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Ok, a more regular kind of dream.

I was at a gun range with my friend. I think he gave a talk. He fired some pistols. I commented he looked quite stylish shooting away from the photos they took of him. He replied "don't worry, we got photos of you as well." The audio I'm interpolating because I can't remember so well. But that's the gist of it.

The photographers are monitoring or something I guess. The photographer thingie kinda ties in with a dream my daughter had. She had a stalker following her with a camera. She couldn't shake him off and ran into the car with me. But the stalker was persistent and carried on taking photos from outside my car. So she wound down her window and ate the camera. Ha that's my daughter. But they weren't fazed, and they produced another camera somehow and continued shooting.

@alice, I'm beginning to think you are some sort of wide band transceiver. You pick up an alternative transmission of reality BUT you also broadcast as well. Some sort of AliceTV. I was thinking when I woke up yesterday, "why the heck am I in a Disney cartoon?? Sheesh..."


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Ciao! Gip me your ideas

@alice I agree with @memory-loss. I also think you're able to broadcast out somewhat 🙂

I know I had at least 3 separate dreams last night. When I woke up this morning I thought about them and the need to write them down. In the time it took for me to walk from the bedroom to the room I left my journal in, they've already faded. Note to self: move dream journal to the bedroom. Doh!


So must have skimmed Nov 20, you were creatively describing where my guy lives. He has tin roofs over his his buildings and storage container house AND we have 5 chickens aka “little t rex” or as I call them Velociraptors. It’s almost if astral you are dreaming of where my World lines were just at. I was in the coop half the day doing my chicken mom thing. I sang ‘Junk Yard Dog’ to my guard dog Astrid Inspired by my thoughts on the state the firls was in. Bet if you go back now, itll be 2 tin rectangles and a square with a circle on top.


@pissedlizard @daegonmagus  @laoban4site

Can one of y’all explain this... Is this normal? I haven't had a dream since when  I was pine tree traveling with G-Leafy, my goldfish protector. sConnecting myself in 1 or 2 dreams is one thing, but its every time they post.

Also, I had a small rush of memories that stopped from an intense emotional reaction. Memories from pre-OEPP. I wasn’t going to say anything until I processed it, but idk if that has anything to do with it.

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

I had another today, but again extrapolated because the fragments just seem to have disintegrated very quickly on waking up.


And it was only about ten seconds of dreaming. I was looking at this forum on the screen, And there was a particular post, very detailed with names of members. Like 5 or so persons. Something about an event and (I'm guessing) these members were triggers of some sort. I couldn't read all the names clearly and others were not regular posters. But it was <event> and <names of forum members>. This dream was very unfocused, or maybe I had trouble remembering.

Ciao! Gip me your ideas


It wouldn't look like the post right above the one you posted? You probably couldn't see from me trying to block and shoo you away  because I felt and saw something floating around me as I was typing. My chest heart hurt really bad.


The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.


Not exactly but conceptually similar. A stretch of words followed by some names and then another stretch of words in one paragraph. Yours is nicely spaced out. But in concept, yeah close enough. When I typed, I only saw the post by @goldleaf. After I sent, I saw my post below yours.

My dream was hours before your post, so maybe we really crossed both time and space haha. Or maybe because we cross posted. I must have posted at the exact same time when you did.

@alice don't get creeped out by whatever seems to be playing out.  Maybe your empath abilities have been amplified or enhanced to the extant that you both transmit and receive uhm stuff. So you're not hallucinating it's just reality is slightly different for you now. Remember that the fears you have are supposed to  be barriers to hinder you. I think lol. Like the first time you go to a disco, and you think "God the music is deafening! And the bass hurts my chest and body!Even my toes are vibrating!"

That's why I have been pondering the role of the mantids or mantid primes we are supposed to have. I think you are being guarded so even if your senses are being overwhelmed, it's still relatively safe.

Having said that, I do find myself thinking lol. I'm gonna try and observe carefully what is happening.




Ciao! Gip me your ideas

@alice I also had a synchronicity roughly 12 hours then again the next day after that dream. On our Saturday hike, saw another hiker wearing a Jurassic Park t-shirt that had a T-Rex. Sunday, saw a ~1.5 inch tall T-rex carved in I think it was a type of jasper.

@memory-loss "so maybe we really crossed both time and space haha." Quantum support group 😉

Alll little girls Disney princess dreams come true when they grow up. Ya know?

For me? My dream is more of a mix of Malificent meets Galadreil... wouldnt that be something?

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

Ok, a new one and it was a failure entirely haha. Never had a wall of text dream before. Pity because my impression was it actually was something significant. Also I thought if I don't wake up immediately, I'm going to forget everything.

Narrator: He completely didn't wake up.

It's like we're getting calibrated.

Was that a Galadreal and Maleficent meet up or cross breed? 😳

Ciao! Gip me your ideas
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