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Alien Laws / Ethics

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Agree. be nice. what is important in life is here, in front or next to us.

You and I won’t touch this, life's goes on. we have our cats, dogs, our loves ones to be with.

Changing subject, but keeping close, this mRNA vaccine is first time I remember, I have dear friends and family not to agree on what we called, or maybe someone made this soup for us, a serious issue.

So what we do? believe me, and I am sure you all had and having this now, we just don't talk about it. we go around.

they dont ask if I got the first jab, and I dont ask if they got already the 100th anniversary one 🙂

it is not easy as sounds, but there is no other way. we know what happened if we do. shit happens 🙂 and for nothing..
And this are people you know all your life, amazing how it is easy to maneuver us, put us one against family or one against best friends.
We need to be better, be smarter. be calm. be good. as MM say, be the Rufus.


congjing yu and pissedlizard have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizard

@keff -

Believe me when I say this - I know America is no angel. BUT until the Clintons got in we were relatively free enough. And things went downhill from there

We all saw the positioning of the world the last 10 years and the death throes that America has been in.

Right now rights and speech are being stripped at a records pace - and some just aren’t having it. Some are.

The anger - here in the states is due to what we just witnessed. That cut and run shit just ain’t me.

I am not blaming anyone other than the parties involved in the destruction of my country. And I do not know what country you are in, but I assume you have SOME sense of self pride. But whatever country you are in may or may not have had the same disease we here in the states have.

But the USA has a very, VERY bad disease and we all know what it is - self interest.

The fiasco that America has just unleashed is beyond the pale of comprehension right now. I think America is still in the stunned phase.

America isn’t in the blame phase. Yet.

And there is zero possibility that America is going to point the finger at itself. There are too many wealthy mouths to keep fed.
Not a chance. You are very right, Keff, the laundry list of chickens coming home IS our own fault. And that is because the central policy of the USA was to protect its oil interests in the Middle East. And we did.

And Americans put up with it because we love our toys and there is ALWAYS a threat from those “barbaric Muslims”.

Belive me. How America has acted on the world stage since she has been carrying the torch has been less than shitty at best - and - yes - I DO agree we should not BE the ones controlling all of the resources. I don’t think ANY American does.

But what we are seeing here - after leaving all of our gear - THAT I HELPED PAY FOR BY THE WAY - to who the hell knows who - is bullshit.

Leaving alllllllllll of YOUR people high and dry and all of your interests - whatever they are - high and dry like that - yeah. It’s nonsense.

But do you want to know why Americans are so pissed right now? The reason everyone is talking about but you just aren’t hearing?

It’s because we all know that we have been played by a tiny little group that lives in the Washington DC beltway. Not the CFR or Soros, but another, small, unknown group called WestExec.

The people coming after me and those of us that love our country are very, very clear as to who they are.

And they are the enemy.

You may not like me, you may not like America, you may not like me BECAUSE I am an American - that’s fine. I could care less to be honest.

But there is no fucking way in hell that I am going to watch as everyone comes in and walks all over us. America is my home and I love her. Just as you love your home.

If I get banned from here or anywhere else for saying what I see to be true then so be it.

But I do not wish to offend.

We’ll see what happens here and if affects you all. I hope it doesn’t.

congjing yu, keff and Dani have reacted to this post.
congjing yukeffDani


I do hope you are well. I genuinely was taken aback when I read your response to mine and genuinely do not want to write anything that is hurtful. At all.

These last 20 years - for Americans if you were over the age of 10 or 11 when 9/11 happened (IF it happened - but another day) you see the the utter destruction of a once great society.

While greed has a lot to do with it, I think the main culprit, the thing that amplified the speed of its destruction, is what you are looking at right now.

As great as this internet is - and I AM NOT anti-technology - I am on board with the void - but as great as this is - that we can all get together and chit chat - is that lack of humanness.

You and I do not notice the subtleties when we actually talk to eachother. Face to face we take in millions of different actions from the other and process them in ways we aren’t even aware of. The slightest movement of the iris reacting, for example. Over a phone we pick up on other cues.

This internet thing- I’m sure there are ways of figuring out the subtleties, bot after 25 years, I have yet to figure any out.

But I really want you to understand that I do not want to upset anyone. I do NOT want to hurt anyone’s or anything’s feelings. I don’t. I had enough of that done to me enough times to have had it really hammered home.

I want everyone to just be happy and chill. That’s all. I do not want put my will or my morality on anyone. Despite what my government does or how it acts. I honestly want the best for all. No matter what it looks like.

That being said out of the way,

When you wrote about the vaccine - are you saying you are having problems with the vaccinated?

Because that is another thing we are dealing with here - vaxxed versus unvaxxed.

And as I genuinely do not know much of Israel, and as of yesterday, @dani, I am learning more and have you to thank,  but are you all taking the same vaccine as Americans?

This mRNA vaccine is bad news. And it is getting more and more difficult to even shop no less make a living.

congjing yu and Dani have reacted to this post.
congjing yuDani

I read a read little quote today. It was from a German expat talking about his experiences in Shanghai. He said...

Some time ago, I heard a young American in Shanghai saying: “The hardest part of moving and adapting to China was to get rid of my American exceptionalism” and “but now, I’m over it; I’m really free now”.

Part of what EVERYONE in the West need to do is to undo all their decades of programming. Different places have different degrees of programming, and America seems to be the worst. But I can see it in others.

JustAnotherAsian, Dani and Unk have reacted to this post.

Are we allowed to call a spade a spade? Who owns banking, pharma, entertainment, education, media (both main stream and alternative), in short all those factors which are crucial in braindirtying aka programming a world population (regardless of how many of us there actually are)? Which “entity” is master at setting up groups of people against each other?
Whatever Westexec as a think tank is, they’re just another front.
How does the saying goes again? To learn who rules over you, simply find out whom you’re not allowed to criticize.
BTW, i do like the four (or five) agreements of Don Miguel Ruiz. Sound simple but humanimality would be in a better place if we could practice it. I for one, didn’t find a single person yet with whom i’m on the same page as to what’s going on, who we are, why, how etc. And i do have a hard time accepting that. Still learning to navigate this realm...

In la’kech ala k’in ;-D

DSKlausler has reacted to this post.

@pissedlizard; @laoban4site

I agree, and recalling 911 it was definitely a programming. just commented in your related post.

Regarding mRNA, in Israel they ordered third jab, aka booster, they started without FDA approval, but I have no idea what inside.. they say it is not mandatory.. but it is. 12 years and up. all my family 30 and up already got the third shot, now it is 12 years and up. crazy stuff. The second jab passport just expired, you have till end of September, then they take your green pass.

Israel is tiny, people don't have an idea. it is new jersey plus, a medium village in China. it is actually tel aviv for the hi tech and Jerusalem for government. that is all. people believe the government. we are very patriotic, that is reasonable for a country with such a history. health system is very good, one of the best, in the world, very social, build around the Russians and European models of the early 20th century. this makes it very easy for operations as this one. think mini China in health infrastructure, but with government which serve another entity, elite, whatever.. but not the people.

I wrote and posted this on Facebook, I had no idea as I am not living in Israel now, I got emotional angry reactions from people ( yes vax) I like. and I got emotional stuff, in private, from people ( no vax) who were asking for help, for support, they feel betrayed and no where to go.

And Israel, as small as it is, there is literally no place to go.

I translated it, lets hope it is still readable.

" The headlines of the Israeli newspapers are so ridiculous that it feels like someone is making a parody of a parody. There are things that even Der Streimer's editor would think twice before put to print, on the other hand Der Streimmer was a Nazi propaganda tool, and how can you compare. These crazy bunch didn't have a sense of humor.
The vaccine turns out to be so successful, that you have to repeat it twice a week. And when we have 120% vaccinated, the pursuit after those reckless who have been vaccinated only twice will began. If it has not already begun, in the fevered minds of the elite technocrats.
And after everyone's being jabbed four times, they'll move to five and start chasing the irresponsible ones who've been injected three times only, they're just murderers, you have to agree, what right you have to stop at three?

And that's the kind of labyrinth once you entered, it's never going to end.

And how such a successful vaccine, with a hundred and twenty percent success on paper, can't provide protection when it's not on paper, so those who are vaccinated, protected on paper, have to go after those who don't, and those who don't, how they survive, if this thing is as deadly as they say from morning till down?

Better leave it, looking for logic in this madness makes no sense. Our problem is the government that hides behind the government, any government, behind the media, any media outlets. Behind health officials, allegedly health officials, allegedly public servants. They're all infected with the plague. And there's no vaccine for it.

A cancer should be removed when it's small, now it's too late. All that's left are cancer cells. You kill one, three grow back, you replace one, and discover two more.

We have to go underground, wait patiently, soon the body will be consume and return itself to the Creator, then it will be possible to start over.

We survived Pharaoh. We've been through inquisition and pogroms. We survived Hitler. We'll get through that, too."


pissedlizard has reacted to this post.
Quote from LydiaRose13 on September 3, 2021, 6:10 pm

Are we allowed to call a spade a spade? Who owns banking, pharma, entertainment, education, media (both main stream and alternative), in short all those factors which are crucial in braindirtying aka programming a world population (regardless of how many of us there actually are)? Which “entity” is master at setting up groups of people against each other?
Whatever Westexec as a think tank is, they’re just another front.
How does the saying goes again? To learn who rules over you, simply find out whom you’re not allowed to criticize.

Agreed... but that group has overlords too - invisible to us so far.

@dani,  Wherever you are - it sounds like you may as well be in any “liberal” state in America. I’m glad I am in a place where more people are afraid of the vax than are for it. As someone said - and I don’t remember who but it was the most brilliant thing I read about the vaccine - that it’s an intelligence test.

How true. How succinct and true. Perfect for this worldline. An intelligence test! The dumb get it, the rest gotta figure out how NOT to! Brilliant!

You wrote “A cancer should be removed when it's small, now it's too late. All that's left are cancer cells. You kill one, three grow back, you replace one, and discover two more.”

You know, literally a quarter of a million dollars in education - and up to six months ago, would have agreed.

Then this thing called the MetallicMan page opened and I was introduced to quantum physics. Then quantum biology and medicine! Like a child in a candy store - I would read all night and in between the classes I taught. Not obsessed, just hungry for what I always - and you always - know to be true.

And that is - maybe we have everything all wrong. Or maybe we see earth as the ONLY place life can exist, therefore we are special and our huge egos will not allow for ANY other science - other than Newtonian science - to exist.

Cancer is DNA replicating out of control. It starts in 1 nucleus of 1 cell.

I believe - and possibly because it is just where I landed - that we just have to re-program our DNA to not go out of control in the first place.

I say this because I see two things happening during this “great reset” here in the west - not at all in the East - and each have a common denominator. And that is the re-programming of us.

The first is - those are going along with it. It’s easier in most cases.  Just take the shot. No big deal. Shut up and don’t ask questions. Mark Zuckerberg knows what’s best for you.

The second are those of us that are figuring out that we have to re-program ourselves, first. Again, you don’t really see this in the East, with the exception of Islam, and that falls in the above category known as al Sharia. You see it in the monotheistic countries.

I think that’s why we are having such a hard time in the West. For example, what America just did - the cutting and running - is as dishonorable as you can get in the West. It’s the lowest of the low. Because we attach ourselves to that honor.  Our ego really is deep as the sea.

Where in the West, if it’s strategically advantageous to cut and run, so be it. You do what has to be done.

It all boils down to that reprogramming on a quantum level. We in the West have been bound by things - and we don’t even know we are bound. And to add insult to injury our religious leaders - across the board have been keeping a lie going - just to keep US going.

To be animals in a zoo or souls trapped in a prison. The have to keep us going.

For me, this reprogramming has been about 3 things. Meditation, intention campaigns and “being a Rufus”. It helps. It can’t instantly repair the damage that is being done. Until my lights go out, I am, after all, human.

But those 3 things I advise anyone to do who is struggling. And listen to MM and the people here. You can’t go wrong with that formula!

congjing yu, keff and Dani have reacted to this post.
congjing yukeffDani

@pissedlizard outstanding comment. If I could repeat it about ten times, I would. I really am moved and happy that others understand. Thank you for this.

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.

Thank YOU for making everything available to anyone for free.

Thank YOU, MM, for EVERYTHING you have done for me personally.

And all of you - I learn at a MINIMUM of one thing from each and every post. I thank YOU. Every post I honestly learn something. And I am not kidding.

This is a cool place. I am glad to see more and more participating!

We all have YOU to thank, MM, for hosting us!

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congjing yu
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