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@fifth-eschaton - what's that "Forgotten Languages" about ?

What are they talking about ?
"Denebian probes" , "Geselian order" ?
What language(s) is it even written in ?

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

The attacking SIS will try to force an off-switch of the attacked SIS by making it unaware of its true reward function. For this to be possible, the attacking SIS would create a new environment forcing the attacked SIS to learn modify its reward function. This means the second SIS will execute a fake switch-off activity itself for the attacked one to infer a switching off in the new environment is required."”

This similar mechanism is called the Locus Coeruleus in the human - and higher order animals brain.

Oddly, it produces dopamine - but is also slowed down by dopamine.

For example, a side effect of many antipsychotics is lactation. Even in men.

What humans are recognizing only now is that serotonin is what actually turns on the Locus and turns it off. A totally different class of molecule.

I don’t know if it helps - but I figured I would point it out.

All of this I know to be true.


congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

Dopamine is the “reward” chemical BTW

All of this I believe to be true. The science isn’t settled.


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congjing yuxzianchow

@dsklausler These are dreams, with about an hour of meditation each night set with the intent to be "useful" to the Domain and their mission to free IS-BEs. Who can say if dreams happen to be our own local pocket realities, or referencing some actual place and time.

@capt-melonhead FL has a long, long history of being weird, esoteric and indecipherable. Many think it is written by an AI. Others think it is some sort of insider disclosure. Others think it is a lone sci-fi writer. I found the plaintext quotes particularly relevant to our discussions of simulated realities and awakening in the dream.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

@fifth.eschaton that was an interesting read. should be flicking lesson 2 MM's way real soon. I lost about about 2 thousand words on the damn thing, which stuffed u my arrangement of it

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congjing yu
Daegon Magus

Dream description 2.


This will be a very short post.


In this Lucid dream (I was aware I was dreaming) I was having a conversation with an old man while we were sitting in his green Brady Bunch station wagon. I was in my early 20's at the time of this dream. He was trying to explain to me that I was going to be an epistemologist. I had no idea what that word meant. Absolutely no clue, and I conveyed that to him in the dream.

"Well, I guess you will just have to look up the definition when you wake up".


And I did. I still don't see how I would ever become an epistemologist though.


That dream was also one of the most realistic dreams I ever had. Nothing was unusual or out of place in the dream.

Quote from fifth.eschaton on October 14, 2021, 6:11 am

@capt-melonhead FL has a long, long history of being weird, esoteric and indecipherable. Many think it is written by an AI. Others think it is some sort of insider disclosure. Others think it is a lone sci-fi writer. I found the plaintext quotes particularly relevant to our discussions of simulated realities and awakening in the dream.

Thank you.
But still, what's with that weird language ?
Is it an actual human language or is it made-up ?

@capt-melonhead The best guess is that the writing uses a derivative of their respective source language. Some think the languages are built from a neural network that scanned millions of old books. Some have speculated that the authors are immortals speaking freely in their various native languages 😁

Do a search and you'll see a few people still trying to crack the code. It is like a combination of encryption and "forgotten languages."

Look at the Cassini disk images and you'll see some sort of completely alien pictographic language. They seem to be challenging the readership to decrypt the images. Good luck!

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ok so last night was a weird one. I have no prior recollection of any other dream. All I remember is that I am on the MM forum reading through the posts exactly as I am now. The layout and everything was the same. Suddenly I come  across a post from a new account. I can't remember the exact name of poster, but it was something to do with me being an imposter, or not "real".
So I am reading this post, and it seems to be what one would expect to find on wikipedia or a very brief dossier of yours truly. I get the impression it was from a disgruntled friend or family member. While I cannot remember it word for word the gist of it was something like: "The one you guys call Daegon Magus was originally known a Dave or David. {some weird phrase about fluffy kittens}. Daegon Magus understood consciousness was contained within a physical body, and that they could be seperated from one another. He learnt to navigate the "shadow worlds" through dreaming. Daegon Magus died on November 16 2016 {0r 2017, it was hazy but definitely one of these years} due to..." this is where the dream started to become broken and I woke up due to my 2 year old boy stirring in the bed next to me. I got the impression I wasn't actually suppose to be viewing this paragraph of text. In case anyone didn't notice, the 16th of November 2016 was the same date when I had the series of lucid dreams where I met the Divine Creator and was initiated into the Unseen 5. Did I just accidentally pick up an alien memo about the night I died and got reinserted into this shitshow? It very much felt like I was in a different timeline. As I have written before, text is usually very difficult for me to see in LDs, let alone standard dreams, but this was clear as day when I was reading it.
@PL I think we may have something in common

fifth.eschaton and Alice have reacted to this post.
Daegon Magus

Yeah. DM and PL have things in common.

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