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I had a dream 2 days ago, I was on my way with a group in a bus on a winding road surrounded by dark forest we were going to the top of a mountain. And I don't know anymore the bus continued on its way without me. I was there in the middle of this rubble road wondering if I should go down or continue on foot towards the intended destination. But I was captivated by the pebbles of the road and the furrows of wheel tracks and the bends on the not very distant horizon. Finished then revril is hop a little coffee as usual.


Probably the bus will be back. Give it some time.

Ciao! Gip me your ideas

notice this gesture If a slap arrives in the direction of your cheek at the precise moment turn your head in the same direction is it is magic. Pay attention to the other

Quote from azark on February 2, 2022, 7:43 pm

I had a dream 2 days ago, I was on my way with a group in a bus on a winding road surrounded by dark forest we were going to the top of a mountain. And I don't know anymore the bus continued on its way without me. I was there in the middle of this rubble road wondering if I should go down or continue on foot towards the intended destination. But I was captivated by the pebbles of the road and the furrows of wheel tracks and the bends on the not very distant horizon. Finished then revril is hop a little coffee as usual.

Maybe you were more interested in the journey rather than the destination?  😊


Still dream in 2 parts this time. First, I was driving on the main road to my village, and before arriving I noticed a steep mound of earth resembling a sime, I decided to go and see it more closely, I landed directly in front on the side look like a cliff, there was a kind of giant gear in baked clay Tile-type ceramics. I absolutely wanted to go see it more closely but it was far too perilous and too high with almost no clods of earth. In short I decided to drive across fields to the nearby village school for investigation. I walk into the hall and see the masked children playing disjointed haggar with no energy. There an electrician and two teachers with masks look at me with a dazed look, there is a problem we don't know how to fix it. Me, who didn't have a mask, I was embarrassed and slowly backs off, telling myself in my head that this problem is the result of a lack of careful research into the problem. And that I cannot go and see this without being authorized to seek and find with them.


Part 2 I took care of myself in the big parking lot of a giant mall in my area and decided to go to the Asian restaurant for a bite to eat and to buy some cigarettes, yes, it's weird but good , so I walked because it was a bit further up the road. first of a natural park, to get almost to this height there was a small Japanese garden with a small bridge and a magnificent decoration. I enter the restaurant, I sit at a table, order and I don't know how I stand, put down 2 bills of 50 and one of 20, then I go to the counter to buy the cigarettes, but the bills are lost , I had put them on the table of an elderly customer with a mustache who had hidden the money under the table. Shocking furious but controlling my energy I take a 50 again and the twenty he tells me no, it's his then. Erroneous translation I knock his table over The old monkey. excuse me, leave the other money to the manager for the mess. I leave, I'm wrong, take the small garden from the wrong side, see me and decide to step over the small bridges, my foot lands on a bowl-shaped decoration floating on the water and continuing to jump, the bowl remains suspended, or rather as if he had helped to jump a little higher, finally it was very strange. Arrived at the parking lot which was full, not remembering where the car was parked, I enter the crowded shopping center, hit an employee whom I recognize but not him, he hides by a back door, employee access only. In short I continue arrives at the end of the end a confectionery, I don't care I don't care, continue and arrive at my place yes, it's very strange a distant acquaintance arrives in the living room, I tell my friends don't t Don't worry, she doesn't care. The friend starts drawing on a board while talking in his bard and finishes. Wake up coffee.


I start having more and more dreams. like in the past, but all long stories and a partly reflecting my daily stuff or what I call personal messages. But in the last nights dream (this also happens sometimes, small nuggets, I skip here the rest of the dream) I went outside to look for some papers that I forgot in my car, and some workers were there digging in the ground. They said they found something and showed me: a big glass bell with an exotic bird (colourful, big beak, big tail feathers) sitting on some floating nest within. The workers said the bell had been inundated by the water when it was in the ground. The bird had a chicken  just hedged, but it appeared to be drowning. So I thought it will surely die, it looked not well and it was really tiny. But then this magic bird somehow morphed a nice nest around the chicken within seconds and the chicken started looking fluffy and well again and was also becoming bigger. Then the dream went on with other things.

@azark - parts of my dreams are like yours, with the garden and so on.

Yes@tigerDo  we are kneaded by what we live, and why not swell in our dreams in extent and as a story emerges like a basic pizza dough. When do you say? When I woke up I dreamed but it was more a race in search of a large vehicle that someone had stolen from me, in this adventure I met several women of different ethnic groups who each offered me delicious natural very close. At the end of the dream I was still looking for the vehicle but still very well accompanied. En


Today I dreamed, oh a mixture of disjointed situations to connect, I don't go into too much detail but only the general plot which evaporates at an increasing speed: In a big fair accompanied by a lost friend walking in the dense crowd I reveal for her the background and the essence of the trap, she is quite dubious, perhaps too attached to her material assets, integrating well into our society, she does not follow me and we get lost while walking. I arrive in a room with a small group of well-known comedians who denounce in their art and I convince them not to take advantage of the information to haggle because it is quite the opposite of information. They accept. After I am at home with lost friends who are coming for their first big trip with their very young child, we discuss the quantity and the meal on the meal, we have to do additional shopping. Then I found myself propelled deputy yes weird but I had a text to present it was quite an event a lot of people were behind the scenes with me an excitement, it was soon my turn a major event will be presented to the world, and at the time of my entry on the front I remember the plan and the simplicity of the communication but the dream ends. (Pandora's box is open there remains hope because it was the heaviest of disasters) Are we pandora's boxes?


I had an odd dream experience last night. It followed a new audio meditation I had used. I'm starting to wonder if they might be related. Anyway, the dream.

In my dream my husband and I were getting ready for bed. The location was a house I lived in as a kid. Shortly after laying down I heard the sound of very low flying airplanes. I rolled out of bed, onto the floor and took cover, thinking they might open fire (guns). After the planes passed by peacefully, I saw my husband walk towards the bathroom and decided to follow him. Once we were behind the separating wall he turned to me and pointed towards the hallway outside the bedroom. He said, "Someone is out there." I got scared and instantly had a flash of insight that what was outside was alien, not human. At this point I woke myself up from the dream with my heart racing. I could smell an odd odor in my real bedroom but didn't see anything when I looked around. I didn't have any pets in the room with me. So I laid back down and closed my eyes and instantly saw a kaleidoscope of colors and my body felt very light. This was more than my tired mind could handle so I got up for a little bit to try and think about it all.

After going back to bed, I had a second dream about exploring an underground city. I remember quite a bit of it. It seems unrelated entirely to the first dream. That first dream was fairly vivid. Don't think it was lucid though.

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