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In retrospect I wish I'd stuck with the kaleidoscope of colors and see where it took me. My tired brain had had enough though as it was just over an hour since initially laying down to sleep and I was very tired and irritable lol If it happens again, I need to try and stick it out.

Quote from azark on February 6, 2022, 6:20 pm


Like the name, tigre d'eau? 🙂

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Quote from Goldleaf on February 8, 2022, 11:25 pm

In retrospect I wish I'd stuck with the kaleidoscope of colors and see where it took me. My tired brain had had enough though as it was just over an hour since initially laying down to sleep and I was very tired and irritable lol If it happens again, I need to try and stick it out.

A couple of days ago I was reading something about kaleidoscope visions too, is it when you change world lines? Can't remember exactly what it was about.

@watertiger My astral sometimes has a kaleidoscope of colors

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

I had an excellent dream but I know that when I wanted to remember the steps everything disappeared at very high speed a bit like if I was carrying a can of water, at first it fell a little then in general we knocked and everything was spilling almost nothing left in the end. But I know the basis, I was the speaker of a group that listened to the same speech that I hold here but more elaborate and constructed.Then suddenly, an express alarm clock, a person rang at my house, the dogs howled and that was not a dream.


I know, not a whole lot, but my memories of ANY dream is so rare that I thought that I'd try with a snippet of last night's vision.

Over and over "82 B"... in reference to an office that I was searching for - returning to "my job" after covid horseshit was removed (I'm still actually at home per Corporate/City/County/State/"guidelines" - Shitcago (area)/Crook County/Illinoisey).

I had in my hand a fob that looked like my Honda "key", but I used it more than once to swipe at a door-reader. I use to work in Shitcago proper, and this scene sure looked like the area.

First time that I gained access to a building I ended up in an elevator after entry - but the ride seemed like forever - eventually morphing into a view out the forward window of an EL (Electric Line transport). That resulted in a walk in a hallway passing by an office (modern) where I recognized the resident. A "greaser" dude ("gang" member in title only) that I had no association with in high school had, in the office, a collection of [running] model trains (HO scale!). We chatted amicably (I think that he remembered me from HS as a fellow member was on a team with me), and I let him know that I was "software" and that my office (82 B) was just around the corner and down the hall. I never made it to my office. Oh yeah, I was self-conscious because I was under-dressed (rare for me), although my vocalization hid that state..

Next scene was me again searching [out on the city street) for a building for office "82 B". I presumed that this was a the 82nd floor, although my old position was NOT in a high-rise of Shitcago. This time, I gained entry by the old method of taking advantage of someone else having opened a door (security). Once in the vestibule, I scanned my fob and gained access to an elevator.

Up, up, up, forever; then it opened to a small room. I exited the elevator, and opened the only door - it had a label, but I don't remember what it said - must have seemed valid, because I entered what was a wall-to-wall carpeted narrow and steep stairway with uneven and angular stairs - more like small platforms - high leg-lift required. I went down several crazy levels - I think that there were odd shaped windows at each landing, but either I don't remember looking out, or it was the expected dreary cityscape. I started to get concerned, this stairway didn't seem right, and I wasn't sure about being able to ascend back. I turned back, and up to the small room with the elevator.

I think that I again got in the elevator; no notice of buttons for floors; but it went up, and the door opened to a receptionist area - none were present, but "employees" were milling about in the background - cubicles and noisy. I was a bit relieved to see people. What was supposedly the receptionist approached; I think that she was human, but she was in an outfit completely of gray shades (fashionable and obviously female) - AND her skin, and her hair - yet she was young (30 maybe) - somewhat attractive to me. I let her know who I was, and why I was there. I believe that she made a call, and gave me the (hard-wired) phone. I spoke to someone (I think I knew them), and joked about covid bullshit finally being over. Approved, or whatever... but I never got to the office.

This now is why I bothered you all: I woke with much more clarity than most times... I was sure that that scene was important, and that I was satisfied that I actually remembered something - "82B" was prominent. The only other [dream] memory that I had with more clarity was the burning red fox. I cannot identify the importance of that alphanumeric combo.

That's it. No strange locations, no super-powers, no strange species... just regular old human Me, doing simple, common human things. However, I had a quick flash upon reflection, and hoped, yes HOPED, and thought it possible, that someone (or thing) was trying to get me to go somewhere. I considered The Domain.

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@dsklausler Very interesting. Monday morning I wrote about a dream in my journal that included me taking a shuttle along a super long cable up to a building on the edge of the stratosphere. You could see into space! The view was amazing. Interesting that we had a similar feature in a dream within 24 hours. The rest of my dream was vastly different than yours.

Hi All,

I'm not the greatest orator so if I get a little muddled please forgive me. I have been on the blog for about a month now and still reading, I must admit I only have a simplistic understanding with things at present but I am a stayer and will learn. When I was younger vivid dreaming was a normal thing for me but in the end I was a little worried by the SHTF dreams I was having so I began to smoke a little pot when I was fearful of sleep to settle myself, this actually worked a treat for me because it stopped me from dreaming full stop the vivid dreams stopped. 30 bloody years later I end up here and I am quite certain I know why but this post is not about that. Last night I stuck to my normal routine before bed (I am going to change this very soon) and fell asleep. Next thing I remember BANG wide awake in an instant Fuck what was that, what happened, something was after my ass and I knew I had to bloody wake up FAST and I did and feeling scared. In the past during vivid dreaming ( I dont think I was/am a lucid dreamer but I am really not 100% certain) I used to wake up quickly if death was about to happen or I was backed into a corner with no escape. Last night I knew I had escaped something but I had no idea what because I am certain I was not dreaming, this came out of fucking nowhere like I said BANG awake, what was that. Well about an hour ago I was sitting down and flash there it was in my "minds eye", what I got the fuck away from. It was not a clear image but a grey/black blur It was some sort of demon like entity and it was moving towards me as if it was about to grab me and had bad intentions for me. I must say I am a bit freaked out at the moment, my self medication has always protected me but not last night and I have never encountered this "what ever it was" before. It was there 100% and rattled me. I don't wish to encounter any bad shit at present as I have to bloody well wake up for my daughter (I am a single parent of a most beautiful 14 year old girl) at all cost. I am a bit edgy I must say and need a little support to understand this 'encounter" if I could possibly ask. Cheers and thanks DR

@tas sounds like you were stuck possibly in a sleep paralysis episode....things there can pretty damn freaky real quick. do you remember being paralysed at all? The fact you had to tell yourself to wake up suggests you had at least some lucidity about you. And don;t worry, i have had many similar fucked up experiences - the funnest was this succubus woman trying too trip me through my bedroom window after denying it sex....the fucking thing started mauling and scratching at my legs, when i woke up my legs were still stinging from it.  What I suggest if you are ever stuck in these places again is to really try and move your head back and forth like you are saying no. if you are in Sleep Paralysis this will feel like gravity has been amplified by a million, but all you need is a couple of shakes and it will wake you up. It could also be an attachment of some sort. If that was the case i'd suggest heavy visualisations of encasing yourself with a white light and burning the thing away with astral fire - picture the fire as something that replenishes you when it touches but barbecues the shit out of this thing whenever it touches it. Chakra cleansing may also help

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Daegon Magus

May I ask if you started affirmations and added the Domain ones? They visited me two times and they were always blurry shadows without clear shapes or face features. But they were very polite, nothing to fear but i was freaked out.

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