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Alien Laws / Ethics

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Quote from pissedlizard on September 4, 2021, 6:19 am

"it’s an intelligence test"  wrote MerLynn

(JEWS) will not allow for ANY other science - other than Newtonian science - to exist.  There fixed it for you

Islam,  Sharia. The ultimate HATE CULT having killed 650 million in 1400 years and the most IMBRED


"Cancer is DNA replicating out of control. It starts in 1 nucleus of 1 cell".

 “A cancer should be removed when it's small, now it's too late. All that's left are cancer cells. You kill one, three grow back, you replace one, and discover two more.”

Greta Dumberg was chosen to teach school age children to TRUST THE SCIENCE

That was her "Mission" but it has many other facets like ...

"Everything is the Light" said Tesla.

"Water is a Liquid Crystal of Light"  said MerLynn.

If water is not H2O then ALL of science is wrong and that includes what people are taught about CANCERS Medicines surgery chemo radiation etc.

I helped Marcy Purnell of Memphis Uni earn her PhD on Cancer research. Here is her  Dissertation   She did research on one of the Magic Magnetic Wands I brought to the world. Here is her website

10 years ago my Farm Engineer came to me with a photo of an apple sized lump in his rectum. The Doctors gave him 2 days to get his affairs in order and report back for surgery, chemo and radiation and a colostomy bag implant. Something every cancer patient dreads... but you must believe the science, they are after all Doctors. He asked me if I know any natural remedies and he didnt want any magic science either.

So I gave him the Sodium Bicarbonate/maple syrup recipe, Dandelion Root remedy and How to take Nascent Iodine which I printed off my saved files. Nascent Iodine is "electrified' Iodine.

Two weeks later after taking only these 3 Alchemical Preparations, there was ZERO evidence of any Lump in his arse. A CURE of the 1st Degree. Why did it work?  It worked because its NOT…  “DNA replicating out of control. It starts in 1 nucleus of 1 cell.” That is so much BS I don’t know where to start.

In 2000 I traveled to Miami to show the Magic Magnetic Wand to the Head Physician and Head Physicist of the Church of Scientology. John Travolta’s son was AUTISTIC and wouldn’t treat his son with something that wasn’t approved by the “church”. (They gave approval but Jet Travolta was denied Magic Magnetic Treatment and eventually died, Kelly Preston however, bought one and sent it to her Mum in Hawaii) While at the Dinner Meeting, I was sat next to a guy who told me his cancer story. For 3 years he battled a grapefruit sized lump on his Jaw but to no avail. He tried every ‘alternate’ cancer therapy but nothing worked. The Lump was still there and he refused to let Quacks butcher his face. After 3 months or 45 ‘baths’ with the Magic Magnetic Wand the I could not detect that he ever had a Lump on his face. This guy couldn’t thank me enough for bringing Magic Magnetic Wands back to Planet Stooopid.   These are but 2 of MANY testimonials I have that the FDA have now outlawed as ‘evidence’ for new treatments that  do anything. Testimonials are now ILLEGAL.

99.9% o0f all cancers are caused by the Fungus Candida Albicans, of which there are some 98 known varieties each one giving rise to a DIFFERENT Diagnosis of what NAME they give YOUR Cancer.

How So?  Fungus produces some of the most toxic by-products known to man. LSD is made from a Fungus grown on Barley.     “was the source for the first isolation of the alkaloid LSD”

Pap Smears are looking for “abnormal cells” that have MUTATED from the Toxins in the Vaginal Fluids caused by Candida Albicans. Where ever this Fungus grows and mostly on damaged skin, Cancer develops if the Immune system is unable to eradicate it. Magic Magnetic Wands give the Body’s Immune system enough ENERGY for it to perform its natural healing abilities. 99.9% of Cancers are the result of Fungal Toxins causing the Body to ENCAPSULATE (lumps in the breast etc) the Fungal Growth. It doesn’t kill the Fungus so the lump GROWS and you have to cut the sucker out only to see it grow back and pop up EVERY WHERE now. So much for Free Health Care. It suppresses real natural cures for profit driven Quackery. And here we are today with the VAXX… Trust the Science. You are the CARBON ‘they’ wish to reduce. Been going on since Rockefeller banned Magic Magnetic Wands or ELECTRICITY in Medicine.

Again pic of Magic Magnetic Wands and the ONLY pic of me on the Internet busy at 'work' curing the world of both Disease and stooopidity.


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congjing yupissedlizard

Invalid Link for Dissertation here it is again


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congjing yupissedlizard

@merlynn you seem to have a strong motivation to be helpful and armed with a relatively painful sliver of the bigger picture along the lines of that which invokes the biggest surface charge (for you).

for everyone else, i have been lurking for a couple months and this is definitely a small and novel community here.

I would say, about the islam thing, that the largest population of muslims in a single country is Indonesia, where I reside.  Among said population, there do exist zealouts, and corruption, and specific to SE Asia, Indonesia and Malaysia, a BAN ON ISREALIS ENTERING.

what's not here is a blood thirsty cauldron of suicide bombers and inspirational CIA-seeded notions of 72 virgins for fatwah devotion.

what's also not here is the zionist influence, hard to believe but you better.

bravo for structured/magnetic/mimetic water, btw, this is a fascinating unprecedented time of discovery in the intelligence of our creation, by whatever system of names you prefer.  It is also rightfully squelched on wikipedia for equally evil opposing forces of spammy new age marketing and orthodox science ban-bots, the latter being a clear indication that there's something real to investigate here.

i would like to point out a very thorough study of the end-times prophecies on the youtbe "newearth" channel, mirrored on as well if and when youtube decides to hide the devil's playbook.

not so much for the specifics of the prophecies but the specifics of what is said about the muslims, and the chinese.  briefly speaking, there was a 10 year old boy in russia who made many scarily accurate predictions, he is considered a saint, belayed by the vatican due to corruption.  muslims as well as christians floxked to him during his short span of performing miracles.  they're humans, get used to it.

(in the boy's prphesies and other) they (the muslim resistance, from AFGHANISTAN joined by the rest) also take out the antichrist, and God ends the russian chinese invasion by a pestilence of worms for those chinese troops who did not discover the supressed history of orthodox christianity and become converts on the spot.

best wishes.







congjing yu and LydiaRose13 have reacted to this post.
congjing yuLydiaRose13

@MERLYNN!!!! I thought it was you but wasn’t 100% sure!

I REALLY appreciate the post and links.

First, holy shit, dude - you not only fixed it but in such a way I almost fell on the floor laughing! Believe me - this fucking week - talking to trees, seeing UFOs and shit! Yeah-thank you!

As for the rest of your post - I do not doubt you for one second. Not one. In fact, if it wasn’t for your links, I wouldn’t be any where NEAR the destination I think I need to be. It’s all worth it’s weight in gold - and then some!

Interesting your view on C. albicans. A few weeks ago it would have raised an antennae or two, but now - now you have my FULL attention.

I never - EVER in a million years would have imagined the importance of fungi on the ecosystem as a whole - no less how it works on humans. Had I stayed on the traditional route I was following  instead of psych, I am sure I would have dealt more closely with C. albicans. Mostly we deal with it in our intern year only in psychiatry. I can’t even begin to imagine the effects on any part of the brain.

Thank you both for the information and the laugh. I needed both!!!

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

Its ironic the jews created a religion to oppose christianity and it ends up destroying them. Islam is the product of one Cult creating of another Cult. Two are created by Aliens and the other by men. This is Biblical and this is Bible Study where we study ALL the Bibles and comment on them. Perhaps then we can find the truth.

The Religion where Let there be Light with the Firmament separating the Waters (into 4 states) gives rise to Mind teleportation and wondrous inventions. The other enslaves its opposition to the Code. There's no half way in freedoms as we are painfully witnessing now. Just two more weeks to flatten the curve. This is a W.H.O. pandemic and just who controls the WHO? gosh  Islam.

These are not the Bibles we are looking for. None of them. They have all been perverted or negated by translation. If Science is to be our new Priests, then can we at least get that right (again)?

When dealing or making the Energy from the Cold North Pole as Fusion Energy, the MIND of the Operator plays an integral part. The Great Work of Alchemists. To be able to Mind Program Water to Burn for Light with a Single Baghdad Battery would end much Tyranny.

This is the "science" the New Priests need to teach budding young creative thinkers. Not Differential Tranny Science or VAXX/Chem Science. Magnetic Water Science like Thales and Aristotle, the Great Philosphers did teach. Any other view (imo) holds the planets Sentience in slavery. The End is truly Nigh.


congjing yu, pissedlizard and Ultan McG have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardUltan McG

Look Merrill Lynch buddy, I think you crossed a line here. this is offending, and I don't like being upset for nothing.

Respect others, and take your hate speech somewhere else. if you wish to continue this line, I am fine with that, but next time I will be saying things that even Eddie Murphy would have consider before saying..

First, being Jewish is like being Chinese, it is not about religion, it is not about where you are born, it is not race, as we are all mixed..

I am not religious, nor my parents, my grand grandparents fought in WWI, for their country, many did, many times from both sided of the fence. And they very proud of that.

So many American soldiers died in US service during and after WWII. Many where Jewish, or black, they could have been Chinese or Japanese if hadn’t been locked down in camps. But what’s about being Jewish, Chinese or Japanese has got to do with anything? That make some people so full of hate?

You see, it doesn’t matter, I was born like that, I couldn’t choose, it is not nationality. I am not practicing religion, it is part of a people, a heritage, like being born Chinese in America. You should be are proud of your heritage. Can you get this?

You are born Chinese, or Jewish and that is it. The place you are born doesn’t matter. Your opinion doesn’t matter. If you like it or not doesn’t matter.

When the hate time comes, the ruling class, always goes and put ordinary European or American citizens that unfortunately where born Jewish, Japanese or Chinese, and which loves their country (but not necessarily the government), and put them into camps.

But in order to do that, they need to push the population into this hatred state, they need to run the propaganda and they need people to believe it is all because of this dirty Jews (the propaganda at the time called them A Virus)  or dirty Chinese ( The Chinese Virus) that we are suffering this deadly Disease. It is them. get them. they (China) should pay the price.

Divide and rule.


pissedlizard, keff and 4 other users have reacted to this post.
pissedlizardkeffJustAnotherAsianUltan McGMemory LossBeleiveNothingFrom TheCaptiveHostWithAGunToHisHead
Quote from MerLynn on September 5, 2021, 1:45 pm

The Religion where Let there be Light with the Firmament separating the Waters (into 4 states) gives rise to Mind teleportation and wondrous inventions. The other enslaves its opposition to the Code. There's no half way in freedoms as we are painfully witnessing now. Just two more weeks to flatten the curve. This is a W.H.O. pandemic and just who controls the WHO? gosh  Islam.

got it! you're off your lithium.  no further explanation needed!


I must admit, you have given me a vantage point - that for over 50 years have never had. And I think I may understand the nerve that I struck.

You wrote “it is part of a people, a heritage”.

Yes. Being Jewish is a  part of your heritage. They are your people. The religion and philosophy behind it - may not be so much.

We are exactly the same in that respect. Being American is my heritage. Americans are my people.

Although we may not have been together for however many thousands of years, as we are very young, we do have cultural differences, especially in the American South, that we do treasure.

And like you, those differences, no matter where the physical land may be, are very sacred.

I always viewed your religion and people as just that - a people connected by religion. The heritage appeared to be more of a background than anything.

Your heritage is worth dying for, no?

Same here.

I am so glad we crossed paths. I really do hope we would be able to discuss this over a beer or wine sometime in the future. You have really helped me see something that I never saw before.

So if anything I owe you a beer!



congjing yu and Dani have reacted to this post.
congjing yuDani
Quote from rR0B3ZegtZ on September 5, 2021, 11:07 pm
Quote from MerLynn on September 5, 2021, 1:45 pm

The Religion where Let there be Light with the Firmament separating the Waters (into 4 states) gives rise to Mind teleportation and wondrous inventions. The other enslaves its opposition to the Code. There's no half way in freedoms as we are painfully witnessing now. Just two more weeks to flatten the curve. This is a W.H.O. pandemic and just who controls the WHO? gosh  Islam.

got it! you're off your lithium.  no further explanation needed!

This is a standard reply from some one who cant debate evidence.


Ultan McG has reacted to this post.
Ultan McG

The following videos are "mostly" true. I can find fault with the 'time lines' but the overall Theme is correct.

Watch and learn

for those who want to kno0w WHY it is happening today.......

This is the Plan unfolding today.... beware of 'religions' that teach Hate to those who are not Marked like they are and use words like Goy and Infidels. These are the Hate Speechers who Divide to Rule.  I welcome debate.


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congjing yurosalynn
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