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@memory-loss   The only time I've heard a cat meow like that is if they are stuck in a tree or trapped in something... OR she could already be reborn as a kitten. I am sorry about losing your fur friend. They come back to us if you want them to, or thats what I remember.

Also, If you can remember the post on Mantids, would you mind sending it to me? MMs stuff blends together for me now.

Also, after reading your response, I stumbled on or directed to Plato’s work in the Republic. The specific one information came in the ‘Analogy of the Cave’, ‘of the Divided Line’, and ‘of the Sun’ which states: that a human’s reality is subjected to its current physical state of being, that in fact our reality is much more that we physically see. That the only way to gain knowledge and understanding is to open our selves up to see the unseen and learn, in goodness, what is actual truth. It made what you said about Mantids,  exposing me to what they feel I can handle, more.

@goldleaf    I am on-it!  I took out a portion of my protection because it wouldn’t allow for reconfig and it’s opened a non-physical field day. Which I know who I am, an feel like I know my strengths. I just haven’t been trained in this reality if that makes any sense. I guess I am taken aback that anything would try me tbh. 😂

You both hit the nail on the head. Sensitive is putting it lightly. I am an Empath, but I experience more than the energy or emotion... more like I can tell the person’s situation that transpired that is controlling their current mood. They have to have their attention directed towards me, and speak a few words for me to read that much into it. .

It’s aweful 😂 my kids make me ADD, crowds make me overly talkative, negative people make me angry, animals make me jumpy.... like I feel what a bunny feels when I go to pick one up. My heart races and I usually freak out... but I am not afraid of them, I just feel it. Its maddening. Potheads chill me out, drunks make me feel invincible....  I feel it all.

It’s come in handy too, like one night, there was a bear hanging out our camp in the dark. I felt it walk up on us, which is a very intense and unfamiliar sensation. The feeling was consuming. It took the dog a few minutes to catch a whiff, but her bark and threat (scared) of advancing was enough to send it trodding off.

Anyhoo, thanks to you both, for the encouragement. I had to get that out. There are no Alien mission shrinks in my area, and the people in my reality care about the wrong things.

Have the BEST DAY EVER!!


Goldleaf has reacted to this post.
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

@Alice being an empath is a great skill. Here on MM we have precogs, pushers, transdems, swayers, and diviners. All perfect in our own little ways. In fact you are more than just an empath, but you know that, now, don't you?

Alice has reacted to this post.


Yes, although those memories are trapped. The human part of me needs proof... I have rationalised myself in a rut. Working on that with Dae, although I am unsure if it’s allowed in max security ... Wish I had an “in” with the warden to get some leniency or at least a visitation with the fam. 🤔 HA! Knucklehead.

Have a grand day, sir.

Memory Loss and DSKlausler have reacted to this post.
Memory LossDSKlausler
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

I have put considerable thought into finding any "back doors" or "tricks" into exploiting the amnesia trap we are stuck in by the Old Empire. This may, or may not, be worth mentioning ..but here goes.


In the dream I mentioned previously, where I was an old man lying next to a grave ... that is the one I gave some considerable thought to.

I had that dream, and recurring dreams, of that cemetery. In each one, I was in a different location within the cemetery. Here is where I am going to have difficulty describing the point I am attempting to make ..

I knew, from the dream state I was in, that I was very close to the person who was buried there. But ... at the time I had these dreams, I had no idea who the person was. I had "forgotten" who the person was, or, I assumed, I had not met them yet, as I was very old in the dream. No matter how many mental exercises I perform, I do not currently know who the person is/was. I just know, that the old me knew who the person was, and that I had loved that person immensely and felt a terrible inconsolable loss and deep grief.

How would the "old me" know who the person was, but in my dream state, I had no idea? I almost feel like I have some sort of amnesia, as I should know. And ... how is it that I know the "old me" in the dream, knew that person very well? It was me in the dream, just a very old me.

@geisterfahrer this sounds like it could very well be a past life memory. I recommend trying to retain as much detail as possible next time it happens and writing everything down explicitly as possible as soon as you wake up. it may help stimulate more memories of the scene

Geisterfahrer has reacted to this post.
Daegon Magus
Quote from Alice on November 18, 2021, 11:11 am


Yes, although those memories are trapped. The human part of me needs proof... I have rationalised myself in a rut. Working on that with Dae, although I am unsure if it’s allowed in max security ... Wish I had an “in” with the warden to get some leniency or at least a visitation with the fam. 🤔 HA! Knucklehead.

Have a grand day, sir.

@alice, I think you are not just an empathy. There appears to be another gift and that one is mind blowing if I am correct. On at least two occasions, you see a distorted view of the world where reality and CGI (? I really have no other word for it but it probably is one in psychiatry lol).

Immediate giant takeaway is does it work both ways. Can you distort reality itself?

There is a phrase in psychology or neurology where senses are blended. You taste colors or see sounds etc. But yours is not a mix of different inputs. Very intriguing. Only you see the stuff at this time but your experience with your dog running in the (shared?) dream suggests that you can share your weird reality. So you may have an absolutely cool talent.

The mantid thing is in one of the previous Q&A which I refuse to revisit for the time being. It raises one ton of stuff that freaks me out. Not bad stuff just too mind blowing.

Alice has reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

@alice You are amazing! An Empath+ 🙂 Does it ever work remotely or only when you can physically see a person? Hopefully getting your protection affirmation back in place will help reduce the unwanted parts while you figure things out.

I've unlocked my intuition as part of this journey. Or rather, I think I've enhanced my intuition enough that I recognize it now. I can't use it on command yet, I've tried, so I'm crafting an affirmation I hope will help. Will it grow into more? No idea. I'm excited to find out and frustrated at how slow learning it is.

I have no idea where my dream ability is headed. Are these missions, real or training? Are they knowledge I need now or in the future? Is this preparation to unlocking lucid dreaming? Am I serving as a coordinator for others?? A combo of those? I really don't know and none of them feel quite right yet intuitively speaking.

I remember two dreams last night. Both seemed to be personal in nature. The first one I attempted to physically harm two people that I have great anger and rage for. I didn't realize how deeply or strong my feelings went. I do now! Another friend was the Rufus and stopped me before I did something I could regret. Woke up from it with my heart racing and it took a while for the anger to calm down. That's a very abnormal dream for me I might add. The second dream I was helping a friend clean out a huge fish tank while we talked about going into business together. We went back and forth on a lot of ideas and potential business names. There was also something about a hotel with a secret room that only certain people could see and access. The room tended to move floors so sometimes you had to wander the halls before you found it. I found it twice. I remember going in but don't remember what was inside.

Alice has reacted to this post.


Hmmm, what could it be? All of the things you say are true. Sometimes I think I affect Gold and MLs dreams, especially when I am having a disconnect.

Like I previously stated - I have rationalised everything till I feel stuck. I know what you are going to say; ‘stop thinking so much - just feel.’ Yet this is the only way I hold on to my sanity.

Regardless of my internal battle, just reading your words gave me a lingering chill. Welp, there is only one thing to do. Although, its been 3 months since I felt any of those little buggers around. 😞

Thank you, my friend. Lots to think on.

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

@geisterfahrer Maybe when you visit the graveyards with your friend other memories will surface. You should be prepared for that just in case.

Geisterfahrer has reacted to this post.
Quote from Alice on November 18, 2021, 11:11 am


Yes, although those memories are trapped. The human part of me needs proof... I have rationalised myself in a rut. Working on that with Dae, although I am unsure if it’s allowed in max security ... Wish I had an “in” with the warden to get some leniency or at least a visitation with the fam. 🤔 HA! Knucklehead.

Have a grand day, sir.

That is one fine paragraph @Alice.


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