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I had an odd experience yesterday. This was before reading the latest Q&A. I took a nap yesterday afternoon and decided to attempt consciously triggering an astral projection. I was partially successful. I felt my upper body float up by my lower body was stuck! I couldn't unstick my legs and ended up falling back into myself and straight into a dream. I was with a private investigator who was on a case. He was interviewing a woman in a cottage that was on a cliff overlooking the ocean. When the interview was completed, I was paralyzed and the investigator had to carry me out. He had me tucked under one arm, which was really strange. There was music playing outside which captivated the investigator. He slowed to a stop to listen to it and set me on the ground. My paralysis started to wear off and I could move my hands in the dirt, feeling the grit and some pebbles. I picked a few pebbles up and then let them drop back down. I felt the dirt again and could feel the fabric of my bed sheets under my hand. I tried to talk to the inspector and snap him out of the fascination the music was causing but was unsuccessful. Then I woke up.

Last night I had a great dream. I was with a bunch of friends getting together. We were all gathering at someone's apartment, just hanging out waiting for everyone to arrive. While we waited, we put on a movie marathon of whatever folks wanted to watch. It was mostly movies from the 80s and 90s. I remember wanting to watch an older Jackie Chan movie after whatever we were currently playing. I would watch for a little while, then get up and stretch and pace. I think I was waiting for some more people who hadn't shown up yet and was feeling a tad impatient. I had this dream AFTER reading the Q&A. Pretty sure I know what this one means. It's much appreciated.

Old Wine and Alice have reacted to this post.
Old WineAlice
Quote from azark on December 13, 2021, 4:46 am

This story is wonderful, it reminds me of the inner struggle we all lead. Find your balance on the point, know that MM has done it honestly and you will all realize it one day or another.

@azark, it feels to me that you might be some sort of anchor for us. Your optimism shines through so maybe a lighthouse that we don't loss our way ❤️.

I'm trying to pigeonhole everyone here. I know you guys are not pigeons so it's hard work lol.

azark. Lighthouse

mirri, gold leaf. Empath (?)

Alice. Media broadcaster. More seriously a relay station that boosts signals.

MM. Frazzled conductor of an orchestra of toddlers. Only PL and DM know how to read the music. (Old wine is furiously learning tho, with a journal and a photographic memory, I think.)

Feel free to poke in with your thoughts.



Alice and azark have reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

And where do you fit @memory-loss?

Alice has reacted to this post.
Quote from Goldleaf on December 13, 2021, 9:38 am

And where do you fit @memory-loss?

Random Guy who was expecting Def Leppard but got Sesame Street instead? 😜


Alice has reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

Ok I had an odd dream. I went for a small press conference. Only 6 or 7 people around. The host said "why don't you guys get comfortable. So instead of leaning on the wall I sat down on the floor and waited. Next thing you, I'm kinda sleeping on the floor. Thing starts but it's morphed into a yoga cum meditation class of sorts. Big room with hundreds of people. We were separated by very low cubicle walls, like 2 feet high. I sit up and peer over the wall to look around. Some were asleep, but there were others looking in my direction. I had a fit of giggles and woke up. Never ever had a laugh out loud dream before.

Ciao! Gip me your ideas

Nope, I'm thinking not a coincidence that we're all dealing with crap.

I spent most of Friday in the Emergency room--actually not the ER, per se, but the Covid triage tent outside the hospital. Not because of Covid, which was the stupid part, but because of some weird reason my asthma that I've had since I was six and that has been well controlled for years is suddenly now out of control, just this week. Took my inhaler five times, did my home nebulizer treatment, and I still couldn't breathe enough to talk so I didn't have much choice. Since it was "shortness of breath" they stuck me in the tent, but after a quick look over and checking my history they knew it was asthma. They didn't even test me fir anything, but I got to sit near positive tested people for 3 hours.

Yes, I was masked. And at least it was nice out. I took a long break by the Porta potty for that good fresh air, lmao!!

The ER doc ended up giving me a large dose of prednisone, which loosened up my lungs, and then they renewed my prescription for my home nebulizer, gave me a five day prescription for prednisone, and discharged me because they didn't even have somewhere there for me to do another nebulizer treatment. Oi.

And the most annoying thing about this unexpected flare up is that I'm out of sick time so that was four hours of lost pay.

Ready for the new year, please.

Hello, I had a dream that confirms this logic.
Here is the model and MM is the living confirmation Thank you for doing what I have not yet dared to do, dear your family forgive their ignorance and do not accept the impossible MM came back to confirm by mathematics that the life meets life. Protect your point, we woke up from dreams and I'd rather be a living ghost than an insignificant specter of power.
Anyone can be happy with just one point.
We can also share I love you, the water tiger watches over the rufus who tamed them, Rufus is a being who has tamed his ego at its peak.

PS Alice, we are all a living example of an apprentice who weighs the world with what keeps in his bag.

X misfortune = future But x happiness = You

Alice has reacted to this post.
Quote from Memory Loss on December 13, 2021, 10:01 am

Random Guy who was expecting Def Leppard but got Sesame Street instead? 😜

So our resident comic relief 😉 Making sure we don't get too serious and can still laugh.

You bunch of weirdos that I love so much and consider my family, y’all are making me sooooooo weepy this morning!! I love weirdos, they get it. We’ve seen suffering over 1000 lifetimes and still choose to love one another. WE ARE THE CHANGE WE WANT TO SEE. Thank you all. I am having overwhelming emotions this morning and profound thoughts..

. @memory-loss tapping into AliceTV? Could I be connected to the ones synchronized? Who knows but I FEEL it deep in the meat in my bones. You are much MORE than edited: random guy. The idea man? What is your western Zodiac sign? Sag? Aries? Leo? You are the idea man, at the very least, and brilliant. Give yourself credit.

I hope everyone is having a good morning/evening and all the relative time in between.

@laoban4site Robert, you are VERY MUCH supported, and I don’t think any on this thread think you hold all the answers. Happiness, is all I want for you. All the other stuff, is a puzzle we are working together. Who likes being a spectator in putting a puzzle together? Not me!! If I could carry your load to give you rest, I would do it in a minute.

@guyfromafrica I thought of you over the weekend, which brought a world wind of feelings, glad to hear from you. I am rooting for you and sending my love. May I add your happiness and safety to my affirmations?

@old-wine Yesterday morning, my youngest plopped down at the breakfast table and said I had a dream I was riding horses and that my riding lessons was right now and I had to get up. (We didn’t have lessons today) My oldest, said I rode a horse in my dreams for 2 nights in a row, weird? The cat dream stirred something in me, keep me updated!

@geisterfahrer Thank you for the story. I want to kick that negative Nancy in the shin for just watching an old man AND not helping a starfish.

@pissedlizard Love you too buddy! I think of you every time I listen to LPs “Mad as a Hatter”

@azark my virtually Hippie! We could be cut from the same cloth. Spread the love 💗

Now for my dream, shocking I know. I woke up in a panic because I remember I didn’t set my alarm, so I lost it all the important parts. What I do remember is there being a series of pictures, or snips of videos that went in a series. One of those videos I saw a picture of myself, which I thought odd because I dont think I have ever seen myself in a dream. What woke me up was me humming because the sequence of the snipets were of importance and it had to be remembered. So I came up with a song to help me remember. The sequence was to help unlock my reality? If you can even do that but that was what I was practicing. Unfortunately the panicked awakening made me forget what the sequence was and I was humming the melody driving but couldn’t tell you the words and now I have forgotten the melody. 😞

Hope yall weirdos have THE BEST DAY EVER! XoXoX



pissedlizard and azark have reacted to this post.
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

first things first...@memory-loss I don't have a photographic memory but it's a damn good one. Some things will stick out more than others, and I feel this must be an aspect of some of the past lives I have led.

@alice So your kids have horse riding lessons? Some of my dreams have been "predictive", but my hope is that the horse is fine (in my dream, the horse had a gash on her neck).

*******It seems that a lot of people (not just us folks in the forum) are dealing with problems. Last Tuesday (Dec 7), I was in a state of panic (I messaged MM when I was disoriented and couldn't believe what just happened  ) because I fainted in the bathroom twice. I have low blood pressure, and apparently I got up from bed too fast. I fainted the first time and safely slumped by the door. My husband checks in on me, I'm embarrassed and insist I'm OK. He leaves, I get up (even though I was still blacking out) thinking I will get my marbles back in a few seconds. WRONG. I fall down a second time and land face down, chipping my left front tooth and left incisor. I get dragged out, our regular GP makes a house call to make sure I haven't lost any memory and asks if it's July. I tell him I never forget Xmas. The nurse comes by and takes my blood, everything normal. Very next day (Wed morning) I get my teeth fixed with composite resin. An hour and a half of work, 189 euros or about $220 in today's exchange rate. So fortunately I look the same, but it was a VERY PAINFUL lesson in never taking my blood pressure for granted again.

I was reviewing my dream journal, and I realised I had actually seen these events (but different details) in a dream I had on Sunday morning. In that dream, I placed crowns on my 4 front teeth on my left side and showed my younger brother (in RL, I had 2 left front teeth repaired and showed the repair results to my older brother). I had fainted as well in another sequence. In the dream, I had lost consciousness and woke up at the back seat of a car. There was someone in the drivers seat who was waiting for me...I never see their face, only the back of their head. They leave when they see me wake up and I take over the wheel. IN RL, I fainted in the bathroom. In the dream, my family were talking about how concerned they were about me, and my brother on maw (oldest sister's hubby) says that we should break the stressful atmosphere by having lunch. in RL, my family contacts me by WhatsApp and messenger to check up on me (they are in the US, while I am in France). It was my mother in law who suggested lightening up the mood by making some lunch.

Initially after these dream, I shrugged it off, since I was healthy, I take care of myself, blah blah. Turned out it was some kind of prophecy. Ugh. If only I prophecied myself winning 100 thousand euros instead! Bah!

I'm almost back to my old self now, except that I can no longer bite into sandwiches, apples, pork rinds, or anything that is remotely hard. I have to cut my food first, then place it in my mouth and chew it in the back. My older brother ribbed me, saying that I was officially an old lady and that I should never sass my husband to avoid getting knocked out in the first place. Har har. At least you can stay thin because it would hurt you too much to overeat, he added. What are older brothers for, right?

Though it was seriously shitty for me to have chipped my teeth, I was very lucky that I happened to chip my teeth in France (or most developed countries that is not the USA). My brother told me that the work I had done would easily cost $1000 to $1200!!!!!! The house call our GP made and the nurse made to collect my blood came to about 70 euros from my pocket I think.


I will continue to post my (non personal) dreams here, to see if it winds up predicting/seeing anything for you guys. Who knows, right? I had accidentally predicted some things for MM in a dream I had sometime in November. I had seen these images thinking I was a participant, but it turns out it all happened to him. Some of the dreams probably sound ridiculous, like the last dream where I was entering my cat in a "fetch" and "bouncing ping pong ball" contest. My apologies for that. But perhaps one of you will witness a cat chasing a ping pong ball ^^ out of nowhere...

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