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@memory loss you are definitely onto something with capsaicin. After my red hot chili peppers experiment yesterday I had something weird happen this morning at about 4am after i woke up and couldn't get back to sleep. Something  started talking to me and I started to have these visions rapidly going through my head about something that was fucking with me until i saw in perfect clarity what appeared to be a dwarf like person or something - clean shaven. he had whitish hair and was incredibly dirty carrying a small pick axe - this was fucking weird and really out of place something I  wasn't at all expecting. I had his image burned into my mind for a good few minutes. Then this female voice - I started hearing it properly. It was definitely female, and was coming through in a very hiss-ish, whispery tone. "i want you to  listen to me". what followed was some back and forth talk between us, but I could only make out the first three or so words, everything after that I couldn't make out, like I was tuning in and out of the conversation. "I want you to help me with something". This voice came back through. I replied that maybe we could help each other and agreed to whatever it was she needed help with if she kept an eye for amnesia machinery. At this point everything sort of faded and I fell asleep, not actually sure what she wanted help with. I am pretty sure though, that the conversation continued after I fell asleep.
It seems that whatever the capsaicin did allowed me to tune through much of the M-Band layer noise - this makes sense as to why it would help so well with Lucid Dreaming. If you remember my project Alpha experiment where I suggest that the body's resonant frequency can be tuned into being more receptive of projected thoughts, I suspect the capsaicin alters the body chemical composition enough to to make the tuning possible. I honestly wasn't expecting such a solid hit. My diet for the day was no breakfast (except for a coffee or two), a few olives and bell peppers stuffed with fetta, and some wild boar and sopressa salami. 15 dried chilli were chopped up and ingested at about 10-11am (had to swallow them like pills with a lot of water because they kept getting stuck in my throat.) Dinner was a spicy fried chicken burger with bacon, tomato and cheese from Hungry Jacks (Burger King) and the accompanying medium fries and coke (was trying to replicate a similar meal from my previous notes). i want to try ingesting the chili's closer to bedtime to see if this has any amplification of signal bearing

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Daegon Magus
Quote from daegonmagus on December 30, 2021, 7:45 am

@alice I am 99% sure you were in one of the consciousness facilities. Could it be this was an assignment? You agreed to help the Domain didn't you?

@geisterfahrer so you are a tree talker eh? my wife has communicated with them in a similar manner and had similar things shown/told to her. She said it felt as if the tree merged with her consciousness and flicked through her thoughts like they were pages in a book (she is the type who talks to her trees and considers them with an amount of respect even above most people).

@dsklausler don't worry too much. you are not the only one caught in a rut. Lately (as in the past couple of years) it's as if the direct opposite of my manifestation/prayer campaign has been bringing me the direct opposite of what i ask. Perhaps the circumstances arising around you is really what is actually needed for your growth. This is what i tell myself anyway, but sometimes it gets brutal

I guess this revelation gives a whole new meaning to the phrase "whispering pines".

It was also explained to me in this dream, that I was beckoned by this pine, and that I came to it. It explained "we all have our own forms of life and ways of surviving"


What is a consciousness facility? And yes I volunteered for TRIBUTE- though am seriously reconsidering with all the “best interest to not know” shenanigans. I loathe secrets. That’s why I have spent a many of decades uncovering the secrets of secret societies.

My QnA said I was a shoo-in of sorts and my birth template was not config for this stuff, apparently. Could have fooled me with a birth story like mine, but what do I know? Not much around these parts.

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.


What kind of fancy Burger King you got in OZ?

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

@alice SD and I have woken up in them many times during LD. They vary from hospital like buildings to movie theatres where they use screens to "brainwash" this reality into you. In the hospitals the screens hover above the beds, in the theatre the screen act as portals where your consciousness goes into. Check out my briefing document for the Domain on my articles list. it goes into quite a lot of detail about them.

In regards to burger king, for some reason we have it in every state except WA. I assume it is because over here the name was registered before burger king was established. So ours is called Hungry Jacks instead, but if you look at the logo and the menus, they are all the same thing

Daegon Magus

had a dream I was a passer by in ...that's right....Die Hard. Started off i was walking down the road when the police cars started flying past. I walked over to Nakatomi plaza to check out what was going on and ended up becoming involved in the saga. Had to hide behind a wall while the guy next to me was having a shoot out with someone in the building. It was John McClane

Daegon Magus
Quote from daegonmagus on December 31, 2021, 8:38 am

@alice SD and I have woken up in them many times during LD. They vary from hospital like buildings to movie theatres where they use screens to "brainwash" this reality into you. In the hospitals the screens hover above the beds, in the theatre the screen act as portals where your consciousness goes into. Check out my briefing document for the Domain on my articles list. it goes into quite a lot of detail about them.


On impulse, I did a 30 sec search.

Senomyx actually


DM, maybe there's a reason you keep popping up in BK. You really have to stop dropping me off in these rabbit holes. These go into territories where big lizards roam and pink/peach lights glow.

Seriously the concept of consciousness itself is very hard to study. But we can speculate I suppose. We'll know how close over the target when the DDoS attacks come.

Ok, it wasn't really an impulse. I figured, the Domain might have a hand in this thread itself haha, so no harm duckduckgo ing.


Ciao! Gip me your ideas

Why did I think you 5 were “down under”. I swear you were. I lived in Washington for a bit. That’s where I got my “goldfish” tattoo. My favorite people and place to live.

Going to DM LDs now. I have about 6 unfinished articles, I really should finish. They need to upgrade the Twins MOs. I am tired of being a mutable. 1000 projects that are riddled in good intentions. It exhausting being me.

Here I go 🏃‍♀️

azark has reacted to this post.
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.


Wait. I thought we we’re closely monitored. Why was I in this facility, if that were the case? I don’t really like the idea of being bait. 👀 I guess it makes sense why I was stressed as a hamster about the dream. I am going to need the Domain to do better.... No wonder I didn’t sleep. Well now they know... I am having some weird stuff going on at the cabin I am house-sitting for. Just wanted to put that out there too. Thank goodness for my fearless German Shepherd, and White Walker in kitty size.... or I’d be high-tailing it out of here.

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.
Quote from Alice on December 31, 2021, 11:39 am


Wait. I thought we we’re closely monitored. Why was I in this facility, if that were the case? I don’t really like the idea of being bait. 👀 I guess it makes sense why I was stressed as a hamster about the dream. I am going to need the Domain to do better.... No wonder I didn’t sleep. Well now they know... I am having some weird stuff going on at the cabin I am house-sitting for. Just wanted to put that out there too. Thank goodness for my fearless German Shepherd, and White Walker in kitty size.... or I’d be high-tailing it out of here.

Interesting. Maybe AliceTV needs to go off air for a while. Yes I think you're stressed by the weirdness around you.

I stole some mugwort from a neighbor. Proplift kinda. Gonna see if they can propagate. Then it goes into my lab. Firstly for protection.

Ciao! Gip me your ideas
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