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Guys. I do not ...NOT... have all the answers. I am just learning like youse guys. I have a little bit different background. And I have a little bit of weird advantage, but honestly, it's all one big fucking mess all the way around. I am just trying to find clarity. Honestly, sometimes I just wish that I could wind the clock back to 1976. Cruising to the next keg party, with Aerosmith and Boston blazing on the speakers while my Cherry bomb muffler rumbles as my GTO makes those turns around the town that I lived in.

I guess most of you can't relate.

So much is going on, and in many ways I feel absolutely swamped by the information and the conditions. I want to just go hide in the woods and play with my cat friends. I really don't want to read social media or watch the next billionaire go into space while all my high school friends are slowly dying of starvation and drugs. I guess you can call me an asshole for wanting to cop out.

We've got so many evil folks in charge of powers that they are not qualified to operate, and I and my friends, like all of youse are at their mercy. It's pathetic and upsetting.

The Domain knows about all this, and they tell me that ll will be fine in 2030. Great. But that's nine years away. They view the long-game. But we are all living in the NOW, and that really sucks. Sure, I am doing ok, but what about my friends? Do you all think that I don't care? I really do, and I really don't want anything bad to happen to anyone.

So it's ok to question everything, even me.  I am in many ways just clueless and reporting what I experience. You all have to make up your own minds about the shit show that the world is going though right now. But I say, let's just endure it and enjoy it, and then go through it. We will all be fine in 2030 and the world WILL be a much better place.

Feal, Goldleaf and Geisterfahrer have reacted to this post.

I might regret writing this but I am ok.

Man fuck those guys. those STS. be trying to put  a nigga down.  but this guy aint going down without a fight.

Happy times to all you guys. wish me the best as I deal with this guys.

Drunk asf fuck but does it really matter what I do. I love my cousins dogs. there really nice.

goodbye guys. It was fun while it lasted.

my dreams have been weird but I can interpret them. .

Gonna be listening silently. Goodbye. Crying emoji. again and again. fuck. fuuuuuck. This wL-


pissedlizard, Feal and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
pissedlizardFealMemory LossGeisterfahrer

@guyfromafrica hang in there! Haven't heard from you in a while, hope things are ok. Things will work out.

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas
Quote from congjing yu on December 12, 2021, 11:09 pm

The Domain knows about all this, and they tell me that ll will be fine in 2030. Great. But that's nine years away. They view the long-game. But we are all living in the NOW, and that really sucks. Sure, I am doing ok, but what about my friends? Do you all think that I don't care? I really do, and I really don't want anything bad to happen to anyone.

Yeah, nine years!

Can you imagine the people here (U.S.A.) living under these morons for NINE MORE YEARS?? Suffering for 9 more? Swirling closer and closer to the drain, with their friends and families???

NO WAY. It won't accomplish anything, but those puppets in charge will DIE well before then. Replaced immediately with other sycophants and ass-kissers who openly hate humanity. They TOO will die.

I think @alice said it nicely in that The Domain helps The Domain. To me The Mantids are interlopers, and want nothing to do with them until THEY prove that they are benevolent, and actively assisting to GET ME THE FUCK OUT OF HERE.

Oh, and MM... no way do I think that you would be bailing out. I hate this place as well... the worst by far though, is that it could be so beautiful. I am furious that ANY of these entities would let it devolve so.

I don't like it all, but I devour all the info that you provide.

pissedlizard and Alice have reacted to this post.

@ MM I feel you! Yesterday was sh****y day, from morning until almost evening. Had a break down, ran crying in the sauna and hit the walls as hard as i could....and cried a lot. I just wanted to quit. EVERYTHING. But I didn't.

You (and all of us) try so hard to bring a change. The question arises: "What does it matter? And even if the evil tops are removed, it's like a Hydra. There is always a next!"

But I tell you what it matters: To all of us! All the good things we do do matter to the individuals we help/do nice. It matters to the Lady you help carrying her groceries. It helps the ants on their way finding food if you step over their street. It matters to the little creature you find drowsy on the side of the street. We are not able at this point to oversee the bigger picture but i am certain, that by every little stone, even sandparticle, we throw into the lake of our reality we DO CHANGE THE BIGGER PICTURE!!

So MM all you do matters to us, aswell as @guyfromafrica and @dsklausler and everyone else. Hang in there!! and TAKE EVERY DAY! ONE AFTER THE OTHER! Oh and don't forget to get you some Applepie and "Tiddly Oggies"!!!!!

Edit: And don't hit the walls!!! My hands still hurt

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pissedlizard, Old Wine and Alice have reacted to this post.
pissedlizardOld WineAlice


No matter what is going on in your life - people care about you. Look at these interactions. Actual real people care about you regardless of who you are.

I fucking care. Period. I never may any of you but I fucking seriously care about each and every one of you for what that is worth, but believe me - I do.

But @guyfromafrica - wherever your physical body lands - you are cared about.

THIS I know to be true


Feal and Alice have reacted to this post.


No matter what is going on in your life - people care about you. Look at these interactions. Actual real people care about you regardless of who you are.

Beautiful, PL.

@guyfromafrica remember to never give up! No matter what happens remember that you have an infinite well of will-power that can't be taken from you. Fight your fights and be sure to be the last one standing. Even if you're not, you can always choose to dust yourself off and get up for another round!

Alice has reacted to this post.

The last few posts reminds me of a story I heard many years ago....


There was a beach with literally thousands upon thousands of beached starfish. The tide had receded and left all these starfish out to die. A lone man, seeing this, decided to toss as many starfish as he could back out to sea. An observer had been watching this man do this over a course of hours ...and saw how it was wearing this man out. For every starfish he saved, there were thousands upon thousands left. The observer decided to go down and talk this man who was tossing the beached starfish out to sea ..


"Sir, don't wear yourself out ...there is nothing you can do about all these starfish. You aren't making a difference."


The man paused ...stooped down to pick up another starfish and tossed it out to sea. He turned around and faced the observer and said, "I made a difference for that one"

Memory Loss, Goldleaf and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
Memory LossGoldleafAliceMirriazark

This story is wonderful, it reminds me of the inner struggle we all lead. Find your balance on the point, know that MM has done it honestly and you will all realize it one day or another.

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Goldleaf, Alice and 2 other users have reacted to this post.

So many MM followers having problems all at once? Not a coincidence. Please keep up those affirmation campaigns and make sure you have plenty of protections in place! It's been said throughout this site: you can control your fate! Stay strong and remember YOU ARE NOT ALONE. We're all here for you and each other.

Don't give up.

Alice has reacted to this post.
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