with the PowerPoint presentation. I suggest you run the presentation software to operate the Gif on quantum tunneling; slide 7. My explanation of the presentation is in the form of a dialog.
Where do slides 6-11 come from? Are they your research, or from Dr. Puthoff? Both? Somewhere else?
Observe the information in slide 6 from Hal’s paper which I cite on the upper left of the slide. Spacetime metric engineering allows for altered spacetime. Basic hypothesis in altered spacetime: denser spacetime (g00 <1, |g11| > 1) time dilates, length shrinks “gravitational”, and, expanded spacetime (g00 > 1, |g11| <1) time shrinks, length dilates “antigravitational”.
Observe slide 7 explains how quantum entanglement [quantum tunneling] works and its possible to move information through spacetime instantaneously.
I feel this is useful to explaining the concept of wormholes. Observe slide 8 explains the concept of gravitational frame dragging using nano-bump [empirical] data from the mass spin-valve device.
My invention is called the mass spin-valve or gravitational rectifier, aka gravity diode. Observe slide 9 explains using nano-bump [empirical] data from the mass spin-valve device to support the creation of denser spacetime (g00 <1, |g11| > 1) time dilates, length shrinks “gravitational” energy at the nano-scale.
Observe slide 10 explains using nano-pit [empirical] data from the mass spin-valve device to support the creation of expanded spacetime (g00 > 1, |g11| <1) time shrinks, length dilates “antigravitational” energy at the nano-scale.
Observe slide 11 explains that utilizing data from variable area nano-bumps and nano-pits we are able to show that moving objects at the nano-scale produce parabolic pull force of nano-gravity and hyperbolic push force of nano-antigravity [like a balloon].
The term 'antigravity bubble', I'm not quite sure what that is -- how it operates or what it looks like. So, when you mention balloons (i.e. 'a dark torus shaped balloon', 'A balloon shaped brighter region', or 'small dark oval shaped balloon') -- are you saying 'balloon' because they appear balloon-shaped?
That is to say -- they aren't physical balloons travelling alongside the craft? Observe denser spacetime (g00 <1, |g11| > 1) force magnitude of gravity |g11| is greater than 1 G force and anti-gravity force is less than 1 G, and, expanded spacetime (g00 > 1, |g11| <1) force magnitude of gravity |g11| is less than 1 G force and anti-gravity force is greater than 1 G. I hope this helps your understanding of slide 6.
Greater G force means time dilates, length shrinks “gravitational” energy while lower G force means time shrinks, length dilates “anti-gravitational” energy. This is based on principals of General Relativity, Einstein's theory of geometric gravitation and the data.
No, [not a real balloon] the dark balloon shaped region over the top of the UAP appears to be a region of expanded spacetime. The other balloon shaped regions on the right of the UAP are also regions of altered spacetime used to open a wormhole on the left of the UAP. These regions appear to be utilized to create gravitational winding spring like force that propels the craft to the left at the entrance to the wormhole. Empirical evidence is from slides 7-11. This second GIF includes this first one above. Above the UAP is the anti-gravity balloon I explain in slide 11. The left of the image is where a worm hole is opened and the right side is where the UAP is spacetime engineering a gravitational bow, like in a bow and arrow, where the UAP is the arrow. This second GIF shows the arrow being released; aka warp drive. http://www.calfree.com/TicTacWarpDrive.gif This third GIF shows something I felt was pretty cool. It appears the UAP as hitting the Nimitz aircraft with an EMP pulse which saturates the IR detector array. http://www.calfree.com/TicTacEMPattack.gif Are you suggesting that the Air Force acted aggressively towards the UAP -- possibly hitting it with some type of hypersonic weapon? -- 'These slides make me feel uncomfortable. I have an unmet need for reassurance of future nonviolent interaction with UAPs.
I request the support for further failure analysis and for development of protocols for remedial measures.' My experience as an Archaeologist necessitates me to intercommunicate with native Americans about their culture. This requires a feeling of trust be established so I don’t go where I am not invited.
The UAP appears to be hitting the Nimitz aircraft with an electromagnetic pulse that charged the IR detector array fanout on the back of the array causing it to saturate. The image observed shows the fanout behind the array in that frame. I don’t know what the Nimitz aircraft did to the UAP that would be considered hostile by the UAP.
Michael Boyd (408) 891-9677 PS the GIFs are mine so feel free to use them.
MAJestic Related Posts – Training
These are
posts and articles that revolve around how I was recruited for MAJestic
and my training. Also discussed is the nature of secret programs. I
really do not know why the organization was kept so secret. It really
wasn’t because of any kind of military concern, and the technologies
were way too involved for any kind of information transfer. The only
conclusion that I can come to is that we were obligated to maintain
secrecy at the behalf of our extraterrestrial benefactors.
MAJestic Related Posts – Our Universe
particular posts are concerned about the universe that we are all part
of. Being entangled as I was, and involved in the crazy things that I
was, I was given some insight. This insight wasn’t anything super
special. Rather it offered me perception along with advantage. Here, I
try to impart some of that knowledge through discussion.
Utilizing Intention
Influencer Questions
Here are posts
that have gathered a series of questions from various influencers. They
are interesting in many ways and could help all of us unravel the
mysteries of the lives that we live.
MAJestic Related Posts – World-Line Travel
These posts
are related to “reality slides”. Other more common terms are “world-line
travel”, or the MWI. What people fail to grasp is that when a person
has the ability to slide into a different reality (pass into a different
world-line), they are able to “touch” Heaven to some extent. Here are
posts that cover this topic.
John Titor Related Posts
person, collectively known by the identity of “John Titor” claimed to
utilize world-line (MWI egress) travel to collect artifacts from the
past. He is an interesting subject to discuss. Here we have multiple
posts in this regard.
They are;
Articles & Links
You’ll not
find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy
notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a
necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money
off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you
because I just don’t care to.
"We discovered that if you want to monetise a blog you need to be getting about 100,000 hits a day! "
What do you know? Hell finally froze over, well… maybe started to get a little slushy, maybe. I thought it would never happen. But it seems that a slow but cautious opening up of admittance is a start. No, of course they aren’t admitting the active studies, the contacts, the programs, and all that. That is never going to happen. But, at least they are starting to acknowledge that someone or something appears to have some extremely advanced technology. And it is the Pentagon, and not the CIA, that is actively changing the nature of the conversation about it.
Finally, after decades of public denials, and public cover-ups, the Navy finally admits that there are vehicles and objects that possess technologies far, far advanced than what we are capable of having.
I’m sure that there are “officials” that are livid about this.
Jack Sarfatti writes, The USS Nimitz UFO incident refers to a 2004 Radar-Visual encounter of an unidentified flying object by US fighter pilots of the Nimitz Carrier Strike Group. In December 2017, infrared footage of the encounter was released to the public. Prior to the December 2017 incident, early November 2004, the Ticonderoga-class guided missile cruiser USS Princeton, part of Carrier Strike Group 11, had been tracking mysterious aircraft intermittently for two weeks on an advanced AN/SPY-1B passive radar.
Prior to the December 2017 incident, early November 2004, the Ticonderoga-class guided missile cruiser USS Princeton, part of Carrier Strike Group 11, had been tracking mysterious aircraft intermittently for two weeks on an advanced AN/SPY-1B passive radar.
When the same event occurred again around 12:30 EST on 14 November 2004, an operations officer aboard Princeton
contacted two airborne US Navy jet fighters from USS Nimitz.
The first fighter aircraft was piloted by Commander David
Fravor, commanding officer of Strike Fighter Squadron 41,
assisted by his weapon systems officer (WSO) in the back
seat. Lieutenant commander Jim Slaight was aboard the second
jet which was serving in the role as a wingman. The officers
were training aboard two FA-18F Super Hornets in a routine
combat exercise.
The first fighter aircraft was piloted by Commander David Fravor, commanding officer of Strike Fighter Squadron 41, assisted by his weapon systems officer (WSO) in the back seat. Lieutenant commander Jim Slaight was aboard the second jet which was serving in the role as a wingman. The officers were training aboard two FA-18F Super Hornets in a routine combat exercise.
Princeton’s radio operator first asked the AWACS of the
Carrier Airborne Early Warning Squadron 117, which was
assisting the two F-18s to guide them to intercept the
unknown aircraft. Princeton’s radio operator directly instructed
the pilots to change their course and investigate and asked
if they were carrying operational weapons; they replied that
they were not.
The weather conditions for that day showed excellent visibility. When the jet fighters arrived on site, the crew of four saw nothing in the air nor on their radar.
Looking down at the sea, however, they noticed a turbulent oval area of churning water with foam and frothy waves “the size of a Boeing 737 airplane” with a smoother area of lighter color at the center, as if the waves were breaking over something just under the surface.
A few seconds later, they noticed an unusual object hovering with erratic movements 50 feet above the boiling water. Both Fravor and Slaight later described the object as a large bright white Tic Tac 30 to 46 feet (10 to 14 meters) long, with no windshield nor porthole, no wing nor empennage, and no visible engine nor exhaust plume. According to Fravor “I have no idea what I saw. It had no plumes, wings or rotors and outran our F-18s. But I want to fly one”.
Bigelow, stated, “Internationally, we are the most backward country in the world on this issue,” Mr. Bigelow said in an interview. “Our scientists are scared of being ostracized, and our media is scared of the stigma.”
“China and Russia are much more open and work on this with huge organizations within their countries. Smaller countries like Belgium, France, England and South American countries like Chile are more open, too. They are proactive and willing to discuss this topic, rather than being held back by a juvenile taboo.”
Fravor began a circular descent to approach the object, but he claimed the UFO was intentionally avoiding any short-range dogfight radar lock-on with “impossible” maneuvers [not in citation given] that made engagement difficult. As Fravor got closer descending, he reported that the object began ascending along a curved path, maintaining some distance from the F-18, mirroring its trajectory in opposite circles.
Fravor then made a more aggressive maneuver, plunging his fighter to aim below the object, but at this point the UFO accelerated and went out of sight in less than two seconds, leaving the pilots “pretty weirded out”.
Subsequently, the two fighter jets began a new course to
the combat air patrol rendezvous point. “Within seconds” the
Princeton radioed the jets that the radar spot had reappeared
60 miles away at the CAP point indicating a speed of 2,400
miles an hour to cover the distance in the reported time.
The jets went to investigate the new radar location, but “by
the time the Super Hornets arrived […] the object had already
disappeared.” Both F-18s then returned to Nimitz.
The aircraft carrier and its strike group also engage in maritime security operations to interdict threats to merchant shipping and prevent the use of the seas for terrorism and piracy. Aircraft carriers also provide unique capabilities for disaster response and humanitarian assistance. The embarked carrier air wing provides helicopters for direct support and C4I assets to support them and ensure aid is routed quickly and safely.
The 10 nuclear powered Nimitz class aircraft carriers are the largest warships in the world, each designed for an approximately 50 year service life with one mid-life refueling. USS NIMITZ (CVN 68), USS DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER (CVN 69), USS CARL VINSON (CVN 70), and USS THEODORE ROOSEVELT (CVN 71) have all completed their Refueling Complex Overhauls (RCOH) at Newport News, Va., with USS ABRAHAM LINCOLN (CVN 72) having commenced RCOH in 2013.
A second team took off at 15:00 EST, this time equipped
with an advanced infrared camera (FLIR pod). This camera
recorded an evasive unidentified aerial system on video,
publicly released by the Pentagon on 16 December 2017
alongside the revelation of the funding of the Advanced
Aviation Threat Identification
This footage is known as the 2004 USS Nimitz FLIR1 video.
It officially shed some light on a decade-old story that was
largely unknown, except for a 2015 second-hand story on FighterSweep.com that, in spite of providing a lot of details, remained unconfirmed at that time.
Over a two-week period in late 2004, an unknown, 45-foot long Tic Tac shaped object played cat and mouse with the U.S. Navy off the coast of California. The mighty U.S.S. Nimitz aircraft carrier, and its support ships including the U.S.S. Princeton, carrying the most sophisticated sensor systems in the world, repeatedly detected recurring glimpses of the Tic Tac but were unable to lock on.
On Nov.14, F-18s were ordered into the area and saw it up close. Veteran pilot Dave Fravor, commander of the elite Black Aces unit, says the Tic Tac reacted to the presence of the F-18s then took off like a bullet fired from a gun.
“It takes off like nothing I’ve ever seen. One minute it’s here, and off, it’s gone,” said retired Navy pilot David Fravor.
In the explosion of media interest that followed the Pentagon’s release of the Tic Tac video along with recordings of two other encounters, Commander Fravor expressed the opinion that the technology was far more advanced than anything known on earth.
A second infrared footage, known as the GIMBAL video, has been released by the Pentagon alongside the 2004 FLIR1 footage. Although the media often present the two videos together to illustrate the 2004 USS Nimitz UFO incident, the GIMBAL video is unrelated, filmed at the East Coast of the United States at an unknown date.”
The U.S. Navy has confirmed that three F-18 gun-camera videos first released by The New York Timesand a UFO research organization show “unidentified aerial phenomena.”.
The term “unidentified aerial phenomena.” or UAPs is a more formal term for UFOs that doesn’t have all that little-green-men baggage.
The Times originally released two of the videos in a December 2017 article. The article revealed that the Pentagon had operated a secret UFO investigatory project, called the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP).
All three videos were published on the website of To the Stars Academy of Arts and Sciences, a UFO research organization founded by former Blink-182 singer and guitarist Tom DeLonge.
The news that the Navy considers the three videos, unofficially known as “FLIR1,” “Gimbal” and “GoFast”, first appeared on The Black Vault. The Black Vault is a web site that specializes in declassified government documents.
“FLIR1” is from November 14, 2004, and “Gimbal” and “GoFast” are from January 21, 2015.
Joe Gradisher, a spokesman for the office of the Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Information Warfare, said in a statement that the Navy expects to keep the information it gathers private for a number of reasons. “Military aviation safety organizations always retain reporting of hazards to aviation as privileged information in order to preserve the free and honest prioritization and discussion of safety among aircrew,” Gradisher said. “Furthermore, any report generated as a result of these investigations will, by necessity, include classified information on military operations.” “Therefore, no release of information to the general public is expected.”
Joseph Gradisher, official spokesperson for the deputy chief of naval operations for information warfare, emphasized that these videos represent only some of the many UAP sightings the Navy is investigating.
“Those three videos are just part of a larger effort by the U.S. Navy to try and investigate a series of incursions into our training ranges by phenomena that we’re calling unidentified aerial phenomena,” says Gradisher, who declined to say how many sightings there have been. “Our aviators train as they fight. So when they’re out there training, if there’s an incursion by any kind of aerial vehicle phenomena, whatever, it puts the safety of our aviators
at risk as well as the security of our training operations.”
Sample Links
Here are some links related to this subject matter. The United States Navy is openly admitting that they have witnessed, observed and tracked unknown vehicles with amazing behaviors that they cannot understand which defy the known laws of physics.
What many may not know about this event is that it occurred in a place and time where the most powerful set of aerial surveillance sensors ever created were amassed together and were watching and recording it all.
The new Navy position on this matter.
Few stories have garnered more requests for elaboration than the recent news that the Navy has decided to very publicly change its UFO / USO reporting rules and procedures.
Why? People ask?
Everyone has their opinions. As do I. And, yes, there have been wildly varying takes on all of this.
Finally, after decades of public denials, and public cover-ups, the Navy finally admits that there are vehicles and objects that possess technologies far, far advanced than what we are capable of having.
Swamp gas! This obviously implies that it wasn’t ours, and unfortunately doesn’t explain the different objects seen in the pictures. Top Secret claims that on one of the pictures, there were some inscriptions. I don’t have a version of this, and it is too faint to see on these photographs. Upper left it says “Official Photograph. Not to be Released. CT.” In the bottom right corner it says (sic) “Unauthorized Disclosure Subject. Security Certificat SSN 674. Criminal Sanction”
Politico was first to report on the Navy’s new directions for reporting unexplained objects operating in the same environment as its vessels and aircraft.
Politico’s Bryan Bender writes:
"There have been a number of reports of unauthorized and/or unidentified aircraft entering various military-controlled ranges and designated air space in recent years," the Navy said in a statement in response to questions from POLITICO. "For safety and security concerns, the Navy and the [U.S. Air Force] takes these reports very seriously and investigates each and every report."
"As part of this effort," it added, "the Navy is updating and formalizing the process by which reports of any such suspected incursions can be made to the cognizant authorities. A new message to the fleet that will detail the steps for reporting is in draft."
To be clear, the Navy isn’t endorsing the idea that its sailors have encountered alien spacecraft. No, that will open up an entire keg of worms. Truthfully, it’s not admitting to anything other than the fact that the Navy has observed and recorded strange objects in the skies and in the waters of the world.
It’s a Duh! moment, for certain.
Swamp Gas! On this photo, we identify without a doubt a triangular-shaped UFO. It seems to be in trouble.
However, there is an entire army of CIA paid debunkers, and a branch of MAJestic that has been devoted to obscuring, covering up, and ridiculing anyone who even vocalizes that strange objects have materialized and disappeared in and around our planet that defy conventional explanations.
So, in a way, it’s a kind of vindication.
I and others have told our stories about MAJestic and the involvement of the US Navy in it. We have been ridiculed and laughed at, and even though this latest posturing is a long, long way off from the actual reality. It is a start.
It is a start.
For what ever it’s worth; been enough strange aerial sightings by credible and highly trained military personnel that they need to be recorded in the official record and studied. Yes, rather than dismissed as some kooky phenomena from the realm of science-fiction.
Several impressive photos of alleged UFOs over the arctic captured on camera by the Navy in 1971 have been leaked to UFO researchers, and their discovery has been getting worldwide media attention.
UFO researcher Alex Mistretta claims that the images were originally given to him by an anonymous source in Europe. Later, he discovered that they were also published in a French paranormal magazine called Top Secret.
The Washington Postdid their own follow-up to Politico’s story, stating:
Recently, unidentified aircraft have entered military-designated airspace as often as multiple times per month, Joseph Gradisher, spokesman for office of the deputy chief of naval operations for information warfare, told The Washington Post on Wednesday.
Citing safety and security concerns, Gradisher vowed to “investigate each and every report.”
He said, “We want to get to the bottom of this. We need to determine who’s doing it, where it’s coming from and what their intent is. We need to try to find ways to prevent it from happening again.”
As if.
But, like I said, it’s a start.
Now, you all have to realize that there is no real way to distinctly classify something like a UFO or USO without the creation of controversy. And controversy in the Navy can be a career limiting move.
Controversy in the Navy can be a career limiting move.
The moment you report something like this, the ONI and MAJestic takes control. Any investigation outside those channels are squelched and suppressed.
Of course, and as such we can naturally conclude that the military knows far more about these strange happenings than they are willing to let on. It’s not like suddenly out of the blue they started, just now, to observe and record these sightings. Do not be silly.
The original anonymous source claims that these:
1) The photos were taken from a United State Navy submarine.
2) The location was between Iceland and Jan Mayen island in the Atlantic Ocean. (Jan Mayen belongs to Norway, and is only inhabited by the Norwegian Meteorological Institute and the Norwegian military.)
3) They were taken in March of 1971.
4) The Submarine was the Navy’s USS Trepang (SSN 674) and the Admiral on board was Dean Reynolds Sackett. Obviously, the next step is to try and locate this Admiral Dean Reynolds, if he exists.
5) The Submarine came upon the object by “accident,” as they were in the region on a routine joint military and scientific expedition. Officer John Klika was the one who initially spotted the object with the periscope.
Otherwise, why wouldn’t they want to know more about intruders wielding fantastic technology that makes them impervious to existing countermeasures and defenses?
Now all this appears to be changing. Why?
The technology is real
The fact is that we actually know that in the last 15 years, under at least some circumstances, the military has wanted certain high-fidelity data related to encounters with UFOs.
The most compelling encounter of recent, at least that we know of, occurred in and around where the Nimitz Carrier Strike Group was operating during workups to deployment in 2004.
A carrier strike group (CSG) is an operational formation of the United States Navy. It is composed of roughly 7,500 personnel, an aircraft carrier, at least one cruiser, a destroyer squadron of at least two destroyers and/or frigates, and a carrier air wing of 65 to 70 aircraft. A carrier strike group also, on occasion, includes submarines, attached logistics ships and a supply ship.
This encounter is known as the “Tic Tac Incident”.
The incident, or really the series of incidents as they occurred over a number of days, have become near legendary in nature as the witnesses involved are highly credible in nature and numerous.
In addition, we have official reports detailing the incident that convey a very compelling story, as well as hours of testimony from those who were there—a group of sailors and naval aviators that seems to be emerging more and more out of the shadows with each passing day.
To examine all public evidence available, it becomes clear that [1] someone has some amazing technology, [2] modern technology is recording it all over the world, and [3] it didn’t just start happening…
The WSO first picked up a contact on the radar around 30nm away while it was operating in the RWS scan mode. He checked the coordinates and it was indeed hovering at their precise CAP point. He attempted several STT locks, to no avail. Later, in the debrief, he explained that he had multiple telltale cues of EA. The target aspect on the track file was turning through 360 degrees along with some other distinct jamming indications. In the less precise scan mode, the return indicated that the object was, in the WSO’s words, “A few thousand feet below us. Around 15-20K– but hovering stationary.” The only movement was generated by the closure of the fighter to the CAP location.
And since it didn’t just start happening, then the Navy knows more about all this than they will ever admit. The classification is MAJestic.
No matter how you look at it, the “Tic Tac” incident that involved the Nimitz Carrier Strike Group off the Baja Peninsula in 2004, implies some pretty mind blowing conclusions.
Our reality is wrong.
The main revelation is that technology exists that is capable of performing flying maneuvers that shatter our perceptions of … well, everything.
It’s quite possible that by the time the FLIR saw the object, it was closer than 30 nmi. The account also says that the object was “hovering at their precise CAP point,” which corroborates Princeton’s radar contact, and suggests that this was not an ordinary civilian jet. But the account also says that the F-18’s radar indicated that the object was hovering below them and that the FLIR was slaved to the radar, yet the FLIR footage shows the object moving to the left above them, assuming that TTSA’s video annotation is correct when it says “Sensor aimed 6° above aircraft axis.”
This includes propulsion, flight controls, material science, and our basic ideas of physics. So many things that we thought were so fixed, unchangeable and fundamental to our universe are just wrong.
Let me underline this again for you, the Nimitz encounter with the Tic Tac proved that exotic technology that is widely thought of as the domain of science fiction actually exists.
It is real.
The WSO first picked up a contact on the radar around 30nm away while it was operating in the RWS scan mode. He checked the coordinates and it was indeed hovering at their precise CAP point. He attempted several STT locks, to no avail. Later, in the debrief, he explained that he had multiple telltale cues of EA. The target aspect on the track file was turning through 360 degrees along with some other distinct jamming indications. In the less precise scan mode, the return indicated that the object was, in the WSO’s words, “A few thousand feet below us. Around 15-20K– but hovering stationary.” The only movement was generated by the closure of the fighter to the CAP location. The WSO resorted to the FLIR pod on board, slaving it to the weak track the RWS mode had been able to generate.
It isn’t the result of altered perception, someone’s lucid dream, a stray weather balloon, or swamp gas.
There has been speculation as to where Allen Hynek, scientific consultant for Project Blue Book, came up with the possible explanation of swamp or marsh gas as to what was seen on successive nights in Dexter and Hillsdale, Michigan, (March 20, 21, 1966).
Some reports suggest Hynek got the idea from a University of Michigan botany professor or that Hynek became informed about the phenomenon through reading. However, in my research for an article titled "Swamp Gas Revisited", published in the February, 2004, issue of UFO Magazine (UK), a much different explanation was revealed to me.
In interviewing Washtenaw County Sheriff Doug Harvey for the article, the former Sheriff explained how he had taken Hynek to the Frank Mannor farm near Dexter for some on site investigation. The sheriff described how Hynek interviewed witnesses and sloshed around in the swamp for a time in an attempt to determine what the many witnesses had seen a few nights earlier. The Sheriff then brought Hynek back to the Sheriff's headquarters located in Ann Arbor.
According to Harvey, they talked for a time about the sighting and Hynek admitted he didn't know what the witnesses had seen on the Mannor farm. "That's when the phone call came in," Harvey told me.
"What phone call I asked?"
Harvey said, "it was a call for Hynek and it was from Washington.""How did you know it was from Washington," I replied.
"Because the dispatcher stepped into the office and said, 'Dr. Hynek, you've got a call from Washington.'"
Harvey told me that Hynek stepped out of the office to take the call and then returned in a few minutes looking a bit perplexed. And then, according to the sheriff, Hynek said, "it's swamp gas they saw, swamp gas."
It was a short time later that Hynek held the infamous press conference at the Detroit Press Club and suggested that a possible explanation for the recent sightings might have been marsh or swamp gas. The explanation became a front page story the next day in papers across the country and Hynek became the butt of jokes and cartoons. He was ridiculed to such an extent that Michigan Congressman Gerald Ford (later President Ford) asked for a Congressional investigation. It was one of Hynek's worst moments.
The important thing here is that if the Washington phone call actually took place, and I believe it did, then Hynek was receiving direction from a high government source. The whole thing smells of more UFO governmental coverup.
- The origin of Dr. Hynek's "Swamp Gas" explanation
Someone or something has crossed the technological Rubicon and has obtained what some would call the Holy Grail of aerospace engineering. And now the Navy is throwing up it’s hands, and letting the rest of the world (a little bit) in on it’s big secret…
…it’s not swamp gas.
This reality is very hard to process for many.
Hows Stuff Works is for fags. Electrolytes are what plants crave. Duh.
There is always an out for some in the form of claiming an odd impromptu conspiracy. Or alternatively, some hollow explanation that doesn’t pass muster beyond the first paragraph. Yet, seriously, in the end, it actually happened.
Some people are so caught up in their belief system that they are unable to reason at any sort of cognitive level.
Consider the skeptics...
A UFO can land on network television, within a football stadium with hundreds of onlookers. The hatch can open up, and everyone in the stadium, and all the news-media would record the event on their cameras. An extraterrestrial can get out, bow to the camera, and dance a tango with the star quarterback.
All the skeptics would report would be that swamp gas affected a nation-wide bout of insanity.
As uncomfortable as that fact is, it’s reality.
It was simply hanging in midair. He [the WSO] switched to the TV mode and was able to again lock the FLIR onto the object while still trying, with no luck, to get a STT track on the radar. As he watched it, the AAV moved out of his screen to the left so suddenly it almost seemed to disappear. On the tape, when it is slowed down, the object accelerates out of the field of view with shocking speed. The WSO was not able to reacquire the AAV either in RWS or with the FLIR.
So, we need to use this event as a precious insight going forward when it comes to evaluating and contemplating what is possible and where truth actually lies.
Because, I’ll tell you what, the general public hasn’t a clue.
Perfect location for observation.
What many may not know about this event is that it occurred in a place and time where the most powerful set of aerial surveillance sensors ever created were amassed together and were watching and recording it all.
This entire encounter was not captured on a cell phone. It was captured with an array of the most advanced electronic and sensing equipment known to man.
What many may not know about this event is that it occurred in a place and time where the most powerful set of aerial surveillance sensors ever created were amassed together and were watching and recording it all.
And it is the recording part that is maybe the most interesting facet of the Nimitz encounters that has largely been passed over in terms of significance and notoriety.
Ideal test conditions.
What most don’t realize is that the Nimitz Carrier Strike Group wasn’t just equipped with some of the most advanced sensors the world had to offer, but that it also had hands-down the most advanced networking and computer processing capability of any such system.
What most don’t realize is that the Nimitz Carrier Strike Group wasn’t just equipped with some of the most advanced sensors the world had to offer, but that it also had hands-down the most advanced networking and computer processing capability of any such system.
Dubbed Cooperative Engagement Capability (CEC), this integrated air defense system architecture was just being fielded on a Strike Group level for the first time aboard Nimitz and the rest of its flotilla.
At its very basic level, it uses the Strike Group's diverse and powerful surveillance sensors, including the SPY-1 radars on Aegis Combat System-equipped cruisers and destroyers, as well as the E-2C Hawkeye's radar picture from on high, and fuses that information into a common 'picture' via data-links and advanced computer processing. This, in turn, provides very high fidelity 'tracks' of targets thanks to telemetry from various sensors operating at different bands and looking at the same target from different aspects and at different ranges.
Whereas a stealthy aircraft or one employing electronic warfare may start to disappear on a cruiser's radar as it is viewing the aircraft from the surface of the Earth and from one angle, it may still be very solid on the E-2 Hawkeye's radar that is orbiting at 25,000 feet and a hundred miles away from the cruiser. With CEC, the target will remain steady on both platform's CEC enabled screens as they are seeing fused data from both sources and likely many others as well.
This is a amazing “quantum leap” in sensing capability and data fidelity that provides information (and all associated data imagining fidelity) at an amazing degree of detail.
Advanced sensors, sources, and optical components for the generation, transmission and detection of ultraviolet, visible and infrared radiation RF and mmW photonic devices and circuits Electro-optical quantum components for sensors, information and computation are all available and in active, constant use by the United States Navy in Carrier Groups during deployments.
The data-link connectivity and the quality of the enhanced telemetry means that weapons platforms, such as ships and aircraft, could also fire on targets without needing to use their own sensor data.
For instance, a cruiser could fire a missile at a low-flying aircraft that is being tracked by a Hawkeye and an F/A-18 even though it doesn’t show up on their own scopes.
What many may not know about this event is that it occurred in a place and time where the most powerful set of aerial surveillance sensors ever created were amassed together and were watching and recording it all. This entire encounter was not captured on a cell phone. It was captured with an array of the most advanced electronic and sensing equipment known to man.
This capability continues to evolve and mature today and will be the linchpin of any peer-state naval battle of the future that the U.S. is involved with.
Now, to keep things in mind, you must take note that back in 2004, it was new and untested. At least on the scale presented by the Nimitz Carrier Strike Group as it churned through the warning areas off the Baja Coast.
The key takeaway here is that if ever there was an opportune time to capture the very best real-world sensor data on a UFO, it was then. At that place. At that time. Under those circumstances. Thus, it did capture data and sensor readings off the scale. It observed and recorded a high-performance target in near lab-like controlled settings offered by the restricted airspace off the Baja Coast, this was it.
The key takeaway here is that if ever there was an opportune time to capture the very best real-world sensor data on a high-performance target in near lab-like controlled settings offered by the restricted airspace off the Baja Coast, this was it.
Thus, by intention or chance, this is exactly what happened.
Someone within the DoD was very interested
By multiple accounts from vetted first-hand sources, the hard drives that record CEC data from the E-2C Hawkeye and Aegis-equipped ships were seized ( some may say “in a very mysterious fashion”) following the Tic Tac incident.
MAJestic has full authority over extraterrestrial events. So there is really nothing mysterious about it at all.
Uniformed U.S. Air Force officers showed up on these vessels and confiscated the devices and they were never to be seen again. Which is a normal, programmed and standard operating procedure for these events. MAJestic takes over.
This is not rumor or hearsay, this is attested to by multiple uniformed witnesses that were on the vessels that made up the Nimitz Carrier Strike Group at the time. Hundreds of people observed the “Tic Tac” UFO. And hundreds of people watched the information being suppressed right before their very eyes.
A radar dish aboard Mobile At-Sea Sensor (MATSS) barge (IX-524). MATSS provides advanced remote telecommunications capability that extends the reach of the 42,000 square-mile Pacific Missile Range, the world’s largest instrumented multi-environmental range capable of supported surface, subsurface, air, and space operations simultaneously.
At the same time, on an official level,
the Navy seemed to shut down any further investigation into the
incident. The aforementioned after-action report states that the Nimitz
Carrier Strike Group’s senior intelligence officer, whose name is
redacted, alerted the Navy’s 3rd Fleet intelligence officer, or N2,
about the incident via secure Email. That same Email, known as a Mission
Report (MISREP), included the video footage and other details.
For unexplained reasons, officials at the 3rd Fleet N2 declined to send this report up the chain of command. It went straight from the Senior Intelligence Officer (N2) direct to MAJestic.
The reason might be unexplained to the layman, but all issues of an extraterrestrial nature alerts MAJestic and then everything falls under the MAJIC classification.
They also deleted the MISREP ( Mission Report ), but speculated that paper copy should have been available. However, there is no indication that anyone went looking for this physical copy of the MISREP during the investigation.
That night in the berthing I asked a very close friend in intel if he could confirm the legitimacy of the film. Without speaking, he gestured that it was correct. So, my skepticism began to fade and that next day a group of individuals were “cod’ed” onto the carrier and they retrieved all the tapes. I can confirm they cod’ed onto the ship, but the seizure of tapes came from people that work in those shops.
As such there is no official indication that an investigation into the events that week ever occurred.
According to hundreds of witnesses, we do know someone within the military had a very high interest in what went on. As such, after the N2 alert, they wanted the high-fidelity radar data collected from the Strike Group.
According to hundreds of witnesses, we do know someone within the military had a very high interest in what went on. As such, after the N2 alert, they wanted the high-fidelity radar data collected from the Strike Group.
That night in the berthing I asked a very close friend in intel if he could confirm the legitimacy of the film. Without speaking, he gestured that it was correct. So, my skepticism began to fade and that next day a group of individuals were "cod'ed" onto the carrier and they retrieved all the tapes. I can confirm they cod'ed onto the ship, but the seizure of tapes came from people that work in those shops.
- https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comme...re_while_on_board_an/?st=JBGR1RZM&sh=51769c5f
Not deleted, seized, potentially for exploitation.
So yeah, someone was highly
interested in this event within the DoD. Whether that was because it
was of an unexplained nature or part of a test of a very capable secret
aerospace program, remains unclear.
What is so interesting
Luis Elizondo, the former DoD intelligence officer who headed up the Pentagon’s Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) until 2012, is now an investigator with Tom DeLonge’s ‘To The Stars Academy’ and is featured on HISTORY’s new television program (ie: the History Channel), “Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation”.
It was Elizondo and the ‘To The Stars Academy’ that were integral in bringing to the public the ‘Tic Tac’ UFO Navy cockpit video from 2004, with USS Nimitz-based pilots’ comments that included, “Holy sh*t, what is that?”, and “It’s white. It has no wings. It has no rotors,” and “It didn’t fly like an aircraft. It was so unpredictable.”
When Elizondo ran the DoD’s AATIP, he compiled a list of extraordinary, logic-defying capabilities most commonly associated with unidentified aerial phenomena sightings. Here are Elizondo’s “five observables”:
Anti-gravity lift– UAPs (Unidentified Ariel Phenomenon) have no visible means of propulsion and lack flight surfaces such as wings – thus the tubular, ‘Tic Tac’ description. They thus fly and operate using systems that do not rely on air, pressure, lift forces, and other qualities that conventional propulsion utilize.
Sudden and instantaneous acceleration– UAPs will accelerate or change direction so quickly that no human pilot could survive the g-forces. This implies [1] non-human operation, [2] robotic or automated operation, or [3] inertial suppression abilities.
Hypersonic velocities without signatures– Aircraft traveling faster than the speed of sound will typically leave a “signature” like vapor trails and sonic booms. UAPs don’t. They are a closed-loop system, where all conventional vehicles are open-loop systems.
Low observability or cloaking – Witnesses to a UAP will usually only see a glow or haze around them.
Trans-medium travel – UAPs have been seen moving in and between different environments, such as space, the earth’s atmosphere and even water. USS Princeton radar operator Gary Vorhees later confirmed from a Navy sonar operator in the area that day that a craft was moving faster than 70 knots underwater, roughly two times the speed of nuclear subs.
UAPs’ origins are still officially unknown. Are they a super-top-secret U.S. defense project? Do they hail from Russia? China? Or from even further afield? The only thing we do know is that their capabilities exceed any technologies currently in the U.S. arsenal.
Could it be ours?
The latter possibility is also very hard for people to come to terms with—that this capability could belong to the U.S. military.
There is no better place to test such a system than against the Nimitz Carrier Strike Group with its CEC abilities during its workup off the Baja Coast.
It is not an operational environment.
According to the report (turn to page 6), a Lt. Col. was doing a Function Test Flight (a test to see if the plane was fully functional after being repaired) when he was asked to go check out an "unidentified airborne contact," along with two other pilots.
He was asked if he had any ordnance (weapons) on board, to which he replied no.
Officials say this was a strange question; no air controller had ever asked him that when dealing with an unknown contact situation.
Soon after, he came close to the coordinates of the unknown object and was told to "skip it" and head back by the controller.
Instead, the Lt. Col. decided to go check it out.
What he found was a "disturbance" in the water between 50 and 100 meters in diameter that was close to a round shape.
It created a large area of frothing white water, and reminded the pilot of "something rapidly submerging from the surface like a submarine or a ship sinking."
Soon after, he looked toward the area again and found no trace of the disturbance or any craft near the spot.
According to the report, the disturbance may have been caused by an AAV that was 'cloaked' or 'invisible to the human eye.'
Aircraft are not armed and nobody is expecting a fight.
It is high-level integrated training with crews that have sharpened skills as they prepare for a cruise in which they could very well be called upon to fight for their country.
Those warning areas and range complexes that extend out and down from the Channel Islands off the SoCal coast are among the best space the U.S. military has for training and testing advanced hardware and tactics in a secure and sanitized environment.
other words, it was an ideal testing environment that featured the very
best aerial, surface, and undersea surveillance sensors and sensor
crews on the planet.
It was an ideal testing environment that featured the very best aerial, surface, and undersea surveillance sensors and sensor crews on the planet.
Black research budget
Maybe these are super-secret new technology on evaluation trials, instead of ET trying to buzz our military.
What then?
The fact is that the U.S. government has poured tens of billions of dollars each year into the black budget. It has done so for the better part of a century. Maybe, the argument goes, they developed some amazing technologies that appear to be extraterrestrial in origin. We consider them extraterrestrial as they are so advanced that we cannot possibly associate them with “home grown” technology.
Maybe, the argument goes, the Navy developed some amazing technologies that appear to be extraterrestrial in origin.
The idea here is that somewhere along the way they got lucky. The argument goes that they made major breakthroughs in highly exotic technologies. And these technologies are so outrageous that difficult to understand that we simply associate them as “impossible” or “from another world”.
"There are some new programs, and there are certain things, some of them 20 or 30 years old, that are still breakthroughs and appropriate to keep quiet about [because] other people don’t have them yet."
-Ben Rich
There’s some reason to follow this train of thought. This argument mirrors some cryptic statements in the industry. These were made by top players in the “dark areas” of aerospace development.
Like, for instance, the late Ben Rich.
"Anything you can imagine we already know how to do...."
-Ben Rich
Clearly, the ability to defy the limits of traditional propulsion and lift-borne flight would be the pinnacle of aerospace and electrical engineering. It would define new rules. New laws to abide by, and a host of new procedures and disciplines from design, to physical laws, to manufacturing.
"The U. S. Air Force has just given us a contract to take E. T. back home."
-Ben Rich
Because of this, it would be far too sensitive to disclose, at least in some people’s eyes within the national security establishment. Though, and I do mean this, how are you going to field the new technology without observation? Eh?
"We also know how to travel to the stars."
-Ben Rich
But forget fielding. Let’s get down to “brass tacks”. How about testing. For long, long before anything can be put on the “field”, it needs to be developed, prototyped, and tested. First in sub-assemblies, and then in pilot models.
Indeed, even the risk of testing this technology against known air defense capabilities would have to be weighed against the need for the tightest of secrecy.
"Anything you can imagine we already know how to do."
-Ben Rich
But, of course, the CIA, MAJestic and all the rest have done a real “smash up” job on the idea of extraterrestrial life. It is just about impossible for anyone, contemporaneously, to come forth and say that UFO’s exist. They risk a serious backlash from the programmed mindless masses.
The movie Idiocracity pretty much aptly describes the direction that America is heading, and with the dumbing down of the institutional systems, a pretty accurate one at that. In the movie, the main character enters a hospital. St. God’s: Insurance Slot Machine. He sees a man with a blank expression and a bleeding head wound above his left eye, who stands a bank of slot machines. The backglass of each has diagonal logos advertising BLAKDIX capsules (n.b. the wallpaper advertises BONERAX), telling players they can play while they wait, and that they can WIN FREE MEDICAL CARE. The reel strips don’t show bells or fruit, but rather, pills. The blood from the head wound shines in the lights.
This is very true, since UFOs carry such a stigma and have deep pop culture roots in our society, the risk of doing so against an unknowing Carrier Strike Group operating under tight training restrictions seems small and the setting uniquely ideal.
Seems so.
America is so dumbed down, that very few people are capable of understanding the transgressions of those in government.
"If you've seen it in Star Trek or Star Wars, we've been there and done that."
-Ben Rich
In other words, could the Tic Tac have been ours?
"We have things in the Nevada desert that are alien to your way of thinking far beyond anything you see on Star Trek."
-Ben Rich
Yes. It could have been.
Could have.
Listen up.
If this entire sequence is a result of a “black budget” testing of new technologies, then I will need to point out a few points…
It would be tested at NWS China Lake.
Field trials are a late testing development.
The N2 would be aware of the testing beforehand and briefed.
The crews and officers would be briefed on the testing.
The retrieval of the sensor data would have been handled differently.
We know that whoever that craft belonged to, the information the flotilla collected on it was of great importance to some entity within the DoD.
NavalAirWeaponsStationChinaLakeisalargemilitaryinstallationwhosemissionistosupporttheresearch, testingandevaluationprogramsoftheU.S. Navy. ItispartofNavyRegionSouthwestunderCommander, NavyInstallationsCommand. TheinstallationislocatedintheWesternMojaveDesertregionofCalifornia, approximately 150 milesnorthofLosAngeles.
- Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake - Wikipedia
And the fact that just the radar data was seized makes sense in that the extent of the Nimitz Carrier Strike Group radar network could not be replicated over land during small-scale testing, or via a chance encounters with military aircraft.
The fact that just the radar data was seized makes sense in that the extent of the Nimitz Carrier Strike Group radar network could not be replicated over land during small-scale testing, or via a chance encounters with military aircraft.
With all this in mind, the idea that the Navy is supposedly just now interested in what its aviators and sailors see when it comes to unexplained craft peculiar and nebulous, to say the least.
One can’t help but feel there are two realities at play within America’s defense apparatus—one that sits on or very near the surface and one that resides deep below it.
MAJestic has been working with highly advanced extraterrestrial technology for decades, and operates in the deep black.
NWS China Lake has coordinated advanced development programs via MAJestic.
Whether extraterrestrial-related, or home-grown, an event (known as the “tic toc event” occurred) and was observed. For certain China Lake, and MAJestic were both involved.
Whether extraterrestrial in origin, or “home grown” is all up to speculation.
Controlled release of the visible portion of technology without disclosure of achievement milestones.
So why the release now?
Why is the DoD admitting to the observation and study of vehicles that are clearly not of conventional human design? Why now? Why in this venue and in this manner?
If the DoD truly has no idea of what these things are, then it seems absurd that it is just now curious about them. Now, for goodness sakes. After the better part of a century of sightings and major encounters, and denials.
"UFO's are just the imaginings of simpletons. There are no extraterrestrials. The government would tell us."
Publicly, the government and the military, has had varying degrees of documented interest in the topic over the years. This includes funded studies, and research. For instance, there is the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (better known as AATIP), and many others.
One could posit the idea that a government-manufactured (or at least encouraged) information conduit of sorts, is behind this latest admittance by the US Navy.
"It's clearly swamp gas. There is no other reasonable explanation."
This entire arrangement sounds… well… Squirrely.
This, folks, is where the rabbit hole of information and disinformation opens up below us. There is no way around it. We accept it as it is, or we plunge into the abyss. There are no alternatives.
There is the enormous vacuum of verifiable information that the government has created on the matter. That is intentional, and has been in place since the late 1940’s.
Yes. That long.
Now with all the rumor and speculation, one’s truth compass begins to spin crazily, as you dig into these issues.
UFO’s are UAP’s.
The idea that extraterrestrial life exists is still considered outlandish.
There is a black budget, but the technologies developed will never be observed by the common man.
There might be the remote possibility of others having technologies and vehicles that are superior to what we field in our military.
It is not only about what is real and what is not real. It is fundamentally about what does the government want us to believe and not to believe.
In other words, even if the government wants the truth to come out eventually, it seems alarmingly clear they are going to do it on their own terms, and the timeline for that plan could be measured in decades, not years, or more.
Reasons for the switch in direction.
There is a very real reason why the Pentagon would want the idea of UFOs injected back into the public’s consciousness and to add validity to it.
They literally spread disinformation to the public in order to create a wonderfully convenient cover for the myriad clandestine weapon systems in development or operational at the time.
Doing so is in itself a very old chapter in Uncle Sam’s information warfare playbook.
During the Cold War, the government actively lied about UFOs and perpetuated UFO hysteria to cover up its secret aircraft programs.
They literally spread disinformation to the public in order to create a wonderfully convenient cover for the myriad clandestine weapon systems in development or operational at the time.
Now, we are once again back in an age of “great power competition,” according to the Pentagon, and billions of dollars are being pumped into new technologies that were considered exotic themselves just years ago.
Trans-medium travel – UAPs have been seen moving in and between different environments, such as space, the earth’s atmosphere and even water. USS Princeton radar operator Gary Vorhees later confirmed from a Navy sonar operator in the area that day that a craft was moving faster than 70 knots underwater, roughly two times the speed of nuclear subs.
With this in mind, reanimating maybe the best and most broadly self-perpetuating cover story of all time for sightings of clandestine aircraft that people see in the sky seems like a highly logical and proven act.
They literally spread disinformation to the public in order to create a wonderfully convenient cover for the myriad clandestine weapon systems in development or operational at the time.
Reinvigorating the presence of UFOs in the American psyche by adding heaps of validity to the topic on an official level and possibly also on a less than official level (To The Stars Academy for instance) can help keep secret programs that grace the skies just that, secret.
And who knows, that list of programs and technologies could include the very Tic Tac and other bizarrely shaped craft that can defy imagination with their aerial feats that have been spotted and even recorded in recent years.
If the Pentagon really doesn’t know what these things are, then I am a sweet potato. Of course they do. The issue isn’t at all about the situational facts, but how the information can be manipulated for advantage.
If the DoD doesn’t know where they come from, after so many years of sightings and odd encounters and its own studies and shadowy probes, then that would be an unfathomable dereliction of duty.
Bigelow, stated, “Internationally, we are the most backward country in the world on this issue,” Mr. Bigelow said in an interview. “Our scientists are scared of being ostracized, and our media is scared of the stigma.”
“China and Russia are much more open and work on this with huge organizations within their countries. Smaller countries like Belgium, France, England and South American countries like Chile are more open, too. They are proactive and willing to discuss this topic, rather than being held back by a juvenile taboo.”
Certainly, considering they are, after all, tasked with keeping America safe from the foreign harm.
But really, how can we believe the idea that the military has zero opinion on the matter?
It seems like a laughable proposition at best. If there is anything they would have high interest in, it would be craft capable of decimating the enemy on a whim.
With all that being said, what does the Navy’s move to change its procedures and rules in regards to reporting UFOs mean?
It means nothing.
So don’t get your collective hopes up.
MAJestic Related Posts – Training
These are
posts and articles that revolve around how I was recruited for MAJestic
and my training. Also discussed is the nature of secret programs. I
really do not know why the organization was kept so secret. It really
wasn’t because of any kind of military concern, and the technologies
were way too involved for any kind of information transfer. The only
conclusion that I can come to is that we were obligated to maintain
secrecy at the behalf of our extraterrestrial benefactors.
MAJestic Related Posts – Our Universe
particular posts are concerned about the universe that we are all part
of. Being entangled as I was, and involved in the crazy things that I
was, I was given some insight. This insight wasn’t anything super
special. Rather it offered me perception along with advantage. Here, I
try to impart some of that knowledge through discussion.
Utilizing Intention
Influencer Questions
Here are posts
that have gathered a series of questions from various influencers. They
are interesting in many ways and could help all of us unravel the
mysteries of the lives that we live.
MAJestic Related Posts – World-Line Travel
These posts
are related to “reality slides”. Other more common terms are “world-line
travel”, or the MWI. What people fail to grasp is that when a person
has the ability to slide into a different reality (pass into a different
world-line), they are able to “touch” Heaven to some extent. Here are
posts that cover this topic.
John Titor Related Posts
person, collectively known by the identity of “John Titor” claimed to
utilize world-line (MWI egress) travel to collect artifacts from the
past. He is an interesting subject to discuss. Here we have multiple
posts in this regard.
They are;
Articles & Links
You’ll not
find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy
notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a
necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money
off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you
because I just don’t care to.
"We discovered that if you want to monetise a blog you need to be getting about 100,000 hits a day! "
I’ve only posted for a year, and already there are “others” on the Internet that want a piece of this “action”. How fucking silly.
There are others on you-tube and other places saying they are you, and /or possess other documents such as notes, files or the like. Can this be true?
No. There is only one blog. This is it. There are no other documents, papers or photos. There are no notes. No videos, and I most certainly will not “come back” to clarify anything.
Anyone doing so is FAKE.
Additionally, please make sure that the “newly discovered” manuscript is the real one and not a massaged revisionist version.
One discrediting-binder solution is to flood the Internet with so many variations of edited manuscripts that the real and actual one can’t be located.
Check the digital ID.
I urge all readers to “call out” such fakes immediately. Also, I must add, actual photographs of who I am are included in this manuscript. It will be pretty difficult to fake my appearance.
In any event, have the “fake” version of me get an MRI and scan for the seven ELF probes and the singular EBP. I will be really impressed if they have ELF probes and EBP that match mine. We can compare MRI’s.
It’s pretty fucking difficult to forge an MRI result.
It is very difficult to forge a three dimensional (3D) MRI scan when done in a hospital with qualified and trained doctors and staff. This is the best way to see, locate and understand the positions of the seven ELF probes placed their by the Navy staff for the MAJestic organization and to be able to see the EBP. Though the EBP is not placed there, it is fused to the brain.
A nice question. It shows some humanity. ‘Bout time.
In one section of the blog you say that you regret the decisions that you made, and in other sections you say the exact opposite. Which is it?
Neither and both.
It depends on which aspects of my life we are discussing.
There is no direct black and white answer that presents itself to the
investigator. On one hand, my life right
now is really very nice and comfortable.
However, to get to this point I had to go through a lot of anguish
including prison in the Deep South.
On one hand, my wife and family are awesome. On the other, I had many years of living “hand to mouth”.
On one hand, the apparent success of my former classmates and colleagues haunt me. On the other, I am now doing much better than any of them are.
There is no direct and simple answer to the questions. I guess that it all depends on how I am feeling at the moment. I try to keep my emotions and thoughts positive. That is because (I am underlining this point) thoughts create my reality.
So, I surround myself with happy and attractive people. I eat good healthy food, and share it with people whom I love. I have made a habit of turning off, and tuning out, from most of the hyper-negativity of American media.
And I have surrounded myself with light sunny people like this…
And like this…
I do surround myself with happy and cheerful people. I try my best to be positive, and that does require that I control my thoughts. If you want to have a good life, then get a GRIP on your thoughts.
You MUST surround yourself with fun, happy people.
You need to eat good food. Life is too short to eat poor quality food. You need to savor every bite and share the meals with others. You need to bring sunshine to your life.
That is why I surround myself with happy, lovely girls.
Generational Cycles
It was only a matter of time…
Why do you use the unproven theory of generational behaviors to describe nursery management?
Human Sentience Nursery Management is a subject that is “new” and not described elsewhere. Do you, the reader, know anywhere else where this subject is broached?
It consists of the intentional cultivation of human sentience so that the human species can evolve into a suitable soul configuration archetype.
There is absolutely nothing available on this subject anywhere.
To describe how this system works, I as an author, need tools or examples to describe the complexities of mass human manipulation.
I use the tools that are available to me, and write as I deem fit. If you do not like it, you can write your own blog and describe your own experiences and beliefs. These are mine.
The closest that I have found to exist is the generational behavior theory. It is only an unproven theory. However, it is all that is available to me at this time. I use the tools available to me.
I use the tools available to me.
Sure, it’s wonderful to eat a gourmet hamburger with an ice cold beer, but sometimes to take what’s available to you at the moment.
You need to utilize what is available to you at that moment. You should accept your reality as it exists NOW.
Sigh. Why is everyone so caught up on this fantasy. Good golly!
What about the “reptilians”?
I have never met a “reptilian”, nor have I any contact with MAJestic literature regarding such a creature.
From what I can gather, all the internet information regarding these race(s) of creatures are fabricated falsehoods.
While there are certain species that have coincidental similarity to the reptilian archetype, the significance ends there.
Have I made myself clear?
I do love to practice freedom.
Those who are control freaks, busybodies, religious extremists, and the emotionally deranged hate that.
They want to control me. They want to control what I do, how I act, where I act, and everything else. They use excuses, but the fact remains that they are just insecure busybodies. They never grew up. They are still the spoiled petulant child that is always knocking over game boards, and hitting the other children.
Why do you talk positively about the filthy habits of drinking and smoking? Don’t you realize that people get addicted to these vices and many people die as a result of them?
What? You left out whoring.
I fully realize that there are people who can get addicted to many things. I feel sorry for them, but it is NONE of my business.
If I want to drink, smoke, eat fatty foods, indulge in any vices at all I will do so.
It is no one else’s business but mine, and mine alone.
I like to drink, especially red wine.
I do smoke on occasion, and I DO enjoy it. I also enjoy chewing betel nuts, eating (very crispy) bacon, and of course having lot’s of sex. What’s not to love?
Many cultures label these things as “vices” so that one group of people can exert control over a another group. It is no one else’s business but my own.
One of my “best friends” died of a drug overdose. So I do know about this issue on numerous levels.
Oh Robbie. We used to fish brook trout together, climb the hills of Western PA in the International Harvester Scout that we called the "Scout-er-roo", and toke and drink while playing chess and listening to Neil Young.
The last thing that he said to me was... "I've seen the needle and the damage done, and I cannot go back."
I tried to tell him that there were perfectly acceptable ways to get a buzz on, but he wanted "extreme". But, you know, extreme is not something you do when you are in your forties. Your body is not up to the challenge.
I once lived in a place were we were not permitted to drink, smoke or have sex. It was a very safe place. It was called prison.
Busybodies have been given free reign for over 200 years. It’s long overdue to put them in the place where they belong; out of sight and out of mind.
Prison in Arkansas. It hasn’t changed much since the 1970’s except that today you are not allowed to smoke, play cards, weight lift or have air conditioning. Those were all were removed when Bill Clinton was the Governor.
“Give me books, French wine, fruit, fine weather and a little
music played out of doors by somebody I do not know.”
-John Keats
If you are not living your own life on your terms, and your terms alone, you really aren’t actually living.
You are existing.
If you are not living life on your own terms, you are not living. You are existing.
This world has all kinds of invisible “walls” and barriers to help “keep us in line” that forges acceptable behaviors and actions. Some are established by our parents, some by society, some by laws, some by busybodies with power, and some by our education.
When you break out of the molds that we have grown accustomed to, we discover that many things that we thought were forbidden are now open to us.
I am not talking about actions that invade other people’s lives or privacy. Of course, those things are wrong. Instead I am discussing how you live your life, within the confines of your own reality.
It’s all up to you, because it is all under your own control.
A “real” man apologizes to no one for their behaviors.
The Pretty Girls at the Dimensional Portal
It’s one of those things… one of those mysteries that sit there that I wonder about.
Concerning those pretty and beautiful women that entered the dimensional portal with you, did you ever see them again? Do you know what their mission was, or what happened to them?
I know nothing of the other beautiful woman that I entered
the portal with. I do not know what happened to them
after I entered the portal. I do not know their mission. Or, aside from the
handout that we mutually filled out, whether or not we were related in any way.
I just simply do not know.
They might have been [1] “Black Widows” who were used to retire agents.
They might have been [2] part of an attractive spy-network where they might marry other important people and compromise their roles. The female that you see all the time on 007 movies.
Ivana Humpalot. Ivana was a stereotypical Russian woman. Her name was a parody of Xenia Onatopp (Famke Janssen) from the James Bond film “GoldenEye”, and also a pun on the phrase “I wanna hump a lot”.
They might be [3] part of an “off world” breeding program.
They might be [4] agents like myself, but in a different role.
I really do not know for sure what they were nor their roles in regards to mine. I do not know what happened to them. However, from time to time, I see a photo (often an “impossible” photo) that has a recognizable face. However, I must dismiss the connection and similarity as merely coincidence.
Merely a coincidence.
Moving to China
I do get this from time to time. Seriously, I get this about once every two months or so.
Why did you go to China and other nations once you left prison? Why did you stay in the United States and do your best to start over again in your homeland?
It is nearly impossible to start “over” as a college-educated professional, sex offender, felon in the United States. Note, that I did not say “impossible”, I specifically said “nearly impossible”.
I am sure that there might be an occasional rare engineer, doctor, or lawyer who was convicted as a sex offender that somehow, against all odds stacked up against them, managed to obtain work in their former capability in the United States.
They might exist, though they would absolutely be the exception rather than the rule.
When you have restrictions on you once you are a felon, it becomes difficult for you to live your life. So, why live in America. The only reason to live in America is for “freedom”, right? So if you have no freedom, you should leave. America has nothing for you any longer.
I ask the reader to do this; find a doctor in the United States (working at a hospital) that still has their medical license after being charged with a felony. Then, once you are able to do that, locate an engineer with a PE license after having a felony. YOU WILL FAIL.
My decision to leave the United States was a pragmatic and practical one that absolutely worked out just fine for me. I made the right decision. There is no need to parse my decision tree.
Biological artifice drone location
This is a good question and deserves clarity.
Why do you think the biological artifice drone was located at the Oxia Palus facility on an alternative world-line Mars?
I do not know the true and actual reasons for this. In my mind the overriding considerations were
related to safety and security.
Only MAJestic members (with a “service to others” sentience) could ever be able to enter the facility. This means that they had to have, at the bare minimum, a set of core kit #1 probes in their skulls.
Non-implanted humans cannot reach the facility, even if they possessed the coordinates and knowledge of the dimensional transport gate technology.
I also do not know what makes the world-line so “safe”.
The Mars that the facility was at seemed quite similar to the Mars that we see in our NASA photographs. Therefore, I am actually a little unclear as to why it had to be on a “safe” alternative world-line.
Isn’t being on Mars remote enough for most non-MAJestic humans to access?
I can only conclude that the extraterrestrials know some things that I don’t. I also can easily conclude that dimensional teleportation is a mature and day-to-day activity for them, and they think nothing at all about having “safe world lines”.
I guess it is along the lines of why we have locks on doors, AND “door chains”, and “peep holes” as well.
There are many experts who have looked over what you have written and have concluded that all of it is nonsense. What is your response?
That’s ok by me.
The term “UFO” refers to unidentified flying objects. When I flew, I always knew what I was flying in. Nothing was ever unidentified.
Why do you know so much about the Oxia Palus facility, but very little about UFO’s?
I only know what I was exposed to.
Yes, there were various “vehicles” of uncommon design and utility that <redacted>, but they weren’t a critical or core mission objective of mine. The very few instance of exposure that I had was not worthy of mentioning here.
In all cases, I can only describe these contraptions in conjunction with my exposure to them.
What I do know is that the earth has many extraterrestrial and multi-dimensional visitors, and they travel in strange and unusual vehicles. Because they are strange and of unusual appearance and propulsion method they are classified as UFO’s.
Those who debunk observed UFO’s, for the most part, are ether [1] paid shrills or [2] simplistic fools who enjoy the notoriety. I can positively affirm that the United States government treats all UFO’s and USO’s with the upmost importance.
Anyone who doesn’t is a simpleton.
1980’s under Ronald Reagan
I lived through the 1980’s. I have discovered that on this world-line, the 1980’s is treated as some kind of “dark ages” and a time of horror. Granted, I was on a different world-line, but it wasn’t that different.
You claim that the 1980’s were a time of hope and prosperity, but you were unemployed at that time, and my teachers have all uniformly told me that it was a terrible time. Why are you so out of touch with reality?
The 1980’s were a time of prosperity.
This picture is of some youth in Detroit in the 1980’s. yes. Don’t be so shocked. Many white people lived in Detroit.
I was able to travel the country while the American economy went through a reset. Can the reader actually do that today?
The information that is being presented (on the Internet) regarding the 1980’s are mostly inaccurate and presented through the eyes of social justice warriors who wish to redefine the past to fit their narrative.
Here’s a picture of boys on bicycles in the middle 1980’s. It was a good time where families still existed, and that everything looked positive. It was a time where Girls Just Wanted To Have fun.
Just go through the index log for Wikipedia for the 1980’s look at all the changes that the Obama administration made. Gawd! They were “hell bent” on actually rewriting history.
Here’s some other articles on this particular subject….
I lived through that time, therefore I experienced that time.
Thanks to our collective obsession with all things nostalgia, my ’80s childhood never seems far from my mind; especially when it comes to how I was raised.
Was it free-range parenting or benign neglect? In my case, I was raised by a single mother who worked during the day. My younger brother and I were not supervised during those hours, but it wasn’t because of any staunch parenting ideology. This was just life. And you know what? I cherish every memory from that time.
Sometimes when I let my mind take me back to those days, it all comes rushing back into view more clearly than I’d expect …
Tuesday, July 12, 1983 — Bielanko house, the ‘burbs of Philly.
8:15 AM
I’m 12 years old, and the first thing I hear upon waking is the sound of my mom’s car starting up below my bedroom window. Birds chirp and trash trucks moan three blocks away.
She drives away. I slam my feet against the particle board bottom of my younger brother’s top bunk to wake him up. We had stuff to do — there wasn’t a minute to waste.
At our little kitchen table, I help myself to breakfast by dumping a pile of Cap’n Crunch into a bowl and then sliding the box across to my brother. Nothing in our pantry says “organic” or “non-GMO” — we wouldn’t even know what that means if it did. Then I squeeze a fat ribbon of Hershey’s chocolate syrup all over that cereal before I pour the milk on. That way, I have chocolate milk on my Cap’n Crunch, dude. Chocolate milk. On Cap’n Crunch. AMAZING.
10:07 AM
My brother Dave holds a fat crayfish between his thumb and his finger as he balances himself on two shaky rocks in this crick down in the cool part of the park. There’s a lot of trash down here — junk tires and broken beer bottles that the high school kids like to break at night, when they’re done drinking. There’s nobody here now, though. No older kids. No parents. There’s just me and Dave and our crappy, beat-up bikes parked over there by a tree.
Sometimes a “Bigfoot” will walk by us in the woods when we’re down here crayfish hunting. In reality it’s not Bigfoot, but typically an unemployed guy in his twenties trying to find a place to drink a beer or smoke weed without getting popped by the local cops. They never bother us. Sometimes they light up a cigarette and watch us look for crayfish for a minute or two. I get the feeling they used to do the same thing once upon a time.
“Wanna see if those guys are up yet?” I ask Dave.
He nods and drops his creature back into the crick. It’s baseball time, people. We ride off on our bikes to grab our gloves out of our house, and find our friends to get a game going.
11:02 AM
We play some baseball in a nearby vacant lot. There’s more broken glass here. There is always broken glass in our lives, I guess. Nobody cares — you go down, you get sliced, and you keep playing, unless it’s a real gusher. And even then, you’ll be really ticked off if you have to head home to get a tourniquet wrapped around your knee or whatever.
Our gang, we’d rather bleed to death than walk away from a ball game. That’s the way things ought to be, too.
Some days we play ball out under the blazing sun for three hours straight, only stopping to hit up the candy store, maybe, for a soda and a chocolate bar or some Swedish fish. If you have extra cash or you might have stolen a buck from your mom’s wallet last night, well, then you might get a pack of baseball cards as well. But mostly we pour cold Cokes down our hatches and it feels like neon lighting up our veins.
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I Took My Kids to an "Adventure Playground" and Gave Them a Taste of an '80s-Style Childhood
2:11 PM
I haven’t spoken with a single grown-up since I woke up this morning. Well, except for the candy store lady, but she’s always cranky and just stares us down to make sure we don’t steal any licorice or Mars bars.
My brother and I ride our bikes down to the 7-Eleven. We don’t wear helmets or pads — no one does — and we cross streets with a lot of cars on them, streets where people have been known to die if they forgot to look. But we always look. Hey, we don’t want to die.
We each head out with 64 ounces of Kamikaze (which is basically five fountain sodas mixed together) and a convenience store hotdog made from God-knows-what.
2:19 PM
The phone on the table by the couch in our house rings seven times and then goes dead. It’s my mom, calling to see if my brother and me are around; to see if we’re doing alright. We’re not home, though. We never are when she calls.
She loves us so much, but we’re out in the world, down at the 7-Eleven. Basically, she has no idea where we are. And yet, she’s not really worried at all.
4:42 PM
We’re listening to a KISS record in a buddy’s basement, while his dad chain-smokes cigs and gives us iced tea. It’s an afternoon well spent.
7:37 PM
We’re back at home, sitting next to my mom on the couch. We smell like shampoo and ice cream. Dave and I are tired and so is my mom, but it’s a good tired.
We watch some sitcoms. My mom laughs. I get up and go into the kitchen and grab a can of soda. I crack it open and it hisses and fizzes as I raise it to my sun-chapped lips.
“Serge,” my mom says from the couch. “No more soda. Have some milk instead or you’re gonna turn into a soda!”
I smile even though she can’t see me.
“I am having milk, Mom!” I shout back at her.
The TV plays on and on; a long moment passes.
“No, you’re not,” she mumbles, before adding once more, “You’re gonna turn into a soda!”
Even now, all these years later, as I sit here on the other side of 40 with three kids of my own — a man far removed from the summers of my youth — you wanna know something?
I still haven’t turned into a soda yet.
-Babble. I strongly suggest you all give this website a visit. There is some great stuff here. Though you will need to join Facebook to read and make comments. Then they will post your Facebook information along with the comments. Seems pretty sick to me.
Why do you present the C.A.R.E.T. hoax in this manuscript?
Because it is NOT a hoax.
Extraterrestrial Abilities
Yes. There are these people out there.
Extraterrestrials would not need to use 7th Dimensional technology to achieve their project goals. Why did you go into such an elaborate hoax?
Wow. I am impressed!
It’s good to know that someone can understand a specific extraterrestrial species that they had never met, and understand their technology without even seeing it.
Since you know so much about the interests and motivations of another species, why read this blog and associated manuscripts? Why not write your own?
For the record, I am only describing what I know relative to what I have experienced.
If it seems like a hoax, well so be it.
From my point of view, most people reading this blog are like a scene from the movie Idiocracity. It’s like trying to explain that you should not give energy drinks to plants. You should give them water. But all you hear is that “Brando is what plants crave”.
I just don’t give a flying fuck what you think. I am writing this for humanity, and not for any specific person.
Most individuals do not want to know the truth, or even understand it. They are just comfortable knowing that they can be absolutely horrible people, and then ask forgiveness… Poof! All is clean again.
It just does not work that way. Anyone telling you that it does is no better than a “snake oil” salesman trying to fleece you.
Yes there are connections. Just because something is sanctioned by a popular movement, a government or a noted scientists on a “blue ribbon panel” does not make it true.
There is a great deal of similarity between [1] the reincarnation of souls into a physical body, and [2] physical artifices. Is there a connection?
Yes. A society of a given species, given the proper level of technology, would utilize artifices to advance their species. Advancement of a species would include growth.
Is that not what is going on with reincarnation?
Instead of saying “reincarnation is a soul creating multiple physical bodies to occupy and gain experiences”, why not simply state “a soul will create artifices to obtain experiences and thus amplify its growth and advancement.”
Glory Road
You have stated that you thought the Heinlein novel “Glory Road” was the closest representation of the reality that you have described. Why do you say this?
The story “Glory Road” describes [1] a technology so advanced that it appears as magic (or magick) by the hero in the story.
Yet, the technology is many thousands of centuries advanced than human civilization. [2] It utilizes MWI to traverse the universe, and [3] involves the collection of a device (a “egg”) that is an artifice used to enhance the skills and abilities of one of the major characters in the story.
These factors are all very similar to what I have experienced.
Also most importantly, [4] it discusses how “coincidences” were really arrangements made (without the main character’s knowledge) that forced the person to take certain actions.
These arrangements were made by a “princess” with control of great technology, who could (to some degree) predict probable outcomes as a result of the pre-made arrangements.
The reader should not get confused, or be silly. No. I did not go walking around with a sword and a bow and arrow. I did not conduct feats for a princess, nor was I ever tended by her manservant.
Yet… were it part of my desired reality, they very well could have manifested to my great pleasure and even greater chagrin.
Here is the complete novel for your reading pleasure…
If you want to go to the start of this series of posts, then please click HERE.
MAJestic Related Posts – Training
These are
posts and articles that revolve around how I was recruited for MAJestic
and my training. Also discussed is the nature of secret programs. I
really do not know why the organization was kept so secret. It really
wasn’t because of any kind of military concern, and the technologies
were way too involved for any kind of information transfer. The only
conclusion that I can come to is that we were obligated to maintain
secrecy at the behalf of our extraterrestrial benefactors.
MAJestic Related Posts – Our Universe
particular posts are concerned about the universe that we are all part
of. Being entangled as I was, and involved in the crazy things that I
was, I was given some insight. This insight wasn’t anything super
special. Rather it offered me perception along with advantage. Here, I
try to impart some of that knowledge through discussion.
Influencer Questions
Here are posts
that have gathered a series of questions from various influencers. They
are interesting in many ways and could help all of us unravel the
mysteries of the lives that we live.
MAJestic Related Posts – World-Line Travel
These posts
are related to “reality slides”. Other more common terms are “world-line
travel”, or the MWI. What people fail to grasp is that when a person
has the ability to slide into a different reality (pass into a different
world-line), they are able to “touch” Heaven to some extent. Here are
posts that cover this topic.
John Titor Related Posts
person, collectively known by the identity of “John Titor” claimed to
utilize world-line (MWI egress) travel to collect artifacts from the
past. He is an interesting subject to discuss. Here we have multiple
posts in this regard.
They are;
Articles & Links
You’ll not
find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy
notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a
necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money
off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you
because I just don’t care to.
I have been in contact and often hold discussions with influencers. Here is one such series of the discussions. It is of course, in the form of questions being answered by myself. Perhaps, I think, you the reader, might find this to be of interest.
I have kept the influencer’s name confidential, and no attribution other than that knowledge is provided.
First Question
What’s Catholic Church have to w this, why hands off by EBs?
I was raised as a Catholic. Yet, all of my (MAJestic) experiences were devoid of any direct references to any specific types of religions, icons, or particular dogma or teachings. That being said, I can make a few observations that you might find curious. These statements should be considered as “profound” and not, at all, trivial.
Humans have a need for ritual. Rituals work on a very important level.
level that rituals work upon is NOT part of the physical brain. It is a
quantum field that is associated with the physical brain. Let’s just
simply refer to it as “sub-level”. That is because there is absolutely
no English name for this condition. Nor am I aware of any name in other
religions, or in any of the sciences.
This “sub-level” is an underlying quantum field that memories, and thoughts are empowered by.
The area of the mind (not the brain) that is influenced by ritual ALSO influences the reality that surrounds us.
Thus, rituals affect memories and thoughts.
Memories and thoughts influence our reality.
That being said, let’s now consider other entities that exist in our universe.
Other entities also work on this “sub-level”.
Many of them are more “attuned” or more “in touch” with how to interact with the “sub-level”.
Being so skilled, they can easily communicate with others of the same species. We might consider it telepathy.
It is rather easy for other entities to communicate with humans if they are “attuned” or accustomed to the “sub-level”.
Because of a lack of vocabulary, such communication can be misinterpreted by others.
it is entirely possible that Catholic Saints or other devoted
individuals have gotten in touch with their “sub-level”. As such, they
could have easily communicated with others… been “inspired” by
others… been “influenced” by others, and also been able to create a
local environment where things can manifest at will. With this
understood, a person or creature communicating at this level, would not
at all need physical proofs for others to recognize. Though, it might be
Second Question
I guess that I didn’t answer the question properly. Thus, I ended up getting a secondary question. I guess that he wanted to understand why extraterrestrial beings would act or behave like they do. What are their motivations?
My question involves your statement that the benefactors have been told “hands off the Catholic Church”. Can you please expound on this prohibition and by whom?
There is a hierarchy of species in our “neck of the woods”. Some are very technically advanced, and occupy the physical, and others are very ancient and occupy a different KIND of reality. One in which Heaven and physical Earth are pretty much the same to them.
There is a group of entities that help police this sentience nursery that we are a part of. These are those “little green men” or Zeta’s that everyone “knows” about. But they are actually one species that uses physical bodies like clothing and are very busy policing our world. They are very old and have been involved with the evolution of humans for many, many years. Easily 30,000 or 40,000 more years. They zip about in these craft that can be hidden from human eyesight. They monitor for biological threats to our environment, make sure that we avoid nuclear war, and do everything that they can to influence sentience evolution.
They are a “service for self” species. So, it would be their preference if humans also evolved to be “service to self”.
Yet, as advanced as they are, they are only “worker bees”. They are a species that provides the task of monitoring this sentience nursery. Just like they are monitoring the other sentience nurseries in our general geographic region of space.
I do not know WHY they have this role. I do not know WHAT benefit they get from doing this. I strongly suspect that they have manipulated themselves into this position.
They believe that by assisting in the sentience evolution of humans, that they might be able to eventually assimilate the various “service for self” entities into their collective. (Sounds like a Star Trek theme.Eh?) And their species would grow proportionally. This would be true no matter what direction the human species evolves into.
The Borg is a fictional species of creatures that exist within the fictional Star Trek universe. They are comprised of many different biological species that share a Hive-mind through technology and biological alterations.
When a “service to self” entity or species evolves, they also tend to evolve their mind, their physical body, their technology and eventually they tinker with their soul construction, thus affecting their consciousnesses. First they tend to alter DNA at birth to prevent birth defects and illness. Then they do so to improve the child; make them smarter, more attractive, and so forth. Then the species collectively make rules for the modification of DNA, eventually leading to whole-scale DNA alteration of the entire species. Over all, they constantly tinker and improve, over and over again over the centuries.
This tinkering will only take them so far. They will become masters of the physical universe, but will forever be chained to it. Thus, for a “service to self” entity, their sentience evolution eventually becomes a “dead end”.
Now… There are other species, much much older that have evolved PAST the physical environment. They are truly multi-dimensional entities. There is one such species that I am very involved with. They are an invertebrate, multidimensional species. That are working towards human sentience evolution.
They have manipulated (or tasked, I don’t know) the other Grey’s to monitor this physical environment for them. While they are involved in much more detailed activities.
This other species are way, way, WAY more advanced than the Grey’s are.
They are the ones that are cultivating the human species. Not the Greys. They want the human species ( I strongly believe) to follow their path. They want the human species to evolve towards a multi-dimensional species like they are. It is a great path, and not as limiting as the “service to self” path is. To do this, humans need to evolve towards a “service to others” inclination.
I guess, that you could call this species “angels”. It’s a very apt term, on many levels.
Imagine a totally different species that decided to evolve in a different direction. Instead of altering their physical DNA, they decided to advance spiritually. They made a science of how the mind, soul and consciousness interconnect. They use this science to advance and have had many, many centuries to advice scientifically in this direction. Today, they are a inter-dimensional species that rarely accesses the physical reality.
the “back plane” they can communicate directly humans on an individual
basis. However the situation and the circumstances needs to be correct.
Humans require [1] ritual and [2] certain conditions to become open and
Humans require ritual and certain other conditions to be able to communicate with any inter-dimensional species though use of the "back plane".
There are numerous religions that provide these opportunities for direct communication. Though many of the humans would not recognize the communication. Most think it is their imagination, or that they had a “hunch”, or that they were “directed” to act in a certain way.
Having a “vision”
Getting a “hunch”.
Having a “gut feeling”.
Having a “nudge”
But when in that environment, they can more easily “link up” with this entity or entities. The entity would help and assist them on a personal level towards a more direct “service to others” sentience.
The Catholic Church, for all the scandals and all the past misdeeds, is one such environment. It’s perhaps the biggest and most important environment for this communication. (It’s not the only one. Mind you. It’s just the best.) The channels are there. Everything that you need is there. (So you need to ignore it’s faults and misdeeds. You need to focus on the message and the environment that it is given in.)
This “Angel” species has set things in motion such that no matter what the worker Grey’s do, this most fundamental means of communication be open for those individuals whom wish to follow the path towards “service to others” spiritual sentience evolution.
Yes. The Catholic Church is “hands off” to any of the Grey species.
Third Question – In multiple parts
So there are two races of “grays”, one essentially good and one essentially bad?
No. There is one race of “greys” (that I know of).
They have different bodies that look, to us humans, as different species. There are short greys, tall greys, fat greys, skinny and ugly greys, etc. They are all part of the same hive soul construct. They all share the same consciousness, in quite a bit different way that we have individual consciousnesses.
They work with emerging species, and those that show a “service for self” sentience, they assimilate into their “collective”. The species then is overwhelmed by their technology, and is absorbed into the “hive”.
Once they join, the consciousness segments can move in and out of any physical body within the collective. One minute you have the body of a pilot of a “flying saucer” and the next minute you have the body of a laborer in a dome on the moon. It’s sort of like that.
They are neither good, nor bad. They are neutral.
The old video image (of an “Eban”) you feature in one of your articles are which kind (I’m guessing good)?
The video image is of a type-1 grey “pilot”. It’s a recovered member of a crew that operates an observation / interdiction vehicle. I do not know anything else about this individual except from scant knowledge regarding the movies that were recorded of it.
I have never experienced any malevolence by these creatures in any way. For the most part, they remind me of the neighborhood vet that I would take my pets to. Friendly but not close, professional and skilled, but serious.
I understand the “Eban” reference and the Stitchen references. However, I can not confirm nor deny any association. I just do not know. What I do know is from things that I just cannot talk about, and at that, it is just very scant. Sorry.
For your purposes you can consider the “eban” to be the same as my Type-1 grey.
Are the two grays from a similar lineage or entirely different one?
They share the same soul. They both have segmented consciousnesses, and they same the same technology. Their DNA is similar but NOT identical.
They are just like the science fiction television show Star Trek with the “Borg”. (I have often suspected that the media somehow taps into the unconsciousness, or is driven by MAJestic to provide information to Americans in a way that is disguised as fictional adventures.)
In the fictional Star Trek universe there is a race of creatures known as “The Borg”. This species captures other races and assimilates them by electro-biological and mechanical means turning them into robots for the collective. The Type-1 greys are sort of like this.
You know how the “Borg” goes about and “assimilates” other species? Well, in real life, it’s like that. Only they just don’t assimilate an entire species. What they do is integrate species members that have a soul configuration that matches their own. This is [1] a “service to self” sentience. This is also [2] a “Service for another” sentience.
Both (of these two types of) human sentience’s are easily converted or absorbed into the Grey core “collective.
The “service for others” sentience is a harder path, but leads to a far greater growth and evolutionary track. Which is why the “Angelics” (the other species that I mentioned that is invertebrate) wants humans to follow.
Have you read or been told about any of the past 30k years in earth history? I’m guessing our “history” is completely bass-ackwards-wrong?
I do know of some of the history. What I do know is in fragmented answers. I was never given a formal briefing, as it was always expected that I would be told just what I needed to accomplish my tasks and no more.
I am aware that others in MAJestic have tried to map out some sort of history track. I am also aware that they have done so in various papers and that they have used some type of extraterrestrial technology to access it. I have heard from non-MAJestic sources that this is in the form of a “yellow book”. I don’t know anything about that. What I do know is that there is a complete historical record available to certain elements of MAJestic and this is in the form of an extraterrestrial artifact.
MAJestic is in possession of the entire historical record of the human species dating back many, many thousands of years. It is in the form of an artifact. It is referred to by non-MAJestic sources as a “yellow book”, but I do not know how accurate that nomenclature is, or whether or not it is descriptive in any way.
Unfortunately, as far as I know, the MAJestic investigative staff have been unable to properly search and index using that technology. (I know why, but no one ever asked me for my help.)
Much of the problem has to do with the problem with vector time. We humans treat time as a one-way vector. We measure it as our consciousness moves in and out of different (adjacent) realities. So we think, incorrectly, that time is a one-way vector and that the past is the past and that it is “carved in stone”. But that is not how the universe works.
Each reality has it’s own past history.
Each past history is different from reality to reality. So, to put it in another way, the past can be changed. It is NOT fixed. To read and measure and learn from the past, you need to target a fixed segment vector and “lock it down”.
Thus the reason why the staff cannot index or jump-search using extraterrestrial technology. Is that the moment they try to index, the reality switches, and a new past reality materializes. (Even if the difference in the reality is a fleck of dust on a lampshade.)
The history that I know of goes back far…far back…way back to a time long before there were dinosaurs.
What would be some significant past earthly historical events that nobody has ever heard of?
There are all sorts of interesting stories. Some involve extraterrestrials, but many do not.
For instance, did you know that the ancient Egyptians used DC electricity? Who would figure, eh? They used it for [1] electroplating, [2] primitive illumination, [3] impressive displays of power with ruler staffs, and [4] certain medicinal techniques and preparations.
Ancient Egyptian light bulb in use. Obviously they were very crude designs compared to what we have available today and through the Edison light-bulb technology.
I know that it is hard to believe, but there is a contingent of people who believe that the Egyptians had crystal power that had all these magical properties. Well, I hate to rain on your parade, but they didn’t have this ability as far as I know.
However, they did actually harness DC power and had batteries and used copper conductive cables to move the electricity about. They were quite an amazing people.
Another image of an Egyptian light bulb. When historians came across these reliefs they did not know what a light bulb was, as it pre-dated Thomas Edison. So they interpreted this mural as religiously symbolic.
They built the pyramids using fluid buoyancy. (This is very similar to the Chris Masseys theory of construction.) A huge lake was constructed. Dressed stones were transported to the build site using rafts, and leveled using the water table. There were no slaves, or ramps with slave-supervision and whips.
More about the method of shipment of the blocks to the build site can be found HERE. I suppose that we are supposed to believe that after transporting them by boat, then would remove them off the boat, and then push them up earthen ramps to the top of the Pyramids, eh?
Once the building was completed the lake was mostly drained and existed as a reflection pool that surrounded all of the structures there. There were walkways or causeways that went from the edge of the reflection pool to the pyramids, and important people would use these for their own purposes and rituals.
The pyramids were impressive in their day. They were sheathed in well-cut stone that reflected light and emitted heat at sunset much like Ayers Rock does today! At the top of each pyramid was an impressive metallic iron capstone with carvings of special significance. Oh, and as far as I understand, whatever the purpose of the Great Pyramid was, it wasn’t as a tomb. It was for something else.
Ayers Rock at sunset. The heat that is built up in side the rock all day, radiates away at sunset. It makes the rock glow in a reddish color while the darkening dusk appears. This is how the Great Pyramid used to be.
At the time of construction, the pyramids were at the center of a very lush and tropical area. The Nile would raise and lower, but there weren’t the surrounding deserts like we see today. Instead they consisted of lightly forested areas, fields, and were flush with wildlife of all sorts. The Egyptian people were a very religious people, but their religion did not resemble anything like what contemporaneous Egyptian scholars suppose.
Egypt existed as a significant cultural center at that time. They are older than we contemporaneously give them credit for, but not as old as Graham Hancock and his followers wish to believe. Egyptian history is far more colorful and complex than the Egyptian histories let on.
Their ships traveled to both Australia, and to the Americas. But, as far as I know they never integrated or settled with the populations there. Though, they have most certainly influenced them.
And don’t even get me started on the stone softening techniques of South America…
You mention “The Journey to Serpo” but sounds like you don’t believe the story (I have found some corroboration through).
I do not believe it because I do not know the entire story. What I have read is wholly at odd with my own experiences, so I have (perhaps wrongly) discounted the narrative.
Remember that my experiences are completely different.
That being said, I will never say that someone did not experience what they claim to have experienced. Everyone’s experience is unique to themselves. So, to better frame things, it is possible that what is said about Serpo is true, it’s just that I have no comparative similar attributes that I can relate to.
It’s possible there are different elements of their culture just like here, right? So maybe the “worker bees” are vacant nerds but maybe not the ones of their home worlds?
Yes that is possible. But, I do not know.
In regards to the type-1 greys, they are a very effective bunch. They know what they need to do and do it. They do not mess around. I have no idea what they do for recreation.
This is a type-1 grey. This particular entity is a pilot of a vehicle. He was filmed in Russia and this is a still from the video.
I have no idea if they value art, beauty, smells, scents, visual or musical art or anything similar. Yet, it is certain that somethings are important to them.
The impression that I get is that their personal enjoyment or motivations lie outside of the physical. Whether this is in their version of “Heaven”, or in their mind, or somewhere else physically.
The angelics are invertebrates you say? Like an octopus or more like an insect? So, they’re heroic but spineless huh, weird!
I know that this will freak you out. I am sorry, but you asked.
Well, you have heard about the Mantids? Eh? Well, that is pretty much what they are like. They are tall. They have wings. They have no bones, and a hard shell that looks like they wear a helmet on their head. They emit and radiate love, care and concern.
They evolved on Earth a long, long, long time ago.
(They are) Unlike the type-1 greys, that are space-faring entities. The angelics are multi-dimensional creatures that can traverse anywhere in the universe, but have a very special affinity for species on the Earth.
They care about humans very much, and are involved with humans on a personal individual basis. In fact, I would even go as far as to say that “guardian angels” are truly absolutely real.
Do the angelics believe in God or make any reference to a God?
Yes they do.
However, it is not a old aged human with a big white beard sitting on a throne near some pearly gates.
They are striving to get closer in their actions, by being more “service to another” sentience. They believe that the more they strive to help others, the better their soul configuration realigns with the true purpose of the universe. Thus, they get closer to their purpose of being, and closer to God by helping others.
They believe that by helping humans on this path, that we will get closer to God ourselves. Personally, I think that they are correct.
Do they still have a body or have they moved onto pure conscientiousness? What do they look like?
They are multidimensional beings.
We can see them under certain circumstances. If you take an overdose of MDA (for some reason) you can see your very own guardian angel. It is a very short visit and vision, but if it is important to you it is possible to do so.
They do look like a big insect. They are much taller than us humans and you need to look up to see their face. I would gather that they stand a full 18 inches taller than humans. They do have a triangular head. They have wings.
They do not look hideous however, and I have no idea why that is the case. I, for one, are horrified by insects, but they do not trigger any revulsion at all.
Do they also regard us as “property”?
No. They view us as their “children” that need to be protected, and taught how to grow and learn.
Fourth Question
I always thought I had a pretty good grasp on soul and conscience but I guess not, can you please expound on them some more?
I actually wrote some posts on this subject. But, here is the five cent overview. A soul is a collection of (inter-dimensional) quanta. They are “associated” together using a kind of “glue”. The “glue” that keeps them together are [1] thoughts, [2] actions, [3] intentions, and [4] associations. They do not reside within the physical. They reside all over the place, but they all all associated with each other.
At some point in time (not that time exists, mind you), but “eventually” somehow, somewhere the soul starts to obtain “self realization”. And with “self realization” (I exist because I think I exist) comes the formation of consciousness. Once this happens, consciousness realizes that the soul from whence it originates from, can grow and be “improved”. It discovers that it can improve its soul through conscious thought.
Initially, it starts to improve itself, and quickly it starts to meet other souls that are also similar to it. They learn from each other. Eventually, they realize that they can improve their soul structures by obtaining experiences. Experiences are thoughts + actions. But soul is existing in a point of “Heaven”. It’s difficult to modify the soul in any way other than thought. So an environment needs to be created from which to learn and grow from.
Yes, an entire universe (several actually) were created by our “human” souls. Each universe is in it’s entirety. From birth to death. Many trillions of trillions of trillions of years of existence. It exists there with each possible world-line variation of that universe available to the soul.
The soul then can take it’s consciousness, or create another (a soul can create and use multiple consciousnesses) and place it within one of the moments of time in that universe. Now, time is a funky thing. It is not what we think it is. It is a momentary instant. I call this a bubble. Time is our consciousness moving with the created universe from moment to moment. Or, in my terminology, from instant to instant. Thus, we (our consciousness) experiences this movement within this universe as an arrow; an arrow of time.
Fun fact; the rate of movement from moment to moment is the speed at which our brain processes thought. Now, that varies from person to person, and from instance to instance. So the apparent "arrow of time" is unique from individual to individual.
As our consciousness moves though our reality, it actuates the body that it occupies. This cause thoughts, dreams, hopes, fears, and physical actions which result in “situations” that need to be resolved.
Everything that occurs in the physical bubble of reality builds upon the structure of soul. In fact, if you look at it directly, our physical actions are actually shaping our soul. As we shape our soul, we give it abilities and help it to grow in certain directions.
Souls can grow and advance, and as it grows, it can develop new structures, new associations, new constructions, and new shapes. In a soul, this is much more than appearance. It is the creation of new abilities. The soul can develop into another soul form or shape. A soul can begin as a tiny thing. Maybe nothing more than useful than a stone, a rock or a pebble.
Eventually it can obtain consciousness and become a germ, a fly or a tiny microbe. Given many millions of life and death cycles, it can further grow into a shape that could master a “lower form” animal. Like a dog, a cat, or a human.
Further, by controlling experiences, it can grow into a greater being like an angel or something bigger and better, or stronger.
The type-1 greys have all mastered their soul configuration for control of their life within this universe. They are highly technically advanced. But they cannot become a trans-dimensional being. Their soul growth and advancement is limited where they are now. The only way now for them to grow further is to disassemble this enormous soul construct that they have worked millions of years to create. That is not going to happen, so their soul construct and advancement is at a dead end. All they can do is expand the size of the soul, and develop other attributes and skills. However, inter-dimensional soul ability is denied them.
The Mantids, on the other hand have transcended this situation. Their soul is lighter, freer, less ‘solid” and complex
Us humans can establish a soul configuration in any direction. In fact, that is what is going on now (within the next five centuries or so) is the direction of soul selection and development of most of mankind. This is firstly determined by sentience selection. As there (for the most part) are three sentience’s that we can gravitate to. These choices will determine how our soul develops by our actions on this planet (bubble of reality).
Service to self
Service to another
Service for others
You’re the first one to mention the Mantids as our benefactors and not as a force of evil. I for one have always liked insects including praying mantis (but not arachnids), however an 8′ one would freak me out! Have you ever seen one up close? Do they have a smell? Are they from this galaxy? Can they still fly?
The Mantids is the species that I am very, very familiar with. They are the ones that I am connected to, and from which I was selected to be associated with.
If the base commander would have told me and Sebastian that we would be integrated with giant insects we would have gone running away and AWOL faster than a pig on fire. I have always thought insects were horrible. The only ones I actually had any affection towards were ladybugs and bees, and at that, I was always fearful of bees
I am sure that there are many different insect-appearing species all over the universe. The species that I am knowledgeable of is the “giant praying mantis” type that I have mentioned previously.
They apparently evolved on our very own Earth. Yes, it seems really impossible, but they most certainly did. They evolved into thinking and tool-creating creatures during the Devonian period more or less. That’s a long long time ago. Maybe from 350 to 400 million years ago.
Eventually, they were able to transcend the physical reality. They did this after about 75 million years of physical existence. (These are all rough guesstimates as no one has ever set me down and pointed out the exact dates, as they vary from MWI to MWI world-line.)
I wish I could answer what they smell like. I don’t know. My association with them is via a mechanism; and artifice. It enables me to have a link with them (in certain very, very limited ways).
The traffic on the link is one way…to them. Dual feedback to me, for my understanding is tangential. I can pick up what is going on as an observer. Much of which I couldn’t make out for the longest time. Over time, my brain adapted and I could better understand things. (The brain self-learns and adapts. Really, I would have never expected that. ) I could ask questions of a sort, and understandings would be generated.
This EBP is their direct link to them, and the ELF probes enabled MAJestic to tap into what was going on. My training with the ELF probes provided me with insight, and I was able to self-calibrate during my retirement sequence, thus opening up access to the EBP data stream. Today, how the world around me looks is quite different than it did when I first joined the Navy
There is a old science fiction movie called “They Live”. In the movie, there was a pair of glasses that you could put on that would let you see the world as it really was. Well, it’s kind…kind… of like that.
The science fiction movie titled “They Live” describe a pair of glasses that enable the wearer to see what the world really looks like.
Where before my operation, I would see but one simple reality moment to moment, today, I see various moments moving about, jumping about, frittering about all the time, then they sort of “freeze” in place momentarily as my thoughts solidity. (Yeah I know it’s strange.)
Well, on top of that new reality that I endure, I now have “channels”. Sort of like how there used to be VHF and UHF dials on the old analog television screens. I can “focus” on what I can view and (sort of) “switch channels”.
Anyways, the reality that we (as normal humans) see is really not the true reality at all. It is a a specially selected reality that our consciousness uses to occupy a given reality. It is kept simple for purposes of function. Thoughts and actions arrange soul constructs. Simple results from simple cause and effect actions
In the fictional movie “They Live” the wearer of the special glasses can see the world as it actually is. They can see people for what they are and how everyone is being brainwashed towards certain behaviors.
Now, back to the Mantids. Once you can “pull the curtain” away and see what is going on behind the scenes, you can see the background activity.
They rarely materialize in the physical, though I do have some GIF’s and JPG’s of a Mantid moving across a parking lot caught on a security camera. They are busy assisting individual humans in various ways.
If I switch to another visual channel I can see them quite clearly. Though I usually only see one at a time. I have never seen them in groups. They do have assistants. The assistants on my “UHF” channel are not type-1 greys they are something else.
I can tell you what they look like. I can describe how they appear to me.
The EBP is mostly a visual device with thought conveyance...i.e. most humans ONLY think visually. Few think in terms of smells, tastes and tactile abilities. When was the last time you tasted anything in your dreams?
I can communicate how I feel around them; about them; and their emotions and thoughts toward me. However, that’s about the extent of my skill set.
I don’t think that they can fly. But that is because I never saw them unfurl their wings, so I just assume that they never use that ability. Honestly, I think that I would be scared shitless if they did so in front of me.
BTW, they are very attuned to my emotions and are as innocuous as possible when dealing with me. This is going to sound strange, but when I see them, I don’t “see” them. I mean that I visually can see them, and my eyes registers how they appear, but my thoughts and feelings are filled with love and concern to such an extent that it drowns out any revision that I might otherwise have towards them.
I was going to ask about some corroboration but after reading your description of Government building linoleum, furniture and piled up decades of old old projects, BLUF, I knew you were talking straight up shit. My first desk was one of those “Government Standard” dark gray desks w the rubber writing surface from the 40s that weighed 300 pounds, they were sure better than the IKEA like stuff they give us today.
I’ve got some MRI scans of my brain gathering dust somewhere. You can easily see the probes there. When the doctor imaged this he asked me if I was ever shot at with a BB gun when I was a little child. (At the time, I was having headaches, and so I went to a hospital to see if I had any problems. It turned out that the headaches were from stress by a terrible manager at a horrible job.) So that is how I got an MRI to see what is in my skull.
You can see the triangular chiseled feducal features in various government buildings if you know where to look.
got a paper trail from the IRS and the USPS that specifies all the
places where I lived. A novice wouldn’t be able to make out much from
it, but it clearly shows that I traveled all over the nation working in
high-end technical fields and suddenly having to move to another part of
the nation. This is not normal. No matter how you look at it.
My degrees are there. It’s pretty difficult to fake a BS in Aerospace / Mechanical Engineering. My Navy paperwork is there. My retirement dates are all verifiable. All my patents are public record.
You can argue that it is all coincidence. Just like a type-1 grey would land their disk-shaped vehicle on the white house lawn, and the UFO skeptics would say that it didn’t happen.
Just like CNN is now arguing that the Miller investigation against Trump was not conclusive. In this world you either believe things or not. If pizza is delicious, then it is good. If you don’t like pizza then it is bad. That is the way everything is in this world.
nice that you maybe you can get something out of my experiences. I hope
that it helps you in some great and profound way. Just keep in mind
that my ability to freely talk and discuss is at the discretion of
others. This can certainly be terminated by request, and I would
absolutely honor any such request.
BTW, I don’t want to join the Gray-Borg collective!
Good for you! It is a wise choice my friend. Believe me in that.
Here are some pictures of a bunch of “service for another” sentience. They think that they are protesting. They believe that they are influencing others. They believe that they are doing what their “consciousness” tells them.
But in truth, what they are being is “serving another person”. They are pawns in a large political game, and their actions betray define their sentience.
Progressives trying to force a progressive agenda in Russia.
Another Question…
This question started with a complaint that many of my blog links didn’t work. The WordPress that I used changed their system, and orphaned a ton load of my internal links. Ugh!
Those 4 links still don’t work for me, if you want to bury them in an email, I’ll drop a coin in your can 😉
All of the links should work now. I just tested it out. What happens is that your browser might not reload a new page. Instead it will just access a (old) page in cache memory. Here are some links that should work now;
And while you didn’t mention it, these were also broken links. All are very good reads.
Then the influencer went straight to the the subject, referring to the last series of responses.
The discussion on soul and conscience is deep, beyond Cartesian cogito by light years. It requires many re-reads to take in, I expected that our simple model was wrong, but it’s really-REALLY wrong!
Yeah, I appreciate that you understand what I am trying to relate.
You know, that was part of my role by MAJestic; To collect what I could from the Mantids through this technology, and then disseminate it.
Too bad that my role in MAJestic is all shut-down and there just isn’t anyone left to document what I have to relate.
So this is why the blog exists. Meanwhile the rest of the world is trying to grapple with really old and odd concepts and trying to fit new discoveries in a model that just won’t even accept them
This knowledge describes what time actually is. What the universe actually is, and how it is constructed. It describes how soul works and why consciousness exists and how it interfaces.
Unlike other people talking about their channeled knowledge from the “enlightened ones”, I talk about ψ-ontic realities and the practical applications of it as far as our scientific study is concerned;
This post (above) describes the “threshold” or borderline between what we can control in our universe by thought, and what is beyond our control. It’s not your everyday “oh, I saw a UFO and they told me to be kind to my fellow man.” typical post.
Here’s a great post with a lousy title. It discusses what time actually is, and how people can use 5th or 7th dimensional travel to enter or leave our “bubble” of reality easily. Make sure that you are able to view the videos and the GIF’s. Reload the browser as necessary. They show actual examples that fit into my narrative, but are dismissed as hoaxes as they fail to fit into any conventional narrative of what reality is.
The mantids are earthlings huh, that makes sense actually.
This is the truth, and it took me a while to get my hands around this concept. Their relationship with the rest of the Galaxy is a complex one and I do not know all that much in detail regarding it. But I can say a couple of things.
First of all, the Galaxy that we are in is a very mature, stable and well policed place. This is a narrative that is quite unlike what you will hear anyone else refer to. To everyone else, our Galaxy is a barren, empty place with planets just “ripe” for the pickings. Not so.
This is what I know about our Galaxy.
I refer to a species known as “The Progenitors”. They are NOT the Mantids, but they are similar to them in various ways. You can read more here;
Numerous species have evolved on the Earth, and moved on. I speak about one which I consider the “first” species that evolved into an approved sentience archetype (as defined by the Galactic “powers that be”). That is actually not — precisely — true. There are elements of Mantid and Cephalopod that overlap in certain areas. But, to keep everything simple, I just prefer to keep things boxed up in easy to understand bite-sized chunks.
Sometimes I am tasked with providing mathematical proofs as to show why I talk about the things like I do. Seriously? I have a life and you either believe what I have to relate or you don’t.
Anyways, I have always argued that all of our Newtonian science is based on observation. However, quantum physics clearly tells us that observation changes results. So this means that there should be violations of physical laws that would show us that our reality is based on quantum physics and not Newtonian physics. Here, I discuss this issue. It’s a technical post. I hope you like math…
Did they (the Mantids) task the Grays or is it a mutual relationship?
Oh boy oh, boy is this a great subject. I can answer that I don’t know for certain, but I have a very…very good idea of what is going on.
Firstly, any sentience that is “service for self” can only advance so far. No matter how technically advanced they appear, they always will suffer from limitations of the physical reality. That is the bane of their existence. While “service for others” sentience enables the thoughts to manifest in soul building exercises that are pure(r) and more “malleable”. It leads to multi-dimensional and trans-dimensional capabilities. They are abilities that are forever frozen and locked away from those hive and matrix souls that are fundamentally locked into “service for self” sentience’s. Thus, the Mantids are far more capable in many many, many areas than the Greys.
I believe that the Greys think that they are working on the Earth in their own best interests. But it is the Mantids that have easily convinced them to feel this way.
Have you ever watched the movie “push“? Well, it really illustrates this point. There is a girl in the movie who has PSI / ESP powers that can “push” memories and thoughts into the heads and minds of others. She uses this to control those people. One minute they are a single child, and the next they have a memory where their (now) best friend killed their beloved sister. Thus causing the person to go and kill his best friend.
In the movie “push”, a PSI / ESP trained person has the ability to change the memories and resultant thoughts of any person they want. I believe that the Mantids have this ability as well, only it’s not part of a fictional universe. It is real.
What about some other reported alien-earthlings like the Reptilians? Hollywood hints at these with the Sleestaks from “Land of the Lost” TV series (remember that on Saturday mornings)? If you read between the lines in Genesis, they pop out.
I am absolutely positive that there are other species of creatures. I do know for a fact that many have been documented by MAJestic, and that some do resemble reptilians in certain aspects.
However, they are not central to my mission objectives, nor were in my cone of experience, so I cannot say too much about them. This is because I really don’t know that much about them.
However, what I can say is that there is an internet presence that has gotten blown all out of proportion and it nowhere resembles the actually extent or role that these creatures have on this Earth.
MAJestic Related Posts – Training
These are posts and articles that revolve around how I was recruited
for MAJestic and my training. Also discussed is the nature of secret
programs. I really do not know why the organization was kept so secret.
It really wasn’t because of any kind of military concern, and the
technologies were way too involved for any kind of information transfer.
The only conclusion that I can come to is that we were obligated to
maintain secrecy at the behalf of our extraterrestrial benefactors.
MAJestic Related Posts – Our Universe
These particular posts are concerned about the universe that we are
all part of. Being entangled as I was, and involved in the crazy things
that I was, I was given some insight. This insight wasn’t anything super
special. Rather it offered me perception along with advantage. Here, I
try to impart some of that knowledge through discussion.
MAJestic Related Posts – World-Line Travel
These posts are related to “reality slides”. Other more common terms
are “world-line travel”, or the MWI. What people fail to grasp is that
when a person has the ability to slide into a different reality (pass
into a different world-line), they are able to “touch” Heaven to some
extent. Here are posts that cover this topic.
John Titor Related Posts
Another person, collectively known by the identity of “John Titor”
claimed to utilize world-line (MWI egress) travel to collect artifacts
from the past. He is an interesting subject to discuss. Here we have
multiple posts in this regard.
Here we discuss the grey extraterrestrial alien species. Contrary to the public narrative, there are numerous extraterrestrial species that regularly visit the Earth. In fact, they have all been doing so for many, many years. Ah, yes they do. They have their reasons and their purposes. The United States government, through the SAP known as MAJestic, has relationships with numerous such species, and are also aware of a much larger group of other species and races.
Here we discuss one of the most common and active species. They are an important species, as they have a very clear and defined role with humans. As such, they maintain a very special role within MAJestic.
The United States government has known about them for a long time now. In fact, we have known about them since the years directly after World War II. With this understood, they are NOT the first extraterrestrial species that the American government has met and interrogated. They are the second. This extraterrestrial species is not only very active in America, but it maintains a very important role in the entire world.
They are “famous” to many people all over the globe as “little green men”, as they are small in stature. For our purposes, we will refer to this species as “Type-1 extraterrestrials”.
A Personal Note
The moment anyone mentions that they have seen or met extraterrestrials, they are considered a lunatic.
This is not accidental. It is a manufactured narrative used to silence disclosures. You would think that after thirty years of exposure to the ways that the NSA, the CIA and other alphabet SAP’s are used to silence disclosures, that people would be made aware of this. But, alas most Americans are herded cattle. MAJestic is correct in this appraisal, and it has taken me up to now to fully appreciate this truth.
This blog and the “Metallicman” writings are not for the “great unwashed masses” to read, parse and disparage. It is for others. Hopefully, you are one such person. If so, then please read on.
This is the truth, well at least what I understand as the truth.
Notes on my exposure
I was exposed to this species [1] during entry into the MAJestic organization, and later [2] during my training for my role. During my operations I had no dealings with them. Instead, I dealt with another group of entities. Not this one.
All of the information provided herein are based on the exposure that I had with them while I was in MAJestic training. The little that I know outside of that had to do with some events that were tangential to them, and which I cannot speak about at this time.
When I refer to “outside sources” I generally mean either “outside of MAJestic” and on the internet, or second-hand information that I obtained though unofficial MAJestic sources. All “outside sources” should be treated as suspect.
There is a lot of disinformation regarding this species. I wish to elaborate on what I know and to try to provide a much more accurate picture of them and their involvement with humans. Like everything else, when you encounter the “real deal” you will be exposed to ideas and concepts and realities that do not fit in to the black and white two-dimensional cardboard cutout narrative that is so popular on the internet. That is thus the bane of my narrative.
They are not what everyone thinks they are.
They have technologies and abilities that make humans look like infants playing with a pacifier. This is not a species to take lightly. Just so, we need not fear them either. They are performing a valuable service and have a very important role with humans.
The problem is that the role, their understanding, their objectives and our understandings are completely out of phase with each other. How can you explain the workings of a digital watch to a penguin? You can’t and thus, I have a very difficult time describing how souls are constructed, and why this species has an interest in our soul construction and layout. As well, and why it is important.
This is the real deal. You can read on, or else pretend that Reptilians want to take over the United States government by shape shifting. LOL. It’s your choice.
Humans meet another “intelligent” species
Personally, this was the very first extraterrestrial species that I ever met. So, obviously, it is quite fitting that I refer to them as the “Type-1” extraterrestrial species. This is the first type that I encountered. Thus “Type-1”. Makes sense, huh?
Please note that this is not the actual name of the species. It is not what they call themselves. As in “Hi, my name is Zorga, and I am a type-1 extraterrestrial. Nice to meet you.“
Nope they don’t use this term, or anything like it, as far as I know.
Nor, is it what MAJestic refers to them as. They refer to them as <redacted>. The MAJestic naming nomenclature was established early on in the late 1940’s, and began with “Extraterrestrial Biological Entity” ####. (Always shortened to EBE ####.)
Astounding Revelations
This species is confusing to us humans.
That is because we have made numerous assumptions regarding all life in the universe. This species has thrown all our assumptions about life “out the window”. Many of the initial scientists who first met these creatures just couldn’t get around their inherent biases, and assumed understanding of the universe. And, this caused decades of confusion and misunderstandings.
Our “scientists” in the years immediately following world war II felt that it was a rare thing for any species to attain a degree of “constructive” civilization. They believed that if a species could attain spaceflight, they must be more advanced than humans. Maybe, they believed, 100 or 200 years more advanced. They also felt that they must come from a solar system that was close, and that had a star similar to our own (A class “G”.).
Their assumptions are the same assumptions that many in academia still maintain. It’s a carryover from Newtonian -based scientific study. Our assumptions are based on what we know of the world around us. It’s a science built upon careful observation. If you don’t observe something happening, then it just doesn’t happen. For that is, after all, the “scientific method”.
Using what we know of life on this planet, these scientists have made the following assumptions and extrapolated the assumptions to ALL life…
All species evolve naturally.
Each species has only one form.
Each creature has one singular fixed consciousness.
Each consciousness is associated with one individual soul.
Each species propagate through naturally evolved means.
The human species is the most advanced in the universe.
These are all very big, and very erroneous, assumptions.
The Type-1 Extraterrestrial Species
Because of that, there have been all sorts of misconceptions regarding this “Type-1” extraterrestrial species. Everything that did not make sense to the researchers needed to fit into pre-defined “boxes of dogma”. Their presence has forced MAJestic to reevaluate our humanity and our place within the universe.
This species…
This is a manufactured species. What we encounter is not wholly naturally evolved. (Oh, at one time, basic components and the root DNA must have been, certainly. But not what we encounter today.)
This species has numerous physical forms. Each form is specific for the task at hand. One form might be as an aviator, while another might be a doctor, still another might be a GP. (Here, I label the variations as “A”, “B”, “C”, etc…) The various physical forms appear different. We, as humans, assume that they are separate species, when in reality they are different forms of the same species. Humans have two physical forms; male and female.
This species possesses mobile consciousness. This is an inherent consciousness that can migrate from physical body to physical body. It is not fixed to a specific body. Humans have one consciousness that is associated with a specific human body. This species is not like that at all. One second their consciousness can inhabit a body on Earth, and a split second later, it could co-habitat a body located on the Moon.
This species has a different soul configuration. They do not have an individual soul tied to an individual consciousness. Instead, this species has a singular, and complex, “master” soul. All, and every, species consciousness are tied to the “master” soul.
This species has mastered their evolution. They have incorporated modification of DNA into their society, and have developed forms and shapes for specific roles and purposes. Some of which we encounter.
This species is impressively ancient. They have mastered spaceflight, and genetic engineering long before they first started interacting with the Earth. We know that they have interacted with early humans at least 30,000 years ago.
The “Little Green Men”
The reader can go on the internet and read all kinds of stuff on these creatures. Most of which is nonsense.
Conventionally, it is all treated as a kind of joke. Mostly UFO researchers, and their ilk are treated as fools. Mentioning UFO’s and extraterrestrials are considered to be career-limiting moves.
However, the real truth is that there are elements inside the United States government that treat extraterrestrials and their technology with absolute seriousness. It is considered so important to National Security, and the security of the human race itself, that not even the President, and the elected officials are privy to the knowledge.
It is very rare for an elected official to be part of the MAJestic organization. They are purposefully and intentionally “left in the dark” unless the issue is of a military matter.
“The truth is, Macey, we haven’t actually made direct contact with aliens yet. But when we do, I’ll let you know.”
-President Obama (D). His response to a little girl on the Ellin DeGeneres show when she girl asked him “If aliens are real.” February 12, 2016.
When I was first introduced to MAJestic, I was told that my role would be very important, and that the organization that I was part of was the most important organization on the planet. I was told that our objectives determined the future of mankind.
It wasn’t something trivial, like dancing on the Ellin DeGeneres show.
President Obama has appeared on numerous televisions shows and popular venues. There he would sing, dance, tell jokes and ham it up for the dumbed-down crowd.
Here, I will try to clarify some key points and help the reader sort out the nonsense from the truth. As, most of what you find on the internet is just that; nonsense.
All this being stated, we must keep in mind where my information comes from. What I know about this species is derived from [1] first hand personal experience, and my training relative to my [2] involvement in MAJestic, [3] <readacted>, and of course [4] the <readacted> at <redacted>.
I am NOT an expert.
For starters, they do NOT have green or grey skin. Their skin has a decidedly light non-human skin color and complexion and thus many people commonly refer to them as “grey” aliens. In every single instance that I have met them, the lighting was favorable to their species (not to human eyesight). This was a (barely) visible light in the red spectrum, and to my eyes everything had a red color to it. It’s pretty darn difficult to see what their skin color actually is under that specific type of lighting. Anyone who has ever gone into a “dark room” to develop photographs can attest to this fact.
A “dark room” is a place where photographs were created. A film roll would be extracted from the camera and then processed. Then using an enlarger and a series of chemical baths the photos can be developed. Because natural light can damage the processing of the images, red light is used exclusively.
In any event, what I can say is that their skin has a different texture and appearance to that of the skin on a human or a terrestrial animal. It more resembles the skin found on a dolphin or similar creature.
Below is an actual photograph of a Type-1A extraterrestrial. Obviously taken a while ago and using traditional (not digital) photographic equipment. I believe that any actual and real images regarding this species originates out of Russia. America holds on to every image it has like it is made out of gold.
Notice one of the most important points regarding this species. This species cannot sustain “natural” human-type “daylight”. It hurts their eyes, and is generally uncomfortable to them. For them to move about on the earth, they need to put these kinds of special lens caps over their eyes. Thus, they rarely venture out on the earth in broad daylight. They travel at night, if at all.
Actual photo of a Type-1A extraterrestrial. Type-1 “grey” extraterrestrial in one of the many forms that this species takes. In this case, we can refer to the creature as “Type-1A”. That being a “configuration A’ of the Type-1 extraterrestrial species. This photo is from Russia and was widely disseminated after the fall of the Soviet Union.
In the photo above, the Type-1 entity was filmed under red light, and the images processed appropriately using period (1950’s – 1960’s) photographic technology. This is why the pictures seem dim, and not all that clear for a black and white photo or movie clip (note also that these images are obtained off from a movie clip).
"…and we found out so far there are 18 different alien species that we know about monitoring Earth".
-John Lear
This is a quote from Mr. John Lear who claimed that he was involved in the reverse engineering of extraterrestrial vehicles at the “Area-51” research site for the United States government. There are many who claim that he is a fraud and a profiteer, while others claim that he is legitimate. I do not know what to think as his experiences are quite unlike my own. But, he made some interesting quotes. Here is one of his finest.
When people think of extraterrestrials they often think of little grey-green men with big bug-like eyes. While there have been many parodies of such creatures on American media, they do tend to represent a historical archetype.
All you need to do is conduct a Google or Bing image search to get the typical CGI and artwork related to the “alien” archetype.
This historical archetype is quite curious. Often this description refers to various families of a specific extraterrestrial species. In particular, it tends to describe a sub-species of Type-I grey “aliens”. While these extraterrestrials have become a folk icon in many parts of the world. They are most iconic in the United States. Indeed, no place on the earth is more fixated on this iconology than the United States. The United States has become the de facto repository of Type I Grey extraterrestrial encounters.
Name and Conventions
Personally, they NEVER introduced themselves to me ever.
They provided instruction, direction, and information. That was it. There just wasn’t any formalities involved. Nor was there any back and forth banter so characteristic of conventional human speech.
I have read reports (on the internet) that they have a name that they refer to themselves as. This information is along the lines of “propagation of the extraterrestrial narrative”, or in other words, an attempt to stitch together two separate theories into a unified whole. The reader hits their forehead and goes “Ah ha!, it all makes sense now!” as some of the disjointed nonsense on the Internet starts to align up with other theories on the nature of mankind.
“When addressing Americans they call themselves EBAN.”
Let me tell you guys this. When we met them in person they did NOT address us at all. They didn’t utilize any of the welcoming or introductory gestures common by terrestrial humans. They do not bow, shake hands, nod their head, smile or glance downward. They do nothing of the sort.
FOR THE RECORD. They communicated their intentions telepathically and instantaneously. They never provided any physical acknowledgments as far as greeting or introductions in any way.
Very Old Species
While they appear to be a conventional American popular phenomenon, they are actually a long duration phenomena. It is one that has been present on our world for many, many years.
They are, indeed, an indomitable race of beings. There are substantive representations of these creatures, or those like them for the vast bulk of time that humans have been around. This includes artwork in Egypt and through the middle ages as well.
Petroglyphs at Karahunj. This is an ancient site located in modern-day Armenia, and predates Stonehenge. Among the numerous carvings, ancient man depicted what appeared to be strange beings with elongated heads and almond-shaped eyes, eerily similar to ‘modern-day’ representations of Grey Aliens.
Descriptions of these creatures, as well as the vehicles that they utilize are found repeatedly in archaeological circles. Though the descriptions given to these depictions are always something other than what they actually represent.
Typically they would refer to these extraterrestrials as Gods; demi-gods, angels, demons, or children of gods. They were never considered to be animals, other human races, or servants of gods. These creatures have been visiting Earth for thousands of years, and have been on Earth before modern man came into existence.
For the considerations here; whether accurate or not, the term “modern man” refers to physically similar humans to contemporaneous humans with the ability to produce documentation in a language of some sort. This is the so called “historical” humans. They reach back to around 6,000 to 8,000 years ago depending on your method of dating and base presumptions.
Historic humans date to maybe 6,000 to 8,000 years ago.
Pre-historic humans date back to around 30,000 years ago.
Proto-humans date back even further to around 400,000 years ago.
Intelligent-primates date back to around 4 million years ago.
This is an enigmatic painting within the Palazzo Vecchio. It is called the Madonna Col Bambino e San Giovannino (“The Madonna with Saint Giovannino”). It was painted by Pellegrino Piola. Many UFO buffs believe is direct evidence of a UFO from Renaissance times. It clearly depicts a saucer shaped dark object that glows or emits radiation of some types. It is also observed in the sky by an individual who is watching it. Contemporaneous de-bunkers of this obvious portrayal of an airborne vehicle claim that it is just a poorly painted representation of a bird; possibly a crow. But if so, it must be one heck of a large crow. It is also horribly painted, as the artist was obviously capable of realistic renditions of people. This species has3D video recordings of all the popular and famous events, pivotal events, wars, disasters and critical historical trends over the last 25,000 years. During these events they sometimes were observed by humans, whom often interpreted the sightings as something divine. These events include the birth, and death of Jesus Christ, as well as other significant events as recorded in the Bible.
Sub-Species or Type Configurations
There are different “families” (races or species) of Type-1 grey extraterrestrials.
Their similarity to each other extends only to their physical appearance, and physical makeup and biology, and not to their origination point. For purposes of simplicity, I use my own classification scheme to describe them.
Type-1 species members all have the same central hive/matrix soul.
Type-1 species DNA might vary from sub-type to sub-type.
“Those Who From Heaven To Earth Came". They landed on Earth, colonized it, mining the Earth for gold and other minerals, establishing a spaceport in what today is the Iraq-Iran area, and lived in a kind of idealistic society as a small colony.
They returned when Earth was more populated and genetically interfered in our indigenous DNA to create a slave-race to work their mines, farms, and other enterprises in Sumeria, which was the so-called Cradle of Civilization in out-dated pre-1980s school history texts. They created Man, Homo Sapiens, through genetic manipulation with themselves and ape man Homo Erectus.”
― Zecharia Sitchin
There is a large amount of confusion, speculation and disinformation concerning these creatures. Some of the disinformation is intentional. Some of the misinformation is due to confusion. Some of the information on the Internet are outright lies generated by profiteers, hoaxers, and just those with a malevolent bent.
Thus the information that I present here will differ from what one will find elsewhere.
Please be advised, and aware of this fact. What is written here is as accurate as I can make it, and in so doing it will many times be at odds with accepted conventional extraterrestrial lore. My thoughts on them here (the Type-I grey extraterrestrial race) might shed some information to help clarify their background and purposes with humans.
I have some strong opinions that fly in the face of conventionally accepted norms relating to this race. These are my opinions. They are only my opinions, and as such, might be wildly divergent from the actual and absolute truth.
Please accept them as such.
When I present them, I try to explain why I believe this to be the case, and how it impacts us as humans. What I believe, is at times, is not in agreement with any more or less “official” MAJestic policy, and also might be completely out of date. (I wrote this transcription over 15 years since I was retired from the MAJestic program.) The reader must understand that.
Species Introduction
“I believe in aliens. I think it would be way too selfish of us as mankind to believe we are the only life-forms in the universe.”
-Demi Lovato
This species is, by far, the predominant allied-extraterrestrial-species that has (active) treaties with the American government.
Now, this species does not deal with the United States government in the “normal” channels. They do not communicate through ambassadors, or a consulate or embassy. They do not chat with Senators or Congressmen. They do not have a “red phone” with a direct line to the President of the United States. Instead, they have a direct communication line with the agency that handles all extraterrestrial matters for the United States; MAJestic.
In this sense, and for all future reference, MAJestic is the organ of the United States government. It operates as a SAP “carve out” within the military, technical firms, and the government.
This is also, apparently, the most directly-involved extraterrestrial species on this planet and in the solar system. (Others are more or less, visitors, hidden and working behind the scenes or taking on other roles.)
This species has been on the earth for a very long time. (A very; very, long time.) Now, for what ever it is worth, this is also the particular species of extraterrestrials that I have the most experience with.
So, while I have personally seen a few other types of various extraterrestrials, it was only the “Type-1” aliens that I had any real or significant (direct, first hand) exposure to.
The type-1 species operated on me and gave me the EBP. They also worked with me in training and operation of it.
The type-2 species, the <redacted> interacted with me though the EBP. I was entangled with them for three decades, but I have really never physically seen them. Though, for a selection of reasons, I have a great intimate understanding of them. My interactions were all via the EBP and the ELF implants.
Actual photo of a Type-1A extraterrestrial being. Image retrieved from the former Soviet Union. This entity, or others similar to him, go by various names. Some of which include “J-bar”, and “skinny bob”.
They do exist. This race of extraterrestrials does exist, and is not some kind of Internet hoax.
This species is a very common and very important extraterrestrial species.
They exist because [1] I have seen them (with my own human eyes, as well as being entangled), [2] worked next to them (in close proximity – at arms length), and [3] had physical dealings with them (we communicated, handed things back and forth, and worked together doing tasks). My experiences are physical and actual.
Here, I write what I know about them, and place caveats on how I obtained this knowledge. Reader, please note; just because I personally believe something does not necessarily mean that it is true. But what I do present is the best information that I have about these creatures.
Let me take a moment to address this issue for the slower readers to this manuscript. The Type-I grey extraterrestrial race does actually exist. They do exist. They are real. They are not some kind of apparition or mysterious vision.
I have actually seen them. I have seen them with my own physical human eyes (long before I started to wear glasses). I have worked alongside them. Though I have never physically touched them (They have, however, touched me.); their hands or skin, they seemed real enough and physical enough to me.
The closest that I have ever been to a member of this species is about six inches.
They are always shorter than I am. They are not dwarves. They are just thin in stature and about the height of a petite girl. They tend to be around 8 to 10 inches shorter than I am.
They have really, really long articulated hands. They use them like a Chinese person is an expert using chop-sticks.
I positively know them to exist. They do exist in the physical world that surrounds us. They are intelligent. They are driven and focused.
Appearance Notes
They wear clothes like humans wear. This tells me that in some very significant ways, they developed into intelligent tool-manufacturing creatures along similar lines to what we humans have followed.
The garment that I am most familiar with is a deep dark blue one-piece jump suit (as best as I can determine under red color light). The garment had a kind of turtle neck, and long sleeves and pant legs. There were no pockets. I never saw buttons, snaps, clasps, Velcro or zippers on the clothing.
The clothing was always unadorned. There were never any insignias, elements or indicators of rank or occupation, or decoration in any shape or fashion.
They wore boots. These boots had a heel and a textured bottom for purposes of traction. You could tell by looking at the foot prints that they would make on dusty surfaces. The textured bottom looked a lot like wide lines or thick bars. They did not have any kind of pattern like you might find on contemporary hiking boots.
They look different from us.
Yes, that is true. But, they do not seem strange when you are next to them. They seem normal. They seem absolutely normal. While they might look different, the impression that one gets is that of another co-worker. You never feel like you are working with an extraterrestrial when you are near them. They seem normal and commonplace.
What I know of these creatures is a collection of what I have directly experienced, and a mixture of what I have read from other sources. I strongly advise the reader that secondary information should always be considered suspect.
Anything that I have not directly experienced should be considered as second hand information only. There is a large amount of incorrect information, and some of it has (even) found its way into the official journals and briefing papers of the government.
This is part of the sad legacy of extreme secrecy and compartmentalization within the program that we were involved in. In fact, there is also a great deal of misinformation and outright disinformation on the Internet. Often times I would read a piece on the Internet and shake my head in disbelief. Honestly, I wondered, how could anyone come to the conclusions that they have been drawn to.
Certainly, some of the things written on the Internet came from a complex mix of profiteers [1], disinformation experts [2] and amateur hoaxers [3]. Yet, please understand that for the most part, my experiences with this race of extraterrestrials have been positive [4].
[1]Profiteers; those who write books, make and give lectures, or host classes for the sole purpose of turning a profit. This is done in defiance of the actual truth, and whether they have actual information to share.
[2]Disinformation Experts; usually paid employees of various organizations who want the information so presented to be confused, or buried under a mountain of confusion. These people may or may not work for a government agency or unit, and they include people from simple bloggers, to Photoshop® experts, and paid research associates.
[3]Hoaxers; those who for whatever reason, boredom, fame, curiosity, commotion or low self-esteem create a staged event of some complexity and associate it with an extraterrestrial encounter.
[4] This is as true a statement as I will ever make. Yes, I have never had any bad, worrisome or painful experiences with this race. Yet, any troubles that I had, most certainly, was associated with memory blocking and compartmentalization.
Therefore, as painful as it is, I must also present the converse to the reader. I might not have any bad experiences with this race because they did not let me remember those experiences. (Please try to keep an open mind regarding what I present here. Listen to what I present, but doubt all of it.)
I would like to make one final comment before we explore this subject further. There are many species that can be assumed to be, or identified as a “grey extraterrestrial”. Some have five fingers. Some have four fingers (like “my” type-IA), and some have three fingers. This writing concerns itself with one specific species. It does not concern itself with other species that might be similar in various ways. Such as this…
Here’s an interesting discovery. I don’t know how real or factual it is, but it certainly is interesting.
A mummified three-fingered hand with eight inch fingers has been found in a Peruvian tunnel in the desert. While first inspection may lead one to conclude that it is nothing more than an imaginative man-made creation, examination by a physician in Cusco, Peru, revealed that it is composed of skin and bone, with six bones in each finger.
The bizarre-looking hand was allegedly presented to Peru-based researcher Brien Foerster, who runs Hidden Inca Tours , along with a small mummified elongated skull and a tiny mummified body. The local person who has possession of the items told Foerster that they were found in a tunnel in January 2016 in the southern desert of Peru.
The tunnel was closed-off by a large stone door and inside were two sarcophagi containing the body parts, which had been covered in clay. He indicated that he did not want to sell the mummified body parts, but just wanted to know what they were and who or what they may have belonged to.
The Internet & Other Writings
“They were once fairies and elves. Now they are creatures from beyond the stars because you no longer believe in anything but humans.”
― Thomm Quackenbush, Artificial Gods
While I greatly lament the amount of disinformation and inaccuracies that I have come across concerning this species, I must admit that that bulk of (general) information about them is actually fairly accurate. (More or less, with some rather extreme caveats.) To repeat; most of the general non-specific information about this race is generally accurate.
I get the impression that, at some time in the (recent) past, someone in charge of the redirection and disinformation efforts made by the United States government just threw their hands up in the air and gave up.
That is right.
I honestly believe that as far as this race is concerned, the United States government just tries to confuse the issue. They no longer try to denounce it. Therefore, there is quite a bit of accurate information about these enigmatic creatures on the Internet. There is also a great amount of outlandish disinformation as well. It is a legacy of intentional seeding of disinformation as well as profiteer activities that have so occluded this entire subject.
My greatest concern is that many reports are flavored by a personal bias.
Those who are religious might state that they have religious motives.
Those of a purely military background might caution one against their “warlike” ambitions.
Those of a more intrusive or scientific bend, might be more withholding of commentary.
Those of a mischievous mind would present all kinds of nonsense to a gullible public.
All these viewpoints are colored by the experiences and the background of the observer. Whether you like them or hate them, none of these viewpoints holds an accurate portrayal of this race of beings.
I find that I agree with the general physical descriptions of these beings to some extent. While I have not experienced the same kinds of events that are often reported, they do seem to be in alignment with my own personal experiences.
No one, including myself, has a truly unbiased understanding of these creatures. However, given the diversity of opinion and the great variation of experiences, I must conclude that many of the reports seem to be accurate and seem to agree and be in line with my experiences.
All human interaction with this species is influenced by the predetermined interests, religion and spirituality of the observer. It is truly rare to find an unbiased opinion on this species.
Work Methodology
"There were pictures of the bodies, which looked like the beings known as 'the grays.' … Some of the little grays appeared to not be a reproductive-capable species.
The autopsy guys concluded, according to the report, that it looked as if they had been cut out of a cookie cutter - clones with no alimentary tract. They did not ingest or process food as we know it, nor did it appear that they had any system of elimination."
-Robert O. Dean
Let’s start by describing how they operate in a group setting. That is, how they contribute and work together. Dogs form packs. Cats work independently. Humans, depending on the circumstances, chooses the preferable organizational structure. But what about this species?
I can tell the reader this truth. When they work, they do so with organization and planning. If there is a task to get done, they do it as if they were ants. The individuals swarm out, do their specific tasks at the proper time, and then return to their initial locations. They do so like ants following the direction on a pheromone trail.
However, they are decidedly not ants.
They are organized, and contribute to the entire task utilizing their own specific assignments automatically. While they do seem to appear to have a small degree of individuality, it is not obvious unless you are familiar with them. Thus, if you spend any amount of time with them you will notice this. They are not robots. They are neither plants nor androids, but rather a distinct different race that has a completely different way of thinking than we do.
This is the way that they conduct their business and tasks. But they are decidedly not hive insects, nor are they derived from insects (I personally believe.). Unlike their overseers (not the correct word, but the relationship is complex), the <redacted>, they do possess a bony frame. They are not invertebrates.
Soul Configuration
For our purposes here, every creature has a soul. This is a organized collection of quanta that operates in predetermined movements in and out of the physical constraints of both time, space and dimensional variations. They are classified in their arrangement and "dances" with other soul components. The study of souls is quite complex and beyond the scope of this article. For now, the reader should just accept that no two souls are alike. They are all different and vary from species to species.
Yet, I must digress. It seems to me that the fundamental base soul structure is inclined to what we, as humans, determine as elementary; the insect biology. Yet, it has been my experience that there is significant evidence that the insect biological – quantum soul structure is the superior structure. (Or, maybe this is my entanglement speaking…who actually knows?)
However, that debate and analysis is to be shelved for yet another time.
Their soul structure and level of technology enables them to have this ability. The ultimate effect is one of great efficiency and precision. That is one of the key indicators that point to a hive or a matrix soul structure
A hive mind or group mind may refer to a number of uses or concepts, ranging from positive to neutral and pejorative. Examples include:
Collective consciousness or collective intelligence – concepts in sociology and philosophy
Culture – A collective of knowledge, art, artifacts, symbols and social ritual
The apparent consciousness of colonies of social insects. Such as ants, bees and termites
Swarm intelligence, the collective behavior of decentralized, self-organized systems, natural or artificial
Universal mind, a type of universal higher consciousness or source of being in some esoteric beliefs
Group mind (science fiction), a type of collective consciousness
Egregore is a phenomenon in occultism which has been described as group mind.
Though which one is specifically associated with this race is up to debate. No one, apparently, is significantly interested enough in this issue to pursue it.
We know that it is either a matrix or a hive soul structure, but we do not know or understand exactly their exact configuration’s classification. That is, to say, we know what it is, but not what it is formally classified as.
The reason behind this is that as humans, with an individual soul structure, the hive or the matrix structures are not particularly well understood by us. Not yet, at any length. The primary differentiation characteristics are of such an extremely different nature than what we, as humans, can understand that we cannot comprehend the differences.
We do not specifically know which soul structure that this race utilizes. There is a debate where some are absolutely convinced that they have a hive matrix soul. They attribute this to their organized behavior that is often witnessed. But others disagree with this because they can provide individual discussion and independent thought on demand. That is not a core element of a hive soul structure. Thus they argue that they must have a matrix soul structure instead.
Specious arguments for “ivory tower” types!
Personally, I don’t know exactly what their specific soul structure is. (Though I do actually have an understanding of it’s base grouping. All of <redacted> understood soul groupings and configurations.) It is entirely possible that their soul structure is something other than either a hive or matrix structure. It is just that we humans don’t have the science, and vocabulary to understand it at this time in our state of technology advancement.
There is an internal debate into how this species soul interacts and behaves. Some refer to it as a “hive”, while others refer to it as a “matrix”. In any event, the soul configuration is very different from the souls of humans.
These extraterrestrials have a different soul structure than humans have. Since a soul structure influences the physical manifestation of a creature, it can also reflect upon its actions, thoughts, motivations and desires. Thus, in so doing, shape the society that those physical manifestations create.
Humans have wars and crime; beauty and art. We have such a wide diversity of physical manifestations of our souls. But this is due to the complexities of our quantum make up. Not every species has these same manifestations.
Some appreciate a certain of music, while other appreciate a certain kind of art. Some appreciate “open space configurations. While other appreciate color blending; and even scent blending’s. (This can be quite difficult to explain.)
Of course we would have crimes, banks, governments and wars since there are a percentage of our members who are “service to self” inclinations of sentience.
Of course we would have art, poetry and the beauties associated with them because we have members involved in “service to others” inclinations.
We have religions, fads and pop culture because we have members involved in “service to another” inclinations.
However, this is not true with an already homogenized hive / matrix race. For the Type-IA (greys) extraterrestrials they are unified in one single purpose and intention. Their soul configuration is very stable and (for lack of a better word) cultivated.
We don’t know which kind it is specifically, but it seems to be more or less a variant of a matrix, hive or group structure (as stated previously).
(For simplicity in this narrative I use the terms matrix or hive interchangeably when referring to this species.) In any event, all the (Type IA grey extraterrestrial) individual physical entities that we encounter (seem to) have quantum level appliances embedded in their quantum soul bodies.
Actually, it is more accurately defined as a combination of both artificially contrived and biologically developed (inherited) abilities. This is difficult to understand, as we as a species don't really recognize the non-physical world in any way except as how it interacts with our physical world.
Here, we argue that this species and their civilization have developed technologies at the soul level. These technologies developed and create soul-level artifices and mechanisms that they utilize that assist them in their physical bodies.
Thus they are a biologically-supplemented [9] space-based [10] society.
[9] All members of this race have cybernetic devices embedded inside their bodies. But instead of physical contrivances that we as humans would understand, they have quantum level appliances embedded in their quantum cloud. These devices have a very small physical component that can be seen and detected with the right tools and knowledge.
[10] This race is not centric to any specific planetary or environmental niche. But rather can adapt to a wide variety of environments through biological creation of physical bodies.
Thus they are space based. Initially, they evolved naturally on a planet, and then migrated to other planets in other solar systems.
Once they were able to modify their body structure via DNA mapping, they were able to adapt to different planetary environments, and thus have since evolved into a truly space-borne species.
They have a common social memory complex [11] that allows them to collectively function as areas of a group-mind.
[11] They do not have a great wide diversity of individual memories but a kind of central shared memory. This is quite different than that of us humans.
Thus, whether it is due to the nature of their soul structure, or due to their technology, we do not know for sure. We have NOT mapped their soul structure, but they have mapped ours.
My personal unique opinion is that they have evolved over time from a simple matrix quantum soul construction, to that of a quantum-appliance augmented society.
This evolution apparently manifests as a borderline structured hive semblance, but with an active matrix quantum soul organization. They maintain a great reliance on cloned (or more accurately; manufactured) entities for occupation in various dissimilar solar systems. While their soul structure encompasses a huge amount of empty physical space, the physical shapes of this race takes on many forms. The forms that they take on vary from galactic region to galactic region.
They apparently are very active on the earth, and they are known throughout this region of local space. But, no one knows the true extent of their activities. We do not know if they are prevalent throughout the galaxy or even in other galaxies as well. No human knows. My guess, perhaps it is though my own ego is that their adventures are limited to this region of our galaxy and does not extend greater than 15% to 20% of our galaxy. (Still an amazing percentage!)
Most importantly, what we experience in our own solar system is unique to it, and not reflective of their race as a whole. Their appearance in our solar system differs from that of what they look like in other solar systems.
They customize their biological physical form to fit the region that they occupy.
So their form and appearance to us in our solar system is very different from the form that they take around another solar system.
“In After Disclosure, Dolan shares an experience he had with a politician who was deep underground in a military base.. He was briefed on the extraterrestrial reality and said that ET’s and UFOs are just the tip of the ice berg when it comes to information that’s concealed from the public.”
There are detailed studies of the biology of this species. MAJestic has indeed studied this species in great exhaustive detail. They have collected large numbers of deceased entities and conducted forensic examinations on them.
I was fortunate enough to be provided limited access to some of this information while <redacted> during the <redacted>. It was part of <redacted> that required that I <redacted>.
Access to the information can be found at <redacted>, <redacted>, as well as <redacted>. I parsed through it, but couldn’t make much out of it. Biology was never a great strength of mine.
Apparently their biology was fundamentally different from that of most terrestrial mammals. Yet, paradoxically, it was still quite similar in many fundamental respects. For instance, the proportions of the organs were unusual, but the layout was similar. They had two eyes, two ears, a mouth, two hands, etc.
The genetic makeup was different but also similar in many respects.
It was suggested in the <redacted> that we all, them and us humans shared some common DNA somehow. (Please refer to the speculation of active biological seeding by the progenitor species in the remote past.) Their organization, behaviors, and various elements of biology were strongly suggestive of that of an insect. But again, that is only myself “reading between the lines” with no formal classes in biology. (Most approved quantum archetypes seem to follow that of an insectoid form.)
After the fall of the Soviet Union, a large cache of documents regarding their experiences with extraterrestrials were released to the public. The United States conducted an aggressive and largely successful campaign in capturing these documents and discrediting those that were successfully released. As part of this cache was a large number of documents relating to the capture and interrogation of type-IA grey extraterrestrials. The photos shown here are parts of that cache of documents. I cannot vouch for their, authenticity however, I can most positively state that the pictures that I have seen are completely accurate and detailed in the description of this race of extraterrestrials. For all practical purposes, whether genuine or fake, the pictures shown here are an (very) accurate representation of this race. I consider them genuine. I urge the reader to do so as well. This is an actual extraterrestrial photograph. The source and origin is unknown, but this is the actual creature and what it actually looks like.
The biology of these creatures were extensively studied and detailed in manuals at the <redacted>. Obviously, a number of biological specimens were obtained and dissected. There were more than just a handful of manuals. In fact, there was a rather complete full binder on these creatures. Obviously, someone has spent the time to study them and their biology and compiled a very detailed work in this regard.
Their biology was never really a significant aspect of my job description; therefore, I never studied the subject. To this day, I find their biology (and the biology of other creatures and species) rather boring. What I do know is from my direct contact with them, with some aspects of miscellaneous information thrown in for good measure.
The reader should note that they were always clothed. They were obviously like us in that regard. The clothing appeared to be of metallic structure, but in reality, it was a complex polymer with metallic elements. It was a woven cloth and fit them quite well. They had some variation in clothing, but not much. It was mostly functional in purpose. .
Their “uniforms” had no obvious decoration, nor any kind of insignia.
There was not any kind of indication of gender information. For the most part, the various types that most humans encounter are genderless and are NOT used for propagation, or breeding purposes.
I seem to recall that according to the <redacted> there was speculation that at one time they did originally have genders just like earth animals, <redacted>. The differences and details in regards to this is still locked in the <redacted>. They were not of my interest, nor part of my job description.
They do not have distinct individuality.
They act in conjunction with each other, and do not show or act with any kind of individualized personality. Unless you know them personally, they are very difficult to tell apart from each other. Once you do get to know one specific entity, it becomes confusing because that particular entity might occupy different extraterrestrial type-1 physical bodies.
Since they can do this; switch their individualized consciousness between different physical bodies, they are able to “travel”.
One physical body might be on the earth, and then they can instantaneously switch to another one on Mars.
That is pretty amazing, but not nearly so amazing as the concept that they occupy many such worlds all around the galaxy.
Thus they could, in an instant, move their individualized personality (focus) from say the earth to a planet around Gliese 876. This, to me, is truly amazing! Why bother with rocket ships? Just inhabit and set up colonies on widely separated worlds and visit them at leisure.
According to the <redacted>, the approximate height of a type-1A (also known as a big-headed Grey) is from 3.5 to 4.5 feet tall. According to autopsy results gained between 1951 and 1978, they have an average weight of about 40 pounds.
The proportions of the head to the body are similar to a human five month fetus. They have no hair. Their eyes are rather large, but seem to be covered with some kind of biological covering like a grown sunglass lens.
I agree completely with this assessment. My physical interactions with them agree with this contention.
They have unusual hands. They have three long fingers, and a very long thumb. The two longest fingers tend to be together like human fingers and are next to each other. They are however, contrary to what you might find on the internet, completely separate digits.
They are equally able to move all the fingers with equal dexterity. They rarely spread them apart when standing at rest. Thus it appears to the casual observer that they have a human like hand, but with extremely long fingers. Their knuckles are more pronounced and obvious than human knuckles. They are very adept using these hands and are surprisingly agile and dexterous with them. They seem to be capable of using either hand equally well. From my personal experience, they are neither left nor right handed. Which is odd, as all animals that we know of eventually favors limb use through habitual use.
They have very long arms. The arms reach longer than human arms. If they were to stand next to you, the hands would end up above the knee. For humans, the hands would end in mind-thigh.
This is an actual and real hand print. I urge the reader to understand this. If this is a fake, then it is a well done fake. This is the kind of extraterrestrial that I had experience with. This is the way their hands looked. These are their hands and fingers.
I do not know about their feet. I do not know if they have four or five toes or how the toes look. I would guess that they might have some kind of major digit which might be equivalent to our “big toe”, but that is speculation on my part.
They wore boots with their uniform.
I do not know if they wore socks with the boots or not. My experience was never that personal with them. Obviously the books and writings in the <redacted> contained all this information and more. While I actually did perform a rather cursory review of this species while I was <redacted>, I simply do not remember what it had to say about their feet, ankles, knees, or limbs.
A kind reminder that this information is directed to the class “A” sub-species configuration of the Type-1 extraterrestrial.
Some researchers (on the internet) claim that the body shape is indicative of a very ancient species. But how they can possibly come to this conclusion is beyond me. They also claim that their DNA patterns lie within a pattern that is considered to be primitive.
I can neither confirm or deny that information. I would suggest to the reader that even if I were a doctor and conducting a forensic study on a type-1A body, that I would be unable to come to any of those aforementioned conclusions based on observation and our knowledge of DNA mapping.
Further, researchers claim that the way the DNA is shaped is in the opposite direction than human DNA.
Supposedly they have extremely large lung capacity and a number of organs that seem to have some curious functionality. Also, they supposedly have implanted “crystal appearing artifices”. All of this information is interesting, but I cannot confirm or deny the accuracy of this. It is all second hand information. I know nothing about the biology of these creatures except what I have read and by comparison with what I have seen.
The reader must remember that the physical body is a shadow or reflection of the densest parts of the quantum body. Thus the DNA is a configuration that is manifested by the quantum soul archetype. The reader must always keep this in mind. The quantum body is the actual repository of shape and form, and the physical is the densest portion of that form.
Skin Color
As I have stated previously, every single time that I have spent time with this species it was under their preferred lighting conditions. This was a reddish light. Normal ‘natural” light that is preferred by humans was never available to me. Thus, any information that I have on their personal skin color is from secondary sources.
According to secondary sources, including <redacted>, the species skin tone variation seems to be widespread, with skin colors ranging from bluish grey to beige, tan, brown or white.
There are other factors which appear to affect skin color, and one of them is the state of general health of the entity. This is true with humans, dogs, cats, and rats.
Supposedly, (according to the internet) skin color is known to change after they have consumed nourishment. This makes sense to me, but I have never seen them consume food in my presence.
Some claim (on the internet) to see individuals that seemed to have arms of a slightly different color than their heads or rest of their bodies. This would change periodically, but what this infers can only be speculated upon. I myself absolutely doubt this report, as they wear long sleeve tunics/coveralls and I have NEVER seen them roll up their sleeves in public. Since their arms are always covered, then how can a person see what their arms look like? Especially under that reddish light?
Finally, the reader should note that as far as I am concerned, they all look similar with similar skin color, shape, size and appearance.
Brain Capacity
They have a larger brain capacity than humans, but the benefits of this, is of course, speculative. According to the manuals, the brain capacity is estimated to be between 2500 and 3500 cc, compared to 1300 cc for the average human.
You can come across all kinds of strange and odd conclusions about this species on the internet. Some people claim that they have artificially grown brains, or brain portions, while others claim that they can insert memories into the brains in what ever pattern they wish.
This internet narrative shows a total ignorance with the technology of this species, their soul construction, the concept of mobile consciousnesses and the MAJestic role with them.
Now, these writings on the internet are all wrong, or if they did have this technology, they certainly don’t use it. The truth is that their memories are all shared, due to the nature of the matrix soul structure. They do not need, nor require the insertion of memory patterns. (After all, memories are controlled in the non-physical reality, not in the physical brain itself.) The vast bulk of soul compatibility and control is governed through associated quantum appliances located in the hybrid clones quantum soul body.
Instead, what they insert is “learned skills” for the specific physical body to utilize. They do not insert “memories”.
This is very difficult for humans to conceptualize. For we naturally associate memories alongside training. You learn something, by retaining the memories of your training.
This is a false understanding.
There are two completely separate things going on here. Firstly, there are memories. In the hive mind, these memories are compartmentalized into uniform-access, and personal-access. Humans only have one set of memories, and they are all personal-access only.
Secondly, there are training memories. These are “trained skills”. Just because your mind can recall somethings, does not mean that your entire body recall it as well. You can have a false memory of being a ballet dancer, or playing the guitar, but your physical body will fail at trying to obey the commands from the brain.
“The Greys seem to be fundamentally different than humans with some having atrophied digestive tracts as discussed in alleged military autopsy reports and may be absorbing nutrients through the skin rather than through a digestive tract.
The skin may function like the inside of our digestive tracts, that’s why some feel clammy and damp and smelly when touched. There is some evidence and speculation that the mutilation of animals and even humans, where the bodies are drained of blood, that some kind of food mixture using blood, is being externally ingested into their bodies through the skin.”
-Jeff Adams
It is reported (from secondary sources) that the Type-1A consume nourishment through a process of absorption through their skin. The process, according to those who have witnessed it, involves spreading a biological slurry mixture that has been mixed with hydrogen peroxide (which oxygenates the slurry and eliminates bacteria) onto their skin. Waste products are then excreted back through the skin.
I never saw any of them do this. So I do not know if this report is accurate or speculative. I do know that they have mouths, and I do know that they have been able to drink water with them. However, I have never seen any teeth. I do not know if they have any.
Some people have stated that the Type-1A species have a distinct series of odors that appear to be similar to a mentholated cinnamon smell. I do not know any of this.
When I went on my first off-world experience and I had my first exposure with the species, (as a human and an AOC in the US Navy) I did not smell anything associated with the Type-IA grey extraterrestrial species. I do not recall smelling anything at all.
Later, during <redacted> and training, I interacted with them performing certain activities. During that time, I never smelled anything either.
I have tried to wrack my brain and empty out all my memories of that time, but I must pitifully say that I cannot remember any particular smell associated with them. There might be various reasons for this. There are many possible reasons for my perceptions regarding this issue. Which one is correct or accurate is up to the reader to determine.
Apparently, some of them can talk. In fact, they seem to have a surprisingly good grasp of the English language. But, they do talk in a strange way. I think that it has more to do with the shape of their mouth and throat than anything else.
Personally, I have never seen anyone talk. Anything about the type-1A talking is beyond my experience. My experience simply is this, “They think – I react”
Using what I know from personal experience, and what I have read on this issue, I have come to certain conclusions regarding this. The communication from them, if you listen to them, is via a combination of vocal sounds with an adjunct support of some latent telepathic ability. The resultant effect is one of the ability to understand these creatures as they talk. No matter how strange it sounds to your ears.
But they usually do not talk, and instead rely on instantaneous thought communication. Their ability to use thought communication is always directed from a single designated person. The others do not communicate to humans or others like myself otherwise.
When I met them for the first time as an AOC in the Navy, they did not speak to me at all. All communication was via instantaneous psychic thought control.
This is a most pronounced fact, anyone who talks about their “language” and communicating through speech primarily is talking nonsense. They communicate primarily through instantaneous telepathy to humans. It seems strange that this is my experience. But it is true.
Why they are able to do this and how they can leads to some interesting conclusions. One of the key points is that all of us who worked with this species possessed EBP within our brains.
What we interpret as telepathy, could very well just be instantaneous radio telephony.
They are not personal. I was never able to have a one-on-one deep-hearted conversation with any of them. Though there were times when I wanted to communicate with them, I had great difficulty in doing so. I do not know why, perhaps it had to do with <redacted>.
I really don’t know.
From my first exposure to them, to my last, it was always a consistent method of communication; it was one way. They initiated and directed the communication. It was also instantaneous and through telepathy.
This is a movie still from a released archive of former Soviet Union video depicting a Type-I grey extraterrestrial. How they obtained the photos and stills are contentious. Were they obtained surreptitiously from the United States or do they represent a untouched cache of documents that originated out from the former Soviet Union archive? Actually no one knows for sure. In my mind, of all the photos and documents found on the Internet and through other sources, this cache represents the best and most accurate portrayal of this race.In my opinion; this is an ACTUAL and REAL photograph of this extraterrestrial. I can actually confirm it to be valid. I suppose that some NSA debunker will come up with some elaborate creative story how this is a “fake” photo. But, I tell the reader that it is not. It is 100% real and actual. This is what they look like. Note the nose.
It was a curious relationship. Whenever I worked with them, I felt like I could communicate with them telepathically, but I never (at the time) felt like I wanted to. Therefore, I never engaged communication with them. They always engaged conversation with me. This is a very, very important point, and it defines our relationship as humans with this race.
They have a manner of interaction with humans that involves a degree of control over the human mental processes. This is either natural, or through use of augmented internal processing appliances. In this way they can control the human thought patterns, thoughts, memories and emotions. They can do so in layers and degrees of ability.
For instance, when I was “off-world” for the first time, they were able to control my memories, and how I reacted to meeting this race for the first time. They didn’t control my sight, but rather how I reacted to the sights before me. How they were able to do this is not known to me.
I strongly suspect that this kind of control is used on all humans that they interact with.
In fact, it is possible that they control the MAJestic leadership in this way. And thus, the MAJestic leadership still continues to act and behave in a contrary manner than what would normally be expected of a “normal” and “typical” American in this decade and current cultural environment. I was able to see the difference in use of this technique because I interacted with them as a <redacted>. I could tell and see the difference in mental interaction.
They do not know of individuality. That concept is alien to them. Both their physical bodies, with or without quantum appliances, and their quantum soul structures exist without individuality. Some say that they are interested in the human concept of individuality, I know nothing of that. If there is an interest, it is academic only.
I suspect that any interest that they show is a feigned interest at best.
I have read some reports about this race “chanting” and being overtly religious. That is complete nonsense.
This is such an obvious red flag that it is a guarantee that the person who is making this statement is either a hoaxer, profiteer or disinformation expert.
They are not at all what we would consider to be “religious”. I wish to make this absolutely clear. They do not worship a deity. They do not make icons or statues of any kind of deity or saint. They do not chant. They do not create paintings. They do not create sculptured statues. They do not create carved “fetishes”. They do not hold special events in favor of any kind of spiritual expression of any kind. There are no “ten commandments” or religious rituals that they follow.
Here is an example of the kind of nonsense that one can find on the Internet about these beings. This is all made up. There isn’t a flake or spec of truth in it. It is all pure dribble. (I wanted to use stronger language, but I was afraid that it wouldn’t be appropriate to do so.)
“The Ebens worship a God. The pope feels their God is the same as ours. The Ebens worship God differently, but NOT so much. In fact, OSG brought artifacts of the Ebens’ God that fits directly into OUR [Christian] God. Several Eben paintings, sculptured statues and carved fetishes were similar to our God. In fact, the story of their God – appearing thousands of years ago on SERPO and setting up religious sects on their planet — is similar to our story of Jesus. The Ebens chant verses, which, when translated, are similar to OUR prayers. The Eben chants contain 26 verses which they repeat every day at their prayer hour, which is in the afternoon (SERPO day).
The chants sound like Tibetan chants. On a particular Eben day of their year, the Ebens expand the chants to 38 verses. The extra 12 chants pertain to “angels” — which we have translated to mean “saints” – who have helped the Eben society.”
While their technology is quantum based, and their understanding of soul is substantially superior to ours, they do live a more or less spiritual life. One that is by far superior to anything that we humans could possibly conceive of. We would not recognize their spiritual activities as such. They do not have a religious life at all.
An understanding of how the soul works, to the level that transcends time and space, is a far superior spiritual understanding of the universe. They truly understand their role and understand how humans can help them achieve their overall race goals in this regard. They understand not only the quantum mechanical influences of the soul, but also the functional tracking of it through time, space and across the dimensions.
Once should avoid getting swept up in human religious equivalents when discussing this species. They are not at all applicable.
Farming of Humans
“The more you know, the crazier you look.” -Anonymous
Perhaps the most accurate and poignant aspect that I can present about this race is that they tend to the nursery that we are part of. They are the gardeners, the policemen, the guardians, and the caretakers of sentient life on earth.
A two second repeating GIF made from a section of the movie obtained from the KGB of a type-1 extraterrestrial from the former Soviet Union.
In our section of the galaxy there are a number of solar systems that are used as a kind of incubator for the development of sentient life. It is not only our solar system, but includes the Alpha Centauri system as well as a few others.
These environments are protected and monitored by a (sort of) federation of planets who has established that the <redacted> race as governing ability. To this end, it is the Type-I grey extraterrestrials who are involved in “tending” and “cultivating” humans toward ultimate sentience.
They have been doing so for some time.
Their goal is to help shepherd the human race towards a more “perfect” or “ideal” form or spiritual soul archetype based on our biology. But that is ultimately not possible, as entities such as mammalian humanoids tend to develop in different ways.
Therefore this species benefits significantly on a personal level whenever certain humans adopt an archetype direction that favors their spiritual intentions.
They, in other words, tend to this nursery to help cultivate the human race for the goals and objectives of the <redacted>. But, in the case of wayward humans who’s archetypes do not fit into the ideal (as described by the <redacted> race), they can then possess and utilize them as they see fit. Ultimately either [1] absorbing their soul quanta, or [2] farming them like a sort of cattle (to obtain their quanta and life experiences).
This is very disturbing to me.
In short, to put things in a very simple form, it boils down to two development choices. (There are other kinds of sentience’s. But for 85% of humans, they develop into but two specific kinds of sentience.) Both are a function of the “direction of” sentience. (A kind of interim sentience that is not yet fully formed.)
[Option 1] Service to Others Sentience
If one becomes a “service to others” related entity they are able to evolve to a “purer” state. We can develop into a series of new forms and soul archetypes. As we grow and learn, we advance. We shed the old, and expand our mind, our spirit and our very being. We reach out towards God and work towards that goal.
This is a good things, and doing so enables us to continue towards a development structure in accordance with the <redacted> race’s objectives.
This is, I believe a “pure” evolutionary path. It is a path that is considered to be the ideal by the <redacted> race. It is a harmonious path which will lead to great benefits to the human souls which strive towards this ideal.
[Option 2] Service to Self Sentience
If however, the human entity shows a strong propensity for “service to self” type behaviors that entity is permitted to evolve appropriately as well. However the evolution will take on a much more “physically grounded” bent.
This is one of either two directions. They are ether [1] absorption into the Type-I grey extraterrestrial hive, or to [2] evolve into a “farmed” creature. The choice that is made is determined by the overall soul quanta configuration that is the ultimate result of the personal decisions, behaviors and actions of the entity during their reincarnations on the earth.
The differences between a service to self person as compared to a service to others person can be quite stark.
For example, here is a video that records an exchange between Congress and a member of the Obama Administrations GSA who was quite lavish in the spending of government money. One of the events involved spending a large amount of money to assemble bicycles. The official justified spending the money because they later donated the bicycles to children. But, dear reader, that is a service to self activity. A service to self person ALWAYS uses other funds, money, abilities, tasks, time, or people instead of their own in providing things to benefit others. Go here.
The better decision of the two options will lead towards absorption into the collective hive. They will become part of the Type-I grey extraterrestrial collective. This will be either as a member or as a subservient species. The worse of the two options is to become that of farmed cattle for this race.
This means that the human who chooses this path will choose an eternity of suffering. This will happen in one way or the other. They will experience an endless cycle of reincarnation events all directed towards pain, sadness and hurt designed to maximize collective experiences.
Then, the Type-I grey extraterrestrial collective would steal or farm these experiences though obtainment of the quanta. The entity would then begin again as if they never had that experience in the first place. It is, then a living hell for all eternity for that soul. It becomes a endless cycle of reincarnation into difficult lives, where the entity would experience pain and sorry, only to have those experiences stolen from them; forcing them to relive that experience over and over again. Often the same experience will occur time over time, but in slightly different manifestations.
The Type-I grey extraterrestrials consider humans to be their “property”.
The “service to self” sentience can be divided further into two sub-classes. The primary “service to self” sentience which behaves as the “management tier”, and a “lesser” sentience form known as the “service to another” sentience which are nothing more than drones that eventually serve the primary. There is a meme devoted to these individuals as they are rather well-known. This meme is known as the NPC meme.
This is the NPC meme that found it’s way out of the 4chan and into the internet blog-sphere.
Species Longevity
They are not a dying race.
Some of the disinformation that is floating about on the Internet makes this preposterous claim. But there is nothing to substantiate it. In fact, this claim has been repeated so often, and with such alacrity that it is part of the “myth of the greys”. A guaranteed method to test that validity of the person reporting on this race is to see if they repeat this myth.
There is no evidence that their race is dying or needs human support in any way to perpetuate their races existence. We know that they have been involved with the human race for at least 30,000 years. They have been visiting Earth for much longer. Perhaps they have been visiting for hundreds of thousands of years. (It is not unreasonable to consider 300,000 years, or even longer.)
They have also been visiting many other solar systems as well. In fact, they have colonies all through our galactic region. As strange as it seems, they prefer to occupy solar systems around cooler stars, mostly class K and M red dwarfs.
Our sun is, perhaps, a little too energetic for them [20]. However, I really don’t think that flare stars, or variable stars [21] are desirable. Generally from their point of view, this is a habitable solar system for their race, but only marginally so
[20] Energetic refers to both the physical environment and the great quantum level forces and tides that wash though our dimensional consciousness in this region.
[21] Associated with the cooler K and M class stars. These are generally associated and manifested as sun spots and jets of plasma and radiation.
Their original parent race most probably has a different physical appearance than they do in our solar system. They adjust their physical and soul bodies to accommodate the region where they inhabit. Therefore, they are not dying, but rather in the long and drawn out process of adaptation to our solar system. And our solar system is but one of the many [22] that they occupy
[22] I do not know the true number. No one does. But to consider that they have had active spaceflight ability and interstellar flight ability for such a long time, it is absolutely conceivable that they occupy, in one way or the other, many other planets. Perhaps these planets number in the hundreds or even thousands.
There is no element of desperation or urgency in their activities. They perform their tasks with precision and infinite patience. They do not appear to be ill or diseased. Their equipment is always in excellent shape and working order. They never seem to have traits characteristic of a dying race or a civilization in collapse. They just appear different to us humans, with a different appearance, strange and unusual motives, and closed behavior. This unusual demeanor is difficult for us humans to understand, so we try to rationalize it to with within one kind of role that we can understand. Often, however, the understanding that we associate with it is wildly inaccurate.
Technology Level
They possess a far higher level of technology than humans. Human technology is still fixed rigidly in classical mechanics. They passed this level of understanding hundreds of thousands of years ago. The ancestral relatives of proto-humans were proto-simian when this race first started exploring our solar system’s space. They have been in our solar system for a long, long time. In fact, they tend to think of humans as their very own creations, for some reason
[It is a pervasive and perpetual position of possession. To fully understand this belief that they maintain, you need to have had the same understanding and experiences that I have had with them.
To put that in perspective, imagine that this race was approximately 2000 years more advanced than we are currently today, but that was about 50,000 years ago. Compared to them, we are still monkeys climbing trees. Today, this race is galaxy faring [20], not simply solar system traveling.
[20] This is my personal opinion. It is not verified or documented by anyone else in any way. No drone pilot or extraterrestrial told me this. It is just my educated opinion.
They have mapped a good section of this section of the galaxy and maybe much more. I do not know if they have conducted extended travel lanes or perforated space-time to provide travel to other galaxies, but it is entirely feasible. Maybe they have colonies in the “nearby” Andromeda galaxy. Wouldn’t that be amazing!
To summarize this point, to wit; [1] They have mastered interplanetary spaceflight most certainly. [2] They have also mastered interstellar spaceflight as well. The techniques between these two modes of travel are quite different. They have mastered this ability and have various techniques and methods that they use. It is possible, entirely possible, that they have also mastered [3] intergalactic flight as well.
They offered trade of technological items in exchange for the freedom to move about unencumbered on “our” planet [21]. Essentially, they gave certain items of interest to the United States government with the promise that the United States would restrict the use of certain technologies. These are the technologies that interfere with their crafts operation. Additionally the United States agreed to provide protection against other humans whom might interfere in their tasks, and place certain areas and regions into guarantee for their benefit.
[21] Why carry on so? Why make these points? Because, some of you readers will say this is all anecdotal. Some will attempt to refute each and every point. And others – the especially ignorant – will chime in with a “Well, you have nothing to worry about if you don’t break the laws”. The most retarded of all will opine, “Hey! Shaddup! This is all for our safety and security! (And, for the children…)”
Supposedly, according to the Type-I greys, themselves; their technology level is very advanced, but is apparently much easier to understand (by humans) than that of the<redacted>. But, for some reason, the Type-I greys do not want humans to reverse engineer their <redacted>. Why this is so is unknown. This is one of those questions that must remain unanswered.) I believe, though I am not positively sure, that the anti-gravity mechanism being studied by PACL [22] as part of CARET was an Type-1 technology
[22] Palo Alto CARET Laboratory. This is the laboratory described in the Isaac media release. This lab apparently existed in 1986 in Palo Alto CA.
Dimensional Portal Travel
There are indicators that they can conduct dimensional travel to parallel dimensions. I do not know much about this. We know that they can move within our dimension quite easily.
They have mastered vehicular transportation, and dimensional travel through portals. But the travel to other different universes is an entirely different matter. (I have read from secondary sources that) (T)here is evidence that some of their technologies damage their bodies and cause them a level of trouble and concern. Since their technology level is so advanced, it is possible that this might be due to dimensional travel outside our universe. But this is only speculative on my part.
This should be of no concern of ours, except for the rumors that changes in alternative world lines ultimately can influence our primary world line behaviors
Quantum Programming of Materials
They have the ability to program material behavior by writing on it. This method of programming appears to be circles, spheres, curved lines and odd characters. In actuality, the writing is the physical representation of a quantum based program that resides and coincides with the material. By using this programming method they can cause levitation, invisibility, material modifications, and dimensional transparency. An unauthorized release of a fourth quarter report on re-engineering of the antigravity mechanism of one of the type-1 flight systems clearly shows this style of programming [23].
[23] After the release of the information, there was a massive disinformation campaign against C.A.R.E.T. and it was labeled as a hoax by the major UFO organizations worldwide. However, we now know from Mr. Snowden and confirmed by myself, that many, if not all, of the major United States UFO organizations are now fronts for the NSA. They are involved in the collection of every leak regarding extraterrestrials, and participate in a massive disinformation campaign against any real serious disclosure of merit.
An example of the “programming language” that is utilized to alter the mechanical properties, both static and dynamic, of physical devices. This was provided by CARET through an unauthorized disclosure.
The type-1 extraterrestrial s have a hive mind and shared memory and soul. Because of that, the consciousness can easily understand purpose, function and utility of things. They instantly know their very own history as they all share the same memories. Thus there just sin’t any need for a written language, or even a language at all. They just communicate by shared thoughts. This is an example of a programmed substrate on one of the physical relics that MAJestic was involved in deciphering.
Soul Fabrication & Manipulation
This race, among a large number of other races, has the ability to create devices based on quantum physics principles. They also have an understanding of what soul, memory and identity is. Combined, they have the powerful tool-kit of quantum manipulation. They are able to create soul-level quantum appliances (and appendages).
With soul-level quantum manipulation comes a great degree of powerful physical manipulation techniques. For instance, they can modify and adapt their souls to mate with other entities. They understand soul constructions and how a soul transcends the physical dimensions of time and space. In so understanding, they can themselves switch between dimensions; transcend time, and travel without the limitations of space. They can switch back and forth between soul level constructions and fabrications. They can do this quickly; instantly and with great alacrity. All of these skills are far beyond any level of technology that we can do or even recognize that exists.
DNA & Genetic Manipulation
This race is known to possess a great understanding of genetic engineering [23]. This understanding extends, not only to the physical biological component of the physical body, but into the quantum realms as well. Thus, they have the ability to modify and create other races.
[23] Compared to contemporaneous humans, but far less than the progenitor race and the <redacted>. This provides yet another mystery.
If they are working for (or in conjunction with) the <redacted>, and the <redacted> genetic manipulation technology is truly significantly advanced, then why do they insist on working with MAJestic to “improve” their understanding of the Human genome and it’s manipulation? Certainly it must be for other reasons than just to optimize the <redacted>.
Are they doing a “run around” learning this technology without the “blessings” of the <redacted>? What is the story behind this, and why is it being done in such a manner?
Perhaps I don’t have enough information at my disposal; they might be doing the MAJestic genetic research as a consequence as to improve the genetic pool of humans on the planet. But even if that were the case, I would look askance at their motives. I do not trust them.
They are able to genetically modify the human race, as well as other plants and animals. They are able to create and use and entangle souls with their DNA constructions. They are able to animate biological creations, and move a given individual’s soul from one physical artifice to another.
They are able to create their own custom genetic bodies to reside on different planets and to live around other stars. They have had this ability for thousands of years.
Any appraisal of their technical ability is speculative. We cannot make a determination of how advanced they are simply because our understanding of our universe is so primitive. But for purposes of illustration, I consider them to be clearly five or more centuries ahead of human technological skill. Which is pretty arrogant of me; seeing that they are hundreds of thousands of years older, as a race, than we are.
Species Origination Point
It is unknown where they originated from. Anyone who states that they know where this race evolved from is wrong. No human knows for sure. The information provided for on the Internet is wrong. What they state and say are most certainly lies and half-truths. The fact, and the hard core truth, is that no one knows where their origination world lies.
There are many who repeat the statement that they originated from the Zeta Reticuli solar system. This is certainly a good candidate solar system for Earth like planets as it consists of two sun like stars (Class “G”).
However, I for one, wish to stand apart from the general consensus on this point. I have my reasons, as stated elsewhere. But perhaps the greatest reason for my reservations has to do with what I know while working in close proximity with them. Generally, they tell us what we can understand. They do not tell us the actual truth.
Besides, their original point of evolution prior to achieving space-travel ability was around a much cooler and dimmer star. One that emitted light in the decidedly red spectrum.
I disagree with the contention that they evolved biologically and naturally in the Zeta Reticuli system. While I do certainly believe that they may have colonies or bases in the system, I do not believe that it is their home origination point.
Consider the possibility of an earth like planet around an Earth like star in a region of space that had been seeded by extraterrestrials for human-like beings. It is far more likely that this system harbors human-appearing extraterrestrials than it is to harbor radically divergent species with a differing soul structure configuration. (I think and believe, but this point of view is arguable. I welcome other points of view and opinions on this.)
What we do know that they have inhabited a large number of solar systems for hundreds of thousands of years.
Depending on the solar system and world that they inhabit, they must create a hybrid body to occupy and live in. Thus, their appearance to us humans is the hybrid genetic container that they use in this particular solar system (A single “G” class star with moderately sized gas giants past the “frost zone”.). Since the Zeta Reticuli system is similar to our solar system, the hybrid body that they would occupy, if they originated from this system, would be more human-like and not what we currently see them as. (Again, this point of view is debatable.)
We know that they use a hybrid container to visit this solar system with. The bodies that we see are not their naturally evolved bodies. Therefore, the planet and star that they evolved around is not like our sun or Earth.
Thus, I find it difficult to reconcile that Zeta Reticuli is their origination point. If there would be a nearby race that would have originated from the Zeta Reticuli solar system, it is far more likely that it be associated with the <redacted> extraterrestrials. Not the Type-I Grey extraterrestrials.
Type-I Grey Presumed Planetary Environment
I really never read (MAJestic reports or journals found in binders) any specifics concerning the “home world” of this extraterrestrial specie. However, their actions and behaviors that I have observed point to some undeniable conclusions regarding the influences in adaptation for their bodies in our solar system. To this, I must add my disclaimer that what I present here is speculative based upon my knowledge and experience being entangled. It is in no way reflective of official MAJestic belief.
Apparently the species originated on a planet that was smaller than the earth, but larger than Mars. The atmospheric composition maintained an oxygen / nitrogen atmosphere, but the percentage of oxygen was lower than it is on the earth. That being said, the do seem to prefer a higher atmospheric pressure than what is considered normal on the earth. Their “home planet” apparently orbits a much dimmer star than our Sun, and it is perhaps a K-class or M-class red dwarf.
My personal and unique belief is that I would best suppose their origination point to be around a dimmer star than our sun. This is because of their actions and activities. They tend to conduct extravehicular forays out of their protective craft, on the Earth, at night or under dim lighting conditions. Their interior lighting is dim and in the infrared spectrum.
Combined, these points indicate an unescapable conclusion; their biological processes tend to behave as if our star, a type G star, is too energetic for them.
The Zeta Reticuli system holds two stars and both stars are solar analogs that share similar characteristics with the Sun. My guess and appraisal is for a parent home world that is around a much cooler star. Perhaps their sun is a class K or M red dwarf sun.
We do know that they have colonies in most of the solar systems that surround our solar system. We do not know why they have so many colonies. Nor do we know why they occupy these systems or what their ultimate objectives are.
We are reasonably confident that they did not originate or evolve on the Earth.
Slaves vs. Helpers
Slaves vs. Helpers. Let’s consider the relationships that develop between different species. Like humans and dogs, or humans and horses, for instance. What is the relationship that humans have with cows, compared with the relationship that humans have with cats.
Some individuals write that this species is a slave race to yet another race. In fact, it has become the de facto “established” disinformation on the Internet concerning this race. Just use your favorite search engine and type in “grey + slave race”. You will get hundreds of webpages regarding this nonsense.
Most all of them say same the same thing. It is often repeated, and it is all disinformation. It is all bullshit[24]. It is not true. It is not even remotely true. It is wholly and absolutely in error. How can anyone who has worked with these being come to that conclusion? They simply cannot[25]. It is impossible.
[24] It could be either intentional disinformation, ravings of a lunatic fringe that somehow entered the mainstream UFO community, or out and out results of a successful for-profit motivation. Whatever it is, it is absolutely false.
[25] I can understand a person misidentifying a terrestrial United States disc-shaped saucer as an extraterrestrial space-traverse-capable vehicle. I can understand a person misidentifying a picture of rocket launch debris as a extraterrestrial object, possibly fabricated. I can even forgive those who are “abducted” misidentifying the event as an attempt to thwart their quantum soul’s desires. But there is absolutely no way to even remotely give credence to the Reptilian slaver nonsense. This is just complete horse-shit.
I do not believe this for one second. They are NOT a slave race.
There is no “wiggle room” in this statement. It is absolute.
My experience indicates that the concept of a slave race is a human fabrication to describe a sub-species dominated by another species. The relationships between different extraterrestrial races are complex. We don’t understand them. But the idea that the Type-1 greys are a slave race is not valid at all. I saw no examples of this, or anything that would validate this belief or theory.
They are not slaves of some other race, such as the “Reptilians”[26], as some might have one believe. Nor were they cloned by them to be a slave race.
[26] Reptilians (also called reptoids, reptiloids, or draconians) are purported reptilian humanoids that play a prominent role in science fiction, as well as modern ufology and conspiracy theories. The idea of reptilians on Earth was popularized by David Icke, a conspiracy theorist who says shape-shifting reptilian people control our world by taking on human form and gaining political power to manipulate our societies. Icke has claimed on multiple occasions that many of the world leaders are, or are possessed by, reptilians ruling the world. I know nothing about this. To me, this is all fantastical, and marginally believable.
There are many valid reasons behind this reasoning, but if this were to be true, then [1] we would be having dealings with the parent race of “owners”. And, as far as I know, we do not have this relationship. Nor is this kind of relationship ever [2] mentioned in the text that <redacted>. Finally, [3] my interactions with this race was, for the most part, neutrally positive. I never felt that any kind of subservient specie interplay was ever involved. Anyone who has even spent five minutes with this race would be able to tell you, most assuredly, that they are certainly NOT a slave race.
I have never seen a “Reptilian”. If they were a slave race to this other race, I am pretty confident that I would have seen some of these “Reptilians” around. I spent a large number of years working with this Type-1 Grey extraterrestrials, and I have never seen any other race of creatures ordering them about, directing them or treating them as a servant subspecies in any way [27]. From time to time, there would be an occasional race that would participate and direct a specific task, but the working environment was always mutually respectful. It was always respectful
[27] They do have a unique working “understanding” with the <redacted> race. But that is a very complex relationship, one that I have a great deal of difficulty comprehending.
Planetary Conquest
“They concluded, in 1964, that there were at least four different groups coming here, observing us, surveying us, analyzing us, closely watching us, what we were up to, what we were doing.” -Robert Dean, Retired US Army Command Sergeant Major
Some writers believe that the ultimate objective of the Type-1 grey extraterrestrials is to control and rule the world. They are quite wrong. This is a very simplistic understanding of how the universe works.
If they wanted to “seize” the planet earth, they would have taken it 200,000 years ago[28].
[28] Technically, they already did so, and we are just humans living within their structured kennel. But, that is perhaps too much for the reader to grasp at this point of time, and it is actually not entirely true. The relationship and the issues involved are complex ones, indeed.
If they wanted to fabricate their own sub-race of slaves, they would have done so before the building of the pyramids in Egypt[29].
[29] Ancient Egypt was an ancient civilization of Northeastern Africa, concentrated along the lower reaches of the Nile River in what is now the modern country of Egypt. It is one of six civilizations globally to arise independently. Egyptian civilization coalesced around 3150 BC (according to conventional Egyptian chronology) with the political unification of Upper and Lower Egypt under the first pharaoh.
The history of ancient Egypt occurred in a series of stable Kingdoms, separated by periods of relative instability known as Intermediate Periods: the Old Kingdom of the Early Bronze Age, the Middle Kingdom of the Middle Bronze Age and the New Kingdom of the Late Bronze Age.
They participated in the biological alteration of the human genome over 30,000 years ago, possibly much longer (the more or less exact dates are provided elsewhere in my writings). They also played an integral part in the observation, monitoring and biological advancement of the human race over the centuries. Their interest has always been formalized and consistent.
We could not resist any kind of forceful enslavement by them, or any warlike battles initiated by them. They are indeed quite a formidable race, with extensive technological achievements under their belt[30], and they have the support of numerous[31] galactic federations.
[30] This is an American idiom that means that you have an experience or a qualification under your belt, you have completed it successfully, and it may be useful to you in the future.
[31] There are more than just one “federation” of species on multiple worlds and planes of existence in our galaxy at this particular time frame.
We could no longer repel and invasion by them, as could the Dodo[32] repel their ultimate extinction.
[32] A flightless bird that was endemic to the island of Mauritius, east of Madagascar in the Indian Ocean. Its closest genetic relative was the also extinct Rodrigues solitaire, the two forming the subfamily Raphinae of the family of pigeons and doves.
They have no objectives relating to the conquest of Earth[33], nor do they have any interest in enslaving humans[34].
[33] In a like manner; the United States Federal government has no interest in invading and seizing control of Tennessee. Tennessee is part of the United States. (Duh!)
[34] Although they would be quite happy “farming” us for our experiences and quanta configurations.
As best as I can relate to the reader; their role in this solar system is functional. They are the “police men”; the “zoo keepers”, the “caretakers”, the “observers” who are entrusted by the <redacted> species to operate and monitor “our” solar system.
They do this because (functionally) our solar system is a (intentional and planned) nursery for evolving intelligences.
I do not know why it is such a place and why it has this function, but that is what it is.
These Type-I greys are the active guardians here and they help and guide the development of our species. Their guidance might cause them to do and conduct operations that we, as humans, might find distasteful. That might include [1] the precipitation of wars; [2] the elimination of certain human races, [3] the insertion of certain illnesses or diseases into the human population, or even [4] the complete destruction of the human race if it came down to that.
They are the de facto rulers / owners of this solar system. They control us. They always have.
Their Objectives
Their objectives were never clearly announced to the MAJestic leadership. They simply led us to believe what we wanted to regarding them. Depending on the management structure in the MAJestic collaborative venture, their objectives were always suspect, but believed to be in the best interests of the United States, provided that MAJestic maintained control over information dissemination.
This is not really actually true. It is just what MAJestic believed. However, their absorption of human-derived quantum envelopes and clouds to their quantum matrix is a decided possibility[35].
They have a vested interest in this kind of acquisition. It helps grow the collective so as to acquire a sort of “critical mass” enabling the group hive to attain a degree of dimensional instability permitting a higher energy form or state (overall for the collective). This is the key reason and purpose for their machinations regarding the human race. It does not concern physical obtainment of land titles and control, but rather the absorptions of preconfigured quanta in bulk and usefulness potential.
They already control, or have “ownership” of everything on the earth[36].
[36] From their point of view, we are like two dogs that are caged in a kennel. Here we are; fighting over a bone or two thrown inside the fence. We watch us fighting with disconnected amusement, and perhaps a slight amount of concern, but do not worry about us. They know that eventually the fighting will end and a new cycle of life would begin. Their only concern is the maintenance of the kennel and the overall value of the dogs inside the kennel.
An organized quantum; that forms quantum clouds of quantum-dances and cloud-behaviors, are the currency of our galaxy, if not the universe.
Those races that can alter, modify, and manipulate quanta, do so for a purpose. As such, they collect, harvest, manipulate and use these collections of quanta.
To farm organized quanta, a given race would need to (1) create a race of beings that would accumulate experiences. Then, direct the race to act in a way (2) or behavior that results in a wide range of experiences; especially ones with the extremes of emotional attachments. This is set in place so that they can collect (3) the quantum attachments so experienced by their human surrogates. Then their collection process would involve the (4) absorption of the individual entities’ quantum clouds. Finally, the collection of the quantum clouds are absorbed (5), along with the individual souls, into a new form or quantum configuration (6); one that is in alignment with their matrix or hive configuration. This then, my friends, is what they are doing.
Whether the human race will succumb to this kind of soul-stealing program will be up to the individual humans who live in this local regional sphere of influence. We do have individual control in this matter[37].
[37] Of the group behaviors of our race and sub-species.
The greedy, materially oriented, selfish and self-centered will be absorbed[38].
[38] There is nothing related to “good” vs. “evil” in this. It is actually very simple. A hive or matrix soul configuration is one that uses a set of particular quanta that is organized in a very exact manner. It just so happens that the organization of their clusters is wholly compatible with individual soul archetype with quantum clusters organized by a “Service to self” individual. Those who are generally selfish will find that their quanta are easy to absorb, steal, farm and utilize by other races.
Those of differing persuasions will evolve along different paths. All humans will all eventually evolve spiritually, and their souls will reconfigure themselves appropriately. It is the nature of the universe.
Perhaps, and it is my contention, that it is a strong possibility that their interaction with humans on the Earth is to assist in the evolution of the human biological envelope towards the creation of “experience vehicles”. These biological modifications permit a hive or matrix soul to expand though collection or farming[39] of other entities experiences.
[39] In “farming”, one race sets up conditions that cause another race to acquire experiences. Then, the parent race “farms” the individual for those experiences. Thus the “slave” or “farmed” race is used like an apple tree.
Every couple of cycles the apples are collected, and the tree does not benefit from their collection. It neither provides offspring that will grow into new tree, nor does the apples revitalize the ground surrounding the tree. This is a particularly bad situation for a human with an individual soul construct.
The individual might find themselves getting into wars and battles and other horrible events, over and over again, but never learning from the situations and never remembering what had transpired. They live a life of torture; to experience the worst of the world over and over again, never being granted release. Never evolving beyond the experiences.
The collection of the human experiences can only be acquired through absorption of the human modified quantum cloud. As such, I can easily see a long term evolutionary program. One that is designed to create herds of human or other biological creatures that would obtain experiences of various types[40] for a species (such as the type-1 grey) to utilize and capitalize on.
[40] Typically the events are painful, tragic, harmful and harsh. For those are the treasured and valuable experiences that really help a quantum cloud soul evolve. But when they are farmed, the soul which experiences the events never gets to benefit from them.
As such, the greatest collection and diversity of experiences would be the most beneficial to the entities. By steering these individuals toward “service to self” adaptive personalities, they could eventually, absorb the human quantum cloud into their own. In so doing, the end result would be having the individual type human soul change into the hive or matrix soul of the Type I grey collective. I can easily see this happening[41].
[41] Every selfish act, every hurtful act derived through selfish behavior steers a soul toward a state of absorption by another race. For humans, there are a number of races that greatly want to absorb or farm the human soul archetype.
It does not matter what the event was either. That game that you cheated on when you were a child; the lies you told your wife to keep a selfish secret, or the pens that you hoarded from the work supply cabinet all contributes to a selfish derived quantum cluster.
This, unfortunately, does happen somewhat already. (Thus part of the reason why this nursery for evolving intelligences is kept isolated from the rest of the galactic federation.)
Every reincarnation; is a cycle of rebirth and death on the physical “battlefield” of experience attainment.
Currently, it is my understanding that there is a cost or a “fee” that humans must pay to undergo this cycle. The “fee” is paid to the Type-I greys in terms of a kind of tax. Certain clusters of experience from broad groups of humans are farmed, but at a very insignificant level; perhaps less than 3% of the total lifetime experience of a given individual. Unfortunately, some individuals get more farmed, while other get less. This is unfortunate, as it sets up a situation whereas the soul has to relive the experiences again over and over until they overcome the event sequence.
Thus the truth of the entire picture and why the Type-I greys are involved, and why the <redacted> race is involved. The <redacted> want the souls going through this intermediary (human) form to evolve into galactic federation approved forms; hopefully to be compatible or on the same level as they themselves are.
They cultivate us.
While the Type-1 greys farm us currently at a low level, and help precipitate experiences for us to endure so if we evolve into “service-to-self” sentience’s, then they can most readily farm our activities for organized quanta. Organized quanta comes in different forms and shapes. Some are more valuable than others. And thus are prized.
The Type-1 greys tend to force certain souls and individuals to relive certain experiences over and over again so that they can “collect” these “ripe fruit” of quantum clusters.
Species Goals and Objectives
This species has overall objectives that appear to be founded on a rigid autocratic system based on a complex group thought process. They appear to be a dominating survival-based social order, but that is not correct. Their intentions are mysterious, but not incompatible with humans at all.
They are religious in the sense that they have made it a science. Their science is in (an apparently) paired agreement with the (bulk of) earth’s major religions. It is primarily quantum mechanics[42] based which is a science of applied thoughts.
[42] Quantum mechanics (QM – also known as quantum physics, or quantum theory) is a branch of physics which deals with physical phenomena at nanoscopic scales where the action is on the order of the Planck constant.
It departs from classical mechanics primarily at the quantum realm of atomic and subatomic length scales. Quantum mechanics provides a mathematical description of much of the dual particle-like and wave-like behavior and interactions of energy and matter.
Quantum mechanics provides a substantially useful framework for many features of the modern periodic table of elements including the behavior of atoms during chemical bonding and has played a significant role in the development of many modern technologies.
They typically try to derive autocratic control of the major religious orders through various means that are unknown to the humans that they manipulate. Luckily, these efforts are known by the <redacted> who curb their activities substantially.
Because of events in the past centuries, the Type-1 greys are absolutely forbidden to manipulate the Catholic church. They had been manipulating that religious body for centuries, and the <redacted> put an end to it. They are now manipulating another religious body in the middle east instead. Their goals, purposes and objectives are unknown to me regarding this.
"The type of UFO reports that are most intriguing are close-range sightings of machine-like objects of unconventional nature and unconventional performance characteristics, seen at low altitudes, and sometimes even on the ground. The general public is entirely unaware of the large number of such reports that are coming from credible witnesses... When one starts searching for such cases, their number are quite astonishing. Also, such sightings appear to be occurring all over the globe."
-- Prof. James E. McDonald (past head of the Institute of Atmospheric Physics at the University of Arizona), "Are UFOs Extraterrestrial Surveillance Craft?", talk given at AIAA (American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics), 1968
They are not inherently evil. They are a neutral race inhabiting artificial bodies to work and exist within our solar system. Since they live in the solar system, they are particularly interested in the Earth and what occurs here. We do not (officially) know for sure why they are so interested[43]. Of course, I have my own opinions that are stated here. But they are not the “official” MAJestic belief.
[43] Their motivations are as stated previously. They seem to be intent on the collection of advancing individual soul entities that are NOT successful in evolving in this solar system nursery for evolving races. They seem to have a role as interstellar caretakers for this particular region and they seem to be operating under the control of a local galactic entity who utilizes the Mantid race as the local authorizes.
They have an active role in cultivating the human race. This solar system is a nursery for evolving intelligences. They are its caretakers. The human race will evolve because of their actions. What it will evolve into depends upon many factors, but whatever form the human species evolves into, both the <redacted> and the Type-1 greys will benefit.
MAJestic Policy Position (dated to 2005)
“If aliens visit us, the outcome would be much as when Columbus landed in America, which didn't turn out well for the Native Americans.” -Stephen Hawking
Officially, according to <redacted>; they are interested in this solar system for their own reasons (which, according to the official writings, are suspect but not malevolent) and they have entered a treaty with the United States to enable them to pursue their own “mysterious” interests.
What these interests are has never been disclosed to any MAJestic member short of those in the upper tiers of the organization. (Their goals and intentions vary from species to species, but in regards to the central species; the <redacted> and their “helpers” the Type-1 greys, it is restricted to the highest levels of the MAJestic organization. Us working “grunts” had no clue as to their assumed and true objectives with humans.) The rank and file do not have a clue as to what these supposed goals are.
However, in all the <redacted> (when collected as a whole), it has become abundantly and repeatedly clear (to me) that their true and real intentions have never been specifically vociferated to the MAJestic management.
It is my opinion that the overall impression that we all maintained was a positive one, and that they were trying to help the human race through a period of uncomfortable growth. I believe that most within the organization would agree with me on this appraisal.
Officially; MAJestic believes that the Type-1 grey extraterrestrial specie is an emissary species that represents a larger “Federation” of intergalactic-travel-capable species.
They believe that this species is assisting the earth qualify for membership in this “Federation”.
To this end, the human race must [1] be patient [44].
[44] The reader can forget any notion that mankind would be ready within our lifetimes. It will not be. We need to sort out our sentience first, and this will probably be a very ugly and uncomfortable event or series of events.
They do not care if we have a one-world government or not.
All they care about is our majority sentience type configuration. Membership in any federation will not occur until our sentience is established. That way our RNA can be modified to fit a galatically approved archetype.
Humans must [2] gain substantive control over nuclear armament [45].
[45] This would be a near complete elimination of all nuclear weapons and control and delivery systems. Further knowledge and manufacturing of such systems, as well as delivery and control systems would be maintained under the new federal centralized control.
Humans must [3] significantly reduce pollution levels, and [4] have a significant reduction in the world-wide population level [46]. (As strange and horrific as this seems. [47])
[46] According to my understanding; the global world-wide population is to be no greater than 1.5 billion humans at the time of successive entry into the “Federation” sphere of influence. Currently it is almost 9x that value.
It is projected and expected that entry and qualifications for entry will engage within a 600 year time period. It will not happen in the next 25 years.
[47] Apparently, they accept the possibility of proving human leadership with various weapons of mass destruction as long as it will eventually result in world-wide decimation of the human race to more acceptable levels. They do not want the mitigating factors to be nuclear, however, but rather biological or chemical as they are easy (relatively) to clean up and eliminate from the surface of the planet.
In exchange for assistance in these manner, MAJestic will be (and is currently) being [A] rewarded with technology and science transfers, and given [B] sole control and authority in extraterrestrial control and visitation.
At the same time, I am quite confident that the MAJestic leadership wants to protect the interests of humans and the American government. They are careful and cautious with their dealings with all extraterrestrial species. I do know that during periods of disagreements with certain species, humans did not fare well, and this put the MAJestic leadership on notice that they must indeed be cautious and careful.
The more specific opinions that I have are solely my own, and not part of any MAJestic analysis. I obtained them through a combination of experience and entanglement. The reader should take them at face value and ascribe a value appropriately. I personally believe that the MAJestic leadership belief is a simplistic one, and is not entirely accurate.
Disclosure by a Scientist that studied these entities
“This Man Went Missing After Creating A Single Reddit Post”
This is a really great listen.
From the late 2000s to the mid-2010s, I worked as a molecular biologist for a national security contractor in a program to study Exo-Biospheric-Organisms (EBO). I will share with you a lot of information on this subject. Feel free to ask questions or ask for clarification.
This man went missing after a single Reddit post.
Very few Reddit posts have sparked as many questions and theories as the one authored by the molecular biologist who claimed to have worked on Exo-Biospheric Organisms.
The sheer depth of detail in the post, combined with the author’s apparent expertise and use of precise scientific terminology, captivated not only casual readers but also professionals in related fields.
1) 1.28 Sub-contractor study. Correct. The research was outsourced from USA DOD Gov.
2) 2.00 “Chimera” = many of the so called ‘Greys’ are biological constructs as I have said.
3) 6.50 Location of research identified. (Note. The visuals of the piece are irrelevant fiction).
4) 7.20 BSL 3 and BSL 2 Facility is underground as also reported by other sources before.
5) 7.30 Storage of bodies is at – 80 c. (normal parameter).
6) 7.45 Controlled environment. I too have worked under such conditions (normal).
7) 7.55 ET Pilots are victims of crash situation. Consistent with ‘Snatch’ recovery protocol.
8) 8.10 Cell cultures are grown. Hence in theory a body or organ could be ‘grown’ again.
9) 9.20 Clear a long history of human/ET DNA cross breeding or genetic engineering.
10) 9.45 Historically previous separation of environments of development, suggest they may have originated at some time from an Earth/Mars ecology but taken different evolutionary pathways to the present related but diverse configuration. Many Earth cultures were advanced.
11) 10.10 They can interbreed with humans.
12) 10.25 Normal procreation not possible. In interbreeding genetic IVA is necessary to bring on, hence the known foetus growing chambers as witnessed many times by abductees.
13) 10.58 Radiation buffers useful if working in a partially radiated zone or ‘craft’.
14) 11.30 Highly stripped down DNA for maximum efficiency indicates way ahead of humans.
15) 11.50 Totally genetically engineered bodies.
16) 13.20 Highly organised DNA – however built this knows what they are doing for light years.
17) 14.00 Genetic interaction at foetal development so the bodies are system designed to purpose. They can ‘make’ any creature they need for a given targeted purpose in domain.
18) 14.40 There could likely be twins or clones as seen many times in ET contact. They look alike and of any one ‘individual’ there could be a number, or even a large number (“I Robot”).
19) 15.30 Genes from humans/animals and ET, hence the ‘strange harvests’ of Earth animals.
20) EPIG 11 could indicate it may be possible to reproduce such a body in an Earth lab?
21) 17.35 Bovine serum mentioned. Hence the cows acquired by ET in the USA and body parts.
22) 18.00 Look like the ‘greys’ as reported.
23) 18.30 The outer layer is like a divers ‘wet suit’ – under which is the actual ‘skin’.
24) 19.00 They don’t ‘shit’, they sweat. Some greys have been noted to ‘stink’ sometimes.
25) 19.20 No teeth. They don’t ‘eat’. You are not going to be ‘eaton’ by an ET.
26) 18.40 They may not have a sense of smell like humans?
27) 19.00 The airway arrangement is different may be somewhat like a cat (speculative?).
28) 20.00 They wear contact lens ‘sunglasses’ and we know they are sensitive to UV light.
The home origin environment is likely at a much lower light level than on Earth as they have ‘night vision’ and tend to operate on Earth at night. You could say in Earth terms nocturnal.
29) 20.10 Suggests the home environment is constantly lit, no night time, possible twin stars.
30) 20.40 They see colour differently to humans and with a wider spectrum.
31) 21.00 Hearing ranges into low frequencies, like some Owls and Elephants and Whales.
32) 21.10 Four brain zones as I have always said.
33) 21.30 Bigger brain and better supplied with nutrients. They are smarter than humans.
34) 21.40 Their brains interact directly with their technology, an evolution of ‘heads up’.
35) 22.00 They don’t audibly ‘speak’.
36) 22.20 No naval. They are not brought on in a biological womb. They are cultured in vitro.
37) 22.30 Simpler bu similar hands to humans and they have ‘fingerprints’ (circles).
38) 23.00 Feet show a greatly evolved time line. You could say the feet are slightly pig like.
39) 23.10 Indications they live in a lower gravity or sometimes gravity free space. Weaker body.
40) 23.50 Indictions the beings examined were very ‘old’ – much older than human lives.
41) 24.00 They breath oxygen. The lungs are similar to birds and may indicate a dinosaur connection historically. Question? Where would dinosaurs be if they had not been exterminated?
42) 24.10 They need higher oxygen brain support and ETs have been seen to use breathing support tubes when in an Earth environment. Their brains use more oxygen than humans.
43) 24.20 They vocalise if they do by purring and may have sounds more like cats.
44) 25,20 The heart has similarity to humans but the efficiency of the blood is higher and the body is more ‘electric’ in neurological voltages.
45) 26.40 They excrete via the pores of their arms and legs. The skin of the ‘body’ may absorb nutrients as ETs have been observed to ‘bath’ in shallow vats of enzymes. Obtained from animals (and humans sometimes), also algae and sea life. They take showers of ‘broth’ to feed.
46) 27.40 They don’t ‘eat’ as such like we do and they do not have the same sensory taste .
47) 29.00 Food – ‘broth’ is rich in sugar and protein and may be not only taken but ‘absorbed’ via the skin of the body?
48) 29.45 They have an immune system but cannot easily adapt to new viral infections (The death of the invaders in ‘War of The Worlds’ book/film).
49) 29.55 The body may have micro mechanical machines in maintenance functions (bio bots).
50) 31.20 They understand the ‘soul’ is a field like a gravimetric field and they can translate this field from one ‘body’ to another. They never die in an intellectual form. Neither do humans.
51) Evolution of the intellect is magnified by group activity. ETs always operate in groups of two, three, six or nine and inter respond with each other. They rarely operate singularly.
52) 32.00 This is similar to the ‘Jung’ concept of the ‘oversoul’ the total mind field of a species.
53) 32.50 Some speculation here not born out by experience and observations. The overall motivation of the ETs is the expansion of complexity and seeking matrix evolvement (The Borg) in that respect they may view the Earth and humans as useful source of both DNA, cultural diversity and emotional experience as their somewhat ‘hive’ mentality may be fascinated by the human civilisation but they don’t see the investment into individual ego (Trump) as of value to the whole body of consciousness – as Forrestal asked, “Are they Communists?” – Yes.
54) 36.00 The attempts to suppress the above information seems to be driven by the US need to gain some military or economic advantage from learning from the many years of research that has produced this report, however the rather paranoid mentality of the USA culture is further restricted by religious prejudice within the the elected members who fear that such matters beyond their ken originates from, ‘The work of the Devil’ similar to medieval thought.
55) However ET seems more concerned with using Earth as a test tube or culture pallet and advancing their own evolution by cherry picking what they need from us and the ecology.
56) From previous experience it is obvious that ET will NOT allow their test tube to be destroyed by human nuclear destruction on a Worldwide level even if some 2000 tests have been conducted in the past 79 years.
60) The Genie is out of the bottle and cannot be put back in. As the author of the report states the longer the disclosure of the above facts is withheld from the public the worse the ‘blowback’ could be and the potential complete loss of faith by people in their governments.
61) In closing the above research was within a Special Access Program (USA) and is not within the general oversight of Congress or even The White House at this time.
Obvious Interests
They do have obvious interests. There are many examples of this. They do not want the earth to be radioactive, or to be overly polluted [48]. And they will go at great lengths to guarantee that this will not happen. They have, at other times, completely disabled the launch systems of ICBMs [49], the engagement of nuclear weapon arming systems, and the assignation of key leaders that they deem as dangerous to the general welfare of humans on Earth
[48] The earth is valuable. Even though it is a bit more energetic for most extraterrestrials to live in our solar system, it is still considered to be quite an important piece of real estate. Perhaps, one in 25 systems or more have a planet that has a marginally habitable planet that orbits the parent star. Thus the Earth is, indeed, quite important.
No race is overly concerned about the human race. It is considered that humans will come and go. Humans will follow the path of other emerging intelligences of races that shared the earth as a nursery proving ground. Maybe in 30,000 years, humans might be extinct or will have evolved into something else.
Therefore, it is very important for extraterrestrials to make sure that humans do not damage the Earth irreparably. The detonation of excessive nuclear weapons might damage the Earth biosphere irreparably.
[49] An Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) is a ballistic missile with a minimum range of more than 5,500 kilometers (3,400 mi) primarily designed for nuclear weapons delivery (delivering one or more nuclear warheads). Similarly conventional, chemical and biological weapons can also be delivered with varying effectiveness. Most modern designs support multiple independently targetable reentry vehicles (MIRVs), allowing a single missile to carry several warheads, each of which can strike a different target.
It is very possible that the “conflicts” or “disagreements” between MAJestic and the Type-I Greys during the late 1970’s and early 1980’s was a direct consequence of the “Three Mile Island” nuclear discharge [50].
[50]The Three Mile Island accident was a partial nuclear meltdown that occurred on March 28, 1979, in one of the two Three Mile Island nuclear reactors in Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, United States. It was the worst accident in U.S. commercial nuclear power plant history.
The incident was rated a five on the seven-point International Nuclear Event Scale: Accident With Wider Consequences.
I do not think that there were any overt fighting, but I do know that the Type-I greys took a particularly “hard” stance on the need to secure nuclear sites around the world.
They considered this a serious issue, but the replacement president; Ronald Reagan (R) did not want to incorporate any of their suggestions. This then (possibly) led to other more “heated” disagreements between MAJestic and the Type-I greys during the mid 1980’s.
I do know that when the Chernobyl event [51] occurred, the Type-I greys were quite distressed and they were put on “full-alert” during that time. I can PERSONALLY confirm this. Their activities at the Oxia Palus Facility came to a complete stop[52] and their activities and resources were devoted to other areas during this time.
[51] The Chernobyl disaster was a catastrophic nuclear accident that occurred on 26 April 1986 at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine (then officially the Ukrainian SSR), which was under the direct jurisdiction of the central authorities of the Soviet Union. An explosion and fire released large quantities of radioactive particles into the atmosphere, which spread over much of the western USSR and Europe.
[52] Because of the differences in planetary time tracks, what occurred on the Earth in 1980 influenced Mars site events decades earlier, in the 1960’s I imagine. Time tracks vary from planetary influence to planetary influence. Mostly due to gravitational influences in the passage of time. Perception variances involve dimensional transitions (for a lack of any kind of equivalent terminology).
As of 2003 they were increasingly disturbed by decrease in certain elements of the insect population; notably bees, and some other species. They attributed a decrease in populations of these species as a direct consequence of human activities.
This was not the only element of human behavior that they found worrisome. They also did not like the fact that many nations were adding Fluorine to the potable water supply. These activities, and many others, were being monitored through biological sampling of livestock and (carefully engaged) biopsies of humans.
They monitored the earth environment specifically because of the actions of humans. They strongly felt that humans were behaving in a very toxic manner that would have long term consequences to the earth habitat. These kinds of activities, when adopted on a large scale, cause irreparable harm to the earth environment. They did not like it. They did not like it one bit.
As the “caretakers” and “domestic police force” of this planetary nursery, they are obviously concerned with the long term habitability of this planet. They are certainly more concerned about whether we (as humans) pollute the planet beyond sustainability, than they are worried about us fighting and killing each other for whatever reason or cause that (we as humans) consider important.
There should be no question in the readers mind that all actions of humans on the earth is only done in behest of the Type-I grey extraterrestrial species. It is in their best interest to help the development of the human form towards one of the other types sentience. That would be either “service to self” or “service to others”. Their charter is to do this without overt long term damage to the planet of solar system that we live in.
Culling of problematic humanoid groups
I do know that in the great past; perhaps 3000 years ago, they completely destroyed an entire sub-species of humans for the purposes of culling the current human lineage. They have also “seeded” various genetic markers and alterations to humans over the ages. While they have been doing this, they have eliminated any threat that would endanger their “crop” of subjects.
Part of their charter is to cull and assist in the development of the earth human form towards a stable archetype. Genetic variations not in line with the “preferred” development path are culled from the planet. They have no problems with this and do this quickly and without any ill will. Their view is that the souls of the humans thus culled will reincarnate into “more approved” humanoid forms before there is any change of long term unsustainable damage taking place.
For instance, they once cultivated a specific genetic marker in a human communal group in what is now Eastern Europe around 4000 years ago. They spent decades tending to the humans and monitoring them. After about 45 years, another group of humans; without the genetic modifications, encroached on this key group and started to attack them. (I believe the group was advancing northward, but I do not know which group it was.) The Type-1 greys, or course destroyed the encroaching humans. They would do these kinds of actions from time to time as needed to preserve the environment and the subjects that they are in charge of. Essentially, they just simply vaporized their settlements, and poisoned them through other means. They have always found it easy to manipulate humans over the years.
Utilization of controlled strife to achieve their objectives
“Some contend that encountering a highly advanced civilization - even one whose technology is essentially comprehensible to us - would produce a traumatic cultural shock effect on man by divesting him of his smug ethnocentrism and shattering the delusion that he is the center of the universe.
Carl Jung summed up this position when he wrote of contact with advanced extraterrestrial life that the "reins would be torn from our hands and we would, as a tearful old medicine man once said to me, find ourselves 'without dreams'...we would find out intellectual and spiritual aspirations so outmoded as to leave us completely paralyzed. I personally don't accept this position, but it's one that's widely held and can't be summarily dismissed.”
-Stanley Kubrick Playboy Interview (1968)
They are not warlike. However, they do seem to prefer a degree of strife in the world. Their activity is generally hands off and ambivalent, but that is perhaps illusionary. Their interest appears to be one of curious interest towards the complexities of the human condition. They seem to want or prefer to have the humans interact in the Earth in a state of upheaval or confusion. It is a hands-off interest. We do not know why this is.
The reader might be confused at this. After all, this species does cull humanoids from time to time, and does interact with humans so that humans follow a specific pre-defined evolutionary path. But the overall picture that I wish to present is one whereas the Type-I grey species watches and monitors the events and actions related to human development and evolution on earth.
From time to time, they take an active role and modify or manipulate humans or cultures or societies so that the humans develop and evolve in certain ways. Most of the time, there seems to be a general component of violence and strife. Whether that is due to the overall benefit of the evolutionary path that humans are on; or whether it is due to their personal desire to eventually “farm” the plump clusters of garbion’s that collect in the quantum souls of the humans is unknown.
The reader should take note of this important point.
The Type-I grey extraterrestrial specie is intent in preserving a human lineage as long as it is in agreement with the preferred individualized soul archetype. When it is not, they take an active role in culling it away; usually through war, violence or strife.
From their point of view; the following races of the earth human population has had the most “cleansing” or “evolutionary” activity necessitated to “purify” the quantum genetic encoding. (I apologize to the reader for my lack of linguistic precision.) All of these races has suffered through centuries of strife and evolutionary crucibles. The races are; [1] Chinese, [2] Polynesian, [3] Polish / Eastern European, [4] Jewish, [5] Selected South American evolutionary lines (which I cannot specifically identify).
That being stated, the information is meaningless.
All it means is that certain groups or races of people have the quantum level garbions arranged in the “correct” or preferred sequence or order as preferred by the Type-I grey extraterrestrial species. It does not mean that they are inherently good or bad, or will move toward a fantastic evolutionary path. It just simply implies that certain groups of people are further along in the quantum connections between the physical and the soul according to the protocol as established by the <redacted> race.
Actual Interests
Their motivations are as stated previously. I will repeat them yet again. [1] They seem to be intent on the collection of advancing individual soul entities that are NOT successful in evolving in this solar system nursery for evolving races. [2] They seem to have a role as interstellar caretakers for this particular region and [3] they seem to be operating under the control of a local galactic entity who utilizes the <redacted> race as the local authorizes. Thus in this role that they participate in the nurturing of the human race towards its development, those individuals which cannot advance are absorbed by their collective in ways that we cannot fully comprehend.
Long-term involvement with humans
They have been involved with humans for at least 30 to 50,000 years [53] and possibly much longer. They have been interacting with the Earth for at least 300,000 to 200,000 years. They have, in the past, genetically modified humans into what we are today. They have video and audio, 3D historical records [54] of their dealings with humans to prove this.
[53] The Upper Paleolithic (or Upper Paleolithic, Late Stone Age) is the third and last subdivision of the Paleolithic or Old Stone Age as it is understood in Europe, Africa and Asia. Very broadly, it dates to between 50,000 and 10,000 years ago, roughly coinciding with the appearance of behavioral modernity and before the advent of agriculture. The terms "Later Stone Age" and "Upper Paleolithic" refer to the same periods. For historical reasons, "Later Stone Age" usually refers to the period in Africa, whereas "Upper Paleolithic" is generally used when referring to the period in Europe.
[54] I have never seen or heard these recordings, but secondary sources have mentioned this a number of times. I believe that they have these records. If they could be involved in genetic engineering 200,000 years ago with the use of space-ships, I am sure that they had audio / visual equipment as well.
There is also significant evidence that they have had contact and involvement with humans far earlier than this. But I couldn’t find anything related to that in the <redacted>, nor in any Internet writings. That doesn’t mean that it didn’t happen. Truth be told, I have a strong fundamental and intuitive[55] understanding that they have been involved with the human race far earlier than a mere 30,000 years ago.
[55] For me, an “intuitive understanding” is an “entangled understanding” with the drone pilot, which may or may not lead to the hive central repository of memories.
The fact and the truth is that they have been involved with other species of humans including the Neanderthals, and other archaic humans similiar to shuch types as Homo ergaster, Homo gautengensis, Homo habilis, and Homo rudolfensis. To name just a few of the many branches of their involvement. They were involved in many other humanoid variations as well, but I never took the time to fully investigate this avenue of investigation.
(Incidentally; many of the pictorial “recreations” of these earlier humanoid forms tend to show them looking more like distant relatives of monkeys rather than distant relatives of humans. This is wrong. A number of them were not at all as “hairy” as described by conventional artists. Imagine small hairless ugly monkeys with dark negroid skin, and the picture is more in tune with the reality concerning these other branches of the human race.)
Compatibility with humans
They have been involved in the evolution of humans for centuries. One of their objectives appears to locate compatible quantum soul constructs on individual human subjects. This is done to inject quantum level appliances in the human soul bodies. Then these appliances are used to create human “agents” with the extraterrestrial race to work with them to complete mutually beneficial goals.
Some of these individuals are known as “abductees”[56]. Unfortunately, due to [1] memory isolation, [2] compartmentalization, and the [3] human social background, the human involved forgets their true role or purpose. This is really something that upsets me personally. If there is one thing that I must make clear is that the Grey’s do not, absolutely, get involved with a human soul construct without prior approval. They just do not; it only seems that way to the individual.
[56] The terms alien abduction or abduction phenomenon describe "subjectively real memories of being taken secretly against one's will by apparently nonhuman entities and subjected to complex physical and psychological procedures". People claiming to have been abducted are usually called "abductees" or "experiencers".
Due to a paucity of objective physical evidence, most scientists and mental health professionals dismiss the phenomenon as "deception, suggestibility (fantasy-proneness, hypnotizability, false memory syndrome), personality, sleep paralysis, psychopathology, psychodynamics [and] environmental factors". However, the late Prof. John E. Mack, a respected Harvard University psychiatrist, devoted a substantial amount of time to investigating such cases and eventually concluded that the only phenomenon in psychiatry that adequately explained the patients' symptoms in several of the most compelling cases was posttraumatic stress disorder.
The approval to get involved with a human is a tedious one. It involves not only the [1] individual human, who must approve the relationship in its entirety, but also that of the [2] human soul community. (Like in the physical world, the human community is a complicated affair, with groups within groups; all with different hierarchies and levels of control.) This is not done in the physical, but instead it is done in the quantum cloud where the soul dwells (Heaven).
The human soul community consists of humans with active physical bodies and those without physical bodies. Some people call this community “heaven”, but that is really a simplistic term for a complex quantum field. All humans possess souls, which is nothing less than the bulk of their being. These souls are not perceptible by physical human senses as they consist of higher order quanta that move about, dance and flitter in and out of time and space.
In the human soul community (Heaven) are individuals who manage the development and advancement of the quantum soul. It is an interesting subject, but beyond the scope here. For a reasonably accurate portrayal of this environment, please read the works by Doctor Newton “Journey of Souls”. Never the less, approval must be given by those whom manage the individual human soul. The grey extraterrestrials will not work with a human unless they have this approval.
Failure to obtain this approval will result in serious consequences for the Type-1 grey extraterrestrial race. They run the risk of a soul-level conflagration involving very powerful quantum-level creatures and entities of far greater ability and vibratory frequencies than humans. Their behavior is always kept in check by higher order entities. That is why they must ask permission before getting involved in the soul quanta of a separate race. No matter how advanced one race is, there will always be another race of greater abilities and powers.
Truth be told, the amount of soul experience obtained by an “abductee”, or someone who works inter-species in this fashion is greatly rewarding for the individual soul.
While it might appear to be painful and problematic, the experience greatly balloons the depth, breadth, density and scope of the quantum cloud that is often called the soul. In short, being an “abductee” is a great honor.
In fact, by simply being an “abductee”, the human soul prepares itself for rapid soul evolution to a reincarnation into something or some soul form beyond and above that of a human. (Of course, the exposure to other soul forms and aged interplanetary species, expands the experiences of a given soul. The expanded experiences expands upon the entangled quanta, and thus greatly and rapidly evolves the given soul.) This is much like the project that I was ultimately involved in.
Known recent history
This race has been very active on Earth. But historically, they have been doing so with autonomy. As far as we know, they never had treaties with humans until the first treaties with the Americans in the late 1940’s.
Prior to that time, activities and dealings that they had with humans were those of God to servant or subject. During these relationships, they mostly stayed aloof and apart, when they did make contact it was always from a position of control. This older relationship existed for many, many tens of thousands of years. No treaties were necessary, they commanded and we obeyed.
<redacted> records indicated that the type-1 extraterrestrials possibly had contact with the Nazi Germans in the early 1930’s. But this is not true. The Germans did have contact with an extraterrestrial race, but it was not this race. It was the <redacted> They are not similar at all, but from a cursory observation [57], one might make the (casual) mistake that they are identical.
[57] Made through dirty binoculars at a distance of three miles…
After World War II, when the Germans were defeated, the Americans seized the vast bulk of scientific development from the Germans during “Operation paperclip”[58].
[58] Operation Paperclip was the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) program used to recruit the scientists of Nazi Germany for employment by the United States in the aftermath of World War II. It was conducted by the Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency (JIOA), and in the context of the burgeoning Cold War. One purpose of Operation Paperclip was to deny German scientific expertise and knowledge to the Soviet Union and the United Kingdom, as well as inhibiting post-war Germany from redeveloping its military research capabilities.
Experiments using the seized German radar installations [59] resulted in the de-cloaking of the vehicles that this race flew. In addition, the radar interfered with the propulsion of these vehicles, and a number of these vehicles crashed and were seized by the United States Military. That is how the United States first made contact with this race. (More about this elsewhere.)
[59] The seized German radar equipment included GEMA, Darmstadt, and Einheit für Abfragung (DFA - Device for Detection) technologies.
Studies of the vehicles and subsequent attempts in (American initiated) communication resulted a number of treaties being signed. The first was in 1964 about the time of the New York World’s fair. This was about 15 years after the United States started to study the procured extraterrestrial technology.
This treaty [1] setup a route of communication between the two races, [2] enabled trade of technology, and [3] permitted them to study livestock and do biological research (not that they needed our permission, mind you, I think that it was more of a courtesy).
All of these activities were supposedly “harmless” activities. At this time the United States[4] agreed to work with the rest of the nations on the planet Earth to create a one world government that would control (not end) widespread global infighting between nations.
(IMPORTANT NOTE: The goal was NOT to create a one-world government. But, rather to limit the use of nuclear weapons between powerful nations.)
The extraterrestrial race representative [5] promised to allow the Earth to join a regional federation of races if we could do this.
Thus, the United States began a program of unity and manipulation to create an Earth that could be viewed as an active participant in this society. Leading individuals and influential sources of (political, economic, military and financial) power were contacted at this time.
They were told of the personal benefits that they (themselves) would enjoy if they went along with this strategy. (Humans in leadership positions tend to possess a “Service to Self” sentience.) They, for the most part (with notable exceptions), were (intentionally and explicitly) not told of any (direct) extraterrestrial link, however.
Thus, at this time, there was a great cultural push in the USA for a unified world. One of the most popular songs at this time was “It’s a small world”[60]. The United Nations, led by the United States, called for widespread decolonization and the creation of autonomous nations instead. This thus began the embryonic beginnings of the often maligned “New World Order”[61].
[60] It's a Small World (stylized as "it's a small world" by The Walt Disney Company) is a popular musical boat ride located in the Fantasyland area at each of the Walt Disney Parks and Resorts worldwide: Disneyland Park in California, the Magic Kingdom (in Florida), Tokyo Disneyland, Disneyland Paris, Hong Kong Disneyland, and Shanghai Disneyland Park.
The ride features over 300 brightly costumed audio-animatronic dolls in the style of children of the world, frolicking in a spirit of international unity and singing the attraction's title song, which has a theme of global peace. "Children of the World" was the working title of the attraction.
Its tentative soundtrack featured the national anthems of the countries represented throughout the ride all playing all at once, which resulted in a cacophonous noise. Walt showed a scale model of the attraction to his staff songwriters Robert B. Sherman and Richard M. Sherman, saying, "I need one song that can be easily translated into many languages and be played as a round." The Sherman Brothers then wrote "It's a small world (after all)" Which eventually became a global success.
[61] As a conspiracy theory, the term New World Order or NWO refers to the emergence of a totalitarian one-world government.
The common theme in conspiracy theories about a New World Order is that a secretive power elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world through an authoritarian world government—which replaces sovereign nation-states—and an all-encompassing propaganda that ideologizes its establishment as the culmination of history's progress.
Significant occurrences in politics and finance are speculated to be orchestrated by an unduly influential cabal operating through many front organizations.
Numerous historical and current events are seen as steps in an on-going plot to achieve world domination through secret political gatherings and decision-making processes.
This belief is often maligned as fictional by the monolithic American media, but the actions and activities are actually real and valid. The ultimate goal of the NWO is not as a totalitarian leadership, but rather as a global social democracy. However, the very nature of those who aspire to lead; “Service to Self” sentience nearly guarantees that the organization will eventually evolve into a harsh totalitarian government. The Type-1 greys would prefer this to occur, while the <redacted> strive for a more peaceful social democratic order.
The treaties made between the United States and this extraterrestrial race were explicit in that only existing underground extraterrestrial installations on the Earth are considered to be the only sovereign areas under the treaty.
They, in turn, expressed a strong desire to limit the (public[62]) American exploration of the moon.[63]
[62] Americans are permitted to have space habitats and vehicles on other planets, but only as long as the grey extraterrestrials are involved. This often times requires a physical presence. Due to the secrecy of MAJestic, no American can know about these space exploratory efforts because in doing so they would expose the Type-1 grey extraterrestrial presence as well as the MAJestic organization.
[63] We do not know why they wanted to limit exploration of the moon. However, I speculate that they wanted to limit the advancement of our manned space sciences. They do not want humans to explore the solar system, or space, unless we do so under their terms. That is the only way that I can reconcile the fact that they are providing us with advanced technologies, but limiting our human explorative activities. I personally believe that part of the reasoning behind these limitations involve the presence of extremely large extraterrestrial cities on the moon, as well as the belief that humans are property of the Type-1 grey extraterrestrials.
In the early 1970’s, in response to their requests, the (public exploration of the moon by the) Apollo Moon exploration program [64] was terminated.
[64] The Apollo program, also known as Project Apollo, was the third human spaceflight program carried out by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the United States' civilian space agency, and the program was responsible for the landing of the first humans on Earth's Moon in 1969.
First conceived during the Presidency of Dwight D. Eisenhower as a three-man spacecraft to follow the one-man Project Mercury which put the first Americans in space, Apollo was later dedicated to President John F. Kennedy's national goal of "landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to the Earth" by the end of the 1960s, which he proposed in a May 25, 1961, address to Congress. Project Mercury was followed by the two-man Project Gemini (1962–66). The first manned flight of Apollo was in 1968.
This was a surprise, as the entire program was in process and all the vehicles were fabricated and ready for launch. The equipment was all in place, and the astronauts were all trained and ready to go. The cancellation of the program was a most mysterious one, as it would have been far cheaper to simply let the program expire with no new programs, instead of scrapping those rockets already completed. In fact, the most ambitious aspects of the program were canceled. And thus, all subsequent manned space exploration ended or was limited to near Earth orbits and regions[65].
[65] This is all APPARENT manned space exploration. Since the advent of the treaties between the United States and the Type-1 grey extraterrestrials; apparently the technology development took on a new direction.
First a public display for the purposes of population control and propaganda was maintained. This meant that NASA retained control of United States space exploration abilities, and it was here that provided the public illusion of the efforts that the United States was involved in. But the true and actual space exploration and technological development became hidden.
It was, and still is, substantially larger in scope and budget than NASA is. This program is active in space exploration in our solar system, but it must be kept secret because it requires “holding hand” monitoring by the Type-1 grey extraterrestrials. After all, I was <redacted>. Space exploration has continued in secret. There are MAJestic manned facilities on both the moon and on Mars as far as I know. I do not think that there are bases or facilities anywhere else in the system at this time.
However, actual space exploration by the United States did not cease. Instead it became restructured and went “deep black” budget. The military-industrial complex through MAJestic took over and space exploration continued in secrecy. This was facilitated by the Type-1 greys.
For we actually are; we are a sentience that is being incubated within a nursery for evolving intelligences in our solar system. They must control our learning development and prevent us from harming our environment or developing non-approved soul configurations of sentience’s. Because physical contact with new ideas and species renders absolute effects on a given species, the interaction between species must be completely, vigorously, and rigorously controlled.
Large scale transfer of extraterrestrial technology began upon the termination of the Apollo Program. Systems that were in place to collect, gather, sort, and study captured and obtained technology were expanded during the early 1970’s. A number of gray extraterrestrial entities actually (physically) worked alongside American scientists in secure locations in California, Nevada, New Mexico and Ohio.
This is true. They actually worked in the physical form inside secure American military installations. As such they maintained their own quarters, facilities and abodes. These facilities were constructed in specially fabricated deep underground chambers with extensive security measures put in place.
Such as my training at China Lake.
A great push toward utilizing their extraterrestrial technology occurred during the mid-1970’s and that resulted in an enormous increase in black-budget funding. One of the primary architects of this funding impetus was President Jimmy Carter.
Though, it is not clear if he was aware of the extraterrestrial connections involved. (Typically, and for reasons that are not clear to me, Democrats tend to be kept “out of the loop” in regards to MAJestic operations. Perhaps it is because the MAJestic organization is an organization that was spawned from a military background, and Democrats are politically opposed to all elements of the American military-Industrial complex. But that is only my opinion, and not verified in any way as the truth.)
Maybe that is changing with all the neocons that seem to be embracing the progressive liberals today in 2019. Ah... they are all fools. They seem to think that wars are always far-off affairs using guns. They seem to forget that smallpox can become very personal and very deadly very quickly.
Subsequent treaties occurred under President Reagan in the 1980s. As part of these treaties, the United States has agreed not to interfere with any alien operational plans in their trade for technology[66]. Since then, there have been a number of agreements and treaties signed with other races as well.
[66] These technology trades include and involve extraterrestrial supervised manned excursions outside of the near-earth orbit by Americans in the MAJestic program. This includes not only the <redacted>, but a number of facilities <redacted>.
“ I gotta tell you, it’s a little disappointing. People always ask me about Roswell and the aliens and UFOs, and it turns out the stuff going on that’s top secret isn’t nearly as exciting as you expect. In this day and age, it’s not as top secret as you’d think…”
-President Obama in an interview with GQ magazine .
There have been moments of disagreement between the United States and various extraterrestrial races. There were hostilities in May of 1975, and again in the early to middle 1980s. Indeed, there was a particularly bad period of hostilities during the middle 1980s . I do not know too much about any of it. I do know that it all was eventually resolved and all incidents forgiven (by all involved) as misunderstandings.
According to Robert Lazar, an underground facility below Groom Lake was the sight of an intense fire-fight between Grays and U.S. Military personnel. He said that this occurred after a human Security officer had challenged an alien dictate not to enter a certain alien-controlled area with a loaded weapon, and was subsequently killed as a result of his challenge.
This 'war' was actually a 'massacre' according to Michael Wolf. He claimed that the first outbreak of violence occurred in 1975. It occurred during a demonstration of an anti-matter reactor within an underground chamber. The Greys operating the demonstration ordered the human security officers to remove the bullets from their weapons.
Thomas Castello claims that another battle occurred below Dulce four years later in 1979, after several scientists who had discovered a “horrible truth”.
These are all sources of dubious claims. I know NOTHING at all about the battles and fights. They had nothing to do with me, though I “heard” tangential evidence of various events outside my range of control. This is all from secondary sources. They should be considered with some skepticism as when this species "tells you" to do something, you obey without question. There is no will power involved to question them or their requests.
I caution everyone reading or studying this event not to color what they read with their own philosophies and experiences. There are those whom claim that the hostilities began at a military facility on the Earth, while others claim that it was the result of other events. I really do not know much about these events.
I have never seen or been to the New Mexico facility that is often considered to be central to the conflict. But in general, the reader must understand the most significant of understandings in extraterrestrial – human interactions; War and fighting between races should not be equated with human to human conflict. They are not equivalent.
From the point of view of the Type-1 grays, the physical body is only a very dense container. The destruction of the container appears to be an apparent death, but the soul persists. They were never concerned about the death of their colleagues, but rather interruptive behavior in their activities. (Since they are a hive/matrix soul structure, the death or obliteration of a single container is meaningless to the hive collective.)
Once treaties were put in place to prevent future altercations, normal relations continued. I can positively affirm that this is the case.
Cattle Mutations
"The U.S. government has no evidence that any life exists outside our planet, or that an extraterrestrial presence has contacted or engaged any member of the human race, In addition, there is no credible information to suggest that any evidence is being hidden from the public's eye."
-Phil Larson of the White House Office of Science & Technology Policy wrote in a statement (Nov. 4, 2011). During the Obama administration.
This extraterrestrial race is interested in the general health of our planet and the solar system. They view us as dangerous in our ignorance of how the universe works. Thus, they monitor the earth and the biosphere that we interact in. Therefore, it is perfectly reasonable to expect them to take biological samples, from time to time, as they conduct their monitoring efforts.
There is a degree of carelessness in the discarding of livestock which have been sampled.
Some people state that the phenomena concerning the mutation of livestock is due to this race conducting (unsanctioned[67]) experiments or evaluations on Earth. I know nothing about any alleged experimentation[68].
[67] Unsanctioned by the local human government where the “experiments” have taken place.
[68] There is evidence that some of the cattle mutations are hoaxes and disinformation efforts by United States personnel for various reasons. But the Type-I grey extraterrestrials do absolutely conduct periodic biological biopsies on cattle and other kinds of livestock. They are interested in certain areas and regions and conduct specific types of tests in doing so.
Tractor Beam technology is often used in Cattle Abductions.
However, I do know that the United States has given them great latitude to monitor[69] the biosphere of this planet (in areas that are under the control of the American nation or aligned nations).
[69] According to treaty, they are permitted to gather biological samples, observe, and record their findings. They are not permitted to harm or hurt any humans in the process. They are specifically limited in the number and frequency in their collection efforts. And they did agree to it.
Many of the cow abductions are not done by the Type-1 grey extraterrestrials but rather done by others, typically rogue military who conduct hoaxes for the humor derived from it.
I do know that they are concerned about the health of our planet[70].
[70] Aside from their general concern related to raising the level of consciousness of the human race, they have a vested interest in maintaining the usability of this planet for subsequent races in the future.
They do not consider the Earth to belong to mankind at all.
Instead they view this as a kind of kindergarten for the growth and cultivation of mammalian intelligences. One the humans evolve, whether through extinction or through attrition, the world must be ready for other intelligences to utilize it.
I also know that they have a responsibility towards making the biosphere healthy. They also have a vested interest in the preservation of the Earth habitat. It might be alien to their core biological processes, but human intervention as a result of pollution and nuclear debris are certainly undesirable outcomes.
I also know that various hoaxers and government employees, whether independent or though direction, have also created fabricated cattle abduction events. I don’t know why they would do such a thing.
It is a true waste to destroy cattle in this manner. Certainly from the point of view of a steak lover, the loss of 1500 pounds of steak a pop just for the creation of the illusion of UFO cattle abductions is a true shame. I do not care if the person is a general or a private; this kind of abuse is a travesty. I speak with the wisdom of a true and real steak lover.
If our extraterrestrial partners are involved in this cattle mutation, or abduction activity, I do not know anything specific[71] about it.
[71] <redacted> confirms that certain <redacted> were used as observers during these collection events. I can confirm that. I can also confirm that biological samples were obtained; both from animal and human subjects. I can further confirm that the MAJestic organization is aware of this collection process and permits it to continue.
It is my firm belief that in all cases, the biological samples obtained from both the humans and the animal specimens were collected in a humane manner; sparing the person or animal any pain or anguish.
The base library had nothing of substance in this area. As far as the documents on the base were concerned, no information regarding these accusations were present[72]. The race is involved in monitoring the Earth environment, and collecting biological samples. How they did this was not discussed[73].
[72] Though other MAJestic members were actually involved in some of these collection efforts somewhat. This information, collected through <redacted>, has enabled me to acquire a limited amount of information regarding this situation.
[73] The collection of biological samples and cow and livestock abductions are not at all incompatible. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that these two separate events are connected in some way.
I also know that some <redacted> were also utilized for this biological sample collection effort. To this end, their presence was sanctioned by the United States Government.
This was for purposes to monitor the actions of the Type-1 greys by human operators via <redacted>. Apparently there were reports of irregularities in the collection process, and it was felt that the entire process should be monitored by representatives of the United States government.
Initially these observers were humans, but they soon were replaced by <redacted>. Indeed, some of my colleagues were involved in this activity. Thus they rode alongside the type-1 gray extraterrestrials to monitor their activities in behest of the American government.
Thus, the regulation of this collection process is maintained by MAJestic. To this end, both humans in MAJestic and <redacted> monitor the biological collection missions.
Bob Lazar
Bob Lazar is also a former member of MAJestic. I never worked with him, and my experiences are entirely different than his. However he has made some interesting statements. Like myself he has also read documentation on this species, though unlike me, he has never met them face to face. Thus he parrots the “official” information regarding this species.
According to Bob Lazar, the Government documents he reviewed stated that the aliens or Extraterrestrial Biological Entities (EBEs) were three to four feet tall and weigh twenty-five to fifty pounds. Their bodies vaguely resemble a human toddler’s torso if emaciated from hunger. They have grayish skin and large heads with almond shaped wrap-around eyes. They have very slight nose, mouth, and ear positions and are hairless. Bob Lazar was not able to give any detail from the lower abdomen down, and to date, any other information corroborating this description only refers to the EBE’s head.
To me, this all sounds very close to the description of the type-1 grey extraterrestrials.
Final Notes and Comment
I must apologize for all the redactions. There are some things that I cannot elaborate upon. At least not at this time, and while I have provided a very generous amount of data, none of it is officially sanctioned from the human side of MAJestic as far as I know. I am just presenting what I am permitted to present, as I understand it to be. In cases of doubt or confusion I erred on the side of secrecy.
The Type-1 extraterrestrials did not work in isolation. There were events and procedures that required the assistance of other species and relationships. I redacted everything regarding these other events, and I apologize for any confusion that might result from that decision.
I have placed herein as much as I know about the very first extraterrestrials that I encountered. I placed it herein alongside with my understanding as part of my entanglement (as that was my ultimate role). There are many holes and mysteries here, as I do not have all the answers.
While I have referred to secondary sources as questionable source, the reader must recognize that I too might be wrong in certain things that I believe most strongly in. After all, there are people who actually believe in “global warming”, I could just as easily be blinded by my own ignorance as well. It is up to the reader to decide.
MAJestic Related Posts – Training
These are posts and articles that revolve around how I was recruited for MAJestic and my training. Also discussed is the nature of secret programs. I really do not know why the organization was kept so secret. It really wasn’t because of any kind of military concern, and the technologies were way too involved for any kind of information transfer. The only conclusion that I can come to is that we were obligated to maintain secrecy at the behalf of our extraterrestrial benefactors.
MAJestic Related Posts – Training
These are posts and articles that revolve around how I was recruited for MAJestic and my training. Also discussed is the nature of secret programs. I really do not know why the organization was kept so secret. It really wasn’t because of any kind of military concern, and the technologies were way too involved for any kind of information transfer. The only conclusion that I can come to is that we were obligated to maintain secrecy at the behalf of our extraterrestrial benefactors.
MAJestic Related Posts – Our Universe
These particular posts are concerned about the universe that we are all part of. Being entangled as I was, and involved in the crazy things that I was, I was given some insight. This insight wasn’t anything super special. Rather it offered me perception along with advantage. Here, I try to impart some of that knowledge through discussion.
MAJestic Related Posts – World-Line Travel
These posts are related to “reality slides”. Other more common terms are “world-line travel”, or the MWI. What people fail to grasp is that when a person has the ability to slide into a different reality (pass into a different world-line), they are able to “touch” Heaven to some extent. Here are posts that cover this topic.
John Titor Related Posts
Another person, collectively known by the identity of “John Titor” claimed to utilize world-line (MWI egress) travel to collect artifacts from the past. He is an interesting subject to discuss. Here we have multiple posts in this regard.
These particular posts are concerned about the universe that we are all part of. Being entangled as I was, and involved in the crazy things that I was, I was given some insight. This insight wasn’t anything super special. Rather it offered me perception along with advantage. Here, I try to impart some of that knowledge through discussion.
MAJestic Related Posts – World-Line Travel
These posts are related to “reality slides”. Other more common terms are “world-line travel”, or the MWI. What people fail to grasp is that when a person has the ability to slide into a different reality (pass into a different world-line), they are able to “touch” Heaven to some extent. Here are posts that cover this topic.
John Titor Related Posts
Another person, collectively known by the identity of “John Titor” claimed to utilize world-line (MWI egress) travel to collect artifacts from the past. He is an interesting subject to discuss. Here we have multiple posts in this regard.