Here, I argue that Hollywood is not using their innate and basic movie-making skills when pandering to their progressive causes. I argue that not only are they losing money in the process, but they are alienating their viewership base. I thus offer some suggestions to this end to prevent a hemorrhaging of the Hollywood profit model.
Ah. Hollywood.
So famous, and so taken for granted.
The more that I think about it, the more that I am convinced. Indeed, I am convinced that those in Hollywood have found a new profit model. As, it seems, the movies that they are releasing today do not follow the traditional profit model.
Traditional Hollywood Profit Model You know; you make a good movie, and people pay to watch it. If the movie is really good you get rich. If the movie is poor, you lose money.
Today, however, it seems that there is a totally different profit model being followed.
Contemporaneous Hollywood Profit Model Some wealthy oligarch gives you an enormous sum of money to promote some sort of social justice cause and you pocket the money. Whether the movie is popular or not has no bearing on the profit motive.
Yeah. That’s pretty much it. Isn’t it?
Hollywood has become a SJW propaganda arm.

It’s like a nightmare that no matter how hard you try to run, it never ends. It’s like wack-a-mole. As soon as you hear about one bout of obscenity, there pops up another. Ugh!
License To Drive, the comedy that starred the two Coreys (Haim and Feldman) and a young Heather Graham in 1988, is being rebooted with female leads thanks to producer John Davis and 20th Century Fox. -Deadline
These kinds of reports flow pretty hard and fast. Yet, I wonder. Just who is this John Davis, and what inspired him to make all-female leads?
League of Extraordinary Ladies
Ah. But this is not the only all-female Hollywood production. If it was, we would just accept it as it is on face value. But, no. It is part of a long on-going trend towards flooding the American movie scene with pale imitations of great movies. All of which that pander to the feminist-wing of the SJW movement.
The first film of Kevin O'Neill and Alan Moore's The League of Extraordinary Gentleman remains most known for the fallout between star Sean Connery and director Stephen Norrington. Connery hasn't acted since, and Norrington hasn't directed. The new film is being produced by John Davis, and he's promises a more "female-centric" take on the material for the upcoming reboot. No director has thus far been appointed, though, but it's very much an active project. -Den of Geek
Yeah. John Davis strikes again! Just who is this John Davis, and why does he want to do this?
I’m being truthful in this. So please, hear me out.
My off-hand impression is that he wants to avoid the SJW backlash and be associated with the Casting Couch like Harvey Weinstein. He needs to protect himself. So he panders to the SJW folk.
I do not know if this is the actual true case or not. What I do know is that is the most likely explanation for the observed trends. Yes. In my “outsider” mind, the most likely scenario.

I’ll bet you all that there’s a lot of truth in this supposition. Trust your gut instincts, boys and girls.
And for what?
That we, the movie watching public has to endure SJW crap all because John Davis took liberties with his casting couch. Is that why Americans need to put up with all these pale imitations of our treasured movies? Because the producers in Hollywood are afraid of the Weinstein-backlash?
So the The League of Extraordinary Gentleman is going to be redone. What’s it gonna be called? The League of Extraordinary Ladies. After all, “he promises a more “female-centric” take“. Groan.
It’s a new world.
I used to treasure going to the movies.
Then for a while, I worked as a Movie Theater Manager for a cineplex in Corpus Christi, Texas. (Mann National Twin.) I loved everything about it. I loved the atmosphere, the smell of popcorn, the drapes, the lights and the projector booth. Yes, the hours sucked, but it was “showbiz”.
I loved the movies.
It was important to me. I enjoyed it. It was a good two hours of relaxed imagination. I could go to a movie and be teleported into another world, into another time and another place. If the movie was truly great, I would be moved, put into a great mood, and ponder the lessons of the movie for weeks afterwards.

Not so today.
I don’t know about youse guys, but I have stopped watching movies. I ditched Netflx, and any movies I use are either bought, viewed though a much cheaper paid service or through Torrents. These new “improved” movies are all dog shit.
They really, really are.
Why the “new” movies suck.
These new movies promote the progressive socialist narrative. Which is;
- Everyone is inherently equal.
- Differences between all of us must be eliminated.
- There are no biological differences in gender.
- Anyone who does not agree with the above is evil.
Yet, for all the promotion of this nonsense, the fact remains that only women can naturally have babies. That babies cannot be created naturally without a male sperm. And that these differences manifest in all sorts of social and cultural constructs that have similarity to each other irregardless of geolocation or historical venue.
So, now we have Hollywood wanting progressive equality. You know like in China where everyone wore the same type of clothing. Or in Cambodia where all the intelligent people were killed.
When you try to PUSH that narrative on Americans, we tune it out and walk away.

Oceans 11 Reboot
The trailer for the new all-female “Ocean’s 11” reboot was unveiled this week. The Hollywood Reporter called it "the capstone 2017 needed." Most regular people called it awful and stupid. What else could it be other than awful and stupid? It’s a reboot of a remake of a remake, which means it already has all the fun and freshness of dried vomit. The feminist twist just gives it an extra touch of preachiness and pandering, like a vomit stain that comes to life and lectures you about the patriarchy. -Dailywire
Hey, I have a message for all the Hollywood Producers out there. Stop doing things out of fear of the SJW crowd. It has been my experience that most of what we are afraid of never happens.
To quote from the great movie “Strictly Ballroom“; A life lived in fear is a life half-lived.
“A life lived in fear is a life half lived.” -Fran (Strictly Ballroom)
Out of touch with the movie audience.
I sat through the (all female) remake of The Ghost-busters and it was like watching people push needles in little puppies eyes. Ouch it hurt that much. Seriously, just how out of touch can people in Hollywood be to produce such a horrific and painful movie?
The answer is way…way… WAY out of touch.
Seriously. Do you, yourself, personally want to spend time watching this kind of drivel that you are producing? Or, do you think that "normal" Americans are some sort of cattle that you can prod about and feed what ever GMO-enhanced nonsense you desire?
How in the world can anyone, most especially a talented producer, even try to improve upon the Ghost-buster franchise with an all-female flick? Don’t they realize the huge numbers of people that they will alienate?
Message to Hollywood;
Are you all that friggin' blind NOT to realize how out of touch you are with your audience? You need to fire your marketing groups because they are spending way too much time in urban high-end Starbucks, and not doing enough "grass roots" research. Hollywood is a business model. And you, yes you (!) are throwing it out the window so nonchalantly that it astounds me and just about everyone else in America. What exactly is your malfunction?
Maybe that’s it. They don’t understand that they are being very offensive to Joe and Suzy Normal in viewership land. Or… maybe they know, but do not care.
Listen to me.
Yes. Radical feminism, even when presented comically, is offensive.
Radical Feminism is Offensive.
But I expect it won’t be any worse than the fantastically terrible and pointless female “Ghostbusters” film from a few years ago. That one set the bar for the others, a group that will soon include a female remake of “Lord of the Flies,” and a female remake of “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels,” and a female remake of “The Rocketeer.” There's also a female remake of some movie called "License to Drive," originally starring Corey Feldman and Corey Haim. The movie is being described as a "female version of 'Superbad.'" I was going to joke that they’re even planning a female “Expendables” but then I checked and apparently they really are planning a female “Expendables.” -Dailywire
Hey! I don’t want to be rude, but for Pete’s Sakes!
Are you all so afraid of the twitter mobs, and SJW types that you would willingly torpedo your friggin’ life’s work? Are you so timid, and worried about what they might think? Are you so terrified that you might end up in prison?
If so, then you disgust me.
We had the chance, but we were scared. We walked away. WE LIVED OUR LIVES IN FEAR. -Doug Hastings (Strictly Ballroom)

Do not live a life in FEAR.
I am actually astounded that so many well-known and well-established Hollywood producers are so timid and fearful. You have created great works over the decades. You have made movies that us “normals” loved and admired.
Yet, you are all willing to throw all that away, and replace your great works and talent on producing mediocre sub-par movies to appease the radical feminist movement.
In fact, what is so astounding about this, is that the (so called) movement only has a mere handful of active radicals. The rest is all twitter farms, Facebook farms, and other electronic illusionary measures. They look bigger than they really are.

Here’s how the rest of America reacts to these progressive causes…
When the Football game on the television set in the local sports-bar starts having (what can best be described as) a Black-hate-fest against “White Privilege” Neo-Nazi rally style that television set gets turned OFF.
When a commercial tries to accuse me of toxic masculinity, I stop using their products. Hey! Growing up, I was the kid being picked on. I do not, absolutely and positively, do NOT appreciate being lumped in with bullies simply because we share the same gender. I set my sights on that product range to OFF.
And when a movie, television show, or actor wants to preach to me in ways that I find RUDE, demeaning, insulting, or in any other way, distasteful, I leave and turn it all OFF.
What’s the matter with youse guys? Or are you all too weak limp-wristed to understand what an insult is and what isn’t?

Listen to me now.
Or is everyone in Hollywood stuck in an echo-chamber? Are you all being lead around by the cleat in your noses by some radicals that enslave you by fear? Is that what you are?

I write this to Hollywood, the producers and all those people who have added life, adventure, and romance to the films that I have loved. Do not allow your great works to fade into rust. Do not allow those who want to force you into fear-controlled boxes, destroy your great works. For they are doing so.
Do great things. Stop pandering to those who are driving your actions by fear.
Female James Bond
Watch out! Here comes a new “improved” 007 James Bond!
They’ve decided to kill the James Bond franchise by making the next 007 a woman. This is just stupid. Bond is a male fantasy: we kill the bad guys while dressed well and looking sharp and get all the hot women. No man will want to go see Super Chick do that…nor will women, I suspect.
The James Bond franchise will shake things up completely for its 25th instalment, casting a black actress to take over from Daniel Craig as the new 007 – since re-doing old stories with a PC angle is easier than writing new ones. The UK’s Daily Mail reports that British actress Lashana Lynch will take over from Craig as codename 007 in the as-yet-untitled film. The movie will reportedly see Craig retain the title role, however, being called out of retirement in Jamaica for one last mission. The revelation is not so surprising in an era when political correctness has become something of a new religion – and naturally, the casting has somewhat ironically prompted much divisiveness on social media, where there have been both celebrations of the daring move and anger that the long-established brand of the male, martini-sipping Bond would be fundamentally changed forever.
What is wrong with Hollywood that they cannot see that this is a big mistake?
The thing that puzzles me is do many women want to see male leads taken by females? I am a great believer in equal rights and when I was about 13 led a, what now seems very amusing, protest at my school because girls had to take cookery while boys took metalwork and not being particularly interested in cookery I was far more interested in getting my hands on a welding implement! so I naughtily took the majority of my class to stand in line outside the metalwork classroom week after week until the headmaster got fed up and we girls were allowed to have three weeks of metalwork, the metalwork teacher was a lovely man who was very much on our side and showed us how to design and make jewellery, i wish I still had the pendant I made. I made a lot of enemies though, the boys in my year hated me because the cookery teacher refused to take them into her classroom and teach them and so they had to do extra maths lessons instead and the cookery teacher never forgave me for being so disruptive. Everything had changed by the time my boys were in school and they had cookery classes with the girls and the girls had what is now called 'design and technology' together with the boys. But this is just silly, what next? Goldiluke and the the three bears? a remake of the sound of music with a singing monk? -Cobis
How is the 007 franchise improved? Why, by replacing the lead and iconic male figure with a strong female figure. That’s how! Of course all the social progressives are so excited about this latest remake and are flooding their social media accounts with all sorts of praise!
When is someone going to stand up and say this new female James Bond is a load of bollocks?? The clue is in the title, James Bond is a man, stuff this equality shit! It's a flipping film character! What next? Cinders a male, Jaws 4 as a dolphin! Get a grip ffs — Telvis (@Telv1s) July 15, 2019
Why I just can’t wait to see a strong female version of James bond, seducing weak-willed men who are just comic jokes and props. Yessur! That will be fun to watch.
Someone needs to BITCH SLAP those idiots that think a re-gendered James Bond is going to be a success. Yeah, just like the re-gendered Star Trek was…
Re-gendered Star Trek
Really bad writing - in fact the worse I have ever seen in a show. They hired show-runner from the CW with no sci-fi experience (and CW is bottom of the barrel in a time when there are tons of good content out there on streaming services). They hired her because they wanted a female show runner and didn't look past gender when setting up the show. Star Trek Discovery is really really bad - If you wondered what network TV is putting out these days, this is one you should watch one episode of to see how bad a show can get. This is a perfect example of what happens when someone casts a show based on social justice warrior checklists and has a team of untalented writers putting out garbage. CBS will not cancel the show because it would be embarrassing for them and the ratings they get are from football and not this show (all access). Forget the social justice warrior nonsense, this show is unwatchable if you watch everything star trek. -Christopher T (Rotten Tomatoes on Star Trek Discovery)
But hey! If it is so good then why is it universally considered the absolute worst Star Trek franchise out there? Most fans feel like this fellow…
Jesus **** Christ this show is dog **** It's like a horrible soap opera that is terribly written and it couldn't be further from what Star Trek was when it was good. It's a mess that morons are going to lap up. The writers of this show can go **** themselves.
Or this fellow…
This is not Star Trek, it's a show centered in the character of Michael Burnham, and I had enough of her. The "know it all" attitude, the dramatics, the never stop crying, the every plot centered around her is highly unnerving. I liked Captain Pike a lot and Saru as well, but the other characters get on my nerves as well, the camaraderie between them seems forced, and there is too much drama and crying. Other problem is the Klingons, that ugly prosthetic that make their faces look rubbery and the muffled voices. Horrible!
Or this fellow…
I am actually glad Gene Roddenberry is dead so he did not have to see this abomination. Well if he was alive he would not have allowed this awful show to move forward. It might have made a decent action show but this is in no way shape or form a Star Trek. Just call it something else or cancel, please? I am almost sorry I lived long enough to see my beloved series destroyed.
It’s pages upon pages of dislike…
Can this tripe get any worse? Don't bother, go watch The Orville instead. The true new home of ST.
People, you should NOT rely on twitter or electronic media to determine whether or not a show is popular. Those things can be easily spoofed by electronic farming. You should go into the fan communities, into the areas where most people enjoy these shows and talk to them FACE-to-FACE.
Meet people who live outside your community. This includes your community of business associates, your community of friends, and your local geographical community. You need to reach out to those outside your world.
You will find that in just about every case, people would prefer a NEW movie franchise based up new characters, instead of altering a well-established franchise to fit a SJW narrative.
Truth This.
Anyways, back to James Bond.
Female James Bond

There are actors and actresses timidly commenting on the absurdity of gender-swapping this character…
Mirren added: “But that time was different; we could never even have imagined a woman playing that role.” The actress’ statement comes just two days after former Bond girl Halle Berry said casting 007 as a woman would be a bad call. “I want women to be tough but I don't know if Bond should be a woman,” the 50-year-old told Entertainment Tonight. “I mean, that series is steeped in history, you know from Ian Fleming’s stories. I don't think you can change Bond to a woman.” The Die Another Day actress went on: “We can create a new Bond character that's a woman, and give her a new name, based on that theory. “But I don't know if Bond should be a woman.” - Could Helen Mirren be the first female 007?
There are all sorts of rumors of who will play the new female version of James Bond. Knowing what I know of the idiots in the coastal cities, I wouldn’t be surprised if it is played by Omarosa Manigault.
I call them idiots. Why? Because they are permitting a profitable enterprise to collapse. All to the disdain of its’ shareholders.
What? You think that there are no alternatives to Hollywood? Do you think that it has a forever lock on movies, music, and entertainment? You think that Bollywood will never encroach on the American audience, and that China will never take over... Have you been paying attention lately? Nope. You are all in your closed progressive Hollywood bubble, and it is getting smaller and smaller and soon you will suffocate within it.
Progressives are all for change… as long it is change that they can control. But, you know what? It’s a fantasy. Control is only an illusion. Most of your life there are forces that are beyond what you can control. The only thing that you can control is your very own actions.
That’s all.
So for goodness sakes. Don’t live a life in fear. Stop pandering to the radical feminists.
Female Captain Jack Sparrow
Let me get this straight. Casting Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow wouldn’t really be fitting. So, what’s the answer?
Why, you need to cast a strong woman in this role. Sort of a female version of Captain Jack Sparrow. Maybe a Jacklin Sparrow. yeah! That will just bring in swarms of people to sit through a two hour long feature length movie.

Stop pandering to the radical feminists.
All Female Ghostbusters
Director/co-writer Paul Feig's no-one-asked-for "Ghostbusters" remake opens with a big "ugh" and never recovers. Naturally, it's a joke aimed at Donald Trump and his supporters -- a heavy-handed haha about an "anti-Irish fence." Yep, even before the movie can even cast its spell, the spell is shattered forever by divisive partisanship. From there, instead of relaxing, you're on guard throughout for the next left-wing sucker punch. -Daily Wire
Yeah, this went over like a lead balloon.
It was absolutely positive revolting. It was an insult to the original movie, the cast, and all the moviegoers who watched it in theaters when it came out… bought the Betamax tapes, the VHS tapes, the DVD discs, or rented from Blockbuster or viewed it on Netflix.

It was a total and complete cluster-FLUXXX.
Look at this cluster of losers…

Did I like it? Hell no! I’d rather swim in a pool of pig feces than endure that monstrosity… that horrid… horrid insult to humanity ever again. What the Hell were they thinking?
They weren’t. That’s the point.
As expected, Feig's disaster has a flaming feminist chip on its shoulder. Every male character is either an asshole, an idiot, or both. Which begs the question: Where in the world does this grudge emanate from? Certainly not the original that gave us Weaver's classy, independent, sophisticated Manhattan woman and Annie Potts' knowing, street-smart receptionist. -Daily Wire
Read some of the reviews of this monstrosity…
- ‘Ghostbusters’ (2016) Review: Racist, Man-Hating Mediocrity
- Review: ‘Ghostbusters’ reboot is bad
- 10 Reasons An All-Female Ghostbusters Is A Terrible Idea
- The World Is Revolting Against Hollywood’s Awful Feminist
Stop pandering to the radical feminists.
Female John McClane
Why not? Eh?
I mean you’ve got Ocean’s eleven all female, and all the classics are being remade into the progressive socialist narrative, of course there will need to be an all female version of Die Hard.

These has been no announcements on who would play John or Joan in this role. (My guess is that the backlash has been so negative, that the articles are pulled off the Internet within hours of being posted.) Though, I am betting that it might be someone like Mindy Kaling.
There are more than just a few remakes of movies planned. Some one with deep, deep pockets is flooding Hollywood with all sorts of cash. Seems like a Barrack Obama, or George Soros trademark.
Pause and let that sink in…
I just can't help but think that all those many, many programs that were put in place over the years had some kind of financial feed-back mechanism (illegal, of course) for "social progress".
Or, as I have been saying… stop pandering to the radical feminists.
A (female) American Werewolf in London
Well, the original movie featured a guy who was bit by a werewolf while in London. Why not a female? Well… it’s coming true. It’s been announced.
Heck! Why stop there.
Make her a hijab wearing LGBT transgender person. Right? That way the movie goers can get the full force of SJW immersion, as well as sticking a sharp knife into the sides of all those deplorable Trump followers. Eh?
Besides, it’s well known that London is a progressive global city with Muslim majorities. It would make absolutely and perfect sense. There are far, far, FAR more Muslims in London than Americans.

Escape from New York
Oh, it’s Snake Plissken all right.
Only this time he is dispatched to New York city to save and rescue a female Senator from the clutches of the despicable deplorables entrapped inside that urban ghetto. I’ll bet you 8 to 10 that she will look a little like Hillary Clinton, Maxine Walters or some other prominent liberal democrat.
Great fare for the cash-heavy urban blacks that follow this narrative.
Untitled Female Expendables
Yeah. An all-women expendables. I suppose that it all began here when some feminists were musing about the take over of the industry.
It has long passed the silly, and entered the world of the absurd.

In defiance of history. In defiance with genetics, and the social variances between those with “Y” chromosomes and those without it, this movie is moving forward.
Hey! All youse guys in the room, raise you hand up if you want to watch this absurdity. Obviously the marketing group in Hollywood was on crack when they promoted this film. Why not alienate 99% of the “Expendable” viewing audience, won’t ya?
Stop living your life in Fear of the radical feminists.

Stop living your life in fear. Stop pandering to the radical feminists. Stop allowing them to define what your film legacy will become.
All of Me
Instead of Steve Martin, you now have a woman in the role.
A dying millionaire finds her soul has been transferred to the body of her lawyer. A remake of the 1984 comedy 'All of Me'. -IMDB
A life that is lived in fear is a life that is half-lived. Stop allowing your fear of the radical feminists to define your legacy.
Overboard (2018)
It’s a role reversal of the original comedy. Instead of a rich woman falling overboard and forgetting who she is, it’s a rich man who falls overboard.
Kate Sullivan is a single mom of three daughters who works two jobs while studying to be a nurse. She is assigned to clean carpets on a yacht owned by spoiled, arrogant playboy Leonardo 'Leo' Montenegro. Leo makes rude remarks towards Kate and fires her without pay when she refuses to bring him food. When Kate calls out his behavior, Leo pushes her off the boat along with her cleaning equipment. Meanwhile, in Mexico, Leo's sisters Magdalena and Sofia are tending to their ailing father. Furious when Leo is announced as his successor to run the family-owned company, Magda decides to visit him. That night, Leo slips off the yacht and falls into the ocean unnoticed. He wakes up on a beach with amnesia and no recollection of his identity. He wanders through town and eventually reaches the hospital. Magda finds him and leaves him there unclaimed after learning he has amnesia. She returns home and falsely reports that Leo has died. Sofia suspects Magda is lying. -IMDB
Stop allowing the radical feminists to define your life.
Ocean’s Eight (2018)
Debbie Ocean gathers an all-female crew to attempt an impossible heist at New York City’s yearly Met Gala. Pretty much the same plot as the original Ocean’s Eight, only with role reversal. It’s expected to be a great hit with all the progressive millennials in the Untied States today.
This is just another Hollywood attempt at "Hey! Lets take a classic movie and flip the casts gender!!!" It's pure pc propaganda. The only reason that I'm giving it a 2 is because I don't trust these ratings sites algorithms to take 0's and 1's into account. They may be getting smarter though and will stop dropping any score below 5. -MysticDingo
Just an all female Reboot of a good and beloved Movie Trilogy. Rihannas poorly acting skills make this film unwatchable. Don´t do this to yourself and watch that movie, except you are a fat Feminazi that rather watches a bad movie with female cast than an actually good movie with diverse group of men. -Metacritic
Another gender swap movie trying to show equality and how "empowered" women are.. It belongs in the garbage bin along with the people it caters to. - Zisis151 Jun 10, 2018
Stop living your life in fear. Make the best movies that you can make and fear not who you offend.

What about all these remakes?
Well there certainly seems like everything is up for grabs in Hollywood. Everything, apparently, can be recast now as either all-female roles or gender swapped. It’s the progressive way. Don’t you know.
But all this is being done absolutely wrong. They are redoing successful films to fit a SJW narrative. Of course, it is bound to fail. People, you produce movies and shows to ENTERTAIN. Not to lecture, or push a particular political agenda.
Concentrate on entertainment.

Concentrate on entertaining your audience.
Some Ideas
Here’s some ideas on how to properly implement progressive ideas into Hollywood movies in such a way that you will not alienate your viewing audience.
First of all, you can have strong female roles that are uniquely female. You do not have the need to apprehend those roles from men…
The purpose of movies are to entertain. There are many ways to do this. But, no matter what, do not be under the impression that Hollywood has the sole ownership of this medium.
If Hollywood continues to produce lackluster films, the cash-paying audience will start to ignore the movies as not worthy of their time. They will go elsewhere.
You need to entertain.
Thirdly, absurdity is fine.
It’s ok. Everyone knows that this is fiction. So you can create movies as off-the-wall as you would like.
Now. Here’s some ideas…
- Some are all-female.
- Some are gender swaps.
- Others are race or religion swaps.
It’s all part of the new progressive reality. Come on! You’ve got to be fair about it all, right? But only, this time, please concentrate on entertainment.
The Rat Patrol.
Here we have a famous 1960’s series about four men who fight the Nazi’s in Africa by riding jeeps in the desert. We could gender swap them to four women. We could modernize them. Yeah! That’s right. Four women riding high, machine gunning ISIS warriors in the hot desert heat.
They can all be Muslim, head scarves and all, and are fighting the evil ISIS’s and their paternity, and Privilege. They can all wear veils, and long flowing African outfits and carry Tommy guns and Beretta’s under their flowing garments. They could rescue captured women at slave auctions, perform night raids in ISIS camps, and assassinate ISIS leadership.
Have them attractive. Have them wear attractive Arabic clothing. Something like this beauty…

Have them riding specially modified Lamborghini’s and Ferrari’s. You know, with a twin barrelled .50 caliber machine gun, and all sorts of 007 James Bond style high-tech gadgetry. Make it a cross between Raging Women getting back at people who abused them, and a fully equipped mad-scientist lair. Take elements from Miami Vice, and blend it with a little bit of Doctor Phibes.
Oh, and make their outfits extraordinary. Make women want to wear Arabic styled clothing.
You need to understand. By using a “Rat Patrol” template you can create an entirely new series with entirely new characters and situationals without any association from whence the idea was derived from.
Be brave. Push yourself.
The Rat Patrol took place during a tiny sliver of time (5 years) when the Nazi’s actually controlled portions of Northern Africa. I propose the much longer period of time (8+ years) when the ISIS controlled Syria.

The Munsters
We can have comedies.
Here, we could gender-swap Herman Muster for Harriet Munster, and have Lester (instead of Lilly) as his wife. (Or, maybe a same-sex relationship.) Maybe she could be an Uber driver who is also a Rastafarian who uses comically conspired voodoo on riders in her car.
It would be in color instead of black and white. It could take place on 1313 bad luck lane on a hilly portion of San Francisco. They would be on food stamps, and live in a “colorful” section of town.
Use different theme music. Maybe some kind of upbeat rap.
Make it outrageous. Make it stand apart. Make it so offensive to everyone, and make fun of everything, and the more politically incorrect the BETTER.
have jokes that cater to both Conservatives and Progressives. Mix it up. Make it outrageous!
Grandpa will be replaced with a vampire transgender Grandma, you know, like a Frankenstein creature gone loopy. And the kids can stay the same. That would work, wouldn’t you all think? As an added bonus, we could have Eddie Munster a Muslim Female, and his sister a black transgender gender-less person with three boobs.
The more absurd, the better.
The jokes can all be about modern progressive lifestyle where everyone is just as crazy as they are, and how it is like to fit into modern life in San Francisco. Have them fall in love with an Antifa activist, and have them play checkers with lit candles.
The gags can abound.
For instance, Fido can be free-spirited saber-toothed tiger. Each week with a different hair style and color. They could have ties to the Addams Family, and Harriet Munster can work at the county morgue. They can make comments about the staff filming the episodes, and joke about Hollywood insiders.
Just let it out and sway in the wind.

The Andy Griffith Show
You can take traditional America and turn it on it’s head. Just take a normal traditional show and twist and distort it into something completely different. Use different names, and different circumstances.
How about an all-woman Andy Griffith show.
Yeah in small town Mayberry RFD, a woman sheriff and her female deputy keep order in the town. You’ve got a female Otis, and a female Gomer, and a cast of characters that includes a female hairdresser, a female mayor and the daughter of the sheriff. Call it Mayberry Woman’s Auxiliary RFD.
Put elements of food in it. Each week, nice juicy closeups of food porn. All with oozy melted cheese, and sizzling images of meat, and slow motion cutting of fresh bread.
Now, don’t look at me cross-eyed. It could work.
If you are willing to step outside of your West-coast bubble, do some REAL marketing, and brush off some good-old-fashioned movie skills and work… work… work.

All Female remake of Kelly’s Heroes
Of course, we should have a rolling good time with a all-female remake of Kelly’s Heroes. How about that?
During World War II, Lieutenant Kelly learns of a German bank located behind enemy lines containing 16 million dollars in gold bars. His platoon, led by Big Joe, has three days of R&R coming, so, with the aid of hustler Crapgame, anachronistic hippie Oddball, three Sherman tanks and a touch of irreverence, Kelly leads his men deep into French territory to steal the gold for themselves. -123 Movies
Do it differently. Have the gaggle of gals break into a military base and steal three tanks and then go on a USA-wide bank-robbing spree. Put it in the mid-1990’s and play popular Grunge music from that time period. Have it so that they end up having a parade of people following them sort of like “Forrest Gump” in the running scene.
Model the FBI and other police agencies as a kind of updated “Keystone Cops”.
Have the news media reporting but as a real parody of themselves. Show them making up news, interviewing actors pretending they are eye-witnesses, and generally clueless.
Make it a cross between the movies “9 to 5”, “One Crazy Summer”, and “The Great Train Robbery”.
Follow the same kind of model that was used in the movie “Brother where art thou”; the tales of the adventures of Ulysses. You couldn’t tell the source inspiration for the movie could you?

The Dukes of Hazzard
In this remake, we can have an urban version of the Dukes of Hazzard.
Only it can be about a gang of black urban youth called “The Dukes” who live in a fictional section of Chicago called “The Hazzard” which is a dangerous old industrial area. (You know with pits of sulfuric acid, rusty chains hanging everywhere, lots of metal grid scaffolding, and tons of long deserted buildings and machinery.) They fight the corrupt “Boss” of the town as they cart meth from one end of the town to another, while dealing with the local constables and a pimp that goes by the name of Boss Hog.
Oh, and they drive in a pimped out white BMW that they call the Lil Layzie . The series can feature different rap songs every episode. It could work. I tell you.

Oh boy! I can see all the BLM howling. But, it makes sense, actually. The very first slaves to the Americas were Irish. It might not be the politically correct thing to say, but it is historically truthful.
Of course the progressives have done their best to rewrite this narrative. You can find their rebuttals at the very top of all the Google and Bing search results. But, it's not a fantasy. Personally, it's a small part of my very own family legacy.
- The Irish Slave Trade – The Forgotten “White” Slaves
- The Irish Slave Trade – The Forgotten “White” Slaves
- Tom Molineaux: The slave who boxed his way to freedom
- Irish Roots – History, Genealogy, Traditions & More
Yeah, now let’s have a gender swap and race swap of the television series Roots. Yeah. After all that is what progressiveness is all about, isn’t it?
Or is it about POWER?
You can gender swap all you want using similar themes and context, however the movie (or television show) should stand alone on it’s own merits.
You absolutely cannot produce a female version, or a different racial version, of a long held and long established character, theme or franchise successfully.
The reason for this is simple. People gravitate to the familiar, and are repelled by that they are unaccustomed to.
You should branch out and try something different that can stand alone and aloof. Give it depth and breadth and substance. make it immersive, and people will fall in love with your for it.
Follow the Lord of the Rings model.
You will know that you are successful when few people would associate your new creation with the movie or show that you might have spawned if off of.
The failures (in Hollywood movies) that we see today, are due to inappropriate pandering to an aggressive SJW army for “progressive justice” in lieu of actual content that can be successfully monetized.
I argue that while there might be protective and conservative reasons for accepting this pandering venue, it is counter productive in the long run.
As such I argue that the creative license should be used creatively, and in such a way that the final product cannot, would not, or in any way be associated with some sort of SJW revisionism effort.
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