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@alice It's ok, I laugh at my dreams too. Really, some of them can get very silly. I already have a habit of remembering most of my dreams, but this time I am recording them so I can actually go back and review them. I have maybe "remote viewed" a few people, including MM, without really meaning to. That said, I do have it in my affirmations to improve precognition abilities, which is a term that also involves remote viewing. I have a tendency to get elements right, but my interpretation can be WAY off.

@goldleaf I have had a few "observer" type dreams. I had another dream where I was observing a mother and son inside a van, and she was driving very fast downhill into a wall of a building or house. But understand that it wasn't a suicidal act. I understood it to mean that she was trying to cause an explosion with her vehicle, and then it would open up a portal to somewhere else. I never got to see the result. I did, however, see that her young son (think 6 years old) did something distracting and that they did crash into the building/house wall. Then I woke up like I was in a back seat of a moving car. This part of the dream then switches to a scene involving people I actually know in real life. Earlier in that particular dream, I had an areal view of some winding roadways around some mountains (like a view from a helicopter). I believe someone else kept on having dreams about cabins too (@geisterfahrer?), but I think I was the only one who described a wintery scene. Did someone mention seeing intact skeletons of large animals too in their dreams? I thought the complete animal bones were quite odd and concerning.

I think this was Domain dream. Dreamt I was in this strange town. Our (fairly new) friends were there and there was something going on. not sure what it was but I knew about it through some higher power which I am pretty sure was the Domain. I was trying to ring this guy and tell him he needed to gtfo of town before whatever it was - virus, biological attack, attack of some sort or something - happened. The problem was I kept getting put through to this goddamned jackass of a cop who would just sit there and laugh at me like it was a big joke. "let me get this straight, so you are saying there is going to be an attack on this town wayyyyyy out in the middle of nowhere. I was growing impatient of him. "I ended up saying "look man just put fucking Aaron on the goddamned phone" - this guy, shocked that I challenged his authority and cut him off mid speech finally obliged, though i heard him mumble his displeasure. Aaaron comes on the phone and all of a sudden it's like there is real bad phone reception, which is odd because we are both on landlines (important phone calls always happen like this in my LDs so you can't make sense of anything). Anyway I can hear Aaron faintly asking me what was up, as the confusion in his voice. Bear in mind these are fairly straight edged Christians who likely don't believe in the whole ET thing, so it was like he respected I had something important to tell him but really didn't know what to do. I ended up telling I would come meet him and his family and escort them out of town - it was absolutely imperative though they didn't try and leave without me (can't remember why). Next minute I am on a horse riding through town (this is odd as i have never ridden a horse in my life). I meet them at their place, they hop in their cars, then follow me back out. Meanwhile, all the people from the shops on this main street including the cops and his fellow officers are out standing on the street just staring at us with their mouths wide open (i think i even remember the cop who was on the phone was chewing a straw and let it drop out of his mouth when I rode past.) the street was strange; it was like an old western with saloon style buildings but encased in like a massive metallic room. I'm pretty damned sure it was like some sort of mother ship that had landed over the whole town and that is why everyone was so dumbfounded. Anyway I escort Aaron and his family up this metal ramp at the other end of town that the road just randomly turns into (this why i thought it was a ship).

Alice has reacted to this post.
Daegon Magus

I know I had dreams last night. I don't remember them. Instead, I started to AP when I woke up. It was a neat sensation. I could feel my eyes pushing outward and I could see my darkened bedroom while my eyes were closed. I did this 3-4 times before catching on and thinking to myself "This is so awesome!" and getting excited lol That ended the little AP I was doing and I got up since it was close enough to normal wake up time.

perolator, Alice and Geisterfahrer have reacted to this post.

Guys. Dreams can tell us so very much. Write them down when you wake up so they are not forgotten. Then after one week review them. You will see patterns. They will give you insight.

It is a way for your non-amnesia non-physical body to communicate to you via approved mantid mechanisms.

Please re-read that sentence three times. It's important.

perolator, Goldleaf and Geisterfahrer have reacted to this post.

@congjing yu interesting I got sent that email yesterday because I am pretty sure I had a dream about you emailing me whilst I was trying to get out of some sort of weird {huge} prison

Daegon Magus

Curious stuff for certain.

daegonmagus has reacted to this post.

I was back to my regular dream schedule last night. I need to really think about how the heck I AP'd and try that again. In the mean time...

Last night's dream I was trying out some new, state of the art goggles. They kind of looked like a VR headset but you could see through them. They had at least 10 modes you could switch through. Some were normal, like night vision and heat vision. Others were extra sensory and let you see auras and other things in the non-physical. I was trying them out while watching two snow leopard kittens play. Eventually I was asked if I wanted to try them out on a real target. So I packed the goggles up, said goodbye to the kittens and went off to be briefed on whatever I was supposed to do next.

Alice and Geisterfahrer have reacted to this post.

I imagine a story written 1000 times where a lost and forgotten scriptural faith was reflected in the MWI and we are the Immortal Horsemen? Suddenly, the matter joins the energy, it is us Who are the last Guardians of the local prison mwi To claim here its flag rufus or old empire perhaps? And we are their voices too, we are respectful every time Faith Future and Faith and MM open the lid, so what we have left is our fragile world you have the energy you are the immortal rufus. So giving weight to the fragility of the world is creation l

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Alice has reacted to this post.

J'imagine une histoire écrite 1000 fois où une foi d'écriture perdue et oubliée s'est reflétée dans le MWI et nous sommes les cavaliers immortels ? Du coup, la matière rejoint l'énergie, c'est nous Qui sommes les derniers Gardiens de la prison locale mwi A revendiquer ici son drapeau rufus ou ancien empire peut-être ? Et nous sommes aussi leurs voix, nous sommes respectueux à chaque fois que Faith Future et Faith et MM ouvrent le couvercle, donc ce qu'il nous reste c'est notre monde fragile tu as l'énergie tu es le rufus immortel. Alors donner pesé la fragilité du monde est de la création Bazi you can

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Memory Loss and Alice have reacted to this post.
Memory LossAlice

Just another picture of the cabin I saw in my dream. This was submitted into evidence yesterday (I think)



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