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I have something with coming too late, it seems.

Qurow has reacted to this post.

And Tigers 😉

@Mirri and water too!

Here a dream about water:

I was a member of a camera team. We would make a small movie about a kid that could swim with his horse underwater. On the beach a small Tibetan kid-monk (about 10 years old) with a black horse was waiting for us. It was dressed in red robes and had very shiny eyes, like little stars. We put on our scuba diving stuff and followed the kid on his horse into the water. He went underwater, deeper and deeper and the horse shape shifted into a kind of sea-dragon. It was getting darker and difficult to see anything and I got a bit scared. The little monk noticed this and steered to more shallow parts. Here were, still underwater, empty multi-storey apartment buildings, without glass in the windows or anything, it looked quite ravaged like a drowned city. I looked through one of the windows and saw some coloured kid toys floating around. We surfaced and went on the shore. Here were also ruins of multistorey buildings. The kid was now standing next to his horse (now again a horse) and said to me, the first and only words that he spoke, I will be happy if the water is everywhere, then I can ride everywhere.

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Weirdly most of my recurring dreams are about water. Many times its finding something I've lost in water, like a boat. Not having remembered losing it or its absence until I run across it in the dream. In the dream time I always have a faint nagging voice or sensation saying "How in the heck could you lose a boat then forget about losing it?" That voice I suppose is the voice of reason in waking reality bleeding over into the dream.

In this reality it would have been a boat I sold or otherwise got rid of. In the dream state I'm finding my 'lost' boat I forgot I ever had submerged in water. As time goes on, and the dreams keep occurring I eventually retrieve the boat that I seemingly misplaced or didn't remember I had until I found it submerged in water. I retrieve it, do some minor water damage repairs and get it operational again. A lot of times I find the boat docked in a harbor on a lake that exists in 'real' time. Again I'm pleasantly reminded that I have a boat that I didn't remember until I stumbled across it. Some of these dream events are so vivid and compelling I would actually try to find this harbor on a map of the lake in question in 'real time'. It's not there. In the dream time though that harbor is filled with all sorts of pleasant memories of past times .

Sometimes its dreams of water with a huge colorful exotic fish that I'm supposed to catch but without the usual means like with a pole or a net.  I guess obviously the water reference is to some sort of subconscious symbolism.

Interesting posts, all. Thanx.



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SD had a memory dream a few nights ago. She explained it as being lucid but not being able to control it and only being able to watch it as it unfolded.

so this was back before we had physical bodies. I was apparently "entwined" with her - in a relationship so to speak. These beings came and kidnapped her and a bunch of others to experiment with her DNA. I joined the "astral military" to try and track her down. that explains a lot

We also had another seemingly synchronised dream 2 nights ago
To begin with I was in some forest. It felt alien. it was night time and some very strange and dangerous activity going on that i can't really describe. The vibe i got was this was not a good place to be in if you couldn't defend yourself. Someone appeared to my right on a nearby log - i think it was my father. I was telling him that me and SD were involved in something to do with astral warfare, majestic etc - pretty much everything I have written here on MM, though I was only just barely lucid. For once he actually started listening (in the past he has always dismissed it). I gave him documentation and he said he'd go over it an then just randomly disappeared. Next some other being appeared - but all i can remember was that it was powerful and non physical based - likely one of my handlers or possibly Domain without a doll body. The conversation seems like it was intentionally blocked from me, but again it had something to do with all this, and it was important. Suddenly a wolf appeared out of nowhere and started ripping at my foot, to which I began beating the shit out of it to get it off me. Eventually after a few kicks and punches it got the point and left, only to come back with back up. I suddenly remembered I could use magic, and thought to myself "why am i fucking about with these things when I can just burn them and be done with it" - it really was a frustrating annoyance to get in the way of my path more than anything. So i raised my hand and brought it down and POOF, one of the wolves caught fire, decided it had picked a fight it couldn't win and ran off back into the heart of the forest, its pack following it. That is where that ended.

Next minute. I was then in some Old Empire/medieval type building made out of stone in a city of similar buildings. We were high up, first or second story. This building was situated right next to a compound I had to get into to retrieve some kind of technological device (i think this may have been what me and my handler were talking about in the woods). It seemed to be a compound where people were held and drugged against their choosing. The technological device had some relevance to how this place was kept functioning. It was like this weird silver cylinder thing with wings that come out of the side and sort of spun around like a fan.
This is where it gets confusing. I had infiltrated the operators of this facility and spent a good number of weeks amongst their ranks, but word had gotten around somehow they had a mole, but they didn't realise it was me. I, along with two others were tasked with getting one of the subjects from the next door facility and bringing them into this second story room for interrogation, as she had info on the mole. They had doped her up real good; she could barely string a sentence together and seemed quite feeble minded. So they tied her to this chair and started their interrogation. I realised she was going to blow my cover, so as i stood there in the corner of the room watching them I was able to detach my consciousness and float it over to the woman in the chair and possess her. Completely unaware that i was now talking through her, i fed the interrogators a bunch of bullshit to throw them off my tail, and told the woman's consciousness not to worry, and that I was here to get her and the others out. I then went back into my body and for some strange reason dived out the window while the others weren't looking, which gave me access to the compound; it was like their was an alleyway at the bottom and another window into the compound which I took. I only ever remember it being me, the interrogators and the woman being interrogated in that room,; no one else. I remember sneaking down a hallway and hiding in a toilet complex - the hallway and toilet were much more modern than the other building. Anyway, in came some guy, who didn't notice me hiding behind the door. As he stood their reliving his bladder i went up to him and knocked him out. This caught the attention of his friend who kept trying to open the door, but i kept jamming it shut. Shit. not good. This guy was going to alert everyone if I didn't let him in. I ducked back behind the door, then let him come in, shutting it behind him before he could realise hat was going on. it turned out it was Al, my production manager from when I was doing electronics assembly  a few years back. Al wondered what I was doing here, to which I said I needed help getting access to a certain area. He told me there was something fucked up going on in this place that he didn't like, and agreed to help me. Then he turned into a completely different person right in front of me. My assumption was he was fucking with me and was going to betray me first chance he got. The dream ended there.

SD's dream. She was being interrogated in a similar building right on the cusp of a similar forest. Again, the holding compound was next to this building. There was a Doctor there who had been instructed by the controllers to dope up all these people and carry out fucked up experiments on them against his or their will. He was starting to psychologically break from the all the shit they had got him to do. It had taken SD and a bunch of others much effort to get him into this room. She remembers seeing a bowl of pasta and a pasta sauce jar on the table in the interrogation room, which she thought was odd – this led to her becoming lucid. The doctor just sat there throwing pasta at the wall. There was another woman with black hair tied to a chair who two of the enemy – very obviously the enemy – were interrogating. They shot one of the men who was in this group of SD’s. That was when SD saw a blonde haired guy jump out of the window in the chaos, and the woman in the chair say “shhhhh” as if not to mention it. The interrogators then ran out of the room to go and get the blonde guy, and everyone else scattered, but SD and the Doctor remained hidden under a table. One of the interrogators came back, realised everyone was gone and took off again.
SD and the doctor then ran out towards the forest, where something hit her in the back of the head.
She woke up back in the facility to some nurse telling her that she would be back in coma soon and not to worry, and that Scott Morrison (our Prime Minister) was going to come and give her a sponge bath like he did to all the women. What the fuck?

Qurow has reacted to this post.
Daegon Magus

Yikes. Scomo giving sponge baths! What's it even mean?

Ciao! Gip me your ideas
Quote from Qurow on January 31, 2022, 6:40 am


Sometimes its dreams of water with a huge colorful exotic fish that I'm supposed to catch but without the usual means like with a pole or a net.  I guess obviously the water reference is to some sort of subconscious symbolism.



If water is a symbol for the subconscious? I still find it a pity, that I got scared again, now I would say to the little guy, please dive deeper and show me all these hidden things! And if he wants everywhere to be covered by water, we all will become conscious? I also do see regularly these very colourful beings in emerald green crystal clear water, if there is water in my dreams. Beautiful fish and whales and things, playing and joyful. Every time I try to show this to others in my dream, look, look, loooook, they disappear and nobody else can see them. So I gave up pointing to them, as they cannot be seen by others, in my dreams.

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@watertiger Seems you choose your forum handle well 🙂

I had an odd dream last night.

I had stopped in a small town as part of a trip I was on. A group of 4-5 older men were in the process of putting together a local variety show. I stayed long enough to attend the show. It was highly entertaining! Fiddle playing, singing, skits, etc. Toby Maguire was in the audience. He was undercover as Peter Parker (Spiderman) tracking down some villain that looked a lot like the woman who plays Barbara in Wonder Woman 1984. He would quietly jump around and web up bad guys/thugs. He ended up at my table eating something from a can that looked disgusting. I was the only person that seemed to notice what he was doing in the background, everyone else was oblivious while enjoying the variety show. The song "Walk Like An Egyptian" was playing at the end of the dream and in my head when I woke up.

@watertiger, the fish are they in water? As a kid I used to have dreams of fish swimming around me. But they were swimming in our air. Something similar to butterflies for our reality.

It happened a lot until I kinda decided it was too crazy. Then the dreams stopped.


See the thing is that many of us now get pop culture references in our dreams. Like @goldleaf. So something has changed.

Ciao! Gip me your ideas
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