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Thanks for your response, appreciated mate. Back in my "dreaming days" I had many "escape" endings where I would wake myself from my dream before any harm would come of me. This was like an ambush where I had a second to react and escape (wake up). I know I was not dreaming when this happened I am quite certain as I have not had a "deep" dream in years (the self medication, It ended the vivid dreaming.) and I kind of know "my" dreams if you know what I mean. Could it have been an "escape and evasion" test of some sort. It did startle me and I had to react fast and get out (wake up) . I have never in my past dreaming had to escape so fast. Cheers mate and thanks for caring. Cheers to you cobber

Quote from Tas on February 22, 2022, 7:15 pm

It was not a clear image but a grey/black blur It was some sort of demon like entity and it was moving towards me as if it was about to grab me and had bad intentions for me.

Dear @tas,

As a kid I used to have a dream (or maybe not a dream) which repeated for years. It was as you describe, a black blur in the corner of my room approaching me, which woke me up, and I always felt like being awake, not sleeping. I was for a long time scared and just didn't move. Then one night I  saw the creature coming again, but I was this time not in my body but outside. And I was not afraid at all. This puzzled the creature greatly so it came up to my face (I observed it from outside). As I still did not react, it got very scared of me and fled. It never came back again. Somehow I knew it was feeding on my fear, and as there was no fear from my side anymore it had also no power anymore. Remember, you are a Fire Horse!

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Hi WaterTiger,

Thank you very much for touching base with me mate appreciated. What got me on edge was how this panned out, normally I would dream to the point where I would 'escape" there is/was always some form of story line and build up, this was different I was like I was ambushed, no dream at all but suddenly bang there it moving towards me in an aggressive manner as if it was going to grab me, I jumped straight away and was awake sitting up somewhat startled. It all happened in an instant and was a new experience for me. Thanks for the encouragement mate next time I will hold my ground and not jump out unless I really have to. I think what freaked me out was the "ambush", thats what it felt like. But I am now better prepared if I encounter this again. Thanks again WaterTiger for reaching out to myself and helping me with this. Your a good man cheers. Best get to work. Have a good day cobber.


Hi Mirri,

Not as yet, I am still reading at present and have not started any prayer affirmations of any kind or committed myself to the Domain(I like to do the recon work before commitment, I'm a security type of guy that always needs a firm secure base  ) except for verbalising my intentions, people think I talk to myself but what I am really doing is verbalising my intentions, I have done this since childhood. eg I need to leave home for something I would verbalise out load, "right lets go" and then preform the action. I felt something sinister about what I saw the other night, It happened quickly and without warning, one second asleep and not dreaming (Quite certain of this) next second the entity moving quickly towards me and escape (waking myself up). This was a new experience for me as my dreams usally have a build up and I know when to bail out, this was fast and out of no where (no build up, no dream) just BANG REACT. My intuition points me in the direction of some form of escape and evasion test but I do not really know for certain. Sorry I missed your reply yesterday I do really appreciate your response and that you thought of me. Thank you Mirri and all the best DR

Sorry tried to post an image but failed. Computers are really not my thing. Apologies re my trial and error. Cheers DR


This image kind of describes what I saw, the entity in my flash was not human and was not bipedal. It was only a split second thing for I jumped out just before it reached me. I only recalled what I saw around say 15 hours later when the image appeared in my minds eye (for want of a better term). Of all the vivid dreams I have in my life had this quick encounter rattled me more than any. I hope the image works. Cheers DR

Hi @tas,

Again, as a kid I had all kinds of visitors in my bedroom, every day shortly after sunset und just before sunrise. I was not sleeping and not in a sleep paralysis, but just quietly observing them, as they didn't seem to really notice me. The black blur creature came later, after me and family moved to another place. Somehow it was bound to the new surroundings. I also didn't see it in a dream, but its presence always woke me up and then the same, no dream state, no paralysis, just awake. Contrary to the other beings, the black blur was very focused on me, and I could feel its evil intentions. But it left me as I wrote before. Still happens sometimes, if I suddenly wake up by something, I do see other beings, but I have no problems with them. If these beings want something from you, I guess they cannot harm you physically, as they are not on this gross plane. But they can live on your energy, and if you don't give them any they are done.

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Hi WaterTiger,

Thanks mate for the advice, I really do appreciate it. Next time I will certainly heed what you say. At times I guess this old horse can be a little defensive and likes to obtain some knowledge and understanding before it gains confidence. Next time I hold my ground. Thank you for that advice really, it was the first time I have encountered something like that and was rattled, to many what if's for a sole parent mate hey. Even though prior to blocking them I had very vivid dreams and many close escapes, I think I can jump out of my dreams if I need to and when I require. In saying this I have no knowledge other than my experiences, I feel like I am in Kindergarden all over again and starting from scratch. I am going to take this MM reality slowly at the moment, I have had the basic concepts in my mind for 30 odd years re recycling and found my way here. I have no real knowledge of a great deal of what is here on MM and some times it takes a couple of re reads to understand but know I need to be here. I am just a average bloke living in a small industrial town raising his daughter. Cheers again WaterTiger for your help it means alot mate and have a great day.

I shall not fear for fear is the mind killer.

combined dream that SD and I both had the other night:

I was minding my own business, I guess on some kind of holiday in this really strange town I have been to before. Nothing special just buildings and dirt....not really any where I would choose to go if I was given a coherrent choice in the matter. Someone appears. I can't remember who or what, but I don't think it is completely human. It tells me I am needed on a special assignment - The President of the USA the one and the same Joe Biden is having a meeting and I am to go to it at once. It is important I be there, but for what reason it is not yet given. I agree, and then I am sort of whisked away Harry Potter port key style to a completely different place (I suppose the equivalent of a different country in the dream world).

I am now standing in front of what appears to be a hotel room plonked on a lot that seems eerily similar to a house i rented a few years ago. It is by no means a flash hotel by any stretch, but not shabby either.; just a bland plain inconspicuous thing. I knock on the door, and one of Joe's representatives, a secretary or something opens the door and invites us in saying "oh good you are here. We have been expecting you. " The interior of the appartment is a very similar layout to my old house; a sort of kitchen to the right, some rooms to the left and a small dining room straight ahead overlooking the city where Joe and about 40 other people are engaged in what seems like friendly, but important banter. Joe gives them a little speech, the content of which i can't remember, but it is almost certainly to do with the Ukraine crisis. I stand by the door as my handler disappears either somewhere into the crowd or back out the door. As I am standing there i have a very faint understanding that SD is in the crowd, but for what reason I don't know; I only figure it is related to why I am here.
Joe finishes his speech and then walks around shaking everyone's hand, he spots me standing there with my arms crossed, observing, makes eye contact with me, then quickly finishes up his conversation with his guest so he can make his way over to me. He approaches me and straight off the bat starts talks about a "hit squad". I can't remember if i am part of the squad or if Joe wants me to track one down, but again it centers on all the shit coming out of Ukraine; The word assassination/ assassin pops up numerous times. Essentially there is someone over there Joe wants assassinated, and he want's me to organise the whole thing at the same time giving him insulation from it all. I suddenly have an understanding that I am well connected within the criminal underworld, and that such a task would be a piece of cake. I nod in silence, then leave the premises.

SD's version: like me, hers begins with her on a sort of vacation. She is met by her handler, to which similar things about her being needed for an important assignment are spoken, before she is whisked off to a similar apartment/ hotel room. She is now standing in a crowd of people, and Joe Biden is giving a speech in front of them. She remembers that there was something do with assassin's  and a hit squad.

Daegon Magus

Huh. I had a similar yet different dream last week. It spooked me because I've never in my life dreamed about a sitting government before. I didn't enjoy the experience.

To summarize,

it was like I was a fly on the wall in the White House. People were in a panic because the plans they had set in motion weren't working out and they were scrambling to figure out what to do next. I could float above the heads of people to observe various conversations though I don't remember any specific conversations, just the general emotional feel of frustration, anxiety and fear. I specifically remember seeing the President, several members of his staff, and people from congress.

Put behind spoilers because I felt uncomfortable leaving it out in the open. Figured a few of you may be interested though.

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