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while I appreciate the kind words, I am not a dream interpreter. I only see a mirror in them. Kind of like in this dream. If I can discern dreams, then I have some serious work to do. Now give me a picture of clouds... I am more likely to tell what follows you.

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.
Quote from Alice on December 11, 2021, 2:30 am


When did you have this dream?

Yikes... a decade ago maybe... I could look it up in my Trip Records if it is important.

It was powerful, to me anyway... this is why it is very clear to me to this day.


The Red Fox dream.

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.
Quote from Alice on December 11, 2021, 10:24 am


The Red Fox dream.


Lots of weird interpretations. This how it works??


Ciao! Gip me your ideas

Ive have gotten to the point of my belief that its 1000000000% undeniable  that our thoughts create. If one reeeeeeally and truly believes that- if You want to alter Your reality... You can. There are quotes on the Bible that I will carry with me no matter what happens, or how my beliefs change. One being- “All things are possible, for him that believes”

Today, I showed up early to pick up my daughter and her friend up from school. When i pulled in, the first 7 and only cars in line I parked behind were all white. I also drive a white car. This is not the first time this has happened to me. For a couple of day after my paralysis, I experienced Similar oddities. For example, I was stopped at the light at the entrance to my neighborhood when 5 cars that were the same make, model, and color of my car drove past following each other.... I wish I would have made note of the distance between each in my memory. So strange.

Fast forward to this evening>>>> I was driving down the interstate traveling Westbound  (4 lane one direction/ 8 total) thinking about the white cars and wondering what were the odds. Probably not as high as I think or could be, but for the instances to happen over and over again, well that has to be higher than all the same color parked in line. Then I tested “my thoughts create”. I know MM drills in our head affirmations 3 mo on 3 mo off, revise and repeat, and things dont manifest immediately but I have experienced different. Anyhoo, I wondered if I thought of white cars and the next 5 cars passing me (I briefed in my head passing me going in the same direction but didn’t think on that direct thought- if that makes sense) would be all white.... I closed my eyes (yes I know im driving down the interstate, no my kids werent in the car, and I only closed them for about 3-5 seconds until I mini freaked out that my eyes were closed) and thought the- : the next 5 cars to pass me will be all white. When I jerked my eyes opened, I looked in the next lane no cars were passing me going my direction, so I glanced at East bound lane and lo and behold the first 5 cars I saw were all white.

Has anyone else experienced something like this? Altering reality? Do you think its a fluke?

Memory Loss has reacted to this post.
Memory Loss
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

I have experienced that from time to time. It is just a deep sense of "knowing" and my mind kind of goes into a trance when it happens.


It would be impossible for me to explain it to someone who has never experienced it. And if I tried, they would probably think I was a schizo off my meds.

I dunno. I have seen the impossible and it was so freaking mad, I just blocked it out of my memory. A two floor tall protoss like spider with extending neck and head. This was long ago, before Starcraft came out. It's quite possible that our reality is flat out weird.

Never told anyone, coz it's nuts right? Maybe MM is just a collection of assorted nuts, who knows?

Ciao! Gip me your ideas

We are all in the boat of “Day Pass” patients trying to be regular people, don’t you think?

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

@alice Yes I experienced something similar about reality changing. It's about 12 to 24h between thinking,saying out loud and then coming true.

For example: My neighbour has a bakery. When we moved here I offered to help her out when she needs it. So in Nov she came on Sunday to ask if I help her out on Monday.I said yes. Lying in bed that evening I wondered if I could ask her to do puff pastry for myself one day using her big machines. Guess what. Next morning, first day ever in her bakery, after making breads she put me to make puff pastry. It wasn't exactly for myself but...that's nitpicking^^

Next thing: I was helping her out again this week, and was scheduled to help her next week too. Temperatures have dropped here so the car battery is having trouble starting and driving is more like being on a slide. So I said to my husband that I would rather NOT help her out next week. Aaaaaaand, yes, next morning I got a text saying she' s closing the bakery for a week to go to that health thing she had planned. So I don't have to go...

Alice has reacted to this post.
Quote from Mirri on December 11, 2021, 4:36 pm

@alice Yes I experienced something similar about reality changing. It's about 12 to 24h between thinking,saying out loud and then coming true.

For example: My neighbour has a bakery. When we moved here I offered to help her out when she needs it. So in Nov she came on Sunday to ask if I help her out on Monday.I said yes. Lying in bed that evening I wondered if I could ask her to do puff pastry for myself one day using her big machines. Guess what. Next morning, first day ever in her bakery, after making breads she put me to make puff pastry. It wasn't exactly for myself but...that's nitpicking^^

Next thing: I was helping her out again this week, and was scheduled to help her next week too. Temperatures have dropped here so the car battery is having trouble starting and driving is more like being on a slide. So I said to my husband that I would rather NOT help her out next week. Aaaaaaand, yes, next morning I got a text saying she' s closing the bakery for a week to go to that health thing she had planned. So I don't have to go...

@mirri, this where your chef works? Maybe you resonate with him and that's making reality bend for you?

I have many questions about your chef.


Edit: I just realized that I made a big assumption. And maybe he actually doesn't work there. But the point remains. Your chef fascinates me.

Ciao! Gip me your ideas
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