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Quote from DSKlausler on December 29, 2021, 10:08 pm
Quote from Memory Loss on December 29, 2021, 9:44 pm
Quote from DSKlausler on December 29, 2021, 9:25 pm

Pretty sure that I was screwing my sister in a dream last night.


Such is my life.

@dsklausler, I might be wrong when I said your mantid will put you on the ignore list. I just went through "E squared", and I thought of you. Only read a bit coz I got sucked into "The Giver", if E squared is correct, then you should be able to meet your mantid.

DM, that Giver is a pretty provoking book. I will have to get my daughter to read it. I got the omnibus, so it will take a while to read.

DSK, I think I may know what the meaning of your dream may be. Read E squared, and see if you can pick up any clues. It's not about sex.


Does anyone have a clean link to a PDF? I can only find "you must register first" crapola.


HAH! jUst saw your Edit.

OK, so I read the intro and the outline of the Nine.

I'll read it "...for you, not for her; for You." That's a little School of Rock quote.


I forgot some things. That was one of my 3 entries. I was on a operating table, in an operating room. A bright light over me, dark two way mirrors, super hightech equipment that I have never seen before(movies), consciousness screen came from a long, thin, table top projector, octagonal shaped room. 2 entities. That’s all I can remember.

They opened my chest astral chest, not my physical. Where my heart. And said “we can —- all of them through here.” And thats when “our”consciousness was projected on a screen. Like I was more than just me. Not like my lifetimes, literally I was many different people in this reality.


perolator has reacted to this post.
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

Hmmm so you like a cat. Can pop consciousness in many places. 🐈

Ciao! Gip me your ideas

I didn’t sleep for 2 days afterwards. I thought if I did, I would have let whom ever have what they wanted through me. I dont care about myself, but to know I caused something to happen to one of you.... well I can’t have that. I am in tears right now typing it out.

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

Remember when I had that experience where I thought I saw @memory-loss in my room, he had a dream the same time I was typing a post. I kept moving around my room to get away from what I saw but needed to type it out. Then I saw MLs hands where my hands were. Then my heart hurt really bad as our hands lined up

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

@alice Wow Alice, that's intense...I guess that must have been a dangerous and harrowing sequence in your dream. I am having time management problems at the moment, so I have to focus first to complete all the crap I promised to finish. then I will post some of the dreams that I have. Keeping a dedicated dream journal can be a real pain over the holidays when it's easy to get behind.

Is it possible to ask your Mantid for assistance? or perhaps may ask for guidance from the Domain? Just a few suggestions...perhaps they can be there to make sure you won't get taken advantage of in the non physical reality.

For what it's worth, I added an affirmation about all MM forum participants that I say 8 to 10 times to really "tattoo" it into my reality. My campaign will end in late January, so hopefully it will kick in powerfully by then.

I believe you can will yourself to have good dreams. Stay safe Alice. We won't lose you.

Alice has reacted to this post.

Hmmm sorry I bumped into your room Alice I wonder if this stuff is limited to the regulars or will new participants get sucked in? We need more sucker in here guys! Possibly the more people come in here, the more pronounced the effects on everyone.

@old-wine wow. You are using a pneumatic drill there lol.

Old Wine has reacted to this post.
Old Wine
Ciao! Gip me your ideas
Quote from Memory Loss on December 30, 2021, 1:14 am

Hmmm sorry I bumped into your room Alice I wonder if this stuff is limited to the regulars or will new participants get sucked in? We need more suckers in here guys! Possibly the more people come in here, the more pronounced the effects on everyone.

@old-wine wow. You are using a pneumatic drill there lol.


Ciao! Gip me your ideas
Quote from DSKlausler on December 30, 2021, 12:40 am
Quote from DSKlausler on December 29, 2021, 10:08 pm
Quote from Memory Loss on December 29, 2021, 9:44 pm
Quote from DSKlausler on December 29, 2021, 9:25 pm

Pretty sure that I was screwing my sister in a dream last night.


Such is my life.

@dsklausler, I might be wrong when I said your mantid will put you on the ignore list. I just went through "E squared", and I thought of you. Only read a bit coz I got sucked into "The Giver", if E squared is correct, then you should be able to meet your mantid.

DM, that Giver is a pretty provoking book. I will have to get my daughter to read it. I got the omnibus, so it will take a while to read.

DSK, I think I may know what the meaning of your dream may be. Read E squared, and see if you can pick up any clues. It's not about sex.


Does anyone have a clean link to a PDF? I can only find "you must register first" crapola.


HAH! jUst saw your Edit.

OK, so I read the intro and the outline of the Nine.

I'll read it "...for you, not for her; for You." That's a little School of Rock quote.

OK; last entry on this, I promise...

The book, E-Squared, is just one more source identifying the methods of  Positive Affirmations (do those work for Negative? They should, right?), and some examples of results.

I have never disputed that other people get this stuff to work for them - I fully believe this. I will state here once more: my sincere efforts in this manner have failed. To @memory-loss: no, I am not picking up any clues... if anything, I want absolutely nothing to do with my dingbat, sociopath sister - a menace on this planet, just as my father is.

Memory Loss and Old Wine have reacted to this post.
Memory LossOld Wine

@old-wine It was just one dream. A dream I asked of my Mantid to show me what was happening to me when I was sleeping since I wasn’t dreaming. The synchronization of ML happened months ago, September/October maybe? I am just dot connecting.

Shortly after  this dream my Mantid spoke to me through the TV. I was in the other room putting a puzzle together, and what was said was louder, clearer, and a different voice than the cartoons that were playing- “Told me to watch out. That they will steal your Emeralds when you aren’t paying attention.“ I think that sentence is flipped. Anyways.

I have been like you. I have had everything trying to keep me away from posting much. Today is the first day I have had my reality settle, so to say. So much so, that my 4 yo peed on my phone last night and thought everything was lost. My phone holds all my keychain, but now I have written them down.

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.
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