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I have a short little memory of part of a dream from last night.

In it I was with another IS-BE and we were going through some "rooms" in, I guess, a kind of training. I was reassuring her and explaining some things, I don't recall what. I do remember that she/it perceived the rooms differently to me. While I saw a room as transparent geometric shapes she perceived it as a cosy living room, such as from an old TV show.

Unfortunately that's all I remember.

Very interesting. Two different perceptions of the same reality? There are profound lessons here. Did you see deeper in that reality or did she? Like when you look at a holographic image. I the two dimension image correct or the three dimension one the actual thing?

The lessons are getting more complex lol.

Ciao! Gip me your ideas

Not a dream but a very short vision. I've had a lot of broken sleep the last week so having trouble remembering dreams as they are too fragmented. I did lay down for a nap today and as soon as I closed my eyes I saw two large, black alien eyes looking at me. They stared for several heart beats, then morphed into a blue butterfly that flew around a little bit before fading out. I felt a sense of wonder and some joy. I hope that's a good sign of things to come.

perolator has reacted to this post.

Synchronicity! When I finally flipped my desk calendar to today, it's a photo of a kitty with a blue butterfly on it's nose 🙂

Memory Loss has reacted to this post.
Memory Loss

GL hmm. I'm coming around to an idea that synchronicity is the universe speaking or expressing itself through you as one observer. Meaning also that the universe observes itself and experiences itself through you. If you are a fledgling ISBE, then you are granted this sharing of a moment of consciousness with the universe.

For that moment, there is a superposition of consciousness. I have to look up my Freud. Too many ideas now haha.

Ciao! Gip me your ideas

I am recovering from some kind of a flu/bug. I came down with it last Friday night (New Year's Eve). I felt all kinds of joint aches and pains. I did not get congested, no sore throat, nothing that "felt" like an ordinary flu, I didn't even have a headache. Every single bone in my body just ached. Early Saturday morning, I couldn't stop shivering. Body Temp was 101. So ... I took some vitamins, filled up a gallon jug of water, and went to bed under a bundle of blankets - leaving the water on my nightstand. I had feverish hallucinations which I cannot recollect now. But .... my writer's block is over. (btw I am perfectly fine now, I let the fever burn fast and intense, and I completely soaked through all those blankets).


Let me explain my writer's block .... I have been trying to write a story about someone who was quite special to me in my early childhood. I am an English Lit Major with a BA. I wanted to write this story for children, but with a deeper meaning for adults. I am almost 100% positive that every person who reads/lurks/contributes to this forum would find the real life situation behind this story to be quite fascinating.


After having spent 2 days in a kinda like sorta sweat lodge fever induced hallucination inducing teepee (which I do not recommend at all, it just sorta happened unexpectedly) I finally know how I want to present this story.


I have a friend who married an Art major from Japan, and she does absolutely brilliant (genius level) artwork, and she has agreed to do the illustrations for me. I am getting a 2nd job just to pay her for the illustrations.


A brief synopsis of the real life situation behind this story. . .


When I was a child, an old man babysat me when my parents were out of town. He was one of the most gentle, kind and down right "salt of the earth" types. He grew his own vegetables, canned them, drilled a well on his property, milked his own cows and had a chicken coup. He was retired when my family knew him. However .....

He was retired from working at a world famous resort casino (I don't want to list specific names in order to dodge web crawler search engines - but you guys should be able to figure out that it was the one in Miami).

His job was to take care of the exotic birds, including the famous Floridian Pink Flamingo. He was on the cover of a famous publication that explained how the Flamingos trusted him; that no one else could encroach on their habitat.

Well ... when he retired, the Flamingos stopped nesting. Instead, they decided to escape.

Let me pause here for a moment. The Audubon Society and National Geographic had all thought that the Pink Flamingo was not a "native species" to Florida, but an "introduced species" - as they had been "introduced" to the world famous casino and resort in Miami, from Cuba. However ....

That has been found to not be the case. The Pink Flamingo is a native species to Florida. Records have been found from hunting parties in the 1700's (Spanish) indicating Pink Flamingos were hunted into extinction in Florida.


So, this man who babysat me as a child, helped the Flamingo population flourish in Florida. Every scientific journal that has studied this phenomena of the Pink Flamingo population explosion points to that famous casino and resort, and when he retired.


I guess they all decided to go find him after he retired eh?


So, I want to write a story about him. His first name was Julius and his wife's name was Ruby. I am thinking about "Julius the Ruby red Flamingo"


Ah ... I don't know.  I am thinking about illustrating the story from the perspective of the Flamingos. I am open to suggestions.

Feal and Goldleaf have reacted to this post.

What a lovely story!

Geisterfahrer has reacted to this post.

Dreams are back! From last night. I was on a boat with a man. I think he was supposed to be my significant other? He was the one driving us around the ocean. His face kept changing between people I know RL and actors. I looked off into the distance and saw two water spouts. Then the sky near us darkened and another water spout started to form near by. We decided it was time to head back to the club. We took a shower. The hot water felt so good! He stayed in the shower longer than I did. I got dried off and put on a robe. I asked him what he wanted to do next and I don't remember the answer. I went to another room and added chairs to a table. Were we expecting company? Woke up with the song "Come a Little Bit Closer" by Jay and the Americans playing in my head.

Great GL! I have to get my Dreambooster™ Tea up before I join you. Stopped mucking with my amino acids for a while. It will take a while to get those mugwort plants up. They don't seem to take root in water.

And GL, try your affirmations in your dreams if you can. The Commander left a clue for us in his Q&A. The last Q&A has gotten me really pondering.



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Ciao! Gip me your ideas

Alas, I'm not fully LDing. I can usually recognize when I'm dreaming, even pull myself out of nightmares or anything I don't like, but can't direct the dreams yet. I'm rather frustrated about that and wonder if I have a block or something preventing me from it.

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