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My dear goodness. I was born on 16th November 1997. That's my damn birthday.

The fuck!!!

Quote from daegonmagus on October 15, 2021, 7:24 am

ok so last night was a weird one. I have no prior recollection of any other dream. All I remember is that I am on the MM forum reading through the posts exactly as I am now. The layout and everything was the same. Suddenly I come  across a post from a new account. I can't remember the exact name of poster, but it was something to do with me being an imposter, or not "real".
So I am reading this post, and it seems to be what one would expect to find on wikipedia or a very brief dossier of yours truly. I get the impression it was from a disgruntled friend or family member. While I cannot remember it word for word the gist of it was something like: "The one you guys call Daegon Magus was originally known a Dave or David. {some weird phrase about fluffy kittens}. Daegon Magus understood consciousness was contained within a physical body, and that they could be seperated from one another. He learnt to navigate the "shadow worlds" through dreaming. Daegon Magus died on November 16 2016 {0r 2017, it was hazy but definitely one of these years} due to..." this is where the dream started to become broken and I woke up due to my 2 year old boy stirring in the bed next to me. I got the impression I wasn't actually suppose to be viewing this paragraph of text. In case anyone didn't notice, the 16th of November 2016 was the same date when I had the series of lucid dreams where I met the Divine Creator and was initiated into the Unseen 5. Did I just accidentally pick up an alien memo about the night I died and got reinserted into this shitshow? It very much felt like I was in a different timeline. As I have written before, text is usually very difficult for me to see in LDs, let alone standard dreams, but this was clear as day when I was reading it.
@PL I think we may have something in common


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I had a dream this morning:

I was in a very busy city, filled with narrow streets and lots of people like me driving a sort of motorcycle (no wheels and no noise). I could not “see” myself. I was just taking a person from one place to another. Mostly I took a drunk/drugged person (I wasn’t able or wanted to “see” the face of the individual - to me everyone were the same: men, women, age, race and complexion) and drove him/her to the new destination (mostly) another bar to allow this drunk person to continue the downward spiral - I felt sorry for the person in this case… or take this person to “rest” depending on the “program” the individual had.
I deployed the “program” or “blueprint” for this individual while driving. I just thought of it and it appeared as a large white pane with small pictures, like screenshots of the individual I was carrying with me in the motorcycle. This pane or screen had no beginning or end, it was a scrollable screen just like YouTube is, but without metadata or descriptions. In one of the screenshots was the “programmed destination” of this drunk/drugged person I was conducting. But in some cases I “decided” this person had taken too much suffering and sent him to a rest place (typically his own home).
There was a “rogue” driver, known among the rest of the drivers because he takes his person (drunk/drugged or otherwise not aware of his situation, environment and danger) and drives him to the worst bars and places just for fun, without seeing the person’s attached program. This driver was enjoying taking full control of the poor person and we (the rest of the drivers) were just watching his behavior. I thought “I don’t do this, this is not right. I have to take the person according to his program or send him to rest” and the drivers around me agreed. They communicated with me in my mind emphasizing the last words I said in a sort of echo or reverberation that resonated loudly. “Take the person according to the program or rest” and I was reminded all of our actions were monitored by means of three special mirrors that all drivers have.
I didn’t notice whether the rogue driver was using his mirrors, I just noticed how he enjoyed controlling and degrading the person he was taking.

This dream was not a LD. It was just an ordinary dream.

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Quote from daegonmagus on October 15, 2021, 7:24 am

ok so last night was a weird one. I have no prior recollection of any other dream. All I remember is that I am on the MM forum reading through the posts exactly as I am now. The layout and everything was the same. Suddenly I come across a post from a new account. I can't remember the exact name of poster, but it was something to do with me being an imposter, or not "real".

So I am reading this post, and it seems to be what one would expect to find on wikipedia or a very brief dossier of yours truly. I get the impression it was from a disgruntled friend or family member. While I cannot remember it word for word the gist of it was something like: "The one you guys call Daegon Magus was originally known a Dave or David. {some weird phrase about fluffy kittens}. Daegon Magus understood consciousness was contained within a physical body, and that they could be seperated from one another.

Hmm this is not a dream. I play an online game. Some kind of zombie apocalypse game. Ten minutes ago I saw a comment that I should sing a song about fluffy kittens. Then I jumped in here and read your post @dm. Which to be honest I actually skipped the fluffy kitten part the first round.

Not sure where this goes actually.



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Ciao! Gip me your ideas

I had a lucid dream this morning, which made me happy because I felt like I made .0025% progress. It's really crumbs, but I guess when I consider my vastly retarded state in this meat suit, I consider it an occasion of optimism.

I woke up from several strange and slightly dreams, though these couldn't be considered nightmares. I recounted all the details to myself, and clarified exactly what I remembered happening. My husband placed his cat next to me on the bed as he left for work. I drifted off to sleep again. This time, I started dreaming and it took me a few moments to realise it. I was in a bedroom, and there was this person who kept on changing shapes/appearances. From black woman, to older white guy, older Asian guy, etc. I told him that I knew this was a dream. He told me his name, which was maybe "Holomodor" (it's hazy), but it definitely started with an H. Then as an older man, he jumps on the bed and tells me to go back to sleep.

I turned and smiled, and I thought, if you really want me to jump back in bed you could have turned yourself into something that appeals to me. I didn't say that of course (that's so rude), I just said I wanted to see the whole place and left. I immediately flew above everything and it felt great! However, I did't like that I kept on going up and up. So I said "stop, go down (until I went down to a view I liked), stop, go straight". I vocalised it like I was using a joystick controller.  It's not instinctual for me yet, so I couldn't manoeuvre without vocalising first. I was able to fly through the narrow indoor pathways in the neighborhood, though it was much harder. I think I tried to wake up, and thought that I did wake up. I saw my bedroom, but it was much darker. I heard all kinds of noise and there was a dark, glowing figure outside in the hallway. I touched my eyes and felt my closed eyelids instead! Yet I could see. So I knew this was a dream. So I had my confidence and thought, well it's my damn dream, and I can do what I want! Ha! So the dark figure walks in, and I try to blast beams from my hand, but to no effect. As the figure approaches my bed, he transforms into a really good looking guy. Then he calls my husbands cat to him, and the cat comes up and lets him hold her. I thought, "Hey, that's not daddy! He may be hot, but that's not right! Stop that!" Right then and there, I knew I had to "go back to school". Time to wake up, I told myself, and so I woke up immediately feeling refreshed and happy about the lucid dream.

Obviously, I'm barely scratching beginner level. It could be said that I "failed" at the end of my dream. But I feel good at the smidgen of progress.

perolator, Alice and Geisterfahrer have reacted to this post.
Quote from Old Wine on October 17, 2021, 3:14 am

I had a lucid dream this morning, which made me happy because I felt like I made .0025% progress. It's really crumbs, but I guess when I consider my vastly retarded state in this meat suit, I consider it an occasion of optimism.

I woke up from several strange and slightly dreams, though these couldn't be considered nightmares. I recounted all the details to myself, and clarified exactly what I remembered happening. My husband placed his cat next to me on the bed as he left for work. I drifted off to sleep again. This time, I started dreaming and it took me a few moments to realise it. I was in a bedroom, and there was this person who kept on changing shapes/appearances. From black woman, to older white guy, older Asian guy, etc. I told him that I knew this was a dream. He told me his name, which was maybe "Holomodor" (it's hazy), but it definitely started with an H. Then as an older man, he jumps on the bed and tells me to go back to sleep.

I turned and smiled, and I thought, if you really want me to jump back in bed you could have turned yourself into something that appeals to me. I didn't say that of course (that's so rude), I just said I wanted to see the whole place and left. I immediately flew above everything and it felt great! However, I did't like that I kept on going up and up. So I said "stop, go down (until I went down to a view I liked), stop, go straight". I vocalised it like I was using a joystick controller.  It's not instinctual for me yet, so I couldn't manoeuvre without vocalising first. I was able to fly through the narrow indoor pathways in the neighborhood, though it was much harder. I think I tried to wake up, and thought that I did wake up. I saw my bedroom, but it was much darker. I heard all kinds of noise and there was a dark, glowing figure outside in the hallway. I touched my eyes and felt my closed eyelids instead! Yet I could see. So I knew this was a dream. So I had my confidence and thought, well it's my damn dream, and I can do what I want! Ha! So the dark figure walks in, and I try to blast beams from my hand, but to no effect. As the figure approaches my bed, he transforms into a really good looking guy. Then he calls my husbands cat to him, and the cat comes up and lets him hold her. I thought, "Hey, that's not daddy! He may be hot, but that's not right! Stop that!" Right then and there, I knew I had to "go back to school". Time to wake up, I told myself, and so I woke up immediately feeling refreshed and happy about the lucid dream.

Obviously, I'm barely scratching beginner level. It could be said that I "failed" at the end of my dream. But I feel good at the smidgen of progress.

You are describing the "kinds" of dreams I have had. Changing shapes, communication with an entity, flying.


Those have been my most common dreams.

perolator and Old Wine have reacted to this post.
perolatorOld Wine

I've had three vivid (non-lucid) dreams since interacting with this website which I discovered maybe two months ago.  In the first I was on a hospital bed or operating table or perhaps in my own bed with maybe 7 greys gathered around, they had their arms extended down like they were holding me down though they weren't physically touching me.  They were restraining me though, though not in a threatening way, the situation was not alarming or threatening.  In a separate dream I was scanned by a device that looked like a combination of one of the extensions on this tetrahedral looking bomb with a handle like a doctors otoscope.  A blue flat beam came out and scanned me top to bottom.  Perhaps there was a grey in this scenario.  The third was a social scenario from my home town and involved (amoung others) a female friend from school that I was friends with but never involved with who was strongly innuending that I should come on to her.  This third dream seemed to be completely unrelated to anything going on here and made me think it was all self suggestion.  Also the fact the scanner was clearly inspired by the nuclear device in the YouTube image.  On the other hand, I rarely dream but these dreams and particularly the first two, were so vivid and clearly remembered.  It's even rarer for me to remember a dream than dream it in the first place.  I have not volunteered for The Domain at this time but have added affirmations for the lost patrol to my intention campaign.  These dreams occurred weeks ago before that call was made though I believe.  About a month before I discovered MM I started meditating using Sam Harris's guided meditation app.

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Old Wine

I almost forgot, I added this to my affirmations after reading one of DM's posts:

"I am free of obligations to earthly and astral parasites. I have nullified any celestial contracts I have unwillingly entered into through my own ignorance or coercion. This will not affect me and my family negatively in the physical or non-physical realities."

I thought to myself "They will come for me tonight".  That evening as I was falling asleep I felt the onset of sleep paralysis (only experienced this twice in my lifetime), I spontaneously fought it without thinking and rolled on to my back with no further incidence.

I have no idea if this is all self suggestion and nothing to do with the things discussed on this website.

Very minor experiences compared to what I am reading on these forums...

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perolatorOld Wine

@master_sidoshi I suspect it is more than just self suggestion. Things get weird the more you go into SP.

@old-wine careful with "astral relationships". I have had things take "specimens" from me before. I've also had something come onto me that took the form of a beautiful woman whilst I was semi lucid. As she was coming onto me she glitched out and I noticed she was more like the creepy girl from the ring. When she realised I could see her true form, she went ape shit and started clawing at my legs then tried to pull me out of the window. I had to grab on to the bed to stop her. She eventually just flew off. I woke up and could feel my legs burning where she had been gauging at me. Was definitely one of the more wild experiences

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Daegon Magus

@memory-loss i told my wife about this....she said she had the exact same thing happen to her a few years ago. Same wording, everything including the fluffy kittens, except my name replaced with hers and the date of death being different. She just chalked it down to some non physical thing messing with her

Daegon Magus

@daegonmagus : I wasn't looking for "astral relationships", but it seems like they might be an occupational hazard of lucid dreaming. I took the whole event as like a little learning experience, though peppered with some not necessarily benevolent entities (again, I was not seeking them out). You have been doing this for years, so if I may ask, what should newbies like me do to protect themselves? Can I just tell them to leave me alone? Was that my mistake--that I did not tell them to go? I knew to vocalise my flying manoeuvres, but frankly I thought maybe I was being too polite to some of these figures. At the same time, I didn't want to be rude even in my dreams if I can help it. (or maybe that's an old empire mind snare that causes indecision on my part)

Also, when you say astral relationships, are these entities always hovering over us without us knowing, and it's only in lucid dreaming that they reveal themselves? I downloaded your book and read select parts, though I know I need to read the whole thing. I'm just swamped so my reading has been patchy. I don't mean to make you repeat yourself if you have already mentioned it before, so my apologies.

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