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Ah, precogs front and center in the orchestra! There's a spot to stick a bottle of @old-wine there in the pit.

@alice, yes I am an Aries. I'm not a thinker, actually I'm trying to learn how to unthink and start from a blank slate. Hence all the oddball ideas.

I think MM has written an article at the same time, dealing with the different ESP categories. Luckily he didn't use the orchestra analogy, otherwise it would have bugged me.


Alice has reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

@old-wine Huh. My boy kitties are rambunctious. Even now that they are 8 years old, they still act like kittens. Shortly after adopting them I realized I couldn't use glass ornaments on the Christmas tree without potential for expensive vet bills so packed those up and bought plastic ornaments so the cats can play with them harm free. The ones I choose are about ping pong ball sized - I wanted them small enough that it was easy for little paws to play with but not too small I was worried about anything being swallowed, and I replaced all the metal hooks with loops I made of pipe cleaners for easy carrying. Why no, my cats aren't spoiled at all, why do you ask? LOL Anyway, my one boy who uses the Christmas tree as his personal toy depot selected a shiny gold ornament to play with all morning today 🙂 While not a ping pong ball, it's pretty close. He dragged it all over the house too.

pissedlizard, Old Wine and Alice have reacted to this post.
pissedlizardOld WineAlice

My dream last night. I was hanging out with a girl friend. I don't remember why but for some reason we needed a change of clothes. We were not near either of our houses and didn't want to go shopping for some reason. Instead, two random attractive guys said we could borrow clothes from them. We went into their rooms and through their closets to see what they had. My friend was very excited and found several items she wanted to try on LOL I was not thrilled by any of the choices so opted to keep my old dirty clothes. Other snippets I remember is walking down a busy city street, no idea how that's related, and another woman being over joyed at finding out she's pregnant. Apparently she'd been wanting children for a while and wasn't having any luck. Again, no idea how that's related.

pissedlizard and Old Wine have reacted to this post.
pissedlizardOld Wine

@alice - You literally just put the biggest smile on my face!!!

I am adding this song to my playlist. Lately it’s been White Zombie’s “Welcome to Planet Morherfucker” on a loop. Over and over and over… I needed that break for a day or so.

You have a great day as well!  Let your emotions run free. Sometimes it’s the best therapy.

You are awesome though. That made my day!

This I know to be true!


Old Wine and Alice have reacted to this post.
Old WineAlice


Hope you are feeling better. Covid triage? Where are you for that to still be a reality? Where I am, our Urgent care hasn’t even kept Covid patients Separate since March. I also have had a small medical issue but no one wants to hear about it. I am ok though, it was just a random happening with no reason to happen, it just did. Ill it there.


I had a chip out of my front tooth from my Lilly’s ring pop 😑 so I know the pain. Stay away from crispy bacon. Apparently that’s like the #1 cause of crowns and chip fixes to break.  @goldleaf HA! It’s not just me!!! Yay! What stirred in me was the “no audio, ping ponging, and not cooperating” I dont know but I've been getting a lot, I MEAN A LOT, of “tings” lately in muh ears. I wonder if this is a side effect of an upgrade. Having physical reactions to a non-physical alteration?




send me the link!!!

Old Wine has reacted to this post.
Old Wine
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

@alice. Here you go.


Clue that MM or the Domain is building an orchestra of sorts. Probably. The Domain leaves some obvious clues once you pay attention. The little thing about relationships being artificially induced leads me to think that the families and relationships that we know, were pre-planned in prebirth lines. And so the Domain is building something for us along these lines. But the scale of this endeavor is (I think, I'm just guessing) across lifetimes for some of us. Very big plans.


The relationships that you are building here is neither accidental or trivial. Everyone that comes here and stays do so because it resonates to them. This frequency resonance is intentional, and artificially induced to create the forged alliances and joint support network that all enjoy.


@dsklausler,  this ties in with your rumble about mantids. I'm not sure if I want to go there, but I am beginning to suspect that not only are they crazy powerful, there's a whole bunch of thinking that could span lifetimes. Could, because you do have the power to not follow the preagreed timeline. [trying to channel MM here haha]


Feal, Old Wine and Alice have reacted to this post.
FealOld WineAlice
Ciao! Gip me your ideas


I literally just messaged GL about this post being the very next thing I was reading, didnt know it was the same one you were referring to. WEEEEEIRD

Memory Loss and Old Wine have reacted to this post.
Memory LossOld Wine
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

@goldleaf Woke up this morning to this tune. Is it the one you had?


@mirri We put a dedicated Christmas music channel on last night for over an hour. I know that song plays on it but at this point I really don't remember if it cycled in yesterday or not.

I also don't remember my dreams last night. Woke up with the thought "I have to write this down!" and promptly forgot. Hate when that happens.

@Alice Thanks -- doing better though I'm still on prednisone and having to take nebulizer treatments a few times each day. Still no clue what's aggravating my lungs so much, when all the weather apps insist that air quality is good. Could be the change in weather; who knows. I'm in the (not so) good old USA, in Arizona where yesterday hospitals announced they're at 96 percent capacity and cancelling all electives surgeries for the near future.

Yes, also a precog, even if a bit rusty. Also some telepathy between my mother and sister--we ping each other when we want to get in touch, lol.

It is fascinating to read the Domain's little tidbits about how several of us either preselected this venture or were groomed for it at a young age.  Definitely an orchestra!

Don't know if it meant anything, but the night before last, I dreamt that I met SD, @daegonmagus.

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