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Quote from Memory Loss on January 31, 2022, 8:35 pm

Yikes. Scomo giving sponge baths! What's it even mean?

Yeah. Yikes. Lol. I would withdraw from life in horror if Joe Biden were giving me a sponge bath.

The unfortunate things about dreams even lucid dreams is that while we are lucid, the wakening mind wants to interpret events to its level of understanding, usually materialistic understanding.  Like the brain will block out or replace something it's not willing to believe our eyes are seeing, the rational mind will interpret things to the best of its ability and knowledge. Then we have to use our inner knowledge to try to decode it.

There's that water theme again. Again we have water present in the form of a sponge bath.  Water can be symbolic of emotions, and sub consciousness or the soul, purification and cleansing and spiritual protection depending on the context in which events are presented.   Sub- Consciousness effects every cell in our body which is composed mostly of water.

In addition to the sponge bath, then there is a person of power as they exist in the material world. It doesn't have to be a good person. Or bad. It's representative of a higher power cleansing. A clumsy translation from that sort of dumbed down but always trying to be helpful part of our head. Repellent as the thought may be, after being interpreted symbolically it may be indicative of something more positive. But everyone's reality is different and even that is subject to more personal interpretation since they tend often times to be personal messages. But when other people share elements and overall themes then we might determine if what is being shown is less personal and intended for widescale broadcast and sharing.

I see elements of this dream in a dream that I have had before. The interrogation, the medical theme, alteration of one's DNA, someone hissing at me to hush. That dream although it started out disturbing ended up being positively oriented despite the horrible things happening in it. In that case it was more a repair and rite of passage sort of thing than a personal attack.


~ Crow

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Quote from Memory Loss on January 31, 2022, 9:51 pm

@watertiger, the fish are they in water? As a kid I used to have dreams of fish swimming around me. But they were swimming in our air. Something similar to butterflies for our reality.

It happened a lot until I kinda decided it was too crazy. Then the dreams stopped.

Yes, they are in the water, but the water itself is lighting up, with that bright green-blue colours. The beings themselves have also beautiful colours. Sometimes I am floating with them without any swimming gear, I can just breathe under water, so maybe that is like flying with them in the air. As a kid I could see all kinds of structures in any thing which had patterns or was made of course fabric, like the carpet, the curtains etc. based on that I had a system of predicting what was to come in the next days. But this was also called crazy, and I lost these "visions" completely as I felt ashamed about this "craziness".


This. Is. BRILLIANT!!!!

”The unfortunate things about dreams even lucid dreams is that while we are lucid, the wakening mind wants to interpret events to its level of understanding, usually materialistic understanding.  Like the brain will block out or replace something it's not willing to believe our eyes are seeing, the rational mind will interpret things to the best of its ability and knowledge. Then we have to use our inner knowledge to try to decode it.”

Absolute mastery of this language. Fucking BRILLIANT.

I would like to use this quote with your permission - full credit to you, of course, but I can’t put this in a better way than you just did.

This I know to be True.



On the subject of Multiple Worlds and dreams...

Because of the nature of my dreams I always entertained the notion I was visiting another reality, another timeline, etc. One similar but not quite the one I inhabit now.  I started thinking less about past lives on this time line and more about parallel lives in 'other times' as I existed in multiples in the multi-verse as it were.

As a protagonist or participant, I always seemed to be me but in situations and events that bore little reality to the one I currently am posting from other than the world at large seemed fairly similar.

But I had one dream where the situation was very similar to my current waking 'reality'. I was in the house I live in now and doing something very ordinary and typical: Ordering hay for the winter.

I was expecting a phone call about a delivery. Everything was pretty much the same as it is here with a few variations. The house had weird panels adorning the living room, like wooden acoustical panels that were more decorative than functional. I could see my horses grazing on the hill through the window. It's late summer. I don't get a sense there's any computers or cell phones like that. I'm using a landline.  And my mother was still alive. She and I lived in this house together. I was young, only 20 or so. And my mother had her hair tinted pink which she never ever ever would have done. Nor did we have the antagonistic relationship we had in this life together. Which was nice.

So, in the dream, the phone rings. It's my hay guy. I answer the phone and we make arrangements to have hay delivered. Right at this point in the call just as I'm hanging up I am swept by deja vu, a deja vu that freezes me in place.  I realize then in the dream, that I have an alternate existence.

So in the dream, the other me is struck by the knowledge that I am alive elsewhere (here, in this timeline), and that I am much older, my mother is passed away and my sister lives with me.  Other than that everything seemed relatively the same. The house, horses, hay. I felt like myself anyway.  I was shocked and spell bound by this realization and even blurted it out to my mother who was also spellbound and fascinated by this situation instead of scoffing or frightened.  More startled than fearful. She was more like "I believe you but i have no idea what you are talking about."  And there the dream ended.

So when I woke up I thought, "I knew it!"

And likely I do this fairly often as most of us probably do but never with such clarity or with the 'other me' realizing what is going on.  It was not an astral event where things get floopy, symbolic and weird, with all sorts of entities of dubious and fine quality' it was a straightforward reality that was nearly indistinguishable from this one. It just wasn't this one.

I guess my question would be how are we doing this? Soul partitioning out bits of consciousness to other timelines? Our consciousness existing in multiple areas and like energy joining up with like energy in an entanglement sort of way.   I don't seem to be displacing the other me or walking in and taking over or anything.

If one of us were to die in a alternate timeline would our consciousness energy join up with another  'me' in a different timeline?






“I guess my question would be how are we doing this?”


Quantum Entanglement.



This I know to be true


Qurow has reacted to this post.
Quote from pissedlizard on February 1, 2022, 1:10 am


This. Is. BRILLIANT!!!!

”The unfortunate things about dreams even lucid dreams is that while we are lucid, the wakening mind wants to interpret events to its level of understanding, usually materialistic understanding.  Like the brain will block out or replace something it's not willing to believe our eyes are seeing, the rational mind will interpret things to the best of its ability and knowledge. Then we have to use our inner knowledge to try to decode it.”

Absolute mastery of this language. Fucking BRILLIANT.

I would like to use this quote with your permission - full credit to you, of course, but I can’t put this in a better way than you just did.

This I know to be True.


Well thank you! I'm glad I made someone happy this year since my track record has been, you know, dismal in this neck of the woods lately. Absolutely you may use it although its probably less to my credit to my credit than to the credit of our otherwise unseen friends.



Quote from Qurow on February 1, 2022, 1:30 am

On the subject of Multiple Worlds and dreams


If one of us were to die in a alternate timeline would our consciousness energy join up with another  'me' in a different timeline?

I had it the other way around, in my real world I had an accident. I will not go here into the details, just the relevant parts. The struggle to survive went on for some minutes, but at some point, choking and unable to move, I gave up and it was very clear to me that this was the end of this life. But suddenly I was "spit out" and got out of the situation with just some scratches. I was so surprised to be back in the world, it felt like being put back into a dream. I remember touching my arm, wondering about this body. The feeling of wonder continued for about 3 weeks - ah, this is my house, this is my work place, these are my friends, this is .... recognising and wondering. Another thing was that I was at that moment convinced, I just knew, that all this is not real. After 3 weeks the feeling faded. So to your question, what happens if you die in one timeline and go on in another one? hmm

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Sounds like you experienced a slide @watertiger. I highly recommend reading through the Majestic index if you haven't yet. If I remember right, MM has some other people's stories of similar experiences along with his own work. You can also find stories like yours throughout the internet if you look carefully.

@qurow Welcome to the forum!

Edit to add I think I know what my quirky Spiderman dream was sort of about. I'm writing my thoughts next to it in my dream journal to see if I still feel that way in a few days. This is interesting 🙂

WaterTiger and Qurow have reacted to this post.

@qurow, welcome to the uhm forum. Interesting way you articulate conceptually.

Scomo represents a bigger horror that our subconscious cannot articulate out maybe. He's a pretty big monster in real life as it is lol. But perhaps the actual reality is something else worse!

There is a commonality with Jacinda fros NZ. These "people" want humanity to take a fork in the road. Low key prediction- BoJo, Jacinda NZ, Joe Sniffsniff will pop up in dreams of the sensitive.

There is something bizarrely wrong with the leaders in the 5eyes countries. Either they have been taken over by non-physical entities, or these non-physical entities are showing their true faces at this particular moment in time.

The first thing is recognizing the non-human in these people. And then a calling out and rejection. It will be interesting to run an affirmation campaign for more people to recognize and reject the non-human.

Qurow has reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

Fascinating water dreams!

My dream last night wasn't lucid, but it was interesting in that there were dreams within dreams.

I dreamt that I was in a large natural pool of some kind, like a saltwater pool rather than chlorine. The water was nice and warm and I had a little raft to lay my head on. There were other people in the pool but I had found a secluded corner all to myself.

I floated there, and I began daydreaming about @daegonmaguss 's most recent article, trying to imagine what the nine-winged angel might have looked like. I sort of dozed, picturing the white shining being hovering over me, and then me calling down lightning to destroy these ghostlike representations of soulless ones in the forms of animals. Zap left, zap right, and finally zap to the winged entity, and then (still daydreaming/dozing within the dream), I pictured a world where you could see these shadow images of people flickering in and out--a vision of what it might be like to see the Astral or non-physical beings in our world.

Afterwards, I 'woke' in my dream and left the pool--can't remember much after that.

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