Having Sex in Thailand while drinking beer, singing, dancing, playing and other worthwhile activities

This post is a newbie’s guide to having sex in Thailand. It’s a compilation of information that the interested reader can rely on to meet companions and have some fun with them. And by fun, I mean drinking alcohol, singing, dancing, exploring the local sights, eating the amazing food, and having sex with an attractive companion. You can find this information elsewhere on the internet, don’t you know, but here we are going to include it all in one place for your personal use.

Included herein for your personal use.

Please realize that I am not a “monger”. I am just a normal guy that likes pretty girls, exotic cultures, singing, dancing and drinking. And I believe that if you would rather sit in front of the boob-tube (television set) rather than have a pretty girl on your lap then you go ahead and do it. As they used to say in the United States “different strokes for different folks”.

Now, you can take this information and use it. Or you can read it and absorb it, and then forget it. Or, you can take what is provided herein and say “My! What an interesting place. I should go ahead and visit it. Yes, I think.”

Sex in Thailand

And so let’s talk about life in interesting places, with interesting people, doing interesting things.

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"People will always buy food, alcohol, drugs, coffee, and sex. A lot of men are stressed and want a release,"

-Loretta from Prostitutes tempt clients with deals. 
By KEITH LYNCH 13:34, Feb 27 2009

I like Thailand. It is everything that the USA isn’t.

“For me I live in Thailand and have done so for the past 3 and a half years and it remains the best decision of my life. 

But what is it really like to live in Thailand day in and day out is it like living anywhere else and does the attractions of what it was like as a tourist still alive or has it waned.

When you live here you don't do the elephant treks or the jet skis on the beach you work and live a life like you would anywhere else except for one difference for me at least you have a lot more sex!

For most of the guys that I know who live here their sex life improves 1000% and it doesn't matter how old you are in fact the older you are the more the improvement! (Good Site for Details)

And more than likely the majority of the guys reading this blog living in Thailand is about having as much sex as you can!”


Ah, yes.  But it is true by all accounts.

Always uses a condom. Most younger men are not ethical in their whoring practices. This is very dangerous.  Listen to me; all it takes is to get the clap or gonorrhea just once, and spend a week in a hospital that will make you wear a condom for the rest of your life. (In addition, don’t try to look on the Internet for medicines and try to cure yourself.  No.  You go to a hospital.)

Getting an STD involves hospitalization if you get some of the more dangerous strains. Do not mess around. Wear a condom. 

Not only has Metallicman dealt with hospital stays for STD's, but also know more than a few fellow expats that caught HIV/AIDS while "having fun". Their stories are sad, sad, sad.

Wear a condom.

And while you are probably going to say that you have heard this all before, let me be the first to drive this point home to you, in the clearest and most forceful way that I can.

Wear a condom.

But with the proper precautions and attentions, you stay in Asia can be outstanding and just amazing.

The point being that Asian women have different cultural norms than American women have.  (Don’t believe me?  Read THIS.)

However, that does not mean that they aren’t female. They have needs, desires, feelings, and issues like any other normal person would. In all cases, if the man is 100% devoted to sexual pursuit, he will get it. However, he will live a shallow and lonely life.  It would be a life unfulfilled.

You do need some alcohol.

You do need some delicious and very tasty food.

You do need to have some fun activities.

The truth is that most men, aside from sex, NEEDS a companion.  This would be a person that they can share their life with. Indeed, some of my favorite times is just being at home with my family, drinking VSOP (or wine) and talking. Then comes the sex.  LOL!

Don’t drink too much – the biggest obstacle to knowing whether a bar girl really likes you or not is alcohol. Also when you get older, the booze inhibits the enjoyment of doing the deed. Finally, is it really fun to get shitfaced? (I don’t know, it doesn’t happen too much any more. The last time that happened to me was at a KTV in China where I drank an entire bottle of Hennesy by myself, and woke up with three nude girls.)

A man needs a companion…

Written by Steve Rosse. January 8th, 2014.

He sits at his desk and dreams about the girl with the French braid. It was the elaborate hair that caught his eye in the Safari Bar, but it was hearing her laugh that made him offer her a drink. It was two days in a room that contained nothing but a bed and a small refrigerator that has kept her at the front of his mind for a whole year.

She hangs onto the chrome pole and dreams about the man with the gap between his front teeth. He was more generous than most of the men who paid her for sex, but it was the fact that he was a little more clean, and a little more sober, that made her agree to go with him. It was two days in a room that contained nothing but a bed and a small refrigerator that has kept him at the front of her mind for a whole year.

His job is mundane and he does it without thinking about it. He shuffles the paper from one side of his desk to the other, makes the appropriate comments in meetings. His job is just what he does to pay the bills. His annual trips to Thailand are what he lives for. He’s had many women in Thailand (almost none at home) but when he’s daydreaming at his desk it’s always about the girl with the French braid.

Her job is mundane and she does it without thinking about it. Her job is just what she does to pay the bills. She shuffles her feet to the music and makes the appropriate comments to the men on their stools. Her annual trips home to Saphan Buri are what she lives for. She’s had many men in Bangkok (none at home) but when she’s daydreaming on the catwalk it’s always about the man with the gap between his front teeth.

He doesn’t really know why she stands out from the others in his memory. She was pretty enough, but other women were prettier. She was skilled in bed, but others were more skilled. There was just something about her, about the way she was so worried about messing up her braid. About how she folded her clothes so neatly before she got into bed. About how she actually seemed to mean it when she asked, “Was I good for you?”

She doesn’t really know why he stands out from the others in her memory. He was generous enough, but other men were more generous. His demands in bed were easy enough to satisfy, but other men’s were easier. There was just something about him, about the way he asked if he could do things before he did them. About how he discreetly tucked the money under her purse on the nightstand rather than just hand it to her. It was something about how he actually seemed to mean it when he asked “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

He shuffles his papers and jokes with the other guys in the break room. He pays his bills and does his shopping and watches TV. But he’s counting the days until his next trip to Thailand. He’s going for the whole month of April, when the air fares are cheapest. He’ll go back to the Safari bar and ask for the girl with the French braid. He wishes he could remember her name. She gave it to him once, at the bar when they met, but after that they were “Darling” to each other and he never thought to ask for it again.

She shuffles her feet and jokes with the other girls on the catwalk. She pays her bills and does her shopping and watches TV. But she’s counting the days until her next trip to Saphan Buri. She’s going for the whole month of April, for the Songkran holiday. She’ll sit on the bus and dream of the man with the gap between his teeth. She wishes she could remember his name.

It’s easy to love the “Land of Smiles”

Typical girl in Thailand.

Anyways, moving on…

“Some people have a hard time understanding relationships where the male is significantly older (decades),"what do they have in common" is a question you'll hear a lot and the answer is pretty simple. 

Not much at all.If a 45 year old wants to date a 19y/o Thai university girl then I see nothing wrong with that. 

In fact just a quick look on Thai Cupid and you'll find thousands of girls in their late teens with profile titles like "seeking Farang man 30-50". 

Most guys wet dream!

Do most guys care if they have anything in common? 

No. And that's fine because in most relationships whether they are close to each others age or not there's always compromise. 

If you want to have common interests then find a girl you work with.”

-Living Thai


To a young person, it seems all messed up. 

To an American, indeed, especially to an American woman it seems so disgusting.  Well, that is why you are still in America, and I am outside of it.

Anyways, here’s a nice rant directed at 20-something millennials who have strong opinions about what us “old farts” do with our life and time.

“Yeah, I'm supposed to sound like the jaded old guy I am.

But, OK pal...

... it's all great as you're a youthful stud who happens to be in Bangkok at the right time to meet Thai women...

...women, who've shed many of their cultural proscriptions against co-mingling with farang, and now have communication vectors making it convenient.

Let's hear from you in a decade or two.

After maybe, just maybe, you've been raked over the coals by an avaricious family and your former teeruk has her golden parachute, your DNA in her kids.

After you've grown weary of corruption / incompetence, built the house and learned you can't own the land.

(Where you've) seen your fortune dwindle and learned how merciless Thai courts can be when it comes to divorce proceedings.

Let's hope this doesn't happen – plenty of happy couples out there.

But in your mid-20s, you don't even know what the wringer looks like, let alone been through it. 

And yes, (you are correct) there are those whose chick magnet days are memories, who've been married / divorced / through the wringer yet we still want to enjoy life, intimacy, friendship and sex (OK, maybe not in that order).

We're not ready for the grave yet, we're just closer than you are. 

And we're not deluded that women in their 20s (or even 30s) will tumble all over us because we are shit-hot farang like you.

Guys in their 20s have no concept of life without mobile comms. 

The older guys will say, yeah, right on – the target audience will think, there's those old guys complaining about "the good old days" again. 

I've seen both ends.

Have you?”

-To the young’uns.

Ah Thailand.  A land of complex relationships, and are colorful and very interesting. There is all kinds of interesting things about relationships in Thailand.  Like this,

“If you just want to have sex with a bunch of Thai Girls then it's recommended you search for a farm girl. 

Maybe she works on a rubber plantation or rice plantation, maybe she works in an industrial area where everyone has a factory job. 

Sure these girls have no money but typically these kind of girls are easy to please eat 30 baht meals and know the only thing they have of value is their sex drive so they really turn it on.

This girl doesn't dress very well probably has bad looking toes but she's also 21y/o or younger and a super tight body. 

She doesn't use Tinder prefers Skout and has little English. 

She may even be a virgin or had very few partners. 

She was broken in by some Thai guy who left her shortly so if you're a white guy you're in because she's meeting you with a preconceived notion that if she has sex with you, you won't leave her.”


Anyways, many (male) expats move to Thailand to “sow their wild oats”, and to enjoy the more wiley pleasures of the flesh.  That’s fine. Yet, Thailand has much to offer.  One of the benefits, or course, is that Thai girls are not American girls.

“What does Mr Bean have to do with getting more girls in Thailand?”

This is a great comment I found somewhere. It's interesting and worth a read.

I knew you’d ask what Mr Bean has to do with getting more girls in Thailand and it’s pretty simple. Thai’s love slapstick comedy.

Ever watched those boring Thai TV programs yeah they are a little funny but nothing compared to the Bean in fact I’m sure all those producers of Thai TV reels were first introduced to comedy through Mr Bean.

Mr Bean never says a word though which is yet another reason why you should learn the Bean way. He can be funny without using lines English or Thai, but they get the humor and they think he’s hilarious.

You know I’m from Australia and growing up in Australia meant either being or knowing the toughest people in the neighborhood, bully’s and thugs put a tight lid on anyone not conforming.

If you were gay you were teased, if your fat your teased, if you wore something like plastic fake pink bear claw flip flops with tight half jeans an orange tank top to the mall and walked into a mall shaving your tongue with a razor you’d be taken to the nearest hospital.

Here in Thailand however people would laugh with you and think your funny and cool.

And this is where Thai’s and Farang differ the most.

Farang will go up to one another and say “Fuck man you look like a total wanker” whereas Thais will go up to that person and say “Wow your funny and dressed different want to be my friend”.

Same reason why there are so many gays and lesbians in this country, in our country if you were gay at school you’d have a shit time because people who didn’t like that shit would tell you, however in Thailand they keep their difference in sex, dress, style to themselves, well mostly anyway.

I have no way of explaining the Thai reasoning behind this different as you can imagine trying to talk to a Thai about something in depth get’s you answers like “have you eaten yet?”. But it doesn’t really matter why but how to use Mr Bean to take advantage of this difference in cultures.

Mr Bean is the biggest playboy in Thailand

Be Stupid!

The more idiotic your actions the funnier it is to Thai’s, watch some re-runs of Mr Bean and get into his groove then go out and do repeat the same in public, people will come up to you.

Have you ever been to a mostly Thai nightclub in Thailand, everyone’s just kinda standing around waiting for something to do or look at.

Maybe it’s you they are waiting to look at, remember if it’s stupid funny and Thai people are looking at you that’s a good thing.

When my ex was working in Alcatraz Pattaya she comes home one night and tells me about this guy in her club. How he was doing all this stupid Mr Bean shit and the girls in the club were eating it up, all the girls were sitting around his table.

My next question is of course well how many drinks did he buy, she replies “none, but he so funny”.

He was doing shit like putting straws up his nose and walking around like a Walrus.

I’m sure if I did that with some mates around they walk away. But why were the girls all around. I decided to do some tests.

Test 1: I went to the “go go club” sat down, and bought a drink; didn’t smile

Test 2: Went to the club sat down bought a drink and smiled.

Test 3: Went to the club, sat down, bought a drink, and smiled, and waved some girls over.

Test 4: Went to the club, sat down, bought a drink, stuck two straws in my nose, and walked around like a chicken. When someone asked me where I’m from I turned into a kangaroo.

The results were surprising!

The first test was boring, I sat there drank the whole bloody drink and the only person who I spoke to was the waitress and that was very short.

The second test went a little better with getting more than short talk with the waitress and some girl come over and ask for a drink but still at 150 baht a beer and the crap show I still feel like I’d been ripped.

The third test which is what I normally do was much more fun had some drinks good time but was down about 1500 baht and really only touched one girl. I had fun but I wouldn’t do it every day.

The fourth test is something I would never normally do, in fact if you did this shit at the Doonside Pub in Western Sydney someone would come over and smack you in the head, and again don’t believe me go try that one yourself but I want video! So I walk into this GoGo club sit down get my drink put two straws in my nose and walk around like a chicken scratching my feet then sat back down. By the next hangover of girls on stage there were 5 girls around my table. Anytime they’d ask for a drink I’d just do something funny stupid from Mr Bean and they’d laugh after a while they stopped asking but wouldn’t go just wanted more stupid shit. I pretty much danced and felt up every one of those girls in the two hours and got two phone numbers I was there and left with a 240 baht check bin.

Sure this is only one test but it seems to work well in any nighttime entertainment venue in Thailand. The Mr Bean Playboy effect does have it’s use in Thailand and I’d imagine if the Bean himself came to Thailand he’d have more than all of us.


No Sexual hangups

Ah, you’ve got to love Asia.

It’s not just Thailand. It’s China, Vietnam, Laos, the Phillippines. It’s everywhere.

“Love you long time” refers to overnight sex with multiple “shots”.
“Thai girls can go from 0-100 in a relationship very quickly. 

Typically there is no "will you be my boyfriend" it's pretty assumed that if you have sex that you are now in a relationship.

There should be at no point talking about how you're going to stick your cock down her throat. 

Instead if you want to know how randy she is after  a while of talking you can test the conversation by simply kidding with her like if she says "have you eaten yet?" reply "no, but I want to eat you 555". 

Unless she's a virgin she's going to fuck you anyway.95% of the girls that I meet up with have already decided they will have sex BEFORE they come to meet you. 

So really there is no need to discuss it, discussing it just makes her feel that that's all you're into.”

-Living Thai

Myths about Sex Workers

There are many myths about sex workers. 

Heck, if you believe the feminist social justice warriors around the world you would think that they are all uneducated, trapped, drugged and imprisoned young waifs. Ha! What a crock of bullshit.

Thailand’s sex tourism industry is polarizing and everyone from do-gooders and religious zealots with the most puritanical attitudes to sex tourists who travel the world looking for the cheapest bonk has an opinion.

These opinions are just that – opinions – often with no basis in fact, yet they are repeated to the point that many actually believe these myths to be facts.

Let’s go through these myths and tackle them one by one…

Myth #1 Thai bargirls are being forced against their will

Many believe that Thai bargirls are there against their will, are forced in to it / sex slaves / indentured and / or sold by their family.  Western sex tourists have long been aghast at the idea that working ladies may be there against their will and it is one reason why they tend to stick to the expat bar areas.

In the expat bar areas, girls are there of their own volition and can come and go as they please. 

They are free to leave the bar and spend the night with a customer. 

Contrast this with many Thai-style bars where everything happens on the premises. It may also be where the girls live. That creates doubt about whether she is free to come and go.

I don't think I can recall ever meeting a lady in an expat bar area who was there against her will, enslaved or sold to the bar by her family. Maybe it happened once upon a time, but I have never seen it with my own eyes. 

All the gals I know have a smartphone, and freely access their various social networks with it.


While I have had experiences with women for sex, the reader might feel uncomfortable with this idea.  After all, isn’t sex “dirty”? Well, it isn’t. And, people have been marketing sex for years.  

This can be for money by [1] one-on-one sexual romps or [2] being filmed engaging in sex for fun. 

Indeed, the reader might ask what it is like to be an actress in the porn industry. For a pretty decent article of what it is really like to work in the porn industry.  Hint – it’s all work. 

Go here; http://www.realclearlife.com/women/eva-lovia-what-it-takes-to-be-porn-star-today/

While it is a myth in terms of the bar areas for Western men, in the Thai bar areas, however, there may be some truth in it. Western Media “reports” suggest that this sort of thing was not uncommon in the past (note the use of the word suggest: many reporting on this issue have an agenda). Yes, there have been a few reports of families in the poorest regions of Thailand, often the rural north, selling their daughter to bar recruitment agents but how widespread it is, I just do not know.

Myth #2 There are 2 million prostitutes in Thailand.

The number of prostitutes in Thailand is high and no doubt runs in to 6 figures, but 2 million?

No chance!

2 million is roughly 6% of the total female population of Thailand. 2 million would be 17% of all females aged 18 – 40 (assuming most prostitutes are aged 18 – 40) – and there is no way that’s the case. (One in five females is a prostitute? Give me a break!)

The Thailand has 2 million prostitutes comment is often used by NGOs, religious groups and opponents of the industry to support their argument that prostitution is widespread in Thailand.


It’s not that widespread.

Someone came up with this number a long time ago and it has been repeated ad nauseum by those with an anti-prostitution stance. Is it any wonder today that so many have become cynical about NGOs in the region working with underprivileged women when some are caught perpetrating these myths with outright lies.

Myth #3 The girls like what they do.

Comments that bargirls enjoy what they do is barstool banter and naughty boy forum talk. Outside of the naughty bars, no-one suggests the girls like it. 

A job is a job, is a job.

Little gets sex tourists more upset than being faced with the reality that the girls hate what they’re doing, and some come to hate themselves and turn to alcohol and / or drugs to deal with it.

The unusual thing about the myth that the girls like what they do – or at the very least that they don’t mind it – is that the girls themselves are at least partly responsible for this myth. They tell guys that they like their job – they can hardly tell a potential customer that they hate what they do, can they? That’s the last thing a guy with a conscience wants to hear!

Any Westerner who speaks Thai well or gets close to the girls soon learns that in apart from rare cases, the girls hate it. The girls like the money they make, but that’s all they like.

The money.

Myth #4 The girls like sleeping overnight in a customer’s hotel room.

Thais working in the bar industry often live with friends, colleagues or family.

For unmarried Thais, especially those from rural areas, communal living is the norm. It’s what they’re used to and how they are most comfortable. Half a dozen ladies may share a small room, a couple sharing the bed and the rest sleeping (quite happily) on the floor.

A customer staying in a nice hotel might reasonably believe that the lady he is with would prefer to stay in a swanky hotel room with a bathroom larger than her entire apartment, cool air-conditioning and a soft bed. That is seldom the case.

The reason bargirls may stay the night in a customer’s hotel room is simply because she can charge a higher fee if she stays all night.

Whether it is a 5-star hotel or Khao San Road flophouse, she is concerned about the cash in the morning, not the state of the room.

This myth would seem to be perpetrated by guys who appear to be trying to show they treat a lady well. What they don’t get is not only that most girls would rather stay in their own room with their friends (or boyfriend or husband), but that many girls are terrified of spending the night with a stranger, especially a foreigner who is bigger and stronger than she is, who might be a drinker and who could, if he so chose, do whatever he wanted to her.

Myth #5 The sex you pay for is cheaper than a regular date.

Some argue that sex with a prostitute is a sure thing and sex with a lady you date is not, and as such sex you don’t pay for can be costlier, both time-wise and in dollar terms. That may be the case in Farangland where it might take a few dates to hit a home run but most guys find they get to take her home much sooner in Thailand!

A few drinks in a bar for you and lady drink or two for her typically runs several hundred baht or more. Barfines average around 700 baht these days. A room in a short-time hotel is about 500 baht and most girls expect at least 2,000 baht. You’re looking at around 4,000 baht for a short-time with a Bangkok gogo girl. (Yes, it could be much cheaper but this would be about average.)

Compare that with a regular date in Bangkok. Dinner for two and drinks can be around 2,000 baht. You could do it for much less if you chose to. Starbucks seems to be the favorite and coffee followed by a movie is often followed by a romp.

The amount of money some guys report spending on a night out in a bar before taking a bargirl to the nearest short-time hotel far exceeds what I have ever spent on a first date. In Farangland you might get some action by the third date; in Bangkok she’s talking marriage by date #3!

Sex with bargirls in Thailand costs much more than sex with regular girls (and I bet sex with non-bar girls is much better too!)

Myth #6 Sex tourists are old, fat, bald dudes who can’t get laid in their homeland.

The old fat and bald stereotype has never held water. While not sex tourists per se, what we know as the expat bar industry today was born out of the Vietnam era when young, fit American soldiers were in Bangkok on R+R. A new sector of the Thai commercial sex industry was born.

These guys were anything but old, fat and bald!

Following the Vietnam War, sex tourists followed and no doubt some weren’t shining physical specimens, but photos from the bar industry in the early days show many looked slim and healthy.

These days the bar industry attracts the full gamut of men from young, fit and handsome guys to older, less healthy guys who may not be so easy on the eye.

Yes, the average age of sex tourists might be north of 50, but what surprises many mainstream visitors who check out Bangkok’s expat bar areas is that there are plenty of young, handsome guys in the bars – and they are participating!

The old, fat and bald myth usually comes from Western females…

… and Western is the critical word here because a Thai female would never say this.

Some Western women talk ill of sex tourists and use the only two weapons they have in the battle of the sexes – [1] guilt and [2] the withholding of sex. These women want to try and make men participating in the industry to feel guilty about what they are doing because they don’t want the guys to be getting easy sex as that greatly limits their own options.

Sex tourism has become a lifestyle choice for a wide cross-section of men, some of who simply find they prefer meeting women and attending to their manly needs that way.

Myth #8 Escorts are a higher class.

Think of “escort” and you probably think of a higher class of woman who is not just – perhaps even not necessarily – a sex partner, but someone you can take to business functions and someone who you can present to others.

If your work life is important to you, don’t make that mistake in Bangkok!

There has been an explosion of escort services in Thailand in recent years. Most come and go in very much the same vein as bars come and go – no surprise given that some of the escort service owners had previously tried and failed with a bar.

Most Bangkok escort services are not escort services in the traditional sense. Rather, most Bangkok escorts are simply sex workers you can book online. Rather than going to a gogo or other bar, you can simply get online, make a booking and an hour or two later you will get a knock on the door.

Many of the ladies working as escorts in Bangkok previously worked in other sectors of the industry. Many once (or even still) were on the freelance circuit, and some were gogo dancers.

Myth #9 The economy would fail if the farang bar areas closed.

When things don’t go the way that some sex tourists feel they should, such as drinks prices increasing, bars closing early and attitudes and service levels in the industry deteriorating, some say they may choose not to visit Thailand which would cause the industry to go in to decline and which in turn would see the tourism fail because visitor numbers plummeted. This would have a dire effect on the economy, they reckon.

The sector of the bar industry for foreigners is a very small part of the tourism industry and a tiny part of the greater economy. Granted, Pattaya might face challenges if its nightlife industry was to fail, but even in Sin City the tourism industry is greatly diversified from 10 years ago.

Sex tourism makes up a very small part of Thailand’s economy and a big chunk of it does not even show up in GDP numbers. If the entire sex tourism industry was to close down, it would barely register a blip economically. Real estate would be turned over and new businesses would be created – and they’d probably pull in more money than the bars do.

In terms of the Thai economy as a whole, sex tourism is infinitesimal.

Sex Prices

“’…We all know why men choose to live in Thailand – to satisfy their sexual appetites with women who are expected to behave in ways that appease the broken egos of men unable, or unwilling, to deal equally with empowered women, in societies that do not condone their sexual exploitation…’

I read a lot of comments like this on places like Reddit. 

That men only move to Asia for ‘submissive’ women, and / or because we can’t get high quality women in our home countries. Like I said maybe there’s some 10% truth to that, but some act like it’s 100%.

I’d just apply Occam’s razor and look for the simple reasons...

[1] girls here are more friendly,
[2] less fat, 
[3] they like men more 
[4] and want a relationship / family instead of chasing careers, 
[5] and you can live better for the same amount of money.”



Since this is the most commented upon section of this website …

Seriously! – not world-line travel, not my brief time in the US Navy, it’s questions about sex in Thailand.  Interesting stuff, certainly but not that overwhelmingly controversial.

let’s spend some time getting down into the “nitty gritty” regarding this fun pastime. 

I must remind the reader that sexual liasians in Thailand is a popular occupation for some, it is however representative of only a small part of what Thailand has to offer. What Thailand is really about is much more than just sex, food, family and fun.

It’s about freedom.

Woo! Woo!

+ + +

The following is from a Thailand blog called Livingthai. There are many different types of Thai prostitutes and then you’ve got “normal girls” which also have a price as well, here is the list:

Thai Go Go Girl

Current standard prices for short time with a go go girl is 2000 baht long time is 3000 baht.

Short Time = One sex usually under an hour with one ejaculation.

Long Time = Overnight sex sleepover. Multiple ejaculations.

This is on top of the cost of a few drinks you will have to buy her whilst in the club. The cost of Lady drinks differs from venue to venue, but an average is 130 baht.

Think of it is you paying for her time, and getting a priority spot in a lineup of guys waiting in line.

Buying a "lady drink" is different than a "barfine".

A go go bar has a number of Thai bar girls working who you can barfine and sleep with. You simply choose the girl, pay the barfine and leave with her. This means if a girl doesn’t like you, if you pay the barfine you can take her home.

A "barfine" is the "price of admission" to have sex with the girl you select.

(Granted if you do this you’ll most likely have a bad experience and terrible time, but nevertheless you can still take her home.) There are times when it was quite obvious the girl did not want to leave with a customer but had no choice because of the mamasan.

Thai Go-go girls.

In general, you should buy her a drink and get to know her a little more.

You’ll know within 15 minutes or so if she really likes you or not, if you’re still unsure you could just go ahead and ask:

“Do you like me, would you be okay if I barfined you?”

Don’t be shy, they’ve heard it a 100 times.

[1] You buy her a "lady drink" and get to know her. This is the price you pay for her wasting time with you.

[2] If you and her are fine, you can "barfine" her. This registers her as "your companion" and you have "dibs" on what you can do later on.

Although these are always negotiable depending on the feeling you get from the girl but these are standard prices. Bar Fines for the go go are going up though where is used to be 600 is now 800 and some places on Walking Street Pattaya are charging 1000 baht before midnight.

The good thing about pricing of Go Go girls is all the girls ask the same price in the same shop. So if you pick the best looking girl you’re actually getting a good deal.

“This is a lesson for anyone who bar fines a girl long time, even if you've agreed on everything your going to do you should always get a receipt. 

Anytime you bar fine a girl for more than one night you must get a receipt. 

Most go go bars are oblivious to this as well and think it's strange that you even want a receipt. 

But without a receipt you have no proof that you paid more than just the day for the girl! 

This happens more often than you'd think as the girls either change their mind or they have a better customer in town.”

It’s interesting stuff, for sure.  It’s a life that I am not part of.  I don’t know if I could be part of it. Never the less, it’s pretty interesting.

Here’s a story about dealing with a chick that they wanted to have a threesome with…

“I'm finding her reason for not staying kinda suspicious but getting a Thai girl to tell the truth is like trying to get water out of a rock. 

My girlfriend suspects the same thing and we demand to hear the truth but she continues to lie and my girl it outraged now and starts hitting this girl and while I break it up she grabs her phone and our suspicion is confirmed one of her customers is in Hua Hin and she wants to go meet up probably because he's paying more money than we will, whatever.

I tell her to get the hell out before my girl puts her in a coma and she asks to be paid in full. 

Hahaha geez the hide of these girls. 

Man my girl goes bat shit now and I try to calm her down and say that i'll pay for the 2 nights minus the bar fine of 2 nights which comes to a grand total of 1700 baht. 

Now she's angry cause she gets like 800 baht a night to come with us when she could have stayed another night can get the 6000 which she just won't have any part of it. 

So I have to pay the money now cause my girl refuses to and we kick her out.”

Interesting stuff. But, nothing that I personally experienced.

Coyote Girls

Go Go Girls are not “coyote dancers”.

The top of the tree for Pattaya is the Coyote girls, these are regarded as the crème de la crème of the working girls in Pattaya.

Although strictly speaking not all of these show girls are working, but the majority are willing to top up their incomes with extra activities.

Coyote’s are show girls, exceptionally beautiful and talented. They are hired into the Go Go bars on a nightly basis and are paid a lot more than your usual Go Go dancer. They perform set shows at designated times and are designed to entice the customers into the clubs.

A simple rule of thumb is that “coyote dancers” are supposed to perform best on the dance floor.

Gogo girls save their best performances for the bedroom.

Gogo girls dress skimpily and dance to promote themselves in the hope that someone will barfine them, take them away so they can make some money. Gogo dancers are primarily sex workers. They wear a bikini, or less.

Coyote dancers are entertainers who dance and are supposed to be able to really shake it on the dance floor. They typically wear short shorts and sexy tops – more than a bikini.

They are primarily dancers i.e. entertainers, but they may be available.


It varies from bar to bar, girl to girl.

Coyote dancers are entertainers who dance and are supposed to be able to really shake it on the dance floor.

Coyote dancers are a relatively recent thing, first introduced around the middle of last decade. Prior to that they basically didn’t exist in gogo bars. Now they are a common sight and today perhaps 1/3 or more of gogo bars feature coyote dancers.

The reasons for bars hiring coyote girls are numerous; primarily it’s because bars just cannot find pretty girls to recruit these days. Recruiting used to be easy, but with Thailand’s economy now more diverse, more developed, with compulsory education increased from 6 to 9 years and the country experiencing full employment, girls have more options these days and don’t have to resort to bar work.

Being the top of the tree usually means these girls cost a lot more than your average.

They are extremely well paid by the clubs and can easily make more in a night, what most Thai girls make in a week. As such they can afford to be choosy with which customers they go with, if any at all.

The girls can afford to be choosy.

Expect the bar fine to be at least double that of any other Go Go dancer and a minimum of 3,000 baht. On top of that the fee negotiated between you and the girl depends on many factors, such as the chemistry between you, whether she fancies you, or even whether it is high season or not. Yes even Go Go dancers are subjects of the economic forces of supply and demand. It is not uncommon for these girls to want another 3000 baht for short time, or 5000 baht upwards for overnight.

Coyote girls are slim, young, attractive, can really dance and whose role it is to entertain. Right? So why is it that in bars from Walking Street to Patpong, Cowboy to Nana, and even Sukhumvit soi 33 there are coyote girls who are available?! 

Fake Coyotes

Now for some confusion…

A few farang bars term their dancers “coyotes”.

The girls are done up as you would expect a coyote to be done up – in cut-off shorts and tight top. But, and it’s a big but, they don’t dance any different to a gogo dancer. Secrets in Pattaya, a hostess bar, calls its dancers “coyotes” and charges a premium barfine for them, a concept that has been replicated in Pattaya. The barfine for a coyote girl is 1,000 baht, higher than for a hostess – a girl who is available but does not dance. So in Secrets, the coyote girls are the dancers, but they’re not professional or accomplished dancers and in other venues they would be considered gogo girls wearing a coyote’s outfit.

To confuse things further, there are venues with both gogo dancers and coyotes. Examples would be Club Electric Blue and The Arab’s bars in Soi Cowboy. In each of these bars, gogo dancers and coyotes are available.

And then there are bars which have both gogo girls and coyote girls, where the gogo girls are available, but the coyotes are not! Tilac in Soi Cowboy is a good example where the coyotes cannot be barfined.

So no need to be confused…

  • Real coyotes will look great and dance great.
  • Fake coyotes will just look great, but cannot dance.
  • They always make more than a stand-grade “go go” girl.


There are also showgirls. Showgirls are employed in gogo bars to perform choreographed and practiced shows in the likes of Angelwitch, Long Gun, Billboard and Las Vegas. The showgirls perform shows which are more elaborate. Showgirls may or may not be available and if they are, again, a premium barfine is placed on them.

Basically, gogo dancers, showgirls and coyote dancers are all different.

In Bangkok they are called coyotes, but in Pattaya the term you hear more often is “agency girls”. Because, after all, they work for an agency.

Bar girls trying to lure customers into the bar.

Lure away girls.  You can chat with me.  For one thing I’d tell you not to leave the sticker price on the bottom of your high-heels.  Especially when the sole of the shoe is red.  It really looks awful. Otherwise, I’d be happy to pay your bar fine.

Thai Bar Girl

Beer bars can be found all over the city, they are everywhere. The term pretty much refers to any open air bar anywhere in Pattaya. The girls here are not employed as dancers or show girls, but as waitresses. This doesn’t mean they are not available to bar fine, as pretty much all of them are.

The standard of girl really varies from bar to bar, but little diamonds can be found all over the city. When girls first arrive in Pattaya, most will start of working in a bar, before moving up to the Go Go’s or working as Coyote’s. Bars are also where the older ladies work when they have past their Go Go stage.

Bar girls are always a good choice for those on a budget but want to feel safer with going with a Thai bar girl instead of a Street Walker. Girls cost 1000 baht short time and 1500 long time again these prices are negotiable. An average bar fine will cost 300 baht and a lady drink will be around 100 baht.

“Working at a beer bar, the pay is very lousy. 

Typically a Thai bar girl would make only 6000 baht a month, and to make that they need to get customers to buy them at least two drinks, normally the first two drinks that the girl gets she doesn't get any money for, after that though she normally gets a very high percentage of the profit of the drink, they normally just get an orange juice this way they can get more money. 

The amount of money she gets working at a bar is very dismal, she may as well be working in a factory and could make more money than that. 

However as a factory worker she can't get someone to pay her 1000 baht for the night now can she? 

The bar fine you pay, usually she gets a small cut of that, and the money you negotiate with her she keeps 100% off it. If a Thai bar girl can go with a John every night (impossible because of periods) she can make a good amount of money, actually more money than any English teacher in Thailand could make. 

Overall the beer bar and Thai bar girl can make money handsomely if she is a hard working. But have you ever seen a hard working Bar Girl....no.”
Bar girl from Scooter’s Bar.

The reason why you pay more for a Go Go girl is because you get a better look at her body, watch out for Thai Bar girls you don’t know what you’re going to get…


Thai Bar Girls

Some interesting video links;

Thai Karaoke Girl (KTV girls)

Not every Karaoke has girls to take home and because of this scarcity and this contributes to the whole G-Club feel of Thai Karaoke .  Not only that, but the prices have increased considerably while only a few years ago it cost 1500 for a girl overnight prices are now around 3000 baht (all in).

The overall impression that I get is that KTV is just as popular in Thailand as it is in China, however it’s use as a venue for obtaining girls is not as popular. In China, Business KTV’s with 300 to 400 hostesses is common everywhere.  However, in Thailand, if you want a girl (for private sexual fun) you would try other venues.

Thai Street Hookers

It’s still possible to get the 500 baht Thai hooker off the street but like everything else prices are going up. Most street walkers now ask for at least 1000 baht off the bat if they are in OK condition, better looking girls might ask for more but the general cost is 700 baht short time.

Soapy Massage Girls

The cost of a Soapy Massage around the country is a standard 1600 baht for what they call Models. In most major cities around the country this is what they cost. But if you want a soapy massage in Bangkok as a Farang you’re going to pay more. But when you pay more you’re expected to get more and some of the Bangkok Soapy Massage Parlors you’ll pay more like 5000 baht. The best value for money soapy mass parlors are in Pattaya.

Colonze 2

Some of the most expensive soapy massage girls in all of Thailand can be found at the Colonze 2 soapy massage parlor in Bangkok with prices going up to 20,000 baht for a few hours! Why because they have the hottest girls of any place in Bangkok. This place is also Farang friendly and should be no surcharge.


If your looking for a Best Happy Endings Massage in Bangkok experience then the one place I suggest is Emmanuelle! There is now Casanova at the same place which is Thai style karaoke and coyote joint something I enjoy more than the actual massage, rooms here are awesome! Price range 2500-6000 baht.

Colonze 4

This is a very popular chain soapy house you won’t find any penthouse models at this bad boy but it does have good value for money and the girls are very capable, not looking for 5 star then this is the place to go! Prices start 1600 – 3000 baht makes this place good value for money.


An older Thai style soapy massage parlor in the Bangkapi area of Bangkok prices are very reasonable starting at 1300 up to about 2600 for the sideline girls. Open from 1pm till midnight every day. There is no extra charge for Farang! There are some cute girls here but nothing outstanding.

La Belle

This is a soapy massage parlor that caters mostly to the Japanese clientele well so I’m told I’ve never been here before and their website doesn’t have much in the way of costs so I’m guessing that’s a sign that they have more than a 2 tier pricing structure which isn’t really fair especially for guys that live here.

Viva Palace

Another Thai style soapy massage with decent prices starting from 1900 up to 3000 baht. I don’t know how old this place is but the rooms are kinda warn in so don’t expect a 5 star room but then again your not paying 5 star prices either. Helps if you speak Thai here the girls don’t speak much English at all. But I will say this the girls here are young and good looking for the price.


You won’t find this bad boy on any other Farang website actually this place has the same name as my favourite Karaoke in Chiang Mai! Pronouced Lee Lah Wadee also the name of a famous Thai Soap Opera they actually have Karaoke available here as well. Honestly the girls are a little country here but if you like that then this is your place!


The girls here are cheap but the room isn’t included you can ask for different rooms girls are 1300-200 baht but rooms start at 1000 baht but are definitely worth it, weired lounge area with band playing kinda like karaoke but it isn’t, still great place and some really good looking girls.


Nice clean place this soapy massage parlor has a good reputation in the Thai community well run and fair prices starting from 1700 up to 3000 baht for sideline girls. The bathroom although it has granite tiles has a cheap ass jacuzzi that is well worn. I’d give this place a 7 out of 10.


This place looks straight out of France and the prices might be as well starting at 2600 up to 6000 baht the place is brilliant and the girls are gorgeous! This is one of my must see recommendations for a soapy massage in Bangkok. You’d think this place would have a website but I couldn’t find one anyone know what it is?


Voted the Best Soapy Massage in Bangkok but most though I don’t like the place because they charge Farang an extra 1000 baht just for the services yet they still have some of the best girls in the businesses. Because of the extra charge I won’t go there but guys have told me half the girls there are just going through the motions and you’ll get a robot experience.

Caesars Entertainment complex

Located right near the Poseidon club and roughly the same prices is the Caesars entertainment complex and soapy / spa massage. Definitely take a model here if your coming if you want the cheaper girls you may as well go elsewhere you might find something better for the same deal.

La De’fense

Strangest name for a soapy massage that I ever did see. This place has a lounge area with girls as well as a traditional fish bowl. The girls in the lounge are hotter in my opinion but you can also ask the guy for an album and he’ll bring you out an album full of girls. The centre of the room is dim while two of the four walls are brightly lit. In these brightly lit areas sit the girls, in what is sometimes referred to as a fish bowl. Fish bowls often have tiered seating on which sit beautifully made-up Thai women in evening wear. Fish bowls are typically enclosed with glass separating customers outside from the ladies inside.

One final note about Soapy Massage parlours in Bangkok and Thailand in General is you have to think about how many guys go to these places and all the guys aren’t like you and I some are real freaks, some guys have some nasty diseases and some guys force the girls to not wear a condom! Make sure you protect yourself by wearing a condom and not going down on the girl. It’s still possible to catch something though so use these services at your own risk.

Soapy massages and nuru massages work by you choosing the girl from a list or fish bowl. The girl cannot reject you (usually). The good thing is that some of these shops allow you to drink a beer and even talk to the girls. In fish bowl situations girls that do like you will keep giving you smiles which is a good sign.

How a soapy massage works…

If you’ve never tried a soapy massage before then this is what it is all about;


For starters, typically a bath is run where they clean your entire body, of course they clean themselves as well, then it’s to the mattress where she lathers you down in soap suds and massages you with her naked body, sliding up and down you quickly and with a scary confidence.


Then you will head over to an air mattress where she will give you a sexy body to body massage rubbing her naked body all over yours. This is the type of thing that stands out in soapy massage porn videos. Pro tip: make sure you always ask if the Thai massage girl you choose will do body to body at any soapy massage parlor in Bangkok you visit. Some girls don’t do this part, if you are expecting it to happen make sure you choose on that does it. She will probably finish the body to body with a blowjob, then she will dry you off.


The best part is also the easiest to describe.  After the massage, they will clean you up and dry you off and head to the bed where you get to have sex.

Online Escort

Typical costs for an Escort off the internet in Bangkok and Chiang Mai is usually around 5000 baht for 2 hours and they will come to your hotel room. I recommend these good hotels in bangkok to take the girl to. The convenience of an escort online and the appeared anonymity is attractive. However most of these girls work out of the go go bars in Chiang Mai which is often just cheaper to go to. I recommend however you check out Smooci.com which has some of the best priced escorts in all of Thailand.

Other sites;

Thai Brothel Worker

Typically Thai brothels are aimed at those on a budget, real dirty mongers like these places  and I’m not sure why I don’t see more Indians in these places. The girls in these places are typically not of Thai origin they are usually Burmese, Laos, or Cambodian. Short time in these places means 40 minutes and for that you’ll typically pay 300-500 baht.

Short time girl

The current going rate for short time girls are 700 baht which typically includes the cost of the room.

Massage Girl

Massage girls are more known for getting blow jobs than they are for having sex but if you met one and wanted to go for it and she allows it then the fee is typically 1,000 to 1,500 baht per shot.

One of the best Massage in Bangkok and Nuru massage specialists is Club 102 near BTS Phrom Phong on Sukhumvit Soi 24. You can pretty much find happy ending massage joints anywhere but a 5 star massage where girls don’t look like granny with perfect surroundings you’d think you were back home in a 500 dollar joint without the 500 dollar price tag.

Thai Massage girls.

Bar Freelancer

As far as working girls go in Pattaya, freelancers are a mixed bunch. They range from the younger Thai girls who don’t want to work in a beer bar or Go Go, but instead punt themselves over internet apps such as Badoo. To the older or less attractive girls who can’t get jobs in the bars or clubs.  Even those Thai ladies who have regular jobs will often top up their incomes with a little freelance work.

Punting for freelance girls in Pattaya is a bit like playing the lottery, there is no set standard and you have no idea what you will end up with.

The best of the freelance girls are either generally those who are too shy to work in the bars and clubs, or those with normal 9-5 jobs looking to top up their income. The best place to find these is on the internet, there are now many apps such as Badoo and other Thai dating apps where they will have profiles.

Many of the nightclubs on Walking street will be packed with freelancers most evenings, looking to hook up for the evening. In the clubs you will generally meet the younger freelance girls. The best club to pick up great looking freelance girls is Insomnia on Walking street.

Pattaya beachroad is probably the most famous freelance hangout in all of Pattaya, and here you can find ladies and the odd ladyboy most evenings after sunset. Be warned Pattaya beach road generally attracts the lower end of the market, both punter and lady. Pattaya beach is also regularly raided by the police, and is also a well known place for tourists to be scammed. Our advise is steer well clear of the girls on beach road.

A bar Freelancer has the same price has a regular Bar Girl which is 300 baht bar fine and 1000 baht short time and 1500 baht long time. It is not uncommon for some of the girls, especially in the clubs to not want paying at all, but you would have to be extremely lucky for this to happen.


Sideline Girls

Sideline girls also known as Dek Thai Sideline Girls can be found everywhere in fact you may even be with one but you don’t even know it. There are reports that Sideline girls are considered to be more attractive than typical Thai girls because they have lighter skin color.  That means they are more white than tan in color. Sometimes Sideline girls will have sex for free in the hope that they will get something else out of it perhaps clothes and makeup or a new Iphone. Sideline girl prices are average 1000 baht short time.

Thai Sideline Girls

Internet Sideline Girls

Internet Sideline girls are ones that need money asap in order to pay for rent or schooling and/or family. They typically don’t do it full time only when they need money and they usually ask for 2000 baht but some of the better looking girls will ask for 3-4000 baht.

Club Slut

There are a lot of “club sluts” in Thailand and can be typically found around the tourist areas or clubs that tourists frequent.

Nightclubs are great hunting spots because girls come here after work on their own accord and have the power to say no. However, there are times when a mamasan will bring her girls to such clubs. You’ll usually know if the girl has a boss because when you discuss price she will pass the information on to the mamasan who makes the final choice, you’ll see a lot of ear whispering and the mamasan may even talk to you directly.

If you can read situations you’ll also be able to notice who the mamasan is in their group, she is usually the oldest one, isn’t drinking and happens to be fat more often than not… and yes may be able to sleep with her too.

Thai University Girls

Thai University girls don’t have a lot of money, you remember being a student you probably didn’t have much money either. There are many Thai University girls that are willing to be sponsored.

Sponsorship typically costs around 10,000 baht a month but can be as cheap as paying for her accommodation. Really good looking girls can cost as much as 30,000 baht a month to keep. But not all Thai University girls are about money, many if not most are open or trying different experiences and are happy to have sex without any monetized reward.

Thai  Mall Workers

Thai mall workers can be lots of fun and very down to earth, they are typically well behaved and diligent. There jobs are boring and they come alive if you show them the right attention. While most are willing to go for free they would love nothing better than to quit their jobs and move in with you. Cost 10,000 baht a month.

Thai Factory Workers

Factory workers are only a step down from the Mall Worker. She probably didn’t finish high school like the Mall girls did and lives way out of town with few opportunities. These girls are cheaper at 6,000 baht a month to move in permanently. At first you might not realize that you’ll have to pay because she’s a normal Thai girl. But they all change after they start thinking there is more to the relationship.

Thai Hiso Girl

Let’s be honest, you can’t afford a Thai Hiso Girl, real Hiso you’re really not going to touch but the Bangkok Upper middle Class girls are bored and want to try slumming it with a Farang. Hiso girls are then typically free if you’re looking at a one night stand, longer term relationships could also be free and she pays for you but at some point if you don’t have the money she will leave for a Hiso Thai guy.


There are a few Tom clubs in Bangkok and Pattaya catering to the Thai lipstick lesbians who like their men to be women. Typically the Bar Fine on at a Tom club is 500 baht and for the Tom is 1000 baht.


Gik sex is always the best sex, you don’t get to see each other often and you both know that the whole basis of the relationship is to fuck each other. Gik in English is difficult to translate but for our purposes it just means “Thai fuck buddy”.

Giks are almost exclusively Free but they expect their noodles and movies. If you live in Thailand you’ll probably have sex with a dozen different giks before settling down with a Mia Noi.

Mia Noi (Mistress or second wife)

If you get fully entrenched into Thai Life then you’ve probably already married and possibly have some kids. At this point if everything is going good and you have the money you get yourself a Mia Noi.

A Mia Noi will cost you anywhere from 15,000 baht a month to 100,000 baht, if you have a Mia Noi you probably have a few Giks as well.

Best places for sex in Thailand

The guide continues with suggestions on location.


Bangkok has the most sex going on in Thailand, it’s also home to the best gentlemen’s clubs[i] in all of Thailand and the best soapy massage parlors[ii] as well. But probably what most expats and even tourists on a month long holiday realize that the dating sites in Thailand are jam packed with Thai girls from Bangkok and when you sign up it makes you wonder why anyone wants to pay for it.


Pattaya bar street.

While Bangkok has more sex available those who come to Thailand and have visited both places still say that Pattaya is the sex Capital of Thailand. This is probably because of the huge number of beer bars and go go bars located along the 4km stretch of beach which are also lined with many Thai Hookers and Prostitutes.

Be careful while in Thailand.

However, the Thailand government has taken steps to change that image;

“The article in the UK Daily Mirror last month, which claimed without evidence that one in five women in Pattaya were prostitutes, has certainly ruffled some feathers in senior Thai bureaucracy.  Normally, criticism of Thailand in the foreign popular press is ignored, so what is different this time is not clear.  Perhaps it was the wide discussion of the article by Thais in the social media, commenting that the Daily Mirror was not telling them anything new.  Or maybe the military-appointed Pattaya City Hall management felt it had to act.”


Phuket, Thailand. Looks a little bit like my home in Zhuhai, China.

Patong on Phuket Island in Thailand’s south has a unique feel that you don’t get anywhere else in Thailand. Maybe it’s the smell of the beach that makes the girls in Phuket so horny or the smell of opportunity and tourist dollars but the Sex scene in Phuket is wild. However, you had best take your credit card because this is one place where the sex is cheap, but living isn’t.

Chiang Mai

Chang Mai

People who pass through Chiang Mai on a few days expecting there to be a huge party scene that’s easy to follow and understand are going to be disappointing  Sex in Chiang Mai is not as in your face as elsewhere in the Thailand. But don’t be fooled, those living in Chiang Mai know that if you know how to chase Thai Tale and live there you can get all sorts of free sex especially with the huge University presence.


This is your Metallicman “how to / go to” guide for a good time in Thailand. It might be out of date, as I only visit the land of Smiles on occasion. The point here is that this world is quite different than your life in the States, isn’t it?

You bet.

Angry boss, crazy taxes, upsetting news, insane demands by the opposite sex. Well it doesn’t have to be that way. You can leave.




A real man defines his life on his terms.

Never, ever forget that. If your life is not on par with your desires, then change the script. While “Forrest Gump” might say “life is like a box of chocolates”, I am here to tell you that you can choose the box.

Choose the box you want to live in.

Tell the rest of the world to go fuck themselves.

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The American thug bully and its shiny military toys; a scary look at dangerous miscalculations

I have been thinking and musing (a lot) about the absolute arrogance of the United States (out of Washington DC) and the myth of “American exceptionalism”, and that “America has never lost a war”. This has really come into mind with the things that President Trump is doing with multiple assault combat carrier fleets sitting right off the Chinese coast right now.

What he is doing is extraordinarily dangerous.

It reminds me of the bully in school. The one that always gets his way. That always behaves erratically, well because he’s a thug, but also because he never came across another “tough guy” that was bigger than him.

(Time for old guy memories…)

When I was growing up back in the hills of Western Pennsylvania, there was this boy who was two or three years older than me. I cannot say that he was a bully, exactly. It’s just that something wasn’t quite right about him. He was a spoiled brat, that’s for certain, that just was oblivious to the world around him. We was, well, a little “off” in the head, don’t you know.

He was an only child, and he attended the “special education” classes at our High School. They were all pretty much frowned upon as being “weak in the mind”. Which is terrible, I know, as I’m sure that wasn’t the actual case, but we were kids, and that was what we thought.

His father owned a local grocery store as well as a tri-county trash pick up service. They had a house in the nicest part of the town where we lived in, and had an indoor pool that was cool and really unique.

Think of a world where Bruce Wayne wasn't really "Batman". But instead was "The Joker". I guess it was sort of like that.

He would be off doing stuff and getting into all kinds of trouble. Just odd-ball stuff. You know how kids would build a tree-house. Well, he built one too…

…In the back yard of a house that was occupied by two little old ladies that were in their 90’s. The local constable had to have him come and tear it down.

While in High School he lobbed this flat steel disk (Lord only knows where he found it) into a crowd of my classmates. He just somehow got on the roof, yelled at us kids, and threw it. Luckily no one was killed by the flying fifty pound UFO.

He was the one that shocked us fifth graders by telling us how babies were made and how a boy puts his penis into a young lady. He even had magazines to help describe this activity. Not only that, but he was willing to demonstrate to the girls how it worked. (Don’t worry, we all left. Nothing became of it.) Never the less, we were scarred for weeks afterwards. We were just not ready.

Anyways, in hindsight, as an adult you can see that this kid had problems, and it would only be a matter of time before something bad would happen.

When I was 16 I started working in the mines, and perform stock duties in the local grocery store. There we would hear all the local gossip of the community. Of course, we called it “scuttlebutt”. Which was just a guys’ way of gossiping. We found out that he had died.

It turned out, that one Friday evening, around 7PM he was riding his bicycle all over the road. Meaning “all over the road in big lazy arc’s and meandering turns”. He was blocking traffic and forcing the cars to move at abnormally slow speeds. Since the roads were all tight and wove in and out of the hills there, the cars were trapped at the mercy of this crazed Joker-like insane young man. (He was maybe 18 years old at the time.)

Riding a bicycle, not driving a car. You see, he couldn't pass the driving tests at 16.

One of the cars (in the long train of cars beeping and honking behind him) was occupied by three United States marines, who in the early 1970’s probably had done some time in Vietnam (at the American war there). And they were not too pleased with this punk.


So, they got out of the car and grabbed him. And Lordy, they beat the living Dejesus out of him. I mean they really fucked him up bad. They beat the snot out of him, and do you know what?

Do you know what happened?

He died.

That’s right. He was killed.

And the Marines, well they went to Prison. It’s a sad story all the way around. I like to think that everyone learned a lesson in all this. I would see the kid’s father from time to time as he did his business, and lived his life in the town. But, he was a now a small pale sort of man. Not the tall strong man that used to be. I guess that the death of your only child, and the turmoil of life, would do that to you. It’s a sad story for certain.

That’s my story and now for my point.

It’s human nature to believe that we are bigger, smarter, stronger, and more intelligent than everyone else. And if we evolved over time when our notions of who we are and what we are, are not tested, then we continue believing these things long after it becomes obvious that they are no longer true.

The childhood kid ended up getting his “ass whooped” because he had never confronted someone who was bigger, stronger and more aggressive than him. For he was the “big fish in a small pond”. And the Marines that he encountered were some very mean and nasty sharks.

I think of this story often, and it comes to my mind every time I see an article about how “invincible” the United States Navy is.

Now while this might make reading for the American civilian population, the truth is that the leadership of the American military machine are not fools. They know it’s strengths and weaknesses, and are not very keen on testing these expensive military machines with a peer-capable rival.

But, unfortunately, they are not the ones that are making the top-level decisions in Washington DC today. It is Donald Trump, and Mike Pompeo and the rest of the Neocon cabal that are running the country, making the decisions and playing with the military as if it was their very own personal army.

Which brings me to this article…

The following is a reprint of “China Sea Blues: A Thing Not to Do” written by Fred Reed on October 30, 2015. It is reprinted as found on the UNZ site and you can read the Comments to it there. All credit to the author, and note that it was edited to fit this venue, but remains as intact to intent.

China Sea Blues: A Thing Not to Do

It appears that Washington, ever a seething cauldron of bright ideas, is looking for a shooting war with China, or perhaps trying to make the Chinese kowtow and back down, the pretext being some rocks in the Pacific in which the United States cannot possibly have a vital national interest. Or, really, any interest. And if the Chinese do not back down?

The Vincennes. The boxy thing up front is the radar. It is not hardened.

Years back I went aboard the USS Vincennes, CG-49, a Tico class Aegis boat, then the leading edge of naval technology. It was a magnificent ship, fast, powered by a pair of airliner turbines, and carrying the SPY-1 phased-array radar, very high-tech for its time. The CIC was dark and air-conditioned, glowing with huge screens—impressive for then—displaying all manner of information on targets in the air. Below were Standard missiles, then on a sort of chain drive but in later ships using the Vertical Launch System. It was, as they say in Laredo, Muy Star Wars. (The Vincennes was the ship that later shot down the Iranian airliner.)

Being something of a technophile, I took all of this in with admiration, but I thought—what if it gets hit?

As a kid in my preteens I had read about the battleships of WWII, the Carolinas but in particular the Iowa class, fast, brutal ships with sixteen-inch belt armor and turrets that an asteroid would bounce off of. The assumption was that ships were going to get hit. They were built to survive and continue fighting.

American hull armor in a Japanese World War II battleship. Showing not only the thickness, but also the type of damage that it could take.

By contrast, the Vincennes was thin-skinned, hulled with aluminum instead of steel, and the radar, crucial to combat, looked perilously fragile. A single hit with anything serious, or perhaps even a cal .50, but certainly by anything resembling a GAU-8, and she would be hors de combat until refitted.

Damage to the thin hull of the USS Cole by improvised munitions on board a terrorist skiff.

The Iowa, BB-61. I went aboard her at Norfolk at the Navy’s invitation. It altered my appreciation of guns. I came away thinking that if you can’t crawl into it, it isn’t really a gun. And solid: There is a reason why no battleship was sunk after Pearl Harbor.

One hit.

I also knew well that the Navy played Red Team-Blue Team war games in which our own submarines—then chiefly 688s—tried to “sink” the surface fleet. The idea was that if the sub could get into firing position, it would send up a green flare. The subs were then running if memory serves the Mk 48 ADCAP torpedo, a wicked wire-guided thing with a long range. Sailors told me that invariably the subs “sank” the surface force.

When I mentioned this at CHINFO, the Navy’s PR operation in the Pentagon, flacks told me that the potential bad guys only had piddling diesel-electric subs, far inferior to our nukey boats, and couldn’t get near the fleet in open seas. Yes, no, maybe, and then. It sounded like happy talk to me. In WWII, diesel-electrics certainly got in range of surface ships, perhaps the most famous example being when Archer Fish sank Shinano.

DF-21D anti-ship (read: anti-carrier) missile. This is not the place for detail, but China has anti-ship ballistic missiles designed to kill carriers, and is working on others, hypersonic glide vehicles, that are not real interceptible. I do not know how well they work. If I were a carrier, I would make a point of not finding out.

The Chinese DF-21D anti-Carrier missile. This missile is mass-produced and is designed to be fired in clusters of multiple groupings designed to saturate the defensive capabilities of an American Carrier battle group.

I do not know a great deal about the Chinese Navy, having been out of that loop for years. I do know that the Chinese are smart, and that they have optimized their forces specifically to take out carrier battle groups near their territory.

They do not try to match the US ship-for-ship in the kind of war America wants to fight. They would lose fast, and they know it.

The key is to swarm the fleet with cruise missiles arriving all at once, accompanied perhaps by large numbers of aircraft. Would this work? I don’t know, but that is certainly the way I would bet.

The United States Navy has not been in a war for seventy years.

It has sat off various shores and launched aircraft, but the fleet has not been engaged. Over decades of inaction, complacency sets in. Unfortunately, wars regularly turn out to be otherwise than expected. Further, the American military’s standard approach to a war is to underestimate the enemy (there is probably a manual on this).

Yet further, great emotional and financial capital resides in a carrier-battle group, one of the most impressive achievements of the human race. (I mean this: the technology, organization, and competence involved in, say, night flight ops are…”astonishing” is too feeble a word.)

This assures reluctance to question the fleet’s effectiveness in the face of changing conditions. Such as high-Mach, stealthed, maneuvering, sea-skimming cruise missiles. Or terminally guided anti-ship ballistic missiles.

America is accustomed to fighting enemies who can’t fight back.

This may NOT include the Chinese.

The carrier Forrestal, 1967. A single Zuni missile was fired accidentally. A huge fire ensued, bombs cooked off, 134 men were killed, and the ship was devastated, out of service for a very long time. One five-inch missile. Something to think about.

There is also the fact that the American military simply doesn’t matter, which reduces concern with whether it can fight and who it can fight.

It doesn’t defend the US, since there is nothing to defend it against. (What country has the remotest possibility of invading America?)

So the military is used for what are essentially hobbyist wars, keeping Israel happy, providing markets for the arms companies, and for social engineering: we have girl crews who would be a disaster at damage control, but we assume that there will never be any damage to control.

Uh…yeah. The evidence is that these ships are fragile:

What would happen if in a shooting war the Chinese crippled the American fleet?

Washington is rampant with large egos, especially that of John McCain, the senator from PTSD. If it were discovered that China could disable the Navy, many other countries might conclude that they could do it too. They most certainly would think of this.


Washington could not accept the discovery: Fear of the carriers is a large element in Washington’s intimidation of the world. To save face, the US would be tempted to go nuclear, or seriously bomb China proper, with unforeseeable results.

USS Stark, 1987. Hit by two Exocet missiles fired by an Iraqi Mirage.

The Air Force and Navy could hurt China badly by conventional means, yes, for example by cutting off oil from the Mideast, or destroying the Three Gorges dam.

For a variety of reasons this would be playing with fire.

The economic results of any of these bright ideas would be godawful.

  • Just about every commercial product sold in America is made in China.
  • Just about every new construction or building project in America is being funded and manufactured by Chinese companies.
  • China holds a “Lion’s share” of American debt and could collapse the American economy if they wanted to.

Washington seems not to realize that it wields far less military power than it thinks it does, and that the power it does wield is ever less useful than before.

As a land power, it is very weak, being unable to defeat Russia, China, or peasants armed with rifles and RPGs. Air power has regularly proved indecisive.

USS Cole, 2000. Blown up by suicide guys in a small boat.

If Washington somehow won a naval war with China, so what?

It would provide the satisfactions of vanity, but China’s danger to the US imperium lies in increasing economic power and commercial expansion through Asia, where it holds the high cards: it is there, Washington isn’t.

Grrr-bowwow-woofery in the far Pacific, even if successful, is not going to stop China’s commercial expansion, and a defeat would end the credibility of the Navy forever.

As I say, Washington is full of bright ideas.


The purpose of war is to resolve differences when ALL OTHER AVENUES have been exhausted.

However, United States history has clearly illustrated that that doctrine has NOT been followed. Wars have been created for other purposes. Purposes devoted to the obtainment of profits, and to manipulate a compliant and ignorant population.

There is evidence that the last 75 years or so of this behavior cannot end. That those that run and rule over the United States are unable to use the military for any other purpose than what it has been used for.

And like the bully from my High School days, America could see itself on the wrong side of a conflict. One that it started. One that it thinks that it will “win”. And one that will FOREVER change it.

Maybe change it for good, and for infinity.

And, maybe, like the Bully from my High School days, it is long overdue and will be a shock to everyone. From the bully himself who (I am sure) lay there with a look of incredulity on his face, to his toadies who thought he was invincible, to the innocent bystanders (such as myself) who was shocked that such a well-known (if not particularly liked) person could be vanquished so quickly and so easily.

War is NOTHING that the United States should get involved in at this time. It is not healthy. It is a mess, and getting worse. The last thing it should get involved in is a fight with a nation THAT DOES NOT PLAY.

Chinese ships test firing two anti-carrier missiles in the South China Sea in August 2020.

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The Trump war on Chinese cell phone applications

Yeah. Trump is really pushing this. But we all know what is going on. If it is Chinese, it is bad. It’s a all-hands-on-deck assault on China, short of nuclear war. And the ONLY reason why America is not invading China, and blasting the living fuck out of it’s cities is because Trump knows that America will become completely destroyed and radioactive in the process. China does not play.

So he’s going all-out against everything Chinese. And part of that is the software applications that are Chinese, and being used all over the world. We have read about Huawei, and wechat, which most Americans know nothing about. So they just go with the flow and say Yah! China Bad!

China Bad!

Well, there’s a lot of articles on this. Most are propaganda justifying banning software and technology.

Little thought is whether the President of the United States actually has the power to ban anything. After all, it took a constitutional amendment to ban alcohol back in 1913. Since when did the President become a King?

But I digress.

The excuse is “National Security”. It’s a catch-all phrase which means “I can do what I want and not give any reasons or justification for it”.

Anyways, this article is a pretty decent overview on this subject and is well worth a look. It is titled “Huawei, Tik-Tok and WeChat” written by Larry Romanoff on August 8, 2020 it has 201 Comments . It was found on the UNZ website and all credit to the author. It was edited to fit this venue.

Huawei, Tik-Tok and WeChat

First, let’s dispel the combined notion that China spies on everyone and the US spies on no one. There is so much public evidence to destroy both these assertions that I won’t bother repeating them here. I will however remind readers that a few years ago China more or less banned Windows 8 from the country because it was discovered that the O/S had a built-in NSA back door.[1]

It seems that Germany reported on this first, but the devastating proof was at an IT conference where a Microsoft executive was interrupted during a speech with precisely this accusation.[2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9]

He did not deny it because the person making the accusation was the person who discovered it and had with him the proof, but refused to discuss it and changed the subject.

But this is hardly news. Forty years ago it was proven that all Xerox copy machines delivered to foreign embassies and consulates in the US were “espionage-ready”.[10][11]

Also, for at least 20 years, and perhaps much more, it was common knowledge that when any foreign embassies, consulates, banks and other corporations ordered computers and similar hardware from US suppliers, those shipments were intercepted by UPS, delivered to the CIA and/or NSA for installation of “extra” hardware and software before delivery to their destinations. This was one of the confirmations by Edward Snowden.[12][13][14][15]

Any search on this will give you millions of hits unless Google chooses that moment to lose its memory.


Trump’s problems with Huawei are twofold.

The most obvious is that China is eating America’s lunch when it comes to innovation and invention and Trump would like to slow this down by destroying Huawei and is clearly making every possible effort in this regard, including bullying and threatening half the known world against using Huawei’s products. But this is the small part of the problem; the real issue is espionage.

There is no practical value in disputing the assertion that Cisco and other American hardware and software firms install back doors to all their equipment for the convenience of CIA and NSA access. But suddenly Huawei is replacing Cisco and those other American firms with its better and less expensive equipment.

That part is okay, but how can the CIA and NSA approach Huawei and ask the company to build back doors into its equipment so the US can spy on China – among all other countries?

There is no solution to this problem other than to trash Huawei’s reputation by accusing it of being an espionage threat and having the company’s equipment banned. And this applies not only to the US, but to the entire Five Eyes Espionage Network, involving the US, Canada, the UK, Australia and New Zealand.[16]

Briefly, this was set up to break laws while pretending no laws were being broken.

It is generally against the law for a government to spy on its own citizens, but that law doesn’t apply to a foreign government. So Canada spies on Australian citizens and sends the information to the Australian spooks who can claim they did nothing wrong.

Rinse and repeat.

The sad part is that the “intelligence” received is usually of little interest to the four minor participants but all of it is shared with the US who are frothing to spy on the entire world and to take possession of “every communication” of every kind in the entire world. Thus, it isn’t sufficient to ban Huawei only from the US because this company’s equipment would castrate the NSA’s effort in the other four nations. Thus, US bullying to ensure each of its five eyes is Huawei-free.

And that’s the entire story, like it or not.


Tik-Tok is nothing of consequence, except that it is in direct competition with similar American platforms and has proven too popular and too competitive to be permitted to survive.

This is just a cheap, below-the-belt and illegal-as-hell shot at China.

No threat, no nothing.

However, as with all similar IT products and platforms it contains much personal information especially useful for marketing, which has so far been the private property of people like Google, Facebook and Twitter.

Thus, Trump kills two birds with one stone: either simply kill Tik-Tok on some trumped-up accusation (if you’ll excuse the expression) of espionage, or force a sale to an American company.

Either way, China loses massively while the political oppression and marketing value of that personal information remains safely in trusted American hands.


Since few Americans are familiar with WeChat, let me give you a description. Many of these functions are available in the West through various platforms, but not always to the same extent nor with the same convenience.

With WeChat we can transmit text and voice messages, photos and videos, and other files of any description even of many Mb in size.


We can send and receive both text and voice messages in any language because WeChat has an excellent translation function in combination with one of its partners which translates not only text and voice, but will extract and translate all text contained in photos, handy for restaurant menus if you can’t read Chinese.


We can place not only voice calls but video calls to anyone anywhere that transmit over the internet.


It is so convenient that WeChat is the default communication choice for a great many people for most purposes. WeChat also has a Moments platform where we can post text, photos, videos, that are visible to those on our contact lists while selecting those who can view and who cannot, reserving some posts for close friends and others more generally public.

In China we have two primary online payment systems, one operated by Alibaba (called Alipay) and the other by WeChat. Its use is nearly universal in China and both are free to the user. Unlike PayPal…


During the past several years I cannot recall a single instance where I had cash in my pocket (even small change) when I went anywhere or was shopping for anything. Even to purchase a small bunch of green onions at a street market, the vendor has a QR code which my phone scans and the payment into their bank account is automatic.

With WeChat, we can send money to each other.


If we want to share the cost of lunch, you can pay the entire bill and I transfer my share to you through WeChat. If I ever need cash, I could go to any shop or even approach a complete stranger and ask for 1,000 RMB and instantly repay him into his WeChat account.

It is frequently used to transfer money internationally this way, sending dollars to a friend in one country and receiving RMB into a WeChat account in China.

Instant, secure, and free of all fees.


It all happens within a second, with a concurrent text message confirmation from the bank of both sides of the transaction. WeChat is the main reason people can travel anywhere in China with only a mobile phone and passport (and a change of clothing). Through WeChat, people can purchase plane or train tickets, pay taxi fares and hotel bills, restaurant tabs, in the same way.


Another useful WeChat function is real-time GPS location sharing. If a group is traveling to a destination in several cars, WeChat displays an active GPS map showing all locations in real space and time. If I am meeting a friend at a shopping mall or park or other large location, with this GPS function we can see each other’s location in real time and I know which way to walk to encounter my friend.

We have WeChat groups which we can create with any number of participants for any convenient purpose. During the COVID-19 lockdown in Shanghai we had a temporary WeChat group for the purchase of meat and vegetables that functioned better than any supermarket and with much less trouble. If I want to have a Christmas party I form a group of those I plan to invite, and all our discussions and planning take place within that platform. Most communities (small portions of residential districts) have a WeChat group for notification of community events and sharing important information.

The point with Trump’s “sanction” of WeChat is first that it will terminally disrupt international communications between China and the US for students, scientists, diplomats, media reporters, for all those in the US who have frequent communications with China, effects felt more seriously by those in China, which is a plus for Trump.

Second, Trump’s administration is uncomfortable with the extent to which WeChat is encroaching on the American turf of Twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram and more, with already around 100 million downloads in the US, and his actions are partially to reclaim that turf by simply banning a competing medium that is threatening to take over and seriously downgrade the popularity of similar American platforms.

But most important is the espionage and censorship role of Trump’s initiative.

As the censorship noose tightens around Facebook and Twitter, Americans are naturally moving to WeChat. The real issue is not that WeChat poses any danger to the US in any sense but, as with Huawei, the CIA and NSA cannot very well approach WeChat and ask for automatic sharing of all that personal relationship data.

Therefore, under the guise of China being untrustworthy, the US government simply bans WeChat and thus no one in the US can send or receive any message without the NSA having a copy.

A huge plus is that any news not fitting the official narrative will then be strangled at birth, as Google, Facebook and Twitter are now doing.

If Microsoft or another American firm were to buy WeChat, then of course all is well since it is US firms, not Chinese, who automatically share all personal contact data with their government.

Movie Time


[1] https://www.cnet.com/news/china-bans-windows-8-from-government-computers/

[2] https://www.rt.com/news/windows-8-nsa-germany-862/

[3] https://www.technobuffalo.com/nsa-windows-8-exploit

[4] https://wccftech.com/windows-nsa-backdoor-shadow-brokers/

[5] https://www.pcworld.com/article/2047332/is-windows-8-a-trojan-horse-for-the-nsa-the-german-government-thinks-so.html

[6] http://techrights.org/2013/06/15/nsa-and-microsoft/

[7] https://www.forbes.com/sites/daveywinder/2019/11/12/windows-10-security-alert-hidden-backdoor-found-by-kaspersky-researchers/

[8] https://www.neowin.net/forum/topic/1160914-how-nsa-access-was-built-into-windows/

[9] http://techrights.org/2013/06/15/nsa-and-microsoft/

[10] http://electricalstrategies.com/about/in-the-news/spies-in-the-xerox-machine/

[11] https://www.unz.com/lromanoff/state-sponsored-commercial-espionage-the-global-theft-of-ideas/

[12] https://www.extremetech.com/computing/173721-the-nsa-regularly-intercepts-laptop-shipments-to-implant-malware-report-says

[13] https://www.cbsnews.com/news/report-nsa-intercepts-computer-deliveries/

[14] https://www.computerworld.com/article/2487222/the-nsa-intercepts-computer-deliveries-to-plant-spyware.html

[15] https://www.infoworld.com/article/2608141/snowden–the-nsa-planted-backdoors-in-cisco-products.html

[16] https://americanfreepress.net/five-eyes-network-sees-all/

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It’s gonna blow. It would be a miracle if it don’t

The USA is a mess. America is a mess. And everyone knows this. Everyone realizes this. In fact, it is a rare person that cannot see this. Gun sales are up. People are joining local militias, and the government is absolutely powerless to do anything.

On the 27AUG20, a 17 year old conservative shot at and killed members of the progressive BLM on a march and protest event. This is the first open shots at what will eventually be known as a Civil War.

The first shootings of a Civil War.

Meanwhile President Trump is going on and on about a “hybrid war” on China, and everyone is pretty much convinced that this will evolve into a “hot” war, and yet the elections are continuing as if nothing is out of the ordinary. “Come on vote for me! The other guy is worse!” Jesus.

The United States is Bat-Shit crazy.

The following is a great post titled “It’s Gonna Blow. It would Be a Miracle if it Don’t” by Fred Reed and found on the UNZ website. It was written on July 30, 2020 and has 806 Comments . All credit to the authors. It was edited to fit this venue, aside from that the article is intact as written.

Hoo-boy. She’s ready to explode, go high order. Smoking ruins, dead bodies, seething hatreds, and a country that can’t be put back together. It may not happen, but she looks ready.

No one is in charge in this collapsing shell game of a country.

In Louisville hundreds of armed blacks threaten to “burn the motherfucker down,” meaning Louisville, if they don’t get their way. All cringe before them, with reason. They have guns. Larger numbers marched in Georgia, armed, ready to rock and roll. BLM says it will “go into the suburbs” to get Whitey. Who will stop them? Not the government. It fears them. Weimar Kentucky. An American Freikorps.

America today in video. Scroll down to the New York footage. It’s Planet of the Apes.

Gun sales are way up. A friend in Rhode Island went to a gun shop and found a long line outside. A columnist in Virginia was told that the other stores report long wait lists for prize arms, notably the AR 15. People are afraid, or fed up. They are arming. The spring winds.

There is no leadership, no one in charge.

In Trump we have perhaps the weakest President in history, mouthy, preening, ineffectual, much talk and no action. He did nothing while the rioters looted, burned, and vandalized, then disengaged himself from the pandemic, leaving decisions to the states. Much cawing and gaudy feathers, but no bird inside.

Congress does nothing, one parry neutering the other and all bought and paid for by special interests, by Wall Street and the arms makers and the big corporations. Local governments submit to the rioters or stand aside as the burning goes on. This is not society. It is chaos.

To collapsing countries these usually comes a man on a horse. A man with a big stick. You know, 1789, 1917, 1933. That kind of thing.

The media encourage the rioters, inflame passions either deliberately or through partisanship. They have little idea what they are encouraging. It may seem strange to say that the media do not know what is going on—it is their business to know–but they don’t. They were blindsided by the Trump because they had no idea of conditions in the country, in Flint and Gary, in Wheeling. Today they do not know what is brewing out there, or of how much they contribute to it.

Angry urban BLM males arm up to “take what is theirs”.

After all, nothing out in the great mysterious middle land affects them.

Journalists in the Beltway Isolation Cage are rich compared to deplorables in in Gary, live in a city proof against recession. Their decisions are whether to go out for Turkish or Vietnamese…

… not how to pay the rent.

They censor news they don’t like, suppress the seismic rumblings out there in a country they don’t really know. In censoring others they censor themselves. They cannot read stories they cannot write. For example, sickening racial attacks on whites. That would be racism. Perish or fend.

But race is just the most explosive part of an unfunctioning polity.

Other things ratchet up the fury. Add economic decay and you get more anger, more pressure. People live paycheck to paycheck, maxed out on credit cards. They don’t have a thousand dollars, or five hundred, for an emergency. The young live in their parents’ basements because they can’t get jobs to buy houses and start families.

People don’t see doctors because medical care is both costly and wretched. Student loans crush the young. Grade schools are propaganda mills; parents know it, but can do nothing. Retirement programs vanish as employers turn employees into independent contractors, avoiding the expense of benefits. People see no hope. This makes them dangerous. Watch.

And BLM wants to go into the suburbs to get Whitey. God help us. Then it will well and truly blow. BLM doesn’t know how many white men are sick of the chaos and destruction, sick of BLM. They quietly say, “Bring it on. Let’s settle it.” Laden words.

While these undercurrents grow, the media will chirp and lecture and say virtuous things.


… boom!

No one is in charge. No one will tell the rioters “No” and make it stick. No one, yet. It can blow.

BLM is cocky, aware of its power, made overconfident by easy victory. It, and Antifa, have never met resistance. If things get really wild, though, they will. They will also find that food does not really grow in Safeway, and that a Safeway burned out does not necessarily return to be burned out again.

A country gets what it asks for, and deserves what it tolerates.

Most of the social problems engendering chaos result from the failure or collusion of government. Other countries have good national medical care.

America does not.

Student loans are a calculated scam, just as credit card companies deliberately entice people to buy what they cannot afford and then charge them usurious interest. Retirement plans exist elsewhere. European countries have them. But the Pentagon and Wall Street get America’s money.

It’s gonna blow. Short of a miracle.

The deadliest question is how to accommodate blacks. One mustn’t say what everyone knows, that blacks are the least educable, least productive, most criminal, most violent, most dependent, and least assimilable of the population. If anything can be done about any of these, it won’t be, because no one is permitted to name the problem. No one is in charge.

As whites lose economic ground they will be less willing to pay for welfare, food stamps, free housing, and other charity. When a pie shrinks, someone will get less pie and, if the pie shrinks a great deal, some will get almost no pie.

Meanwhile, gun sales are way up.

At least six cities had serious riots last night with the mob throwing bricks at the police. A thrown brick is a lethal weapon. It would be met with equally lethal force. Yet governments, mayors, city councils back away, back away, back away. If they stop, it is going to be ugly.

America does not control its streets. The mob does. Everywhere. Name another country that permits this.

If confronted by force, the white rioters, mostly young, will melt away. They are Snowflakes, Millennials, young, stupid, ignorant, having the most exalted time of a life boring before and soon to be again, Blacks, more virile, will not. If they do not, the resultant mayhem will make our starter riots like like a PTA meeting at Lake Woebegone.

Then what?

Here we come to the joys of diversity. Cultures can be too different to live together. Whites and blacks have almost no common ground, little common history. Whites trace their history back to well before the ancient Greeks, through Rome, the Renaissance, Europe. Blacks had no part in this and, it seems, have no interest in it. Aristotle? Thomas Jefferson? Einstein? Madame Butterfly? Galois? FORTRAN? These might all have come from some remote galactic civilization.

There is no agreement, anywhere, at any level, over anything. Hardcore conservatives insist that the coronavirus is no worse than the common flu as hospitals report overwhelmed ICUs and epidemiologists cry the alarm.

Blue states favor lockdown while red states open up.

Libertarians peddle cockamamie conspiracy theories. Mask laws are ignored or fought over. China, South Korea, Singapore shut down, control the virus, go back to work. Not America.

Nobody is in charge.

Nothing holds the country together. There is no social glue, no dominant culture. We have no shared history, language, dialect, ethnicity, or religion. Diversity turns the country into rubble.

Diversity? It is the end of America. The country once was overwhelmingly white, European, Anglophone, and Christian. It worked, as approximate monocultures usually do.

No longer. The North hates—the word is not too strong—the South and seeks to erase its culture and uniqueness. The Bible Belt is intensely Christian while the northern elites, heavily Jewish, seek to suppress Christianity. The coastal elites hold the central deplorables in contempt. Blacks hate whites. Feminists hate men.

Angry BLM armed with an “Assault Gun” protesting for “equality”.

Hispanics float in indeterminate limbo, not having jumped either way. Amerindians maintain a demanding apartness. Jews, neither Christian nor, in the minds of many, neither quite European or quite American, control the media and finance, generating perennial hostility. Bulk lot Somalis, having nothing in common with Minnesota, are in Minnesota. On and on.

It is going to blow. If it doesn’t, a miracle will have happened.

Currently, if weirdly, blacks hold the whip hand in the country, but it will not last and won’t improve racial relations. it is lighting a fuse, fertilizing hatreds that cannot be expressed but, if ever they are, Katie bar the door.

Statues come down if blacks don’t like them. Universities abandon teaching English grammar because blacks can’t understand it. Whites are fired for saying, “All lives matter.” The country lowers standards for blacks in medical schools, lowers required scores on the bar exam for them. High schools give diplomas to blacks who can barely read.

Gonna blow, boys and girls. At least that’s the way to bet.

The “Deplorables” will not accept BLM or Antifa incursions into “fly over” country.

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Expat stories of Thailand “The Land of Smiles”

After reading my post on "Snapshots of life in China. Surprise! It doesn't look anything like Alex Jones says it is.", Ohio Guy commented that he is falling in love with China, but he is trapped in that God-forsaken mess known as the United States. Well, that response got me to thinking.

People who have gone to other nations, and who have seen how other nations do things, they have pretty much concluded that the "Exceptional America - the Land of the Free" is all pretty much FUCKED UP. And they have written about their impressions and thoughts on this matter.

Here are some stories from expats who have lived in Thailand.

I have collected some of the more interesting stories and decided to post them here. Indeed, it’s a tough call on which to accept and which to discard. They are all so very good. As such, there are pages and pages of this.  I have just included this choice selection to “round off the corners” for the interested reader.

Beware of other expats

First off, whether you are in Thailand or in any other Asian nation, beware of other expats…

“The biggest "rip offs" I've seen and encountered have been perpetrated by expats on other expats. My best friend here is a 76-year-old Thai man and his family who have always shown me more generosity and kindness than I could ever possibly repay. On the dark side, one so-called expat "friend" actually had someone email me his fake obituary to avoid repaying loans I had made to him. I kid you not!”


I can certainly vouch for that.  Ouch!  In fact, I no longer meet other expats for a coffee or informal talk. It’s simply not worth my time of day. Most are sadly pathetic. Not all, mind you. Just a lot of them. What I mean is that quality of what one would expect is rather low. 

I just received a friend request on one of the expat forums.  This guy is going to visit China for a week and wants to sit down with me and talk about tax and investment strategies with me over coffee.  


I told him I didn’t have any money. None. 

He responded “how can that be, how are you going to help the poor people?”. 


What planet is he on? 

He wants me to trust him, a total stranger, with my money. He expects me to let him fly in, buy him coffee, give him money, and let him fly away with it...

I have met more than my fair share of young bright-eyed teachers, interns, and students on travel for the “experience”.

Interspersed with this group are the grubby tattooed covered “carnies” who now go by the moniker of “backpacker”. 

Carny or carnie is a slang term used in North America for a carnival employee. It also refers to the language they use, particularly when the employee runs a "joint" (booth) (i.e. a "jointie), "grab joint" (food stand) , game, or ride (i.e. a "ride jock" or "ride operator") at a carnival, boardwalk or amusement park. The term "showie" is used synonymously in Australia.

Give me a break .  They are just nomadic beggars without a home.

The older expats, for the most part are better. 

They are typically trying to make a new life abroad, whether it is part of a retirement concept, or just out of raw need.  They tend to be a little desperate. It’s tough starting out on scratch in your 50’s or later. 

The problem is that within this mix of desperate “good guys” are a significant number of experienced fraudsters.  I’ve had more than my fair share of bad experiences, thank you.

British conman Tony Kenway, 39, was shot twice in the head as he climbed into his Porsche in Pattaya in January. Police believe the hit was arranged by a rival underworld figure. 

The Times reported that Kenway was one of ten shady UK mafia figures operating in Pattaya. 

At the time of his murder, he had been out on bail and was scheduled to front court the following month.

“Tony Kenway had a call center that employed foreign staff and made calls to Australia and Britain. He had two different companies that were involved in the scam,” an unnamed police source told The Sun. 

“The aim was to get people abroad to give their life savings. It was not small amounts. He was strong and pushed them for big investments. He promised them a big win. Like winning the lottery. The people who paid the money lost out. It was big amounts, millions and millions of Thai baht that many different people paid to him.”

The source said Kenway’s victims were foreigners because he “did not dare” target local Thais.


Luck comes your way…

When you live in an area for some time, opportunities come and go.  Some are quite noteworthy. For instance, here’s a “lucky guy” and his story;

“I went to a club on Soi 11 a few months ago and a mamasan who runs a massage shop I know well was there. 

She invites me to her table, buys me and my friend unlimited drinks for the next 3 hours and then tells me I can sleep with any of the girls on her table for free, oh and if I don’t like the girls that I can go visit her shop tomorrow and sleep with anyone who is there, again for free. 

The more I live in this social circle the more I realize how truly free I am. 

There are fewer hang-ups compared to other circles which have stupid ass logic and taboos.”


As always, please have fun.

One of the things that I do happen to know is how to dance. In fact, I was involved in semi-professional ballroom dancing for over five years.  So I can dance a spell, and all women, no matter where they live can follow.  They really can. Even if they don’t know the dance moves, they can instinctively follow.  It’s truly amazing that women have this innate ability to follow in dance.

“Does sanuk (fun and the pursuit of fun) trump money in Thailand? 

You know, it just may. 

Talking with a friend who does not like to pay for lady drinks and considers them an unnecessary expense, he has found a way of keeping the girls with him when they're not up on stage yet not buying them a drink, or at the very most, buying just one. 

He dances with them right in the bar – and they love it – probably because he's a decent dancer. 

They forget all about the lady drinks because they are having so much fun – and the other girls in the bars seem envious. 

Yes, it would seem that sanuk really does trump money, even for the ladies of the night.”


What about visitors?

Ah.  You live in an interesting place.  Everyone wants (or at least say they want) to visit and stay a while. Oh, it sounds so nice.  But, is it really? What about when your friends actually come to visit?

“You didn’t mention, when a friend arrives in Bangkok with his GF, it’s a big pain in the ass for me too. 

I have to entertain him and his bird in a non-threatening environment, often for up to 3 nights in a row, even more when they return from the islands or up north.

So we sit in some artsy gaff in Ekkamai sipping overpriced cocktails and discussing the weather, I get flashes of us beering it up at some dive full of sexpots only he could dream of. 

Add to that the rules in most lap dance joints back home, you cannot touch. 

If you do you’d risk a team handed beating off the bouncers. 

In Bangkok he can touch and even get to sleep with these young vixens without any strings attached.Would most men be tempted to cheat under these circumstances?”

-Pat 26 January, 2017

Thailand Men…

What about the guys in Thailand?  Well, they are an interesting bunch for certain. Consider this story;

“One of my wife's aunts had been married to a Thai gent who had spent time in prison for murdering someone for a motorbike. 

He was not much of a husband as he regularly beat her and eventually left her with two teenage children. 

Child support? Dream on! 

To make a long story short, she met a well off man from Norway and he popped the question so they set a date to marry in the village. 

Two days before the wedding she received a call from the ex, "I am going to bomb the wedding and kill everyone." 

The police were contacted to supply security and the wedding went off as planned, but everyone was on edge the whole day. 

Around 10PM the ex called, "I am sorry but I started drinking whiskey this morning and could not come and bomb the wedding. I will kill you some other time." What a polite chap!”

-A Polite Killer

Thailand Girls…

What about the girls in Thailand? Some expats claim that they are all money-grubbing crooks, while others say they are all angels.  What are they?

“I have the following to contribute. I have lived in Bangkok 7 years and have dated every kind of Thai gal imaginable. In regard to your opening piece about Thai good girls, it is my opinion that one can break Thai gals into 4 categories:

1) Good girls – just as you stated, they are controlled by their families, are raised to always be conservative and do the right thing, and would make excellent wives in my opinion for those guys who want the gal “to be seen and not heard.” This is the type of gal 95% of Thai guys want to marry.

2) Nice girls – The largest group by far, these gals are raised to be good girls but are so only in front of their families. With their friends or boyfriend they are more outgoing, very interested in sex if they have one special guy, and a lot more fun and interesting than the good girls. They are usually polite, fun and sociable. This is my target group.

3) Party girls – They don’t work in naughty nightlife places, but these gals drink, sleep around and love the nightlife. They can be a lot of fun, but they are basically the female equivalent of us (all of us party guys who love booze and broads) so be careful with your heart.

4) Bad girls – the gals who work in the naughty nightlife or any other arena where the main goal is to trade sex for money. Any additional comment would be superfluous.

I think most Thai parents try to influence their daughters to be good girls, but would be more than happy if they became nice girls. Party girls most definitely hide their real persona from their families, and unfortunately bad girls are usually trained from birth to be so by their greedy families. Speaking only of Bangkok, I would estimate the breakdown by percentage to be the following: good girls – 10%, nice girls – 75%, party girls – 10%, bad girls – 5%.

Stickman contributor

Tales of Adventure.

Thailand can be full of adventure. The stories who have lived there are certainly interesting.

“…When Nok shows up she’s got a good body, nice face, white skin, she doesn’t like talking Thai but speaks Lanna to me which I hate but I roll with it. So I ask her if she wants to go get noodles, “sure” she says.

So she gets on the bike and I ask where she wants to go using those exact words. She says wherever I want. Not the best thing for a chick to say to me, so we drive off.

And I’m thinking “stuff it”.  I’ll just take her to the curtain hotel.

She I drive over to the Love Boat a short time hotel around Jed Yort and park in the parking space and walk inside. She’s standing outside looking a little confused (she really is from the mountains) and I said “it’s ok, come inside”.

When she is inside she’s looking around and asks me “so how long have you lived here for?” I can’t stop but laugh, this girl really doesn’t know anything.

If you’ve never been to a curtain hotel in Chiang Mai it’s basically a parking spot with a door, the door is unlocked you walk into the door there is a room and then they pull a curtain behind the car, you pay by the hour and you pay when you leave not when you arrive.

Inside the room and the curtain already pulled I tell her we are going to have sex. She tells me she doesn’t want to and thought we were just going to get noodles. I say we can get noodles after we have sex.

She doesn’t seem pleased but gets on the bed and goes along with it anyway, wasn’t that much fun honestly but since the room only cost me 160 baht for the hour I figure it was worth it. I ask her afterwards why she had sex with me and she said she had sex before so why not. No I didn’t force her either guys! We have a shower get dressed and I drive her home.

When we get to her place she asks me “are we not going to have noodles”?

I tell her next time.

A week later I call her up and tell her that I felt bad about last time and that I want to buy her noodles again. She seems hesitant and so I assure her that this time we really are going to eat noodles and that last time I was just bad and want to make it up to her.

So this time I pick her up at her apartment around 10pm at night she hops on and again I ask her where do you want to go. Again she says “Up to you”.

So without hesitation she jumps on and again I drive straight to the curtain hotel and have sex with her again. After cleaning up she asks me are we going to have noodles now, I tell her I’ve already eaten and I’ll drop her off back at home.

A few days later I call her up again and she picks up the phone, I say what are you doing? Nothing she replies, so I ask her “Do you want to go for noodles”.

She hangs up the phone.”

Living Thai

Just for American men…

Many men, most especially Americans have “had it” (Are tired of, or exhausted from…) with “the way life” is for men in the States. 

How a person lives their life. In the United States, this is work in a job where you give everything to a company who will fire you with no notice, taxed where most goes to the government and you don’t qualify for anything back, and where society limitations and the latest round of anti-Male…anti-white… anti-man… attitude is far too oppressive to live acceptably.

This is a typical response and is quite accurate in that it reflects the feelings of many of my fellow male Americans.

“Yeah because spending 40+ years sucking your boss ballz all day long to earn a medium salary and having a single monthly intercourse with your fat wife (that is going to divorce you and take about half your earnings after 10-15 years) is not being a loser. 

Call us loser as you please, making our own jobs, our own money (even if it’s little) and creampie tight pussy all year long isn’t that much of a bad life.

I need to go, it’s almost 2pm, time for my morning blow-job before I start my daily hour of work.”

-bkkyolo 17 April, 2017

Yes.  He is right and he is telling us all how he feels.  To all those readers who aren’t listening are not paying attention…  It is exactly how he feels.

Yet, it is more (much more) than that.  It is about betrayal on all levels. 

Not just by society. 

For society has turned him into an unappreciated moneymaking machine to his wife, but also the nature of business, which terminated the longevity of his career. No longer can he work and retire on a pension. 

In fact, more than likely he will be forced to start new from scratch in his 50’s after he has been stripped of all his possessions.  (Like myself.)

Yet, it is even more than that.  It is the absolutely criminal nature of the government that he must toil under as well.  The decision to escape all these conditions is a valid one, and he is absolutely justified in making it.

Want to know what I am referring to?

If you want to understand why the status quo is unraveling, start by examining the feudal structure of our society, politics and economy. 

Consider the revelations coming to light about Hollywood Oligarch Harvey Weinstein perfectly capture the true nature of our status quo: a rotten-to-the-core, predatory, exploitive oligarchy of dirty secrets and dirty lies protected by an army of self-serving sycophants, servile toadies on the make and well-paid legal mercenaries. 

Predators aren't an aberration of the Establishment; they are the perfection of the Establishment, which protects abusive, exploitive predator-oligarchs lest the feudal injustices of life in America be revealed for all to see.

The predators reckon their aristocratic status in Hollywood/D.C. grants them a feudal-era droit du seigneur (rights of the lord) to take whatever gratifications they desire from any female who has the grave misfortune to enter their malefic orbit. 

Indeed, anyone who protests or makes efforts to go public is threatened by the oligarch's thugs and discredited/smeared by the oligarch's take-no-prisoners legal mercenaries. 

The dirty secret is that the oh-so-hypocritical power elites of Hollywood and Washington D.C. circle the wagons to protect One of Their Own from being unmasked. 

The first weapons of choice in this defense are (as noted above) threats from thugs, discrediting the exploited via the oligarchy's paid goons and lackeys in the mainstream media and dirty lies about what a great and good fellow the oligarch predator is. 

The last line of defense is a hefty bribe to silence any peasant still standing after the oligarchs' onslaught of threats, smears and lies.

Should the worst happen and some sliver of the truth emerge despite the best efforts of the thugs, corporate media, legal mercenaries and PR handlers, then the playbook follows the script of any well-managed Communist dictatorship: the oligarch predator is thrown to the wolves to protect the oligarchs' systemic predation and exploitation of the peasantry/debt-serfs.

Just as in a one-party Communist dictatorship, an occasional sacrificial offering is made to support the propaganda that the predators are outliers. Rather than the only possible output of a predatory, exploitive feudal status quo comprised of a small elite of super-wealthy and powerful oligarchs at the top and all the powerless debt-serfs at the bottom who must do their bidding in bed, in the boardroom, in the corridors of political power, and in the private quarters of their yachts and island hideaways.

Media reports suggest that the real reason Mr. Weinstein has been fired is not his alleged conduct over the past 27 years but his loss of the golden touch in generating movie-magic loot for the oh-so-liberal and politically correct Hollywood gang that was pleased to protect Mr. Weinstein when he was busy enriching them.

What's truly noteworthy here is not the sordid allegations and history of payoffs--it's the 27 years of intense protection the Hollywood/ media /D.C. status quo provided, despite hundreds of insiders knowing the truth. 

Just as hundreds of insiders with top secret clearance knew about the contents of the Pentagon Papers, and thus knew the Vietnam War was little more than an accumulation of official lies designed to protect the self-serving elites at the top of the power pyramid, only one analyst had the courage to risk his career and liberty to release the truth to the American public: Daniel Ellsberg.

Why are we not surprised that Hollywood, the corporate media and Washington D.C. lack even one courageous insider? 

If you want to understand why the status quo is unraveling, start by examining the feudal structure of our society, politics and economy, and the endemic corruption, predation and exploitation of the privileged oligarchs at the top. 

Then count the armies of self-serving sycophants, toadies, lackeys, hacks, apologists, flunkies, careerists and legal-team mercenaries who toil ceaselessly to protect their oligarch overlords from exposure. 

Open your eyes, America: there are two systems of "justice": one for the wealthy and powerful oligarchs, and an overcrowded gulag of serfs forced to plea-bargain in the other. 

If John Q. Public had done the deeds Mr. Weinstein is alleged to have done, Mr. Public would have long been in prison. As Orwell observed about a totalitarian oligarchy, some are more equal than others.

Here’s another…

“Two reasons I come to Thailand, warm weather and sex! 

Although some times the birds are not quite as fit as I would like, too tight to pay more than 1500 baht for ST 555! 

I do like Thai beer and food though, so that’s four reasons, actually apartments are cheap, so that’s five.

I bought Harvie’s ebook on freelancing, I got bored of writing for clients, so instead I write about rustic decor and shabby chic, Well, it pays for trips for to BKK and being down right dirty…”

-The Bamboo Bazaar  26 April, 2017

Honeymoon Period

Ah, it’s all fun and games when you arrive. Yet, how long it is sustainable before it gets dry and old?

“I reckon the honeymoon period for the average new expat to Thailand, irrespective of financial position, age, nationality etc is around 2 years. 

During the honeymoon period everything is wonderful and the new arrival may feel like he is in paradise. 

Some new expats become quite defensive when long-timers make comments about the country or the expat lifestyle that aren't positive.

I often receive emails from new arrivals who feel the tone of this column and the site in general errs on the negative. I wouldn't say it's negative, rather that it's realistic.

As a regular Thai female reader of this site (yes, they DO exist) said to me recently, many of the criticisms simply reflect the harsh reality of life for foreigners in Thailand. 

Those were her words. 

Get through the honeymoon period – it lasts a different period for each of us, but figure it to be around a couple of years – and then let me know what you think. Ignorance is bliss.”


Going back home…

What about when you return back to your home country?

“I have found it is now unacceptable to visit Thailand in the eyes of many westerners back home. 

I recently rode the train from the USA to Canada. 

Upon entering customs in Canada the cheeky immigration woman saw a 30-day entry stamp in my passport showing I had been to Thailand on a holiday two years previously.

She immediately grilled me with questions as to why I would ever go to Thailand and what I was doing there. 

She sent me to a private area where all my bags, camera and computer were thoroughly searched. 

Like most males returning to their home country from a visit to Thailand, this type of harassment by immigration officials has unfortunately become typical and expected. 

However, I have never heard of it happening when traveling solely within North America. 

I have been branded guilty and am being harassed simply because I took a holiday to Thailand!”

-Stickman Blog

Yeah, the social justice warrior types can make your life miserable…

“I met a man and his wife (she wanted to know about the Land of Smiles) in Cambridge (near Boston). 

Before the main course was served she was being rude in an ignorant feminist way. 

I just kept smiling. 

Did you know that all single men that go to Thailand are pigs?

I did not know that. I gotta tell ya. Life for me is just one learning moment after another.”


Do you want to move to Thailand?

What about advice for those who might want to move to Thailand?

 “I have some advice to any westerners out there contemplating moving to Thailand.

If you are rich and are sensible with money, then go ahead. If an international company or similar offers you a high salary job in Thailand then fine. If your are retired or have steady funds from aboard and want to live modestly on those funds, go ahead, but watch yourself. And if you're a young dude traveling around the world, and you want to spend some time in Thailand teaching or whatever for experience, then that's OK too.

If you don't fall into these categories then "don't" consider it for a moment. 

Many middle aged westerners in particular (including professionals) like the idea of living there, having a business or making some money and "enjoying life" in Thailand. But very few make it. (Forget about western restaurant or bar owners and alike you might meet in Thailand boasting about their good life there. It is common for faltering foreigners to keep up appearances). 

Mostly they end up broke or crazed, sometimes both, then they leave. 

Thai business, visa and residency laws get you in the end. 

The "Thai way" will get you in the end. Have a minor run-in with a wealthy or important Thai and your status and possibly your life will be at risk. Their whole culture is geared around making sure that foreigners pursuing individual efforts are not successful. 

It's ingrained in them from an early age to believe that they are the never-colonized master race of Asia (yes they really think that) and their mythology runs so deep you'll never budge it. 

Remember, in Thailand you'll never have any real business, legal or ownership rights. But Thais can go to your country (very possibly) and buy and own anything they can get their hands on (because of the more tolerant business laws). To Thais, this is just further evidence of how clever they are, and how foolish are the foreigners to go to Thailand.

Remember too, that Thailand is dominated by a comparatively small military-industrial elite. They have all the power and most of the wealth in the country. (Sounds like America, actually.  In America the ILLUSION of the ability to “move ahead” is promoted in the mainstream media, but the reality is something other than that.)

The idea of western foreigners living in the country and achieving wealth and status through individual entrepreneurial efforts is seen as a threat to the hegemony that they have over the Thai underclass – the bulk of the population. For this reason, it is never allowed to happen.

Think of Thailand, for westerners, as being a bit like a casino. A casino is a place with a touch of excitement, the lure of good fortune / the good life, and a place for fun, even with a bit of a risk. Go to a casino every now and then for fun and that's OK. Go there everyday all-day and you will ultimately lose, because the House Advantage will always get you. So it is in Thailand. The Thai "House Advantage" will get you. They make sure of it.

Of course, if going to Thailand with all your money and slowly losing it and ending up teaching English for a pittance (because that's about all you can do), either illegally or working legally but being treated like a serf by Thai institutions, appeals to you then go ahead. 

And running around the country several times a year getting visas, or always being at the mercy of authorities on visa matters might be your bag. If so, then go ahead, at least you'll be able to spend your nights at cheap restaurants sharing your impoverishment and frustration with other exploited western teachers. If not, think seriously.

In case you are thinking, let me say that I am not a former go-go bar owner gone bust, I have not lost my all doing business with Thais, no I haven't been cheated of everything by a bar-girl, no I haven't been reduced to the indignity of teaching English for a pittance. I have my own money, have spent a lot of time in Thailand, and have done some business there, have observed the experiences of a lot of foreigners, can see what goes on, and have enough concern to want to tell others about it.

If my words can prevent even one westerner of modest means from selling up and going to "enjoy life" in Thailand (and getting shafted in the end) then that will be something. Don't make the mistake of thinking that as a foreigner (even with professional skills) you can "make a contribution" to Thailand, no matter how good your intentions or needed your skills may be. Your contribution will *never* be welcomed, only your money. 

There is a saying in Thai that captures it well: "farang roo mark my dee" – foreigners who know too much [about Thailand] are no good. Gullible tourists, however, are great.

So, go to Thailand as a tourist if you like, enjoy what you enjoy there, but don't be taken in by the culture or people, as many westerners have, and don't under any circumstances give up anything back home to go and stay there unless you are financially secure for life, or know exactly what you are doing.

There is a tradition of resident foreigners in Thailand not telling you the truth about the country because they don't like to admit to themselves and to others about the mistake they have made in moving there. 

But especially now, with the financial mess Thailand has got itself into through a mixture of greed, incompetence, arrogance and corruption, and the prospect of difficult times ahead (to say the least) it is time for plain speaking.

A final comment to anyone who strongly disagrees with these comments. Unless you have lived, worked and conducted business in Thailand for many years, I'm not interested. The views of "oh how can you say that, Thailand is really great" 2 week tourists carry no weight with those of us who know Thailand and Thais well. “

- John Zachary Smith

Stickman says:
Controversial, and will no doubt get certain folks fuming. While I don't agree with it in its entirety, there are a lot of points that I do concur with. The points you make are food for thought and should NOT be dismissed immediately!

Ah, but other expats have totally different opinions. Here is a retort to the above article;

 “I have a feeling that I am in a position that frankly very few farang have ever been in. The odds seem to justify my opinion considering I work for a Thai company in Chonburi with 4,500 people and am the only farang here, let alone the only one that is not a teacher in the entire industrial estate.

I'm 33, have a work permit, do the same professional work I did back in my country, make a pretty damn good income and am treated extremely well both at work and in the town I live.

Based on everything I have seen, read and heard, I feel like I have won the lottery. I sense I am in an incredible position compared to how ruthless and xenophobic Thailand is portrayed.

I haven't met one Thai person who has been rude, derogatory or angry at me for being here. In fact I've only received the opposite. Adulation, even just for being a farang (which perplexes me).

Most of my friends (all Thai) have university degrees and are intelligent people. I asked a few of them why they love farangs and the answers I got back were (hell, I'll quote one verbatim) "I think farang people are just perfect".

I get drinks and food bought, given or offered to me all the time.

I've had more interest from beautiful women since arriving here 2 months ago than I had in 10 years back home. I don't get farang prices at shops or stalls and to top that all off I can barely speak Thai to save my life.

This isn't aimed as a gloat email. It's more a case that sometimes there are examples that differ from the norm, as per the Don't Move to Thailand post.

I feel like this country is one of the last bastions of optimism left in the world and I plan on trying to be as good and honest with the people here as they have been with me. I don't know if Thailand attracts fools who cannot make it or I lucked out. Either way, sometimes stereotypes can be broken.
I love this country and it's been incredible to me. “

- A happy camper.

Those who Returned Home

What do others have to say about Thailand?  You have got to be careful.

“Whenever I get depressed I feel like I just want to run away to Thailand. Rent a nice place, get on Tinder, join a gym and start a new adventure. 

But I have learnt from my mistakes and going to Thailand is not the answer. 

Whenever I go I always start off on the right path. I always say to myself, enjoy the sun, no hookers, go out and explore, join a gym. 

That usually lasts a week. 

Then I get lost down soi 4, I get drunk, I wake up late. 

I ignore Tinder dates and just bang hookers. 

I even ended up with a few ladyboys hanging out the back of me on occasions. Disgraceful. Life is about good company and staying away from trouble.
As I get older I have come to the conclusion that while one's freedom is important, too much freedom can send a man feral.”


[i] https://www.stickmanbangkok.com/weekly-column/2016/06/bangkokescortcom-revisited/

Living in another country can change you.

“After living in any Asian country for more than 10 years, one definitely does not fit into one's homeland. I've been back in my home country for nearly 10 months after living in Japan for almost 20 years, having extensively enjoyed the hypnotic allures of such cities as Tokyo, Bangkok, Beijing, and Shanghai along with numerous trips to the mystically appealing islands on Thailand.

Returning to the West can be a shock!

I now fully understand why many of the expats I met found it difficult to live in their native country and had to return to Asia. It reminds me of trying to fit a square block into round hole. No matter how you place it, it just does not fit!

To all of you foreign residents in Thailand and in Asia, enjoy your existence there, because when you return to your homeland, you will dream of those exciting days when you lived in Asia! 

Know well you can easily leave Asia, but it can never leave your heart! It's a stern price to pay for the sights, sounds, sensations, and pleasures one takes from Asia!”


Not everything is perfect when you return home…

“I would have to disagree with one of your readers complaining that beer in a Bangkok a gogo is now more expensive than in a pub in England. In some cases it is (I assume he can't live in London), but you just can't compare having to wait 10 minutes to get served in an English chain pub by one of the 2 bar staff to the instant service you usually get in a Bangkok gogo whilst watching the dancing with a lovely in a thong sitting on your knee!”

-Comment on Stickman Blog

The reality of taking a Thai woman to America…

“Many American men bought in to the whole idea that Thai women were more marriage type than the angry American women we encounter all the time.  Sadly, for many of us that is not true.  

I work every day, come home dirty and earn my pay.  

I took good care of my family.  

The only way to keep a beautiful Thai woman happy here is the same as anywhere – you must have money to keep them in high status with their family back home and keep them entertained here.  

And if you live in small-town USA, you are wasting your time thinking they will be happy.  I know many will disagree with this, but wait about three years and then see.”

-Stickman (Having Two Homes)

Thailand is an adventure, but is it a “rest of your life” destination? Many argue against it.

“There is something very sad about an older man still being a slave to his desires and vices. It takes strength to stop lying to oneself. It's uncomfortable to consider we might be wrong or that we're really just a slave to some 45 kg girl. A photo you took of old guys sitting around waiting for their next fix was almost my future.

Thailand will never change, but it always changes us.

The venom some readers spit at you is jealousy. You are making many people reevaluate their lives in Thailand and that is scary for them. The truth is that they don't need Thailand as much as it needs them.

I've noticed quite a change with the men and women I work and come in to contact with lately here in Canada. They somehow smell something different about me, even when I say nothing. Maybe that I project no desires, I'm unapologetic, professional and not overly polite and stumbling over myself. I'm comfortable in my own skin, I don't need them and they respect that.

I can thank Thailand.

I would still suggest to any single man to go and check it out, but just don't get caught up in that black hole long-term. Go have some fun, boys, but remember, your coffin probably won't be buried in Thailand and eventually we all need to come home.”


Thailand will change you.  Just remember the four rules.  Living as an expat WILL change you. However, Thailand will change you in ways that are beyond my ability to convey.

"A man with a hard cock has a soft heart and a soft cock equals a cold heart".
  • Do NOT believe that Thais have the same values you may harbor.
  • Do NOT act on any impulse to come to the aid of another person being attacked – for any reason.
  • DO understand that your presence is tolerated ONLY because of the currency that accompanies you.
  • DO acknowledge that your well-being depends upon your strict adherence to the above.

You’ve been warned, farang. Otherwise, enjoy your stay!

Although all of this should, by now, be common knowledge to regular visitors and expats, it never hurts to reinforce the obvious. This was made even more obvious by the recent beating and knife attack on a Belgian male who came to the aid of a Thai woman being attacked in Satun by her husband. And no-one should be shocked that the husband first went to secure a knife and the help of his brother before launching his assault.

Thailand will expose you to realities and situations that will provide you with new perspectives.

“A few weeks back, I get a call from a distant cousin about his daughter coming to Bangkok with her boyfriend and was asked if I would mind showing them around. They are in their 20s and figured out their own way around, but they did meet me one evening for dinner. At the end of the evening, the 20-something daughter said to me, "I would like to get some new boobs. Can you recommend someone?"

I have a nurse in my network who works in one of the better clinics, a phone call was made and an appointment was set to meet the doctor the next evening. We show up at the clinic – the girl, the boyfriend, my girlfriend (translator) and me. She was very satisfied with the interview and we left. But there was a small issue….she wanted to see and feel what new boobs would be like. Could I arrange that too?

Like now, tonight, as they are off to Samui in the morning! Sure, no problem! 

You would like me to find a girl who has had them done, so you can feel them like right now? Yes! Off to Nana we go. In a ladyboy bar, a round of drinks later (double for the boyfriend who was freaking out), "There, pick the one you would like to be like!" She pointed to one very good looking "girl" and my girlfriend went on to explain the situation to her.

Off they went to the toilet: the candidate, the translator and the model. They came out after a while, all of them with a huge grin on their faces: the cousin because she got to feel and take pictures to show the doctor, the ladyboy who was now 500 baht richer, and my girlfriend who could no longer keep a straight face.

Just another typical evening in Bangkok!”


Perhaps here is one of the best descriptions of what it is like to live in Asia (for three years), and then return back to America. It’s honest, and harsh, and if the reader has no idea what the writer is talking about then I strongly suggest you leave the USA and experience life…

“I'm writing this from the West Coast of USA, in a very quiet, very peaceful duplex. I have returned to the US after 3+ years living in Bangkok. 

I'm still deciding what really happened out there. My decision to move to Thailand, back in 2010, was based on a lifelong dream of living out of the US for at least one year of my life. 

I had originally wanted to live in Europe, but during the time I was looking for the right place to land, European economics were in meltdown. So I started researching Asia. For work purposes I almost went to Singapore, but then decided Bangkok would be more fun.

I was right.

It wasn't just the sex. I never had trouble landing women in the States. I broke up with a very attractive Thai / Cambodian woman in the US before I left. She was fun, but a bit of a bitch at times. I know enough about women to understand that ratio changes the longer you're in a relationship. Married, she would have been a bitch that was a bit of fun at times. She wanted kids and I didn't. That was that. Before that I had two different 20-something girlfriends, great sex, lots of drama, not long-term but fun. I had learned stellar game skills and liked landing semi long-term relationships with pretty women. It was worth the pursuit, the hunt, the thrill of the conquest and of course, all the great sex. So I didn't go to Thailand for sex. I went to fulfill a lifetime goal of living out of my country for a year, and when I added up how I was supporting myself, what the costs of living were, and the fact that English teaching provided a safety net if things went wrong, Thailand just made sense.

I landed in Bangkok and fell in love with the place. I had lived most of my life in New York City, and spent time in Paris, Rome, London, LA, Berlin, Caracas and many other amazing places. But Bangkok blew my mind. The chaos, the sexiness, the otherness, and just how freaking different it was from the staid, plain US was like medicine. Even New York City – supposedly that wild town – is to me, a very processed and predictable place when compared to Bangkok.

So I loved it. I traveled Thailand for a month and returned to Bangkok.
I set up shop pursuing my dreams. I got lucky with real hard work, landed my business contacts back West, and managed to live for more than three years in Thailand. I had a nice condo, pool on the roof, and money to play with. There were a few rough patches for sure, but also some nice straight-aways. Basically, it turned out to be what I was looking for: the adventure of a lifetime.

That adventure meant broadening my horizons. 

I loved learning the language. I was a Thai language class nerd. I made a few Thai friends and played badminton religiously. I put a damn good pool game together. I travelled all over, made expat friends, and had a blast. I even finally got a local job offer in my industry, which is really tough to do, and held that for a while, living the Bangkok executive life although admittedly not on the high end of that scale. Still, it was all really remarkable.

However, when a job offer came up with an old employer in the West, I took it. After more than three years, I was ready to leave. They flew me back, settled me here, and I plugged in. I actually landed on the fourth of July, if you can believe that. And I was thrilled to be back. I hadn't been back in the US for even a holiday the whole time I was in SE Asia. 

Any time I had to travel, I had gone all over Thailand, Laos or Cambodia. I love SE Asia, but my reasons for repatting were professional. 

The jobs are better in the US. I stayed with mine for five months. It was a contract. When I was offered a full time job, I turned it down in order to start another business I had been planning. And that's where I am now.

I loved being back in the States when I landed. I loved being back in familiar settings, and hearing familiar speech. I loved catching up with friends. I fully intended to plug back in here, and resume life where I had left it when I had jetted to Thailand. 

Thailand had been working against me in the half year before I left. I was getting fed up with the visa issues, and the outsider status. I became depressed at how hard it was to positively affect the business world there, or even the fate of the country. I like to think I can make a difference where I am. Of course, there are charities, and I did a bit of work with those. But ultimately, Thailand is for Thais. 

God bless them for that, is my attitude.

In this One World homogenization that is happening, I have lots of respect for countries that retain national values and identities. Although I respect it, that doesn't mean I wasn't frustrated by it, and ultimately, living as a constant outsider was getting to me.

I had also come to the conclusion that marrying a Thai, or even having a serious Thai girlfriend wasn't what I liked, due to the many reasons cited in other posts here. I dated “civilians” who weren't in the leisure industry, but found the culture gap too huge to leap. Plus the adjustment I had to make in terms of being 3rd on the totem pole (Family, Career, Boyfriend) never did it for me. 

After that decision, I partied too much. I was drinking and balling and more than a bit adrift before I left. That's why I was really happy to be back in the US. It was just time to go. My hand had been played. I felt very lucky to leave when and how I did.

But here's the problem.

After the glow of happy returns wore off, I have to be honest with the fact that I just don't like the US lifestyle. 

I came back to give the west a full on fair shake. I even saw it with new eyes. And there's much I really love about US that I had to be away from before I could appreciate it. It truly is a tremendous land of amazing professional opportunity, as well as a place where self development is encouraged and valued.

Every system is crooked, but the corruption here is way toned down compared to SE Asia. The work place has some clowns, but is largely a meritocracy, where good workers are advanced, and losers get let go. People try hard. They want to make things better. The innovate. But what's really turning me off is how processed it all is.

How boring.

It feels like this grey machine. A conveyor belt. Relationships feel flimsy. Everybody works. Watches TV. Works more.

The amount of hostility towards men is repulsive, as it plays out in the workplace and in media. But the underground of MGTOW and Red Pill is filled with a tremendous amount of hostility as well.

I just really can't believe how unhappy and depressed most people in the west are.

It's like there is this War on Love, destroying relationships between lovers, friends, and communities. There's not much neighborhood or local cohesion. I feel everybody keeps busy busy busy all the time, working buying and watching, working buying and watching, to avoid admitting how bleak and punishing the average life is here. I don't want to support it. I don't want to fit in and be part of it.

I have no regrets I left Thailand, and in terms of timing, when I was pulled back here was really a blessing. 

But I can't deny the fact that I feel a huge void in my life out here. I believe what I miss most is the excitement and adventure and just fantastic thrill – with all the tribulations that went with it – which living abroad in SE Asia provides. 

I just had more fun there. 

I felt more alive there. And what's also really difficult is that all of the experiences I had in Thailand aren't really welcome out here.

Beyond the natural bias that women have of "men who go to Thailand", I'm just shocked that nobody really wants to know what life in another land is like. 

Maybe I'm a bad story teller. 

But maybe Americans are just living in their bubble. 

My countrymen have little frame of reference outside of their work and TV shows. It's heartbreaking, really. So much of the world, so much to see and hear about, and nobody wants to hear about it. I read a lot of columns on Stick that talk about how Thais don't really know much about the outside world. But in a way, the Americans don't either. So I'm left with this huge piece of living, and no place to process it. It's disheartening.

The place runs well.

The trains are on time, as they say, but psychologically, I feel the West is a very hostile and weird place these days. 

Especially when it comes to men / women relationships. 

I am shocked at the deterioration in relationships that I have seen, in just the past ten years. It's just so aggressively mercenary. The romance has been drained from the punch. There's very little charm in the process. I found dating pretty pointless, but still fun and sweet enough in Thailand. Even it if leads nowhere beyond walking around a mall and having some sex, it was lighter and more pleasant.

In America, dating is this grim operation to perform: shit tests, hoops, Social Market Value, and the flat-out rude bossiness that has become the modern American woman. Joyless. Probably that's what this entire post comes down to… that one word: Joyless.

America is not a life.

It's a job. The job is work. And work sucks.

Thais value fun. They like life light. Sanuk isn't just something in tour books. They have an art to daily living that has a pleasant ambience based on a healthy injection of “I don't give a damn”. All of us who have lived there have been on the maddening side of it. But from where I'm writing now, I see it now as a great way to resist the corporate take-over of every part of life.

Why the fxxk should we all have to work so hard?

Who's getting rich off our sweat? Just this morning I read that a new crisis on American college campuses is that many American university students are killing themselves or crowding counselor's crisis centers. Shouldn't higher learning be a better experience? They are probably feeling total dread at what the American system has laid out for them: joyless toil. It's like we're all fighting as hard as we can to jam our way into jobs that shred us.


Life shouldn't be so damn serious. Thais know that. I miss that. I miss them. I miss their land.

With luck I'll be back and honestly, probably bitching about lots of the things I just heralded in the previous paragraph. lol. Should fate decide otherwise, and slugging it out in the US is my path, I have my memories. They will remain a precious jewel for life. Either way, I am richer, wiser, and more the man I dreamed of being for having spent my time in LOS.

Enjoy it out there, gentlemen. Play smart and it's a brilliant part of the world to live life. Play dumb and it's still one hell of an adventure. My time there was a blend of both and I wouldn't trade it for anything. “

- “After 3+ Years in Thailand, Reflections From Home” by Rich Archer on the Stickman Blog. Reader submission.  May 2015

The Top 10 types of expat in Thailand

Let's talk about steriotypes. There are some particular sub-sets of Thai expat that you can spot a mile away. I knwo that it is bad to type-cast a typical expat, but it's boat-loads of fun, and it's a natural thing to do. Here are some sub-sets that you can use as a guide.  Jus tkeep in mind that there are plenty of other varieties of  expats floating around Thailand.

Here are just some major classifications of Thailand Expat that are pretty obvious. You can point them out with big splayed brushes, and will pretty much be right on target. Check them out…

1. The search of a wife
Finding looking for love in the West daunting? Or had a few failed marriages? Head to Asia and find a wife there instead. Right?!

  • Thailand is the place for sex.
  • Thailand is not the place for love.
  • If you indeed want to find true love in Thailand, then expect to change and adapt to the way that things are done in Thailand. Not the other way around.

These gentlemen come to Thailand for the sole purpose of finding love and maybe a wife. There seems to be some belief that Asian women are going to be more polite, obedient and submissive than the women in their own country.

Oh! Boy or boy are they going to get a shock.

Others are looking to ‘trade in’ their older, western model for a younger, prettier Asian version. And where are you going to find this source of Asian ladies? At an expat bar (or on the internet these days). And so the well-trodden path and litany of perilous adventures begins. We know how most of these relationships end.

Of course there are many western men, and women, who do find a Thai partner and live long, happy lives. But (please kindly be advised) they’re vastly out numbered by the stories of love-gone-wrong in the Land of Smiles.

Don’t take life too seriously
Read a couple of hundred stories on the internet before moving in with the Thai GF.  Realize that you must have deep pockets. As wll as a wallet that resembles Alladan's magic lamp. Oh, and one more thing; Guys, please keep in mid that the bar girls don’t actually love you.

2. The businessman
Many professional expats live, mostly in Bangkok, working for big international companies on salaries that would make them rich in any country. They can afford to, and do, live the high life.

  • Some are single but others bring their family along for the adventure.
  • They rent a big house.
  • They have a live-in maid.
  • They have a driver and live a great life indeed.

But, living their life in an artificial bubble in their working years, they rarely transition into a more mundane retired life in ‘normal’ Thailand.

3. Retiring in Thailand
The mantra used to be that you could move to Thailand and live off your pension (which would translate to lots and lots of baht), walking the Phuket beaches, shopping in Bangkok or living a quiet life in Chiang Mai.

Ah, yes. The perfect retirement lifestyle.

Other single, mostly, men would be lured by a carefree life of cheap beer, endless beaches and a seemingly endless supply of attractive young ladies in the many bars. (And who wouldn’t be lured by such wonderful attributes?)

A lot of this has changed in recent years.

The Thai economy has gained strength, along with the Thai Baht. With some international currencies have comparatively deflated. Which means that people hoping to live off their overseas pensions or savings are not getting the same bargain they once did.

This is especially living in tourist hubs like Bangkok, Phuket or Pattaya, the cost of living has been rising in recent years pricing them out of the retirement market.

If you’re contemplating a retired life in Thailand spend some time on the internet and come and spend a few months in selected locations. Try before you buy and don’t start packing the crockery until you’ve done your homework and your calculus.

4. Teaching English
The English teacher is found everywhere in the LOS (Land of Smiles) and is still a reasonably sure-fire way to extend your time living in Thailand.

These teachers usually break down into four categories….  

  • Some are career educators and love teaching English.
  • Others are backpackers trying to extend their stay and top up their travel budget.
  • There are some older guys who have spent their life savings and will do anything to stay in Thailand.
  • Finally, there’s the bored wives who want something useful and meaningful to fill their days whilst their husbands work for larger international companies.

There are numerous TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) courses around the country. The pay’s not great and you’ll be living a local lifestyle rather than the lap of luxury. But many former teachers remember their time teaching English in Thailand fondly and say they’ll never forget the smiling Thai children.

5. The entrepreneurial spirit
Savvy business people often come to Thailand for some better weather and the chance to make their fortune. The joke used to be that if you wanted to start a small business in Thailand, just invest in a big business here and wait a few years.

But many actually make a go of it and end up doing well.

Like starting a business anywhere else in the world, do your homework and make sure you tick all the right boxes, including a business and marketing plan (in a foreign country).

The flashy, brash real estate hacks that sell one property a year and spend the other 364 days sitting at the beach bar spending their commission, are a local cliché and a dime a dozen. Same goes for the internet hacks, the blogger hacks, and the travel-lifestyle hacks. It’s all nonsense. Don’t buy into the lies.

Remember that the paperwork and administration requirements of a Thai company can be bewildering and you WILL need some good local advice before you open up shop. Take someone who’s already done it for a few years to dinner and ask lots of questions.

6. The bored wife
Many of the categories mentioned so far have a predominance of males. Life for a single foreign woman in Thailand can be a challenge. Kudos to those who cut through the cultural issues and make a go of it.

There’s also the wives and partners of the many, many men who get to work in Thailand and bring their families with them. The live-in maid, driver and shopping trips eventually get boring and they will often be looking for other things to do. In most cases their visas won’t allow them to legally work. So many do end up doing various charity and volunteer work (thought you should be very clear about what your visa will and won’t allow you to do).

There are numerous expat groups around the country to provide information, social outings and community for the many mums or spouses who find themselves at a loose end whilst the husband works in the office. Jump on your computer and do some homework and you’ll discover a whole new world of other woman out there.

Your next coffee or movie gal-pal is as far away as the internet.

7. The fresh-starter
For whatever reason, Thailand seems to attract its fair share of misfits, vagrants and social outcasts that can’t seem to get their act together in their home country. So they come to Thailand where the cheap booze, beaches and travel brochures have lured them.

Of course they find a very different culture and an entirely new list of reasons they can’t fit in and get their life established.

Some are just running away from …

  • Bad marriages
  • The law
  • Anything-they-don’t-want-to-confront.

The long term prognosis for many of these misfits isn’t good. We end up reading about them as over-stayers, drink driving road deaths or victims of balcony falls.

8. Sexpats
‘Sexpats’ are notorious and much-maligned.

They come to Thailand, lured by a slightly old-fashioned notions of the Kingdom as an easy place to find sex. And sometimes, in some locations the opportunities are still available, for a price. Sexpats usually hang around other expats who are less likely to frown on their indulgences. The three P’s – Patpong, Patong and Pattaya – sum up most of the popular sexpat locations.

In most cases they’re here for a good time, not a long time.

They will frequent the sleazier locations in Thailand pursuing their goals and, eventually, running out of money or getting bored. Or getting into trouble. Or contracting any number of available STDs.

9. The serial complainer
Nothing, absolutely nothing, will ever be as good in Thailand compared to where they come from. They will find fault in everything from the traffic to the food to the government to the medical system to the culture to the visa system to the corruption to the heat to the roads to the culture to the girls.


Thailand is a foreign country with a rich, frequently bewildering culture. The longer you spend here, the less it all makes sense. But that’s part of the glorious adventure of living in Thailand. Whilst many expats revel in the wonders and excesses of Thai life, some just wallow in their own self-righteousness.

Many of these haters and complainers have never been to Thailand but are happy to share their wisdom, often, in chat rooms and social media.

Blah, blah, blah.

Worse, there are plenty of haters living amongst us who bore us sideways with their whinging and complaining. They can be directed to the nearest international airport where they are invited to escape the country they so despise and return to their homeland or just go somewhere else, anywhere really.

10. The digital nomads
We see them tapping away on their keyboards at cafés and work spaces around the country. As long as they have wifi their business is open. They’re trading stocks and shares, selling property, gambling, posting stories, filing news reports, selling stuff on their Facebook pages – they’re working.

If you can run your business outside of a traditional office, hey, why not do it sitting next to a beach or high up in a mountain overlooking Chiang Rai. The digital nomads fall between the cracks in the Thai Immigration system and often have to run the gauntlet of dodgy visas and visa runs although a recently introduced Smart Visa helps some of them get a proper visa.

There is an increasing range of co-working spaces opening around the country and almost every café in Thailand will now have wifi – whether it’s working or not is another matter. Then again you can always tether your phone to your laptop and use your smartphone’s wifi.

However, as I have mentioned above, do NOT mistakenly believe that you can become a rich and successful person by banging around on your keyboard in a foreign land. If so, then Metallicman would have the wealth of George Soros. This is an option only for people who already have a successful online operation and they are able to port it over to Thailand without interruption.


For many Americans, Asia is Heaven. America has become the land of the heavily taxed serf, a land of the obese and argumentative, and the ugly. And when you leave the “wonderful shores of exceptionalism”, you discover that you wasted 50, 60 years of your life following a LIE. It’s an ideal that might at some time, long ago, existed for other people…

…but one that you never got a chance to participate within. So for you’se guys, like me. Asia is Heaven.

You go from this…

American girls tend to be on the chubby side.

To this…

This is what women are like all throughout Asia. They make fine wives, are fantastic, playful companions, and admire their man. They NEVER, ever belittle them in public.

This says it all, I would think;

“The expat rule is, you have found paradise and you don’t want to share it with anyone, especially those you believe to be unworthy.”


And, with that I must add, do not debauch yourself to death… 

An interesting write up about judgemental people, mostly Americans, of the “ugly American" persuasion. 

It is a great read, and spot on;

The act of seeing a prostitute in Western countries has been demonized, sometimes even more so than the act of prostitution itself. 

In many states in the U.S., if you’re caught soliciting a prostitute, you’ll be arrested and charged, and your name will appear in the Newspaper and on the Newspaper’s website. Then when anyone Google’s your name, the first thing to come up will be the article about you trying to see a whore. 

Many feminists sympathize for the “poor working girls,” who are simply misguided, while vilifying the evil “Johns” who take advantage of the women by buying sex from them. 

You pay her $300 for her to tell you to “hurry up,” and yet you’re the one taking advantage of her - oh the irony!

Don’t be THIS guy…

An American male aged 55 just fell off the 27th floor landed right near the pool. 

He wrote a letter before jumped said that he ran out of money, his visa is expired and express a wish to live in Thailand longer. 

It’s a sad story indeed. You spend your entire life working inside the “American Dream”, only to be taxes, swindled, and squeezed out of everything. 

Then you take what little remains and go somewhere where you are appreciated. 

Yet, when the money dries up, everything is over.  

Sad.  Looks like he'll be here forever now.


Or this fellow…

60 Year-old British Expat Found Dead in his Rented Room in Buriram Province. 

Upon entry of the rented room police found the body of James Track, 60 on the bed, surrounded by beer bottles, Deputy interrogation chief Pol Capt Decha Thongprapa said. 

Pol Capt Decha said the Briton might have died from consumption as it was revealed to him by other tenants that his wife had threatened to break up with him due to his drinking.


Things are different in Thailand.

Things are different; prostitution is more accepted and you certainly don’t have to worry about getting arrested for bar-fining a girl.  We’re not usually judged for it in Asia, but we’re judged even more harshly by Western women than men who solicit prostitutes in their own country. 

Because now we’re not just taking advantage of a “misguided woman”, and now we’re actually taking advantage of a “very poor and uneducated, misguided third world woman”.  

Yeah. Right.

I’ll have to remember that the next time a bar girl begs me to spend the night with her.

I’ve been targeted numerous times by groups out there who try to shame me for “the proliferation of the prostitution scene.”  It’s as if I tell people that it’s wrong NOT to see prostitutes, or that it’s wrong to treat them well when you do see them. 

Some of these people act as if the prostitution scene in Thailand exists only because dirty old white men come here and throw their money around in ways that uneducated women simply can’t refuse.  

This implication is mean spirited and outright false.

1) I find that to be an insult to Thai women; they’re not robots and they are acting on their own free will.  To imply that they don’t know any better is another way of calling them stupid.  Most of them are much more calculated than feminists give them credit for being, usually saving hordes of cash by the time they’re done in the profession.

2) The prostitution scene in Thailand has a long history that has only recently included white men.  The facts are that most of the “Johns” throughout the country are Thai.  But feminists, and those quick to point the finger, live in some sort of vacuum where they think that Soi Cowboy and Walking Street are the only prostitution havens in Thailand.

Feminists, and basically all Western women, have always been on that side of the issue.  But lately, I’ve noticed a new group of people quick to throw stones at any man who would dare see a Thai prostitute: foreign men!   These guys fall into different categories, I’ll list them for you.

1) The dating guru who insists that it’s STUPID and PATHETIC to have to see prostitutes since it’s so easy to score here with an unlimited amount of non prostitutes.  In other words, “do as I do or you’re dumb and sad.”  I’ve had my successes in the dating scene here, but I don’t see what that has to do with the prostitution scene.

2) The man who takes care of his wife’s Thai daughter from a past marriage, as his own, and is repulsed by the thought of her selling her body to foreign guys when she becomes of age.  I don’t blame the guy for not wanting to see it happen to the girl, but it won’t happen if he does a decent job as a parental figure in her life.  If he fails as a parent, and she does become a prostitute, it’ll be his fault, not the fault of the “johns” she sells herself to.

3) The “fragile heart” guys, otherwise known as: walking contradictions.  These are the guys who fall in love with the first bar girl they buy sex from.  They become so consumed with their “love,” that they have to find a way to justify the fact that she was sexing and fucking 20-40 guys per month for the past year or two.  So, for whatever reason, some of these guys start to visualize the johns as being the villains.  It doesn’t sound like a particularly healthy way of handling the situation, but that doesn’t seem to stop them.  The craziest thing about it is that they themselves were a john when they first met the girl.  They find a way to separate that from the evil guys who did the same thing as them, just without the falling in love part.

4) The guys who are just “above it all.”  Most of these guys are outright liars, the rest of them are just judgmental assholes.   Finding guys who have never truly seen a prostitute in their entire lives, especially those who have been to or live in Thailand, is even more rare than finding a guy who never had an alcoholic beverage before.  I suppose there’s a few of them out there, but there’s a lot more guys out there who simply say they’ve never seen a prostitute, despite that being a lie.  And if a guy saw a prostitute even one time in his life, and vows that he never has and is repulsed by anyone who does or has, that is just a sick and twisted way to go about things.  Now, for those few guys who truly have never seen a prostitute, good for them.  I’m not going around saying that they’re prudes or pussies for not doing it; I actually don’t care.  I wouldn’t judge them either way.  But if they are going to judge me, simply because I don’t adhere to the same moral codes as they do, then they can go and fuck themselves!

5) The religious type.  If a guy’s religious code dictates that I’m a sinner, then so be it.  Prostitution is known as the “oldest profession in the world.”  It’s also pretty damn harmless compared to some more obvious “sins.”  I don’t judge anyone for being very religious, that’s their prerogative.  But I just wish some of them wouldn’t so often judge others that just don’t happen to follow the same religion with the same passion.  Some of these guys are quite the hypocrites, because they’ve seen hundreds of prostitutes, but since that was “before they were saved,” that doesn’t count anymore.

I’m not even going to discuss the group of people out there who makes it like any “john” is basically a rapist sex trafficker; obviously those people need more help than most prostitutes.  But that is basically the final end of the spectrum of people who hate on anyone who has ever been with a prostitute before.  We’ve gone through all of the groups, and they all have two things in common: they’re judgmental and intolerant people.


Everyone is entitled to their own opinion on the matter, and to follow through in the way they see fit.  Just as everyone can have their feelings on the topic, I have mine as well.  I don’t judge others who don’t see me eye to eye on it; it’s just my own personal code. 

This is true whether it is about China, or Thailand. About work, career, or pretty girls. It is the same regardless about how you live your life and what you do with your time. All men need a code; a code of behaviors.

And that is, that seeing prostitutes is like drinking alcohol – its fun sometimes, but it’s best to do it in moderation, and it’s important not to become completely addicted to it. 

Like alcohol, if you’re not somewhat cautious, there can be some downsides.  But if you can stick to the limits that you set, you’ll be fine.

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The USA might be going bat-shit crazy, but in China everything is going according to plan

It is late August 2020. The United States is a mess. It really is. Even my Chinese friends who normally don’t bother with the news and international issues can see this. Face it. The United States is collapsing and all the rest of the world can do is hold on, and hope that there are some smart people managing the collapse.

Many of the nouveau riche, the ultra-wealthy, can read the handwriting on the wall. They can see the wheels coming off in America, as a debt-soaked economy, along with violence and pervasive poverty continues to increase, and our national problems have all resisted solutions and resolutions for years.

Federal government has become virtually dysfunctional, as the political extremism has destroyed professionalism and cooperation, and politicians accuse, insult, even curse at each other without ever agreeing on anything.

It is not surprising that they're lining up other countries they can move to when the time comes. And the way things are going, that time is almost now.


The following is a well written article that I pulled off the UNZ website. I passed it on to other retired professionals, current analysts, and businessmen in very senior roles within global international companies and asked them for their opinions. These are not the people who make decisions based on what MSN, CNN, Drudge, or Rush Limbaugh has to say. Instead, these are people who have experience in global trade, scientific advancements and technology. They are the people who actually make the decisions (on a working level) regarding international commerce and industry. Of the around two hundred that I queried, about thirty five responded.

All of them that responded pretty much agreed with me that is is a very accurate assessment on what is going on within China, and the world currently. That it makes complete sense, and that they have expected this all to occur and be put into place.

If you want to part the curtains a little bit, and see how things are really working…

…free of all that “noise” from the political, and media machinery within the United States (and their client nations) then read this post.

This is a reprint of “Everything Going According to Plan in China. The contours of China’s long-term strategy for the new Cold War are quickly coming into view” by Pepe Escobar. Found on the UNZ website. Written August 24, 2020. Edited to fit this venue. All credit to the author. With 33 Comments on the original post. (Republished from Asia Times)

Everything Going According to Plan in China. The contours of China’s long-term strategy for the new Cold War are quickly coming into view

Let’s start with the story of an incredibly disappearing summit.

The mysterious secretive BeiDaiHe Meeting

Every August, the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) converges to the town of Beidaihe, a seaside resort some two hours away from Beijing. They do so to discuss serious policies that then coalesce into key planning strategies. Strategies that are presented to be approved at the CCP Central Committee plenary session later on in October.

The Beidaihe ritual was established by none other than Great Helmsman Mao, who loved the town where.  It is not by accident, Emperor Qin, the unifier of China in the 3rd century B.C., kept a palace there.

2020 being, so far, a notorious Year of Living Dangerously, it’s no surprise that in the end Beidaihe was nowhere to be seen.

The Chinese Leadership is a cautious organization.

Yet Beidaihe’s invisibility does not mean it did not happen. It did.

Exhibit 1

Exhibit 1 was the fact that Premier Li Keqiang simply disappeared from public view for nearly two weeks.

Curiously, this was after President Xi chaired a crucial Politburo gathering in late July. One where he laid out no less than China’s whole development strategy for the next 15 years.

Premier Li Keqiang resurfaced soon afterwards. Suddenly chairing a special session of the all-powerful State Council.

This was at the same time that (CCP’s top ideologue), Wang Huning (who happens to be number 5 in the Politburo) showed up as the special guest at a meeting of the All China Youth Federation.

What’s even more intriguing is that side by side with Wang, one would find Ding Xuexiang.

Ding Xuexiang is President Xi’s chief of staff.

He wasn’t alone. There were three other Politburo members with him.

In this “now you see them, now you don’t” variation, the fact that they all showed up in unison after an absence of nearly two weeks was more than just curious..

This led sharp Chinese observers to conclude that Beidaihe in fact had taken place. Even if no visible signs of political action by the seaside had been detected.

Curious. The semi-official spin is that no get-together happened at Beidaihe because of Covid-19.

Exhibit 2

Yet it’s Exhibit 2 that may clinch the deal for good.

The by now famous end of July Politburo meeting chaired by Xi in fact sealed the Central Committee plenary session in October.

Translation: the contours of the strategic road map ahead had already been approved by consensus. There was no need to retreat to Beidaihe for further discussions.

Trial balloons or official policy?

The plot thickens when one takes into consideration a series of trial balloons that started to float a few days ago in select Chinese media. Here are some of the key points.

[1] On the trade war…

On the trade war front, Beijing won’t shut down US businesses already operating in China. But companies which want to enter the market in finance, information technology, healthcare and education services will not be approved.

[2] US Treasuries

Beijing won’t dump all its overwhelming mass of US Treasuries in one go, but – as it already happens – divestment will accelerate. Last year, that amounted to $100 billion. Up to the end of 2020, that could reach $300 billion.

[3] The Yuan as a global currency

The internationalization of the yuan, also predictably, will be accelerated. That will include configuring the final parameters for clearing US dollars through the CHIPS Chinese system – foreseeing the incandescent possibility Beijing might be cut off from SWIFT by the Trump administration or whoever will be in power at the White House after January 2021.

[4] America’s “Hybrid War”

On what is largely interpreted across China as the “full spectrum war” front, mostly Hybrid War, the PLA has been put into Stage 3 alert – and all leaves are canceled for the rest of 2020. There will be a concerted drive to increase all-round defense spending to 4% of GDP and accelerate the development of nuclear weapons. Details are bound to emerge during the Central Committee meeting in October.

[5] Chinese Independence and Self-Reliance

The overall emphasis is on a very Chinese spirit of self-reliance, and building what can be defined as a national economic “dual circulation” system: the consolidation of the Eurasian integration project running in parallel to a global yuan settlement mechanism.

Inbuilt in this drive is what has been described as…

 “to firmly abandon all illusions about the United States...

...and conduct war mobilization with our people. We shall vigorously promote the war to resist US aggression...

...We will use a war mindset to steer the national economy...

...Prepare for the complete interruption of relations with the US.”

It’s unclear as it stands if these are only trial balloons disseminated across Chinese public opinion or decisions reached at the “invisible” Beidaihe.

So all eyes will be on what kind of language this alarming configuration will be packaged when the Central Committee presents its strategic planning in October.

Significantly, that will happen only a few weeks before the US election.

It’s all about continuity

All of the above somewhat mirrors a recent debate in Amsterdam on what constitutes the Chinese “threat” to the West.

Here are the key points.

[1] The Chinese Hybrid Economic Model

China constantly reinforces its hybrid economic model – which is an absolute rarity, globally: neither totally publicly owned nor a market economy.

[2] Hyper-Patriotic Nation

The level of patriotism is staggering: once the Chinese face a foreign enemy, 1.4 billion people act as one.

[3] No infighting. Powerful levers of control.

National mechanisms have tremendous force: absolutely nothing blocks the full use of China’s financial, material and manpower resources once a policy is set.

[4] Largest Industrial System on the Planet

China has set up the most comprehensive, back to back industrial system on the planet, without foreign interference if need be (well, there’s always the matter of semiconductors to Huawei to be solved).

[5] Long term planning

China plans not only in years, but in decades. Five year plans are complemented by ten year plans and as the meeting chaired by Xi showed, 15 year plans. The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is in fact a nearly 40-year plan, designed in 2013 to be completed in 2049.

[6] Continuity of long-term purpose

And continuity is the name of the game – when one thinks that the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, first developed in 1949 and then expanded by Zhou Enlai at the Bandung conference in 1955 are set in stone as China’s foreign policy guidelines.


China is dealing with Chinese issues inside of China using Chinese methods. It is succeeding, and the future (as scary as it appears) seems to be well mapped out by a capable leadership supported by a robust industry, and an enthusiastic populace.

America hasn't a clue. It's still a mish-mash of politics, crime, corruption and distortions. No one inside of America trusts their government, their police or their military. To try to distract attention from domestic issues by having a war with a very robust nations would be national suicide.

The Qiao collective, an independent group that advances the role of qiao (“bridge”) by the strategically important huaqiao (“overseas Chinese”) is on point when they note that Beijing never proclaimed a Chinese model as a solution to global problems.

What they extol is Chinese solutions to specific Chinese conditions.

A forceful point is also made that historical materialism is incompatible with capitalist liberal democracy forcing austerity and regime change on national systems, shaping them towards preconceived models.

That always comes back to the core of the CCP foreign policy: each nation must chart a course fit for its national conditions.

And that reveals the full contours of what can be reasonably described as a Centralized Meritocracy with Confucian, Socialist Characteristics: a different civilization paradigm that the “indispensable nation” still refuses to accept, and certainly won’t abolish by practicing Hybrid War.

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An introduction to Thailand by an occasional traveler, and a lover of great food, pretty girls and sunshine

Here, in this post, I am going to discuss the wonderful land of smiles; Thailand. It is an enchanting country. It is filled with happy, easy going people, cheap prices, lots of open fresh air, seas of beauty, mountains and hills, and lots and lots of great delicious food. I haven’t written about this place at all because the vast bulk of my time is spent within China. But this is a great place, as is the rest of South East Asia, and I have a few things to say about it.

Read this post. Then re-read this sentence. As far as a man is concerned, Thailand is really the land of the free.

“The Thais are proud to say their country has never been colonized and delighted to explain that translated in to English, Thailand means "land of the free". 

Many Thais genuinely believe their country is free and that regular citizens are afforded a level of freedom that doesn't exist outside the Kingdom's borders.

Given the way certain parts of Thailand's history are explained in the local education system, it's no surprise. 

But the way that some foreigners resident in Thailand also feel more free in Thailand than they do in Farangland (Oh, “farang”, or for those of you who hate that word, Caucasian) floors me.”

- Thailand, Land of the Free

One of the places that I would live at, from time to time, was Thailand. It’s a truly amazing place, with beautiful beaches, excellent delicious food, warm welcoming climate, a decent infrastructure, and hordes of sexy willing women. What’s not to like?

“hhahahhha  Pattaya! 

I ran into a few FAT and outraged American "chang nams"...


...chang nam is a hippo and polite word for American (women) wildebeast that seem to stray into Pattaya now and again. (The great white water buffalo.)

There were three American chang nams that ganged up on me, asking me all sorts of "triggered questions.

"When their mouths stopped flapping, I ran my fingers across my lips, then launched into international sign language dialogue. 

One of the girls said ".....oh shit, he's deaf---and THEY APOLOGIZED."

My sign language is very good and I suggest all ZHers to at least learn a few phrases correctly in dealing with hostile, bat-shit crazy American women and their failed NGOs in Thailand and Cambodia. 

These American goody-two-shoes are the ones that demonize sex and then run around to the back room to boom Somchai.

PS...To call someone "Somchai" in Tai and Kampuchea, really you are saying "John Doe." "Somchai" is better than saying "....where's Woody?"

- buttmint (reply to) MaxThrust Aug 12, 2017 10:57 AM

I have visited Thailand with my Chinese wife numerous times.  We have stayed at everything from fancy hotels to cute residential home-stays. We have frequented the bars and clubs and sampled the night life there, we have even had an adventure where a taxi driver drove us out into the middle of the jungle and left us there to rot at 4:30 am! 

Thailand, since it is so close to China, is my 2nd home.

It’s a very cheap (from China) two hour flight and BOOM!, I am in a land where all the girls call me a “Handsome Man”.

"Hey! Handsome Man!"

Though, I have never sampled the female fun there, it’s enough to know that I could if I wanted to.

Personally, I find the girls there a little chubbier and shorter than my tastes allow.  (You can see for yourself in the pictures and videos herein.) However, that’s just me.

My ideal woman is a curvy and robust Chinese gal, with a handsome face, and a smile that last forever. Long black hair is an extra five points. Brown eyes improves the look another five points, and having an oval face tacks on another ten points.

(The taller “girls” tend to be ladyboys… yikes!)

In any event, Thailand is a beautiful place with cheap prices, delicious food, and nature everywhere.  It is paradise.

People come to visit and LIVE in Thailand for all sorts of reasons;

“There isn't one kind of person that comes to Thailand there are many. 

There's the sex starved older English gent that finds paradise in the Neon lights of Pattaya to the American couple who have figured out that they don't want to live there lives drowned in debt only to realize they've missed out on Living their lives. 

You'll find a lot of grumpy old men who are single and spend their time Farang bashing on Thai Visa and younger guys who party to the break of dawn every night. 

The English teacher who's looking for "world experience" I'm sure you've met all sorts of people in Thailand.”

-From here; http://www.livingthai.org/why-choose-to-live-in-thailand.html

And, for guys, often the reason is for sex…

“The problem with sex is that it’s a natural male instinct to fuck everything that moves, not just the hottest, but anything attractive – you’ll never stop looking, but you might stop chasing. God help you if you’re very good looking, getting ‘opportunities’ thrown at you wherever you live. You may never escape this vice – and it will cost you big time.”


Thailand is a different place for certain. Different is Good.

“Frustrated foreign residents are known to have the odd rant about life in Thailand at times, but sometimes we need to take a look at the big picture and consider that things are not as bad as they may seem. 

A mate who gets around Bangkok by motorbike tells me that whenever he parks his motorbike, he leaves his helmet resting on the handlebars, attached by a simple clip. This is something he would never do in his native Belgium for it would likely not be there when he returned but in 10 years of riding in Bangkok no-one has ever taken his helmet. 

Still, I have never seen his helmet and maybe the shocking pink color and the slogan I love ladyboys in Thai on the front has something to do with it?”



“Never in my life did I imagine I would ever turn down a girlfriend of mine for sex until I got to Thailand; 

...there’s just only so much I can handle. 

American women (and I’m sure British and Australian women are very similar) use sex more as a tool in a relationship, and they’re usually willing to sacrifice the enjoyment from sex just to prove a point. 

I don’t find this too often in Thailand and that’s a beautiful thing.”


I’ve been to Pattaya numerous times.

A famous Pattaya themed T-shirt, sold at many of the vendor’s stalls about town, sums up the divergent opinions about the place. “Good guys go to heaven, bad guys go to Pattaya”.

I can’t say the beach is all that great.  But it has (had) an amazing street devoted to bars and night life.  Both my wife and I felt like we had died and gone to heaven.

The first time we went there, we separated from the group (that we had been with) and went solo exploring this amazing area. Of course, you have the go-go girls, and the bar girls and all of that. However, what really struck me was the presence of old fat western guys who had plopped themselves down at a bar and who were nursing a beer.


You call that fun and exciting?

We bar hopped each and every time we visited that town. 

First Impressions

My first experience was awesome. I must tell the reader that when you go into these bars, you will see (easily) 20 to 30 totally nude gals standing and dancing slowly in super high heels.

That has since changed, and as of 2016 they all seem to be wearing some kind of attire.

With a short old 70-year old grandmother walking around them with a meter long switch telling them to arch their backs, etc. The girls seemed fine.  (They were) all thin and in their 20’s. A patron might come in and pick a girl and pay the girl and get a blow-job on the spot.  (I’ve seen it done numerous times.)

You can even take the girls upstairs for a short-time (this is known as a “short time girl”). However, to be honest, you see 30 girls without a lick of clothing on it’s not really arousing.

Since then, the local government placed laws requiring the gals to wear clothing. I have mixed feelings about it.

It’s just a bunch of nude girls.

Old fat men (Bogan) nursing beers in Pattaya bar street.

Pattaya is known (outside of Thailand) for one place. 


I think I can safely say that Patong Beach is now Bogan central for Thailand. 

A Bogan is a bit of a derogatory term for a person who hails from the western suburbs of Sydney, West Auckland or the working class areas of Melbourne. 

In Thailand they are normally identified as blokes, or sheilas, with minimal attire – a beer brand singlet, billabong shorts and flip flops – and whose main priorities in life are knocking back copious amounts of beer and watching their preferred style of footy. 

Take a stroll down Soi Bangla in the early evening and the sports bars lining each side of the street will be packed with Bogans getting their fixes of beer and footy. 

The thing is, though, if you hang around the place for long enough you’ll soon pick up on the idea there are Bogans from all over the world cruising the streets and crowding the shopping malls of Patong. 

Aside from your bog standard Aussie and Kiwi Bogans, there are also English, Russian, German, Scandinavian, Indian and even Thai Bogans to be seen.

That being said, let me be the first to point out that the Pattaya Police Chief say’s that there is no such thing as prostitution in Pattaya.  Apparently it doesn’t exist.

And it is true that sex can be obtained.

However, it is not as common and rampant as the British tabloids make it out to be. There’s only a precious few areas that you can get your “fix” for secual excitement. The rest of Pattaya is like the rest of Thailand, very conservative and very religious.

Pattaya City officials, local police units and administrative units of Chon Buri held a press conference on the new policy; Pattaya Happy Zone, which has been immediately implemented with the main purpose of keeping popular areas of Pattaya under control and crime-free. 

The Happy Zone is being enforced in the infamous Walking Street in order to control all illegal activities to make sure that the holiday experience in Pattaya is hassle-free for everyone.

Pol Col Apichai Krobpetch, the Pattaya police superintendent, told the magazine “Spectrum” that Pattaya is not a hub for the sex trade.

He was upset about the British media’s stories, insisting they were fabricated.British newspapers The Sun, Mirror and the Daily Star recently ran articles describing Pattaya as “the world’s sex capital” and as a “modern-day Sodom and Gomorrah”, sparking anger among government officials, especially PM Prayut, who vowed to crack down on illegal businesses and prostitution in Pattaya, viewing them as a major embarrassment for Thailand.

Offshore Bar – Pattaya, Thailand.


“There is no such thing as prostitution in Pattaya,” says Col Apichai. “Where did they get the figure of 27,000 sex workers in Pattaya? Anyone can make up this information.


But sex and booze. Well, that’s something that I happen to enjoy.

And I am not afraid to admit it. Many a fine night has been spent with a female companion drinking wine, singing and dancing, and chatting and eating delicious food, and then having some great sex. It’s a wonderful way to pass the time, make new friends, and just relax.

Which brings me to the most awesome bar street. 

(Drinking booze, rock music and sex everywhere.) When I went there with my wife, we were just floored over by the sheer size and awesomeness of it.  It put New Orleans French Quarter to shame.  It is amazing and awesome at the same time.

We first visited Pattaya during a Chinese organized tour for tasting all the food of Thailand. 

The reader should realize that I am (what is called) “a foodie”.

A foodie is someone who has a deep interest in food. In addition to being interested in food itself, foodies are also interested in the back story: the history, production, science, and industry of food. As a general rule, foodies are amateurs, rather than professionals working in some aspect of the food industry, and many of them are self-taught.

-What is a Foodie?

We were not disappointed.

After one of the many, many dinners we were taken to the “bar street” for a look around.  The tour guide would not let us go alone, so we had to sign a “safety waiver” and off we went.  We’ve been in love with the place ever since.

It is not like what is portrayed in the American movie “Hangover II”, that is unless you are a drinker. Never the less it is an awesome place.  I actually prefer it over New Orleans “French Quarter”, Reno, Los Vegas, Macao, and some of the more “interesting” places that I have explored.

Both myself and my wife think of it as an awesome place.

First meal I had in Pattaya was fresh crab and shellfish.

The servings are huge and the prices were cheaper than in China. This I’m super surprised about even looking at the western meals around Pattaya are much cheaper than China also. Must be something to do with the amount of competition here. One thing that is first noticeable about the food in Pattaya is it tastes way better than what you get in China. I don’t really know why. This is probably because it’s either Isaan food and central food and I’m in the right place for that.

Since I’m a big foody I fell in love with the place immediately. (Not to mention all the pretty girls calling me a “handsome man”!)

A fine Thai curry chicken dish.

Pattaya is a very small place, well it’s not exactly small but the truth is that really, it’s just not that big. Pattaya is more concentrated making it easier to get around. This is especially true in the center of all “the action”.

Traffic isn’t as bad as people say though there are way more of those little mini-bicycle-car-like things (hoons) here which is expected.

Most of the hoons are either motorbike taxis or tourists joyriding. I hate driving in Thailand but it’s a must if you want to cover more ground quickly and save money and hassles getting taxis.

A lot of people walk in Pattaya compared to Bangkok. Bangkok is a city. Pattaya is a small coastal town.

If you’re a first time visitor to Pattaya then get ready for a surprise. This is like nothing you’ll have ever experienced before. This has to be one of the greatest concentrations of night time venues anywhere in the world.

The famous walking street is the epicenter of the Pattaya’s party scene, stretching from Bali Hai pier in the south to beach road at the north. This neon lit street is closed to traffic from around 6pm until the early morning. This mile long strip of pure hedonism is a mecca for party goers from all over the world. Lined with a mix of Go Go bars, drinking bars, restaurants, world class nightclubs and live music venues anyone who visits Pattaya has to experience this party wonderland.

(Don’t be afraid of entering any of the bars, clubs or go go’s you won’t get bitten (unless you want). The workers are all super friendly and the bad old days of getting ripped off are long gone. So be brave, and go on in.)

Metallicman in a Northern Bangkok 7-11 during the “Water Festival” (Songkran). That white stuff on my face is some kind of talc mixed with water that they put on you after they soak you with water. I don’t understand it, but I’ll bet it has an interesting story behind it.

Water Festival

The reader can just simply forget about staying dry during the water festival.  Little children, and not so little adults man each and every corner with plastic water guns, water machine guns, and water bazookas. The wife ended up staying in the room for three days afraid to go out and get soaked.

The Water Festival is the New Year’s celebrations that take place in east and South-east Asian countries such as China, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar Taiwan and Thailand.

It is called the ‘Water Festival’ by Westerners because they notice people splashing or pouring water at one another as part of the cleansing ritual to welcome the New Year. Traditionally people gently sprinkled water on one another as a sign of respect, but as the new year falls during the hottest month in South East Asia, many people end up dousing strangers and passersby in vehicles in boisterous celebration.

The act of pouring water is also a show of blessings and good wishes. It is believed that on this Water Festival, everything old must be thrown away, or it will bring the owner bad luck.

Here’s what another expat has to say about this festival;

“Songkran in Pattaya is celebrated for 7 days from the 13th until 19th April. It's difficult to avoid getting wet.

No food carts or girls ordering food get attacked with high-powered water guns and buckets as the Thais respect food. The Thais also consider people walking the sois with their luggage on the way to check-in to hotels.

Even long after the sun has set, the Thais still playing with water don't target people who are dry and heading out for dinner.

You know where I'm going with this… 

Of course, some young Thais on bikes riding the sois and drinking too much end up having fights. From my week-long Songkran experience here, having played with water and sat and observed, it's the dickhead Farangs with high-powered water guns hitting people in the face, attacking people with food, people going out dressed for a night out etc.

Even drunk bargirls manage to recognise and respect people who want to avoid water later in the evening. While writing this email in a dry area on sois 7 with 45 baht beers, I have witnessed 2 altercations between Westerners with high-powered guns attacking people who are dry. Only 28 more hours left of this craziness then off to track Everest. I'm confident Everest will be less to endure.“


Going for a visit

It’s not just about the sleazy side of Pattaya and thousands of people a night descend here to watch some great live music acts, eat fresh seafood over the water or watch one of the numerous street performers. Even organized tours of Chinese and Korean tourists regularly wander up and down the street to soak up the atmosphere. The smaller alleys are called “Soi”. Check out the map below.

As a man, I have to admit that Thailand has so much going for it.

The cost of living is very cheap.  In fact, it is even cheaper than China.  If you have enough money saved away (stashed from the clutches of your first or second wives) you can live quite comfortably. Further, it is beautiful. The weather is NOT SNOWY. The food is awesome, though you might need to learn the language or use a cute girl to translate to order.  The beaches, mountains, and history are amazing…And, the girls… the girls are all cute, beautiful and AVAILABLE. What’s not to love?

Pattaya bar street map. All credit to the amazing Mike Baird.

Hotels in Pattaya.

Here’s just some informationt that I collected from my files. As Asia, both China and Thailand is in a constant state of flux, probably the best thing that you can do is chat with a local and get the best deals for your particular situation. Never the less, you can consider this guide as a helpful venue to get you started.

More information can be found here;

Wave Hotel Pattaya

The wave hotel is by far the best combination of luxury, value, and location in Pattaya; this is where the smart ballers stay. The price is around 160 dollars a night, but when you see this place, you will feel like it is a bargain. The rooms are high class, and the location can’t be beat. They offer a nice sized pool and garden area, along with a par. They also have free wifi access. The staff here will treat you like royalty.

Hilton Hotel Pattaya

Located dead center of Walking street and on the beach… What more can you expect from the Hilton? They offer an amazing infinity pool and pool side bar “Shore Bar”, which offers stunning views. They also have many rooftop restaurants with incredible views as well. This is a great getaway no matter what kind of vacation you are having in Pattaya. Don’t forget, Central Pattaya Beach is located downstairs!

Dusit D2 Baraquda Pattaya Hotel

Dusit D2 Baraquda Pattaya Hotel is a little different from the first two 5 star hotels offered here, Dusit D2 Baraqude offers a nice fusion between Thai and Western architecture so you will get a little culture, it is also suited in an excellent location right on walking street and offers amazing views of the surrounding area and ocean.

Pattaya Marriott Resort and Spa

The Marriott name speaks for itself, especially here in Pattaya. The Marriott is one of only a few five star hotels located in Pattaya and it shines here as one of the best hotels. It offers an amazing swimming pool and outdoor lounge, fine dining inside, in an excellent location, and high-speed internet access in every room. The gardens here are also amazing. They also offer a breakfast buffet every morning for all guests until 10:30am… If you are not too hung over!!

Intimate Hotel by Tim Boutique Hotel

Intimate Hotel by Tim Boutique Hotel is easily my choice for a medium budget traveler. It offers free wifi, stunning views across the city, Jacuzzi tubs in some rooms, a great rooftop bar/restaurant. It also provides a small, but nice fitness center and a decent international buffet. From here, you are within walking distance to Pattaya Beach, and also some of the shopping malls in the city such as Central Festival Beach and Royal Garden Plaza.

The Scenery City Hotel

Traveling on a budget? The Scenery City Hotel is my favorite budget hotel in Pattaya. They offer very nice clean rooms with a balcony for under 1000 baht per night. Free wifi is offered in public areas (some rooms can grab access from the public areas if within reach). Located right in the center of Pattaya, the location can’t be beat. The rooms are extremely clean and held to a very high standard, the staff is also very friendly and informative. Basically, everything is within walking distance of here, including the beaches.

Areca Lodge Hotel

Another one of my favorite hotels in Pattaya on Walking Street is the Areca Lodge Hotel. This is one of the most popular hotels in Pattaya with good reason. The prices are borderline cheap/medium so it fits most people’s budgets. They offer free in room wifi, and the rooms are extremely clean. Areca offers two large pools with Jacuzzis and other amenities including a fitness center, sauna and on-site eateries, also all rooms have balconies.

Hard Rock Hotel

The Hard Rock Hotel name speaks for itself, not much explaining needed here. Geared for the active crowd who would rather have a fun time with activities rather than a quiet time. The rooms are all modern, hip, and cool with purple styling. Every room offers a sea view or city view, depending which side of the building you’re on. The pool is one of the best in Pattaya and they offer lots of activities in the pool/garden area. It also offers many restaurants, bars and lounges including the world’s popular signature Hard Rock Café.

Sooi-Tee Guest House

For those of you on a super budget, I highly recommend the Sooi-Tee Guest House. Rooms start around 500 or 600 baht a night and all offer free wifi. The location is perfect and each room has AirCon, which you won’t find in a lot of guest houses in this price range. The rooms are clean and offer a baloney. Staying at a place like this is is good because you get that nice homey feel and special attention from the staff.

View Talay 6 Pattaya Beach Condominium

View Talay 6 Pattaya Beach Condominium by Honey is one of the best medium priced hotels in Pattaya and also one of the most popular. Located on the beach, it offers great views of the ocean and city. There is a nice pool with a pool side bar and massage service on site. The location couldn’t be beat if you want to be on the beach AND close to Walking Street. This hotel also offers free wifi.

Bars and Nightclubs

There are many great nightclubs on the Pattaya walking street. Each has its own vibe and feel and most will be open until the sun comes up.

The clubs are extremely popular and are generally very busy every night of the week. Most don’t get going until after midnight. The clubs are a favorite of both younger tourist and locals. Here are some links to all the bars. (Up to date when I was last there, back in 2017.)

“Walking street really is one of a kind. Little could I have known, that all I had to do was jump on a plane and instantly be transformed into a ‘handsome man’ . It’s a blast. The vegas of the east. Minus gambling.”

-学习如何水肺潜水 JANUARY 5, 2017 AT 7:01 AM

Girls of the Toy Box.
69ers Beer Bar
Facebook Seite
Soi 7, Central Pattaya (umgezogen von der Soi 8)
Apple BarSoi Chaiyapruek, Jomtien Beach
Armageddon BarSoi LK Metro, um die Ecke von der Soi Buakhao
Atlantic BarPattaya Second Road
Aussie BarSoi 7, Central Pattaya
Barracuda Bar
Facebook Seite
Naklua Road, Nord-Pattaya
Billabong Bar & HotelSoi LK Metro, Central Pattaya
Booze Lounge
Facebook Seite
Soi Khao Talo, Ost-Pattaya (ca. 1,5 Kilometer hinter der Sukhumvit Road)
Borussia Park
Facebook Seite
Deutsches Gästehaus und Bar, Naklua Road
Brass Monkey BarSoi Nern Plub Wan, Soi 26, Ost-Pattaya
Buffalo Bar
Facebook Seite
Pattaya Third Road, Central Pattaya
Butcher’s Arms PubEnglischer Pub & Gästehaus, Soi Buakhao
Facebook Seite
Pub & Gästehaus, Pattaya Third Road, Soi 17
Camel ToeGentleman Club, Soi Korpai 10
Candy LocaRompho Barkomplex, Jomtien Second Road
The Castle Fetish Club
Facebook Seite
Pattaya Third Road, Central Pattaya (neben der Buffalo Bar)
Champions Sports BarRompho Barkomplex, Jomtien Second Road
Devil’s Den
Facebook Seite
Soi LK Metro, Central Pattaya (vormalig Hell’s Club)
Easy R-Con Bar
Facebook Seite
Soi Buakhao, Central Pattaya
FLB BarWalking Street, Süd-Pattaya
The Golf ClubSports Bar, Soi LK Metro, Central Pattaya
Gulliver’s TavernPattaya Beach Road, Nord-Pattaya; Walking Street
I-Rovers Sports Bar
Facebook Seite
Bar, Restaurant & Gästehaus, Soi LK Metro, Central Pattaya
Jameson’s Irish PubSoi Sukrudee (Soi A.R.), Central Pattaya
Joy’s Paradise
Facebook Seite
Deutsche Bar und Gästehaus, Soi Welcome Jomtien
Kåres Party BarPattaya Second Road
Kawaii BarSoi 6 (Soi Yodsak), Central Pattaya
Kiss Kool BarSoi 6 (Soi Yodsak), Central Pattaya
KitCat Club Lounge410/8-10 Thappraya Road, Dongtan Beach, Jomtien
La La Land BarSoi 6 (Soi Yodsak), Central Pattaya
Legends Pool & Sports Bar
Facebook page
Pattaya Klang Soi 5, Central Pattaya
Lord Nelson Sports Bar
Facebook Seite
Pub, Restaurant & Gästehaus, Soi 6 (Soi Yodsak)
Lucky Love BarSoi 6 (Soi Yodsak), Central Pattaya
Mai Lu Si BarSoi Buakhao, gegenüber vom Pattaya City Hospital
Maxies BarSoi 16, Walking Street, Süd-Pattaya
M Club
Facebook Seite
Gentleman Club, Pattaya Third Road, Soi 14
Medusa Bar & RestaurantDeutsches Restaurant und Short Time Bar auf der Soi Wat Boon am Jomtien
Metro Bar & ApartmentsSoi LK Metro, Central Pattaya
Moonshine PlaceAmerikanische Bar and Gästehaus, Jomtien Soi 4
Murphy’s Law PubSoi LK Metro, Central Pattaya
Night Wish BarSoi 6 (Soi Yodsak), Central Pattaya
Nong Beer BarSoi Diana
O Bar
Facebook Seite
Soi 6 (Soi Yodsak), Central Pattaya
One BarDeutsche Bar, Soi Night Out, Central Pattaya Road
Passion Gentleman’s ClubThappraya Road (Hanuman Statue), Jomtien
Pattaya Beer GardenPattaya Beach Road (Eingang zur Walking Street)
The Pig & Whistle Pub
Facebook Seite
Soi 7, Central Pattaya
PJ DJ Bar & Guesthouse
Facebook Seite
Soi 7, Central Pattaya (vormalig Anna Jet Bar)
The Pussy ClubSoi 6 (Soi Yodsak), Central Pattaya
Queen Victoria Inn
Facebook Seite
Englischer Pub, Restaurant & Hotel, Soi 6
Quickie BarSoi 6 (Soi Yodsak), Central Pattaya
Retox Sports Bar
Facebook Seite
Soi Lengkee, zwischen Pattaya Third Road und Soi Buakhao
Retox Game On
Facebook Seite
Soi Honey, um die Ecke von der Pattaya Second Road
The Rock House
Facebook Seite
Bar & Gästehaus, Soi LK Metro
Ruby ClubSoi 6 (Soi Yodsak), Central Pattaya
Rum Dum BarRompho Barkomplex, Jomtien Second Road
Ryan’s BarNaklua Road, Nord-Pattaya (vor der Soi Wongamat)
Saigon Girl BarSoi 6 (Soi Yodsak), Central Pattaya
Sailor InnNorwegisches Restaurant & Gästehaus, Soi 13/2
Scandinavia Bar & RestaurantPattaya Beach Road, zwischen Soi 13 und Soi Yamato
Scandinavia Beach ClubPattaya Beach Road, zwischen Soi 5 and Soi 6
Scooters BarSoi Buakhao, Central Pattaya
Secrets Bar & Nightclub
Facebook Seite
Soi 14, Walking Street, Süd-Pattaya
Sexy In The CitySoi 6 (Soi Yodsak), Central Pattaya
Shooters Coyote Bar
Facebook Seite
Coyote Bar & Gästehaus, Soi 7, Central Pattaya
Siam CatsDeutsche Bar and Gästehaus, Jomtien Soi 5
Simple SimonEnglisches Restaurant & Bar, Jomtien Soi 5
Smurf BarDeutsche Bar, Soi Buakhao (Nähe Pattaya Klang)
The Sportsman Pub
Facebook Seite
Pattaya Soi 13
Telephone BarSoi Batman, Süd-Pattaya
Tim Bar BeerBar und A-GoGo, Pattaya Second Road, Süd-Pattaya
Valentines Bar
Facebook Seite
Soi Lengkee, zwischen Pattaya Third Road und Soi Buakhao
Viper Bar
Facebook Seite
Coyote Bar, Pratamnak Road Soi 4 (gegenüber vom Asia Hotel)
WhyNot BarDeutsche Aircon-Bar, 179/86 Naklua Road
Wombat BarBar, Restaurant & Gästehaus, Jomtien Beach Road

Some fun Links;

I would say that the number one advantage of visiting or living in Pattaya, is the “walking street” and the things that you can purchase there. As a man, I can see distinct advantages in living there.

“Last night we were in Gulliver's and one sight made me chuckle.

A large group of Brits walked in and took up about three tables. The women were obese but their boyfriends (how the hell did they get guys) were trim. 

The group was approached by four waitresses and two beer promotion girls. 

The waitresses were pretty with slim figures and you can guess how good the promotion girls looked. 

Needless to say the guys were enthralled by the display and had trouble ordering, much to the displeasure of the blobs sat around them.

I bet there were a few arguments back in the hotel rooms later. 

Welcome to Thailand, boys! I bet they are currently praying for their girlfriends to get food poisoning so they can go out unhindered and get some ‘cultural experiences’.”

- Praying for food poisoning!

Buying a Car in Thailand

Yes, the initial purchase of a car in Thailand will probably cost more than it would in the United States. A small-engined Japanese sedan such as a Toyota Corolla or Honda Civic runs from 800,000 baht up to 1,000,000 plus for a fully loaded, top model.  This is much more than you would pay in most Western countries. European or luxury cars can cost as much as 3 times what the exact same model would cost in the West.

Used Cars

The initial purchase price of a new (or second hand) car will also be greater than the West, but that is where the idea of car ownership in Thailand being expensive ends.

The good news is that cars devalue at a much, much slower rate in Thailand than they do elsewhere.  Indeed, Hondas and Toyotas will command a high resale price due to their perceived reliability.  You can pretty much expect vehicles from either of these manufacturers to devalue at not much more than 10% per year. A Honda Civic in good condition and with reasonable mileage that cost 800,000 in 2003 would go for around 400,000 baht now. A two-year old Toyota Vios that has travelled 30,000 km may sell for only 100,000 baht less than the exact same car brand new. If resale value is a concern choose carefully as not all cars from certain manufacturers maintain a great resale value.

Take note. European manufactured vehicles depreciate in value at a frightening high rate.

Pickup Trucks

If the price of a new car is beyond your budget, consider a pickup truck. Pickup trucks are subject to a different tax rate than sedans and as such are much cheaper. You can get a new pickup for as little as 500,000 baht or a fully featured model with a luxurious interior that gives it the feel of a well-speced sedan for around 700,000 baht. Pickup trucks sell very well in Thailand because they represent good value.

Other Costs

The cost of gasoline in Thailand is fairly low. Granted that it is a little bit more expensive than North America and about the same price as you would pay in Australia, but it is however much, much cheaper than what you’d pay in Europe.

Insurance is cheap and policies don’t seem to have an excess so if you have an accident you pay nothing (unless of course the police demands a donation!)

The cost of getting a vehicle serviced in Thailand is ridiculously low. For a small to medium sized Japanese vehicle you’re looking at around 1,000 baht per service at the franchised dealer. No, not a corner garage but a franchised dealer where they use the right oil, genuine parts and the workshop is so clean you could just about eat your rice off the floor.

Not that one should break the traffic laws, but fines for traffic infringements are ridiculously low. If you are miraculously issued with an official ticket, the odds are it will be in the range of 400 – 800 baht. Usually it won’t even cost that much however as the friendly police will invariably offer you a pay now discount.


This is just my introduction to Thailand, and as you might have guessed, I have a lot to say. So expect many more posts.

One of the things that I like about the world is how different other places are. As an American, I was programmed into believing that the “American way of life” was the best; that it was superior to all other forms of governance, and that so many people want to come to America to experience it.

Well, it’s not. Not by a long shot, and when you leave the “Exceptional American Experience” you realize just how much of your life that you have wasted pursuing that “American Dream”.

More to follow.

In the mean time appreciate what you have, and if you don’t have what you need to be happy, open up your horizons and go for it.

Nothing will put a smile on your face quicker than a “romp in the hay” with a beautiful and pretty girl after a day of quaffing beer and eating delicious food.

You can have some wonderful massages in Thailand.

Do you want more?

I have more posts in my KTV Index here…

Business KTV's

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Some solid information about prostitution within China

People have asked me, shyly (of course) if I could tell them a few things about how sex works within China. Ai! It’s a big subject, for certain. But you know what? It isn’t all that different from sex anywhere else in the world. You have people who fall in love and have relationships and have sex as part of that relationship, and then you have people who do not. These people trade sex for money instead.

Since China has always been the subject of sensational lies so that others may profit, it’s difficult to find any reasonable and good information on the internet about these subjects short of going on a “monger” website.

Short for whoremonger, i.e., one who frequents whores and prostitutes.

-Urban Dictionary: monger

Most people who visit Metallicman aren’t really “mongers”. Most are just healthy normal folk with a pretty decent interest in the universe around them. And that means just about everything.

That’s a good thing.

This post is some old information that I had buried in one of my pages. Um. Pages are different than posts. And unless you are an expert in the layout of Metallicman, the chances of you finding some of my intentionally buried pages will be difficult. I resurrected this page, updated it with some information and am placing it here as a post. If you have never seen it before, then you are in for a treat. Enjoy.

I found this on Daspora-ChinaSmack.  It describes how an American got involved in the KTV scene and got tangled up with prostitutes in China. It’s a good read, even though the spelling is atrocious …

Also please take note, again, that this was not written by myself. It is the opinions of that author as he relates his experiences in regards to KTV’s, girls who charge for sexual services and how it works. He is responding to a long chain of discussion in which people are talking about prostitution inside of Asia, and China in particular. Here we pic-up his comments after a few pages of nonsense by basement millennials, holier-than-thou women, ignorant teenagers, and a few genuine people looking for answers…


You guys actually have all the facts but kinda lose sight of reality..

Ive been in china for years.. i have a regular blog but its a rated since i have a normal life i lead that is quite in the spotlight so to speak..but i actually want to write this down desperately..

i have another life in the north of china.

Its hard to explain, and sort of unbelievable, even for me at times, but i'm going to go out on a ledge here since i cant change a whole nations opinion, but i can at least share my experiences with you folk and hope that someone listens…

Here it goes..
I'm basically like a pimp...

...a real nice pimp, and i work in the KTV and security industry when I'm not doing my day job..and I'm a foreigner.

It sounds so different than it actually is though…

First off…let me just correct some wrongs and wrong some writes..

[1] (The girls) They aren't forced into KTV...

[2] The money is certainly theirs, only some goes to the mommies, but the cash they get in their hands is theirs.

[3] Not all are what we call “chu tai de”, which means that go out, for sexs, The ones that do go out range from old and desperate with a pimp, or young and horny without a pimp and all the variations in between.

So remember..they are not all hookers...

...why would they be when there are saunas every other block with actual skilled sex workers?
What happened to me was that i started doing business with a guy that had a factory...

... but was actually a gangster...

... or not even a gangster, where I'm from, gangsters have guns and they are ruthless..

These guys are a bunch of semi successful middle aged men who have groups of young guys from anhui, henan, dongbei just buzzing around them with shaved heads gold chains and nike sneaks..

Thug life.
Photo is from a phone that was “found” by an interested person. On it were numerous photos of a mob boss and his crew. This is, we must assume, his crew. It is representative of the kind of people that this article talks about.
They get paid to protect them from...

I don't even know what...

...and they live in dorms like little goons working for the man, but hardly any of them can fight, and only if you have thirty of them with machetes to they actually become dangerous...

So this one guy I was doing business with is friends with a big KTV owner, another balding “gangsta”... who's got like fifty boys who all work security for the KTV...

... you'd be surprised about how much they get used...

So I became a relative lieutenant in the ranks of these boys, and the cheering and the free ciggies never stop flowing from the ranks upwards...
I happen to come from a quite violent upbringing and actually was a real little thug, petty shit though growing up in the ghettos of the states... 

But unthinkable for some of these so called gees...

...so for me fitting in with this crowd was natural...

...although I myself have changed my ways, and I stopped to steal cheat or...

...well lets leave it at that.

So I gets hooked up with a KTV girl, my family is in the South of course, Chinese wife, kids, the lot..

Shes super young and she doesn't fuck for money...

She takes the 400 rmb a night and spends it pretty fast but takes care of her drunken father and grandparents...

...the mom is in sechuan somewhere and doesn't give a flying fuck...

So since i was being taken to KTV every night by the Chinese bosses for like eight months, I basically would help her get paid...

...and help her to book the room, which they get perks for...

...she was damn hot, and everyone wanted to bang her, but no one knew she was actually just 17, standing taller than I, at 5’10.

Mob boss at the KTV.
Chinese mob boss with some of his staff and some KTV girls in a KTV. It’s a pretty typical scene in China. Photos apparently came off a phone that used to belong to a “Chinese Mob Boss”.
She was totally in love with her current boyfriend that had gone to Japan, and was actually supporting him by working at KTV...

...but he was there...

...I was here...

...basically though we hit it off because in this city I, was a foreigner , but I was doing business, and getting taken out by gangsters and business people every night...

...so ...

...basically she only started to like me because I wasn't just an English teacher...

... aka I had money, and I had friends that could help her if she got into trouble...
To make a long story short, I got an apartment, with four rooms, went back to the South, came back , and four of her girlfriends were staying in the house...

...all known prozzies (prostitutes)...

...even one that I possibly have done, I could never be sure if it was actually her, at any rate she never caused any grief with the lil missus...

...little wife...xiao lao pou..the new mamasan in town.

Mob Boss in the KTV with some friends.
Chinese triad gangster in a KTV with friends and some KTV hostesses. The drinks and the cigarettes flow easily.
Everyone in the city (in the game) started to hear that she was getting them business and shed get a cut...

...so in fact it was her who started the pimpstressing...

... but later when my big bro found out, he told me to be careful and gave me the numbers to a few boys that would come if anything went down and I kinda took over in the protection area...

...eventually things did go down ...

...when a guy didn't wanna pay and kept a girl in a hotel room...

...suffice to say the ending was not pretty...

...for him, and I started receiving extra income...

Going forward more, and back to the conversation at hand ...

...it's business...

...they all know what they are involved in and the cash is theirs to keep...

...the cut to the pimp is actually protection fee, and its not nearly as exorbitant as it is in the states...

its actually pretty legit...

...most the girls are all pulled from the hometowns and some go on to open clothes and make up shops...

...which my KTV girl eventually ended up doing...
The nasty part is there though...

...and there are clients that want the girls to do ice with them before sexs...

...huge cost though and usually there are boys nearby...

...but then again, there are girls who choose to do that since in one night you can make four nights money...

Its strange I know...

...and I don't know exactly how I got involved , but I did...

...then there's a whole world of DJ's! That actually make almost as much as the girl but they only clean up and pour drinks!

Those are great to date...

...also KTV's themselves range from nasty group-on sexs in the room to fucking 30000 rmb bottles of lafitte and all college educated girls...

...lafitte mixed with sprite...

You'd be surprised a lot of these places the girls go to school, work on and off...

...its up to them, they get multiple males all paying things for them, which in my opinion...

...more power to them...

...they are not all bimbos and hoes...

...that's were some of you are wrong...

...they are not all slaves...

...and the work can range from easy to difficult, sadly directly correlative with their appearances...

(At) some KTV's you can grab them anywhere you want and the mamasans scream at them to be more open...

...others, the boys will come in and beat the shit out of you if you touch the wrong girl...

...in this case my girl...

...its weird that people actually pay up and beyond a hundred USD just for the company but for their sake...

...that's their newfound cash culture...

...whether its right or not its too early to tell...

But then again look at our potato chip eating fatty couch surfing culture we have...

...that we basically got the same way. By being a developing nation that eventually has a bunch of people getting exactly what they want since they got the cash to spend...

You know the problem I see is that a lot of foreigners can't and will never be able to see the real truth...

One, because ...

...I'm talking a minimum expenditure of over ten thousand rmb a night at some of these places...

And two, because to actually know if shes smart or not, or if she knows what the hell shes doing...

... you have to be able to speak with her...

...and not conversational Chinese (either)...

Mob Boss and girls in KTV
Another photo of the mob boss inside yet another KTV. This is pretty typical for China.
I'm talking speaking in shanghainese for hours upon hours finding out what this person has up there...

...that's when you get the real picture...

...and sadly those foreigners are few and far between...

...I'm one of them, and funnily enough I never asked to be, but I have a nack for languages...

...and hustlin...

Just know that the KTV world is way more complex than it seems...

...and that with everything in life stereotypes exist for a reason, but there will always be exceptions to that rule..

...and in china...

...exceptions can be millions of girls who know exactly what they are doing and are taking advantage of rich men's horny tendencies and deserve a little more respect than most tend to give them...

I got a lot of respect for them gals.


Oh and I forgot to say...

...I didn't know she was 17 either ! Hahahahah


...I know I'm no saint...

...and rereading this I'm wondering why the fuck I just said all that to a bunch of you-all strangers...

...but thing is I think I got a pretty unique outlook round these parts...

...and I read diaspora and china smack all day..

... (the) thing is I never comment, because I got funny grammar due to a lack of formal education...

...and I'm always a bit scared of being misunderstood or laughed at ...

...never found something I really wanted to comment about until now...

Diaspora is funny though...

Because I feel like backwards diaspora...

I've been here so long all my foreigner friends tell me I've become Chinese...

...and I came here so young and stupid, that I basically grew up here...

...plus I'm not even fully American, so I don't feel American, that's for sure...

...and to top it all off I live fully Chinese...

...to the point where people think I'm Chinese?!

They all think im xinjiangy...

...its kind of weird...

...in the end ...

...Chinese culture seems to go over the heads of the Chinese so much that I would find it fucking hard for most foreigners or ABC's or whatever to fully get it after a year or two or even five living here...

Also its so layered...

...there's cultures for every class...

...for every province for every city! There's languages for fuck sake between cities...

...you can expect huge culture differences as well...

...china reminds me a lot of America actually..,

...just more open about there Americaness than even Americans...

...cheating lying backstabbing bribery violence prostitution drugs...

Its what America was built on...

...yet know that we've kind of cleaned up certain aspects of our western lives we are here to point piss and shit in the general direction of the big red brother yeah? 

I don't know..its all fucked isn't it.

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Mankind needs real heroes, and perhaps there is a role in society for plausible hero movies

Again, I am breaking the "text barrier" on post title lengths, but gosh! How else would you possible be able to say this?

But isn’t it true?

I mean that we all like to watch the heroes in the movies. You know, the action adventure where every bullet kills a bad-guy instantly, or the actor (Tom Cruse) that hangs on the side of an airplane at 4000 feet trying to get in, or the man that somehow bests a army of hit men and hit women (John Wick series). But…


Let’s be real. That does not happen in “real life”. Blood is gooey and sticky and getting wet and damp and being shot at in the middle of the night IS NOT FUN. And I can tell you that once you’ve experienced the “real thing” you really don’t want to watch it in any kind of movie form.

Whether it is…

  • A prison setting.
  • Getting revenge on someone who did you wrong.
  • A household with an alcoholic.
  • Fighting an impossibly corrupt government.
  • A movie about a divorce that went bad.

If you have experienced these things first hand, you won’t ever want to relive them. No matter how well made or interesting the story line is. It will trigger bad memories and it will not be fun, escapist movie fare for you.

Now, I have ranted on (in the past) about the overwhelming majority of super-hero movies and themes that have dominated Hollywood and American media for the last decade, if not longer. I have complained about them, I have expressed my frustration over them.

My argument goes pretty much like this…

These people are really not something that you can relate to. Young nerd gets bitten by a spider and turns into spider man, Captain America is changed by a military experiment, Batman is a rich eccentric, and the hulk is the result of a science experiment. Iron man is a rich industrial mogul. Then they all get together and fight some evil that is going to destroy the world. Tons of CGI special effects are used and the adolescents are amused!

A ton load of CGI effects flood the screen.

Bullet stop in mid-air. People run in the sky and at the top of tree-tops. Top secret military installations with lots, and lots of shiny black glass and stainless steel finished metal control panels. Monitors everywhere, all showing a whole bunch of impressive graphics and numbers in an incomprehensible matrix array. People move their hands and the air parts, a flick of the wrist and a person is flung into a wall, and teenage experts can hack into government databases in nary a few seconds.

There is a theory in Hollywood these days that audiences have shorter attention spans and must be distracted by nonstop comic book action.



So I have to point things out to everyone. Where are the movies that you can relate to?

At least during the 1940’s people could relate to Humphrey Bogart. During the 1960’s people wanted to relate to James Bond. In the 1970’s people could relate to John Wayne. In the 1980’s people could relate to John Cusack. But now…

Who can you relate to?

What can I relate to?

The new remake of Ghostbusters with an all-female cast? How about the remake of Oceans eleven with an all female cast? Or what about “Dave” in “Dave made a maze”?

Can you relate to this beta chuck, directionless, ambition-less, unskilled, quasi masculine?

Interior of the maze that Dave made.


So, I have to ask.

What about Mr. Joe Average? You know, the guy who is just trying to make payments on his bills, and reads every day about assholes that are tearing up his society. Mr. Joe Average that gets shit from his boss, works a crummy job, and is trying to make his way in a pretty pathetic excuse for a business. Mr. Joe Average who has to put the kids through school, and make a life in a career that at bet might mean work in a “gig economy”. What about people like us?

Sorry, bub.

Not. That. Interesting.

2000 Unbreakable

It’s been slim pickings for many a year. Action figures and heroes dominated the movie industry. If you were a fan of comic books then this time was for you, but if you weren’t… well, I hope that all the CGI offered you enough razzmatazz to keep your interests up.

Then something magical happened.

In the year 2000, a move came out titled “Unbreakable”.

It was also a hero movie. It was about a hero, or a super-hero. You really couldn’t tell. What he actually was.

Was he a normal guy that had ability, or was he a super-hero that was convinced that he was normal?

Bruce Willis in Unbreakable.

It didn’t get very many good reviews. Most people complained that it was too dark, too slow, not enough CGI, not action packed and the hero didn’t wear spandex or a cape. The complaints were legion. It was too dark, and way too slow. People complained that there wasn’t enough “action”, and that the dialog was “retarded” and it was far “too moody” of a film.


You know, it was a story about a average man, doing an average job, having an average life, and feeling that something was missing.


But what?

He was just a normal guy.

He lived a normal life. He did what everyone told him to do. he did it to the best of his ability, but that was it. It’s just that he had this nagging feeling that he was worth more, and had a real value that he could offer…

But what?

Just a normal guy.
Just a normal guy.

The movie was special.

It was about a normal man who had an extraordinary ability.

One, perhaps, that all men have inside of us. We just never push ourselves and let it out…

And because of that, everyone hated it. They absolutely despised the movie. They thought that the movie was lame. The acting was lame. The story line was lame, and that there wasn’t any decent CGI effects.

This movie was dull - The personalities were dull; the lighting was dull; the color was dull; the acting was dull and the story line was BORING. Please explain something to me….the main-woe-is-me character works in security. People in that line of work are finger printed but our hero leaves his finger prints all over the crime scene and yet they have no idea who he is??

I'll say it right now, Unbreakable is my pick for worst movie ever made. Not necessarily in terms of quality, I'm sure some Sci-Fi channel movie would snatch that prize, but in terms of writing, acting, and most importantly, directing. I counted how many words Bruce Willis said throughout the entire movie, my final total was 6 (that is not technically true as I didn't really count, but I'm confident my estimate is within about 10 of the actual number).

-Terrible Attempt at Emotion and Drama in this Disappointing Movie

And the movie was pretty much forgotten.

Some still enjoyed it, but they hid in the shadows. They kept their thoughts to themselves, and quietly lived their lives.

Strangely, they formed little enclaves on the internet. Restricted access to their blogs to keep the trolls away, and built up a small group of followers to also, not only loved the movie, but believed in the power of individual “specialness”.

Unbreakable is a superhero movie disguised as a psychological drama. The movie was marketed as a thriller over Shyamalan’s objections. But once the film unfolded onscreen, it revealed a unique, original, and unexpected superhero origin story. There are no costumes or gimmicks, and it’s a film that values story and character above expensive set pieces and big effects. By ridding the story of almost all of the superhero visual cues, Shyamalan was able to explore the genre in a meaningful and important way.

This movie also features very few special effects or action scenes. Instead, it focuses on finding something fantastic in our mundane and normal world. David Dunn is just a regular man who has to deal with the fact that he might have superpowers. But it’s David’s struggle to accept this reality that really drives the film. There’s not much in the way of plot, but the character moments were extremely rewarding.

It doesn't involve special effects and stunts, much of it is puzzling and introspective, and most of the action takes place during conversations. If the earlier film seemed mysteriously low-key until an ending that came like an electric jolt, this one is more fascinating along the way, although the ending is not quite satisfactory. 

In both films, Shyamalan trusts the audience to pay attention, and makes use of Bruce Willis' everyman quality, so we get drawn into the character instead of being distracted by the surface.




I loved this movie.

I loved it because of it’s premise.

Just a blurb in the news.

You see, this movie is the “real deal”.

It’s about a normal guy.

It’s about a normal guy who had some extraordinary abilities.

Like I have, and YOU have.

And if you don’t realize it, then you have been convinced by others that you are just plain and average. For everyone on this planet has something, some combination of skills and abilities that make them rather special and unique.

Do you “get it”?

Inside of all of us, we have something unique and something special. It might be the way that you fix and repair old ford tractors. It might be the way that you can make a nearly magical bowl of Chili. It might be the way that you can inspire and teach others like in Boy Scouts, or it might be the way that you you apply the art of fly fishing.

You, me, everyone has some very special skills that are way above those of the “average” norm.

And we live life.


We live life…

We live it accepting the idea that we are just alone, and normal, and stuck in a situation that there just isn’t a way out of. That we are trapped. That what ever good we might have has been submerged into the group and we must conform as the group says and hide our abilities, if they are (in any way) obvious to others. We must “lie low”.

If this movie were about nothing else, it would be a full portrait of a man in crisis at work and at home.


And because of that, this movie was considered to be a flop, and a waste of time.


All of us have a “real hero” inside of us. Oh, we don’t look like it on the outside, but trust me, we are there, and when the opportunity arises, we leap up and out and take on the world. Just like a real, honest to goodness, Rufus would.

The world needs real, honest, heroes.

It does.

That is what “Unbreakable” was all about.

And that is the premise of the two sequels to the 2000 movie “Unbreakable”.

The world runs easier when you have found your purpose.

2017 Split

Unbreakable is the first in a trilogy of movies.

  • Unbreakable – Discovery of your purpose.
  • Split – Even the confused can have a purpose and a role.
  • Glass – The world needs heroes, and they should not be forced into “normalcy”.

To fully understand what is going on you must accept the premise that ordinary people are capable of extraordinary things. And thus, the entire trilogy is based upon this concept that ordinary; “normal” people can have some hidden talents that can greatly improve, or hurt, the world that we live in.

Some, like in the first movie with Bruce Willis, can use these powers for good. And some, like in Split, can use these powers for other goals and achievements. And some, like in the movie “Glass” can use these powers to free the entire world.

Of course I knew the rumors from yore that Unbreakable was intended as a trilogy; but as the years went on and nothing happened, I figured the projected had been abandoned. And a good thing too because Unbreakable was still the best superhero movie ever made after The Incredibles, and it didn't need to be ruined by Shyamalan's decline. But Split seemed interesting and meanwhile the trailers for Glass were coming out, and they were so exciting I had to watch them for closure.

So I watched Split and it was as if Shyamalan had made a smooth transition from Unbreakable to it; it's as if he hadn't made anything else in between. Here was the inventive, sensitive, spiritual filmmaker I remember admiring all the way back in 2000. Here was another one of his beautiful, slow dramas about ordinary people discovering extraordinary gifts and learning to cope with them. And it was packaged as a tense thriller about a kidnapped girl trying to escape from a serial killer with multiple personalities who discovers he's more than human, like David Dunn. It was also an emotional story about finding the courage to face up to our inner demons. Thinking about it now, if I didn't cry at Split's beautiful ending, it's probably because I was subconsciously saving them for Glass.

Ah, Glass. A movie so reviled by critics you'll think it was directed by Tommy Wiseau. I don't understand what happened, I don't know what they expected, and what they saw. For my part, I saw the fitful ending to what is now one of the rare perfect movie trilogies.

Glass builds on the previous movies and maintains its tone and pace. By tone I mean it's a low-key superhero movie grounded on realism. Like in hard sci-fi novels, frequently the characters will discuss plausible theories for feats and powers that seem extraordinary. By pace I mean it's mostly a character drama spiced with tense situations and spliced with trappings from horror, sci-fi, mystery, and thriller.


By the time 2019 came around, we have three super-heroes in this triad of movies.

  • An average guy who is unbreakable.
  • A man who is split into fractured personalities that combine into one.
  • A mental genius who is as fragile as glass.

2019 Glass

The Trilogy ended with the 2019 movie titled Glass.

What's sadder, though, is that the critics will frighten viewers away from a movie that's better than 90% of what comes out every Summer. 

In a world where any crappy, soulless, mindless blockbuster makes 1 billion dollars easy, this movie probably won't even make it to 300 million. 

Split didn't and had better reviews. 

And so we'll continue to get bad thrillers, action and superhero movies full of CGI, pointless explosions, and boring, by-the-numbers, sequel-hinting storytelling everyone wants - and cynical shareholders will continue to get richer while creative filmmakers see their opportunities dwindle. 

Funny, even in that Glass was grounded on reality: in the end the faceless villains we never suspected existed, chilling out in elitist restaurants we can't get in, always win. 

Curiously, that's one of the messages in the movie: the gifted are always being held back, overshadowed by the uncreative, those who enforce normalcy. 

But as the ending shows, the creative ones always find a way to outsmart the bureaucrats of normalcy. I hope that with time more people will come to know the truth that the critics have been hiding.


The trio of movies are well worth a watch.

The world needs heroes

The world needs heroes. The world needs people that do things just because it’s right and just. Not because they can make a buck on it. The world needs heroes now, more than ever.


I think…

I believe…

That YOU are one of those heroes.

The world needs heroes.

Now, I have other posts in my Rufus Index that talks about everyday, average person heroics. I find them interesting and fascinating to watch. But also very inspirational. What would you do, if a child was dangling from the 23rd floor? What would you do, if a car with a family drives into a river? What would you do if a five year old runs out into the middle of a highway?

What would you do?

That’s the stuff that heroes are made of.

To sacrifice our lives, not for personal profit or financial gain, but to help others within our society. Because that is what we do as part of a society; as part of a community. As part of being part of something bigger than just our lonely, independent selves.

You are more than what you have been taught to be.


There are unknown forces that don’t want us to realize what we are truly capable of.
I will conclude this post with the final dialog from the movie "Glass". It is poignant, and worth repeating.

There are unknown forces that don’t want us to realize what we are truly capable of.

They don’t want us to know that the things we suspect are extraordinary about ourselves are real.

I believe that if everyone sees what just a few people become when they wholly embrace their gifts, others will awaken.

Belief in one’s self, is contagious.

We give each other permission to be swayerolds, we will never awaken otherwise.

Whoever these people are, who don’t want us to know the truth, today they lose.

I believe that if everyone sees what just a few people become when they wholly embrace their gifts, others will awaken.
Funny, even in that Glass was grounded on reality: in the end the faceless villains we never suspected existed, chilling out in elitist restaurants we can't get in, always win.

Curiously, that's one of the messages in the movie: the gifted are always being held back, overshadowed by the uncreative...

... those who enforce normalcy.

But as the ending shows, the creative ones always find a way to outsmart the bureaucrats of normalcy. I hope that with time more people will come to know the truth that the critics have been hiding.


Movies are many things.

They can entertain. They can teach. They can illustrate and they can instruct. By embracing the story line and the dialog embedded within a movie, you can be taught interesting ideas and concepts; novel ideas and concepts that are just not possible with books and other media.

It’s fun and entertaining to watch simplistic two-dimensional characters fighting it out with impressive CGI graphics and a great explosive sound track. But, it is something else, entirely something else to be taught some ideas and concepts that may seem foreign, alien or unusual for you to grasp.

You are not a nine year old child.

This trilogy is about you, the individual. You are an adult that has experienced both the highs and the lows of life. Maybe there were good times, and maybe there were bad times. But sometimes, there is a period in your life where the “wind just doesn’t fill your sails”, where you find yourself drifting aimlessly, doing the same things day in and day out, drifting on a calm motionless sea.

To be part of a society, you not not NEED to conform to the behaviors and the ideals of that society. You can be yourself. You can contribute your special gifts and special abilities so that all may profit from them.

But the first step begins with knowledge.

Whoever these people are, who don’t want us to know the truth, today they lose.

Know that it is not only possible, but indeed, it is plausible that you have abilities that are suppressed and hidden from you that you are unaware of. And others, maybe they would scoff and laugh at you…

But who cares. The “typical” is not what you deserve to be any longer.

Let them laugh…

  • At the woman who can chat with faeries.
  • At the man who can climb up the outside of a 32 story building.
  • At the mechanical prodigy that can diagnose and fix any car, and engine at any time, just be listening to it.
  • At the chef that cooks by scent alone.

Being special means that you won’t get a prize. You won’t get fame. You won’t make money.

But you will do what your purpose is intended to be on this earth.

This is the moment when you are welcomed into the universe.

Do you want more?

I have more articles like this in my MOVIE INDEX here…


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Why the greedy oligarchy is destined to get its comeuppance when the Great Reset occurs

In 2016, Carol Highsmith got a cease-and-desist letter from Getty Images threatening to take her to court if she didn’t take down a photograph (shown above) she’d put up on her website.

This was strange—because she’d taken the photograph herself, and she’d put it in the public domain.

A few years before, Highsmith had donated 100,000 of her photographs to the Library of Congress so that they could be used royalty-free by anyone who wanted.

The Library of Congress saw it as “one of the greatest acts of generosity in the history of the Library”…

… and Getty Images, it seems, saw it as one of the greatest acts of a total sucker in the history of getting rich off of somebody else’s work.

They copyrighted 18,755 of Highsmith’s public domain photographs and started sending people cease-and-desist letters for using them—including Highsmith herself. Highsmith, full of righteous fury, took them to court for $1 billion. But the truly messed up part of this story is that it doesn’t have a happy ending.

The court ruled in Getty’s favor, saying: “Public domain works are regularly commercialized, and the original authors hold no power to stop this.”[REF] In other words, even though Highsmith’s donation had given everyone the legal right to use her photographs for free, it didn’t stop Getty from threatening people into paying them money for them, anyway. (They still conceded that the letter sent to Highsmith was a mistake, but they got off with a slap on the wrist at the most.)

Anyone who wants to can go around demanding that people pay them for things that are in the public domain all that they want. Nobody actually has to pay them—but they’re under no obligation to tell anyone that fact.

What the fuck is going on here?

Well, you probably guessed it. You see, when an American does something nice, and tries to make the world a better place by offering things for free, or cheaply, or giving destitute people free haircuts, there is some evil son-of-a-bitch that is going to either have it stopped, and / or try to profit from it.

America has become a land of the “dog eat dog”, and this single-minded selfish behavior has resulted in the terrible America that exists today.

I do wish that I could say that this is a singular instance, but it’s not.

It’s the norm.

Inefficiency or fraud?

When you give money to an agency, you know like “Save the Children”, or “The Salvation Army”, or “Toys for Tots” you believe that most of what you will give will go straight to the charity’s good works. If, for instance, you gave $100 to an agency that helped homeless people living on the street, you should reasonably expect at least $90 out of the $100 to go towards helping people.

Unfortunately that is not the case.

For all their nice commercials and “feel-good” slogans, many of today’s largest American nonprofit organizations are extremely inefficient.

In fact, I argue that they are so inefficient that it is suggestive of something else. I argue that they are for-profit organizations that use the cover of “helping the needy” to swindle millions of dollars from people like you and I.

They are inefficient simply because they dedicate the majority of their resources to other aspects of their organization. Leaving little left over in the way of resources for their actual causes.

I know, I know, every organization has overhead costs, but a staggering number of charities today are way, way off the “deep end” in this regard.

At one time, the American Cancer Society spent only 26 percent of its national multibillion-dollar budget on actual medical research, allotting the other three-fourths to “operating expenses.”

American Cancer Society

26% - Medical Research
74% - Salaries, overhead, office furniture, "training sessions" in Los Vegas.

In 2005, the Phoenix New Times reported that the Arizona branch of the organization spent a gasp-inducing 95 percent on overhead costs. Yes, that is correct, and that meant that they left actual cancer victims “only the crumbs.”

Phoenix Arizona branch - American Cancer Society - 2005

05% - Money to people with cancer.
95% - Salaries, offices, cars, and other "incidentals" of the owners.

At the Arizona branch, the nonprofit spends 22 times as much on paying employees, maintaining the offices, and keeping the coffee machine running than on the cancer victims they are supposedly aiming to save.

Consider another cancer support organization…

A peer organization of the American Cancer Society, the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, is also a mechanism to swindle money for personal profit. Still, the foundation, which organizes the annual Breast Cancer 3-Day walking events nationally, can only manage to put forward 13 cents to its cause for every dollar it raises. Those 3-Day t-shirts must be some pretty high quality cotton.

Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation

13% - Helping people with cancer
87% - Salaries, bonuses, trips, office, coffee, etc.

Of course, inefficiency is hardly limited to cancer-fighting organizations. The Greenpeace Fund—widely known for its environmental and conservation goals—is among the least efficient of environmental charities. It commits upwards of 82 percent of its fundraising to overhead costs. Costly tree-hugging. 

The Greenpeace Fund

18% - Goes to helping the environment.
82% - Salaries, bonuses, office, trips, and nice furnishings.

Several groups assess and rate nonprofits’ efficiency, equipping donors with the tools to pick their charities. Charity Navigator, one such group, ranks charities based on a five-star rating scale of efficiency and publishes data on the breakdown of nonprofits’ organizational spending.

Charity Navigator bestows only one star upon the American Cancer Society, while the marginally more efficient Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation wins three stars. The popular March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation wins a two-star efficiency rating for spending 82 cents of every dollar it raises on overhead costs.

March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation

18% - Helps families with children that have birth defects.
82% - Salaries, bonuses, overhead, offices

Americans, for all their supposed generosity, are not discerning enough when it comes to giving. They pour money into organizations like the American Cancer Society and the March of Dimes, because these organizations appeal to people’s publicity sensitivities.

Too many worthy and efficient nonprofits are pushed aside by massive money-eating charities because wealthy donors prefer to go to galas than to actually do something noteworthy and good.

Traditionally, the reasons to contribute to the health of society were fairly banal: [1] general compassion for others; [2] feeling good about yourself as you lie in bed at night pondering your life; [3] political gains; and [4] the occasional tax deduction.

But now, the charity culture has taken on new form.

In the new fundraising world, the strategy is making amusements. Charitable organizations attract philanthropists through “fun” incentives. Nonprofits organize events throughout the year that are booked as good times: the American Cancer Society puts on the Relay for Life event, and the March of Dimes Foundation organizes its famed annual walk to save premature babies— with its measly 18 cents per dollar raised.

Few people ask whether their money is being used wisely, but these events are wildly successful: Americans from a wide variety of demographics and socioeconomic networks turn up in droves. People are attracted to organizations like the American Cancer Society because they are glamorous and glitzy. The nonprofits pull in donors with promises of celebrity appearances and festive awareness-raising parties.

Although this trend of glamorous charity seems fantastic for the world of nonprofits, or at least innocuous, it is actually calamitous, because insincere philanthropy enables quasi-fraudulent inefficient charities.

Insincere philanthropy enables quasi-fraudulent inefficient charities.

What is going on?

We have people who donate their belongings for public consumption, and some greedy SOB tries to profit from it. We have charities that are supposed to help people, and then they run up huge enormous expenses with little to show for the very people that they are supposed to help.

When I lived in Indiana, I used to walk among the few remaining strands of trees that were not taken over by farm fields, and housing developments. My wife and I would walk on these shallow paths up and down the ravines, in and out through the wooded glades, and up and down the various streams.

I will never forget this one event.

It is was in Marion, Indiana. There was a new housing complex going up, and they were bull-dozing all the trees and virginal forests to make way for flat spaces to build roads and single story wood-frame buildings upon. We had just gotten out of a particularly dense section of the forest, when suddenly we encountered a pile of dirt and up-rooted trees. We had to climb over the mess to continue in the woods…

…and there I saw it.

It was a bent metal sign, on a metal post that was partially standing when the bulldozer plowed into it.

The sign was telling.

This land is donated by the XXXXXXX family to the City of Marion, Indiana on 1972 so that it may remain pristine and virginal to the end of time. May you and your children and their children forever have access to this area. Remember that the Lord is everywhere and the best way to see his good works is to experience it first hand. These lands are for you and your children to enjoy forever.

We went back down the path two weeks later. The sign was gone, and a construction team was laying down some asphalt where it used to be.


In America today, you get the over all impression that if you are not “on the hustle” then you are a fool and a rube and that you deserved to be swindled. Ah. many a good person has fallen for this contemporaneous belief, and it is wrong. It is really, really wrong.

You are not a fool for trying to help others.

It’s not you.

You are a victim of someone else to misrepresented themselves, their organization and their role in society. They themselves, have created a for-profit model this is vacuuming up money from everyone so that they can maintain their nice and lavish lifestyles.

In 2014, the March of Dimes received $196 million in revenue, with the majority ($187 million) from contributions, fundraising events, and grants (the other $9 million came from investment income, program services and other sources).

$96 million (49%) was spent on salaries, pensions, employee benefits, and payroll taxes. 129 individuals received more than $100,000 in compensation. 60 independent contractors received more than $100,000 in compensation. 10 executives (President, Executive VP, Asst Secretary, Asst Treasurer, Medical Director and five Senior VP’s) received a collective $3.3 million (ranging from $255,000  to $510,000).

-Where does your $1 to March of Dimes go?

But, that is not all…

As I have ranted about this in other posts. I have argued that America is a nation where the common man dies a death by a million small paper-cuts. Whether it is an endless stream of taxes or fees, to all sorts of other “charges”, it is near impossible for the average American to save up any money at all.

Not that it matters to me. I don’t live there any longer.

But what about this comeuppance?


Well, you see, our universe, and our reality is based upon thought. Right? And while we occupy a given particular world-line alone, it’s actually not an isolated world-line. It is instead connected to an “ocean” of other world-lines that are all inner-connected and wired up together.

And behaviors, and thoughts, and manifested emotions all tug on these interconnections in all sorts of ways.

You can call them as waves, as radiation, as fluxes within the universal void, as dark-matter or anything else you might want to refer them as. The point is that thoughts of others, not on your particular world-line, at any given moment, affects your world-line. It affects the templates. It affects the baseline. It affects how the paths, the arrows of time, are followed, and the rules for slides. It affects everything.


If you think good thoughts, and do good things, you can be assured that the universe will somehow bend to your advantage.


If you think bad thoughts, and do bad hurtful and spiteful things, you can expect that the universe would also bend to your thoughts and create situations that would be very uncomfortable for you.


If you use people, treat them as dupes all on the promise that you are "helping people" then you can be rest assured that this will have an equally hurtful effect upon your life. 

So, while I cannot predict what will happen in each individual case, I can pretty much confirm that bad people will get to experience some bad things. And good people, will get to experience some good things, and greedy people will get to experience A GREAT LOSS OF MONEY AND STANDARD OF LIVING.

It’s the way the universe works.

And the oligarchy…

Well you can run, and you can hide, but the universe has a way of sniffing you out. You will most certainly get your comeuppance.

Do you want more?

I hope that you enjoyed this post. I have more in my Happiness Index here…

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On a positive note; things to appreciate about both the United States and China.

Ever since last December 2019, the news out of America has been that of constant China demonization. There is nothing that China, or the Chinese could do right. That they are evil at a level unprecedented, and the only thing good about a Chinese person is if they were dead.


“Neocons” believe that the United States should not be ashamed to use its unrivaled power – forcefully if necessary – to promote its values around the world. Some even speak of the need to cultivate a US empire. Neoconservatives believe modern threats facing the US can no longer be reliably contained and therefore must be prevented, sometimes through preemptive military action.

Most neocons believe that the US has allowed dangers to gather by not spending enough on defense and not confronting threats aggressively enough. One such threat, they contend, was Saddam Hussein and his pursuit of weapons of mass destruction. Since the 1991 Gulf War, neocons relentlessly advocated Mr. Hussein’s ouster.

-Neocon 101: What do Neoconservatives Believe?


You bet.

But that narrative is intended to drum up support for a war against China. It is immaterial if it is true or not. It just… is all part and parcel of a propaganda campaign that is needed to get Americans on a “war footing”. And make no mistake. They want another full-on World War. They want to see it [1] unify the nation against a common enemy, [2] decimate and destroy China for personal plunder, and [3] renew America as the dominant nation in the world.

Ah. There’s nothing that I can do about that. If America is going to fight another war, there’s nothing that I can do about it. I have as much power in this matter as an ant does against a stampede of rampaging elephants.

All that I can do, is duck my head. Then scurry out of the line of fire. When people ask me what I am doing and why, I point out what I am seeing, and they immediately get their shackles up! “How dare I even think such a thing!” They demand.

Fine, I say.

  • Bio-weapon COVID-19. The United States would NEVER…
  • Micro Nuke on the BRI in Lebanon. The United States would NEVER…
  • Arrest of industry CEOS. The United States would never…
  • Drones spraying swine flu to destroy Chinese Pork. The US would never…
  • Ordering other nations to stop trading with China. The United States would never…
  • Banning 5G, all Chinese phones, Chinese Apps. The USA would never…
  • Cut trade, communication, and travel with China. The United States would never…

What ever.

Anyways. If you cannot see what the “end game” is with all the NEOCONS in the White House, you never will. It’s pretty blatant and “in your face”.

The only question is timing.

There is a shitload of domestic issues “on the table” right now, and the China events will figure into this calculus, for better or worse. I don’t know which, honestly. After all, it is an election year.

I talked to some close friends and relatives in the USA, all rabid Trump supporters, and they pretty much told me this…

Oh, Trump will get reelected. It's a certainty.

And China. Well, the USA will hurt China really bad, and they won't be able to do anything about it, because "we hold all the cards". Trump is playing 48 D chess. He's very smart, it's just that he has a really bad habit with social media. But, disregard that. He's really, actually a genius.

Biden is such a joke. He is actually physically living inside a closet. There is no friggin' way that he'll ever become President.

It WILL be world war III, and yes, I'm aware of that. But I'm ready, and so is the United States.

I think they are all delusional.

But, I still love them anyways.

OK. Well, I came across this article on my LinkedIN feed a ways back. I thought that it was pretty good. It comes up with other things, positive things to say about China. Which pretty much makes it completely unique. How many times have you read anything positive about China in any of the American press?

I think that the world needs to look at things in a positive way.

Don’t you?

What I Love About China

Published on March 4, 2020 by Jim Nelson, President, SHI Group Recruitment. Edited to fit this venue, and all credit to the original author.

Sentiment against China inside and out is pretty high these days. Some trends are concerning, but much endures for me. What I love about China is quite a bit. I am an American and have lived in China for over 20 years. I love America and cry when we sing “I am proud to be an American, where at least I know I am free.”

However, I have found things in China that I should mention. I know these comments are generalizations and there are exceptions, but these are things I have generally found to be true. Also, many things I find here I might also have found in other developing countries. I found them here. Finally, some of these lessons may have been things this Swedish American needed to learn more than some others from the US.

What I Love About China

1. Food.

China, Italy, and Mexico are the competitors for the American stomach for a reason. China is a food culture that I love and O, do not make them late for lunch.

2. Friends.

I never knew before I moved to China that most Americans are lonely and do not even know it. What I mean is that Americans like to talk about the weather and some highlights about our kids, but we do not go much deeper. 

I have an Afrikaner friend who lives in the States. He says that just when he feels the relationship is going deeper, the American will suddenly back off relationally.

Most Americans have an invisible wall that they do not recognize that no one or almost no one crosses. Remember the Simon & Garfunkel tune that says, “I am a Rock, I am an Island. I touch no one and no one touches me.”? That is America in so many ways.

We Americans do not get personal. 

For example, I can talk about religious faith or how much they earn with most anyone in China whereas you cannot touch that in America or you risk losing your friend. It seems I was open to something different when I came to China and discovered that in America we did not talk deep. 

I am glad to have become a deeper person here and less lonely. (Though I never knew I was lonely before I came)

3.  Be part of a group.

Americans are desperately independent. Freedom has come to mean that we do not rely on anyone emotionally or otherwise. This is related to 2 it seems.

Individualism has become extreme in America. In America, I pump my own gas and never talk to a teller at the bank.

I bought a house in China and borrowed US$60,000 from my Chinese friends and not a penny from my American friends.

Friendships have traction in China.

Americans would rather give me some money than loan any. When I first married my Chinese wife 14 years ago, I walked around the table to get a butter knife right behind my wife. She called me on it immediately. “Why are we married if you do not ask for anything?”

4. Relationship ties.

Americans give free gifts. We want no tie or outstanding debt as it were.

Chinese give gifts to create and buttress their relationships.

No one talks about a free gift here. 2, 3 and 4 are related here, and I am glad to accept this new thing. I think it has made me a better person.

5. The Chinese is a deeply emotional nation.

In 2001, the American Navy sunk a Japanese fishing boat and many Japanese school students died. No government angst was aired by Japan. The Americans apologized profusely and paid all costs for the losses. The families were upset and wanted apologies and got them. No one in Japan said we did it on purpose. It was a very sad rational event actually. 

In 1999, the US bombed the Chinese embassy in Belgrade, it was all angst and blame and harsh words all across China, and no one in China even yet believes the Americans did this by accident. No students died, but three reporters did. China declared them maryters. No sense of that happened in Japan with the boat.

The Chinese people are an introverted deeply emotional people unlike the Japanese. Chinese mothers teach Tang dynasty poetry to their small children. China has a National Holiday to honor a poet who committed suicide. America honors the guy who made someone else die. 

The relation between America and China is a love-hate relationship and emotional from the top government to the bottom peasant. The relationship with Japan is not love-hate. It is more like business.

  • I would describe the Americans as being an extroverted audacious shallow emotional country. 
  • I would describe the Japanese as being a rational detailed private country. 
  • The US relationship with China is invariably emotional.

Being a naturally rational person, I gained a lot from the perspective of a deeply feeling country. I learned to live in China.

6. They study history.

The Chinese are backing into the future with their eyes firmly fixed on the past. I love history and yet my countrymen had little interest. Here everything might be seen with eyes fixed on the past. Chinese when I first arrived might approach me and say “Do you love China for her 5000 years of written history?”

I have often enjoyed talking and debating history here in a land where most people still believe the South Koreans started the Korean War. Further, so hard for China to crack the habits of its past in child raising, medical thoughts and on and on.

They seem to say “Surely China could not have been wrong all these 5000 years?” They challenged me to think more about what is true and what I believe about the past.

7. Pedestrian Friendly.

I can ride a bicycle here and never need a car.

In America we must have a car as our cities are spread out and our public transportation stinks as we are desperately independent (see 3 above).

By 2013 Chinese people had stopped riding bikes, but I still do. Then out of nostalgia they started riding rental bikes but that got old fast. I still bike everywhere and love it. China is so dense that biking and walking are practical and subways and buses can fill the rest well.

8. Appreciate everything. Now.

I have learned to not take things for granted, like clean roads, and blue skies with white clouds, and clear understandable win / win relationships.

9. Happiness is an attitude. Not a place.

Happiness cannot be bought. I have seen some of the happiest faces in some of the poorest places here.

I guess I should stop. God Bless America and God Bless China, May they each learn from the other.


It’s a nice article. Of course it is another person’s opinion and where you live will have a lot to do with your experience. I live in Zhuhai China and every day is fresh, clean air, and blue skies. But that came with planning and strong prayer affirmation campaigns. It did not occur out of the blue.

If you are in an industrial zone, expect dirtier and grimier surroundings and a white hazy sky. It comes with the territory.

Where we live will influence your life, and your relationships.

I spent six years in Indiana, in the United States. I had a good job there, and I was making a good salary. yet, something was missing. I didn’t realize what it was until I left Indiana and moved to Mississippi, and then to Boston. It’s the people.

Boston folk are really fine open and friendly, and they might seem a bit brash and harsh, but that’s just their way of getting to know you.

Hey! You'se got a problem with that?

I am sure that Vice President Mike Pence (from Indiana) is a very nice person, but he probably doesn’t drink, he attends church regularly, and has a nice house in an upscale neighborhood. You can probably smile at him and he probably would hold the door open for you in a store, but having a deep heart-to-heart conversation with him would probably be out of the question. It’s not the Hooser way.

It’s not that, that is bad, in itself. The point is that where you live and how you associate with people is what defines the quality of our life.

Be it blue skies, fresh air, nice people that would do anything for you (including give you the shirt off their back), and cultural and social activities.

Life is what we make it.

You do not need to be constrained to live in the same area that your parents choose, nor associate with the same friends that you made in elementary school. You do not need to be stuck in a job that you chose when you were in your early 20’s, and you certainly do not need to be stuck in a relationship that is devoid of love, care, and happiness.

If the USA provides all your needs, emotional, spiritual, cultural, social and monetary, then I say there there and prosper. If that is not acceptable, then try China. And if China is not acceptable, then try another nation. Maybe Iceland. The point is that you, and you alone, define what your happiness is.

And if others don’t understand, well…

…that’s their problem.

Do you want more?

I have more posts like this in my China Index here…


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The Myth of the Surgical Application of Nuclear, Chemical or Biological War.


A neoconservative (colloquially, neocon) in American politics is someone presented as a "conservative" but who actually favors big government, globalism, interventionism, perpetual war, police state, gun control, and a hostility to religion in politics and government. 

The word means "newly conservative," and thus formerly liberal. 

A neocon is a RINO Backer, and like RINOs does not accept most of the important principles in the Republican Party platform. 

Neocons do not participate in the March for Life, nor stand up for traditional marriage, advocate other conservative social values, or emphasize putting America first. 

Neocons support attacking and even overthrowing foreign governments, despite how that often results in more persecution of Christians. 

Some neocons (like Dick Cheney) have profited immensely from the military-industrial complex and their pro-war positions. Many neocons are globalists and support the War on Sovereignty.


The Trump Administration, led by American neocons believe that they can wage “limited” nuclear, chemical and biological war without consequence.

We argue here that that idea is preposterous.

There will always be a response, and depending on the target nation, a host of responses. It is foolish to expect no response, or a “measured response”. Indeed, history tells us how absolutely ridiculous this belief is.

Today, China is dealing with the COVID-19 biological weapons attack by America on their CNY 2020 holiday. They have finished dealing with a CIA / NED sponsored “color revolution” in Hong Kong, and have just experienced a collapse of their BRI center at the Beirut Lebanon Port due to a mighty explosion (that has the hallmarks of a 6kT nuclear warhead). America has declared war on all Chinese technology, all Chinese trade, all international relationships, and all Chinese people. The anti-China propaganda effort is astounding in it’s size, magnitude, and pure visceral hate…

The COVID-19 biological attack is just the latest of at least six previous biological warfare actions by the Trump Administration, starting in 2017. Each time getting more and more aggressive. The sixth was the most brazen, with the use of drones to spray / fog swine flu viruses all over widely separate and remote pig farms.

I mean, you can’t get more ballsy than that!

The United States has done everything, and I do mean everything, short of launching nuclear ICBM’s at Chinese cities….

To assume that China will “let it roll of their shoulders” is a serious miscalculation. China has been making plans on how to deal with this situation, and has been working with Russia on military preparations. China will respond to all this, on their terms. At their pace. In their way.

And maybe they already have


And this is what this post is all about. We all need to consider the harsh reality that a nation that is willing to use biological warfare to achieve their goals will not have any problem with using nuclear weapons as well.

The following is a reprint of an article titled “The Myth of Moderate Nuclear War” by Brian Cloughley on Global Research, written on March 04, 2020 for the Strategic Culture Foundation. It was edited as necessary to fit this venue. All credit to the authors.

Early on, President Trump surrounded himself with neocon advisors. They advised that it was foolish to maintain large stores of weapons if they were not going to use them. That to use them would guarantee American global superiority.
Early on, President Trump surrounded himself with neocon advisors. They advised that it was foolish to maintain large stores of weapons if they were not going to use them. That to use them would guarantee American global superiority.

The Myth of Moderate Nuclear War

There are many influential supporters of nuclear war, and some of these contend that the use of ‘low-yield’ and/or short-range weapons is practicable without the possibility of escalation to all-out Armageddon.

"Ah. We can use "moderate" and "reasonable" nuclear weapons. It would never escalate into a full-fledged armageddon."

In a way their argument is comparable to that of the band of starry-eyed optimists who thought, apparently seriously, that there could be such a beast as a ‘moderate rebel’.

In October 2013 the Washington Post reported that…

“The CIA is expanding a clandestine effort to train opposition  fighters in Syria amid concern that moderate, US-backed militias are  rapidly losing ground in the country’s civil war,” 

…and the US Congress gave approval to then President Barack Obama’s plan for training and arming moderate Syrian rebels to fight against Islamic State extremists.

The belief that there could be any grouping of insurgents that could be described as “moderate rebels” is bizarre and it would be fascinating to know how Washington’s planners classify such people.

What's a "moderate rebel"?

Someone who drinks tea with their pinky up? A person who listens to Indie Rock, and spreads organic Avocado on their whole-wheat toast, or perhaps someone who advocates "humane" techniques of torture.

"Moderate". What a nice, pleasant sounding term for a murderer. 

It obviously didn’t dawn on them that any person who uses weapons illegally in a rebellion could not be defined as being moderate.

And how moderate is moderate?

Perhaps a moderate rebel could be equipped with US weapons that kill only extremists? Or are they allowed to kill only five children a month? The entire notion was absurd, and predictably the scheme collapsed, after expenditure of vast amounts of US taxpayers’ money.

A “Moderate” war

The leading publications of neoconservatives since the 1970s have been Commentary, The Public Interest (founded by Daniel Bell and Irving Kristol) and The Weekly Standard. Many Washington think tanks, such as the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), the Project For New American Century (PNAC), Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA) and Henry Jackson Society are now dominated by neoconservatives.

President trump is an pro-war hawk that is for the use of nuclear weapons at will.
President trump is an pro-war hawk that is for the use of nuclear weapons at will.

And even vaster amounts of money are being spent on developing and producing what might be classed as moderate nuclear weapons.

Moderate nuclear weapons, in that they don’t have the zillion-bang punch of most of its existing 4,000 plus warheads have.

"Moderate" nuclear weapons put a friendly face on the American use of theater nuclear bombs. This, the neocons believe, will make the use of them attractive to the American population. What they do not take into account is how their target nations would react. I dare say that they would not be pleased.
“Moderate” nuclear weapons put a friendly face on the American use of theater nuclear bombs. This, the neocons believe, will make the use of them attractive to the American population. What they do not take into account is how their target nations would react. I dare say that they would not be pleased.

It is apparently widely believed in Washington that if a nuclear weapon is (comparatively) small, then it’s less dangerous than a big nuclear weapon.


Maybe they are right. Look what happened in the Beirut Port Bombing in August 2020.

And maybe this is exactly what the NEOCONS have been talking about all along…

And we know that this kind of event has been EXACTLY what the Trump NEOCONS have been arguing towards. Because, in January 2019 the Guardian reported that

“the Trump administration has argued the development of a  low-yield weapon would make nuclear war less likely, by giving the US a  more flexible deterrent. 

It would counter any enemy (particularly  Russian) perception that the US would balk at using its own fearsome arsenal in response to a limited nuclear attack because its missiles were all in the hundreds of kilotons range and ‘too big to use’, because they would cause untold civilian casualties.”

Small nukes as a way to limit civilian deaths…

In fact, the nuclear war envisaged in that scenario would be a global catastrophe — as would all nuclear wars, because there’s no way, no means whatever, of limiting escalation.

Once a nuclear weapon has exploded and killed people, the nuclear-armed nation to which these people belonged is going to take massive action.

There is no alternative, because no government is just going to sit there and try to start talking with an enemy that has taken the ultimate leap in warfare.

It is fashionable to consider the use of low-yield nuclear weapons without consequence.

It is widely imagined — by many nuclear planners in the sub-continent, for example — that use of a tactical, a battlefield-deployed, nuclear weapon will in some fashion persuade the opponent (India or Pakistan) that there is no need to employ higher-capability weapons. Or, in other words, longer range missiles delivering massive warheads.

All retaliation would be measured, tit for tat.

These people think that the other side will evaluate the situation calmly and dispassionately and come to the conclusion that at most it should itself reply with a similar weapon.



But such a scenario supposes that there is good intelligence about the effects of the weapon that has exploded, most probably within the opponent’s sovereign territory.

This is verging on the impossible.

War is ugly and complex

War is confusing in the extreme, and tactical planning can be extremely complex. But there is no precedent for nuclear war, and nobody — nobody — knows for certain what reactions will be to such a situation in or near any nation.

The US 2018 Nuclear Posture Review (authorized by Trump as his NEOCON advisors Mike Pompeo and John Bolton) stated that low-yield weapons

...“help ensure that potential adversaries perceive  no possible advantage in limited nuclear escalation, making nuclear  employment less likely”. 

But do the possible opponents of the United States agree with that? How could they do so?

The reaction by any nuclear-armed state to what is confirmed as a nuclear attack will have to be swift.

But the neocons disagree, the threat of global conflagration will still exist.

The USA can launch small nuclear weapons, and reasonably expect no retaliation. 


That is because it would need to be a "measured" response.
And if the attacked nation does not have low-yeld weapons, then they would refrain from using larger weapons. Instead, they would rely on their conventional arsenal.



It cannot be guaranteed, for example, that the first attack will not represent a series.

It will, by definition, be decisive, because the world will then be a tiny step from doomsday. The US nuclear review is optimistic that “flexibility” will by some means limit a nuclear exchange, or even persuade the nuked-nation that there should be no riposte, which is an intriguing hypothesis.

As pointed out by Lawfare,

“the review calls for modification to ‘a small number of existing  submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) warheads’ to provide a  low-yield option."

It also calls for further exploration of low-yield options, arguing that expanding these options will …

‘help ensure that potential  adversaries perceive no possible advantage in limited nuclear  escalation, making nuclear employment less likely.’ 

This is intended to address the argument that adversaries might think the United States, out of concern for collateral damage, would hesitate to employ a high-yield nuclear weapon in response to a ‘lower level’ conflict, in which an adversary used a low-yield nuclear device.

The review argues that expanding low-yield options is ‘important for the preservation of credible deterrence,’ especially when it comes to smaller-scale regional conflicts.”

“Credible deterrence” is a favorite catch-phrase of the believers in limited nuclear war, but its credibility is suspect.

Former US defense secretary William Perry said last year that he wasn’t so much worried about the vast number of warheads in the world as he was by open proposals that these weapons are “usable”.

It’s right back to the Cold War and he emphasizes that…

“The  belief that there might be tactical advantage using nuclear weapons –  which I haven’t heard being openly discussed in the United States or in  Russia for a good many years...

... is happening now in those countries...

... which  I think is extremely distressing.” 

But the perturbing thing is that while it is certainly being discussed in Moscow, it’s doctrine in Washington.

America is now ready to use nuclear weapons to achieve it’s goals

In late February US Defense Secretary Esper was reported as having taken part in a…

“classified military drill in which Russia and the United States traded nuclear strikes.” 

The Pentagon stated that …

“The scenario included a European contingency where you’re conducting a  war with Russia and Russia decides to use a low-yield, limited nuclear weapon against a site on NATO territory.” 

The US response was to fire back with what was called a “limited response.”

First of all, the notion that Russia would take the first step to nuclear war is completely baseless, and there is no evidence that this could ever be contemplated.

But ever if it were to be so, it cannot be imagined for an instant that Washington would indulge in moderate nuclear warfare in riposte. These self-justifying war-games are dangerous. And they bring Armageddon ever closer.

Today 2020

So, let’s perform a quick recap…

  • The United States under President Trump is staffed with neocons.
  • The United States is currently fighting eight wars plus a hybrid war with China.
  • The United States has fielded “small” nuclear weapons.
  • The United States has been using biological germ warfare against China.
  • The President of the United States argues in favor of limited, surgical use of nuclear weapons to accomplish his objectives.

No matter what the United States does, China is still plugging away. It is still building things, trading things, and growing.

There will come a point in time where the neocons will feel that it is “now or never” to finally and completely suppress China.


I have some points that I want to make perfectly clear.

  • The Chinese and the Russians will know before hand what is going to happen. They have intel.
  • If it is plausible that an event will happen on either Chinese or Russian land, they WILL strike first.
  • The response will NOT be with “moderate” and “friendly” tactical weapons.
  • It will be the unleashing of unholy terror.

America has NEVER experienced losing a war. It has NEVER been the vanquished people. Americans have no idea what it would be like to lose in a war…

So with this in mind, let’s look at what happened after Hitler killed himself in Germany, the nation surrendered to the Allies, and Victorious Russian troops flowed into Germany in 1945…

The Rape of Germany

When Berlin fell to the Soviets it is rumored that Stalin gave the Soviet Soldiers permission to do what ever they wanted for the first 3 days. At the end of that 3 days you would be hard pressed to find a single German woman who had not been raped at least once by the Soviet Soldiers.

Almost 100 percent of women between the ages of 8 and 80 were raped — repeatedly — some as many as 60 to 70 times.

Estimates are around 2,000,000 women were raped in Germany, 100,000 in Berlin. These estimates are based in part on the number of requested abortions that climbed markedly after the Russians arrived.

Female deaths in connection with the rapes in Germany, overall, are estimated at 240,000

War historians have described it as the “greatest phenomenon of mass rape in history”, and have concluded that at least 1.4 million women were raped in East Prussia, Pomerania and Silesia alone.

Civilians from occupied countries and even Russian women rescued from work camps were at risk and Stalin gave his silent assent to this mayhem.

Stalin said people should

“…understand it if a soldier who has crossed thousands of kilometers through blood and fire and death has fun with a woman or takes some trifle”.

On another occasion, when told that Red Army soldiers sexually maltreated German refugees, he reportedly said:

"We lecture our soldiers too much; let them have their initiative."

The smart women didn’t resist or found an officer to bed. Officers tended to be more civilized and would protect their “women” from the rampaging enlisted men.

Magda Wieland, a 24-year-old actress, was dragged from a cupboard in her apartment just off the Kurfürstendamm. A very young soldier from central Asia hauled her out. He was so excited at the prospect of a beautiful young blonde that he ejaculated prematurely. By sign language, she offered herself to him as a girlfriend if he would protect her from other Russian soldiers, but he went off to boast to his comrades and another soldier raped her. Ellen Goetz, a Jewish friend of Magda’s, was also raped. When other Germans tried to explain to the Russians that she was Jewish and had been persecuted, they received the retort:

“Frau ist Frau.”

Women soon learned to disappear during the “hunting hours” of the evening. Young daughters were hidden in storage lofts for days on end. Mothers emerged into the street to fetch water only in the early morning when Soviet soldiers were sleeping off the alcohol from the night before. Sometimes the greatest danger came from one mother giving away the hiding place of other girls in a desperate bid to save her own daughter. Older Berliners still remember the screams every night. It was impossible not to hear them because all the windows had been blown in.

According to a former Russian army officer:

“We were young, strong, and four years without women. So we tried to catch German women and … Ten men raped one girl. There were not enough women; the entire population run from the Soviet Army. So we had to take young, twelve or thirteen year-old. If she cried, we put something into her mouth. We thought it was fun. Now I can not understand how I did it. A boy from a good family… But that was me."

A woman telephone operator from the Russian Army recalled that:

“When we occupied every town, we had first three days for looting and … [rapes]. That was unofficial of course. But after three days one could be court-martialed for doing this. … I remember one raped German woman laying naked, with hand grenade between her legs. Now I feel shame, but I did not feel shame back then… Do you think it was easy to forgive [the Germans]? We hated to see their clean undamaged white houses. With roses. I wanted them to suffer. I wanted to see their tears. … Decades had to pass until I started feeling pity for them.”

Abortions were the preferred choice of rape victims, and many died as a consequence of internal injuries after being brutally violated, untreated sexually transmitted diseases due to a lack of medicine, badly performed abortions, and suicides, particularly for traumatized victims who had been raped many times.

In addition, many children died in post-war Germany as a result of widespread starvation, scarce supplies, and diseases such as typhus and diphtheria. The infant mortality in Berlin reached up to 90 percent.

German historian Miriam Gebhardt …

“believes that members of the US military raped as many as 190,000 German women by the time West Germany regained sovereignty in 1955, with most of the assaults taking place in the months immediately following the US invasion of Nazi Germany. "

The author bases her claims in large part on reports kept by Bavarian priests in the summer of 1945.


War is a terrible, terrible thing.

The idea that the NEOCONS in America in Washington DC are in favor of it, by any means possible should send a shiver down the spines of anyone reading Metallicaman. How can I spell this out to you? If America gets involved in a kinetic “hot” war with another major power, it will not survive.

The chances are high that it will end up becoming a vanquished nation in a ruined world, and the rest of the world will expect Holy Hell from the survivors inside America. It will not be pretty or pleasant.

To avoid the coming conflict that the neoconservatives’ pursuit of American hegemony is bringing, the Russians have relied on fact-based, truth-based diplomacy. However, neocon Washington relies on lies and propaganda and has many more and much louder voices. Consequently, it is Washington’s lies, not Russia’s truth, that most of the Western sheeple believe.

In other words, Russia was misled by believing that the West respects and abides by the values that it professes. In fact, these “Western values” are merely a cover for the unbridled evil of which the West consists.

The Western peoples are so dimwitted that they have not yet understood that the “war on terror” is, in fact, a war to create terror that can be exported to Muslim areas of Russia and China in order to destabilize the two countries that serve as a check on Washington’s unilateral, hegemonic power.

The problem for the neocon unilateralists is that Russia and China—although misinformed by their “experts” educated abroad in the neoliberal tradition, people who are de facto agents of Washington without even knowing it—are powerful military powers, both nuclear and conventional. Unless Russia and China are content to be Washington’s vassal states, for the neoconservatives, who control Washington and, thereby, the West, to press these two powerful countries so hard can only lead to war. 

As Washington is not a match for Russia and China in conventional warfare, the war will be nuclear, and the result will be the end of life on Earth.

-Paul Craig Roberts

Or, more likely, the end of life as we have known it to be, on earth.

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The Lazy Man’s technique for altering your life, and your destiny without using intention prayers, rituals or other established methods to achieve your desires

Phew! Yet another insanely long title.

Here, in this post, we are going to look at a (very) simple technique that enables you to change your destiny. It doesn’t have the degree of control that a prayer affirmation has, nor is it as illustrative as a dream board. Yet, this technique has advantages, and can be used in conjunction with a  prayer affirmation campaign. It is ideal for those with very busy schedules, and too preoccupied with the rigors of life.

It’s a great way to “throw a wrench” into a life or situation that you are unhappy with.

The problem with it, is you really have zero control over the MWI navigational aspects.

Introduction & Review

I have covered the use of intention to control your life in other posts.

Essentially it is a technique that is derived from the most fundamental laws of quantum physics. Which states that; “What you think about eventually manifests within your reality”. And it works. It really does.

It has been proven in various scientific studies, and has been practiced by many people since the advent of such works as “The Secret”, and the movie “What the bleep do we know?”

The only thing is that people don’t really understand WHY it works. They argue that since we all share the entire universe together, how could one person’s thoughts alter the fabric of the entire universe? Isn’t that a tad bit outlandish? That one single lone person can change the entire enormity of the universe!

At which point I state the obvious.

The universe is not what everyone thinks it is. It is something else.

The universe is a series of world-lines, infinite (or near infinite) in number. Our consciousness occupies one world-line at a time. But for only a moment. Each world line then passes by and is replaced by another, and then another, and then another. Much like a movie that runs frame to frame.

What time is within the MWI. We go through many world-lines in our life, and the navigation through these world-lines is controlled by our thoughts.

It is our thoughts that manifest which frame we will visit next.

And each frame is for our consciousness alone. All those others, and those other things within that world-line are but shadows of a much bigger existence.

And that is how the universe works, and why guided thoughts enable you to navigate the world-lines to create your very own utopia.

I have other posts that go into a great deal of detail on how you can use various techniques to navigate your life. I have simple and basic technique. I have presented moderate and slightly more advanced techniques, and I have presented some truly advanced stuff that only the well-practiced expert should tamper with.

In this post, we will look at the simplest and easiest way to alter your destiny. And it doesn’t use conscious thought.

It uses odd and random behaviors to break your thought processes up.

Fate or the pre-birth established world-line

Every soul and consciousness establishes an “entry point” from which to enter a body for an experience upon Earth. It leaves Heaven and enters our physical reality universe.

Our physical reality universe is a complicated place, don't you know. It is filled with all sorts of "stuff" and "things" of which we as physical Humans nothing about.

But it has laws. It has order. It has structure.

The souls creates a consciousness within Heaven.

The consciousness is then sent through a “transport tube” or a “path of light” into another universe. It enters the physical universe.

This “entry point” consists of three aspects;

  • A physical body with an associated family, environment and lifestyle.
  • A particular world-line that the body happens to exist within.
  • A “default” “arrow of time” that is the most probable development of the earth experiences for that body.

For simplicity, I have referred to this set of initial conditions as the “pre-birth world-line”. When in reality it is [1] the set of initial conditions that [2] will establish the “fate” that [3] the consciousness will experience.

So, before anyone starts throwing potatoes at the computer screen, realize that we select (our consciousness) selects a fated reality… one where the highest probability of events (that our soul wants us to experience) will occur. Of course, we are free to make decisions within this reality, but it is actually fated in that there is actually very little deviation that the actual person will make in the life that they lead.

I’ve used this example before, but it’s a good example.

You are walking down the street. You see a little girl eating a vanilla ice cream cone. She takes a lick and the ice cream falls to the sidewalk. She starts to cry and you watch all this transpire.

There are numerous things that you can do.

[1] Continue on as planned. You are late for work, and being late is not good.
[2] Comfort the little girl and buy her a new ice cream cone.
[3] Bend down and lick up the ice cream that is on the sidewalk.
[4] Beat the crap out of the server at the ice cream stand.
[5] Go up to the little girl, press five dollars in her hand, and leave.
[6] Just stop everything, and change your plans and go watch a movie instead.
[7] Pull off all your clothes and do a little dance, and leave.

Your default fated world-line will evolve as expected if you select option one [1]. As it is what you would normally be fated to do.

You will move off the world-line the moment you select any of the other options [2 - 7]. The more extreme your action, the greater the change to your world-line travels. Some are minor, and you will (more than likely) "snap back" onto your previous (well established) world-line path. Some are major and your life is forever changed afterwards.

Any time you deviate from the expected course of action; the pre-birth established world-line, you change your destiny.

Use of this technique – The deviation from the expected

Now let’s talk about “deviations from the normally expected activity” which is the heart behind this technique.

Any deviation from your normal behaviors will result in a change to the course of your world-line direction and manifestation of life.

This technique defines that you make unexpected random decisions within your life that permanently alters your world line direction.

Some notes:

  • First of all, the Pre-birth determined world-line is selected by soul to provide a near fated frame work for you to learn lessons. It is like a little child riding a bicycle with training wheels and parents are all around them helping them so they will not fall. You can ride the bike. You can steer the bike. But no matter what you do, your parents will not permit you to ride onto the highway.
This is for your consciousness to obtain specific experiences. 

When you approach an opportunity that might change your life and fortunes, situations, or conditions will arise that will force to back on track within the previously fated world-line. Just like a parent helping your learn how to ride the bicycle.

The way to break this level of control is to do the unexpected; the random odd-ball activity.

Like (for instance, using the example herein) jumping of the bicycle and running straight into the highway yourself.
  • You are permitted to deviate from the world-line your are riding on, because our life is not fated.
So you are free to do anything you like. 

However, if you pay attention, your actual choices are usually very tightly constrained. 

Sure, you have a choice between two jobs. One pays five times more more than the other, but you do have the choice to pick the job that pays less.
  • Any deviation will have a great deal of influence in your new world line.
Even the smallest deviation can result in big unforeseen changes.

In the example of the child riding a bicycle, what if the child just stops, and doesn't do anything? Perhaps a parent will come over and give the child a toy to play with, or try to urge it to continue, or maybe replace the bicycle with a pony.
  • The degree of deviation, and the radical nature of the deviation, will influence new world-line generation.
Shooting a person, for instance, might end up getting you arrested, sent to prison, and forever spending the rest of your life in a small cinder-block cell.

Or, using the child bicycle as an example, running into upcoming traffic might result in some terrible accidents to occur.  
  • It is difficult to predict the effect that any deviation from the norm might have.
Using a blue pen instead of a black pen might create some changes to your life. Using a purple pen might have even make greater changes.

In the case of the child riding the bicycle, the child does not know about what a highway is, or that cars can run them all over. The child doesn't even think about this or even consider this situation.
  • Making a habit of doing random “odd ball” and strange deviations from the “normal course” of your world-line will add a degree of randomness that will absolutely provide you with opportunities to change that life.
One day you feed a stray dog an old hamburger, the next you throw away all the clothes that you haven't worn in two years and buy new ones. You talk to the pretty cashier in the grocery store that you have never said "hi" to.

How it works

This system cannot guarantee any directed results. As the deviations from the norm are random, so will be the results. You do not know what will happen to your life. All that we can say is that the fated life that your soul and consciousness selected at the time previous to your birth has now been changed. You are now on a new path, you are in uncharted territory.

This can be good, or it can be bad.


This is a method that you can use and incorporate into your normal affirmation campaign, or it can be used from time to time to add a degree of versatility to your world-line selections.

The way this works is NOT by the controlled use of thought to manifest your reality. But rather to “jolt” yourself off the fated world-line path that the arrow of time is carrying you away upon.

As with “slides” this can have all sorts of repercussions.

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John Titor – Full Text of his Transcripts (Part 9)

From the late 1990’s until around 2001, the Internet was “rocked” by the sudden appearance and subsequent disappearance of a Mr. John Titor.  This person claimed to be a “time traveler” by using inter-dimensional travel. Here is the john titor post history.

He was rapidly dismissed as a hoax, in unity, by all the major debunking organizations, and his posts mysteriously disappeared off the Internet.  Since then, all the sources that he posted on all found that their files related to John Titor were all corrupted and could not be reclaimed.

That was the case for over a decade.

Then, in 2014, a number of private individuals managed to piece together independently saved dialogs relating to John Titor. They constructed numerous websites that hosted these reclaimed dialogs, and posted them on the Internet for others to view.

Metallicman is one such website.

Presented here are recovered posts from the Internet collected in 2014.  It is not known if any posts have been deleted or altered.  They are presented as they were found by the author. This is part nine.

Due to the large size of the transcripts, I have broken it down into multiple pages. This is part nine of the huge body of information. Here is the second group “Transcripts B”. Within it are some very interesting tidbits that many enthusiasts of the John Titor issue are unaware of. These transcripts in this particular Metallicman post represent some of the most obscure and forgotten posts from John Titor.

For your information.

Important Warning
The information within this series of posts are speculative. I have no factual information if this John Titor is what he claimed to be. It is presented herein as the only (or maybe, one of the only) sources that claim to be associated with the vehicles that pop in and out of our reality from time to time. He was, as far as I know, never associated with MAJestic in any way..

John Titor is “TimeTravel_0 unregistered” in all of the following conversations. Everyone else is just other posters to the forum.

Original John Titor Posts – Part 9 – Transcripts E

Here are the original John Titor posts from the Post2Post Art Bell Forum. Obtained from HERE. This is the second group of the john titor post history.

Metallicman corrected spelling and some punctuation to make the text easier to read and understand. For unedited text, please refer to the source.

I also added some commentary to liven things up somewhat. Enjoy.

Unfortunately, we have to start with the need to endure some babbling nonsense from poster “Shadow”. He was obviously upset about the politics of that year. I greyed it out to spare the reader of the nonsensical spewing.

Shadow unregistered posted 22 December 2000 21:16

I had a flashback once, not too long ago, just a few seconds ago in fact. It had to be a flashback. I saw a former Governor of Texas, Bush I believe, saying “I wish I were a dictator but this is not a dictatorship!”

Also he mentioned something to the effect of “You are aware of the fact that any recession that may come along next year or so, is Bill’s fault, really.” FWEEEEET!

Hey pal, can I interest you in a little tax cut? Very popular in this election year you know. (Hey babe you wanna count some ballots? Your dimples are soooo cute.” “Chad, I think I might be pregnant.”)

If I’m laid off do I still get my multimillion dollar tax cut, huh Gorge? Huh Huh? George? GEORGE!!??……..”.just wait your turn sir, the President Elect is busy playing with his yo-yo right now.”

This only thing missing out of national politics right now is a Ryder rental truck full of whoopie cushions.

Yes, speaking of The Flood. The real flood can’t hold a candle to the flood of bull**** that is commin down the pike these days. Are they TRYING to whizz us off, or do they deserve an Oscar for acting as thought they were.

There are other possible explanations. Like Terminal Stupidity. Or the desire for population reduction (you). Or how about creepy aliens, time traveling spooks, or maybe even that half spoiled turkey sandwich you had for lunch.

Of coarse the screamingly hysterical part of it is that they act like we ain’t supposed to notice. Right. “Waiter, check please!”

mokrie dela Member posted 22 December 2000 21:35

It’s ok, we can wait while you extract that wild hair from your butt.

Pamela Member posted 22 December 2000 22:59


Just because you cannot figure out where the water came from for the Great Flood is not a good enough reason to conclude that it never took place.

In the ancient lore and legend of every culture you will find a story of a disastrous flood. These accounts vary but in distant parts of the world these stories agree on one point. Far back in history there was a cataclysmic flood which wiped out all but a handful of people.

From the Indians of north and south America to the Islanders of the Pacific and from the Chinese to at least 40 aboriginal races we find the elements of a great flood described.

Geologists of today all over the Earth find a layer of sediment which gives evidence of a worldwide flood. There are several different theories of where the water might have come from.

Here is the one I have heard:

The Earth had quite a different climate before and after the flood.

For in Genesis 2:5-6 it states that the lord God had not caused it to rain upon the earth…but there went up a mist from the earth and watered the whole face of the ground.

They argued that Genesis 1:6 described God separating the waters on the earth from the waters above the Earth. which could describe a canopy of water vapor. Our Earth could have been in effect a giant canopy enclosed garden watered by gentle mists which came out of the ground from the reservoirs of water below the surface.

If the Earth before the flood had been surrounded by a canopy of water vapor above the Troposphere it would have compressed the air beneath and raised the average atmospheric pressure, just how much would depend on how much water the canopy contained.

This increased pressure could have resulted in a greater oxidation rate, a much more efficient metabolism and stronger, healthier people.

The shielding of water vapor canopy could have eliminated almost all genetic mutation from the harmful solar radiation.

There would be benefits of living under increased atmospheric pressure. During the aquanaut program it was discovered a cut on a aquanauts hand healed completely in 24 hours while submerged in a diving bell.

Back then the current land mass was joined together in a huge continent.

The Earth before the flood was a single land mass riding on a blanket of super-heated steam and with an overhead curtain of water vapor protecting it from harmful solar rays.

After the flood the vapor canopy was gone the Earths climate was changed.

Atmospheric pressure dropped to what it is today.

Without the water vapor canopy the Earth received more radiation from the sun and genetic mutations occurred. mans lifespan was greatly reduced. and they obviously did not live as long after the flood.

The other theory that goes with it sometimes is “the fountains of the deep” were also let lose. Gen 7:11 Which combined with the collapse of the water vapor canopy. produced a great amount of water. The ripping apart of the crust would have triggered tsunamis of unparalleled magnitude, sweeping the Earth with walls of water from the existing oceans.

The initial rupture of the earths crust would have spewed a tremendous jet of super heated steam high above the earths ionosphere. the vapor blanket resting on the air above the Earth would have been overwhelmed by the intensity and heat of this supersonic blast and would have collapsed as sheets of worldwide rain.

The jet of water which gushed high above the earths atmosphere would have encountered frigid temperatures converting the water almost instantly to ice crystals.

When the water vapor canopy which covered the Earth up to that point collapsed in rain, ending the green house effect, the temperatures on earth would have been reduced to much the same as they are today. immediately after the flood, the ice crystals formed high above the earths stratosphere would have fallen, dumping immense quantities of ice on the earths polar regions and northern latitudes. This would explain an enigma which has long perplexed the discovery of animals which had been quick frozen in Siberia and Alaska some still with undigested food in their stomachs and mouths.

There had to be an abrupt and extremely sudden change in temperature, from near tropical to extreme cold within a matter of minutes.

I kept this in my mind. and a couple of years ago i saw an article in the newspaper where scientists had found a couple miles long of water vapor in the upper atmosphere that was forming over a specific area and they didn’t know what it was doing up there. If i find the article i will post it I did cut it out and save it.

Nobody knows for sure where the water came from and can only theorize but there was plenty of evidence that it took place. I have read several scientific theories of the water vapor canopy. I could go on and on but i just don’t have time. I have several books that mention it. I just pulled a few things out of the books for you to think on.This is just one of several theories I have heard.



mokrie dela Member posted 23 December 2000 12:31

Wow, what can be added to that! I do recall reading that “radiolaria”, a fossilized form of tiny sea life has been found in layers of dirt at high elevations in the darnedest places around the earth. I know nothing of biblical things but when you find petrified itty bitty fishies in mountain ranges, something incredible happened involving a whole lot of water.

Earthship Junior Member posted 23 December 2000 12:49

Thanks for that Pamela.

Has anyone read “An Ascension Handbook,” channeled material from Serapis, by Tony Stubbs ? Lots of interesting ideas in there.


Pamela Member posted 23 December 2000 19:02

Well ,I found the article but unfortunately I didnot cut out the date with it. It was in the Repository Newspaper . the author is Randolph E. Schmid associate press writer.

 Here it is word for word:


WASHINGTON- Massive rivers of vapor, some carrying as much water as the Amazon, have been discovered in the lower atmosphere.

Reginald E. Newell, of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, said thursday he was surprised to find the flows while analyzing satellite data.

His findings are reported in Geophysical Research Letters, published by the American Geophysical Union.

A half-dozen vapor rivers carry water from the equator toward the poles in relatively narrow streams, Newell explained in a telephone interview.

“I expected to see things following air masses, which usually have much larger horizontal widths. The fact that it’s concentrated was a surprise to us. ” said Newell. The flows “look like a river,” he said.

The newly discovered rivers do follow these general principles, but move the moisture in narrow streams rather than having it spread out over a large air mass.

They seem to generally trend toward the poles, Newell explained, though he has found a couple of cases in which the stream encounters a typhoon,”gets entangled in itself and goes back equatorwards.”

The rivers also display waves in their movement, he said, though why this should occur is not clear.

The researchers calculated the length of some of these rivers of vapor at as much as 4,800 miles with a width of 420 to 480 miles.

What does this mean to the world’s weather and climate? Newell and his associates are trying to figure that out.

“We haven’t solved the relation between these rivers and fronts, highs and lows and the rest of the synoptic (weather) pattern,” Newell said.

Shadow unregistered posted 23 December 2000 20:08


Hair extracted. I’m much better now. Thank you.

Hear no evil. see no evil, speak no evil. WHEN will I EVER learn?

WE do digress from time travel don’t we. The earth is going to fall over any minute now……..scratch that………any TIME now.

My theory on Earth Changes was dismissed because it “rested on shakey ground”. I too will wait for a time.

mokrie dela Member posted 24 December 2000 12:14 (Christmas Eve)

Shadow, Don’t feel bad, I live on shakey ground myself. As they used to say, you threw a hissy fit. HAHA We take turns on this board. Your always interesting with or without hairs; and your opinion in always important wether provable or not. Heck, I never shut up and I can’t prove anything myself.

[OK, finally we can start by ignoring the various cat claws and spitting and hissing fits, and get back to the John Titor narrative. – Metallicman]

djayr42 Member posted 24 December 2000 15:12 (Christmas Eve)

Well as far as I can tell, it seems that only two of us here are willing to answer TT_0’s questions. (Three – Shadow answered at least one question.)

What’s wrong? Are you afraid of being judged in some way?

Most of the people who post here on this forum seem to enjoy playing around (and sometimes bickering and putting each other down). So what is the problem?

It seems as though when you find out someone is observing you and says so, you clam up.

Yes I know that implies that you believe his claims or you don’t think he is worth responding to. Yet most of you will take the time to bicker.

You could just tell him that you don’t want to answer any of his questions. You can’t even do that instead you will ignore those questions and write a lengthy reply to someone else just to get your point of view across.

Well that is what TT_0 is asking for.

Why do you find so hard to answer him? It implies that you believe him more then your willing to admit. And you don’t like the idea of being classified by an observer from a future time.

I think he is right, on the whole, “sheep” – bickering sheep. Ok, you can blast me by being honest in answering TT_0 questions. (That is the only basting that is acceptable.)

Pamela Member posted 24 December 2000 16:52 (Christmas Eve)

Hi djayr42!

Actually there was another man who answered all of the questions and sent them to me to forward to timetravler_0 in private. Which I did.

Whether you beleived he was real or not, I think it was only common curtesy to answer the questions after he answered ours. And that had to take a lot of his time to answer all of our questions and debating on how much he wanted to share. when every word you say can have consequences.

Its no big deal ,he was just curious about how we feel about things as we are about him. Maybe people are just too paranoid.

It is kind of interesting though…is this how we would treat a person from another world if we ever met one?

Well anyway..hope everyone has a great Christmas!!!!!!



Shadow unregistered posted 25 December 2000 21:27 (Christmas Day)

TT_0, I’m surprised that they haven’t caught you yet. I’d give dollars-to-donuts that the US military is into time travel already….since the mid sixties I’d guess. Not that its any of my business, nor do I want it to be. Maybe they don’t care. Maybe there is already intertime treaties of noninterference.

If it doesn’t make it less convient for the rich to ripp-off the masses it could well remain a non-issue.

DaViper unregistered posted 26 December 2000 03:00


I think we’re probably closer than you think here. I’ll certainly buy your explanation of time travel as purely relative to the observer. I’m also not sure we’re that far apart on the reason there are no paradoxes. (Your Dictionary definition is of course the correct one, I was merely making a simplification of it for my own purposes.)

As to the possibility of multiple universes, well, it gets used a lot to try to explain things that can’t be explained but to me it’s a cop out due to lack of evidence and the very fact that it GETS used so much as a way to explain that which is otherwise currently un-explainable. I need more evidence. The existence of multiple universes leads me to believe that if there is more than one of them, there must therefore be an infinite number of them.

If there are an infinite number of them, then everything that can happen, has already.

I dislike this theory for two reasons. 1. It destroys the necessity for free will thereby making all descisions made by choice inherently moot. 2. It goes against “Occam’s Razor”. The principle that the simplest explaination is probably the best one. I really don’t see the Universe needing to be so complicated as to require infinite universes just to solve the concept of paradoxes.


I thought it interesting that my little “Flood” analogy sparked such conversation.

By all means many cultures refer to “Great Floods” in their history. And Local phenomenea ARE the reason these persist in mythology.

Pamela, you’ve been reading the propaganda of the “Young Earth Creationists” I see. Their web sites are all over the place. Unfortunately, these theories they propound are not only NOT POSSIBLE, but have long since proven to be so.

Unfortunately many of these, like the so-called “Dr.” Kent Hovind have fabricated their own “degrees” in higher education. Hovind for instance, started a “University” in his living room, awarded himself a “Doctorate” in Theology, and uses this to tout his self professed “expertise” in geological and biologocal matters.

The “Vapor Cloud” myth is a fairly old one trotted out to answer the “Where did the water come from?” question. But YOUR explainations are right out of the Creationists handbook 101. And equally mythological as they are without foundation or acceptance by the Scientific Community at large.

Think about it. If it never rained before the flood, what did plants live on? As to the Vapor Cloud it self, it’s already been calculated that to produce the water necessary for world wide full deluge, the cloud would be so thick as to block out the sun entirely. Meaning it MUST have been dark always before the so called “Great Flood”. Preposterous. Every Creationists argument on this issue is totally debunk-able. Not just because it isn’t so, but because it can be PROVEN to be not so.

May I suggest you do some browsing around the various Talk Origins websites where the real scientists hang out and you’ll begin to see how truly silly some of these Literal Scripture interpretations really are.

Not that I’m arguing against (or for) the existence of God, just that if you want to view the Bible as an informative and inspirational document, may I suggest that you at least study the differences where metaphor is used instead of an intended depiction of reality.

Genesis has TWO depictions or accounts of Creation. The Creationists won’t tell you about the second one because it is contradictory to THEIR view. And supports the concept of Evolution. It’s called selective interpretation. And they engage in it all the time.

Or as the old song goes,

“Some Things That You Libel,

To Read In The Bible,

It Ain’t necessarily So.”

Good luck, and


Pamela Member posted 26 December 2000 11:01


I thought I already answered the questions you posed on this particular theory to me in my last posting. I apologize I didnt have more time to post more info on it. It was only one theory out of many that I have heard. I mentioned this one because of the article I read two years ago in the city newspaper.

The book the info came from was “A scientific approach to biblical mysteries.”by Robert W. Faid. I have another book called “Beyond Star Wars.”which I cannot locate at this moment. which is a scientifically based book discussing the many theories of ancient mysteries around the world. and it also mentions the water vapor canopy. both of them mention the rain falling for forty days and nights from the canopy and the rest of the water coming from the fountains of the earth being broken up.

I have never heard of the “young earth creationists.” what is their web site? I would like to check out their theories.

One thing is certain though, DaViper, there was a flood for the evidence was left in the Earth. How it happened rests now in theories because noone knows for sure.

You know when it comes to Ancient Events most of the time all you ever have are theories because none of us were there at the time. and many things are not in existance at this time that were there in their time. Theories are formed and based on evidence found at the time and from piecing together writings or anything else found from the time period, or things found in the Earth.

Someday we shall all know the truth. Maybe someday somebody will go back and “check it out” and see for themself. I am not afraid to study anything or research any theory. I piece it all together as I go keeping everything in mind. I see things from many different angles. and eventually the truth will be known.

Peace to you always.


(Robert W. Faid-a nuclear scientist and consultant to the nuclear power industry, has developed patented processes which have been used to protect nuclear power plants around the world against earthquakes and flooding.)

[This message has been edited by pamela (edited 26 December 2000).]

DaViper unregistered posted 27 December 2000 15:01

Hey Pamela if you want to believe in mythology as opposed to science and fact it’s OK with me. To each his/her own so to speak.

I prefer knowledge however over the fabricated ideas of those who adjust theory to suit their particular religous beliefs.

Sure there have been floods. There’s probably one going on right now somewhere. But…

AT NO TIME was there ever a flood that covered the entire Earth. There isn’t enough water for there to ever have been. And no hocus pocus “vapor cloud” that could ever contain the amount of water needed to produce a rainfall of that proportion has EVER covered the earth.

But if you choose to believe this, fine. All the belief in the world cannot make it so.

The whole comment was an analogy in the first place.

I thought we were discussing time travel paradoxes. That’s the title of the board anyway.


rgrunt@yahoo.com unregistered posted 27 December 2000 17:00

Sorry I have been out for a while.

Does anyone know whether the forces exerted by a universal flooding could produce the force needed to seperate all the continents in in a period of a couple of months? Given the amount of water on the earth now if the land masses were but one land mass and there was one huge earth quake that cause all the land masses to spread at a constant velocity to their present location in a period of three months or so would the kinetic force mediated through the water cause universal flooding by generating huge waves of water covering the land?

How fast would a land mass have to travel across the earth for there in order to cause the ocean in the direction of travel flow up and over the entire continent of the united states from east coast to west coast?

How high would the wall of water be?

Does the needed velocity match the biblical time period for the flood?

If the continents were to have traveled at the necessary velocity to cause the water to wave over from the pacific ocean to the Atlantic ocean for period of time that Noah’s flood was stated to have lasted in the bible could the continents have reached their present location from the pangea in that period of time at the calculated velocity?

If not how far could the continents have traveled?

How much heat would have been generated by the friction of the water over the continents surface if the water flowed over the earth?

Would it have been enough to produce steam at the calculated pressure?

If all the above proves true then is it possible find evidence in the soil for such events? If anyone is motivated enough to run a computer simulation and plug in all the variables in order to calculate the above hypothesis I would appreciate it. I do not have enough computer knowledge to run the simulation. Whoever comes up with the answers to the questions above has the write to the discovery naturally so have at it.

God bless you all and Peace,


Edwin G. Schasteen

[That is the problem with thes BBS chat rooms. People get side-lined on all sorts of discussions, rants and nonsense that are not germane to the subject at hand. Also, I must have spent an hour correcting this fellow’s grammar and spelling. How old is he five? -Metallicman]

Shadow unregistered posted 27 December 2000 19:35

To rgrunt

A computer sim ain’t going to predict ancient earth geologic changes any better than it can predict next years weather

Go to the library, open a textbook on geology and all your answers will there, indexed and categorized.

Alternatively there is a cool website on the subject, I believe it is www.tomato-wizzard.com.

Shadow unregistered posted 27 December 2000 20:06


Nine out of ten theories are eventually proven false. Let the people who make them up defend them. The Earths history is unimaginably long and complex. It may indeed be harder to find something that has NOT happened over its 5 billion years.

There a million ways to be wrong and only one way to be right. Daviper will run circles around you because he’s got this million to one rule on his side.

Pamela Member posted 27 December 2000 21:41


Then he will get VERY DIZZY! hehehehehe

I am not here to defend or prove anything. I simply mentioned one theory out of many I had heard.

I don’t immediately disregard a theory because it may clash with any belief system I may or may not have. he’s just plain silly! heheheeh. but it was fun!

Pamela Member posted 27 December 2000 21:52


p.s. I cant get your tomato-wizard link to work! And I wanted to see it!




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DaViper unregistered posted 28 December 2000 05:11


The laws of physics have nothing to do with a belief system.

They are what they are whether one believes them or not. All the old belief that the world was flat didn’t make it so.

All the belief that the earth was the center of the Solar System and Universe couldn’t make it so.

And all the belief in the world that a “universal flood” EVER existed can’t change the laws of physics that make such an event utterly impossible.

Where did all the water go when this “flood” was over? Evaporate into space? Sorry not possible under the laws of physics that are governed by the very gravity of the earth itself. Water which is heavier than air, evaporated into the vacume of space and left the earth’s atmosphere behind? Sorry no dice. It just doesn’t work like that as any meteorologist can tell you.

The story is based on local phenomenae at the time it originated. It probably looked to the inhabitants at the time that the “whole world” was flooded but the reality of physics is that it is not, never was, and can never be possible. (Barring collisions with several thousand Comets that is. Which would wipe out all life, change the entire structure of the mantle itself and cause evolution to start all over again.)

There is NO evidence this has ever happened in this manner.

The belief stems from the desire to insist on a literal interpretation of the Bible that the earth is but 6-8 thousand years old.

But it isn’t just that meteorology, geology, palentology, astronomy, biology, physics, quantum mechanics or cosmology each show that this is impossible, it’s that ALL these sciences agree thru related and intertwined studies that the aforementioned is simply not possible.

If one wants to toss aside ALL of these studies and the verifiable evidence they produce in favor of a mytology based on a single text that has NO proof, than I guess one is free to do so.

But an Ostrich is free to stick his head in the sand also.


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Pamela Member posted 28 December 2000 06:08

“They are what they are whether one believes them or not. All the old belief that the world was flat didn’t make it so.”

Isnt that amazing? but yet thousands of years before they came to the conclusion that the earth was flat it was already stated that it was indeed round!

Isaiah 40:22 “…the circle of the Earth..” heheh

For some reason this subject is an offense to you so I will not discuss it with you any longer.

All science also agreed that nothing could go faster than the speed of light. Scientists beleived and accepted this theory as true for years even based other theories on it. but in the light of new evidence the theory was proved wrong.(Just this year)

I want to think beyond the current theories. For I see them for what they are..theories only, not concrete facts.Thats why I like to research many different theories and maybe even come up with some of my own.

I respect your beliefs and theory’s as I do all others.


In search of truth always,


[This message has been edited by pamela (edited 28 December 2000).]

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Rgrunt unregistered posted 28 December 2000 14:36


Not to create dissension for I am a man of science but in my own town there were discovered dinosaur bones that were carbon dated to be 80 million years old. The bones were discovered in a farming area close to bisbee AZ. Now a christian farmer went home slaughtered one of his cows took a bone from it and snuck into the excavation site one that night and buried the cow bone so that the scientists would discover it the following day. And the scientists did. They carbon dated the cow bone and their results stated that the bone was over 50 million years old. Further more the scientist identified the cow bone as being from a dinosaur. They presented their findings that week and the farmer came publicly to dispute them pointing at his cow bone saying that the bone was not 50 million years old that and preached creation. Thge scientists debated claiming that they carbon dated the bone and this evidence proved them wrong. The farmer stated that the evidence couldn’t be right. The scientists argued with the man. And finally the man stated “that bone can’t be 50 million years old, I snuck that bone in yesterday it’s my cow bone My cow ain’t 50 million years old.” everyone laughed and the story spread throughout our town and the scientist left our town in shame and completely humiliated and bewildered. They could no longer use their arguments to sustain the hoax of evolution for in one fowl swoop by a genius farmer their entire argument was brought to ruins.

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Tomboy unregistered posted 28 December 2000 20:50


Hey TT_0

Can u take some photos’ of the future while ur there?

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Pamela Member posted 29 December 2000 11:44



When it is beginning to rain….

it is time to go rainbow gazing.


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DaViper unregistered posted 29 December 2000 16:15



I’m not sensitive about it at all. And I also respect the religious beliefs of others. (I get a kick out of some of the stories I see preffered from time to time.)   But when hypothesis are profferred to suport religious belief that can be proven to be scientifically incorrect, one needs to realize that while religion is a personal matter, one cannot cancel the laws of physics in order to cling to beliefs that simply are not true.

The only people that see conflict between religion and science are staunch religionists. Sagan, Einstein et al were both believers in God. Hawking is a pure Agnostic. Which means that while he does not firmly accept the existence of God, he doesn’t reject it either.

Science is not attempting to disprove God (some scientists MAY be atheistic) but Science itself takes no stand on the existence of God. He either is, or He isn’t. To science, it matters not either way.

Hey, maybe God DID create the Earth. But it’s a simple fact that He did not create it in what WE refer to as “6 days” as is metaphorically described in Genesis.

If one’s faith is truly strong, all the scientific FACT in the world shouldn’t be able to shake it. Even when preposterous claims are made but such as ‘rgrunt’ above.

His story is an old one and is without basis in fact. It has been circulated by the “Creationists” for many years. If ‘rgrunt’ did just a little research, he would find that CARBON dating is not used in Paleontology for dating things from MILLIONS of years ago. Other radio-isotope methods are used. There are 5 all in all. Each has it’s own period of effectiviness depending on the half-life or decay rate of the isotope involved.

No scientist would even TRY to date a 50 million year old sample with Carbon dating. And any story that claims someone did is pure fabrication and bunk since no scientist would ever claim that he has.

By all means, please keep searching for the truth. But don’t take someone else’s word for anything. Do the research. The web is full of good science and “snake oil” salesmen like ‘rgrunt’.

I wish you peace and success in your search for truth.

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DaViper unregistered posted 29 December 2000 16:29


  1. S. Pamela:

By the way, think about this.

Physicists for quite some time now have understood radioactive decay quite well. In fact so well, we’ve been able to construct clocks based of the decay of various elements.

Since these clocks are SO accurate, they are used by NASA to time events in the travel of our space vehicles. The precision involved in sending the Pioneer, Voyager, etc Spacecraft to the outer planets for picture taking is so intricate that only atomic clocks will do.

If our understanding of radioactive decay was flawed, then these clocks would not work as we intend them too, and those planetary fly-by events we all remember NEVER took place since the craft would have missed the targets by millions of miles.

Mr. ‘rgrunt’ has some homework to do.

By the way, Evolution is observable not only in Nature but reproducable in the laboratory. Those who claim it doesn’t exist are either too afraid to admit they are wrong, or just plain too stubborn to accept reality.

It’s a scary thing to be proven wrong. Once one realizes it, one is stuck with the idea that other things one believes in MAY be wrong also. This is hard for some people to accept since it shakes the foundation of their whole belief system.

But an open mind and a willingness to actually learn will always get one through the tough spots.

I have no idea how or why the Universe came into existence, but I’m not going to worry about it. And I’m for sure NOT going to buy into ideas of how it happened that simply are not so, and can be proven to BE not so.

I bid you a good day.

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Fast Member posted 29 December 2000 17:46


im sure that a group of scientists could tell the difference between a ‘fresh’ cow bone and a fossilized 50 Million Year Old Dinosaur bone…

Fast Out

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DaViper unregistered posted 29 December 2000 19:02



Yup! (heh heh).

Without even having to resort to quantum decay timelines.

Fossilization is a process where actual organic tissue is replaced by inorganic mineral deposits leaving a remnant of the original in it’s original form, but with no organic material intact.

In short, a true “fossil” is actually a form of stone, (like the “trees” in the Petrified Forest), while a bone is…well, a bone!

Only a blind idiot couldn’t tell the difference. (Actually, a “blind idiot” could weigh the two and tell the difference for that!)


And EVERYONE have a Happy New year.

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DaViper unregistered posted 29 December 2000 19:32


  1. S. S.

And finally just one more…

(Couldn’t resist on this next-to-next-to-last-day before the TRUE millenium.)

To all:

For the sake of pure information and learning, may I present the following links which will hopefully lay to rest the question of the difference between metaphor and actual history in attempts to understand the writings in the Bible.

Here’s what we know on:

THE AGE OF THE EARTH http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Hangar/2437/apprage.htm

THE RELIABILITY OF RADIOMETRIC DATING http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/8851/radiometric.html#reliability

…and since I brought up “Dr” (sic) Kent Hovind earlier, here’s a link to some of his foolishness: http://www.onthenet.com.au/~stear/kent_hovind’s_challenge.htm

(Please, please, take note of the arguments HE presents and truly foolish they are from a purly LOGICAL standpoint, even before you get to the science parts that show what a ignoramus he actually is.)

He’s the SOURCE of much of the foolishness that the likes of the ‘rgrunts’ of the world are pushing on us in the name of “science”.


and finally, some humor for you. (Shades of the type of stuff ‘rgrunt’ has posted above.) http://www.onthenet.com.au/~stear/icr_suckered_by_april_fool’s_joke.htm

Enjoy all…..

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P.Light unregistered posted 30 December 2000 04:10


To Anyone reading this…

What happened to the man of the moment T-T-0?!

All of a sudden i come back to check on the state of the nation and i find all you people talking about “great floods” and carbon dating! LOL!

Quite ammusing!

Anyhoo…it would be nice if we focus on the topic people!



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Trott unregistered posted 30 December 2000 07:45


Mr. O,

I just read your postings. Something did catch my eye. You mentioned that the physics behind time travel will be realized within the next year at CERN. Currently, the project being run at CERN is the LEP, the large electron positron collider. It was scheduled to be shut down this past November but was not due to some potential evidence of a missing component of the Standard Model, the Higgs Boson. As you may or may not know, the Higgs boson is the theorized mechanism by which particles acquire mass. I will not mention more of this but suffice it to say that I am aware that for an object to travel at the speed of light it would have to be massless(that is to say if the photon is in fact a massless spin 1 boson as assumed). But in order to tip the light cone, you would need to travel faster than light.

While I do believe that time is not as fragile as some colleagues believe, I do find it interesting that someone would attempt to contaminate the time stream before a point in time at which time travel is possible. Actually, all current feasible theories of time travel negate the possibility of travelling back beyond the point at which the time machine was constructed.

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in the know unregistered posted 30 December 2000 09:40


AH! Is that the official story then? When did Mr. O arrive at this board? Nov. 2, 2000 I see.

Hmmmm….then again, maybe it had absolutely nothing to do with the diagrams CERN received in Nov.—but then again—-

you never know.

good day!

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TimeTravel_0 unregistered posted 30 December 2000 10:28


(I think you know very well the answers to the questions you have asked. You just want to guage the quality of our replies, or just remind us that we SHOULD be up to speed on our constitutional rights and responsibilities.)

It would be nice to be able to remind everyone about their rights and responsibilities but I am not here to judge you. I am not capable of that nor would I want that in return. As you know, my interest is in history and in the paradox of thought. I do however, find it interesting how important the Constitution became to the average US citizen’s life, if even for a short moment.

(A young person should want to survive and live for better days ahead. At some point, however, an older person will realize, especially in the face of disaster, that better days are NOT on the horizon…….ever. What you are forecasting for 95% of the present population is 20 years of hell followed by survivors in the rubble. I’ve already put in my 40 year shift of work and worry. Why should we fret over politics on our way to slaughter? Isn’t that like telling the Captain of the Titanic, that all he has to do to save the ship is to back up really fast after the collision?)

It saddens me that you do not realize your true worth as a keeper of information and experience. Perhaps the end that we fear will open your eyes to your true value as an individual. Young people need wisdom. The captain of the ship knows where the lifeboats are.

(When it is beginning to rain….

it is time to go rainbow gazing.)

I like the lyrics. They remind me of some other songs that are oldies but goodies from where I come from…anyone know these?

…gotta be home, by sunset. She asked me to giver her a ride, said she had to go, dropped her off by the trism through the atmosphere…by prism. Gotta keep movin , it was the human race to get away, sun bends light through a prism, she bent herself through the trism… …she pulls the lever and then bright light.

— or this —

Waiting for bus number 99, goin’ to the store for hotdogs and wine when all of the sudden I felt real cold and wound up in the belly of a UFO… …Movin through the spheres at faster than light on our way to some planets that were out of sight… [well it had been 987 years in outer space when I got back, I couldn’t seem to find any of my friends to tell my interesting stories to.]

(Currently, the project being run at CERN is the LEP, the large electron positron collider. But in order to tip the light cone, you would need to travel faster than light. I do find it interesting that someone would attempt to contaminate the time stream before a point in time at which time travel is possible. Actually, all current feasible theories of time travel negate the possibility of travelling back beyond the point at which the time machine was constructed.)

I’m pretty sure they have a number of experiments going on at the same time at CERN. The one I’m referring to involves very high energies using protons. From my historical perspective on my worldline, I do recall the issue was a point of contention about 18 months ago or so. There were some scientists who thought the experiments were too dangerous to try. The time travel I refer to does not require faster than light travel and due to multiple world “reality”, paradoxes do not occur. Natural time machines do exist. Please check these web sites for the basics…on both ends of the scale.



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Trott unregistered posted 30 December 2000 11:57


Hi Mr.O,

It is true that CERN has 4 detectors/experiments but they are all centered around the LEP experiment. There are no experiments at CERN which deal with accelerating protons at this time. There is a planned experiment in 2005, when the Large Hadron collider takes over the tunnel at which the LEP is located. The experiment you refer to is not at CERN it is at RHIC in Brookhaven National Lab on Long Island, it is an attempt to create a quark gluon plasma, a form of matter which would have been present shortly after the big bang but before condensation of quarks into particles like protons and neutrons.

I am aware of the possibility of using wormholes to time travel, however you are still unable to travel back beyond the point of the creation of the wormhole. Even the Tipler cylinder does not allow a traveller to go back beyond the point at which the cylinder was made. It has been my view that in order to have controlled time travel you would need to have a description of the quantum structure of space-time, otherwise I do not see how you could undertake the calculations that would be needed. One reason it is not certain that a wormhole could be used to travel through time is because it is believed that quantum fluctations around the mouth of the wormhole would act to collapse it. Just as in a similar fashion quantum fluctations around the event horizon of a black hole act to make it radiate particles and eventually evaporate.

If you are a time traveller from 2036, how do you plan to retake your place there. Your presence in this time frame would, as you have pointed out, cause a “temporal divergence” from the natural sequence of events. If you believe in the multiverse theory, may I ask you if you have memories of an unknown uncle being around while you were young?

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TimeTravel_0 unregistered posted 30 December 2000 13:17


To Trott:

I fear our conversation is in danger of turning due to an effect that is quite common on these boards. I realize what I’m saying is quite hard to swallow and it causes debate, weather serious or entertaining. It is even more difficult when you come into the middle of a conversation or a series of questions that are a few weeks old.

Your points are all quite valid and I have discussed them at length on this and other boards for quite a while. I do not wish to antagonize you however, we both know the Tippler cylinder is only a thought experiment to explain the very real physics behind Kerr black holes. As to your other comments, again, they are all true as defined by the limits of spacelike trips on single worldlines. It does not account for travel between worldlines.

I have never claimed to be a physicist or an expert on what the CERN laboratory is doing at any given moment so I feel it is pointless to argue about what they may be doing in the future or what “breakthroughs” they will or might have. My comments about the CERN lab are in reference to particle accelerators in general and other questions that have come up in the past. The major physics break through for controlled gravity distortion does happen at CERN in your future. Heck, we haven’t even touched on “Z” field compression yet.

I suppose I could say that I was the one that traveled in time and convinced them to change their experiments but even I would have a hard time believing that one and I do not wish to insult your intelligence.

Just curious…what is it that interests you about time travel?

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Trott unregistered posted 30 December 2000 14:10


I am a graduate student in physics. I feel that the concept of time is in need of a lot more understanding. Because of that my interest in time travel is purely scientific. I am much more interested in the nature of time itself.

I must admit however that time travel would be the greatest technological breakthrough in all history. With such a machine all questions could be answered objectively.

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Got light? Make matter.



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Member # 15 posted December 25, 2002 16:13


Author Topic: Time-travel Paradoxes!


unregistered posted 30 December 2000 23:26


I apologize for wasting this much space but I thought some of you would be interested in seeing this after reading some of things I’ve been saying in the last few months. Below is the address to the news site and a copy of the text.


This is the world in 2015

By James Langton in New York

Global Trends 2015 – Central Intelligence Agency [CIA]


International Insitute for Strategic Studies

THE world is on the brink of a new era that may resemble the script of a James Bond film in which international affairs are increasingly determined by large and powerful organisations rather than governments, according to a study just published by the CIA in Washington.

Click to enlarge

[Large graphic]

These could include alliances between some of the most powerful criminal groups such as the Mafia and Chinese triads. Such groups, according to the CIA, “will corrupt leaders of unstable, economically fragile or failing states, insinuate themselves into troubled banks and businesses, and co-operate with insurgent political movements to control substantial geographic areas”.

The agency adds: “Their income will come from narcotics trafficking; aliens smuggling; trafficking in women and children; smuggling toxic materials, hazardous wastes, illicit arms, military technologies, and other contraband; financial fraud; and racketeering.”

The 70-page report, Global Trends 2015, will be required reading for the new president, George W Bush, and his senior policy advisers. It suggests that the early years of the coming century are likely to be filled with both potential and peril.

Compiled with help from think tanks in America and the International Institute for Strategic Studies in London, the report projects a future in which globalisation, whether in the shape of the European Union, the International Monetary Fund, giant corporations or terrorist gangs, plays an increasing part in the lives of ordinary people.

“Governments will have less and less control over flows of information, technology, diseases, migrants, arms, and financial transactions, whether licit or illicit,” it concludes.

In addition to confronting the growing economic and military power of China and India and the continuing decline of Russia, the CIA says: “Between now and 2015 terrorist tactics will become increasingly sophisticated and designed to achieve mass casualties.”

In particular it notes the growing threat of biological and chemical weapons and “suitcase” nuclear devices against the United States. In addition, it expects rogue states such as Iraq and Iran to develop long range missiles in the near future.

Iran, it says, could be testing such weapons by as early as the coming year, and cruise missiles by 2004. Iraq could have missiles capable of hitting America by 2015, with both nations developing nuclear, chemical and biological warheads.

Potential flashpoints have a familiar ring and include India and Pakistan, China’s relations with Taiwan, and the Middle East, where the best that can be hoped for is a “cold peace”.

Elsewhere, the world population will grow by more than one billion, to 7.2 billion, most of the increase coming in the mega-cities of the developing world. In Europe and Japan, an ageing population and static birthrate means that allowing more immigration may be the only way of meeting a chronic shortage of workers.

The gloomiest predictions are reserved for Africa, where Aids, famine, and continuing economic and political turmoil means that populations in many countries will actually fall. At least three billion people will live in regions where water is in increasingly short supply.

On the other hand, there is good news on energy supplies. “Energy resources will be sufficient to meet demand,” the study says. The CIA report is most optimistic on the world economy, which it says has a potential for growth not seen since the 1960s. Computer technology represents “the most significant global transformation since the Industrial Revolution”.

“At the same time, genetically modified crops will offer the potential to improve nutrition among the world’s one billion malnourished people. China’s economy will grow to overtake Europe as the world’s second largest but still behind the United States. Russia’s economy will contract to barely a fifth of America’s.

The study expects the European Union to narrow the economic gap with America. It points out, however, that “lingering labour market rigidity and state regulation” mean that “Europe will not achieve fully the dreams of parity with the US as a shaper of the global economic system”.

The 2015 report is an update of a 1997 CIA study into the world in 2010, which it admits failed to anticipate the global economic crisis that occurred between 1997 and 1998 which had the hardest impact in the Far East and Russia.

The new survey suggests a number of alternative scenarios, none of which makes happy reading. These include a trade war between Europe and America, and an alliance between terrorist organisations to attack the West. Most alarming of all, it raises the possibility of economic stagnation, followed by America abdicating its role as the world’s policeman.

At the same time tensions begin to grow in the Far East, where China orders Japan to dismantle its nuclear programme, leaving, the report says, no alternative but for “US re-engagement in Asia under adverse circumstances at the brink of a major war”.

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Fast Member posted 30 December 2000 23:59


check this out..

words to the wise from a proclaimed time traveler from the year 2036

url: http://www.p3n.org/pn120100.shtml

things concerning TT_0 pop up everywhere..

who knows whos listening…

Fast Out

IP: Logged

djayr42 Member posted 31 December 2000 12:26


So it seems to me that this is one possible, most likely scenario.

In about 4 years the voting system in this country will touch off a civil war. (Or at the very least the civil disobedience of many.) Because people will be divided about who should have power to do things, nothing will be done. When our foreign obligations become lax and we cannot hold up our end of an agreement, (in the far and mid east) they will see that as opportunity to move in on this country. They will feel that they have the right. This is going to take about 10 years for people to get angry enough to do something with more impact. During that 10-year period there will be groups (like organized crime) that will see the division of the people as an opportunity to get rich and/or get power. This will help the in those who seek to hurt this country. By the time we realize what is coming it is already too late, having been distracted by our own civil war and others with in who sought control. Basically we weren’t looking and got hit.

Doses this seem close? It has been the pattern for other countries in the past.

IP: Logged

TimeTravel_0 unregistered posted 31 December 2000 12:43


I’m flattered and a bit overwhelmed. I can honestly say I’ve never quite had this experience before. I appreciate the news posting. Thank you Time 02112

IP: Logged

TimeTravel_0 unregistered posted 31 December 2000 11:00


Well…you’re getting closer people. Here’s another one I found today. Again, I apologize for taking up this much space but I thought you’de want to see this.


Science 2001


A machine called Z

Under a ring of water in a sealed chamber in the middle of the New Mexico desert lies the heart of a machine that could change the world

Michael Paterniti

Sunday December 31, 2000

It is never night inside the Machine. Even after the sun has set on the mesa and Jimmy Potter and the frogmen and the men in white jumpsuits and the men in blue jumpsuits have showered, packed up, and gone home; even as yawning, befuddled scientists – with names like Jim Bailey and Mark Derzon and Melissa Douglas – sit in offices in a nearby building, trapped by their own reflections and in the blackened windows; and even as this oesophageal dark falls over coyote and jackrabbit and moves everything towards sleep and dreams, towards the deepest centre of the night, the Machine is awake.

Its 36 Marx generators are set in a ring like a metallic Stonehenge. The 20 Rexolite disks of the vacuum chamber look like flying saucers. Its vast, concentric pool of five-weight oil and deionized water seems bottomless – real oil and real water, in half-million-gallon tanks that sit one inside the other like a wheel within a wheel. Even now, there are depths in the Machine, invisible worlds revealing themselves, the secret body of the universe floating up. Deuterium, tritium, helium.

It begins with the flip of a cyber switch in the control room at the north end of the hanger. Before a bank of computer screens, a man clicks a mouse, and then electricity, quietly sucked off the municipal power grid in Albuquerque, floods into the outer ring of Marx generators. Which is when the Machine takes control. A siren sounds, red lights flash, doors automatically lock. The frogmen and the white and blue jumpsuits clamber over the high bay, down metal steps, and retreat to a copper-coated room behind a foot of cement.

Another switch is flipped, another mouse clicked. To the piercing sound of an alarm, a countdown in the Marx generators ensues, or rather a count up, in kilovolts, comes in a monotone, almost hollow voice beneath the frantic alarm. The man in the control room on a tinny loudspeaker, the Machine speaking through the human.

‘Twenty kV…’

‘Thirty kV…’

‘Forty kV…’

At 90, the floodgates open: a pulse of electricity surges out of the Marx generators toward an inside ring of giant capacitors and then through a series of gas switches. The current is compressed by the Machine into a wild whitewater of electricity that charges toward the vacuum chamber at a speed of 60 million feet per second. On its way, it passes through painted sharks’ mouths, drawn there by the men in white and blue jumpsuits in the way that fighter pilots sometimes draw on their warplanes to show their prowess – or hide their misgivings. The electricity pours past the sharks’ mouths, is redirected downward, along the Z axis, into the vacuum chamber, blitzing and bombarding from all sides a three-dimensional target in a gold-plated can, a delicately strung array of tungsten wires the size of a spool of thread, hanging in black space like a tiny chandelier.

Driven so furiously in the Machine, and then storming the array, the pulse of electricity – enough juice now to light up America like a birthday cake – instantly vapourises the tungsten wire into plasma, a superheated ion gas. The ions hover and dance along the invisible circumference once described by the array, while a relentless magnetic field keeps pressing on them, shoving them from behind. Thrusting and squeezing and ramming until the ions can no longer resist, the centre cannot hold, and in that hot nanosecond – Boom ! Everything becomes one.

This is not a gentle conjunction but a Pandora’s box suddenly ripped open by nuclear passion, an orgy of ions. Boom ! Lightning fills the Machine, veins out over the surface of the water. Temperatures flare to those inside the sun. The earth rocks once again. And in few billionths of a second, 290 terawatts – 80 times the power generated on earth at any given time – roar to life inside the Machine.

Watching it through a Plexiglas window, you might as well be watching the beginning of the universe. Or the end of it. Contained in that single flash of white light, when the Machine holds the heat and the power of the sun, when the room fills with lightning, there is everything we know – and everything we may become. The 21st century. A world covered by rooms of little suns, generating intense energy and, with it, the possibilities of time travel and galaxy hopping. Peace among nations. Or the end of time as we know it, a hole ripped in the universe by the Machine, something many doomsayers predict, and the earth sucked into oblivion. Our downfall or salvation. A fusion machine they call Z.

The magic bean; the Holy Grail: fusion. The idea is to take two isotopes of the hydrogen atom – deuterium and tritium – and mash them together with a little energy, which in turn releases enormous amounts of energy in the form of a single neutron. Contrarily, fission, the method widely employed by today’s nuclear reactors, splits heavy uranium and plutonium atoms, creating lots of energy but also tons of dangerous and everlasting radioactive waste. Fusion offers a clean source, borne out of the material of roughly a handful of water and a handful of earth, with its only by-product being an easily disposable helium-4 nucleus.

What would fusion mean? Endless, cheap energy. Amazing Star Trek , space-travel possibilities. Fame, fortune, and undoubtedly a Nobel or two for the lucky scientists. For the better part of five decades, the race has two separate approaches: magnetic confinement and inertial confinement. Most researchers – those from Japan, Russia, Europe and America – focus on the former: big accelerators called stellarators, spheromaks, and tokamaks (a machine designed partly by Andrei Sakharov) use huge magnets to contain and compress hydrogen isotopes that hover in a kind of reddish-blue plasma inside the huge torus-shaped tubes until implosion.

On the other hand, the idea behind inertial confinement is that tiny fuel pellets of deuterium and tritium are bombarded by lasers or X-rays. In the case of the Z Machine, the explosion that occurs when ions are released by the vapourised wire array, and then when ions are pinched together, creates a huge X-ray pulse, one that scientists hope can be used to heat the tiny pellets and, in turn, create a small thermonuclear explosion. As it is, fusion has never been achieved for an extended time outside the explosion of a hydrogen bomb.

The first time scientists attempted to shoot an early incarnation of the Z machine, in June 1980, there was bravado and false bravado and downright fear. At Sandia National Laboratories on Kirtland Air Force Base, in the same New Mexican high-desert landscape of America’s greatest, most frightening nuclear discoveries, they’d been working on the Machine for four years. Yet there were still unknown variables, a scientist’s nightmare. First, it was so much bigger and more powerful than any of its predecessors. What if the Marx generators blew up before it could be shot? What if residual X-ray radiation contaminated people in the area? Or a fire destroyed the complex? And what if everything worked perfectly and they got a huge energy release that blew up Albuquerque itself? It was a scenario that had been considered at the highest level. As had something worse: what if people later wished that it had been only Albuquerque that blew up?

The shot – Sandia shorthand for the firing of the Machine – was scheduled for a Friday night. But then the machine blew a fitting. The technical crew – the frogmen, as well as the men in white and blue jumpsuits – worked feverishly, and by Saturday noon the Machine was ready again. ‘No one knew what to expect,’ remembers Gerry Yonas, 58, an engineer and physicist and one of the founding fathers of the Z Machine. They took all necessary precautions, charged the Marx generators, and crossed their fingers. A switch was flipped, electricity pulsated into the Machine, ripped through the switches, stormed on to the wires. There was a wicked jolt, and… silence. Sweet, beautiful silence. Everyone was still on earth; everything seemed to work. The feeling was surreal. ‘I felt the ground shake,’ says Yonas, grinning at the memory, ‘and everybody said: “Let’s do it again!” Nobody wanted to go home. I had to kick them out. There was nowhere else in the world to be. This was the beginning.’

The scientists, at that time a group of 20 or so men, threw high fives and drank beer. Pure, silly jubilation. Only later, photographs of what actually had occurred inside the Machine made them gasp: huge dragon snorts of fire filled the hangar. Apparently, plumes of oil had sprayed skyward in the instant of explosion, flamed, and then flamed out before the men returned inside the Machine. They had nearly blown themselves up. By the grace of some benevolent god, or the Machine itself, they were allowed to return to work on Monday morning, giddy limbs intact.

Over the next 15 years, the Z Machine gradually improved its output, packing an astonishing wallop – 20 trillion watts’ worth of electrical output, as compared with the mea gre 100,000 amps of the first machine – but it wasn’t enough. Scientists and theoreticians estimated that for high-yield fusion to be achieved inside the Machine, it would need to generate something over 1,000 trillion watts. A factor of at least 50 of Z’s output.

Which is when the men in suits and ties tried to kill the Machine. It was a dinosaur, they argued, no longer useful. They felt Z-pinch technology could not yield the mother lode. By 1995, even Yonas, who was about to become a grandfather, was acutely feeling the passage of time. He sadly had to admit that maybe he should sacrifice Z and all the optimism that had driven the project. Perhaps achieving high-yield fusion, something scientists compare to the invention of the lightbulb for its potential to change the world, did indeed belong to the other fusion machines, the stellarators and spheromaks and tokamaks. To the Russians or the Japanese or the British or the confederate nerds at Princeton or Lawrence Livermore or Oak Ridge. And maybe Sandia National Laboratories – over time, a place known more for its secretive mystique, its downright weird nefariousness, dating to the cloak-and-dagger days of Little Boy and Fat Man – would have to sit on the sidelines while someone else gave the world perhaps its greatest legacy.

But a funny thing happened on the way to the chop shop. Maybe it was 11th-hour desperation, or some invisible bolt of providence visited on a few overworked scientists, a couple of whom lit on the simple idea of stringing the wire array, the spool-sized target at the centre of the Machine, with double, then triple, the tungsten wire. All of a sudden – Boom ! Forty trillion watts! No one believed it. They reconfigured the Machine, boosting its X-ray production. Then someone, Melissa Douglas, thought to stack the arrays. Boom ! Two hundred trillion watts in a single pulse! Short of a nuclear blast, it was the most energy ever released on earth, and suddenly, in 1998, after five decades of chasing the illusion of high-yield fusion, of regarding it as some far-off Atlantis or dark galaxy’s edge, the Z Machine was a third of the way there.

In science, if you do something once that’s never been done before, it’s considered a mistake. Do it twice, and it’s simply a mirage. But the third time it becomes the truth. With Z’s new, seemingly impossible results came the first flickering sign that some deep, unknowable power resided in the Machine. And so today, the Z Machine is considered one of the world’s best hopes for achieving fusion. ‘We may not understand how we get these huge pulses of power, the meaning may still elude us,’ says Yonas. ‘But it’s still a fact.’

One that Yonas himself, at first, had a hard time grasping. After he was handed the results, he remembers squinting at them, and sitting back at his desk as if blown by a solar wind. ‘My God,’ he said in a small voice. ‘This could work. This could really work.’

Listen to the Z scientists, to their best idea (‘The use of stark-shifted emissions to measure electric-field fluctuations and acceleration gaps’), and their dream (‘To remedy plasmic instability and create higher temp- eratures’), and you enter a kind of friend country that becomes an Andean prison from which it gets harder and harder to escape. The scientists admit that, at moments, their whole selves are inseparable from the Machine, that the pull of the Machine is so great that re-entering normal life can be nearly impossible.

Jim Bailey, a handsome, soft-spoken, loafer-wearing plasma physicist whose conversation is peppered with references to spectroscopy and ‘the visible regime’, says sometimes it’s even hard to go to a neighbour’s barbecue – can’t make small talk, can’t communicate what you do – let alone talk to your wife. Mark Derzon, a boyish, bearded nuclear physicist, says he works a system with his wife: when he walks through the door at the end of a day, he says green light (‘Yes, everything is fine, I’m ready for the kids’); yellow light (‘Give me 15 to decompress’); or red light (‘I need time’). Melissa Douglas says that there’s no line drawn at all between the Machine and her private life – that the Machine, her place inside of the Machine, studying something called Rayleigh-Taylor instabilities, is her private life. And now, at the age of 36, she’s watched her friends get married, have families, settle, and on occasion she’s wondered to herself: ‘what am I doing? Can we really make fusion work?’

Since the 1950s, the US government has invested nearly $15bn to find out, always with the promise that fusion is just around the corner – two, three, five years away – and, with it, a fusion revolution that would hurtle us to the centre of the earth, the deepest trenches of the ocean, and the farthest reaches of space. A revolution that would morph the Third World into the First World until we are simply One World.

After all, how many wars have been fought over oil? And then, with oil reserves expected to reach full depletion by 2050, how many more will be? Remove oil as a vital component of our speed-driven, chip-fitted age and, sure, people would find things to brawl over, but energy wouldn’t be one of them.

And with limitless, cheap energy, the development of poorer nations wouldn’t be one of them, either.

And with development, the have-nots and pariahs of the world would theoretically join the haves, and so food and housing and education wouldn’t be one of them.

And with a higher standard of living would come a new freedom for humanity. For at its heart, fusion, as a Utopian ideal, has always symbolised freedom; freedom from the mistakes and waste of our past, the Hanford Reservations and the Savannah River Sites – those vast, spooky, radiating underground storage facilities chambered with containers of plutonium and iodine waste, on top of which America is built. Though left unsaid, the race for fusion has always been about democracy or a democratic alternative.

And yet one of the biggest threats to fusion comes from the same group of people responsible for the Hanford Reservations and the Savannah River Sites: the US Government. Recently, Congress and various federal agencies have become disenchanted by the fusion dream. Critics have lambasted it as a waste of time and money. If we haven’t achieved it in the last 45 years, they argue, we never will. The US has dropped out of a proposed $10bn international fusion project called ITER, leaving the facility in doubt of completion. Meanwhile, the government has spent $3bn, with as much as an additional $43bn to come, on developing Nevada’s Yucca Mountain as a vast nuclear-waste site – despite well-documented problems – and continues its commitment to fission reactors despite the fact that radioactive waste can be lethal up to 600 millennia after burial. Leaders in fusion field, like the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, have mothballed their big machines, laid off staff, and now are fighting simply for their own survival.

‘You have to find a way to justify doing something that you may never see accomplished in your lifetime,’ says Jim Bailey, who has a penchant for reading Hume. ‘I mean, instead I could be working for a cancer cure, with at least a greater hope of finding one. But I’m OK with this. I’ve made my peace with it. Fusion will be the greatest scientific achievement of our time.’

Yonas, with the Super Bowl confidence of Joe Namath, predicts that usable high-yield fusion will be made available to the American public by an accelerator called X-1, a generation or two beyond Z, within three decades – maybe sooner. Mark Derzon, a member of what’s called the Advanced Concepts Group at Z, has designed what would be the first practical Z-pinch reactor – ‘A zero-miracle power plant,’ he cheerfully proclaims, and believes that the Z technology is rougher and tougher, able to sustain more of the constant rock and roll of such a plant, than are the sensitive lasers and vacuums necessary for magnetic confinement. But optimism usually carries the day only past lunch; the request to draw up preliminary plans for X-1, with its price tag of up to $1bn dollars, is likely to be approved by the Department of Energy.

‘Every day, it’s a leap of faith,’ says Neal Singer, a science writer at Sandia. ‘Adding wires to the array – where did that idea come from? From the outside it makes no sense. It’s incredibly complex and difficult to string tungsten wires 1/10th the diameter of a piece of hair and space them perfectly. And they did it and got tremendous results. Then they added more and more, spaced them a little differently and now we’re a third of the way there. It takes these little steps, this day-by-day thinking. Hour after hour. Ten, 12, 14 hours a day. The constant question is, Can you just make a little change to influence the result?’

Thus the world inside the Machine is driven down to its smallest, most maddening detail. For in the end, fusion – its possibility and reality, its attainment and capture – comes out of this finely tuned call-and-response with the universe itself, the channelling of some great unknown, copulating force that calls for the perfect alignment of human and Machine. That is, the human culture surrounding the Machine attempts to mimic the Machine itself , which is trying to mimic the universe. The mannerisms of the Machine become the mannerisms of its minions – people rage and tyrannise, overheat, relent, synergise, procreate, vanish, and recur. One idea seems brilliant and fails, while another may start as a quail but then, compressed by other ideas – electrons stripping off, ions colliding – transforms into something sharp and fast, something agitatingly, beautifully right. And then, of course, it is shot into the Machine to see if it is.

Still there is Melissa Douglas’s nagging doubt, which is the nagging doubt of everyone here. On certain days, it is possible to believe that you are merely trapped in the rubble of some cosmic joke with no punch line, that Godot is eating chilli dogs somewhere and won’t be able to make it. After all, Jim Bailey’s lab books are full of 13 years’ worth of jottings; Mark Derzon has pulled countless all-nighters in the name of what may or may not be the reactor of the future; Melissa Douglas has spent entire months of her life obsessing over a single equation, the pallor of her face reflecting only pale computer light – all of this thought and activity and faith belying the possibility that their efforts might be for nothing. And yet as much as the race for fusion is a race against the Russians at Triniti labs, or the Germans at FZK labs, or other American scientists at Lawrence Livermore, it’s also literally a race against the ticking internal clocks of each scientist who entertains the question: will I live to see it?

‘History forgets the individual,’ says Mark Derzon pensively, surrounded by no fewer than 30 photographs of his young daughters. ‘One day Plato will be forgotten. Ultimately, the name you make for yourself is not the important thing. It’s what you did, what you stood up for, what you acted on. Did you try to make the world a better place? In order to do it, the world needs fusion. I just happen to think that Z is the best way to get there. And we’re going to have one serious pizza party around here if it is.’

Jimmy Potter stands inside the Machine, glaring down into the half-million-gallon pool of water at the submerged refrigerator-sized capacitors where, he suspects, there may be a broken, bubbling gas switch. Potter, a Texan, is the keeper of the Beast, the man who oversees the whole shebang for today’s shot. ‘Are those bubbles down there?’ he asks out loud, vexed. ‘We already sent the divers in. I sure hope not.’

If Potter is driven by perfection, then he is merely a reflection of the culture at Sandia National Laboratories. And if the quest for fusion is intensely competitive, Moonily quixotic, and at times downright nasty, then Sandia mirrors, among its myriad projects, many of those same contradictory characteristics. Top secret or otherwise, spread over the dusty 27-square-mile patch of Kirtland Airforce Base, the projects include the training of honeybees to detect land mines, the invention of a foam that kills anthrax, the making of a synthetic sludge, and the perfecting of various micromachines, some so small as to be undetectable by the human eye, which might be used to lock down nuclear weapons. Sandia is the home to Teraflops, the fastest computer in the world, as well as the birthplace of moly-99, a radioactive substance widely used in medical procedures. On the east of the base, behind three rows of concertina wire, is a cluster of foothills rumoured to be now-empty nuclear silos. They seem to stand as a reminder of how closely the isotopes of Thanatos and Eros can be held in the same idea, for it to be a real idea, a saving idea, both have to be there, threatening to undo us and remake us at once. To obliterate and immortalise.

Potter couldn’t care about all that. ‘My job is to work with the personalities here,’ he says, now pacing the high bay, twitching with pent-up energy. He slips behind a pig (a radiation shield), and checks a silver box that houses a cryogenic pump. He monitors the tech crew, confers with the lead scientist on the shot, keeps everything running on time. ‘You’ve got your top of the Ivy League class,’ he continues. ‘You’ve got prima donnas with huge egos. And you’ve got technicians who at least graduated high school. Nobody can operate without the other. The first thing that happens with two strong personalities is clash. It’s my job to go to one and bring him up and maybe bring the other one down and then bring them together.’

Of course, there are days when everything feels charged with Shakespearean plots and counterplots, days when tension fills up around the Machine. All of it is caused by the Machine, which rarely exists, of course, in its aluminum-and-Rexolite grandeur, oblivious. There is head-butting between the young comers kicking with ideas and the upper echelon of Z veterans, who ultimately hold the power here. There are Iagos trying to ice someone else’s idea in order to promote their own. (The lab rewards the best with bonuses.)

‘I’ve become a lot more aggressive,’ says Melissa Douglas, one of only three women among the 60 full-time scientists who work on Z. ‘You have to really stand your ground. It was very hard for me to do that at first.’ In four years on the project, she remembers her worst day as the one when she delivered a seminar and a colleague heckled her mercilessly. Why? Was she that stupid? Did her PhD in plasma physics and her postdoc at Los Alamos make her that inept? So she took her weakness, her insecurity, her lack, and shot it into the Machine, and it came back as power, 290 terawatts’ worth.

As have others. Marriage is shot in. Love is shot in. Innocence and experience and numbers are shot in, and come back as something almost holy.

While many of these scientists consider themselves agnostic, they are quick to admit that they still find themselves in thrall to the unknown, to the force that pulses through the Machine. ‘In a deep sense, I would say that my greatest satisfaction here comes from the act of creation,’ says Jim Bailey. ‘Because what we’re trying to do is create knowledge that didn’t exist before. Whether that brings us closer to God or not, I don’t know. It brings us closer to an understanding of the universe, and if you want to think of God in those terms, then I suppose you could define it that way.’

Melissa Douglas describes the charge of joy she gets from a perfect photograph of a Rayleigh-Taylor instability taken inside the vacuum chamber by a pinhole camera at the moment of the wire array’s implosion. ‘A beautiful picture!’ she says, holding up a snapshot that looks more like a Rorschach test – kind of blobby with spikes and valleys. ‘It sounds ridiculous, but when I first saw it I jumped and hopped around the room. Ecstatic. Just amazing. Being around this machine, you can’t help but feel awe. The universe is mathematical and, you know, God is a mathematician.’

And Jimmy Potter – Jimmy Potter is clearing the high bay as sirens sound for all personnel to vacate the Machine and retreat to the control room. Today’s shot will attempt to find a way to bombard the wire array uniformly with electricity, so that each last kilovolt of energy can be accelerated into the Machine and come back as more. ‘I mean, how do you explain all this to someone outside of this place?’ he says, gesturing toward the Machine. ‘We don’t make a product that can be sold. You can’t really see what’s going on on in that vacuum chamber. I usually just tell people I work with X-rays. That we’ve got a big machine doing big things, and one day we’re gonna change your life.’

Dawn inside the Machine, and it’s silent. The frogmen and the men in white and blue jumpsuits are arriving, shaking off their sleep, downing coffee. Jimmy Potter got the shot last night, downloaded the diagnostics, sent everyone home saying they’d take apart the Machine today, and then drove the half hour to his house, over the mesa and the beautiful landscape, to his wife and kids, trying to forget this place for a few hours. At 5.30am, he was back, rallying the crew, which now has sluggishly begun its work, drilling and hammering at the vacuum chamber.

The people of Z admit there’s a new inten sity, especially given the Machine’s recent exponential gains. There’s something to prove – and they need to prove it fast. Plans to win funds to build a cheaper, intermediary machine named ZX, one that will lead to X-1, are the stuff of new worry and hope. And, like life on the edge of any new frontier, there is still the possibility of danger.

But there are dreamy days here as well. There are times when some Z scientists find it hard not to let there minds wander, to entertain versions of fusion-propelled rockets arcing the local solar systems, of fuel stations on the moon or Io or Pluto, wherever you can pick up a little lithium and water. And there are others who imagine it as the Peace and Love Machine, who’ve put their trust and idealism for the best possible world in Z. And to get Peace and Love from the Machine, they have to shoot in their souls, holding nothing back.

Now the crane groans over its huge tracks above the Machine, preparing to lift off the 8,000lb crown of the vacuum chamber. Last evening, the Machine inhaled the sun, this room filled with lightning, and then everything exploded. Now, when the crown is unbolted, hitched to a hook, and lifted away by the crane, a group of men tentatively peer down into the Machine, goggle-eyed, perhaps expecting to find some traces of gold dust or, more absurdly, a pile of confetti – or, by some miracle of the universe, maybe a fully formed angel, sleeping with its white wings pleached and sooty, its legs twisted under its body, both comical and impossible.

So the men look and look, down into the centre of Z, the womb of the Machine, for some message there sent back from the invisible world. But it is just a well of black space – plasma and atoms unable to hold the weight of their gaze, the chill of their wonder.

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NoTime unregistered posted 31 December 2000 11:34


A “Z” machine with a Marx generator — is this something invented by Zeppo Marx?

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Rgrunt unregistered posted 31 December 2000 13:07


Dear Mr Deviper,

Interesting indeed I will look up the points you stated for they are quite compelling. I do admit that the information I recieved came second hand so I trully cannot vouch for the accuracy of the statements in the story and I appologize to the people on the forum for the confusion. My father once told me that there are two topics that can never be agreed upon…religion and politics. However I do hold to my beliefs but without having performed carbon dating or other methods myself I cannot testify for or against their legitimacy. Is there any documented proof of a positive recorded in any lab? If do you have access to this proof that you may back your claims that creation is completely proven wrong as you so subtely implored in the last two paragraphs? Can you explain to me how it is more logical for such an intelligent existance to acurr merely by trillions of chance happenings whose probabillity of actually acurring is practically imeasurable then for an infinitely intelligent creator to have planned the creation. Do the numbers it is far more logical and probable for the universe to have been created then just to have acurred. By the way infinity has to exist. For infinity not to exist is a violation of thermal dynamics in that something cannot come from nothing. So if every chance happening accurs from a “big bang” before which nothing existed then something came from nothing. No this is not disputed by religion but by scientific law. Tell me how to get around this one. Let us first try to analyse order and chaos. In an infinite period of time does a universe with a mixture of order and chaos degrade to pure chaos resulting in a constant state of infinite entropy. Or does the universe gravitate to a universe of infinite order? Hot or Cold is the big question. If, on the one hand we have an infinite number of quantized randoms confined to a volume what is the shape of that volume? In this case the shape of the volume will be a perfect sphere on acount an infinite number of two or three constantly varying shapes would be at such compression as to form a constant uniform surface or volume. Thus an infinite number of randoms equills perfect order…yet even in such a universe we are measuring the randoms which must therefore exist. The measurement we made and the deduction is in no way connected to the origins of the quantities existant therein by a subtransfinite period. I say subtransfinite instead of infinite because I believe the universe is both finite and infinite and that time and space are quatiized and any movement in them. Thusly I believe that the distance in a finite space-time to infinity in this bounded space-time is finite. Thus any numeral beyond the barrier of the universe is not infinite but a finite number to big to fit in this universe so it exists in the area beyond the present universe…the past or future. If measure infinity in the small beyond any given center mass lies superluminosity and therefore past. The velocity of light is the folcrum point that exists in and marks the boundary between the infinite past and infinite future.I imagine that at this velocity one could part this reality and find another in the past or come in contact with the future. Tell me what would happen to matter if one were to burst infinitely into the future and back in a splitt second? I appologize I got side tracked this is supposed to be an inquisition to evaluate whether or not science supports or crumbles Creation. I appologize I have tried to see how a universe of nonexistance could come into to existance in the form of an infinite number of randoms and I can see no logic in this only a border created to establish the area of impossibility within for the existance of a universe to derive from nothing. But the relation that I see between the domain of non-existance and existance is unstated. I would have said non-linear but even these mathematical interactions acurr within the finite universe. It would appear that only super finite actions could exist within this region of nonexistance thus defining this region an infinite(beyond finite). I see no place for nothing in existance. There is no displacement within an infinite mass and I can therefore not see the possiblility of manufacturing a place of non existance save by an infinite being who alone could traverse this clause to make a domain existant seperated on all sides from the rest of existance by a border of absolute absolute infinite limit.

All of this is purely my own ascertaining so it more then likely contains some flaws. I also want to state that I ment no insult by the way I stated my view up on top but this is merely how I learned to debate. I assumed creation side of the arguement and stated what I could ascertain in the hopes that others will debate my claims so that I and others may gain knowlege.

Teach me,

let us discover the truth.

Edwin G. Schasteen

IP: Logged

Trott Member posted 31 December 2000 23:51


Who receives the Nobel Prize for inventing time travel? Surely, since there is a divergence from your time line such information would be of no consequence to divulge.

IP: Logged

Pamela Member posted 01 January 2001 02:01


Another time traveler????

check out: http://paranormal.about.com/science/paranormal/cs/timetravel/index_3.htm

scroll down till you get to: “the Wave Rider”

I would have copied and pasted it but it is a handwritten copy of faxes.


Got light? Make matter.



Posts: 985 | From: U.S.A | Registered: Apr 2001 | IP: Logged



Member # 15 posted December 25, 2002 16:19


(This group of postings not numbered. Not sure where it went.)

TimeTravel_0 unregistered posted 30 December 2000 11:47


Greetings and happy holidays everyone. I am very surprised and delighted to see the conversation going in the direction it has on this thread. Unknowingly, you all have stepped into the real mystery of time travel that remains speculative in 2036. Based on a couple of questions I see here, I will try my hardest to describe what we in 2036 think space-time looks like and how it behaves. Please keep in mind that I realize how easy it is to dismiss what I say. First, I’m trying to do this from memory. Imagine you are back in 1911 trying to explain a jet engine to the Wright brothers. However, there are some very basic properties of quantum theory that support this model today. I appreciate the fact that you are reading this with an open mind.

(If parallel universes do exist, did they all start simultaneously? I mean, let’s assume that the universe originated from a singularity. Were there any parallel universes at that point? That would not be very logical and it would also imply that there is a parallel universe in which our universe never existed.)

It is thought that the event called the “Big Bang” was the start of not only this worldline or universe but all worldlines and all universes that make up the superuniverse. It is also thought that the superuniverse can be imagined as an expanding sphere with the big bang in the center.

Individual worldliness (or timelines as you call them) can be imagined as lines originating at the center and “trending” toward spiraling around the sphere until they reach the edge. The individual worldlines expand in length and widen as you follow them from the center. Each individual “moment” or “event” on a world line has infinite possibilities or outcomes. Imagine this as a single point with infinite lines shooting away from it, which in turn are made up of points with their own possibilities and outcomes. Now, remember, these individual worldliness with all these points and possibilities are defined by their ability to hold there inhabitants to timelike trips only (no faster than light travel).

Now consider the reality of a spinning or electrified black hole (Kerr). Penrose diagrams of these oddities show mathematically that you can make simulated spacelike trips (faster than light) through the singularity without being destroyed. In order to do this without wiping out most modern physical laws, you must travel to an alternate worldline or universe. Therefore, if multiple worldlines exist, infinite worldlines exist.

In trying to imagine a superuniverse with infinite possibilities and worldlines, I think of a room with mirrors on all the walls. You are aware of your captivity but as you look in the distance, you see an infinite number of “yours” in an infinite number of mirrored rooms. The gravity distortion machine allows you to “step” out of your room and into another next to you. The closer you are to your original room, the closer it looks like yours, the farther away, the stranger it looks to you.

(…If I go forward on this world line, the future will not be my future. I get home by going back to 1975 before I arrived and then going forward to 2036.”)

A few people have asked me about this statement so I will try to clarify it.

On my worldline (A) in 2036, I was given a mission in 1975.

I turn my machine on and jump to another worldline (B) in 1975 with about a 2% divergence from (A).

From the very point I turn my machine off on (B), I create a new worldline just because I’m there. This line can be described as (C) and started when I got to (B).

I am now doing my mission on line (C) in 1975 when I discover a very a good reason to go forward on (C) and see what happened. I turn my machine on and go forward on (C) to the year 2000.

When I turn it off, I start another line called (D). So from my perspective, here we are on line (D) in the year 2000. In order to go home to line (A) I must turn my machine on and go back on (D) until I reach (C) which in turn would take me back to (B) which in turn takes me to a point before I arrived on (B) then I go forward from the point I arrived on (B) back to (A).

If all this isn’t enough to get your head spinning…here are some issues we’re dealing with in 2036.

  1. Did your worldline (D) exist at all before I got here from (C)? (personally I don’t see how it couldn’t)
  2. What happens at the end of a worldine at the edge of the superuniverse?
  3. If there are infinite worldlines and infinite possibilities and an edge to the superuniverse, doesn’t that mean occurring events on worldliness are staggered as they reach the edge? (time could end at any moment without warning).

Happy new year everyone!

TimeTravel_0 unregistered posted 30 December 2000 13:37


To: Roel van Houten

Thank you for trying to answer those questions but I really do not expect that anyone can. I thought I would share with you things we wonder about. Your logic about me is quite correct but again I must state that I am not trying to get you or anyone else to believe or buy anything.

As far as evidence goes…I have however decided to try an experiment with you that may be more convincing. It involves the travel of information at faster than light. In fact, I have dropped at least three little gems like this that no one else has picked up on.

You said you are confused by the 5100 story. I will explain further. In 2036, it was discovered (or at least known after testing) that the 5100 computer was capable of reading and changing all of the legacy code written by IBM before the release of that system and still be able to create new code in APL and basic. That is the reason we need it in 2036. However, that information was never published by IBM because it would have probably destroyed a large part of their business infrastructure in the early 70s. In fact, I would bet the engineers were probably told to keep their mouth’s shut.

Therefore, if I were not here now telling you this, that information would not be discovered for another 36 years. Yet, I would bet there is someone out there who can do the research and discover I am telling the truth. There must be an old IBM engineer out there someplace that worked on the 5100. They just might not have ever asked if I hadn’t pointed it out.

TimeTravel_0 unregistered posted 06 January 2001 13:10


((I realize that you said you are not a physicist, but I was curious if you are from the future: What is the current status of string theory?))

Who doesn’t love string theory? Please forgive the next few comments, I’m trying to be cryptic and jump starting my memory at the same time. In 2036, string theory still dominates physics due to its continued “effect” of encompassing other physical properties from unrelated fields. A great deal of the theoretical mathematics behind time travel was discovered by testing various ideas in string theory and eliminating the anomalies. As I recall, it was this original work that led to the final proof that six dimensions do indeed curl up to give us our observable universe. This in turn supported more of the theoretical math behind time travel…etc. It’s ironic that the beauty of string theory gives future engineers the confidence to create the distortion unit even though the final proof is still unknown You’re a physics student, have you ever heard the Princeton String Quartet play?

Trott Junior Member posted 06 January 2001 20:40


Mr. TT_0,

I am familiar with the Princeton String Quartet. They are physicist who are working on string theory at the Advanced Institute of Physics at Princeton University in New Jersey.

You mentioned a divergence from time lines. How is it possible to measure such a divergence? I would assume that it would be impossible to calculate how causes of one single event would propagte into the future. Does not chaos theory make such determinations impossible? Even if I gave you the exact position and velocity of all objects in the universe (which is impossible(I can not even give you the exact position and velocity of a single object due to the Heisenberg Uncertainity Principle)) you could not tell me what the future holds. Of course this results from the fact that the objects do not represent individual closed systems but in fact can interact.

IP: Logged

Trott Junior Member posted 06 January 2001 20:53



You said 6 curled up dimensions. The current theory suggests that there should be at least 7 curled up dimensions. It was discovered by Ed Witten that if you added an additional dimension that the 5 slightly different versions of string theory would combine into a single theory, which is often called M-theory.

I think it would be interesting if one of these extra dimensions was timelike. There are very few people investigating this possibility.

IP: Lo

TimeTravel_0 unregistered posted 15 January 2001 13:36



Thank you for considering the problem of returning home. You seem to have stumbled on an intuitive proof of some of the physics of time travel. You are correct, getting back to the worldline of origin is easier than picking an exact destination on a different worldline.

I wrote down the graphic you outlined. If y1 starts perpendicular to x1 and x2 and is rotated, where is the center of rotation? I imagined it between x1 and x2. If this is so, wouldn’t y1 end up parallel between x1 and x2 with each one being 6 inches away from y1 on either side?


((The artificial singularity you travel with, you say it forms a local gravity field. Does it physically reduce the size of nearby objects during operation? And if so by how much? ))

Actually, there are 2 singularities in the unit. The gravity field is manipulated by three factors that affect it in distinct ways. Adding electric charge to the singularities increases the diameter of the inner event horizons. Adding mass to the singularities increases the area of gravitational influence around the singularities. Rotating and positioning the polar axis of the singularities affects and alters the gravity sinusoid.

The effects of the gravity produced by the unit do not have enough time to significantly alter physical objects within a reasonable distance from the outside of the sinusoid. No, things do not get smaller.

((If the electron injection system alters the shape of the field, would that not force the unit to accelerate through space as well as time?))

There is no relative movement in space due to three main factors. Large, kinetic energy inducing effects of the gravity field are compensated for by the interaction of the singularities. The mass of the unit and any objects inside the sinusoid do not exhibit any huge increases on the departure worldline during travel. The observed path of the traveler is obtained by changing the gravity, not by moving the vehicle. The black hole comes to you.

((The question is define “time”))

To me, time has two definitions.

I see time as a mathematical component of a 10 dimensional super universe. It is a variable I use to define my location and existence.

I also see time as a metaphysical compromise our senses use to define the area of collective existence God has placed us in.

When I can measure and sense time, I know I am not with God.


Got light? Make matter.



Posts: 985 | From: U.S.A | Registered: Apr 2001 | IP: Logged



Member # 15 posted December 25, 2002 16:21


Pamela Member posted 01 January 2001 10:29


piecing together the information in the faxes provided by the “waverider” it sounds to me that if this be true then it is some form of advanced remote viewing.consider the following on how he describes how he time travels:

“I am a time traveler. Although we refer to it as riding the wave. I am a US citizen born in 1964. I am nearly 40 years old. In 1983 I enlisted in the united states Army .it was shortly after my enlistment and before completing basic training that I was approached by those I now refer to simply as MY FRIENDS. This group does not contain aliens nor interdimensional beings, they are human.

I have learned over the years that not everyone can safely travel the wave, and I was first approached, I was told, due to an unusually large amount of some chemical that naturally occurs in the human body, it somehow aids in the time travel process,(MY FRIENDS told me what chemical it was back then,but that was many years ago. and I have long forgotten the name of the stuff. I think it has some copper or something in it.) I have since learned that when i enlisted in the US ARmy MY FRIENDS gained a large amount of information about me. My genetic history and so forth, and it was this information that changed my life forever.”

“I should first explain how I travel in time. The short and sweet of it is that I was taught to target a particular person, place or event. The more information I have on the target the better my chance of success and the faster I reach my target. I take a photo of the target. a sheet of paper with the information on it, a map of the site etc. I circle the target and begin the process. I then enter a quiet darkened area (we use to call it the pad) a period of concentration and meditation begins. For days, weeks, sometimes even months after beginning I will study the target, concentrate on the target,even begin to dress in the period clothing of the target during my time in the pad ( only about two hours per day is all I can manage.) as I begin the feel the wave approaching, i look for the doorway, the gateway. the rip in the fabric of time or whatever you want to call it.For me it almost always looks like a pool of water that I pass through before entering the new time line. Some time travelers had only out of body experiences (these people we call projectors) others of us (called wave riders) physically disappear from the current timeline. Early on in the project I would use a small electromagnetic tuner to help me concentrate and focus on the target, I no longer use any aid when waveriding.”

Interesting….the US Army again…

Timetraveler_0 have you ever heard of the “Waveriders”?


IP: Logged

TimeTravelActivist Member posted 01 January 2001 15:34


Well it’s a good thing I got injured in the Army, or else that might have been my fate as well.


P.S. I’m home… =)

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Curious unregistered posted 01 January 2001 17:31


Pamela, what the Waverider is describing sounds a lot like the technique used by the Incunabula/Ong’s hat group. They supposedly had developed inter-dimentional travel. check out tis site: http://www.incunabula.org/

A lot of the info on the site seems to be disinfo, but then there are pieces of the truth mixed in. Here is another site with another point of view: http://it.t.boltpages.com/it.t/

Dimentional displacement requires less power and technology then temporal displacement.

IP: Logged

Time02112 Member posted 01 January 2001 17:36



I appreciate your comments here, and I thought I would provide you with an example of just how appreciated you are.

(You’re sincerely welcome my Friend!…any”Time”

Below is a copy of a recent email from p3n:>

From: “Webmaster”


Date: Mon, 1 Jan 2001 17:34:13 -0800

Subject: Re: The “Z” Machine

Hi Gary,

I posted a link to the “Z” machine story yesterday, the second I saw it.

Thanks for sending the “Proclaimed” Time Traveler story. It was one of the best things that has come into P3N and with the help of links from other websites it has been one of the most visited pages. It was also very thought provoking. Please feel free to submit more writings or links to good stories when you find them.

Thanks again,

Rick Reed

Webmaster P3N


Pamela, I am very familiar with this “Waverider” I listened to his info. on the former “Art Bell Show” known today, as the current “Coast To Coast AM” program.

since “Premier Radio Networks” purchased Art Bell’s Legacy for a sumisable amount. http://coasttocoastam.com

you can listen to pre-recorded programs, up to 30 days, in the “Past Shows” selection, on their website. Anything beyond 30 days, you will need to purchase a tape.

I believe that this “Waverider” information & faxes, are still available in text & jpg formats on the coast to coast website.

[This message has been edited by Time02112 (edited 01 January 2001).]

IP: Logged

Time02112 Member posted 01 January 2001 18:25



What could you surmise, as to what might happen, as a result if you provided us with copies of various news articles in relation to “Technology Reports” published a year in our future, or any “Time” after (Such as in your “Worldline” as you so describe?

*Could You?

*Would You?

And please explain your reasons for why you would, or would not do something like this for us?

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Fast Member posted 01 January 2001 18:59


i think that when Art Bell retired(unknown reason..) he said that the Wave Rider was not real,it was just some guy messing around.he told that to the sheriff in his town,or something similar..

i could be mistaken..

Fast Out

IP: Logged

TimeTravelActivist Member posted 01 January 2001 20:38


I see that I have returned just in time. The concept of Time Travel has overwhelmed some with the idea of accepting it, and going along with it. Have you all forgotten that Time Travel is a means of controlling who we are. For a future collective agenda.
My site is updated, check it out.




IP: Logged

Pamela Member posted 01 January 2001 23:24



thankyou for providing the links to Ong’s hat they are very interesting.I will be looking at it more indepth.

Time 02112,

boy, the “z” machine story got around pretty quick!


If Art Bell has admitted to the time traveler being fake why are the stories still posted on his site? Knowing Art Bells

character I think he would have written a follow up letter on it or pulled all the faxes from the site.

It still does not mean the faxes are legitimate however.

one thing I have been noticing though is some of the predictions were not acurate. A time traveler from another worldline can really only testify to what he has seen on his worldline. but now I am beginning to wonder….how many timetravelers are out there? how many are on this worldline at any given time? how many times can you alter events before something happens?

a lot of what waverider spoke on in his final faxes sounds a lot like timetraveler_0’s testimony. I know TTO is going to be really interested in reading waveriders faxes. perhaps he may be able to relate to some of the language written.



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Trott Member posted 02 January 2001 12:46


Timetravel Activist,

If you believe in the multi-universe interpretation of quantum mechanics than everything with a non-zero possibility plays out. Therefore, I do not see how one could say that your future or history is being changed since one possibility, if time travel is possible, is for your future to be changed. Of course in an alternate universe, you would still be whatever it is that you thing has been changed about you.

If time travel ever becomes more than just theory, it would mark the greatest scientific moment in all history. Surely, you must agree with that.

IP: Logged

Trott Member posted 02 January 2001 12:57


Mr. O,

You said that there were 7 other time travellers that you knew of who were on various missions from 2036 on your timeline. I am curious have people in 2036 been visited by people from further in the future? One would think that once time travel was possible and widely known that visitors from other time frames would be more likely to be visible and willing to be upfront about their visitation to the period after time travel, A.T.T (after time travel).

IP: Logged

Fast Member posted 02 January 2001 01:27



it is no longer HIS website…at least i think so.

the last time i checked in was when his page was redirected to CoasttoCoastAM.com.

i think i first got intrested into gibb’s work after hearing him on the Art Bell show..

but i remember an interview or something where a friend of his or a sheriff said that the wave rider was a nice story,but it wasnt real.i think thats right.

Fast Out

IP: Logged

TimeTravelActivist Member posted 02 January 2001 01:53



I see your brand new here, so I can understand if you don’t know the history of what I’ve said in past posts. Let me just say that yes Time Travel will be this worlds greatest technological breakthrough, when it becomes real (to this timeline that is).

However, unlike you who wishes to see this issue of Time Travel as a scientist in an objective manner.

I choose to see this issue on a human/moral level. Is it ethical to Time Travel? Is it right to change the past with the knowledge one knows now in the future?

You’ve all seen “Back to the Future 2” where Marty is in the future, and he attempts to take back with him an almanac to place sports bets in the past.

Well, you can see where the moral implication can put us in, if our curiosity to go back and do things in this manner will do to our society? If one person does it, others will want to too.

If others are getting genetically engineered, others will want to too. To keep up at least, since now the rich who can afford it, are this super eugenic species (with intelligence and looks). Will we say then “Survival of the Fittest?”

Where does that leave out normal hard working honest people? Apparently that no longer exists.

Therefore, as you can see, my only beef with Time Travel is that it can be abused. Sure it can benefit us, but I am an Activist trying to get the word out that it’s not just glamorous and wonderful as it may sound, and that we should all jump in the band-wagon with it.

Someone needs to look out for humanities best interest in preserving our way of life, and I’m willing to take on that responsibility. Who can say the same?



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Fast Member posted 02 January 2001 04:14


every page in every book has 2 sides..

2 sides which are to be viewed and judged..

time travel is just another page in just another book…

Fast Out

IP: Logged

Roel van Houten Member posted 02 January 2001 16:32


Hi everyone,

With all due respect, but the story about the “Waverider” sounds pretty ridiculous compared to the story that TimeTravel_0 provided us with.

I don’t think timetravel will exist for a couple of decades to come, maybe even centuries. But I strongly believe that timetravel will not be possible without the aid of a machine of somekind.

Nowadays people are said to be using 30% of their brainpower and although people have accomplished many great things, I don’t believe the remaining 70% is enough to travel through time. There are myths about monks and priests who were able to levitate by focussing their thoughts, but that’s nothing compared to timetravel.


Roel van Houten

IP: Logged

Pamela Member posted 02 January 2001 17:33


Hi Roel Van Houten,

Is it still raining over there?

You forgot the weather report at the end!

I think time travel already exists.

One thing you have to remember that it doesnt really matter WHEN it was ever created but IF. because with a time machine you can travel to ANY time.

TTO has made me realize alot of different possibilities in time travel.Things I never thought of before I am now thinking on.

New ideas have sprung up. new pieces of the puzzle possibly found.

about the priests and monks…I think that would involve more the will, spirit, and amplified thoughts than just the brain alone.

Does anyone have any thoughts on the “Z” machine?



[This message has been edited by pamela (edited 02 January 2001).]

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Juanito Junior Member posted 02 January 2001 19:52


I’m sorry but I don’t believe the Time Traveler is from the year 2036. Pamela u seem like a smart woman how can you believe that he is a time traveler where there is nothing that he says could prove that he is. You even beleived the guy who called the Art Bell show and it’s pretty sure that HE is a fake. The only thing that makes me think that Time Travel is possible was a incident that happened to me in 1995. It was a Saturday and I was living in Manhattan. I had to get up early to move the car from the meter.Standing in the corner of my block looking like he was waiting for the bus was a man that looked exactly like me.It really scared me. I saw him and he saw me. I just took off running (which I regret). Was that me from the future?? Or was that someone that just looked like me? I don’t know and I don’t think I ever will know

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Fast Member posted 02 January 2001 21:30



TT_0 provided us with scanned government documents showing the components to a 2036 General Electric Time Machine..check out the other pages on this thread,and you’ll find the url to them…


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Juanito Junior Member posted 02 January 2001 21:57


You mean the photos of the paper that say 2036?? I could make those papers. I made birth certifcate and immigration papers that look more real then those papers. If u believe that those photos then I have a bridge to sell u in Brooklyn want to buy it is really cheap!!!!!

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Andera unregistered posted 03 January 2001 12:30


can you tell again the link of that papers, which are you talking about, i wanna se it

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Pamela Member posted 03 January 2001 06:31



hmmm, I don’t remember ever posting that I beleived the wave rider was true.

As for timetraveler_0 , I have not posted everything we have discussed.

I have not been able to find a flaw in any of his discussions so far.

he has really opened my understanding of time travel.Things I would have never thought of before.

I will have to say, In some of his thinking he is “ahead of this time.”



[This message has been edited by pamela (edited 03 January 2001).]

IP: Logged

Fast Member posted 03 January 2001 07:52



when you have a seamless story that you came from 2036 in a General Electric Time machine and brought documents from the year 2036,then ill buy your bridge.

TT_0 could have said bloody NASA made the time machine,why did he choose General Electric?possibly because his story is true..?

and the documents are scanned,and look unedited.they also look photocopied.



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TimeTravel_0 unregistered posted 03 January 2001 13:47


I’ve been reading the last few postings with a bit of confusion. I see there is controversy over my “story” that is causing some people to ask themselves if they believe it or not.

For quite a while, I have been stating that not only do I not expect anyone to believe me, it’s irrelevant and in my opinion, quite dangerous. Belief implies that you accept what I say as true and real. Over the internet, this is impossible. In fact, I have stated before, there are many people in 2036 who do not believe in time travel.

As I stated before, I also think that unwavering belief is dangerous. One very disturbing thing I have noticed about your society in general is your blind acceptance of what you are told. Do you really think the news industry doesn’t have an agenda? Do you really think those hamburgers you stuff into your body are safe? Do you really think your government is telling you the truth? What proof do you have of any of that?

What I do want you to do is open your eyes to the events that happening around you that have nothing to do with me. Some of you have been reading for a while now about the war in 2015 and the breakthroughs in particle physics that would be coming soon. Doesn’t the CIA report on 2015 and news on the z-field compression at least support what I’ve been saying a little bit? I just saw another story today about the Russians moving Nuks into the Balkins to thwart any future expansion by NATO. I also haven’t heard anyone take me up on my “information experiment” on the IBM 5100 or check out the information I’ve given you about the UNIX failure in 2038. With all due respect… I find it hard to take some of you seriously.

IP: Logged

Andera unregistered posted 03 January 2001 15:51


i have read all the 6 pages of this board, and i can see all is about the story of mister tt_0, i only can had 1 conclusion, its AMAZING; but just amazing, i mean the only thing we can do is belive or not, but cmon we are phisycs, we not belive, we KNOW, our knowledge is based on the brain, the belive is based on heart, its important belive in something but not be blind for this, i come to this board(whit another nick) a few months ago and you just talking about ways to travel in time, pure teorical phisics, but now this board seems like belive or not belive, love or not love the mister tt_0.

I am not against the m. tt_0, if he travel or not, for me is his problem, i mean the first time i read the m. tt_0 i think woao!!! a real time traveler!!, but a few seconds later, i was disapointed because i wanna be the man who make the time machine, i wanna be the first time traveler, and this guy come and said i travel in time, i was blue, but then i think may be i or we will be the builders of the time machine, but this only can hapen if we do phisycs, if we do teories, if we do experiments, ni mean, this cant hapen if we only are limited to belive and love or not belive and no love an “apparental time traveler”, or if we just talk about “its true or not the time traveler”.

In 6 pages of board you just talk about how will be the future, belive or not, our society is bad or not, cmon stop do this questions, the future we will see it in a few years, the society is so bad all of we know that, the war of 2015 will be (if be)for some valid reasons or not valid but we cant do anithing about that, or if we do it will be another line in time, so we never know if we do it or not.

So mi point is stop talk about “its true or not ” and lets think about “how can we do a time travel”. Just think, which one is the dream of all of us? and the chose betwen talk or think, belive or do it fact.

Sincerily andera

p.s. Answer me, i wanna know the comments of all of you

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TimeMaster 1a Member posted 03 January 2001 18:19



It is not logical that you would post the papers and diagrams and picture accecpt to give credibility to your story. The reality is that you are useing this forum to post your very subject views. You and I both know you are not from the future.It is not that you will not, but you can not post any evidence to the contrary.

However you have done your homework and tell a good story. Useing the Karr black hole as the bases for your time travel drvice is very good, although it will not produce time travel as you claim.

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Curious unregistered posted 03 January 2001 19:07


I think the point TT_0 was trying to make is wake up and look around. He really doesn’t care if we believe him or not. He is just giving us a wake up call. I don’t care if he can time travel or not. I am looking at the bigger picture. Him posting on this board is a small thing. So he can time travel or not. It’s not such a big deal. In a world of infinite possibilities, every thing is probable. And what I believe doesn’t effect this world at all, only me………..

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Shadow unregistered posted 03 January 2001 21:11



Its been a long time since anybody has had to worry about converting IBM legacy code into more modern language. I’m not sure even when the 5100 was made, I’m guessing the early to mid ’70s. The term geek hadn’t even been invented yet. Before 1980 only overworked men with bad hearts ever saw a computer. In short, the supply of 5100 experts is probably too thin to show up on this small board. So wadda we know?

Heck, Colonel Corsoe & Co. would have us believe that the IBM line was copied from a crashed alien sauser.

The 2038 date bug in Unix is no secret. It just runs out of bit space for holding larger date code numbers. I worried a whole lot about the Y2K bug. I got my butt fooled. I lost half of my net worth AND two years of work. Whoopie. LET the friggen thing blow up, maybe somebody ELSE will get a well needed lesson.

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Juanito Junior Member posted 03 January 2001 21:23


I hope that you guys can see what I’m talking about. Look at the last post that Time traveler man posted. It’s the same B.S.

I wonder if he knows of someone in the future with the initals JLR as he is 2 years old (the same age as our alleged time traveler). All I want to know is a simple fact from the future (other then the wars) like after GW Bush who will be the next President?? I mean if CNN can try to predict why can’t our Time traveling friend.

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TimeTravelActivist Member posted 03 January 2001 23:12


Well, no post in this forum can be complete without having my 2 cents added to it =). As an Activist, I agree with some of what TimeTravel_0 has mentioned. I have also been trying to get people to open their eyes. I have a website for just that purpose.

Please check it out. www.geocities.com/Athens/Atrium/9822/

However, there is one thing I would like to know. TimeTravel_0 if in fact you have been to the future, what happens to JCS- ME =)? Am I deeply involved in this Time Travel project as well? What of the resistance?

Don’t want to brag, but I too have had very real dreams of Time Traveling to the future. Some would seem like days, but be only a matter of hours passed. Other times I have visions and transmissions from the future. That’s what one Dr. once said to me. I still experience these Time Distortions, or whatever they are. There pretty trippy.

Anyway’s, it would only be natural that this is happening to me for a reason. =) So what do you know, if you have been to the future?

And hey Juanito, I like your critical perspective. Not to critical, and not to gullible, =) I sure could use someone like you in my resistance.


Javier C.

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Juanito Junior Member posted 03 January 2001 23:28



Thanks, I try to keep things real. I believe that Time Travel is possible but I don’t think TT_0 is a time traveler.

Sure I will like to join your quest for the truth where do I sign up.

Pamela and the other beleivers do u guys honestly believe this guy. Or is it that u want to believe.

I believe in GOD because I want to believe but I never seen GOD.

There is a big difference!!!!!


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Juanito Junior Member posted 03 January 2001 23:40



Does anyone know how big an IBM 5100 is??

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DaViper unregistered posted 04 January 2001 04:41



This is some thread huh! The longest and most debated one I’ve ever seen on this board.

(I trust everyone had a Happy New Year for the true Millenium.)

And especially want to wish Pamela the best in her continuing pursuits for truth in the next Thousand years.

For rgrunt:

It appears I may have publicly judged you too harshly. And I hereby appologize for anything that came across as a personal attack. Your post above has opened the door to a world of dialog that we may indeed find a way to come together on. You are no longer the faceless, dogmatic spewer of antiquated rhetoric I once thought you to be. (It does seem that this “paradox” issue has taken conversation on this board into directions I never thought possible. But then… God is the ultimate paradox is He/She not?)

Please understand that when you say … “I do admit that the information I recieved came second hand so I trully cannot vouch for the accuracy.” …is something I suspected all along but can’t help myself when it comes to jumping on the particular type of dogma that it represents. No Personal offense was ever intended.

Please also understand that when you say I “…claims that creation is completely proven wrong ” …

… that I DO NOT claim THIS at all. I merely state (without CLAIMING anything at all) that the account of creation as is metaphorically described in the Book Of Genesis in The Bible, first version, is just that. A metaphor. Not a true depiction of actual history in the literal sense.

I’m not disclaiming the existence of God here, or the CONCEPT of Creation per se. Nor am I saying that in so denying, that I am therefore subscriptive to the A-Theistic point of view. On the contrary.

In the true sprit of Paradox, (which this thread’s topic is all about), I merely offer the easily verifiable evidence and duplicatable proof that such an occurance as the so-called Biblically depicted “great flood” is in itself a physically impossibility.

It would be a great leap of faith indeed for anyone to PRESUME from this statement that I in any way dispute the existence of God. But also be aware that while I do not refute His existence, I also do not accept it unconditionally. At least based on the words of one anthology that exists from the ancient days of Western European Mythology. Particularly since this Anthology to which I refer (The Bible) never existed in it’s present form until the late 15th Century when Guttenburg invented the printing press that brought all these previously unconnected “Books” together. And even then, after much language translation from various sources such as Hebrew, Islamic, Christian, etc.

To place scientific credibility in such a document would be folly on the “wishful thinkers” of the world to say the least.

This is not to say that the document does not have value as a representative example of the moralistic values in any society in folklore, (including our own), but it needs to be studied in the true context of what it is. A historical account of the world as THOSE WHO LIVED AT THAT TIME saw it. The moral lessons contained therin may indeed be timeless, but the science is purly from the point of view of the then ignorant. (No offense to them, they simply didn’t know any better.)

So ultimately Mr. Schasteen, please understand that from what I see in your last post, we may indeed not be that far apart on the moralistic or philosophistic level, but at the purely scientific level, well, as Einstein said, “God does not play Dice with the Universe.”

And He (if he truly exists), DID NOT flood the entire Earth 6000 years ago, nor did He “create” the Earth in a matter of what we call “six days”.

“He” MAY very well have “Created” it, and the rest of the Universe for that matter. I take no issue with this nor do I advocate the possibility either way. I’ll leave the possibility of these matters to the likes of Dr. Stephen Hawking and others of his ilk who can present logical arguments that support BOTH points of view far better than my humble ability to elaborate upon.

For specifics though, I’ve already provided links to a number of sites where raidiometric dating processes can be studied and understood (I’ll leave you to chase those down and do the same research I’ve already done), and hopefully leave you with the understanding that I also meant NO insult to you in any personal way.

After all, “rgrunt” and “DaViper” are just handles anyone can use to sign onto a BBS/Message board anywhere on the net and represent themselves to be anyone they wish to present themselves as.

In the end, it’s the words and what one has to say that matter here.

And very little else.


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Got light? Make matter.



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Member # 15 posted December 25, 2002 16:24


Time-travel Paradoxes! (Page 7)

Author Topic: Time-travel Paradoxes!


unregistered posted 04 January 2001 05:16



Actually, I thought it was a pretty good story. I’d say your fiction skills are coming along quite nicely.


Bigger than your palm pilot, your laptop, your desktop and even bigger than an IBM 4300 series. But not as big as my grandfather’s old Buick Roadmaster.

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P.Light unregistered posted 04 January 2001 08:28


To Juanito,

My friend i know where your coming from…

I’ve had a …erm…falling out with T-T-0 in the past as you have no doubt seen if you have read the past messages.

Let me say one thing, He knows what he’s talking about.

More than everyone else on this board i might add, aside from perhaps the moderators!!

Or else why would people be asking him so many questions about theories and things wev’e only dreamed about. Perhaps your right, perhaps he is only trying to open our eyes. But do you act on the information he has given us or do you dismiss it as pure fantasy? Open your eyes and think about what he has to say! I did and so did everyone else who post or even read this board

A sidenote… Rgrunt, what happened to your blackhole contraption?


  1. Light

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TimeTravelActivist Member posted 04 January 2001 09:06



I can’t say about the others, but your right. I asked him questions I already know the answers to. If he answers them correctly, then he is from the future.

He’s not the only one in this board who claims to have Time Traveled =).

Hey you and me lets stick together on this. There seems to be alot of team play action going on here. Alot of people watching each others backs, if you know what I mean.

Someone needs to set them stright . Well talk to you all later.


Javier C.

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Hello unregistered posted 04 January 2001 12:12


The government would have pulled those diagrams off of the web page they are on if they really believed timetraveler_0.

timetraveler_0 would have been traced and located, spied on and eventually his device stolen from the basement.

yep, happened to someone else I knew.

they even posed as the person for awhile.

you never know who you are talking to on the internet.he is right about that.

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TimeTravelActivist Member posted 04 January 2001 13:49


That’s true, even I’m being watched, and I haven’t even posted anything of a national security nature .


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Roel van Houten Member posted 04 January 2001 15:49


Hi everyone,

Pamela, to respond to your previous post:

yes, we’ve had some snow over here, but it’s raining cats and dogs again as usual..

From our point of view, lets just say “this worldline”, timetravel does not yet exist. To put it in other words: timetravel will (probably) exist in the future, but assuming time goes by in chronological order it does not exist yet.

If we take a “non-linear” approach to time, timetravel does indeed already exist. It all just depends on the way you look at things. I guess we’re both right in this case.

As for Timetravel_0. I’m very sceptic about the story he has provided us with. But it remains an interesting story nonetheless. It doesn’t matter whether we believe it or not. At least he’s caused a 6 page thread and he made people think about certain aspects of modern society. It’s only logical that someone from the future has no gain in proving that he really is a timetraveler.

So lets just stick to the subject of timetravel instead of proving or disproving the story of Timetravel_0.

As for Juanito and TimeTravelActivist. Listen very carefully, I shall only say this once   Perhaps it’s a good idea to start a new thread called “The Resistance” or something similar. That would be a great opportunity to discuss the “danger” of timetravel and recruit new members.

Greetings from rainy Amsterdam, it feels like I’m freezing yet the water that falls from the sky does not :-))

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Trott Member posted 04 January 2001 17:31


The thing that I picked up from Mr. TT_0’s recent post is that he seemed to be saying that time travel is not something you believe in or disbelieve. That is not how things work, you must discover and experiment not just take in what others may say. If people just sat around saying I believe it is possible to fly and never went out and tested it then we would never have made aviation possible. Likewise, we can neither definitively accept or deny TT_O’s claim of being an actual time traveller until physical and hence experimental proof of time travel is obtained.

My past inquiries of TT_O were merely for my curiousity. I have never accepted or denied his claim. Although, I must admit the easiest and most uncomplicated solution would be that he is not. As far as that wave rider person, his statements on the fax are contrary to our historical line and hence I do not buy his story. I personally do not see how time travel could be possible just using the physical body and mind anyway.

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Fast Member posted 04 January 2001 19:38


thats why you work FOR the government…

so they cant steal your work because it is funded by THEM..

there work is usually less fringe science and more proven stuff,and they dont allow errors(error is a kind and benevolent god of inventors..jk)


in the 2036,do they still publish books?

if so,do they still have those Cliff Notes books?the yellow ones,about things like physics and geometry and common time displacement theory and such?

hint hint…

is the government regulating the time machine you used to get here,or are you free to do as you choose?

TimeTravelActivist, why does everyone of your posts have to include something about IOTM??


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TimeTravelActivist Member posted 04 January 2001 22:38


Roel van Houten,

You must be new here… Or else you would know.

I have started threads for the purpose of recruiting members into my campaign, how you mentioned I should. Some have gone to 7 pages as well… Might want to look them up.

In addition, to FastWalker2.

I only mentioned my website twice. What are you talking about me mentioning it every time I post? Count them…

Gotta go buy food for my cat , c-ya.


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TimeTravelActivist Member posted 05 January 2001 09:15



So do you plan on keep avoid answering my questions? You been awfully quiet since I’ve returned… Time Traveling must keep you very busy huh.


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Rgrunt unregistered posted 05 January 2001 10:53


Dear Deviper,

No offence taken I appreciate the posting for it taught me a good lesson not to post something that I can not readily anylize with my own senses. I will look up the information and if I find anything that supports either side I will post it at a later date. I will not endorce it til I have done the experiments myself though to ensure accuracy. I also have a great deal of respect for you in that you seem to be a man that truely seeks for the truth and are carefull to accept only the truth. The bible does say that those who seek the truth shall find it so I wish you success in your endeavors to sift out the truth of things and hope you to have a happy new year.


Edwin G. Schasteen

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Rgrunt unregistered posted 05 January 2001 13:19


Dear P-Light,

I appologize for the delay. I am now teaching myself geometry and calculas for I did not have the opportunity to learn these forms of math in high school. I was lucky to get a chance to learn algebra. After I have finished teaching myself these subjects I believe that I will have the knowlege to convert the theory behind the black hole device into a mathematical statement using calculas. Graphic proofs are great but all of the physics journals I have read are written using calculas to represent mathematically whatever measurement is being discussed in that particular journal. As for the device itself in light of my lack of education I went ahead and contracted it’s development to a research and development firm by the name of Davison and Associates. The device is to be a generator for sale. But the generator operates on the same theory in that increase in electrical current and voltage is obtained by constricting a parallel probagating e and h field to a smaller given space. I am not aware of whether compressing and electric field or an electric field will power output of a generator but I know that focusing a magnetic field to a smaller area increases the strength of the field in that area like sunlight focused through a convex lense. And I believe one way to increase the electrical output of a generator is to increase the field strength of the magnets being used to generate the electricity. So I cannot see why the device will no produce higher electrical voltages at higher amperage. (all parts are powered by dc current)If one tries to focus a magnetic field that is generated by an alternating current the field will decrease in amperage as the field is constricted on acount that the frequency of the field is increased as the field is twisted up. Imagine a spring, if you will, and let each revolution in the helixical spring determine the frequency. If you twist the sring in the one direction the distance between the spring crests and troughs will decrease as the spring is tightened thus increasing the frequency of the spring. As a ac current frequency increases the ac output decreases. I imagine that dc is different. I could be wrong in my interpritation of the ac theorum I just stated.


Edwin G. Schasteen

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TimeTravel_0 unregistered posted 05 January 2001 13:46


In 2036, community life is a bit different. People are valued and judged based on their contribution and worth. Work is organized around the family and the value of that work is assessed inside of the community. Most communities range in size from 1000 to 4000 people. If a family wanted to move from one community to another or if a son or daughter wanted to move to another community, they must apply and be interviewed by the community leadership council. During this process, the family or individual is evaluated as to whether or not the work or skill they have is required or necessary to that individual community. Once accepted, the family or individual is expected to uphold their end of the work and support the community. If they don’t, the community stops supporting them and they are forced to change their attitude or move away from the community.

The family work we did was picking, sorting and shipping oranges by sailboat up and down the coast of Florida. We were expected to produce a certain amount for the community and a certain amount for other communities as agreed to by our CLC. In exchange, we received power, water, a certain amount of food and other necessities that were produced inside our community.

I see this message board as a small community and I have no other way to value the contributions of others on it other than what my past experiences tell me. I have tried to answer as many questions as I can without being annoying, repetitive or inappropriate… and for some of you entertaining. Under these conditions, I have decided to seek guidance from all of you, the other members of this community, as to whether or not my postings are of any value to the direction of these discussions. If they are getting distracting or repetitive, I will stop and continue to enjoy reading your thoughts and ideas.

((Who receives the Nobel Prize for inventing time travel? Surely, since there is a divergence from your time line such information would be of no consequence to divulge.))

There are a great many people involved with the discovery of time travel. Just as I will not give “stock tips”, I will not divulge their names as that may impact their lives now.

((Timetraveler_0 have you ever heard of the “Waveriders”?))

No, I can’t say that I have although I am in no position to say if it’s true or not.

((What could you surmise, as to what might happen, as a result if you provided us with copies of various news articles in relation to “Technology Reports” published a year in our future, or any “Time” after (Such as in your “Worldline” as you so describe?))

If I had any and I published them, I’m sure they may have a large impact. Unfortunately, I don’t have any with me. Even if I did, I’m sure they would be scrutinized also. Again we get back to the same question. If you were a time traveler, what would you do to establish your credibility?

((You said that there were 7 other time travellers that you knew of who were on various missions from 2036 on your timeline. I am curious have people in 2036 been visited by people from further in the future? One would think that once time travel was possible and widely known that visitors from other time frames would be more likely to be visible and willing to be upfront about their visitation to the period after time travel, A.T.T (after time travel)).

No, I am not aware of time travelers visiting my worldline in 2036. However, that does not mean it can’t or isn’t happening. Also, the possible number of worldlines a time traveler might arrive at would place the chances of them hitting any particular one at very long odds.

((However, there is one thing I would like to know. TimeTravel_0 if in fact you have been to the future, what happens to JCS- ME =)? Am I deeply involved in this Time Travel project as well? What of the resistance?))

I have no idea what happens to you in your future. There was a resistance on my worldline but their goal was to maintain power and control over other people. We killed most of them by 2020.

(Does anyone know how big an IBM 5100 is??)

I would say its about 20” long, 10” high and 30” long.

((I’ve had a …erm…falling out with T-T-0 in the past as you have no doubt seen if you have read the past messages.))

I’m not aware we had a falling out. I apologize if you think that’s the case.

((in the 2036,do they still publish books? if so,do they still have those Cliff Notes books? the yellow ones,about things like physics and geometry and common time displacement theory and such? hint hint… ))

Yes, books are still published. If I had any cliff notes with me I would let you decide if they should be posted or not.

((is the government regulating the time machine you used to get here, or are you free to do as you choose?))

The displacement machine is not mine but I am free to make certain decisions based on the experiences and information I gather from each worldline. I am expected back but from their perspective, I will only have been gone for a split second.

((So do you plan on keep avoid answering my questions? You been awfully quiet since I’ve returned… Time Traveling must keep you very busy huh.))

I’m not sure what questions you are referring to. You did ask one question about yourself, right below the link to your website. I am confused why you would think I would know anything about you.

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DaViper unregistered posted 05 January 2001 15:24


Thank you rgrunt. Peace and success to you likewise.


Well said.

I think sometimes poeple confuse “open minded” with “gullible”.

Open minded is when you are ready (open) to recieve any information that can be enlightening or even just plain subjective to you. In this, all things are possible.


Being gullible. This is when you unquestioningly accept something just because someone else says so. One has to do one’s own homework to get to real truth.

Gullibility then deteriorates into the worse condition of all. Self imposed ignorance. This is where one accepts as true, that which has ALREADY BEEN PROVEN to not be so. Or continues to believe that something is NOT so when it has been proven to be true. Those who still believe the world is flat fall into this last category. And they are STILL out there.

Maybe TT_O IS a Time Traveller. But his reluctance to offer any proof of such damages his credibility. Saying he “doesn’t care” whether he is believed or not is really nothing more than a cop out. And allows him to side-step the issue of proof.

I cannot say for sure whether Time Travel is, or ever WILL be possible. I simply don’t know. But I have a certain amount of confidence that TT_O is NOT one.

His story IS creative. But the physics just don’t add up.

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TimeTravelActivist Member posted 05 January 2001 15:39


Well that was a pretty interesting picture of the future you painted for us TimeTravel_0. Although, that is just 1 version of events. And your complete disregard of your Time Line will cease to exist now. Telling us this, will without a doubt change all that you described.

If in fact it’s true hehe.

Personally, I know already that life will turn into one big collective in the future. Hence my resistance…

Individuality as people in the way we lead our lives, is no longer our choice. Then you know that my resistance will fight for the freedom to destroy oppression.

Further more, my identity in the future would most likely be changed … Nevertheless, if you have been to the future, you know who I am.

No doubt about that…


[This message has been edited by TimeTravelActivist (edited 05 January 2001).]

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TimeTravelActivist Member posted 05 January 2001 15:40


(No Post)…

[This message has been edited by TimeTravelActivist (edited 05 January 2001).]

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Observer unregistered posted 05 January 2001 19:44



we enjoy reading your posts very much.please continue. we enjoy your contributions. You are obviously a very important part of this small “internet community”.

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timetravel_1 unregistered posted 06 January 2001 12:45



I belive you, i dont know why but i belive you, but i think the other guys need a real clue for belive you, so, i think you can take a photo of your clothes and post it, or your credencial, because if you work for the goberment, you need to had a credential of the gob in the future, and of curse you need to have clothes from the future, or you travel nude?

And what about the social system in the future, its so like socialism, only there one thing wrong, on socialism theres no religion, so please tell me, in the future the church stop to steal money, and manipulate people, or how works the structure of the church in the future?

I had just another question, what happen in the future whit mexico and the latinamericans.

Atte: a fan of you, TT_1.

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Juanito Junior Member posted 06 January 2001 16:02



There is an expression that is used here in this “time”.

Shit or get off the pot.

Just start naming historical figures in your “time” or stop saying that you are a time traveler

IP: Logged

TimeTravelActivist Member posted 06 January 2001 16:33


Well, what do we have here ? There seems to be some Latino homiez in da house here… I’m part Hispanic too bro’s.

Hey, listen up… As a Time Traveler to the future my self, I have seen the uniforms. I have even put one on. Therefore, if TimeTraveler_0 can offer us a picture of his uniform as proof, I will verify it’s legitimacy with the one I wore.

However, I wouldn’t count on you actually telling us the truth… I know people, and I can sense when they are telling the truth, and when they are lying.

Isn’t that right people? (Those of you who know me, when have I ever been wrong about people?). I told you so, so many times .

Anyway’s, if you can get this picture and I know you can’t. I would like to establish a real-time chat. We will invite 3 or 5 members to represent each side.

Your side, claiming to have Time Traveled and making a big public notice about it. And me, who will set the record straight and who will verify your story. Let me just let you know right now; this won’t be an easy chat for you. There will be no more posts where you can think of what to say and take your time with.

You will be caught in lies either by me, or my side of members.

So, are you up to the challenge? Answer A.S.A.P. by Go or No-Go. However, if your answer is No-Go, please supply a statement saying why.

Got to go for now.


[This message has been edited by TimeTravelActivist (edited 06 January 2001).]

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Juanito Junior Member posted 06 January 2001 16:38



If you are really a time travler how is the President after GW Bush?

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timetravel_1 unregistered posted 06 January 2001 17:31



I’ll go

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Shadow unregistered posted 06 January 2001 19:12


To Timetravel Activist;

you’ve been here longer than TT_O and we are still waiting for YOU to prove that you have ever been to the future. I’m going to the future too, one day at a time. When I get there, I’ll STILL be waiting for you to prove it.

Here is a little test for you. What is your opinion of the Montauk material?

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TimeTravelActivist Member posted 06 January 2001 19:22


timetravel_1 whom’s side will you be arguing for?

Anyone else?

Juanito, I am not a Time Traveler like TimeTraveler_0 claims to be. I didn’t get into any machine from the future or anything like that.

No, my connection to Time and its nature is unique. I’ve had it since birth. There is no way to truly explain how I know or seen the future. Nevertheless, everyday I’m finding out new things .

And about GW Bush, I don’t know what to tell you. Although I have an uncle that looks like him .


IP: Logged

Juanito Junior Member posted 06 January 2001 19:31



Can u predict my future??

Why is the government watching you??


IP: Logged

TimeTravelActivist Member posted 06 January 2001 19:39



Have I never explained my self?

Thousands of times, and in the best way I know how.

How many times have I said that the future is a @$#%!* place?

How many times have I said to band Time Travel?

Have you ever seen my website?

It’s been there for the longest time, explaining how I feel about Time Travel, and what we as concerned people should do.

I don’t need to say I am a Time Traveler like TimeTraveler_0 to tell you what I have seen. In addition, I don’t claim to have been from the future how TimeTraveler_0 states he is. I have explained that I have this connection to it, enabling me to see things.

Check my past posts and my website, I don’t speak of it directly like TimeTraveler_0 did, but you get the general idea of what I am trying to mean.

Here it is again http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Atrium/9822/ also read the information about me page.


Javier C.

IP: Logged

Time02112 Member posted 06 January 2001 19:51


TT_0 thanks for the reply RE: sharing future technological reports, or publications…

You have expressed an inability to provide them now, for lack of having any with you, before you arrived in our “Worldline”

Could you please make a note, to remind yourself to bring them with you on your “Next Visit” here?

(Providing there will be another “Visit”)

Meanwhile, why not use your memory to paint us a more “Specific” picture of your worldline, by providing us with some more “Detailed” information that would provide to those who may be more skeptical? in the least by accepting this challange (instead of avoiding it) what harm would it possibly bring? if you keep out any information that may not be acceptably permissable in order to prevent any clandestine repercussions of the future outcome of a series of events which are crucial to our future to come, so that they may play out their roles, as they were intended, I can only see that there are still many variable details that you “CAN” Disclose to us that would not be this detrimental, and only “Add” to your Credability.

One good example of such, I would like to ask you to disclose the names of these “Five Presidents” that you mentioned earlier.

*Who:> Who are they? and who are those involved with breathing life into this supposed NWO, that many people in our current world-line are so afraid of?

*What:> A.)What are their primary, and post secondary functions within the New GVT?

B.) What is the extent of their Authoritive positions of power?

C.) What is our New GVT like, compared to our worldline’s current GVT?

(is it anything Like the Dreded NWO as predicted?, or did this dictatorial NWO rise to power as prohecised, and suddenly get defeated?*(was this what you implyed by your earlier comment represented by the nuber of those slain, that attempted to “control” the free citizens?)

*Where:> Where do they reside?

*When:> When do each of them officialy acquire their respective positions of Authority?

Why:> Why did the New GVT suddenly enlist five Presidents?

(Anyone else care to jump on this & add more questions pertaing?)

IP: Logged

Juanito Junior Member posted 06 January 2001 19:51



Why is the gov’t after u??

IP: Logged

TimeTravelActivist Member posted 06 January 2001 19:56



Slow down high speed … I don’t know your future; it’s what you want it to be. If you are determined to do something with your life, then you will do it.

How I am determined to do something about Time Travel someday, I know what will be my fate.

Nevertheless, if your looking for a fortune forecast, I’m not the right person to see about that. Maybe not now anyway’s .


P.S. How I know I am being watched? You asked me in an e-mail. Let me just say that if you were to spend a day in my shoes you’d see what I mean. I can’t explain it, you have to experience it. A teacup cannot break the same way twice, or so I once thought.

IP: Logged

Trott Member posted 06 January 2001 23:49


Assuming time travel is possible. I do not see how one could band it from being used. In fact, how would one even know that it was used? If you buy into the multiple universe intrepretation of quantum mechanics, would not the time traveller simply pop out of existence in our universe never to be seen again? How would it be possible to band time travel in the infinite multitude of parallel universes, since each universe represents one of an infinite albeit different sequence of events/choices? To “fight” against the infinite diversity of existence in all of its infinite combinitations does not seem logical (at least to me that is). And if you do not buy the multiverse idea, then if time travel is to be used it can not be stopped since time travel would only be possible on closed time like curves, i.e. self-fulfilling destinies in a manner of speaking. Personally, I do not even see how it is possible for one to realize that they were in a closed timelike loop much less escape it. For all things would be as they were as they are and as they will be. Actually, a lack of multiple universes seems a little depressing to me. It seems it would imply an unchangeable fate, for whatever actions we take we were destined to and no matter what technologies we may think up would be able to erase the mistakes of our past or change the past course of our existence. And if that is in fact the case, the only real benefit time travel would have is for scientific and historical purposes. Unless, you were killed by a time traveller from the future but if that happens you need not worry because it was suppose to happen!

IP: Logged

Lara unregistered posted 07 January 2001 01:15


I like your thinking Trott.

IP: Logged

DaViper unregistered posted 07 January 2001 07:06


I also like your thinking trott. The idea of “banning” Time Travel has already been dealt with in fiction. I can’t remember the author, but it appeared in one of the Hugo Annual Anthologies.

The premise is, if you have a machine that can travel in time, you can just as easily use it to simply “see” into the future (or past) without having to actually travel there.

You can set it to whatever period you like. 1 million years from now. Or 100. Or even 1/10th of a second from now.

Why would you choose this latter setting? Why, to see into your neighboor’s bedroom of course. 1/10th of a second into the future is virtually like being there now.

This is why it was banned.

IP: Logged

Fast Member posted 07 January 2001 13:14



i wasnt aware that time travel had been banned..


if they wanted to ban time travel,”they” could kill you off when you returned..


i remember some time ago on the artbell show,some woman claimed to be a “born time traveler”.She said she would occasionally slip in and out of other time lines.she said she always returned to where she left off in our time.

is this the way it is with you?


IP: Logged

Roel van Houten Member posted 07 January 2001 16:02


Hi people,

I agree with Trott here… Banning time-travel (if time-travel is possible in the first place) seems virtually impossible.

However I find it very disturbing that people would want to ban time-travel. That’s like trying to stop the invention of computertechnology. Time-travel may prove to be very useful in the future.

TimeTravelActivist: You are right, I haven’t been around long enough to know what you’re all about. However, after reading your website I decided that your story is just as trustworthy as Timetravel_0s’story, but it lacks evidence. Yet you want him to prove that he’s a timetraveler. Don’t you think that’s a little bit unfair?

Greetings from rainy Amsterdam

IP: Logged

TimeTravelActivist Member posted 07 January 2001 17:20


Roel van Houten

How is it unfair? He says he can prove it, he has the evidence necessary to.

What do I have? Just my own experiences as proof. If anything, it’s unfair to me. I have nothing to bring out in the open.


I’d like to hear this news broadcast. Sounds like something I might be experiencing. Once when I was 7, I told my sister, Abraham Lincoln wasn’t supposed to have been killed. Ever since then, she still thinks I’m a bit crazy . Go fig…


P.S. Baning Time Travel to exploit the past is what I meant. You people took me to literal, everybody knows that that’s what I always mean by baning it …

IP: Logged

Fast Member posted 07 January 2001 21:36



she said that she had woken up in other times,and came back with bruises that she didnt know where she got..

ever since Art Bell quit the show,they’ve stopped holding his Streamed Audio Shows,so you’ll probably have to look around..or call Art.


IP: Logged

P.Light unregistered posted 07 January 2001 23:53


To T-T-A

Im in though i will have to decide “For” or “Against” i shall message you when i have an answer.

Sidenote No.2—–Gullible or Open minded?

Makeing a long story short:— OPEN MINDED

(Take in the information given,opinions of others,your own opinion, throw in a few theories, Quotes and more information, and go from there!) Naturally there is more to that but the basics are there. Its all about the scientifics. Who would have thought that we could clone animals? Whats to stop us Cloning people?(As you may have heard)


IP: Logged

rgrunt@yahoo.com unregistered posted 08 January 2001 21:14


Good evening, morning , or afternoon everybody,

For a year or two I have started to pay attention to a phenomenon that most people including myself had noticed but taken for granted. The phenomenon is that some days appear to be longer then others. I cannot count the number of times that I felt it was 5:30 pm in the afternoon then go to check the clock and notice that it is only 2:00 pm, merely an hour after I had last checked. Also, I cannot count the number of times that I have thought that it was 2:00 pm in the afternoon and go to check the clock only to find out that it is 5:30 pm. One or two years ago I began to suspect that time itself was indeed fluctuating. So on days that felt longer I asked others if the day was going by fast to them. To my surprize the answer was unanimous. Everyone also felt that the day was going by slower then usual, too. I was looking at an astronomy book last week and noted that space-time is expanding. At the begining of the universe the temperatures of the universe was extremely high and decreased as space expanded. Now I questioned whether there would be any difference if the actual size of the universe were getting bigger as the universe expanded keeping space uniform in density or whether the size of the uniform were fixed and the addition of new space-time resulted in an everincreasing space-time density. I reasoned that the results would be the same for energy occupies space. If the quantity of energy is kept constant and more and more space is crammed into the quantity energy ones first intuition is to assume that the energy per unit volume will increase as a result of the increased compression of space. But this is wrong in fact the energy per unit volume will decrease as a result of compressed space. The reason is that when one compresses a greater quantity of space-time into a constant quantity of energy the energy occupies a greater volume of space. As energy occupies more space the density of the energy decreases as a result of expansion of the energy which is defined as energy occupying greater volumes of space. Now If mass occupies a greater quantity of energy: the energy(that is not mass) will expand and decrease in density. Also energy is generated by friction as the mass is crushed to a smaller volume. This extra energy is neglected in the former statement in that it is the free energy in the form of heat/light that we are interested in not the energy created by the crushing of the mass nor the energy added by the exertion of kenetic force to crush the mass to a smaller volume. As mass increases the energy expands. As energy increases mass expands decreasing in density which is the principle behind the function of hot air baloons. As space increases exponentially and as the number of points increases exponentially the density of space is increased. As the density of space is increased the temperature of space is decreased as the constant thermal energy constant occupies more space. If space increased from all pionts no energy will be created by friction since no space is forced to move into tighter quantities on acount that the number of points is increased symetrically to the increase in volume of space. Now as energy is increased per unit volume time becomes accelerated for that volume as is manifested in a heated object as the molecules of a heated object is sped up relative molecules in cooler masses outside that object.

Edwin G. Schasteen

IP: Logged

rgrunt@yahoo.com unregistered posted 08 January 2001 21:26


I noticed last week that time was dragging nearly taking up nearly twice the time then normal for a given day. I also noticed that it was sunny and the humidity level was low and thermal properties high. Today is monday and I and the rest of the people I worked with noticed that the day went by dramatically faster then normal…taking up nearly a quarter the time for a day then any given day last week took. I also noticed that there was a large increase in humidity and it even rained today harder then it had in the whole year. As temperature within water decreases within water the molecules slow down and time also slows down for that object on acount that time is a measurement of a number of events accurring per given instant multiplied by the velocity of those events squared. (If those events have a velocity of light) and the number of events accuring per given instant multiplied by the velocity of events.(if the velocity is subluminal) I could be wrong in that time may be the number of events times the square of the velocity regardless of the velocity with respect to the velocity of light.) So as water increased in the atmosphere the energy perunit volume expanded by occupying the water molecules in our area resulting in a decrease in the velocity at which time traveled within our given region which is why my day went much faster today.


Edwin G. Schasteen

IP: Logged

WntUlikeToknow unregistered posted 08 January 2001 23:12



Do you realize that the english language lies mortally wounded at the feet of your previous two posts?

Ok, so time is subjective. Scientists disagree.

IP: Logged


Got light? Make matter.



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Member # 15 posted December 25, 2002 16:26


Time-travel Paradoxes! (Page 8)

Author Topic: Time-travel Paradoxes!


Member posted 09 January 2001 05:42



Care to elaborate any further info on the “Other” Time~Travelers from “Your” World-Line”???

*What are the other TT’s worldline destinations, and missions?

*Are any of them, besides yourself, on our current worldline that you are aware of?

*Are you in contact by some special means with any other TT’s? (if so, How is this done?)

*How is it possible to send a message through Time?

(Please Review my earlier Questions)

IP: Logged

TimeTravel_0 unregistered posted 09 January 2001 09:28


((Could you please make a note, to remind yourself to bring them with you on your “Next Visit” here?))

I will not be returning to this worldline.

((Meanwhile, why not use your memory to paint us a more “Specific” picture of your worldline, by providing us with some more “Detailed” information that would provide to those who may be more skeptical?))

I think skepticism is a good thing and no one should lose it.

((by accepting this challange (instead of avoiding it) what harm would it possibly bring?))

I’m not sure what “challenge” you are referring to. If you mean the live chat, I have no problem with that. I do that quite often on other boards. However, I fear I have very few bread and circuses left and I fear I am becoming quite boring. Also, I’m not sure I fully understand the nature of the challenge.


((if you keep out any information that may not be acceptably permissable in order to prevent any clandestine repercussions of the future outcome of a series of events which are crucial to our future to come, so that they may play out their roles, as they were intended, I can only see that there are still many variable details that you “CAN” Disclose to us that would not be this detrimental, and only “Add” to your Credability. ))

Again, I do not seek to add to my credibility. There is no point to it. Actually, by providing information that was usefull, I would be adding to your collective fear that I am real. In that case, this cycle we are in concerning “truth” only spirals and gets worse.

((One good example of such, I would like to ask you to disclose the names of these “Five Presidents” that you mentioned earlier.))

Over the past few postings, I have tried to describe the limits of what I will talk about and why. Here is a short recap list. In future postings, I will place the following number next to each question as to why I will not discuss it.

  1. I will not disclose any information that will cause someone to personally gain by its knowledge. This means no stock or sports tips.
  2. I will not disclose any detailed information that would allow someone to avoid death by probability. This means no earthquake or bombing information.
  3. I will not disclose any information that may compromise any future actions by individual people or threaten their family and well being.

((*Who:> Who are they?…)) ——— 3

((…and who are those involved with breathing life into this supposed NWO, that many people in our current world-line are so afraid of?))

On my worldline, we are no longer afraid of the “NWO”. Are you afraid of Nazis?

((*What:> A.)What are their primary, and post secondary functions within the New GVT?))

The reason the job of President was split into an office of 5 has 4 main reasons. With 5, foreign policy is more consistent, power shifting between parties has less of an impact on the overall government, individual strengths between presidents add to the strength of the overall office, and one president is elected for each major area in the United States.

((B.) What is the extent of their Authoritive positions of power?))

The office of President is far more diluted and decentralized than it is here. The powers of the national government are more defined and reside more at the county and state level.

((C.) What is our New GVT like, compared to our worldline’s current GVT?))

I think the new government is good. However, since the concept of nationally subsidized welfare is gone, most people here may not appreciate it.

((*Where:> Where do they reside?))

The new US capitol is in Omaha Nebraska.

((*When:> When do each of them officialy acquire their respective positions of Authority?))

The voting for individual candidates is on a rotating schedule.

((*What are the other TT’s worldline destinations, and missions?))

I am not aware of the details of other missions. Of the seven, three had already left before I did. I suspect they are on similar missions.

((*Are any of them, besides yourself, on our current worldline that you are aware of?))

No, the chances of that are very slim.

((*Are you in contact by some special means with any other TT’s? (if so, How is this done?))

No, although I would suspect that is not impossible I have no idea how you would do that.

((*How is it possible to send a message through Time?))

Unless the information physically travels with the person, not that I’m aware of.

IP: Logged

Rgrunt unregistered posted 09 January 2001 11:01


I appologize,

I meant to say that time was accelerated and the energy per unit volume lower at our respective position as a result of the increased density of air as a result of increased humidity. I donnot mean to say that time actually slows down but sequence of events are accelerated outside the reqion of higher humidity with respect to those events within the region of higher humidity as a result of the area of higher humidity having a lower energy density then the region of lower humidity. This is indeed counter intuitive and requires a unique perspective of the model to totally understand. Most scientist would agree that higher energy densities occupy masses of higher density. This is because the masses of higher density will have atoms with more electrons and protons enabling higher angles of energy deflection within the mass prolonging the period of time required for the free propagation energies to permiate through the solid medium. When I speak of eneries I am refering to the electro-magnetic spectrum. I would like to appologize for butchering the english language in my last two postings, but I was on a timer and did not have time to hit the ‘spell check’ button. In short, I really do wander if there is a sort of time dialation within the atmosphere caused by the fluctuating levels of temperature and humidity. Can anyone coment? I was also realizing that by compressing energy to a smaller volume of space that space would likewise expand taking on lesser density even without having to stretch at all. This would mean that the total volume density of a volume of space is defined mathematically as S=1/e^2 where S is the density of space and e is the density of energy. (a side note to Plight: this is part of the mathematical model for the device in that as the radius of the magnetic field decreases to zero at 180 degrees torque: the energy density of the field increases to infinity as the space-time density decreases to zero. Beyond 180 degrees torque the energy density of space space-time aquires a negative density according to the equation S=1/e^2 where e^2 rises above infinity(infinity not being true infinity but a convenient label for the unknown limit value of e^2.)and the corresponding S value takes on a negative value.


Edwin G. Schasteen

IP: Logged

Ninth of multiple Posts

This post is the ninth of a series of posts related to John Titor.


Our reality is not what we think it is. I am not the only person who has disclosed that there are others, and other organizations that can enter and leave our reality at will. Another person who made this claim went by the name John Titor.

Only where as, I claim to be part of MAJestic and was employed as part of human sentience management, John Titor claimed to be a person who was part of another world-line. Together, we both claim that the MWI is real, and we utilize it to perform dimensional egress for our own purposes.

  • I claim that it is a tool that is used to manage human sentience evolution.
  • John Titor claims that he utilized the time variable to conduct acquisition activities in the past.

He claimed that on that world-line, the United States was fundamentally different after a rapid series of events in the late 1990’s. He claimed that he needed to perform some acquisition of certain technical devices through the use of the time-variance option in dimensional travel.

Most people has dismissed him as a hoax. However, if you add ten years to every date that he provided, you can well see that he has accurately predicted the events that we are experiencing today.

While there are many things that came true that I find difficult to believe that anyone would be aware of on 1998, one of two stand out in my mind.

  • The first is that he “liked to watch segments of movies”. This is something that you can do on Tiktok and no where else. Not even on you-tube.
  • The second is that described a United States in a state of revolution. When the government (at most levels) were controlled by progressive Marxists, and the traditional conservatives were being “hunted down” by the “Federal Police”. This could very easily occur with a presidenty with a Democrat administration given the state of things today.

This is the ninth of a multi-part post.

Take Aways

  • John Titor claimed to be a time traveler.
  • He utilized dimensional travel to move in and out of the baseline reality.
  • As such, he visited our world-line to acquire some technology needed on his world-line.
  • That technology was produced in “our” past. Thus the idea that it involved “time travel”.

Do you want more?

I have more mores along these lines in my John Titor Index here…

John Titor

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A look at some of the techniques the CIA taught the “pro democracy” demonstrators in Hong Kong in 2019 – 2020.

I tire of all this global politics and political manipulations. It’s really quite tiring and worrisome. The anti-China campaign is geared up to prep the American electorate towards a war with China, and it is really building up to that point. (It really is.) Trump collapsed global trade, unleashed a bio-weapon, and supported the proxy use of a micro-nuke to destroy the BRI facility in the Beirut Port in Lebanon. And I haven’t even started listing the thousands of other efforts. Ugh!

Forget those negotiations with China spearheaded by the man who boasted that he was the maestro of “the art of the deal.” 

Recently, it’s been an all-hands-on-deck assault on that country: from deploying U.S. aircraft carriers in the South China Sea to the sudden and arbitrary closing of a Chinese consulate in Houston. Of all people, Health Secretary Alex Azar was even dispatched to Taiwan, that other China, to meet and greet the country’s president, the highest-ranking official American visitor to do so in four decades. Of course, as with so much in the age of Trump, there was a grimly comic aspect to his trip, since he made a particular point of praising the way a democratic country could handle the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic (a howler, given how Chinese President Xi Jinping and Donald Trump have each handled that same virus). 

And that’s just to start down a list that, from TikTok bans to criminal charges against four members of the Chinese military, only continues to grow as The Donald and crew become ever more belligerent about that rising power on a falling planet.

Hong Kong

Let’s focus on Hong Kong.

Now that China has pretty much captured, imprisoned, and evicted the NED agitators (who where behind the (so called) “pro democracy” protests), we now have a very detailed picture of the techniques and systems that they used.

A secret high-level committee of Hong Kong senior activists worked with Western agents from the CIA to coordinate and amplify the leaderless protests against the fugitive law amendment last year, Nury Vittachi claims in his book The Other Side of the Story: A Secret War in Hong Kong.

Vittachi, a veteran journalist and a columnist for The Standard, accused the CIA of funding anti-government activities in the SAR. He said Hong Kong protesters have received practical training in street-protest strategy and media control from members of the professional revolution industry since January 2013.

The book named three US-based groups - the Oslo Freedom Foundation, the Albert Einstein Institute and the Centre for Applied Nonviolent Action and Strategies - which were directly involved in last year's social unrest.

He added that public records had shown that the National Endowment for Democracy, the CIA's regime-change arm, had sent HK$170 million to the mainland or Hong Kong since 2014 to "advance the cause of democracy."


We know for certain that the NED was a CIA front. We also know through videos, audio recordings, phone conversations, movies, and confessions how the protestors were trained and directed to cause disruption in Hong Kong. It’s amazing stuff for certain.

Not all protestors were so trained. Just the leadership were.

They leadership ran the mobs. Other individuals (also paid for by the NED) were “recruiters” and collected and organized the mobs. Most of which operated by recruitment in Hong Kong schools and Universities. There is where the millennial youth were collected and inspired to protest.

But, not all protestors were young.

The older protestors were also recruited. But they were recruited differently. We know because they were paid to be agitators. NED recruiters would go into retirement communities, and other venues to collect people and pay them to participate in the protests. Those so paid were issued with a monetary award of a few thousand HKD and were given a stamped tattoo. You can see this tattoo on many of the older protesters during the riots.


But such short lived money had some consequences, don’t you know…

Money flowed easily, and some Chinese tried to capitalize in this by "double dipping" and other tactics to claim the money. 

However, months later, many who collected the CIA cash, found that they suddenly lost all of their social security, and their social credit score went to zero and went black. The money was dirty and tracked by Beijing. If you cashed it at a Chinese bank, and the GPS showed that you were at a protest event, you suddenly lost all social standing. Which meant, no buses, no taxi's, no subways, no school, no credit cards, no flying. No parking. Nothing....

... for the REST OF YOUR LIFE.

All of this was conducted by the NED.

Which is the CIA, run by the CIA, and funded by the CIA. But, it is now renamed as a "private NGO" for "humanitarian purposes."

In short, the CIA under the control of Mike Pompeo, and by direction of Donald Trump lead a “Color Revolution” in Hong Kong, following very advanced techniques and supported technology.

Hong Kong billionaire Jimmy Lai under arrest.

A “color revolution” in HK

Using American technology and Langley information, protest venues were precisely mapped out. Cameras were identified and disabled, and targets were selected.

Each protest was like a piece in a very complex puzzle. All directed to force the Hong Kong government to take certain precalculated actions. (As it was compelled by HK democrat law to behave in certain ways and react to crime in certain specific ways.)

This was success for some time.

For a while it was like a “wack a mole”, and the police were running all over the place. Riots were popping up everywhere, stations and buildings were burning, Chinese citizens were getting hurt and killed, and the government appeared impotent. As soon as the protestors were arrested, HK Judges (UK, and Australian citizens within HK) would let them go home free with no punishments or consequences.

This is because the entire system was not set up to combat an invasion by a foreign power. Only to arrest and suppress individual disturbances to the civil order.

The “color revolution” counted on HK maintaining democracy, and they used systems and polices that would work in that environment. As such, the rioters were trained to do as much damage as possible and to provoke as much as possible, but cause no direct confrontation.

And they thrived.

Things were going exactly to plan.

That was, until China decided that it served no purpose to continue to play the game and play by the rules established by Mike Pompeo.

China recognized that America was behind everything. They had proof and confirmations. They realized that the way the situation was being handled would eventually result in the collapse of the government there. This was unacceptable. And action had to be taken.

China takes action in HK

So they changed the rules of the game. They changed the laws, and immediately went to work collecting, seizing and isolating the CIA elements.

  • The entire faculty at the problematic universities were fired. There were were no exceptions for tenure or other reasons.
  • All foreign journalists and news media were culled for their participation in the riots. many operations were shut down, and the people deported from HK.
  • HK billionaires who partially funded the operations, and produced pamphlets and propaganda were arrested with their entire families and senior staff. They were taken to mainland China and are now being held for treason which will result in serious consequences for them and their families.
  • The COVID-19 served as great cover to clear out the remaining “rats nest” and for the most art, HK is clean of the offenders.

Now, there is a lot of information behind all this. It’s all in China. I couldn’t find anything in the American or British press. Which was strange. You would think that they might at least have one singular article. At least.


In the articles you can see the great deal of depth and discoveries uncovered by the Chinese investigation teams. For they have found chemical weapons labs making both munitions, and chemical weapons. they have found instructive literature (that came from the United States), and secure communication systems that lead straight back to America.

From a technical point of view, I find all this information fascinating.

But that is not what I am going to post here. Instead, I am going to just post one or two videos that have been making their way inside China that well illustrate the great degree of avant-garde control that the CIA has established when trying to force the collapse of Hong Kong and establish billionaire Jimmy Lai as the new dictator.

John Bolton with Jimmy Lai.

All of it is terribly interesting.

Video 1 – Riot control by the NED

Like I said, I won’t spend too much time on this. I really don’t have much interest in the instigation of riots for manipulative gain. But I am interested in “fifth column” activities.

Check this video out…

How instructions were sent by the NED / CIA to the protestors.

This is all very interesting.

Now, China had to stop all of this. Beijing saw that the Hong Kong government was following the standard police riot control methods that usually work for “grass roots” organizations, but this was on another level completely. These protests and riots were well funded, highly organized, and methodical. There was a long term plan and strategy at play.

Video 2 – What was intended to happen to HK.

China bugged the conversation(s) between trumps’ diplomatic aides in Hong Kong and the protest leadership. So everything they said, did, promised and explored was recorded, and analyzed in both Hong Kong and Beijing.

  • China has videos and audio tracks of American leadership directing riots in HK.
  • China has videos of American Leadership making promises and giving money to anti-China (pro-Democracy) terrorists.
  • China has the complete “paper trail” of the money, how it changed hands, and where it originated from, as well as detailed itemized lists of how it was spent.

They knew what was promised, what the funding and supply channels were and what to expect. And they did not like it.

Because it was clearly stated DURING THE CONVERSATIONS with the radical leadership that the intention of President Trump was to turn Hong Kong upside down “and let it burn“. The Trump administration wanted to turn Hong Kong into another fiasco like all the other “color revolutions” were.

Hong Kong – Let it BURN!

This is what the objective was…

Images form a previous NED sponsored “color revolution”.

Today, Hong Kong is quiet.

Everything is back to normal.

There just isn’t any more protests. No one is waving American Flags. No one is singing the American National Anthem. No one is spraying pro-American graffiti on the walls. Pepe-the-frog is no where to be seen.

Imagine that!

Trump is furious!

You can see this. He is completely unhinged. What the heck? Why is he so upset if Hong Kong is calm and peaceful? Why is he so enraged?

Well, we all know the reasons.

But first, let’s be clear…

China was the ONLY nation that has been able to stop a CIA / NED sponsored “color revolution” dead in it’s tracks. It’s the only nation that was able to do so.

That is worth consideration.


This is all pretty obvious if you have been paying attention.

What I find interesting in all of this is the dearth and lack of information about this in the American and Western press. Further, and most importantly, there is ZERO information anywhere about how China stopped a NED sponsored “color revolution” in a city that is four times the size of New York City.

You can come to many conclusions regarding all this.

  • You can pretty much consider all “news” to be nonexistent.
  • The USA is out of control and failed in containing HK via the NED.
  • HK still remains an economic and financial center fro the Pacific basin.

Meanwhile, Overseas Chinese are flocking back to China…

“Hong Kong is and will always be an inseparable part of China. Hong Kong has its own identity, it will always be special, like Shanghai and Beijing are special too. Because of our history, we are fortunate to have choices. 

There is absolutely nothing wrong with emigrating to US, Canada or UK. My generation has been there and done that. We have many friends and family happily settled in the US/Canada/UK, albeit they are frustrated because Trump makes their lives miserable too. 

But those who choose to leave Hong Kong now because media and hallucinations lead them to believe that Hong Kong will decline and there will be no more freedom and rights blah blah blah, then I guarantee you, they will miss the best ride ever and regret it for the rest of their lives.

This is the best time in history to be Chinese, and to be in Hong Kong and China.”

As a HK’er myself, I totally agree with her points of view. To be totally open, I know Sandra and her husband. We went through very similar life experience and after a long time in the West, we settled back down in Hong Kong and China. Not only is Hong Kong our home, China is the place to be at. We feel proud because of our own achievement and the prospects going forward are even better.

Do you want more?

I have more posts along this in my Trump Trade War Index here…

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Trump Trade War

Law 29 Plan all the way to the end (full text) from the 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene.

This is the free full text in glorious HTML of law 29 from Robert Greene’s work titled “The 48 Laws of Power”. This law is titled “Plan all the way to the end”. It is a great read, and contains a lot of wisdom on many levels. Indeed, anyone who has ever managed a project can attest to the validity of this law.

LAW 29



The ending is everything.

Plan all the way to it, taking into account all the possible consequences, obstacles, and twists of fortune that might reverse your hard work and give the glory to others.

By planning to the end you will not be overwhelmed by circumstances and you will know when to stop.

Gently guide fortune and help determine the future by thinking far ahead.


In 1510 a ship set out from the island of Hispaniola (now Haiti and the Dominican Republic) for Venezuela, where it was to rescue a besieged Spanish colony.

Several miles out of port, a stowaway climbed out of a provision chest: Vasco Núñez de Balboa, a noble Spaniard who had come to the New World in search of gold but had fallen into debt and had escaped his creditors by hiding in the chest.

There are very few men—and they are the exceptions—who are able to think and feel beyond the present moment.


Balboa had been obsessed with gold ever since Columbus had returned to Spain from his voyages with tales of a fabulous but as yet undiscovered kingdom called El Dorado.

Balboa was one of the first adventurers to come in search of Columbus’s land of gold, and he had decided from the beginning that he would be the one to find it, through sheer audacity and single-mindedness.

Now that he was free of his creditors, nothing would stop him.

Vasco Núñez de Balboa could very well be represented by the Character Aguirre in “The Wrath of God”.

Unfortunately the ship’s owner, a wealthy jurist named Francisco Fer nández de Enciso, was furious when told of the stowaway, and he ordered that Balboa be left on the first island they came across.

Before they found any island, however, Enciso received news that the colony he was to rescue had been abandoned.

This was Balboa’s chance.

He told the sailors of his previous voyages to Panama, and of the rumors he had heard of gold in the area.

The excited sailors convinced Enciso to spare Balboa’s life, and to establish a colony in Panama.

Weeks later they named their new settlement “Darien.”

Darien’s first governor was Enciso, but Balboa was not a man to let others steal the initiative. He campaigned against Enciso among the sailors, who eventually made it clear that they preferred him as governor.

Enciso fled to Spain, fearing for his life.

Months later, when a representative of the Spanish crown arrived to establish himself as the new, official governor of Darien, he was turned away.

On his return voyage to Spain, this man drowned; the drowning was accidental, but under Spanish law, Balboa had murdered the governor and usurped his position.

Balboa’s bravado had got him out of scrapes before, but now his hopes of wealth and glory seemed doomed.

To lay claim to El Dorado, should he discover it, he would need the approval of the Spanish king—which, as an outlaw, he would never receive.

There was only one solution. Panamanian Indians had told Balboa of a vast ocean on the other side of the Central American isthmus, and had said that by traveling south upon this western coast, he would reach a fabulous land of gold, called by a name that to his ears sounded like “Biru.”

Balboa decided he would cross the treacherous jungles of Panama and become the first European to bathe his feet in this new ocean.

From there he would march on El Dorado. If he did this on Spain’s behalf, he would obtain the eternal gratitude of the king, and would secure his own reprieve—only he had to act before Spanish authorities came to arrest him.


Two frogs dwelt in the same pool. The pool being dried up under the summer’s heat, they left it, and set out together to seek another home. 

As they went along they chanced to pass a deep well, amply supplied with water, on seeing which one of the frogs said to the other: “Let us descend and make our abode in this well, it will furnish us with shelter and food.” The other replied with greater caution: “But suppose the water should fail us, how can we get out again from so great a depth?” 

Do nothing without a regard to the consequences.


In 1513, then, Balboa set out, with 190 soldiers. Halfway across the isthmus (some ninety miles wide at that point), only sixty soldiers remained, many having succumbed to the harsh conditions—the blood-sucking insects, the torrential rainfall, fever.

Aguirre the wrath of god..

Finally, from a mountaintop, Balboa became the first European to lay eyes on the Pacific Ocean. Days later he marched in his armor into its waters, bearing the banner of Castile and claiming all its seas, lands, and islands in the name of the Spanish throne.

Look to the end, no matter what it is you are considering. Often enough, God gives a man a glimpse of happiness, and then utterly ruins him.


Indians from the area greeted Balboa with gold, jewels, and precious pearls, the like of which he had never seen.

When he asked where these had come from, the Indians pointed south, to the land of the Incas. But Balboa had only a few soldiers left. For the moment, he decided, he should return to Darien, send the jewels and gold to Spain as a token of good will, and ask for a large army to aid him in the conquest of El Dorado.

When news reached Spain of Balboa’s bold crossing of the isthmus, his discovery of the western ocean, and his planned conquest of El Dorado, the former criminal became a hero.

He was instantly proclaimed governor of the new land.

But before the king and queen received word of his discovery, they had already sent a dozen ships, under the command of a man named Pedro Arias Dávila, “Pedrarias,” with orders to arrest Balboa for murder and to take command of the colony.

By the time Pedrarias arrived in Panama, he had learned that Balboa had been pardoned, and that he was to share the governorship with the former outlaw.

All the same, Balboa felt uneasy.

Gold was his dream, El Dorado his only desire.

In pursuit of this goal he had nearly died many times over, and to share the wealth and glory with a newcomer would be intolerable.

He also soon discovered that Pedrarias was a jealous, bitter man, and equally unhappy with the situation. Once again, the only solution for Balboa was to seize the initiative by proposing to cross the jungle with a larger army, carrying ship-building materials and tools.

Crossing the mountains.

Once on the Pacific coast, he would create an armada with which to conquer the Incas.

Surprisingly enough, Pedrarias agreed to the plan—perhaps sensing it would never work.

Hundreds died in this second march through the jungle, and the timber they carried rotted in the torrential rains.

Balboa, as usual, was undaunted—no power in the world could thwart his plan—and on arriving at the Pacific he began to cut down trees for new lumber. But the men remaining to him were too few and too weak to mount an invasion, and once again Balboa had to return to Darien.

Pedrarias had in any case invited Balboa back to discuss a new plan, and on the outskirts of the settlement, the explorer was met by Francisco Pizarro, an old friend who had accompanied him on his first crossing of the isthmus.

But this was a trap: Leading one hundred soldiers, Pizarro surrounded his former friend, arrested him, and returned him to Pedrarias, who tried him on charges of rebellion.

A few days later Balboa’s head fell into a basket, along with those of his most trusted followers. Years later Pizarro himself reached Peru, and Balboa’s deeds were forgotten.


In ancient times a king of Tartary was out walking with some of his noblemen. At the roadside was an abdal (a wandering Sufi), who cried out: “Whoever will give me a hundred dinars, I will give him some good advice.” 

The king stopped, and said: “Abdal, what is this good advice for a hundred dinars?” 

“Sir,” answered the abdal, “order the sum to be given to me, and I will tell it you immediately.” 

The king did so, expecting to hear something extraordinary. 

The dervish said to him: “My advice is this: Never begin anything until you have reflected what will be the end of it.” 

At this the nobles and everyone else present laughed, saying that the abdal had been wise to ask for his money in advance. 

But the king said: “You have no reason to laugh at the good advice this abdal has given me. No one is unaware of the fact that we should think well before doing anything. But we are daily guilty of not remembering, and the consequences are evil. I very much value this dervish’s advice. ”

The king decided to bear the advice always in his mind, and commanded it to be written in gold on the walls and even engraved on his silver plate.

Not long afterward a plotter desired to kill the king. 

He bribed the royal surgeon with a promise of the prime ministership if he thrust a poisoned lancet into the king’s arm. 

When the time came to let some of the king’s blood, a silver basin was placed to catch the blood. 

Suddenly the surgeon became aware of the words engraved upon it: “Never begin anything until you have reflected what will be the end of it. ” 

It was only then that he realized that if the plotter became king he could have the surgeon killed instantly, and would not need to fulfill his bargain.

The king, seeing that the surgeon was now trembling, asked him what was wrong with him. And so he confessed the truth, at that very moment.The plotter was seized; and the king sent for all the people who had been present when the abdal gave his advice, and said to them: “Do you still laugh at the dervish?”



Most men are ruled by the heart, not the head.

Their plans are vague, and when they meet obstacles they improvise.

But improvisation will only bring you as far as the next crisis, and is never a substitute for thinking several steps ahead and planning to the end.

Balboa had a dream of glory and wealth, and a vague plan to reach it.

Yet his bold deeds, and his discovery of the Pacific, are largely forgotten, for he committed what in the world of power is the ultimate sin: He went part way, leaving the door open for others to take over.

A real man of power would have had the prudence to see the dangers in the distance—the rivals who would want to share in the conquests, the vultures that would hover once they heard the word “gold.”

Balboa should have kept his knowledge of the Incas secret until after he had conquered Peru.

Only then would his wealth, and his head, have been secure.

Once Pedrarias arrived on the scene, a man of power and prudence would have schemed to kill or imprison him, and to take over the army he had brought for the conquest of Peru.

But Balboa was locked in the moment, always reacting emotionally, never thinking ahead.

What good is it to have the greatest dream in the world if others reap the benefits and the glory? Never lose your head over a vague, open-ended dream—plan to the end.


In 1863 the Prussian premier Otto von Bismarck surveyed the chessboard of European power as it then stood. The main players were England, France, and Austria.

Prussia itself was one of several states in the loosely allied German Federation.

Austria, dominant member of the Federation, made sure that the other German states remained weak, divided and submissive.

Bismarck believed that Prussia was destined for something far greater than servant boy to Austria.

This is how Bismarck played the game. His first move was to start a war with lowly Denmark, in order to recover the former Prussian lands of Schleswig-Holstein. He knew that these rumblings of Prussian independence might worry France and England, so he enlisted Austria in the war, claiming that he was recovering Schleswig-Holstein for their benefit.

In a few months, after the war was decided, Bismarck demanded that the newly conquered lands be made part of Prussia.

The Austrians of course were furious, but they compromised: First they agreed to give the Prussians Schleswig, and a year later they sold them Holstein. The world began to see that Austria was weakening and that Prussia was on the rise.

Bismarck’s next move was his boldest: In 1866 he convinced King William of Prussia to withdraw from the German Federation, and in doing so to go to war with Austria itself.

King William’s wife, his son the crown prince, and the princes of the other German kingdoms vehemently opposed such a war.

But Bismarck, undaunted, succeeded in forcing the conflict, and Prussia’s superior army defeated the Austrians in the brutally short Seven Weeks War.

The king and the Prussian generals then wanted to march on Vienna, taking as much land from Austria as possible.

But Bismarck stopped them—now he presented himself as on the side of peace.

The result was that he was able to conclude a treaty with Austria that granted Prussia and the other German states total autonomy.

Bismarck could now position Prussia as the dominant power in Germany and the head of a newly formed North German Confederation.

The French and the English began to compare Bismarck to Attila the Hun, and to fear that he had designs on all of Europe.

Once he had started on the path to conquest, there was no telling where he would stop.

And, indeed, three years later Bismarck provoked a war with France.

First he appeared to give his permission to France’s annexation of Belgium, then at the last moment he changed his mind.

Playing a cat-and-mouse game, he infuriated the French emperor, Napoleon III, and stirred up his own king against the French. To no one’s surprise, war broke out in 1870. The newly formed German federation enthusiastically joined in the war on France, and once again the Prussian military machine and its allies destroyed the enemy army in a matter of months.

Although Bismarck opposed taking any French land, the generals convinced him that Alsace-Lorraine would become part of the federation.

Now all of Europe feared the next move of the Prussian monster, led by Bismarck, the “Iron Chancellor.” And in fact a year later Bismarck founded the German Empire, with the Prussian king as the newly crowned emperor and Bismarck himself a prince.

But then something strange happened: Bismarck instigated no more wars.

And while the other European powers grabbed up land for colonies in other continents, he severely limited Germany’s colonial acquisitions.

He did not want more land for Germany, but more security.

For the rest of his life he struggled to maintain peace in Europe and to prevent further wars. Everybody assumed he had changed, mellowing with the years. They had failed to understand: This was the final move of his original plan.

He who asks fortune-tellers the future unwittingly forfeits an inner intimation of coming events that is a thousand times more exact than anything they may say.



There is a simple reason why most men never know when to come off the attack: They form no concrete idea of their goal.

Once they achieve victory they only hunger for more.

To stop—to aim for a goal and then keep to it—seems almost inhuman, in fact; yet nothing is more critical to the maintenance of power.

The person who goes too far in his triumphs creates a reaction that inevitably leads to a decline.

The only solution is to plan for the long run.

Foresee the future with as much clarity as the gods on Mount Olympus, who look through the clouds and see the ends of all things.

From the beginning of his career in politics, Bismarck had one goal: to form an independent German state led by Prussia. He instigated the war with Denmark not to conquer territory but to stir up Prussian nationalism and unite the country. He incited the war with Austria only to gain Prussian independence. (This was why he refused to grab Austrian territory.) And he fomented the war with France to unite the German kingdoms against a common enemy, and thus to prepare for the formation of a united Germany.

Once this was achieved, Bismarck stopped. He never let triumph go to his head, was never tempted by the siren call of more. He held the reins tightly, and whenever the generals, or the king, or the Prussian people demanded new conquests, he held them back. Nothing would spoil the beauty of his creation, certainly not a false euphoria that pushed those around him to attempt to go past the end that he had so carefully planned.

Experience shows that, if one foresees from far away the designs to be
undertaken, one can act with speed when the moment comes to execute them.

-Cardinall Richelieu, 1585-1642


According to the cosmology of the ancient Greeks, the gods were thought to have complete vision into the future. They saw everything to come, right down to the intricate details.

Men, on the other hand, were seen as victims of fate, trapped in the moment and their emotions, unable to see beyond immediate dangers. Those heroes, such as Odysseus, who were able to look beyond the present and plan several steps ahead, seemed to defy fate, to approximate the gods in their ability to determine the future. The comparison is still valid—those among us who think further ahead and patiently bring their plans to fruition seem to have a godlike power.

Because most people are too imprisoned in the moment to plan with this kind of foresight, the ability to ignore immediate dangers and pleasures translates into power.

It is the power of being able to overcome the natural human tendency to react to things as they happen, and instead to train oneself to step back, imagining the larger things taking shape beyond one’s immediate vision.

Most people believe that they are in fact aware of the future, that they are planning and thinking ahead.

They are usually deluded: What they are really doing is succumbing to their desires, to what they want the future to be. Their plans are vague, based on their imaginations rather than their reality.

They may believe they are thinking all the way to the end, but they are really only focusing on the happy ending, and deluding themselves by the strength of their desire.


In 415 B.C., the ancient Athenians attacked Sicily, believing their expedition would bring them riches, power, and a glorious ending to the sixteen-year Peloponnesian War.

They did not consider the dangers of an invasion so far from home; they did not foresee [1] that the Sicilians would fight all the harder since the battles were in their own homeland, or [2] that all of Athens’s enemies would band together against them, or [3] that war would break out on several fronts, stretching their forces way too thin.

The Sicilian expedition was a complete disaster, leading to the destruction of one of the greatest civilizations of all time.

The Athenians were led into this disaster by their hearts, not their minds. They saw only the chance of glory, not the dangers that loomed in the distance.


Cardinal de Retz, the seventeenth-century Frenchman who prided himself on his insights into human schemes and why they mostly fail, analyzed this phenomenon.

In the course of a rebellion he spearheaded against the French monarchy in 1651, the young king, Louis XIV, and his court had suddenly left Paris and established themselves in a palace outside the capital.

The presence of the king so close to the heart of the revolution had been a tremendous burden on the revolutionaries, and they breathed a sigh of relief.

This later proved their downfall, however, since the court’s absence from Paris gave it much more room to maneuver.

“The most ordinary cause of people’s mistakes,” Cardinal de Retz later wrote, “is their being too much frightened at the present danger, and not enough so at that which is remote.”

The dangers that are remote, that loom in the distance—if we can see them as they take shape, how many mistakes we avoid.

How many plans we would instantly abort if we realized we were avoiding a small danger only to step into a larger one. So much of power is not what you do but what you do not do—the rash and foolish actions that you refrain from before they get you into trouble.

Plan in detail before you act—do not let vague plans lead you into trouble.

Will this have unintended consequences? Will I stir up new enemies? Will someone else take advantage of my labors? Unhappy endings are much more common than happy ones—do not be swayed by the happy ending in your mind.

French Elections

The French elections of 1848 came down to a struggle between Louis-Adolphe Thiers, the man of order, and General Louis Eugène Cavaignac, the rabble-rouser of the right.

When Thiers realized he was hopelessly behind in this high-stakes race, he searched desperately for a solution.

His eye fell on Louis Bonaparte, grand-nephew of the great general Napoleon, and a lowly deputy in the parliament.

This Bonaparte seemed a bit of an imbecile, but his name alone could get him elected in a country yearning for a strong ruler.

He would be Thiers’s puppet and eventually would be pushed offstage.

The first part of the plan worked to perfection, and Napoleon was elected by a large margin.

The problem was that Thiers had not foreseen one simple fact: This “imbecile” was in fact a man of enormous ambition.

Three years later he [1] dissolved parliament, [2] declared himself emperor, and [3] ruled France for another eighteen years, much to the horror of Thiers and his party.

The ending is everything. It is the end of the action that determines who gets the glory, the money, the prize. Your conclusion must be crystal clear, and you must keep it constantly in mind. You must also figure out how to ward off the vultures circling overhead, trying to live off the carcass of your creation. And you must anticipate the many possible crises that will tempt you to improvise. Bismarck overcame these dangers because he planned to the end, kept on course through every crisis, and never let others steal the glory. Once he had reached his stated goal, he withdrew into his shell like a turtle. This kind of self-control is godlike.

When you see several steps ahead, and plan your moves all the way to the end, you will no longer be tempted by emotion or by the desire to improvise. Your clarity will rid you of the anxiety and vagueness that are the primary reasons why so many fail to conclude their actions successfully. You see the ending and you tolerate no deviation.

The Gods on
Mount Olympus.
Looking down on
human actions from the
clouds, they see in advance the
endings of all the great dreams that
lead to disaster and tragedy. And
they laugh at our inability to see beyond
the moment, and at how we delude ourselves.

Authority: How much easier it is never to get in than to get yourself out! We should act contrary to the reed which, when it first appears, throws up a long straight stem but afterwards, as though it were exhausted ... makes several dense knots, indicating that it no longer has its original vigor and drive. We must rather begin gently and coolly, saving our breath for the encounter and our vigorous thrusts for finishing off the job. In their beginnings it is we who guide affairs and hold them in our power; but so often once they are set in motion, it is they which guide us and sweep us along. 

(Montaigne, 1533-1592)


It is a cliché among strategists that your plan must include alternatives and have a degree of flexibility. That is certainly true. If you are locked into a plan too rigidly, you will be unable to deal with sudden shifts of fortune. Once you have examined the future possibilities and decided on your target, you must build in alternatives and be open to new routes toward your goal.

Most people, however, lose less from overplanning and rigidity than from vagueness and a tendency to improvise constantly in the face of circumstance. There is no real purpose in contemplating a reversal to this Law, then, for no good can come from refusing to think far into the future and planning to the end. If you are clear- and far-thinking enough, you will understand that the future is uncertain, and that you must be open to adaptation. Only having a clear objective and a far-reaching plan allows you that freedom.


Today we see the United States, led by Donald Trump trying unsuccessfully to “suppress” China. We see and watch China just continuing on as normal. Just smiling and investing money on new constructions and investments.

Donald Trump might have a long term strategy, but it appears that all his actions are focused on the resultant opinions of the American electorate. This is a short-term strategy. It is seemingly focused on the results of the November 3rd 2020 election results.

Meanwhile, the Chinese, though Xi Peng are investing in ten, twenty and fifty year duration projects along a vision that describes China in 2030, 2030 and 2050.

While no one knows what will happen between these two nations, what we can be assured of is that China will be following the paths mapped out by the Chinese leadership today, while the Americans within America will run from one objective to the other without any apparent cohesive strategy.

Do you want more?

I have more posts along these lines in my Happiness Index here…

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Death by a zillion paper cuts, with holes in your wallet. A look at life back in the 1970’s.

I’m not going rehash what has happened since the late 1960’s to the present. It’s pretty obvious. Everyone in America started to monetize everything. Nothing was off limits, and now today, you have to pay for everything. Everything in America comes with a price and nothing is free any longer. It happened in America and the other Western “democracies” followed America’s lead. The UK, Canada, Australia all became enraptured towards money… money… money. All with zero thought going towards how the society would change in the process.

Here, I am just going to remind everyone about some things about everyday life before Americans were turned into “cash cows” for others to profit from.


I am minding my own business when I came across this comment…

It wasn't all that long ago that you could come out of High School, get a job, start a family, and the two of you could raise the kids with one staying home to do so while the other went off to work. It might not be glamorous but you could make it work in a decent little 3br, 1ba house. Four people, three bedrooms, a couple sharing one and one for each kid. Television was free over the air, not $100 a month for a "package" from DISH or a cable company. I grew up in one of those houses; there was no A/C, the phone was on a desk with a cord going into the wall and long-distance calls were $2/minute -- and that was when $2 would buy you a pound of high-quality steak!

Well, I have been musing about this for some time.

I have mentioned this to others, and they just laugh at me.

  • My conservative friends tell me that it’s simply because of inflation. But that is a good thing because look at all the cool things we have today. Like ATM’s, computers, cell phones, and the Internet. Inflation is a sign of progress.
  • My liberal friends tell that this is a sign of change. Change is good. We don’t want women to be oppressed and toiling alone in the kitchen all day, being barefoot and pregnant. We need things to be higher cost to make the world a better place.


I think that are both rationalizing everything.

But it did get me to thinking. And I started to think about my boyhood days growing up in Western Pennsylvania. Ah. It’s certainly a beautiful place. let me tell you.

Typical Pennsylvania with hills and meandering rivers and streams, with old railroad lines that followed the rivers through the large wooded lands.

Here’s some of the many things that we pay for without even thinking about it…

Water was free!

When I was young, water was free. No shit! It came out of the tap in these mechanisms known as “drinking fountains”. You would be able to walk up to one and press the lever and a nice stream of ice-cold, refrigerated, water would come out for you to have.

Public drinking fountain in Dallas Texas. It is quite popular and creates quite the sensation.

When I was young, these drinking fountains were everywhere, and contrary to the contemporaneous narrative about “racism”, I never saw a “white” only drinking fountain. That was something reserved for the Southern States like Mississippi, Arkansas and Alabama. I grew up in the mid-West. Our water fountains were either white ceramic or sheet metal affairs.

There weren’t any signs about color.

It was very common to grab a quick drink from one of these contraptions. It wasn’t until I was in High School that the school district allowed vending machines to be installed in the school. The Senior Class would be able to make money from these vending machines to collect money for various school activities. This would be supplemented by such things as school dances, parades, bake sales, and candy bar drives.

Drinking from a school water fountain.

When growing up, we would drink from the water hose. It was always very warm from the sun, and tasted like plastic. It had a bronze contraption at the end like a miniature fireman’s hose. You could twist the mechanism by turning it. It would change the water from a spray into a tight laser-beam that you could use to water distant parts of the yard with (and clean away tough debris).

When I was in sixth grade or so, my father hooked up this micro mini water fountain to the water faucet at the side of the house. It was identical to that of drinking water from the lawn hose. Except that it didn’t taste like like plastic. It was just room temperature water that came straight from the tap. It was nearly identical to that of drinking from the kitchen sink.

It was identical to this…

The house side water fountain.

Boyhood adventures

When we were out hiking or riding our bikes, we would drink from our canteens, or from a hand-pump well. These hand pumps were large metal contraptions that were placed all over the rural covered wells. This happened sometime around the 1940’s I guess. As children and folk had a tendency to fall down the sides of these wells. Not a good thing, don’t you know.

Most of the time the hand-pump would be a cast steel mechanism that sat on top of a cement platform. We would, as kids, pump the handle furiously, and after about five to eight pumps water would start gushing out. One person would pump the water while the other person would try to drink from the fountain. We would either use cupped hands or put our open mouth under the spigot. We would also use this fountain to fill up our army surplus canteens, or boy scout canteens.

Cast iron, or cast steel, hand water pump.

Now, along side the rural roads of Western Pennsylvania were all sorts of natural mountain springs. Here, you really didn’t need a pump at all. You would just dip your hands into the cool water and take a drink, or a gulp of ice cool refreshing water. The water came from a multitude of artesian wells. Some of which had access in the back yards of many a home and farm, but many were also right there along side the roads.

In almost every case, these wells came from a rusty pipe that was shoved into the side of a hill. It would pour out a continuous flow of water and would empty into an old galvanized tub or other such arrangement. Sometimes it would be an old massive kitchen sink, while other times it would be something else. At all times the tub would be murky with moss and other plants associated with it. It would also be mostly overgrown with the typical shrubbery of back road Pennsylvania, such as blackberry bushes, and elderberry vines.

Pennsylvania roadside spring.

Many rural folk, who lived far away from the towns would make weekly trips to these springs and fill up as many buckets and bottles that they could fit in their truck. They claimed that the water tasted much better than the purified tap water. I would tend to agree with them. The minerals in the water certainly made the water taste nice.

The only problem of course, was thirty years later when I ended up with kidney stones from drinking all that hard water. But, as you can guess, that’s another story for another time. And no, it’s not directly traced back to the Pennsylvania springs.


Oh, and yes…

There were coke machines. A bottle of coke ran you ten cents, but you needed to drink it right there, and put the bottle back in the wooden box besides the machine. But, I’ll tell you that the glass bottle was really thick and heavy. It felt good in your hand. It fit it well.

Coke machine that dispensed in bottles. The cost was ten cents per bottle, and you had to replaced the used bottle in a wooden crate next to the machine.

Also, it was cold. Ohhh man! So very cold. No, I’m not talking about a refrigerator temperature, I am talking about frosty cold, like borderline freezer temperatures. These were fine memories when you would be able to drink a frosty ice-cold coke for a dime, and relax a spell.

When I got my first job, we had a soda dispensing machine. In it were cans of soda. But none of them had pull up tabs until the mid 1970’s. Instead you needed to use this pointed can opener that hung by the side to punch a triangular hole in the top of the can to drink from.

It would hang on the side of the soda machine by a dirty white string. No one ever took it, or stole it or anything like that. No one even thought about doing so. It was a different time, and people thought differently.

The opener had a sharp pointy side for opening cans, and a blunt rounded end for opening bottles and popping the tops off…

Vintage Vaughn USA 58 Bottle Opener Can Opener, 3.5″ Long

This was used for sodas and just about everything else. This was true with beer as well. When those pull up tabs were introduced, it revolutionized everything! Let me tell you!

A special Event

But really, and quite seriously, drinking soda (or pop) was really a “special” occurrence. For the most part we drank water, milk or Kool-Aide. This was a powder that our mothers would mix with water and put in the refrigerator for us to drink. It came in different flavors like cherry, strawberry and orange. You heat up some water, add the powder, and then add a ton load of white sugar. Stir. Place in the refrigerator.

Easy peasy. Lemon squeezy.

At Supper, we would have a big glass of milk or water. Both would be very cold. Winter or Summer. Cold beverages was considered a good thing. In fact, if we had water at the table, you can guarantee that it was served with ice cubes. Frosty. Oh, so very frosty.

But the soda, well that was for visits to our grandparents.

Typical Pittsburgh basement. Our grandparents would store cases of beer and soda on the stairs leading down to the basement.

Prior to every visit, our grandparents would go to the “State Store” and buy some cases of beer and soda for us kids. These cases would sit in the cool basement, and while we were visiting, we would be able to drink all the soda that we were capable of.

Now, in Pennsylvania the only place your could buy alcohol is though a “State Store”. These are government stores that enable you to buy booze. They had the distinction of being open during government hours, and tended to be inconvenient. So what we all would do is make a “beer run” prior to the weekend to stock up on the libations for the weekend.

Pennsylvania State Liquor Store.

Now of course, things are different.

You can buy beer in convenience stores, and other places that are so authorized. But in those days the government had a complete monopoly on the distribution of alcohol. Why? Well, it was for the children, don’t you know.


I would say that most people who drink soda would probably get it as part of a fast food meal. My guess is that this would be the greatest revenue generation source. Aside from that they would purchase these huge… HUGE… bottles of mega-cola from Walmart or some other retailer.

Judging from the appearance of most Americans, I would guess that they drink a lot of sugary drinks.

They also might like to buy a bottled water from a 7-11 or some other convenience store. They come in all sizes and shapes. They are pretty cheap.



Not as cheap as in “free”. Don’t you know.

Which is where I will make this important point. Most expensive bottled water is nothing more than plain tap water put in a nice bottle and assigned a heavy price. Just like this picture so clearly indicates…

Students at Humboldt State University created this display to educate peers on the perceived ills of bottled water, ahead of a campus-wide ban.

And we know that most bottled water is simply repackaged tap water. Because we have tested the water and that is exactly what it is…

So… when?

So why am I ranting on so? What is the point that I am trying to make? Why does this matter? And what is the point of all of this?

  • When did we reach this point where we all thought it was fine to start paying for things that were free? When did we start tearing out the water fountains, and buying plastic bottles of water?

Not only that…

  • When did we stop getting free packs of stick matches at the restaurant counters everywhere, to buying disposable lighters? At what point in time did we think that paying for a disposable lighter was a more attractive option than a free package of matches?


  • When did the transformation from a blue plate meal in a unique family restaurant be replaced with a fast food pre-packaged burger in a styrofoam package? What ever happened to the heavy white plates? The thick (bang on the counter) mug of coffee, and the sprig of parsley at the side of the plate?


  • At what point in time were washable linen tablecloths replaced with plastic tabletops, cloth napkins with paper tissue, and silverware replaced with disposable plastic cutlery? Why did everyone switch from reusable linens, to disposable plastic? Why are only the establishments that cater to the wealthy retaining the old ways?

Or even worse…

  • When did buying a tea, or a decaffeinated coffee at a fast food restaurant equate a hot paper cup of water and a package of mix? What’s the point?

Ah. But no one asks these questions. No one does.

But they should. You should.

  • Why do we line up to the “self service” pump to pump our own gas? Why not have the Gas Station Attendant take care of it for us? Is it really about saving money like we have been led to believe…?
  • Why do Americans still pay using paper checks instead of QR code?
  • If cigarettes, cigars, beer, and alcohol can be banned from the workplace “for the children”, then why not unhealthy food, candy, and coffee? And why the workplace, I thought that children couldn’t work until they were of age?

Which makes you wonder…

At what point in time did we allow someone to place the dividing line between what is allowable and what is illegal and give up our own personal decision making process? Since when are there others who can decide what is best for us? Who assigned them to be better than us…


  • In 1913, a group of oligarchs decided that everyone must pay taxes and report all their financial transactions to the federal government.

Well, it is 2020. How did it all work out?

  • In the 1970’s glass fibers were banned from use. This resulted in most buildings (above the first floor) in the small cities and towns of America being empty and uninhabitable. This in turn, contributed to people moving outside and away from these community centers. Thus creating sprawling suburbs and a decay of down-town community life.

Who was the genius that thought this all up?

Everything is interconnected

Everything is interconnected. You change one thing, and other things will change. Often the smallest change might result in a great deal of massive changes. Changes that might alter the fabric of society.

You make a law that trash can only be collect on Thursday, and the trash from the weekends will pile up in big heaps on the sidewalks.

Thus making children walk on the streets to avoid the refuse.

Thus creating a dangerous situation for the children and the drivers of the cars.

Eventually, someone will get hit.

All because someone made a law by proclamation.

Now, it’s very difficult to pin-point singular changes.

There were other contributing factors.

In the case of the banning of asbestos glass fibers, there were studies that pointed to dangers. And yes, there were other changes going on at the same time. Such as changes in the work-place, and others all within society. And yes, all of these contributed to the end results. And, to be honest, no one could actually predict what the long term consequences would be of their decision making.

But no one cared. All they cared about was the short term impacts. Or, as we like to say in the USA, “the bottom line for the fiscal quarter”.

The United States might officially pretend to work in one way. However, the United States functionally operates pretty much like this;

  • Someone wants a change.
  • Money exchanges hands.
  • One person gets very rich.
  • The public accepts the changes.

Time passes…

  • Consequences of these changes are felt.
  • More money exchanges between different hands.
  • New laws and rules are made.
  • The public accepts the new changes on top of the old changes.

After over two centuries of this, America is [1] a nation of rules, and laws, on top of [2] rules and laws, on top of [3] rules and laws, on top of [4] rules and laws…

It’s a mess.

And the people are upset. And they are starting to lash out.

This is not how to run anything. Not a business. Not a sports team. Not a game. Not a town. Not a factory. Not a school. Not a train. Not an airplane. You cannot run ANYTHING in this way. Things cannot operate in a sustainable manner if you conduct business this way.

Just imagine operating a business like this. Just imagine. 

You run a restaurant. A customer comes in give you $1000 to stop serving bacon. You stop serving bacon. Half of the customers stop coming in.

Another gives you $500 to play advertisements at rock-concert levels.

Another gives you $750 to house livestock in the kitchen.

Two years of this, and the restaurant would be a complete and total wreck.

You just cannot.

Which is why the United States is in such a mess right now.

China used to be like this

Yup. China used to be like this.

The Beijing leadership would act like autocratic king, and make proclamations. Much like is being done in America today. This is America today…

  • You MUST have permission to fish.
  • Tiktok is banned. No American is permitted to own, use or have it on their phones.
  • WeChat is banned. Don’t even think about having anything to do with it.
  • Chinese students are banned from Attending American universities.
  • You are forbidden to eat sunny-side-up eggs.
  • You are forbidden to drink jumbo-sized cokes and soft drinks.

China was like this too.

Then, after a great deal of turmoil, China changed. This received scant reports in the American media, but it was earth-shattering in China. It was called “The Cultural Revolution”, and it forced the government to come up with new ways of doing things. Maybe you heard about it, eh?

Here, a proposal is made…

  • A trial run is conducted.
  • Results are weighed in pros and cons.
  • A pilot run is conducted with the improvements.
  • Results are again weighed in pros and cons.
  • Implementation phase on a local / state level.
  • Again results are monitored over set period of time.
  • A go / no go decision is reached. To either scrap the process, or improve it, or leave as is.

Since this has been implemented in just about every level within China, the implementation of changes has become rapid and successful. Bad ideas are quickly discarded, while good ones are retained.

Of course, no one in the West knows any of this. To them, China is a “regime” run by the evil communist party who makes rules and laws and squashes the helpless citizenry yearning for “freedom” and “democracy”. Ah. All so that America can gin up support for world war III.


America needs to step up to the plate and up it’s game.

It’s probably too late to do so in any meaningful way.


It’s better late than never.

Oh where was I…

Oh, yeah.


Water is your most essential consumable. If you do not have fresh potable water, you will die. We have become accustomed to getting water at will. Whether it is from a water fountain, or from a bottle that you pay for in a store, it is something that we take for granted.

Were I to be an evil person, I would secure access to water. So that only those whom I wanted could drink and use it. The rest of the water would be of questionable quality. For all it takes is to drink some bad water and you get a bacterial or viral infection. And if you don’t have antibiotics…

…you will die.

Water is something that we take for granted. We see shelves and shelves of bottled water. We assume that they are good and potable. We see water run out of the tap and take long luxurious showers in it. We never stop to think what it would be like were we to be forced to collect water from a nearby muddy stream or from catch basins.


Water is good, and a valuable part of life. We, in our comfort, have taken it’s availability for granted. We really shouldn’t. back one hundred years ago baths were once a month activity. Water, potable water was a treasure, and all farms and communities husbanded their water supplies.

While I greatly lament the monetization of nearly everything in the United States, we must realize that that this is an artificial reality. Water, like air, and shelter are necessary to life. Those that try to profit from these basics are those that do not care about your life, your family or your well being.

And any government that allows this, should be replaced with one that does.

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Law 25 Re-Create Yourself (full text) from the 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene

This is one of my favorite chapters in this book. It tells you that you do not have to be that person that you grew up as. That who your elementary classmates thought your were, or who your parents think you are, have no bearing on who you actually are. For you can define that reality. You can forge a new identity; one that best fits who you are right now.

You can do this by physically moving to a new area and taking on a new identity, to simply creating an affirmation campaign and changing who you are directly, and let the rest of the world forge your new identity for you.

LAW 25



Do not accept the roles that society foists on you.

Re-create yourself by forging a new identity, one that commands attention and never bores the audience.

Be the master of your own image rather than letting others define it for you.

Incorporate dramatic devices into your public gestures and actions—your power will be enhanced and your character will seem larger than life.


Julius Caesar made his first significant mark on Roman society in 65 B.C., when he assumed the post of aedile, the official in charge of grain distribution and public games.

He began his entrance into the public eye by organizing a series of carefully crafted and well-timed spectacles—wild-beast hunts, extravagant gladiator shows, theatrical contests.

On several occasions, he paid for these spectacles out of his own pocket.

To the common man, Julius Caesar became indelibly associated with these much-loved events.

As he slowly rose to attain the position of consul, his popularity among the masses served as the foundation of his power.

He had created an image of himself as a great public showman.

The man who intends to make his fortune in this ancient capital of the world [Rome] must be a chameleon susceptible of reflecting the colors of the atmosphere that surrounds him—a Proteus apt to assume every form, every shape. 

He must be supple, flexible, insinuating, close, inscrutable, often base, sometimes sincere, sometimes perfidious, always concealing a part of his knowledge, indulging in but one tone of voice, patient, a perfect master of his own countenance, as cold as ice when any other man would be all fire; 

...and if unfortunately he is not religious at heart—a very common occurrence for a soul possessing the above requisites-he must have religion in his mind, that is to say, on his face, on his lips, in his manners; he must suffer quietly, if he be an honest man, the necessity of knowing himself an arrant hypocrite. 

The man whose soul would loathe such a life should leave Rome and seek his fortune elsewhere. 

I do not know whether I am praising or excusing myself, but of all those qualities I possessed but one—namely, flexibility.


In 49 B.C., Rome was on the brink of a civil war between rival leaders, Caesar and Pompey.

At the height of the tension, Caesar, an addict of the stage, attended a theatrical performance, and afterward, lost in thought, he wandered in the darkness back to his camp at the Rubicon, the river that divides Italy from Gaul, where he had been campaigning.

To march his army back into Italy across the Rubicon would mean the beginning of a war with Pompey.

Before his staff Caesar argued both sides, forming the options like an actor on stage, a precursor of Hamlet.

Finally, to put his soliloquy to an end, he pointed to a seemingly innocent apparition at the edge of the river—a very tall soldier blasting a call on a trumpet, then going across a bridge over the Rubicon—and pronounced,

“Let us accept this as a sign from the Gods and follow where they beckon, in vengeance on our double-dealing enemies. 

The die is cast.” 

All of this he spoke portentously and dramatically, gesturing toward the river and looking his generals in the eye.

He knew that these generals were uncertain in their support, but his oratory overwhelmed them with a sense of the drama of the moment, and of the need to seize the time.

A more prosaic speech would never have had the same effect.

The generals rallied to his cause; Caesar and his army crossed the Rubicon and by the following year had vanquished Pompey, making Caesar dictator of Rome.

In warfare, Caesar always played the leading man with gusto.

He was as skilled a horseman as any of his soldiers, and took pride in outdoing them in feats of bravery and endurance.

He entered battle astride the strongest mount, so that his soldiers would see him in the thick of battle, urging them on, always positioning himself in the center, a godlike symbol of power and a model for them to follow.

Of all the armies in Rome, Caesar’s was the most devoted and loyal.

His soldiers, like the common people who had attended his entertainments, had come to identify with him and with his cause.

After the defeat of Pompey, the entertainments grew in scale. Nothing like them had ever been seen in Rome.

The chariot races became more spectacular, the gladiator fights more dramatic, as Caesar staged fights to the death among the Roman nobility. He organized enormous mock naval battles on an artificial lake. Plays were performed in every Roman ward.

A giant new theater was built that sloped dramatically down the Tarpeian Rock.

Crowds from all over the empire flocked to these events, the roads to Rome lined with visitors’ tents. And in 45 B.C., timing his entry into the city for maximum effect and surprise, Caesar brought Cleopatra back to Rome after his Egyptian campaign, and staged even more extravagant public spectacles.

These events were more than devices to divert the masses; they dramatically enhanced the public’s sense of Caesar’s character, and made him seem larger than life.

Caesar was the master of his public image, of which he was forever aware.

When he appeared before crowds he wore the most spectacular purple robes. He would be upstaged by no one.

He was notoriously vain about his appearance—it was said that one reason he enjoyed being honored by the Senate and people was that on these occasions he could wear a laurel wreath, hiding his baldness.

Caesar was a masterful orator.

He knew how to say a lot by saying a little, intuited the moment to end a speech for maximum effect. He never failed to incorporate a surprise into his public appearances—a startling announcement that would heighten their drama.

Immensely popular among the Roman people, Caesar was hated and feared by his rivals.

On the ides of March—March 15—in the year 44 B.C., a group of conspirators led by Brutus and Cassius surrounded him in the senate and stabbed him to death.

Even dying, however, he kept his sense of drama.

Drawing the top of his gown over his face, he let go of the cloth’s lower part so that it draped his legs, allowing him to die covered and decent. According to the Roman historian Suetonius, his final words to his old friend Brutus, who was about to deliver a second blow, were in Greek, and as if rehearsed for the end of a play: “You too, my child?”


The Roman theater was an event for the masses, attended by crowds unimaginable today.

Packed into enormous auditoriums, the audience would be amused by raucous comedy or moved by high tragedy. Theater seemed to contain the essence of life, in its concentrated, dramatic form.

Like a religious ritual, it had a powerful, instant appeal to the common man.

Julius Caesar was perhaps the first public figure to understand the vital link between power and theater.

This was because of his own obsessive interest in drama.

He sublimated this interest by making himself an actor and director on the world stage. He said his lines as if they had been scripted; he gestured and moved through a crowd with a constant sense of how he appeared to his audience.

He incorporated surprise into his repertoire, building drama into his speeches, staging into his public appearances.

His gestures were broad enough for the common man to grasp them instantly.

He became immensely popular.

Caesar set the ideal for all leaders and people of power. Like him, you must learn to enlarge your actions through dramatic techniques such as surprise, suspense, the creation of sympathy, and symbolic identification. Also like him, you must be constantly aware of your audience—of what will please them and what will bore them.

You must arrange to place yourself at the center, to command attention, and never to be upstaged at any cost.


In the year 1831, a young woman named Aurore Dupin Dudevant left her husband and family in the provinces and moved to Paris.

She wanted to be a writer; marriage, she felt, was worse than prison, for it left her neither the time nor the freedom to pursue her passion. In Paris she would establish her independence and make her living by writing.

Soon after Dudevant arrived in the capital, however, she had to confront certain harsh realities.

To have any degree of freedom in Paris you had to have money.

For a woman, money could only come through marriage or prostitution.

No woman had ever come close to making a living by writing. Women wrote as a hobby, supported by their husbands, or by an inheritance. In fact when Dudevant first showed her writing to an editor, he told her, “You should make babies, Madame, not literature.”

Clearly Dudevant had come to Paris to attempt the impossible.

In the end, though, she came up with a strategy to do what no woman had ever done—a strategy to re-create herself completely, forging a public image of her own making.

Women writers before her had been forced into a ready-made role, that of the second-rate artist who wrote mostly for other women. Dudevant decided that if she had to play a role, she would turn the game around: She would play the part of a man.

In 1832 a publisher accepted Dudevant’s first major novel, Indiana.

She had chosen to publish it under a pseudonym, “George Sand,” and all of Paris assumed this impressive new writer was male. Dudevant had sometimes worn men’s clothes before creating “George Sand” (she had always found men’s shirts and riding breeches more comfortable); now, as a public figure, she exaggerated the image.

She added long men’s coats, gray hats, heavy boots, and dandyish cravats to her wardrobe. She smoked cigars and in conversation expressed herself like a man, unafraid to dominate the conversation or to use a saucy word.

This strange “male/female” writer fascinated the public.

And unlike other women writers, Sand found herself accepted into the clique of male artists. She drank and smoked with them, even carried on affairs with the most famous artists of Europe—Musset, Liszt, Chopin. It was she who did the wooing, and also the abandoning—she moved on at her discretion.

Those who knew Sand well understood that her male persona protected her from the public’s prying eyes.

Out in the world, she enjoyed playing the part to the extreme; in private she remained herself. She also realized that the character of “George Sand” could grow stale or predictable, and to avoid this she would every now and then dramatically alter the character she had created; instead of conducting affairs with famous men, she would begin meddling in politics, leading demonstrations, inspiring student rebellions.

No one would dictate to her the limits of the character she had created. Long after she died, and after most people had stopped reading her novels, the larger-than-life theatricality of that character has continued to fascinate and inspire.


Throughout Sand’s public life, acquaintances and other artists who spent time in her company had the feeling they were in the presence of a man.

But in her journals and to her closest friends, such as Gustave Flaubert, she confessed that she had no desire to be a man, but was playing a part for public consumption.

What she really wanted was the power to determine her own character.

She refused the limits her society would have set on her.

She did not attain her power, however, by being herself; instead she created a persona that she could constantly adapt to her own desires, a persona that attracted attention and gave her presence.

Understand this: The world wants to assign you a role in life. And once you accept that role you are doomed. Your power is limited to the tiny amount allotted to the role you have selected or have been forced to assume.

An actor, on the other hand, plays many roles. Enjoy that protean power, and if it is beyond you, at least forge a new identity, one of your own making, one that has had no boundaries assigned to it by an envious and resentful world. This act of defiance is Promethean: It makes you responsible for your own creation.

Your new identity will protect you from the world precisely because it is not “you”; it is a costume you put on and take off. You need not take it personally. And your new identity sets you apart, gives you theatrical presence. Those in the back rows can see you and hear you. Those in the front rows marvel at your audacity.

Do not people talk in society of a man being a great actor? They do not mean by
that that he feels, but that he excels in simulating, though he feels nothing.

-Denis Diderot, 1713-1784


The character you seem to have been born with is not necessarily who you are; beyond the characteristics you have inherited, your parents, your friends, and your peers have helped to shape your personality.

The Promethean task of the powerful is to take control of the process, to stop allowing others that ability to limit and mold them.

Remake yourself into a character of power.

Working on yourself like clay should be one of your greatest and most pleasurable life tasks. It makes you in essence an artist—an artist creating yourself.

In fact, the idea of self-creation comes from the world of art.

For thousands of years, only kings and the highest courtiers had the freedom to shape their public image and determine their own identity. Similarly, only kings and the wealthiest lords could contemplate their own image in art, and consciously alter it.

The rest of mankind played the limited role that society demanded of them, and had little self-consciousness.

A shift in this condition can be detected in Velázquez’s painting Las Meninas, made in 1656. The artist appears at the left of the canvas, standing before a painting that he is in the process of creating, but that has its back to us—we cannot see it.

Beside him stands a princess, her attendants, and one of the court dwarves, all watching him work. The people posing for the painting are not directly visible, but we can see them in tiny reflections in a mirror on the back wall—the king and queen of Spain, who must be sitting somewhere in the foreground, outside the picture.

The painting represents a dramatic change in the dynamics of power and the ability to determine one’s own position in society.

For Velázquez, the artist, is far more prominently positioned than the king and queen. In a sense he is more powerful than they are, since he is clearly the one controlling the image—their image.

Velázquez no longer saw himself as the slavish, dependent artist. He had remade himself into a man of power. And indeed the first people other than aristocrats to play openly with their image in Western society were artists and writers, and later on dandies and bohemians.

Today the concept of self-creation has slowly filtered down to the rest of society, and has become an ideal to aspire to. Like Velazquez, you must demand for yourself the power to determine your position in the painting, and to create your own image.

The first step in the process of self-creation is self-consciousness—being aware of yourself as an actor and taking control of your appearance and emotions.

As Diderot said, the bad actor is the one who is always sincere.

People who wear their hearts on their sleeves out in society are tiresome and embarrassing. Their sincerity notwithstanding, it is hard to take them seriously. Those who cry in public may temporarily elicit sympathy, but sympathy soon turns to scorn and irritation at their self obsessiveness—they are crying to get attention, we feel, and a malicious part of us wants to deny them the satisfaction.

Good actors control themselves better.

They can play sincere and heartfelt, can affect a tear and a compassionate look at will, but they don’t have to feel it. They externalize emotion in a form that others can understand.

Method acting is fatal in the real world.

No ruler or leader could possibly play the part if all of the emotions he showed had to be real. So learn self-control. Adopt the plasticity of the actor, who can mold his or her face to the emotion required.

The second step in the process of self-creation is a variation on the George Sand strategy: the creation of a memorable character, one that compels attention, that stands out above the other players on the stage.

This was the game Abraham Lincoln played.

The homespun, common country man, he knew, was a kind of president that America had never had but would delight in electing. Although many of these qualities came naturally to him, he played them up—the hat and clothes, the beard. (No president before him had worn a beard.) Lincoln was also the first president to use photographs to spread his image, helping to create the icon of the “homespun president.”

Good drama, however, needs more than an interesting appearance, or a single stand-out moment. Drama takes place over time—it is an unfolding event. Rhythm and timing are critical. One of the most important elements in the rhythm of drama is suspense. Houdini for instance, could sometimes complete his escape acts in seconds—but he drew them out to minutes, to make the audience sweat.

The key to keeping the audience on the edge of their seats is letting events unfold slowly, then speeding them up at the right moment, according to a pattern and tempo that you control.

Great rulers from Napoleon to Mao Tse-tung have used theatrical timing to surprise and divert their public.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt understood the importance of staging political events in a particular order and rhythm.

At the time of his 1932 presidential election, the United States was in the midst of a dire economic crisis. Banks were failing at an alarming rate. Shortly after winning the election, Roosevelt went into a kind of retreat. He said nothing about his plans or his cabinet appointments. He even refused to meet the sitting president, Herbert Hoover, to discuss the transition. By the time of Roosevelt’s inauguration the country was in a state of high anxiety.

In his inaugural address, Roosevelt shifted gears.

He made a powerful speech, making it clear that he intended to lead the country in a completely new direction, sweeping away the timid gestures of his predecessors.

From then on the pace of his speeches and public decisions—cabinet appointments, bold legislation—unfolded at an incredibly rapid rate.

The period after the inauguration became known as the “Hundred Days,” and its success in altering the country’s mood partly stemmed from Roosevelt’s clever pacing and use of dramatic contrast. He held his audience in suspense, then hit them with a series of bold gestures that seemed all the more momentous because they came from nowhere. You must learn to orchestrate events in a similar manner, never revealing all your cards at once, but unfolding them in a way that heightens their dramatic effect.

Besides covering a multitude of sins, good drama can also confuse and deceive your enemy.

During World War II, the German playwright Bertolt Brecht worked in Hollywood as a screenwriter. After the war he was called before the House Committee on Un-American Activities for his supposed Communist sympathies.

Other writers who had been called to testify planned to humiliate the committee members with an angry emotional stand. Brecht was wiser: He would play the committee like a violin, charming them while fooling them as well. He carefully rehearsed his responses, and brought along some props, notably a cigar on which he puffed away, knowing the head of the committee liked cigars.

And indeed he proceeded to beguile the committee with well-crafted responses that were ambiguous, funny, and double-edged. Instead of an angry, heartfelt tirade, he ran circles around them with a staged production, and they let him off scot-free.

Other dramatic effects for your repertoire include the beau geste, an action at a climactic moment that symbolizes your triumph or your boldness.

Caesar’s dramatic crossing of the Rubicon was a beau geste—a move that dazzled the soldiers and gave him heroic proportions. You must also appreciate the importance of stage entrances and exits.

When Cleopatra first met Caesar in Egypt, she arrived rolled up in a carpet, which she arranged to have unfurled at his feet. George Washington twice left power with flourish and fanfare (first as a general, then as a president who refused to sit for a third term), showing he knew how to make the moment count, dramatically and symbolically. Your own entrances and exits should be crafted and planned as carefully.

Remember that overacting can be counterproductive—it is another way of spending too much effort trying to attract attention.

The actor Richard Burton discovered early in his career that by standing totally still onstage, he drew attention to himself and away from the other actors.

It is less what you do that matters, clearly, than how you do it—your gracefulness and imposing stillness on the social stage count for more than overdoing your part and moving around too much.

Finally: Learn to play many roles, to be whatever the moment requires. Adapt your mask to the situation—be protean in the faces you wear. Bismarck played this game to perfection: To a liberal he was a liberal, to a hawk he was a hawk. He could not be grasped, and what cannot be grasped cannot be consumed.

The Greek Sea-God Proteus.
His power came from his ability to
change shape at will, to be whatever the
moment required. When Menelaus, brother
of Agamemnon, tried to seize him, Proteus
transformed himself into a lion, then a serpent, a
panther, a boar, running water, and finally a leafy tree.
Authority: Know how to be all things to all men. A discreet Proteus—a scholar among scholars, a saint among saints. That is the art of winning over everyone, for like attracts like. Take note of temperaments and adapt yourself to that of each person you meet—follow the lead of the serious and jovial in turn, changing your mood discreetly. 

-(Baltasar Gracián, 1601-1658)


There can really be no reversal to this critical law: Bad theater is bad theater.

Even appearing natural requires art—in other words, acting. Bad acting only creates embarrassment. Of course you should not be too dramatic—avoid the histrionic gesture. But that is simply bad theater anyway, since it violates centuries-old dramatic laws against overacting.

In essence there is no reversal to this law.


During a time of change, one of the most effective survival techniques is to reinvent yourself.

Watch you you carry yourself and conduct your affairs. Watch your dress and associations. Be aware of your mannerisms.

To quote a movie that I found amusing; “manners maketh man”.

Manners maketh man.

Do you you want more?

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2020 the year that President Trump opened Pandora’s box and used both bio-weapons and nuclear weapons against China

Well, if you want to be technical it is that he used nuclear weapons via proxy against a Chinese BRI installation within Beirut, Lebanon.

Most people are unaware that the United States has been waging a full-on “hybrid war” against China since late 2016. They see bits and pieces, and conclude that it is just more media nonsense. They do not see the “big picture” of how everything fits together. Well, as frightening as the “big picture” is, you need to see the historical context to see what the fuck we are marching forward. And, people (!) if you are not squirreled away in some safe hiding-hole by now, you had best start making preparations this afternoon.

First off, I covered the “Big Picture” regarding the United States and China here in this long and detailed post;

Secondly, I covered the details regarding the bio-weapons attack, and it’s associated “paper trail” in this very detailed post;

Thirdly, I covered the details about the use of a (micro) nuclear weapon to destroy the BRI gateway in Lebanon, with a post on the destruction of the Bruit Port in Lebanon here…

Fourthly, I had a warning to the oligarchy. This “Great Reset” will hit everyone everywhere, and you cannot hide alone in your hidy-hole and avoid it. You need to show your true colors and live and work as part of a community…

Of course, you won’t be able to find any of this in the mainstream or alternative media. Their links (internally to the articles) are flagged as “dangerous” and are scrubbed from common viewing. (Man! I never thought that it would happen to me, but it has.)

In any event, let it be well understood that…

  • World War III is engaged.
  • It is not being televised.
All of this stuff—the beautiful and the ugly—is really happening and really matters, but you have to be extremely careful in using news reports to develop a sense of how much of what is happening where.

-Resist the Crazy

What now?

No one is going to believe you.

Most people feed at the trough of “news” and they believe what they are told to believe. The “free thinkers” have been successfully funneled into what ever exists in Alt-Right and Alt-Left media. They all are being led like the sheep they are.

"...this idiocy is on a par with the "q-anon" facebook extravaganza which, with
equal scientific and religious fanaticism, identifies a secret plan, only
known to several million with access to top secret conspiratorial websites,
to get rid of trump…who knew?"

You cannot change a sheep. You cannot change a cow. Just give it grass to graze upon and lead it into the proper field so that you can get the wool or milk from them.

And does it matter that you are alone with this knowledge?

"...while the U.S. and Israel represent a threat to humanity, humanity is the
even greater loser when things like this nonsense about a nuclear attack in Beirut take hold among otherwise thoughtful people..."

What benefit could you possibly derive from telling everyone what is actually going on? None. That is what. In fact, you are more aptly and likely to be ridiculed.

So do not even bother.

What to do now, is to take care of you and your loved ones.

That’s what you need to do.

When I walked away from New York City and Wall Street ten years ago it was clear what sort of trajectory the country was on, and it’s only gotten worse since. We’re now in the crucial period spanning 2020-2025 that will decide what the next several decades look like. The big battle for the future is here. Right now. If there’s ever been a time in your life to step up, this is it.

-It's time to step into the arena

The way of the world

At this point, I want to impress to everyone the yin-yang philosophy of the Chinese. For they are the ones that are going to survive all these global changes. And make no mistake, they ARE going to survive. And they ARE going to pick themselves up, dust themselves off, and prosper.

And it goes something like this…

The yin-yang philosophy says that the universe is composed of competing and complementary forces of dark and light, sun and moon, male and female. The philosophy is at least 3,500 years old, discussed in the ninth-century BCE text known as I Ching or Book of Changes , and influences the philosophies of Taoism and Confucianism.

And, what I want to do is apply it to what is going on, but at a deeper level.

You see, if you really are paying attention, you will note that the Chinese are trying very desperately NOT to react to any of the United States (Donald Trump) aggravations. They are trying to move like water around them.

And there are very good reasons for this.

One of which is that whatever the Chinese do, it comes back to them. And what ever the United States does, it comes back to them…

  • So the USA clamps down on every things Chinese. Students no longer attend American schools, Billions of dollars lost.
  • So the USA clamps down on the use of Chinese APPs. iPhone and GM sales are way down inside of China. Billions of dollars lost.
  • So the USA launches COVID-19 to suppress China, and the USA gets crushed in the process. Death rate in the hundreds of thousands.
  • So the USA launches a nuclear warhead to obliterate a city port and…

What you can do

People(!) if you are in a major city, I would strongly advise you to move. I do not want to announce that MAD-level nuclear destruction is imminent, but I will say that the forces are arrayed in that direction. Only the wise man listens and takes action.


My guess is that you have three years before things get dicey.

This will occur regardless of who is in the office of Presidency. Trump, Biden, Harris, Peter Pan. It will not matter.

This will occur whether the villain-of-the-day is China, or Russia, or Iran, or North Korea. It will still occur.

The systems are all in place, the slow grinding of the stone gears are a turning, and there is nothing that mice, or men can do at this point in time. The juncture has been passed, and its a long slow slide into the abyss.

I’m sensing a very dark and vicious energy out there which seems to be affecting all sorts of people who normally wouldn’t be sucked into it. I need to make a conscious effort to not have it influence me or my thoughts. If you’re feeling the same, try to retain sanity.

— Michael Krieger (@LibertyBlitz) June 4, 2020

But live life

Life must go on. You must work, buy food, and have some semblance of life. Your children must attend school and you must disentangle yourself from all the worries of the world.

Don’t let my warnings get to you.

There is really nothing you can do about anything. Your hands are tied. The systems are all in motion. The things are moving. The chess pieces are on the board, and like the automatons that we are, we are all slowly walking to death’s door.

You just have awareness.

What’s happening in America right now is what happens in a failed state.
The U.S. is a failed state. Now the imperial national security state is going to flex at home like never before.

I spent the last decade of my life trying to spread the word to avoid this, but here we are.

— Michael Krieger (@LibertyBlitz) May 31, 2020

The mad elephant

The United States right now is like a mad elephant inside of a cargo jet aircraft.

The United States is collapsing and thrashing about like a crazed, mad elephant, trumpeting and stomping, and snarling and biting. Those near it are trying like the dickens to hold on to the ropes that are tying this beast in place. The straps are straining and they are breaking. They are beyond unraveling. A number of the ropes are disengaged and whipping about dangerously.

But it’s only a matter of time, don’t you know.

The elephant must be put down.

It is doing more than just stomping and crushing things. It is shitting all over the place, it is using it’s trunk to pick up the handlers and smash them against the inside of the plane fuselage. Windows are getting cracked. Inside of the plane the metal sides are getting dented and chairs are being smashed.

And the pilot is opening the rear door…

As a cold gust of air floods the inside of the chamber…

And you?

Well, you are that little beetle that is riding on the elephant’s tail. And it is really, really uncomfortable.

What are you going to do? What are your options?

  • Stay on the tail?
  • Jump off the tail now?
  • Wait until the very last minute before you jump off… maybe while the elephant is outside the plane perhaps?
  • Move to a better vantage point on the elephant?
  • Jump onto one of the handlers next to the elephant?
  • Jump onto one of the ropes that are flinging about wildly?

The longer you wait, the less options you will have.

The clueless leadership

The neocons that are all involved in this haven’t a real clue as to what they are doing. They do not see this as opening Pandora’s box that will remake America, and distort the world. They see it as their God-Given Right to reshape the world in “the way of the Lord”.

America today.

In truth, they are like Nero Playing the fiddle while Rome burns.

In July of 64 A.D., a great fire ravaged Rome for six days, destroying 70 percent of the city and leaving half its population homeless. According to a well-known expression, Rome’s emperor at the time, the decadent and unpopular Nero, “fiddled while Rome burned.” The expression has a double meaning: Not only did Nero play music while his people suffered, but he was an ineffectual leader in a time of crisis. It’s been pretty easy to cast blame on Nero, who had many enemies and is remembered as one of history’s most sadistic and cruelest leaders—but there are a couple of problems with this story.

For one thing, the fiddle didn’t exist in ancient Rome. Music historians believe the viol class of instruments (to which the fiddle belongs) was not developed until the 11th century. If Nero played anything, it would probably have been the cithara, a heavy wooden instrument with four to seven strings—but there is still no solid evidence that he played one during the Great Fire. The Roman historian Tacitus wrote that Nero was rumored to have sung about the destruction of Troy while watching the city burn; however, he stated clearly that this was unconfirmed by eyewitness accounts.

When the Great Fire broke out, Nero was at his villa at Antium, some 35 miles from Rome. Though he immediately returned and began relief measures, people still didn’t trust him. Some even believed he had ordered the fire started, especially after he used land cleared by the fire to build his Golden Palace and its surrounding pleasure gardens. Nero himself blamed the Christians (then an obscure religious sect) for the fire, and had many arrested and executed. But while Nero may have been guilty of many things, the story of him fiddling while Rome burned belongs firmly in the category of popular legend rather than established truth.


The idea behind this is that most people see their lives turned upside down by the action of the leadership. They see the fire. They see the destruction. They see the ruin. But the leadership remains the leadership. They still live in their nice palaces, eat their fine food and drink their fine wines.

Here’s Trump and his oligarchy buddies at a fund raiser event at one of his golf clubs…

President Trump talking to his peers.
Cops and protesters banging heads while bankers sit at home drinking wine with their newly printed Federal Reserve dollars. Same as it ever was.

— Michael Krieger (@LibertyBlitz) May 30, 2020

The God-Given Right to Reshape the World

When I make this statement, many “normals” think I am a loon. But you must understand that there are people who believe that they themselves ARE the the mouth-piece of God. As such, they can do no wrong, because everything that they do is blessed by God, and that they will be rewarded in Heaven when they die.

And as such, any one who opposes him is going against God’s will…

Nothing is more dangerous than a narcissist that believes that he is the “hand of God” and is in charge of the vast array of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons in the American military arsenal.

And this is what he just said today…

In the 21st century alone, I’ve been given good reason to distrust all sorts of things around me, including the U.S. government (all governments really), intelligence agencies, politicians, mass media, Wall Street and Silicon Valley, to name a few. 

These power centers make up “society” as we know it in 2020, which is really just massive concentrations of lawless financial and political power obfuscating rampant criminality behind the cover of various ostensibly venerable institutions. 

What’s most remarkable is how many people still maintain trust in so many of these provably untrustworthy organizations and industries, which speaks to the power of propaganda as well as the comfort of denial.

-Trust No One

And what does all this mean?

Well, using weapons of mass destruction against other large and power nations, all in the name of God, is opening up Pandora’s box…

Pandora’s Box

A “Pandora’s box” is a metaphor. It refers to a source of endless complications or trouble arising from a single, simple miscalculation.

Pandora’s story comes to us from ancient Greek mythology.

Or, more specifically, a set of epic poems by Hesiod, called the Theogony and Works and Days.

These poems were written during the 7th century BC in Greece.

These poems relate how the gods came to create Pandora and how the gift Zeus gave her ultimately ends the Golden Age of humankind.

The Story of Pandora’s Box

According to Hesiod, Pandora was a curse on mankind as retribution after the Titan Prometheus stole fire and gave it to humans.

Pandora was to be the first of a race of women.

She was the first bride and a great misery who would live with mortal men.

The women would be wonderful companions, but only in times of plenty. And they would quickly leave them when times became difficult.

Her name means both “she who gives all gifts” and “she who was given all gifts”.

All the Ills of the World

Then Zeus sent this beautiful treachery as a gift to Prometheus’ brother Epimetheus, who ignored Prometheus’s advice to never accept gifts from Zeus. In the house of Epimetheus, there was a jar—in some versions, it too was a gift from Zeus—and because of her insatiable greedy woman’s curiosity, Pandora lifted the lid on it.

Out from the jar flew every trouble known to humanity.

Strife, sickness, toil and myriad other ills escaped from the jar to afflict men and women forever more.

Pandora managed to keep one spirit in the jar as she shut the lid, a timid sprite named Elpis, usually translated as “hope.”

Hurwit (1995) says that the myth explains why humans must work to survive, that Pandora represents the beautiful figure of dread, something for which men can find no device or remedy. The quintessential woman was created to beguile men with her beauty and uncontrollable sexuality, to introduce falsehood and treachery and disobedience into their lives. Her task was to let loose all the evils upon the world while trapping hope, unavailable to mortal men. Pandora is a trick gift, a punishment for the good of Promethean fire, she is, in fact, Zeus's price of fire.

- Thought Company

Putting it all together

The world is heading to a “Great Reset”.

The leadership of the greatest nation on the earth, in economy and weapons, believes that he was empowered by GOD to remake the earth.

He has used both biological weapons and nuclear weapons in this quest.

Once used, it will be much easier to use them again, and again, and again as he seems fit.

And the rest of the world is watching with a great deal of consternation. Most do not want to believe it. But the leadership of the other powerful nations are aware of what is going on, and making preparations.

What do you think they are doing? What if you were Xi Peng, or Alexander Putin, what would you be doing right now? Would you be reading CNN, MSNBC, or listening to Alex Jones? What would you be doing, and how would you be acting?

And you. What are you doing?

Some History

It’s been a long time for many in America to know what total war is. They never experienced it. Aside from an attack on Hawaii for an hour, the last real fighting was the American Civil War, and much of the nation remained unscathed. So let me tell you all something…

Real war is ruthless.

The historical “normal” is returning. Buckle up. You and yours are all in the cross hairs.

Greek authors rarely go into any  detail when describing the fall of a city, so if we want to know what  this really means, we are to some extent forced to use our imagination.  However, it's clear from what little we hear that Xenophon's 'universal  law' usually meant 3 things:

All movable property was taken
All adult men were killed
All women, children and elderly men were sold into slavery.

The  first of these points is least well attested, but probably most  widespread. Every warrior who was sent against an enemy settlement would  hope to come away with a profit. 

Homes could be stripped of furniture  and metal objects; temples could be robbed of their dedications and  temple treasuries emptied. If there was time, even the rooftiles and  wooden fittings of houses could be torn off and carried away. 

The simple  fact that large amounts of ancient coinage and jewellry was preserved  in its hiding place (buried, thrown into wells, etc.) shows that people  were quite concerned to keep their valuables out of the hands of greedy  invaders. 

The second point is better known,  because it was a matter of justice and pride. When a city was attacked,  it could choose to surrender; if it did not, it forfeited any claim to  mercy. Those who had decided to resist their enemies would get what they  deserved. The most explicit example of this is the fate Agamemnon  desired for Troy:

Not  a single one of them must escape sheer destruction at our hands. Not  even if a mother carries one in her belly and he is male, not even he  should escape. All together they must be exterminated from Troy, their  bodies untended and invisible.
-- Iliad 6.57-62

There  are loads of examples from Greek history of sieges ending with the  slaughter of all adult men. These massacres removed the defeated  community's ability to fight and ensured that there would be no further  resistance.

The third point arises  from the fact that the Greeks seem to have considered it barbaric to  kill captured women and children as well as men. The few examples of  this in Greek history were condemned as savage. Once the needs of  revenge had been satisfied, the remaining population was instead  considered a potential source of profit:

When  they were delivered to her by the Persians, Pheretime took the most  guilty of the Barkaians and set them impaled around the top of the wall;  the breasts of their women she cut off and planted around the wall in  like manner. As for the rest of the Barkaians, she told the Persians to  take them as plunder.
-- Herodotos 4.202

There  was substantial money to be made from this, which is why commanders  sometimes tried to restrain the bloodlust of their victorious troops.  Even if it was just, as well as satisfying, to kill the defenders, it  still amounted to the destruction of a source of income:

Dionysios'  entire army burst into the city (...) and now every spot was a scene of  mass slaughter; for the Sicilian Greeks, eager to return cruelty for  cruelty, slew everyone they encountered, sparing without distinction not  a child, not a woman, not an elder. 

Dionysios, wishing to sell the  inhabitants into slavery for the money he could gather, at first  attempted to restrain the soldiers from murdering the captives, but when  no one paid any attention to him and he saw that the fury of the  Sicilian Greeks was not to be controlled, he stationed heralds to cry  aloud and tell the Motyans to take refuge in the temples which were  revered by the Greeks. When this was done, the soldiers ceased their  slaughter and turned to looting the property.
-- Diodoros of Sicily 14.53.1-3

The  beginning of this passage is unique in actually describing a scene that  must have been typical when a city fell to a Greek army. Most  successful siege assaults were not the result of elaborate  circumvallation, but of a surprise assault or betrayal. 

As a result,  rather than bottling up the helpless enemy from all sides, the attackers  usually entered the city from one point and began their rampage from  there. 

Those left in the city therefore had two choices: either to  resist or to flee. The former would result in the brutal fate sketched  above - but the latter explains how Greek communities often seem to have  survived a lost siege despite the genocidal intent of their attackers.  It was often possible for a substantial part of the population to get  away.

Their ultimate fate would  then depend on what the victorious enemy intended to do with the  settlement. Sometimes (especially in the Archaic period) their intent  was to seize the territory for themselves; in these cases the town would  be razed, and the fugitive population cast adrift. Fear of this outcome  was supposed to keep the Spartans in the fight against the Messenians  early in their history:

The  most wretched of all things is for a man to leave his city and its  fertile fields, reduced to the life of a beggar, wandering with his  mother and aged father, his little children and wedded wife.  Wherever  he ends up, he will be as an enemy dwelling among them. He will succumb  to need and detestable poverty, bring shame upon his family, disgrace  his splendid looks. All forms of dishonour and misery will dog him.  Since this is how it is and no one cares for or respects a wanderer or  his offspring at all, let us fight hard for our land and die for our  children without sparing our lives.
-- Tyrtaios fr. 10.3-14

If  they had friends elsewhere, they might be able to obtain a temporary  home, or even gain resident status and a home away from home, as the  Plataians did at Athens when the Spartans razed their settlement in 427  BC.

In the Classical period, the  intention was often rather to plant settlers on the conquered territory  in order to expand the victorious city's number of land-owning citizens.  This is what Athens did with the land of most of its defeated enemies  from 506 BC onward. In such cases, the captured city might be  reinhabited - at times by the new settlers along with the old population  of women and children, whom they took as wives or slaves.

Alternatively,  once due vengeance had been exacted, the remnants of the city's  population could simply be allowed to return to it, often subjected to  tribute and an imposed political regime. When the Athenians finally lost  their fleet at Aigospotamoi in 405 BC, fear washed through the city,  because the Athenians fully expected to meet the same fate that they had  inflicted upon other Greeks throughout the decades of their Empire -  the eradication of their community, the death of their men, and the sale  of their women into slavery. However, for reasons that are still  debated today, the Spartans decided to spare them. They got away with  "only" a sack, the destruction of their walls, and the imposition of the  tyrannical yoke of the Thirty. 

- What actually happens when a city is sacked? 

You should have paid attention to history class. The historical normal is one where no one is ever safe. It is always a short bubble of time, no more than one or two generations in length where people can live together in some sort of sanity.

But that bubble always pops, and the people living their nice safe lives are often overtaken by the shock and brutality of the reality that will overwhelm them.

We know what will happen.
We know what will happen. It has been well documented. People will be collected. They will be rounded up into urban areas, or centers. The men will be separated out from the group. They will be led to an isolated area, a cellar, a warehouse, a cluster of tree, an area behind a bulldozer. They will then be held down by two people and shot dead.

We are coming for you.

It’s going to be historical. It will be Biblical, and it will consist of many elements that are not at all “enlightened” and “progressive”. It will be raw and unbridled.

It will be historical

Prepare for a resurgence in the “old ways”.

Pandora has opened up the box.

Large Urban Cities…

Worse was to come in 1221 — ‘a year to live in infamy’. While  Genghis’s other armies had been busy in the east, threatening Tbilisi in  Georgia and terrifying the Christian world, Tolui, one of Genghis’s  equally reprehensible sons, took Merv (in modern-day Turkmenistan), one  of the largest cities in the world.  

Promised safety, the citizens  surrendered and emerged from behind their walls. Tolui ‘surveyed the  masses dolefully gathered with their possessions, mounted a golden chair and ordered mass executions to commence’. 

They took four days and nights to complete. 

Genghis’s rotten fruit did not fall far from the tree. Terror — and the certainty of its visitation — was a major weapon in  Genghis’s arsenal: decapitated women, children and even cats and dogs were reputedly displayed.   

- Was Genghis Khan the cruellest man who ever lived?  

Complete devastation…

Incursions into Southeast Asia were largely successful, most factions  agreed to pay tribute, and only the Invasions into Vietnam and Java failed.  

Europe was devastated by the Mongols. 

They destroyed near enough  every major Russian city, and invaded Volga Bulgaria, Bulgaria, Poland,  and Hungary. 

If rumours spread that the Mongols were coming, then it  would cause a mass panic, and some would run to safety.  

There was no  guaranteed way to defeat the Mongol hordes, they continuously defeated  much larger armies, so numerical strength couldn’t protect you.  

Mongol  conquests would leave once populous and flourishing areas as wastelands,  with little to no people, those remaining would be slaves.  

Everyone thinks that change will never come to them.

The Women…

Genghis Khan had so much power that he could do whatever he wanted. 

For  instance, when Genghis occupied some new area, he would kill or enslave  all the men and share all the women amongst his tribe. 

Genghis Khan  would even make beauty contests of captured women to decide which woman is the most beautiful one. 

Yeah, he was having his Miss Universe  competition before it was cool.  So, the queen of those beauty competitions would win the privilege to become one of many Genghis Khan's women. 

Rest of the Mongolian army would share all the other contestants.
-The Richest   

The Wealthy…

Genghis Khan was the most feared human of the 13th century, who could  destroy dynasties just by moving his little finger. He created the  Mongol Empire all by himself and earned his eternal spot in the history  books.  

However, a lot of people had to suffer for Genghis Khan to  succeed. Oh yes, the Mongolians were known for their horrendous  torturing techniques. 

One of the most popular was pouring molten silver  down the throat and ears of a victim.  Genghis Khan also liked bending  his enemy's back until the backbone snapped. If that sounds barbaric,  skip this next part. 

So, the Mongols once celebrated victory over  Russians in a very bizarre way. They picked all the Russian survivors,  dropped them on the ground and put a heavy wooden gate on top of them.   

Then, Genghis Khan and the entire Mongol army had a huge banquet on that  wooden gate. They ate, drank, and watched how Russians were dying one  by one from the suffocation, pressure, and wounds.  

-The Richest    

A return to the old ways…

 “The greatest joy for a man is to defeat his enemies, to drive them  before him, to take all they possess, to see those they love in tears,  to ride their horses, and to hold their wives and daughters in his  arms.”  

-Genghis Khan. 

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Even I am flabbergasted! It turns out that the Beirut port mini-nuke actually happened! Authorized by Trump, and carried out by Israel.

Normally I’m not that surprised with things that happen. I know that there is no such thing as coincidences, and that the American military empire is collapsing and thrashing all about. But you know, even I can be bitch slapped from time to time. And this is one of those times.

No shit!

yes. I had bought into the story about the ammonium nitrate warehouse being an accident. I really did. I knew about the Donald Trump / Pompeo shit about the biological weapons attacks on China, the NED, and all that nonsense in Hong Kong. But, you know, I figured that he wouldn’t REALLY start blowing shit up. Not really.

Oh, boy was I wrong!

I just couldn’t believe that Trump would do such a thing. This is true, even though I realized that it was quite a coincidence that this port was earmarked for the Chinese BRI (Belt and Road Initiative), and that suddenly it was destroyed in a completely massive “accidental” explosion. And all of a sudden, a gateway to the BRI is completely obliterated.

An accident?

A coincidence?

Photographs, both visual and thermal, say otherwise.

Not to mention that both President Trump and the Lebanese government has confirmed this to be the case.

The following is a reprint of an article on Veterans Today. It is titled “Updated: Israel hits Beirut with nuclear missile, Trump and Lebanese Govt. confirm”, and written on August 15, 2020. Edited to fit this venue. All credit to the original author and the post.

Updated: Israel hits Beirut with nuclear missile, Trump and Lebanese Govt. confirm

Trump confirms this was a bombing, not an accident and is immediately scourged by pro-Israel press…starting with the Daily Beast.

By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor – August 15, 2020 149364202

Here is what we know since:

  • Overwhelming evidence that Israeli F 16s had just finished an attack run on Warehouse 12 when the large explosion occurred.  We have dozens of reliable eyewitnesses and many videos, sound and even the planes pulling out of a dive, not birds, they don’t fly 350 knots, not normally. (Lots of birds were flying away, they look exactly like birds)
  • Lebanese govt and Hezbollah now accepting that ammonium nitrate was in no way involved.  Lebanon is built on rock and everything has to be blasted.  The Lebanese know explosives, know how to use AN and all in Lebanon know this is a hoax. AN is not explosive, it burns even in an explosive slurry (ANFO) unless very large TNT charges are used to initiate.
  • All involved in the AN story, the Russian ship tale, or claiming it exploded are now terror suspects though most are simply internet idiots.  AN is debunked.
  • This video has Trump’s real statement, he is 100% behind VT (embarrassing)…
  • Investigators are now looking at a two pronged and complex Israeli attack using a probable nuclear tipped Rampage missile (new design) while covering with an F 16 attack and possible conventional explosive.  At this point, this is most likely as seen by investigators.
Rampage missile.

Narrative Rewritten

And now to the original story which has been hacked, backward counted by Google and so much more.  We love it… VT was right once again while world media just published cheap slop. This never would have happened before early dementia Reagan got on the ‘free enterprise’ train for consolidating America’s wonderfully diverse privately owned local and regional independent media.

#Breaking #Syria President Assad orders all borders and ports in the country open to #Lebanon, orders caravans of ambulances to head to #Beirut and ferry injured to hospitals in #Damascus, and launches an air bridge of medical and food supplies between the two cities

Absurdity squared: YouTube and Facebook “Fact Checkers,” employed by the people VT claims staged the attack are wiping the evidence from the internet…who would have guessed it.

…by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor, with…

  • Nahed al Husaini, VT Bureau Chief Damascus
  • Jeff Smith, VT Editor, IAEA Nuclear Inspector/Particle Physicist

Actual Photos of the missiles

This is the original video frame, never posted anywhere, that proves everything on Facebook and YouTube which was taken down is real.

This is the grandfather of them all, one carefully validated as untouched and genuine.

Infrared images of the missile itself prior to impact:

Infrared photos of the missiles

Set II Different camera, different angle

Frame 1 Beirut
Frame 2 Beirut
Frame 3 Beirut

This is the same missile seen from a slightly different angle on impact.

Israeli Delilah missile carrying 6 kiloton (6000 tons of TNT equivalent) nuclear missile (unretouched photo via VT Damascus) Tineye says this is a unique image and doesn’t appear anywhere on the web.  We, however, are always suspicious when something seems ‘too good to be true.’

This is an infrared video which shows, at 6 seconds, the missile coming in and hitting…

This infrared video makes much more sense than ammonium nitrate on its own. Yes NH4NO3 is an oxidising agent and explosive under the right conditions, it is also very stable.

Judge for yourself. Doctored video? Different location? Or #Beirut attacked?

pic.twitter.com/T0LnUqDvoy— Darren of Plymouth 🇬🇧 (@DarrenPlymouth) 
August 6, 2020

This is the video that was removed from Youtube for “violating content”.

Pixel analysis says this is a good photo. Thus, debunking it will become a huge issue. An army of trolls is already on Twitter and Facebook.

” First explosion was caused by Gabriel anti ship missile of Israel. The second explosion was caused by Israeli Delilah missile from F16. Our country is in complete jeopardy with this lazy and corrupt regime.” 

This is the radiation signature of the explosion received from a source in Italy, submitted to VT by the International Atomic Energy Agency (UN).

So it is actually a NUCLEAR WEAPON.

Evidence of a nuclear fission event in the Eastern Mediterranean
Trump confirms attack (nuclear not mentioned) and has suddenly become an “Enemy of Israel” (In 2015, Trump was referred to VT as a source of intelligence briefings. Eventually his staff turned to InfoWars and Steve Bannon.  You can see how that has worked out.)
The media in the west claiming that this massive nuclear like explosion is from "fireworks"


My heart is so heavy 💔😔😭

-Prayers for Beirut, Lebanon 🇱🇧pic.twitter.com/yAom0z9ZgG
— StanceGrounded (@_SJPeace_) August 4, 2020

Official statements from Lebanon

VT: A general in the Lebanese Army reports that Israel dropped a tactical nuclear weapon on the port of Beirut today.  He reports that this was done to collapse the current political regime there and revolt against Hezbollah.

Their denial, almost identical to Israel’s supports this hypothesis.

As the lies begin, nothing about this explosion, the mushroom cloud or the strength of the explosion is fireworks, which was the first lie, then ammonium nitrate fertilizer, they say under 3k tons, which was stored for years to use on Lebanon’s golf courses, when they decide to build them.  No, nothing about today is funny.

Israel statement

We also add that earlier today, Netanyahu’s statement which we believe is Israel taking credit for the attack.  Beirut is still bomb damaged by Israel from 2006.  How you take Netanyahu’s statements as outlined in Times of Israel today, is a matter of faith, trust or conjecture.

نتنياهو قال اليوم بأن اسرائيل ستفعل”ما هو ضروري"لحماية نفسها،تهديد لحزب الله- ما يفسر التفجيرات في #بيروت

-Netanyahu said “will do what is necessary in order to defend ourselves”. An obvious warning to Hezbollah, and this explains the explosions in #Beiruthttps://t.co/8ZVLNBA31A

— Reem Al-Harmi ريم الحرمي chez moi 🏠 (@Reem_AlHarmi) August 4, 2020
The destruction in Beirut is far larger than you can ever imagine. The city seems like it has been hit by a small scale nuclear weapon. 

#beirutexplosion #lebanonpic.twitter.com/JrHv92RKCI
— Selami Haktan (Eng) (@slmhktn_eng) August 4, 2020

6Kt Nuclear Weapon

The weapon was 6 kilotons.  That report now:

“Getting reports from Beirut, a tactical miniature nuclear bomb has been used to attack the port, nuclear experts and researchers have randomly pointed out to the reacted particles in the fire ball.
#Beirut blast horror: Mystery explosion 'like a nuclear bomb' tears through city with boom heard as far away as Cyprus 

https://t.co/ZmSO9Dnj4Y pic.twitter.com/s1xGcoLp76
— Daily Mail Online (@MailOnline) August 4, 2020

Even if there is going to be a government cover up for peace and political implications in the coming hours, one thing is clear, it is a clandestine operation by some anti-Lebanon foreign agency not by some random terrorist (non-state actor).

Terrorists involved in Urban Warfare in ME do not have access to these highly advance tactical weapons. If they have it now, then someone is equipping them for political gains. Let us wait for the official statements from Lebanon. I hope our friends from Beirut are safe.

As per my latest source of information from Beirut. There is going to be a government cover up. The story about “Nitrate in the containers” is going to be declared as the original cause of the second massive explosion that caused the major damage. This will become the official narrative in the msm.

I Was Bloodied and Dazed. Beirut Strangers Treated Me Like a Friend. 

https://t.co/gGlZAtlDeb— Barbara Davis (@Natusb2) 
August 5, 2020

However, what influential and credible sources from Beirut are telling me is this:
“The Beirut explosion is about 100 times the energy than the 2015 Tianjin explosion, or 5.4 kilotons of TNT equivalent (using linear extrapolation from Tianjin, which involved 800 tonnes of ammonium nitrate).

Conventional nukes against Japan had 15 to 21 kilotons. But this explosion is different, it is because of modern tactical nuke that contains up to 10 kilotons of the hybrid material including uranium. It is this reason why we still have acid and radiation in the air. The storage facilities near the grain elevator are NOT marked for hazardous material storage, but are instead marked for general cargo. Therefore, you can guess it, what we will be fed in the coming hours.” 

– Ghayet Ali
” First explosion was caused by Gabriel anti ship missile of Israel. The second explosion was caused by Israeli Delilah missile from F16. Our country is in complete jeopardy with this lazy and corrupt regime.”

Hezbollah, we are told, is expected to retaliate against Israel and they say there is no way for Syria not to be brought in.

IAEA Confirms

Jeff Smith of the IAEA confirms this is a nuclear explosion.

The lies about fireworks in ships and fertilizer are what we always get. You don’t store either one downtown in a major city like Beirut under any circumstances. Not much farming in Beirut and they don’t celebrate the 4th of July there.

The smoke could well be missile fuel which may mean a missile storage facility was hit by Israel. We have confirmation from Israel that they were planning to attack Beirut 5 days ago in retaliation for Hezbollah’s military attacks on Golan, which were not reported anywhere.

We are told Lebanon asked for nuclear investigators from Russia but there is no attempt to protect the site which, even if this were a modern clean weapon, still be radioactive.

New video shows nature of the blast a bit better. We will keep updating.

Beirut Governor Calls Explosion a ‘National Disaster Akin to Hiroshima’

“A fire brigade of 10 people arrived at the scene. What happened is very similar to what happened in the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. They drove to the scene and disappeared. This is a national disaster for Lebanon. We do not know how we are going to deal with this”, Beirut Governor Marwan Abboud said. (Sputnik/Moscow)

Please remember #Beirut, Lebanon in your prayers and thoughts. Many are dead and lots are injured 😔 

— Noni Brown (@chinonsoenemuo4) August 4, 2020

Initial response from Israel

“Israel has nothing to do with the massive explosion that rocked Beirut on 4 August, the country’s parliamentary TV channel has announced. A similar statement was made by an anonymous Israeli official in an interview with Reuters, while the country’s Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi alleged that the blast was likely an accident caused by a fire.” (Sputnik/Moscow)

Initial Report 2

Earlier/VT: Two explosions in Beirut, one a conventional guided bomb followed by a small nuclear weapon. The target is now confirmed to be a Hezbollah missile storage facility.

One hospital in Beirut has said it is treating more than 500 injures and is unable to receive any more patients. Tens of the people injured will need surgery and the hospital is appealing for blood donations.

-Follow the latest here: https://t.co/R2Lh904JkC pic.twitter.com/xn85sUgs7q— SkyNews (@SkyNews) 
August 4, 2020

This is the second explosion, that looks like the plasma ball of a nuclear explosion to me, note the white colour indicating extremely high temperatures – no conventional explosion burns so hot. Also note the great height of the plasma ball – it is taller than the grain silo. I am very strongly reminded of the nuking of Tianjin a few years ago.The warehouse to the east he speaks of is the black building shown in the video stills above.

A large explosion has been heard in the Lebanese capital Beirut. Security sources said a number of people were injured during the widespread destruction across the city, with residents reporting windows being blown out and ceilings collapsing

-Read more: https://t.co/27zh8LaW5n pic.twitter.com/SZ82gxAA7Z— SkyNews (@SkyNews) August 4, 2020

Initial Report 1 – The “official explanation”

This smells like a cover story, I very much doubt there were any fireworks involved, the small explosions seen in the videos were more likely to have been munitions cooking off due to fires started by the first explosion.

RT has just covered the explosions and quotes a Lebanese govt. minister:


Health Minister Hamad Hassan told local media that a ship carrying fireworks exploded in the port. Video footage lends weight to his explanation, as it shows a small explosion followed by the crackling of fireworks, before a second and massively destructive blast.

Local residents have shared images showing extensive damage to property. The office of the Daily Star newspaper was smashed by the blast, with windows blown out and furniture flung to the ground. France24 correspondent Leila Molana-Allen said that her apartment was “blown apart,” adding that she thinks the blast was caused by a “missile from a jet.”

It looks very much like the Lebanese have invented the ship full of fireworks story to cover the truth. Molana-Allen is almost certainly correct – that it was some kind of missile or guided bomb dropped by a jet fighter-bomber.

Or are they going with the one we have heard so many times before when tactical nukes have been used – that it was a store of explosives that went up:Of course they would deny it was an attack, no-one ever admits a nuke went off, it’s terribly bad for public opinion.

Sodium nitrate, basically a big fertiliser bomb, nope, not buying that at all, this is the cover story they appear to be going with.

Please pray for #Beirut , Lebanon.Reports are that it felt like a nuclear explosion. 

— SECRETARY♠️ACE™ (@SecretaryAce) August 4, 2020

Initial Reports hit the feeds…

This local lady describes a feeling of melting, that sounds like radiation hitting her – being hit by radiation feels like heat, it burns you.


People in Beirut,Lebanon needs to stay indoors due to the recent Firewooks/nuclear explosion that happened in Beirut. The smoke is filled with nitric acid (Red/pink/purple smoke) which is toxic and can form an acidic rain.

#BeirutBlast #Beirut pic.twitter.com/eyKYSiVJZ0
— Women_Advocate🧕🧕🧕 (@hauwa_farouk) August 4, 2020

I don’t agree with the assessment that it was a fine particulate explosion, that wouldn’t explain the white hot plasma ball, only a nuke can explain that.

The media in the west claiming that this massive nuclear like explosion is from "fireworks"


My heart is so heavy 💔😔😭

Prayers for Beirut, Lebanon 🇱🇧pic.twitter.com/yAom0z9ZgG
— StanceGrounded (@_SJPeace_) August 4, 2020

Windows blown out 7km away indicates a huge blast, again, suggesting this was indeed a nuke.

The phones going down is probably due to the EM pulse that nukes produce.

Another view of the Beirut explosion from (another) boat. 

— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) 
August 4, 2020
Dramatic images coming from Beirut. 
My thoughts are with everyone affected x 

— Joshua Smith (@SmithJournalist) August 4, 2020
BREAKING: Massive explosion in Beirut, Lebanon. 

— Sarah Abdallah (@sahouraxo) August 4, 2020
Close to ground zero in this video of the explosion in Beirut. 

— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) August 4, 2020

There are a lot of casualties, probably mostly due to flying glass and debris.

مشاهد لبعض جرحى التفجير في مرفأ #بيروت pic.twitter.com/8hGJTufIyF

— حسين مرتضى (@HoseinMortada) August 4, 2020
Aftermath of massive explosions that ripped through Lebanese capital of Beirut#BeirutExplosion #LebanonExplosion #Lebanon #Beirut

MORE: https://t.co/k001zUvFum pic.twitter.com/bitqUREHHN— RT (@RT_com) August 4, 2020
The level of destruction looks insane!#BeirutExplosion #LebanonExplosion #Lebanon #Beirut

MORE: https://t.co/k001zUvFum pic.twitter.com/cmbGcRfl23— RT (@RT_com) August 4, 2020

Nah… It just couldn’t be a nuke…

Sure what ever you all want to believe.

The “nay sayers” suggest that people are watching birds. Like sparrows, pigeons, doves, or maybe parrots. Like this. I’m sure that this is a parrot…

Or, it just couldn’t be a nuke. Right? Stations would pick up the radiation.

These stations would measure the alpha, beta and gamma radiation. Since the gamma radiation travels at the speed of light, the stations would be able to register the exact moment the weapon was detonated.

Well, suddenly this station went off line. Imagine that!

It is now reported as “malfunctioning“.

Funny thing this…

Well, malfunctioning station or what, Italy says they are getting radiation readings that are worthy of note…


It seems that Trump authorized the use of 6kt mini-nuke to destroy the port of Beirut. This was conducted by aircraft of the Israel Air Force, and they apparently used two missiles.

  • Gabriel anti ship missile.
  • Israeli Delilah missile carrying a 6kt mini-nuke.

Radiation readings in Europe has confirmed that a nuclear warhead was used.

Trump has admitted to participation and direction of this attack. But he did not confess to using nuclear weapons.

This effort puts a immediate pause on the Chinese Belt and Road initiative with a port on the Mediterranean sea.

Trump scares the living daylights out of me. He had no qualms about unleashing a biological weapon to kill multitudes of Chinese with the COVID-19, and is now using nuclear weapons in the Mediterranean Sea. He has two complete assault carrier task forces off the Chinese coast and is working to provoke war with Russia.

What is wrong with this man?

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Prepping update. It’s 2020 and you have another three more years before the peak disruption climax.

This post is an update to my SHTF series of posts.

My last SHTF post was back in October 2019, and before the COVID-19, the NED sponsored pro-democracy attempt at a “color revolution” and the fierce anti-China propaganda onslaught. Back then, it seemed that America was waltzing into a state of intensified confusion.

Now things are much clearer.

The USA is on an out-of-control bobsled heading straight for disaster.

There’s no getting off now.

In previous SHTF posts, I had advised (fellow) Americans that the United States was due to a great reset, and that it would be uncomfortable for many. I also advised that if they were smart, to leave America and go to stable but boring places far away from the “death throes” of a dying empire.

I was correct.

Today, most Americans are trapped within the United States are are unable to leave. For the most part, there are very few nations willing to take in American citizens. The terrible handling of the COVID-19 has make the rest of the world frightened in having anything to do with Americans.

So Americans are trapped. Not only from asking permission to leave America by the American government, but also finding another nation willing to take in Americans. It’s “slim pickings”.


Here you are.

We are in a SHTF situation where you are geographically locked inside a geographic region, while that region experiences all sorts of upheavals and changes. Don’t believe me? Well, take a look at the latest news articles out of the Drudge Report today…

You are trapped inside the United States, the news is about this chaos…

… and that chaos.

It’s all a big nasty mess. From people unemployed because of the COVID-19, to the illness itself. To the BLM and Antifa riots, to food shortages, and armed marches. To Donald Trump going “hog wild” crazy in his anti-China crusade. Seriously, it is nuts.


It’s all not happening where you live. Right?

Indeed, in your immediate neighborhood, everything is quiet and calm. Most of the upset is transmitted to you via the Internet, and you have no idea what is true or what is false. Though most of you probably believe in the trends of what you read.


This is normal.

The Timeline

Let’s take a review of the timeline for the “great reset”.

To review, according to all the measurements that I have mentioned beforehand, everything is pointing to a period of discomfort starting in 2008, and increasing in severity in 2018. Then from 2018 to 2028 will be the worst period of discomfort. With things really starting to get bad around 2020. And a peak crisis period from 2023 to 2027, with the major crisis event centering around 2025.

According to the “Fourth Turning”, we can expect a major critical event to take place around 2025. As shown in the following illustration…

Here are the next few years before the Fourth Turning is expected to reach a crisis point. The astitute reader should realize that the event is scheduled immediately after the 2024 election. Historically, this will mean that a progressive democrat will take over the Presidency. In that event, we can expect a full -on gun conscification effort that would be the result of a mass-shooting event. Democrat presidents always have mass-shooting events int he first six months of their presidency. Then they unlease the anti-gun narrative to a fever pitch. The event that was supposted to really work this last time was the 2016 Los Vegas shooter, but of course it wasn't HIllary Clinton at the Helm it was Donald Trump..
Here are the next few years before the Fourth Turning is expected to reach a crisis point.

Here are my thoughts, and some advice to those of you willing to listen…

Good News

There are some good things that I can say right now.

[1] Firstly, the good news is that change is a natural part of growing. (I know, yada, yada, yada.) But it is true. The United States simply cannot continue as an oligarchy ruled military empire run on imaginary “petrol-dollars”. It has to change. And it will, and you are seeing the start of the changes…

[2] The climax of the event is not this year. That’s the good news.

[3] It will be sometime around 2025 (plus or minus two years). Or as early as 2023, or as late as 2027. That’s in three years at the earliest.

The period of discomfort will last a decade. So expect things to be dicey through 2030.

[4] Here’s more good news. It will not be uniform. There will be areas that will see terrible change, and others what will not see much change at all.

So what will it be like?

Several things will explode all at once…

Several things could implode all at once. Indeed, this is the likeliest scenario. As there are all sorts of trends and events just about to run “off the rails”, and all sort of “the opportunistic others” who have plans to take advantage of government collapse.

It could be a meltdown of government…

It could be a violent readjustment of society…

All the usual “good people” assure us that violent revolution is not on the table. This means, simply, that it is. 

- From Brett Stevens at Amerika 

It could be everything and anything. It could be social upheaval in alignment with the Nazi takeover of Germany in the 1930’s, coupled with the genocide of the Cambodians under Pol Pot. It could be a mixture of George Orwell, and the worst elements of THX1138. It could be every nightmare that you could possibly dream of.

'THX 1138' is a chilling look at a 25th-century totalitarian state where mankind is stripped of any individuality. People are numbered drones, and a government-enforced program of sedating drugs controls the populace. The story's title character, THX, is a factory worker whose life is irrevocably changed when he stops taking his mind-numbing drugs.
‘THX 1138’ is a chilling look at a 25th-century totalitarian state where mankind is stripped of any individuality. People are numbered drones, and a government-enforced program of sedating drugs controls the populace. The story’s title character, THX, is a factory worker whose life is irrevocably changed when he stops taking his mind-numbing drugs.

It could be domestic guerrilla warfare…

When the violence comes—and it will come—the military and militarized  police forces will face domestic insurgents who are better armed,  trained, supplied, coordinated, and technologically proficient than the  foreign insurgents the military has heretofore been unable to defeat. 

- From Robert Gore at Straight Line Logic 

It could be a polarization of society…

Breitbart - Calif. Police Chief Cancels Event to Honor Fallen Officer  Because Republicans Were Invited ... "this is not Trump country, we  don’t want Republicans here" 

It could be genocide against “white people”…

We (white people) are now on the same level with Afrikaners in the closing days of apartheid in South Africa. 

- From Taki at Taki's Magazine, about white Americans  

Indeed, all this anti-white propaganda is geared towards genocide. It is not geared to any objective regarding healing. It is an out of control manipulation by the oligarchy to pit Americans against each other.

You cannot purify white people through the healing magic of diversity if they are not actually part of diversity. 

-Z Man

Let’s just clear out all the nonsense and get to the basics…

When Progressives talk about diversity, they mean blacks. 

We can put the  upper bound on diversity as 20%. Any more than that and white crime  victimization and awareness of it begins to soar. This sets off white  flight. 

Baltimore is a great example. Once its black population crossed  the 25% level, it began a rapid decline into chaos.  

As Rhodesia,  Baltimore and now South Africa show, there is some minimum number of  whites required to keep the lights on, so everyone can enjoy the  wonderfulness of diversity. 

In the case of Rhodesia, the number fell  below the minimum and it became Zimbabwe. In Baltimore, they have  hovered along the critical number for decades. South Africa staggers on,  but they too are approaching the inflection point. 

-Z Man

Someone, or some group, is organizing a campaign leading towards the genocide of “white people”. This will absolutely manifest during the crisis period. Look, just because the mainstream media isn’t covering the obvious does not mean that that it doesn’t exist.

 Fighting Is Under Way

 And leftist blood-lust is not limited to a fringe. A very intelligent  and gentle acquaintance of mine, someone with whom I once enjoyed a  cordial and friendly long-running debate, believes that Trump sent  federal troops into Berkeley the other night to conduct mass arrests of  protesters, trigging the riots. It’s completely untrue and she had no  idea where she heard it, but she believes it as much as she believes in  gravity. And her false belief, what psychologists would call a  hallucination (h/t Scott Adams), allows her to justify anything the rioters did, up to and including murder.

 Here’s the thing. You’ve probably heard the word “privilege” so much  you could puke when you hear it. The idea of white privilege is central  to the leftist hallucination. And the idea of a privileged race led  Germany to the Final Solution.

 Adolf Hitler wrote in 1919:

 "But an anti-Semitism based on reason must lead to a systematic legal elimination of the privileges of the Jews. The ultimate objective of such legislation must, however, be the irrevocable removal of the Jews from civil and cultural influence." 

 In fact, the Nazi propagandists worked overtime to defame Jews for  their privilege. Hitler claimed Jews avoided physical labor of any kind,  preferring work in finance, mercantile, and the arts. He lamented that  Jews wrote and produced 90 percent of German movies despite being only  one percent of the population. His propaganda depicted Jewish women as  fat and lazy, yet wealthy, feeding off the labor of the German people.

 Substitute “working class whites” for “Jews,” and Nazi propaganda  sounds a lot like CNN commentators and UC Berkeley professors. Even  so-called conservative Bill Kristol says it’s time to replace America’s white working class with immigrants.

 It’s pretty clear that the left uses the same rhetoric and  scapegoating against conservatives as the Nazi used against Jews. So we  have to ask if these leftists use the propaganda techniques to the same  end.

 The Nazis wanted to vilify and dehumanize Jews so the German people would be conditioned for the Final Solution: extermination.

 When you hear the speeches of campus protesters, you have to conclude  that the left has a final solution in mind for people like you and me.  You don’t have to take my word for it. Here are the words of a school teacher in Seattle protesting against Trump and his supporters:

 "And we need to start killing people. First off, we need to start  killing the White House. The White House must die. The White House, your  fucking White House, your fucking Presidents, they must go! Fuck the  White House. 

 Pay the fuck up, pay the fuck up. It ain’t just your fucking time,  it’s your fucking money, and now your fucking life is devoted to social  change."

 Democrats, establishment Republicans, and the supposedly  “responsible” media ignored this story. They ignored it because they are afraid of attracting the mob’s attention. Like Germans in the 1930s,  some people value their own survival too much to stop bloodshed and  brutality. 


It could be an exodus of the wealthy from the urban centers…

All those pricey urban meccas could become crime-ridden ghost towns. How  could such a reversal occur? Everyone who lives outside protected  enclaves will reach a point where the "urban lifestyle" is no longer  worth the sacrifices and costs. Once enough of the top 10% leave, the  food/beverage service industry implodes. 

Service employees are renters,  paying sky-high rents that unemployment can't cover. Vacant apartments  pile up. As the exodus gathers momentum, all the reasons people clung so  rabidly to urban meccas decay. Local government jacks up fees, tickets,  permits and taxes, accelerating the exodus. 

That's how pricey urban  meccas turn into ghost towns inhabited by those who can't leave and  those living on public services. 

-Of Two Minds Blog

It could be World War III…

It could be a shooting Civil War

And what would happen if a civil war, a CWII or SHTF event were to occur? America would be in chaos. Everything would be a mess, and the central governments from the Federal to the State, and Local levels would be very busy trying to maintain order.

Would other nations sit by and watch from afar? Would they decide to help and roll in the UN to restore order? Or would they just be content to watch America burn?

Thus, if a civil war broke out in the United States, would China, Russia, and Iran not jump in to finally render America helpless? To take advantage of the situation, to cripple the United States to a point where it could never ever, ever EVER fully recover?

Why NOT do a “double tap” and castrate America back into oblivion from which it would take a full 100 years to recover from?

Nuclear war, one initiated by America in order to control the American mobs, could easily reverse America's fortunes in a nanosecond. The idea that a war out here, or over there, would be created and have no consequences is a very dangerous belief. The world is not the 1960's, and not every nation is a thrid world tiny splat of land. Major nations are now getting involved in the global scene, and they do not take kindly to Americans throwing their weight around.
Nuclear war, one initiated by America in order to control the American mobs, could easily reverse America’s fortunes in a nanosecond. The idea that a war out here, or over there, would be created and have no consequences is a very dangerous belief. The world is not the 1960’s, and not every nation is a third world tiny splat of land. Major nations are now getting involved in the global scene, and they do not take kindly to Americans throwing their weight around.

If America has gotten fat, plump and comfortable, being the bully on the global stage, throwing “regime changing” wrenches (via the CIA, NED, and NID) to everyone from Venezuela, Syria, the Ukraine, Hong Kong and China, won’t other nations resent it?

And, if an opportunity presents itself, would not another nation take advantage of that opportunity. An opportunity to “de-fang” the United States, and “neuter” it’s ability to project global influence (read; power) in the world?

I would say yes.

"Hours after the bombs go off in cities, these fires continue to build up and they create firestorms that feed on themselves. They get so hot that everything in the city becomes fuel for its own destruction. The energy released becomes much greater than the weapon itself," Dr. Mills explained, drawing parallels to the way fire consumed the city of Dresden during the World War II.  From each of these 100 detonations, massive firestorms would engulf whole cities and churn five million tons of black carbon into the stratosphere.
“Hours after the bombs go off in cities, these fires continue to build up and they create firestorms that feed on themselves. They get so hot that everything in the city becomes fuel for its own destruction. The energy released becomes much greater than the weapon itself,” Dr. Mills explained, drawing parallels to the way fire consumed the city of Dresden during the World War II. From each of these 100 detonations, massive firestorms would engulf whole cities and churn five million tons of black carbon into the stratosphere.
By nuking the major American cities, all industry would grind to a halt. Banking and savings would be non-existent. Everything would collapse and the survivors  would flee the cities into the countryside. 

Americans should never be under the impression that the rest of the world views us with favor. In fact, it is quite the opposite.

The next turning could have the worst elements of everything known to ma. The could be nuclear war, chemical, biological and germ warfarem hig tecnology spying and swarm drone weapons. All of which could happen simultaneously while the USA government might to enact genocide against its citizenry.
The next turning could have the worst elements of everything known to man. This could be nuclear war, chemical, biological and germ warfare high technology spying and swarm drone weapons. All of which could happen simultaneously while the USA government might to enact genocide against its citizenry.

Oh, and by the way, a fellow by the name of John Titor claimed to be from the future. Yes, he claimed to be a time traveler from the future. He described just this exact scenario, where there was a rather long period of civil unrest and then Russia nuked all the cities. Whether you believe him or not is immaterial. He has some interesting things to ponder.

The link below opens up into a new tab for your reading pleasure.

From the post…

' The blogger suggests this because he questions what actually occurred  did not match all the conflicts that John Titor predicted.  Perhaps the  events he mentions will actually still occur, only they will actually  occur 10 years later.
 Maybe, instead of a civil war in 2013, there is one in 2023Nuclear war in 2025, instead of 2015. '

Remember those dates;

  • 2020 – Instability.
  • 2023 – Civil War.
  • 2025 – Nuclear War.

So, there is going to be an increase in the severity of the current mess…

Yes, there is.

And no, we don’t know the precise details.

But, do we really need to know all those details? History has told us that when America goes into a Fourth Turning reset situation, it becomes a no-rules cluster slug-fest. In fact, we can say that…

  • The most advanced weapons will be used.
  • War will be fought on American soil.
  • Foreign nations will be involved to some extent.

And since this is scheduled to happen pretty soon, what can you do (personally) to protect yourself and your family?

Well, I have some thoughts on this matter…

[1] Relocate to a safe, boring area.

Yes, you are trapped in the USA for now. Maybe things will open up next year, or maybe not. But in the meantime, you can relocate to a safe and quiet location that is pretty bland and boring. That’s the key don’t you know. Be bland. Be boring. Be safe. Be dull. Be uninteresting.

A great idea me-thinks.

But where?

[1a] Avoid all urban areas. You want to avoid crowds and the likelihood of meeting people who you do not know personally. Historically, cities have always been dangerous during societal upsets, resets and wars. Let me be clear about this; Get out while the getting’s good.

[1b] Avoid wilderness areas. One of the first things that began in March when the COVID-19 outbreak started to happen was all the city-dwellers took their RV’s, trucks, pickups and vehicles and headed for the state forests. The roads were blocked and the entire forests were jammed packed like a New York City rush hour with angry and frustrated city people. There were arguments, stores that were cleaned out and incidents of stabbings and shootings. Do not go where other people might go. Avoid state parks, federal parks, state and federal forests, and other “green areas” that are displayed on maps.

[1c] Move into a small town. Small towns have the basics that you need to survive. Additionally, it is much easier to make friends there. Now the thing is that if you move into a small community, you absolutely MUST know your neighbors. Do not plan on moving somewhere and not meeting people and making friends. Not only must you make friends, but you must be productive, helpful and good.

I would suggest that you also…

[2] Have a secure lifestyle

Which means…

[2a] Get involved in the community. A the bare minimum, this would include being a regular member of a church, and a member of some other activity, like the Chamber of Commerce, or the Grange, or the Rotary. make sure that you are known and recognized.

Many people think about “bugging in”, or “being mobile”. Here, I suggest that you integrate yourself with your community. For there is strength in numbers. Automatically, you will be part of something bigger. And when things go bad, you would be far, far better off than the lone guy hiding in a basement with six months stockpile of rice.

Now is NOT the time to be a “lone wolf”. You need to integrate yourself as part of a community and do it quickly.

And that is lifestyle.

To be a part of something, you must be ready and willing to participate in things and contribute. This is true in life, but it becomes very importantly true during crisis situations.

So here, I advise that you pick up some skills that you can use to provide help, services, and assistance were things to go really bad…

[2b] Emergency First Aid. You should take some classes in emergency first aid. You should be able to bend a broken arm, stitch up a cut, and perform emergency surgery. You should know how to handle gunshot wounds, infections, and food poisonings. This means that not only would you take a singular class at the YMCA, but advanced courses at the community college, and have some reference books on hand in your house. Finally, let people KNOW that you have these skills.


This is not only a useful skill for yourself, but it is something that you can trade for when you need to trade or barter.

[2c] Access to fresh water. During great societal upsets the ability to get water, electricity and internet is gone. Some areas might be spared this, but most will not. We know from recent history that in Bosnia, people died trying to get fresh water, or contracted illnesses from drinking tainted water. Either have a way to collect and purify water, or invest in a well.

[2d] Ability to repair without electricity. Which means that the ability to repair things without electricity would be a very valuable skill. If you have access to a manual lathe, or other such tools, you will be able to provide your services from anything to repairing a windmill on a water pump, to repairing a gun. Be helpful.

Try repairing things without electricity. You will be surprised how difficult it is. You need to be able to do this with files, hammers and pliers.

[2e] Local Indian lore. Long before the United States was colonized, the local Indians in your region lived well. They farmed and had their own ways of preserving food, and treating their sick. This is local lore that has been forgotten, but not at the local library or historical society. Connect with these people and learn a thing or two. You will not regret it.

[3] Household Security

This is one of those things that you see all over the Internet. How to make hide-holes, and how to secure your windows and other such things. There is much to cover here, but I will stick to the basics.

[3a] You need well bolted doors. One that can be barricaded with 2×4 lumber pieces from the inside (two beams, top and bottom, resting on a metal clamp). It might not prevent your house from burning down, but it will be able to defend against roving bands of urban youth in jacked cars.

[3b] Windows need to be secured and covered if need be. Plywood, ready to put up in place, or welded metal bars, or other systems that would make break-ins very difficult.

[3c] The home needs to be hidden with overgrown shrubbery and debris. Sure, eventually people will find you. But don’t make it easy. Be the junk yard next to the gold refinery. Be the boring electrical sub-station next to the grocery store. Be the abandoned building next to the hardware store.

[3d] You need a hidden room, or basement chamber. Any hidden room, or any size if far better than none at all. You need to be able to secure your valuables, both things and people.

[3e] You need guns and you need not to be afraid to use them. I would suggest that you forget about those cheap SKS banana-clip pseudo assault guns. Get yourself a couple of shotguns. And a few reliable 9mm handguns. Expect that when you shoot people, it will NOT be like television. They will not go down on the first shot. Chances are that you would have to empty the entire clip into their chest. Be ready to use them.

[3f] You need a garden and you need to keep it working year-around. Make sure that you always have potatoes, onions, and other related root crops planted. Most bandits couldn’t tell a potato plant from skunk weed. So while they might raid your tomato bushes, they would tend to leave your potatoes alone. Plant some apple trees, and other berry bushes. Let your property provide sustenance for you.

[3g] If you have room, consider a chicken coop. Learn how to raise chickens. These are a great thing to do to provide food on your table, and a great way to trade with your neighbors with.

[4] Supplies

From what I see, things are going to get really bad over the next three years. Finally around 2025, things are going to go to shit really fast. So you’ve got a precious few years to stock up, learn and prepare. I hope that things won’t go “tits up” in your area, but if they do, you’ll be ready for anything.

[4a] You need basic food supplies to last you for at least six months. This means canned goods, rice, wheat flour, nuts, and other things of importance. Like cooking oil, salt, pepper, baking soda, yeast, etc. Buy the cans by the case. Buy the staples by the sack. Buy the liquids by the gallon.

[4b] Additionally, you will need “kits”. These are things that will provide you will options if things go really bad. Like cages to raise pigeons in, fishing tackle, traps for rabbits and other small game, crossbow or other quiet way to hunt. And, with everything, you had best be well prepared in how to use them effectively and properly.

[4c] Prepare things for trade. You should plan on having things for trade. The most popular things are vices. So you can stock up with cheap alcohol in little bottles (bigger than those airline bottles), smaller than a regular bottle. This can be any alcohol. Same goes for tobacco, cigarettes, and other related items. Including disposable lighters. (You can buy a case of 100 really cheaply.)

[5] Mobility

You should have a bicycle or two. Both should be capable of off road use. Do not expect that vehicles will still be operable during the height of the crisis. In fact, you will probably want to keep off the roads. Anything that will enable you to travel quickly and silently through the forest would be an advantage.

[6] Electric system

You should have a system of recharging DC batteries. Whether this is by solar power or wind, and then have a set of walkee-talkee’s. You can also have a small battery powered, or hand crank powered radio and lights. Plan now. Do not wait until the last moment.

Here at MM I can supply shipping containers of this stuff. (nothing smaller than a pallet load). If you are interested contact me privately on laobangbh@163.com .

[7] Deceptions

If things get to the point where the government has broken down…

Police are unavailable. Military are deployed in certain areas. News is periodic or confused, then you know that SHTF is getting worse. You will need to create deceptions to make your property unattractive.

Some ideas.

[7a] (Fake) Downed high power lines with signs that warn of “High Voltage”. And (if possible) some low voltage DC shock wires to dissuade any adventuresome individual.

[7b] A few dead people in the yard that looks like they got trapped when they messed up with the wrong people.

[7c] Bad odors, flies, maggots, and refuse.

[7d] Rattling cans, and other things that make a real racket is anyone moves in a certain area on your property. Most people want stealth and quiet. Even after all the turmoil dies down, people will still travel in small groups and move about silently. By rigging up noise makers, you will discourage these people from coming near your property.

[7e] Traps. With spikes, barbed wire, and other mechanisms that can be lethal if triggered. Think Vietnam booby-traps.

The idea here is that you do not want anyone to come near your space and your property. You will make it as unappealing as possible, and life threatening tends to work the best.

These next few years are critical.

It will be a transformation of sorts.

And then this, also from The Fourth Turning:

With or without war, American society will be transformed into something different. 

The emergent society may be something better, a nation that sustains its Framers’ visions with a robust new pride. 

Or it  may be something unspeakably worse. 

The Fourth Turning will be a time of glory or ruin.

It will be a turning point. It will be a point of inversion, a point of change. A point where things go one way or the other, and everyone in the middle is killed.

Glory or Ruin.

It will be the us vs them. The patriots vs the Red Coats. The grey vs the blue. The yanks against the Nazi’s.


Aside from the move to a safe spot, every item on this list can be purchased in total under a few thousand dollars.

If nothing happens, then consider yourself fortunate. You will have squandered your money on a insurance policy. But you and I both know that things are building up. The Antifa and BLM are on the march and are openly telling everyone what they plan to do. Theya re being funded by rich oligarchs, and are receiving large sums of money and weapons…

If something does happen, while you might not be the best prepared prepper in the nation, you will be able to survive. And that is what all this is about. Survival.

I wish that you all could have done what I did, and took a “life boat” off to a far away land. But most of you did not. Instead, figuring that you would know when you would need to leave, and then leave then.

Well… that time came and went. And you should have left the same time as when the oligarchy fled. The last week of March 2020.

Now, you are left behind.

You are now completely trapped with the rest of the population upon a ship that is slowly sinking into the deep dark cold waters.

It’s quiet now…

But the Captain is busy shouting orders to the staff, and people are a little restless in the lounges and staterooms. He’s slurring his voice, and making all kinds of strange proclamations and orders. Sometimes the stewards just stand there and look at him with a blank expression on their face. “Is he mad?” they ask themselves.

Do not think that it is just going to go away. Plan and take the necessary actions to secure you and your family’s safety.

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What is freedom?

In this post we will address one of the most common misconceptions found in the world. We will address what freedom is and what it is not. And the reason why we are going to do so is simply because brutish rulers use the ignorance of their people to enslave them. And part of that enslavement is to convince them that they have this intangible “thing”; this “freedom”. And, if you are one of those people who think that you are “free”, and that you proudly wave your flag and shout how “free” you are, perhaps this post is written for you.

What it is not.

The first thing that we must make perfectly clear is define what freedom is not. Because many people confuse “freedom” with other things. Like [1] trains that run on time, [2] having ATM machines, [3] having fast food restaurants, [4] being able to vote, or [5] having a “democratic system of governance”. Ah. None of those things have anything to do with freedom. Not one thing. None of them.

In fact, when the United States was initially founded, the people who founded it wrote an entire book on why they founded the nation, and how it was designed to work.  This book was called “The Federalist Papers” and you can see it online (for free in full free text), if you don’t believe anything that I have written herein. And one of the most important principles within that book was a warning that democracies take away freedom. And, that the (then newly formed Republic) should be guarded from ever the encroachment of democracy.

So, keep in mind that if you reside within a “democracy” the chances of you having any kind of freedom is practically zero.

That’s not me talking. That’s Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and the rest of the crew that first established the United States back in 1776.

Well, if a democracy is not freedom, then what is?

What freedom is…

It’s actually very simple. It’s the ability for YOU to live life on YOUR terms without any kind of interference.

If you want to go walk down the street, the freedom to get up and walk down it should be cherished. This includes the freedom if you want to eat a hotdog, or listen to a song on a radio, or being able to swim in a pond. The ability to do any of these things are freedoms.

Even the strange and the odd, maybe even especially those things.

Having the freedom to live your life on your terms is what freedom is all about. And if you cannot, then you do not have freedom.

Freedom is the ability to live life on your terms no matter what other people think. Here’s a picture of a man holding his cock out for the entire world to see.

But that is not realistic…

Now, that is where things start to get tricky. You see, there are all sorts of people, “busybodies” as I like to call them, who have a vision of a “better world”. And more often than not, their vision requires you to act in some way that they feel is proper. So they make rules, laws, add fees, and taxes, and prohibitions and bans to stop you from exercising your freedoms.

Any action that you do that has any of the following attached to it is NOT a freedom;

  • A regulation.
  • A rule.
  • A tax.
  • A fee.
  • A membership.
  • A prohibition.
  • A ban from use.
  • Forced used.
  • Forced sharing.
  • Permit.

So, if you like to eat a triple greasy hamburger with a sunny-side-up egg on top, with a beer, and your dog beside you inside a restaurant in New Jersey, but…

  • There is a ban on triple hamburgers.
  • There is a ban on sunny-side-up eggs.
  • You are prohibited from bringing your dog in a restaurant.
  • You must pay tax on your meal.
  • You must be carded to check your age for the beer.
  • You must finish before 2 am in the morning.

You are NOT free. You are enslaved.

Ah. But how do you measure it?

Well, surprisingly enough, freedom can be measured by the same set of criteria that was laid out in The Federalist Papers.

It’s the ability to have [1] life, [2] liberty, and [3] the pursuit of happiness. With part one [1] life being further divided into [1a] food, [1b] clothing, and [1c] shelter.

And, following the guidelines as listed above, any encroachment of any of those five items is a subtraction of freedom from your life.

Since most people are confused what freedom is, and how you can measure it, let’s go one by one through those five characteristics as listed…

[1a] Food

The ability to put anything you want in your body, at any time, and at any amount free of taxes, regulation, rules, bans or prohibitions of any type is a freedom. Failure to do so is tyranny. If you and your nation is somewhere in between it is “an encroachment of tyranny”.

One person’s freedom is another person’s horror. Here, many Hindu’s from India would be horrified by this meal, and would ban this meal and probably lynch you for eating it.

It does not matter if it is a tuna fish sandwich or a tab of LSD. The freedom to ingest, inject, or partake in anything into your own body free of outside influence, regulation, fees or taxes, let alone bans or prohibitions is a freedom.

[1b] Clothing

The ability to wear what you want, when you want and how you want is a freedom. If you are forced to wear a hat, a scarf, or a head-covering, you are not free. The same is true if you must wear a uniform. Whether it is a type of dress style for your corporate office, or a uniform as part of a para-military unit. True freedom involves personal dress selection.

This also includes hair styles, and makeup and other adornments.

One person’s freedom is another person’s horror. In America many companies would forbid you to wear these outfits as part of the “dress code”.

[1c] Shelter

The ability to own things is the bedrock of freedom.

Throughout history, up until the last century, people would build houses and would put their belongings within those houses. All of which they would totally and completely own.

Now, however, things are quite different.

You rent out your house to the bank on a thirty year mortgage. Your home is subject to real estate taxes, and school taxes, and you must obey the regulations set by your neighborhood from everything that you do to change the house. In fact, often you must get permission to cut down the trees on your property, or suffer with fines and fees for the failure to maintain your property up to community standards.

Because certain areas are too restrictive in the United States, people move out of the heavily taxed and restrictive areas (such as California) and more to less restrictive areas, such as Alabama.

If anyone can place rules, regulations, prohibitions, taxes, fees, or anything else on your home, you do not own it.  Failure to own things is (historically) a trait of the slave and sub-servant classes.

[2] Liberty

According to the dictionary, “liberty” is the state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one’s way of life, behavior, or political views.

In other words, while the first three characteristics involved property (1a,1b, and 1c) this involves thought, belief and political views.

If you are unable to express them, or are constrained in writing about them, reading about them, or discussing them with others, you do not have liberty. It has been taken from you.

Some regions restrict how you think about things and what you actually think. To these other people, your thoughts and the resulting lifestyle that you embrace is a threat to their well-ordered life and society. Thus they do everything that they can to ban your behaviors and actions.

[3] Pursuit of Happiness

Finally, whether you have freedom or not, the ability to forge towards getting freedom is important. And this act, trying to have freedom is known as the “Pursuit of Happiness”.

However, if someone places laws, regulations or obstacles in front of you that prohibits or prevents you from obtaining your freedoms, they are interfering with your pursuit of happiness.

The Ideal vs. the Actual

Now the astute reader will note that the ideal cannot be found anywhere on the planet. There simply isn’t anywhere where people can have all five elements of freedom unencumbered. That is fine. Not perfect, but fine.

It leaves plenty of room for the pursuit of happiness, don’t you know.

Instead, we can measure things comparatively.

United States and China

Of course, the United States says that it has “freedom and democracy”. But does it really? According to the criteria above, the answer is a big flat no. On every level, the amount of freedom that a person has in the United States is actually quite scant.

What about China?

Well, according to the American media, China is a horrible, terrible and repressive place. It is a place full of sad impoverished people and a terribly corrupt nation. Well, that is what the powerful American press says.

Well, those expats who has visited it can confirm that it doesn’t look anything like what the American media narrative says it is. And, I can say and confirm that while there are many things that aren’t free (like not being allowed to take recreational drugs, for instance), on the whole, most Chinese people experience a far greater, wider and more diverse set of freedoms than Americans do. And if you don’t believe me, hop on a plane an see it for yourself.


It is easy to repeat the mindless mantras as spewed forth by the mainstream and the alt-press media. It’s far harder to engage in rational thought with those that do. This post is my “baseline”.

It’s simple.

You are either free or you are not.

If you move from a place that doesn’t have certain freedoms to a place that does, you are enjoying the “pursuit of happiness”.

And that’s exactly what I have done.

  • I went from a place where every single purchase of alcohol required me to show some picture identification, to where I just raise my hand and it is brought over wordlessly.
  • I went from leaving my dog in the truck to taking him inside of restaurants with me.
  • I went from taking a few drags of an expensive cigarette in the rain in the company parking lot, to smoking cigars in my large spacious office.
  • I went from paying yearly taxes, and reporting it to the federal government, on my house every year, to owning homes with zero taxes, zero reporting, and zero regulations.


You either have it or you do not.

One person’s idea of freedom is another person’s horror. Here, many Muslims would outright ban eating bacon, and maybe even decapitate you for even considering such a sandwich.

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All it takes is one really bad leader; the story of Braxton Bragg, The Confederacy’s Worst General

Have you ever wondered why some people become filthy rich while others remain poor for their entire lives? Ah, well if you haven’t you should of. It pretty much explains the nature of the universe, don’t you know.

Here we are going to look at a a “successful” loser.

We are going to tear his life apart, dissect it and study it. For we want to know how a person who was such a terrible General, so much that everyone realized it, that he still continued and was able to maintain his position without troubles of demotion. Why do some absolutely awful people get into such powerful positions?

No. This isn’t a rehash of the “Peter Principle”.

In the 1969 book, "The Peter Principle," authors Dr. Laurence J. Peter and Raymond Hull wrote that workers in a hierarchical structure get promoted to the level at which they are incompetent and stay at that level for the rest of their careers.

Well, I don’t have the answer to that question. It’s a complex one and involved many factors, but we can look at certain people. We can study them. And they we can see what we would do different if we were in their shoes. We must realize that we are not perfect, and that we have faults.

And the true man (or woman) in control of their life is one that knows their faults and compensates for them.


Why did the South lose the Civil War? That question has produced many books, lectures, and heated discussions from both historians and Civil War buffs. Now, it is my personal belief that all it takes is one bad leader to totally destroy a nation and lose a war. Indeed, the tales of all those cities that misjudged Genghis Khan can so very clearly illustrate this. Now, as far as the American Civil War goes, one of the many answers that could be given can be summarized in two words: Braxton Bragg.

Bragg achieved the rank of full general in the American Civil War.

With a military background, he quickly rose through the ranks after his adopted state of Louisiana seceded. (He was originally from North Carolina.) Early on, he led a group of volunteers in capturing a federal arsenal in Baton Rouge. During the first year of the war, he proved to be an apt troop trainer. He later became a corps commander under General Albert Sidney Johnston at the Battle of Shiloh. After Johnston was killed at Shiloh, he was succeeded by P. G. T. Beauregard. When Beauregard left his command for health reasons, Bragg inherited the leadership of the Army of Tennessee, which would be the primary Confederate military force in the western theater of the war.

Most people will not turn down a promotion, especially if it comes with greater pay and prestige—even if they know they are unqualified for the position.

Skilled in training troops and having earned praise for his leadership in early battles, Bragg seemed worthy of his rise in the ranks.

A terrible General

Yet, despite the early signs of success, General Bragg became a strong contender for the title of “worst high-ranking Confederate general.”

There is certainly no shortage of grist for the mill when making the case against Bragg. Quite a few of his fellow commanders, most of whom served under him, were contemptuous of his leadership.

  • Artillery officer E.P. Alexander said that Bragg was “simply muddle headed.”
  • On several occasions generals in his army sent letters to President Jefferson Davis asking that Bragg be sacked.
  • General Frank Cheatham, after the Battle of Stones River, vowed never to serve under Bragg again.
  • After that same battle, General John C. Breckinridge, seething over a failed charge Bragg had forced him to make, challenged Bragg to a duel.

Even General Forrest was infurated

Nathan Bedford Forrest was never known as a commander easy to work alongside, but his greatest outburst against a commander came after the Battle of Chickamauga. Having won a great battle, arguably in spite of his own actions, Bragg refused to follow up his victory with further pursuit of the Union Army. This was too much for Forrest. After nearly begging Bragg for the chance to put his cavalry on the heels of the Union troops, Forrest turned from supplicant to accuser. Forrest said, “You have played the part of a damned scoundrel, and are a coward, and if you were any part of a man I would slap your jaws and force you to resent it.” He then told Bragg that he would never obey any orders from him.

Historians hated him…

Historians have not been gentle with Bragg either.

  • David Donald said Bragg was “tense, punctilious, arrogant, a martinet, and a dawdler.”
  • T. Harry Williams said Bragg “lacked the determination to carry through his purpose.”
  • Douglas Southall Freeman, after comparing Bragg with Robert E. Lee, pondered, “How different might have been the fate of Bragg and perhaps the Confederacy if that officer had learned . . . from Lee.”
  • James McPherson said that it was “bumblers like Bragg” who lost the war in the west.
  • Bruce Catton, with a little more balance in his observation, said, “Braxton Bragg was as baffling a mixture of ability and sheer incompetence as the Confederacy could produce.”


Even Bragg’s biographers were critical. Grady McWhiney said Bragg had “failed as a field commander,” that he had “no real taste for combat,” that he had no ability to inspire confidence in other commanders, that he was “notoriously inept at getting along with people he disliked,” and that he had failed to learn from his mistakes. To make matters worse, McWhiney noted that Bragg was “not lucky.”

The first volume of McWhiney’s biography, Braxton Bragg and Confederate Defeat, was published in 1969.

It was 1991 before the second volume appeared, and it was authored by one of McWhiney’s graduate students, Judith Lee Hallock.

This prompted another historian to speculate that McWhiney had found his subject “so nauseous that he abandoned the project.” Hallock disagreed, but she had her own criticisms of Bragg. She thinks his worst problem was his inability to establish and maintain group solidarity within his army. After noting other such problems as Bragg’s not being able to distinguish friends from enemies, not recognizing the abilities of his subordinates, and being a poor judge of character, she summed up his faults with this: “He could manage everything but people.”

Private Sam Watkins, in his outstanding memoir of Confederate service titled Company Aytch, expressed continual grumbling from himself and others about his service under Bragg. He said…

“None of Bragg’s soldiers ever loved him. They  had no faith in his ability as a general. He was looked upon as a  merciless tyrant.”

What was Bragg’s problem?

The answers and speculations are many. His health didn’t help his leadership duties. Migraine headaches, boils, and dyspepsia plagued him, especially in times of overwork and stress. He also suffered from rheumatism and nervousness.

Besides the responsibilities of leadership, Bragg was personally prone to drive himself relentlessly in his work. One general said he was “the most laborious of commanders, devoting every moment to the discharge of his duties.”

Bragg likely had psychosomatic problems as well. McWhiney said that at times Bragg “lost touch with reality.”

Compounding all this was his use of calomel, a mercury-based purgative, which had severe side effects. It is also possible that his physicians prescribed opium to Bragg for his ailments. That might explain some of his tendencies to lose track of what he was doing in the midst of a battle.

Halleck said it might also explain his paranoia toward fellow officers.

Grady McWhiney also attributes Bragg’s failures to his penchant for frontal attacks.

This was a topic that McWhiney developed more fully in his book Attack and Die and then repeated in his biography. Southern commanders were obsessed with frontal attacks, which were based on military tactics from previous wars.

Civil War weaponry had made such attacks extremely costly in terms of casualty counts. But if this line of argument is taken, it begs the question of why Bragg was unsuccessful when the same tactics were used by almost every other general in both Northern and Southern armies.

The Theater of War

Since Bragg’s command was in the western theater of the war, most of his battles were in Tennessee. In contrast with Robert E. Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia which spent much of the war in a confined region of Virginia, the Army of Tennessee, Bragg’s command, covered a wider area and suffered from greater hardships in terms of supply and support from the Confederate government. Bragg was given a near impossible task in defending Tennessee and the western Confederacy.

Consider also the size of the armies of the Civil War.

George Washington led about 15,000 men at the most during his years in the American War for Independence. Andrew Jackson won the Battle of New Orleans with less than 6000 men. Bragg and other full generals were commanding armies four times the size of Washington’s army and ten times the size of Jackson’s.

Bragg is usually given high marks by the historians for his ability to organize and supply his troops. His West Point education and experience in the Mexican-American War had equipped him for leadership. But the logistics and demands of leading an army of such size was beyond even most trained military officers.

Primarily, it was battlefield actions that unhinged Bragg.

Bragg tended to lose his grip on the reality of what was happening in the proverbial “fog of battle.” He judged victories as defeats and defeats as victories. He was indecisive when decisiveness was needed and was decisive when discretion was needed. He exasperated his commanders, lashed out at them at the wrong times, closed his ears to their counsel, and generally destroyed any chances of coherent, unified leadership.

Wins and Losses…

Bragg failed in the western campaign.

He lost Stones River and Perryville and abandoned Chattanooga.

He failed to follow the unexpected and decisive victory at Chickamauga and was not able to hold the seemingly unconquerable defensive position on Lookout Mountain. But then what commander in the west did succeed?

Albert Sidney Johnston lost his life and the Battle of Shiloh.

John Pemberton lost Vicksburg.

John B. Hood abandoned Atlanta and went on to destroy the Army of Tennessee in his epic failures at Franklin and Nashville.

Joseph E. Johnston was perhaps the best commander in the west, but his record was one of strong defenses followed by skilled retreats.

Was Bragg a total failure?

That question calls for a lot of reflection that goes beyond the complaints of his subordinates.

History has not been kind to him.

It is hard to imagine fans of the Confederacy decorating their walls with pictures of Bragg or naming their sons “Braxton” in his honor. To a large degree, McWhiney was on target when he said that Bragg was simply just not lucky.


It’s easy for us, sitting in our comfortable chairs, to judge a man for his deeds or misdeeds over a hundred years ago. But that is not what we are doing here. We are trying to learn from his mistakes, and in so doing, imagine what we would have done differently were we to be in his place.

Here is a man that was very good in military logistics, and was promoted over and over again for various reasons. Eventually reaching the rank of General.

And in that role, he was a failure.

This could happen to anyone, and everyone. Just because you can fix a race car engine, does not mean that you have the ability to be a race car driver. Or if you are a wonderful cook, that you can create and expand a large chain of fast food restaurants. Or, more contemporaneously, if you are quite adept at building casinos and golf courses, you might not be qualified to lead a nation as big as the United States.

Which is a law, I believe that is missing in Robert Greene’s “48 Laws of Power”, which should be “know your limits, and know your strengths”.

To be successful you need to build up, or compile a small group of people that have strengths to complement your weaknesses. If you are strong in organization, but weak in finance, you need to find a strong finance person to work with. And if you are and the finance person are weak in Sales, perhaps you should consider adding a strong and experienced salesman to your group.

This is what Ronald Regan did when he was President of the United States, he staffed competent people, and then managed them. This is what Xi Peng is doing today.

Do not believe that you know everything and that your decisions are always ideal. That is a fantasy.

The idea that one lone person can do it all, and be the ultimate best is a uniquely American fantasy. It is false. Don’t ever believe that you are in your role or position because you are somehow “special” or that “God granted you that position”. Instead look at what you need to make your situation a success, and realize too that your weakness can absolutely kill any prior “good” work that you have accomplished.

Do not fall into the narcissistic trap of self-superiority. Do not believe that you, and only you, knows how to do things. That is an illusion.

Work as part of a team toward well-defined and common goals. You will succeed.

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Law 31 – Control the options get others to play the cards you deal (full text) from the 48 laws of power by Robert Greene

This is the full text of Law 31 from “The 48 Laws of Power” by Robert Greene. It is titled “Control the options to get others to play the cards that you deal. It is a wonderful addition to the laws that I have been collecting and posting herein.

I learned this at one of the first jobs that I ever had. My supervisor advised me that I should never provide more than three solutions or options on a project. When I am presenting options to upper management, I was to offer three and only three options.

All three would be an option that I would be satisfied with. So that no matter what they chose, I would be satisfied.

One option would be an obvious option for rejection. It would have some fault or problem. Maybe it would be too costly, or two time consuming or have other issues that would make it unsatisfactory.

The remaining two options would lie close together in value. They would be very similar in pricing, costs, trade-offs and timing. I would advise what I felt would be the best option, but it would be ultimately the decision of upper management.

This strategy has worked over and over over the many decades in industry. And I tech it to all the junior engineers and interns in my employ. This law 31, lies very close to this experience of mine. For in my own way, I was controlling the options and having upper management play the cards that I dealt.

LAW 31



The best deceptions are the ones that seem to give the other person a choice: Your victims feel they are in control, but are actually your puppets.

Give people options that come out in your favor whichever one they choose.

Force them to make choices between the lesser of two evils, both of which serve your purpose.

Put them on the horns of a dilemma: They are gored wherever they turn.


From early in his reign, Ivan IV, later known as Ivan the Terrible, had to confront an unpleasant reality: The country desperately needed reform, but he lacked the power to push it through.

The greatest limit to his authority came from the boyars, the Russian princely class that dominated the country and terrorized the peasantry.

In 1553, at the age of twenty-three, Ivan fell ill.

Lying in bed, nearing death, he asked the boyars to swear allegiance to his son as the new czar.

Some hesitated, some even refused.

Then and there Ivan saw he had no power over the boyars.

He recovered from his illness, but he never forgot the lesson: The boyars were out to destroy him. And indeed in the years to come, many of the most powerful of them defected to Russia’s main enemies, Poland and Lithuania, where they plotted their return and the overthrow of the czar.

Even one of Ivan’s closest friends, Prince Andrey Kurbski, suddenly turned against him, defecting to Lithuania in 1564, and becoming the strongest of Ivan’s enemies.

When Kurbski began raising troops for an invasion, the royal dynasty seemed suddenly more precarious than ever.

With émigré nobles fomenting invasion from the west, Tartars bearing down from the east, and the boyars stirring up trouble within the country, Russia’s vast size made it a nightmare to defend.

In whatever direction Ivan struck, he would leave himself vulnerable on the other side. Only if he had absolute power could he deal with this many-headed Hydra. And he had no such power.

Ivan brooded until the morning of December 3, 1564, when the citizens of Moscow awoke to a strange sight.

Hundreds of sleds filled the square before the Kremlin, loaded with the czar’s treasures and with provisions for the entire court.

They watched in disbelief as the czar and his court boarded the sleds and left town.

Without explaining why, he established himself in a village south of Moscow.

For an entire month a kind of terror gripped the capital, for the Muscovites feared that Ivan had abandoned them to the bloodthirsty boyars.

Shops closed up and riotous mobs gathered daily.

Finally, on January 3 of 1565, a letter arrived from the czar, explaining that he could no longer bear the boyars’ betrayals and had decided to abdicate once and for all.

The German Chancellor Bismarck, enraged at the constant criticisms from Rudolf Virchow (the German pathologist and liberal politician), had his seconds call upon the scientist to challenge him to a duel. 

“As the challenged party, I have the choice of weapons,” said Virchow, “and I choose these.” 

He held aloft two large and apparently identical sausages. 

“One of these,” he went on, “is infected with deadly germs; the other is perfectly sound. 

Let His Excellency decide which one he wishes to eat, and I will eat the other.” 

Almost immediately the message came back that the chancellor had decided to cancel the duel.


Read aloud in public, the letter had a startling effect: Merchants and commoners blamed the boyars for Ivan’s decision, and took to the streets, terrifying the nobility with their fury.

Soon a group of delegates representing the church, the princes, and the people made the journey to Ivan’s village, and begged the czar, in the name of the holy land of Russia, to return to the throne.

Ivan listened but would not change his mind.

After days of hearing their pleas, however, he offered his subjects a choice: Either they grant him absolute powers to govern as he pleased, with no interference from the boyars, or they find a new leader.

Faced with a choice between civil war and the acceptance of despotic power, almost every sector of Russian society “opted” for a strong czar, calling for Ivan’s return to Moscow and the restoration of law and order.

In February, with much celebration, Ivan returned to Moscow.

The Russians could no longer complain if he behaved dictatorially—they had given him this power themselves.


Ivan the Terrible faced a terrible dilemma: To give in to the boyars would lead to certain destruction, but civil war would bring a different kind of ruin. Even if Ivan came out of such a war on top, the country would be devastated and its divisions would be stronger than ever.

His weapon of choice in the past had been to make a bold, offensive move. Now, however, that kind of move would turn against him—the more boldly he confronted his enemies, the worse the reactions he would spark.

The main weakness of a show of force is that it stirs up resentment and eventually leads to a response that eats at your authority.

Ivan, immensely creative in the use of power, saw clearly that the only path to the kind of victory he wanted was a false withdrawal.

He would not force the country over to his position, he would give it “options”: either [1] his abdication, and certain anarchy, or [2] his accession to absolute power.

To back up his move, he made it clear that he preferred to abdicate: “Call my bluff,” he said, “and watch what happens.”

No one called his bluff.

By withdrawing for just a month, he showed the country a glimpse of the nightmares that would follow his abdication—Tartar invasions, civil war, ruin. (All of these did eventually come to pass after Ivan’s death, in the infamous “Time of the Troubles.”)

Withdrawal and disappearance are classic ways of controlling the options.

You give people a sense of how things will fall apart without you, and you offer them a “choice”: I stay away and you suffer the consequences, or I return under circumstances that I dictate.

In this method of controlling people’s options, they choose the option that gives you power because the alternative is just too unpleasant. You force their hand, but indirectly: They seem to have a choice.

Whenever people feel they have a choice, they walk into your trap that much more easily.


Once upon a time there was a king of Armenia, who, being of a curious turn of mind and in need of some new diversion, sent his heralds throughout the land to make the following proclamation: “Hear this! Whatever man among you can prove himself the most outrageous liar in Armenia shall receive an apple made of pure gold from the hands of His Majesty the King!” 

People began to swarm to the palace from every town and hamlet in the country, people of all ranks and conditions, princes, merchants, farmers, priests, rich and poor, tall and short, fat and thin. 

There was no lack of liars in the land, and each one told his tale to the king. 

A ruler, however, has heard practically every sort of lie, and none of those now told him convinced the king that he had listened to the best of them. 

The king was beginning to grow tired of his new sport and was thinking of calling the whole contest off without declaring a winner, when there appeared before him a poor, ragged man, carrying a large earthenware pitcher under his arm. 

“What can I do for you?” asked His Majesty. 

“Sire!” said the poor man, slightly bewildered “Surely you remember? You owe me a pot of gold, and I have come to collect it.” 

“You are a pet feet liar, sir!’ exclaimed the king ”I owe you no money’” 

”A perfect liar, am I?” said the poor man. ”Then give me the golden apple!” 

The king, realizing that the man was Irving to trick him. started to hedge. ”No. no! You are not a liar!” 

”Then give me the pot of gold you owe me. sire.” said the man. The king saw the dilemma, He handed over the golden apple.



As a seventeenth-century French courtesan, Ninon de Lenclos found that her life had certain pleasures.

Her lovers came from royalty and aristocracy, and they paid her well, entertained her with their wit and intellect, satisfied her rather demanding sensual needs, and treated her almost as an equal.

Such a life was infinitely preferable to marriage.

In 1643, however, Ninon’s mother died suddenly, leaving her, at the age of twenty-three, totally alone in the world—no family, no dowry, nothing to fall back upon.

A kind of panic overtook her and she entered a convent, turning her back on her illustrious lovers.

A year later she left the convent and moved to Lyons.

When she finally reappeared in Paris, in 1648, lovers and suitors flocked to her door in greater numbers than ever before, for she was the wittiest and most spirited courtesan of the time and her presence had been greatly missed.

Ninon’s followers quickly discovered, however, that she had changed her old way of doing things, and had set up a new system of options.

The dukes, seigneurs, and princes who wanted to pay for her services could continue to do so, but they were no longer in control—she would sleep with them when she wanted, according to her whim.

All their money bought them was a possibility. If it was her pleasure to sleep with them only once a month, so be it.

Those who did not want to be what Ninon called a payeur could join the large and growing group of men she called her martyrs—men who visited her apartment principally for her friendship, her biting wit, her lute-playing, and the company of the most vibrant minds of the period, including Molière, La Rochefoucauld, and Saint-Évremond.

The martyrs, too, however, entertained a possibility: She would regularly select from them a favori, a man who would become her lover without having to pay, and to whom she would abandon herself completely for as long as she so desired—a week, a few months, rarely longer.

A payeur could not become a favori, but a martyr had no guarantee of becoming one, and indeed could remain disappointed for an entire lifetime. The poet Charleval, for example, never enjoyed Ninon’s favors, but never stopped coming to visit—he did not want to do without her company.

As word of this system reached polite French society, Ninon became the object of intense hostility.

Her reversal of the position of the courtesan scandalized the queen mother and her court.

Much to their horror, however, it did not discourage her male suitors—indeed it only increased their numbers and intensified their desire.

It became an honor to be a payeur, helping Ninon to maintain her lifestyle and her glittering salon, accompanying her sometimes to the theater, and sleeping with her when she chose.

Even more distinguished were the martyrs, enjoying her company without paying for it and maintaining the hope, however remote, of some day becoming her favori. That possibility spurred on many a young nobleman, as word spread that none among the courtesans could surpass Ninon in the art of love.

And so the married and the single, the old and the young, entered her web and chose one of the two options presented to them, both of which amply satisfied her.


The life of the courtesan entailed the possibility of a power that was denied a married woman, but it also had obvious perils.

The man who paid for the courtesan’s services in essence owned her, determining when he could possess her and when, later on, he would abandon her.

As she grew older, her options narrowed, as fewer men chose her.

To avoid a life of poverty she had to amass her fortune while she was young.

The courtesan’s legendary greed, then, reflected a practical necessity, yet also lessened her allure, since the illusion of being desired is important to men, who are often alienated if their partner is too interested in their money.

As the courtesan aged, then, she faced a most difficult fate.

Ninon de Lenclos had a horror of any kind of dependence.

She early on tasted a kind of equality with her lovers, and she would not settle into a system that left her such distasteful options. Strangely enough, the system she devised in its place seemed to satisfy her suitors as much as it did her.

The payeurs may have had to pay, but the fact that Ninon would only sleep with them when she wanted to gave them a thrill unavailable with every other courtesan: She was yielding out of her own desire.

The martyrs’ avoidance of the taint of having to pay gave them a sense of superiority; as members of Ninon’s fraternity of admirers, they also might some day experience the ultimate pleasure of being her favori.

Finally, Ninon did not force her suitors into either category.

They could “choose” which side they preferred—a freedom that left them a vestige of masculine pride.

Such is the power of giving people a choice, or rather the illusion of one, for they are playing with cards you have dealt them.

Where the alternatives set up by Ivan the Terrible involved a certain risk—one option would have led to his losing his power—Ninon created a situation in which every option redounded to her favor.

From the payeurs she received the money she needed to run her salon. And from the martyrs she gained the ultimate in power: She could surround herself with a bevy of admirers, a harem from which to choose her lovers.

The system, though, depended on one critical factor: the possibility, however remote, that a martyr could become a favori.

The illusion that riches, glory, or sensual satisfaction may someday fall into your victim’s lap is an irresistible carrot to include in your list of choices.

That hope, however slim, will make men accept the most ridiculous situations, because it leaves them the all-important option of a dream. The illusion of choice, married to the possibility of future good fortune, will lure the most stubborn sucker into your glittering web.

J. P. Morgan Sr. once told a jeweler of his acquaintance that he was interested in buying a pearl scarf-pin. 

Just a few weeks later, the jeweler happened upon a magnificent pearl. He had it mounted in an appropriate setting and sent it to Morgan, together with a bill for $5,000. 

The following day the package was returned. Morgan’s accompanying note read: “I like the pin, but I don’t like the price. 

If you will accept the enclosed check for $4,000, please send back the box with the seal unbroken.” 

The enraged jeweler refused the check and dismissed the messenger in disgust. He opened up the box to reclaim the unwanted pin, only to find that it had been removed. In its place was a check for $5,000.



Words like “freedom,” “options,” and “choice” evoke a power of possibility far beyond the reality of the benefits they entail.

When examined closely, the choices we have—in the marketplace, in elections, in our jobs—tend to have noticeable limitations: They are often a matter of a choice simply between A and B, with the rest of the alphabet out of the picture.

Yet as long as the faintest mirage of choice flickers on, we rarely focus on the missing options.

We “choose” to believe that the game is fair, and that we have our freedom. We prefer not to think too much about the depth of our liberty to choose.

This unwillingness to probe the smallness of our choices stems from the fact that too much freedom creates a kind of anxiety. The phrase “unlimited options” sounds infinitely promising, but unlimited options would actually paralyze us and cloud our ability to choose. Our limited range of choices comforts us.

This supplies the clever and cunning with enormous opportunities for deception. For people who are choosing between alternatives find it hard to believe they are being manipulated or deceived; they cannot see that you are allowing them a small amount of free will in exchange for a much more powerful imposition of your own will. Setting up a narrow range of choices, then, should always be a part of your deceptions.

There is a saying: If you can get the bird to walk into the cage on its own, it will sing that much more prettily.

The following are among the most common forms of “controlling the options”:

Color the Choices. This was a favored technique of Henry Kissinger. As President Richard Nixon’s secretary of state, Kissinger considered himself better informed than his boss, and believed that in most situations he could make the best decision on his own. But if he tried to determine policy, he would offend or perhaps enrage a notoriously insecure man. So Kissinger would propose three or four choices of action for each situation, and would present them in such a way that the one he preferred always seemed the best solution compared to the others. Time after time, Nixon fell for the bait, never suspecting that he was moving where Kissinger pushed him. This is an excellent device to use on the insecure master.

Force the Resister. One of the main problems faced by Dr. Milton H. Erickson, a pioneer of hypnosis therapy in the 1950s, was the relapse. His patients might seem to be recovering rapidly, but their apparent susceptibility to the therapy masked a deep resistance: They would soon relapse into old habits, blame the doctor, and stop coming to see him. To avoid this, Erickson began ordering some patients to have a relapse, to make themselves feel as bad as when they first came in—to go back to square one. Faced with this option, the patients would usually “choose” to avoid the relapse—which, of course, was what Erickson really wanted.

This is a good technique to use on children and other willful people who enjoy doing the opposite of what you ask them to: Push them to “choose” what you want them to do by appearing to advocate the opposite.

Alter the Playing Field. In the 1860s, John D. Rockefeller set out to create an oil monopoly. If he tried to buy up the smaller oil companies they would figure out what he was doing and fight back. Instead, he began secretly buying up the railway companies that transported the oil. When he then attempted to take over a particular company, and met with resistance, he reminded them of their dependence on the rails. Refusing them shipping, or simply raising their fees, could ruin their business. Rockefeller altered the playing field so that the only options the small oil producers had were the ones he gave them.

In this tactic your opponents know their hand is being forced, but it doesn’t matter. The technique is effective against those who resist at all costs.

The Shrinking Options. The late-nineteenth-century art dealer Ambroise Vollard perfected this technique.

Customers would come to Vollard’s shop to see some Cézannes. He would show three paintings, neglect to mention a price, and pretend to doze off. The visitors would have to leave without deciding. They would usually come back the next day to see the paintings again, but this time Vollard would pull out less interesting works, pretending he thought they were the same ones. The baffled customers would look at the new offerings, leave to think them over, and return yet again. Once again the same thing would happen: Vollard would show paintings of lesser quality still. Finally the buyers would realize they had better grab what he was showing them, because tomorrow they would have to settle for something worse, perhaps at even higher prices.

A variation on this technique is to raise the price every time the buyer hesitates and another day goes by. This is an excellent negotiating ploy to use on the chronically indecisive, who will fall for the idea that they are getting a better deal today than if they wait till tomorrow.

The Weak Man on the Precipice. The weak are the easiest to maneuver by controlling their options. Cardinal de Retz, the great seventeenth-century provocateur, served as an unofficial assistant to the Duke of Orléans, who was notoriously indecisive. It was a constant struggle to convince the duke to take action—he would hem and haw, weigh the options, and wait till the last moment, giving everyone around him an ulcer. But Retz discovered a way to handle him: He would describe all sorts of dangers, exaggerating them as much as possible, until the duke saw a yawning abyss in every direction except one: the one Retz was pushing him to take.

This tactic is similar to “Color the Choices,” but with the weak you have to be more aggressive. Work on their emotions—use fear and terror to propel them into action. Try reason and they will always find a way to procrastinate.

Brothers in Crime. This is a classic con-artist technique: You attract your victims to some criminal scheme, creating a bond of blood and guilt between you. They participate in your deception, commit a crime (or think they do—see the story of Sam Geezil in Law 3), and are easily manipulated. Serge Stavisky, the great French con artist of the 1920s, so entangled the government in his scams and swindles that the state did not dare to prosecute him, and “chose” to leave him alone. It is often wise to implicate in your deceptions the very person who can do you the most harm if you fail. Their involvement can be subtle—even a hint of their involvement will narrow their options and buy their silence.

The Horns of a Dilemma. This idea was demonstrated by General William Sherman’s infamous march through Georgia during the American Civil War. Although the Confederates knew what direction Sherman was heading in, they never knew if he would attack from the left or the right, for he divided his army into two wings—and if the rebels retreated from one wing they found themselves facing the other. This is a classic trial lawyer’s technique: The lawyer leads the witnesses to decide between two possible explanations of an event, both of which poke a hole in their story. They have to answer the lawyer’s questions, but whatever they say they hurt themselves. The key to this move is to strike quickly: Deny the victim the time to think of an escape. As they wriggle between the horns of the dilemma, they dig their own grave.

Understand: In your struggles with your rivals, it will often be necessary for you to hurt them. And if you are clearly the agent of their punishment, expect a counterattack—expect revenge. If, however, they seem to themselves to be the agents of their own misfortune, they will submit quietly. When Ivan left Moscow for his rural village, the citizens asking him to return agreed to his demand for absolute power. Over the years to come, they resented him less for the terror he unleashed on the country, because, after all, they had granted him his power themselves. This is why it is always good to allow your victims their choice of poison, and to cloak your involvement in providing it to them as far as possible.

Image: The Horns of the Bull. The bull backs you into the corner with its horns—not a single horn, which you might be e able to escape, but a pair of horns that trap you within their hold. Run right or run left—either way you move into their piercing ends and are gored.

Authority: For the wounds and every other evil that men inflict upon themselves spontaneously, and of their own choice, are in the long run less painful than those inflicted by others. (Niccolò Machiavelli, 1469-1527)


Controlling the options has one main purpose: to disguise yourself as the agent of power and punishment.

The tactic works best, then, for those whose power is fragile, and who cannot operate too openly without incurring suspicion, resentment, and anger.

Even as a general rule, however, it is rarely wise to be seen as exerting power directly and forcefully, no matter how secure or strong you are. It is usually more elegant and more effective to give people the illusion of choice.

On the other hand, by limiting other people’s options you sometimes limit your own.

There are situations in which it is to your advantage to allow your rivals a large degree of freedom: As you watch them operate, you give yourself rich opportunities to spy, gather information, and plan your deceptions.

The nineteenth-century banker James Rothschild liked this method: He felt that if he tried to control his opponents’ movements, he lost the chance to observe their strategy and plan a more effective course.

The more freedom he allowed them in the short term, the more forcefully he could act against them in the long run.


I cannot help but wonder if Donald Trump in 2020 is conducting an “Ivan the Terrible” technique in order to obtain full dictatorial powers in lieu of Congressional approval. It seems like he wants people to get sick. That he wants Portland to burn. That he wants people to arm themselves. That he wants the Post office not to deliver mail.

I wonder if this is intentional so that some kind of “big event” will force the the people and Congress to grant him wide sweeping powers and control. I wonder.

Do you want more?

I have more posts that are similar to this in my Happiness Index here…

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The Last Night of the World by Ray Bradbury (full text)

The short story “The Last Night of The World” by Ray Bradbury is very calmed. Perhaps because it portrays speculation and ‘what ifs?’. It gives you an indirect complement, for it does not describe what is causing the end of the world. Only that you know that it is heading towards you and will reach you very, very soon.


The Last Night of the World

By Ray Bradbury

“WHAT would you do if you knew that this was the last night of the world?” “What would I do? You mean seriously?”

“Yes, seriously.”

“I don’t know. I hadn’t thought.”

He poured some coffee. In the background the two girls were playing blocks on the parlor rug in the light of the green hurricane lamps. There was an easy, clean aroma of the brewed coffee in the evening air.

“Well, better start thinking about it,” he said. “You don’t mean it!”

“A war?”

He shook his head.

“Not the hydrogen or atom bomb?” “No.”

“Or germ warfare?”

“None of those at all,” he said, stirring his coffee slowly. “But just, let’s say, the closing of a book.” “I don’t think I understand.”

“No, nor do I, really; it’s just a feeling. Sometimes it frightens me, sometimes I’m not frightened at all but at peace.” He glanced in at the girls and their yellow hair shining in the lamplight. “I didn’t say anything to you. It first happened about four nights ago.”


“A dream I had. I dreamed that it was all going to be over, and a voice said it was; not any kind of voice I can remember, but a voice anyway, and it said things would stop here on Earth. I didn’t think too much about it the next day, but then I went to the office and caught Stan Willis looking out the window in the middle of the afternoon, and I said a penny for your thoughts, Stan, and he said, I had a dream last night, and before he even told me the dream I knew what it was. I could have told him, but he told me and I listened to him.”

“It was the same dream?”

“The same. I told Stan I had dreamed it too. He didn’t seem surprised. He relaxed, in fact. Then we started walking through the office, for the hell of it. It wasn’t planned. We didn’t say, ‘Let’s walk around.’ We just walked on our own, and everywhere we saw people looking at their desks or their hands or out windows. I talked to a few. So did Stan.”

“And they all had dreamed?”

“All of them. The same dream, with no difference.” “Do you believe in it?”

“Yes. I’ve never been more certain.”

“And when will it stop? The world, I mean.”

“Sometime during the night for us, and then as the night goes on around the world, that’ll go too. It’ll take twenty-four hours for it all to go.”

They sat awhile not touching their coffee. Then they lifted it slowly and drank, looking at each other. “Do we deserve this?” she said.

“It’s not a matter of deserving; it’s just that things didn’t work out. I notice you didn’t even argue about this. Why not?”

“I guess I’ve a reason,” she said.

“The same one everyone at the office had?”

She nodded slowly. “I didn’t want to say anything. It happened last night. And the women on the block talked about it, among themselves, today. They dreamed. I thought it was only a coincidence.” She picked up the evening paper. “There’s nothing in the paper about it.”

“Everyone knows, so there’s no need.”

He sat back in his chair, watching her. “Are you afraid?” “No. I always thought I would be, but I’m not.”

“Where’s that spirit called self-preservation they talk so much about?”

“I don’t know. You don’t get too excited when you feel things are logical. This is logical. Nothing else but this could have happened from the way we’ve lived.”

“We haven’t been too bad, have we?”

“No, nor enormously good. I suppose that’s the trouble—we haven’t been very much of anything except us, while a big part of the world was busy being lots of quite awful things.”

The girls were laughing in the parlor.

“I always thought people would be screaming in the streets at a time like this.” “I guess not. You don’t scream about the real thing.”

“Do you know, I won’t miss anything but you and the girls. I never liked cities or my work or anything except you three. I won’t miss a thing except perhaps the change in the weather, and a glass of ice water when it’s hot, and I might miss sleeping. How can we sit here and talk this way?”

“Because there’s nothing else to do.”

“That’s it, of course; for if there were, we’d be doing it. I suppose this is the first time in the history of the world that everyone has known just what they were going to do during the night.”

“I wonder what everyone else will do now, this evening, for the next few hours.”

“Go to a show, listen to the radio, watch television, play cards, put the children to bed, go to bed themselves, like always.”

“In a way that’s something to be proud of—like always.”

They sat a moment and then he poured himself another coffee. “Why do you suppose it’s tonight?”


“Why not some other night in the last century, or five centuries ago, or ten?”

“Maybe it’s because it was never October 19, 1969, ever before in history, and now it is and that’s it; because this date means more than any other date ever meant; because it’s the year when things are as they are all over the world and that’s why it’s the end.”

“There are bombers on their schedules both ways across the ocean tonight that’ll never see land.” “That’s part of the reason why.”

“Well,” he said, getting up, “what shall it be? Wash the dishes?”

They washed the dishes and stacked them away with special neatness. At eight-thirty the girls were put to bed and kissed good night and the little lights by their beds turned on and the door left open just a trifle.

“I wonder,” said the husband, coming from the bedroom and glancing back, standing there with his pipe for a moment.


“If the door will be shut all the way, or if it’ll be left just a little ajar so some light comes in.” “I wonder if the children know.”

“No, of course not.”

They sat and read the papers and talked and listened to some radio music and then sat together by the fireplace watching the charcoal embers as the clock struck ten-thirty and eleven and eleven-thirty. They thought of all the other people in the world who had spent their evening, each in his own special way.

“Well,” he said at last.

He kissed his wife for a long time.

“We’ve been good for each other, anyway.” “Do you want to cry?” he asked.

“I don’t think so.”

They moved through the house and turned out the lights and went into the bedroom and stood in the night cool darkness undressing and pushing back the covers. “The sheets are so clean and nice.”

“I’m tired.” “We’reall tired.”

They got into bed and lay back. “Just a moment,” she said.

He heard her get out of bed and go into the kitchen. A moment later, she returned. “I left the water running in the sink,” she said.

Something about this was so very funny that he had to laugh. She laughed with him, knowing what it was that she had done that was funny. They stopped laughing at last and lay in their cool night bed, their hands clasped, their heads together.

“Good night,” he said, after a moment. “Good night,” she said.

The End

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Snapshots of life in China. Surprise! It doesn’t look anything like Alex Jones says it is.

Here are some videos taken around China during the Summer of 2020. During this time, China has pretty much recovered from the Coronavirus, but remains guarded and cautious. The rest of the world is still fighting the virus, and the United States is a “basket case”. The videos are a collection of home movies that I took and Tictok videos from the original platform Douxing, which has always been banned in the United States.

Incidentally, all those laws being made in the United States about banning or changing Tictok or Wechat has absolutely ZERO effect in China. 

American laws end at the American shoreline, and as far as the influence that they will have, it will be minimal. The primary generation of income for all the Chinese companies come from within China itself.

So, as an example, Tictok revenue in the USA is less than 2% of what it makes in China.  

Here, I use Alex Jones as an example (in the title) as he is pushing the “China Bad” narrative (generated by the Pompeo CIA / State Department) very rigorously. He, like others of his market segment, (such as Rush Limbaugh and Hall Turner) use China as the scapegoat for all the problems that America is experiencing. It’s a convenient villain.

It’s also absolutely and completely false.

It's like a fight in a school yard between two bullies. The teacher comes out to break it up. And one of the bullies points to the teachers car and yells"Someone is trying to steal your car!"

China does not look anything like these multi-millionaire television and radio personalities say. And because they are so very, very, very far off the “deep end” in their speculative fantasies, those that listen to them, end up making decisions based on bad intel.

They make bad decisions based upon their illusions instead of based on reality.

Such as Donald Trump / Mike Pompeo when they decided to “institute a regime change” in Communist China “for the Chinese people”.

Not realizing that the Communist Government IS the people of China.

Not just in "flowery words" and "pithy sayings", but really in reality. Their entire society is structured as that of an individual having membership within something greater.

America, is set up the opposite. It is a nation of "lone wolves", or individuals who fight alone and reap all the benefits of their hard labors for themselves alone.

So the Pompeo speed and the Trump public positioning, is of course very silly, and absolutely insane that a (supposedly capable) government would even dare publicly announce such a strategy.

"Ah. I do not like their government. We will do everything to destroy that government. We will build a coalition to enable us to destroy it as a collective group.

We are doing it for democracy, and freedom, and for the people of China."

Now, for the record, I have listened to these television personalities for decades. For the longest time I believed every word that they said, as they provided me with a news and opinion outlet that was not (then) available on the “mainstream American press”. And in so believing everything, I became a rabid nationalist conservative.

Then life happened.

Uh oh.

I saw how “Justice” actually works, and how absolutely out of touch the mainstream conservative narrative actually is with the many facets of American society. Some things just did not add up. (How can a nation be a Republic with the election of Senators? If America is so great, why was I always “treading water” and desperately trying to play “catch up?)

I started to move to the left (politically) and for the longest time I oscillated back and forth between left and right trying to find a “middle ground”. I guess you might say that I was a Libertarian at heart. I just pretty much wanted to be left alone. I wasn’t hurting or harming anyone. I just wanted to be left alone.

If America was the land of the “lone wolf”, then let me take on that role. Leave me alone! As it is my right as an American!

No one in the USA would let me.

There was always something I was doing wrong. From not wearing a seat-belt, to smoking in a restaurant, to drinking beer on Sunday, to not reporting a sale (I made to a friend) to the IRS. It got so bad that I was afraid to do anything. When I was driving, I would always look at my speedometer if I saw a police car. I would only carry just “enough” money in my wallet so that I wouldn’t be questioned “why” I had so much money. It was NOT a life that I wanted to live.

Then I moved to China.

Whoa! Was it nothing like I expected!

I expected something out of a dystopian novel. I expected darkness, pale faces and dour expressions. I expected goose-stepping security guards everywhere. I expected sadness, grey skies and a bleak landscape. I expected third-world hovels, and a remote and impossible to reach ruling class. I expected filth, squalor, bad habits, nasty behaviors, and oppressive regulations and endless lines of bureaucracy.

I expected the “cardboard cut-out” illusion that has been drummed into my head for the last six decades.

I did not see it.

I saw something else.

I saw FREEDOM. Real, honest to goodness, freedom. I saw people who were living life without fear of the police. I saw people who were able to save money. I saw people smoking (gasp!) at their desks at work (gasp!) and pin-up of nude girls on the office walls (gasp!) and buying beer at lunch as if it was nothing. Nothing! I saw people that had hope and dreams and a strong belief that their government would stick by them, and help THEM when they needed it.


Let me show you what I saw, and continue to see, in China to this day…

Each picture contains a movie. Please click on the picture to watch a movie that will open up in a new tab that will illustrate the story within the picture shown.

The videos

Here are some videos that I have collected and that provides some sort of “snapshot” of life in China. Good or bad, you can say that [1] it is different from that in the United States, and [2] that it doesn’t at all resemble anything like the news media (on all levels) say it is.

And that is the point.

These videos are a selection of videos that point to how life is within China in various aspects. They are a mix of some “home videos” that I took (like the first one) and videos that I have collected using various Chinese APPs. I suggest you check them all out.


One of the many things you learn when you leave the Untied States (or any of it’s satellite nations, like the UK or Canada) is that the world looks nothing like the American media says it is. In fact, it looks absolutely and stunningly different.

This goes as far as what other nations are like. As in the example of China. To, just how welcome all the Americans are when they are busy “spreading democracy and freedom” to the rest of the world. Like here…


Or, being an example for the rest of the world to emulate. Like how the United States has handled the Coronavirus. As shown clearly in this video…


The future belongs to people who will work together as a society for the benefit of all. Not to those who take, who demand, and who do not contribute. Their ideas no longer work in this small place that we call the earth. Being selfish is not going to help society as a whole. We will all need to work together.

The best example that I can give is this;

You can be the best basket-ball player in the world. But up against a team of other players, who are all well trained in working together, you will lose. You will fail spectacularly. 

Don’t be selfish. Work together to make the world a better place. That is what China is trying to do, and you can see it if you study the culture long enough. The opposite is the United States. Lead by a “self made” man who accumulated piles and piles of riches all by himself.

Be part of something greater. Work as part of a group.

Or die alone.

Do you want more?

I have many more posts along these lines in my China Index. You can see it here…


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America is devolving into a third world nation, and what this means to you and your family

Important Notice
Metallicman has been down for two periods in short order. The first period was eight hours long, and the second period was twelve hours long. This was due to wordpress updating the blog interface.

I have to apologize for that, as I suddenly received an avalanche of emails of concern and my visitor stats dropped to zero. Hopefully everything will be back to normal, and you all need not worry about me. But… thanks for the concern anyways.

America a third world nation?

America is collapsing and crumbling. All the indicators are there. And I have covered this subject in many other posts. However, this time we are going to look at things from a different point of view. We are going to look at what the United States is turning into if there isn’t any radical changes made to governance or society.

What then?

What if all these changes, turmoil, upsets, worry, upheavals, discomfort, riots, protests, police crack-downs, increases in taxes, don’t result in any substantive changes?

What then?

Indeed, many articles about prepping, SHTF, and the Fourth Turning are about surviving the radical changes that might happen in your neighborhood. These articles use historical precedent to describe actions to take, how to prepare, and what to do. And they are good. Do not misunderstand. They are good and necessary.



But what happens if the radical changes happen, and people get hurt, businesses collapse, wars are fought, food supplies dwindle … yet the corrupt government stays in power?

What happens if elections are still held, and the choice is still two pre-selected candidates from the pool of “approved” oligarchy minions? What happens if the military budget keeps on getting larger and larger, and the quality of life for Americans gets worse and worse? What happens if inflation keeps rising up, and the stock market is only getting better and better?

What happens if the entire foundation of American society collapses, but the government, and the wealthy oligarchy stays intact?

What happens if the United States government, the wealthy oligarchy, the “blue bloods”, the rich and wealthy Powers That Be, and their army of minions still manage to retain power and control behind the safety of their gated communities? What then?

What if your children will still loudly proclaim to be “free” when every Right is functionally gone? What if people will still claim to live “in a democracy”, when in reality voting would make zero difference? What if the instituted changes are cosmetic only, and the serious problems never addressed?

What will America be like then?


What will America be like?

The following is an article titled “America Is About To Feel Like A 3rd World Nation” by Ian Welsh written on 7 August 2020. It’s a pretty good article. It is presented here with editing only to fit within this venue. All credit to the author.

America Is About To Feel Like A 3rd World Nation

I spent a good chunk of my childhood in third world countries. Most of it was in Bangladesh, then arguably the poorest country in the world, but I visited or lived in Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Nepal and India, among others.

There’s a feel to the third world one becomes familiar with: beggars, infrastructure that doesn’t really work, people doing terrible menial jobs. There’s the huge disparity between the wealthy and everyone else, or even those who have managed to attach themselves in a semi-dignified way to the wealthy.

Cruelty is routine and unremarked. Indian police officers routinely beat people as punishment (similar to American ones). Servants are treated terribly, and in fact the locals routinely treated the servants far worse than foreigners. This has hardly changed, Vivekenanda, in the 19th century, noted that Americans treated their servants far better than Indians did.

America’s about to make a double digit percentage of its population homeless. Something like 20 to 30%, or more of American small businesses have or will shut down by the end of the pandemic. The jobs won’t all come back and those that do will pay worse and feature worse treatment than the ones before (which were mostly not well paid and featured routine meanness.)

We’re talking about 30 million to 60 million homeless.

These are staggering numbers.

The United States will feel third world. Oh, parts already did, when I landed in Miami airport the first time I immediately thought “third world”. Relatively prosperous third world, but third world.

Those places will be worse ((and Florida, as I predicted near the beginning of the crisis) has handled the pandemic noticeably badly.)

Of course, for many, little will change. They’ll keep their jobs, they’ll be fine. I recently witnessed a discussion of infosec jobs, talking about how for a person with a degree and a couple certification $120,000 was a lowball. There will still be good jobs, and you’ll still be able to lose everything in a few months if you become seriously ill.

But when those people who are hanging on go out in the streets, they’ll see, even more than now, the fate that awaits them if they slip.

So much of American meanness, and the culture is mean in the details of its daily life, comes from this fear. Because it is so easy to slip into the underclass, even if one “does everything right”, Americans are scared, even terrified, all the time. They suppress it with massive amounts of drugs (most of them legal), and most deny it, but the fear drives the cruelty.

In the Great Depression people became less cruel, not more. They say that the idea of meritocracy was absolute bullshit: the richest people in society had fucked up, good people wound up in poverty, and merit had nothing to do with who had how much.

I hope this is what will happen in America this time. I fear, instead, it will lead to even more cruelty. Instead of saying “we should make sure everyone is taken care of” and instituting universal health care and good wages and a non-punitive welfare system (whether a universal income or some other way), Americans will instead become even more cruel out of fear of losing their place.

America is “undeveloping.” It is moving from being a developed nation to being an undeveloped nation.

This process has been going on for a loooooong time. At least 40 years (1980), arguably since about 68 or so. The frustration as an analyst was that the trend was obvious but it took so long. There is, as Keynes said, a lot of ruin in a nation.

Change is slow, very slow, until it is fast. People who live in the slow period, of long decline, don’t really believe in collapse, they assume that things will get worse in a steady line.

But, in fact, there are long periods where everything changes slowly, then periods like earthquakes. 2008 was an earthquake (and collapse nearly inevitable by bailing out the rich.) This is an earthquake. America will FEEL different afterwards, even if Covid goes away 100%, which it may not, since America refuses to do what is necessary. American media keeps having articles about how Covid will never go away. Well, except for qurantining visitors, it will for many countries. But not for America, or Brazil, or India. Third world countries all.

Nor should we get too down on third world countries. America is third world and experiencing the complete corruption of its ruling and governing classes, with the collapse of its administrative ability. When your post office can’t even deliver mail, you’re a failing state: this is such a basic part of being a government that it’s part of the Constitution, written in the 18th century, but since the post office isn’t a kleptocratic institution, the American political class is destryong it.

Most third world nations, indeed, are handling Covid better than America.

Nonetheless the process is underway. The US is already governed like a third world nation, it just has a lot of legacy infrastructure and institutions to destroy to get the full experience.

So, expect that this is one of the times that matters. Expect that America will be different after this. Expect that it will feel different. Understand that your personal position has become much more perilous. You must reduce your vulnerability and/or attach yourself to a corrupt money stream in a way which makes you indispensable. Valuable is not enough, it needs to hurt important people if you you go down. If it doesn’t, the second the numbers say you go, you’re off, and any individual who can be replaced can be if you get on the wrong side of someone more powerful.

There’s lots of good paying jobs, yes, but almost all of them can be done by someone else. It doesn’t have to be you.

Bear all this in mind as you plan your future in 3rd world America.


Most of the people reading this do indeed realize that America is collapsing and crumbling. Depending on the person, we have different stories, reasoning, and ideas concerning it’s collapse.

  • Some strongly claim, that “next election” will turn everything around. “You’ll see” they say.
  • Some others differ. They say that as long as the United States destroys China (or Russia depending on the person) that the United States can remain strong and vibrant. We just need to rid the world of that Gosh-darn communism!
  • Still others say that the entire nation needs to burn down to the ground and we all need to collectively start over.
  • While others thing that “if only” the USA would adopt a more progressive government like Sweden, that everything would work out fine.
  • While others just say that everything is perfect, just as it is.

Now, here’s a frightening thought for you all.

What if all this happens and NOTHING changes? What then?

Well, the answer is simple.

America will become stratified as a third-world nation with a caste system along the lines of India. And once you and your family live inside this stratified environment, you will never ever be able to leave it.

And while everyone will still wave their American flags and claim that America stand for “equality” and “Freedom”, they will do so at the back of the bus while wearing the clothes and attire of the common caste and eating and shopping in their caste restricted zones. They will pay for the priviledge to drink water, rent their abodes, and perform menial labor for their “betters” who will, over time, further distance themselves from the lower castes.

Get ready. Because it looks like this is what you have to look forward to.

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Law 32 (full text) Play to peoples fantasies from the 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene

Or, in other words, tell people what they want to hear.

Indeed, the greatest and most effective propaganda is that which we WANT to believe.

Which pretty much explains the United States anti-China propaganda spewing forth today from the Trump / Pompeo administration…

  • America is great. China is a shit-hole.
  • America can invent. China only copies.
  • America has freedom. China is enslaved.
  • America is a shining city on a hill. China is a filthy wet market.

And when you go to another nation, if you say… “well, we do things better than you do.” And “you don’t know how to do things right“. If you constantly make fun of their laws, their food, their styles or the way they do business…

You will not be liked. You will be classified as the “Ugly American” and shunned.


Politics aside, this applies everywhere.

Consider dating websites like match.com. The most popular profiles are those that do not say too much. That instead provide some areas open to interpretation, where the interested person would be able to “fill in the blanks” and make assumptions as to whom you are and what is so desirable about you.

The key is always to play upon people’s desires…

LAW 32



The truth is often avoided because it is ugly and unpleasant.

Never appeal to truth and reality unless you are prepared for the anger that comes from disenchantment.

Life is so harsh and distressing that people who can manufacture romance or conjure up fantasy are like oases in the desert: Everyone flocks to them.

There is great power in tapping into the fantasies of the masses.


The lion having suddenly lost his queen, every one hastened to show allegiance to the monarch, by offering consolation.

These compliments, alas, served but to increase the widower’s affliction.

Due notice was given throughout the kingdom that the funeral would be performed at a certain time and place; the lion’s officers were ordered to be in attendance, to regulate the ceremony, and place the company according to their respective rank.

One may well judge no one absented himself.

The monarch gave way to his grief, and the whole cave, lions having no other temples, resounded with his cries. After his example, all the courtiers roared in their different tones.

A court is the sort of place where everyone is either sorrowful, gay, or indifferent to everything, just as the reigning prince may think fit; or if any one is not actually, he at least tries to appear so; each endeavors to mimic the master.

It is truly said that one mind animates a thousand bodies, clearly showing that human beings are mere machines.

But let us return to our subject.

The stag alone shed no tears.

How could he, forsooth?

The death of the queen avenged him; she had formerly strangled his wife and son. A courtier thought fit to inform the bereaved monarch, and even affirmed that he had seen the stag laugh.

The rage of a king, says Solomon, is terrible, and especially that of a lion-king.

“Pitiful forester!” he exclaimed, “darest thou laugh when all around are dissolved in tears? We will not soil our royal claws with thy profane blood! Do thou, brave wolf, avenge our queen, by immolating this traitor to her august manes. ”

Hereupon the stag replied:

“Sire, the time for weeping is passed; grief is here superfluous. Your revered spouse appeared to me but now, reposing on a bed of roses; I instantly recognized her. ‘Friend,’ said she to me, ‘have done with this funereal pomp, cease these useless tears. I have tasted a thousand delights in the Elysian fields, conversing with those who are saints like myself. Let the king’s despair remain for some time unchecked, it gratifies me.’”

Scarcely had he spoken, when every one shouted: “A miracle! a miracle!”

The stag, instead of being punished, received a handsome gift. Do but entertain a king with dreams, flatter him, and tell him a few pleasant fantastic lies: whatever his indignation against you may be, he will swallow the bait, and make you his dearest friend.



The city-state of Venice was prosperous for so long that its citizens felt their small republic had destiny on its side.

In the Middle Ages and High Renaissance, its virtual monopoly on trade to the east made it the wealthiest city in Europe. Under a beneficent republican government, Venetians enjoyed liberties that few other Italians had ever known.

Yet in the sixteenth century their fortunes suddenly changed. The opening of the New World transferred power to the Atlantic side of Europe—to the Spanish and Portuguese, and later the Dutch and English. Venice could not compete economically and its empire gradually dwindled. The final blow was the devastating loss of a prized Mediterranean possession, the island of Cyprus, captured from Venice by the Turks in 1570.

Now noble families went broke in Venice, and banks began to fold.

A kind of gloom and depression settled over the citizens. They had known a glittering past—had either lived through it or heard stories about it from their elders. The closeness of the glory years was humiliating.

The Venetians half believed that the goddess Fortune was only playing a joke on them, and that the old days would soon return. For the time being, though, what could they do?

In 1589 rumors began to swirl around Venice of the arrival not far away of a mysterious man called “Il Bragadino,” a master of alchemy, a man who had won incredible wealth through his ability, it was said, to multiply gold through the use of a secret substance.

The rumor spread quickly because a few years earlier, a Venetian nobleman passing through Poland had heard a learned man prophesy that Venice would recover her past glory and power if she could find a man who understood the alchemic art of manufacturing gold.

And so, as word reached Venice of the gold this Bragadino possessed—he clinked gold coins continuously in his hands, and golden objects filled his palace—some began to dream: Through him, their city would prosper again.

Members of Venice’s most important noble families accordingly went together to Brescia, where Bragadino lived.

They toured his palace and watched in awe as he demonstrated his gold-making abilities, taking a pinch of seemingly worthless minerals and transforming it into several ounces of gold dust.

The Venetian senate prepared to debate the idea of extending an official invitation to Bragadino to stay in Venice at the city’s expense, when word suddenly reached them that they were competing with the Duke of Mantua for his services.

They heard of a magnificent party in Bragadino’s palace for the duke, featuring garments with golden buttons, gold watches, gold plates, and on and on.

Worried they might lose Bragadino to Mantua, the senate voted almost unanimously to invite him to Venice, promising him the mountain of money he would need to continue living in his luxurious style—but only if he came right away.

Late that year the mysterious Bragadino arrived in Venice.

With his piercing dark eyes under thick brows, and the two enormous black mastiffs that accompanied him everywhere, he was forbidding and impressive.

He took up residence in a sumptuous palace on the island of the Giudecca, with the republic funding his banquets, his expensive clothes, and all his other whims.

A kind of alchemy fever spread through Venice.

On street corners, hawkers would sell coal, distilling apparatus, bellows, how-to books on the subject. Everyone began to practice alchemy—everyone except Bragadino.

The alchemist seemed to be in no hurry to begin manufacturing the gold that would save Venice from ruin.

Strangely enough this only increased his popularity and following; people thronged from all over Europe, even Asia, to meet this remarkable man.

Months went by, with gifts pouring in to Bragadino from all sides.

Still he gave no sign of the miracle that the Venetians confidently expected him to produce.

Eventually the citizens began to grow impatient, wondering if he would wait forever. At first the senators warned them not to hurry him—he was a capricious devil, who needed to be cajoled.

Finally, though, the nobility began to wonder too, and the senate came under pressure to show a return on the city’s ballooning investment.

Bragadino had only scorn for the doubters, but he responded to them.

He had, he said, already deposited in the city’s mint the mysterious substance with which he multiplied gold.

He could use this substance up all at once, and produce double the gold, but the more slowly the process took place, the more it would yield. If left alone for seven years, sealed in a casket, the substance would multiply the gold in the mint thirty times over.

Most of the senators agreed to wait to reap the gold mine Bragadino promised.

Others, however, were angry: seven more years of this man living royally at the public trough! And many of the common citizens of Venice echoed these sentiments.

Finally the alchemist’s enemies demanded he produce a proof of his skills: a substantial amount of gold, and soon.

Lofty, apparently devoted to his art, Bragadino responded that Venice, in its impatience, had betrayed him, and would therefore lose his services. He left town, going first to nearby Padua, then, in 1590, to Munich, at the invitation of the Duke of Bavaria, who, like the entire city of Venice, had known great wealth but had fallen into bankruptcy through his own profligacy, and hoped to regain his fortune through the famous alchemist’s services.

And so Bragadino resumed the comfortable arrangement he had known in Venice, and the same pattern repeated itself.


The young Cypriot Mamugna had lived in Venice for several years before reincarnating himself as the alchemist Bragadino.

He saw how gloom had settled on the city, how everyone was hoping for a redemption from some indefinite source. While other charlatans mastered everyday cons based on sleight of hand, Mamugnà mastered human nature.

With Venice as his target from the start, he traveled abroad, made some money through his alchemy scams, and then returned to Italy, setting up shop in Brescia.

There he created a reputation that he knew would spread to Venice. From a distance, in fact, his aura of power would be all the more impressive.

At first Mamugna did not use vulgar demonstrations to convince people of his alchemic skill. His sumptuous palace, his opulent garments, the clink of gold in his hands, all these provided a superior argument to anything rational.

And these established the cycle that kept him going: His obvious wealth confirmed his reputation as an alchemist, so that patrons like the Duke of Mantua gave him money, which allowed him to live in wealth, which reinforced his reputation as an alchemist, and so on.

Only once this reputation was established, and dukes and senators were fighting over him, did he resort to the trifling necessity of a demonstration.

By then, however, people were easy to deceive: They wanted to believe.

The Venetian senators who watched him multiply gold wanted to believe so badly that they failed to notice the glass pipe up his sleeve, from which he slipped gold dust into his pinches of minerals. Brilliant and capricious, he was the alchemist of their fantasies—and once he had created an aura like this, no one noticed his simple deceptions.

Such is the power of the fantasies that take root in us, especially in times of scarcity and decline.

People rarely believe that their problems arise from their own misdeeds and stupidity. Someone or something out there is to blame—the other, the world, the gods—and so salvation comes from the outside as well.

Had Bragadino arrived in Venice armed with a detailed analysis of the reasons behind the city’s economic decline, and of the hard-nosed steps that it could take to turn things around, he would have been scorned.

The reality was too ugly and the solution too painful—mostly the kind of hard work that the citizens’ ancestors had mustered to create an empire. Fantasy, on the other hand—in this case the romance of alchemy—was easy to understand and infinitely more palatable.

To gain power, you must be a source of pleasure for those around you—and pleasure comes from playing to people’s fantasies. Never promise a gradual improvement through hard work; rather, promise the moon, the great and sudden transformation, the pot of gold.

No man need despair of gaining converts to the most extravagant
hypothesis who has art enough to represent it in favorable colors.

-David Hume, 1711-1776
If you want to tell lies that will be believed, don’t tell the truth that won’t.



Fantasy can never operate alone.

It requires the backdrop of the humdrum and the mundane. It is the oppressiveness of reality that allows fantasy to take root and bloom.

In sixteenth-century Venice, the reality was one of decline and loss of prestige. The corresponding fantasy described a sudden recovery of past glories through the miracle of alchemy.

While the reality only got worse, the Venetians inhabited a happy dream world in which their city restored its fabulous wealth and power overnight, turning dust into gold.

The person who can spin a fantasy out of an oppressive reality has access to untold power.

As you search for the fantasy that will take hold of the masses, then, keep your eye on the banal truths that weigh heavily on us all. Never be distracted by people’s glamorous portraits of themselves and their lives; search and dig for what really imprisons them. Once you find that, you have the magical key that will put great power in your hands.

Although times and people change, let us examine a few of the oppressive realities that endure, and the opportunities for power they provide:

  • The Reality: Change is slow and gradual. It requires hard work, a bit of luck, a fair amount of self-sacrifice, and a lot of patience.
  • The Fantasy: A sudden transformation will bring a total change in one’s fortunes, bypassing work, luck, self-sacrifice, and time in one fantastic stroke.

This is of course the fantasy par excellence of the charlatans who prowl among us to this day, and was the key to Bragadino’s success.

Promise a great and total change—from poor to rich, sickness to health, misery to ecstasy—and you will have followers.

How did the great sixteenth-century German quack Leonhard Thurneisser become the court physician for the Elector of Brandenburg without ever studying medicine?

Instead of offering amputations, leeches, and foul-tasting purgatives (the medicaments of the time), Thurneisser offered sweet-tasting elixirs and promised instant recovery.

Fashionable courtiers especially wanted his solution of “drinkable gold,” which cost a fortune.

If some inexplicable illness assailed you, Thurneisser would consult a horoscope and prescribe a talisman. Who could resist such a fantasy—health and well-being without sacrifice and pain!

  • The Reality: The social realm has hard-set codes and boundaries. We understand these limits and know that we have to move within the same familiar circles, day in and day out.
  • The Fantasy: We can enter a totally new world with different codes and the promise of adventure.

In the early 1700s, all London was abuzz with talk of a mysterious stranger, a young man named George Psalmanazar.

He had arrived from what was to most Englishmen a fantastical land: the island of Formosa (now Taiwan), off the coast of China.

Oxford University engaged Psalmanazar to teach the island’s language; a few years later he translated the Bible into Formosan, then wrote a book—an immediate best-seller—on Formosa’s history and geography. English royalty wined and dined the young man, and everywhere he went he entertained his hosts with wondrous stories of his homeland, and its bizarre customs.

After Psalmanazar died, however, his will revealed that he was in fact merely a Frenchman with a rich imagination.

Everything he had said about Formosa—its alphabet, its language, its literature, its entire culture—he had invented.

He had built on the English public’s ignorance of the place to concoct an elaborate story that fulfilled their desire for the exotic and strange. British culture’s rigid control of people’s dangerous dreams gave him the perfect opportunity to exploit their fantasy.

The fantasy of the exotic, of course, can also skirt the sexual.

It must not come too close, though, for the physical hinders the power of fantasy; it can be seen, grasped, and then tired of—the fate of most courtesans. The bodily charms of the mistress only whet the master’s appetite for more and different pleasures, a new beauty to adore. To bring power, fantasy must remain to some degree unrealized, literally unreal.

The dancer Mata Hari, for instance, who rose to public prominence in Paris before World War I, had quite ordinary looks. Her power came from the fantasy she created of being strange and exotic, unknowable and indecipherable. The taboo she worked with was less sex itself than the breaking of social codes.

Another form of the fantasy of the exotic is simply the hope for relief from boredom.

Con artists love to play on the oppressiveness of the working world, its lack of adventure. Their cons might involve, say, the recovery of lost Spanish treasure, with the possible participation of an alluring Mexican señorita and a connection to the president of a South American country—anything offering release from the humdrum.

  • The Reality: Society is fragmented and full of conflict.
  • The Fantasy: People can come together in a mystical union of souls.

In the 1920s the con man Oscar Hartzell made a quick fortune out of the age-old Sir Francis Drake swindle—basically promising any sucker who happened to be surnamed “Drake” a substantial share of the long-lost “Drake treasure,” to which Hartzell had access.

Thousands across the Midwest fell for the scam, which Hartzell cleverly turned into a crusade against the government and everyone else who was trying to keep the Drake fortune out of the rightful hands of its heirs.

There developed a mystical union of the oppressed Drakes, with emotional rallies and meetings.

Promise such a union and you can gain much power, but it is a dangerous power that can easily turn against you. This is a fantasy for demagogues to play on.

  • The Reality: Death. The dead cannot be brought back, the past cannot be changed.
  • The Fantasy: A sudden reversal of this intolerable fact.

This con has many variations, but requires great skill and subtlety.

The beauty and importance of the art of Vermeer have long been recognized, but his paintings are small in number, and are extremely rare.

In the 1930s, though, Vermeers began to appear on the art market.

Experts were called on to verify them, and pronounced them real.

Possession of these new Vermeers would crown a collector’s career. It was like the resurrection of Lazarus: In a strange way, Vermeer had been brought back to life. The past had been changed.

Only later did it come out that the new Vermeers were the work of a middle-aged Dutch forger named Han van Meegeren.

And he had chosen Vermeer for his scam because he understood fantasy: The paintings would seem real precisely because the public, and the experts as well, so desperately wanted to believe they were.

Remember: The key to fantasy is distance. 

The distant has allure and promise, seems simple and problem free. What you are offering, then, should be ungraspable. 

Never let it become oppressively familiar; it is the mirage in the distance, withdrawing as the sucker approaches. Never be too direct in describing the fantasy—keep it vague. As a forger of fantasies, let your victim come close enough to see and be tempted, but keep him far away enough that he stays dreaming and desiring.

Image: The
Moon. Unattainable,
always changing shape,
disappearing and reappear
ing. We look at it, imagine,
wonder, and pine—never fa
miliar, continuous provoker
of dreams. Do not offer
the obvious. Promise
the moon.

Authority: A lie is an allurement, a fabrication, that can be embellished into a fantasy. 

It can be clothed in the raiments of a mystic conception. Truth is cold, sober fact, not so comfortable to absorb. A lie is more palatable. The most detested person in the world is the one who always tells the truth, who never romances.... I found it far more interesting and profitable to romance than to tell the truth. (Joseph Weil, a.k.a. “The Yellow Kid,” 1875-1976)


If there is power in tapping into the fantasies of the masses, there is also danger.

Fantasy usually contains an element of play—the public half realizes it is being duped, but it keeps the dream alive anyway, relishing the entertainment and the temporary diversion from the everyday that you are providing.

So keep it light—never come too close to the place where you are actually expected to produce results.

That place may prove extremely hazardous.

After Bragadino established himself in Munich, he found that the sober-minded Bavarians had far less faith in alchemy than the temperamental Venetians.

Only the duke really believed in it, for he needed it desperately to rescue him from the hopeless mess he was in.

As Bragadino played his familiar waiting game, accepting gifts and expecting patience, the public grew angry. Money was being spent and was yielding no results.

In 1592 the Bavarians demanded justice, and eventually Bragadino found himself swinging from the gallows.

As before, he had promised and had not delivered, but this time he had misjudged the forbearance of his hosts, and his inability to fulfill their fantasy proved fatal.

One last thing: Never make the mistake of imagining that fantasy is always fantastical. 

It certainly contrasts with reality, but reality itself is sometimes so theatrical and stylized that fantasy becomes a desire for simple things. The image Abraham Lincoln created of himself, for example, as a homespun country lawyer with a beard, made him the common man’s president.

P. T. Barnum created a successful act with Tom Thumb, a dwarf who dressed up as famous leaders of the past, such as Napoleon, and lampooned them wickedly.

The show delighted everyone, right up to Queen Victoria, by appealing to the fantasy of the time: Enough of the vainglorious rulers of history, the common man knows best. Tom Thumb reversed the familiar pattern of fantasy in which the strange and unknown becomes the ideal.

But the act still obeyed the Law, for underlying it was the fantasy that the simple man is without problems, and is happier than the powerful and the rich.

Both Lincoln and Tom Thumb played the commoner but carefully maintained their distance.

Should you play with such a fantasy, you too must carefully cultivate distance and not allow your “common” persona to become too familiar or it will not project as fantasy.


Today, any glimpse of the political situation in the United States can clearly illustrate this law. We see that the news is filled with lies and fantasies. All of which are designed to manipulate for personal gain.

Consider the 2021 election. Doesn’t the candidates involved appeal to their followers fantasies?

I do not advise a person use this technique, but I do advise you all to be aware that it is in constant use by others.

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Law 22 – Use the Surrender Tactic: Transform Weakness into Power (48 Laws of Power)

Here is another great law from Robert Greene’s 48 Laws of Power. This tactic was used by myself to survive prison in the ADC. Which was a hard labor prison in the middle of Arkansas. It was an old cotton plantation, and the purpose of a “hard labor” prison is to make your life so darn uncomfortable that you would never want to re-offend ever again. Anyways, I had to deal with a lot of hard-core criminals there, and the best survival method that I could come up with was to be slow, and dumb and kind of “not quite there”. It worked.

Here is the law. It’s a great read, and alike all of his works, you need to apply it to your own personal situation.

Remember, it is best to smile and be friendly. It’s difficult to be villianized by others if you are kind and smile. And act a little helpless, as it’s human nature to assume that you are smarter than others, and by giving that belief to others, you aptly protect yourself.

LAW 22



When you are weaker, never fight for honor’s sake; choose surrender instead.

Surrender gives you time to recover, time to torment and irritate your conqueror, time to wait for his power to wane.

Do not give him the satisfaction of fighting and defeating you—surrender first.

By turning the other cheek you infuriate and unsettle him. Make surrender a tool of power.

Remember, boys and girls, time is your friend. Use it, and you decide when to strike and how to strike. Do not let others trick you into premature action when you are not prepared.


The island of Melos is strategically situated in the heart of the Mediterranean. In classical times, the city of Athens dominated the sea and coastal areas around Greece, but Sparta, in the Peloponnese, had been Melos’s original colonizer.

During the Peloponnesian War, then, the Melians refused to ally themselves with Athens and remained loyal to Mother Sparta.

In 416 B.C. the Athenians sent an expedition against Melos. Before launching an all-out attack, however, they dispatched a delegation to persuade the Melians to surrender and become an ally rather than suffer devastation and defeat.


A man who had climbed upon a certain fig tree, was bending the boughs toward him and plucking the ripe fruit, which he then put into his mouth to destroy and gnaw with his hard teeth. 

The chestnut, seeing this, tossed its long branches and with tumultuous rustle exclaimed: 

“Oh Fig! How much less protected by nature you are than I. See how my sweet offspring are set in close array; first clothed in soft wrappers over which is the hard but softly lined husk. And not content with this much care, nature has also given us these sharp and close-set spines, so that the hand of man cannot hurt us.” 

Then the fig tree began to laugh, and after the laughter it said: “You know well that man is of such ingenuity that he will bereave even you of your children. But in your case he will do it by means of rods and stones; and when they are felled he will trample them with his feet or hit them with stones, so that your offspring will emerge from their armor crushed and maimed; while I am touched carefully by his hands, and never, like you, with roughness”


“You know as well as we do,” the delegates said, “that the standard of justice depends on the equality of power to compel, and that in fact the strong do what they have the power to do and the weak accept what they have to accept.”

When the Melians responded that this denied the notion of fair play, the Athenians said that those in power determined what was fair and what was not.

The Melians argued that this authority belonged to the gods, not to mortals.

“Our opinion of the gods and our knowledge of men,” replied a member of the Athenian delegation, “lead us to conclude that it is a general and necessary law of nature to rule whatever one can.”

The Melians would not budge.

Sparta, they insisted, would come to their defense.

The Athenians countered that the Spartans were a conservative, practical people, and would not help Melos because they had nothing to gain and a lot to lose by doing so.

Finally the Melians began to talk of honor and the principle of resisting brute force. “Do not be led astray by a false sense of honor,” said the Athenians.

“Honor often brings men to ruin when they are faced with an obvious danger that somehow affects their pride. There is nothing disgraceful in giving way to the greatest city in Hellas when she is offering you such reasonable terms.”

The debate ended. The Melians discussed the issue among themselves, and decided to trust in the aid of the Spartans, the will of the gods, and the rightness of their cause.

They politely declined the Athenians’ offer.

A few days later the Athenians invaded Melos.

The Melians fought nobly, even without the Spartans, who did NOT come to their rescue.

It took several attempts before the Athenians could surround and besiege their main city, but the Melians finally surrendered. The Athenians wasted no time—they put to death all the men of military age that they could capture, they sold the women and children as slaves, and they repopulated the island with their own colonists.

Only a handful of Melians survived.


The Athenians were one of the most eminently practical people in history, and they made the most practical argument they could with the Melians: When you are weaker, there is nothing to be gained by fighting a useless fight.

No one comes to help the weak—by doing so they would only put themselves in jeopardy.

The weak are alone and must submit.

Fighting gives you nothing to gain but martyrdom, and in the process a lot of people who do not believe in your cause will die.

Weakness is no sin, and can even become a strength if you learn how to play it right. Had the Melians surrendered in the first place, they would have been able to sabotage the Athenians in subtle ways, or might have gotten what they could have out of the alliance and then left it when the Athenians themselves were weakened, as in fact happened several years later.

Fortunes change and the mighty are often brought down.

Surrender conceals great power: Lulling the enemy into complacency, it gives you time to recoup, time to undermine, time for revenge. Never sacrifice that time in exchange for honor in a battle that you cannot win.

Voltaire was living in exile in London at a time when anti-French sentiment was at its highest. 

One day walking through the streets. he found himself surrounded by an angry crowd. 

“Hang him. Hang the Frenchman,”they yelled. 

Voltaire calmly addressed the mob with the following words: “Men of England’ You wish to kill me because I am a Frenchman. Am I not punished enough in not being born an Englishman?” 

The crowd cheered his thoughtful words, and escorted him safely back to his lodgings.

Weak people never give way when they ought to. 

-Cardinal de Retz, 1613-1679


Sometime in the 1920s the German writer Bertolt Brecht became a convert to the cause of Communism.

From then on his plays, essays, and poems reflected his revolutionary fervor, and he generally tried to make his ideological statements as clear as possible.

When Hitler came to power in Germany, Brecht and his Communist colleagues became marked men. He had many friends in the United States—Americans who sympathized with his beliefs, as well as fellow German intellectuals who had fled Hitler.

In 1941, accordingly, Brecht emigrated to the United States, and chose to settle in Los Angeles, where he hoped to make a living in the film business.

Over the next few years Brecht wrote screenplays with a pointedly an anti-capitalist slant. He had little success in Hollywood, so in 1947, the war having ended, he decided to return to Europe.

That same year, however, the U.S. Congress’s House Un-American Activities Committee began its investigation into supposed Communist infiltration in Hollywood.

It began to gather information on Brecht, who had so openly espoused Marxism, and on September 19, 1947, only a month before he had planned to leave the United States, he received a subpoena to appear before the committee. In addition to Brecht, a number of other writers, producers, and directors were summoned to appear as well, and this group came to be known as the Hollywood 19.

Before going to Washington, the Hollywood 19 met to decide on a plan of action.

Their approach would be confrontational. Instead of answering questions about their membership, or lack of it, in the Communist Party, they would read prepared statements that would challenge the authority of the committee and argue that its activities were unconstitutional.

Even if this strategy meant imprisonment, it would gain publicity for their cause.

Brecht disagreed.

What good was it, he asked, to play the martyr and gain a little public sympathy if in the process they lost the ability to stage their plays and sell their scripts for years to come?

He felt certain they were all more intelligent than the members of the committee. Why lower themselves to the level of their opponents by arguing with them? Why not outfox the committee by appearing to surrender to it while subtly mocking it?

The Hollywood 19 listened to Brecht politely, but decided to stick to their plan, leaving Brecht to go his own way.

The committee finally summoned Brecht on October 30. They expected him to do what others among the Hollywood 19 who had testified before him had done: Argue, refuse to answer questions, challenge the committee’s right to hold its hearing, even yell and hurl insults.

Much to their surprise, however, Brecht was the very picture of congeniality.

He wore a suit (something he rarely did), smoked a cigar (he had heard that the committee chairman was a passionate cigar smoker), answered their questions politely, and generally deferred to their authority.

Unlike the other witnesses, Brecht answered the question of whether he belonged to the Communist Party: He was not a member, he said, which happened to be the truth.

One committee member asked him, “Is it true you have written a number of revolutionary plays?” Brecht had written many plays with overt Communist messages, but he responded, “I have written a number of poems and songs and plays in the fight against Hitler and, of course, they can be considered, therefore, as revolutionary because I, of course, was for the overthrow of that government.”

This statement went unchallenged.

Brecht’s English was more than adequate, but he used an interpreter throughout his testimony, a tactic that allowed him to play subtle games with language.

When committee members found Communist leanings in lines from English editions of his poems, he would repeat the lines in German for the interpreter, who would then retranslate them; and somehow they would come out innocuous.

At one point a committee member read one of Brecht’s revolutionary poems out loud in English, and asked him if he had written it. “No,” he responded, “I wrote a German poem, which is very different from this.” The author’s elusive answers baffled the committee members, but his politeness and the way he yielded to their authority made it impossible for them to get angry with him.

After only an hour of questioning, the committee members had had enough.

“Thank you very much,” said the chairman, “You are a good example to the [other] witnesses.”

Not only did they free him, they offered to help him if he had any trouble with immigration officials who might detain him for their own reasons.

The following day, Brecht left the United States, never to return.


The Hollywood 19’s confrontational approach won them a lot of sympathy, and years later they gained a kind of vindication in public opinion. But they were also blacklisted, and lost valuable years of profitable working time.

Brecht, on the other hand, expressed his disgust at the committee more indirectly.

It was not that he changed his beliefs or compromised his values; instead, during his short testimony, he kept the upper hand by appearing to yield while all the time running circles around the committee with vague responses, outright lies that went unchallenged because they were wrapped in enigmas, and word games.

In the end he kept the freedom to continue his revolutionary writing (as opposed to suffering imprisonment or detainment in the United States), even while subtly mocking the committee and its authority with his pseudo-obedience.

Keep in mind the following: People trying to make a show of their authority are easily deceived by the surrender tactic.

Your outward sign of submission makes them feel important; satisfied that you respect them, they become easier targets for a later counterattack, or for the kind of indirect ridicule used by Brecht.

Measuring your power over time, never sacrifice long-term maneuverability for the short-lived glories of martyrdom.

When the great lord passes, the wise peasant bows deeply and silently farts.

-Ethiophan proverb


What gets us into trouble in the realm of power is often our own overreaction to the moves of our enemies and rivals.

That overreaction creates problems we would have avoided had we been more reasonable. It also has an endless rebound effect, for the enemy then overreacts as well, much as the Athenians did to the Melians.

It is always our first instinct to react, to meet aggression with some other kind of aggression.

But the next time someone pushes you and you find yourself starting to react, try this: Do not resist or fight back, but yield, turn the other cheek, bend. You will find that this often neutralizes their behavior—they expected, even wanted you to react with force and so they are caught off-guard and confounded by your lack of resistance. By yielding, you in fact control the situation, because your surrender is part of a larger plan to lull them into believing they have defeated you.

This is the essence of the surrender tactic: Inwardly you stay firm, but outwardly you bend.

Deprived of a reason to get angry, your opponents will often be bewildered instead. And they are unlikely to react with more violence, which would demand a reaction from you. Instead you are allowed the time and space to plot the countermoves that will bring them down.

In the battle of the intelligent against the brutal and the aggressive, the surrender tactic is the supreme weapon. It does require self-control: Those who genuinely surrender give up their freedom, and may be crushed by the humiliation of their defeat. You have to remember that you only appear to surrender, like the animal that plays dead to save its hide.

We have seen that it can be better to surrender than to fight; faced with a more powerful opponent and a sure defeat, it is often also better to surrender than to run away. Running away may save you for the time being, but the aggressor will eventually catch up with you. If you surrender instead, you have an opportunity to coil around your enemy and strike with your fangs from close up.

In 473 B.C., in ancient China, King Goujian of Yue suffered a horrible defeat from the ruler of Wu in the battle of Fujiao.

Goujian wanted to flee, but he had an adviser who told him to surrender and to place himself in the service of the ruler of Wu, from which position he could study the man and plot his revenge.

Deciding to follow this advice, Goujian gave the ruler all of his riches, and went to work in his conqueror’s stables as the lowest servant.

For three years he humbled himself before the ruler, who then, finally satisfied of his loyalty, allowed him to return home.

Inwardly, however, Goujian had spent those three years gathering information and plotting revenge. When a terrible drought struck Wu, and the kingdom was weakened by inner turmoil, he raised an army, invaded, and won with ease.

That is the power behind surrender: It gives you the time and the flexibility to plot a devastating counter-blow. Had Goujian run away, he would have lost this chance.

When foreign trade began to threaten Japanese independence in the mid-nineteenth century, the Japanese debated how to defeat the foreigners.

One minister, Hotta Masayoshi, wrote a memorandum in 1857 that influenced Japanese policy for years to come: “I am therefore convinced that our policy should be to conclude friendly alliances, to send ships to foreign countries everywhere and conduct trade, to copy the foreigners where they are at their best and so repair our own shortcomings, to foster our national strength and complete our armaments, and so gradually subject the foreigners to our influence until in the end all the countries of the world know the blessings of perfect tranquillity and our hegemony is acknowledged throughout the globe.”

This is a brilliant application of the Law: Use surrender to gain access to your enemy. Learn his ways, insinuate yourself with him slowly, outwardly conform to his customs, but inwardly maintain your own culture.

Eventually you will emerge victorious, for while he considers you weak and inferior, and takes no precautions against you, you are using the time to catch up and surpass him. This soft, permeable form of invasion is often the best, for the enemy has nothing to react against, prepare for, or resist. And had Japan resisted Western influence by force, it might well have suffered a devastating invasion that would have permanently altered its culture.

Surrender can also offer a way of mocking your enemies, of turning their power against them, as it did for Brecht.

Milan Kundera’s novel The Joke, based on the author’s experiences in a penal camp in Czechoslovakia, tells the story of how the prison guards organized a relay race, guards against prisoners. For the guards this was a chance to show off their physical superiority. The prisoners knew they were expected to lose, so they went out of their way to oblige—miming exaggerated exertion while barely moving, running a few yards and collapsing, limping, jogging ever so slowly while the guards raced ahead at full speed.

Both by joining the race and by losing it, they had obliged the guards obediently; but their “overobedience” had mocked the event to the point of ruining it.

Overobedience—surrender—was here a way to demonstrate superiority in a reverse manner. Resistance would have engaged the prisoners in the cycle of violence, lowering them to the guards’ level. Overobeying the guards, however, made them ridiculous, yet they could not rightly punish the prisoners, who had only done what they asked.

Power is always in flux—since the game is by nature fluid, and an arena of constant struggle, those with power almost always find themselves eventually on the downward swing.

If you find yourself temporarily weakened, the surrender tactic is perfect for raising yourself up again—it disguises your ambition; it teaches you patience and self-control, key skills in the game; and it puts you in the best possible position for taking advantage of your oppressor’s sudden slide.

If you run away or fight back, in the long run you cannot win. If you surrender, you will almost always emerge victorious.

Image: An Oak
Tree. The oak
that resists the
wind loses its
branches one
by one, and
with nothing
left to protect
it, the trunk fi
nally snaps.
The oak that
bends lives long
er, its trunk grow
ing wider, its roots
deeper and more tenacious.
Authority: Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth: But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also. And if any man will sue thee at the law, and take away thy coat, let them have thy cloak also. And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain. 

(Jesus Christ, in Matthew 5:38-41)


The point of surrendering is to save your hide for a later date when you can reassert yourself.

It is precisely to avoid martyrdom that one surrenders, but there are times when the enemy will not relent, and martyrdom seems the only way out. Furthermore, if you are willing to die, others may gain power and inspiration from your example.

Yet martyrdom, surrender’s reversal, is a messy, inexact tactic, and is as violent as the aggression it combats.

For every famous martyr there are thousands more who have inspired neither a religion nor a rebellion, so that if martyrdom does sometimes grant a certain power, it does so unpredictably. More important, you will not be around to enjoy that power, such as it is. And there is finally something selfish and arrogant about martyrs, as if they felt their followers were less important than their own glory.

When power deserts you, it is best to ignore this Law’s reversal. Leave martyrdom alone: The pendulum will swing back your way eventually, and you should stay alive to see it.


I see this level of kind restraint being practiced by China while the United States thrashes, crashes, accuses, arrests, and bans the Chinese and their products. China just sails on, politely nodding and being pleasant.

However, you can rest assured that China is not a “push-over” and have made what ever preparations they feel is necessary to suppress American aggression. And that is the surrender technique. It is one where you are in control, and where you control the timing, the battlefield, the methods of warfare all with a singular objective.

Do not be so sure that the United States is as strong, and as powerful and as capable as it appears. Nor should you believe that China is a timid and as weak and “limp wristed” as it appears either.

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Some selected favorite artworks by Lord Frederick Leighton

Lord Frederick Leighton was an amazing painter from the days of true classic art. He painted a total of 518 artworks. All told, he is considered to be “English Aesthetic, New Sculpture (19th Century British), Olympian Classical Revivalist painter, sculptor, illustrator and writer”. He was Born in 1830 and Died in 1896. He was only 66 years old.

You can see all of his works at the Art Renewal Center here.

Music Lesson

We will start with this very pleasant piece.

Pay attention to the kind and amazing details in this remarkable piece of work. It’s art like this that puts a smile on my face. And that is the truth. First, here is the painting. It’s hard to appreciate all the work and beauty that went into it…

Music Lesson

It’s a pretty amazing painting.

Please check out the details up close to really appreciate the art, and the form…

Music Lesson detail.

Elijah in the Wilderness

Next up is a story from the Bible.

Elijah (ēlī`jə) or Elias (ēlī`əs) [both: Heb.,=Yahweh is God], fl. c.875 B.C., Hebrew prophet in the reign of King Ahab. 

He is one of the outstanding figures of the Bible. Elijah's mission was to destroy the worship of foreign gods and to restore exclusive loyalty to God. His zeal brought about a temporary banishment of idolatry (see Jezebel). 

Incidents in his life include his raising the widow's son from the dead; his contest of faith with the priests of Baal, resulting in his triumph and their death; his being fed by ravens; his experience of the still, small voice on Mt. Horeb (Sinai); and his departure from earth in a chariot of fire enveloped in a whirlwind. His disciple was Elisha. 

Unlike other great prophets, Elijah and Elisha left no written records. In Jewish tradition, Elijah is the eschatological herald of the Messiah. John the Baptist and Jesus were asked if they were the incarnation of Elijah, who appeared at the Transfiguration. The prophet is prominent in the Qur'an. Mendelssohn composed an oratorio, Elijah.

-The Free Dictionary

Translated from Hebrew, the name Elijah means “My God.” The prophet was a devoted follower of the Christian religion in Israel. Using his preaches and working miracles, he faithfully fought for the elimination of idolatry and disgrace. In different religions, including Christianity and Judaism, it is believed that Elijah was taken to Heaven alive, conquering death.

The saint was among the first religious figures worshiped by Orthodox Christians in Russia. A few churches were built to honor his life path. Believers continue to regard Elijah as one of the most revered Biblical personalities.

Many religious people consider the “Elijah in the Wilderness” icon their most beloved miraculous painting.

Elijah in the Wilderness
Elijah in the Wilderness

Dante in Exile

Next up…

Poet and politician Dante Alighieri is exiled from Florence, where he served as one of six priors governing the city.

Normally, I don’t give a rat’s ass about politicians. But this fellow was a writer and a poet, and this guy was chased out of his home and “on the lam” while being hunted down by the rival political forces of the day.

And this painting is beautiful.

He wasn’t virginal. He did bad things too.

Dante’s political activities, including the banishing of several rivals, led to his own banishment. It was during this banishment that he wrote his masterpiece, The Divine Comedy, as a virtual wanderer, seeking protection for his family in town after town.

You might think of him as a “blue blood”; a member of the “elite”.

Dante was born to a family with noble ancestry that had fallen in fortunes.

He began writing poetry in his teens and received encouragement from established poets, to whom he sent sonnets as a young man.

He had fallen in love with another fine young lass, and the combination of poetry and love, infatuated forbidden love is a story in itself.

At the young age of nine, Dante first caught a glimpse of Beatrice Portinari, also nine, who would symbolize for him perfect female beauty and spiritual goodness in the coming decades. Despite his fervent devotion to Portinari, who did not seem to return his feelings, Dante became engaged to Gemma Donati in 1277, but the two did not marry until eight years later.

The couple had six sons and a daughter. I am sure that it was a lively household. Six boys! Lord have mercy!

He made his money from his poetry…

About 1293, Dante published a book of prose and poetry called The New Life, followed a few years later by another collection, The Banquet. It wasn’t until his banishment that he began work on his Divine Comedy.

In the poem’s first book, the poet takes a tour through Hell with the poet Virgil as a guide.

Virgil also guides the poet through Purgatory in the second book. The poet’s guide in Paradise, however, is named Beatrice.

The work was written and published in sections between 1308 and 1321. Although Dante called the work simply Comedy, the work became enormously popular, and a deluxe version published in 1555 in Venice bore the title The Divine Comedy.

Dante died of malaria in Ravenna in 1321.

Dante in Exile
Dante in Exile

The Painter’s Honeymoon

Another beautiful painting. I particularly love the tender embrace with the hands, and the way the two lovers cheeks press together. From a fellow painters point of view, I am really impressed with the details on the dress and the clothing folds. Just look at it all. Impressive!

The Painter's Honeymoon
The Painter’s Honeymoon

Mother and Child

Another stunning painting.

Take a look at the vase of flowers. What detail and what perfect shading. Look at the tapestry of a crane behind the mother, and the details on her hands. The folds in both of the dress are exquisite. This is a marvelous work. It is stunning and just wonderful.

Mother and Child

Hercules Wrestling with Death for the Body of Alcestis

Greek history can be very interesting, as long as you can adjust to the names, and the cultural differences. Here is a great write up about the story of Alcestis and our Hero Hercules…

The following is from the ancient network...

For the ancient Greeks, the quality of arete (personal excellence) and the concept of eusebia (social duty) were most important.

Aristotle discusses both of these at length in his Nichomachean Ethics and relates arete to eudaimonia – translated as “happiness” but actually meaning “to be possessed of a good spirit”.

To have arete, Aristotle claims, one must associate oneself with those striving for the same goal.

I really can agree with that. Can't you?

If one wanted to become an excellent musician, one should associate oneself with excellent musicians and the same if one wished to be a star athlete or carpenter or doctor.

The Greek concept of eusebia is often translated into English as “piety” (as, for example, in Plato’s dialogue of the Euthyphro), but the concept is actually much closer to “duty”, particularly social duty.

Eusebia dictated how one interacted with one’s husband, wife, parents, servants, and those of higher and lower classes. Eusebia also touched on how one understood the gods (though not on how one interacted with the gods, which would be the concept of housia, much closer to “piety”).

Detail 1.

The gods, and especially the all-powerful Fates, controlled and directed the lives of human beings and one needed to accept that fact and live one’s life accordingly. If one suffered some tragic loss or financial set-back,  it was the will of the gods, or the Fates whom not even the gods could sway, and by accepting this as the order of the universe, one could better accept such loss.

The stories the Greeks told – which today are referred to as their myths – played a part in understanding arete and eusebia in that they illustrated for the listeners these virtues of Greek civilization.

In hearing how heroes and kings and even gods behaved, one was provided with a model for one’s own behavior. Among the many myths the Greeks told, one that exemplifies the virtues of personal excellence and social duty is the story of Hercules and the Queen Alcestis. There are two versions of the myth, one in which Hercules plays no part at all, but thanks to the playwright Euripides (480-406 BCE), and his play Alcestis, the version featuring Hercules is the better known.

The Story of Alcestis & Admetus

Both versions begin the same way and emphasize the importance of loyalty, love, and kindness in informing one’s social duty.

Once upon a time, as the story goes, there lived a gentle king named Admetus who ruled over a small kingdom in Thessaly. He knew each of his subjects by name and so, one night when a stranger appeared at his door begging for food, he knew the man must be from a foreign land but welcomed him into his home anyway.

He fed and clothed the stranger and asked him his name but the man would give no answer other than to ask Admetus if he could be the king’s slave. Admetus had no need for another slave but, recognizing the man was in distress, took him on as shepherd for his flocks.

Apollo thanked Admetus for his kindness and offered him any gift he desired.

The stranger stayed with Admetus for a year and a day and then revealed himself as the god Apollo. He had been sent to earth by Zeus as punishment and could not return to the realm of the gods until he had served a mortal as a slave for a year.

Apollo thanked Admetus for his kindness and offered him any gift he desired; but Admetus said he had all he needed and required nothing for what he had done. Apollo told him he would return to help him whenever he needed anything in the future and then vanished.


Not long after this, Admetus fell in love with the princess Alcestis of the neighboring city of Iolcus. Alcestis was kind and beautiful and had many suitors but only wanted to marry Admetus.

Her father Pelias, however, refused Admetus’ request for her hand and stipulated that the only way he would give his daughter to him would be if he rode into the city in a chariot pulled by a lion and a wild boar. Admetus was despondent over this situation until he remembered the promise of Apollo.

He called on the god who appeared, wrestled a lion and a boar into submission, and yoked them to a golden chariot. Admetus then drove the chariot to Iolcus and Pelias had no choice but to give him Alcestis in marriage.  

Apollo was among the wedding guests and gave Admetus an unusual gift: a kind of immortality. Apollo told them how he made a deal with the Fates who governed all so that, if ever Admetus became sick to the point of death, he might be well again if someone else would volunteer to die in his place.

The couple lived happily together for many years and their court was famous for their lavish parties but then, one day, Admetus fell ill and the doctors said he would not recover. The people of his court remembered the gift of Apollo and each felt that someone should give their life to save so kind and good a king; but no one wanted to do so themselves. Admetus’ parents were old and so it was thought that one of them would volunteer but, even though they had only a short time left on the earth, they refused to surrender it. None of the court, nor any of Admetus’ family, nor any of his subjects would take the king’s place on his death bed – but Alcestis did.

At this point the two stories diverge.

In the older version, Admetus wakes on his bed feeling better and runs to tell Alcestis he is cured – only to find it was she who took his place. He then sits by her body in mourning and refuses to eat or drink for days.  As this is going on, Alcestis’ spirit is led down into the underworld by Thanatos (death) and presented to Queen Persephone.

Persephone asks who this soul is who has come willingly to her realm and Thanatos explains to her the situation. Persephone is so moved by the story of Alcestis’ love and devotion to her husband that she orders Thanatos to return the queen to life. Alcestis and Admetus then live happily ever after.

Hercules & Alcestis

In the version popularized by Euripides in his play Alcestis (written c. 438 BCE), however, Hercules plays the pivotal role in bringing Alcestis back from the dead.

In this version, as in the first, no one will take Admetus’ place in death except for Alcestis.

Admetus is informed of this, accepts her sacrifice, and begins to recover as his queen grows weaker. The entire city falls into mourning for Alcestis as she hovers on the brink between life and death.

Admetus stays by her bedside and she requests that, in return for her sacrifice, he should never marry again and so keep her memory alive. Admetus agrees to this and also swears he will never throw another of their parties again nor allow any merrymaking in the palace once she has gone; after these promises are made, Alcestis dies.

Hercules was an old friend of the couple and he arrives at the court knowing nothing of Alcestis’ death.

Admetus, not wishing to spoil his friend’s arrival, instructs the servants to say nothing about what has transpired and to treat Hercules to the kind of party the court was known for. The servants, however, are still upset over the loss of the queen and Hercules notices that they are not serving him and his entourage properly.

After a number of drinks, he begins to insult them and ask for the king and queen to come remedy this poor performance on the servant’s part, when one of the maidservants breaks down and tells him what has recently happened.

Hercules is mortified by his behavior and so travels to the underworld where Thanatos is leading Alcestis’ spirit toward Persephone’s realm. He wrestles death and frees the queen, bringing her back up into the light of day.

Hercules then leads her to where Admetus is just returning from her funeral. He tells the king that he must depart on other business and asks him to take care of this lady while he is gone.

Admetus refuses because he promised Alcestis that he would never marry again, and it would be unseemly for this woman to reside at the court so soon after his wife’s death.

Hercules insists, however, and places Alcestis’ hand in Admetus’. Admetus lifts the woman’s veil and finds it is Alcestis returned from the dead. Hercules tells him that she will not be able to speak for three days, and will remain pale and shadow-like, until she is purified, after which time she will become as she always was.

Euripides’ play ends there while other versions of the myth continue the story further and conclude with everything then happening as Hercules has said, and Alcestis and Admetus living a long and happy life together until Thanatos returns and takes them both away together.

Personal Excellence & Social Duty in the Tales

The characters of Admetus, Alcestis, and Hercules, all at some point in the story exemplify – or fail to meet – the values of personal excellence and social duty.

Admetus exemplifies the value of hospitality (which would be considered part of social duty) in taking in the stranger at the beginning of the story and would fall short of that value when he allows festivities in his home directly after his wife’s death.

These two incidents are directly related to each other, however, in that, when Hercules arrives at his home, Admetus is under a social obligation to entertain his friend according to the custom he is used to.

Even though Hercules would have certainly understood the house being in mourning after Alcestis’ death and is embarrassed when he finds out he has been drinking and carrying on in the palace so soon after a death, Admetus values social obligation to such a degree that he fails to keep his promise to his wife – and so fails in arete and, because he neglected the promise he had made to Alcestis, eusebia as well.

Alcestis epitomizes the loyal, loving wife who is so devoted to her husband that she would literally die for him.

In this, she exemplifies both arete and eusebia.

A modern-day reader may feel uncomfortable with the version of the story in which Admetus accepts his wife’s sacrifice, but this would have been completely understandable to an ancient Greek audience.

The husband, especially the husband who was a king, was responsible for the well-being of more people than the wife or queen.

Alcestis’ virtue in taking Admetus’ place is admirable in that she not only sacrifices herself for the man she loves but also for the people who depended upon Admetus for their continued well-being.

Her personal excellence is illustrated in her willingness to die for the good of others and the value of eusebia through her understanding of the social order and how she could do her best to maintain it. In all ways, Alcestis stands as a model for proper behavior.

Hercules exemplifies the values of arete and eusebia and provides the story with its heroic climax.

In his drunken behavior in the house of mourning, he fails in both, of course, and yet he cannot be blamed for this in that he was not told of Alcestis’ death.

The more important – and interesting – breach in social conduct is his wrestling Thanatos for Alcestis’ soul.

The Fates were all powerful to the ancient Greeks, and Apollo had made a deal with them for Admetus’ continued life.

The Fates had kept their part of the deal and restored Admetus to life, once someone else agreed to take his place. By wrestling Alcestis’ soul away from death, Hercules was breaking the deal.

If one made a deal with the supernatural powers, one was expected to honor that deal. This can be most clearly seen in the story of Orpheus and Eurydice, where Orpheus makes the deal with Hades that he will not look back on his way up from the underworld but then breaks that deal, and so loses Eurydice.


Unlike that story, at no point in any version of the Alcestis story is Hercules portrayed in any way but admirably for rescuing the queen from death. Further, by placing himself in danger by physically wrestling death, Hercules embodies the personal excellence of courage and heroism and, by doing so, he restores order to the kingdom by bringing the queen back to her king and rewarding the selflessness of Alcestis.

The story operates on many levels, of course, which is why it has resonated so strongly with audiences for over 2,000 years but, on the simplest level, it would have transmitted the values of the society to those who heard it sung or recited or watched it performed.

How one balances one’s personal excellence with one’s place in society and, further, in the universe, would have been illustrated through Hercules and his confrontation with Thanatos.  

In defeating death, Hercules is shown as the ultimate hero who defies even the will of the Fates in order to do what he feels is right.

In the version of the story where Persephone sends Alcestis back to life, it is eusebia which is emphasized through Alcestis’ selfless gesture while, in the Hercules’ version, it is arete through Hercules’ decision to fight with death, and yet both versions highlight the importance of both of these values to ancient Greek society.

The popularity of the Hercules’ version indicates that, while the ancient audience would have understood the value of social duty and conduct, they also valued personal achievement and, of course, heroism, which is the embodiment of personal excellence.

Scholars have long been divided on the Alcestis play by Euripides regarding why he wrote it and even what he was trying to say in it but, perhaps, it was as simple as promoting the concept that one should do what one feels one must to right a wrong no matter what societal rules may stand in the way and, in doing so, one can actually restore order instead of upsetting balance.

Cymon and Iphigenia

Iphigenia was the daughter of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra in Greek mythology.

While the Greek army was preparing to set sail for Troy during the Trojan War, Agamemnon caused the anger of the goddess Artemis, because he killed a sacred deer. So, she decided to stop all winds, and the ships would not be able to sail. The seer Calchas realised what the problem was, and informed Agamemnon that to appease the goddess, Agamemnon had to sacrifice Iphigenia to her. 

Reluctant at first, Agamemnon was forced to agree in the end. He lied to his daughter and his wife by saying that Iphigenia was to marry Achillles before they left. The mother and daughter happily went to the port of Aulis, only to find out the horrible truth.

 Achilles, unaware that his name was used in a lie, tried to prevent the sacrifice, but Iphigenia utterly decided to sacrifice herself in honour and of her own volition. The most popular version of what happened afterwards is that on the moment of the sacrifice, the goddess Artemis substituted Iphigenia for a deer, but Calchas who was the only witness remained silent. Iphigenia was then brought by Artemis to the city of Tauris where she became the goddess' priestess.

Years later, after Orestes, Iphigenia's brother, had killed his mother and her lover Aegisthus, he was hunted by the Erinyes for committing matricide. He was then advised to go to Tauris, take the carved wooden image of Artemis and bring it back to Athens. 

In Tauris, where he went with his friend Pylades, he was taken captive by the locals, and the two men were brought before Iphigenia. Although initially the two siblings did not recognise each other, they finally realised the truth and managed to escape the city. They then returned to Greece, where Iphigenia continued to serve Artemis as a priestess in her temple.

-Greek Mythology

According to a story published in 1897, Leighton spent six months searching throughout Europe for a model to match his imagined ideal of Iphigenia for his intended portrayal of Cymon and Iphigenia.

He saw a young actress, Dorothy Dene, in a theater in London and his search was over. Possessing a classical Greek style beauty, Dene had golden wavy hair with excellent skin texture and coloration on her face; she was taller than average with graceful arms and legs together with an “exquisitely molded bust”.

She appeared in several other of Leighton’s works, including Greek Girls Playing Ball and Summer Moon.

Lena, one of Dene’s younger sisters, appears in the painting as the child slave.

Other paintings by Leighton featuring Dene are: The Bath of Psyche, Clytie, Perseus and Andromeda, Solitude, The Return of Persephone and The Vestal.

The painting took eight months to complete; a succession of line drawings were done first as Leighton tried to capture the position he wanted for the central figure, around 56 – including several of foliage and other elements of the piece – of these are known to exist.

The English art critic Peter Nahum describes the painting as “central among Leighton’s later works”, an opinion Mrs Russell Barrington considered was shared by Leighton.

Leighton’s painting Idyll dating from a few years earlier has some similar elements but lacks the complexities of Cymon and Iphigenia. The two compositions each highlight the difference between the fair complexion of a female with a dark skinned male; both feature a full-length woman reclining beneath a tree and similar lighting techniques are used.

Cimabue’s Celebrated Madonna

Lord Frederick Leighton would paint these amazing enormous paintings. In it would be crammed such detail that you could spend hours admiring every little morsel. Such as in this work.

This painting celebrates the Madonna painted by Cimabue. It is known as the “Madonna in Majesty.”

The picture originally stood on the high altar of Santa Trinità church in Florence. The iconography is frequent in medieval painting and represents the Madonna enthroned with Child and angels, a pattern commonly said Maestà as shows the Virgin as Queen of Paradise. In the lower part are four biblical figures, symbolizing foundations of Christ's kingdom: the prophets Jeremiah and Isaiah under lateral arches, Abraham and King David under the chair of the throne.

This Madonna, which is similar in structure to the same artist's Madonna at the Louvre and Duccio's Ruccelai Madonna, still shows the influence of the Byzantine tradition. There is, however, an unprecedented tension in the profiles and in the attempt to create spatial depth, which is rendered by superimposing the figures and in the concave structure at the base of the throne behind the figures of the prophets. The architectural structure of the throne becomes a sort of robust spatial scheme which creates a three-dimensional effect, while the edges of the painting seem to compress and hold in the bodies. There is an intense vitality in the figures and the same dramatic force that characterizes all Cimabue's work.

-Web Gallery of Art

Here, we have Lord Frederick Leighton painting a celebration of that painting in public display for all to admire. The emotions on the people’s face and the scenes depicted are both fascinating and curious at the same time.

Cimabue's Celebrated Madonna
Cimabue’s Celebrated Madonna


This is a lovely painting. I truly enjoy the art and the skill that went into painting it.


Others, not so enthralled, have used this image to profit from it, or to make some kind of contemporaneous statement. As an example, here is a work by Alexey Kondakov titled “Kyiv, bus station at “Nauki Ave.” , 2015″.

Nice and progressive…

Kyiv, bus station at “Nauki Ave.” , 2015
Kyiv, bus station at “Nauki Ave.” , 2015

The Spirit of the Summit

One of the things about art by “masters” is that they are able to convey emotions within certain specific scenarios. If you have had a very private event, one that evoked the same kind of emotions, then the art would resonate with your.

I love the woman’s hand, and the upturned face, and the details of the folds on the dress. But that is just me. This painting speaks to me…


Another fine painting.


A Condottiere

Condottiere, leader of a band of mercenaries engaged to fight in numerous wars among the Italian states from the mid-14th to the 16th century. The name was derived from the condotta, or “contract,” by which the condottieri put themselves in the service of a city or of a lord.

-Condottiere | Italian history | Britannica

I cannot help but think that this painting was part of an inspiration for a movie made in 1972…

He reminds me of Aguirre, the Wrath of God (1972).

Aguirre, The Wrath Of God (Werner Herzog, 1972) Full time force of nature and part time filmmaker Werner Herzog has a career filled with eerily atmospheric masterpieces of almost every style, genre, and form.

Yet, if ever we find ourselves in some sort of movie apocalypse and only one Herzog movie can be saved, that title must be Aguirre, The Wrath Of God.

Herzog’s career was up and running by the time he descended into the jungle to make this his first genuine masterpiece and when he emerged on a raft surrounded by monkeys he was a legend.

It’s an encapsulation of everything that the filmmaker does well (including a collection of insane and possibly fictionalized behind the scenes stories) and also boasts quite possibly the finest performance Klaus Kinski’s career.

Aguirre is a brutal, thoughtful, poetic, and terrifying work of art that never possibly could have existed unless Herzog decided to point a camera at his twisted imagination. The director might have equaled the remarkable achievement of Aguirre several times in his career, but he never topped it.

Aguirre is a brutal, thoughtful, poetic, and terrifying work of art .
Aguirre is a brutal, thoughtful, poetic, and terrifying work of art.

The story is deceptively simple.

It follows Kinski’s Spanish conquistador Aguirre who recently triumphed with his army in battle and has now been ordered to trek through the jungle in search of the mythical city of El Dorado and the untold riches therein.

The journey is treacherous from the start, with an unforgiving jungle offering little more than immense physical and philosophical difficulties challenging the journey.

Eventually a death toll mounts and Aguirre’s mind becomes as lost as his quest.

Forever caught between stoic silence and volcanic explosion, Kinski is a wild and unpredictable beast at the center of Werzog very deliberately paced and hypnotic film.
Forever caught between stoic silence and volcanic explosion, Kinski is a wild and unpredictable beast at the center of Werzog very deliberately paced and hypnotic film.

That’s pretty much it and yet the film is as complex thematically as it is simplistic in narrative.

Herzog was clearly influenced by Joseph Conrad’s Heart Of Darkness and Aguirre would quickly inspire Francis Ford Coppola to make Apocalypse Now. It’s hard to say which work explores those shared themes better, but given that one of the major concepts of all three is an exploration of the cold brutality of nature, you can assume that Herzog nailed that one.

After all, give Herzog 30 seconds and a microphone and he’ll be sure to let you know how horrendous nature can be. 

Aguirre’s mind becomes as lost as his quest.
Aguirre’s mind becomes as lost as his quest.

Like Fitzcarraldo, the most immediately striking aspect of Aguirre, The Wrath Of God is the physical brutality of the production.

From the astounding opening shots of an army wiggling down the edge of a mountain, it’s clear that this production was as dangerous as the journey it staged. Filth, grit, pain, and exhaustion radiates from the screen and at times it blurs the lines between fiction and documentary.

The second most striking aspect is Klaus Kinski’s devastating performance.

Forever caught between stoic silence and volcanic explosion, Kinski is a wild and unpredictable beast at the center of Werzog very deliberately paced and hypnotic film. He’s a constant element of danger and a physical embodiment of insanity that’s impossible to take your eyes off of (which was important given that mood and spectacle easily could have dominated the picture).

Beyond the surface dangers and central performance, the movie is filled with layers of meaning and moments of visual poetry that Herzog never fully explains.

It’s a mystery of a movie to be experienced and interpreted in many different ways. At times it’s terrifyingly real, at other times is archly stylized. Some scenes are quietly contemplative, others viscerally thrilling.

The project was a bold announcement of a new filmmaking voice from Werner Herzog and has lost none of its power in the decades that followed. Love or loath it, Aguirre: Wrath Of God is one of those movies that everyone needs to see to even consider themselves a cinephile.

The rich colors of the jungle and filthy details of the period costumes pop off the screen like never before. The production might have been rough and tumble, but the beauty of Herzog’s images here have rarely been equaled.

Beyond the surface dangers and central performance, the movie is filled with layers of meaning and moments of visual poetry that Herzog never fully explains.
Beyond the surface dangers and central performance, the movie is filled with layers of meaning and moments of visual poetry that Herzog never fully explains.

The Hit

Most people have never heard of this man, and he is rarely mentioned in art schools. And that, is a shame. For all that most people can read about him is found in obscure Wikipedia listings.

Frederic Leighton, 1st Baron Leighton, (3 December 1830 – 25 January 1896), known as Sir Frederic Leighton between 1878 and 1896, was a British painter, draughtsman and sculptor. His works depicted historical, biblical, and classical subject matter in an academic style. His paintings were enormously popular, and expensive, during his lifetime, but fell out of critical favour for many decades in the early 20th century.

Leighton was the bearer of the shortest-lived peerage in history; after only one day his hereditary peerage became extinct upon his death.

-Frederic, Lord Leighton 1830–1896 | Tate
The Hit.

Modern Art

Most lovers of “modern art”, raise their noses to this kind of art. They say that it is old, tired, and out of date. That instead, one needs to be “progressive” and “enlightened” to see and appreciate the art with no form.

Something like this…

Onement Vi By Barnett Newman
Onement Vi By Barnett Newman


Untitled (yellow and blue) by Mark Rothko sold for $46.5 million dollars.

And apparently this Mark Rothko is considered to be an acclaimed genus in the modern, progressive art world. Here’s another one of his “breathtaking” and “astounding” works of art.

Orange, red and Yellow by Mark Rothko sold for $86.9 million dollars.

Modern art is no longer about art for the sake of beauty and appreciation.

Modern art is just a convenient way to launder money, as it is difficult to put a price tag on art. Thus in the modern art world, money is the king, and emotions, passion and beauty have no place in the modern art world.

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Pet love and shadowing during MWI world-line cross-overs. They can actually follow your consciousness during your travels, and meet you after death.

Wow! How’s that for a title?

OK. Here is yet another thing that you will not find elsewhere on the internet.

This post deals with the quantum attachments of one species consciousness (human) with another species consciousness (dog, cat, horse, etc.) during the MWI world-line switches. Which we tend to refer to as “time”.

  • The universe is composed of quanta.
  • Quanta can form “clumps”.
  • Over time, these “clumps” can obtain intelligence.
  • We refer to collections of “clumps” as species.

While I have repeatedly stated that “time” is how our consciousness experiences a sequences of world-lines, I have pretty much let it be understood that everyone else isn’t actually sharing those world-lines with us. Instead, they are “what it” versions of other people. Whom I refer to as “quantum shadows”.

Well, now I am going to lay down some really astounding information to you all.

When it comes to pets, and loved ones (really close pets, and really close loved ones), their consciousness does ACTUALLY share many of the same world lines that you would. (Not all of them. Not every one of them. But enough to consider a pair or trio of consciousnesses following and surfing the MWI together.)

You are not truly alone.

Here we are going to talk about this. But, first we need to really hash out a review of terms and concepts. Just a refresher for all you metallic men and women out there…

Review – The MWI

What everyone seems to think “Heaven” is this big old guy in a long white beard on a throne sitting and telling people to life in paradise as long as they worship him.

Nah. It’s not like that.

It’s a place, yah. And it is many things. It is more than what our physical reality is. That is for certain.

Heaven is also graduated.  It possesses different regions and areas.  Each region or area have different concentrations of quanta. (Quanta is the building blocks of our reality.)

They form different densities.

Some of which are very dense with one type of quanta, and others are dense with other combinations of quanta.  It is a complex “soup” or “stew” of quanta that pop in and out and move about all under the influence of other “influences” (I will discuss these later.).

Consider "Heaven" to be everything. It includes the physical universe and the unseen "Heavens" often referred to in religious writings. It is a place where everything is composed of the smallest building blocks or components possible - quanta.

Within this realm, are clumps and arrangements of quanta. The quanta naturally starts to entangle with other quanta. They form arrangements, and dance about in certain ways. Over time, they get larger and more complex. They form things. They precipitate into simpler, slower and coarser things such as physical rocks, dust and energy.

Big bang
On many websites, and books, the concentration of the “Big Bang” theory always revolves around the formation of the physical universe. It rarely discusses the formation of the unseen universe, and the components of branes, strings, and quanta.
Eventually, some of the quanta form into constructions that obtain sentience. The groups of quanta with sentience are called "souls".

The souls realize that the way that they can grow and advance is to organize their quanta. There is only one problem. Quanta can only organize through entanglements. They need to entangle with other quanta.

The way entanglements work is through association, or better yet, experiences.

Our Bubble of Reality

So, in order to obtain these experience, the soul creates a bubble within Heaven.

It is an environment where the soul can obtain experiences. These “bubbles” are regions that can best be defined as a construction. They are constructed regions manufactured by a given soul to obtain experiences within. These regions are unique and custom for a given consciousness.

Soul creates a bubble
A soul exists within “Heaven”. It creates a “bubble” and places a physical body within this bubble. This body experiences the bubble as “reality”. That is what our reality actually is. In the picture above, we see a particular soul, soul A creates an construct. This is a bubble of reality. That reality consists of a physical person surrounded by a physical and a non-physical reality that is determined by the senses of the physical person so constructed.

A soul would connect to this bubble of reality via a “tube” or an interface. We call that interface as “consciousness”. Souls can have multiple consciousnesses but only one consciousness may occupy a given reality at a time.

A bubble of reality consists of four set “dimensions”. Three spacial dimensions and one of entropy; time.

The "passage of time" is simply our reality bubble changing by our thoughts. Additionally, other nearby bubbles also move about and change. They can influence our bubble as well.

The control over this bubble of reality is quite possible. That is because our reality changes with our thoughts. Each thought changes it.

Thoughts of the consciousness within the reality can alter the reality. Thoughts can make or break the experiences of the consciousness.  As such the soul can learn from the consciousness and it’s decision making process. This is of course, through manipulation of the three dimensions plus the “dimension” of time.

Consciousness experience events within the reality.  As such they generate thoughts.  The thoughts alter and create the reality that the consciousness exists within. As such, the consciousness obtains experiences and learns from them.

Heaven - Basic Diagram
A really basic diagram of the general organization of “Human” Heaven. Each individual soul constructs a “reality”. It them provides a conduit to the biological presence within that reality. This conduit is known as “consciousness”. Note that no two consciousnesses share the same reality. However, there can be influences in the non-physical reality aspects.

“Seen” dimensions typically are referred to as the physical world.  While “unseen” dimensions are referred to as various levels or dimensions of Heaven.

But, what exactly is heaven?

Please refer to the image above. How “heaven” is organized. (above). This diagram if a simplistic version of what a human “heaven” looks like.  Let’s suppose you (the reader) is sitting down in your house reading this manuscript. That figure is the icon of the blue person shown by (B). You exist within this “bubble” or reality also shown by (R1).  This “reality” includes the chair you sit in, the television show that you are watching, and the coffee beside you.

Illustration 1

Extending beyond your (physical) reality is your “extended” (non-physical) reality (R2) which consists of your thoughts, memories and everything associated with it (also  known as the “quantum cloud”).

Your thoughts regarding what you are now reading are moving about in this (R2) reality. This area contains not only thought, but emotion and other generated “influences” (far too complex to discuss at this time).

illustration 2

However, you have a soul (A) that is part of who you are.  This soul only partially occupies your reality. In fact, it spends the vast bulk of it’s time outside of your “reality”.  You know it exists, but you are unaware of it’s “day to day” experiences, challenges and behaviors.

Your soul can create numerous “realities” with numerous “individuals” (of which YOU are but one of the people that your soul creates)  occupying those realities.  This can occur at different times and at different locations. However, for now, let’s keep it simple and suppose your soul has created only one “realty” (R1) and (R2) for one person (B), you the reader.

illustration 3

Now, let’s suppose that you are married to another person that is part of your life.  (A pretty common situation.)

That person would be represented by (C) which is but a “quantum shadow” of another person. It is not the ACTUAL person.  It only seems that way. (Though in your reality, that person is just as real as anything else in your reality.)

illustration 4

What you see is their world-line version of where they married you and share your reality.  It is not an actual reality (from their point of view, but rather the world-line version of them). (Your quantum-shadow spouse is but one version of a near infinite number of world-line variations of that particular person.)

That person (D) is actually living within their own “reality “just like you are.  They may or may not see a quantum shadow of you. It is all determined by their version of reality.  This of course is determined by their soul (E).

illustration 5

What is of most interest here is how their thoughts affect your reality (R1 & R2).  While we all have our own “bubble” or reality that we live and exist within, our reality is constantly in flux by the thoughts of others (G). We view these effects as the “passage of time”.

Heaven - Basic Diagram
A really basic diagram of the general organization of “Human” Heaven. Each individual soul constructs a “reality”. It them provides a conduit to the biological presence within that reality. This conduit is known as “consciousness”. Note that no two consciousnesses share the same reality. However, there can be influences in the non-physical reality aspects.

The influence of the quantum-shadow of those nearest to us absolutely shape and mold the realities that we participate in.  We can alter their influence by having “strong personalities”, or trying to isolate ourselves from others.  However, the more we do so, the less likely we are to learn lessons and have experiences.  It is the overlap of thought influences that create the experiences that we learn from.

Both your (A) soul and your spouse’s soul (E) exist within a heaven (F).

Your soul’s can work out different “realities” or “adventures” for both of you to share to obtain experiences.

Life Together.
A given consciousness with interact with the quantum shadows of other consciousnesses. Together they share experiences. The experiences can be good or bad, but they ultimately help align quanta so that a soul can grow and learn. Thus, it is very important that a given consciousness get the BEST experiences while it is part of a given reality.

The idea, of course, is to obtain experiences and configure the quantum clouds associated with the constructed realities that the soul utilizes.  As soul grows and configures itself, it can “improve” and evolve.  Hopefully towards an approved soul archetype and sentience.

In the movie “What dreams may come” a Hollywood version of what Heaven might look like is provided. It’s a nice image. However, Heaven can be anything or nothing depending on the thoughts of the soul. Our sentience creates the type of Heavenly realm that our soul inhabits. Which is WHY it is important for humans to have a single defined sentience; one that does not disrupt the sentience’s of other species. In other words, an approved sentience and physical archetype.

As it improves and grows, the vast bulk of it’s quantum configuration dwells at different energy states.  Each different energy state has a different place in heaven (F).  Two are indicated by (J) and (I).

To prevent confusion, I would suggest that the reader consider “reality” as the first three dimensions, plus “time” as the fourth dimension.

I would then suggest that the fifth dimension, as world-line swapping (alteration of the “reality” “bubble”). This is very easy to visualize by using the above-mentioned model. For to understand what is happening in this case, the “quantum shadows” within your reality are being rearranged.

Fifth dimensional trave;
Fifth-dimensional travel as world-line travel.

In “world-line” travel, all that is taking place is that the “quantum shadows” are being rearranged within one’s “bubble” of “reality”.  This is fifth-dimensional travel. In the example above, Fifth-dimensional travel as world-line travel.

Quantum shadow (C) changes to fit the new revised “realty”.  (It is now a yellow person instead of a red person.) We, as a participant within our reality look upon these changes as “world-line” travel.

From this point of view, it should be clear.  That obtaining world-line dimensional travel is actually accessing our own soul and requesting it to alter our reality to fit our needs, while at the same time keeping the educational lessons that we are to obtain the same or better. This can be accomplished through certain techniques.  In my case, we utilized a biological artifice to bend reality (within the confines of my experience structure).

So, in all actuality, there isn’t really any kind of “travel” at all. What is actually happening is the “reality” construct changes in accordance with the wants and needs of the soul.

If a given person, within a “reality” bubble wants to change his “world-line” he would be able to do so with the proper technology.  However the changed “world-line” that manifests would be one that would either have the same and equal types of experiences for the soul, or that it would be one that would have more or “better” experiences.

There are even more interesting nuanced versions of “world-line” travel at the “higher” dimensional values.  However, for our purposes, let’s keep it simple.  I would then suggest anything above the fifth dimension as the realm of “heaven”. (Whether it is actually in a Heaven Universe, or within our “reality” universe.)

Review – What “time” actually is.

Most people have a really crap-tastic idea of what the MWI or multiple world-line theory is. They just cannot visualize it for the life of themselves. They have no idea what to think, or how it would manifest.

They come up with visualizations such as this…

Contemporaneous visualization of the MWI.
Contemporaneous visualization of the MWI.

One major hurtle…

The problem with all these contemporaneous visualizations is that the artist, philosopher, or scientist does not isolate the concept of consciousness from that of a physical person. It is assumed, and defaulted to one and the same identical thing. When in fact, they are entirely two separate things.

Everyone assumes that all those people around us also possess a consciousness. We assume they are also like us; that they have an active consciousness and an associated soul as well.

We make this assumption based on our interactions with them. 

They appear, to us to be fully actuated and in possession of a soul and consciousness. We argue here that the appearance of something does not equate to the de facto possession of something.

There are differences between [1] a “consciousness”, [2] a “physical body”, and [3] a “person”. For our purposes, a person is someone with an active consciousness. Most people think that all three things are just different names for the same thing. They are not.

The differences between a person, a consciousness and a physical body when discussing the MWI, or multiple world-line theory.
The differences between a person, a consciousness and a physical body when discussing the MWI, or multiple world-line theory.

Most laymen, and many scientists do not understand this simple fact. They assume that everyone is a “person”. That we share our universe with other people who all have internal “consciousnesses”.

We do not.

We are a consciousness. Not a physical body.

Instead we are consciousness, that inhabits a physical body, forming a person. (As in the picture above.) We then occupy a reality.

In this reality, we are surrounded with physical bodies, but none of them possess a consciousness. Instead they appear to have a consciousness simply because of how they interact with us. This interaction of these others is how the soul obtains experiences and thus grows and advances in the quantum sphere.

Within our reality, we are the only one that is in possession of a consciousness. Everyone else is just a shadow version of themselves. In reality they (too) inhabit their own reality elsewhere, where they too are along and surrounded by the quantum shadows of others.
Within our reality, we are the only one that is in possession of a consciousness. Everyone else is just a shadow version of themselves. In reality they (too) inhabit their own reality elsewhere, where they too are alone and surrounded by the quantum shadows of others.

Thus, our universe is comprised with a near infinite number of world-line realities. Many are empty, and some contain a consciousness which is inhabiting a body to obtain experiences with. Our universe, thus looks something a little like this…

THis is how the universe actually is, and exists within the MWI. It is a place where consciousness travels the infinate world-lines alone, and interacts with shadow equivalents of other people, persons and things.
This is how the universe actually is, and exists within the MWI. It is a place where consciousness travels the infinite world-lines alone, and interacts with shadow equivalents of other people, persons and things.

Why this is important.

If you want to know the “secrets of the universe” then you will need to forget everything you learned in school and college. For all of it is based on assumptions that are rock-hard, firm, fixed and imputable.

Most of it is really, really incorrect. For our “reality” is not what everyone thinks.

  • We do not “share” our universe with others.
  • We live alone in our universe.
  • Everyone else are “shadow copies” of their true forms.
  • These “shadow copies” are other people acting and living as if they were to share our universe. They are what could possibly exist and manifest. Not that they actually do manifest.

Shadow copies

For simplicity purposes, we simplify things to understand them. And in the case of these “quantum shadows” or “shadow people”, we say that they are empty and devoid of a consciousness.

But that is not really true.

Every shadow person, on every possible world-line has a teeny-tiny part of the quanta associated with another consciousness. It’s really sparse, and really small, but it does exist there. We just simplify things and say that a person; a consciousness, occupies a world-line alone.

It’s a simplification. And here we can see how the simplification helps us to understand things…

What it looks like is NOT the way it is.

We all think that there is just one universe, and one Earth, and it is populated by all of us together. That we share the earth with each other and that we are all equal and are in the same time-line.

All these assumptions are wrong.

We believe that we share our universe with others.
We believe that we share our universe with others. No. Instead we share this universe with “versions” of other people. These versions are constructs that interacts with our consciousness while we exist within our reality world-line.

We do not share our universe with others.


Not. Even. Close.

Instead, we occupy a universe alone. We do not share it with anyone. Oh, yes, it does appear that we share it, but we really do not.

All those other people that we interact with are not really what they appear. They are a version of that other person. This is the version of that person were they to actually share the reality with us.

We seem to be surrounded by others.
All those other people that we interact with are not really what they appear. They are a version of that other person. This is the version of that person were they to actually share the reality with

They are but quantum shadows of the possibility of interaction.

In Plato’s classic Allegory of the Cave,  a group of people living in a cave have a very false view of the world  because the only thing they can see is the shadows on a wall. Plato was  trying to teach his students that the philosopher must see beyond the  shadows to the reality that is projecting them, but what exactly is that  reality.

The reality that Plato wanted his students to see is not  the physical form of the object casting the shadow, those physical  objects are just another level of shadows! The world of matter is the  shadow world, the world of illusion, the world of deception. It is not  at all what it appears to be because our physical eyes, and other  physical senses, can sense only the shadows called matter so we are  deceived into believing that it is real. That is not to say that matter  is not real. Matter is real just as the shadow of a tree is real, but  the shadow is not the tree and matter is not true reality. 

-Cosolargy International

To understand this please note.

We are not a physical body. We are soul.

Now, do not be offended.

This does not at all mean that there is no love, that there isn’t a thing called togetherness. That there isn’t all the physical, emotional and spiritual relationships that we have with others. Do not be silly. Of course they exist.

What changes is the understanding of what a physical body is.

Conventiona thought of what a person is.

Instead of one (and only one) physical body that your consciousness inhabits, there is an infinite number of physical bodies. Each one within a unique and separate world-line.

You, as consciousness, moves in and out of all these other bodies of yours through thought.

This is what a person really is. We are multi-dimensional beings with a singular consciousness. We (as consciousness) move in and out of the MWI world-lines entering similiar physical bodies associated with our consciousness.
This is what a person really is. We are multi-dimensional beings with a singular consciousness. We (as consciousness) move in and out of the MWI world-lines entering similar physical bodies associated with our consciousness.

This is also true for the entire rest of the universe. Everyone else also possesses bodies such as this. Your dog has this kind of body. Your cat has this kind of body. In fact, the felines are actually quite cognizant of this ability.

We are NOT a physical body. We are soul that manifests a consciousness within our reality.

Knowing and realizing this, makes some of the passages in the religious books far more reasonable, and easier to understand. It doesn’t matter if it is the Koran, or the Bible. Understanding the way the universe works, and truly works, adds a far greater understanding to the wisdom that resides inside of these great works.

The soul creates a “consciousness” that it places in a “container”. This container is a “world-line”. Our “universe” is a near infinite number of world-lines.

We are soul.

We are placed here for our consciousness to obtain experiences.

We navigate in and out of the world-lines though our thoughts. Our rate of travel (in general) is (for most humans) about 4 Hz. Or, four cycles per second. (Four world-lines each second.)

There are different rates of travel, and different species travel the MWI at different speeds. In general, the rate of travel is proportional to the operational speed of the brain. This of course varies.

If you dull your brain to such a degree that your brain is slower, then you will not travel the MWI as fast as others would. And you might find your life slowly "falling behind" that of others.


  • We are consciousness. We “rent” a physical body for a fleeting moment of time.
  • Our reality is NOT shared. Instead our consciousness occupies a singular world-line. It is a momentary event.
  • We (our consciousness) migrate between momentary world-lines through our thoughts.
  • This movement is known as “the arrow of time”.

The best way that I can introduce the reader to this “radical” understanding of how our universe actually works, is to use the “movie projector theory”.

Movie Projector theory for the MWI.

What time actually is and how we naturally move through the various world-lines.
This is an illustration of what time actually is. Time does not exist. It is a perception that our consciousness has as it moves and weaves in and out of different world-lines. Here we use an old-fashioned movie reel projector to help illustrate this understanding.

Thus, the idea of the actual way things work is really, really, REALLY different than what everyone assumes or believes. The difference is so stark, that many researchers are handicapped in their understanding of reality. Ah, but it need not be that way.

Come on! You can well understand the movie projector analogy, can’t you?

If you can, well good for you! Award yourself a gold star.

The Movie Projector Theory in more detail…

The problem with that analogy (and it is a really good analogy), that that it does not take into account the individual frame selection in the film role. For in actual contemporaneous movies, it is the movie producer that selects the individual frames, and the person just sits back and watches the movie.

In reality, it is more like an entire bank of projectors, and we (as soul) selects the movie that interests us.

In this model, we have numerous movie projectors, all running simultaneously (at the same entropy)… Ah! At the same time.

We can “jump into” any scene portrayed by any of the movie projectors at will. We just look at the projected images.

Projector line up.
Instead of a producer selecting the frames in a film and arranging the movie, and content, the soul consciousness does this instead. Using the movie projector analogy, it is similar to being in a room with multiple movie projectors all running similar films simultaneously. You, as consciousness, can decide which movie to watch. The further away the movie projector is from the movie that you are currently watching, the more effort is required.

The further away the movie projector is from us, the harder it is to watch that movie. So we must watch closer movies (momentarily) and then “edge our way” closer to the movie projector that we are interested in.

Most people, sadly, do not do this. They allow the movie projectors to operate randomly and they find themselves watching movies that they may not really care for.

How it manifests

So, using this film / movie projector analogy further it is exactly how our consciousness selects the “life experience” that we obtain. Each frame in a given movie reel is a world line. They are all playing about simultaneously, and our consciousness selects the world-lines to occupy by hopping from frame to frame. (World-line to world-line.)

Movie reel frames as consciousness selected world-line selection criteria.
By selecting each frame in a given movie, we can navigate within the movie, or even “jump” to another completely different movie all together. It is all dependent upon our thoughts, or the navigation of our consciousness. Our soul decides the very first frame, and the very first movie reel that we will enter. However, it is our consciousness that decides how to make the best of our life, and how to navigate within the framework that is provided to us by the divine.

Nearby movie projectors are nearly identical to the one that we are viewing at the moment. Their divergence from our “present reality” is often very small.

As we move further and further away to more distant movie projectors the divergence gets larger and larger and larger.

This is why it doesn’t seem like we are moving from one world-line to the next. It seems smooth, seamless and transparent. That is because the deviance in nearby world-line (projectors) is very, very small.

Our thoughts select the world-line…

In reality, the “film spool” (a collection of “frames”) is known as the “life experience” of a given consciousness as it takes on a life.

It is a record of our travels in and out of different world-lines. Where a “world-line” is represented as a frame within the movie reel.

The individual “frames” that are selected, are chosen by the thoughts of the consciousness that inhabits the body. We migrate to things that we think about. We migrate to what we think about.

Not necessarily what we might desire. It is what occupies our thoughts most of the time. (So shut off that stupid manipulative television, why don’t ya!)

For all its popularity, Facebook isn’t without its share of scandals.  In the latest one, details came out of an experiment conducted on  700,000 Facebook users over the period of a single week in 2012. News  feeds were manipulated to contain positive or negative news and content,  then users were monitored to see if the change made them use more  positive or negative words in their status updates. 

And it  worked—people’s status updates showed a change in emotion  that went along with the kind of news that they were exposed to. 

The  term used was “emotional contagion,” and it confirms something pretty  frightening.

According to the study, people don’t even have to be physically  around another person in a bad mood to absorb the negativity into  themselves—negativity can be “caught” just from looking at a computer  screen. 

There doesn’t need to be  a personal, emotional connection for emotional contagion to happen. 

Not  surprisingly, the study has brought up a number of disturbing  questions, and it’s now being investigated by organizations like the  Information Commissioner’s Office in Dublin. Those questioning the  ethics of the study state that it’s nothing less than psychological  manipulation. As if that’s not shady enough, Facebook users were unaware  that they were having their emotions and moods manipulated through  another party controlling just what was popping up in their news feeds. 

-List verse
How consciousness selects thoughts.
I am hungry, but what do I want to eat? It is our thoughts, coupled with our memories and yearnings that help us decide what actions to take. So what to do? Eat a bowl of dog food, or have a nice tasty delicious pizza? Decisions. Decisions. It is our thoughts that determine which world-lines to occupy, and for most people, they just go with the flow and end up with whatever is provided to them.

No two thoughts are the same…

One of the problems that people need to come to grips with is that thoughts are not equal. Thoughts are “weighed”. Each thought is different. And thus each thought has a different degree in influence in world-line selection.

Thoughts and emotions together form a complex stew of "influence" that can absolutely affect your world-line travel adventures.
Thoughts and emotions together form a complex stew of “influence” that can absolutely affect your world-line travel adventures. For instance, consider the scenario of you being hungry and desirous of eating a fine New York style pizza. Now your enjoyment at eating that pizza will depend on your emotions at the time. Obviously you won’t be able to enjoy it if you were angry, now would you? Our emotions, our memories our physical health and other factors all work together to influence our world-line navigation ability.

Thoughts and emotions together form a complex stew of “influence” that can absolutely affect your world-line travel adventures.

These thoughts are comprised of “levels of influence”.

  • Duration of thinking about something.
  • Emotional attachments with the thoughts.
  • Prior memories of similar events.
  • Prior physical experiences.
  • The thoughts of the people (shadow consciousnesses) around you.
  • Cultural variances, needs and desires.
  • Mass thought manipulation (Have you been paying attention to the news lately?)
  • One’s inherent belief system.

Ah, no two thoughts are equal. They have a “weighed” value or influence factor. Further, they are also modified by other thoughts by other “shadow consciousnesses” (Individual proxy consciousnesses that share a given reality.)

Think about it. It has to be this way, or else an obsessed person should be able to have their dreams manifest quite easily. But, the truth is that they don't. That is because of a slew of factors. One of which is the "level of influence" that a thought is given within a given world-line.

One of the most important and significant factors in thought-directed world-line selection is one’s inherent belief system.

Consider the cow.

One mighty big cow.
One mighty big cow.
Let's use the cow analogy. 

For instance, you might be starving, and ready to die of starvation.

A typical American would not have any qualms with butchering a cow and eating steak. A Hindu would not, and would rather die than kill a cow. A vegetarian might be against eating it, but would not have any qualms drinking it's milk.

Our actions are determined, in large part, by our belief systems.

It is our deepest belief systems that have the greatest influences in our thoughts.

The influence of our deepest thoughts.
It is our deepest thoughts and core belief systems that have the greatest influence in thought direction and world-line selection. For no two people are the same.

This is a very important subject, and I will cover it later on. For now, let’s look at things simply. Consider that all thoughts are simple, unique and they can easily select the “frames” or world-lines that the consciousness will migrate to.

The actual “landscape” of the MWI as viewed by the individual consciousness.

Imagine a “road map” of nearby world-lines.

Now, what would it look like? What would it resemble? How would we be able to take into account all the different variables that are constantly shifting and changing all around us?

Obviously, it would have a form of sorts.

It would have (as an illustration) globes representing a given “world-line” (or “frame” in the movie using the analogy above). It would also have lines. The lines would represent a path of migration. Which is the most probable paths for a consciousness to take when moving from one world-line to another.

Movement in and out of the world-lines in the MWI by using the movie projector analogy to describe the way that consciousness moves in and out of different world-lines though thought.
Movement in and out of the world-lines in the MWI by using the movie projector analogy to describe the way that consciousness moves in and out of different world-lines though thought.

Now, this is a pretty good analogy as far as it describes the path that a consciousness would take. However, this analogy ignores the world-lines that are not taken. And in general, there a millions or much larger numbers of world-lines that are constantly ignored.

So a better way of mapping this procedure is to do so in a three dimensional framework.

Moving away from the movie projector analogy and mapping it upon a three-dimensional grip, it might look something a little like this. With the positions of the world-lines geographically positioned relatively to the pathways as a function of the intrinsic value of the particular world-line.

The path that consciousness takes might be just as well placed on a map of sorts. THis map might show nodes and paths where the consciousness might migrate depending on thought manifestation, generation and progression.
The path that consciousness takes might be just as well placed on a map of sorts. This map might show nodes and paths where the consciousness might migrate depending on thought manifestation, generation and progression.

However, it would not look so much like a cluster of grapes, or bubbles on a foamy sea of bath water. No.

It turns out that the highest probability pathway forms a kind of sheet or flat surface when plotted in the three dimensions.

If you end up plotting everything, you can't make out heads or tails of the map. It's just this one big mess. But, if you plot the pathways that have the greatest probability of travel, it simplifies immensely.

Instead of a cluster of grapes, it would look a little like a mesh or a grid. With the points being world-lines, and the lines connecting the points as the shortest distance to that world-line.

Now, if you take a step away from this “map” of “world-lines” and their lines of “high-probability” consciousness transfer it might start looking a little like this. Where you would see a “surface” of “highest probability” pathways, with the relative ease of travel and the strength of character needed to traverse affecting the heights and valleys of the apparent surface.

How the world-lines with consciousness migration paths migh look when a person takes a larger overview. You will see that the map is not a flat surface, but rather undulates. It forms hills, valleys and "mountains". This surface is the "geography" of the world-line transition map. Each posible destination world-line would have a different value of "potential". Which is a potential for the consciousness to move towards it and occupy it.
How the world-lines with consciousness migration paths might look when a person takes a larger overview. You will see that the map is not a flat surface, but rather undulates. It forms hills, valleys and “mountains”. This surface is the “geography” of the world-line transition map. Each possible destination world-line would have a different value of “potential”. Which is a potential for the consciousness to move towards it and occupy it.

The “surface” that this map forms is the HIGHEST PROBABILITY of consciousness movement from one world-line node to another.

  • Going above the surface indicates a strength of will over the combined strength of inertia of a given world-line.
  • Going below the surface indicates a weak strength of will and a consciousness being overwhelmed by the inherent inertia of a given world-line.


  • Moving to the left upon the mapped surface indicates more freedom of movement upon a given world-line reality.
  • Moving to the right upon the mapped surface indicates less freedom of movement upon a given world-line reality.


The topographic map display is a useful tool in understanding the hurtles and trials that one needs to endure to travel forth on the MWI.

The movement on the topographical map of the highest probability paths is accomplished via thought.
The movement on the topographical map of the highest probability paths is accomplished via thought.

However, the rate of travel is fast…

The thing is, however, that the rate of travel through each world-line in the MWI is quite fast. It is around four world-lines per second. (For some people it is much, much higher.) Thus, for any topographic map to be of any use, it will have to have to exist on a much larger scale than what is presented here.

As such, the individual world-lines would appear as tiny pixels, and for the map to be of any use, it should describe a travel duration in terms of weeks rather than seconds. This means that the map would look like a smooth gradient rather than an array of “floating”globes.

MWI geometic map showing an arraw of highest probability world-lines in a seven second cluster of time.
MWI geometric map showing an array of highest probability world-lines in a seven second cluster of time. As the resolution increases the similarity to geologic topographic maps increases. Often these maps resemble landscapes and other recognizable surfaces.

Mapping the surface.

Here, we are going to take a look at the way the landscape actually looks from the point of view of an individual consciousness. It is NOT simple and flat. It is undulating with all sorts of “nearby” world-lines that the thoughts can select and migrate towards.

In general, it might look something along these lines…

The general topography of the MWI.
The general topography of the MWI.

In reality, this topographical map is much more complex and complicated. However, I was able to (functionally) navigate it using a sort of simple 3d understanding, and that understanding is one that I will provide here. Yes, these are my conventions distilled and illustrated as a teaching aide.

Here we look at it is the substantially simplified version that I am accustomed to using.

The purposes of the axes on a MWI graphic.
The meanings and purposes in the three-dimensional topographical portrayal.

Now because this is a very simplified diagrammatic representation, numerous variables are incorporated in the “X’ and “Z” axes. (Not to mention the entropy axis “Y”.) In general, as I understand it, the characteristics of the “X’ and “Y” axes are an algebraic sum of the inverses of the individual contributions to the axes elements.

OK. I know that I lost you. Just think of it as a sum average of all your thoughts.

Internal Influences

Internal influences should be understood as the ultimate result of comparative thought-driven MWI transitions by the given consciousness.

Suppose the mind has a wide selection of thoughts. Everything from anger at a spouse, to frustration at work, and influences in the news, to a loving thoughts related to romance. All these thoughts will work together to generate a (singular) "value" on this axis.

But, it is more than that. It is also the weighed value and the intensity of the thoughts, coupled with the apparent carry-over duration longevity of the thoughts as a person migrates in and through the other world-lines.

Let's keep it simple.

Look, if you drop a slice of pizza in the middle of a muddy road, would you [1] pick it up, wipe the mud off the pizza, and eat it. or [2] say "heck with that", and leave the pizza in the mud as a lost cause.

For most people, they would give up and abandon the slice of pizza. 

The amount of mud is far too distracting to enjoy the slice of pizza. That is that way this system works. For if you abandon the slice, like most people would, your would occupy a world-line on the surface of the undulating map. 

If however, against all probability and convention, you decided to eat the slice, you might be above or below the surface, depending on other factors.

Here’s an example.

Let’s suppose that you are a simple fellow and you have five things going on in your life.

  • A spouse that wants a divorce.
  • A boss who is hinting on firing you.
  • A yearning for a club sandwich and an ice cold beer.
  • A pet that loves you and is very loyal.
  • Memories of fishing with your father.

In this example, some of the items would have more emotion attached to it that others. While other issues might be better at controlling your emotions and directing your thoughts. While still others might be able to erase the thoughts completely (if for a short period of time).

You might be an emotional wreck and your thoughts would manifest a life that would reflect your thoughts.

As an aside, drugs and other stimuli can also influence thoughts and behaviors. All of these complexities can alter the navigational ability on the MWI.

There is no way to judge which thoughts or issues affecting the thoughts would have the greatest influence on the person because it is their deepest internal core belief systems that would result in how the world-lines would manifest.

Charlie Sheen's Public Meltdown in 2011
Charlie Sheen’s Public Meltdown in 2011

All that one can assume is that all the factors would be weighted together and balanced though the core belief systems of the soul / consciousness. This would influence the momentary section of the next world-line.

Is it no wonder that when things start going wrong, that they often end up spiraling out of control?

External Influences

External influences should be considered the inherent inertia that comes with a given world-line.


Inertia is the resistance of any physical object to any change in its state. Once you have a bowling ball sitting on the floor, it is a little difficult to get it to move. However, once you get it moving, it's hard to slow down. 

That difficulty... getting it started to move, and stopping it from moving... is what is known as inertia.

For our purposes it is the accumulated influences of the “shadow thoughts” of those (non-consciousness) apparent beings that share a given destination world-line. These are all the physical and non-physical influences that would affect the thoughts of a consciousness while it is in a given world-line.

You see, there can only be one consciousness per world-line. All those other "people" that we share the world-line with are actually "shadows". They are the bodies and representation of other consciousness were they to share the reality with us. As such, not only are their physical being present with us, but also their thoughts, dreams, desires and urges as well.

A "shadow" is a person that we share the specific world-line with. 

However no consciousness inhabits their body. Their actual consciousness is off in another reality. We are observing their 'shadow" or a portrayal of how they would behave, act and think were they to share our reality with us.

The arrow of time.

With this being understood, a consciousness… a person might experience world-line travel at a rate of around 4 Hz, and visit numerous world-lines in any given instance. Thus the “arrow of time” might look something like this…

How time manifests in the MWI.
The topography of the MWI showing the apparent “arrow of time”.

Thus in this simplified diagram showing the geography of the MWI you (the reader) can see [1] how the passage of time manifests, [2] how your thoughts can alter and change the “X” vector component, and [3] how a given world-line can influence the path direction via a “Z” axis vector. You will also notice that the “arrow of time” [4] moves along the direction of decreasing entropy.


A measure of the amount of disorder in a system. Entropy increases as the system's temperature increases. For example, when an  ice cube melts and becomes liquid, the energy of the molecular bonds  which formed the ice crystals is lost, and the arrangement of the water  molecules is more random, or disordered, than it was in the ice cube. We can assume that in a  macrocosmic  universe, that it can be best represented as time.

The migration process.

Movement of a soul consciousness to a world-line reality.

Our consciousness moves from one physical body in one world-line to another in a different world-line. For most humans, most of the time, the rate of travel is around four world-lines per second.

Expert hint;

If you are using "the power of intention" to manifest your reality, what you are doing is focusing on a destination world line. If you track your success or failure in this effort, you will discover the amount of time it will take for your intentions to manifest.

If it took 6 months, then that means that you had to pass through 62,208,000 (more or less) world lines to arrive at your destination world-line.

Figure around 10 million world-line transitions per month.

The way that consciousness is able to move in and out of the various world lines is though wave propagation behavior.

  • While it is a given world-line, the consciousness occupies the body in the particle form.
  • While the consciousness moves from one world-line to another, it is no longer occupying a body. It is thus in a wave form.
Quanta can change states, but this is really a state change by the observer, not an actual change in the object itself.
It is not that a quanta changes, it is how the observer views the quanta that makes the change. Our soul controls consciousness. Consciousness can be in different states depending upon the point of view of the person (the observer). Here we can see that the two apparently different states are one and the same thing, depending on the point of view of the observer.

This all happens rather quickly. In most people, mostly the rate of travel from one world-line to another is around 4Hz. For most humans our brains have a difficult time observing the changes in these movements. So we think that we are living in one singular world-line that we share with others.

Here is a gif that kind of illustrates the point, and the system at work here.

Wave and particle duality and illustration.
Wave and particle duality and illustration.

The entry process

This is how the consciousness changes from wave to particle for entry within a body within a reality. Our consciousness naturally exists in the wave form.

However, the moment it “crashes through” into a fabricated world-line reality, it changes form. It becomes a particle. It’s a natural process.

This is how the consciousness changes from wave to particle for entry within a body within a reality.
This is how the consciousness changes from wave to particle for entry within a body within a reality. The consciousness takes on the particle form in order to operate the physical body and exist within a reality or world-line reality. Otherwise, it operates in wave form outside of the body.

Our “universe” is often quite confused and mislabeled. We use that term to define what we observe, when in reality, what we are observing is a string of static world-line universes while we experience “time” Each moment is a snap-shot of a “world-line universe”.

Time is the movement of consciousness in and out of world-lines. What we see as time is actually the differences between each world-line as we pass through it.
Time is the movement of consciousness in and out of world-lines. What we see as time is actually the differences between each world-line as we pass through it.

All of these world-lines lie within a much larger physical place with is called the “physical universe”. It contains many things. Including many non-physical things.

Review – We inhabit world-lines alone.

So… what have we reviewed?

  • The reality is a series of world-lines. Each a “frozen” moment in time.
  • Time is the movement of consciousness through those world-lines.
  • We travel alone, with the only thing of interest is our consciousness.
  • Shadow people lie around us, but they are “empty”.

Now all of this pretty much sums up the idea that everything that you know about the universe, life, spirit, and the physical world is wrong. In fact, it is so very wrong that there can be absolutely zero recognizing the two. You either believe the way things actually work, or you don’t. Instead, or going with the way things actually work, you might try to fit it into the fantasy that we have constructed for ourselves over the last 5000 years.

Now all of this is a radical notion.

It is one where the physical universe is a construction. It is used by consciousness (which is controlled by a collection of quanta, known as “soul”) to obtaining new experiences. And experiences is what cause quanta to become entangled with other quanta.

Thus, the entire “secret of the universe”!

Ta Da!

But are we really always alone?

As such, in order to best describe this process, I explained that consciousness goes in and out of world-lines. But that it does so alone. That each world-line appears to be populated with other people, other animals and other things. But those aren’t “real” people, animals and things, that they are actually “quantum shadows” of others instead.

Which lends people to mistakenly believe that they are all alone.


But this isn’t true. Not at all.

In reality, those quantum shadows are just elements of other consciousnesses and other souls, it’s just that their representation in any given particular world line is very tiny.

  • Your consciousness is 60% present in a given world-line.
  • Everyone else’s is a shadow and only 0.00000000000000000000001% present.

When your consciousness is in a world-line, it really isn’t there 100%. It might be there 60%. With the remaining 40% spread out among 100,000 trillion other world-lines.

And that is true with every other animal, person, critter and plant.

For simplification purposes, it’s just easiest to imagine that you are alone surfing the MWI with empty quantum shadows of others.

But that simple way of thinking is really just “training wheels” to understand the MWI and world-line travel.

In reality, you are actually sharing a world-line with others. It’s just that (from their point of view) they are hardly participating in the one that you are in. Their other world-line where they are on might have a reality quite different from yours. But they are touching your world-line, it’s just not that strongly.

And now for the new stuff…

Love is very strong and it is an emotion that has quantum components that “plug into” our very bodies, our very natures, and cause us to build up great entanglements with other people, places, things, and …

… loved pets.

When we truly love someone and something, we want to be with them. And it is this strong desire that forges very strong emotional bonds. These bonds can quickly become physical with would result in quantum entanglements.

And that means…

That something “special” is going on when someone loves another.

And this “special” thing is the entanglement of emotions, and the quantum entanglements of the two consciousnesses together.

Which means…

That a world-line that contains your consciousness at 60%…

…would attract the consciousness of another…

…so that both you and your love interest (pet, lover, family member) would both (for a while, at least) share the DOMINANT world-lines together within the same cycle.

Or, in other words…

Instead of…

  • Your consciousness at 60% occupancy within a given world line.
  • Your pet, lover or friend occupancy at <1%.

It would be different.

It would be more like this…

  • Your consciousness at 60% occupancy within a given world line.
  • Your pet, lover or friend occupancy at 60% as well.

Both of you two would travel the MWI together.

Shared world-lines.
Shared world-lines.

Pair consciousness exploration of the MWI

What this means is quite significant.

No longer does your sole thoughts navigate your destination world-lines. Instead, something else happens. The navigation becomes quite different.

Both of your now navigate the world-lines together. With the dominant personality taking on the majority of the dimensional navigation responsibilities.

And we can see his effect in all sorts of ways. Both good and bad.

Beloved Cat, Horse or Dog

The consciousness and the desires of an animal is different than that of a human. Thus the human who is paired with an animal friend might find their life takes on a kind of controlled calmness and sensibility. If you have a stressful and crazy life at work, it will be the cat or dog that will create a tranquil life for you at home. They will navigate the world-lines while you are with them, and the times will be calm, cool and collected.

The beloved pet will navigate the world-lines for you. They will migrate towards comfort and happiness.

Married to an alcoholic, or someone with an addiction.

Here, the drives and desires of the chemical addiction will alter all the navigation control. The spouse of the alcoholic will find that the alcoholic or addicted person will drive the navigation of the world-lines, and over time, the life style and calmness of life will become more and more chaotic.

The alcoholic would navigate in a very focused and directed manner. It would drag everyone along with that person towards the world-lies they want, whether you want to go or not.

Married to someone with a mental illness.

A person with a mental illness will be just as bad as someone with an addiction, only more so. They will not have the reasoning ability of a "normal" person, and often their odd thoughts and crazy unrestrained emotions will result in all sorts of bad and dangerous world-lines. 

Being a caretaker for a person with a mental illness is not a happy life. At best, it will be chaotic with all manner of stops and starts and redirections.

The only way that a person can get off this crazy union is to [3] have a much stronger personality, or [2] sedate the mentally ill person under strong medication, or [3] leave that person and do not look back.

Entanglement of different species.

I can see a lot of lovers, long well-established couples, and animal lovers all over the world nodding their heads in collective agreement. Yes, it is true, as long as the love is present, there is a strong likelihood that the two consciousnesses would share the given world-line switches together.

You would not be able to tell when you are both on the same world-line actually or you are with a quantum shadow of your beloved. But that is fine. It doesn’t matter, that much.

In general, the greater the love that you generate towards others, the stronger the associative world-lines are. As long as the love is strong, then the world-lines would either be shared, or at the very least, cluster together.

Emotional Connections

Which means that as long as everyone is “on the same page” or in agreement with the ways things should be or get accomplished (family, work, life, friendships) then you can well expect that the life would be calm and controlled and pretty nice.

If however, you have a dominant personality in the group, and that person does not think the same as the rest of the group, then the entire group could very well be dragged with that person’s thoughts and desires. And this can become very dangerous.

Which is why I say that both LOVE and HATE are the same thing as far as quantum associations are involved.

Both will tie you to another, and actually result in you sharing the same world-lines or at least associating with theirs.

Be very careful concerning this. As both the emotions will tie you all together, how the world-lines will manifest will be by the thoughts that you all would generate. And the truth is that hateful thoughts can create very, very, very black world-lines.

Be particularly cautious of people who spew hate and dangerous thoughts. They will drag you towards very bad places.

And control you there.

Why pets?

There is an association with our pets that we build up. Whether it is a dog, a cat, a horse, or any of the many, many pets that we might associate with. We share real love with them. They become our buddies and are more than just friends to us. They are our special companions that have a very precious role in our life.

And I just want to tell everyone that this role also has a component during world-line transitions.

So please kindly pay attention to my observations…

  • Quantum shadows or shadow people and pets are not devoid of consciousness, it’s just that most only have a very tiny occupancy when your consciousness is on a given world-line.
  • If you have a strong emotional attachment, and they have it as well, you will both end up sharing the world-line cycling together at the same time.
  • The dominant personality will take over the navigation during this period of time. There will always be a dominant and a passive component to this relationship.
  • Beloved pets will mellow out your world-lines considerably. If happiness is your ultimate goal, get a beloved pet.


Since you would have an attachment with a person or a pet, and you would share world-lines together for a period of time, then it makes sense that you would have a strong bond of attachment whether you are alive or dead.

This attachment will come in handle when you two reunite in the non-physical worlds.

You will reunite in the Heavenly worlds.
You will reunite in the Heavenly worlds.

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I have more posts in my World-Line Index here…

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What happened to the CIA? Why don’t we hear about it any more? Why is all their activity in China so secret?

Yes. It’s almost like the CIA no longer exists. For after a few decades of non-stop headlines about all the abuses of the CIA, it all went dark. It all went silent. It all went away. Why?

I’ll tell you why.

The CIA outsourced it’s nefarious activities.

They outsourced them to “non-governmental” agencies and NGO’s. And it has been these other organizations that have been doing all the “dirty work” of the CIA.

These NGO’s are the “cat’s paw” of the CIA.


A person who is used by another to achieve some end, especially in a duplicitous or cynical manner. Taken from a fable about a monkey who uses a cat's paw to retrieve chestnuts from a fire. 

I thought that Jake really loved me, but in the end, I was just a cat's-paw so he could stir up jealousy in his ex-boyfriend.

-Cat's paw - Idioms by The Free Dictionary

There are numerous such NGO agencies. But I will focus on the one that has been in the news lately. This NGO is the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) which has been busy stirring up strife and conflict in Hong Kong under the guise of “pro-democracy”.

This is a chapter from Rogue State: A Guide to the World’s Only Superpower by William Blum.

Trojan Horse: The National Endowment for Democracy

How many Americans could identify the National Endowment for Democracy? An organization which often does exactly the opposite of what its name implies.

The NED was set up in the early 1980s under President Reagan in the wake of all the negative revelations about the CIA in the second half of the 1970s. The latter was a remarkable period. Spurred by Watergate – the Church committee of the Senate, the Pike committee of the House, and the Rockefeller Commission, created by the president, were all busy investigating the CIA.

Seemingly every other day there was a new headline about the discovery of some awful thing, even criminal conduct, the CIA had been mixed up in for years. The Agency was getting an exceedingly bad name, and it was causing the powers-that-be much embarrassment.

Something had to be done.

What was done was not to stop doing these awful things. Of course not. What was done was to shift many of these awful things to a new organization, with a nice sounding name – The National Endowment for Democracy. The idea was that the NED would do somewhat overtly what the CIA had been doing covertly for decades, and thus, hopefully, eliminate the stigma associated with CIA covert activities.

It was a masterpiece. Of politics, of public relations, and of cynicism.

Thus it was that in 1983, the National Endowment for Democracy was set up to “support democratic institutions throughout the world through private, nongovernmental efforts”. Notice the “nongovernmental” – part of the image, part of the myth.

In actuality, virtually every penny of its funding comes from the federal government, as is clearly indicated in the financial statement in each issue of its annual report. NED likes to refer to itself as an NGO (Non-governmental organization) because this helps to maintain a certain credibility abroad that an official US government agency might not have. But NGO is the wrong category. NED is a GO.

GO - Government Organization

“We should not have to do this kind of work covertly,” said Carl Gershman in 1986, while he was president of the Endowment. “It would be terrible for democratic groups around the world to be seen as subsidized by the C.I.A. We saw that in the 60’s, and that’s why it has been discontinued. We have not had the capability of doing this, and that’s why the endowment was created.” 1

And Allen Weinstein, who helped draft the legislation establishing NED, declared in 1991: “A lot of what we do today was done covertly 25 years ago by the CIA.” 2

In effect, the CIA has been laundering money through NED.

The Endowment has four principal initial recipients of funds: the International Republican Institute; the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs; an affiliate of the AFL-CIO (such as the American Center for International Labor Solidarity); and an affiliate of the Chamber of Commerce (such as the Center for International Private Enterprise). These institutions then disburse funds to other institutions in the US and all over the world, which then often disburse funds to yet other organizations.

In a multitude of ways, NED meddles in the internal affairs of numerous foreign countries by supplying funds, technical know-how, training, educational materials, computers, faxes, copiers, automobiles, and so on, to selected political groups, civic organizations, labor unions, dissident movements, student groups, book publishers, newspapers, other media, etc. NED typically refers to the media it supports as “independent” despite the fact that these media are on the US payroll.

NED programs generally impart the basic philosophy that working people and other citizens are best served under a system of free enterprise, class cooperation, collective bargaining, minimal government intervention in the economy, and opposition to socialism in any shape or form. A free-market economy is equated with democracy, reform, and growth; and the merits of foreign investment in their economy are emphasized.

From 1994 to 1996, NED awarded 15 grants, totaling more than $2,500,000, to the American Institute for Free Labor Development, an organization used by the CIA for decades to subvert progressive labor unions. 3 AIFLD’s work within Third World unions typically involved a considerable educational effort very similar to the basic NED philosophy described above. The description of one of the 1996 NED grants to AIFLD includes as one its objectives: “build union-management cooperation”. 4 Like many things that NED says, this sounds innocuous, if not positive, but these in fact are ideological code words meaning “keep the labor agitation down … don’t rock the status-quo boat”. The relationship between NED and AIFLD very well captures the CIA origins of the Endowment. 5

NED has funded centrist and rightist labor organizations to help them oppose those unions which were too militantly pro-worker. This has taken place in France, Portugal and Spain amongst many other places. In France, during the 1983-4 period, NED supported a “trade union-like organization for professors and students” to counter “left-wing organizations of professors”. To this end it funded a series of seminars and the publication of posters, books and pamphlets such as “Subversion and the Theology of Revolution” and “Neutralism or Liberty”. 6 (“Neutralism” here refers to being unaligned in the cold war.)

NED describes one of its 1997-98 programs thusly: “To identify barriers to private sector development at the local and federal levels in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and to push for legislative change … [and] to develop strategies for private sector growth.” 7 Critics of Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic, a socialist, were supported by NED grants for years. 8

In short, NED’s programs are in sync with the basic needs and objectives of the New World Order’s economic globalization, just as the programs have for years been on the same wavelength as US foreign policy.

Interference in elections

NED’s Statement of Principles and Objectives, adopted in 1984, asserts that “No Endowment funds may be used to finance the campaigns of candidates for public office.” But the ways to circumvent the spirit of such a prohibition are not difficult to come up with; as with American elections, there’s “hard money” and there’s “soft money”.

As described in the “Elections” and “Interventions” chapters, NED successfully manipulated elections in Nicaragua in 1990 and Mongolia in 1996; helped to overthrow democratically elected governments in Bulgaria in 1990 and Albania in 1991 and 1992; and worked to defeat the candidate for prime minister of Slovakia in 2002 who was out of favor in Washington. And from 1999 to 2004, NED heavily funded members of the opposition to President Hugo Chavez in Venezuela to subvert his rule and to support a referendum to unseat him.

Additionally, in the 1990s and afterward, NED supported a coalition of groups in Haiti known as the Democratic Convergence, who were united in their opposition to Jean-Bertrand Aristide and his progressive ideology, while he was in and out of the office of the president. 9

The Endowment has made its weight felt in the electoral-political process in numerous other countries.

NED would have the world believe that it’s only teaching the ABCs of democracy and elections to people who don’t know them, but in virtually all the countries named above, in whose electoral process NED intervened, there had already been free and fair elections held. The problem, from NED’s point of view, is that the elections had been won by political parties not on NED’s favorites list.

The Endowment maintains that it’s engaged in “opposition building” and “encouraging pluralism”. “We support people who otherwise do not have a voice in their political system,” said Louisa Coan, a NED program officer. 10 But NED hasn’t provided aid to foster progressive or leftist opposition in Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, or Eastern Europe – or, for that matter, in the United States – even though these groups are hard pressed for funds and to make themselves heard. Cuban dissident groups and media are heavily supported however.

NED’s reports carry on endlessly about “democracy”, but at best it’s a modest measure of mechanical political democracy they have in mind, not economic democracy; nothing that aims to threaten the powers-that-be or the way-things-are, unless of course it’s in a place like Cuba.

The Endowment played an important role in the Iran-Contra affair of the 1980s, funding key components of Oliver North’s shadowy “Project Democracy” network, which privatized US foreign policy, waged war, ran arms and drugs, and engaged in other equally charming activities. At one point in 1987, a White House spokesman stated that those at NED “run Project Democracy”. 11 This was an exaggeration; it would have been more correct to say that NED was the public arm of Project Democracy, while North ran the covert end of things. In any event, the statement caused much less of a stir than if – as in an earlier period – it had been revealed that it was the CIA which was behind such an unscrupulous operation.

NED also mounted a multi-level campaign to fight the leftist insurgency in the Philippines in the mid-1980s, funding a host of private organizations, including unions and the media. 12 This was a replica of a typical CIA operation of pre-NED days.

And between 1990 and 1992, the Endowment donated a quarter-million dollars of taxpayers’ money to the Cuban-American National Foundation, the ultra-fanatic anti-Castro Miami group. The CANF, in turn, financed Luis Posada Carriles, one of the most prolific and pitiless terrorists of modern times, who had been involved in the blowing up of a Cuban airplane in 1976, which killed 73 people. In 1997, he was involved in a series of bomb explosions in Havana hotels, 13 and in 2000 imprisoned in Panama when he was part of a group planning to assassinate Fidel Castro with explosives while the Cuban leader was speaking before a large crowd, although eventually, the group was tried on lesser charges.

The NED, like the CIA before it, calls what it does “supporting democracy.”

The governments and movements whom the NED targets call it “destabilization.” 14

Here is an example of one of their agents;

Here’s one of the leaders of the Umbrella Revolution in Hong Kong. He wrote the guidebook for the Hong Kong revolution. Oh, wait. He isn’t even Chinese. He’s an American in “yellow face” posing as a Chinese. He was an American teaching in Hong Kong and was also working for Amnesty International. That used to be a good organization and then like so many it took Soros money and got poisoned. Now is it just like Human Rights Watch, another Soros fake organization.
Here is from Max’s story,
“An American man with ties to Amnesty International and key Hong Kong separatist figures has been posing online as a Hong Kong native named Kong Tsung-gan. Routinely cited as a grassroots activist and writer by major media organizations and published in English-language media, the fictitious character Kong appears to have been concocted to disseminate anti-China propaganda behind the cover of yellowface.

Through Kong Tsung-gan’s prolific digital presence and uninterrogated reputation in mainstream Western media, he disseminates a constant stream of content hyping up the Hong Kong “freedom struggle” while clamoring for the US to turn up the heat on China.

The CIA and its many front organizations have thousands of these people. The news media never figures it out.
An American man with ties to Amnesty International and key Hong Kong separatist figures has been posing online as a Hong Kong native named Kong Tsung-gan. Routinely cited as a grassroots activist and writer by major media organizations and published in English-language media
An American man with ties to Amnesty International and key Hong Kong separatist figures has been posing online as a Hong Kong native named Kong Tsung-gan. Routinely cited as a grassroots activist and writer by major media organizations and published in English-language media.


The NED is the CIA. It uses the same funding mechanism, the same people, the same policies, and the same techniques. It just uses a different name to confuse people, and distract attention away from what is really going on.

And what it actually is...

Is covert military activity used to topple another nation through destruction of it's governmental institutions. It is a technique of fighting war.

Thus the United States, via the NED, fight wars against other nations. They desire to topple the governments of those other nations as they believe that co-existence with the other nation is not int he best interests of America.

It is used to attack other nations, because use of the American military to engage in wars requires Congressional approval.

"The old paradigm of blind engagement with China has failed. We must not continue it. We must not return to it."

-Mike Pompeo


  1. The New York Times, June 1, 1986
  2. Washington Post, September 22, 1991
  3. NED Annual Reports, 1994-96
  4. NED Annual Report, 1996, p.39
  5. For further information on AIFLD, see: Tom Barry, et al., The Other Side of Paradise: Foreign Control in the Caribbean (Grove Press, NY, 1984), see AIFLD in index; Jan Knippers Black, United States Penetration of Brazil (Univ. of Pennsylvania Press, 1977), chapter 6; Fred Hirsch, An Analysis of Our AFL-CIO Role in Latin America (monograph, San Jose, California, 1974) passim; The Sunday Times (London), October 27, 1974, p.15-16
  6. NED Annual Report, November 18, 1983 to September 30, 1984, p.21
  7. NED Annual Report, 1998, p.35
  8. See NED annual reports of the 1990s.
  9. Council on Hemispheric Affairs (Washington, DC), press release, June 13, 2002; Washington Post, November 18, 2003; NED Annual Report, 1998, p.53; Haiti Progres (Port-au-Prince, Haiti), May 13-19, 1998
  10. New York Times, March 31, 1997, p.11
  11. Washington Post, February 16, 1987; also see New York Times, February 15, 1987, p.1
  12. San Francisco Examiner, July 21, 1985, p.1
  13. New York Times, July 13, 1998
  14. For a detailed discussion of NED, in addition to the sources named above, see: William I. Robinson, A Faustian Bargain: U.S. Intervention in the Nicaraguan Elections and American Foreign Policy in the Post-Cold War Era (Westview Press, Colorado, 1992), passim

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Trump Trade War

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Structuring a well-rounded prayer affirmation campaign using world-line transitions

This is a very simple post that will layout a fundamental template for your prayer affirmations. These affirmations are things that you read aloud (to yourself) everyday during a campaign. Prayer campaigns happen over a period of time, and are interrupted by periods of inaction. In other words, you conduct a campaign and then stop completely. Then after a period of rest, you start a new campaign. The affirmations are a list of your desires laid out in a prayer format.

Structuring is a term that I use to describe the organization of your prayer list. You do not need to have it organized, but it will really help you out when the time comes to run a campaign.

The Structuring of a prayer campaign

Most people put together perhaps ten lines of prayers and call it their verbal affirmations. They repeat them once a day in their private moments. Some put them on a laminated sheet in the shower and read them aloud while taking a shower. Some put them in a notebook and read them when they are alone in their home office. While others have them on a list in their wallet and they read it in their car in the company parking lot.

When I conduct a prayer affirmation campaign, my list is long. It is very long and very detailed. I do this because I know that if I am not that detailed, what will manifest might not be what I want. So I tend to be very descriptive and very exacting in my campaign.

I learned the importance of this the hard way.

It's almost like that "contract that you sign with the devil", you will indeed get exactly what you wish for. But you must be very careful in defining your wishes.

So there are really only two recommended techniques (for the newbe and novice) that you can employ. Either have [1] very simple and broad affirmations, or [2] a very complex detailed affirmation campaign.

You do not need to be like me.

In fact, I strongly recommend that people new to intention campaigns start out slowly and simply, and then modify the affirmations over time to find our what works for them. For certainly, what works for one person might not work for others.

I will repeat.

We are all different. So what works for one person might not work for others. Which is why, pretty much, I tell everyone to stick to plain and simple affirmation campaigns and keep things basic. And then, after you have seen how things manifest for you, you can alter and grow your affirmation campaigns into great complexity with more intense results.

My suggested campaign template

Here, I am going to lay out the elements of a very detailed affirmation campaign. One that I use personally (with my personal prayers omitted, of course) and leaving the general affirmations for you all to use and alter as you see fit.

Now, I have mentioned how to conduct these kinds of prayer campaigns in other posts. So none of this should be a real surprise. What might be different here is that the campaign that I am listing here is an “advanced” campaign. It is one that is intentionally modified for “expert” use.


This is what I use, and it is what any one who has been doing affirmation campaigns for a couple of years can use. It is not for newbe use.

What is different here, and why I warn NOT to use if you are new to affirmation campaigns, is that it contains certain elements that you must agree to that will completely and totally alter your campaign implementation.

The advanced techniques

This affirmation campaign is full of affirmations that will fundamentally alter and change how your campaign actually runs. This campaign includes “code” that will rewrite the “source code” behind the normal working procedure of an affirmation campaign. And thus it is dangerous for newbe use.

The advanced coding…

  • [1] Permits the application of world-line slides in your life.
  • [2] Discards your “initial world-line template” or base-line world-line map for others that will achieve your goals.
  • [3] Dramatically decreases the time for implementation of your affirmations by permitting and allowance for periods of “phased out discomfort”.
  • [4] Places guarantees that discomfort will be kept to a minimum.

To use these advanced techniques would result in some rather impressive changes in your life, but it will come at a cost.

[1] Using slides

The cost is that once you have allowed a campaign to slide you out of your birth-world-line map, you will never be able to return back to it. Which means that [1] you will forever be forced to conduct prayer affirmation campaigns until you die, and [2] that you must still obtain experiences and lessons as part of your soul charter. This will result in [3] some level of potential discomfort.

What does this mean?

Well, it might be like the character “Earl” from the show “My name is Earl”, who wins a lottery ticket for millions of dollars, but gets hit by a car and loses the ticket. Because he owes a karmic debt that exceeds the value of the lottery ticket.

My name is Earl television show.
My name is Earl television show.


… it might appear to be like that.

[2] Changing the template world-line map

In reality, it’s not really so much about karma as it is that your consciousness NEEDS to obtain experiences during this life.

The at-birth-world-line template was provided to you to use as a map to make those experiences occur. Good or bad, right or wrong, you were corralled or lead to make decisions that would cause events that would manifest due to your thoughts.

So yes, in a way, our world-line template that was allocated to us at pre-birth pretty much set up a corralled, and fated life.

Now, you are purposely leaving that template map, and permitting yourself to slide out on to other world-line maps.

World-lines can be grouped into clusters of similarly, and by other means.

When I refer to a world-line "map", I am referring to cluster of world-lines that evolve (over "time" as viewed by the consciousness) in such a way that the HIGHEST PROBABILITY of events are presented in a three dimensional format. The most probable world-lines are shown in a two dimensional plane, and the relative "difficulty" or "discomfort" to the person is presented in the third dimensional axis.

If you do not use this kind of "map", then you have no structure. Just a big furry and fuzzy ball of all probabilities all superimposed over each other. So use of this map greatly simulates how a person can make decisions, be corralled into certain actions, and learn from experiences and events.

If you want to get off this "fated" or "corralled" map that you were assigned with at birth, then you need to slide off of it. You would slide onto another map.

These other maps might be radically different, or might not. They might be violently disturbing, or quietly comforting. They might be anything. And that is the point. You elect to leave the experience-kindergarten and step into the elementary school hallway. It’s a big step.

Normal thoughts, and a normal simple affirmation campaign works within a pre-birth template map. There is a fixed number of world-lines that you must pass through (on the x-y axis) to obtain your goal.

To speed things up, or achieve other advantages, you need to slide off that map in a z-prime axis onto another map. This other map would have other issues and an entire set of highest probability pathways.

[3] Quick(er) response to your campaign

In this “heavyweight” affirmation campaign template, you would agree to sacrifice comfort and convenience for achieving your goals.

So, for example, if your normal campaign would normally take six years to manifest some long-term goal, this technique would reduce it to a third of the time. Say two years.

Also, as a side effect of this methodology, you will discover that the “pause” between campaigns will be abbreviated as well. Rather than taking a three month long pause between campaigns you might have the strong feeling that you could start a new subsequent campaign shortly afterwards, say in two months instead of three.

[4] Fail safes

Of course, this campaign would include fail-safes or else it would be very, very dangerous.

The idea behind this is that the world-line map that your experiences would lie upon in this incarnation would be within a set of boundary limits. You would have a high probability of experiencing “A”, and “B”, and while you could us your free will to avoid experiencing those things, the probability of you doing so would be very small.

People ask what is fate? 

A child drops an ice cream cone on a hot pavement in the Summer and runs away crying.

You watch that event.

The highest probability would be that you watch, and then continue on your way as if nothing happened. This would be your fated pre-birth template, and you would be proceeding on the x-y axis. This is the most common and highest probability of behavior.

But there are actually a near infinite things that you can do. Such as...

[1] Buy the strange kid a new ice cream cone.
[2] Go after the kid and taunt her / him making fun of them.
[3] Pick up the cone and throw it in the trash.
[4] Pick up the cone and eat it.
[5] Pick up the cone and throw it at a passing car.

The most common and highest probability reactions and events are on the world-line map.

For instance, you would accept a job at “ACME Widgets”, not knowing that in three years they would lay you off. This would be a scenario that you would pretty much be fated to experience.

Now, it is true that you do not have to accept the job at “ACME Widgets”, but the situation on this world-line template would be such that not taking it might mean going without food for a while, or other uncomfortable things.

So in other words, the world-line template map is a fated life that you as soul selects for your consciousness to experience.

But, by accepting and allowing to slide off this birth-assigned template map, you can use your thoughts to navigate to new and different world-lines off that template.

On this new world-line template, you have a set of new opportunities and new events that were NOT present on the old pre-birth world-line template.

So, while the option for “ACME Widgets” might still be open to you, so will an opportunity at “Headbook Software”.

Now taking that opportunity would give you much better salary, and a host of other benefits. More so than “ACME Widgets”, but also would provide a different mapped “terrain” that you would need to navigate.

Instead of just worrying about a pay check at “ACME Widgets”, you now have to contend with a host of other issues that was not in your pre-birth charter. You would experience far more, and do far more, and live a much more active life… but it would be at a level of compression. In other words, more experiences, and thus a greater risk of discomfort.

To mitigate and control this additional and new discomfort, you would need to add text to your affirmations to control and mange it. Thus this technique…

Advanced Technique

I call this an advanced technique because you are “taking the training wheels off”.

The idea of training wheels is to teach balance with a “safety” system to catch the child when their balance is off. 

In reality, most kids simply rely on the training wheels and never practice balance at all. 

Some children even find that it is easier to fall with training wheels – particularly while maneuvering around a corner.

-Time to Take Off the Training Wheels? Parents Families.com

So once you implement advanced intention campaigns…

… you are awarded “full spectrum” control…

… with all the benefits and the inherent dangers that come with it.


You need to have been conducting an affirmation campaign for at least a year before you try these techniques. I don’t want to advocate people to dive into the deep end of a pool until they learned how to “doggie paddle” first.

The affirmation campaign template

Here I am going to give you, the reader, elements of my very own personal affirmation campaign. I have omitted my personal information so as not to confuse this template. (And besides, it’s personal, don’t you know.)


  • I am calm, cool, collected and confident.
  • I , and my family, are all happy, healthy, and relaxed.
  • I live a calm, stress-free, comfortable life.
  • I feel calm and halcyon most of the time.
  • I have no worries, concerns, or stress. [1]
  • I am the water that flows under the earth in strength and power. [2]
  • I am navigating my reality towards my goals. [3]
  • In general, my reality is one that is a controlled improvement over what I already have. [4]
  • I am happy, healthy, and successful.
  • I fill my body with good delicious and healthy food and drink.
  • I have money, savings, and investments. [5]
  • Negative people are always repelled away from me in such a way that they do not affect my reality.
  • These affirmations manifest in the near future, and maintain existence for the remainder of my life.
  • All of these events as specified manifest as quickly as possible. [6]

This is the "general" category at the top of my affirmation list. It contains phrases and general assumptions that will occur not matter what else manifests.

[1] The first five items refer to my level of stress and comfort. Now, if you do not want a relaxed and comfortable life, you can omit these items. I, myself, have lived in stressful situations. I do not want any part of them to manifest. So I make sure that no matter what, my life is calm, and good.

[2] My personality is one of adaptation. Some people have fixed personalities. You can alter this to read something like "I am a rock and stable in all things", or perhaps if you are of a flighty and wispy countenance "I move like the air and master my environment". It's all up to you. This phrase defines your general placement within the mapped terrain.

[3] You must vocalize what you are doing.

[4] You want to improve in what you have. You want to keep the good things going on in your life and add more good things to them. You do not want to throw away everything and start from scratch, do you? If you do, you can omit this phrase.

[5] If you do not include money in your affirmations, no matter how well intentioned, you could easily end up being poor and destitute; happy, but poor and destitute.

[6] These last two statement phrases are critical. By specifying a time limit, you allow the navigation to take you off the pre-birth intention canvas. You drop off the map and are permitted to slide to what ever new map will provide you quicker and more immediate results.

Now the world around us is seemingly going crazy. Pockets of discomfort, strife and alarm are all around us. We don’t want any of that to impact our life. We do not want any part of that in our life and we most certainly do not want to obtain experiences that are associated with strife.

However, if you slide off the pre-birth template you can end up (easily) within a world-line that is full of stress and discomfort. You do not want that. Not in the least. So in order to prevent that, you will need to place some affirmations in regards to safety and security.

Like this…


  • My family is safe and secure and protected from all efforts to attack it. [1]
  • I am safe and protected where I live, and my life is stable and isolated from any attacks of any type.
  • No matter what the news says, none of the disturbing things actually happens to me or my family. [2]
  • I and my family are safe and secure. Any battles, wars, conflicts or social upheavals occur far away from us.
  • My family and I are safe and isolated away from conflict, strife, and danger. We are always safe.
  • The people around me love me, protects me, nurtures me, and supports me. [3]

If the world was stable this section in your affirmation campaign might not be necessary. But the world is not stable. Right now there are three carrier battle assault groups off the coast of China 15 miles from where I live. Maybe Donald Trump thinks that it makes great news headlines. For me, well it is very stressful and ugly.

[1] This might be the only phrase you might need.

[2] If the "news" is promoting something dangerous, this phrase will act like a shield and cause the event (or something similar) to "bounce off" and hit some other target. You know, like the fire on the USS Bonhomme Richard, or the massive explosion known as the Beirut explosion. This phrase will deflect events away from your area.

This is a complicated matter and I could devote an entire post on it alone. When huge groups of people start thinking things, they create a buildup of quanta. That buildup must be released. If it is being directed at something, and you use an affirmation to conduct a world-line switch, the build-up still needs to be released. And thus you will see other examples of where the "bullets ricocheted to".

[3] You need to tie yourself to a friendly and supportive community.

Now, let’s get into the content…


Here is where you would put your “regular” intentions. This is where the vast bulk of your intentions would go. And it might look something like this…

The affirmations are for example only. 

They are not my personal affirmations. My very own intentions are a little shy on objects and things, and rather dense when it comes to personal relationships, adventure, and lifestyle. But here are some illustrative examples.
  • I have a lawn with “Centipede grass”.
  • My front door is painted a high gloss PANTONE Bright Red C, with a nice real shiny brass door knocker.
  • I own a John Deer Cub Cadet Ultima ZT1 50-in. 23-hp Kawasaki Zero Turn lawn mower.
  • I own a beautiful white Nissan Titan XD Pro 4X.

You can add anything here that you want. In this example, I have placed things. But you can describe relationships, or situations, or events.

Events like…

  • I am able to travel the world in a sailboat.
  • I am part of a local group of businessmen and attending gatherings.
  • I have box seats at the local stadium.

Relationships like…

  • I am dating a girl that has the personality of Lauren Cohan (The Walking Dead actress).
  • I am dating a girl that has the body of Kelly Brook (English model, actress and television presenter best known for her roles in the 2010 horror comedy remake Piranha 3D).
  • My father and I have resolved our differences and spend time together on the weekends.

Situations like…

  • I have part ownership in a golf club.
  • My house is filled with happy dogs and relaxed cats.
  • I live next to the mountains and have a fresh water spring in the back.

In short, you can put anything here that is is desire. You can be vague or specific. Just note that the more specific you are, the longer it will take to manifest. So only add specificity when actually necessary. Otherwise, it’s wisest to keep things flexible.

Non Physical Entities & Forces

Our world, for the most part, is populated with the things that we see and experience around us. Therefore, since that is all that we know, that is all that we wish to alter. But the truth is that there are a host of other things, and other elements of our reality that exists around us. This includes things and entities.

By placement of specific affirmations you can protect yourself from malevolent entities (if they exist) or enlist the help of other non-physical entities, were it your prerogative.

  • I ask for help to achieve my intention targets; and I do get help from all the non-physical beings that can assist me.
  • I also get help from any physical beings that can assist making my dreams and wishes come true and manifest.
  • Other entities, not limited to but including, XXX, YYY, ZZZ, guardian angels, friendly sprites, and other entities are permitted to assist me obtaining my goals as defined here. [1]
  • In no way can these other entities hurt, harm, or mess up my life and intentions. They may only help, and are welcome to help gladly.
  • I know how to embrace opportunities as they manifest around me, and implement those necessary changes and actions promptly. [2]

[1] You might not believe that non-physical intelligence's and animals exist. That's fine. But it wouldn't hurt to have this line in your affirmations, now would it?

[2] This affirmation can go anywhere, but the placement herein associates it with a knowledge associated with specific actions associated with non-physical, or physical entities.

Control of emotions and thoughts

We are constantly under  manipulation. Where it is the embedded code within the websites and the APPs that we use, to the movies we watch and the news that we subscribe to. Everything is trying to twist and control our emotions. Yet, in order for our affirmations to actually work, these influences must be zeroed out.

Now there are two ways to zero out these influences. Firstly [1], you can get rid of those influences directly. You can stop using the media, using the computer and using the cell-phones. Or [2] you can add affirmations that control your reactions to those influences.

This section follows route #2. You have affirmations that control the way that the external influences influence your behaviors and action.

  • I am able to control my emotions and thoughts.
  • I prevent any angry, dangerous, or terrible thoughts from occurring. [1]
  • I prevent the manifestation of any reality that might result from bad, negative or dangerous thoughts. [2]
  • I avoid getting into arguments on the internet.
  • Everything surrounding me is positive and good.

[1] The first two affirmations are seemingly redundant. But, they are not.  One specifies that I am in control of what I think, not outside influences. The other prevents the manifestation and generation of bad or negative thoughts.

[2] Prevents the generation of "bad" reality generation resulting from my thoughts.

MWI Routing

This section adds a strong degree of control on how you add, alter, modify or implement your intention campaign. I am a strong believer that each one of us runs our very own unique campaign, and thus what works for one person, might not work for a different person. So in order to control that aspect of variance, you need to specify how the affirmation campaign works within your MWI reality.

These affirmations serve that purpose…

  • I understand how this universe works, and how to alter, improve and change my reality. [1]
  • I use this knowledge to generate a perfect life for myself and for my family.
  • As such, I am the Captain of my Consciousness. [2]
  • I move in and out of the world-line realities as necessary to achieve my thought-destination(s).
  • I do achieve my ultimate goals and I do so efficiently, and quickly while avoiding bad or undesirable world-lines. [3]
  • I am alert on what to say and do in order to achieve my desires.
  • I know what affirmations to make to manifest the life that I wish to participate within.
  • I know, positively, when to stop, change, alter or revise my affirmations in accordance with my needs and desires. [4]
  • I am aware of opportunities as they arise, and I know exactly what actions to take to maximize my desired intentions.
  • I am aware of the world-line routing as it occurs and do not panic or worry about how things will manifest.  [5]            
  • I recognize that world-line realities that I inhabit might be calm and relaxed, but that substantial positive and proactive events are unfolding for my benefit that might be hidden from me.

[1] This phrase helps you rapidly learn what affirmations to use, and which ones not to use. You also better understand why and how they work. I think that this sentence along helps tie the affirmation campaign into a mechanism for soul experience growth.

[2] These two commands place your verbal affirmation campaign firmly into the realm of "navigation console". By using these phrases you convert an intention campaign from a "lifestyle enhancement method", to a "world-line navigation console".

[3]  These two lines explicitly state what the purpose of the affirmation campaign is, and how it works.

[4]  These four affirmations enable you to have insight on how to improve your affirmations, and add or subtract from them. While this is seemingly a more or less natural consequence of performing a campaign, this little statement guarantees that whatever alterations you make will be in accordance with your direct wishes, and not what was laid out in the pre-birth reality template map.

[5] These two affirmations cover cognizant awareness of the physical reality and what to do to alter, reroute or modify your intention campaign.

Intention Canvas

I urge everyone to have “dream board” or “intention canvas”. This contains images and pictures used to complement your affirmation campaign.

As opposed to "sharpening" your intention focus, it make it more "fuzzy". (Which is counter intuitive. Not what you would think, eh?)

In other words, instead of a small, hard, absolute point on the world-line terrain map, it becomes a bigger, fuzzier, and softer ball. What this does is provide a larger group of avenues or paths for you to reach to your goal.

The key words or text herein is to “complement”, and not to “replace” your affirmation campaign.  

As I have discussed previously, the canvas can be a “dream board”, a rotating image display on your computer, or a folder containing a stack of pictures. It can also include a computer folder in your PC that contains images that you can use (and one that you don’t visit often either.)

In all cases you MUST tie this “intention canvas” to your affirmation campaign. These affirmation commands do just that. In my case, I have a folder that contains picture collages that represent my intended desires. And that is what I will suggest in these examples…

  • I utilize the images in my “XXXXX” folder (and all subfolders) to help make the manifestation of my lifestyle manifest.
  • I also utilize the photos in my PC (found in the YYYYYY directory) and used as my rotating background display to help cultivate the reality that my world line is.
  • The following commands specify exactly how the images will manifest and what they represent within my life…

In which case, then you go into great detail what general terms that each image represents. Such as these examples…

Males shown in photos

  • In all cases, the dominant male figure portrayed in the image(s) represent myself. [1]
  • Images that portray mafia figures, or “bad people” portray myself in similar roles of power. They do NOT, however, manifest these kinds of people against me. [2]
  • Images that portray powerful people represent my role as it manifests.
  • In images showing actors, it is the character, personality and role that they play that manifests in my life, not that of the actual actor. [3]

[1] Do not assume that just because a male figure is in a photo residing inside your intention canvas, that it automatically represents you. If you want that to happen, then you will need to either use this affirmation, or photoshop your image into that photo.

[2] So, you've got a picture of Tony Soprano enjoying some wine, with his underlings nearby and a girl on each arm. Do not assume that you would intend this role to materialize. Instead, the local mafia don in your neighborhood might end up getting the intention instead of yourself. 

[3]  Likewise, you want the role that the actor plays. Not the life of the actor him or herself. If you want the actors person life, then you need to specify it. You need to specify exactly what elements the images represent or else you might have the wrong things manifest. You might (for example) want the life of Captain Jack Sparrow, and have a photo of a carefree run-infused pirate. While in reality you might end up with Johnny Depp's life and an embroiled divorce. Yikes!

Objects shown in photos

  • In images related to gold, money, currency and wealth, the intention is broadly associated with large sums of money, wealth and success that I possess.
  • In images relating to objects, they represent the things that I own or possess as property.

Women shown in photos

  • In images that have females, they represent the situation that I am participating in.
  • In images that only contain females, the appearance and body shapes, and the situation of the female, their body and actions are what manifests per my intention direction.
  • In images showing females, with a dominant physical attribute (as determined by myself), that attribute manifests within my reality.

Since I am a male, I do not want to confuse any images with women and children. I want to specify that they are different and perform roles that are situational. 

Blocking and Protections  

We live inside a reality that has both physical and non-physical components. Thoughts alter and change our reality. Both our thoughts, and the thoughts of those around us. Good people can give us good wishes and pleasant thoughts. However, most of the world today is not good, and thus bad people can thrust bad wishes upon us.

We don’t want to suffer through hexes, malevolent intentions or bad events sent in motion by individuals who have a grudge against us. So we must utilize protections.   Here are the protection affirmations that I use…      

  • I have awareness on how to avoid the manifestation of problems. I follow that advise immediately without question automatically.
  • I purposely avoid negative, dangerous, bad, or problematic reality world-lines to achieve my goals
  • I have broken apart any barriers to controlling my reality. These are barriers that are either self-created, or those created by others.
  • I define my reality, and undo any spells, magick or alterations imposed upon me, or the reality around me by anyone or anything.
  • I block and shut out all negative, de-constructive, and dangerous thoughts from manifesting and altering my intentions listed herein.

Do not assume that everyone thinks like you. There are many "closet" occultists, and "home-grown" priests that will throw some unwanted thoughts and beliefs your way. You must put up protections.

You would be surprised at how many there are. Seriously.

Personal Health           

We can  have an affirmation campaign that is all great and full of details, but if you ignore you health, it will all be for naught. If there is one thing that we should learn from this coronavirus situation, it is that if you don’t have your healthy, all the riches and “stuff” in the universe become meaningless. You absolutely need to protect your health and general well-being in your affirmation campaign.

Do not neglect this most important aspect of a prayer / affirmation campaign.

  • I am in top physical shape. I am healthy and happy.
  • My body operates, functions and behaves like when I was in my late 20’s and into my early 30’s. [1]
  • My wardrobe is professionally matched, and my body is clean, pleasant and attractive.
  • My heart is strong and healthy. My internal organs are all in top shape. [2]
  • Nothing is permitted to cause me harm, damage or physical discomfort.
  • I know what minerals, vitamins and foods that I must eat to achieve my intention targets. [3]

[1] Obviously this applies to folk older than this age. LOL.

[2] Old men can have all kinds of problems and issues, and to prevent and control that, we tend to watch our diets and take vitamins. Exercise is important, and I don't need any affirmations to support what I already do naturally.

[3] Shortly after adding this affirmation line, the number of business luncheons and dinners that I would normally have dropped considerably. My wife started to make a lot of vegetables, and fish. I began to find myself eating this kind of nut and fruit oatmeal just about every morning. Ugh! Yet, after a few months I discovered that my over all body health did actually improve dramatically.


The biggest influence on your life are those in your immediate family. Thus, you need to cherish, and protect them. For without them, you are just a lonely speck floating upon a most turbulent sea.

  • My family is happy, healthy, and well-taken cared for emotionally, physically, and financially. There isn’t any stress at all.
  • My family life is very calm, happy and positive. [1]
  • My family is happy and I have a very calm and happy domestic life at home.
  • I and my family are healthy, happy, relaxed and doing what we love.

[1]  My idea of what constitutes a happy family household might not be what you would. I think a calm and happy household is best for my temperament. I however, know others that love a chaotic household with all sorts of happy noise and activity. You need to customize this affirmation to fit your own personal lifestyle.


Lifestyle is a “catch-all” that really describes the overall desire that you hope to accomplish from this affirmation campaign. Thus, it is critically important. It is the difference between having a “wealthy” life as opposed to a “rich” life. And if you don’t know what I am talking about, watch the movie “Bronco Billy”.     

  • I love my life, and I love everything about my life.
  • I love the colors, the air, the weather, the people, the location, everything.
  • I improve upon what I have, not change it drastically.
  • The improvements are all what is listed here or better.
  • The improvements are glorious additions to what I already possess.
  • I live in a beautiful area, with great colors, fresh air, roomy spaces, and a calm and relaxed neighborhood.
  • I am very comfortable, safe, secure, happy, relaxed and live a nice fun and carefree life.
  • Everyone sees me as how I desire to be seen. [1]
  • I know what actions to take to secure my privacy and personal life. [2]
  • I have the strength (emotional and physical) to break through any barriers to achieve my goals.

[1] I control what people think about me. Not others.

[2] Privacy is a fundamental human need. Yet governments, family members, and society pretty much has obliterated this belief. Which is why that I often go without a cell phone on me, and do things on my own personal schedule and not on the schedules that others use. Now, if you do not secure your privacy, the chances are that you will lose it.


The thing about affirmation campaigns is that they rely on you (the person making the affirmations) on taking advantage of the opportunities that present themselves to you. Thus, it makes no difference if you have an opportunity manifest in front of your eyes, but refuse to take advantage of it. You need to act to manifest that situation.

  • I am aware of opportunities when they arise, and I am led onto which ones to take and follow up with.
  • I have physical, spiritual and non-physical entities assisting me in making the opportunities listed herein into personally profitable ventures.
  • Opportunities come my way and I always profit handsomely from them.
  • I am aware of the trends going on in my life, behind the scenes, and on tactical, and strategic levels.

Affirmation techniques

Here we specify and “hammer out” the way that these affirmations will operate. You do not need to do this, but by doing so you can control the implementation of the affirmations onto your world-line.

  • I know of, and use, the specialized techniques to improve the actionablity of my verbal affirmations listed herein.
  • I know what things to say in my affirmations to make my reality happen safely and quickly.
  • I am dismissive of those that are not worthy of my time, or effort.

Speed of implementation  

By specifying the speed of implementation, you create a slide event.   This moves your world-line adventures, and your life off the pre-determined template and direct and straight into your own hands.    

  • All these affirmations occur as quickly as is comfortably and as safely as possible. At no time is my family, health or safety at risk.
  • These changes are being implemented now, and will manifest soon. Really, really soon.
  • The normal rules of affirmation manifestation has now been advanced to this direct and immediate application without hesitation.
  • All these affirmations happen quickly, provided that dangers are avoided and I (and my family) are protected.


Here, it seems really morbid, but a few moments a day to make sure that your transition out of the physical reality would be calm and complete is really a good thing. Don’t you think?

  • Death will occur late in my life.
  • I will outlive my father, yet be healthy and functional up until death.
  • When the time comes for my death, it will be smooth and easy.
  • Those left behind will be well taken cared for.

Important Navigation Notes 

Here we get involved in the aspects that make this affirmation campaign “advanced”. It lays out the use of slide and how they will manifest and under what conditions. You will notice that they permit “minor imperfections” to occur as long as my baseline affirmations manifest.

  • This affirmation campaign is set up to engage the obtainment of objectives early on, with whatever minor imperfections that they might have.
  • I use world-line slides to accelerate the implementation of these affirmations.
  • The slides only come into use whenever they can [1] reduce the time to obtain the affirmation realization within my physical reality, and [2] they do not cause me any discomfort or trouble.
  • As time moves on, the imperfections drop away, and the true and idealized intention manifests.
  • This rule enables a quick near-immediate manifestation of my desires herein without having to wait for a long time to obtain the “perfect” intention reality.


This post describes an “advanced” affirmation campaign. It uses slides to accelerate the manifestation of the campaign objectives. As such, it is highly detailed and involves long lines of affirmation code.

It is only for advanced users to use.

As an example, I used elements of my very own affirmation campaign and I urge the reader to use and discard what they wish to make a similar campaign for themselves.

Do you want more?

I have more posts in my affirmation campaign index here…

Intention Campaigns

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Do you qualify? Are you worthy enough to be considered a Rufus?

Rufus is the man who helped Jesus carry the cross upon which he later died. Rufus did not need to do it. He did so out of kindness and humanity. Our world, today, is reaching the end of a growth spurt. This period of growth has been long, many centuries in duration, and is now coming to a close. It is not sustainable. Mankind needs to evolve, and there are really two, and only two courses of action. You can be a productive and helpful member of society, or you can be a user who consumes and does not produce anything. Which are you?

Here are some videos (taken within China) that illustrate the kinds of things that true Rufus-being do. You might not ever be called upon, but when you are, and how you act, will determine your spot in Heaven. Mark my words.


The world today is a big mess. It is in a state of turmoil, and the systems that have created this mess must change for the entire population of the earth are trapped inside a car that is charging, full throttle, towards the abyss.

And fucking idiots are driving it.

Trump and Pompeo.
Trump and Pompeo are trying to keep the world as they desire it to be.

We simply just CANNOT keep doing this like we have done in the past. They might work for a handful of people, but not for all of humanity.

Things need to change.

All change starts locally and personally. It is one person here, it is a kind word there, it is a helpful hand over there. As long as the bulk of society works towards the common good, we will be able to survive this time period and thrive.

If, however, we cling onto the selfish, the greedy, and the desire to lord power over others “I am the biggest and best!” or “You will do as I demand, or else I will…” then we are in for a Hellish experience…

And it will be very, very Hellish.

Be the Rufus or not. It’s your life, and your community. Make the decision and be the best you can be, or be the users that consume without ever producing. You can be the person who covets tons of piles of green paper, or the person that shares their meals with friends. You can be the person that holds the door open for others and puts tips in the tip jar, or you could be the person who crashes into a store demanding things be done “their way”!

You are either a contributor to society, or you are a user of resources.

The earth can no longer sustain a nine billion population of users. It can only sustain a much smaller population. And that population must be contributors to the well being of mankind.

The Basics

Remember, the world and humanity is one where the most basic of principles are maintained…

  • Things are being used.
  • People and relationships are treasured.

Today’s Normal

In all the world, where there is confusion and strife, we can see that these most basic principles have been reversed. These places, such as America, such as England, and such as Australia have adopted a skewed vision for humanity. It is one where…

  • People are being used.
  • Things are being cherished.

It is not sustainable, and the Great Reset will no longer support this philosophy.

Do you want more?

I have more posts in my Rufus Index here…

Hero Stories

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You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.

To go to the MAIN Index;

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  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.

Please kindly help me out in this effort. There is a lot of effort that goes into this disclosure. I could use all the financial support that anyone could provide. Thank you very much.

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Nearby Nursery Solar Systems for the management and development of intelligent ambulatory life.

If there is one thing that is missing in the discussion of extraterrestrials, ET, UFO’s, OOPARTs, extraterrestrial visitation, and MAJestic, it is a reasonable discussion about the surrounding physical universe.  No one ever talks about the”local” solar systems that are within a a few tens of light years away. No one ever really questions if there might be some kind of association between our solar system and those other solar systems around us…

An association

Further, to hammer this point home, no one who discusses extraterrestrials ever does so armed with the knowledge of what a star is, what a planet is, and what a galaxy is.  It is almost like these subjects are not taught in American schools any longer. 

Much to my great dismay and chagrin.

This post is my introduction to the local physical universe that surrounds our small solar system.  Or, more precisely, we will look at the utility of sentience nurseries in our immediate physical location. For reasons, that I will not get involved in at this time, our galactic region has been assigned (or allocated) to be a sentience nursery cluster.

It is not complete, but then, nothing in Metallicman is either…

“There is a serious possibility that we are being visited and have been visited for many years by people from outer space, from other civilizations. 

That it behooves us, in case some of these people in the future or now should turn hostile, to find out who they are, where they come from, and what they want. 

This should be the subject of rigorous scientific investigation and not the subject of ‘rubbishing’ by tabloid newspapers.”  

– Lord Admiral Hill-Norton, Former Chief of Defense Staff, 5 Star Admiral of the Royal Navy, Chairman of the NATO Military Committee

This is a list of the four nearby sentience nurseries close to Earth.  (Our solar system rounds out the group to five in total.)

While no one has ever pointed these particular solar systems out to me directly, there are some very good reasons, and directed cognizant thought, that convinces me that these five are the strongest candidates that I know to exist for the sentience nurseries in this galactic region.

In other words, I know that there are five sentience nurseries, but I have never had them pointed out to me directly. Instead, I have taken what I have been exposed to, added a healthy dose of intelligent extrapolation, and came up with this strong list of candidate solar systems.

I have many other lists of local solar systems. (Of course.)

A vast number of solar systems lie around us.

These other lists are dominated by many dim brown dwarfs and red dwarf solar systems.  (Many of which have not yet been discovered.)  There are over 50 main groupings of which a number have multiple stars.  These systems represent the solar system neighborhood surrounding our system.  It is not complete or comprehensive, as researchers are constantly discovering new stars every few months.

It is not an accident that most of the stars in our neighborhood are red dwarfs, and brown dwarfs.  This is typical for our galaxy.  While it is possible that human habitable planets might exist around any star, the odds of finding one in our neighborhood is small.  This is due to the simple fact that any habitable planet around a red or brown dwarf star must be close to it.  The closer it is, the greater the chances of tidal lock, and the greater the danger from the dangers of occasional solar activity.  This is especially true for (young) flare stars.

Yet, the fact that many of our extraterrestrial allies have eyesight apparently adapted to the infrared spectrum, implies that native life might be best adapted near or around a red dwarf star.  But we do not know this as a fact.  (I, however, believe that this is the case.) 

Thus, an extraterrestrial race might find life around a dim red dwarf more comfortable than around our hotter G class star.  (That also implies that there are better than average opportunities for habitable planets around said stars.  Thus, perhaps all the concern related to tidal locking might be misplaced…)

Concerning extraterrestrial occupation of a given solar system;  While not every system maintains human biologically habitable planets, many possess numerous extraterrestrial habitations and bases.  Some support colonies, and a number of them maintain active civilizations on the more habitable planets. 

The simple truth is that most space faring extraterrestrials do not need to locate biologically stable planets.  Instead, they prefer to select safe and marginal worlds to operate their bases and colonies.  This lies in direct opposition to conventional human scientific thought.  Where only “Earth-like” planets around “Sun-like” stars hold the “best” possible chance for finding intelligent human-like life.

Conventionally, we believe that the only valuable solar system is one which might contain an Earth-like planet.  But finding one that is an Earth analog is relatively rare.  Instead of this, most advanced space faring extraterrestrials [1] look for otherwise stable solar systems that they can occupy through the [2] creation of their own self-sustaining facilities.  They do not search for worlds identical to which they evolved upon.  They [3] search for quiescent and stable worlds instead, and then [4] adapt their biological bodies to that new environment.

If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up the men to gather wood, divide the work and give orders.  Instead, teach them to yearn for the vast and endless sea.

-Antoine de Saint-Exupery

About the other nearby solar systems

Any visiting extraterrestrials to our system has to be familiar with the regions of space surrounding the earth to arrive here.  Even if their propulsive method transcends the limitations of distance and time, they still have to know and understand the local physical region of space. 

Typically, most visitors (Excluding the Mantids who originate locally, and the type-I greys who hail from a much more distant section of the galaxy.) to our system arrive from points of origin within a 140 light year sphere (This is a fact, and it is not speculation. While other races do visit us from time to time that have traveled larger distances, the vast bulk of visitors to our planet at this time come from locally derived points of origin.).  That encompasses a huge volume of space. 

We do not know of all the systems in that region as there are many uncategorized red dwarfs and faint brown dwarf systems.  But luckily, we have a rather good understanding (It has only been recently that we have been able to detect and map the nearby brown dwarf systems. They are often too dim and too cold to be seen through most optical telescopes.) of the closest stars within a 17 light year sphere.

My personal list contains all known stars and brown dwarfs at a distance of up to 5 parsecs (16.3 light-years) from the Solar System, ordered by (an approximation of) increasing distance away from our system. In addition to our Solar System, there are over 60+ stellar systems currently known lying within this distance.

These combined systems contain a minimum of 56 hydrogen-fusing stars (of which over 50 are red dwarfs), numerous brown dwarfs, and 4 tiny hot white dwarfs. Despite the relative proximity of these objects to the Earth, only nine of them have an apparent magnitude less than 6.5, which means only about 13% of these objects can be observed with the naked eye.

“Spartans do not ask how many are the enemy but where are they.”Plutarch, Sayings of the Spartans

Some important notes.

I have never been outside of our solar system (that I am aware of).

What I present here is a compilation of [1] known (human) astronomical information as well as [2] information that I have compiled in conjunction with MAJestic and my work with extraterrestrials.   Merging the two sources together provides a comprehensive (but general) understanding of the relative condition of our interstellar neighborhood, abet in an incomplete manner.  By studying this information, a true and real perspective can be obtaining regarding our place, as humans, in the local galactic region.

The reader should carefully note that very few solar systems that lie near us are compatible with physical human life. 

Yet, we know that numerous nearby systems are inhabited. 

There are various reasons for this.  The reader should study this post carefully and acquaint themselves with the surrounding physical space.  In doing so, there must be an understanding that only a very small amount of our reality is presented to us.  The totality sum of our true existence is veiled from us.

The presentation of this information to the reader follows a unique methodology that I prefer. 

Instead of following a traditional model, which is either by [1] distance to the sun, or by [2] alphabetical name, or [3] by year of discovery, I have chosen to use my own method.  My preferred method of presentation is based upon functional usage and concerns of the reader.  Therefore, I have subdivided this chapter into the following sections or sub-groupings.

Nursery SystemsThese are systems that are also (like our own) are considered to be nurseries for evolving intelligences.
Young SystemsThese systems are very young.  They are hot, large and dangerous.  While we humans have often been able to observe them, they are incompatible with human-like life.
Similar SystemsThese solar systems are similar to our own solar system that lies nearby.  Some are already “Nursery Systems” and as such, are covered elsewhere. Typically, this category contains type G, and type K star systems.
Habitable SystemsThe long duration, cooler type M red dwarfs are the preferred systems to support intelligent life. Here, I place the various systems for consideration where they were not in another category.
Brown DwarfsThese are much cooler and dim stars and their tiny and tight systems. They can be very old or very young.  Surprisingly, numerous systems contain native life, though none resembling that which we would be comfortable with.
Dangerous SystemsThese systems are unique stellar phenomena that lie nearby.  They are placed here for the enjoyment of the reader.

And in this post, we will have the complete “data dump” of my personal notes on the five sentience nursery systems (four plus earth).

Nursery Systems

These are systems that are also (like our own) are considered to be nurseries for evolving intelligence.

  • Information is recounted by memory and from what I “know” though MAJestic implants and EBP entanglement.
  • Practical information is provided by known literature by those specialists who study the heavens. 

The information, thus provided, is a hybrid of what we know and what was “told” to me through entanglement.  Belief on it’s accuracy or lack of, is up to the reader to decide.

The solar systems included are;

  • Alpha Centauri
  • Barnard’s Star (BD+04°3561a)
  • LHS 288 (Luyten 143-23)
  • Gliese 667 (142 G. Scorpii)

A very important note must be made here. This is my compilation of best candidates for this world-line grouping within the MWI. It could be correct, or wildly incorrect. It’s up to you, the reader, to decide.

The Alpha Centauri Solar System

Earth aside, we begin our tour of the local neighborhood with our nearest stellar neighbor; the Alpha Centauri system.  This is an important solar system in many ways, and deserves close scrutiny.

The Alpha Centauri system is the closest solar system to our sun. 

Viewed from the earth, Alpha Centauri (α Centauri) is the third brightest “star” in the (Southern hemisphere) night sky.  It appears (to the naked eye) as a single bright point of light; a single star.  But, it is not a single star at all, but rather a triple star system. 

This trinary solar system consists of three stars and with them, three separate groups of solar systems.  In it two, more or less sun-like stars (A and B), orbit a central point in space.  A third star, which is a small red dwarf named Proxima Centauri, orbits (in a wide large outer orbit) the two inner stars. 

Americans cannot view this star directly unless they live in the Southern hemisphere.

The relative sizes of the three stars of the Alpha Centauri solar system.

Trinary System

Most importantly for our purposes and considerations, each individual star has its own solar system. 

Thus, the Alpha Centauri system is but a grouping of three entire and complete solar systems.  Each one with its own set of planets and moons. 

Two of the solar systems are just like ours.  (Although truncated in size.) They are very similar to our own system up to the range of the outer gas giants.  Thus, it is (more or less) reasonable to expect a similar solar system structure to our very own.  These two stars are all about the same age, size, color and behavior to our sun. (If slightly cooler, slightly smaller, and slightly more stable.)

This trinary system is located 1.34 parsecs or 4.37 light years from the Sun, making it (indisputably) the closest star system to our Solar System.

We are fortunate to have a trinary star system nearby. 

We are also doubly fortunate to have one that has stable stars and behavior. 

There is no doubt in my mind that this system is currently occupied by extraterrestrials, though whether or not there are de-facto habitable planets in the system is (officially) unknown at this time.  (Of course it must have some habitable planets as it is a stable nursery, but whether or not those planets are habitable to humans is unknown.)

Alpha Centauri A & B

While the two inner stars are similar to our sun in age, size and color, the outer sun is much cooler and much smaller.  It is an often an ignored system because it is not as “interesting” as the inner twin stars are.  (This all changed with the discovery of a orbiting planet, of earth size, in the habitable zone of Proxima Centuari in 2016.)

In regards to the orbiting planet around Proxima Centuari back in 22016...

Due to its small size, any habitable planet must orbit close to the star.  There is a risk of the planet being tidally locked with one side always facing the star, with the other side eternally cold.  

In any event, habitable planets in this system would see a gigantic red sun in their sky.  It would appear much bigger than we can conceive, perhaps even dominating the vast sky above.  

Now, this is according to conventional belief. And we will discuss this matter in greater detail soon...

Here are the orbits of the two “inner” stars. The orbits shown are elliptical reflective of the angle of inclination of the orbital plane of each solar system.  (The planetary planes are tilted relative to our earth viewpoint, and thus appear to us as ellipses.)  The reader should be aware that in the 3 dimensional word that none of the solar systems, galaxies, and rotational and orbitals bodies are ever in complete organized unity with each other. This presentation shows the orbits in the plane of the two primary stars.

It is reasonable to expect some kind of life in any or all of these systems.  Either naturally evolving, or seeded by another race. 

I do not know very much about life outside of our solar system, but what I do know that there is an extremely high probability that there is an extraterrestrial presence in this system. 

In fact, almost all the stars surrounding us has extraterrestrial life in one form or the other. With most being transplants involved in temporary assignment within rather bleak housing facilities.

Apparent habitable zones for Alpha Centauri A & B.  Proxima Centauri is not shown. The dotted circle refers to the orbit of our earth, so obviously our planet would orbit comfortably around either of these two stars.

The reader should note that 1AU = the distance from the Earth to our star; Sol. Thus, the inclusion of this metric in the diagram above clearly helps the reader visualize comparatively how these systems relate to our own solar system.

Since this is a trinary star system, the quantum fields involved are quite complex (compared to a single star system). 

Here we refer to "quantum fields" that represent the “spiritually” energized and entangled quantum fields in regards to biological ambulatory organisms with a degree of self-actuation.

Those living and visiting this system will have to be prepared for the complex nature of this quantum field.  (Compared to our solar system.) On one aspect, it is interesting, exciting and quite dynamic.  On the other hand, there are notable energy potentials that can wreck all kinds of havoc on earth-centric biological processes. 

I feel sure that humans can visit the system, but the ability to stay there and thrive will most certainly require the creation of a new biological form that is adapted for the quantum vortexes that exist there (We are quantum being occupying a physical body in a physical universe.).

Both of these solar systems are stable. 

The presence of the two stars have stewarded any errant planets and asteroids rendering the physical space clean.  This would be very similar to what the larger gas giant planets would do.  Even though I (will) spend a considerable amount of time discussing Proxima Centauri, it is actually these two “inner” solar systems that host the best chance for habitable planets and extraterrestrial life.

Make no mistake, there are large “gas giant” type planets that orbit these stars, and they influence the smaller planets to various degrees. Also, from a physical and biological point of view, the trio of suns all have influences on the biological lives that occupy the planets there. 

For instance, we know how our own solar system interacts with the biology of humans; sunspots, for instance.  

Sunspot activity of our sun influences all kinds of weather and human behaviors.  Thus, imagine how the sunspot behaviors of three stars in close proximity might influence the lives present on those orbiting planets.

Proxima Centauri

Proxima Centauri is a tiny star that orbits the two larger inner stars in a wide eliptical orbit.  It orbits at a much greater distance away from the two inner stars.  So much so, that a diagram including all three is nearly impossible to show all their orbits together. That is because the orbit of Proxima Centauri is many, many, MANY times larger than the orbits of Proxima Centauri A and B.

Red Dwarf Star

It is what is known as a red dwarf star.  It has a large orbit that surrounds  the two larger stars in the Alpha Centauri solar system.  All in all, it lies about 4.24 light-years from the Sun, inside the G-cloud, in the constellation of Centaurus. 

A red dwarf is a small and relatively cool star on the main sequence, either late K or M spectral type. 

Red dwarfs range in mass from a low of 0.075 solar masses to about 0.50 solar masses, and have a surface temperature of less than 4,000 K.  

Red dwarfs are by far the most common type of star in the Milky Way(aside from the much cooler brown dwarfs), at least in the neighborhood of the Sun, but because of their low luminosity, individual red dwarfs cannot easily be observed. 

From Earth, not one red dwarf is visible to the naked eye.  

Proxima Centauri, the nearest star to the Sun, is a red dwarf (Type M5 to M5.5, apparent magnitude 11.05), as are twenty of the next thirty nearest. According to some estimates, red dwarfs make up three-quarters of the stars in the Milky Way.

Proxima Centauri is classified as a red dwarf is of spectral class M5.5. It is further classified as a “late M-dwarf star”, meaning that at M5.5, it falls to the low-mass extreme of M-type stars. Its diameter is about one-seventh of that of the Sun. Proxima Centauri’s mass is about an eighth of the Sun’s,but its average density is about 40 times that of the Sun.

In astronomy, stellar classification is the classification of stars based on their spectral characteristics. 

Light from the star is analyzed by splitting it with a prism or diffraction grating into a spectrum exhibiting the rainbow of colors interspersed with absorption lines.  Most stars are currently classified under the Morgan–Keenan (MKK) system using the letters O, B, A, F, G, K, M, L, T and Y, a sequence from the hottest (O type) to the coolest (Y type). 

The types R and N are carbon-based stars, and the type S is zirconium-monoxide-based stars. 

Each letter class is then subdivided using a numeric digit with 0 being hottest and 9 being coolest (e.g. A8, A9, F0, F1 form a sequence from hotter to cooler).  

In the MKK system a luminosity class is added to the spectral class using Roman numerals. This is based on the width of certain absorption lines in the star's spectrum which vary with the density of the atmosphere and so distinguish giant stars from dwarfs. 

Luminosity class 0 stars for hyper-giants, class I stars for super-giants, class II for bright giants, class III for regular giants, class IV for sub-giants, class V for main-sequence stars, class VI for sub-dwarfs, class VII for white dwarfs, and class VIII for brown dwarfs. 

The full spectral class for the Sun is then G2V, indicating a main-sequence star with a temperature around 5,800K.

Although it has a very low average luminosity, Proxima is a flare star that undergoes random dramatic increases in brightness because of magnetic activity. The star’s magnetic field is created by convection throughout the stellar body, and the resulting flare activity generates a total X-ray emission similar to that produced by (our) Sun.

Flare Stars; 

This is a reasonability common attribute associated with brown dwarf stars.  They tend to change in brightness over time.  

Part of this might be due to sun spots of enormous size, flares that vary in intensity and size, variations in the stellar gravitational field that periodically readjusts, or to other issues too numerous to address here.  

I personally like to believe that some “flare stars”, especially the regular and periodic ones, are misidentified as a flare star.  Instead they are simply a brown dwarf that has a nearby companion planet or body that causes the brightness to vary from time to time.


Its total luminosity over all wavelengths is 0.17% that of the Sun, although when observed in the wavelengths of visible light the eye is most sensitive to, it is only 0.0056% as luminous as the Sun. This means that if an astronaut were to orbit the star, he would have a very difficult time seeing it. It would appear as a very dim, and very dark, blood-red disc in the dark sky. 

Likewise, any planet orbiting a red dwarf would be dimly lit.  At least that is how it would appear from human eyes.  But human eyes were developed or evolved for the energetic G3 star that we call our sun. 

In the case of Proxima Centauri, more than 85% of its radiated power is at infrared wavelengths.  To our human eyes, it is difficult to see, and any habitable planet orbiting it would appear very dim, even being so close to the star. 

However, were a race to have eyesight that could see in the infrared range, the light would be quite bright.  In fact, as bright as our own sun as viewed from a more distant point such as from Neptune. 

A species that has evolved around a red dwarf would be able to see in the infrared range of light, and to them, the planet would be well lit and vibrant, with skies that would be extra dark. Much like this.
A species that has evolved around a red dwarf would be able to see in the infrared range of light, and to them, the planet would be well lit and vibrant, with skies that would be extra dark. Much like this. They would be able to see things that we just simply cannot.

Flare Outbursts

According to the The TV documentary “Alien Worlds”, Proxima Centauri’s flare outbursts could be problematic. 

Solar flares are tremendous explosions on the surface of the Sun. In a matter of just a few minutes they heat material to many millions of degrees and release as much energy as a billion megatons of TNT. They occur near sunspots, usually along the dividing line (neutral line) between areas of oppositely directed magnetic fields.

Flares release energy in many forms – electro-magnetic (Gamma rays and X-rays), energetic particles (protons and electrons), and mass flows. Flares are characterized by their brightness in X-rays (X-Ray flux).

  • The biggest flares are X-Class flares.
  • M-Class flares have a tenth the energy.
  • C-Class flares have a tenth of the X-ray flux seen in M-Class flares.

Indeed, it could erode the atmosphere of any planet in its habitable zone, but the documentary’s scientists thought that this obstacle could be overcome. Gibor Basri of the University of California, Berkeley, even mentioned that “no one [has] found any showstoppers to habitability.”

" For example, one concern was that the torrents of charged particles from the star's flares could strip the atmosphere off any nearby planet. However, if the planet had a strong magnetic field, the field would deflect the particles from the atmosphere; even the slow rotation of a tidally locked dwarf planet that spins once for every time it orbits its star would be enough to generate a magnetic field, as long as part of the planet's interior remained molten.”

Other scientists, especially proponents of the “Rare Earth hypothesis”, disagree that red dwarfs can sustain life. (Of course they do.  They believe that there is only ONE earth-like planet in the universe!) 

These individuals strongly argue that the earth and the conditions for life on any planet similar to Earth is extremely rare, and that the chance of finding an Earth-like planet in our galaxy (of billions of solar systems) is impossibly unlikely.  

Thus their belief structure has been coined as the “Rare Earth hypothesis”.

Their contention is that the tide-locked rotation may result in a relatively weak planetary magnetic moment, leading to strong atmospheric erosion by coronal mass ejections from Proxima Centauri. 

All this being stated; the truth is that Earth scientists do not know whether any habitable planets can exist around a red dwarf of this nature.  I do not know either. 

I personally believe that the stellar nursery for evolving intelligence’s is around one or both of the two inner stars. Not so much around Proxima Centauri. But that is only my opinion.

Discovered World around Proxima Centauri – 2016

An anonymous source from the ESO told German publication Der Spiegel the discovery is the closest habitable planet to Earth, orbits Proxima Centauri. The sources leaked news that the European Southern Observatory (ESO) had spotted an alien world orbiting Proxima Centauri. This was later confirmed by an Guardian article that stated that a planet was indeed found. 25AUG16.

Proxima Centauri b.

Thought to be at least 1.3 times the mass of the Earth, the planet lies within the so-called “habitable zone” of the star Proxima Centauri, meaning that liquid water could potentially exist on the newly discovered world. Named Proxima b, the new planet has sparked a flurry of excitement among astrophysicists, with the tantalizing possibility that it might be similar in crucial respects to Earth.

“There is a reasonable expectation that this planet might be able to host life, yes,”

-Guillem Anglada-Escudé, co-author of the research from Queen Mary, University of London.

Taking 11.2 days to travel around Proxima Centauri, the planet orbits at just 5% of the distance separating the Earth and the sun. But, researchers say, the planet is still within the habitable zone of its star because Proxima Centauri is a type of red dwarf known as an M dwarf – a smaller, cooler, dimmer type of star than our yellow dwarf sun.

Planetary Evolution of Proxima b

While Proxima b is today in the so-called “habitable zone” of its star, where surface oceans may exist, it has not always been the case. Its star has evolved differently from solar-type stars, and its brightness has decreased over time. Early in its history, the planet received a much greater flux of energy.

The planet we see today has changed much during it’s evolution.

Two scenarios for the early evolution of Proxima b. It could have lost all gases and liquids before it entered the habitable zone of its star. Or it could have kept water and an atmosphere until today and thus be habitable.

During the early “hot phase”, when the star was young and planets were newly formed, water was vaporized into a thick atmosphere exposed to high-energy radiation from its star. Proxima, like most red dwarfs, is very active and the planet is exposed to more X-ray and extreme-UV radiation than Earth. The combination of these two factors, vaporization of the water and strong exposure to high-energy radiation and particles, generates evaporation from the atmosphere to space and erosion of the water content.

What we need to do is characterize the radiation spectrum of the star in the range from X-rays to the UV in order to estimate the atmospheric losses over time. 

That will enable us to determine whether the water reservoir and the atmosphere could survive this early “hot phase” of this planet’s formation. The current fate of Proxima b depends on the amount of water and gas the planet inherited during its formation, which was very different from that of the Earth.

We do not know if b Proxima began its history with more or less water than Earth and the planet could still possess a thick atmosphere and oceans despite early atmospheric losses.

Possible climates of Proxima b

Scientists have exploring a broad variety of atmospheric compositions and water inventories possible under different scenarios for this planet. To achieve this theoretical exploration, the scientists used a 3D climate model similar to those used to study the Earth’s climate but especially developed for exoplanets and including all the relevant characteristics of the Proxima system.

At the short orbital distance of Proxima b, strong tidal forces exerted by the star allow only two possible rotations for the planet.

  1. In the first case the planet is synchronous, its rotation period is equal to its orbital period (11.2 days) and it always presents the same face to its star.
  2. In the second case the planet rotates 3 times every 2 orbits (3:2 spin-orbit resonance, like Mercury), a situation that can arise if the orbit is slightly eccentric (which is possible but not yet determined).

In all cases, Proxima b should not have seasons because tidal forces cancel the obliquity, bringing the equator on the planet’s orbital plane. Numerical simulations show that liquid water is possible for a wide range of atmospheric compositions. Depending on the rotation period and the amount of greenhouse gases, water may be present over the surface of the planet only in the sunniest regions: that is to say in the area facing permanently the star in the synchronous case and in a tropical belt in the asynchronous case.

Proxima b synchronous rotation model (GIF)).

A numerical simulation of possible surface temperatures on Proxima b performed with the Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique’s Planetary Global Climate Model. Here it is hypothesized that the planet possesses an Earth-like atmosphere and that it is covered by an ocean (the dashed line is the frontier between the liquid and icy oceanic surface). The planet is in synchronous rotation (like the moon around the Earth), and is seen as a distant observer would do during one full orbit.

Same as above but for the case of the planet trapped in the 3:2 resonance (3 rotations of the planet for every revolution around the star).

Note that subsurface (underground) liquid water can also provide habitable conditions (similar to Jupiter’s moon Europa in the Solar System). However, such biosphere would not allow for remote detection from Earth. If liquid water is present at the surface, biological photosynthesis is possible and its affects the entire planetary environment so that it can potentially be observable from interstellar distances.

Proxima b asynchronous rotation model (GIF).
Synchronous Rotation Model
Non-synchronous Rotation model

Seeing the planet

It is possible that soon, certain telescopes could actually see this planet. 

In particular the 39-m ESO E-ELT whose construction just began in Chile. This large telescope will actually “see” the world by separating it from its star, something that is feasible today only for some newly formed gas giant planets.

These observations will tell us whether Proxima b has water, an atmosphere and a habitable climate. And, maybe, just maybe… with proper software and tweaking, we might even be able to discern clouds and land terrain as well.

A tentative step to explore potential climate of Proxima b

Published in leading scientific journal, Astronomy & Astrophyics, on Tuesday, May 16th 2017, a group of scientists explored the potential climate of the planet, towards the longer term goal of revealing whether it has the potential to support life.

Using the state-of-the-art Met Office Unified Model, which has been successfully used to study the Earth’s climate for several decades, the team simulated the climate of Proxima B if it were to have a similar atmospheric composition to our own Earth.

The team also explored a much simpler atmosphere, comprising of nitrogen with traces of carbon dioxide, as well as variations of the planets orbit. This allowed them to both compare with, and extend beyond, previous studies.

Crucially, the results of the simulations showed that Proxima B could have the potential to be habitable, and could exist in a remarkably stable climate regime. However, of course this comes with a statement that the study is preliminary and based on what little data we now have.  They argue, correctly I must add, that much more work must be done to truly understand whether this planet can support, or indeed does support life of some form.

Dr Ian Boutle, lead author of the paper explained:

"Our research team looked at a number of different scenarios for the planet's likely orbital configuration using a set of simulations. As well as examining how the climate would behave if the planet was 'tidally-locked' (where one day is the same length as one year), we also looked at how an orbit similar to Mercury, which rotates three times on its axis for every two orbits around the sun (a 3:2 resonance), would affect the environment."

-"Exploring the climate of Proxima B with the Met Office Unified Model" by Ian Boutle, Nathan Mayne, Benjamin Drummond, James Manners, Jayesh Goyal, Hugo lambert, David Acreman and Paul Earnshaw is published in Astronomy & Astrophyics. 

Read more at: https://phys.org/news/2017-05-scientists-tentative-explore-potential-climate.html#jCp

Dr James Manners, also an author on the paper added:

"One of the main features that distinguishes this planet from Earth is that the light from its star is mostly in the near infra-red. These frequencies of light interact much more strongly with water vapour and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere which affects the climate that emerges in our model."

Using the Met Office software, the Unified Model, the team found that both the tidally-locked and 3:2 resonance configurations result in regions of the planet able to host liquid water. However, the 3:2 resonance example resulted in more substantial areas of the planet falling within this temperature range. Additionally, they found that the expectation of an eccentric orbit, could lead to a further increase in the “habitability” of this world.

Dr Nathan Mayne, scientific lead on exoplanet modelling at the University of Exeter and an author on the paper added:

"With the project we have at Exeter we are trying to not only understand the somewhat bewildering diversity of exoplanets being discovered, but also exploit this to hopefully improve our understanding of how our own climate has and will evolve."

A Hypothesized World around Proxima Centauri

The TV documentary “Alien Worlds” hypothesized that a life-sustaining planet could (possibly) exist in orbit around Proxima Centauri or other (similar)red dwarfs stars. The validity of this documentary is in question, but I present it for the reader to come to their own conclusions.

By calculation, such a planet would lie within the habitable zone of Proxima Centauri, about 0.023–0.054 AU from the star[A], and would have an orbital period[B] of 3.6–14 days.  

[A] The Earth is 1 A.U. from our sun. Thus any habitable planet around this tiny red dwarf would most certainly lie very close to the star. This is quite different from the two other central stars in the system.

[B] This is the length of the planet’s year. Our earths orbital period is 364 days.

Obviously, a planet orbiting within this zone will experience tidal locking to the star, so that Proxima Centauri moves little in the planet’s sky, and most of the surface experiences either day or night perpetually. However, we do not know how this effect would be mitigated through the presence of an atmosphere. 

In fact, the presence of an atmosphere could serve to redistribute the energy from the star-lit side to the far side of the planet. Which is, you should know, my opinion on this matter.

Possibility of Humanoid Habitability

There’s been lots of speculation about the little world known as Proxima Centauri b since astronomers announced its discovery.

With a minimum mass of 1.3 Earths, the exoplanet orbits its star at roughly one-tenth the distance that Mercury loops the Sun. Yet because Proxima Centauri is a red M dwarf — the runts of the stellar litter — this total lack of personal space puts the world in the star’s putative habitable zone, the region where, given an Earth-like atmosphere and rocky composition, there’s the right amount of incoming starlight to sustain liquid surface water.

The Basics

What qualifies an extrasolar planet as being earth-like and hence a possible haven for life?

First, a planet must orbit in a star’s habitable zone. The habitable zone is the narrow region around a star in which the possibility of liquid water, thought essential for life, can exist. If a planet orbits its star closer than the habitable zone, the planet’s surface likely is too hot for liquid water to exist. If the planet orbits farther away, the planet’s surface probably will be too cold for liquid water. The distance of the habitable zone from a particular star depends upon the star’s temperature and brightness.

Second. While being in the habitable zone is a necessary condition for life, it is not a sufficient condition. A planet also must have the proper kind of atmosphere. Planets that are too small lack gravity to hold on to much of an atmosphere. This is the situation of Mercury, Mars, and the earth’s moon.

Without a significant atmosphere to provide pressure that can contain water, liquid water cannot exist. But if a planet is too large, its much greater gravity tends to hold onto the wrong kind of atmosphere. This is the situation of Jupiter and the other three Jupiter-like planets in the solar system.

What constitutes a wrong atmosphere? There are several ways that an atmosphere can go awry.

Some gases are directly hostile to life. If they are in abundance, polyatomic gases can be harmful indirectly. Polyatomic gases have three or more atoms in their molecules. Polyatomic gases block infrared (IR) radiation.

IR radiation sometimes is called heat radiation, because many objects cool by emitting IR radiation. For instance, at night the ground emits IR radiation to lose heat that it absorbed from the sun during the day. Polyatomic gases block IR radiation, preventing this cooling. This is similar to how a greenhouse holds in heat, so polyatomic gases sometimes are called greenhouse gases in this context.

Water vapor is the most significant greenhouse gas in the earth’s atmosphere. That is why the temperature remains warm on humid nights, but the temperature can plunge during nights when the humidity is low.

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is another greenhouse gas that can hold in heat. This is the basis for concern about “global warming and climate change” due to increased output of CO2 by human sources since the industrial revolution.

The planet Venus has an atmosphere that is much denser than the earth’s atmosphere, and its atmosphere is dominated by CO2. This results in an extremely hot surface temperature on Venus. Clearly, a planet similar to Venus is hostile to life.

Contrast this to earth’s atmosphere that is dominated by diatomic gases, gases having two atoms per molecule.

The major component (78%) of earth’s atmosphere is nitrogen (N2). This gas is inert, merely providing bulk to the atmosphere. Much of the remainder of the earth’s atmosphere (21%) is oxygen (O2), the substance that is essential for human and animal life.

Greenhouse gases make up far less than 1% of the earth’s atmosphere. This small amount of greenhouse gases is ideal in that it holds in some, but not all, heat at night.

This provides a modestly warm, but not hot, atmosphere. Astrobiologists, scientists who study the possibility of life elsewhere in the universe, recognize the ideal nature of the earth’s atmosphere. They reckon that the best hope for finding life elsewhere is on a planet with an atmosphere similar to earth’s atmosphere.

Third. If a planet orbits in the habitable zone of a star, but is too small to have any significant atmosphere, it is deemed non-earth-like. On the other hand, if a planet orbiting in the habitable zone of a star is too massive, it almost certainly will have an atmosphere similar to Jupiter or perhaps even Venus, and it too is deemed non-earth-like.

How does the new exoplanet Proxima Centauri b stack up?

Fourth. As previously mentioned, it orbits in Proxima Centauri’s habitable zone. However, the star Proxima Centauri is much smaller, less massive, and cooler than the sun. Hence, its habitable zone is much smaller than the sun’s habitable zone.

Proxima Centauri b orbits just 1/20 the earth’s distance from the sun.

Rather than orbiting once each 365 days as the earth does, Proxima Centauri b’s orbital period is a mere 11.2 days.

The minimum mass of the planet is 1.3 times that of the earth. Since this is a minimum mass, the actual mass could be greater. This mass range almost assures that Proxima Centauri b has an atmosphere.

If Proxima Centauri b’s mass is close to the minimum mass, then there is some chance that its atmosphere may have the properties similar to earth’s atmosphere, but this is not guaranteed.

Fifth. But even if Proxima Centauri b has an atmosphere with composition similar to earth’s atmosphere, there are other problems. Orbiting so closely to its star, Proxima Centauri b is expected to experience tidal locking so that it rotates synchronously. That is, the planet probably orbits with one side facing Proxima Centauri. The side of the planet that always faces the star is probably far too hot for living things, while the side that is perpetually in darkness is likely too cold. Only in a ring near where the star is always up but not too high above the horizon could there be conditions suitable for life.

Sixth. Depending on how planetary magnetic fields are generated, tidal locking might have dampened any nascent magnetic field that Proxima Centauri b had. This is significant, because red dwarfs like Proxima Centauri are prone to harmful radiation. The earth’s magnetic field protects the earth’s atmosphere from the flow of charged particles from the sun (the solar wind).

Without this protection, charged particles from the sun would eventually strip earth of its atmosphere. The amount of the solar wind is directly related to the strength of the sun’s magnetic field.

For instance, flares and coronal mass ejections (both related to the sun’s magnetic field) greatly increase the solar wind. Presumably, a star’s wind is related to its magnetic field too. Proxima Centauri’s magnetic field is hundreds of times stronger than the sun’s magnetic field, suggesting that its stellar wind is far greater than the solar wind. Red dwarfs, such as Proxima Centauri b, are prone to flares and probably experience coronal mass ejections greater than the sun does.

Seventh. Furthermore, being only 1/20 as far from its star, for a given level of stellar wind, Proxima Centauri b would experience 400 times as much damage as the earth does. Therefore, even with some protection of stripping by stellar wind from any magnetic field that it might have, Proxima Centauri b probably cannot protect its atmosphere.

In conclusion, this justification for the “lonely uniqueness of earth” hypothsis states…

So even if Proxima Centauri b initially had an atmosphere, it probably lost it. Without an atmosphere, life if not possible. Finally, the increased level of activity of the star Proxima Centauri and Proxima Centauri b’s close proximity to it likely causes the planet to experience far higher levels of ultraviolet and X-ray fluxes than the earth does. These radiations are harmful to life.

Edward Guinan (Villanova University) Opinion

Before they become full-fledged, hydrogen-fusing stars, the smallest red dwarfs spend a few hundred million years contracting. During this stage, they’re much brighter than they will be during their adult years, by roughly a factor of 50, said Edward Guinan (Villanova University) during a session on January 4th. Furthermore, young M stars shoot out gads of X-ray and ultraviolet radiation — roughly 100 times as much in X-ray and 10 to 20 times as much in UV as those dwarfs as old as the Sun.

Adding insult to injury, these young stars unleash dangerous flares, and if an orbiting world has a weak or nonexistent global magnetic field, the star’s winds could tear the atmosphere off the planet. “If you have a weak magnetic field, you’re done for,” Guinan said. “There’s really no way to survive.”

All these factors put together mean that, in Proxima Centauri’s earliest days, its habitable zone was farther out than it is now. If the exoplanet formed where it currently resides (in the modern habitable zone), then the world “underwent a living hell in its early 300 to 400 million years,” Guinan said.

For the past decade, Guinan and his team have been pursuing a project called Living with a Red Dwarf. They’re amassing data on all the small, cool M dwarfs within about 30 light-years of Earth, trying to understand their rotation rates, starspottiness, ages, and more. Given what they’ve learned from that work, Proxima Centauri b is most likely a desert world in their opinion.

Victoria Meadows (University of Washington) Opinion

Victoria Meadows (University of Washington), who presented in the same session, has come to the same conclusion. She and her colleagues considered different potential atmospheres and ran simulations to determine how the exoplanet might look today, about 5 billion years after its formation. They determined that, if there were surface water, the incoming radiation likely would have evaporated most or all of it. And since water is made of oxygen and hydrogen, and hydrogen is more easily yanked from a planet’s gravitational grasp, the process could have built up a large, oxygen-rich atmosphere. A carbon dioxide–rich, Venus-like atmosphere is another possibility.

University of Göttingen in Germany

Proxima b is also pretty darn close to its star. Where Earth is 93 million miles from the sun on average, Proxmia b and its star are just 4 million miles apart—5 percent as far. Because red dwarfs are so much cooler than our Sun, the planet can be this close without getting charred to a crisp.

Yet this proximity could cause two problems. First, Proxima b is likely to be tidally locked, meaning the same face of the planet always faces the star. It’s like the way the same side of the moon always faces the Earth[iii]. (However, a thick enough atmosphere could keep the world twirling.) Second, depending on how and when Proxima b was formed, early blasts of stellar radiation could have blown away much or most of Proxima b’s hypothetical atmosphere.

That said, Tidally locked planets were once regarded as inhospitable to life — baked too hot on the star-facing side, and freezing cold on the dark side. But recent research suggests that such worlds may indeed be habitable; winds in their atmospheres could distribute heat, smoothing out temperature extremes.

"none of this excludes the possibility of an atmosphere and water, it all depends on the history of the stellar system,"

Marseille Astrophysics Laboratory

The entire surface of Proxima b — the possibly Earth-like planet orbiting the closest star to the sun, Proxima Centauri — may be covered in a liquid ocean, according to a new study.

While there is still much to learn about the solar system’s newfound neighbor, previous research found that Proxima b has two key features in common with Earth: it orbits within the habitable zone of its star — meaning it could have the right surface temperature to allow for the presence of liquid water— and it has a mass 1.3 times that of Earth. 

Using this information, a team led by researchers at the Marseille Astrophysics Laboratory in France, developed different models to help discover what the conditions might be like on the rocky exoplanet, according to a statement from NASA. [Proxima b: Closest Earth-Like Planet Discovery in Pictures]

The new findings suggest Proxima b could have a large liquid ocean covering its entire surface and stretching 124 miles (200 kilometers) deep, as well as a thin gas atmosphere much like that found on Earth. These features favor the planet’s potential for supporting life, according to the statement.

Scientists have proposed different ideas about Proxima b’s composition and surface conditions, and the new models provide more information that could help inform those ideas, NASA officials said in the statement. Some of those ideas…

 "involve a completely dry planet, while others permit the presence of a significant amount of water in its composition,"

Using the planet’s known mass (1.3 times that of Earth), the authors of the new research simulated different potential compositions for Proxima b and then estimated the radius of the planet for each of those scenarios. The study revealed that Proxima b could have a radius anywhere between 0.94 and 1.4 times that of Earth, according to the NASA statement.

For one of the potential composition models, the researchers found Proxima b may be an “ocean planet” similar to some of the icy moons around Jupiter and Saturn that harbor subsurface oceans. In this water-world scenario, the planet would have a radius of 5,543 miles (8,920 km), which is 1.4 times the radius of Earth. It would be composed of about 50 percent rock and 50 percent water. The pressure beneath this massive, deep ocean would be so strong that a layer of high-pressure ice would form, according to the NASA statement.

Another model developed in the study suggests Proxima b would have an internal composition similar to the planet Mercury, with a minimum radius of 3,722 miles (5,990 km), or 0.94 times the radius of the Earth. In this scenario, the planet would be incredibly dense, with a metal core accounting for 65 percent of the planet’s mass. The rest of the planet would be composed of a rocky silicate mantle, and liquid water oceans accounting for less than 0.05 percent of the planet’s mass (similar to that seen on Earth), according to the statement.

However, ultraviolet and X-rays from Proxima Centauri could leave the water on Proxima b prone to evaporation. To account for this, the researchers also calculated the radius of Proxima b with a completely dry composition.

“Future observations of Proxima Centauri will refine this study,” NASA officials said in the statement. In particular, by measuring the abundance of certain heavy elements in the star system, scientists can further deduce the planet’s likely composition, and its radius. The study findings will be published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters.

Alternative viewpoints

Alternatively, Proxima Centauri b might indeed be habitable if it started out with a protective, hydrogen-rich envelope, or if it formed farther from the star — and thus farther from the deadly radiation — and then migrated to its current, close position. Forming farther out would also be good for its chances for water, because ices are more prevalent in the outer reaches of planet-forming disks: the little world might then have had a repository of ice that, when it scooted in closer to the M dwarf, melted into seas.

Assuming it’s rocky, that is: astronomers only have a minimum mass for the exoplanet. It could instead be like Uranus and Neptune.

Reports of Extraterrestrial Life

You will often find all sorts of reports regarding life around the more commonly known stars.  This Alpha Centauri system is one of the most commonly bantered about names.  Most of which that is stated is complete nonsense.  Nothing in the base library, that I remember, repeated anything that verified or confirmed any of the reports that you come across on the Internet.  But that doesn’t mean anything, either. 

Herein, I provide some testimonials that I have gathered for your own personal investigations.  I neither support them, nor disparage them too obliquely.  I place them here for the enjoyment of the reader.  It is not an exhaustive nor a complete listing.

Alex Collier

Alex Collier claims the Alpha Centaurians are one of the races visiting the Earth.  Though which star (never specified as A, B, or Proxima) their home world surrounds is never discussed.  This is a serious omission and indicates the true extent of the report.

Elizabeth Klarer

An interesting testimony supporting the presence of the Alpha Centaurians is Elizabeth Klarer.  She had high level responsibilities within the British military to monitor UFO reports. Apparently she was contacted by the Alpha Centaurians and eventually taken to Alpha Centauri for a few months to have a child fathered by the Alpha Centaurian, Akon. (!) That’s a pretty large responsibility!

“(The Alpha Centaurians) …are from the one civilization… of seven planets. But they are preparing other planets for human habitation in the system of Vega.  Vega is a young blue-white waxing star.”

-Elizabeth Klarer

Her testimony is quite interesting, but I do doubt every single word of it.  If the inhabitants of Alpha Centauri really wanted to emigrate to another planet, they would naturally choose one that was similar to their own environment, and closer to them.  Vega does not, in the least, fit this baseline criteria.  Anyways, what do I really know?  She might be telling the truth, though I really do doubt it.

Read more;

“The ship is created in space from pure light energy into substance, and it takes naturally the celestial form. They then bring her to the surface of the planet and construct the interior. But the whole skin of the ship is created in space in order that this atomic structure of the skin of the ship is conducive to energizing. That’s how you get the power and the different colors.”

-Elizabeth Klarer on how their spacecraft are manufactured.

Read more;

“They are human but taller, better looking, more considerate and gentle; not aggressive and violent. They dress and eat more simply and are still young at an age of 2000 years of Earth time. Their star is not so violent. Our sun is a variable and produces rather harsh radiation which affects the skin, ages one, and can be dangerous. They wear simpler and less clothing made out of silk. Silk is beautiful and comfortable next to the skin. Everything is free and you can pick out your own clothes at a silk farm. There is an abundance of everything. No money or barter system is necessary.”

-Elizabeth Klarer on what they look like and their society

Read more;

“It is similar in size to Earth, a little larger, covered with vast seas, and the lands are islands, not continents. Climate is beautiful, under control, and in fact, is really a utopia. They have everything they want. They are not only thousands of years ahead technologically from us, but are also spiritually very advanced.”

-Elizabeth Klarer on their “home” planet (yet she states elsewhere that they have seven planets that they occupy).

Read more;

“There are no politics, law, or the monetary system. Medicine is a scientific activity and not required for health since they are all in perfect health. Their way of thinking is quite different from what most people over here would understand. They are a loving, gentle and constructive people. Everyone industriously does their work which they like doing most. There is no need for law; there is no crime or police. Everyone is free and has a code of ethics. They constantly create beauty around them and in general there is complete harmony. Their homes are lovely. You can see from the inside out; the material is transparent one way. Regarding pets, they love their birds, in particular, and there is telepathic communication with them. Predatory animals are kept on a different planet.”

-Elizabeth Klarer on their society.

Sorry.  I do not believe any of this.

Unknown woman under hypnosis in 1957

The alleged entity spoke through a woman being examined under hypnosis by a team of California psychologists. The entity claimed that he was an extraterrestrial being from a planet in the Alpha Centauri star system.

The details of the entity’s self-description given during interview sessions lasting seven years — beginning form 1957 — were revealed in a book titled Hands: The True Account. A Hypnotic Subject Reports on Outer Space, published in 1976 by California psychologists Margaret Williams and Lee Gladden.

Hands claimed to be a huge extraterrestrial being with dome-shaped body and eight hands — hence the name “Hands.” He also revealed the existence of another alien race, the Cenos aliens, from a planet orbiting Proxima Centuari.

The Cenos aliens, according to Hands, were 8-8.5 feet tall humanoid beings with multiple hearts. They were five times stronger than normal humans, according to Hands. Cenos aliens have no need for sleep, suffer no diseases and have a life span of about 120 years. They have elongated skulls, big hands, and skins with huge pores. Alien folklore also describes them as spacefaring beings that wear grey spacesuits and helmets. They travel in spaceships that look like a “spinning tape recorder.”

Al Bielek

An alleged former employee of the covert Montauk and Philadelphia projects, Al Bielek, discussed a number of extraterrestrials including the Alpha Centaurians.  Bielek’s testimony is perhaps one of the most bizarre and controversial cases in UFO research.  

“There are shuttles regularly from this planet to Alpha Centauri 4 which by agreement is a safe haven for people wanted by the U.S. Government. There’s a treaty. It takes about 12 hours to get them. “

-Al Bielek

For the record, in comment to the quote above; there is no “Alpha Centauri 4”.  This is a trinary system. 

The solar system consists of three individual solar systems. 

As far as I know, there are no planets in orbit around all three stars at once.  (That would be one very large orbit!)  If there were, it would be in the surrounding oort cloud, and would be a very, very cold place.

On the other hand, perhaps this individual is telling the truth but is completely ignorant of the physics of space.  That too is a possibility.  But that being said, I highly doubt that he was ever a member of MAJestic.  We are all compartmentalized.  We get one posting; one specialty; one task.  I had the drone entanglement at the Martian facility.  That was it. 

Yet, this individual claims multiple tasking; “Montauk” and “Philadelphia project” (plus numerous other revelations…).  I just do not believe it.  Not at all. 

Even if he was in a high level management position, he would not at all discuss the matters like he does.  That is simply because how you discuss events relative to MAJestic is government by your specialty. 

  • A management level personage relates “high level” events in grand terms, with an omission toward specific details. 
  • A lower level person can relate great details but without the framework of relevance and significance.

Nursery for evolving intelligence’s

This Alpha Centari system is like our solar system in that it is also a [1] nursery for evolving intelligence’s.  It is also [2] under galactic federation jurisdiction and [3] under the supervision of the Mantids, with [4] assistance from the Type-I grey extraterrestrials. 

This is not just conjecture on my part, but was <redacted> by <redacted> on more than one instance.  The details on the extent of all of this participation is unknown.  This implies and mandates a stable habitable planet that could sustain such life forms.  Somehow I believe that some of the other evolving intelligences in our nearby region have visited us as part of their outward growth experiences.  But who they are and what they look like is beyond my experience. 

For whatever reason, I have a “feeling” that the nursery contains life forms that are ahead of humans technologically.  I cannot explain WHY I have this feeling.  It is probably bullshit.

Barnard’s Star (BD+04°3561a)

The next closest (nursery system) star to our solar system is Barnard’s Star.

Aside from it’s unique name, this star and it’s associate solar system isn’t really all that special.  Barnard’s Star is a very low-mass red dwarf star about six light-years away from Earth in the constellation of Ophiuchus.  

It is a stable red dwarf of the dim spectral type M4, and it is too faint to see without a telescope. 

It is very ancient and is around 12 billion years of age.  It is almost the same age as the universe!  Therefore Barnard’s Star is considerably older than the Sun.  This great age is indicated by its rotational speed, among other things.  It has a rotational period of once in 130 days which is more than five times that of our sun.

Unlike Sol, Barnard's appears to be an old star that formed before the galaxy became much enriched with heavy elements (Monet et al, 1992, page 655). 

Its high space motion and sub-Solar metallicity suggests that the star is an intermediate Population II star," somewhere between a Halo and a disk star (Kürster et al, 2003; and John E. Gizis, 1997). 

Moreover, its low x-ray luminosity and presumed rotation period of 130.4 days also indicate that it is an old, inactive red dwarf. 

While the star may be as much as 11 or 12 billion years old (Ken Croswell, 2005).
Barnard’s star is close to our solar system.

Solar System

This star has a solar system, though there is a great deal of debate as to what it is.  There are various claims of orbiting gas giants and other such planets.  Specifically what planets orbit it and what they might look like is all speculative at the time of this writing.  Given its immense age it is relatively stable, though it has had large solar flares from time to time. 

We can assume that given it’s age that the amount of gas and dust in the system is kept at a minimum.  We can also assume that the number of asteroids and comets have stabilized into a primarily stable orbital patterns.

Most low mass red dwarfs maintain a small and tight solar system.  Some might contain nothing but small planetoids, while others might contain large gas giants.  There is no way to predict what kind of solar system orbits this sun given our current technology level. We just do not know.

Habitable Zone

In order to be warmed sufficiently have liquid water at the surface, an Earth-type rocky planet would have to be located very close to such a cool and dim red dwarf star like Barnard’s.  This would be at around 0.034 to 0.082 AU.  This is not at all the Earth-Sun distance.  Instead it is more like being inside the orbit of Mercury.  At such close distances, such a planet can easily become tidally locked — with one side in perpetual day — and race around the star in 5.75 to 21.5 (or three weeks).

According to one type of the model calculations performed for the NASA Star and Exoplanet Database, the inner edge of Barnard’s habitable zone should be located a little further out from the star, at around 0.056 AU from the star, and the outer edge would lie at around 0.109 AUs.  But the distinction of variance from what is considered to be the habitable zone is trivial.  Therefore, for our purposes, we must assume that an Earth-like or even marginally earth-like planet would by necessity, orbit close to the star.

Some astronomers have suggested that any rocky planets that formed around Barnard’s are likely to be sparse in the heavier elements of the atomic table, and that there may be a greater probability of gas giants made mostly of hydrogen and helium in cold, outer orbits. 

All of this however is pure conjecture and speculation. 

No human knows which planets exist around this star in this solar system.  One can only surmise that there would be a handful of rocky planets, many moons and minor planetoids and the potential for one or two gas giants.


Between 2000 and March 2006, a team of astronomers engaged in several years of high-precision radial velocity observations of Barnard’s star that set even stricter limits on any large planets in circular orbits around this small star. Within 1.8 AUs around Barnard’s star, the data up through 2005 appear to exclude planets with minimum masses greater than five (4.9) Earth-masses and a true mass greater than Uranus’. In addition, a cold debris or dust disk has not been detected (Lestrade et al, 2010; and Gautier et al, 2007.).

Quantum Envelope

This solar system has one of the most elaborate and complex quantum signatures in our neighborhood. 

This is indicative of the great age of the system and the presence of non-corporal intelligence(s) and their works.  This is because <redacted> and that when the <redacted>.

In fact, when many humans die, their spirit or quantum envelope passes through regions (density levels or layers) that are entangled with the quantum spheres that are associated with this physical region.  You can test this yourself by <redacted>, and then you simply record <redacted>.

The quantum world around this physical region is very, very energetic.

Extraterrestrial Presence

Like all stars in our solar neighborhood, this star has had other extraterrestrials create bases and colonies around and in it.  Because it is so old, there is most certainly the strong possibility of extensive extraterrestrial “ruins” and abandoned facilities in this system.  Any planets around it may or may not be habitable at this time. 

What I do absolutely know is that there is an elaborate and extensive quantum level matrix associated with this star.  This can be for many reasons, and not necessarily those that I associate it with at this times.

Accordingly, <redacted> Various races have created communities in the vicinity of this star and while they might not be visible to our physical bodies, they are <redacted> quantum senses.  <redacted> Thus there is an absolutely huge extraterrestrial presence in the quantum form around this solar system.  The system has <redacted> and has extensive quantum constructions, habitats, and quantum architecture.  There is also quantum residue and debris from previous races that occupied this region but who no longer dwell in this region.

Quantum residue consists of memories, voids and gaps in the time-dependent aspects of the quantum sphere.  All quanta has a signature that varies over time.  Since they are timeless entities or components or attributes, they have a certain “color” or “flavor” that can be detected that is represented by the quantum links or experiences of other quanta.  These can see measured and perceived with proper equipment and training.  

When an intelligence exists, it leaves a trail of quantum disruption in the space – time sphere that can be observed.  This can be noticed and elaborated upon even when the individual or race or species are long, long gone.  This kind of quantum disruption takes on many forms, but for our purposes, we shall simply refer to it as quantum debris.

People who have strong PSI ability can often view these quantum signitures and interpet them.

This solar system has been exposed to many extraterrestrial species over the years and their accumulated debris, both physical and quantum remains.

It is simply because of this “high concentration of quantum traffic”, that I believe that this solar system is a major hub of local sentience nursery activity.

Reports of Extraterrestrial Life

I do not recall reading anything related to life around this star in the <redacted>.  But that doesn’t mean that there isn’t any life there.  There have been reports of extraterrestrial visitations from this system.  I can’t confirm or deny them. 

I present them here for your own investigations.

USAF Airman Charles Hall

The following is a report from USAF Airman Charles Hall.  Whether it is valid is up to the reader to determine.  I can neither confirm or deny his statements.

“According to Mr. Charles Hall, the Saami are a human-looking race who migrated from Barnard’s Star to Earth around 940 B.C. and live among us. 

They are resident in the Saami (Lapland) region above the Arctic Circle in Norway, Sweden, Finland, and northwest Russia’s Kola Peninsula. 

The Saami’s extraterrestrial origin as reported by USAF Airman Charles Hall, who had security clearance for contact with Star Visitors, was Barnard’s Star.  

Hall has described the Saami as looking Human, with broad faces, high cheekbones, tall foreheads and darkish hair color. 

The Saami are distinguished by their having only 24 teeth instead of the normal-human 32 teeth. Also, these Saami people can regrow a tooth to replace any adult tooth which has been removed. They prefer a dramatically-cold climate. 

Otherwise they are indistinguishable from Humans. Some of these Saami (Laplanders) migrated to the U.S. and settled in northern-tier states such as Wisconsin. 

A number of Saami have intermarried with Europeans, so the degree to which their original Saami characteristics remain in the mixed-race offspring varies.”

Nursery for evolving intelligence’s

This system is like our solar system in that it is also [1] a nursery for evolving intelligence’s.  It is also [2] under galactic federation jurisdiction and [3] under the supervision of the <redacted>, with [4] assistance from the Type-I grey extraterrestrials.  This [5] implies that there is a planet with some kind of atmosphere in the system, but whether it is earth-like or something else entirely is up to speculation.

It is possible that this system was one of the first solar systems in our galactic neighborhood to be transformed into a nursery for evolving intelligence’s.  All of the stars in our local grouping (Sol and Alpha Centauri and Barnard’s star) were given this designation at the same time for reasons that are not clear to me.  This star is not, at all, what most people would assume to be a desirable place to begin in intelligent sentience, but it is.

LHS 288 (Luyten 143-23)

LHS 288 (Luyten 143-23) is a red dwarf star, the closest star to our Sun in the constellation Carina at a distance of 15.6 light years. It is far too faint to be seen with the unaided eye, with an apparent magnitude of 13.92. Recent studies suggest it may harbor a planet with the mass of Jupiter.

Nursery for evolving intelligence’s

This system is like our solar system in that it is also a nursery for evolving intelligence’s.  It is also under galactic federation jurisdiction and under the supervision of the <redacted>, with assistance from the Type-I grey extraterrestrials.

One of the many mysteries concerning my involvement in MAJestic was to why the Earth and a number of other solar systems were selected as a nursery for evolving intelligence’s. 

As far as the earth is concerned, why not simply leave our solar system alone and use something more compatible to the bulk of evolving extraterrestrial life in our galaxy (Cooler K and M class stars.)?  Well, this solar system clearly shows that the requirement of being a larger star of G class is not the primary consideration for being a planetary nursery candidate.

A look at the map of nearby stars, however, quickly reveals that Sol is not like most stars in the nearby Solar neighborhood (out to about 25 light years.).

Indeed, our solar system and it’s sun appear  to have a few special characteristics:

  • The Sun is among the most massive 10 percent of stars in its neighborhood so that it is not too cool and dim, but also not so massive that it burns out before life has time to develop, evolve, and manufacture an oxygen atmosphere to create an Earth-type planet.   But LHS 288 also fits this requirement, and even more so as it is far more stable and possibly older.
  • It’s a solitary star (actually a wide-period binary with a brown dwarf), although many relatively high mass stars have one or more stellar companions — around 44 percent of spectral types F6 to K3 and possibly declining to one third to one fourth of very dim type M stars that are difficult to observe, which is fortunate for life on Earth because (apparently) stable planetary orbits like what we experience around the Earth are much more likely around single stars.
  • Finally, it appears to have roughly 50 percent more “heavy” elements than other stars of its age and type, but only about a third of their variation in brightness, which is also fortunate because elements heavier than hydrogen are essential to make rocky planets like Earth and large stellar flare-ups can harm planetary life with hard radiation.

A quick look at the LHS 288 clearly shows that it too meets the same basic requirements as what was met by our solar system.

While I recognize the special significance of this star, I do not know much more than that.  I have no idea as to the current status of evolutionary life on any planets in this system, nor what forms the evolving life would take.  I would assume that they might be similar to humanoid life to some degree, but they most certainly would not appear totally human.  Technological level, if applicable, as well as known extraterrestrial involvement with the system is unknown at this time.

Gliese 667

Gliese 667 (142 G. Scorpii) is a triple-star system in the constellation of Scorpius, all of whose components have masses smaller than the Sun. It is composed of close binary Stars A and B and a more distant Star C, but a fourth stellar companion D is not gravitationally bound.  Both Gliese 667A and Gliese 667B are K class stars.  Gliese 667C is a red dwarf M class star. 

The system lies at a distance of about 6.8 pc (22.1 lightyears) from Earth. This triple star system is located at the southwestern central part (17:18:57.2-34:59:23.3, ICRS 2000.0) of Constellation Scorpius, the Scorpion — west of the Butterfly Cluster and northwest of Lesath (Upsilon Scorpii) and Shaula (Lamda Scorpii).

Gliese 667A

The largest component of this system, Gliese 667 A (GJ 667 A), is an orange color K-type main-sequence star of stellar classification K3-4V.

It is smaller than our own sun, being about 73% of the mass of the Sun and having 76% of the Sun’s radius.  Curiously, it is radiating only around 12-13% of the luminosity of the Sun.  It is much dimmer than our sun.  The concentration of elements other than hydrogen and helium, what astronomers term the star’s metallicity, is much lower than in the Sun with a relative abundance of around 26% solar.

Variable Star

Gliese 667A is a (New Suspected) Variable star with the designation of NSV 8482.  It has an amplitude of 0.04. Useful star catalogue numbers for Gliese 667A include: HR 6426*, Gl 667 A, Hip 84709, HD 156384, CD-34 11626 A, CP-34 6803, SAO 208670, LHS 442, LTT 6888, LFT 1336, LPM 638, and UGPMF 433.

Binary Orbits

Both Gliese 667A and Gliese 667B have an average separation of 12.6 AUs (a semi-major axis of 1.81″ at a HIPPARCOS distance estimate of 20.74 Light-years) in a highly eccentric orbit (e= 0.58). The orbital period takes 42.15 years to complete and is inclined 128° from the perspective of an observer on Earth. 

In turn, the binary pair have been separated from Gliese 667C by 56 to 213 AUs (8 to 30.5″) from 1889 to 1948 at an orbital inclination of 139° – to 215 AUs (30.8″) at an inclination of 136°; calculations published in 2012 suggest a minimum separation of 230 AUs.

Gliese 667 B

Like the primary, the secondary component Gliese 667 B (GJ 667 B) is a K-type main-sequence star, although it has a slightly later stellar classification of K5V.

This component has a mass of about 69% of the Sun, or 95% of the primary’s mass, and it is radiating about 5% of the Sun’s visual luminosity.  This star is an orange-red dwarf star. This star may have around 65 percent of Sol’s mass, 70 percent of its diameter, and only five percent of its visual luminosity. It is very dim. 

Useful star catalogue numbers for Gliese 667B include: Gl 667 B and MLO 4 B.

Gliese 667 C

Gliese 667 C is the smallest stellar component of this system. 

It only has around 31% of the mass of the Sun and 42% of the Sun’s radius. It is a considered to be a red dwarf with a stellar classification of M1.5. This star is radiating only 1.4% of the Sun’s luminosity from its outer atmosphere at a relatively cool effective temperature of 3,700 K. This cool temperature is what gives it the red-hued glow that is a characteristic of M-type stars.

The apparent magnitude of this component is 10.25, giving it an absolute magnitude of about 11.03. It is known to have a system of at least two planets: claims have been made for up to seven but these may be in error due to failure to account for correlated noise in the radial velocity data.

To the observer on the surface of Gliese 667 C (the second confirmed planet out that orbits along the middle of the habitable zone), Gliese 667 C would have an angular diameter of 1.24 degrees and would appear to be 2.3 times the visual diameter of our Sun.  Gliese 667 C would have a visual area 5.4 times greater than that of the Sun but would still only occupy 0.003 percent of Gliese 667 Cc’s sky sphere or 0.006 percent of the visible sky when directly overhead. 

Currently separated from Gliese 667A and Gliese 667B by at least 230 AUs, Gliese 667C is a red dwarf star of spectral and luminosity type M1.5-2.5 V.  This star may have around 31 to 38 percent of Sol’s mass, 42 percent of its diameter, and just over 3/1,000th of its visual luminosity.

Assuming it to have the same metallicity as the other stars in the system, with around 26 percent of Sol’s metallicity, it appears to be a main sequence stars of two to 10 billion years old. Useful star catalogue numbers for Gliese 667C include: Gl 667 C, and LHS 443.

Habitable Zones around the Stars

Both Gliese 667 A and Gliese 667 B are similar to our sun. 

Thus, there was a push to determine whether Earth-type planets might be in orbit around either star.  So there was a concerted effort to detect the presence of habitable zone planets around either of these stars. In order to be warmed sufficiently have liquid water at the surface, an Earth-type rocky planet around Gliese 667 A would have to have an orbital distance around between 0.78 to 1.04 AU, with a period lasting around six months. Such a planet around Gliese 667 B would be located within less than 0.5 AU and a period of less than a couple of months.

Habitable zones around K and M class stars.

For an even cooler and dimmer red dwarf star like Gliese 667 C, the water zone probably would be located between 0.1 and 0.28 AUs with a period of with less than two months.  At such a close distance, a planet would probably be tidally locked – with one side in perpetual day. In any case, the light emitted by red dwarfs may be too red in color for Earth-type plant life to perform photosynthesis efficiently.

Extensive Solar System around Gliese 667c

We know that Gliese 667C has an extensive solar system. 

On October 19, 2009, a team of astronomers using the High Accuracy Radial Velocity Planet Searcher (HARPS) spectrograph with the European Southern Observatory’s (ESO) 3.6-meter telescope announced the discovery of a potential super-Earth “b” with at least 5.7 Earth-masses in a tight orbit (~0.05 AUs) around Star C at an ESO/CAUP conference on extra-Solar planets in Porto, Portugal. 

Additionally, on February 2, 2012, two teams of astronomers revealed the finding of a second, even smaller potential super-Earth “c” with around 4.5 (but possibly as little as 3.4) but as much as 9 Earth-masses in a potentially habitable-zone orbit (~0.12 AUs) completed in 28.15 days around Star C, with evidence of another super-Earth “d” with a period of 75 days and a gas giant “e” in outer orbits.

A Planetary System around C

On June 25, 2013, astronomers announced the Gliese 667 C has at least six planets (possibly seven) and confirmed that at least three (possibly four) super-Earths (possibly five) orbit within the habitable zone around the star.

Gliese 667C planetary system.
This is not to be considered an exhaustive list as more planets are detected every few months.  As this star system becomes more extensively studied there will be additional planetary discoveries made.  There is no doubt that this is an interesting system and that it has the potential to be one of the more interesting solar systems in our neighborhood.  There is the intriguing possibility that this solar system might have habitable planets and that there might be native evolved biological creatures on those worlds.

On December 17, 2012, an astronomer submitted a preprint with a new analysis of available radial-velocity data of Gliese 667C.  In it was evidence supportive of the existence of five planetary candidates around Gliese 667C. The two planetary candidates were previously detected with orbital periods of 7.2 and 28.1 days (“b” and “c’), while there were three additional planets of orbital periods of 30.8, 38.8, and 91.3 days (“d,” “e,” and “f”.  These orbital periods were likely to be associated with planetary companions around Gliese 667C.

If confirmed as planets, the 28.1-, 30.8-, and 38.8-day periods would be associated with objects orbiting in the “central portion of the habitable zone, while the 91.3 day orbits lies partly within the habitable zone.” The minimum masses for b, c, d, e, and f are 5.4, 4.8, 3.1, 2.4, and 5.4 Earth-masses, respectively. If confirmed, planetary candidate “e” with a 38.8-day period with 2.4 Earth-masses is the lowest mass extra-Solar planet detected in a star’s habitable zone to day.








Gliese 667 4 C0.0125,00046
Planet “b”0.0500.0200.13=>5.6>1<4
Planet “h?”0.0890.0460.06=>1.1~1
Inner H.Z. Edge?0.10-0.12<0.050
Planet “c”0.1250.0770.02=>3.8>1<4
Planet “d/f”0.1560.1070.03=>2.7>1<4
Planet “e”0.2130.1700.02=>2.7>1<4
Planet “f/d”0.2760.2510.03=>5.1>1<4
Outer H.Z. Edge?0.23-0.28<0.270
Planet “g”0.5490.7020.08=>4.6>1<4

Planet “Gliese 667C-b”

On October 19, 2009, a team of astronomers using the High Accuracy Radial Velocity Planet Searcher (HARPS) spectrograph with the European Southern Observatory’s (ESO) 3.6-meter telescope announced the discovery of a planetary candidate “b” revised in 2013 to at least 5.6 Earth-masses orbiting only around 0.05 AU from Gliese 667C. The super-Earth’s tight orbit is completed in around 7.2 days.

Planet “Gliese 667C-h” (Not yet verified)

On June 25, 2013, astronomers announced the Gliese 667 C has at least six planets, but possibly seven including a new planetary candidate designated “h”.  It has a mass of at least 1.1 Earth-mass.  This potential planet would be the smallest planet yet detected around Gliese 667C. With a semi-major axis around 0.0893 AUs and an orbital eccentricity of 0.03, it takes just under 17 days to complete an orbit around Star C.

Its orbital distance averages near the inner edge of the hypothesized habitable zone of Star C and so could have liquid water on its surface assuming favorable planetary characteristics such as sufficient coverage by reflective clouds and atmospheric composition.

Planet “Gliese 667C-c”

Beginning with a pre-print submitted on November 21, 2011 and a Carnegie Institution for Science news release on February 2, 2012, two teams of astronomers revealed astronomers revealed the finding of a second, even smaller potential super-Earth “c” with at least 3.8  Earth-masses in a potentially habitable-zone orbit (0.125 AUs) with an eccentricity of 0.03.  This planet completes an orbit in 28.1 days.  (They also detected two other planets as well.  This included evidence of another super-Earth “d” with 5.7 Earth-masses and a period of 75 days as well as a gas giant “e” in outer orbits.)

Planet c’s average orbital distance of around 0.12 AU places it within the inner edge of Star’s potentially habitable zone, where the planet could support liquid water on its surface given a sufficiently favorable atmosphere. According to the astronomers, this planetary “candidate receives about 90% of the light received by Earth in our Solar System”.

An extrasolar planet, Gliese 667 Cc orbits Gliese 667 C, which is part of a triple-star system. It lies at a distance of 22.1 light years from Earth within the Scorpius constellation.

  • Diameter: between 6.3 x 103 and 2.5 x 105 km
  • Mass: 2.01 x 1025
  • Composition: unknown
  • Orbit: 28 Earth days

Gliese 667Cc was discovered in April 2012 by an international group of astronomers working at the European Southern Observatory in the Atacama Desert, northern Chile. It is a super-Earth, some 3.4 times the mass of Earth, orbiting a red dwarf star, Gliese 667 C. At the time of its discovery, scientists called it the most Earth-like object outside of the Solar System.

The discovery was made with the High Accuracy Radial Planetary Searcher (HARPS) telescope. Gliese 667 Cc receives 10% less light from its star than the Earth receives from the Sun, but as this light is mostly in the infra-red part of the electromagnetic spectrum, its effect is that the energy received at its surface is the same as Earth receives from the Sun.

The planet orbits its star over a four-week period at a distance of 0.12 AU (17.9 million kilometres). The likelihood is that it is tidally locked to the star, meaning that it always shows the same hemisphere to the surface of Gliese 667 C.

The temperature on Gliese 667 C is 3,400K (Kelvin) compared with the Sun’s 5,778K. Its habitable zone lies in an orbit between 0.11 astronomical units (AU) (16.4 million kilometres) and 0.23 AU (34.3 million kilometres) from the star. Gliese 667 Cc’s orbital distance seems to be comfortably within the habitable zone, should liquid water be present on its surface.

The surface temperature of Gliese 667 Cc could be approximately 30C in the presence of liquid water, but if the atmosphere consists of more massive molecules, the temperature will be higher, making surface conditions inhospitable to life. The tidal locking adds further complications as one hemisphere of the planet experiences constant daylight while the other is permanently dark. The temperature differences between the two hemispheres will have a strong influence on the planet’s global climate. In addition, the planet will receive frequent flares from its host star.

A further complication is that the Gliese 667 C star is part of a triple-star system. Gliese 667 A and Gliese 667 B are about 230 AU (34.2 billion kilometres) away. Despite the distance, they would be visible from the surface of the planet. The Sun could also be seen as a distant star from the surface of Gliese 667 Cc.

Planet Gliese 667Cc is very similiar to Earth

Planet “Gliese 667C-d” or “Gliese 667 C-f”

This planet has alternative designations, depending on the astronomers cited. On December 17, 2012, an astronomer submitted a preprint with new analysis of available radial-velocity data supporting the existence of five planetary candidates around Gliese 667 C. In addition to the two previously discovered planets with orbital periods of 7.2 and 28.1 days (“b” and “c’), three additional planets with orbital periods of 30.8, 38.8, and 91.3 days (“d,” “e,” and “f”) were also detected around Gliese 667 C. Planet “d”, with a 30.8-day period was found to be one of three orbiting in the “central portion of the habitable zone”.

On June 25, 2013, astronomers announced the Gliese 667 C has at least six planets, of which “f” (or “d”) is a super-Earth-class planet in Star C’s habitable zone, with at least 2.7 Earth-masses. With a semi-major axis around 0.156 AU and an orbital eccentricity of 0.02, the planet completes its orbit around Star in just over 39 days. Its orbital distance of 0.156 AU is near the middle of the hypothesized habitable zone of Star C and so could have liquid water on its surface assuming favorable planetary characteristics such as sufficient coverage by reflective clouds and atmospheric composition.

Planet “Gliese 667C-e”

Like planet d/f, this super-Earth-class planet in Star C’s habitable zone also has at least 2.7 Earth-masses. With a semi-major axis around 0.213 AU and an orbital eccentricity of 0.02, the planet completes its orbit around Star in 62.2 days. As its orbit is also is with the hypothesized habitable zone of Star C, planet e also may have liquid water on its surface assuming favorable planetary characteristics such as sufficient coverage by reflective clouds and atmospheric composition.

Planet “Gliese 667C-f” or “Gliese 667C-d”

This planet has alternative designations, depending on the astronomers cited. Like its planetary neighbor’s d/f and e, this super-Earth-class planet in Star C’s habitable zone has at least 5.1 Earth-masses. With a semi-major axis around 0.276 AU and an orbital eccentricity of 0.03, the planet completes its orbit around Star in 91.6 days. As its orbit is also just within the hypothesized habitable zone of Star C, planet e also may have liquid water on its surface assuming favorable planetary characteristics such as sufficient coverage by reflective clouds and atmospheric composition.

Planet “Gliese 667C-g”

This planet is the outermost planet object detected around Star C thus far. Lying outside Gliese 667C‘s habitable zone, it is a super-Earth-class planet with least 4.6 Earth-masses. With a semi-major axis around 0.549 AU and an orbital eccentricity of 0.03, the planet completes its orbit around Star in 256.2 days .

Nursery for evolving intelligence’s

This system is like our solar system in that it is also possibly a nursery for evolving intelligence’s.  It is also under galactic federation jurisdiction and under the supervision of the <redacted>, with assistance from the Type-I grey extraterrestrials. 

My personal belief is that any habitable planet in the system utilizes imported fauna and bioengineered life forms. And this is only my “feeling” and it is probably incorrect.

The Development of a solar system

Perhaps some time should be devoted to a discussion on how the planets in a solar system is formed.  This is an interesting subject that it has many theories and proponents.  Our current thoughts on this matter are quite crude.  But in the most basic iteration our known and accepted theories discuss the concept of a “frost line” that separates the development of rocky planets and gas giant planet formation.  We know and believe, and the reader must understand that, the current accepted theories regarding this is all subject to change. 

Depending on the stars involved, and the number of stars and their orbits, the formation of planets around a given star depends on how much interstellar gas and dust was absorbed by the star.  In fact, the current theories hold that the inner rocky planets are the same as the gas giants, but it is only that gasses of their outer shells were absorbed and stolen from the parent star.  The separation distance where this occurs is known as the “frost line”.  In our solar system, the “frost line” is located at the general location of the asteroid belt.

The “Frost Line” in planetary formation

In young star systems, say under 500 million years old, the “frost line” is just getting settled out.  The planets are just forming and are all hot and young.  The space around the star is full of debris and gas (though the amount varies greatly depending on the star and the uniqueness of the planetary system).

That being stated, for most of the known solar systems in our local region, one should consider that there are huge gas giant planets along the outer orbits and various sized rocky planets in the inner orbits.  The continued presence of these huge gas giants is time dependent and is also variable depending on a variety of circumstances surrounding the formation of the solar system as a whole.  I firmly believe in the “frost line” theory of planetary formation, but I must recognize that there are myriad of other factors that create exceptions to this theory.


Within our (tiny) local region of space are certain solar systems that are all acting as “nurseries” for evolving intelligences.

I do not know why this area has been dedicated to this role, I do not know if other areas have similiar roles, or why and how this role manifested. All I know is that the friendly benefactors what work with us humans on earth, also work with other species in some nearby solar systems in the same way that they work with us.

In total there are five systems involved and thus at least five species.

I have compiled what I know via my role and mixed and merged it with what is known as conventional astronomical information to come up with the potential solar systems for these nurseries. What I have to say about quanta is beyond the scope of conventionally accepted science, and can be discounted if that is your choice. What is posted here is to help everyone get a better understanding of what our role is within the local region of physical space.

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More pretty girls and learning about China by looking at their videos.

This is a continuation of my posts on learning about China by looking at pretty girls. As with my most recent posts, just click on the picture to open up a short video of the girl. It’s all good fun. The idea behind this, is of course, to help expose people to what China is like, and by doing so while watching pretty girls. As the women within a nation are the best description that you can ever get of a nation and it’s society.

Do you want more?

I have more posts related to this in my Pretty Girls of China index here…

Pretty Chinese Girls

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Disco Weener-Beaner Haven; How the focus on an Intention Campaign objective affects the timing of acquiring your desires.

An “intention campaign” is a method of prayer that allows a person to alter their reality so that they can achieve and manifest their desires.

This technique has many different elements and is is all well-founded within quantum physics, though most physicists have no idea that the reality can be displayed in the way that I describe. Even those that follow the Everett Postulate of the MWI still try to reconcile their theory with their physical observation. That’s a hybrid of Newtonian Physics and Quantum physics. It does not work that way.

Thoughts cause immediate changes to our physical world.


And so…

If you can control your thoughts, you can control your life.

In this post, we will discuss techniques that will allow you to add complexity to your Intention Campaign without having to endure a long period of time waiting for your goals to manifest. This are advanced techniques and should NOT be used by anyone who is a “newbe” to this type of prayer and objective attainment process.

Quick Review

The theory is quite simple really.

Every fraction of a moment is a world-line. Our consciousness hops in and out of world-lines at a rate of 4 Hz. (plus or minus depending on the person), and the world-line that we enter is a function of our thoughts. Well, actually, added on to the previous train of thoughts. We can navigate through this reality by controlling our thoughts. And if we concentrate and direct our thoughts, we can make our wildest dreams come true.

This concentration of thought is known as an “Intention Campaign”, or a “Prayer Campaign”.

The farther away your dreams are, the more world-lines that you will need to pass through to get to it. So at a speed of 4Hz, it might take a while. A “while” might take a long stretch of time. Think in terms of many months or years.

The longest time period for me, so far, in all my Affirmation Campaigns is a little over three years. The shortest time period has been a matter of weeks. It all depends on many factors.

But simpler Intention Campaigns will be relatively quick. So if you want to have things manifest in your life relatively quickly (say within the year), you simply keep the affirmations “general”, “simple”, and “uncluttered” with details.

And this is what I advise everyone to do.

It’s the difference between;

  • I have a pizza.


  • I have a mushroom, bacon, hamburger pizza, with extra cheese, Chicago style, with anchovies, and pineapple chunks. I have it served inside of a genuine Chicago deep-pan-pizza restaurant served to me with a bottle of imported French wine and with a trio of singers singing opera at my table.

The far simpler Intention will manifest sooner than that of the more detailed intention.

It’s like this…

A standard affirmation campaign map that shows the path of a well defined and very detailed goal.
A standard affirmation campaign map that shows the path of a well defined and very detailed goal. Each point on the grid is a “highest probability” world-line, and topographical height is a measure of personal stress or discomfort.

In the map above you can plainly see that it will take numerous world-lines to obtain your goal. And it will be obtained. It’s just that you have a very precise and detailed goal in mind and you do not want any mistakes, of if there are mistakes, to keep them as minimized as possible.

In general, the more precise and accurate your overall objective is, the smaller the point )in red color above) would be. And yes, the longer it would take to reach that point.


Here’s some techniques that you can use to change the time (it takes) to obtain these goals and objectives…

This first technique is the one that I recommend for all newbes, and for everyone that doesn’t want to get “hot and heavy” with the “ins and outs” of Intention Generation.

[1] Be intentionally vague about your objective.

Here, instead of being precise, you permit the vagueness of your intention campaign to reduce the amount of time required to attain your goal.

Thus, you can obtain your goal in a far shorter time. In the example above, instead of wanting all the specifics related to pizza, all you want is a very simple statement.

  • I have a pizza.

And the map would look something like this…

This is a vague campaign map. It shows that there are many ways for you to obtain your goals, and A, B, and C all meet your goal criteria, with A being the shortest and quickest path. Note also that the path is shorter than that for a more precise goal objective.
This is a vague campaign map. It shows that there are many ways for you to obtain your goals, and A, B, and C all meet your goal criteria, with A being the shortest and quickest path. Note also that the path is shorter than that for a more precise goal objective.

[2] Place specific affirmations in regards to the manifestation of events along the route.

Here is a different technique.

Here, we add (additional) specific intention phrases. We do this to control the selection of the map route involved. In short, we state that we do actually want the ultimate goal objective, but that we specifically want simpler and smaller sub-goals to manifest earlier.

I have A, but B, C and D will occur first.

In this case, let’s suppose that we still want that super-dooper deluxe pizza scenario…

  • I have a mushroom, bacon, hamburger pizza, with extra cheese, Chicago style, with anchovies, and pineapple chunks. I have it served inside of a genuine Chicago deep-pan-pizza restaurant served to me with a bottle of imported French wine and with a trio of singers singing opera at my table.

However, we don’t want to wait a few years to have it manifest. And we do know that it might take years. So we add a few lines stating that our ultimate goal is, but that we are willing to have interim minor goals happen before the ultimate goal.

  • I have an ultimate goal where I have a mushroom, bacon, hamburger pizza, with extra cheese, Chicago style, with anchovies, and pineapple chunks. I have it served inside of a genuine Chicago deep-pan-pizza restaurant served to me with a bottle of imported French wine and with a trio of singers singing opera at my table.
  • However, before that event happens, I will have pizza every week.

And as a result, your Intention Campaign map might look something a little like this one…

In this option, you can have both precise in imprecise goals and objectives listed in your prayer affirmation intention campaign. You just simply need to place the timing involved in context during your campaign.
In this option, you can have both precise in imprecise goals and objectives listed in your prayer affirmation intention campaign. You just simply need to place the timing involved in context during your campaign.

Notice that in this method, objectives A, and B will occur before your ultimate objective C.

Thus the time to reach A is far less than to reach C.

[3] Define the target goal to be open-ended or of binary complexity.

Of course, most people will have multiple desires in an intention campaign. And this greatly adds complexity to the effort.

Here, instead of one particular goal in mind, you have multiple goals.

With the intention of obtaining one of the goals first, and then altering the subsequent intention campaign prayers as needed to achieve the realization of the final goal.

Here you specify the timing of your objectives.

In other words, you can have multiple goals in the same intention campaign. They do not need to be complimentary. Which (might cause some confusion in your life; read “potential turmoil”), but could very well result in a situation that you would like manifesting sooner than what might otherwise occur.

As in this example…

  • I have a mushroom, bacon, hamburger pizza, with extra cheese, Chicago style, with anchovies, and pineapple chunks. I have it served inside of a genuine Chicago deep-pan-pizza restaurant served to me with a bottle of imported French wine and with a trio of singers singing opera at my table.
  • I have a chicken, tomato, and tuna pizza with extra sauce and no cheese. It is New York style and served with a pitcher of beer.

It would look something like this… which could be good or bad depending on your point of view.

Neither goal 1 or goal 2 would manifest, instead something else would occur.

The most important thing is to realize that neither goal 1 or goal 2 would be realized. Instead something else might manifest, Maybe you’d get this instead of either goal 1 or goal 2…

  • I have a chicken, mushroom, hamburger pizza that is Detroit style and served with warm coke-cola.

Your eventual realized objective would be something in between your other goals. Which means that neither goal would manifest. So, you need to add further affirmations to help navigate this reality.

Binary complexity makes the target goal very “fuzzy”. It becomes imprecise and that might or might not be what you desire. To compensate for this “fuzziness” you need to add some logic. Or in the word of electrical engineers, “fuzzy logic”…

  • Goal 1; I have a mushroom, bacon, hamburger pizza, with extra cheese, Chicago style, with anchovies, and pineapple chunks. I have it served inside of a genuine Chicago deep-pan-pizza restaurant served to me with a bottle of imported French wine and with a trio of singers singing opera at my table.
  • Goal 2; I have a chicken, tomato, and tuna pizza with extra sauce and no cheese. It is New York style and served with a pitcher of beer.
  • Goal 1 will occur before goal 2.

And this logic will look like this…

An intention campaign that has binary goals that are dissimilar and that uses "Fuzzy Logic" to set the direction in the campaign.
An intention campaign that has binary goals that are dissimilar and that uses “Fuzzy Logic” to set the direction in the campaign.

And while this solution will most certainly straighten out the confusion in regards to your affirmation campaign, it will have other unintended consequences.

You see, one detailed goal will mess up with a second one, then what about long lists of fifty or one hundred affirmations? What then? Well, your realized intentions will be all over the place. And thus…

It might appear that nothing is actually getting accomplished. You will just be all over the place and while certain goals will be obtained, others will not, or at best be confused. You will not really be sure if your intention is working or not.

As you might just be hopping from one goal to the other. So the best way to handle this is to put qualifiers and associations with your goals…

You will need to have some kind of reassurance that you are “on track”. This is some way, some feedback, that will tell you that things are proceeding properly. You know, like signs along the road.

  • Goal 1; I have a mushroom, bacon, hamburger pizza, with extra cheese, Chicago style, with anchovies, and pineapple chunks. I have it served inside of a genuine Chicago deep-pan-pizza restaurant served to me with a bottle of imported French wine and with a trio of singers singing opera at my table.
  • Goal 2; I have a chicken, tomato, and tuna pizza with extra sauce and no cheese. It is New York style and served with a pitcher of beer.
  • Goal 1 will occur before goal 2.
  • Before the realization of either goal 1 or goal 2 I will have pizza every week.
  • I will have “signposts” that will confirm to me that my affirmations are in process and that things are going to schedule.
  • Signposts 1 through 3 will occur before both goal 1 and goal 2.
  • Signpost 1 is that I will discover a delicious pizza restaurant within five minutes drive to my house.
  • Signpost 2 is that I will meet an attractive owner of a pizza parlor.
  • Signpost 3 is that I will try a new type of pizza that I have never tried before.

It might look something like this…

The use of "signposts" help establish the direction that the path will take. Some people like this level of control. I personally advise against it.
The use of “signposts” help establish the direction that the path will take. Some people like this level of control. I personally advise against it.

What all this does is establish that you can obtain binary goals of different objectives with a generalized over-riding goal that you can obtain far earlier than either of the first two goals individually. Further, you can map the path out to act as a double check to see if you are on the “proper path”.

Yet, the problem still exists.

How to [1] reduce the amount of time to implement a set of (potentially) conflicting goals, while [2] decreasing the time to manifest the intention, and at the same time [3] knowing that you are “on track” per your affirmation campaign.

Because if you look at the map directly above, you will see that while the goals can indeed be realized, it is questionable that they are actually going to be realized in a shorter amount of time. You will still need to travel through “X” number of world-lines to reach goal 1 and then another “Y” number of world-lines to reach goal 2.

The key then, is NOT being overly specific with the world line mapping, but rather layout the targets and put in specific affirmation commands that allow versatility to accomplish your goals in a timely manner.

  • Do not specify the objective timing; goal 1 before goal 2.
  • You specify timing as an objective in itself; Goal 1 in one year.

[4] Make timing one of the affirmation objectives.

In this case, you will make the timing of when you have the objective realized part of the affirmation.

This is tricky, as almost all affirmation campaigns get complex really, really fast when you start defining timing. For what you are doing is saying…

Instead of passing through 50,000 world-lines to meet goal 1, We would pass through 200 world-lines.

Which means, boys and girls, that you might well end up going through world-lines that you might not want to experience. These are world-lines that might not be comfortable for you or your family to experience.

And that could easily become dangerous.

So, using the above examples, here is what the affirmation campaign would look like..

  • I have a mushroom, bacon, hamburger pizza, with extra cheese, Chicago style, with anchovies, and pineapple chunks. I have it served inside of a genuine Chicago deep-pan-pizza restaurant served to me with a bottle of imported French wine and with a trio of singers singing opera at my table.
  • I accomplish this goal within fifteen months.

Now, of course, in order to utilize this technique, you would actually alter the topographic map that you would need to traverse. You would force some slides to make it happen.

This is NOT for the squeamish.

This technique specifies a timing requirement as an objective. As such it purposely limits the number of world-lines that can be traversed. Thus, it inadvertently sets forth a slide to another topographical map. This could well be very dangerous.
This technique specifies a timing requirement as an objective. As such it purposely limits the number of world-lines that can be traversed. Thus, it inadvertently sets forth a slide to another topographical map. This could well be very dangerous.

Slides and topographical world-line mapping

Now, in order to explain this, I need to get involved in what a “slide” is.

In short, a “slide” is a forced switch to another world-line that resides upon a completely different world-line topography map than what you have been assigned to (or selected) at birth. When I was in MAJestic, this was a big part of my life. I was sliding all over the place, and some of the world-lines were really, really strange.

Forcing a slide is not all that difficult to do.

You just define the number of world-lines that you need to traverse to obtain a goal. You can say either [1] I will pass through XXXXXX world-lines to achieve my goal, or [2] I will achieve my goal in YYY days, months and years. Your consciousness will head just like an arrow to the new command.

And that might be a “bumpy ride” for you to experience. Or, maybe, yes, probably WILL be. Most certainly, it will be something different than what your consciousness “signed up for” when it took on your body. That’s for certain.

Now this entire procedure and process opens up an entire “can of worms”.

  • What is a slide and how does it differ from a normal world-line movement?
  • What is an assigned topography world-line map?
  • How you can slide in between different topography maps, and how you can tell that you are doing it?
  • Can affirmation campaigns be speeded up or slowed down using slides and topography maps?
  • Can a person “cheat death” by altering their assigned topography map?

Yes, I know that it is confusing.

What? Did you think that the use of intention affirmation campaigns was all “that simple”? It is, but it involves and understanding to the reality universe that is beyond most people. Sorry, but that is the way it is.

So, here’s the “executive summary”…

  • When consciousness selects a body to be birthed in, it also selects the world-line topographical map.
  • This topographical map is the boundaries of the “highs” and “lows” of a given lifetime for a given person.
  • It limits a path that the consciousness can travel upon to obtain experiences. There is a degree of freedom that one has, but the situation and environment limits movement. (A hamburger is available to purchase, but your wallet only has a few pennies in it.)
  • It is, preordained, by the soul in conjunction with other entities in the Heavenly realms. Fate.
  • It sets forth the highest probability of life-experiences that a given consciousness will experience. Fate.
  • In general, most people do not control their thoughts. The environment that surrounds the body controls the thoughts. Thus, a soul can pretty much predict the kind of life that a person would experience on this earth in this particular body.
  • However, if you can control your thoughts, you can navigate the world-line topography. Free-will. (Free will occur when you control your thoughts. Failure to do so results in a roller-coaster ride of fate.)
  • By specifying topography criteria, you can slide into other world-line topographical maps. This greatly expands the ability of what you will experience and how your consciousness would learn through this lifetime.
  • Like an infinite number of world-lines, there is a near infinite number of topographical maps that one can jump to.

If you all want, I can get involved in this subject in more detail. As it is tied to my role in anchoring the world-line clustering. But, let’s not get too sidetracked right now. Ok?

Simple and safe slides

I think that the best of all worlds, for an advanced user is to carefully and gingerly utilize slides with very broad and wide-scoped affirmation goals.

What this means is that you would define the topographical map profile, then allow yourself to slide onto this strange new world-line map, and obtain your goals and objectives that way.

In order to do this, then you would need to be very, very, very careful on how to specify the intention campaign, as well as trying to keep your goals defined and simple. You can handle it this way…

[5] Use slides to change the topographical profile map of world-lines

The key in this technique is a very careful application of commands that will control the implementation of slides.

You must add navigation commands to your affirmations.

As in this example..

  • I have a mushroom, bacon, hamburger pizza, with extra cheese, Chicago style, with anchovies, and pineapple chunks. I have it served inside of a genuine Chicago deep-pan-pizza restaurant served to me with a bottle of imported French wine and with a trio of singers singing opera at my table.
  • I use world-line slides to accelerate the implementation of these affirmations.
  • The slides only come into use whenever they can [1] reduce the time to obtain the affirmation realization within my physical reality, and [2] they do not cause me any discomfort or trouble.

And it will look something like this…

New topographical world-lines might have your goals realized sooner by the very nature of the difference in topography.
New topographical world-lines might have your goals realized sooner by the very nature of the difference in topography.

Now doing this will come with unintended consequences.

The most notable and the most significant is that you will no longer be restricted to the birth-assigned world-line topography map. You will actually assigning your consciousness “free will” to fully navigate the MWI free of the fated restrictions of your birth world-line topography.

This is good and bad.

As the purpose of our consciousness in a given world-line (starting point), in regards to a topographic map, is to obtain experiences, if your intention campaign is too “relaxed” and “too comfortable”, you will be lax in gaining experiences. So this is not something that your soul desires. You thus, you can well expect to have unique experiences from which your soul can grow from…

Experiences generate thoughts. Thoughts create quanta associations, and help build the soul.

So, it could result in some really funky world-lines. Like (for instance) world-lines that has Gene Simmons still dancing to the beat, or where socks with toes are commonplace, or where (Heaven forbid) pineapple on pizza is mandated by law. You never can know…

Engaging in any affirmation campaign that utilizes slides WILL see an acceleration in changes outside of your life. Suddenly there might be fashions that seem odd to you, or that ways and styles of food will be different, or that habits or group behaviors will be uncomfortable for you. That is what happens in slides and it is normal.

Which brings me to the…

Disco Weener Beaner Haven

There was a cult movie back in the 1990’s. I can’t seem to be able to find it. But it revolves around this bank heist where the robbers escape to Mexico to hide out in a Mexican town.

This community is rather strange with all sorts of unique and unusual people in it. Indeed, both Grace Jones and Dennis Hopper make cameo appearances in it.

This is a movie where they love their coffee. And throughout the movie elements of a 1960’s coffee commercial is played to emphasize the strangeness of it all.

In the movie is a character that sells hot dogs in a cart. The name of his “establishment” is the Disco Weaner Beaner haven, and he has a little jingle that he sings to this end. Oh, and he’s a minor character. I think he gets shot and dies.

It doesn’t matter.

In the movie, a trio of bank robbers escape to this town, and suddenly find themselves surrounded by a host of really strange people. yet, at the same time everything is “normal” but decidedly twisted. And the point of this is exactly this…

  • Their life remains normal.
  • The lives of those around them are really strange.

When you accept that your consciousness is willing to perform slides to alter the world-line reality, you agree to “go off the rails” and use free-will to navigate the world-line topography outside of the topography that you were born into. This is a BIG STEP, and not to be taken lightly.

You will still be able to control your existence, and your life, but the surrounding world might start to look rather strange, and over a period of time, as the slides become more and more pronounced, you might be surprised in what is the “accepted norm” for the society that surrounds you.

Personally, I see this as a very great and effective way to really expand your quantum envelope for soul growth.

But, if you are not careful, you might find yourself in all sorts of situations that you might find uncomfortable.


Here we discuss some advanced techniques to shorten the time to implement some of your verbal affirmations within a prayer campaign. The most effective method, is also the most dangerous. Here you accept to use slides to move off your at-birth assigned world-line topography map. As such you close off the fated life that you had assigned yourself, and accept a free-for-all free-will life with all the dangers that it might entail.

Happy intentions everyone!

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Law 21 – Play a Sucker to Catch a Sucker – Seem Dumber than your Mark (48 Laws of Power)

OK, I know that I have been posting too many of these kinds of posts lately, but have some patience, will ya? I’ve got a long, long, LONG list of things to post. Just let me round out my posts with some more stuff from Robert Greene. I promise that I get back to some other stuff soon.

In my queue are some more posts on [1] intention campaigns, [2] all sorts of articles on the USA disinformation techniques and [3] control of electronic media, [4] SHTF postings and the [5] death of what ever remains of liberty, some [6] great works by Heinlein, and [7] some OOPART stuff that is tied to [8] MAJestic. In particular, I have a [7a] “mysterious” aluminum pawl write up, [7b] a rectangular structure on (the surface of) a comet, and [7c] a “space station facility” near the Sun. I will get to them. I promise. My queue lists over 150 drafts pending, and a shitload in my notebook as well.


This little technique got me through the ADC (prison). It enabled me to survive in a “dog-eat-dog” environment. It disguised me as a dull uninspired oaf. Heck! There were potatoes more interesting than me. Now, survival in a harsh environment, especially at the notorious Brickeys (North Arkansas Regional Unit) involved many facets, this little gem of advice got me through some of the worst.

Listen to me. No one wants to pick on a boring, dull witted, uninspired oaf. There are better things to do and “fish to fry”. And as such, you would just be left alone. Which was all I wanted. I wanted to do my time, sleep as much of it off, and get the Hell out of there post-haste.

Now, please keep in mind that even when you are isolated, and alone in a very harsh place, it is your ability to forge friendships and relationships that will help you. No matter how tough the world seems or appears, if you are part of a group… YOU WILL SURVIVE. So, please everyone, remember to be good, be just and be kind to others, no matter how bad your personal situation may appear.

You will never be considered a threat if you seem to be dull and harmless. If you are able to convince others that they are much smarter than you are, then they will apt to leave you alone. For everyone dislikes feeling more foolish than their neighbors or counterparts. Therefore, it is unlikely for anyone else to consider you faking your dull-wittiness. It’s a survival strategy as well as strategy of control.

LAW 21



No one likes feeling stupider than the next person. The trick, then, is to make your victims feel smart—and not just smart, but smarter than you are. Once convinced of this, they will never suspect that you may have ulterior motives.

In the winter of 1872, the U.S. financier Asbury Harpending was visiting London when he received a cable: A diamond mine had been discovered in the American West.

The cable came from a reliable source—William Ralston, owner of the Bank of California—but Harpending nevertheless took it as a practical joke, probably inspired by the recent discovery of huge diamond mines in South Africa.

True, when reports had first come in of gold being discovered in the western United States, everyone had been skeptical, and those had turned out to be true.

But a diamond mine in the West!

Harpending showed the cable to his fellow financier Baron Rothschild (one of the richest men in the world), saying it must be a joke. The baron, however, replied, “Don’t be too sure about that. America is a very large country. It has furnished the world with many surprises already. Perhaps it has others in store.”

Harpending promptly took the first ship back to the States.

Now, there is nothing of which a man is prouder than of intellectual ability, for it is this that gives him his commanding place in the animal world. It is an exceedingly rash thing to let anyone see that you are decidedly superior to him in this respect, and to let other people see it too.... hence, white rank and riches may always reckon upon deferential treatment in society, that is something which intellectual ability can never expect. 

To be ignorant is the greatest favor shown to it; And if people notice it at all, it is because they regard it us a piece of impertinence, or else as something to which its possessor has no legitimate right, and upon which he dares to pride himself; And in retaliation and revenge for his conduct, people secretly try and humiliate him in some other way; when if they wait to do this, it is only for a fitting opportunity. 

A man may be as humble as possible in his demeanor and yet hardly ever get people to overlook his crime in standing intellectually above them. In the Garden of Roses, Sadi makes the remark: “You should know that foolish people are a hundredfold more averse to meeting the wise than the wise are indisposed for the company of the foolish. ” 

On the other hand, it is a real recommendation to be stupid. For just as warmth is agreeable to the body, so it does the mind good to feel its superiority; and a man will seek company likely to give him this feeling, as instinctively as he will approach the fireplace or walk in the sun if he wants to get warm. But this means that he will be disliked on account of his superiority; and if a man is to be liked, he must really be inferior in point of intellect. 


When Harpending reached San Francisco, there was an excitement in the air recalling the Gold Rush days of the late 1840s.

Two crusty prospectors named Philip Arnold and John Slack had been the ones to find the diamond mine. They had not divulged its location, in Wyoming, but had led a highly respected mining expert to it several weeks back, taking a circular route so he could not guess his whereabouts.

Once there, the expert had watched as the miners dug up diamonds.

Back in San Francisco the expert had taken the gems to various jewelers, one of whom had estimated their worth at $1.5 million.

Harpending and Ralston now asked Arnold and Slack to accompany them back to New York, where the jeweler Charles Tiffany would verify the original estimates.

The prospectors responded uneasily—they smelled a trap: How could they trust these city slickers? What if Tiffany and the financiers managed to steal the whole mine out from under them?

Ralston tried to allay their fears by giving them $100,000 and placing another $300,000 in escrow for them. If the deal went through, they would be paid an additional $300,000.

The miners agreed.

The little group traveled to New York, where a meeting was held at the mansion of Samuel L. Barlow.

The cream of the city’s aristocracy was in attendance—General George Brinton McClellan, commander of the Union forces in the Civil War; General Benjamin Butler; Horace Greeley, editor of the newspaper the New York Tribune; Harpending; Ralston; and Tiffany.

Only Slack and Arnold were missing—as tourists in the city, they had decided to go sight-seeing.

When Tiffany announced that the gems were real and worth a fortune, the financiers could barely control their excitement.

They wired Rothschild and other tycoons to tell them about the diamond mine and inviting them to share in the investment.

At the same time, they also told the prospectors that they wanted one more test: They insisted that a mining expert of their choosing accompany Slack and Arnold to the site to verify its wealth.

The prospectors reluctantly agreed.

In the meantime, they said, they had to return to San Francisco. The jewels that Tiffany had examined they left with Harpending for safekeeping.

Several weeks later, a man named Louis Janin, the best mining expert in the country, met the prospectors in San Francisco. Janin was a born skeptic who was determined to make sure that the mine was not a fraud.

Accompanying Janin were Harpending, and several other interested financiers.

As with the previous expert, the prospectors led the team through a complex series of canyons, completely confusing them as to their whereabouts.

Arriving at the site, the financiers watched in amazement as Janin dug the area up, leveling anthills, turning over boulders, and finding emeralds, rubies, sapphires, and most of all diamonds.

The dig lasted eight days, and by the end, Janin was convinced: He told the investors that they now possessed the richest field in mining history.

“With a hundred men and proper machinery,” he told them, “I would guarantee to send out one million dollars in diamonds every thirty days.”

Returning to San Francisco a few days later, Ralston, Harpending, and company acted fast to form a $10 million corporation of private investors.

First, however, they had to get rid of Arnold and Slack.

That meant hiding their excitement—they certainly did not want to reveal the field’s real value. So they played possum.

Who knows if Janin is right, they told the prospectors, the mine may not be as rich as we think.

This just made the prospectors angry.

Trying a different tactic, the financiers told the two men that if they insisted on having shares in the mine, they would end up being fleeced by the unscrupulous tycoons and investors who would run the corporation; better, they said, to take the $700,000 already offered—an enormous sum at the time—and put their greed aside.

This the prospectors seemed to understand, and they finally agreed to take the money, in return signing the rights to the site over to the financiers, and leaving maps to it.

News of the mine spread like wildfire.

Prospectors fanned out across Wyoming. Meanwhile Harpending and group began spending the millions they had collected from their investors, buying equipment, hiring the best men in the business, and furnishing luxurious offices in New York and San Francisco.

A few weeks later, on their first trip back to the site, they learned the hard truth: Not a single diamond or ruby was to be found.

It was all a fake.

They were ruined. Harpending had unwittingly lured the richest men in the world into the biggest scam of the century.


Arnold and Slack pulled off their stupendous con not by using a fake engineer or bribing Tiffany: All of the experts had been real. All of them honestly believed in the existence of the mine and in the value of the gems.

What had fooled them all was nothing else than Arnold and Slack themselves. The two men seemed to be such rubes, such hayseeds, so naive, that no one for an instant had believed them capable of an audacious scam.

The prospectors had simply observed the law of appearing more stupid than the mark—the deceiver’s First Commandment.

The logistics of the con were quite simple.

Months before Arnold and Slack announced the “discovery” of the diamond mine, they traveled to Europe, where they purchased some real gems for around $12,000 (part of the money they had saved from their days as gold miners).

They then salted the “mine” with these gems, which the first expert dug up and brought to San Francisco.

The jewelers who had appraised these stones, including Tiffany himself, had gotten caught up in the fever and had grossly overestimated their value.

Then Ralston gave the prospectors $100,000 as security, and immediately after their trip to New York they simply went to Amsterdam, where they bought sacks of uncut gems, before returning to San Francisco. The second time they salted the mine, there were many more jewels to be found.

The effectiveness of the scheme, however, rested not on tricks like these but on the fact that Arnold and Slack played their parts to perfection.

On their trip to New York, where they mingled with millionaires and tycoons, they played up their clodhopper image, wearing pants and coats a size or two too small and acting incredulous at everything they saw in the big city.

No one believed that these country simpletons could possibly be conning the most devious, unscrupulous financiers of the time.

And once Harpending, Ralston, and even Rothschild accepted the mine’s existence, anyone who doubted it was questioning the intelligence of the world’s most successful businessmen.

  • In the end, Harpending’s reputation was ruined and he never recovered;
  • Rothschild learned his lesson and never fell for another con;
  • Slack took his money and disappeared from view, never to be found.

Arnold simply went home to Kentucky. After all, his sale of his mining rights had been legitimate; the buyers had taken the best advice, and if the mine had run out of diamonds, that was their problem. Arnold used the money to greatly enlarge his farm and open up a bank of his own.


The feeling that someone else is more intelligent than we are is almost intolerable.

We usually try to justify it in different ways:

  • “He only has book knowledge, whereas I have real knowledge.”
  • “Her parents paid for her to get a good education. If my parents had had as much money, if I had been as privileged….”
  • “He’s not as smart as he thinks.”
  • Last but not least: “She may know her narrow little field better than I do, but beyond that she’s really not smart at all. Even Einstein was a boob outside physics.”

Given how important the idea of intelligence is to most people’s vanity, it is critical never inadvertently to insult or impugn a person’s brain power.

That is an unforgivable sin.

But if you can make this iron rule work for you, it opens up all sorts of avenues of deception. Subliminally reassure people that they are more intelligent than you are, or even that you are a bit of a moron, and you can run rings around them.

The feeling of intellectual superiority you give them will disarm their suspicion-muscles.

In 1865 the Prussian Councillor Otto von Bismarck wanted Austria to sign a certain treaty. The treaty was totally in the interests of Prussia and against the interests of Austria, and Bismarck would have to strategize to get the Austrians to agree to it.

But the Austrian negotiator, Count Blome, was an avid cardplayer. His particular game was quinze, and he often said that he could judge a man’s character by the way he played quinze.

Bismarck knew of this saying of Blome’s.

The night before the negotiations were to begin, Bismarck innocently engaged Blome in a game of quinze.

The Prussian would later write, “That was the very last time I ever played quinze. I played so recklessly that everyone was astonished. I lost several thousand talers [the currency of the time], but I succeeded in fooling [Blome], for he believed me to be more venturesome than I am and I gave way.”

Besides appearing reckless, Bismarck also played the witless fool, saying ridiculous things and bumbling about with a surplus of nervous energy.

All this made Blome feel he had gathered valuable information.

He knew that Bismarck was aggressive—the Prussian already had that reputation, and the way he played had confirmed it. And aggressive men, Blome knew, can be foolish and rash.

Accordingly, when the time came to sign the treaty, Blome thought he had the advantage.

A heedless fool like Bismarck, he thought, is incapable of cold-blooded calculation and deception, so he only glanced at the treaty before signing it—he failed to read the fine print.

As soon as the ink was dry, a joyous Bismarck exclaimed in his face, “Well, I could never have believed that I should find an Austrian diplomat willing to sign that document!”

The Chinese have a phrase, “Masquerading as a swine to kill the tiger.”

This refers to an ancient hunting technique in which the hunter clothes himself in the hide and snout of a pig, and mimics its grunting. The mighty tiger thinks a pig is coming his way, and lets it get close, savoring the prospect of an easy meal. But it is the hunter who has the last laugh.

Masquerading as a swine works wonders on those who, like tigers, are arrogant and overconfident: The easier they think it is to prey on you, the more easily you can turn the tables. This trick is also useful if you are ambitious yet find yourself low in the hierarchy: Appearing less intelligent than you are, even a bit of a fool, is the perfect disguise.

Look like a harmless pig and no one will believe you harbor dangerous ambitions.

They may even promote you since you seem so likable, and subservient.

Claudius before he became emperor of Rome, and the prince of France who later became Louis XIII, used this tactic when those above them suspected they might have designs on the throne. By playing the fool as young men, they were left alone. When the time came for them to strike, and to act with vigor and decisiveness, they caught everyone off-guard.

Perhaps, now is the time to watch the old movie "The Scarlett Pimpernel".
His tall figure and bony beak of a face serve perfectly both as the languid Sir Percy, setting off a series of immaculately-fitting ‘unmentionables’, and as the commanding, quick-thinking Pimpernel; and the scene in which he drops from one persona to the other almost in mid-sentence upon the entry of the irate Colonel Winterbottom is a joy to watch. He is absolutely convincing as the “spineless, brainless and useless” fop, and yet he can shade intelligence and feeling back into his features at the drop of a hat in unconcealed moments that never let the audience forget the man behind the mask.

Intelligence is the obvious quality to downplay, but why stop there? Taste and sophistication rank close to intelligence on the vanity scale; make people feel they are more sophisticated than you are and their guard will come down.

As Arnold and Slack knew, an air of complete naivete can work wonders.

Those fancy financiers were laughing at them behind their backs, but who laughed loudest in the end? In general, then, always make people believe they are smarter and more sophisticated than you are. They will keep you around because you make them feel better about themselves, and the longer you are around, the more opportunities you will have to deceive them.

The Opossum. In playing
dead, the opossum plays stupid.
Many a predator has therefore left it
alone. Who could believe that such an
ugly, unintelligent, nervous little creature
could be capable of such deception?

Know how to make use of stupidity: The wisest man plays this card at times. There are occasions when the highest wisdom consists in appearing not to know—you must not be ignorant but capable of playing it. It is not much good being wise among fools and sane among lunatics. He who poses as a fool is not a fool. 

The best way to be well received by all is to clothe yourself in the skin of the dumbest of brutes. 

-(Baltasar Gracián, 1601-1658)


To reveal the true nature of your intelligence rarely pays; you should get in the habit of downplaying it at all times. If people inadvertently learn the truth—that you are actually much smarter than you look—they will admire you more for being discreet than for making your brilliance show.

At the start of your climb to the top, of course, you cannot play too stupid: You may want to let your bosses know, in a subtle way, that you are smarter than the competition around you. As you climb the ladder, however, you should to some degree try to dampen your brilliance.

There is, however, one situation where it pays to do the opposite—when you can cover up a deception with a show of intelligence. In matters of smarts as in most things, appearances are what count. If you seem to have authority and knowledge, people will believe what you say. This can be very useful in getting you out of a scrape…

The art dealer Joseph Duveen was once attending a soiree at the New York home of a tycoon to whom he had recently sold a Dürer painting for a high price.

Among the guests was a young French art critic who seemed extremely knowledgeable and confident. Wanting to impress this man, the tycoon’s daughter showed him the Dürer, which had not yet been hung.

The critic studied it for a time, then finally said, “You know, I don’t think this Dürer is right.” He followed the young woman as she hurried to tell her father what he had said, and listened as the magnate, deeply unsettled, turned to Duveen for reassurance.

Duveen just laughed. “How very amusing,” he said. “Do you realize, young man, that at least twenty other art experts here and in Europe have been taken in too, and have said that painting isn’t genuine? And now you’ve made the same mistake.”

His confident tone and air of authority intimidated the Frenchman, who apologized for his mistake.

Duveen knew that the art market was flooded with fakes, and that many paintings had been falsely ascribed to old masters. He tried his best to distinguish the real from the fake, but in his zeal to sell he often overplayed a work’s authenticity.

What mattered to him was that the buyer believed he had bought a Dürer, and that Duveen himself convinced everyone of his “expertness” through his air of irreproachable authority. Thus, it is important to be able to play the professor when necessary and never impose such an attitude for its own sake.


Sure you can use this method if you want to scam or manipulate others. But more useful, is to use this method to survive.

When the world seems to be falling apart, and that there are hunters out looking for prey…

…to loot, to rape, to steal from, to swindle, to seize property from…

…it’s in your best interests to be as dull, uninteresting, and non-descript as possible. Let others be the “lightening rod” that attracts the dangerous. All you want to do is survive. And survive you will, if only by playing the part of the dull, and uninteresting.

When people are out looting, they will attack the pharmacies, the department stores, the grocery stores and the homes of the wealthy. They will pretty much ignore the junk-yards, the electrical sub-stations, and the old empty barns.

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Law 19 – Know who you’re dealing with – do not offend the wrong person (48 Laws of Power)

This is the complete text of law 19 from the book by Robert Greene titled “The 48 Laws of Power”. It is a book that lists (for good or bad) numerous ways that people interact with each other in the pursuit of the obtainment of power. While you might not want to use any of the techniques that he has listed, you must certainly can agree that you must be aware of how others might use them against you. As knowledge is, in itself, power.

LAW 19



There are many different kinds of people in the world, and you can never assume that everyone will react to your strategies in the same way. Deceive or outmaneuver some people and they will spend the rest of their lives seeking revenge. They are wolves in lambs’ clothing. Choose your victims and opponents carefully, then—never of fend or deceive the wrong person.


In your rise to power you will come across many breeds of opponent, sucker, and victim. The highest form of the art of power is the ability to distinguish the wolves from the lambs, the foxes from the hares, the hawks from the vultures. If you make this distinction well, you will succeed without needing to coerce anyone too much. But if you deal blindly with whomever crosses your path, you will have a life of constant sorrow, if you even live that long.

When you meet a swordsman, draw your sword: Do not recite poetry to one who is not a poet.


Being able to recognize types of people, and to act accordingly, is critical.

The following are the five most dangerous and difficult types of mark in the jungle, as identified by artists—con and otherwise—of the past.

[1] The Arrogant and Proud Man.

If you end up in Prison, you will meet many people. One of the most dangerous are the members of the gay community. For they will be brutal on the slightest whim. Do not get involved with these people, and do not become involved within any kind of relationship triangles either.


Although he may initially disguise it, this man’s touchy pride makes him very dangerous.

Any perceived slight will lead to a vengeance of overwhelming violence.

You may say to yourself, “But I only said such-and-such at a party, where everyone was drunk….”

It does not matter.

There is no sanity behind his overreaction, so do not waste time trying to figure him out.

If at any point in your dealings with a person you sense an oversensitive and overactive pride, flee. Whatever you are hoping for from him isn’t worth it.

The Revence Of [Lope De] Aguirre

[Lope de] Aguirre’s character is amply illustrated in an anecdote from the chronicle of Garcilaso de la Vega.

Who related that in 1548 Aguirre was a member of a platoon of soldiers escorting Indian slaves from the mines at Potosi [Bolivia] to a royal treasury depot.

The Indians were illegally burdened with great quantities of silver, and a local official arrested Aguirre, sentencing him to receive two hundred lashes in lieu of a fine for oppressing the Indians.

“The soldier Aguirre, having received a notification of the sentence, besought the alcalde that, instead of flogging him, he would put him to death, for that he was a gentleman by birth…. All this had no effect on the alcalde, who ordered the executioner to bring a beast, and execute the sentence. The executioner came to the prison, and put Aguirre on the beast…. The beast was driven on, and he received the lashes….”

When freed, Aguirre announced his intention of killing the official who had sentenced him, the alcalde Esquivel.

Esquivel’s term of office expired and he fled to Lima.

Three hundred twenty leagues away, but within fifteen days Aguirre had tracked him there.

The frightened judge journeyed to Quito, a trip of four hundred leagues, and in twenty days Aguirre arrived.

“When Esquivel heard of his presence, ” according to Garcilaso, “he made another journey of five hundred leagues to Cuzco; but in a few days Aguirre also arrived, having traveled on foot and without shoes, saying that a whipped man has no business to ride a horse, or to go where he would be seen by others. In this way, Aguirre followed his judge for three years, and four months.”

Wearying of the pursuit, Esquivel remained at Cuzco, a city so sternly governed that he felt he would be safe from Aguirre. He took a house near the cathedral and never ventured outdoors without a sword and a dagger.

“However, on a certain Monday, at noon, Aguirre entered his house, and having walked all over it, and having traversed a corridor, a saloon, a chamber, and an inner chamber where the judge kept his books, he at last found him asleep over one of his books, and stabbed him to death. The murderer then went out, but when he came to the door of the house, he found that he had forgotten his hat, and had the temerity to return and fetch it, and then walked down the street.”


[2] The Hopelessly Insecure Man.

This man is related to the proud and arrogant type, but is less violent and harder to spot.

His ego is fragile, his sense of self insecure, and if he feels himself deceived or attacked, the hurt will simmer.

He will attack you in bites that will take forever to get big enough for you to notice.

If you find you have deceived or harmed such a man, disappear for a long time. Do not stay around him or he will nibble you to death.

[3] Mr. Suspicion.

Another variant on the breeds above, this is a future Joe Stalin.

He sees what he wants to see—usually the worst—in other people, and imagines that everyone is after him.

Mr. Suspicion is in fact the least dangerous of the three: Genuinely unbalanced, he is easy to deceive, just as Stalin himself was constantly deceived.

Play on his suspicious nature to get him to turn against other people. But if you do become the target of his suspicions, watch out.

[4] The Serpent with a Long Memory.

If hurt or deceived, this man will show no anger on the surface; he will calculate and wait.

Then, when he is in a position to turn the tables, he will exact a revenge marked by a cold-blooded shrewdness.

Recognize this man by his calculation and cunning in the different areas of his life.

He is usually cold and unaffectionate.

Be doubly careful of this snake, and if you have somehow injured him, either crush him completely or get him out of your sight.

[5] The Plain, Unassuming, and Often Unintelligent Man.

Ah, your ears prick up when you find such a tempting victim.

But this man is a lot harder to deceive than you imagine.

Falling for a ruse often takes intelligence and imagination—a sense of the possible rewards.

The blunt man will not take the bait because he does not recognize it.

He is that unaware.

The danger with this man is NOT that he will harm you or seek revenge, but merely that he will waste your time, energy, resources, and even your sanity in trying to deceive him.

Have a test ready for a mark—a joke, a story. If his reaction is utterly literal, this is the type you are dealing with.

Continue at your own risk.


Transgression I

In the early part of the thirteenth century, Muhammad, the shah of Khwarezm, managed after many wars to forge a huge empire, extending west to present-day Turkey and south to Afghanistan. The empire’s center was the great Asian capital of Samarkand. The shah had a powerful, well-trained army, and could mobilize 200,000 warriors within days.

In 1219 Muhammad received an embassy from a new tribal leader to the east, Genghis Khan.

The embassy included all sorts of gifts to the great Muhammad, representing the finest goods from Khan’s small but growing Mongol empire. Genghis Khan wanted to reopen the Silk Route to Europe, and offered to share it with Muhammad, while promising peace between the two empires.

Muhammad did not know this upstart from the east, who, it seemed to him, was extremely arrogant to try to talk as an equal to one so clearly his superior.

He ignored Khan’s offer.

Khan tried again: This time he sent a caravan of a hundred camels filled with the rarest articles he had plundered from China. Before the caravan reached Muhammad, however, Inalchik, the governor of a region bordering on Samarkand, seized it for himself, and executed its leaders.

Genghis Khan was sure that this was a mistake—that Inalchik had acted without Muhammad’s approval.

He sent yet another mission to Muhammad, reiterating his offer and asking that the governor be punished. This time Muhammad himself had one of the ambassadors beheaded, and sent the other two back with shaved heads—a horrifying insult in the Mongol code of honor.

Khan sent a message to the shah: “You have chosen war. What will happen will happen, and what it is to be we know not; only God knows.”

Mobilizing his forces, in 1220 he attacked Inalchik’s province, where he seized the capital, captured the governor, and ordered him executed by having molten silver poured into his eyes and ears.

Over the next year, Khan led a series of guerrilla-like campaigns against the shah’s much larger army.

His method was totally novel for the time—his soldiers could move very fast on horseback, and had mastered the art of firing with bow and arrow while mounted.

The speed and flexibility of his forces allowed him to deceive Muhammad as to his intentions and the directions of his movements. Eventually he managed first to surround Samarkand, then to seize it.

Muhammad fled, and a year later died, his vast empire broken and destroyed. Genghis Khan was sole master of Samarkand, the Silk Route, and most of northern Asia.


Never assume that the person you are dealing with is weaker or less important than you are.

Some men are slow to take offense, which may make you misjudge the thickness of their skin, and fail to worry about insulting them. But should you offend their honor and their pride, they will overwhelm you with a violence that seems sudden and extreme given their slowness to anger.

If you want to turn people down, it is best to do so politely and respectfully, even if you feel their request is impudent or their offer ridiculous.

Never reject them with an insult until you know them better; you may be dealing with a Genghis Khan.


A troublesome Crow seated herself on the back of a Sheep. 

The Sheep, much against his will, carried her backward and forward for a long time, and at last said, “If you had treated a dog in this way, you would have had your deserts from his sharp teeth.”

To this the Crow replied, “I despise the weak, and yield to the strong. I know whom I may bully, and whom I must flatter; and thus I hope to prolong my life to a good old age.


Transgression II

In the late 1910s some of the best swindlers in America formed a con-artist ring based in Denver, Colorado. In the winter months they would spread across the southern states, plying their trade. In 1920 Joe Furey, a leader of the ring, was working his way through Texas, making hundreds of thousands of dollars with classic con games.

Joe Furey
Joe Furey.

In Fort Worth, he met a sucker named J. Frank Norfleet, a cattleman who owned a large ranch.

Norfleet fell for the con.

Convinced of the riches to come, he emptied his bank account of $45,000 and handed it over to Furey and his confederates. A few days later they gave him his “millions,” which turned out to be a few good dollars wrapped around a packet of newspaper clippings.

Furey and his men had worked such cons a hundred times before, and the sucker was usually so embarrassed by his gullibility that he quietly learned his lesson and accepted the loss.

But Norfleet was not like other suckers.

He went to the police, who told him there was little they could do.

“Then I’ll go after those people myself,” Norfleet told the detectives. “I’ll get them, too, if it takes the rest of my life.”

His wife took over the ranch as Norfleet scoured the country, looking for others who had been fleeced in the same game. One such sucker came forward, and the two men identified one of the con artists in San Francisco, and managed to get him locked up.

The man committed suicide rather than face a long term in prison.

Norfleet kept going.

He tracked down another of the con artists in Montana, roped him like a calf, and dragged him through the muddy streets to the town jail.

He traveled not only across the country but to England, Canada, and Mexico in search of Joe Furey, and also of Furey’s right-hand man, W. B. Spencer.

Finding Spencer in Montreal, Norfleet chased him through the streets.

Spencer escaped but the rancher stayed on his trail and caught up with him in Salt Lake City. Preferring the mercy of the law to Norfleet’s wrath, Spencer turned himself in.

Norfleet found Furey in Jacksonville, Florida, and personally hauled him off to face justice in Texas.

But he wouldn’t stop there: He continued on to Denver, determined to break up the entire ring.

Spending not only large sums of money but another year of his life in the pursuit, he managed to put all of the con ring’s leaders behind bars. Even some he didn’t catch had grown so terrified of him that they too turned themselves in.

After five years of hunting, Norfleet had single-handedly destroyed the country’s largest confederation of con artists. The effort bankrupted him and ruined his marriage, but he died a satisfied man.


Most men accept the humiliation of being conned with a sense of resignation. They learn their lesson, recognizing that there is no such thing as a free lunch, and that they have usually been brought down by their own greed for easy money.

Some, however, refuse to take their medicine.

Instead of reflecting on their own gullibility and avarice, they see themselves as totally innocent victims.

Men like this may seem to be crusaders for justice and honesty, but they are actually immoderately insecure. Being fooled, being conned, has activated their self-doubt, and they are desperate to repair the damage.

Were the mortgage on Norfleet’s ranch, the collapse of his marriage, and the years of borrowing money and living in cheap hotels worth his revenge over his embarrassment at being fleeced?

To the Norfleets of the world, overcoming their embarrassment is worth any price.

All people have insecurities, and often the best way to deceive a sucker is to play upon his insecurities. But in the realm of power, everything is a question of degree, and the person who is decidedly more insecure than the average mortal presents great dangers.

Be warned: If you practice deception or trickery of any sort, study your mark well. Some people’s insecurity and ego fragility cannot tolerate the slightest offense. To see if you are dealing with such a type, test them first—make, say, a mild joke at their expense. A confident person will laugh; an overly insecure one will react as if personally insulted. If you suspect you are dealing with this type, find another victim.

Transgression III

In the fifth century B.C., Ch‘ung-erh, the prince of Ch’in (in present-day China), had been forced into exile.

He lived modestly—even, sometimes, in poverty—waiting for the time when he could return home and resume his princely life. Once he was passing through the state of Cheng, where the ruler, not knowing who he was, treated him rudely.

The ruler’s minister, Shu Chan, saw this and said, “This man is a worthy prince. May Your Highness treat him with great courtesy and thereby place him under an obligation!”

But the ruler, able to see only the prince’s lowly station, ignored this advice and insulted the prince again.

Shu Chan again warned his master, saying, “If Your Highness cannot treat Ch’ung-erh with courtesy, you should put him to death, to avoid calamity in the future.”

The ruler only scoffed.

Years later, the prince was finally able to return home, his circumstances greatly changed. He did not forget who had been kind to him, and who had been insolent, during his years of poverty.

Least of all did he forget his treatment at the hands of the ruler of Cheng.

At his first opportunity he assembled a vast army and marched on Cheng, taking eight cities, destroying the kingdom, and sending the ruler into an exile of his own.


You can never be sure who you are dealing with. A man who is of little importance and means today can be a person of power tomorrow. We forget a lot in our lives, but we rarely forget an insult.

How was the ruler of Cheng to know that Prince Ch’ung-erh was an ambitious, calculating, cunning type, a serpent with a long memory? There was really no way for him to know, you may say—but since there was no way, it would have been better not to tempt the fates by finding out. There is nothing to be gained by insulting a person unnecessarily. Swallow the impulse to offend, even if the other person seems weak. The satisfaction is meager compared to the danger that someday he or she will be in a position to hurt you.

Transgression IV

The year of 1920 had been a particularly bad one for American art dealers. Big buyers—the robber-baron generation of the previous century—were getting to an age where they were dying off like flies, and no new millionaires had emerged to take their place. Things were so bad that a number of the major dealers decided to pool their resources, an unheard-of event, since art dealers usually get along like cats and dogs.

Joseph Duveen, art dealer to the richest tycoons of America, was suffering more than the others that year, so he decided to go along with this alliance. The group now consisted of the five biggest dealers in the country. Looking around for a new client, they decided that their last best hope was Henry Ford, then the wealthiest man in America.

Ford had yet to venture into the art market, and he was such a big target that it made sense for them to work together.

The dealers decided to assemble a list, “The 100 Greatest Paintings in the World” (all of which they happened to have in stock), and to offer the lot of them to Ford. With one purchase he could make himself the world’s greatest collector.

The consortium worked for weeks to produce a magnificent object: a three-volume set of books containing beautiful reproductions of the paintings, as well as scholarly texts accompanying each picture. Next they made a personal visit to Ford at his home in Dearborn, Michigan.

There they were surprised by the simplicity of his house: Mr. Ford was obviously an extremely unaffected man.

Ford received them in his study.

Looking through the book, he expressed astonishment and delight. The excited dealers began imagining the millions of dollars that would shortly flow into their coffers. Finally, however, Ford looked up from the book and said, “Gentlemen, beautiful books like these, with beautiful colored pictures like these, must cost an awful lot!”

“But Mr. Ford!” exclaimed Duveen, “we don’t expect you to buy these books. We got them up especially for you, to show you the pictures. These books are a present to you.”

Ford seemed puzzled.

“Gentlemen,” he said, “it is extremely nice of you, but I really don’t see how I can accept a beautiful, expensive present like this from strangers.”

Duveen explained to Ford that the reproductions in the books showed paintings they had hoped to sell to him. Ford finally understood. “But gentlemen,” he exclaimed, “what would I want with the original pictures when the ones right here in these books are so beautiful?”


Joseph Duveen prided himself on studying his victims and clients in advance, figuring out their weaknesses and the peculiarities of their tastes before he ever met them.

He was driven by desperation to drop this tactic just once, in his assault on Henry Ford. It took him months to recover from his misjudgment, both mentally and monetarily.

Ford was the unassuming plain-man type who just isn’t worth the bother.

He was the incarnation of those literal-minded folk who do not possess enough imagination to be deceived. From then on, Duveen saved his energies for the Mellons and Morgans of the world—men crafty enough for him to entrap in his snares.


The ability to measure people and to know who you’re dealing with is the most important skill of all in gathering and conserving power.

Without it you are blind: Not only will you offend the wrong people, you will choose the wrong types to work on, and will think you are flattering people when you are actually insulting them.

Before embarking on any move, take the measure of your mark or potential opponent. Otherwise you will waste time and make mistakes.

Study people’s weaknesses, the chinks in their armor, their areas of both pride and insecurity. Know their ins and outs before you even decide whether or not to deal with them.

Two final words of caution: First, in judging and measuring your opponent, never rely on your instincts. You will make the greatest mistakes of all if you rely on such inexact indicators. Nothing can substitute for gathering concrete knowledge. Study and spy on your opponent for however long it takes; this will pay off in the long run.

Second, never trust appearances. Anyone with a serpent’s heart can use a show of kindness to cloak it; a person who is blustery on the outside is often really a coward. Learn to see through appearances and their contradictions. Never trust the version that people give of themselves—it is utterly unreliable.

Image: The Hunter.

He does not lay the same trap for a wolf as for a fox. He does not set bait where no one will take it. He knows his prey thoroughly, its habits and hideaways, and hunts accordingly.

Authority: Be convinced, that there are no persons so insignificant and inconsiderable, but may, some time or other, have it in their power to be of use to you; which they certainly will not, if you have once shown them contempt. Wrongs are often forgiven, but contempt never is. Our pride remembers it for ever. (Lord Chesterfield, 1694-1773)


What possible good can come from ignorance about other people? Learn to tell the lions from the lambs or pay the price. Obey this law to its fullest extent; it has no reversal—do not bother looking for one.

Principles of Law 19

In your quest for power, you can’t treat everyone the same way. According to Law 19 of the 48 Laws of Power, there are many different types of people, and you need to be able to recognize which type you’re dealing with and respond appropriately. 

Here are the five most dangerous types, most of whom you should avoid dealing with because it’s either a waste of time or it will come back and bite you. With these types especially, you should know who you’re dealing with.

  • Oversensitive and egotistical: Overreacts, often violently and disproportionately, to any perceived slight.
  • Insecure and fragile: Lets hurt feelings simmer, then attacks with small cuts that eventually add up.
  • Pathologically suspicious: Imagines everyone is after him. Like Stalin, genuinely unhinged but easy to fool. You can get him to turn against others, but take care that he doesn’t target you.
  • Cold and calculating: Doesn’t show anger when offended, but calculates the right moment for revenge and waits for it. He’s a snake — crush him rather than injuring him.
  • Slow-witted or literal: Lacks the intelligence and imagination (to envision potential rewards) to fall for a scheme. You’ll waste time trying to fool him. Test him by telling a joke to see if he gets it, or reacts literally. If the latter, move on to someone else.

To wield power it’s essential to be able to read people and know who you’re dealing with. If you don’t understand your targets — choosing the wrong person or doing the wrong thing — you’ll waste time at best. At worst, you bring trouble on yourself, for instance, by insulting people when you think you’re flattering them, or by triggering their insecurity. This is essential to understand when following Law 19 of the 48 Laws of Power.

Before dealing with someone, do your research. Never trust your instincts, or trust appearances. People can easily hide their true nature. Do not offend the wrong person.

Putting Law 19 to Work

Here are just a few of the many examples of how not to apply Law 19 of the 48 Laws of Power. These people underestimated or failed to understand their opponents. They did not follow Law 19: Know Who You’re Dealing With—Do Not Offend the Wrong Person.

  • Oversensitive and egotistical: A powerful shah who had a huge empire dissed Genghis Khan by ignoring his offers of an alliance, and was destroyed. His mistake was assuming that Genghis Khan was weaker than he, and he rejected his overtures with insults. Khan turned out to be both sensitive to insults and extremely powerful.
  • Oversensitive and egotistical: In 1910 there was a con artist ring operating out of Denver, led by Joe Furey. Furey suckered a Texas rancher into giving up a fortune. But unlike most suckers in Furey’s experience, he didn’t just slink away quietly in embarrassment. He set out to take down Furey and the entire con artist ring, a feat that took him five years and great expense. Furey didn’t understand that he was dealing with an insecure man who wouldn’t tolerate offense.
  • Literal: Because he was a simple man who took things literally, Henry Ford stymied a consortium of art dealers who tried to sell him a collection of 1,000 paintings. To whet his appetite for the works, the dealers created a beautiful book of the paintings, which they presented to Ford as a gift. His response was to question why he should buy the paintings, when he had a book that depicted them so beautifully. Because the dealers hadn’t done their homework, they wasted their time and money dealing with an immovable target.


I would advise that you remain kind and neutral to everyone that you meet. I strongly suggest that you put the ideas of “winning” or “conquering” over others under advisement, instead, I urge you to try to work with people in a mutually beneficial arrangement.

Unfortunately, this is not always possible. There will come times when you are dealing with people that have their own agendas, their own ways of doing things, and their own objectives.

Such is the case when Donald Trump instigated the “Trade War” against China in 2016 which pretty much lasted throughout his entire term. And while China assumed that Trump wanted a Win-Win situation, the truth was that he desired a Lose-Lose situation and did everything in his power to make sure that China would lose more than America would.

It didn’t work out that way.


Because the intel that Donald Trump and Pompeo was getting on China was not only incorrect, but it was dangerously inaccurate, outdated, and colored with a bias that did not factually exist. And no matter what Donald Trump threw at China, they simply stepped to the side and continued their life unimpeded.

Currently, the conservative neocons are advising for a “hot war” scenario. As it is the only remaining course of action. To which I must respond with the statement from Law 19…

The highest form of the art of power is the ability to distinguish the wolves from the lambs, the foxes from the hares, the hawks from the vultures. If you make this distinction well, you will succeed without needing to coerce anyone too much. But if you deal blindly with whomever crosses your path, you will have a life of constant sorrow...

... if you even live that long.

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