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Dream share

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I just had this dream last night. Please forgive the haziness and lack of clarity, I typed as much as I could definitely remember. The famous person I saw in this dream, Eileen Gu, is heavily favoured to win the freestyle skiing event in the Beijing Olympics. I have no idea why she was in my dream. Keep in mind that I volunteered to help the Domain (included in my affirmations) and that I had included a request to my personal mantid about seeing my past lives in this body. However, I don't think my mantid answered me. I was somewhat confused by seeing drawings of insects on the wallpaper.

So here is a fractured account of my dream:


I was probably in the bakery (I’m not sure) and I was eating a lot of pastries that had some kind of white cream on them. I thought it was delicately sweet, and it looked like it had some charring or the texture/shading you see on a meringue. Other things happened, but I do not remember right now. But I do remember the cream on the pastries, and how I thought I tasted it. I was not aware I was dreaming yet.

In the same dream, I was at some facility with a bunch of other adults/people. We were supposed to go somewhere, but you had to pass a health check first or something. I don't know where we were going, but I was eager to go. Whatever it was, people had to be examined by doctors and nurses. Everyone went into the exam rooms and was wearing some kind of hospital gown, but not me. I was like d’oh! I’m always lagging, I scold myself. So I go back to the previous room I was in (most of the people had gone ahead of me) and I see a nurse. I ask for a hospital gown. She gives me a strange 3 part hospital gown, which I proceed to unfurl. I obviously fuck this up, so she just shakes her head and gives me a look. I get frustrated with myself and I say, “I can fix this”. So I calmly start to unfurl and connect the bottom part of the hospital gown, which expands and snaps into a circle. There are 10 identical layers for each 3 part section of the gown. I was thinking, covers for chest, abdomen, legs. After I finish the bottom section I accidentally place a white trash bag inside and I realised, wait—this is not supposed to be there. So I take it out.

So I put on the bottom part of the gown and run to the other room where all the other people are. I realise that I am missing the other parts of the gown. I go back to the previous room and couldn’t find the rest of the gown and complained that the nurse must have thrown it away. “No I didn’t throw it away”, she said, and I found the rest of gown next to me. This person who looks like Eileen Gu (or is represented by the image of Eileen Gu), is encouraging me and giving me her hand, motioning me to follow her (She says c’mon). I see that I have so many clothes layered on, which makes it difficult for me to put the top part of the gown on. Finally, I remove the 4th and final layer of clothing and put the top part of the gown on. Eileen Gu takes me by the hand and we run together to the next room where all the others are. I notice that they have been “processed” (or whatever it is that happened to them) and it was just me and a few other people being talked to by a nurse in another room. I go into that room and the nurse lets me know that’s not where I go.

I turn to look around and another nurse (all nurses are wearing modern scrubs) lead me to a cubicle with pictures of bees and hives/insect nests on the wallpaper. She asks me what I thought about “nids” (the French word for nest”) and how I felt about nests as clothing. I said, “nests are great and wonderful structures but frankly they are inappropriate and unflattering as clothing.” Then she asks me if I see something (I think she said eyes, but I’m not sure) on the abdomens of the insects (they look like bees). I do see a stripe or swoosh/wave design of some sort on the abdomen, but it’s not eyes. Then everything stops and I thought…”Is This is a dream? Is this my mantid talking to me? I don’t want to stop this lucid dream yet…I don’t want to wake up yet, I need to know where this is going….”

So I just see a gradual flash of white, and then I see a pixelated silhouette of a bust (think of a rough outline/splotch of a head, neck and shoulders, but it’s just a pixelated outlines, like a thermal signature you see on thermal cameras).  I hear a metallic machine kind of noise, maybe something like a drill you would hear in a dentists’s office, but I’m not sure right now. I do know I definitely heard something and it sounded like a machine. I can see the silhouette become smaller and become slightly more defined in outline as I hear the machine. Then it all stops and I hear a song that sounds like a track or single from the British band “Morcheeba”. I thought at the time, is this the Domain? Are they working on me? 

Then I thought I woke up. I was in some kind of big building with windows, and at least 4 people (including me) were sleeping on the floor with blankets and most likely a futon to mat. I was with some other person (looked like this person was sleeping and covered with a blanket—I never got to see this person and assumed it was my husband). There was a low divider where our heads were, then there was another pair of people after that divider who were also lying down with blankets. The divider was to keep  their feet from touching our heads as we all slept, I guess. Anyway, one person on the other side of the divide got upset because his/her pillow was on the other side, and he/she didn’t have it handy to smack the insect that came near him/her. I can’t remember if this person is a he or she, only that this person was frustrated that they didn’t have their pillow and they got disturbed by some insect. 

Then I woke up for real this time, observed my husband sleeping soundly next to me. I went to sleep again and had another dream, but I can’t remember. 

@memory-loss /facepalm That was so obvious! LOL Seriously, thank you!!!

Edit to add - I'm on the right path. Your message confirmed it. I seriously can't thank you enough. I've been having anxiety all morning (work related) and it lifted as soon as I read your message.

@old-wine this sounds like you and me are in the same training camp. I've been in the bakery (dreamingwise) a lot lately. Maybe you got something I baked? And maybe I'm with you in the team?

I find the dreams I do remember tend to be about keeping my wits together. I remember some would they have happened in RL I would probably lose it and get stressed but in the dream I stayed calm. Maybe there's a lesson there?

@goldleaf We've been having potts of ginger-lemon tea the whole week because I thought the kids picked up something nasty in kindergarten. But we're good.

@mirri @ old wine

Wasn't there a baker mentioned in MM's recent Q&A with the Domain Commander that turned out to be an ancient important soul they didn't realise was in here in this prison? Wonder if it's related to you guys and your dreams

Alice has reacted to this post.
Daegon Magus

@ DM Yes there was a baker mentioned. The mighty ISBE happens to be my teacher, when I was training. I was triggered when MM said something about himself being cantankerous.

Geisterfahrer has reacted to this post.

@mirri and @daegonmagus

My memory of the bakery is a bit hazy, but I definitely remember the quality of the cream of the pastries. I had initially thought that it was creme Chantilly, but it had more of the consistency of marshmallow icing, I believe. And I can't get the charring/meringue shading at the edges of the cream out of my mind. That part really sticks out. I can't say if I'm in the same training camp as you Mirri. Daegonmagus, I did not see who the baker was. I could "taste" the cream as being delicately sweet, but is that really possible in a dream? Have you ever "tasted" anything in a dream? Maybe it's just my consciousness adding "spice" to things.

Mirri, I'm going to assume that avatar is your real picture. I did not see you there, but I clearly recognised the semi famous public figure Eileen Gu, and that the 2 nurses were indeed middle aged blond ladies (same or similar shade as you in the avatar photo). But they're definitely not you. The one who gave me the hospital gown had a mid length bob cut, and the one who asked me about "nids" and what I saw on the insect abdomens on the cubicle wall paper had her hair in a ponytail. I don't know why those details stuck out to me, while I forgot everything else.

Another dream I had last night...I don't know if it will be of help to anyone, but I thought it would be a good idea to record it here on the forum just in case. So here it is

I am on some kind of plantation, or at least in a place where it’s organized as an old-timey plantation in terms of social hierarchy and interactions. I observe a robust looking woman who looks “nice and sociable” talking to a man who seems like the “overseer” of the place. There is a lot that happened in this dream that I forgot, so please forgive the omission. Some things occurred that I cannot describe now because I just plain forgot. I remember the final part…so now we are all in a house. It seems like the overseer is angry at one of the men. He starts brutalising the man he is angry at, really beating him up. He opens the doors to the cupboards near the floor and bangs the man’s scalp against the sharp edge of one of the cupboard doors. I scream and run into another room. I scream to the ceiling, almost like I’m asking for the spirits or non-physical entities in the vicinity to intervene and do something. I turn to peek into the other room and observe the woman I saw earlier just looking on as this “overseer” entity keeps on beating the crap out of this guy. 

I scream again, feeling helpless, until I realised it was just a dream. I could feel myself waking up, but I was disappointed that I hadn’t summoned the bravery while I was dreaming to do something. Still, with my eyes closed, I imagined what should have been the correct dream ending—me going back into the room and blowing that overseer to smithereens with a shotgun I conjured up. Alas, that imagined ending doesn’t count because I’m already in the waking world. 

So I wake up and assess what went right, and what went wrong. I was happy that I had my moral compass throughout the dream. That part of me wasn’t “doped up” (in reference to DM’s reports that consciousnesses in the dream state are generally doped up to keep them submissive, confused, and unaware). 

What went wrong was the state of helplessness and lack of bravery. I have several thoughts on the possible causes for my cowardice. One is the revelation from DM’s reports about the “doping up” they do to consciousnesses in the dream state. Another is how they electrocute the shit out of your consciousness in the tunnel of light and install fucked up programming into your subconscious while you are subdued. Basically, programming for learned helplessness and cowardice. And they inject you into a life path with experiences and shadow people/consciousnesses to “train” and “reinforce” this programming of fear and helplessness. So perhaps, I have to will myself into locating this crap code in my subconscious and overwrite it with proper code, ASAP. Finally, it could be that my “bravery” muscle has atrophied, and I have a long road ahead of me in exercising this muscle. Think of a cartoon character who tries to flex his or her bicep, only to have that bicep sag down like a sad, soggy noodle dangling on the arm. I imagined that’s how my bravery looked like at the moment when the dream ended.  

While I was disappointed that I failed in bravery, I understand that it’s only failure AT THAT MOMENT. There’s always next time. I have opportunities to improve, which I will make good use of. At least I could clearly see what problem needed correcting, and that was a step in the right direction. I resolve to tell myself every time I’m going to sleep that I must remember to exercise my bravery muscle. 


I go back to sleep, and in this dream I am telling someone about how dangerous farm hogs can be. I recount the news article I had read sometime last year about a Russian farmer who hard a heart attack in the pig pen. She died, and her pigs started to eat her. Then I woke up. 


Memory Loss, Goldleaf and Alice have reacted to this post.
Memory LossGoldleafAlice

@mirri That's not it then. The oranges remain a mystery. I'm sure we'll hit something for you eventually.

Last night's dream I was touring some sort of scrapyard or similar facility. It was all outdoors and a beautiful day. There were piles and piles of metal junk in semi-orderly rows/sections. People could wander between the piles to look for stuff. Some of the piles went as high as 20 feet. There were little 1 foot tall robot t-rex's that monitored the yard and kept everything tidy. People could bring items in for trade or credit. I know I was there with another person. Don't remember who. Not sure of the purpose for the tour either.

Alice has reacted to this post.

Ok I just had a wild afternoon nap. Will just put down point impressions.


Aladdin. Jaafar. I was Jasmine. And we were in a medieval pub.

The lamp wasn't actually there. There was a candle in its placed but that was not the real target I think. Because we had a switcheroo. I stole actually the bowl used to keep the candle.

Because we were all Disney characters it was a bit weird. Didn't get the "this is all a dream vibes" this time.


Ciao! Gip me your ideas

@goldleaf The tangerines were me. My 4 yo caught a cold. Since we go no where to help build that immune system... it got bad. Immune fighters are all in those tasty treats. I was starting to feel a tickle so we ate a whole bag. Haha

@memory-loss We watched Aladdin yesterday. 👀 Yall! What in the world haha

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Memory LossGoldleaf
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.
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