It’s true, and boy does it make me feel old. When I joined the Navy, this was the latest thing. The talk was that it would replace the F-14 Tomcat and the E-6 Intruders. Never did happen, though.
The single-seat F/A-18 Hornet is the nation's first strike-fighter. It was designed for traditional strike applications such as interdiction and close air support without compromising its fighter capabilities. - The US Navy -- Fact File: F/A-18 Hornet strike fighter
I well remembering seeing my first Hornet up front and close. It as at NAS, NASC Pensacola , Florida. It was a typical Florida day with blue skies and cumulus clouds at just under 1000 meters. Hot and sunny. We were wearing service khaki’s with garrison caps.
An aviator was practicing on a Boeing CH-47 Chinook nearby. Turn to port, then turn to starboard. Over and over. It was making a racket but we didn’t mind. The huge awesomeness of the F/A-18 Hornet lay there in front of us in all of it’s glory.
For me, this retirement of the F/A-18 Hornet is the end of a historical milestone. Here is a nice video, and it is my tribute to this great aircraft.
I never had the opportunity to fly this wonderful beast. My future lay elsewhere, but others in my class did. Today, the latest incarnation of this monster is the “Super Hornet”, and by all accounts, it’s quite an aircraft.
My “hats are off” to anyone who has had the opportunity to fly this wonderful machine.

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