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I have sleep paralysis quite often. It WAS usually accompanied by a feeling of sheer terror (wtf is happening to me???).

However, as frequent as this has happened, I have lost my fear of it, I know how to counter it and make it stop (fall back to sleep and wake up).

I once thought that if I simply waited it out, I would be able to astral project - that has never happened. I would attempt to move, but that is hard to do when you weigh a ton.

It was once explained to me that sleep paralysis is a state of conscious in which the body is protecting itself when you are dreaming - so your body does not act out while you are dreaming - it is a self defense mechanism - the body paralyzes itself when you are in REM sleep. However, sleep paralysis is when you alter your consciousness and become aware while you are in REM sleep. Your body is still in self defense mode even though you are consciously awake.

You can experiment with this by resting your elbow on your bed with your hand straight up in the air. When you reach the conscious boundaries of sleep, you arm will fall, waking you back up. Try to stay aware as your body falls asleep. It's very hard to do (for me anyways).

Feal and perolator have reacted to this post.

I've never experienced sleep paralysis. I imagine it would be scary.

I have noticed involuntary jerkiness, such as kicking my legs, when I've just fallen to sleep and do something like trip up. Rather like the movements a cat makes when dreaming of running I guess.

I've never astral projected either. I did leave my body once while half asleep and had quite a bit of trouble getting back in! It felt like I was the wrong shape and fitting into my body it felt weirdly mechanical, almost crystalline. The nerves and muscles seemed really rigidly defined and sharp.

keff and Geisterfahrer have reacted to this post.


LOL, love how you are feline even when asleep!

I don't remember dreaming of any mammals, but quite often I  get dreams where aquarium fish are just floating around in the air around me.

Then there are the dreams where I am floating a couple of feet off the ground, and sometimes much higher. I think they must be memories of astral travels. Too bad I have so few lucid ones.


Feal, perolator and Alice have reacted to this post.

I've had many dreams where I just kind of float a few inches off the ground, instead of walking. Strange ones where people ask me why I'm doing that. Once, I got so used to float-walking in my dreams that I found myself mildly annoyed one day to be having to use my feet to walk while awake!

I've never dreamed of fish - that does seem quite odd! Do you have an aquarium that you might be projecting into?

fifth.eschaton and Alice have reacted to this post.

these happened a few nights ago (two seperate nights):

First one:

I was in some non physical realm, it seemed to be a swamp or mangrove like place with massive areas that were voids. I was to put it plainly, in the middle of fucking nowhere, even in this place. I had this indigenous guide with me. He was sort of navigating me through this barron wasteland of nothingness. We were going deep into this "bush" or whatever the hell it was; I got the impression not many people come here, because it is extremely hard to navigate through. I was being brought to an Elder who wanted to tell me a few things about lucid dreaming; he intentionally dwelt in the middle of this place in non physical form so as not to be bothered by others. I wasn't actually lucid, but I think this was a necessary part of the trial to actually get to him; there were places here where consciousness needed to be able to exhibit a certain level of control to get beyond. We ended up taking rest on a small embankment to get away from the weird watery substance that surrounded everything. Something happened and all I can remember is that we had to "electrify" the water at different frequencies to try and contact "things" (were they fish or souls?) that were swimming in it. this would then attract whatever things had that frequency to us. This is all I remember of the dream, I don't think I actually made it to the Elder.

About 2 nights later: I was lucid in a strange room and my wife was there. I went to approach her and suddenly realised I could sense "something" hanging around. I got the impression it meant us no harm, so I openly spoke to it and told it didn't have to worry about showing itself, and asked whether it was part of the Domain and carrying out things to do with that subject. I think it replied that it was, to which I asked if I could observe my own astral body operation or something along those lines. I suddenly felt myself feeling light and something operating on my head. It felt like I was being first sucked out of my head and having something inserted into and done to my head which I cannot exactly remember. I believe this was after the "PING" experience I had during SP.

fifth.eschaton, Alice and Geisterfahrer have reacted to this post.
Daegon Magus

Context: I’m recovering from a surgery this week so I have a huge incentive to lie motionless in bed.

The "objective" was to penetrate an enemy stronghold across a huge chasm. The fortress was in the style of H.R. Geiger meets Borg Cube. The only means of defense appeared to be self-assembling blocks that seemed to snap together and form solid walls anywhere you attempted to go. They were like massive black Tetris blocks the size of semi trucks that formed together instantly, as if magnetized. It seems maybe silly and impractical, but the effect was terrifying to behold. It was a display of power, and made you feel like an bug to be squished.

For whatever reason, I was feeling brave. I intuitively summoned an orb that allowed me to fly. I "ran the gauntlet" and made it to the opening in the outer wall of the fortress. I’ve never done anything like this before in dreams. Usually I can hover a little bit before getting distracted and doubting myself (then I crash into some bushes). Summoning an orb to fly was completely bizarre, but felt “right.”

Maybe I set off another trap, but the whole thing started come apart when I got inside. A fountain of black ichor jetted out from the center and I had to leave immediately. No fun.

The important takeaway was successful flight with the use of an orb.

perolator, Goldleaf and 2 other users have reacted to this post.

My father had cochlear implant surgery several years ago. He had to "re-learn" how to process sound and make sense out of the sounds he was hearing (for the first time in over 30 years).

His memories of what people sounded like wasn't the same as what they sounded like when he was finally able to hear again. This process is the same with anything that requires conscious thought.

But ....if memories are being intentionally wiped, and we, as humanity, are having to re-learn again and again how to use our differing states of consciousness for their intended purpose, there is going to be a huge learning curve.


I used to have to meet with my father 3 times a week, and read him a list of words, to see if he could recognize them. He eventually started to pick it up, then when his memories came back, he really took off. He went from being a withdrawn hermit, to a social butterfly.


I would be willing to respond to a "guide" that could help me remember. Only of they don't scare the crap out of me.

fifth.eschaton, Goldleaf and Alice have reacted to this post.

This morning I was awoken straight out of a dream and don't remember much. I remember running an obstacle course as part of some sort of training. It was American Gladiator style. Training for what, I have no idea. Wish I remembered more details.

fifth.eschaton and perolator have reacted to this post.

Ok, I am going to make an attempt to convey a very strange experience I had without doxxing myself. I am going to make it brief, without adding too much detail.

I had just returned to my University campus from a foreign exchange trip. I signed up for summer courses. Summer courses were divided into 3 week sessions, I stayed on campus. During the first 3 week session, the class was from 8-12 noon. I went to sleep early as to not oversleep so I could attend class on time. One day though, I was exhausted and fell asleep mid-afternoon. I began to hear some kind of a sing song, children's lullaby, that startled me awake. I saw a shadow being sitting on my nightstand, looked like a 6-8 year old girl with very curly hair. She was the one singing, and when I became fully awake, she evaporated. I became a bit startled, got out of bed, and noticed my closet door had been left open, and my dorm door, was also open. The dorm door automatically locks and there was no way I had left it open. I thought that maybe the RA had done a surprise inspection or something.


The next night, I woke to the same singing, except shadow beings were literally all over the room. Everywhere ...coming through the walls. Again, when I became fully awake, they evaporated with just shadows being cast through the window blinds ...normal shadows. I decided to sleep with the lights on after that.


The next night (3rd night) I became fully awake in the middle of an astral projection (or OOBE). I was hovering over the tree that was directly in front of my dorm window, outside. I panicked, and tried to reach out and grab a limb from the tree so I wouldn't fall. Instead, it felt like I was vacuumed from where I was hovering, down through my dorm window, and I heard a loud pop, and I woke up inside my body. This was the 2nd time I had ever experienced being in an out of body type experience. It was very wild. In my Astral projection, it was daylight, and everything was so vivid. When I woke up in my body, it was night.


I began to discuss this with a few trusted friends. I came to find out through the campus grapevine, that the specific room, and hall I was staying at, was "haunted" by a little girl. Now, I quickly became dismissive, but I decided to check into any of the University archives to see "just in case". Sure enough, students from back in the late 1800's, early 1900's experienced seeing a dark shadow of a little girl in that immediate area (before the dorm had even been built). This shook me up a bit. I also found out that a family mausoleum used to be located in that area, that it had been ransacked by grave robbers, and the bodies relocated. it being this close to Halloween, maybe it's a cool spooky story to share (the details and my account are factual).


So .... flash forward to the Fall Semester. I was staying at a completely different dorm when someone was murdered in a room 2 rooms from me on that hall. The homicide investigator ended up arresting the wrong suspect. The following semester, Spring Semester, another murder happened in the same dormitory, but different part of the building. Obviously, it was discovered that the wrong suspect had been arrested, and the Feds took over the investigation. They eventually found the murderer. He claimed some "ghostly hands" had urged him to commit the murders. The motive was robbery. He would steal the victims checks and write himself out a generous amount and cash it. Banks had video of him doing all of this.

HOWEVER, he was also dating the RA of that dorm, and she had access to all of the dorm room keys ...I wondered how my door was opened that night .. hmmm.


The candlelight vigil for the first victim was held right under the tree that I was hovering over.

Make of it that you will ...


Bees. I was attacked by bees. I however woke up losing my irrational fear of the dark.


Doing the battery “Frequency Change” today. I’ll give you an update.

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.
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