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Stealing Mugwort, eh? sounds like you are in a  HP movie, my friend.

I did go off air for almost a week... The critter trying to pry open the roof doesn’t stress me out, the idea the Consciousness facility accessing YOU did. Ya turd blossom. I am going to need you to keep up, sir. 😉

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

Wait wait what!!!!!

I thought they were opening you (Alice) up. Opening me (ML) is a bad idea!

You serious, right?

Ciao! Gip me your ideas


They could and were accessing more than just me in this reality.... is what I remember. It felt like it was every one I was connected to, in this reality. That is why I didn’t sleep for 2 days after. I wasn’t going to lay down without a fight/strike/rebellion.

You were trying to tell me about a dream you had the same night. We never had that conversation.

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.
Quote from daegonmagus on December 31, 2021, 8:44 am

had a dream I was a passer by in ...that's right....Die Hard. Started off i was walking down the road when the police cars started flying past. I walked over to Nakatomi plaza to check out what was going on and ended up becoming involved in the saga. Had to hide behind a wall while the guy next to me was having a shoot out with someone in the building. It was John McClane

That's about the same time the hubby and I watched a Die Hard movie. The latest one, not the original.

There's a new Die Hard?? GL, why did you pull my leg. I had to Google. 😁 Were you the one who mentioned red berries in chat? Some anon who hit my in game name.

@alice is confusing me aha! I'm going to stick the little dreams I had into chat. Less clutter for here.

How do the dreams work? They are seemingly random but at the same time possess a pattern.

Ciao! Gip me your ideas

@memory-loss I said the most recent one silly lol From 2013. We'd never seen it before. And no, red berries wasn't me.

Hey @dori2190, when you're in the nether-lands, could you, if you wanted, visit the files on your previous incarnations here on earth? If this interests you, have you tried?

You could also "see" the event that was the last Extinction Level Event; correct?

Quote from Memory Loss on December 31, 2021, 10:25 pm

There's a new Die Hard?? GL, why did you pull my leg. I had to Google. 😁 Were you the one who mentioned red berries in chat? Some anon who hit my in game name.

@alice is confusing me aha! I'm going to stick the little dreams I had into chat. Less clutter for here.

How do the dreams work? They are seemingly random but at the same time possess a pattern.

Yes, it's called "Die Harder" and takes place at the Washington-Dulles International Airport. A group of terrorists take over the air traffic control tower.


edit: oops there are 5 Die Hard movies

@daegonmagus I decided to explain the dream here on the forum instead of on your last post. It's not an emergency...I understand that you have to care for your kids and your wife needs some extra care so get back to me whenever. As for the woman I had decided to "phase my arm into", she didn't do anything in particular, she was simply behind the "finish line" in my dream. Because of my interaction with that one young girl/teenager at the finish line, I may have let this interaction color my expectations, which led me to think I should try to phase my arm into this woman. Honestly, I can't recall my complete train of thought in why I made this decision (exactly). Maybe it was from the fact that I had discovered that the park I just attended was some kind of death trap or what, so I wound up distrusting everyone in my vicinity and treating them as if they were. unreal...maybe, but I'm not sure. Sorry for the lack of clarity. So here it is:

Monday, Dec 27, 2021

First dream—I am driving to an amusement park and I park my car in a parking garage. I go to the amusement park and it’s not as fun as I thought, it’s kind of creepy. I observe an Asian man and a white woman, it seems that they are/were lovers. In this section of the park, it’s night time and there are many colourful party lights. We are outside (think the outside part of a restaurant or something). There is an orange or red light on the eye of the Asian man, and a corresponding red or orange light on the white woman’s eye. They communicate (they speak to each other, or project thoughts onto each other). I forget specifically what they are talking about, but it’s clear that they have an intimate relationship. Then, a red/orange light flashes on the eye of a white man next to the Asian man. This white man is somewhat rotund, maybe he’s balding with dark hair. In any case, it’s clear that he is the white woman’s husband. He starts communicating with her (speaking perhaps, or telepathically, I’m not sure) and tells her that he knows about her family in England and how they got their money. My take on the matter is, “what English noble family didn’t get their fortune by fucked up means? Is this even new?” But I guess her husband’s “threat” is enough to make her "go back to the plantation". She goes after her Asian lover. I imagine she kills him, but it’s not clear if she actually killed him or it’s just my prediction. I can definitely say that I witnessed everything else before the last sentence. 

So me and everyone else is looking to leave this park ASAP. Near the exit, the ground starts to wobble like waves, like it’s going to form arms that will grab your legs and pull you down or something. I am careful to walk on the solid barriers instead of the ground. Finally, I and a few people make it to the underground parking lot to our cars. I click my key and find my black car, and I get in. I start driving, but I can only see pedestrian walkways. WTF…how am I going to drive out? Where did the streets go? It turns out that the place we are all in is some kind of building that can mechanically change the surroundings (like, you can see the wheels and gears when the surroundings are being altered). The building is a machine, basically—you can see the wheels and gears as the walls are being lifted and changed. So I get out of my car, as clearly I wasn’t going to be able to drive out of here. 

I get herded with other people, and we are running down a path, hoping to find the exit. We see our surroundings being shifted like cards being shuffled (with gears and wheels, of course). Finally, we see a small “finish line”, and I think, what happened to all the people behind me? There were 2 girls who were ahead of me. Suddenly, I see an Asian girl/young woman (she looks like she’s southeast Asian, with tan skin and large eyes) with pig tails running towards us from the other side of the finish line, and she touches my arm and the arms of the 2 other girls. We were confused as to why she is doing this. Then this SE Asian (by appearance) girl starts cackling. Oh no, she was just there to mess us up! I’m not entirely sure how touching our arms were supposed to fuck us up, but she sure wasn’t there to help us. 

So we cross this short white “finish line”, and I see many people there. I see a woman, and I think, hey it’s just a dream, I can phase my arm into her! So I try to stick my arm through her chest and instead I actually wind up punching her. OOOps. I thought, why can’t I phase my arm through? What’s wrong with me? And I say to everyone else, it’s just a dream! And I hit this same woman, and then she turns into just a blowup. It’s just her head, and it’s a blowup. I’m embarrassed because clearly my “powers” are not “cooperating” with my intent. I was also quite concerned that I hurt an innocent, or that I went after someone I shouldn’t have gone after. Yoiks. 

*****I don’t know if it’s in the same sequence as the last dream, but I see that someone next to me got a big package or bag. It’s filled with 2 “skins” of 2 large wild cats. It’s like a leopard, but in this case it had black fur and yellow spots. I could tell these were real skins because of the smell and traces of blood on it. 

@dsklausler it wasn't really like that. When properly connected with the higher self, you regain memories of these past lives, but there are so many of them it is virtually impossible to single out any specific life.  The same with seeing the MWI paths; there are so many different possibilities arising from so many different choices that it is impossible to single out a specific future. Coming back "here", i was severely handicapped and much of this higher information left me. I was unable to remember a specific timeline pathway or series of future events that would kick off whatever shtf situation other than the one that contained the responsibilities given to me by the EG. Maybe if I stayed around and tried to calculate one it would have been possible, but this wasn't a concern for me at the time. it was like viewing a video game; nothing really happens to all those video game characters when you turn off the console....they'll still be there when you switch it back on, respawned somewhere else.  The concern was getting their consciousnesses out of it, thus all thought was directed towards reprogramming their astral bodies.


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