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I died in the back of a van in December 2019 outside of Wagga Wagga in NSW Australia. It was the strangest experience, I awoke in a sort of void world? and soon realised I had died in a car crash while driving on the highway. I remember thinking about how much I missed my wife and dog and that I’d never see them again and how that made me sad. some time after (I don’t know how long), I awoke lying in the back of my van, parked in a car park on the side of the highway. It didn’t make any sense and it felt like I’d shifted a timeline or gotten thrown back into a completely different reality or something hard to explain. Hmm. Sorry that doesn’t read very well as it’s a hard to explain type experience. Still makes my heart beat so hard even thinking about it.

So what happens when you have a fatal accident before your time is up ?

Do you get thrown back onto a different timeline ?

Sure seems that way

@baconandeggs very interesting considering PL went through a similar thing. This seems to suggest that you can either be reincarnated or reinserted back to a timeline progressing on from the moment of your death without you actually dying. @congjing yu, do you think this is a result of the Domain's interference with the reincarnation mechanisms, or just another trick from those pesky Mantids?


Daegon Magus

@geisterfahrer I have found that usually when something specifically mentions "when you wake up" it usually isn't a non standard dream character. Sounds as though someone had you in the holographic dream chamber mate. Just my opinion

perolator and Geisterfahrer have reacted to this post.
Daegon Magus

So, I had an odd dream, I remember realising I'm dreaming very early on, but not really having much control of it. Yet it has stuck with me.

I was on a high, grassy hill with a few other people. They're not clear to my recollection, nor can I remember what we were doing at the time.

It was overcast, but with patches of clear sky. My attention was drawn behind me, and there was pitch black in the sky. Not clouds, but like a deep, deep floating darkness. The sort to inspire dread.

Behind that, was an incredible focused beam of light pulsing into the planet. Well beyond the horizon, but absolutely enormous - beyond my imagining. like it was going all the way into space to a point I couldn't see. My first thoughts were, "That looks like some kind of weapon", but it didn't feel like one. I wasn't worried, it was like I was expecting it. It was like it was purging the dark by its very presence, even though it was far away from the dark. I still remember thinking, "This is going to be dangerous, I need to get moving".

The group and I parted ways, each with something different to do, and I went down the hill into what looked like a cave. It had a stone arch. Inside was like a farm shop, but nothing I had ever seen before - I can't remember things clearly but I knew I could take what I wanted provided I only took what I needed.

A feeling of some time passing, I don't remember what happened. I leave a different area entirely, and there are no trees. Like, none. I knew that trees didn't exist anymore. The air was clean, and there was for as far as the eye could see a form of moss carpeting everything. It was lumpy, like somewhere between broccoli and a brussel sprout, that was doing the job of trees now.

I remember feeling a sensation of respect for it, someone approached me to say something, but then it was like a curtain was dragged over that particular part of my memory and I was pushed awake.

I feel kind of stupid posting this - I have no grip of lucid dreaming. But, it's the first significant recollection I have of a dream, and it felt like it was shown to me, rather than imagined. I also found it significant I was aware I was asleep. Probably meaningless, but, it's stuck with me enough and I've felt compelled to post it.

Goldleaf, Alice and Geisterfahrer have reacted to this post.

Dream description number 3

I was still in High school at this time. In my dream, I was looking out our front porch and to the left down our street. My little sister, and her friend, Jessica, were walking home from the bus stop. They were in middle school, and the bus dropped them off about a block and a half away.

It was very stormy and windy, and there was a huge tornado towards the back of our subdivision just ripping things apart. I was screaming at my sister and her friend to run home as fast as they could. Then I woke up ... as if I had just teleported from there .. it was very real.


The next morning, I explained to my family what I had dreamed about. It was a beautiful, sunny day. Not a cloud in the sky. At school, I mentioned it to friends of mine. It was still a beautiful day, not a cloud in the sky. I remember sitting in my Spanish class, looking out the window as some students were leaving class early and walking out to the buses. Still ... a bright sunny day, no clouds anywhere. All of a sudden, a student that had walked out to the bus, was literally picked up by a gust of wind and flew by the window. The PA system throughout the school squawked, and a frantic teacher started shouting for everyone to take cover immediately. Our teacher gathered us all into the classroom right next door, as it had no windows.

7 tornadoes touched down. The football stadium of our school was destroyed. My sister, and her friend, saw one touch down and ran home.


Ok ... strange right? 3 years later an F4 tornado touched down and made a path right through the back of the subdivision I had dreamed about - the exact location too. Totally destroyed homes back there .. and it hopscotched. Jumped over one home, leaving it alone, and absolutely demolishing the next one. Cars were in trees, lumber scattered for miles. It went through buildings, cutting them in half. Picked a tractor trailer off a highway, and when it trailed through the woods, it looked like a giant used a weed whacker.

Quote from garrire on October 16, 2021, 4:02 am

So, I had an odd dream, I remember realising I'm dreaming very early on, but not really having much control of it. Yet it has stuck with me.

I was on a high, grassy hill with a few other people. They're not clear to my recollection, nor can I remember what we were doing at the time.

It was overcast, but with patches of clear sky. My attention was drawn behind me, and there was pitch black in the sky. Not clouds, but like a deep, deep floating darkness. The sort to inspire dread.

Behind that, was an incredible focused beam of light pulsing into the planet. Well beyond the horizon, but absolutely enormous - beyond my imagining. like it was going all the way into space to a point I couldn't see. My first thoughts were, "That looks like some kind of weapon", but it didn't feel like one. I wasn't worried, it was like I was expecting it. It was like it was purging the dark by its very presence, even though it was far away from the dark. I still remember thinking, "This is going to be dangerous, I need to get moving".

The group and I parted ways, each with something different to do, and I went down the hill into what looked like a cave. It had a stone arch. Inside was like a farm shop, but nothing I had ever seen before - I can't remember things clearly but I knew I could take what I wanted provided I only took what I needed.

A feeling of some time passing, I don't remember what happened. I leave a different area entirely, and there are no trees. Like, none. I knew that trees didn't exist anymore. The air was clean, and there was for as far as the eye could see a form of moss carpeting everything. It was lumpy, like somewhere between broccoli and a brussel sprout, that was doing the job of trees now.

I remember feeling a sensation of respect for it, someone approached me to say something, but then it was like a curtain was dragged over that particular part of my memory and I was pushed awake.

I feel kind of stupid posting this - I have no grip of lucid dreaming. But, it's the first significant recollection I have of a dream, and it felt like it was shown to me, rather than imagined. I also found it significant I was aware I was asleep. Probably meaningless, but, it's stuck with me enough and I've felt compelled to post it.

I kind of feel stupid about some of the other dreams I plan on posting. One of them will probably get me self doxxed. But ... I am going to post it anyway. People are going to think I am on drugs (I never touched them).

Alice has reacted to this post.

@geisterfahrer no judgement here mate. this is a safe place. I would be the first to be thrown in the crazy can if it wasn't.

Geisterfahrer has reacted to this post.
Daegon Magus

1st Out of Body experience (that I can remember)

I had been working a lot during this time, I was a young adult, and was always under so much stress. My parents had been divorced for some time. I think I was even attending College during this time, not sure, or I was working 2 jobs. In any case, I had decided to go visit my mother on this particular day ... and I was absolutely exhausted, physically and mentally. I do not remember the circumstances as to the nature of the visit, I do not remember how old I was, I just remember being so very tired. In any case, once I arrived at my mother's house (it was a recent purchase for her) she took one look at me and said, "You need to get to sleep". She didn't have any guest bedroom furniture at the time, so it was a mattress in the guest room, a pillow and a blanket, and I was out like a light. It was a deep, deep sleep.


I completely woke up and did not recognize my surroundings at all. All I saw was this very large white circle, and the edge of the circle was some kind of a metal rim. It very slowly began to get a little smaller, and I could make out something directly in the center of this white circle ... something like a globe of brass. As the circle kept getting smaller, I could see that this large white "thing" was surrounded by a completely white "ocean" with frozen waves of some sort. I began to get very confused ... I was consciously wide awake, but kind of still in the hypnagogic state. As this circle, with a metal rim, and some kind of a metal/brass globe at the center, surrounded by an "ocean" of frozen waves started getting further from me, it appeared as if I was floating high above it, when I noticed the bedroom walls at each corner of this frozen white sea. "Wait a second ..." I thought. I began to recognize what this was. "That's the light fixture ...whoa ... and that sea of frozen waves is the stippled ceiling ...whoa" then a very loud popping noise as I entered my body.


Yup. That was the first one that I can remember. All of my Lucid dreams, Prophetic dreams, and this Out of Body Experience .. all happened randomly of the course of my life. The other Out of Body Experience I had was far more involved. It was a) a Lucid dream where I became aware I was dreaming b) an out of body experience c)prophetic dream conveyed to me in a series of imagery and d) recurring dream and warning of a hostile person wishing to do me harm.


That's the one that will probably get me self doxxed. I may tell it in a way as to avoid doing that. Give me some time.

Old Wine has reacted to this post.
Old Wine

@geisterfahrer thanks for sharing. So basically you projected into a smaller state and was viewing the room from this miniscule state? very interesting, and like I said no judgment. Take whatever time you ned to feel comfortable sharing the rest. I look forward to reading them when you do

congjing yu and Geisterfahrer have reacted to this post.
congjing yuGeisterfahrer
Daegon Magus
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