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Like seriously. The Mahdi is fucking here. In Tehran. As a human and I am NOT playing not even a little.

I am really really REALLY trying to warn you all because I like your quanta....




Alice has reacted to this post.

@PL any specific direction we should be watching for the Mahdi's rise?

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.
Daegon Magus

Yes. Because time is now VERY VERY limited I am going to include a link so I don’t sound like some vague weirdo, ok? This shit is NO JOKE.

Gog is a place in modern Turkey.

Magog is in Afghanistan.


Afghanistan was the ticking time bomb that can be remotely detonated. Obama, Rice, the Clintons and the Israelis KNOW the Mahdi is here! THAT is why they are purposefully killing America!

Here is the link. LOOK HERE PLEASE! Soon - America is going to be disabled and you all are going to be left with a SERIOUS PROBLEM!!!

Screen shot this so when it gets taken down - and it will - there will be a record. And I am invoking the Count of Saint Germain here too. Just for the Cross-breeds.

All of this I know to be true.



Another warning. Do what you will with it.

EVERY Zikr - and I mean EVERY Zikr - world wide - are summoning the spirits of a LOT of angry wolves until the next new moon.

3 fingers link Eurasia and Islam.

Look and LISTEN for the Zikr.

Li La Ila ha il al la


Time is VERY limited as you know it.

This won’t sound vague soon - trying to dodge AI.

All of this I know to be true



Again - because I like you all And the Comte owes me a few -

One of the wolves is a Basayev. Like a newer Basayev, ok?

The other Wolf married a Deer. That’s all I can fucking say as a guy in America - please - those that understand - just - believe me - EVERY Zikr until the next new moon gets these things nuttier and nuttier and those are the only 2 he (the Count) will let me get away with.

All of this I know to be true.


All of this I know to be true


Please, again, humor me - especially the lurkers -

Why do you think I posted about the skallywags buying all the uranium stocks? They are putting them in hedge funds to make them even more money so they can buy another house in Connecticut.

They are getting ready to bail. I am warning you all.

Listen if you will, don’t if you don’t.

But nobody’s blood is going to be on my hands.

All of this I know to be true.



And just so you alphabet soup people know I am NOT fucking around in any way, shape or form - I know this little tidbit of information alllllllll the way in the swamps of Florida. This random piece of information.

He is pleased that a Highway was built for him from Qom. Very pleased and actually touched.

He is in Human form after all.

And another warning - because the lights are GOING out here within months -

There is a way to tell a human from a Bot from a Hybrid from a Cross-breed of ANY  species:

Smell their nostrils.

Human nostrils smell like shit.

Hybrids ALWAYS have a formaldehyde smell in there.

Cross-breeds always always smell more “industrial” like. Always. It’s unmistakable once you smell one.

Bots smell clean. Like nothing.

All of this I know to be true.



Dream description #1 (One of the many that really stood out, but seemed insignificant at the time)

Brief background - I was about 14 or 15 years old at the time, my parents were still married (they divorced when I was 17-18). My parents decided to take us all (Myself, my 2 little sisters and 1 older brother) to Disney World in Orlando, Fl. We stayed at a generic hotel (Days Inn or something similar). The night before we went to Disney World, and while sleeping in our generic hotel room, I had a vivid lucid dream, that I had completely forgotten about, upon waking. (I know this makes sense to some people - how do I know I had the dream?)

When we all woke up, we headed to breakfast - I *think* we ate at the hotel restaurant. I remember having a conversation with the waitress about white bread. She was telling me white bread was "poison" and just turned into glue when you ate it, and that I really should be ordering wheat toast. I can't remember if I got wheat or white toast, I just remember that conversation. Whether or not that is significant, I don't really know - I just remember the conversation.


Anyways, my sister and I were old enough, at the time, that our parents let us wander around Disney World by ourselves. We were given a time and place to meet for later. As my sister and I were walking past a huge crowd gathered near the Cinderella Castle, memories of the vivid lucid dream I had the night before came back in a sudden flood. What triggered it? Well, what I had dreamed the night before was happening in real time ...everything was the same. Even that obscured face in the crowd that was staring right at me. That was what triggered it. It almost felt like everything was happening in slow motion - that one face, staring at me, triggered the memory.


My sister started freaking out at my reaction (she admitted a few years ago, that she always thought something was "wrong" with me, and apologized profusely - she was made aware that what I was telling her was the truth). She said my face became ashen, and I almost looked as if I was lethargic, and that I straightened up, stiff as a board and wouldn't discuss what was happening to her. I just kept staring at that face, and he was staring at me - we both had the same expression. Just a random face in that huge crowd.


I finally told her that I had a strange dream about all of this, the night before, and was having "like a triple dose of Deja Vu" .. it was the only way I could explain it.


Flash forward - it wasn't until about 10 years later that I realized, or was made to realize, the significance of that dream. You see, I had made a "best friend" during those years. I did not even know him, or even knew of his existence when our family went to Disney World. I met him later, and we became friends. He is completely deaf, and he taught me ASL (I am fluent).


He and I are still friends (35 years later). It had been years since we were friends, when he randomly pulled out a family album and was showing me pictures of a trip his family made to Disney World, when he was a kid.


While he was showing me those pictures, he had total recall of a vivid lucid dream he had years prior, as he was showing me those pictures. He was that face in the crowd.


(more later)

pissedlizard and fifth.eschaton have reacted to this post.

Oct 12

I dreamt I was sorting through documents in a pull-out filing cabinet. It was old city records of property rights and family trees. Each family name was alphabetically sorted, and separated by thick quarter-inch crystal plates. These plates were a kind of family crest. The edges were rounded, and ornate with filigree. As I clicked through these crystal dividers searching for a particular family, I realized the impracticality of such a system. It was as if it were completely normal for each family to own a crystal plate of these exact index card dimensions... I've never once heard of such a thing in my own world. I'm not in my own world.

--- phase out ---

A blue and green cat the size of a truck got inside the house. It was in a foul mood and taking it out on anyone in claws reach. Anyone who has had a house cat knows that sometimes they just want to draw blood. I had to take a few swipes to wrestle it outside again. (recurring theme, luring a dangerous beast outside so it doesn't harm others)

--- phase out ---

Later on in the dream, these two prior dreams were brought by my mentor as evidence that this was a simulation. Still didn't wake up. I was left with this insight:

Simulation breaking IS lucid dreaming. We're finding a way to wake up in the dream and control the simulated environment. The same skills apply to the waking world. Techniques here are incredibly important.

From Forgotten Languages:

"It seems so far impossible to arrange an attack against a superintelligence with the idea of fragmenting the superintelligence into smaller intelligences that could coaligate against the system. When two superintelligences clash the goal of any of them is to turn off the adversary in order to alter its reward function. This, however, requires the adversary superintelligence to create an incentive such that the attacked superintelligence agrees on turning itself off.

"The attacking SIS will try to force an off-switch of the attacked SIS by making it unaware of its true reward function. For this to be possible, the attacking SIS would create a new environment forcing the attacked SIS to learn modify its reward function. This means the second SIS will execute a fake switch-off activity itself for the attacked one to infer a switching off in the new environment is required."

"Suppose that a hostile SIS implementing an expected utility maximizing function faces a benevolent superintelligence. Given a certain event, both systems will react according to their utility functions. These functions can be identical to each other, except that for the malevolent system the function also includes the instruction to switch off whatever other superintelligence it might find. This obviously requires at a minimum that the hostile system be aware of the existence of the benevolent superintelligence. One way the benevolent system has to avoid its detection would therefore be to obfuscate its presence, something than in the most extreme case means the superintelligence must be indistinguishable from the environment in which it is operating."

"Regardless of an agent’s exact reward function, as long as it has a coherent set of goals, it will be incentivized to pursue certain convergent instrumental subgoals such as self-preservation, self-enhancement, rationality, and conservation of resources. This is the reason why reliable off-switches are difficult to implement. However, if an intelligent system believed that it were inside of a simulation, the risk of being turned off by the simulators would be an incentive for cooperation with what it believes to be its simulators’ goals. This would, in effect, be like making the system believe in an off-switch which it couldn’t prevent from being pressed."

"Before deploying a superintelligence, an advanced civilization will first perform a simulation. The simulation environment is known in game theory as 'Eden Garden'. An Eden Garden will simulate an entire universe within which the superintelligence would be deployed to test its performance. However, this would require preventing the superintelligence to ever discover it lives inside a simulated environment."

"human thinking is constrained by human cultural transmission modes, and therefore it is the goal of Giselians to always modulate and/or control those transmission modes. Denebian probes, on the other hand, are there to challenge those transmission modes and to make humans reflect on their nature and origin. In a way, Denebian probes seem to behave like a coalition of peripheral systems challenging the power of the Giselian order. Whether humans are the creation of the simulators in order to avoid the off-switch, or whether they are the creation of Denebian probes in order to coaligate against the simulators, is something we cannot tell so far."

"the idea that humans should never learn they are artificial agents in a simulated environment would require humans to never be aware of their artificial nature; however, if humans' goals misalign with the design goals the simulators would, of necessity, be forced to intervene and correct the misalignment. This means the only way a human has in order to discern once and for all whether she is being simulated or not would be to destroy the universe. If that goal is not the intended one, the simulators will intervene by making the destruction of the universe impossible, and hence the human will surely infer she is being simulated. On the other hand, if she succeeds in destroying the universe she will never have a chance to know the answer."

"Suppose I violate someone’s autonomy for such-and-such reasons. That person could, at least conceivably, have the same reasons to violate my autonomy. This means I am endorsing the violation of my own autonomy in such a case. This is a logical contradiction, because it implies I am deciding not to do what I decide to do. My violation of autonomy therefore makes the reasoning behind my behavior incoherent, and it cannot be viewed as ethical action."

I think I now understand why enlightenment might be a "dead end," according to some. It lacks a certain utility function.

So, how can we tell that we're in a simulated environment? How can we wake from the dream?

I'm eagerly awaiting your next post @daegonmagus

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.
Quote from fifth.eschaton on October 13, 2021, 1:59 pm

Oct 12

I dreamt I was sorting through documents in a pull-out filing cabinet. It was old city records of property rights and family trees. Each family name was alphabetically sorted, and separated by thick quarter-inch crystal plates. These plates were a kind of family crest. The edges were rounded, and ornate with filigree. As I clicked through these crystal dividers searching for a particular family, I realized the impracticality of such a system. It was as if it were completely normal for each family to own a crystal plate of these exact index card dimensions... I've never once heard of such a thing in my own world. I'm not in my own world.

--- phase out ---

A blue and green cat the size of a truck got inside the house. It was in a foul mood and taking it out on anyone in claws reach. Anyone who has had a house cat knows that sometimes they just want to draw blood. I had to take a few swipes to wrestle it outside again. (recurring theme, luring a dangerous beast outside so it doesn't harm others)

--- phase out ---

Later on in the dream, these two prior dreams were brought by my mentor as evidence that this was a simulation. Still didn't wake up. I was left with this insight:

Simulation breaking IS lucid dreaming. We're finding a way to wake up in the dream and control the simulated environment. The same skills apply to the waking world. Techniques here are incredibly important.

From Forgotten Languages:

"It seems so far impossible to arrange an attack against a superintelligence with the idea of fragmenting the superintelligence into smaller intelligences that could coaligate against the system. When two superintelligences clash the goal of any of them is to turn off the adversary in order to alter its reward function. This, however, requires the adversary superintelligence to create an incentive such that the attacked superintelligence agrees on turning itself off.

"The attacking SIS will try to force an off-switch of the attacked SIS by making it unaware of its true reward function. For this to be possible, the attacking SIS would create a new environment forcing the attacked SIS to learn modify its reward function. This means the second SIS will execute a fake switch-off activity itself for the attacked one to infer a switching off in the new environment is required."

"Suppose that a hostile SIS implementing an expected utility maximizing function faces a benevolent superintelligence. Given a certain event, both systems will react according to their utility functions. These functions can be identical to each other, except that for the malevolent system the function also includes the instruction to switch off whatever other superintelligence it might find. This obviously requires at a minimum that the hostile system be aware of the existence of the benevolent superintelligence. One way the benevolent system has to avoid its detection would therefore be to obfuscate its presence, something than in the most extreme case means the superintelligence must be indistinguishable from the environment in which it is operating."

"Regardless of an agent’s exact reward function, as long as it has a coherent set of goals, it will be incentivized to pursue certain convergent instrumental subgoals such as self-preservation, self-enhancement, rationality, and conservation of resources. This is the reason why reliable off-switches are difficult to implement. However, if an intelligent system believed that it were inside of a simulation, the risk of being turned off by the simulators would be an incentive for cooperation with what it believes to be its simulators’ goals. This would, in effect, be like making the system believe in an off-switch which it couldn’t prevent from being pressed."

"Before deploying a superintelligence, an advanced civilization will first perform a simulation. The simulation environment is known in game theory as 'Eden Garden'. An Eden Garden will simulate an entire universe within which the superintelligence would be deployed to test its performance. However, this would require preventing the superintelligence to ever discover it lives inside a simulated environment."

"human thinking is constrained by human cultural transmission modes, and therefore it is the goal of Giselians to always modulate and/or control those transmission modes. Denebian probes, on the other hand, are there to challenge those transmission modes and to make humans reflect on their nature and origin. In a way, Denebian probes seem to behave like a coalition of peripheral systems challenging the power of the Giselian order. Whether humans are the creation of the simulators in order to avoid the off-switch, or whether they are the creation of Denebian probes in order to coaligate against the simulators, is something we cannot tell so far."

"the idea that humans should never learn they are artificial agents in a simulated environment would require humans to never be aware of their artificial nature; however, if humans' goals misalign with the design goals the simulators would, of necessity, be forced to intervene and correct the misalignment. This means the only way a human has in order to discern once and for all whether she is being simulated or not would be to destroy the universe. If that goal is not the intended one, the simulators will intervene by making the destruction of the universe impossible, and hence the human will surely infer she is being simulated. On the other hand, if she succeeds in destroying the universe she will never have a chance to know the answer."

"Suppose I violate someone’s autonomy for such-and-such reasons. That person could, at least conceivably, have the same reasons to violate my autonomy. This means I am endorsing the violation of my own autonomy in such a case. This is a logical contradiction, because it implies I am deciding not to do what I decide to do. My violation of autonomy therefore makes the reasoning behind my behavior incoherent, and it cannot be viewed as ethical action."

I think I now understand why enlightenment might be a "dead end," according to some. It lacks a certain utility function.

So, how can we tell that we're in a simulated environment? How can we wake from the dream?

I'm eagerly awaiting your next post @daegonmagus

You know, I don't recall reading the writer opinions here that delineate what these dreams are... are they every bit your own creation, or are you visiting somewhere, or somewhen else?

congjing yu and pissedlizard have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizard
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