Neocon Sociopaths on the Left and Right Work to Destroy any US-China Alliance at the risk of Nuclear Conflict.

This article discusses neocons and their manipulation of American politics for Geo-political advantage.

The problem with this is that the stakes are dangerously high. We are not talking about a small country with a few cities. We are talking about technologically advanced first-world nations with state of the art weapons and nuclear, biological, and germ warfare technology.

Further, most Americans are so dumbed down that they have no idea just how advanced China and Russia are. That robots, facial recognition, 5 and 6G systems, and high speed trains are the norm. And have been so for half a decade. America has fallen terribly behind, and our military as well trained and experienced as it is, is not a match for the kinds of swarm drone germ warfare that China and Russia possess.

It'll be very difficult to shoot your rifle while your eyes are foaming with blood and puss.

This article is derived from an earlier article from Strategic Culture. All credit to the author Matthew Ehret.

I did take the liberty to make editing changes. I edited the run-on sentences to make it easier to read. I also added images, and commentary in dialog boxes, and provided supporting links. The conclusions, photo narratives, and associated editing are my own.

Donald Trump is in a painful bind.

The China-bashing traitors within his own party trying to pass themselves off as American patriots have done everything imaginable to destroy the one chance the President has to save America from the policies of economic and social decay which have mis-shaped the past 50 years of world history.

Before breaking under the pressure to pass the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act on November 27, Trump attempted desperately to push against the hard liners stating a day earlier:

“I stand with Hong Kong, but I also stand with  President Xi. He’s a friend of mine, he’s an incredible guy. We have to  stand, but I’d like to see them work it out, OK? We have to see them  work it out. I stand for Hong Kong, I stand for freedom, I stand for all  those things we want to do. But we are also in the process of making  the largest trade deal in history.”

Of course, Trump’s desire to use protective tariffs, rebuild decayed infrastructure and industries while reversing the regime change wars abroad are good things.

They are very good things.

Risk of confrontation is high.

However, the ugly fact is that the Trans-Atlantic financial system is also set to crash, and a serious military confrontation between the US military and the Russia-China alliance is both very real and very dangerous.

This is also why the passage of the anti-Beijing Bill on November 27 is so tragic, since the desperately needed economic alliance which Trump has desired may have suffered a wound from which it cannot recover.

A serious  military confrontation between the US military and the Russia-China  alliance is both very real and very dangerous. It will NOT be America plinking away at a third world "shit hole". It will instead, be nuclear, bio-weapons, germ weapons, and using the most modern technologies available to man ON AMERICAN soil.
A serious military confrontation between the US military and the Russia-China alliance is both very real and very dangerous. It will NOT be America plinking away at a third world “shit hole”. It will instead, be nuclear, bio-weapons, germ weapons, and using the most modern technologies available to man ON AMERICAN soil.

Not only this, but those anti-China hawks pervasive across Washington are now emboldened to go even further starting with Sen. Ted Cruz’s new bill.

The use of pests and biological warfare is almost a given if World War 3  is to take place. With the advancement made by biotechnology in the 21st  century, strains of viruses capable of eliminating the entire  population of the rival country are a reality. 


America to interfere with Taiwan.

For it is a bill to recognize Taiwan’s sovereignty, thus undoing the 1972 ‘One China’ agreement which established Beijing as the capital of China, and OPENLY threatening to drag mainland China into a nuclear confrontation.

I’ll say it again.

China has repeatedly stated that if you mess with Taiwan, you mess with China. It is one and the same.

If you mess with Texas, you mess with the USA. It's one and the same.

So any war, or provocation involving Taiwan, will involve China.

So, any war involving Texas, will involve the United States.

But this war or conflict or skirmish…

…will NOT be limited to China. But, will instead, include the American cities of Los Angles, Chicago, New York and many other enormous civilian population centers.

The basis of nuclear warfare in future was established when America  dropped the two bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki during the end of 2nd World War. The rush to develop nuclear weapons by France, USA, Soviet Union and China following the 2nd  World War resulted in the extremely tension ridden period known as Cold  War. 

It is theorized that a nuclear war will cause ten times more  casualties than a military war. Some analysts suggest that the nuclear  fog after a war will result in the entire humanity starving to death.  

The political standoff between USA and China over Taiwan is thought to be a situation that could easily spin out of control if these two nuclear super powers do not behave rationally.  


Here’s Chicago…

Neocons believe, incorrectly, that nuclear warfare will never occur on American soil. That any war that they promote will be limited to the geographical areas that they define. They are wrong. Any war with either China or Russia will result in nuclear destruction of most of urban America.
Neocons believe, incorrectly, that nuclear warfare will never occur on American soil. That any war that they promote will be limited to the geographical areas that they define. They are wrong. Any war with either China or Russia will result in nuclear destruction of most of urban America.

Any large scale conflict today (or in the near future) will seriously affect America’s status as a global superpower. Whether America “wins” or “loses”, it will change, and the likelihood is that it will not change for the good.

The rise of USA as a superpower during the end of the Second World War  and the disintegration of Soviet Union after the Cold War is proof of  the rearrangement of powers at the end of major wars. It can be  theorized that the Third World War will see the emergence of a new super  power. Many think that China can be the superpower which changes the  dynamics of the next war to come. 

Perhaps this is what Washington, D.C. might look like after a cluster of MIRV SLBM hyper-glide swarm nuclear missiles are launched.
Perhaps this is what Washington, D.C. might look like after a cluster of MIRV SLBM hyper-glide swarm nuclear missiles are launched.

Dancing with danger…

Cruz’s Taiwan Symbols of Sovereignty Act aims in Cruz’s words to “peel back some of the extreme insults of the Taiwanese that are inflicted by the One-China policy protocol” including the banning of Taiwan officials from visiting US government agencies, and Taiwan students studying at West Point military academy from wearing the Taiwan flag.

Hum. Are "extreme insults" reason enough for your entire family to be bleeding out of their anus, and your home a smoking black radioactive waste?

Already, the US-military have vastly amplified their presence on China’s border ever since Obama’s “Pivot-to-Asia” and “Air-Sea Battle” were put into practice in 2011-2012. This presence heavily relies on a militarized anti-China force in Taiwan ready to do the US’s bidding.

Any one who is delusional to think that American soil will not be affected by these decisions should have their head examined.

This is not 1913. Wars can get radioactive "hot" within seconds.

Here’s San Francisco…

Neocons think nothing of getting involved int he affairs of other nations. Today, America is fighting eight simultaneous wars. They argue that a ninth war would be easy. That China for all it's technology, is no match for the Untied States military and is willing to bet YOUR life and YOUR family's lives on that belief.
Neocons think nothing of getting involved in the affairs of other nations. Today, America is fighting eight simultaneous wars. They argue that a ninth war would be easy. That China for all it’s technology, is no match for the United States military and is willing to bet YOUR life and YOUR family’s lives on that belief.

Everyone seems to want a fight…

Many leading figures in Taiwan are stuck in a Cold War traumatized mindset established 60 years earlier, and still see their life’s mission and Taiwan’s destiny through the outdated lens of their Kuomintang forebears- as the only rightful leaders of China, destined to reconquer the mainland lost to the Communist Party in 1949.

The G series of nerve gases is so named due to their origin, with all of them originally discovered in Germany in the 1930s and 40s. Their discovery was actually a complete accident; Gebhardt Schraeder, a German researcher, was investigating the potential use of organophosphates as pesticides in 1936 when he synthesised the first of the G series nerve gases, tabun. He also played a part in the discovery of sarin in 1938. The other member of the G series, soman and cyclosarin, were discovered during the course of research funded by the German army into the pharmacological action of tabun and sarin.
The G series of nerve gases is so named due to their origin, with all of them originally discovered in Germany in the 1930s and 40s. Their discovery was actually a complete accident; Gebhardt Schraeder, a German researcher, was investigating the potential use of organophosphates as pesticides in 1936 when he synthesised the first of the G series nerve gases, tabun. He also played a part in the discovery of sarin in 1938. The other member of the G series, soman and cyclosarin, were discovered during the course of research funded by the German army into the pharmacological action of tabun and sarin.

These groups would do anything to fulfill that quasi-religious sense of purpose. Thus making them the perfect puppets for the Deep State.

Of course, the Deep State would be more than happy to undermine both China and America as viable sovereign nation states. In the process undoing the common cause for which both Presidents Abraham Lincoln and Sun Yatsen dedicated their lives.

What the heck is America doing? Why is it so involved in far away places, blowing the shit out of buildings and leveling cities flat? Doesn’t anyone realize that sooner or later America will pick on the wrong nation.

Here’s Houston, Texas…

Nuclear weapons launched by Russia or China will be SLBM's with MIRV multiple warheads many, many times larger than what was used in Japan during World War II. These SLBM MIRV's are all hype-velocity weapons and the city would be obliterated within five minutes of launch. The doctrine calls for multiple warheads for city, thus guaranteeing complete and absolute devastation.
Nuclear weapons launched by Russia or China will be SLBM’s with MIRV multiple warheads many, many times larger than what was used in Japan during World War II. These SLBM MIRV’s are all hype-velocity weapons and the city would be obliterated within five minutes of launch. The doctrine calls for multiple warheads for city, thus guaranteeing complete and absolute devastation.

An ugly and overlooked example of this operation includes the renewed effort by China-basher Steve Bannon who Trump rightly booted from his team in August 2017.

Bannon has been a dangerous character attempting to coral Trump supporters in America and the European right into a new anti-Chinese united front. He is doing this while reviving the neo-con “clash of civilizations” doctrine with a vengeance.

Steve Bannon.
Steve Bannon.

One of the main conduits Bannon chose to unleash this assault was the Committee on Present Danger-China. This is an organization which he founded alongside a group of raging neocons in March 2019.

Labeling China’s Belt and Road as a new empire threatening to undo America and enslave the world, Bannon’s think tank stated:

“As with the Soviet Union in the past, communist China represents an  existential and ideological threat to the United States and to the idea  of freedom – one that requires a new American consensus regarding the  policies and priorities required to defeat this threat.”

He just doesn’t get it.

This could be Thanksgiving day, two years after the United States is struck with a nuclear salvo of AI robotic nuclear swarm missiles in hyper-velocity glide platforms.
This could be Thanksgiving day, two years after the United States is struck with a nuclear salvo of AI robotic nuclear swarm missiles in hyper-velocity glide platforms.

China doesn’t give a rat’s ass about America. Anyone who attacks it will be glowing nuclear rainbows for the next two hundred years.

Here’s Boston…

The neocons, such as Bannon, do not believe that the nuclear on/off switch will ever be depressed. They believe that a conflict with China will be a conventional affair. With American Naval forces firing curse missiles at leisure, and launching drones at will to an unarmed, and America-leaning China.
The neocons, such as Bannon, do not believe that the nuclear on/off switch will ever be depressed. They believe that a conflict with China will be a conventional affair. With American Naval forces firing curse missiles at leisure, and launching drones at will to an unarmed, and America-leaning China.

Bannon has also found himself working ever more tightly with the anti-Beijing CIA-funded cult Falun Gong. This radical group has been banned from China since 1999. It is readily and consistently used by the CIA as a propaganda weapon against China.

In these propaganda attacks they routinely claim anecdotal evidence of Beijing-sponsored organ harvesting and killing of religious minorities. Though pushing itself as a meditation group, its leader Li Hongzhi is based in the USA. He promotes the idea that he has magical powers that keep the forces of evil from destroying the world.

Bannon most recently produced the Falun Gong-funded film “Claws of the Red Dragon”. This kind of action put him into the same boat as his left-handed mirror image George Soros who also supports the Falun Gong. He does so through Open Society Foundation’s Freedom House.

Of course, Soros wants World War III on American soil. He said so many, many times in public.

Here’s New York City…

The rest of the world "does not play". Expect any toying around with the internal affairs of a major superpower will result in nuclear detonations up and down the American coastline.
The rest of the world “does not play”. Expect any toying around with the internal affairs of a major superpower will result in nuclear detonations up and down the American coastline.

The contradiction arising from this alliance of pro-Trump sociopaths working with anti-Trump sociopaths only makes sense when you look at the anti-human game from the top down rather than the bottom up.

It is here, that we start getting a fuller picture of the nature of the false ‘left vs right’ game being played. We look at a City of London-based think tank which Bannon leads. It is called the Dignitas Humanitae Institute. And it operates alongside 5 other highly connected figures which were recently exposed in a powerful expose . This expose by journalist Stan Ezrol described Bannon’s four other co-patrons of this Catholic group as…

“Archduke  Otto Von Habsburg, successor to the throne of the Holy Roman Emperor  when it was dissolved; His Royal Highness Charles of Bourbon Two  Sicilies and Duke of Castro, a leading figure in the anti-Renaissance  wing of European nobility; Field Marshal the Lord Guthrie GCB (Knight of  the Grand Cross), LVO (Lieutenant of the Victorian Order), OBE (Order  of the British Empire); and Father Matthew Festing.”

The forces managing this international battle are desperately afraid of the fact that western and eastern renaissance traditions may be awakened in the face of the existential crisis facing the human species today.

These groups are very much aware that the essential character of any society fit to survive is rooted on certain moral principles that are found in both Christian and Confucian cultures alike, making the USA and China potentially very strong and organic allies.

When one reads the writings of such founding fathers of either great nation as Dr. Benjamin Franklin or Dr. Sun Yatsen, the common moral worldview and sense of human nature as a species made in the image of the creator endowed with inalienable rights is electric.

Both Dr. Benjamin Franklin (USA) and Dr. Sun Yatsen (China) believed that governments are made by man to serve under Rights given by the divine creator.

It is thus no coincidence that Dr. Franklin saw in Confucius the key for the foundation of America. And Sun Yatsen saw in America’s Constitution the key for China’s future.

This is a concept which Hong Kong rioters, Taiwan militarists, Open Society ideologues and right wing Bannonites know nothing about.

George Soros, through his Open Society network, is actively pushing for the United States to be involved in wars domestically and globally. He intends to destroy America completely and that is why he is funding and supporting Neocon efforts to entangle the United States into global warfare with nuclear armed nations.
George Soros, through his Open Society network, is actively pushing for the United States to be involved in wars domestically and globally. He intends to destroy America completely and that is why he is funding and supporting Neocon efforts to entangle the United States into global warfare with nuclear armed nations.

Today, Xi Jinping and President Putin exemplify this common outlook wonderfully. As their alliance has transformed the international rules of the game on every level. If Trump wasn’t constrained by such bigoted agents as Cruz, Bannon or the rabid hive of leftist hacks frothing at the mouth for impeachment, then the USA would make an organic ally in this new multi-polar alliance.

If not, it will be China and Russia that will align, and the USA will be on it’s own.

Russian President Vladimir Putin is issuing a warning, one Americans  need to pay attention to before US politicians take us past the point of  no return, if they haven't done so already.

While the media in  Russia is "state-run," meaning that one never knows how much is true or  how much is propaganda, the flip side of that particular coin is that  nothing goes out over it without the express permission, or instigation  of Russian leadership, so it is clear that when their articles are  written or news spoken, it is exactly what Putin wants the world to  know.

With that said, the very first paragraph of Russia Today's editorial  titled "America tuned out as Congress bangs war drum against Russia,"  which states that US House resolution 758 has "brought the nation one  step closer to all-out-war with Russia," is a dire warning directly from  Russia to the populace of the United States.

Future  historians - that is, assuming there are humans still around to  contemplate history - may one day point to House Resolution 758 as the  single piece of legislation that sparked a global conflagration between two leading nuclear powers.

The  article also goes on to take a look at House resolution 758, breaking  it down, giving a birds-eye view of how Russian leadership views these  actions on the part of the US Congress and it appears that things are  about to get much uglier.

Read the whole article over at RT. 

We need to take a fucking serious look at who we are picking fights with. Not everyone will stand by, bend over, and allow them to get fucked over.

Here’s Washington, D.C…

Nothing can quite ruin your day like global thermonuclear war can.
Nothing can quite ruin your day like global thermonuclear war can.


Both sides of the political spectrum (in the United States) are pushing President Trump towards war. It feeds the neocon agenda. It provides a great distraction of the public from domestic malfeasance, and allows the wealthy oligarchy to loot and profit from “American nation rebuilding efforts”.

Only this time, the stakes are higher and the nations selected will fight back.

They will fight back on American soil.

You know, it might be all Gung-Ho to say “Bring it on!”, the fact is no one wants to see America turned into a radioactive wasteland. But, that is exactly what will happen unless these neocons are corralled up and subdued.

I’m just a lone voice in the wilderness. But please listen to what I have to say. I am begging. I am pleading with you all.

400 kilometers northeast of Bombay  there is a circular 2,154-metre-diameter crater, the Lonar crater. It  has been dated at less than 50,000 years old, and could conceivably be  related to a nuclear attack or mishap of antiquity. 

No  traces of any expected meteoric material  has ever been found in the  vicinity, and this is the world's only known "impact" crater in solid  basalt. Indications of a tremendous shock exceeding 600,000 atmospheres  combined with intense, sudden heat has been determined.

In  Rajasthan, India ten miles west of Jodhpur -there is a heavy layer of  radioactive ash ,it covers about three-square miles. Scientists  investigated the site. It has been noted that has always been a very high rate of birth defects and cancer in the area. The levels of  radiation there registered so high on investigators' gauges that the  Indian government cordoned off the region.  

- Nuclear Warfare in Ancient India 

Nuclear war would send America back to the stone age. It might never recover.

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Be the Rufus; more examples of personal heroism in China. Part 19. After Christmas Edition.

More examples of personal heroism in China. This is part nineteen. THis is a collection compiled the day after Christmas in 2019. We’ve got some nice micro-videos to start the new year off with.

Here are some more videos of personal heroism. These videos all take place in China, and show examples of how average, normal, everyday people (or dogs and cats) can make a difference. When the calling strikes and an emergency occurs, will you be the one who turns their back, or will you run and offer help? Will you be the one who stays playing on the cell-phone, or will you lend a helping hand? Will you be the person who will make a difference in the lives of those around you, or are you just going to fade into the background.

Make a difference. Be like Rufus!

Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.

These are all micro-videos of very short duration. From ten seconds to three minutes. I would suggest that you, the reader, allow them to load to get the full experience.

Video 1 – Mother and son reunited after he was kidnapped in 1989 at 4 years old.

Stealing children, especially young kids, is a problem all over the world. Sometimes they are sold off for sex slaves, but more often than not, it is just a person that wants to have a young son to call their own.

This man was four years old in 1989. He was stolen and snatched. His parents thought that he was long dead.

Then imagine their surprise when he got a routine gene DNA test. They are becoming rather common in China. Like when you want to have a child, you need to have the DNA approved by the government. So he submitted his DNA and low and behold, he is not who he thought he was!

This is his reunion with his real natural mother.

His father died the year earlier, broken hearted, believing that his son was forever gone.

Video 2 – Boy collapses in an icy pool.

Life is like that. Everything seems nice and fine. Quiet and eventual. Just some small puddles. It’s a little chilly out, not arctic temperatures. SO the boy wants to climb about and just be a boy. Then the unthinkable happens…

Video 3 – Bystanders stop and capture a robber that preys on old people.

This is a robber that accosts older men and women. Often in their 90’s, and often feeble. Both in mind and body. Only this time, a pair of Rufus’s notice what is going on. They go after the thug, chase him down and give him a real tongue lashing, I’ll tell you what!

Video 4 – Fire alarm in a kindergarten.

Everyone in Chinese schools must be able to evacuate quickly and simply. It can actually be amazing to watch. No one wants a repeat of 411. Check it out.

Video 5 – Man saves a dog trapped with a waterfall.

This man is saving a dog that is trapped in a waterfall. Watching this makes me feel good inside. I am reminded that there just might be hope fo the human species after all.

Video 6 – Preventing a sled riding accident.

This kind of things (I’m sure) happens all over America in the Winter. I think it must of happened to me more than a few time. Boy and kids being what they are, are always getting into trouble. Lucky for them, an adult is around to save the day.

Video 7 – Tackling a purse snatcher.

Purse snatchers can think that they can get away and not be caught Little do they realize that there are “watchers” all over the place and it’s up to us, as individuals, to keep the peace and right the wrongs. Be the Rufus!

Video 8 – An entire village pulls up a car.

In China, no one is alone. This can come and be a real problems at times. But, there is a plus side to it. People, friends, community all pull together. They help each other out. It’s not at all like the “lone wolf” mentality that is so persistent in the United States.

This is not a submarine. It’s a car that fell into the icy river below.

Video 9 – Woman helps a heavily loaded motorcycle.

People helping people. I love it!

I love this chick, and man does she have strong legs. But what really attracts me to her is her willingness to help others. What a gal! She for certain put a big old smile on my face.

She didn’t have to.

She could have just kept minding her own business, don’t you know.

Video 10 When chemistry goes bad.

Anyone who has had haz-mat training and MSMD training in industry know that you must respect chemicals. Out-gassing is dangerous, as is the chemical reaction when incorrect quantities are combined. It can suddenly go South very, very quickly.

Like in this video…

Thank you for reading this.

God bless.


We do not know when the calling will come.

However, when it calls, you must take action. It will not make you wealthy, rich, famous, or attractive. But, it will make a difference when you are judged upon death. Be the Rufus. Make a difference. Help others. It’s our highest calling.

If you enjoyed this post, you might want to check out the index of these types of posts. Please kindly go here…

Hero Stories

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Soups, Sandwiches and ice cold beer.
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Grow and play - 2
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Funny Pictures

Picture Dump 1

Be the Rufus – Tales of Everyday Heroism.

Be the Rufus - 1
Be the Rufus, part II. More tales of heroism.
Be the Rufus; more stories of personal heroism in China. Part 3.
Here are some more videos of personal heroism. These videos all take place in China, and show examples of how average, normal, everyday people (or dogs and cats) can make a difference. When the calling strikes and an emergency occurs, will you be the one who turns their back, or will you run and offer help? Will you be the one who stays playing on the cell-phone, or will you lend a helping hand? Will you be the person who will make a difference in the lives of those around you, or are you just going to fade into the background.
Be the Rufus; more stories of personal heroism in China. Part 4.
Here are some more fine, fine videos of personal heroism. These videos all take place in China, and show examples of how average, normal, everyday people (or dogs and cats) can make a difference. When the calling strikes and an emergency occurs, will you be the one who turns their back, or will you run and offer help? Will you be the one who stays playing on the cell-phone, or will you lend a helping hand? Will you be the person who will make a difference in the lives of those around you, or are you just going to fade into the background.
Be the Rufus; more stories of personal heroism in China. Part 5.
Here are even more fine, fine videos of personal heroism. These videos all take place in China, and show examples of how average, normal, everyday people (or dogs and cats) can make a difference. When the calling strikes and an emergency occurs, will you be the one who turns their back, or will you run and offer help? Will you be the one who stays playing on the cell-phone, or will you lend a helping hand? Will you be the person who will make a difference in the lives of those around you, or are you just going to fade into the background.
This is a selection of videos that portray everyday heroes doing good, kind works. We all like int he same (apparent) world and we all share the same environment. It is thus important for us to make it the best environment to coexist within. These videos are part of a much larger collection of videos. This is part 6.
Be the Rufus; more stories of personal heroism in China. Part 7.
This is a selection of videos that portray everyday heroes doing good, kind works. We all like in the same (apparent) world and we all share the same environment. It is thus important for us to make it the best environment to coexist within. These videos are part of a much larger collection of videos. This is part 7.
Be the Rufus; more stories of personal heroism in China. Part 8.
This is a selection of videos that portray everyday heroes doing good, kind works. We all like in the same (apparent) world and we all share the same environment. It is thus important for us to make it the best environment to coexist within. These videos are part of a much larger collection of videos. This is part 8.
Be the Rufus; more stories of personal heroism in China. Part 9.
We all have a need to participate within our communities, to have a role, and to give meaning to our lives. This role is important, and it is such that it often can call upon us to be heroic in acts and deeds. This is a selection of videos that portray everyday heroes doing good, kind works. We all like in the same (apparent) world and we all share the same environment. It is thus important for us to make it the best environment to coexist within. These videos are part of a much larger collection of videos. This is part 9.
Be the Rufus; more stories of personal heroism in China. Part 10.
We all have a need to participate within our communities, to have a role, and to give meaning to our lives. This role is important, and it is such that it often can call upon us to be heroic in acts and deeds. This is a selection of videos that portray everyday heroes doing good, kind works. We all like in the same (apparent) world and we all share the same environment. It is thus important for us to make it the best environment to coexist within. These videos are part of a much larger collection of videos. This is part 10.

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