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@mirri apologies...for some reason i thought azark's comment was meant for me, regarding the concoction mentioned in my article. sorry if i gave you the impression i thought you were just around with dodgy hullicinogens for fn. wasn't the case at all

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Daegon Magus

Someone needs to compile a list of said dodgy hallucinogens, for purely research purposes here.

Ciao! Gip me your ideas

@daegonmage, no, it's for those who choose those means and even don't know what they're looking for. My goal is to make a crucible by verification thanks to your answers which I greatly appreciate. We wake up and we rediscover the old natural plans of weapons and defense. It was a formal danger sign. I don't lose goals, that's my goal. Wake us up somehow. But the goal of transcending the Cartesian reality that clashes with our projections. I can't juggle. We have LEX CALIBUR here. Check for yourself in Latin this is a moment in history when we should act and you are almost awake.


@daegonmagus No offence taken! I'm, sorry, I haven't read your article yet. I'm kind of staying away from reading articles atm, bcause its a bit too much.

@memoryloss how about i compile a list? I really enjoy learning about herbs and mushrooms.

@mirri, go right ahead!

MM's unauthorized dodgy list of stuff that you shouldn't touch. 


That would make a nice post haha. Maybe we can all add to it. 😁

Ciao! Gip me your ideas

lol, go ahead, i'll collect it and maybe i can put into something nice

@mirri no need to apologise. there is absolutely no obligation to read my articles. They are there for whenever one is ready 🙂

perolator has reacted to this post.
Daegon Magus

Well I caught up. Very interesting. Not only The herbconcoction, but also about the races and to be honest, the witch-thing was also something. I will work on making the "fool" go backwards. I really need some answers and memories back!

Quote from daegonmagus on January 26, 2022, 8:23 am

Dream last night 26/01/22

I had some similar dream a couple of years ago, like the second part. It just reminds me. I was looking with others into an arena where a woman dressed in a black "catsuit" was dancing and circling around a white man. She somehow seduced him and then they mate, black and white, yin and yang. The white man turned into a  kind of white bag and was becoming bigger and bigger and then exploded. With the explosion everything broke up like ice cracking, the sky, the ground, everything, starting from the white bag in the center. The fabric of the whole world cracked and people were running around in panic, though for me it looked like the fixed structure of this reality melting away, which I found not a bad thing.

Some cat related dreams (they are not recent, but from years ago),


I had signed up for some shamanic course. It was held outdoors, and I had to drive the whole day to get to the place. I was late and when I arrived the sun had already set with spare light left. People were sitting in a circle and every person had a cat. As I was too late I was told there was no cat left for me anymore. Then all these persons walked separately away with their cat into the twilight and disappeared in the fog around. I was sitting there alone wondering what to do and then a single cat appeared.  I also walked away into the twilight with my personal cat.


I was the secretary of a famous and revered woman, who was attending a lot of meetings on high level in different big western cities. She had a little white cat. As she couldn't take the cat with her all the time, she asked me to look after the cat. This continued for a while as we traveled around the world from meeting to meeting and the cat was growing and growing and became a full-grown white tiger. Passers-by were looking very astonished when I crossed streets with this white tiger walking free besides me. It was then that I realised, that I wasn't looking after the tiger, but the tiger was looking after me. One day I had to join a meeting myself, and I left the tiger alone outside. When we came out, the tiger was gone. Me and that woman, my boss, went searching and came to a single house on the fringe of the city. I looked through a window into the cellar and saw how the tiger was skinned and cut up by some guy. We confronted the man, and he told us he killed this dangerous tiger who would otherwise kill people. It was clear he just wanted to stuff up the tiger to sell for money. Me and my boss were very upset and weeping for the tiger, but I was also furious and wanted to punish this man. My boss told me, weeping, to not go into that mess and leave it, but I couldn't stop myself anymore and started a fight with the guy. I was then sucked in for lifetimes in this fight and went down the rabbit hole.


I wanted to attend a fire ceremony on a fenced place (like an open grass field, quite bleak, with some concrete grey buildings here and there). Also here I came too late, the ceremony was over and there was just some smoke of leftovers. People were already leaving. I saw that some part of the fence was open and behind was a beautiful forest. But people were afraid of the forest, they didn't want to leave the fenced place. I walked up to the open gate and then big felines were coming out of the forest, tigers, lions, leopards and even some extinct cat species. Now the others were really afraid and warned me to not go nearer, but I walked through the gate, still a bit hesitating. Then one tiger came forwards and put his head into my hands, as to say I shouldn't be afraid and trust. Then I went with the felines into the forest and some people followed me.

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