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@memory-loss Hehe, no, my teacher gave up his own place when my first child was born (6y ago) and moved back to his homeplace and started working for an old friend of his in a renowned hotel-restaurant back in Germany. The one I'm helping out is our neighbour in a village in Finland.

But fire ahead, I try to answer your questions. Because he is indeed a fascinating person.

When I was a teenager, my family lived next door to a Finnish family. Their last name was Korpi.

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Quote from Alice on December 11, 2021, 10:24 am


The Red Fox dream.

Thanks @memory-loss

Apologies @alice   ... I thought that you meant my little backpacking phase-out. I had the Red Fox dream just this last Thursday.

Reading now.

Quote from Memory Loss on December 11, 2021, 10:36 am
Quote from Alice on December 11, 2021, 10:24 am


The Red Fox dream.


Lots of weird interpretations. This how it works??


There's a boatload of interpretations... many involve the usual "Sly" or "Deceptive."

"As foxes are more active at night (known as an omnivore) this dream of a red fox may imply that there is a shadow of darkness or slyness from a spiritual perspective. Perhaps that is why in our modern world many cartoons, fairy tales, movies, and TV programmes often show that the fox is always a villain."

I recently joked, here, about something fucking with my World Lines. I also did a lot of yelling at and to whatever would listen. Topping it off, MM may be digging in my records. I openly disparage The Domain, as well as distrust The Mantids.

I'm all over the place. I don't like to be ruled over.

DSK, I suspect that the Domain and the Mantids to be very interesting objects for study. A study in contrasts.

The Domain may be all powerful in their dimension and they may stir-fry this planet on a macro case, but on a micro scale I believe they have limitations. And these limitations are pretty huge.

As for the Mantids, maybe they were created to serve (aha but serve whom or what), but on a micro scale they are Supreme. They are at the top of the food chain, not humans. And they basically have the powers of gods over us. You are not alone in thinking your world line has been fiddled around with. I have been doing just thought experiments on mantid behavior and culture. And everything is totally bizarre to the point I don't post my thoughts on it. Not even on MM.

But you post your thoughts and I will respond as best I suspect. I would really like a springboard. @daegonmagus and @pissedlizard may clue you in on other entities involved on this planet. We have to piece together all sorts of weird clues to arrive at a working model of the players in our reality.

Ciao! Gip me your ideas


I truly cannot interpret dreams, dont let the title “rocket scientist” trick you into believing everything they say... MM probably came to that conclusion because the dreams posted a few months back til a few weeks ago was like l was looking into a convoluted dream mirror. I asked a few to share all their dreams, Domain training or no. Not every aspect of the dreams shared reflected my reality, but every dreamer that posted held the essence of Alice’s reality.  Especially those of ML and GL. So much that I experienced and physical saw myself synchronize with one of them (ehem ML although I think he didn’t 100% believe what I experienced) .... shortly after geisterfahrer began having similar experiences with dreams reflecting what he experienced.

The reason I asked the day is for gauging purposes and is of no real importance. What is  funny is a Red Fox recently popped up in my life. My SO traps predators and nuisance wildlife in our area. This time of year is busy season for trappers as WINTER IS COMING. Occasionally he will take fox calls, but they are rare for him due to the habits of foxes as well as the Red Fox is his favorite animal. This week, he called me dispirited because one ran in his trap and legally he has to euthanize. I’ve never heard him bummed about taking out an animal while he’s working because well... he wouldn’t make much money if he let it get to him. The fox is not going to waste- he is going to give the fur to my daughter as a Xmas present.

The fireplace in your house. Is it a wood burning stove? Thats his only source of heat in his one room cabin. Anyhoo... could be related  could be a fluke. If you have any other crazy dreams and don’t mind sharing, reading y’alls dreams is one of my favorite things to do. They at times make me giggle AND I get to see into y’alls wobbly sub-conscious reality. It’s a wild place.

Edit: Also he’s a fire sign... of course it may not be related. I am just rambling my thought process.

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

Oh and no one is ruling over you here. I understand where that feeling comes from due to our limitations and the Domain working in the shadows. This is your reality, you have a say in whom comes and goes and what you believe. You are still here so that must mean you believe some of what the Domain and MM is saying. The Mantids serve you, so there is no tyranny there. The Domain owes us nothing, they are here for their soldiers and to reconfigure our reality. They say what they need to. If we, as humans, chose to twist their narrative to suit our thought process then that is an IS-BE problem. Anyways, thats my 2 cents.

I am cut from the same rebel hearted cloth. I do not like the mind fucking riddles, the pupeteering, and I follow my own rules. Fuck who tells me otherwise. No one is telling me what to do. This is my reality, my rules, my game... I accept things as they come and have fun with this last life on this fucked up planet.





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Memory Loss
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.


I am the worst about overlooking comments. Please forgive my mercurial ways.

That’s what I am talking about! I got to thinking... the MWI terrain to that world-line must have been close enough to switch without too much directed verbiage OR apart of the upgrade? Ha who knows at this point.

That situation is my selling point on trying to help people to understand that controlling thoughts is key to a happier life. Speaking things into existence. My pitch is always to random people through out my day, though. Never family or friends. No one wants to accept reason and truth. I sometimes wonder how the true truth resonated with that person after we talk. Was it life changing or a waste of our time? Anyhoo. Its fun, nonetheless.Thank you for your input.

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

More dream fragments for today

Sunday, Dec 12, 2021

Dream fragments: Me and another person (white male) are watching 2 horses (it’s a race or contest) running on a dusty path next to a girls of grass. One of the horses is “ours”. I am unsure if I am in my current meat suit (Han Chinese female adult) but I am definitely a participant in this dream. We go after the running horses to watch them closer. Our horse (copper or a warm “safari” brown color) is injured, there is a horrible gash on her neck. We realise that an underhanded competitor has hurt her in order to win the race/contest. I know the horse is a girl because my companion encourages our horse to go on (cmon girl) and it continues to run. I disagreed, saying that it’s just a damn contest, our horse’s health was what matters. Next thing I know, our horse falls down and we are just shocked. 

So we run to our horse, only to discover that it is now a fluffy long hair cat (mainly white with black and orange markings lying on the mud. A man and his 2 kids (I think they are sons but I am not sure) who were riding a wagon and wearing medieval looking clothes stop. The man looks at us and shakes his head. He comes over, picks up the cat, and soothes it. The cat is alive and moving, and the injuries are either not so apparent or not so bad. I take the cat from him and thank him for his help (at least I think I did—I’m not really sure now). The cat seems enormous in my arms, like it’s a Maine coon. It is wriggling, and I say “Stop that, I don’t want to accidentally drop you”. 

Then we start talking about the upcoming cat contest. So now, I am having images on what kind of contest this was, and I am talking over the scene I am observing. I believe me and my companion are observing the scene now. Anyway, we see a room, where people are dressed in modern clothes. There is a person training a cat in a “bouncing ping pong ball” obstacle course. Someone was complaining that this will be hard to record on camera for various reasons. Something about the cats not being cooperative, or about the audio not being that good because the bouncing ping pong balls don’t make enough sound…some technical details I can’t recall at the moment. There was also a “fetch” contest, and I remarked, “They have a fetch competition for cats? How the hell would that even work?” My understanding was that I and my companion would be entering our cat in this contest. But lord, we had a lot of training to do. 

I wake up softly (for real) and look around the room. After some moments, I drift back off to sleep. Suddenly, I am reading pieces of paper, like the kind you see in fortune cookies. The words would materialise in separate scraps of paper. So I read each separate piece of paper, one by one: “The…Domain and Mantids…wish you a happy holidays.” (Some words may be different, but I KNOW I saw “Domain and Mantids” and “happy holidays”). Now I was WIDE AWAKE. Was that me imagining/conjuring an idealised interaction with them? Or was that really them? Maybe it doesn't even matter...either way, I felt GREAT! 


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@mirri, what are the traits of your chef that led you to our conclusion? I don't want to ask you specifically leading questions on this. But perhaps he is someone to emulate or at least study.

@alice, I'm going to imagine that I can get access to AliceTV. Let's see if that's how it works. There's a strange amount of synchronicity in the air in MMland.

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Ciao! Gip me your ideas
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