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Well ok, I can relate this dream from this morning but I doubt you will get a result: I had to go home but it was not really home on my way I met an old friend who this swing with a small concrete hut, yes he was in front of the passage it's the hut this swing like a hut which swings by the roof, but the whole structure. Even if I cut the bridge with him I like him but I don't like his cunning ego side always looking for interest despite his relative superficial benevolence so I don't know how I crossed to get to where I was. therefore had to live. It was ultra very very big like 2 giant warehouses forming a T and I remember the giant rooms or hall, there were a lot of stairs hello for cleaning phew, and I heard children playing and bickering. Suddenly my ex for 5 years I see her no longer landed I had at that time a gift for her it is especially these children who do not love me in the end he does not accept the relationship that I had 3 years of little battle for them me my education is what it is. The gift was a plane at least 2 place before 16 at the rear 2 elice but out of use but complete, so that he could play or maybe even train and maybe even become a pilot one day why not. But the drama was that this miss wanted me to leave her and I was very very sad I ran the stairs to get to the last window and said that sucider was no use and I remembered that I could help the domain. Finally the window of the 3rd floor or 4 there was a post connecting a squeegee that reaches the roof and I thought to myself that it was very unstable to climb there and so I turned around to get down from the endroirt at that moment ended . Here is a dream

Alice has reacted to this post.

@dsklausler E-squared is the "Law of Attraction" in action. In short, you attract what you think/believe/feel. Theoretically it can be positive or negative or anything in between. Sounds like you have a block somewhere if you can't get the positive ones to work. No idea how to fix that. Maybe someone else here has an idea?

@alice The details you are remembering sound terrifying.

Yes the idea is that if it is for a personal purpose it doesn't work or you get it but at a terrible price in fact. Whereas if it is to offer to the other you get.This way is for STO without damage.

Alice has reacted to this post.
Quote from azark on December 30, 2021, 3:46 am

Yes the idea is that if it is for a personal purpose it doesn't work or you get it but at a terrible price in fact. Whereas if it is to offer to the other you get.This way is for STO without damage.

See now, I simply must respond here...

It may seem that I am newly unsuccessful; oh no; I followed this practice for YEARS in my earlier attempt. It's only relatively recently, that I picked it up again - due to MM and others here.

I would describe the practice, but you have all heard such affirmations before; I will however, tell you that it was NOT for me, but for my children - quite explicit, but yet simple to grant. True, if a positive result had been received, I would have been happy, but much much more happy that they might have received that which I sincerely requested.

NOTHING. Not even a "Go fuck yourself Dave," which would have actually been appreciated.

perolator and azark have reacted to this post.

I had a FB memory pop up on my feed from 2017. It was a post I made that I had completely forgotten. I described a dream I had the night before .....synopsis below:


In the dream, I had been hiking a mountain trail, alone (something I like doing irl). I decided to take a nap under a tall pine. So, in my dream, as I was falling asleep - in the dream- and was in the state of consciousness between being awake and asleep (and while dreaming), the pine tree decided to start telepathically communicate with me. It told me that it was the highest form of life ...that instead of having to travel everywhere to gather resources to survive, it could remain immobile have what it needed brought to it.

perolator, Alice and azark have reacted to this post.

I confess to you that I do not practice this kind of magic, I have read what proverb that underlies action more than hope or prayer or more meaningful, To do this I try to control my negative thoughts and look for ways to achieve my ends using a solid foundation. Example I have sought to get this thing to fit into the desired environment and try to bring multilateral prosperity to the example. I am rigorous towards these objective is respectful to the meeting of the difficulties. I am always looking for an alternative to overcome this lack and control my interior and exterior environment. I pray in these extreme cases without neglecting plan B and other always related to what I claim. Courage you will find.

Alice has reacted to this post.

I had omitted the proverb:

The greatest travelers are those who have toured themselves once. Confusius

A man should put as much effort into simplifying his life as he puts into complicating it. Henri bergson

Joy is not in things, it is in us. Richard wanger

By landing on the branch, the butterfly is afraid of breaking it. Armenian proverb

Life is how we do it. Alphonse Allias

The fear of danger is a thousand times more terrifying than the present danger. Daniel Defoe

Pleasure is collected, joy is collected and happiness is cultivated. Buddha

I must admit that everything comes to me afterwards with a long winding journey, and by keeping the course of miracles this occurs before my eyes and in addition I assume the counterpart.

Be liquid like water. Bruce Lee, I believe. Courage @DSKlausler 

Alice has reacted to this post.

once of themselves 1.

joy is gathered 7.

SORRY. TRANSLATE F###K AOUTCH. no cool message don't crash


@alice I am 99% sure you were in one of the consciousness facilities. Could it be this was an assignment? You agreed to help the Domain didn't you?

@geisterfahrer so you are a tree talker eh? my wife has communicated with them in a similar manner and had similar things shown/told to her. She said it felt as if the tree merged with her consciousness and flicked through her thoughts like they were pages in a book (she is the type who talks to her trees and considers them with an amount of respect even above most people).

@dsklausler don't worry too much. you are not the only one caught in a rut. Lately (as in the past couple of years) it's as if the direct opposite of my manifestation/prayer campaign has been bringing me the direct opposite of what i ask. Perhaps the circumstances arising around you is really what is actually needed for your growth. This is what i tell myself anyway, but sometimes it gets brutal

perolator, Memory Loss and Geisterfahrer have reacted to this post.
perolatorMemory LossGeisterfahrer
Daegon Magus

DM, that is kinda very close to what I'm thinking for DSK. I suspect he shares many similarities with you. A psychopathic/sociopathic family is one biggish marker. I think a fair number of people here have this.

Trying to make sense of things is difficult with almost no clues,tho.


Also DM, I will try to email some papers over. You will have to see how to make use of them. Strengthening your container or certain parts thereof will help your consciousness.

Ciao! Gip me your ideas
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