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@azark, interesting. I have to go into and get that one Corp of Katya Walter's book on the Iching and DNA that I keep mentioning. Partly in the hopes that someone has gotten one haha.

@geisterfahrer, any more random stuff in your brain? The hallway singer being the answer to the cemetery dream tells me that perhaps voicing out your interests (?) can trigger some kind of synchronicity. The answer is already very close to you and maybe we can help jog it out.

I had the school dream, maybe because I am trying out dumb concepts, I ended up in a elementary school classroom. I thought ok this is too weird, I can remember this no problemo. Big mistake lol. I have that fragment and something about nuclear or some war simulation. That's all.


Edit: I went surfing on Images on an impulse. Possibly this deserves a separate post.

Basic links if anyone wants to dig. I think that might be how it works, @geisterfahrer. Randomness in a selected pool for synchronicity.

azark has reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas
Quote from Memory Loss on December 10, 2021, 3:29 pm

@azark, interesting. I have to go into and get that one Corp of Katya Walter's book on the Iching and DNA that I keep mentioning. Partly in the hopes that someone has gotten one haha.

@geisterfahrer, any more random stuff in your brain? The hallway singer being the answer to the cemetery dream tells me that perhaps voicing out your interests (?) can trigger some kind of synchronicity. The answer is already very close to you and maybe we can help jog it out.

I had the school dream, maybe because I am trying out dumb concepts, I ended up in a elementary school classroom. I thought ok this is too weird, I can remember this no problemo. Big mistake lol. I have that fragment and something about nuclear or some war simulation. That's all.


Edit: I went surfing on Images on an impulse. Possibly this deserves a separate post.

Basic links if anyone wants to dig. I think that might be how it works, @geisterfahrer. Randomness in a selected pool for synchronicity.

I had a "pre-dream" that was very strange. It was not while I was asleep, it was while I was falling asleep ..the state where your mind just wanders and random thoughts just pop up out of nowhere.


I was in an underwater cavern, soon to reach the surface ....the water was very clear and I could see hundreds of people far below me trying to reach the surface too. Once I reached the surface I saw ship wreckage??? And debris all on fire.


Once I fell asleep, I dreamed, but I don't know what I dreamed about.

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@goldleaf  Last nights dream was two parts:

part one was that MM opened a chatroom for Members.  I saw that you were online so I started writing to you. Then we agreed to have a video call, After we talked a bit we had no idea what else to talk so you walked away to do something at home, while I put my head on my arms and fell asleep while the videofeed was continuing. I guess I woke up in RL, fell asleep again.

part two: My family and I moved somewhere next to you so we met as neighbours. You gave us a housetour. While you were explaining your backyardpool (a very weird one, going down a hill in terraces while the waterlevel stayed level (sorry my english...)) my cat sneaked into your house. So we went after her to meet youre huge family. You were a woman of colour, but I think you are not in RL?I explain later why you were in my dream. You had a daughter age about 7-10 who played with my kids. We grown ups had coffee and talked about my cat and dog. Then the kids got into a fight with crying so we separated them, then I woke up.

You had the appearance of the lady in the picture. It's from a movie. It's about a very sick king so the older son goes on the quest to get the water of life. He gets lost in the woods and meets the lady. She asks for some food and money. He refueses to give her some( he's in the picture too), so she creates a thick fog and the prince falls down a cliff and dies. His horse gets back home, so the younger prince takes on the quest. He also meets the lady, but he shares his food and money. She reveals herself as good power, gives him hints how to get the water of life and kind of protects him.

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@mirri That sounds like a lovely dream. Your english is just fine, I get what you mean by a terraced pool. Also you are correct in that I'm not a person of color in this iteration. I wonder if this was a past life dream. I did ask the Domain about how we could explore our connections to each other. Maybe this is an early answer? 🙂

If you've read any of my posts, I'm pretty much a regular human (other than my claimed exceptional physical skills).

Anyway, I don't remember shit from my sleep or dreams, and I rarely go 3 hours without some kind of unknown interruption.

Last night, part of what I presume was a dream, contained this:

I was at my current fireplace, in my current home. I ignited the fire only to see that a [red] fox was in the far corner. I screamed to whomever was in the room with me, and could here it crying in agony as its fur went up in flames. It saw, or knew that I was in the opposite, and outside corner, and moved behind the main burning section towards me. As it approached, I could see its face, surrounded by burning fur, and I noticed that it was crying (as was I). I opened the metal mesh and more-or-less pulled it out. I thought for sure that it would die, but the fur was no longer burning - just a charred dark mess. I didn't want it to die in the house, so I pushed/guided it to the nearby exit door. I pushed it out.

That's all I remember.

What was that all about?

You got me. I have no idea. My dreams are all a mess. That's why I drink so much. There's some deep stuff there no doubt, but what it is I haven't a clue. Sorry. I am sure that PL , ML or DM have some thoughts as well as Alice. She's a master at dream interpretation.

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Quote from congjing yu on December 10, 2021, 11:33 pm

My dreams are all a mess. That's why I drink so much.

I am not laughing at you, but with you. I don't drink so much (I think), but since only on either Friday or Saturday night, I qualify as a "binge drinker".  Yeah, OK, pontificators-of-truth - go fuck yourselves.

The fraud that is psychiatry would have a field day with just bits of content from my "dreams." Horrible, strange, adolescent. Hey, that reminds me of a waking dream (is that a thing?) I had once while drunk and high. I think that I'll try and spew that out in "Dream Share".

Edit: Oh, I'm in Dream Share here.

Sorry, I have to give some history first.

I am an avid wilderness backpacker. My group is known as [seriously] The Cocktail Hikers. We like a drink after busting our balls for miles at altitude with that huge fucking pack on our backs. Your choice of poisonous CrystalLite usually mixed with [water and] vodka or gin. Sometimes, wellll frequently, we have more than one drink. This is always high in the Rockies; lakes and forest; right at treeline; always a fire; usually Wyoming, but several other places too, including dropped into Alaska.


We had just returned from a day-hike to a nearby lake for fishing.

We were far enough from our camp that we would not be bringing any fish back to cook. So, catch-and-release there. While there I had set into a what was a beautiful Cutthroat trout. I reeled it in and used my usual do-no-harm (kindof impossible with a hook or three in its mouth) to remove said hook. I fucked it up and wrapped my line around its gill cover. If you don't know, monofilament fishing line is very tough, and can easily cut into human hands... it was doing just that, but into the living fish now in my hand (my usual technique would keep it in the water). I was really mad at myself, and yelled at myself, and struggled to free it up with no further damage. I did manage to untangle and release it, and it looked to be OK, but I was still very angry. I stopped fishing, and went to the shore to set a fire for [non-fish] lunch, while the other guys fished on. We ate, cleaned up, and headed back, on the irregular off-trail route.

Oooo, anyone want a drink?

One of them mixed up a fine blend of raspberry and vodka. I was still mad. We set off to pump water (hand filtration unit) at our local lake. I hate pumping water, so I negotiated with them to pump, and I'd make another round of drinks. I headed back up to camp. I FUCKED THAT UP... I was still mad and wasn't paying close enough attention to the various clear platypus bags holding all similar looking alcohol. I inadvertently mixed RumpleMinze (100 proof peppermint schnapps) with raspberry CrystalLite. Oh, of course there is water to the mix. I brought it down to the guys, and after one sip, I was berated soundly (to this day). We drank it anyway, of course.

Done with pumping water; back to camp.

One of the guys had potent medicinal grade maryjane (hah)... so we blazed that up while reclining near the fire. Immediate effect of lightness. I remember distinctly dozing/dreaming  while leaning/sitting on a very large boulder...

I was still mad at me in the dream, but a spirit of some kind appeared to me and CLEARLY stated: "All is good Dave, we know your intent (regarding the fish)." That's it. I awoke feeling FANTASTIC! It was profound. I don't think I was out for even a minute... I was still right where I had been a moment ago. I told no one for years.

Nothing like that ever happened to me again.

All that writing for a ONE SENTENCE revelation.

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When did you have this dream?

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.
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