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Quote from Memory Loss on November 18, 2021, 4:59 pm

There is a phrase in psychology or neurology where senses are blended. You taste colors or see sounds etc.


Check out The Man Who Tasted Shapes; Richard E. Cytowic

Musically: Peter Himmelman's Synesthesia.

Memory Loss, Goldleaf and Alice have reacted to this post.
Memory LossGoldleafAlice
Quote from Alice on November 18, 2021, 9:16 pm


Hmmm, what could it be? All of the things you say are true. Sometimes I think I affect Gold and MLs dreams, especially when I am having a disconnect.

Like I previously stated - I have rationalised everything till I feel stuck. I know what you are going to say; ‘stop thinking so much - just feel.’ Yet this is the only way I hold on to my sanity.

Regardless of my internal battle, just reading your words gave me a lingering chill. Welp, there is only one thing to do. Although, its been 3 months since I felt any of those little buggers around. 😞

Thank you, my friend. Lots to think on.

@alice, I just figured out what MM looked like in his previous incarnation. It may help you to focus if you use it to visualize.

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congjing yuGoldleafDSKlauslerAlice
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

@ML This is great!!!! LMAO, Thank you for making my day!

@ Alice, awesome skills you have. Must be also bothering sometimes. Are you able to be neutral towards people feeling their "secrets"?

I had some confused dreams lately. In one I was working in a bakery for my pastry teacher again with some old collegues from another bakery. Then there was a "new" guy messing up my croissants on purpose and I had to throw some sourdough away, as my teacher asked me to do (first weird thing, he would never ever say that). Then my teacher came to help with the croissants and told me to "go and have a break and get some rest" Then I woke up because he would also never say that!!!

Then there was something about fighting and enemies, which I don't remember very well, just that we caught the bad guys.

And last night was about fear also. I was at school or University and the Groke from "Moomins" came and we had to get away. So everyone was running around trying to hide, I was with someone and suddenly the girl I was with shed her skin and revealed the Groke. I was a little shocked and then I congratulated the Groke for her disguise?! So weird.

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Memory LossGoldleaf

@goldleaf Remotely is more of an intuitive prediction, some times I get it wrong. IE- I have corresponded with MM for almost 2 years now. Before the domain told him he has several personalities, I told him I felt I have corresponded with different versions of him. I never knew whom I would be getting my response from. I also predicted the Domains involvement before they contacted him. Not exactly what they were looking for but something very very similar.

@memory-loss I saved that meme just the other day. Funny.

@mirri No not neutral, more of a deeper connection. People judge others by their first impressions or don’t take in account on why someone acts or reacts the way they do. “Oh she just wants someone to feel sorry for her. That guy is an asshole. What a creep...” the list goes on study. Most people interact with EGO as their driver. For me, it’s a way to let a person know that they aren’t alone, and that there are people that do care and love without expectation. It’s not a consuming quality. Im thankful that I am a Gemini, because my thoughts are fleeting. People’s emotion do affect my emotions. Almost as if emotions are contagious, and I have an auto-emotion disease. (LMAO I don’t know any other way to describe it.) Once I leave that persons bubble, I can shake their emotional baggage, so to say. Studying the Zodiac, helps me to get a broad veiw on what personality type I am up against. I love helping people. I love interacting and getting them out of their heads. It’s like my favorite super power. Spreading love and laughter one person at a time. 😉

congjing yu and Goldleaf have reacted to this post.
congjing yuGoldleaf
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

@alice That's pretty awesome. I have a feeling I'll be learning a thing or two from you in the future.

I wish I could think of an experiment to try. I repeat again, it's so nice to have people to talk to about this who get it 🙂

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This is how I work my intuition. The very first thing I think of; say it, write it down, or make a mental note of it. Then I step back and ask questions. Not the what ifs, but more why’s. Why did this happen? What caused it? Who was involved? Look at what all the parts, whether they were active, that I could see, or not (because things or situations are created from things you cannot see - that is biblical and believe it to be true). Eventually it’ll come second nature.

In my opinion, from what I have experienced with you personally and watch the interactions of the others, you are a linker. Almost as if you pass the buck of our training. You are connecting our dots. Some of the things you dream that doesn’t seem related might be for someone that hasn't seen it yet, doesn't make the connection OR is in the shadows and doesn't realize their apart of this.  I think you are one of the most important parts of this, because I know when it is my time to flex what I have learned.


@memory-loss I need to apologize. I thought MM was speaking when you actually were commenting on what he said. Thank you for that input and push, I don’t see what others see and dont connect my own dots. I always think i am the outsider looking in. You have a brilliant perspective in most everything you speak on.

Memory Loss and Goldleaf have reacted to this post.
Memory LossGoldleaf
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

@alice Do you have suggestions on sources for reading into the Zodiac signs? That's something that has always fascinated me. And do you have some tips on how to approach the people when you know something is wrong? Asking why's is something I do, but ...let's put it this way: I'm having a hard time being diplomatic and curving around sensitive subjects.. and I haven't found a proper teacher yet. And I do see EVERYthing. Every rolling of the eyes, every smirk...and I hate it most of the times. Because I'm a bad liar so every thought shows on my face.

And @goldleaf I agree with Alice. You link us together. I'm already curious what will be the link you'll make with me 😀 As I recall you already "got" PL, Alice and Memoryloss and my husband.

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@alice Mine is different so far. It comes as knowings. As in, I just randomly know things. Almost all have been within a very short time period, like a few minutes to hours to prove out. Sometimes it's literally information just popping in my head that guides my action. I don't really question it, I just go with it. Other times it signals as my hands tingling. When it's going to be bad news, typically I get a tightening in my chest and/or a feeling of dread. Twice so far I got very strong full body tingles confirming a thought I had. One was this morning right before coming here to check the forums 🙂 The thought was that we are a quantum support group for each other which has profound implications. A few times it's out of place mystery smells (like with ML and the french fries).

I've only had one long term prediction come to me so far, which I immediately wrote down along with the date I had it for reference. It's one that will take years to prove out so who knows. The future is too fluid with probabilities. Now that I think about it... huh I had an intro to this prediction that I didn't realize until typing all this and it did prove out in about a month. Next time I have one of those I'm going to try your method.

Work calls. Be back soon.

Memory Loss has reacted to this post.
Memory Loss

@mirri Do you love oranges? On Wednesday afternoon I had a random smell of oranges for a good 10-15 minutes. Like someone was eating an orange or clementine or tangerine or similar nearby.

"And do you have some tips on how to approach the people when you know something is wrong?" I know you asked this to Alice but.... approach with empathy. Lend a sympathetic ear. DO NOT confuse empathy with agreement. Most people just want to be heard and understood. Whether you agree or not doesn't matter. If the person in question is in the small percentage that just enjoys being a jerk, then never mind!

I can only remember bits of last nights dream. There was a part when I was on a break at work. I ran into a specific coworker in the breakroom and we had a nice conversation. It ended with him asking if I'd join his lunch-time D&D session. I was going to decline but the two other guys with him looked so hopeful that I agreed to give it a try. Another part, I was asked if I could still play flute. Somehow I found my old flute case. Normally, the flute is in 3 pieces that you put together. When I opened the case it was so segmented that I had no idea how to put it together and was highly confused.

Ah yes @goldleaf. The Quantum support group sound like what I was thinking of. I didn't have a fancy name, but the idea that to do anything, we need critical mass is there.

Your flute works when you can put the pieces together. A bit of fusion music geddit?


I'll see myself out. 🎶🎶

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Ciao! Gip me your ideas
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