We are just a group of retired spooks that discuss things that you’ll not find anywhere else. It makes us unique. Take a look around. Learn a thing or two.
Many drive-by visitors to Metallicman often raise their noses and proclaim “I’ve seen it all before”, and then leave. They don’t stick around and really study what is being presents. They just assume that it’s just another ‘same old”, “same old”, and thus not worthy of their time.
A lesser person might be upset.
But I know, and most long time MM readers know, that this is all an illusion.
The people who come and stay are here for the content, and the juicy nuggets of gold that you won’t find anywhere else.
Arthur Schopenhauer famously observed that talent hits a target that no one else can hit, but genius hits a target that no one else can see.
We now know that, through the Dunning-Kruger effect, each of us is limited by cognition: anything more complex than our minds can grasp appears as ludicrous bizarre gibberish to us.
Let. That. Sink. In.
Can you fly a “Frisbee”? If not, then why?
Knowledge and skills are learned. And that includes the ability to reason, to plan, and to sort things out.
This creates a framework of genius as that which notices the obvious but ignored. As explained in the biography of a famous gun designer, high cognitive ability seems mystifying until the results are seen:
It is often said in the industry that small arms now are designed by committee. But the design process will always need that one unique person, the imaginative individual with a new way of looking at a problem.
Eugene Stoner was the man with the ideas who passed them on to the design committees. According to a long-time friend and colleague, Stoner was “the master of the obvious”. “When he came up with an idea you would ask yourself, ‘Why didn’t I think of that?’ But you didn’t.”
Most people cannot see genius.
To them, it appears as an oddity, something incomprehensible, and when it succeeds, they hate it. The last three centuries in the West have been a rebellion against genius, replacing it with inferior substitutes like navel-gazing novels, pop culture, and modern art.
Face it.
People who have genius capability are shunned and thwarted in society.
Yet, early on, Western Civilization succeeded because it embraced genius. Under the kings, those of great potential were subsidized so that all could enjoy their insights.
Not so today.
Under democracy, they are treated with suspicion and thrust into the workforce, where they often flounder. Individual genius is a fast train ticket to oblivion and poverty.
If we are to rise again, much of our focus must be on finding good people instead of trying to regulate mediocre people with complex systems in the Asiatic model. In the meantime, it helps to recognize that genius is most commonly unrecognized except by those on its level.
The Dunning-Kruger effect
The Dunning–Kruger effect is a hypothetical cognitive bias stating that people with low ability at a task overestimate their ability. As described by social psychologists David Dunning and Justin Kruger, the bias results from an internal illusion in people of low ability and from an external misperception in people of high ability; that is, "the miscalibration of the incompetent stems from an error about the self, whereas the miscalibration of the highly competent stems from an error about others". It is related to the cognitive bias of illusory superiority and comes from people's inability to recognize their lack of ability. Without the self-awareness of metacognition, peoplecannot objectively evaluate their level of competence.
It explains, among other things, how in a society that places too much value on image, idiots and insane people are able to get ahead by overestimating their value and getting fools to agree with them.
The essence of the Dunning-Kruger effect is that “ignorance more frequently begets confidence than knowledge.”
Studies have shown that the most incompetent individuals are the ones that are most convinced of their competence.
At work this translates into lots of incompetent people who think they are superstars.
And what is worse is that if you have a manager that doesn’t closely supervise work, he or she may judge performance based on outward appearances using information like the confidence with which these incompetent blockheads speak.
An important corollary of this effect is that the most competent people often underestimate their competence.
This is a result of how you frame knowledge.
The more you know, the more you focus on what you don’t know. For instance, people who can name 15 of the 50 state capitals tend to think “I know 15.” People who know 45 of the 50 state capitals tend to think “I don’t know 5.”1
Fail to recognize the extremity of their inadequacy,
If they can be trained to substantially improve their own skill level, these individuals can recognize and acknowledge their own previous lack of skill.
Translation: Without leadership at the top of the curve who is willing to call people on their incompetence, the incompetents will appear competent to other incompetents and be advanced, possibly even to the presidency.
This causes a mathematical problem for democracies since most people are not particularly competent at leadership, government or logical argument, meaning they are both unable to assess the best leadership choices and sure that they’re right.
It’s essentially similar to the Downing effect:
One of the main effects of illusory superiority in IQ is the Downing effect. This describes the tendency of people with a below average IQ to overestimate their IQ, and of people with an above average IQ to underestimate their IQ.
The propensity to predictably misjudge one’s own IQ was first noted by C. L. Downing who conducted the first cross-cultural studies on perceived ‘intelligence’.
His studies also evidenced that the ability to accurately estimate others’ IQ was proportional to one’s own IQ. This means that the lower the IQ of an individual, the less capable they are of appreciating and accurately appraising others’ IQ. Therefore individuals with a lower IQ are more likely to rate themselves as having a higher IQ than those around them. Conversely, people with a higher IQ, while better at appraising others’ IQ overall, are still likely to rate people of similar IQ as themselves as having higher IQs.
The disparity between actual IQ and perceived IQ has also been noted between genders by British psychologist Adrian Furnham, in whose work there was a suggestion that, on average, men are more likely to overestimate their intelligence by 5 points, while women are more likely to underestimate their IQ by a similar margin.2
That tendency could go a long way toward explaining why many successful societies have relied on strong leaders who had no problem beating down the incompetent with force.
Unless suppressed, the 90% of humanity who per the “Bell Curve” are unskilled and unaware of it will take over and, being incompetent, run society into the ground.
In addition, while people can be taught specific tasks, they cannot be taught to reason in general; education does not raise IQ and in the process of trying, becomes dumbed-down to the point where no one intelligent will get any benefit from it, which discriminates against the intelligent.
The conclusion is obvious.
When you combine the Bell Curve, the Dunning-Kruger and Downing effects, and the natural tendency of human beings to compromise, you have a working explanation why human societies inevitably begin the pursuit of a “race to the bottom” once they become powerful enough to stop losing so many people to natural events, disease and war.
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
This post we will look at the general considerations for the design of the egress portal itself.
This is part of the DIY series in making your very own dimensional portal. The geometry of the egress station will stay the same regardless of how you use this dimensional portal. Whether it is intended as a “time machine”, a mechanism to traverse the “what if” worlds, or just something you want to use to improve your physical appearance, the geometry will not change.
Dimensional portal showing magnetic field generator, and the “air gap” that the traveler must pass through to use the mechanism. This post discusses the geometry of this “air gap”.
Basic Introduction
Note that this is an article that is part of a long series of posts on DIY construction of a dimensional portal.
This technology will permit a person to move anywhere in the universe geographically, move through time, and more in and out of different world-lines.
This page is part of a collection of my writings on how to make a home-made dimensional portal that actually works. This portal is a “poor man’s” version of the MAJestic dimensional portal that was present in NAS NASC Pensacola Florida back in 1981.
This particular post covers the geometry of the portal itself’ the “air gap” or region that that traveled must walk through in order to travel the various world-lines.
Teleportation is a proven fact, and is well understood in the quantum physics world. It has been demonstrated continuously and repeatedly in the laboratory as well.
Though public demonstration of large objects is not available and considered "far fetched", the fact is this is a mature technology.
This technology has been in possession of the United States Navy's ONI (Office of Naval Intelligence) branch of high technology MAJestic branch, of which I was a part of.
Overall, this post is part of a much larger series of posts. All of which describe a rather comprehensive DIY project. Within it is everything that you need to construct your very own dimensional portal. The big missing gap is the mapping of the dimensional coordinates. Because unless you are able to lay out a destination coordinate, you will have little use for this mechanism.
The equations tend to be a tad esoteric, but it’s nothing too difficult as long as you know some basic mathematics. Just follow the narrative and the instructions and you will be just fine.
This is part 10. The calculations and equations related to the actual portal geometry.
You are here.
I always like it when you are lost in a big museum, hospital or factory, and you come up to a big sign on the wall; a map really, that says “You are here.”. It helps you figure out where you are relative to the over all scheme of things.
You are here.
Let’s see where this post fits into the big scheme of things.
Essentially, the idea is quite simple, really. [1] You generate a massive, simply massive; “big honker” electromagnet. In it is [2] this “air gap” or a gap large enough for a person to walk though. [3] The magnetic field generated in the electromagnet is enormous. It is [4] strong enough to “erase” or “obscure” your current “coordinates” associated with this world-line and your life. Then, [5] new coordinates are over-laid over your body, [6] using frequency generation techniques, and [7] when the magnetic field collapses you “snap” right to the new reality or dimensions that you have imprinted.
It’s rather simple. The issues are in the implementation of the various steps.
You need to [8] measure the frequencies of location with extreme precision. You need [9] to be able to functionally understand how to change them to take you where ever you want to go. You need [10] to pulse the electromagnet into sine wave configuration, and [11] you need to have the traveler become brainwave neutral during the egress operation.
I’ve covered those steps elsewhere.
Here we will concentrate on the geometry of the “air gap” that the person (traveler) will walk into. It is section #2, above and highlighted in BOLD.
With this in mind, let’s crack open our electromagnetic handbooks and review just how a magnet works and how we can apply that knowledge to our particular application.
The design of magnets and electromagnets is a mature technology. I personally find it fascinating. As it is just a very interesting subject that I have taken a shine to. You can find all sorts of texts, websites, and papers written about this technology. And anything listed herein can be found elsewhere if you were so inclined to research elsewhere.
In this post, I am going to take this very interesting technology and break it down into a very simple format, so that anyone trying to (or who desires of) building their own dimensional portal can understand the issues involved.
Air Gap
This is the “interface” where the traveler enters the transport mechanism. It is an open area. It is a space, and since it contains air, it is known as a “air gap” as it is typically a gap within a large metal ring.
Air gap, is a non-magnetic part of a magnetic circuit.
It is usually connected magnetically in series with the rest of the circuit, so that a substantial part of the magnetic flux flows through the gap. Here’s a three dimensional diagram of an air gap in a magnetic circuit…
Depending on application, air gap may be filled with a non-magnetic material such as gas, water, vacuum, plastic, wood etc. and not necessarily just with air.3)4)
So we can say that if the device were enclosed within a pool of water, the person could swim though the gap and teleport to a new location. But why bother, right? We live and breathe and walk in air.
Flux Fringing
Due to increased reluctance of an air gap the flux spreads into the surrounding medium.
Think of water in a tube, as long as the tube keeps the water inside the tube, it flows forward without any loss or leakage. But the moment that you add a hole, or series of holes in the tube, you will have leaks. Water will squirt out, and as it does so, it will “take away” from the smooth flow of the rest of the water in the tube.
When you add an airgap to increase the reluctance of the core then it is almost as if you have decreased its permeability, and thereby lowered the inductance of a winding on it. Indeed, when you buy a core with a pre-fabricated gap then the manufacturer may specify what is called the effective permeability of the core, μ e.
-Air gapped magnetic cores
This spreading eventually causes an ‘effect” known as the “flux fringing effect.”
Flux fringing - a phenomenon in which the magnetic flux flowing in a magnetic core spreads out (or fringes out) into the surrounding medium, for example in the vicinity of an air gap.
-Fluxfringing [Encyclopedia of magnetics and electromagneti…
Flux fringing
The point behind this is that we need a gap for the traveler to walk through, but the mere presence of the gap will “take away” or detract from the energy, power and efficiency of the magnetic flux in that gap.
In order to quantify how much magnetic flux you will lose, you need to calculate it. This is done by observing the “eddy current loss”.
Eddy Current Loss
Flux Fringing is generally an unwanted phenomenon which usually increases proximity and eddy current loss in conductors located in the vicinity of the air gap. To simplify; the “flux fringing” phenomenon subtracts away from the strength of the magnetic flux inside the air gap.
Eddy Current Loss
A sectional view of the magnetic core is shown in the figure above. When the changing flux links with the core itself, it induces emf in the core which in turns sets up the circulating current called Eddy Current. And these current in return produces a loss called eddy current loss or (I2R) loss, where I is the value of the current and R is the resistance of the eddy current path.
The strength and the magnitude of the loss of magnetic flux is a function of the geometry of the air gap and the over-all magnitude of the flux itself.
Reducing the Eddy Current Loss
If the core is made up of solid iron of larger cross-sectional area, the magnitude of I (current) will be very large and hence losses will be high. To reduce the eddy current loss mainly there are two methods.
By reducing the magnitude of the eddy current.
The magnitude of the current can be reduced by splitting the solid core into thin sheets called laminations, in the plane parallel to the magnetic field. Each lamination is insulated from the other by a thin layer of coating of varnish or oxide film.
Instead of a solid metal core, if you make it out of thin lamination’s, you will be able to be able to control eddy current loss.
By laminating the core.
By laminating the core, the area of each section is reduced and hence the induced emf also reduces. As the area through which the current is passed is smaller, the resistance of eddy current path increases.
Diagram showing how laminated cores operate within an magnetic field environment.
Influence on B-H loop
The B-H loop of a magnetic circuit is affected by the presence of an air gap. This is an important characteristic of the environment inside of the air gap.
The B-H loop is produced by measuring the magnetic flux (B) of a ferromagnetic material when the applied magnetizing force is changed (H). A ferromagnetic material which has been never before magnetized or demagnetized ferromagnetic material will trail the dashed line (see the figure) as magnetizing force (H) is increased.
A B-H Loop in soft magnet.
Permeability of non-magnetic material is low (such as air) and therefore it requires greater values of to obtain the same value of as compared with magnetically soft materials (such as iron). Here is a more detailed image of a typical B-H Loop showing key features of it.
B-H loop
With the introduction of an air gap the B-H loop of a magnetic circuit gets “sheared” (slanted), hence the value of its slope proportional to the effective permeability is reduced.
Effective magnetic permeability (also apparent magnetic permeability1)), often denoted as μe, μeff or μa - a term used in analysis of magnetic performance of gapped cores. For a non-homogeneous core (e.g. gapped or composed of powder-like particles) this would be the value of magnetic permeability of a hypothetical homogeneous material which would exhibit the same permeability.
The amount of “shearing” is proportional to the length of the air gap – the larger the air gap the lower the slope. For our application, this air gap is quite large; it is the height of a human being.
For air core coil (no magnetic material present) the B-H characteristics become by definition the same as for the non-magnetic material encircled by the winding (e.g. air).
The influence of air gap on the shape of B-H loop for a cut core is shown below…
B-H loops (hysteresis loops) measured on a toroidal core, made from grain-oriented electrical steel grade M4. The core was cut and lapped. Blue curve shows the B-H loop with the lapped faces touching. Red curve shows data measured for the same core, with an air gap of 0.07 mm (plastic shim) introduced between the lapped faces. B-H loops measured at 1.7T, 50Hz. Power loss was 1.49 W/kg without air gap, and 1.45 W/kg with the air gap, so very little change comparing to great changes of the shape of the loop.
Changes of effective permeability and linearisation of the B-H loops caused by increasing the air gap …
A comparative graph showing the influence of increasing air gap in a magnetic core. The numbers denote the unitless ratio lg/lc, where: lg – length of gap and lc – length of core. Drawing based on: G.B. Finke, Gapped magnetic core structures, Magnetic Metals Corporation, {accessed 17 Jun 2013}.
Conversely, if no air gap is present then the slope becomes as steep as possible, and the B-H loop will represent the closest approximation of the characteristic of the magnetic material (for a given shape of the magnetic circuit). For our egress portal design, the B-H Loop is very, extremely slanted. It is nearly horizontal. And that does pose some design challenges.
The creation of a workable “air gap” can be achieved for instance by careful polishing or lapping of the flat faces, in order to reduce the surface roughness and the amount of space between the magnetic surfaces. 5)
Calculator of effective magnetic permeability from air gap
For a magnetic circuit with uniform cross-section the value of effective permeability μeff can be calculated if the lengths and permeabilities of both part of the circuit are known.
The equation is valid only for a simple magnetic circuit, made out of bulk material, for relative permeability if lcore >> lgap, and if µcore >> 1.
Gapped core with: total magnetic path length l (orange), length of core lcore (blue) and length of air gap(red)
I find this all very interesting. But you know, many people cannot visualize the differences between a small model and the actual real object. It’s like that scene from the Movie Hangover III. Where the one character looks at the model of an estate, and comments, (more or less)…
[to Phil and Stu]
Alan: You guys know what’s going on, right?
Phil: What do you mean?
Alan: Well…
[to Chow]
Alan: And please correct me if I’m wrong.
[pointing to the miniature villa]
Alan: We’re not breaking into this house, this house is too small. We’re breaking into another house. This is just a model, right, Chow?
Mr. Chow: What?
In short, if we use the simpler, most basic design for this electromagnet, then the magnet will have to be huge. You would take the picture of the above magnet, and scale it up. So the air gap which is perhaps 1/8 of an inch wide, would actually be six or seven feet tall.
Thus making the entire magnet building-sized.
Gapped and air-cored inductors
To understand other alternatives to this design and style of an electromagnet, we need to understand what options that we have. And, lucky for us, there are many. We can use the technologies involved in inductors to help us work out more “reasonable” solutions that won’t require us to get a building permit to create a five story tall electromagnet.
Now, fundamentally, the presence of the air-gap will change the ability of the electromagnet to work efficiently. From it’s initial conception through to utility, the entire system is fraught with inefficiencies. Never the less, use of it in our application is guaranteed to work provided that the magnetic flux is large enough.
Energy storing inductors
Air gaps are an integral part of gapped inductors.
An analogy of the movement of magnetic flux within an air-gapped inductor and that of an electrical circuit.
The gap reduces effective permeability of a given magnetic circuit and allows storing much greater energy before saturation is reached.
Effective magnetic permeability (also apparent magnetic permeability), often denoted as μe, μeff or μa - a term used in analysis of magnetic performance of gapped cores. For a non-homogeneous core (e.g. gapped or composed of powder-like particles) this would be the value of magnetic permeability of a hypothetical homogeneous material which would exhibit the same permeability.
Increasing the gap reduces the inductance, so the winding must have more turns to compensate accordingly.12)
The larger the air-gap, the more turns of wire that must be used in the electro-magnet.
For a given size of inductor the amount of stored energy versus applied air gap can be represented by a Hanna curve.13)
If operation with high currents is required then the air gap might be very large, so that the magnetic circuit is quite “open”.
For instance, a common design for electronic chokes is to place a winding on a magnetic rod. The magnetic field lines must close through the surrounding air (outside of the winding), so the length of the air gap is comparable with the length of the rod.14)
In some cases the currents are so high that it is very difficult or cost prohibitive to design the inductor with a magnetic core. In such case a so-called “air core” is used, where the windings are supported by a non-magnetic structure, and the whole magnetic circuit is effectively one big air gap.
The distribution of air gap can be also extended even further. There are magnetic materials, which are made from small particles (mostly based on powder iron, sendust or moly permalloy powder) bound together in such a way as to contain certain percentage of non-magnetic volume in them.
SendustSendust is a magnetic metal powder that was invented by Hakaru Masumoto at Tohoku Imperial University in Sendai, Japan, about 1936 as an alternative to permalloy in inductor applications for telephone networks. Sendust composition is typically 85% iron, 9% silicon and 6% aluminum. The powder is sintered into cores to manufacture inductors. Sendust cores have high magnetic permeability (up to 140 000), low loss, low coercivity (5 A/m) good temperature stability and saturation flux density up to 1 T.
Moly Permalloy. An alloy with exceptionally high magnetic permeability, very low coercive force, very low core losses, and low remnance by magnetic field annealing. The alloy finds application in magnetic shielding where fields much less than the Earth’s magnetic field are required. The highest volume applications using laminations or tape wound cores today are ground fault interrupter and modem transformer cores. The alloy is used as well in a variety of other high performance transformer core applications such as tape recorder heads and audio transformers. Control of the cooling rate during heat treatment and superimposition of various customer bake treatments are used to develop the most suitable magnetic quality for the application
The resultant effective permeability is much lower, but the air gap is uniformly distributed throughout the whole material.16) The fringing effect and leakage flux is greatly reduced, which is especially important for high-frequency applications.
If the idea of creating a building-sized electromagnet is not appealing, there are other ways of conducting and producing electromagnets. Such as this one. Large electromagnet with a 200 mm long air gap..
Large semi-industrial DC electromagnet, made by Magneto (and co-designed by Stan Zurek). The air gap allows exposing objects 20 x 20 x 20 cm to flux density 0.4 T and higher.
A common performance expected from an electromagnet is to generate magnetic field within a given volume of an air gap.
The purpose of an electromagnet is to generate a strong magnetic field within the air gap.
This could be done for a number of tasks, for instance:
to exert mechanical force on a designed part – this operation is similar to electromagnetic actuators
to exert mechanical force on inclusions or other elements suspended in non-magnetic matter – a principle used in magnetic separators42), recording of shapes on magnetic film43) and some medical applications (e.g. guiding particles inside of blood vessels)44)
to provide magnetic field required for material processing45)46)
And this is exactly what our use of this system is for.
Of the shelf designs for experimentation purposes.
Why go straight to the creation of large (building sized) electromagnets, when there are well made, smaller, units available? You can buy these smaller units, and run tests and experiments using them. You will be able to do everything that a big electromagnet can do, except send a human-sized object to another dimension.
Here is one such product…
DXSBV Double-Yoke Single-Tuning Adjustable Air Gap Electromagnet
Double-yoke electromagnet, whose magnetic pole pieces stay vertically to the ground, with downward magnetic pole piece to be fixed, topside magnetic pole piece and air gap to be adjustable, the magnetic field is vertical with the ground. The main feature is easy to place and remove the sample, which is suitable for repeated measurement, widely used in magnetic materials testing.
And here are some specifications for some of the models that this company produces…
The inspired DIY dimensional experimenter might be interested in following up with this at the company website HERE.
Energy stored in air gap
A magnetic circuit behaves like a “conductor” so that the magnetic field can be efficiently guided along desired path. If a high-permeability material is used then very little energy will be stored in the magnetic core. However, an air gap introduces a discontinuity and due to its low permeability stores significant amount of magnetic energy, as compared to the same volume of magnetic core.
This energy storing property is utilized, for instance, in energy storing inductors and flyback transformers, in which air gap in a pivotal design parameter. On the one hand, the air gap is used for storing the actual energy, but on the other it changes operating characteristics of the B-H curve and allows driving the inductor at higher currents hence higher magnetic field strength thus extending the range before magnetic saturation occurs.
For a simple magnetic circuit with a single air gap (see the first image at the top), for which the core is made out of high-permeability material such that , with the air gap itself and the flux density in the air gap being uniform, and if the flux fringing can be neglected, it can be derived that the stored energy is: 47)
This equation is our GOLD STANDARD from which to calculate the air gap dimensions.
Air Gap Dimensions
Here is what I would suggest to use as the volume and the dimensions for the air gap.
Air gap Dimensions.
Flux fringing
Flux fringing (red arc) around an air gap in magnetic core
An FEM simulation of a gapped inductor. The field lines show the magnetic flux. In the air gap the green trajectory (between the poles) is the desired path for flux, but the red one shows fringing flux.
Flux fringing is caused by the fact that the reluctance of the concentrated air gap is much greater than that of the core. The flux tries to spread as wide as possible in order to minimise the drop of magnetomotive force across the air gap. As a result of flux fringing the total reluctance of the circuit is somewhat lower. This has several major effects.
In energy-storing inductors the inductance is related to the reluctance of the air gap. The fringing lowers the overall reluctance, so that the resulting inductance is somewhat higher. This needs to be taken into account so that the inductance value is appropriate for a given design. There are various empirical equations suggested in literature for calculating the correction of this effect.
For instance McLyman suggest the following “flux fringing factor” ():48)
where: F – factor by which the inductance is increased (unitless),lgap– length of the air gap (m),A – cross-section area of the core (m2), lwindow— length of the inside (in the window) of the core leg in which the gap is present (m).
Rectangular Cross Section
Another example is when the area of the air gap is scaled according to its length. For instance if the magnetic core cross-section is a rectangle the following calculation can be used: 49)
where: and are the lengths of each side of the rectangular cross-section of the magnetic core (m).
Hurley and Wölfle
Yet another approximating equation is given by Hurley and Wölfle50)
However, all such equations are only approximate, and usually work only under the assumption that the length of the air gap is much smaller than any of the dimensions of the core.
Additional Copper Loss
The second effect is additional copper loss due to the fact that fringing flux “bulges away” from the air gap. Usually most of the core window is occupied by windings and if they are exposed to fast-changing fringing flux (e.g. in flyback transformers) this causes additional eddy current losses in the windings.51)
Entry Angle
The third effect is that the fringing flux enters the core perpendicularly to the normal flow of magnetic field. In soft ferrites this is not a problem. But in laminated cores this flux does not travel along the laminations, but enters them perpendicularly to their surface, resulting in a large value of normal component, inducing elevated eddy currents and thus additional iron loss. A distributed air gap is employed in order to reduce this effect (see next section).
5) International standard, IEC 60404-3, Magnetic materials – Part 3: Methods of measurement of the magnetic properties of magnetic sheet and strip by means of a single sheet tester
25), 27) P. Marketos, T. Meydan, D. Snell, Performance of single-phase transformer cores assembled from consolidated stacks of electrical steels, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol. 254-255, 2003, p. 612-614
40) R.S. Ruffini, Jr., V.S. Nemkov, Magnetic Field Control and Concentration in Induction Heating coils, Heat Treating, Proceedings of the 16th ASM Heat Treating Society Conference & Exposition, 19-21 March 1996, Cincinatti, Ohio, US, p. 127
The first step in building this DIY teleportation / dimensional egress portal is to construct the electromagnet that will be used to erase the universal location frequencies of the traveler. Any strong and powerful enough magnetic field will do, but in this post we discuss using electomagnets with an enormous air gap to provide this ability.
Further, commercially available systems (of a much smaller scale) are available for purchase and use for experimentation purposes, and for purposes of obtaining location frequency data, and that associated with time, and location.
Do you want more?
I’d hope so. I have more posts in my DIY dimensional Portal Index here…
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
Please kindly help me out in this effort. There is a lot of effort that goes into this disclosure. I could use all the financial support that anyone could provide. Thank you very much.
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Why did you organize this blog the way you did. Why didn’t you just “get to the point”?
Well, I ask you, the reader to now put this manuscript down, and turn on the television. Watch CNN, or ABC, or MSNBC. Watch it for one hour. Are any of the subjects, situations, conclusions, information, or characteristics stated in this manuscript mentioned by the American news media?
No. None of them.
That one hour of television that you, the reader, watched is the sum-total of the “reality” of a vast bulk of the American population. My “reality” is quite different. So the only way it can be presented is in stages.
All of our life, we were taught in school what was truth and what was lies. We were taught what to believe, what to ignore, and what to disparage. These were important teachings for they enabled us (naturally square pegs) to fit in round holes.
Today, those of us who have not shaken free from our government-approved programming still demand total and complete explanations. We want full validity in order to accept the belief in something.
Can you prove to me that what you say is fact?
No I cannot.
All that I can do is relate what I know, and it is up to you the reader to accept or discard my experiences and conclusions. If you wish to think of this entire manuscript as a complete fabrication, go ahead.
I am on the way out. It won’t make any difference. All I can do is relate my experiences to the world-line “template”.
My grandfather once told me a story about how, when he was in France during World War I, that he went into a barn to sleep during the night. He slept in the hay and it was able to keep him and his companions warm. When he woke up the next day, he found three dead German soldiers lying nearby him. It’s a curious story. Is it true or false? I do not know, but I do believe him.
When I was in the Cub Scouts, I learned about Paul Bunyan. I heard (and read in our Cub Scout manual) that he had a big (blue) ox named Babe. Was it true, or fiction? I do not know, but I do believe that it is probably a local folktale that was based on true events, and that over the years became exaggerated. In Kokomo, Indiana is a famous attraction called the “stump and the steer”. That’s a pretty huge bull.
From this website; https://www.roadsideamerica.com/story/3620
“When Old Ben was Newborn Ben in 1902, he was the largest calf in the world and "an object of wonder," according to a sign in front of his stuffed carcass. He lived and grew, and grew, on a farm
about a dozen miles north of Kokomo. By the time he was four he already weighed over two tons.
Ben was the most famous animal in Indiana when he fell and broke his leg in early 1910. The doctor who was called to help Ben shot him. Ben weighed nearly 5,000 pounds, he was over 16 feet long, and "his tongue filled a dishpan," according to the back of an old Old Ben post card. His hide was stuffed and mounted on wheels for easy transport. His body was ground into several hundred pounds of Indiana frankfurters.
Old Ben's owners exhibited their dead prodigy for a few years, then either donated or sold him to Kokomo's Riverside Park. Ben went into semi-retirement, emerging periodically from storage to pose for publicity photos, particularly during World War II with 20-year-old bathing beauty Phyllis Hartzell, an image that circled the globe with American GIs.
It wasn't until 1989 that Old Ben again became a full-time public attraction, when he was placed inside a glass-enclosed pavilion next to the World's Largest Sycamore Stump, his wheels hidden by hay. In 2004 some morons broke in and stole Ben's tail. It was so long that three normal-size steer tails had to be stiched together to create a new one.
In 2015, on the day after Thanksgiving, the public was invited inside the pavilion for the first time to get up close to Ben, a tradition that we hope continues.
No one could ever explain why Old Ben was so large, but both he and the Stump are excellent ambassadors for the ecosystem of Kokomo, real versions of the fake giant vegetables and animals seen on vintage post cards. They grow 'em big here.”
When I was attending elementary school in the late 1960’s, the “green movement” was getting started, and sometime during my time in 7th grade (maybe 8th grade), we were educated on the importance in protecting the environment. We learned about how limited the materials were on the earth, and how it would be best to recycle. We learned about Global Cooling and how if we didn’t so something quickly, that the earth would enter a new ice age, maybe by 1975, certainly before 1980.
Global Cooling
All of us were organized into work teams, and we would go out on excursions cleaning up the nearby waterways and trees. We picked up litter on the sides of the road. I was even photographed for an article in the Butler Eagle where we cleaned up a local stream of trash. We were all involved in collecting funds to save the environment.
We went on door-to-door collections to raise money for the cause. Was Global Cooling true? On the other hand, was it a fiction? I do not know, however, given what I now know about life (being older), politics and organized manipulation, as well as multi-dimensional world-line travel, I do think it was a whole bunch of organized hooey designed to manipulate us into parting with our money.
Every day we had to listen to a lecture from our teacher how our environment was changing. Then after the lecture, our teacher would pull out his guitar and we would sing songs. And, yes. kumbaya was one of them. We would give our lunch money to the teacher "for the cause".
Butler Eagle
The Butler Eagle is a daily newspaper published in Butler, Pennsylvania, United States. It serves the Pittsburgh metropolitan county of Butler.
Global Cooling
Global cooling was a conjecture during the 1970s of imminent cooling of the Earth's surface and atmosphere culminating in a period of extensive glaciation. This hypothesis had support in the scientific community, and it gained immediate popular attention.
The official narrative is that the attention was due to a combination of a slight downward trend of temperatures from the 1940s to the early 1970s and press reports that did not accurately reflect the full scope of the scientific climate literature.
Today, the narrative (fully funded by the Obama administration) is one which shows a body of literature projecting future warming due to greenhouse gas emissions. However, this literature has been identified as intentionally-falsified data.
Global Cooling.
Believe what you want. Keep in mind that it’s YOUR reality.
The time for me to go about gathering proof due to the sloth of a given reader will take from my enjoyment of life. Why should I waste any time trying to prove something to the lazy and ignorant?
Hey! I’m not in elementary school. I do not have to prove anything to anyone. Certainly not some anonymous smuck hiding behind the anonymity of a computer screen
This is what I could (and will be doing) instead of collecting “proof” for people to consider. Take note everyone. Check it all out. The important things are all there… girls… drinking wine… singing… dancing… everything.
All that is missing is a dog and a cat or two. Listen up.
This is my life…
I can NEVER be able to provide enough “proof” to appease the nay-sayers. Instead, I have opted to explain to the reader what I was involved in before I die and it is all forgotten. That’s the thing. What I experienced really happened, and it should be recorded for posterity.
It was exceptional, it was outstanding and incredulous. I for one want to leave something behind so that what I experienced does not vaporize upon my death.
But, people being what they are, will not understand. They will demand “proofs” that will never be enough. So I explain as best I can with the tools at my disposal.
It’s sort of like this…
All that being said, it’s not that I am being a dick about things, it’s simply because I know how this world (and this universe) works. It’s controlled by thoughts.
Thoughts define our reality.
So, I could waste hours trying to convince someone about something, but in my mind it is all a waste of time. Instead my thoughts are directed at things of more importance… ME.
The life I have is not all that terribly unobtainable. You just buy a couple of cases of wine, and rent out a KTV room, and a big hotel room. Then you invite a bunch of pretty girls to sing, dance and play with you. That’s all there is to it. You get some extra robes from the hotel front desk for the girls to wear when they peel off their swimsuits. It’s not a difficult thing to do at all.
Then you all get drunk and sing. You dance. You get a little crazy, and the girls get a little frisky. You all have fun.
Everyone is different. But we are all surrounded by people who would just love to be our friends. So you make it easy for them. You smile. You be kind. You think good things, and say good things. You be a fun and cheery person to be around, and the sun will come out from behind the clouds and people will start to smile back at you.
In my case, for me, since there are so many K-Pop, and C-Pop dance studios around me, it’s easy for me to go next door and invite the gals out for some fun. It helps when I bring my dog. (He’s a real chick magnet.) Everyone likes free delicious food, wine and KTV fun.
What you think about materializes right before your very eyes.
People, when life (or the universe) gives you opportunities, you take them.
Our reality is created by our thoughts.
I am surrounded, by what ever reason (thoughts), by all these K-Pop and C-Pop dance and training centers. I cannot go out the door without meeting these girls whether it is in the hallway bathroom, near the stairs, near the elevators or any of the doors. So, you take advantage of it. You meet the people. You smile and talk.
That what our reality is all about.
Thus, this is what my reality is…
Not to mention that they don’t mind at all when I offer to take the entire troop out for food, drinks, song, dance, and swimming. We make an entire night of it. Then later, they often repay the favors many times over.
You could do that with your life right now. Everyone likes beer. Everyone likes wine. Everyone likes delicious food. By going out and making friends you will start to have an absolutely amazing life.
Do Not Squander It.
Obama the Time Traveler
There is a cult (numerous ones actually) where people (acting like sheep) follow charismatic people. These followers often attribute God-like powers to the object of their affection.
Was President Obama a time traveler, as some have alleged?
I do not know. I do know that the generational cycles are intact and very complex changes are taking place. How they will manifest is anyone’s guess. However, this cycle that we are in will probably last for another decade; well past 2025.
It will be “colorful”, and for many “difficult”, as there will be a segregation of sentience types and determination.
Being a Pig
I don’t get a lot of these kinds of posts, but when I do, it’s usually from a triggered SJW female who has (more than a few) things to tell me from behind the safety of anonymity of her computer.
Often enough, she doesn't know that I track all responses via ISP and tracking algorithms. So, I do know who or (more properly) "what" is bitching to me.
Always, no exceptions so far, it is a person who [1] hasn’t read anything other than a few paragraphs of a specific post, [2] hasn’t taken to the time to learn about me or why I write like I do, and thus [3] churns off an emotionally-laden e-mail fully expecting me to publish it.
I never do.
The e-mail generally goes something like this…
Why are you such a pig? (Often using the latest in feminist baffle gab instead of the word “pig”.) Why include the information about girls in China, and the sexual information about Thailand? It serves no purpose, it only makes you looks like a horrible person.
Now my response…
Life is different for different people. We all live our own different realities. In fact, we can create the realities that we want through thought and followed upon with action. This is true whether or not one wants to believe it.
Each reality that we participate in will offend others who have different thoughts and different subsequent realities.
Therefore, the reader should stop being so fucking judgmental.
Rather than judge others, lose some weight, take care of yourself, think good thoughts and surround yourself with things that matter. There is no need for me to censor my experiences to tend to the fragile sensibilities of the sheltered ignorant. That is their own job.
Enough about the complainers. Now, about me; I was a “good boy” and played by all the rules.
I never cheated on my wife. I did what was expected of me. I studied hard, and got the best grades. I supported a terribly sick wife (schizophrenia), and then when she left me for another man, I quit my job to take care of my dying mother. Then, I was retired. In the process, I lost everything and was punished by hard labor. When I was released I had nothing left physically.
About my first wife...
She met a man in the state run mental institution where she had to spend nine months. (She was sentenced there because she kept on breaking into people’s houses to rescue girls (that she believed were) locked in the basements there.
Fucking news media... getting everyone all hot and bothered.
Of course, there wasn’t anyone there, and the home owners did not appreciate her actions. So she was arrested and sentenced to nine months incarceration in a State mental health facility.
While there, she met a fellow with an illness similar to hers. She was instantly attracted to him. He was a dark swarthy heavily tattooed thin and lean man who was also sentenced to the institution. The reason was due to his very bad temper and habit of brutally assaulting his girlfriends.
He was everything that I am not. So, it was a like a magnet to steel for my wife.
It’s called “life”, and it hurts.
Life can take it’s toll on you. You can study, work hard, be the best that you can, and still have the rug pulled out from under you. There is nothing “fair” about life. It’s all about the experiences you have and the thoughts that are generated around those experiences.
So I was retired from MAJestic, and everyone else in the United States thinks that I am some kind of sexual deviant. Fuck.
All I had was my wits and a heart burning in righteous anger. So yeah, fast-forward to today. I am now much older.
I am retired.
As such, I can be a “man”, and live my life on my terms. That is, MY terms. Now, if I want to have sex with a 25 year old who happens to like me, what business is it to you? If I want to eat a triple bacon pizza and chase it down with XO with a pretty girl in each arm, my dog beside my leg and my cat on my head, so be it. I am going to do what I want, like a real man.
If you do not want to know my story, you can leave.
If you want to learn, then put a clothes-pin on your nose and plow on. You have to listen to an old man who doesn’t care about being politically correct, offending people, or enraging snowflake SJW types.
If there is one thing that I would like to say to these beta-males and alpha-females, it is this; “Get a Fucking Life”. The rest of the world is having fun. What’s stopping you?
What is holding you back?
Beautiful People in South America
I am an imperfect MAN.
I’m not groovy. I am not as popular as Yul Brynner. I’m not “hip” to all that jive, and “far out” stoned craziness youse kids so banter about all day. I am a man, and all men are imperfect. That’s what make us so absolutely wonderful.
Show me a woman who does not want to take an imperfect man, and make him perfect, and I will show you a chimera. They don’t exist.
Yul Brynner.
I am not some kind of feminist version of a “knight in shining armor”. I am not a “pajama boy”. I am a man who found a lifestyle and nitch that is suitable for my own personal sensibilities.
The modern American man today…
The archetype pajama-boy. he is the beta-male ideal and the lust interest of legions of insecure alpha-women who are ugly, overweight and who have enormous trashcan sized asses.
Grow the fuck up, get some gawd-damn balls and live your OWN fucking life.
"Pajama Boy" is a derisive term for a photograph posted online in 2013 by the American political organization Organizing for Action (OFA) of one of its employees, Ethan Krupp, in support of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as Obamacare.
BTW. How dare you call me a pig!
Feminist bafflegab.
Most American women that do so are lonely, overweight, poor skinned, social justice warriors whose only success in life is through a phalanx of like-minded lesbian fat ignoramuses. You are the one with a body that is more pig-like.
This is how a woman is supposed to look like…
How a woman is supposed to look like.
Don’t buy into my opinion? Take a good look at yourself in the mirror. Take your clothes off and actually look at yourself. Look. You, and your appearance is the DIRECT RESULT of your thoughts and your actions.
Are you alone? It is the direct result of your thoughts. Are you poor? It is the direct result of your thoughts. Are you trapped in a life beyond your control? It is the direct result of your thoughts.
EVERYTHING is a result of YOUR thoughts.
The gals who I am with are around me for other reasons not related to appearance. It serves their needs, so who are YOU to judge?
I am happy, and they are happy. We are all happy.
You, the funky opinionated observer, are the one that isn’t happy. Why is this? Are you trying to place your insecurities upon others to make you feel better? (Ouch!)
The truth hurts doesn’t it.
Beautiful Woman – China
It has been my intention to provide my story as it is with all of it’s blemishes and imperfections to the reader. Some, more sheltered and ignorant in the ways of the world, will be offended.
I accept that.
That is why we have laws preventing children from watching ‘R” rated movies, and from drinking under the age of 21.
Yet, some children never grow up. They keep and hold on to their illusions well into adult-hood. I realize that some will read this manuscript in the privacy of their parents basement as an excuse to hide from the life that surrounds them. You all shouldn’t do that. You should go out. Make friends. Have some fun. Even if others make fun of you.
Life is too short, soon you will be my age.
Don’t fuck it up.
Beautiful Woman – Russia
So to answer the question; “why am I a male chauvinist pig?”
Here is my answer.
Only a child would ask such a question. If you are an adult, and are still asking childish questions, you need to GROW UP! If you do not know why a man likes to look at pretty girls, then your mind is set at an infantile stage of development.
Most children learned about sex and began an interest in the opposite sex in middle school. If you believe that anything that you do not like is WRONG, then your behaviors are still fixed in pre-adolescence.
Grow the fuck up
A Woman – I think. Modern contemporaneous America.
It’s a fucking shame. That’s what it is. Truth.
Oxia Palus Map
Why don’t you include a map of the Oxia Palus facility?
I did. I created a map using MS Visio and then included it in the Oxia Palus facility post. It was not fully complete, but mapped out the primary layout that I recalled.
It was kept in my documents for years. However in 2017 I had a strong “nudge” to remove the map, as well as to delete a vast swatch of specific information regarding this facility.
One of the things about this, and I will go back and edit this blog, is that no one really NEEDS to see the exact details. It distracts from the message, don’t you know. SO I will start deleting some of the distractions that tend to just bring confusion to the table.
John Titor
Why did you include the John Titor story?
The John Titor story is a segway towards understanding my program and my role. Without it, the reader would have to make a jump directly into my training and operational assignments. It would have been too easy to get lost in the terminology and descriptions.
Indeed, do you, the reader, enjoy reading refrigerator operation manuals?
Here there be tygers.
Why do you include so many references to Ray Bradbury: Here There Be Tygers?
Mother Earth News said it best;
“Because this story — as entertaining as it may be on
the surface — is far, far more than a merely diverting and enjoyable tale. It is, in the truest sense, an allegory (allegory: a story in which people, things and happenings have another meaning, as in a fable or parable) . . .
and a multi-leveled allegory, at that.
Read this little piece carefully and — if you're ready for it — you'll begin to realize just what this beautiful planet (not "planet 7 of star system 84") is anxious to do for us if we'd only relax and let it . . .
and what the true possibilities of life really are . . .
and why man- and womankind seem so blindly intent on throwing themselves (and every other living creature) out of the Garden of Eden as rapidly and as violently as possible.”
Here’s the full text of this wonderful little story…
Purpose of the Type-I Greys
What is the purpose of the Grey species involvement with humans?
Their role is as “policemen” and “zookeepers”. They monitor our growth and report their findings to the <redacted>. As humans grow, and individual sentience is established, our species is culled.
Those that are of “service to others” sentience advances and are cultivated further by the <redacted>. Those that are “service to self” are also cultivated, but are policed and monitored by the Type-I greys.
Those that are not yet ready, continue to evolve in the purgatory that is Earth.
Purgatory = A place or state of temporary suffering or misery.
If you want to go to the start of this series of posts, then please click HERE.
MAJestic Related Posts – Training
These are
posts and articles that revolve around how I was recruited for MAJestic
and my training. Also discussed is the nature of secret programs. I
really do not know why the organization was kept so secret. It really
wasn’t because of any kind of military concern, and the technologies
were way too involved for any kind of information transfer. The only
conclusion that I can come to is that we were obligated to maintain
secrecy at the behalf of our extraterrestrial benefactors.
MAJestic Related Posts – Our Universe
particular posts are concerned about the universe that we are all part
of. Being entangled as I was, and involved in the crazy things that I
was, I was given some insight. This insight wasn’t anything super
special. Rather it offered me perception along with advantage. Here, I
try to impart some of that knowledge through discussion.
Influencer Questions
Here are posts
that have gathered a series of questions from various influencers. They
are interesting in many ways and could help all of us unravel the
mysteries of the lives that we live.
MAJestic Related Posts – World-Line Travel
These posts
are related to “reality slides”. Other more common terms are “world-line
travel”, or the MWI. What people fail to grasp is that when a person
has the ability to slide into a different reality (pass into a different
world-line), they are able to “touch” Heaven to some extent. Here are
posts that cover this topic.
John Titor Related Posts
person, collectively known by the identity of “John Titor” claimed to
utilize world-line (MWI egress) travel to collect artifacts from the
past. He is an interesting subject to discuss. Here we have multiple
posts in this regard.
They are;
Articles & Links
You’ll not
find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy
notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a
necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money
off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you
because I just don’t care to.
Here we discuss how our consciousness can alter the reality that surrounds us. So that if we want to live a “much improved” life, in whatever way we choose, we can manifest it. We do this, of course by world-line navigation. This, of course, is controlled by thought; our own personal thoughts.
The United States government can spend millions of dollars to take you from Chicago to Los Angles in a brand-new high-technology MACH 4 aircraft. Or, alternatively, you can walk instead.
This post describes using a number of techniques that anyone can use to manifest their "ideal" reality. Think of it as the opposite of going into a dimensional-transport portal. You go in from one reality, and you leave it in a completely different reality.
Here, the only difference is that this technique (so described) is much slower than any government device.
This post started innocently enough by an influencer who asked (in part)…
I was wondering if your “special skills” include a sense of what kinds of businesses might be hot in the next few years or what kind of products and market niches would be successful. I ask this because in the next few years I could early-retire and I always wanted a small manufacturing business or job-shop, getting back-to-my-roots kind of thing.
Which is a great question. Right?
I mean to say, if I have this ability (that I say I have), why can’t I use it to create a life for myself that is exceptional?
(Um… Who says that I haven’t?)
In The Matrix, Cypher and multiple other crew members of his ship, were awakened from an induced state of sleep to find out that the world that they were living in was a lie, and that the real world was a much more unpleasant and dangerous place. He longs for the time when he didn’t know the truth. Sometimes the truth is infinitely more painful, than living in a fantasy. Ignorance is bliss.
-Answers from Men
OK. Here’s the good and the bad news regarding this.
Firstly, the GOOD.
Yes. By understanding the way the universe works, the nature of consciousness, and the role thought has, you CAN pick and choose world-line destinations. If you wanted to be a Hollywood Director, like Cypher wanted in the movie “The Matrix”, you can actually create that reality.
In the movie “The Matrix”, a character named Cypher negotiates with the architects of the Matrix reality for a new life. He specified one with plenty of money, success, and women. He wanted to be like a famous Hollywood Director.
Sounds pretty cool huh?
So I am going to say it yet again. Yes, you can navigate your consciousness to the most crazy and elaborate world-line situations that you can think of. And yes, you can inhabit those realities exactly as you desire.
Others are doing so.
If you were to go back to 1986, and announce to the world that…
Bruce Jenner would become a girl.
Donald Trump would be President.
O.J. Simpson would go to prison.
Payphones would disappear.
All music would be free.
Plastic straws would be considered dangerous.
Everyone would think that you were crazy.
Take note. The strangest changes to your reality can actually. manifest. You can carve out the reality that you desire. You can specify it exactly and it can manifest exactly as you specify.
So, any of these unusual things can actually manifest in your new world-line reality;
You meet the girl of your dreams.
You become fantastically wealthy.
You become famous, important and admired.
You live in the house of your dreams, and drive a Ferrari.
Weather, climate, luck, and fortune smiles upon you.
You just need to manifest your desires… carefully.
You can manifest all sorts of dreams. However, wishing and yearning for enormous sums of money can bring about other things like the IRS and Banking Regulators. Instead of thinking about THINGS, concentrate on LIFESTYLE. For that is what you actually yearn for anyway.
It is like the British comedy titled “Absolutely Anything”. Where the main character can ask or wish for something and it manifests.
The only thing is, that it takes time to traverse the world-lines to manifest. Most people navigate the MWI at around 4Hz. They more outrageous the desire of intention, the more world-lines that your consciousness needs to pass through. Thus, the more time it will take to manifest.
But, of course, it will eventually manifest.
This is a scene from the movie Absolutely Anything that provides this girl “a big office with a great view”. LOL.
Now for the BAD
Navigation of World-line travel is not for the faint of heart.
We naturally, as a living being on this planet, conduct world-line travel. Every moment, of every day, roughly 244 times a minute we move in and out of new realities.
Most humans operate at around 4 Hz. That is the speed at which we process a given reality. This speed changes under all sorts of conditions.
We view this progression; this movement from one reality to another as an “arrow of time”.
The problem is that we don’t view it as anything but “the way the universe is”. We wrongly and incorrectly view it as beyond our control. We think that time is fixed and immutable. As such we use it, as a clock, for all purposes related to physics and dynamics.
So, everyone naturally conducts world-line travel.
However, they do so without navigation. They do so without planning, a map or any sort of objective. They just wonder about, and let the surrounding reality affect their thoughts. They let their thoughts be their own thoughts, totally and completely oblivious to the fact that the thoughts are HOW you navigate to new realities.
But, take special note, everything outside our consciousness is not fixed. Is is all subject to change. The ONLY thing that is fixed is our consciousness.
Consciousness is a part of our soul. It occupies different realities at will. The realities that it chooses to occupy is a function of the thoughts that it generates, as well as the thoughts that are surrounding it.
Now, here is the kicker.
To obtain the reality that we want to inhabit (whatever that might be). We need to map out a plan to get there. We need to navigate our consciousness in and out of adjacent realities so that eventually we will arrive at our ultimate destination(s).
Thus, to be able to do this, we need to control two (2x) things…
A map, plan, or schedule of where we want to go.
Mastery of our thoughts.
[1] Planning – A Map
The first thing we need to talk about and address is planning.
The influencer, who started this entire dialog, simply wanted some guidance on local market forces in the near future. In the Matrix, Cypher simply wanted to be reinserted in a completely new reality. Yet, both of these changes can be manifested using the same techniques.
Let’s talk about this.
I don't want to remember nothing. Nothing. You understand? [pause] And I want to be rich. You know, someone important, like an actor.
We will use the Cypher character from the movie “The Matrix” to illustrate. In the movie, he had a general idea of what he wanted. He had a target that they wanted. He wanted to be rich, and successful. He wanted to be respected, have a lot of fun, and not need to worry about too much. He wanted the life of a Hollywood director. He wanted the wealth, prestige, and the casting couch. That was his goal.
But… how to arrive there?
In the movie, he had a steak dinner with an agent of the reality. (A Mr. Smith.) He negotiated with them. He promised to take some action, and in reward, we would be given a new life within a new reality.
Cypher is negotiating with Mr. Smith to give him a new life and a new reality within the Matrix in exchange for certain favors. He agreed. That was his plan to achieve his goals.
In the movie, it is very simple. You promise “A”, and in exchange you will get “B”.
In the movie, Cypher promised to capture (or kill, I’m not sure which it was) the main character Neo. In exchange, the “angel of change”, a Mr. Smith would give him a new reality where he would have a new life as a Movie Director.
Cypher knew he could do this because he knew what the Matrix really was. He knew that everything was an illusion. Yet, his consciousness and his body treated that illusion as a reality. He wanted to taste the steak and chew it in his mouth. He wanted to drink the wine and smoke the fine cigar. He wanted to use that knowledge to garner a far better life for himself.
Cypher knew that everything was an illusion. He knew that the steak was really just software code, but his body couldn’t tell the difference.
The first thing that you need to do is plan.
You need to have a “map” that describes exactly what you want in your life. This can be a lot of fun, but I must urge caution. Manifesting thoughts can also manifest all sorts of unintended consequences. It has been my experience that what is pictured in Hollywood is often nothing that represents real life. No matter how good they try to provide that image, it’s just not the way things work.
Unless you are careful, the reality that you manifest can bring with it all sorts of other issues and problems.
Unless you are careful, there can be all sorts of surprises in the reality that you inhabit. There it is prudent that you take care and concern when mapping out your destination world-line.
Thus you do need to be very careful in the specifying of your ultimate world-line destinations.
“Sometimes when you win, you really lose. Sometimes when you lose, you really win. Sometimes when you win, you really tie. And, sometimes when you tie, you really win or lose.” White Men Can’t Jump – Rosie Perez (Gloria Clemente)
Gloria was trying to get her boyfriend to see that every action that you take affects someone or something else. Some results are obvious and intended, but occasionally they have negative, unintended affects too. Her boyfriend had lost substantial amounts of money playing basketball, despite being great at it. He finally came through on his promise to win money in the game, but found her gone when he came home. He won the game, but lost his girl. You can yell at your boss in staff meetings, sleep with his wife on his desk, and pee on the carpet in his office, but you probably will not keep your job. So, unless you are waiting on a hefty inheritance, you should thoroughly think through the repercussions of your behavior before you do anything. Sometimes, your first instinct is not the best one.
-Answers from Men
I have found that it is far easier for me to describe things using diagrams. Here, in this first diagram, we see how a normal person (just living life normally) experiences time.
We don’t understand what time is simply because our understanding of what the universe is, is flawed. There is no such thing as time. What there is, instead, is an infinite number of parallel universes, and we humans go in and out of each one at a rate of about 144 different universes a minute. Roughly. So for a person starting at a clock at 0, and then counting down to a clock saying 1 second, we would have passed through various adjacent realities without even knowing what we were doing.
Now, that you know what “time” is, you can now understand that the “passage of time” is you passing in and out… through… all sorts of adjacent world-line realities.
The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you're inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy.
You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.
— Morpheus (Laurence Fishburne), The Matrix
Now, let’s talk about how to map out the passage of time to get you to a destination; a reality that you would prefer.
For instance, look at the following diagram.
You are currently in world-line reality “A”. It is shown in a green color.
You want to eventually have a new reality “B”. It is shown in a gold color.
There are two paths marked out. One is yellow and one is black.
You are currently in world-line reality “A”. It is shown in a green color. You want to eventually have a new reality “B”. It is shown in a gold color. There are two paths marked out. One is yellow and one is black. You want to take the safe path in black, even though it will pass through more adjacent realities and take longer to achieve your destination. Those realities that are undesirable to you (sadness, hurt, pain, discomfort) are shown by grey colors. You will want to avoid them.
The yellow path is the most direct path. It will require fewer adjacent realities to pass through. The black path is the preferred path. It will take longer, because you will need to pass through more adjacent realities to get to it.
The reason that you want to take the black path over the yellow path is so that you can avoid those problematic realities. They are shown in grey. These are realities that will cause you turmoil and distress that you do need to avoid if you truly want to have a great life. They include such things as car accidents, company layoffs, periods of hardship, medical bills, and death. You do want to avoid these realities.
You MUST plan. You MUST visualize what you want. If you do not, then you will not have any ideas or visualization of your desires, and the desires of others around you will determine what will happen to you. Don’t allow that to happen.
Thus, when planning, you need to absolutely make sure of a number of factors. These are;
A destination lifestyle. Clear and easy to visualize. It must be very detailed. There must be no ambiguity in it what so ever.
Incorporate elements that will guarantee avoidance of problematic adjacent realities.
Important note. No this is not walking into a dimensional-portal and going in and out different world-lines. Instead, this is using the knowledge that every fraction of a second 1/244 minute we move to a new reality as determined by our thoughts and the thoughts of those around us. This discusses how we "steer" our consciousness in and out of those realities to achieve our goals.
You can have anything you want. But you must imagine it. You must think about it. You must manifest it. Otherwise, the thoughts of those around you will determine what will happen to you.
[2] Mastery of our thoughts.
“You have to let it all go, Neo. Fear, doubt, and disbelief. Free your mind.” The Matrix – Lawrence Fishburne (Morpheus)
The only thing that can stop you from accomplishing everything that you have dreamed of, is you. Once you believe that something is possible, it becomes possible. Fear stunts our ability to succeed in our professional and personal lives.
-Answers from Men
Thoughts alter our reality.
They do, and this isn’t just some kind of “new age” mumbo-jumbo. It is a fact, and if you can’t get your arms around this basic point, you need to go back to school and study Quantum Mechanics all over again.
The primary key is navigating the map that we created in [part 1] above, this navigation is often difficult to do. That is because we need to be in control of our thoughts, and modern life will not permit that.
All that “fake news”, and every commercial you see, and all the thoughts by all the people around you affect YOUR thoughts.
Here is a screenshot of the morning news on 9JUN19. Wait two years and see just how relevant any of this is to your personal life. You will discover that none of these things really matter. They just don’t, yet these writings and news affects your thoughts. Turn them off. They are harming you.
If you want to become the master of your life, and obtain the end destination reality that you mapped out, you will need to turn off those bad thought-streams. Yes, and that means breaking some long-formed habits.
That daily dose of news first thing in the morning MUST END.
As I read the news I see a specter of a dark foe bent on creating a world that few of us want to see, one built out of fear and control. It’s even scarier because that foe wants you and I to think that it’s winning, so we will give up and it can win by default. Don’t.
-Wilder Wealthy Wise
You must start to control the thoughts that go into the environment around you. If you cannot master that, you will never obtain the end goals that you have set for yourself.
What you, the reader need to understand is that all that “stuff” outside of you is just “wall paper”. It just doesn’t really affect you. Not physically. It just affects your thoughts.
I used to watch cartoons as a boy, and one of my favorites was the Flintstones. When the cartoon characters would be riding in a car, the background would cycle the same pictures over and over and over again. It gave the illusion of movement, however there wasn't any real scenery.
That is what American news is actually like.
One of the most important things that I have learned is that all that other “stuff” that seems all important to us; the changes in the world, work, money, politics, etc. Has no real bearing on your reality. It is just scenery outside the window on a speeding train that you are riding in.
Every moment, every fraction of a second, your consciousness leaves one reality and enters a new one. The formation of that new reality is created by your thoughts. By using intention and directed prayer, you can navigate your consciousness along a path that will take you where you want to go. The problem here, and it is a really big problem, is to tune out the adverse thoughts that keep knocking you off the path that you mapped out.
You need to control your thoughts.
I’m a long time reader of Scott Adams dating back into the mid-1990’s. He’s most famous for Dilbert, but he has written books and blogged for decades about everything from management to life skills to persuasion. Daily, Scott Adams writes his goals 15 times (LINK). Why 15? I don’t know. But Adams has reported that it produces amazing results for him, and he’s lived a pretty amazing life. It might also have something to do with him being a genius who works really hard and tries lots of things. Nah. He must be a beneficiary of the structural capitalist patriarchy and the reason people love Dilbert is only due to white privilege.
That explains everything, if you’re in Congress.
How the goal writing produces results is probably unimportant – in my opinion the most likely idea is that if you’re focused on a goal, you’ll notice connections, clues or opportunities that would normally pass you by. The focus on the goal, the attitude that you can achieve something great changes the way you look at every aspect of your day. I know that when I believe I can succeed, I seem to keep finding ways to actually make it happen.
-Wilder Wealthy and Wise
Focus on your goal; living it. Breathing it. Existing in it.
Turn off all outside thoughts as best you can.
You can read news, but if you start to get angry or affected, then you need to leave.
Remove yourself from negative people. They have an illness. Their illness will absolutely affect your ability to manifest your reality.
If you are married to a mentally ill person, that person will take over your life. You must get out from that horrible situation. Their thoughts are terribly discordant. It WILL alter and affect your life. Unless you are careful, you will start to live the life that their thoughts manifest, not what yours do. Be careful.
You need to be careful of the thoughts and actions of those around you. Everyone has different abilities and controlling and manifesting their desires. Some are very good at it, while others tend to be very lame. If you are not careful, a bad persons thoughts whom you associate with can thwart any positive efforts that you have manifested. Be careful.
Control of thought – Intention
The most important skill that you need to learn in world-line navigation and destination arrival is to control your thoughts.
“This is your life, and it’s ending one minute at a time.” Fight Club – Edward Norton (nameless narrator)
Life is short. Wasting your time in a fruitless job, talking to people that you abhor, and waiting for some miracle to happen is foolish.
-Answers from Men
This is a form of prayer.
Prayer, directed thoughts, and full-on intention are all focused and directed thoughts. This is very important. This is the tool that will allow your future to manifest.
Now, I am not going to delve in the many, many ways that a person can pray and visualize intention. I will instead list the ways that (I know) work. It’s up to you, the reader to implement or not.
A visualization creation. This could be a cork-board on the wall with pictures of the life that you want to live. This is often referred to a “visualization board”. You can also do this on your desktop wallpaper. Just cycle in and though pictures that depict elements of the life that you want. “My desktop wallpaper aptly describes and visualizes the type of lifestyle that I am manifesting.”
Create a listing of what you want. This can be a page in a note book, or some simple phrases on a piece of paper magnet-attached to your refrigerator. You will need to repeat these phrases out loud. “Words are culled with power.” (Les Moore quote.)
Time to pray / visualize. Everyday, without fail, you repeat verbally OUT LOUD what you want in your life. This can take a few minutes to much longer. But you MUST do it every day. You can do it in the shower, mowing the lawn, riding in the car to work, or you can do it while you are riding a bicycle, or while you are exercising. But, you must do it. This is a fundamental core requirement to direct your thoughts. This is NOT a passive activity. You must emotionally attach yourself to your goal reality.
Make a point to alert against bad realities. This is a little trick that I learned was absolutely necessary. Or else you will start experience hardships like layoffs, difficult times, illnesses and accidents on the road to your mapped out reality. “I am the captain of my consciousness and navigate to my ultimate goal by avoiding trouble, hardship, and distress.”
Take note that the resulting reality will not be exact. It will be a very close approximation of what you want, but no… you cannot specify exact people and exact locations, and very constructive levels of detail. Nor do you actually want that. If you focus on your baseline wants and desires, the rest will fill in automatically. Keep in mind that Hollywood is not reality.
That is step one of a two-step visualization, with intention prayer exercise.
The second step is duration and longevity. You must do this for a period of time. I would argue that it should be for at least a month, every day. I would also put an upper limit of no more than six months, with about three months being the norm.
The second step is release.
A Quick Word…
You can go on-line and do a picture search for “vision boards”. Many look really nice, but they are completely wrong. A proper “vision board” would consist of images, NOT words. Maybe music that is inspiring to YOU. Or video snippets that have some meaning for you.
Don’t do this…
A vision board is very personal. Now, this might just be perfect for the gal that created this. However, there is an overall reliance on words, and sayings. These words do NOTHING. There isn’t any thoughts or emotions attached to the sentence “Beauty Style”. Instead, there should be pictures, and images, or a small video. You can cut out your picture and paste it over the face of another picture that you want to visualize you occupying, but it isn’t critical. The important thing is emotional and thought control.
What ever you do, create something that is meaningful to you. You image it, and you think about it. It will manifest. Maybe a little like this. I utilize positive and fun micro-videos to help me keep the visualization of my life first and foremost…
Hey! You want to have fun? Play with the girls and eat and drink well. Maybe something like this would be appropriate…
Or Hey! Maybe you want to have a wife or a girl friend. You need to imagine clearly what they would be like. You need to concentrate on their personality and how they MAKE YOU FEEL. You need to burn those thoughts and those feelings inside of you and attract those traits to you.
Maybe something like this…
Or, maybe you want to get fit. Maybe you want to lose some weight. Maybe you want to be healthier. Instead of putting the words “be healthy” on a visualization board, maybe you can watch this video a couple of times every day. Visualize with thought and emotion…
Once you have done these intention exercises for a few months, then stop. Give it up. The thoughts have been set in motion, and the reality that you want to manifest is out there. Somewhere.
Have some faith. It will all manifest.
In my experience, most things have manifested within a two year period. The longevity and “seriousness” of the manifested reality is directly tied to the emotional attachment of the intention, as well as the duration.
The amount of time that must be endured until you obtain your new reality is a function of the number of adjacent realities that you need to pass through in your achievement map / plan. This in turn is also a function of how different your ultimate reality is from your current reality.
The variables that will influence the timing of reality manifestation;
How different and “far out” your goal is from your current reality.
The thoughts and habits that you currently have.
The thoughts of those around you, especially those of family members.
The discipline that you have in doing all of this to make your new world-line realized.
Alertness to awareness.
It has been my experience that your ultimate reality goals will eventually manifest in one way or the other. You will not be aware what they are until long after you are within that reality. It is only when you are reminded by an old vision board, or an intention list, or some other item, that you will be stunned at just how your reality did manifest.
What is a Vision Board? A vision board is a tool used to help clarify, concentrate and maintain focus on a specific life goal. Literally, a vision board is any sort of board on which you display images that represent whatever you want to be, do or have in your life .
-What is a Vision Board?
Why avoid the news
Once you start using personal intention to navigate the MWI, you start to realize that all the news is not for you. It is like wallpaper, or window-dressing. It really doesn’t affect your life in any way aside from scaring you and cause you to cower in fear.
As I read the news I see a specter of a dark foe bent on creating a world that few of us want to see, one built out of fear and control. It’s even scarier because that foe wants you and I to think that it’s winning, so we will give up and it can win by default. Don’t.
-Wilder Wealthy Wise
For instance, I am in China, and Donald Trump has just raised American tariffs to Chinese sourced products 25%. This normally would scare the living daylights out of me, because the industry that I am a part of relies on international trade.
However, I know that the reality that I have manifested and are maintaining for myself is one of personal prosperity and happiness. So, it will absolutely manifest. You don’t need to worry.
What is good for me personally might not be good for others.
What the news reports is for other people to read. Not me.
Now, let me explain.
You know, any money I get is in USD and used in China under the Chinese yuan (RMB). Thus, these terrible tariffs has resulted in a drastic change in the conversion rate USD to CNY. So now, today, I make around 15% more money compared to last month.
Thank you Donald Trump.
The point is this. All outside news is poison.
Tune it out as much as you can and focus on your life. Appreciate it more. Pray and provide directed intention always. Do not let up.
A little history lesson.
I first learned the necessity of using focused intention early on in MAJestic. The world around me was always jumping around and changing, and the only way that I could get any kind of handle on my life was to be able to focus my thoughts.
The life I had before entering MAJestic was never going to work. Not being entangled with the EBP like I was. I could never go back to living life I like used to. I had to adapt. I had to change. I had to take on coping skills that I could incorporate into my new reality.
The ELF probes were a MAJestic creation, and did not effect the MWI as much as the EBP did.
In those early days, I started to use visualization techniques to help stabilize the reality around me.
This varied from occult symbology to classical paintings. Yet, it really didn’t matter what I used, what mattered was the intensity or the ferocity that I attached to the imagery.
Imagery that automatically came attached with thought “packages” were the easiest to use.
This would be a cross with Jesus on it, or a necklace of Saint Peter. These images automatically came with centuries of directed thought and prayer. By using them to direct my thoughts was surprisingly easy, but they came with unintended consequences.
A person can utilize idols and figurines to help focus their thoughts and intentions. As a Catholic, I used the idols and figures that held meaning to me personally. I used Saints for their battles in the human-experience spoke to me.
So, over time, I learned that you need to create your very own custom imagery to direct your thoughts with.
What ever you do, do not use occult or similar “off the shelf” idolatry, or imagery. They WILL come with “baggage” that you might not want to pollute your reality with. Listen to me in this regard. Be careful.
Yes. I was using the power of intention long before it was popularized.
[Example One] – Pago Pago
In 2013 was living in Shenzhen, China.
All of what I had visualized (during my retirement) had manifested. I was living an amazing life. I had a stunning wife, we went out and played all the time. I was respected and honored where ever I went, and I was happy.
I was living in Shenzhen China. I loved Shenzhen, and had a lot of fun. But, I guess that I was a country boy at heart, and I felt that the “big city” was too oppressive. I yearned for beaches, green trees and grass and ocean waves.
Yet… yet…
Shenzhen was a big city. New York has 8 million people, well Shenzhen is twice that size and very crowded. And while I was having fun, I did miss blue skies, nice ocean breezes and a more relaxed lifestyle.
So, I decided to “brush off” the old MWI manifesting skills, and set about to create what I had only with one or two minor changes. I wanted blue skies. I wanted lush green trees. I wanted respect, but at a easy relaxed pace. No more hectic life for me.
I set up a computer desktop that changed every minute. On it, I had an array of HD “wallpaper” images that I got off the Internet of tropical beaches. Sort of like this…
I used the internet to find pictures of desktop wallpaper, and downloaded images of tropical beaches. I them used them as my desktop on a revolving one minute change.
Then, of course, I also did my verbal affirmations.
During this time, I was rather lazy about doing them. (After all, I was quite happy with my life, and absolutely not desperate to change my life.) I admittedly would only make about one affirmation session every week. It was really simple, as long as I could remember it.
My affirmation was thusly…
“My computer desktop describes that life that I desire to manifest for myself and my family.“
And, that was it.
I did it, very relaxed, for maybe two whole months, then quit. And I forgot all about it after a while.
About nine months later, I was offered a job in Pago Pago, American Samoa, of all places! I had never been there, but you don’t turn down the offer to live in a tropical paradise in the South pacific, now do you?
…do you?
I manifested Pago Pago!
I didn’t even know that it existed. Well, not really aside from a comment on an old Dunesberry cartoon. I had to look it up on Google Maps to figure where the heck it was.
This is Ofu Beach in American Samoa. I have to tell youse guys that the air is the cleanest and freshest I have ever breathed. The skies are amazing with cool colors of blue and the waters are truly envious.
Even after all the islands we’ve been to across the Pacific, all three of us were enchanted. American Samoa is absolutely stunning.
It’s probably a lot like Hawaii was back in the 40s.
There are two hotels in town and one more by the airport, but other than that there are NO tourist facilities anywhere. As you drive around it’s just one quaint little beach-side village after another with meticulously kept gardens and smiling friendly people.
The harbor itself is made up of the caldera of an ancient volcano with an opening on one side. The other sides rise dramatically out of the bay into lush steep cliffs making it easily one of the most dramatic harbors I’ve been in.
The rest of the island continues the theme with steep, verdant hillsides and beautiful reef strewn or volcanic beaches with massive surf breaks that you leave you in awe wishing they broke over sand so that you could go out and play without getting killed.
-Jumping Ship in Samoa
It turned out that a friend of a friend had sailed out from Bora Bora in French Polynesia, and ended up in American Samoa.
He ended up finding work there and the boss who he worked for need an expert in construction, who knew equipment, installation and testing. The only person who he could think of was myself. So he promoted me as “the smartest person he knew“.
So, out of the blue, I got a e-mail message, and a job offer. It was really, really quick.
Soon after that, I sold all my belongings in China and flew to American Samoa.
American Samoa had many beaches. In fact the main highway goes up and down the island. With a top speed of 25 mph, it takes you nearly all day to go from one end of the island to the other and back. One of our favorite pastimes was to ride the road on the weekends and explore the island.
Now, this isn’t like you just hop on a flight from Chicago with a direct fare to Dallas Fort Worth. American Samoa is isolated. It is in the middle of no-where and we had to take a week to get to it.
Go to Hong Kong.
Fly to Fiji.
Bus from Western Fiji to Suva.
Hang out until we could get a flight to Western Samoa.
Travel from the international airport to a “puddle jumper” airport to fly to American Samoa.
I will tell you that the cutest and the smallest international airport is in Western Samoa. You can get to it by bus or taxi from the city of Apia. Western Samoa was really cool. I liked it. maybe it was the Kiwi-influence. LOL.
Map of Western Samoa. It is a one half hour flight from Western Samoa to American Samoa.
I personally like the Samoan people. They are kind, communal, proud and spiritual. I greatly admire them and consider them to be some of the best people that I have ever encountered.
Where to begin?
Well, let’s chat about food. We all need food. We all like food, but we all tend to think of it as a normally obtainable product. We can get what we want; when we want at a more or less reasonable price. Ah. Alas this was not the case in the South Pacific. Food is outrageously expensive.
Map of Fiji. We had to wait in Fiji for a whole week until we could get a connection flight to Western Samoa.
When I lived in Pago Pago a head of Lettuce cost me $11.
Everything is imported, you see. Everything. Very few things are grown locally. Pay scales are below the poverty level and typically, on the islands where I visited, powerful tribal leaders held both monetary, financial, political and social power on the vast numbers of people on the islands.
They provide work at low pay, small stipends, and assorted assistance to those they feel deserve it. It is a benevolent dictatorship by tradition.
The reader should not misunderstand. Perhaps this is the best form of governance for the Samoans on the island. There are benefits and liabilities with every form of government, but the Samoans make this system work.
Map of American Samoa. I worked in Pago Pago, but lived in Tafuna, and later in Pava’ia’i.
In American Samoa, where most of the food is imported out of America, the people are terribly obese. In neighboring Western Samoa, where the food is imported out of NZ, or grown locally, the people have a more or less normal weight.
Why is this so?
I wonder. Could it be that American food has some kind of property; enzyme or chemical that makes people fat? I don’t know, but the situation is at once obvious and frightening. I beg the reader to consider the issues involved her and to study the matter themselves. There is more to this phenomena than what meets the eye at first glance.
Researchers who have analyzed America’s eating habits say they can sum up what’s wrong with our diet in just two words: ultra-processed foods. These foods -- a group that includes frozen pizzas, breakfast cereals and soda -- make up 58% of all calories Americans consume in a typical day. Not only that, they delivered 90% of the added sugars that Americans ate and drank, according to a very interesting study.
“Ultra-processed foods and added sugars in the US diet:
evidence from a nationally representative cross-sectional study”.
The summary states that “Ultra-processed foods comprised 57.9% of
energy intake, and contributed 89.7% of the energy intake from added sugars.
The content of added sugars in ultra-processed foods (21.1% of calories) was eightfold higher than in processed foods (2.4%) and fivefold higher than in unprocessed or minimally processed foods and processed culinary ingredients grouped together (3.7%).
Both in unadjusted and adjusted models, each increase of 5 percentage points in proportional energy intake from ultra-processed foods increased the proportional energy intake from added sugars by 1 percentage point. Consumption of added sugars increased linearly across quintiles of ultra-processed food consumption: from 7.5% of total energy in the lowest quintile to 19.5% in the highest.
A total of 82.1% of Americans in the highest quintile exceeded the recommended limit of 10% energy from added sugars, compared with 26.4% in the lowest.”
There is a great (Mainland America supported) supported infrastructure there. The roads are all well kept, and in great shape. The signs and the public works are all American and made to American standards. Top speed is only 25 miles / hour. So it will take maybe six hours to drive from one end of the the island to the other.
Going for the Tintin look in Suva, Fiji.
Gasoline is all imported and thus rather expensive. Noise is outlawed and thus vehicles cannot have horns. Instead they make a polite “tooting” sound to warn other drivers.
Everyone drives new cars, but they are all owned by the tribal leaders and dished out to the “extended family” on a basis of inherited matriarchal complexity.
Samoans live in villages of their extended family, with
communal ownership of land under the “matais,” the chiefs of the
individual families. Above the group of matais in each village is an “ali’i,” the
village’s highest chief.
Female familial lines have priority with major family males in work leadership positions getting significant perks. You can pretty much judge the political status of a given member on the island by the state and type of automobile that they drive. That differs significantly from what it is in the rest of the world.
For instance, in the United States one might judge a person by the car he /she drive. You might determine if the driver was a “soccer mom”, a business executive, a young male full of “piss and vinegar”, a poor blue-collar worker, or a starving college student. In the island, it was representative of where you sat within the female-dominant social structure of your village. The most powerful wives drove the best, newest, and important cars.
In Samoa Girls swim fully clothed and cover their legs in public. Both men and women wear tribal tattoos and wear skirts called Lava-lava’s. American Samoa has a fully invested and American paid infrastructure with fine and wonderful roads, government buildings and hospitals. But there is very little in the way of private industry, private farming, private fishing or businesses other than an occasional store or restaurant. The biggest industries on the islands include fishing, and canning, construction, social welfare and government. Anyone who wants to see what it is like to live in a land where you have a set social status, and set income for the rest of your life, should come to the islands.
In American Samoa dogs are a real problem. The locals let the dogs breed and propagate indiscriminately. If there ever was a justification for the presence of a Dog Catcher and Dog Pound this is it. (And, I might add, that I am a dog lover.) The dogs are plentiful and yet truly terrible. They run in packs, bite and snap at people; carry illnesses including mange and eat everything from fruit lying on the ground to stray cats, feces in diapers, tree bark and old pieces of cardboard. .
Mange is truly a disgusting illness; where patches of fur and skin fall off an the blistered and frail animal walks around in intense discomfort.
Garbage has to be locked up in huge airborne towers so the dogs can’t get to it. Otherwise they would spread the trash and refuse all over the place; attracting flies and other airborne illnesses. They eat everything and consider feces a wondrous meal.
Local mothers would throw their babies diapers to the dogs would haul them off to eat (The diapers, not the babies. LOL). Often on some neighbors porch where they would leave the messy diapers in the front of the door. ( A disgusting personal experience that I have had the unpleasant exposure to.) They then would defecate nearby, and vomit the rest up nearby. They greatly contribute to the dissemination of disease on the island the great problem with childhood skin diseases in the region.
There are also island cats.
However, cats are cats. They come
and go as they please. They tend to eat
the small rodents and fruit bats that fly the skies above. They keep to
themselves, and generally keep the rodent population down.
Island Cat – American Samoa.
Samoans feed the cats just like they do the dogs. However, cats are independent and tend to come and go. However, once you feed a dog, it is your stray for life. Local island cats will eat lizards, birds, mice, rats, rodents and insects. I am sure that they might have snagged a fruit bat one night of two. They do let loose a howl, let me tell ya. Not to mention the occasional fish or snake.
Anyways, I’m sorry that I got a little long-winded.
The point of this first example.
The point here is that I manifested the reality that I asked for. It was really very easy. You know, once you are used to a certain way of praying and controlling your thoughts they are able to manifest quite easily.
So I manifested Pago Pago.
Up until that point in time, I never really thought about it as a place that I would ever visit. yeah, I know it was “promised” to me during my retirement sequence at the ADC Pine Bluff, but really… I never thought about it. So here I was… Pago Pago in the middle of absolutely no-where.
But, I was sloppy.
I was happy in Shenzhen, China. I wanted more, but did not vocalize specifically what I wanted to manifest. Instead, I just asked for what was missing in my life. I didn’t realize that in getting what I wanted, other things that I did like, would be missing.
You ask for one thing and lose other things in the process. Yikes!
It's like the story of the dog carrying a bone over a river. He walks on a bridge and looks down and sees another dog in the water. That other dog looks just like him, and is carrying a bone just like he is carrying.
So he barks at the dog to scare it away. (That way it could get both bones.)
But when he barks, his bone falls in the river. He discovers that the dog in the river water was actually himself, and now he has no bones at all.
-Aesop's Fable.
The Dog Crossing the Bridge Moral - A dog walked happily across a bridge carrying a tasty bone in his mouth. His joy was dimmed, however, when he looked down and noticed another dog had an equally delectable bone.
Yes, I ended up getting clean and fresh air, brilliant colors, a lot of nature all at the expense of other things that I took for granted.
I missed the “life” and activity of China.
I missed the fun.
I missed the drinking and the endless supply of restaurants.
I missed the people.
I missed the food.
I missed the ENERGY.
Maybe those of you that have read about the KTV experience can understand this reference. Eh?
So, in short order, I reactivated my intention. Only this time I was careful. Though, I did not use a visualization board, I particularly spent time while I drove to the work site every morning to vocalize what kind of life I wanted within my reality.
I just vocalized it clearly and distinctly. I was part of my routine. I would buy a tuna-fish sandwich from the local store near the highway, and then vocalize my intentions loudly while I drove…
I have the same kind of life I had in China, only…
I live on the beach facing the ocean.
The skies are always blue and the trees are lush and vibrant.
I am healthy and happy as are my family.
We avoid all discomfort in manifesting this reality.
[Second Example] – Zhuhai, China.
Four months later I was back in China. Events acted like a whirlwind and tossed me back into China. It took around 10 months to fully come to fruition. Now… just guess what my life is like today…
Here’s pictures from my front “yard” outside my house.
View from my house. This is directly outside my back fence gate. I can see the HK Macao bridge right in front. The mornings are glorious.This is the view from my front yard. You exit the gate where the guard booth is, and you will be here on this lawn, and you will be able to see Macao out there in the distance.The on-going joke that me and Mrs has is that everyone wants to vacation in our front yard. Here you can see people riding bikes up and down the boardwalk next door.
Over four decades of doing this.
This isn’t just some kind of “new age” nonsense to sell books. This is what I was forced to do and needed to learn how to do to keep sane.
Trust me, if you had an EBP installed, you would adapt or go completely bonkers. There is absolutely no shades of grey in this matter.
I learned how to do this to keep sane.
The reality around me was not like that by which I grew up with. After implantation, it became something quite different. In order to stabilize my sanity I was forced to adopt methodology and coping-skills to exist.
After I was able to render my reality into some type of semi-stable condition, I quickly discovered that I would easily change it by thought.
News media are evil, and the longer I followed the media and was manipulated by them, the crazier my life became. I had, out of necessity, shut myself off away from them.
I can tell youse guys stories after stories how I wanted this thing, or that things, or this ability, or that situation and how each one came with negative consequences. Now, today I am much wiser.
Concentrate on the basics.
Healthy and happy family.
Steady income.
Stress-free and casual life.
Living where you want to live and how you want to live.
Be very clear on it. Concentrate on spelling it out clearly and directly. Use emotion, or whatever energy you have inside yourself to enunciate your intention.
Wait a year or a year and a half. Judge your progress. Then, make alterations…
I really appreciate my life as it is today. I love my life. I appreciate my life. I want it to continue. However…
I want to make a small alteration in my life.
This small change does XXXXX, and YYYYY.
However, in no way is my family and myself affected negatively by this.
We avoid all negative events that might try to manifest.
Sounds crazy. Well, it works.
I will devote another posts on intentions that went seriously wrong. I will discuss how I wanted a nicer car, a different girlfriend, a better job, and a nicer house. And what happened as a result of all that.
Seriously. You must be very careful on how you manifest your intentions and prayers.
Oh, and one very important point…
DO NOT try to use intentions to change another person. Think of using intention to change the scenery around you. Concentrate on a happy, healthy and relaxed, stress-less life. You can change the “scenery” such as location, lifestyle, and friendships. However, avoid specifics, such as money, cars, etc. These are complex mechanisms that will add complexity to your manifested reality.
You do not want complexity.
Now some Answers to some specific questions…
Q: Is there any trends or things that I (myself ex-MAJestic “expert”) might be able to suggest, so that others might benefit?
A: No. Each reality that we exist within is a personal event. The parade of events that lie outside my “window” in this reality could very much differ from the reality that another might experience, no matter how similar it might appear on the surface. They are completely different.
Remember that there is only one consciousness within one specific reality. Everyone else is a “quantum shadow” relative to your individual consciousness.
I do actually see some trends. But, the moment that I try to act on them they change and alter. There is no way that I can structure my personal life around outside events because there is no way that I can control them. That is why you need to recognize that outside events are always beyond your control.
They are like scenery that you observe outside the window on a train that you are riding in.
To truly master your consciousness; and thus to control your reality you must fully come to grip with the idea that nothing exists except what you create with your mind.
Q: Why does this matter? And why do you need to say things out loud? Why not just think things instead?
A: That’s a profound question, and the answer is yes you can. But…Your thoughts occurs while you are in wave-form. The vocalization occurs when your consciousness is in particle-form. The vocalization method is precisely how you transform thoughts into action on the physical.
You need to vocalize. It is a method by which your thoughts can modify your reality.
There are many other methods, of course. You can use image intention boards, act things out, pretend and create scenarios. You can imagine entire behaviors and walk them through every day. Just remember that physical action must accompany thought to be able to manifest.
MAJestic Related Posts – Training
These are
posts and articles that revolve around how I was recruited for MAJestic
and my training. Also discussed is the nature of secret programs. I
really do not know why the organization was kept so secret. It really
wasn’t because of any kind of military concern, and the technologies
were way too involved for any kind of information transfer. The only
conclusion that I can come to is that we were obligated to maintain
secrecy at the behalf of our extraterrestrial benefactors.
MAJestic Related Posts – Our Universe
particular posts are concerned about the universe that we are all part
of. Being entangled as I was, and involved in the crazy things that I
was, I was given some insight. This insight wasn’t anything super
special. Rather it offered me perception along with advantage. Here, I
try to impart some of that knowledge through discussion.
Influencer Questions
Here are posts
that have gathered a series of questions from various influencers. They
are interesting in many ways and could help all of us unravel the
mysteries of the lives that we live.
MAJestic Related Posts – World-Line Travel
These posts
are related to “reality slides”. Other more common terms are “world-line
travel”, or the MWI. What people fail to grasp is that when a person
has the ability to slide into a different reality (pass into a different
world-line), they are able to “touch” Heaven to some extent. Here are
posts that cover this topic.
John Titor Related Posts
person, collectively known by the identity of “John Titor” claimed to
utilize world-line (MWI egress) travel to collect artifacts from the
past. He is an interesting subject to discuss. Here we have multiple
posts in this regard.
They are;
Articles & Links
You’ll not
find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy
notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a
necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money
off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you
because I just don’t care to.